egroupware/addressbook/conv/Debug LDAP

253 lines
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// This file defines a set of functions and an associative array.
// The key of the array corresponds to a header in the source
// outlook file and the value of the array item will be used in
// the creation of the output file.
// An exported Outlook file looks like this:
// Title<tab>First Name<tab>Middle Name<tab>Last Name<tab>...
// <tab>Patrick<tab><tab>Walsh<tab>...
// Where the first line explains each optional field. This is what
// will be looked up in the key.
// The array need not be in any order and any fields not defined will
// not be transferred. If the val='+', the value will be appended to
// the previous field and any text after the '+' will be appended
// before the value. For example, the following would add a comma and
// a space between LastName and FirstName and store it in FullName:
// array("LastName" => "FullName","FirstName" => "+, ");
// Also start with a '#' symbol and a comma separated list will be
// turned into a number of the same entries.
class outlook_conv {
var $basedn;
var $contactsdn;
var $sn; //these two vars will be used in
var $o; //building a dn field.
var $givenName; //this is used in building a cn field
var $currentrecord; //used for buffering to allow uid lines to go first
var $outlook = array(
"Title" => "",
"First Name" => "givenName",
"Middle Name" => "",
"Last Name" => "sn",
"Suffix" => "",
"Company" => "o", //objectclass: organization
"Department" => "ou", //objectclass: organizationalPerson
"Job Title" => "title", //objectclass: organizationalPerson
"Business Street" => "postalAddress",
"Business Street 2" => "",
"Business Street 3" => "",
"Business City" => "l",
"Business State" => "st",
"Business Postal Code" => "postalCode",
"Business Country" => "co",
"Home Street" => "homePostalAddress",
"Home City" => "+\n",
"Home State" => "+, ",
"Home Postal Code" => "+ ",
"Home Country" => "+\n",
"Home Street 2" => "",
"Home Street 3" => "",
"Other Street" => "",
"Other City" => "+\n",
"Other State" => "+, ",
"Other Postal Code" => "+ ",
"Other Country" => "+\n",
"Assistant's Phone" => "",
"Business Fax" => "facsimileTelephoneNumber",
"Business Phone" => "telephoneNumber",
"Business Phone 2" => "",
"Callback" => "",
"Car Phone" => "",
"Company Main Phone" => "",
"Home Fax" => "",
"Home Phone" => "homePhone",
"Home Phone 2" => "homePhone", //This will make another homePhone entry
"ISDN" => "",
"Mobile Phone" => "mobile", //newPilotPerson
"Other Fax" => "",
"Other Phone" => "",
"Pager" => "pager",
"Primary Phone" => "",
"Radio Phone" => "",
"TTY/TDD Phone" => "",
"Telex" => "telexNumber", //organization
"Account" => "",
"Anniversary" => "",
"Assistant's Name" => "secretary", //newPilotPerson
"Billing Information" => "",
"Birthday" => "",
"Categories" => "#businessCategory",
"Children" => "",
"Directory Server" => "",
"E-mail Address" => "mail",
"E-mail Display Name" => "",
"E-mail 2 Address" => "otherMailbox",
"E-mail 2 Display Name" => "",
"E-mail 3 Address" => "otherMailbox", //add another...
"E-mail 3 Display Name" => "",
"Gender" => "",
"Government ID Number" => "",
"Hobby" => "",
"Initials" => "",
"Internet Free Busy" => "",
"Keywords" => "",
"Language" => "",
"Location" => "",
"Manager's Name" => "",
"Mileage" => "",
"Notes" => "comment",
"Office Location" => "physicalDeliveryOfficeName",
"Organizational ID Number" => "",
"PO Box" => "postOfficeBox",
"Priority" => "",
"Private Profession" => "",
"Referred By" => "",
"Sensitivity" => "",
"Spouse" => "",
"User 1" => "",
"User 2" => "",
"User 3" => "",
"User 4" => "",
"Web Page" => "");
function outlook_start_file($buffer,$basedn="",$context="") {
# Here are some tests for correct basedn and Contacts context.
# If none of these are correct, ldap_add will fail, but at least
# we can give them a fighting chance.
if (!empty($basedn) && empty($context)) {
# Oops, no context, try a default
$context = "ou=Contacts,".$basedn;
} elseif (empty($basedn) && !empty($context)) {
# Oops, no basedn, try this one
$work = split(",",$context);
for ($i=0;$i<count($work);$i++) {
if($i==0) {
$basedn = $work[$i];
} else {
$basedn = $basedn.$work[$i];
} elseif(empty($basedn) && empty($context)) {
# Wow, create both from known info
$work = split(",",$phpgw_info["server"]["ldap_context"]);
for ($i=0;$i<count($work);$i++) {
if($i==0) {
$basedn = $work[$i];
} else {
$basedn = $basedn.",".$work[$i];
$context = "ou=Contacts,".$basedn;
$this->basedn= $basedn;
$this->contactsdn= $context;
return $buffer;
function outlook_end_file($buffer) {
return $buffer;
function outlook_start_record($buffer) {
global $phpgw_info;
$top="\nobjectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: outlookPerson";
$this->currentrecord = $top;
return $buffer;
function outlook_end_record($buffer,$private="") {
if (trim($this->sn) != "") {
$this->currentrecord = "cn: ".$this->givenName." ".$this->sn.$this->currentrecord;
} else if (trim($this->o) != "") {
$this->currentrecord = "cn: ".$this->o.$this->currentrecord;
} else if (trim($this->givenName)) {
$this->currentrecord = "cn: ".$this->givenName.$this->currentrecord;
} else {
$this->currentrecord = "cn: (unnamed)".$this->currentrecord;
$time = gettimeofday();
$uid = ($this->sn?$this->sn:$this->o);
if (strpos($uid, ",")) {
$uid = str_replace(",", "\,", $uid);
$uid = "\"".$uid."\"";
$uid = time().$time["usec"].":".$uid;
$this->currentrecord = "dn: uid=$uid,".$this->contactsdn."\nuid: $uid"."\n".$this->currentrecord;
while ($pos = strpos($this->currentrecord, "|br x=y/|")) {
$startline = strrpos(substr($this->currentrecord,0,$pos), "\n");
if ($startline == "") {$startline = 0;}
$startattrib = strpos($this->currentrecord, ":", $startline) + 1;
$endline = strpos($this->currentrecord, "\n", $startattrib);
if ($endline == "") { $endline = strlen($this->currentrecord); }
$attrib = str_replace("|br x=y/|", "\r\n", substr($this->currentrecord, $startattrib + 1, $endline - $startattrib - 1));
$this->currentrecord = substr($this->currentrecord, 0, $startattrib).": ".base64_encode($attrib).substr($this->currentrecord, $endline);
return $buffer.$this->currentrecord."\n\n";
function outlook_new_attrib($buffer,$name,$value) {
if ($name == "sn") {
$this->sn = $value;
if ($name == "o") {
$this->o = $value;
if ($name == "givenName") {
$this->givenName = $value;
$value = str_replace("\n","|br x=y/|",$value);
$name = str_replace("\n","|br x=y/|",$name);
$value = str_replace("\r","",$value);
$name = str_replace("\r","",$name);
switch (substr($name,0,1)) {
case '+':
$this->currentrecord .= substr($name,1).$value;
return $buffer;
case '#':
$data = explode(";",$value);
$num = count($data);
$return = "";
for ( $i=0; $i<$num; $i++ ) {
$return .= "\n".substr($name,1).": $data[$i]";
$this->currentrecord .= $return;
return $buffer;
if ($name == "otherMailbox") {
$this->currentrecord .= "\n$name: smtp\$$value";
} else {
$this->currentrecord .= "\n$name: $value";
return $buffer;