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dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.extendedModule = "DHXMENUEXT";
* @desc: enables an item
* @param: id - item's id to enable
* @param: state - true|false
* @type: public
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.setItemEnabled = function(id) {
// modified in 0.4
this._changeItemState(id, "enabled", this._getItemLevelType(id));
* @desc: disables an item
* @param: id - item's id to disablei
* @type: public
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.setItemDisabled = function(id) {
this._changeItemState(id, "disabled", this._getItemLevelType(id));
* @desc: returns true if the item is enabled
* @param: id - the item to check
* @type: public
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.isItemEnabled = function(id) {
return (this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+id]!=null?(this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+id]["state"]=="enabled"):false);
/* enable/disable sublevel item */
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype._changeItemState = function(id, newState, levelType) {
var t = false;
var j = this.idPrefix + id;
if ((this.itemPull[j] != null) && (this.idPull[j] != null)) {
if (this.itemPull[j]["state"] != newState) {
this.itemPull[j]["state"] = newState;
if (this.itemPull[j]["parent"] == this.idPrefix+this.topId && !this.context) {
this.idPull[j].className = "dhtmlxMenu_"+this.skin+"_TopLevel_Item_"+(this.itemPull[j]["state"]=="enabled"?"Normal":"Disabled");
} else {
this.idPull[j].className = "sub_item"+(this.itemPull[j]["state"]=="enabled"?"":"_dis");
this._updateItemComplexState(this.idPrefix+id, this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+id]["complex"], false);
this._updateItemImage(id, levelType);
// if changeItemState attached to onClick event and changing applies to selected item all selection should be reparsed
if ((this.idPrefix + this.menuLastClicked == j) && (levelType != "TopLevel")) {
this._redistribSubLevelSelection(j, this.itemPull[j]["parent"]);
if (levelType == "TopLevel" && !this.context) { // rebuild style.left and show nested polygons
// this._redistribTopLevelSelection(id, "parent");
return t;
* @desc: returns item's text
* @param: id - the item
* @type: public
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.getItemText = function(id) {
return (this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+id]!=null?this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+id]["title"]:"");
* @desc: sets text for the item
* @param: id - the item
* @param: text - a new text
* @type: public
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.setItemText = function(id, text) {
id = this.idPrefix + id;
if ((this.itemPull[id] != null) && (this.idPull[id] != null)) {
this.itemPull[id]["title"] = text;
if (this.itemPull[id]["parent"] == this.idPrefix+this.topId && !this.context) {
// top level
var tObj = null;
for (var q=0; q<this.idPull[id].childNodes.length; q++) {
try { if (this.idPull[id].childNodes[q].className == "top_level_text") tObj = this.idPull[id].childNodes[q]; } catch(e) {}
if (String(this.itemPull[id]["title"]).length == "" || this.itemPull[id]["title"] == null) {
if (tObj != null) tObj.parentNode.removeChild(tObj);
} else {
if (!tObj) {
tObj = document.createElement("DIV");
tObj.className = "top_level_text";
if (this._rtl && this.idPull[id].childNodes.length > 0) this.idPull[id].insertBefore(tObj,this.idPull[id].childNodes[0]); else this.idPull[id].appendChild(tObj);
tObj.innerHTML = this.itemPull[id]["title"];
} else {
// sub level
var tObj = null;
for (var q=0; q<this.idPull[id].childNodes[1].childNodes.length; q++) {
if (String(this.idPull[id].childNodes[1].childNodes[q].className||"") == "sub_item_text") tObj = this.idPull[id].childNodes[1].childNodes[q];
if (String(this.itemPull[id]["title"]).length == "" || this.itemPull[id]["title"] == null) {
if (tObj) {
tObj = null;
this.idPull[id].childNodes[1].innerHTML = " ";
} else {
if (!tObj) {
tObj = document.createElement("DIV");
tObj.className = "sub_item_text";
this.idPull[id].childNodes[1].innerHTML = "";
tObj.innerHTML = this.itemPull[id]["title"];
* @desc: loads menu data from an html and calls onLoadFunction when loading is done
* @param: object - html data container
* @param: clearAfterAdd - true|false, removes the container object after the data is loaded
* @param: onLoadFunction - is called after the data is loaded (but before clearing html content if clear is set to true)
* @type: public
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.loadFromHTML = function(objId, clearAfterAdd, onLoadFunction) {
// this.idPrefix = this._genStr(12);
this.itemTagName = "DIV";
if (typeof(objId) == "string") { objId = document.getElementById(objId); }
this._buildMenu(objId, null);
if (clearAfterAdd) { objId.parentNode.removeChild(objId); }
if (onLoadFunction != null) { onLoadFunction(); }
* @desc: hides an item
* @param: id - the item to hide
* @type: public
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.hideItem = function(id) {
this._changeItemVisible(id, false);
* @desc: shows an item
* @param: id - the item to show
* @type: public
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.showItem = function(id) {
this._changeItemVisible(id, true);
* @desc: returns true if the item is hidden
* @param: id - the item to check
* @type: public
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.isItemHidden = function(id) {
var isHidden = null;
if (this.idPull[this.idPrefix+id] != null) { isHidden = (this.idPull[this.idPrefix+id].style.display == "none"); }
return isHidden;
/* show/hide item in menu, optimized for version 0.3 */
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype._changeItemVisible = function(id, visible) {
var itemId = this.idPrefix+id;
if (this.itemPull[itemId] == null) return;
if (this.itemPull[itemId]["type"] == "separator") { itemId = "separator_"+itemId; }
if (this.idPull[itemId] == null) return;
this.idPull[itemId].style.display = (visible?"":"none");
* @desc: sets userdata for an item
* @param: id - the item
* @param: name - the name of userdata (string)
* @param: value - the value of userdata (usually string)
* @type: public
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.setUserData = function(id, name, value) {
this.userData[this.idPrefix+id+"_"+name] = value;
* @desc: returns item's userdata
* @param: id - the item
* @param: name - the name of userdata (string)
* @type: public
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.getUserData = function(id, name) {
return (this.userData[this.idPrefix+id+"_"+name]!=null?this.userData[this.idPrefix+id+"_"+name]:null);
* @desc: sets open mode for the menu
* @param: mode - win|web, the default mode is web, in the win mode a user should click anywhere to hide the menu, in the web mode - just put the mouse pointer out of the menu area
* @type: public
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.setOpenMode = function(mode) {
if (mode == "win" || mode == "web") this.menuMode = mode; else this.menuMode == "web";
* @desc: sets hide menu timeout (web mode only)
* @param: tm - timeout, ms, 400 default
* @type: public
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.setWebModeTimeout = function(tm) {
this.menuTimeoutMsec = (!isNaN(tm)?tm:400);
* @desc: enables dynamic loading of sublevels
* @param: url - server-side script, transmitted params are action=loadMenu and parentId
* @param: icon - true|false, replaces elemet's arrow with loading image while loading
* @type: public
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.enableDynamicLoading = function(url, icon) {
this.dLoad = true;
this.dLoadUrl = url;
this.dLoadSign = (String(this.dLoadUrl).search(/\?/)==-1?"?":"&");
this.loaderIcon = icon;
/* internal, show/hide loader icon */
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype._updateLoaderIcon = function(id, state) {
if (this.idPull[id] == null) return;
if (String(this.idPull[id].className).search("TopLevel_Item") >= 0) return;
// get arrow
var ind = (this._rtl?0:2);
if (!this.idPull[id].childNodes[ind]) return;
if (!this.idPull[id].childNodes[ind].childNodes[0]) return;
var aNode = this.idPull[id].childNodes[ind].childNodes[0];
if (String(aNode.className).search("complex_arrow") === 0) aNode.className = "complex_arrow"+(state?"_loading":"");
/* IMAGES */
* @desc: returns item's image - array(img, imgDis)
* @param: id - the item
* @type: public
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.getItemImage = function(id) {
var imgs = new Array(null, null);
id = this.idPrefix+id;
if (this.itemPull[id]["type"] == "item") {
imgs[0] = this.itemPull[id]["imgen"];
imgs[1] = this.itemPull[id]["imgdis"];
return imgs;
* @desc: sets an image for the item
* @param: id - the item
* @param: img - the image for the enabled item (empty string for none)
* @param: imgDis - the image for the disabled item (empty string for none)
* @type: public
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.setItemImage = function(id, img, imgDis) {
if (this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+id]["type"] != "item") return;
this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+id]["imgen"] = img;
this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+id]["imgdis"] = imgDis;
this._updateItemImage(id, this._getItemLevelType(id));
* @desc: removes both enabled and disabled item images
* @param: id - the item
* @type: public
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.clearItemImage = function(id) {
this.setItemImage(id, "", "");
/* public: context menu auto open/close enable/disable */
* @desc: sets to false to prevent showing a contextual menu by a click
* @param: mode - true/false
* @type: public
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.setAutoShowMode = function(mode) {
this.contextAutoShow = (mode==true?true:false);
* @desc: sets to false to prevent hiding a contextual menu by a click
* @param: mode - true/false
* @type: public
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.setAutoHideMode = function(mode) {
this.contextAutoHide = (mode==true?true:false);
* @desc: sets to true will hide all opened contextual menu polygons on mouseout
* @param: mode - true/false
* @type: public
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.setContextMenuHideAllMode = function(mode) {
this.contextHideAllMode = (mode==true?true:false);
* @desc: retutn hide all contextual menu mode
* @type: public
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.getContextMenuHideAllMode = function() {
return this.contextHideAllMode;
* @desc: sets the area in which the menu can appear, if the area is not set, the menu will occupy all available visible space
* @param: x1, x2 - int, leftmost and rightmost coordinates by x axis
* @param: y1, y2 - int, topmost and bottommost coordinates by y axis
* @type: public
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.setVisibleArea = function(x1, x2, y1, y2) {
this._isVisibleArea = true;
this.menuX1 = x1;
this.menuX2 = x2;
this.menuY1 = y1;
this.menuY2 = y2;
// tooltips, added in 0.4
* @desc: sets tooltip for a menu item
* @param: id - menu item's id
* @param: tip - tooltip
* @type: public
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.setTooltip = function(id, tip) {
id = this.idPrefix+id;
if (!(this.itemPull[id] != null && this.idPull[id] != null)) return;
this.idPull[id].title = (tip.length > 0 ? tip : null);
this.itemPull[id]["tip"] = tip;
* @desc: returns tooltip of a menu item
* @param: id - menu item's id
* @type: public
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.getTooltip = function(id) {
if (this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+id] == null) return null;
return this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+id]["tip"];
// hot-keys, added in 0.4
* @desc: sets menu hot-key (just text label)
* @param: id - menu item's id
* @param: hkey - hot-key text
* @type: public
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.setHotKey = function(id, hkey) {
id = this.idPrefix+id;
if (!(this.itemPull[id] != null && this.idPull[id] != null)) return;
if (this.itemPull[id]["parent"] == this.idPrefix+this.topId && !this.context) return;
if (this.itemPull[id]["complex"]) return;
var t = this.itemPull[id]["type"];
if (!(t == "item" || t == "checkbox" || t == "radio")) return;
// retrieve obj
var hkObj = null;
try { if (this.idPull[id].childNodes[this._rtl?0:2].childNodes[0].className == "sub_item_hk") hkObj = this.idPull[id].childNodes[this._rtl?0:2].childNodes[0]; } catch(e){}
if (hkey.length == 0) {
// remove if exists
this.itemPull[id]["hotkey_backup"] = this.itemPull[id]["hotkey"];
this.itemPull[id]["hotkey"] = "";
if (hkObj != null) hkObj.parentNode.removeChild(hkObj);
} else {
// add if needed or change
this.itemPull[id]["hotkey"] = hkey;
this.itemPull[id]["hotkey_backup"] = null;
if (hkObj == null) {
hkObj = document.createElement("DIV");
hkObj.className = "sub_item_hk";
var item = this.idPull[id].childNodes[this._rtl?0:2];
while (item.childNodes.length > 0) item.removeChild(item.childNodes[0]);
hkObj.innerHTML = hkey;
* @desc: returns item's hot-key (just text label)
* @param: id - menu item's id
* @type: public
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.getHotKey = function(id) {
if (this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+id] == null) return null;
return this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+id]["hotkey"];
/* MISC */
/* set toplevel item selected */
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.setItemSelected = function(id) {
if (this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+id] == null) return null;
// console.log(this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+id]);
* @desc: set top level additional text (in case of usual menubar)
* @param: text - text
* @type: public
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.setTopText = function(text) {
if (this.context) return;
if (this._topText == null) {
this._topText = document.createElement("DIV");
this._topText.className = "dhtmlxMenu_TopLevel_Text_"+(this._rtl?"left":(this._align=="left"?"right":"left"));
this._topText.innerHTML = text;
* @desc: set top level menu align
* @param: align - left|right
* @type: public
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.setAlign = function(align) {
if (this._align == align) return;
if (align == "left" || align == "right") {
// if (this.setRTL) this.setRTL(false);
this._align = align;
if (this.cont) this.cont.className = (this._align=="right"?"align_right":"align_left");
if (this._topText != null) this._topText.className = "dhtmlxMenu_TopLevel_Text_"+(this._align=="left"?"right":"left");
* @desc: set href to item, overwrite old if exists
* @param: itemId
* @param: href - url to open instead of onClik event handling
* @param: target - target attribute
* @type: public
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.setHref = function(itemId, href, target) {
if (this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+itemId] == null) return;
this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+itemId]["href_link"] = href;
if (target != null) this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+itemId]["href_target"] = target;
* @desc: clears item href and back item to default onClick behavior
* @param: itemId
* @type: public
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.clearHref = function(itemId) {
if (this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+itemId] == null) return;
delete this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+itemId]["href_link"];
delete this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+itemId]["href_target"];
File [id="file"] -> Open [id="open"] -> Last Save [id="lastsave"]
getCircuit("lastsave") will return Array("file", "open", "lastsave");
* @desc: return array with ids from topmost parent to chosen item
* @param: id - chosen item id
* @type: public
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.getCircuit = function(id) {
var parents = new Array(id);
while (this.getParentId(id) != this.topId) {
id = this.getParentId(id);
parents[parents.length] = id;
return parents.reverse();
/* export to function */
/* WTF?
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.generateSQL = function() {
var sql = "INSERT INTO `dhtmlxmenu_demo` (`itemId`, `itemParentId`, `itemOrder`, `itemText`, `itemType`, `itemEnabled`, `itemChecked`, `itemGroup`, `itemImage`, `itemImageDis`) VALUES ";
var values = "";
var q = 0;
for (var a in this.itemPull) {
values += (values.length>0?", ":"")+"('"+a.replace(this.idPrefix,"")+"',"+
return sql+values;
/* clear all selected subitems in polygon, implemented in 0.4 */
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype._clearAllSelectedSubItemsInPolygon = function(polygon) {
var subIds = this._getSubItemToDeselectByPolygon(polygon);
// hide opened polygons and selected items
for (var q=0; q<this._openedPolygons.length; q++) { if (this._openedPolygons[q] != polygon) { this._hidePolygon(this._openedPolygons[q]); } }
for (var q=0; q<subIds.length; q++) { if (this.idPull[subIds[q]] != null) { if (this.itemPull[subIds[q]]["state"] == "enabled") { this.idPull[subIds[q]].className = "dhtmlxMenu_"+this.skin+"_SubLevelArea_Item_Normal"; } } }
/* define normal/disabled arrows in polygon */
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype._checkArrowsState = function(id) {
var polygon = this.idPull["polygon_"+id];
var arrowUp = this.idPull["arrowup_"+id];
var arrowDown = this.idPull["arrowdown_"+id];
if (polygon.scrollTop == 0) {
arrowUp.className = "dhtmlxMenu_"+this.skin+"_SubLevelArea_ArrowUp_Disabled";
} else {
arrowUp.className = "dhtmlxMenu_"+this.skin+"_SubLevelArea_ArrowUp" + (arrowUp.over ? "_Over" : "");
if (polygon.scrollTop + polygon.offsetHeight < polygon.scrollHeight) {
arrowDown.className = "dhtmlxMenu_"+this.skin+"_SubLevelArea_ArrowDown" + (arrowDown.over ? "_Over" : "");
} else {
arrowDown.className = "dhtmlxMenu_"+this.skin+"_SubLevelArea_ArrowDown_Disabled";
/* add up-limit-arrow */
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype._addUpArrow = function(id) {
var main_self = this;
var arrow = document.createElement("DIV");
arrow.pId = this.idPrefix+id;
arrow.id = "arrowup_"+this.idPrefix+id;
arrow.className = "dhtmlxMenu_"+this.skin+"_SubLevelArea_ArrowUp";
arrow.innerHTML = "<div class='dhtmlxMenu_"+this.skin+"_SubLevelArea_Arrow'><div class='dhtmlxMenu_SubLevelArea_Arrow_Icon'></div></div>";
arrow.style.display = "none";
arrow.over = false;
arrow.onselectstart = function(e) { e = e||event; e.returnValue = false; return false; }
arrow.oncontextmenu = function(e) { e = e||event; e.returnValue = false; return false; }
// actions
arrow.onmouseover = function() {
if (main_self.menuMode == "web") { window.clearTimeout(main_self.menuTimeoutHandler); }
if (this.className == "dhtmlxMenu_"+main_self.skin+"_SubLevelArea_ArrowUp_Disabled") return;
this.className = "dhtmlxMenu_"+main_self.skin+"_SubLevelArea_ArrowUp_Over";
this.over = true;
main_self._canScrollUp = true;
main_self._doScrollUp(this.pId, true);
arrow.onmouseout = function() {
if (main_self.menuMode == "web") {
main_self.menuTimeoutHandler = window.setTimeout(function(){main_self._clearAndHide();}, main_self.menuTimeoutMsec, "JavaScript");
this.over = false;
main_self._canScrollUp = false;
if (this.className == "dhtmlxMenu_"+main_self.skin+"_SubLevelArea_ArrowUp_Disabled") return;
this.className = "dhtmlxMenu_"+main_self.skin+"_SubLevelArea_ArrowUp";
arrow.onclick = function(e) {
e = e||event;
e.returnValue = false;
e.cancelBubble = true;
return false;
// var polygon = this.idPull["polygon_"+this.idPrefix+id];
// polygon.insertBefore(arrow, polygon.childNodes[0]);
document.body.insertBefore(arrow, document.body.firstChild);
this.idPull[arrow.id] = arrow;
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype._addDownArrow = function(id) {
var main_self = this;
var arrow = document.createElement("DIV");
arrow.pId = this.idPrefix+id;
arrow.id = "arrowdown_"+this.idPrefix+id;
arrow.className = "dhtmlxMenu_"+this.skin+"_SubLevelArea_ArrowDown";
arrow.innerHTML = "<div class='dhtmlxMenu_"+this.skin+"_SubLevelArea_Arrow'><div class='dhtmlxMenu_SubLevelArea_Arrow_Icon'></div></div>";
arrow.style.display = "none";
arrow.over = false;
arrow.onselectstart = function(e) { e = e||event; e.returnValue = false; return false; }
arrow.oncontextmenu = function(e) { e = e||event; e.returnValue = false; return false; }
// actions
arrow.onmouseover = function() {
if (main_self.menuMode == "web") { window.clearTimeout(main_self.menuTimeoutHandler); }
if (this.className == "dhtmlxMenu_"+main_self.skin+"_SubLevelArea_ArrowDown_Disabled") return;
this.className = "dhtmlxMenu_"+main_self.skin+"_SubLevelArea_ArrowDown_Over";
this.over = true;
main_self._canScrollDown = true;
main_self._doScrollDown(this.pId, true);
arrow.onmouseout = function() {
if (main_self.menuMode == "web") {
main_self.menuTimeoutHandler = window.setTimeout(function(){main_self._clearAndHide();}, main_self.menuTimeoutMsec, "JavaScript");
this.over = false;
main_self._canScrollDown = false;
if (this.className == "dhtmlxMenu_"+main_self.skin+"_SubLevelArea_ArrowDown_Disabled") return;
this.className = "dhtmlxMenu_"+main_self.skin+"_SubLevelArea_ArrowDown";
arrow.onclick = function(e) {
e = e||event;
e.returnValue = false;
e.cancelBubble = true;
return false;
document.body.insertBefore(arrow, document.body.firstChild);
this.idPull[arrow.id] = arrow;
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype._removeUpArrow = function(id) {
var fullId = "arrowup_"+this.idPrefix+id;
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype._removeDownArrow = function(id) {
var fullId = "arrowdown_"+this.idPrefix+id;
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype._removeArrow = function(fullId) {
var arrow = this.idPull[fullId];
arrow.onselectstart = null;
arrow.oncontextmenu = null;
arrow.onmouseover = null;
arrow.onmouseout = null;
arrow.onclick = null;
if (arrow.parentNode) arrow.parentNode.removeChild(arrow);
arrow = null;
this.idPull[fullId] = null;
try { delete this.idPull[fullId]; } catch(e) {}
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype._isArrowExists = function(id) {
if (this.idPull["arrowup_"+id] != null && this.idPull["arrowdown_"+id] != null) return true;
return false;
/* scroll down */
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype._doScrollUp = function(id, checkArrows) {
var polygon = this.idPull["polygon_"+id];
if (this._canScrollUp && polygon.scrollTop > 0) {
var theEnd = false;
var nextScrollTop = polygon.scrollTop - this._scrollUpTMStep;
if (nextScrollTop < 0) {
theEnd = true;
nextScrollTop = 0;
polygon.scrollTop = nextScrollTop;
if (!theEnd) {
var that = this;
this._scrollUpTM = window.setTimeout(function() { that._doScrollUp(id, false); }, this._scrollUpTMTime);
} else {
this._canScrollUp = false;
if (checkArrows) {
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype._doScrollDown = function(id, checkArrows) {
var polygon = this.idPull["polygon_"+id];
if (this._canScrollDown && polygon.scrollTop + polygon.offsetHeight <= polygon.scrollHeight) {
var theEnd = false;
var nextScrollTop = polygon.scrollTop + this._scrollDownTMStep;
if (nextScrollTop + polygon.offsetHeight > polygon.scollHeight) {
theEnd = true;
nextScrollTop = polygon.scollHeight - polygon.offsetHeight;
polygon.scrollTop = nextScrollTop;
if (!theEnd) {
var that = this;
this._scrollDownTM = window.setTimeout(function() { that._doScrollDown(id, false); }, this._scrollDownTMTime);
} else {
if (checkArrows) {
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype._countPolygonItems = function(id) {
var count = 0;
for (var a in this.itemPull) {
var par = this.itemPull[a]["parent"];
var tp = this.itemPull[a]["type"];
if (par == this.idPrefix+id && (tp == "item" || tp == "radio" || tp == "checkbox")) { count++; }
return count;
/* limit maximum items on single polygon, default - 0 = no limit */
* @desc: limits the maximum number of visible items in polygons
* @param: itemsNum - count of the maximum number of visible items
* @type: public
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.setOverflowHeight = function(itemsNum) {
// set auto overflow mode
if (itemsNum === "auto") {
this.limit = 0;
this.autoOverflow = true;
// no existing limitation, now new limitation
if (this.limit == 0 && itemsNum <= 0) return;
// hide menu to prevent visible changes
// redefine existing limitation, arrows will added automatically with showPlygon
if (this.limit >= 0 && itemsNum > 0) {
this.limit = itemsNum;
// remove existing limitation
if (this.limit > 0 && itemsNum <= 0) {
for (var a in this.itemPull) {
if (this._isArrowExists(a)) {
var b = String(a).replace(this.idPrefix, "");
// remove polygon's height
this.idPull["polygon_"+a].style.height = "";
this.limit = 0;
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype._getRadioImgObj = function(id) {
try { var imgObj = this.idPull[this.idPrefix+id].childNodes[(this._rtl?2:0)].childNodes[0] } catch(e) { var imgObj = null; }
return imgObj;
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype._setRadioState = function(id, state) {
// if (this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+id]["state"] != "enabled") return;
var imgObj = this._getRadioImgObj(id);
if (imgObj != null) {
// fix, added in 0.4
var rObj = this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+id];
rObj["checked"] = state;
rObj["imgen"] = "rdbt_"+(rObj["checked"]?"1":"0");
rObj["imgdis"] = rObj["imgen"];
imgObj.className = "sub_icon "+rObj["imgen"];
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype._radioOnClickHandler = function(id, type, casState) {
if (type.charAt(1)=="d" || this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+id]["group"]==null) return;
// deselect all from the same group
var group = this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+id]["group"];
if (this.checkEvent("onRadioClick")) {
if (this.callEvent("onRadioClick", [group, this.getRadioChecked(group), id, this.contextMenuZoneId, casState])) {
this.setRadioChecked(group, id);
} else {
this.setRadioChecked(group, id);
// call onClick if exists
if (this.checkEvent("onClick")) this.callEvent("onClick", [id]);
* @desc: returns a checked radio button in the group
* @param: group - radio button group
* @type: public
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.getRadioChecked = function(group) {
var id = null;
for (var q=0; q<this.radio[group].length; q++) {
var itemId = this.radio[group][q].replace(this.idPrefix, "");
var imgObj = this._getRadioImgObj(itemId);
if (imgObj != null) {
var checked = (imgObj.className).match(/rdbt_1$/gi);
if (checked != null) id = itemId;
return id;
* @desc: checks a radio button inside the group
* @param: group - radio button group
* @param: id - radio button's id
* @type: public
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.setRadioChecked = function(group, id) {
if (this.radio[group] == null) return;
for (var q=0; q<this.radio[group].length; q++) {
var itemId = this.radio[group][q].replace(this.idPrefix, "");
this._setRadioState(itemId, (itemId==id));
* @desc: adds a new radio button, sibling|child mode
* @param: mode - (string) sibling|child
* @param: nextToId - the item after which the radio button will be added in the "sibling" mode or parent item's id in the "child" mode
* @param: pos - the item's position in the child mode (null for sibling)
* @param: itemId - id of a new radio button
* @param: itemText - text of a new radio button
* @param: group - radiogroup's id
* @param: state - checked|unchecked
* @param: disabled - enabled|disabled
* @type: public
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.addRadioButton = function(mode, nextToId, pos, itemId, itemText, group, state, disabled) {
// radiobutton
if (this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+nextToId] == null) return;
if (this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+nextToId]["parent"] == this.idPrefix+this.topId) return;
if (this.context && nextToId == this.topId) {
// adding radiobutton as first element to context menu
// do nothing
} else {
if (this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+nextToId] == null) return;
if (mode == "child" && this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+nextToId]["type"] != "item") return;
// if (this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+nextToId]["parent"] == this.idPrefix+this.topId && !this.context) return;
var id = this.idPrefix+(itemId!=null?itemId:this._genStr(24));
var img = "rdbt_"+(state?"1":"0");
var imgDis = img;
if (mode == "sibling") {
var parentId = this.idPrefix+this.getParentId(nextToId);
this._addItemIntoGlobalStrorage(id, parentId, itemText, "radio", disabled, img, imgDis);
this._renderSublevelItem(id, this.getItemPosition(nextToId));
} else {
var parentId = this.idPrefix+nextToId;
this._addItemIntoGlobalStrorage(id, parentId, itemText, "radio", disabled, img, imgDis);
if (this.idPull["polygon_"+parentId] == null) { this._renderSublevelPolygon(parentId, parentId); }
this._renderSublevelItem(id, pos-1);
var gr = (group!=null?group:this._genStr(24));
this.itemPull[id]["group"] = gr;
if (this.radio[gr]==null) { this.radio[gr] = new Array(); }
this.radio[gr][this.radio[gr].length] = id;
if (state == true) this.setRadioChecked(gr, String(id).replace(this.idPrefix, ""));
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype._getCheckboxState = function(id) {
if (this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+id] == null) return null;
return this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+id]["checked"];
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype._setCheckboxState = function(id, state) {
if (this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+id] == null) return;
this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+id]["checked"] = state;
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype._updateCheckboxImage = function(id) {
if (this.idPull[this.idPrefix+id] == null) return;
this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+id]["imgen"] = "chbx_"+(this._getCheckboxState(id)?"1":"0");
this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+id]["imgdis"] = this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+id]["imgen"];
try { this.idPull[this.idPrefix+id].childNodes[(this._rtl?2:0)].childNodes[0].className = "sub_icon "+this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+id]["imgen"]; } catch(e){}
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype._checkboxOnClickHandler = function(id, type, casState) {
if (type.charAt(1)=="d") return;
if (this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+id] == null) return;
var state = this._getCheckboxState(id);
if (this.checkEvent("onCheckboxClick")) {
if (this.callEvent("onCheckboxClick", [id, state, this.contextMenuZoneId, casState])) {
this.setCheckboxState(id, !state);
} else {
this.setCheckboxState(id, !state);
// call onClick if exists
if (this.checkEvent("onClick")) this.callEvent("onClick", [id]);
* @desc: sets checkbox's state
* @param: id - the item
* @param: state - a new state (true|false)
* @type: public
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.setCheckboxState = function(id, state) {
this._setCheckboxState(id, state);
* @desc: returns current checkbox's state
* @param: id - the item
* @type: public
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.getCheckboxState = function(id) {
return this._getCheckboxState(id);
* @desc: adds a new checkbox, sibling|child mode
* @param: mode - (string) sibling|child
* @param: nextToId - the item after which the checkbox will be added in the "sibling" mode or parent item's id in the "child" mode
* @param: pos - item's position in the child mode (null for sibling)
* @param: itemId - id of a new checkbox
* @param: itemText - text of a new checkbox
* @param: state - checked|unchecked
* @param: disabled - enabled|disabled
* @type: public
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.addCheckbox = function(mode, nextToId, pos, itemId, itemText, state, disabled) {
// checks
if (this.context && nextToId == this.topId) {
// adding checkbox as first element to context menu
// do nothing
} else {
if (this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+nextToId] == null) return;
if (mode == "child" && this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+nextToId]["type"] != "item") return;
// if (this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+nextToId]["parent"] == this.idPrefix+this.topId && !this.context) return;
var img = "chbx_"+(state?"1":"0");
var imgDis = img;
if (mode == "sibling") {
var id = this.idPrefix+(itemId!=null?itemId:this._genStr(24));
var parentId = this.idPrefix+this.getParentId(nextToId);
this._addItemIntoGlobalStrorage(id, parentId, itemText, "checkbox", disabled, img, imgDis);
this.itemPull[id]["checked"] = state;
this._renderSublevelItem(id, this.getItemPosition(nextToId));
} else {
var id = this.idPrefix+(itemId!=null?itemId:this._genStr(24));
var parentId = this.idPrefix+nextToId;
this._addItemIntoGlobalStrorage(id, parentId, itemText, "checkbox", disabled, img, imgDis);
this.itemPull[id]["checked"] = state;
if (this.idPull["polygon_"+parentId] == null) { this._renderSublevelPolygon(parentId, parentId); }
this._renderSublevelItem(id, pos-1);
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype._readLevel = function(parentId) {
var xml = "";
for (var a in this.itemPull) {
if (this.itemPull[a]["parent"] == parentId) {
var imgEn = "";
var imgDis = "";
var hotKey = "";
var itemId = String(this.itemPull[a]["id"]).replace(this.idPrefix,"");
var itemType = "";
var itemText = (this.itemPull[a]["title"]!=""?' text="'+this.itemPull[a]["title"]+'"':"");
var itemState = "";
if (this.itemPull[a]["type"] == "item") {
if (this.itemPull[a]["imgen"] != "") imgEn = ' img="'+this.itemPull[a]["imgen"]+'"';
if (this.itemPull[a]["imgdis"] != "") imgDis = ' imgdis="'+this.itemPull[a]["imgdis"]+'"';
if (this.itemPull[a]["hotkey"] != "") hotKey = '<hotkey>'+this.itemPull[a]["hotkey"]+'</hotkey>';
if (this.itemPull[a]["type"] == "separator") {
itemType = ' type="separator"';
} else {
if (this.itemPull[a]["state"] == "disabled") itemState = ' enabled="false"';
if (this.itemPull[a]["type"] == "checkbox") {
itemType = ' type="checkbox"'+(this.itemPull[a]["checked"]?' checked="true"':"");
if (this.itemPull[a]["type"] == "radio") {
itemType = ' type="radio" group="'+this.itemPull[a]["group"]+'" '+(this.itemPull[a]["checked"]?' checked="true"':"");
xml += "<item id='"+itemId+"'"+itemText+itemType+imgEn+imgDis+itemState+">";
xml += hotKey;
if (this.itemPull[a]["complex"]) xml += this._readLevel(a);
xml += "</item>";
return xml;
* @desc: serialize menu to xml
* @type: public
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.serialize = function() {
var xml = "<menu>"+this._readLevel(this.idPrefix+this.topId)+"</menu>";
return xml;