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2020-01-24 12:14:08 +01:00
* EGroupware eTemplate2 - dataview code
* @license GPL - GNU General Public License
* @package etemplate
* @subpackage dataview
* @link
* @author Andreas Stöckel
* @copyright Stylite 2011-2012
* @version $Id$
2020-01-31 21:07:27 +01:00
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2020-01-31 21:07:27 +01:00
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2020-01-30 00:05:01 +01:00
import {et2_dataview_columns} from './et2_dataview_model_columns';
import {et2_dataview_view_resizable} from "./et2_dataview_view_resizeable";
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import {et2_dataview_grid} from "./et2_dataview_view_grid";
import {et2_dataview_rowProvider} from "./et2_dataview_view_rowProvider"
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* The et2_dataview class is the main class for displaying a dataview. The
* dataview class manages the creation of the outer html nodes (like the table,
* header, etc.) and contains the root container: an instance of
* et2_dataview_view_grid, which can be accessed using the "grid" property of
* this object.
* @augments Class
export class et2_dataview
* Constant which regulates the column padding.
columnPadding: number;
* Some browser dependant variables which will be calculated on creation of
* the first gridContainer object.
scrollbarWidth: number;
headerBorderWidth: number;
columnBorderWidth: number;
private width: number;
private height: number;
private uniqueId: string;
* Hooks to allow parent to keep up to date if things change
onUpdateColumns: Function;
selectColumnsClick: Function;
private parentNode: JQuery;
egw: any;
private columnNodes: any[];
private columns: any[];
private columnMgr: et2_dataview_columns;
private rowProvider: et2_dataview_rowProvider;
private grid: et2_dataview_grid;
// DOM stuff
private selectColIcon: JQuery;
private headTr: any;
private containerTr: JQuery;
private selectCol: JQuery;
private thead: JQuery;
private tbody: JQuery;
private table: JQuery;
private visibleColumnCount: number;
* Constructor for the grid container
* @param {DOMElement} _parentNode is the DOM-Node into which the grid view will be inserted
* @param {egw} _egw
* @memberOf et2_dataview
constructor(_parentNode, _egw) {
// Copy the arguments
this.parentNode = jQuery(_parentNode);
this.egw = _egw;
// Initialize some variables
this.columnNodes = []; // Array with the header containers
this.columns = [];
this.columnMgr = null;
this.rowProvider = null;
this.width = 0;
this.height = 0;
this.uniqueId = "gridCont_" + this.egw.uid();
// Build the base nodes
// Read the browser dependant variables
* Destroys the object, removes all dom nodes and clears all references.
// Clear the columns
// Free the grid
if (this.grid)
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// Free the row provider
if (this.rowProvider)
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// Detatch the outer element
* Clears all data rows and reloads them
if (this.grid)
* Returns the column container node for the given column index
* @param _columnIdx the integer column index
if (typeof this.columnNodes[_columnIdx] != "undefined")
return this.columnNodes[_columnIdx].container[0];
return null;
* Sets the column descriptors and creates the column header according to it.
* The inner grid will be emptied if it has already been built.
// Free all column objects which have been created till this moment
// Copy the given column data
this.columnMgr = new et2_dataview_columns(_columnData);
// Create the stylesheets
// Build the header row
// Build the grid
* Resizes the grid
resize(_w: number, _h: number)
// Not fully initialized yet...
if (!this.columnMgr) return;
if (this.width != _w)
this.width = _w;
// Take grid border width into account
_w -= (this.table.outerWidth(true) - this.table.innerWidth());
// Take grid header border's width into account. eg. category colors may add extra pixel into width
_w = _w - (this.thead.find('tr').outerWidth() - this.thead.find('tr').innerWidth());
// Rebuild the column stylesheets
this.columnMgr.setTotalWidth(_w - this.scrollbarWidth);
if (this.height != _h)
this.height = _h;
// Set the height of the grid.
if (this.grid)
this.grid.setScrollHeight(this.height -
* Returns the column manager object. You can use it to set the visibility
* of columns etc. Call "updateHeader" if you did any changes.
getColumnMgr() {
return this.columnMgr;
* Recalculates the stylesheets which determine the column visibility and
* width.
* @param setDefault boolean Allow admins to save current settings as default for all users
updateColumns(setDefault : boolean = false)
if (this.columnMgr)
// Ability to notify parent / someone else
if (this.onUpdateColumns)
/* --- Code for building the grid container DOM-Tree elements ---- */
* Builds the base DOM-Tree elements
private _createElements()
<table class="egwGridView_outer">
<tr> [HEAD] </tr>
<tr> [GRID CONTAINER] </tr>
this.containerTr = jQuery(document.createElement("tr"));
this.headTr = jQuery(document.createElement("tr"));
this.thead = jQuery(document.createElement("thead"))
this.tbody = jQuery(document.createElement("tbody"))
this.table = jQuery(document.createElement("table"))
.append(this.thead, this.tbody)
/* --- Code for building the header row --- */
* Clears the header row
private _clearHeader ()
if (this.columnMgr)
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this.columnMgr = null;
// Remove dynamic CSS,
for (var i = 0; i < this.columns.length; i++)
this.egw.css(".egwGridView_outer ." + this.columns[i].divClass);
this.egw.css(".egwGridView_grid ." + this.columns[i].divClass);
this.egw.css(".egwGridView_grid ." + this.uniqueId + "_div_fullRow");
this.egw.css(".egwGridView_outer ." + this.uniqueId + "_td_fullRow");
this.egw.css(".egwGridView_outer ." + this.uniqueId + "_spacer_fullRow");
// Reset the headerColumns array and empty the table row
this.columnNodes = [];
this.columns = [];
* Sets the column data which is retrieved by calling egwGridColumns.getColumnData.
* The columns will be updated.
private _updateColumns()
// Copy the columns data
this.columns = this.columnMgr.getColumnData();
// Count the visible rows
var total_cnt = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < this.columns.length; i++)
if (this.columns[i].visible)
// Set the grid column styles
var first = true;
var vis_col = this.visibleColumnCount = 0;
var totalWidth = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < this.columns.length; i++)
var col = this.columns[i];
col.tdClass = this.uniqueId + "_td_" +;
col.divClass = this.uniqueId + "_div_" +;
if (col.visible)
// Update the visibility of the column
this.egw.css("." + col.tdClass,
"display: table-cell; " +
// Ugly browser dependant code - each browser seems to treat the
// right (collapsed) border of the row differently
var subBorder = 0;
var subHBorder = 0;
if (jQuery.browser.mozilla)
var maj = jQuery.browser.version.split(".")[0];
if (maj < 2) {
subBorder = 1; // Versions <= FF 3.6
if (jQuery.browser.webkit)
if (!first)
subBorder = 1;
subHBorder = 1;
if ((jQuery.browser.msie || jQuery.browser.opera) && first)
subBorder = -1;
// Make the last columns one pixel smaller, to prevent a horizontal
// scrollbar from showing up
if (vis_col == total_cnt)
subBorder += 1;
// Write the width of the header columns
var headerWidth = Math.max(0, (col.width - this.headerBorderWidth - subHBorder));
this.egw.css(".egwGridView_outer ." + col.divClass,
"width: " + headerWidth + "px;");
// Write the width of the body-columns
var columnWidth = Math.max(0, (col.width - this.columnBorderWidth - subBorder));
this.egw.css(".egwGridView_grid ." + col.divClass,
"width: " + columnWidth + "px;");
totalWidth += col.width;
first = false;
this.egw.css("." + col.tdClass, "display: none;");
// Add the full row and spacer class
this.egw.css(".egwGridView_grid ." + this.uniqueId + "_div_fullRow",
"width: " + (totalWidth - this.columnBorderWidth - 2) + "px; border-right-width: 0 !important;");
this.egw.css(".egwGridView_outer ." + this.uniqueId + "_td_fullRow",
"border-right-width: 0 !important;");
this.egw.css(".egwGridView_outer ." + this.uniqueId + "_spacer_fullRow",
"width: " + (totalWidth - 1) + "px; border-right-width: 0 !important;");
* Builds the containers for the header row
private _buildHeader()
var self = this;
var handler = function(event) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.columns.length; i++)
var col = this.columns[i];
// Create the column header and the container element
var cont = jQuery(document.createElement("div"))
var column = jQuery(document.createElement("th"))
.attr("align", "left")
2020-01-30 00:05:01 +01:00
if(this.columnMgr && this.columnMgr.getColumnById(i))
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2020-01-30 00:05:01 +01:00
column.addClass(this.columnMgr.getColumnById(i).fixedWidth ? 'fixedWidth' : 'relativeWidth');
if(this.columnMgr.getColumnById(i).visibility === et2_dataview_column.ET2_COL_VISIBILITY_ALWAYS_NOSELECT)
2020-01-24 12:14:08 +01:00
// make column resizable
var enc_column = self.columnMgr.getColumnById(;
if(enc_column.visibility !== et2_dataview_column.ET2_COL_VISIBILITY_ALWAYS_NOSELECT)
et2_dataview_view_resizable.makeResizeable(column, function(_w) {
// User wants the column to stay where they put it, even for relative
// width columns, so set it explicitly first and adjust other relative
// columns to match.
// Set to selected width
this.set_width(_w + "px");
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// Just triggers recalculation
// Set relative widths to match
var relative = self.columnMgr.totalWidth - self.columnMgr.totalFixed + _w;
this.set_width(_w / relative);
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for(var i = 0; i < self.columnMgr.columnCount(); i++)
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2020-01-30 00:05:01 +01:00
var col = self.columnMgr.getColumnById(i);
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if(col == this || col.fixedWidth) continue;
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col.set_width(self.columnMgr.getColumnWidth(i) / relative);
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// Triggers column change callback, which saves
this.set_width(this.relativeWidth ? (_w / self.columnMgr.totalWidth) : _w + "px");
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}, enc_column);
// Store both nodes in the columnNodes array
"column": column,
"container": cont
* Builds the select cols column
private _buildSelectCol()
// Build the "select columns" icon
this.selectColIcon = jQuery(document.createElement("span"))
.css('display', 'inline-block'); // otherwise jQuery('span.selectcols',this.dataview.headTr).show() set it to "inline" causing it to not show up because 0 height
// Build the option column
this.selectCol = jQuery(document.createElement("th"))
// Toggle display of option popup
.click(this, function(e) {if(;})
this.selectCol.css("width", this.scrollbarWidth - this.selectCol.outerWidth()
+ this.selectCol.width() + 1);
* Builds the inner grid class
private _buildGrid()
// Create the collection of column ids
var colIds = [];
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for (var i = 0; i < this.columns.length; i++)
colIds[i] = this.columns[i].id;
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// Create the row provider
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this.rowProvider = new et2_dataview_rowProvider(this.uniqueId, colIds);
// Create the grid class and pass "19" as the starting average row height
this.grid = new et2_dataview_grid(null, null, this.egw, this.rowProvider, 19);
// Insert the grid into the DOM-Tree
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var tr = jQuery(this.grid.getFirstNode());
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this.containerTr = tr;
/* --- Code for calculating the browser/css depending widths --- */
* Reads the browser dependant variables
private _getDepVars()
if (typeof this.scrollbarWidth === 'undefined')
// Clone the table and attach it to the outer body tag
var clone = this.table.clone();
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// Read the scrollbar width
this.scrollbarWidth = this.constructor.prototype.scrollbarWidth =
// Read the header border width
this.headerBorderWidth = this.constructor.prototype.headerBorderWidth =
// Read the column border width
this.columnBorderWidth = this.constructor.prototype.columnBorderWidth =
// Remove the cloned DOM-Node again from the outer body
* Reads the scrollbar width
private _getScrollbarWidth(_table: JQuery)
// Create a temporary td and two divs, which are inserted into the
// DOM-Tree. The outer div has a fixed size and "overflow" set to auto.
// When the second div is inserted, it will be forced to display a scrollbar.
var div_inner = jQuery(document.createElement("div"))
.css("height", "1000px");
var div_outer = jQuery(document.createElement("div"))
.css("height", "100px")
.css("width", "100px")
.css("overflow", "auto")
var td = jQuery(document.createElement("td"))
// Store the scrollbar width statically.
jQuery("tbody tr", _table).append(td);
var width = Math.max(10, div_outer.outerWidth() - div_inner.outerWidth());
// Remove the elements again
return width;
* Calculates the total width of the header column border
private _getHeaderBorderWidth(_table: JQuery)
// Create a temporary th which is appended to the outer thead row
var cont = jQuery(document.createElement("div"))
var th = jQuery(document.createElement("th"))
// Insert the th into the document tree
jQuery("thead tr", _table).append(th);
// Calculate the total border width
var width = th.outerWidth(true) - cont.width();
// Remove the appended element again
return width;
* Calculates the total width of the column border
private _getColumnBorderWidth(_table: JQuery)
// Create a temporary th which is appended to the outer thead row
var cont = jQuery(document.createElement("div"))
var td = jQuery(document.createElement("td"))
// Insert the th into the document tree
jQuery("tbody tr", _table).append(td);
// Calculate the total border width
var width = td.outerWidth(true) - cont.width();
// Remove the appended element again
return width;