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Add some base classes to make it easier for other applications to implement importing CSVs To use them, you need to create two files in the app/importexport directory, '' and ''. The minimum required files are shown below, but they can be modified as needed to override the basics and add capabilities. <?php require_once(EGW_INCLUDE_ROOT. '/importexport/inc/'); class import_appname_csv extends basic_import_csv { protected function import_record(&$record, &$import_csv) { // Handle one record here. Handle conditions and call action() as appropriate. // See basic_import_csv. } protected function action($action, Array $record, $record_num = 0) { // Take the given action (none, insert, delete, update) etc. as understood for your app. // See basic_import_csv. } } ?> <?php require_once(EGW_INCLUDE_ROOT . '/appname/importexport/'); require_once(EGW_INCLUDE_ROOT . '/importexport/inc/'); class wizzard_import_appname_csv extends wizzard_basic_import_csv { public function __construct() { $this->mapping_fields = array( // List of destination fields available in appname 'field' => lang('name') ); $this->conditions = array( // List of conditions supported by import_appname_csv 'field' => lang('name') ); $this->actions = array( // List of actions supported by import_appname_csv 'field' => lang('name') ); } } ?>
2010-03-10 17:31:25 +01:00
* eGroupWare - A basic implementation of a wizard to go with the basic CSV plugin.
* To add or remove steps, change $this->steps appropriately. The key is the function, the value is the title.
* Don't go past 80, as that's where the wizard picks it back up again to finish it off.
* For the mapping to work properly, you will have to fill $mapping_fields with the target fields for your application.
* NB: Your wizard class must be in <appname>/importexport/class.wizzard_<plugin_name>.inc.php
* @license GPL - GNU General Public License
* @package importexport
* @link
* @author Nathan Gray
class wizzard_basic_import_csv
const TEMPLATE_MARKER = '-eTemplate-';
* List of steps. Key is the function, value is the translated title.
public $steps;
* List of eTemplates to use for each step. You can override this with your own etemplates steps.
protected $step_templates = array(
'wizzard_step30' => 'importexport.wizard_basic_import_csv.sample_file',
'wizzard_step40' => 'importexport.wizard_basic_import_csv.choosesepncharset',
'wizzard_step50' => 'importexport.wizard_basic_import_csv.fieldmapping',
'wizzard_step55' => 'importexport.wizard_basic_import_csv.conditions'
* Destination fields for the mapping
* Key is the field name, value is the human version
protected $mapping_fields = array();
* List of conditions your plugin supports
protected $conditions = array();
* List of actions your plugin supports
protected $actions = array();
* constructor
function __construct()
$this->steps = array(
'wizzard_step30' => lang('Load Sample file'),
'wizzard_step40' => lang('Choose seperator and charset'),
'wizzard_step50' => lang('Manage mapping'),
'wizzard_step55' => lang('Edit conditions'),
* Take a sample CSV file. It will be processed in later steps
function wizzard_step30(&$content, &$sel_options, &$readonlys, &$preserv)
if($this->debug) error_log(get_class($this) . '::wizzard_step30->$content '.print_r($content,true));
// return from step30
if ($content['step'] == 'wizzard_step30')
switch (array_search('pressed', $content['button']))
case 'next':
// Move sample file to temp
if($content['file']['tmp_name']) {
$csvfile = tempnam($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['temp_dir'],$content['plugin']."_");
move_uploaded_file($content['file']['tmp_name'], $csvfile);
return $GLOBALS['egw']->uidefinitions->get_step($content['step'],1);
case 'previous' :
return $GLOBALS['egw']->uidefinitions->get_step($content['step'],-1);
case 'finish':
return 'wizzard_finish';
default :
return $this->wizzard_step30($content,$sel_options,$readonlys,$preserv);
// init step30
$content['msg'] = $this->steps['wizzard_step30'];
$content['step'] = 'wizzard_step30';
$preserv = $content;
unset ($preserv['button']);
$GLOBALS['egw']->js->set_onload("var btn = document.getElementById('exec[button][next]'); btn.attributes.removeNamedItem('onclick');");
return $this->step_templates[$content['step']];
* choose fieldseperator, charset and headerline
* @param array $content
* @param array $sel_options
* @param array $readonlys
* @param array $preserv
* @return string template name
function wizzard_step40(&$content, &$sel_options, &$readonlys, &$preserv)
if($this->debug) error_log(get_class($this) . '::wizzard_step40->$content '.print_r($content,true));
// return from step40
if ($content['step'] == 'wizzard_step40') {
switch (array_search('pressed', $content['button']))
case 'next':
// Process sample file for fields
if (($handle = fopen($GLOBALS['egw']->session->appsession('csvfile'), "rb")) !== FALSE) {
$data = fgetcsv($handle, 8000, $content['fieldsep']);
$content['csv_fields'] = translation::convert($data,$content['charset']);
} elseif($content['plugin_options']['csv_fields']) {
$content['csv_fields'] = $content['plugin_options']['csv_fields'];
return $GLOBALS['egw']->uidefinitions->get_step($content['step'],1);
case 'previous' :
return $GLOBALS['egw']->uidefinitions->get_step($content['step'],-1);
case 'finish':
return 'wizzard_finish';
default :
return $this->wizzard_step40($content,$sel_options,$readonlys,$preserv);
// init step40
$content['msg'] = $this->steps['wizzard_step40'];
$content['step'] = 'wizzard_step40';
// If editing an existing definition, these will be in plugin_options
if(!$content['fieldsep'] && $content['plugin_options']['fieldsep']) {
$content['fieldsep'] = $content['plugin_options']['fieldsep'];
} elseif (!$content['fieldsep']) {
$content['fieldsep'] = ';';
if(!$content['charset'] && $content['plugin_options']['charset']) {
$content['charset'] = $content['plugin_options']['charset'];
if(!$content['has_header_line'] && $content['plugin_options']['has_header_line']) {
$content['num_header_lines'] = 1;
if(!$content['num_header_lines'] && $content['plugin_options']['num_header_lines']) {
$content['num_header_lines'] = $content['plugin_options']['num_header_lines'];
$sel_options['charset'] = $GLOBALS['egw']->translation->get_installed_charsets()+
array('utf-8' => 'utf-8 (Unicode)');
$preserv = $content;
unset ($preserv['button']);
return $this->step_templates[$content['step']];
* Process the sample file, get the fields out of it, then allow them to be mapped onto
* the fields the destination understands. Also, set any translations to be done to the field.
* You can use the eTemplate
function wizzard_step50(&$content, &$sel_options, &$readonlys, &$preserv)
if($this->debug) error_log(get_class($this) . '::wizzard_step50->$content '.print_r($content,true));
// return from step50
if ($content['step'] == 'wizzard_step50')
foreach($content['field_conversion'] as $field => $convert) {
if(!trim($convert)) unset($content['field_conversion'][$field]);
switch (array_search('pressed', $content['button']))
case 'next':
return $GLOBALS['egw']->uidefinitions->get_step($content['step'],1);
case 'previous' :
return $GLOBALS['egw']->uidefinitions->get_step($content['step'],-1);
case 'finish':
return 'wizzard_finish';
default :
return $this->wizzard_step50($content,$sel_options,$readonlys,$preserv);
// init step50
$content['msg'] = $this->steps['wizzard_step50'];
$content['step'] = 'wizzard_step50';
if(!$content['field_mapping'] && $content['plugin_options']) {
$content['field_mapping'] = $content['plugin_options']['field_mapping'];
$content['field_conversion'] = $content['plugin_options']['field_conversion'];
$j = 1;
foreach ($content['csv_fields'] as $field)
if(strstr($field,'no_csv_')) $j++;
while ($j <= 3)
$content['csv_fields'][] = 'no_csv_'.$j;
$content['field_mapping'][] = $content['field_conversion'][] = '';
$sel_options['field_mapping'] = array('' => lang('none')) + $this->mapping_fields;
$preserv = $content;
unset ($preserv['button']);
return $this->step_templates[$content['step']];
* Edit conditions
function wizzard_step55(&$content, &$sel_options, &$readonlys, &$preserv)
if($this->debug) error_log(get_class($this) . '::wizzard_step55->$content '.print_r($content,true));
// return from step55
if ($content['step'] == 'wizzard_step55')
foreach($content['conditions'] as $key => &$condition) {
// Clear empties
if($condition['string'] == '') {
switch (array_search('pressed', $content['button']))
case 'next':
return $GLOBALS['egw']->uidefinitions->get_step($content['step'],1);
case 'previous' :
return $GLOBALS['egw']->uidefinitions->get_step($content['step'],-1);
case 'finish':
return 'wizzard_finish';
case 'add':
return $GLOBALS['egw']->uidefinitions->get_step($content['step'],0);
default :
return $this->wizzard_step55($content,$sel_options,$readonlys,$preserv);
// init step55
$content['msg'] = $this->steps['wizzard_step55'];
$content['step'] = 'wizzard_step55';
if(!$content['conditions'] && $content['plugin_options']['conditions']) {
$content['conditions'] = $content['plugin_options']['conditions'];
foreach($content['field_mapping'] as $field) {
$sel_options['string'][$field] = $this->mapping_fields[$field];
$sel_options['type'] = array_combine($this->conditions, $this->conditions);
$sel_options['action'] = array_combine($this->actions, $this->actions);
// Make 3 empty conditions
$j = 1;
foreach ($content['conditions'] as $condition)
if(!$condition['string']) $j++;
while ($j <= 3)
$content['conditions'][] = array('string' => '');
// Leave room for heading
array_unshift($content['conditions'], false);
$preserv = $content;
unset ($preserv['button']);
return $this->step_templates[$content['step']];