
388 lines
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2009-12-02 20:26:59 +01:00
%1 - %2 of %3 user accounts admin tr %3 kullan<61>c<EFBFBD> hesab<61> aras<61>ndan %1 - %2
%1 - %2 of %3 user groups admin tr %3 kullan<61>c<EFBFBD> grubu aras<61>ndan %1 - %2
%1 not found or not executable !!! admin tr %1 bulunamad<61> veya <20>al<61><6C>t<EFBFBD>r<EFBFBD>lam<61>yor !!!
(stored password will not be shown here) admin tr (Kay<61>tl<74> <20>ifreler burada g<>r<EFBFBD>nt<6E>lenmeyecektir.)
(to install new applications use<br><a href="setup/" target="setup">setup</a> [manage applications] !!!) admin tr (Yeni uygulama y<>klemek i<>in <br><a href="setup/" target="setup">Kurulum</a>u kullan<61>n<EFBFBD>z. !!!)
accesslog and bruteforce defense admin tr Eri<72>im kay<61>tlar<61> ve BruteForce Korumas<61>
account active admin tr Hesap aktif
account has been created common tr Hesap olu<6C>turuldu
account has been deleted common tr Hesap silindi
account has been updated common tr Hesap g<>ncellendi
account list admin tr Hesap listesi
account permissions admin tr Hesap haklar<61>
account preferences admin tr Hesap ayarlar<61>
acl manager admin tr ACL Y<>neticisi
acl rights common tr ACL Haklar<61>
action admin tr Eylem
actions admin tr Eylemler
2009-12-02 20:26:59 +01:00
activate wysiwyg-editor admin tr WYSIWYG edit<69>r<EFBFBD>n<EFBFBD> etkinle<6C>tir
add a category admin tr kategori ekle
add a group admin tr grup ekle
add a new account. admin tr Yeni hesap olu<6C>tur
add a subcategory admin tr Alt-kategori olu<6C>tur
add a user admin tr kullan<61>c<EFBFBD> ekle
add account admin tr Hesap olu<6C>tur
add application admin tr Uygulama ekle
add auto-created users to this group ('default' will be attempted if this is empty.) admin tr Otomatik olu<6C>turulmu<6D> kullan<61>c<EFBFBD>lar<61> bu gruba ekle (Buras<61> bo<62> olursa 'Varsay<61>lan' se<73>ene<6E>i kullan<61>lacakt<6B>r.)
add global category admin tr Genel kategori ekle
add global category for %1 admin tr %1 i<>in genel kategori ekle
add group admin tr Grup ekle
add new account admin tr Yeni hesap ekle
add new application admin tr Yeni uygulama ekle
add peer server admin tr Peer sunucusu ekle
add sub-category admin tr Alt-kategori ekle
admin email admin tr Y<>netici e-mail
admin email addresses (comma-separated) to be notified about the blocking (empty for no notify) admin tr Engelleme i<>lemi hakk<6B>nda y<>netici e-mail adresleri (virg<72>lle ayr<79>lm<6C><6D>) haberdar edilecektir.
admin name admin tr Y<>netici <20>smi
administration admin tr Y<>netim
admins admin tr Y<>neticiler
after how many unsuccessful attempts to login, an account should be blocked (default 3) ? admin tr Ka<4B> tane ba<62>ar<61>s<EFBFBD>z sistem giri<72>inden sonra bir hesap engellenecektir (varsay<61>lan 3) ?
after how many unsuccessful attempts to login, an ip should be blocked (default 3) ? admin tr Ka<4B> tane ba<62>ar<61>s<EFBFBD>z sistem giri<72>inden sonra IP engellenecektir (varsay<61>lan 3) ?
all records and account information will be lost! admin tr B<>t<EFBFBD>n kay<61>tlar ve hesap bilgileri kaybedilecektir!
all users admin tr T<>m Kullan<61>c<EFBFBD>lar
allow anonymous access to this app admin tr Bu uygulamaya anonim giri<72>e izin ver
anonymous user admin tr Anonim kullan<61>c<EFBFBD>
anonymous user (not shown in list sessions) admin tr Anonim kullan<61>c<EFBFBD> (oturum listesinde g<>r<EFBFBD>nt<6E>lenmeyecektir.)
appearance admin tr G<>r<EFBFBD>n<EFBFBD>m
application admin tr Uygulama
application name admin tr Uygulama Ad<41>
application title admin tr Uygulama Ba<42>l<EFBFBD><6C><EFBFBD>
applications admin tr Uygulamalar
applications list admin tr Uygulama Listesi
are you sure you want to delete the application %1 ? admin tr %1 isimli uygulamay<61> silmek istedi<64>inize emin misiniz?
are you sure you want to delete this account ? admin tr Bu hesab<61> silmek istedi<64>inize emin misiniz ?
are you sure you want to delete this application ? admin tr Bu uygulamay<61> silmek istedi<64>inize emin misiniz ?
are you sure you want to delete this category ? common tr Bu kategoriyi silmek istedi<64>inize emin misiniz ?
are you sure you want to delete this global category ? admin tr Bu genel kategoriyi silmek istedi<64>inize emin misiniz?
are you sure you want to delete this group ? admin tr Bu grubu silmek istedi<64>inize emin misiniz?
are you sure you want to delete this server? admin tr Bu sunucuyu silmek istedi<64>inize emin misiniz?
are you sure you want to kill this session ? admin tr Bu oturumu silmek istedi<64>inize emin misiniz?
async services last executed admin tr Son <20>al<61><6C>t<EFBFBD>r<EFBFBD>lan asenkron servisler
asynchronous timed services admin tr Asenkron zamanl<6E> servisler
asyncservices not yet installed or other error (%1) !!! admin tr asenkron servisler kurulu de<64>il ya da ba<62>ka hata (%1) !!!
attempt to use correct mimetype for ftp instead of default 'application/octet-stream' admin tr FTP i<>in 'application/octet-stream' yerine do<64>ru mimetype kullan<61>n<EFBFBD>z.
authentication / accounts admin tr Do<44>rulama / Hesaplar
auto create account records for authenticated users admin tr Giri<72> yapan kullan<61>c<EFBFBD>lar i<>in kay<61>t tut.
back to the list admin tr listeye geri d<>n
bi-dir passthrough admin tr <09>ift-y<>n i<>i<EFBFBD>e
bi-directional admin tr <09>ift y<>nl<6E>
bottom admin tr taban
calculate next run admin tr SIradaki <20>al<61><6C>t<EFBFBD>rmay<61> hesapla
can change password admin tr <09>ifre de<64>i<EFBFBD>tirebilir
cancel testjob! admin tr Test g<>revini iptal et!
categories list admin tr Kategori listesi
category %1 has been saved ! admin tr Kategori %1 kaydedildi !
category list admin tr Kategori listesi
change acl rights admin tr ACL haklar<61>n<EFBFBD> de<64>i<EFBFBD>tir
change config settings admin tr Sistem ayarlar<61>n<EFBFBD> de<64>i<EFBFBD>tir
change main screen message admin tr Ana ekran mesaj<61>n<EFBFBD> de<64>i<EFBFBD>tir
check ip address of all sessions admin tr B<>t<EFBFBD>n oturumlar<61>n IP'leri kontrol et
check items to <b>%1</b> to %2 for %3 admin tr %3 <20>gelerini <b>%1</b>den %2'ye kadar se<73>
click to select a color admin tr Renk se<73>mek i<>in t<>klay<61>n
color admin tr Renk
country admin tr <09>lke
2009-12-02 20:26:59 +01:00
country selection admin tr <09>lke se<73>imi
create group admin tr Grup olu<6C>tur
crontab only (recomended) admin tr crontab sadece (<28>nerilir)
custom fields admin tr <09>zel Alanlar
2009-12-02 20:26:59 +01:00
data admin tr Veri
day admin tr G<>n
day of week<br>(0-6, 0=sun) admin tr Haftan<61>n g<>n<EFBFBD><br>(0-6, 0=Pazar)
default admin tr Varsay<61>lan
default file system space per user admin tr (Varsay<61>lan) Kullan<61>c<EFBFBD> disk alan<61>
default file system space per user/group ? admin tr (Varsay<61>lan) Kullan<61>c<EFBFBD>/Grup disk alan<61>
deinstall crontab admin tr Crontab'<27> kald<6C>r
delete account admin tr Hesab<61> sil
delete all records admin tr T<>m kay<61>tlar<61> sil
delete application admin tr Uygulamay<61> sil
delete category admin tr Kategori sil
delete group admin tr Grup sil
delete peer server admin tr Peer sunucu sil
delete the category admin tr kategoriyi sil
delete the group admin tr grubu sil
delete this category admin tr bu kategoriyi sil
delete this group admin tr bu grubu sil
delete this user admin tr bu kullan<61>c<EFBFBD>y<EFBFBD> kald<6C>r
deleted admin tr Silindi
2009-12-02 20:26:59 +01:00
deny access to access log admin tr Eri<72>im kay<61>tlar<61>na eri<72>mi engelle
deny access to application registery admin tr Uygulama K<>t<EFBFBD><74><EFBFBD>ne eri<72>imi engelle
deny access to applications admin tr Uygulamalara eri<72>imi engelle
deny access to asynchronous timed services admin tr Asenkron zamanl<6E> servislere eri<72>imi engelle
deny access to current sessions admin tr Etkin oturumlara eri<72>imi engelle
deny access to error log admin tr Hata k<>t<EFBFBD><74><EFBFBD>ne eri<72>imi engelle
deny access to global categories admin tr Genel kategorilere eri<72>imi engelle
deny access to groups admin tr Gruplara eri<72>imi engelle
deny access to mainscreen message admin tr Ana ekran mesaj<61>na eri<72>imi engelle
deny access to peer servers admin tr Peer sunucular<61>na eri<72>imi engelle
deny access to phpinfo admin tr phpinfo'ya eri<72>imi engelle
deny access to site configuration admin tr Site ayarlar<61>na eri<72>imi engelle
deny access to user accounts admin tr Kullan<61>c<EFBFBD> hesaplar<61>na eri<72>imi engelle
deny all users access to grant other users access to their entries ? admin tr B<>t<EFBFBD>n kullan<61>c<EFBFBD>lar<61>n di<64>er kullan<61>c<EFBFBD>lar<61>n girdilerine eri<72>imini engelle ?
description can not exceed 255 characters in length ! admin tr A<><41>klama en fazla 255 karakter olabilir !
disable admin tr Engelle
2009-12-02 20:26:59 +01:00
disable "auto completion" of the login form admin tr Sistem giri<72>i "Otomatik tamamla" <20>zelli<6C>ini kullanma
disable wysiwyg-editor admin tr WYSIWYG edit<69>r kullanma
disabled (not recomended) admin tr Kullan<61>lm<6C>yor (<28>nerilmiyor)
display admin tr G<>r<EFBFBD>nt<6E>le
do not delete the category and return back to the list admin tr kategoriyi <b>silme</b> ve listeye geri d<>n
do you also want to delete all global subcategories ? admin tr B<>t<EFBFBD>n genel alt-kategorileri de silmek ister misiniz?
do you want to delete all global subcategories ? admin tr B<>t<EFBFBD>n genel alt-kategorileri silmek ister misiniz?
do you want to move all global subcategories one level down ? admin tr Bir seviye alt b<>t<EFBFBD>n genel alt-kategorileri silmek ister misiniz?
edit account admin tr Hesap d<>zenle
edit application admin tr Uygulama d<>zenle
edit global category admin tr Genel kategori d<>zenle
edit global category for %1 admin tr %1 i<>in genel kategori d<>zenle
edit group admin tr Grup d<>zenle
edit group acl's admin tr Grup ACL ayarlar<61>n<EFBFBD> d<>zenle
edit login screen message admin tr Sistem giri<72> mesaj<61>n<EFBFBD> d<>zenle
edit main screen message admin tr Ana ekran mesaj<61>n<EFBFBD> d<>zenle
edit peer server admin tr Peer Sunucu d<>zenle
edit table format admin tr Tablo d<>zenini d<>zenle
edit this category admin tr bu kategoriyi d<>zenle
edit this group admin tr bu grubu d<>zenle
edit this user admin tr bu kullan<61>c<EFBFBD>y<EFBFBD> d<>zenle
edit user admin tr kullan<61>c<EFBFBD> d<>zenle
edit user account admin tr Kullan<61>c<EFBFBD> hesab<61> d<>zenle
enable admin tr Etkinle<6C>tir
2009-12-02 20:26:59 +01:00
enable debug-messages admin tr Hata ay<61>klama mesajlar<61>n<EFBFBD> etkinle<6C>tir
enabled - hidden from navbar admin tr Etkin - Gezgin <20>ubu<62>unda g<>r<EFBFBD>nmez
enabled - popup window admin tr Etkin - Pop pencere
enter a description for the category admin tr kategori i<>in a<><61>klama giriniz
enter some random text for app_session <br>encryption (requires mcrypt) admin tr app_session i<>in gerekli rastgele bir metin giriniz. (mcrypt i<>in gerekli)
enter the background color for the login page admin tr Sistem giri<72> ekran<61> arkaplan rengi giriniz
enter the background color for the site title admin tr Site ba<62>l<EFBFBD><6C><EFBFBD> i<>in arkaplan rengi giriniz
enter the full path for temporary files.<br>examples: /tmp, c:\temp admin tr Ge<47>ici dosyalar i<>in tam yol giriniz. <br><3E>rnekler: /tmp, C:\TEMP
enter the full path for users and group files.<br>examples: /files, e:\files admin tr Kullan<61>c<EFBFBD> ve grup dosyalar<61> i<>in tam yol giriniz.<br><3E>rnekler: /files, E:\FILES
enter the hostname of the machine on which this server is running admin tr Bu sunucunun <20>al<61><6C>t<EFBFBD><74><EFBFBD> makinan<61>n hostad<61>'n<> giriniz.
enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: &nbsp; or &nbsp; /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin tr eGroupware URL'sini giriniz.<br><3E>rnek: yada /egroupware<br><b>Sonda b<>l<EFBFBD> i<>areti kullanmay<61>n<EFBFBD>z.</b>
enter the search string. to show all entries, empty this field and press the submit button again admin tr Aranacak ifadeyi giriniz. B<>t<EFBFBD>n girdileri g<>stermek i<>in, bu alan<61> bo<62> b<>rak<61>n<EFBFBD>z ve G<>NDER (Submit) butonuna bas<61>n<EFBFBD>z.
enter the site password for peer servers admin tr Peer sunucular i<>in site <20>ifresi giriniz.
enter the site username for peer servers admin tr Peer sunucular i<>in site kullan<61>c<EFBFBD> ad<61> giriniz.
enter the title for your site admin tr Site ba<62>l<EFBFBD><6C><EFBFBD>n<EFBFBD> giriniz.
enter the title of your logo admin tr Logonuzun ba<62>l<EFBFBD><6C><EFBFBD>n<EFBFBD> giriniz.
enter the url or filename (in phpgwapi/templates/default/images) of your logo admin tr Logonuzun URL'sini ya da dosya ad<61>n<EFBFBD> giriniz. (phpgwapi/templates/default/images i<>inde olmal<61>d<EFBFBD>r.)
enter the url where your logo should link to admin tr Logonuz i<>in link giriniz.
enter your default ftp server admin tr Varsay<61>lan FTP sunucusunu giriniz
enter your default mail domain ( from: user@domain ) admin tr Varsay<61>lan mail domain'ini giriniz ( From: kullan<61>c<EFBFBD>@domain )
enter your http proxy server admin tr HTTP Proxy sunucunuzu giriniz.
enter your http proxy server port admin tr HTTP Proxy sunucu portunuzu giriniz.
enter your smtp server hostname or ip address admin tr SMTP sunucu hostname ve IP'nizi giriniz.
enter your smtp server port admin tr SMTP sunucu portunuzu giriniz.
error canceling timer, maybe there's none set !!! admin tr Zamanlay<61>c<EFBFBD>y<EFBFBD> iptal ederken hata olu<6C>tu, hi<68> ayarl<72> olmayabilir !!!
error setting timer, wrong syntax or maybe there's one already running !!! admin tr Zamanlay<61>c<EFBFBD> ayarlarken hata olu<6C>tu, yanl<6E><6C> s<>zdizimi ya da halihaz<61>rda <20>al<61><6C>an bir tane olabilir !!!
error: %1 not found or other error !!! admin tr Hata: %1 bulunam<61>yor ya da ba<62>ka bir hata !!!
expires admin tr Sona Eriyor
fallback (after each pageview) admin tr fallback (her sayfa g<>r<EFBFBD>nt<6E>lemeden sonra)
file space admin tr Dosya Kotas<61>
file space must be an integer admin tr Dosya Kotas<61> tam say<61> olmal<61>d<EFBFBD>r
for the times above admin tr yukar<61>daki zamanlar i<>in
for the times below (empty values count as '*', all empty = every minute) admin tr a<>a<EFBFBD><61>daki zamanlar i<>in (bo<62> de<64>erler '*' yerine ge<67>er, t<>m<EFBFBD> bo<62>=her dakika)
force selectbox admin tr Se<53>imn kurusunu mecburi tut
full name admin tr Tam ?sim
2009-12-02 20:26:59 +01:00
global categories common tr Genel kategoriler
group ? admin tr grup ?
group has been added common tr Grup eklendi
group has been deleted common tr Grup silindi
group has been updated common tr Grup g<>ncellendi
group list admin tr Grup listesi
group manager admin tr Grup Y<>neticisi
group name admin tr Grup <20>smi
hide php information admin tr php bilgisini sakla
home directory admin tr Ev dizini
host information admin tr Host bilgisi
hour<br>(0-23) admin tr Saat<br>(0-23)
how many days should entries stay in the access log, before they get deleted (default 90) ? admin tr Eri<72>im k<>t<EFBFBD>klerindeki kay<61>tlar en fazla ka<6B> g<>nl<6E>k oalcakt<6B>r (varsay<61>lan 90) ?
how many minutes should an account or ip be blocked (default 30) ? admin tr Bir hesap ya da IP ka<6B> dakika engellenmi<6D> kalacakt<6B>r (varsay<61>lan 30) ?
icon admin tr Simge
idle admin tr bo<62>ta
if no acl records for user or any group the user is a member of admin tr ACL kayd<79> olmayan herhangi bir kullan<61>c<EFBFBD>/grup bu grup <20>yesi say<61>lacakt<6B>r
if using ldap, do you want to manage homedirectory and loginshell attributes? admin tr LDAP kullan<61>yorsan<61>z, ev dizini ve eri<72>im ayarlar<61>n<EFBFBD> y<>netmek ister misiniz?
inbound admin tr gelen
install crontab admin tr Crontab y<>kle
installed applications common tr Y<>klenmi<6D> uygulamalar
installed crontab admin tr Y<>klenmi<6D> crontab'lar
interface admin tr Arabirim
ip admin tr IP
jobs admin tr G<>revler
kill admin tr Yoket
kill session admin tr Oturum yoket
last %1 logins admin tr Son %1 giri<72>
last %1 logins for %2 admin tr Son %1 giri<72> [Toplam: %2]
last login admin tr son giri<72>
last login from admin tr son giri<72> yeri
last time read admin tr Son okunan zaman
ldap accounts context admin tr LDAP hesap i<>eri<72>i
ldap default homedirectory prefix (e.g. /home for /home/username) admin tr LDAP varsay<61>lan ev dizini <20>neki ( <20>r: /home/username i<>in /home )
ldap default shell (e.g. /bin/bash) admin tr LDAP varsay<61>lan kabul (<28>r: /bin/bash)
ldap encryption type admin tr LDAP <20>ifreleme tipi
ldap groups context admin tr LDAP grup i<>eri<72>i
ldap host admin tr LDAP hostlar<61>
ldap root password admin tr LDAP y<>netici <20>ifresi
ldap rootdn admin tr LDAP rootdn
leave the category untouched and return back to the list admin tr kategoriye dokunmadan listeye geri d<>n
leave the group untouched and return back to the list admin tr Gruba dokunmadan listeye geri d<>n
list config settings admin tr Ayarlar<61> listele
list current sessions admin tr <09>u anki oturumlar<61> listele
list of current users admin tr <09>u anki kullan<61>c<EFBFBD>lar<61> listele
login history admin tr Giri<72> Kay<61>tlar<61>
2009-12-02 20:26:59 +01:00
login message admin tr Giri<72> mesaj<61>
login screen admin tr Giri<72> ekran<61>
login shell admin tr Giri<72> kabu<62>u
login time admin tr Giri<72> zaman<61>
loginid admin tr Kullan<61>c<EFBFBD> Ad<41>
mail settings admin tr Mail ayarlar<61>
main screen message admin tr Ana ekran mesaj<61>
manager admin tr Y<>netici
maximum account id (e.g. 65535 or 1000000) admin tr Meksimum hesap id'si (<28>r: 65535 ya da 1000000)
maximum entries in click path history admin tr Yol kay<61>tlar<61>ndaki maksimum kay<61>t #
message has been updated admin tr mesaj g<>ncellendi
method admin tr Metod
minimum account id (e.g. 500 or 100, etc.) admin tr Minimum hesap id'si (<28>r 500 ya da 100)
minute admin tr Dakika
mode admin tr Tip
modified admin tr De<44>i<EFBFBD>tirilmi<6D>
2009-12-02 20:26:59 +01:00
month admin tr Ay
new group name admin tr Yeni grup ad<61>
new password [ leave blank for no change ] admin tr Yeni <20>ifre [ De<44>i<EFBFBD>iklik yapmak istemiyorsan<61>z bo<62> b<>rak<61>n<EFBFBD>z ]
next run admin tr S<>radaki <20>al<61><6C>t<EFBFBD>rma
no algorithms available admin tr mevcut hi<68> algoritma yok
no jobs in the database !!! admin tr Veritaban<61>nda g<>rev yok
no login history exists for this user admin tr Bu kullan<61>c<EFBFBD> i<>in giri<72> ge<67>mi<6D>i bulunmamakta
no matches found admin tr Hi<48> e<>le<6C>me yok
no modes available admin tr mevcut hi<68> mod yok
no permission to add groups admin tr grup eklemek i<>in izin yok
no permission to add users admin tr kullan<61>c<EFBFBD> eklemek i<>in izin yok
no permission to create groups admin tr grup eklemek i<>in izin yok
note: ssl available only if php is compiled with curl support admin tr Not: SSL deste<74>inin olmas<61> i<>in PHP'nin curl deste<74>i ile derlenmi<6D> olmas<61> gerekir.
order admin tr S<>ralama
2009-12-02 20:26:59 +01:00
outbound admin tr giden
passthrough admin tr i<>i<EFBFBD>e
password for smtp-authentication admin tr SMTP do<64>rulamas<61> i<>in <20>ifre
path information admin tr Yol bilgisi
peer server list admin tr Peer sunucu listesi
peer servers admin tr Peer sunucular<61>
percent of users that logged out admin tr Sistemden <20><>k<EFBFBD><6B> yapan kullan<61>c<EFBFBD> y<>zdesi
percent this user has logged out admin tr Bu kullan<61>c<EFBFBD>n<EFBFBD>n sistemden <20><>k<EFBFBD><6B> y<>zdesi
permission denied admin tr <09>zin verilmedi
2009-12-02 20:26:59 +01:00
permissions admin tr Ayarlar
permissions this group has admin tr Bu grubun sahip oldu<64>u haklar
phpinfo admin tr PHP bilgisi
please enter a name admin tr Litfen bir isim giriniz
please enter a name for that server ! admin tr L<>tfen sunucu i<>in bir isim giriniz
please run setup to become current admin tr G<>ncel olmak i<>in kurulumu <20>al<61><6C>t<EFBFBD>r<EFBFBD>n<EFBFBD>z
please select admin tr L<>tfen se<73>iniz
preferences admin tr Ayarlar
primary group admin tr ana grup
re-enter password admin tr <09>ifreyi yeniden giriniz
read this list of methods. admin tr Method listesini oku
register application hooks admin tr Uygulama ba<62>lant<6E>lar<61>n<EFBFBD> kaydet
remove admin tr Kald<6C>r
2009-12-02 20:26:59 +01:00
remove all users from this group admin tr Bu gruptaki t<>m kullan<61>c<EFBFBD>lar<61> kald<6C>r
remove all users from this group ? admin tr Bu gruptaki t<>m kullan<61>c<EFBFBD>lar<61> kald<6C>r ?
return to admin mainscreen admin tr y<>netici anaekran<61>na geri d<>n
return to view account admin tr Hesap g<>r<EFBFBD>nt<6E>lemeye geri d<>n
run asynchronous services admin tr Asenkron servisleri <20>al<61><6C>t<EFBFBD>r
save the category admin tr kategoriyi kaydet
save the category and return back to the list admin tr kategoriyi kaydet ve listeye geri d<>n
search accounts admin tr Hesaplar<61> ara
search categories admin tr Kategorileri ara
search groups admin tr Gruplar<61> ara
search peer servers admin tr Peer sunucular<61> ara
security admin tr G<>venlik
select group managers admin tr Grup y<>neticilerini se<73>
select permissions this group will have admin tr Bu gurubun sahip olaca<63><61> izinleri se<73>iniz
select the parent category. if this is a main category select no category admin tr Ana kategoriyi se<73>iniz. E<>er bu kategori bir ana kategori ise 'Kategori Yok' (NO CATEGORY) se<73>iniz.
select users for inclusion admin tr Dahil edilecek kullan<61>c<EFBFBD>lar<61> se<73>iniz.
select where you want to store/retrieve filesystem information admin tr Dosya sistemi bilgisini saklamak istedi<64>iniz yeri se<73>iniz
select where you want to store/retrieve user accounts admin tr Kullan<61>c<EFBFBD> hesaplar<61>n<EFBFBD> saklamak istedi<64>iniz yeri se<73>iniz
select which location this app should appear on the navbar, lowest (left) to highest (right) admin tr Bu uygulaman<61>n gezgin <20>ubu<62>unda yeralaca<63><61> yeri se<73>iniz, en az'dan(sol) en y<>kse<73>e (sa<73>)
selectbox admin tr Se<53>im kutusu
server %1 has been updated admin tr Sunucu %1 g<>ncellendi
server list admin tr Sunucu listesi
server password admin tr Sunucu <20>ifresi
server type(mode) admin tr Sunucu tipi (mod)
server url admin tr Sunucu URL
server username admin tr Sunucu kullan<61>c<EFBFBD> ad<61>
set preference values. admin tr Ayar de<64>erini giriniz
should the login page include a language selectbox (useful for demo-sites) ? admin tr Sistem giri<72> sayfas<61> dil se<73>im kutusu i<>erecek mi? (demo siteler i<>in yararl<72>d<EFBFBD>r)
show 'powered by' logo on admin tr 'Powered by' logosunun g<>sterilece<63>i yer
show access log admin tr Eri<72>im k<>t<EFBFBD><74><EFBFBD>n<EFBFBD> g<>ster
show current action admin tr <09>u anki eylemi g<>ster
show error log admin tr Hata k<>t<EFBFBD><74><EFBFBD>n<EFBFBD> g<>ster
show phpinfo() admin tr phpinfo() g<>r<EFBFBD>nt<6E>le
show session ip address admin tr Oturum IP adreslerini g<>r<EFBFBD>nt<6E>le
site admin tr Site
soap admin tr SOAP
sorry, that group name has already been taken. admin tr <09>zg<7A>n<EFBFBD>m, o group ismi kullan<61>mda
sorry, the above users are still a member of the group %1 admin tr <09>zg<7A>n<EFBFBD>m, yukar<61>daki kullan<61>c<EFBFBD>lar hala %1 grubunun <20>yeleridir.
sorry, the follow users are still a member of the group %1 admin tr <09>zg<7A>n<EFBFBD>m, <20>u kullan<61>c<EFBFBD>lar hala %1 grubunun <20>yeleridir.
sort the entries admin tr girdileri s<>rala
ssl admin tr ssl
standard admin tr standart
start testjob! admin tr Test g<>revini ba<62>lat!
submit changes admin tr De<44>i<EFBFBD>iklikleri g<>nder!
submit the search string admin tr Arama kriterini g<>nder
template selection admin tr <09>ablon Se<53>imi
text entry admin tr Metin Girdisi
that application name already exists. admin tr Uygulama ismi kullan<61>mda.
that application order must be a number. admin tr Uygulama s<>ras<61> bir say<61> olmal<61>d<EFBFBD>r.
that loginid has already been taken admin tr Bu kullan<61>c<EFBFBD> ad<61> kullan<61>mda
that name has been used already admin tr Bu isim kullan<61>mda
that server name has been used already ! admin tr Bu sunucu ismi kullan<61>mda
the api is current admin tr API g<>ncel
the api requires an upgrade admin tr API g<>ncelleme gerektiriyor
the groups must include the primary group admin tr Gruplar temel grubu i<>ermelidir.
the login and password can not be the same admin tr Kullan<61>c<EFBFBD> ad<61> ve <20>ifre ayn<79> olamaz
the loginid can not be more then 8 characters admin tr Kullan<61>c<EFBFBD> ad<61> 8 karakterden az olamaz
the testjob sends you a mail everytime it is called. admin tr Test g<>revi her <20>a<EFBFBD>r<EFBFBD>ld<6C><64><EFBFBD>nda size bir e-mail g<>nderir.
the two passwords are not the same admin tr <09>ki <20>ifre birbirinden farkl<6B>
the users bellow are still members of group %1 admin tr a<>a<EFBFBD><61>daki kullan<61>c<EFBFBD>lar hala %1 grubunun <20>yeleridir.
there already is a group with this name. userid's can not have the same name as a groupid admin tr Bu grup isminde bir grup bulunmaktad<61>r. Kullan<61>c<EFBFBD> id'leri (userid) grup id'si (groupid) olarak ayn<79> isme sahip olamaz.
they must be removed before you can continue admin tr Devam etmeniz i<>in onlar<61>n kald<6C>r<EFBFBD>lmas<61> gerekmektedir.
this application is current admin tr Uygulaman<61>z g<>ncel
this application requires an upgrade admin tr Uygulaman<61>z g<>ncelleme gerektirmektedir. (Yeni s<>r<EFBFBD>m var)
this category is currently being used by applications as a parent category admin tr Bu kategori uygulamalar<61>n<EFBFBD>z taraf<61>ndan ana kategori olarak kullan<61>lmaktad<61>r.
timeout for application session data in seconds (default 86400 = 1 day) admin tr Oturum verileri i<>in saniye cinsinden zaman a<><61>m s<>resi (varsay<61>lan 86400 = 1 g<>n)
timeout for sessions in seconds (default 14400 = 4 hours) admin tr Oturumlar<61>n saniye cinsinden zaman a<><61>m s<>resi (varsay<61>lan 14400 = 4 saat)
times admin tr Kere
top admin tr Maks
total records admin tr Toplam kay<61>t
translation admin tr Terc<72>me
2009-12-02 20:26:59 +01:00
trust level admin tr G<>ven seviyesi
trust relationship admin tr G<>ven ili<6C>kisi
under windows you need to install the asyncservice %1manually%2 or use the fallback mode. fallback means the jobs get only checked after each page-view !!! admin tr Windows kullan<61>yorsan<61>z asyncservice'i manuel oalrak y<>klemeniz ya da fallback modunu kullanman<61>z gerekir. Fallback modu, g<>revlerin sadece her sayfa g<>steriminin ard<72>ndan kontrol edilece<63>i anlam<61>n<EFBFBD> ta<74><61>r.
updated admin tr G<>ncelle
2009-12-02 20:26:59 +01:00
use cookies to pass sessionid admin tr Oturum id'sini ta<74><61>mak i<>in <20>erez kullan (cookie)
use pure html compliant code (not fully working yet) admin tr Saf HTML uyumlu kod kullan (hen<65>z tam olarak <20>al<61><6C>mamaktad<61>r)
use theme admin tr Kullan<61>lacak <20>ablon
user accounts admin tr Kullan<61>c<EFBFBD> hesaplar<61>
user data common tr Kullan<61>c<EFBFBD> verileri
2009-12-02 20:26:59 +01:00
user for smtp-authentication (leave it empty if no auth required) admin tr SMTP do<64>rulamas<61> i<>in kullan<61>lacak kullan<61>c<EFBFBD> (Do<44>rulama gerekmiyorsa bo<62> b<>rak<61>n<EFBFBD>z)
user groups admin tr Kullan<61>c<EFBFBD> gruplar<61>
userdata admin tr kullan<61>c<EFBFBD> verileri
users choice admin tr Kullan<61>c<EFBFBD> Se<53>imleri
view access log admin tr Eri<72>im k<>t<EFBFBD><74><EFBFBD>n<EFBFBD> g<>r<EFBFBD>nt<6E>le
view account admin tr Hesap g<>r<EFBFBD>nt<6E>le
view category admin tr Kategori g<>r<EFBFBD>nt<6E>le
view error log admin tr Hata k<>t<EFBFBD><74><EFBFBD>n<EFBFBD> g<>r<EFBFBD>nt<6E>le
view sessions admin tr Oturumlar<61> g<>r<EFBFBD>nt<6E>le
view this user admin tr bu kullan<61>c<EFBFBD>y<EFBFBD> g<>r<EFBFBD>nt<6E>le
view user account admin tr Kullan<61>c<EFBFBD> hesab<61>n<EFBFBD> g<>r<EFBFBD>nt<6E>le
who would you like to transfer all records owned by the deleted user to? admin tr Silinen kullan<61>c<EFBFBD>ya ait kay<61>tlar<61> kime ta<74><61>mak istesiniz?
would you like egroupware to cache the egw info array ? admin tr eGroupWare'in egw bilgi array'ini <20>nbelleklemesini ister misiniz?
would you like egroupware to check for a new version<br>when admins login ? admin tr eGroupWare'in y<>netici hesab<61> etkin oldu<64>unda yeni s<>r<EFBFBD>m denetlemesi yapmas<61>n<EFBFBD> ister misiniz?
would you like egroupware to check for new application versions when admins login ? admin tr eGroupWare'in y<>netici hesab<61> etkin oldu<64>unda uygulamalar i<>in yeni s<>r<EFBFBD>m denetlemesi yapmas<61>n<EFBFBD> ister misiniz?
would you like to automaticaly load new langfiles (at login-time) ? admin tr Yeni dil dosyalar<61>n<EFBFBD> otomatik olarak y<>klemek ister misiniz (sistem giri<72> an<61>nda)?
would you like to show each application's upgrade status ? admin tr Her uygulaman<61>n g<>ncelleme durumunu g<>r<EFBFBD>nt<6E>lemek ister misiniz?
xml-rpc admin tr XML-RPC
you have entered an invalid expiration date admin tr Ge<47>ersiz bir zaman a<><61>m tarihi girdiniz
you must add at least 1 permission or group to this account admin tr Bu hesaba en az 1 izin ya da grup tan<61>mlamas<61> yapmal<61>s<EFBFBD>n<EFBFBD>z
you must enter a group name. admin tr Bir grup ad<61> girmelisiniz
you must enter a lastname admin tr Bir soyad<61> girmelisiniz
you must enter a loginid admin tr Bir kullan<61>c<EFBFBD> ad<61> girmelisiniz
you must enter an application name and title. admin tr Bir uygulama ad<61> ve ba<62>l<EFBFBD><6C><EFBFBD> girmelisiniz
you must enter an application name. admin tr Bir uygulama ad<61> girmelisiniz
you must enter an application title. admin tr Bir uygulama ba<62>l<EFBFBD><6C><EFBFBD> girmelisiniz
you must select a file type admin tr Bir dosya tipi se<73>melisiniz
you will need to remove the subcategories before you can delete this category admin tr Bir kategoriyi silmeden <20>nce o kategoriye ait t<>m alt kategorileri kald<6C>rmal<61>s<EFBFBD>n<EFBFBD>z !