
404 lines
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%1 (%2 new) messages writen for application '%3' and languages '%4' etemplate cs %1 (%2 nov<6F>ch) zpr<70>v zapsan<61>ch pro aplikaci '%3' a jazyky '%4'
%1 etemplates deleted etemplate cs %1 e<>ablon smaz<61>no
%1 etemplates for application '%2' dumped to '%3' etemplate cs %1 e<>ablon pro aplikaci '%2' vytvo<76>ilo v<>pis do '%3'
%1 etemplates found etemplate cs %1 e<>ablon nalezeno
%1 matches on search criteria etemplate cs %1 shod s krit<69>riem vyhled<65>v<EFBFBD>n<EFBFBD>
%1 new etemplates imported for application '%2' etemplate cs %1 nov<6F>ch e<>ablon importov<6F>no pro aplikaci '%2'
%s disabled etemplate cs %s zablokov<6F>no
%s needed etemplate cs %s zapot<6F>eb<65>
%s notranslation etemplate cs %s bez p<>ekladu
%s onchange etemplate cs %s onChange (p<>i zm<7A>n<EFBFBD>)
%s readonly etemplate cs %s jen ke <20>ten<65>
'%1' has an invalid format !!! etemplate cs %1' m<> neplatn<74> form<72>t !!!
'%1' is not a valid date !!! etemplate cs %1' nen<65> platn<74> datum !!!
'%1' is not a valid floatingpoint number !!! etemplate cs %1' nen<65> platn<74> <20><>slo s pohyblivou desetinnou <20><>rkou !!!
'%1' is not a valid integer !!! etemplate cs %1' nen<65> platn<74> cel<65> <20><>slo
a pattern to be searched for etemplate cs hledan<61> v<>raz
accesskey etemplate cs P<><50>stupov<6F> kl<6B><6C>
accesskeys can also be specified with an & in the label (eg. &name) etemplate cs P<><50>stupov<6F> kl<6B><6C>e mohou b<>t specifikov<6F>ny tak<61> s & v ozna<6E>en<65> (nap<61>. &Name)
account contactdata etemplate cs Kontaktn<74> <20>daje <20><>tu
add a new column (after the existing ones) etemplate cs P<>idat nov<6F> sloupec (za st<73>vaj<61>c<EFBFBD>)
add a new entry of the selected application etemplate cs P<>idat nov<6F> z<>znam vybran<61> aplikace
add a new multi-column index etemplate cs P<>idat nov<6F> vicesloupcov<6F> index
add column etemplate cs P<>idat sloupec
add index etemplate cs P<>idat index
add new etemplate cs P<>idat nov<6F>
add table etemplate cs P<>idat tabulku
advanced search etemplate cs Roz<6F><7A><EFBFBD>en<65> hled<65>n<EFBFBD>
align etemplate cs Zarovnat
alignment of label and input-field in table-cell etemplate cs zarovn<76>n<EFBFBD> popisku a vstupn<70>ho pole v bu<62>ce tabulky
alignment of the v/hbox containing table-cell etemplate cs Zarovn<76>n<EFBFBD> V/HBoxu obsahuj<75>c<EFBFBD>ho bu<62>ku tabulky
all days etemplate cs v<>echny dny
all operations save the template! etemplate cs v<>echny operace ukl<6B>daj<61> <20>ablonu !
am etemplate cs am
an indexed column speeds up querys using that column (cost space on the disk !!!) etemplate cs indexy vytvo<76>en<65> pro sloupec zrychluj<75> vyhled<65>v<EFBFBD>n<EFBFBD> v dan<61>m sloupci (ale tak<61> zab<61>raj<61> m<>sto na disku !!!)
application etemplate cs Aplikace
application name needed to write a langfile or dump the etemplates !!! etemplate cs N<>zev aplikace pot<6F>eboval zapsat jazykov<6F> soubor nebo vypsat e<>ablony !!!
applies the changes made etemplate cs pou<6F>ije proveden<65> zm<7A>ny
applies the changes to the given version of the template etemplate cs pou<6F>ije zm<7A>ny proveden<65> v dan<61> verzi <20>ablony
as default etemplate cs jako v<>choz<6F>
attach etemplate cs P<>ipojit
attach file etemplate cs p<>ipojit soubor
baseline etemplate cs Z<>kladna
blurtext etemplate cs rozmazan<61> text
border etemplate cs Okraj
border-line-thickness for the table-tag etemplate cs Tlou<6F><75>ka okraje pro tag tabulky
bottom etemplate cs Doln<6C> okraj
box etemplate cs R<>me<6D>ek
box... etemplate cs R<>me<6D>ek...
can not have special sql-value null etemplate cs nem<65><6D>e m<>t speci<63>ln<6C> SQL hodnotu NULL
cancel etemplate cs Zru<72>it
cant delete a single widget from a grid !!! etemplate cs nemohu smazat jednotliv<69> widget z m<><6D><EFBFBD>ky !!!
cant delete the only column of a grid !!! etemplate cs nemohu smazat jedin<69> sloupec ve m<><6D><EFBFBD>ce !!!
cant delete the only row in a grid !!! etemplate cs nemohu smazat jedin<69> <20><>dek ve m<><6D><EFBFBD>ce !!!
category etemplate cs Kategorie
cellpadding for the table-tag etemplate cs Vzd<7A>lenost mezi bu<62>kou a jej<65>m obsahem pro tag tabulky
cells etemplate cs Bu<42>ky
cellspacing for the table-tag etemplate cs Vzd<7A>lenost mezi bu<62>kami pro tag tabulky
center etemplate cs St<53>ed
changed etemplate cs Zm<5A>n<EFBFBD>no
check if content should only be displayed but not altered (the content is not send back then!) etemplate cs za<7A>krtn<74>te, pokud m<> b<>t obsah jen zobrazen, nikoli m<>n<EFBFBD>n (obsah pak nen<65> pos<6F>l<EFBFBD>n zp<7A>t!)
check if field has to be filled by user etemplate cs za<7A>krtn<74>te, pokud mus<75> u<>ivatel polo<6C>ku vyplnit
checkbox etemplate cs Za<5A>krt<72>vac<61> pol<6F><6C>ko
class etemplate cs T<><54>da
class, valign etemplate cs t<><74>da, svisl<73> zarovn<76>n<EFBFBD>
click here to attach the file etemplate cs klikn<6B>te sem pro p<>ipojen<65> souboru
click here to create the link etemplate cs klikn<6B>te sem pro vytvo<76>en<65> odkazu
click here to start the search etemplate cs Klikn<6B>te sem pro zah<61>jen<65> hled<65>n<EFBFBD>
click here to upload the file etemplate cs Klikn<6B>te sem pro upload souboru
click to order after that criteria etemplate cs klikn<6B>te sem pro <20>azen<65> dle dan<61>ho krit<69>ria
clickable path etemplate cs rozkliknuteln<6C> cesta
closes the window without saving the changes etemplate cs uzav<61>e okno bez ulo<6C>en<65> zm<7A>n
column... etemplate cs Sloupec...
columnname etemplate cs Jm<4A>no sloupce
comment etemplate cs Koment<6E><74>
confirm etemplate cs potvrdit
confirmation message or custom javascript (returning true or false) etemplate cs Potvrzuj<75>c<EFBFBD> zpr<70>va nebo u<>ivatelsky definovan<61> javaskript (vracej<65>c<EFBFBD> true nebo false)
confirmation necesary or custom java-script etemplate cs vy<76>adov<6F>no potvrzen<65> nebo u<>ivatelsk<73> javaskript
contact etemplate cs Kontakt
contact field to show etemplate cs Zobrazit polo<6C>ku kontaktu
contact fields etemplate cs Kontaktn<74> polo<6C>ky
contains etemplate cs obsahuje
create a new table for the application etemplate cs Vytvo<76>it novou tabulku pro aplikaci
creates an english ('en') langfile from label and helptexts (for application in name) etemplate cs vytvo<76><6F> nov<6F> anglick<63> jazykov<6F> soubor ('en') z ozna<6E>en<65> a pomocn<63>ch text<78> (pro aplikaci uvedenou v N<>zvu)
css class for the table-tag etemplate cs CSS t<><74>da pro tag tabulky
css properties etemplate cs Vlastnosti CSS
css-class name for this row, preset: 'nmh' = nextmatch header, 'nmr' = alternating nm row, 'nmr0'+'nmr1' nm rows etemplate cs n<>zev CSS t<><74>dy pro tento <20><>dek, p<>ednastaveno: 'nmh' = NextMatch header (z<>hlav<61> Dal<61><6C>Shoda),'nmr' = alternating NM row (st<73><74>dav<61> NM <20><>dek),'nmr0'+'nmr1' NM <20><>dky
css-class name for this row, preset: 'th' = header, 'row' = alternating row, 'row_off'+'row_on' rows etemplate cs n<>zev CSS t<><74>dy pro tento <20><>dek, p<>ednastaveno: 'th' = z<>hlav<61>, 'row' = st<73><74>dav<61> <20><>dek, <20><>dky 'row_off'+'row_on'
css-styles etemplate cs CSS styly
custom etemplate cs u<>ivatelsky definovan<61>
custom fields etemplate cs u<>ivatelsky definovan<61> polo<6C>ky
custom javascript for onchange etemplate cs u<>ivatelsky definovan<61> javaskript pro onChange (p<>i zm<7A>n<EFBFBD>)
cut etemplate cs Vyjmout
date+time etemplate cs Datum a <20>as
datum etemplate cs Datum
day etemplate cs Den
days etemplate cs dn<64>
db ensures that every row has a unique value in that column etemplate cs Datab<61>ze zaji<6A><69>uje, <20>e ka<6B>d<EFBFBD> <20><>dek m<> v tomto sloupci unik<69>tn<74> hodnotu
db-specific index options (comma-sep.), eg. mysql(fulltext) or mysql(100) for the indexed length of a col etemplate cs volby indexu (odd<64>len<65> <20><>rkou) specifick<63> pro datab<61>zi, nap<61>. mysql(FULLTEXT) nebo mysql(100) pro indexovanou d<>lku sloupce
db-tools etemplate cs Datab<61>zov<6F> n<>stroje
deck etemplate cs Paluba (intern<72>)
default etemplate cs V<>choz<6F>
delete a single entry by passing the id. etemplate cs Vymazat z<>znam vlo<6C>en<65>m ID.
delete all selected etemplates, without further inquiry etemplate cs smazat V<>ECHNY vybran<61> e<>ablony BEZ dal<61><6C>ho dotazu
delete and cut save the template! etemplate cs smazat a <20>ablonu vyjmout a ulo<6C>it !
delete column etemplate cs Smazat sloupec
delete index etemplate cs Smazat index
delete the spezified etemplate etemplate cs Smazat ur<75>enou e<>ablonu
delete this column etemplate cs smazat tento sloupec
delete this etemplate etemplate cs smazat tuto e<>ablonu
delete this file etemplate cs Smazat tento soubor
delete this row etemplate cs smazat tento <20><>dek
delete whole column (can not be undone!!!) etemplate cs smazat cel<65> sloupec (nelze vr<76>tit zp<7A>t!!!)
deletes the above spez. etemplate from the database, can not be undone etemplate cs vyma<6D>e v<><76>e uvedenou e<>ablonu z datab<61>ze, nelze vr<76>tit zp<7A>t
deletes the etemplate spez. above etemplate cs sma<6D>e v<><76>e uvedenou e<>ablonu
deletes this column etemplate cs Sma<6D>e tento sloupec
deletes this index etemplate cs Sma<6D>e tento index
discard changes etemplate cs zahodit zm<7A>ny
displayed in front of input or input is inserted for a '%s' in the label (label of the submitbutton or image-filename) etemplate cs zobrazeno p<>ed vstupem nebo je vstup vlo<6C>en za '%s' v ozna<6E>en<65> (tla<6C><61>tka pro odesl<73>n<EFBFBD> nebo n<>zvu souboru s obr<62>zkem)
displayed in statusline of browser if input-field gets focus etemplate cs zobrazeno ve stavov<6F> li<6C>t<EFBFBD> prohl<68><6C>e<EFBFBD>e pokud vstupn<70> pole z<>sk<73> fokus
displayed in the top line of the groupbox (legend) etemplate cs zobrazeno v horn<72> <20><>dce r<>me<6D>ku skupiny (v legend<6E>)
do you want to save the changes you made in table %s? etemplate cs Chcete ulo<6C>it zm<7A>ny, kter<65> jste ud<75>lal(a)v tabulce %s?
documentation etemplate cs Dokumentace
doesn't matter etemplate cs nez<65>le<6C><65> na tom
drop a table - this can not be undone etemplate cs Smazat tabulku - nelze vr<76>tit zp<7A>t
drop table etemplate cs Smazat Tabulku
dump4setup etemplate cs Vypsat pro setup
duration etemplate cs Trv<72>n<EFBFBD>
edit etemplate cs Editovat
edit embeded css styles or of the applications app.css file etemplate cs upravit vlo<6C>en<65> CSS styly nebo CSS styly aplikac<61> v souboru app.css
edit the etemplate spez. above etemplate cs upravit v<><76>e uvedenou e<>ablonu
edit... etemplate cs Editovat....
editable templates - db-tools etemplate cs Editovateln<6C> <20>ablony - Datab<61>zov<6F> n<>stroje
editable templates - delete template etemplate cs Editovateln<6C> <20>ablony - Smazat <20>ablonu
editable templates - editor etemplate cs Editovateln<6C> <20>ablony - Editor
editable templates - search etemplate cs Editovateln<6C> <20>ablony - Hledat
editable templates - show template etemplate cs Editovateln<6C> <20>ablony - Zobrazit <20>ablonu
embeded css styles, eg. '.red { background: red; }' (note the '.' before the class-name) or '@import url(...)' (class names are global for the whole page!) etemplate cs vlo<6C>en<65> CSS styly, nap<61>. '.red { background: red; }' (v<>imn<6D>te si te<74>ky p<>ed n<>zvem t<><74>dy) nebo '@import url(...)' (n<>zvy t<><74>d jsou glob<6F>ln<6C> pro celou str<74>nku!)
enable javascript onchange submit etemplate cs povolit odes<65>l<EFBFBD>n<EFBFBD> onChange v javaskriptu
enter '' for an empty default, nothing mean no default etemplate cs zadejte '' pro pr<70>zdnou hodnotu jako v<>choz<6F>, nic znamen<65> bez v<>choz<6F> hodnoty
enter a search pattern etemplate cs Zadejte hledan<61> v<>raz
enter filename to upload and attach, use [browse...] to search for it etemplate cs Zadejte n<>zev souboru, kter<65> chcete uploadovat a p<>ipojit, pou<6F>ijte [Proch<63>zet] pro vyhled<65>n<EFBFBD> souboru
enter the new version number here (> old_version), empty for no update-file etemplate cs sem zadejte <20><>slo nov<6F> verze (> star<61>_verze), ponechte pr<70>zdn<64> pokud nechcete aktualizovat soubor
enter the new version number here (has to be > old_version) etemplate cs sem zadejte <20><>slo nov<6F> verze (mus<75> b<>t > star<61>_verze)
entry saved etemplate cs Z<>znam ulo<6C>en
error: template not found !!! etemplate cs Chyba: <20>ablona nebyla nalezena !!!
error: webserver is not allowed to write into '%1' !!! etemplate cs Chyba: webov<6F> server nem<65> opr<70>vn<76>n<EFBFBD> k z<>pisu do '%1' !!!
error: while saving !!! etemplate cs Chyba p<>i ukl<6B>d<EFBFBD>n<EFBFBD> !!!
error: writing file (no write-permission for the webserver) !!! etemplate cs Chyba p<>i ukl<6B>d<EFBFBD>n<EFBFBD> souboru (webov<6F> server nem<65> opr<70>vn<76>n<EFBFBD> k z<>pisu) !!!
etemplate common cs e<>ablona
etemplate '%1' imported, use save to put it in the database etemplate cs e<>ablona '%1' naimportov<6F>na, pou<6F>ijte Ulo<6C>it pro z<>pis do datab<61>ze
etemplate '%1' written to '%2' etemplate cs e<>ablona '%1' zaps<70>na do '%2'
etemplate editor etemplate cs Editor e<>ablon
etemplate reference etemplate cs Referen<65>n<EFBFBD> p<><70>ru<72>ka e<>ablon
etemplate tutorial etemplate cs V<>uka e<>ablon
exchange this row with the one above etemplate cs zam<61>nit tento <20><>dek s <20><>dkem nad n<>m
exchange this two columns etemplate cs zam<61>nit tyto dva sloupce
export the loaded etemplate into a xml-file etemplate cs exportovat na<6E>tenou e<>ablonu do XML souboru
export xml etemplate cs Exportovat XML
extensions loaded: etemplate cs Na<4E>ten<65> roz<6F><7A><EFBFBD>en<65>:
field etemplate cs Polo<6C>ka
field must not be empty !!! etemplate cs Polo<6C>ka nesm<73> b<>t pr<70>zdn<64> !!!
file etemplate cs Soubor
file contains more than one etemplate, last one is shown !!! etemplate cs Soubor obsahuje v<>ce jak jednu e<>ablonu, zobrazena je posledn<64> !!!
file writen etemplate cs Soubor zaps<70>n
fileupload etemplate cs Upload souboru
first etemplate cs Prvn<76>
floating point etemplate cs Plovouc<75> desetinn<6E> <20><>rka
foreign key etemplate cs Ciz<69> kl<6B><6C>
formatted text (html) etemplate cs Form<72>tovan<61> text (HTML)
go to the first entry etemplate cs j<>t na prvn<76> z<>znam
go to the last entry etemplate cs j<>t na posledn<64> z<>znam
go to the next page of entries etemplate cs j<>t na dal<61><6C> str<74>nku z<>znam<61>
go to the previous page of entries etemplate cs j<>t na p<>edchoz<6F> str<74>nku z<>znam<61>
grid etemplate cs M<><4D><EFBFBD>ka
grid column attributes etemplate cs Atributy sloupc<70> ve m<><6D><EFBFBD>ce
grid row attributes etemplate cs Atributy <20><>dk<64> ve m<><6D><EFBFBD>ce
groupbox etemplate cs R<>me<6D>ek skupiny
hbox etemplate cs Vodorovn<76> r<>me<6D>ek
height etemplate cs V<><56>ka
height of row (in % or pixel) etemplate cs v<><76>ka <20><>dku (v % nebo pixelech)
height of row (in % or pixel), disable row: [! = not]<value>[=<check>] eg: '!@data' disable row if content of data is empty etemplate cs v<><76>ka <20><>dku (v % nebo pixelech), zak<61>z<EFBFBD>n<EFBFBD> <20><>dku: [! = not]<hodnota>[=<kontrola>] nap<61>.: '!@data' zak<61><6B>e <20><>dek pokud obsah data je pr<70>zdn<64>
height of the table in % or pixels for the table-tag and (optional) div etemplate cs V<><56>ka tabulky v % nebo pixelech pro tag tabulky a (voliteln<6C>) div
height, disabled etemplate cs V<><56>ka, vypnuto
help etemplate cs N<>pov<6F>da
history log etemplate cs Protokol historie
horizontal rule etemplate cs Vodorovn<76> prav<61>tko
hour etemplate cs Hodina
hours etemplate cs hodin
how many entries should the list show etemplate cs Kolik z<>znam<61> m<> seznam zobrazovat
html etemplate cs HTML
if field is disabled an empty table-cell is displayed, for (temporal) removement of a field/cell etemplate cs pokud je polo<6C>ka zak<61>zan<61>, je zobrazena pr<70>zdn<64> bu<62>ka tabulky pro (do<64>asn<73>) odstran<61>n<EFBFBD> polo<6C>ky/bu<62>ky
image etemplate cs Obr<62>zek
import etemplate cs Importovat
import an etemplate from a xml-file etemplate cs importovat e<>ablonu z XML souboru
import table-definitions from existing db-table etemplate cs Importovat definice tabulky ze stavaj<61>c<EFBFBD> datab<61>zov<6F> tabulky
import xml etemplate cs Importovat XML
increment version to not overwrite the existing template etemplate cs zvy<76>te <20><>slo verze, aby nedo<64>lo k p<>eps<70>n<EFBFBD> st<73>vaj<61>c<EFBFBD> <20>ablony
index/name of returned content (name of the template, link / method for image) etemplate cs index/n<>zev vr<76>cen<65>ho obsahu (n<>zev <20>ablony, odkaz/metoda pro obr<62>zek)
indexed etemplate cs Indexovan<61>
indexoptions etemplate cs Volby indexu
insert a column before etemplate cs vlo<6C>it sloupec p<>ed
insert a column behind etemplate cs vlo<6C>it sloupec za
insert a row above etemplate cs vlo<6C>it <20><>dek nad
insert a row below etemplate cs vlo<6C>it <20><>dek pod
insert a widget before etemplate cs vlo<6C>it widget p<>ed
insert a widget behind etemplate cs vlo<6C>it widget za
insert new column behind this one etemplate cs vlo<6C>it nov<6F> sloupec za tento
insert new column in front of all etemplate cs vlo<6C>it nov<6F> sloupec p<>ed v<>echny ostatn<74>
insert new row after this one etemplate cs vlo<6C>it nov<6F> <20><>dek za tento
insert new row in front of first line etemplate cs vlo<6C>it nov<6F> <20><>dek p<>ed prvn<76> <20><>dek
integer etemplate cs Cel<65> <20><>slo
key etemplate cs Kl<4B><6C>
label etemplate cs Jmenovka
label:[bold][italic] text:[len][,max] numbers:[min][,[max][,len]] t.area:[rows][,cols] radiob.:value h.rule:[width] templ.:[indexincontent] select:[multiselect] date:[values: eg. 'y-m-d'] etemplate cs Jmenovka:[bold][italic] Text:[len][,max] <20><>sla:[min][,[max][,len]] Textov<6F> oblast:[rows][,cols] P<>ep<65>nac<61> tla<6C><61>tko:value Vodorovn<76> prav<61>tko:[width] <20>ablona:[IndexInContent] V<>b<EFBFBD>r:[multiselect] Datum:[hodnoty: nap<61>. 'Y-m-d']
lang etemplate cs Jazyk
language-short (eg. 'en' for english) for language-dependent template ('' reads your pref. languages or the default, us 'default' to read the default template '') etemplate cs zkratka jazyka (nap<61>. 'en' u angli<6C>tiny) pro jazykov<6F> z<>vislou <20>ablonu ('' na<6E>te Va<56>e p<>edvolen<65> jazyky nebo v<>choz<6F>, pou<6F>ijte 'v<>choz<6F>' pro na<6E>ten<65> v<>choz<6F> <20>ablony '')
last etemplate cs Posledn<64>
left etemplate cs Lev<65>
length for char+varchar, precisions int: 2, 4, 8 and float: 4, 8 etemplate cs d<>lka pro char+varchar, p<>esnost cel<65>ch <20><>sel: 2, 4, 8 a desetinn<6E>ch: 4, 8
link etemplate cs Odkaz
linkapps etemplate cs Odkaz na aplikace
linkentry etemplate cs Z<>znam odkazu
linklist etemplate cs Seznam odkaz<61>
linkstring etemplate cs <09>et<65>zec odkazu
linkto etemplate cs Odkaz na
load this template into the editor etemplate cs Na<4E><61>st tuto <20>ablonu do editoru
middle etemplate cs Prost<73>edn<64>
minute etemplate cs Minuta
minutes etemplate cs minut
month etemplate cs M<>s<EFBFBD>c
multicolumn indices etemplate cs V<>cesloupcov<6F> indexy
name etemplate cs Jm<4A>no
name of other table where column is a key from etemplate cs n<>zev jin<69> tabulky kde je skoupec kl<6B><6C>em
name of phpgw-template set (e.g. verdilak): '' = default (will read pref. template, us 'default' to read default template '') etemplate cs n<>zev skupiny <20>ablon z phpgw (nap<61>. verdilak): '' = v<>choz<6F> (na<6E>te p<>edvolenou <20>ablonu, pou<6F>ijte 'v<>choz<6F>' pro na<6E>ten<65> v<>choz<6F> <20>ablony '')
name of table to add etemplate cs N<>zev tabulky, kter<65> se m<> p<>idat
name of the etemplate, should be in form application.function[.subtemplate] etemplate cs n<>zev e<>ablony, m<>l by b<>t ve tvaru aplikace.funkce.[.pod<6F>ablona]
need to be unique in the table and no reseved word from sql, best prefix all with a common 2-digit short for the app, eg. 'et_' etemplate cs mus<75> b<>t unik<69>tn<74> v r<>mci tabulky a nesm<73> b<>t rezervovan<61>m slovem SQL, nejlep<65><70> je v<>echny opat<61>it spole<6C>nou dvoup<75>smennou zkratkou aplikace, nap<61>. 'et_'
new search etemplate cs Nov<6F> hled<65>n<EFBFBD>
new table created etemplate cs Nov<6F> tabulka vytvo<76>ena
newer version '%1' exists !!! etemplate cs existuje nov<6F>j<EFBFBD><6A> verze '%1' !!!
nextmatch etemplate cs Nextmatch (Dal<61><6C> shoda)
nextmatch accountfilter etemplate cs Dal<61><6C> shoda s filtrem <20><>t<EFBFBD>
nextmatch custom filterheader etemplate cs Dal<61><6C> shoda s u<>ivatelsk<73>m filtrem z<>hlav<61>
nextmatch filterheader etemplate cs Dal<61><6C> shoda s filtrem z<>hlav<61>
nextmatch header etemplate cs Dal<61><6C> shoda z<>hlav<61>
nextmatch sortheader etemplate cs Dal<61><6C> shoda set<65><74>d<EFBFBD>n<EFBFBD>ho z<>hlav<61>
no column to swap with !!! etemplate cs nen<65> sloupec, za kter<65> se d<> prohodit !!!
no file etemplate cs <09><>dn<64> soubor
no filename given or selected via browse... etemplate cs nebyl zad<61>n n<>zev souboru ani vybr<62>n p<>es Proch<63>zet
no row to swap with !!! etemplate cs nen<65> <20><>dek, za kter<65> se d<> prohodit !!!
not null etemplate cs NEN<45> NULL
nothing etemplate cs nic
nothing found - try again !!! etemplate cs Nic nenalezeno - zkuste znovu !!!
nothing in clipboard to paste !!! etemplate cs v clipboardu nen<65> nic ke vlo<6C>en<65> !!!
nothing matched search criteria !!! etemplate cs Zadan<61>mu krit<69>riu hled<65>n<EFBFBD> nic neodpov<6F>d<EFBFBD> !!!
number of colums the field/cell should span or 'all' for the remaining columns, css-class name (for the td tag) etemplate cs po<70>et sloupc<70>, p<>es kter<65> se m<> pole/bu<62>ka rozt<7A>hnout nebo 'all' pro zb<7A>vaj<61>c<EFBFBD> sloupce, jm<6A>no CSS t<><74>dy (pro tag TD)
number of rows/cols in a v/hbox, cellpadding, cellspacing etemplate cs po<70>et <20><>dk<64>/sloupc<70> ve Svisl<73>m/Vodorovn<76>m r<>me<6D>ku, vzd<7A>lenost mezi bu<62>kou a jej<65>m obsahem, vzd<7A>lenost mezi bu<62>kami
of etemplate cs z
onchange etemplate cs onChange (p<>i zm<7A>n<EFBFBD>)
onclick etemplate cs onClick (p<>i kliknut<75>)
only an other version found !!! etemplate cs na<6E>la se jen jin<69> verze !!!
open the online help. etemplate cs Otev<65>it online n<>pov<6F>du.
operator etemplate cs Oper<65>tor
optional note about the link etemplate cs voliteln<6C> pozn<7A>mka o odkazu
options etemplate cs Volby
order to navigating by tab key through the form etemplate cs Po<50>ad<61> v navigaci fomul<75><6C>em pomoc<6F> kl<6B>vesy tabul<75>tor
overflow etemplate cs P<>ete<74>en<65>
padding etemplate cs Odsazen<65>
parent is a '%1' !!! etemplate cs nad<61>azen<65> je '%1' !!!
paste etemplate cs Vlo<6C>it
path etemplate cs Cesta
please enter table-name first !!! etemplate cs Zadejte pros<6F>m nejprve n<>zev tabulky !!!
pm etemplate cs pm
popup etemplate cs P<>ekr<6B>vac<61>
precision etemplate cs P<>esnost
primary key etemplate cs Prim<69>rn<72> kl<6B><6C>
primary key for the table, gets automaticaly indexed etemplate cs Prim<69>rn<72> kl<6B><6C> tabulky, je automaticky indexov<6F>n
radiobutton etemplate cs P<>ep<65>nac<61> tla<6C><61>tko
read etemplate cs <09><>st
read a list of entries. etemplate cs Na<4E><61>st seznam z<>znam<61>
read a single entry by passing the id and fieldlist. etemplate cs Na<4E><61>st jednotliv<69> z<>znam zad<61>n<EFBFBD>m jeho id a seznamu pol<6F>
read etemplate from database (for the keys above) etemplate cs na<6E><61>st e<>ablonu z datab<61>ze (pro v<><76>e uveden<65> kl<6B><6C>e)
readonly etemplate cs jen pro <20>ten<65>
remove row (can not be undone!!!) etemplate cs odstranit <20><>dek (nelze vr<76>tit zp<7A>t!!!)
remove this link (not the entry itself) etemplate cs Odstranit tento odkaz (ne cel<65> z<>znam)
returns savely, without deleting etemplate cs vr<76>t<EFBFBD> bezpe<70>n<EFBFBD> zp<7A>t, BEZ smaz<61>n<EFBFBD>
right etemplate cs Prav<61>
row... etemplate cs <09><>dek...
save selected columns as default preference for all users. etemplate cs Ulo<6C>it vybran<61> sloupce jako v<>choz<6F> p<>edvolbu pro v<>echny u<>ivatele.
save the changes made and close the window etemplate cs Ulo<6C>it proveden<65> zm<7A>ny a zav<61><76>t okno
save the etemplate under the above keys (name, ...), change them for a saveas etemplate cs ulo<6C>it e<>ablonu pod v<><76>e uveden<65>mi kl<6B><6C>i (n<>zev, ...), zm<7A>nit je pro Ulo<6C>it jako
saves changes to etemplate cs ulo<6C><6F> zm<7A>ny do
saves the template with given version number and closes the window etemplate cs ulo<6C><6F> <20>ablonu s dan<61>m <20><>slem verze a zav<61>e okno
scale etemplate cs <09>k<EFBFBD>la
scale for float etemplate cs <09>k<EFBFBD>la pro plovouc<75>
search etemplate cs Hledat
select a category etemplate cs vybrat kategorii
select a primary contact, to show in the list etemplate cs Vybrat prim<69>rn<72> kontakt, kter<65> m<> b<>t zobrazen v seznamu
select access etemplate cs Vybrat p<><70>stup
select account etemplate cs Vybrat <20><>et
select an app first !!! etemplate cs Vyberte nejprve aplikaci !!!
select an app to search in etemplate cs Vybrat aplikaci k prohled<65>n<EFBFBD>
select an application etemplate cs Vybrat aplikaci
select an application, (*) = uninstalled etemplate cs Vybrat aplikaci, (*) = nenainstalovan<61>
select an entry to link with etemplate cs Vybrat z<>znam, na kter<65> se m<> odkazovat
select an table of the application etemplate cs Vybrat tabulku aplikace
select application etemplate cs Vybrat aplikaci
select application to search etemplate cs Vybrat aplikaci k prohled<65>n<EFBFBD>
select category etemplate cs Vybrat kategorii
select columns etemplate cs Vybrat sloupce
select country etemplate cs Vybrat zemi
select day etemplate cs Vybrat den
select day of week etemplate cs vybrat den v t<>dnu
select entry etemplate cs Vybrat z<>znam
select hour etemplate cs Vybrat hodinu
select if content of field should not be translated (label gets always translated) etemplate cs vyberte pokud nem<65> b<>t obsah pole p<>elo<6C>en (jmenovka je p<>elo<6C>ena v<>dy)
select language etemplate cs Vybrat jazyk
select month etemplate cs Vybrat m<>s<EFBFBD>c
select number etemplate cs Vybrat <20><>slo
select one ... etemplate cs Vybrat jeden ...
select percentage etemplate cs Vybrat procento
select priority etemplate cs Vybrat prioritu
select state etemplate cs Vybrat st<73>t
select the columns to display in the list etemplate cs Vybrat sloupce, kter<65> maj<61> b<>t zobrazeny v seznamu
select the indexed columns in their desired order etemplate cs Vybrat indexovan<61> sloupce v po<70>adovan<61>m po<70>ad<61>
select this etemplate to delete it etemplate cs vybrat tuto e<>ablonu ke smaz<61>n<EFBFBD>
select which accounts to show etemplate cs vybrat <20><>ty ke zobrazen<65>
select which values to show etemplate cs vybrat hodnoty ke zobrazen<65>
select year etemplate cs Vybrat rok
selectbox etemplate cs Rozbalovac<61> nab<61>dka
sets today as date etemplate cs nastav<61> dne<6E>ek jako datum
should the form be submitted or any custom javascript be executed etemplate cs M<> b<>t odesl<73>n formul<75><6C> nebo spu<70>t<EFBFBD>n libovoln<6C> u<>ivatelsk<73> javaskript
show etemplate cs Zobrazit
show (no save) etemplate cs Zobrazit (neukl<6B>dat)
show values etemplate cs Zobrazit hodnoty
showing etemplate cs zobrazuji
shows / allows you to enter values into the etemplate for testing etemplate cs zobraz<61> / umo<6D>n<EFBFBD> V<>m zadat hodnoty do e<>ablony pro testov<6F>n<EFBFBD>
shows/displays etemplate for testing, does not save it before etemplate cs zobraz<61> e<>ablonu pro testov<6F>n<EFBFBD>, p<>edt<64>m j<> NEukl<6B>d<EFBFBD>
spacing etemplate cs Rozestupy
span etemplate cs Rozta<74>en<65>
span, class etemplate cs Rozta<74>en<65>, T<><54>da
stack etemplate cs Z<>sobn<62>k
start a new search, cancel this link etemplate cs za<7A><61>t nov<6F> hled<65>n<EFBFBD>, zru<72>it tento odkaz
start new search for the above pattern etemplate cs za<7A><61>t nov<6F> hled<65>n<EFBFBD> pro v<><76>e uveden<65> v<>raz
submit form etemplate cs odeslat formul<75><6C>
submitbutton etemplate cs Tla<6C>itko pro odesl<73>n<EFBFBD>
swap etemplate cs prohodit
swap widget with next one etemplate cs prohodit widget s n<>sleduj<75>c<EFBFBD>m
swap with next column etemplate cs prohodit s n<>sleduj<75>c<EFBFBD>m sloupcem
swap with next row etemplate cs prohodit s n<>sleduj<75>c<EFBFBD>m <20><>dkem
switch to a parent widget etemplate cs p<>epnout na nad<61><64>zen<65> widget
switch to an other widgets of that container etemplate cs p<>epnout na jin<69> widgety v dan<61>m kontejneru
tabindex etemplate cs Index tabulek
table unchanged, no write necessary !!! etemplate cs Tabulka se nezm<7A>nila, z<>pis nen<65> zapot<6F>eb<65> !!!
tablename etemplate cs N<>zev tabulky
tabs etemplate cs Z<>lo<6C>ky
template etemplate cs <09>ablona
template deleted etemplate cs <09>ablona smaz<61>na
template saved etemplate cs <09>ablona ulo<6C>ena
text etemplate cs Text
textarea etemplate cs Textov<6F> oblast
this text gets displayed if the input-field is empty and has no focus (blur) etemplate cs tento text se zobraz<61>, pokud je vstupn<70> pole pr<70>zdn<64> a nem<65> fokus
time etemplate cs <09>as
to disable: [! = not]<value>[=<check>] eg: '!@data' disables if content of data is empty etemplate cs pro z<>kaz: [! = not]<hodnota>[=<kontrola>] nap<61>.: '!@data' zak<61><6B>e pokud obsah data je pr<70>zdn<64>
to start the db-tools etemplate cs pro start datab<61>zov<6F>ch n<>stroj<6F>
to start the etemplate editor etemplate cs pro start editoru e<>ablon
to start the search etemplate cs pro start hled<65>n<EFBFBD>
today etemplate cs Dnes
top etemplate cs Horn<72> okraj
type etemplate cs Typ
type of the column etemplate cs typ sloupce
type of the field (select label if field should be empty) etemplate cs typ pole (vyberte Jmenovku, pokud m<> b<>t pole pr<70>zdn<64>)
unique etemplate cs Unik<69>tn<74>
unlink etemplate cs Zru<72>it odkaz
update a single entry by passing the fields. etemplate cs Aktualizovat z<>znam vypln<6C>n<EFBFBD>m polo<6C>ek.
update from version '%s' to etemplate cs Aktualizovat z verze '%s' na
upload etemplate cs Uploadovat
valign etemplate cs svisl<73> zarovn<76>n<EFBFBD>
value etemplate cs Hodnota
value has to be at least '%1' !!! etemplate cs Hodnota mus<75> b<>t nejm<6A>n<EFBFBD> '%1' !!!
value has to be at maximum '%1' !!! etemplate cs Hodnota mus<75> b<>t nejv<6A><76>e '%1' !!!
vbox etemplate cs Svisl<73> r<>me<6D>ek
version etemplate cs Verze
version-number, should be in the form: major.minor.revision.number (eg. all numbers filled up with zeros) etemplate cs <09><>slo verze, m<>lo b<>t m<>t podobu: hlavn<76>.vedlej<65><6A>.revize.<2E><>slo (nap<61>. v<>echna <20><>sla dopln<6C>n<EFBFBD> nulami)
vertical alignment of row etemplate cs svisl<73> zarovn<76>n<EFBFBD> <20><>dku
view this etemplate etemplate cs zobrazit tuto e<>ablonu
view this linked entry in its application etemplate cs zobrazit odkazovan<61> z<>znam v jeho aplikaci
weekend etemplate cs v<>kend
what happens with overflowing content: visible (default), hidden, scroll, auto (browser decides) etemplate cs co se stane s p<>et<65>kaj<61>c<EFBFBD>m obsahem: viditeln<6C> (v<>choz<6F>), skryt<79>,rolovat,auto(rozhoduje prohl<68><6C>e<EFBFBD>)
widget copied into clipboard etemplate cs widget zkop<6F>rovan<61> do klipboradu
width etemplate cs <09><><EFBFBD>ka
width of col (in % or pixel), disable col: [! = not]<value>[=<check>] eg: '!@data' disable col if content of data is empty etemplate cs <09><><EFBFBD>ka sloupce (v % nebo pixelech), zak<61>zat sloupec: [! = not]<hodnota>[=<kontrola>] nap<61>.: '!@data' zak<61>zat sloupec pokud je obsah data pr<70>zdn<64>
width of column (in % or pixel) etemplate cs <09><><EFBFBD>ka sloupce (v % nebo pixelech)
width of the table in % or pixels for the table-tag and (optional) div etemplate cs <09><><EFBFBD>ka tabulky (v % nebo pixelech) pro tag tabulky a (voliteln<6C>) div
width, disabled etemplate cs <09><><EFBFBD>ka, vypnuto
working days etemplate cs pracovn<76> dny
write <app>/setup/ etemplate cs Zapsat <app>/setup/
write langfile etemplate cs Zapsat jazykov<6F> soubor
write tables etemplate cs Zapsat tabulky
writes a '' file (for application in name) in the setup-dir of the app etemplate cs zap<61><70>e soubor '' (pro aplikaci v N<>zvu) do setup adres<65><73>e aplikace
xml-file to import etemplate cs XML soubor pro import
xslt template etemplate cs XSLT <20>ablona
year etemplate cs Rok