
53 lines
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2 month ago timesheet cs P<>ed 2 m<>s<EFBFBD>ci
2 years ago timesheet cs P<>ed 2 roky
3 years ago timesheet cs P<>ed 3 roky
2007-04-19 23:19:06 +02:00
actions timesheet cs Akce
all projects timesheet cs V<>echny projekty
both: allow to use projectmanager and free project-names admin cs Oboj<6F>: povolit pou<6F>it<69> Spr<70>vce projekt<6B> i libovoln<6C>ch n<>zv<7A> projekt<6B>
by timesheet cs od
2007-04-19 23:19:06 +02:00
create new links timesheet cs Vytvo<76>it nov<6F> odkazy
creating new entry timesheet cs vytv<74><76><EFBFBD>m nov<6F> z<>znam
2007-04-19 23:19:06 +02:00
delete this entry timesheet cs Smazat tento z<>znam
edit this entry timesheet cs Editovat tento z<>znam
empty if identical to duration timesheet cs pr<70>zdn<64> pokud se shoduje s d<>lkou trv<72>n<EFBFBD>
2007-04-19 23:19:06 +02:00
end timesheet cs Konec
entry deleted timesheet cs Z<>znam smaz<61>n
entry saved timesheet cs Z<>znam ulo<6C>en
error deleting the entry!!! timesheet cs Chyba p<>i maz<61>n<EFBFBD> z<>znamu!!!
error saving the entry!!! timesheet cs Chyba p<>i ukl<6B>d<EFBFBD>n<EFBFBD> z<>znamu!!!
existing links timesheet cs St<53>vaj<61>c<EFBFBD> odkazy
full: use only projectmanager admin cs Pln<6C>: pou<6F><75>t jen Spr<70>vce projekt<6B>
general timesheet cs Obecn<63>
last modified timesheet cs Naposledy zm<7A>n<EFBFBD>no
last month timesheet cs Minul<75> m<>s<EFBFBD>c
last week timesheet cs Minul<75> t<>den
last year timesheet cs Minul<75> rok
leave it empty for a full week timesheet cs Ponechte pr<70>zdn<64> pro cel<65> t<>den
2007-04-19 23:19:06 +02:00
links timesheet cs Odkazy
no details timesheet cs Bez detail<69>
no project timesheet cs <09><>dn<64> projekt
none: use only free project-names admin cs <09><>dn<64>: pou<6F><75>vat jen libovoln<6C> n<>zvy projekt<6B>
or endtime timesheet cs nebo Koncov<6F> <20>as
permission denied!!! timesheet cs P<><50>stup zam<61>tnut!!!
2007-04-19 23:19:06 +02:00
price timesheet cs Cena
projectmanager integration admin cs Integrace se Spr<70>vcem projekt<6B>
2007-04-19 23:19:06 +02:00
quantity timesheet cs Mno<6E>stv<74>
save & new timesheet cs Ulo<6C>it a Nov<6F>
saves the changes made timesheet cs Ulo<6C><6F> proveden<65> zm<7A>ny
saves this entry and add a new one timesheet cs Ulo<6C><6F> aktu<74>ln<6C> z<>znam a p<>id<69> nov<6F>
select a price timesheet cs Vybrat cenu
select a project timesheet cs Vybrat projekt
2007-04-19 23:19:06 +02:00
start timesheet cs Za<5A><61>tek
starttime timesheet cs Po<50><6F>te<74>n<EFBFBD> <20>as
starttime has to be before endtime !!! timesheet cs Po<50><6F>te<74>n<EFBFBD> <20>as mus<75> p<>edch<63>zet <20>asu ukon<6F>en<65> !!!
sum %1: timesheet cs Sou<6F>et %1:
2007-04-19 23:19:06 +02:00
this month timesheet cs Tento m<>s<EFBFBD>c
this week timesheet cs Tento t<>den
this year timesheet cs Tento rok
timesheet common cs Harmonogram
unitprice timesheet cs Jednotkov<6F> cena
view this entry timesheet cs Zobrazit tento z<>znam
2007-04-19 23:19:06 +02:00
week timesheet cs T<>den
yesterday timesheet cs V<>era
your database is not up to date (%1 vs. %2), please run %3setup%4 to update your database. timesheet cs Va<56>e datab<61>ze NEN<45> aktu<74>ln<6C> (%1 vs. %2), spus<75>te pros<6F>m %3setup%4 a zaktualizujte Va<56><61> datab<61>zi.