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* EGroupware clientside API object
* @license GPL - GNU General Public License
* @package etemplate
* @subpackage api
* @link
* @author Andreas Stöckel (as AT
* @author Ralf Becker <>
* @version $Id$
"use strict";
var egw;
* Central object providing all kinds of api services on clientside:
* - preferences: egw.preferences(_name, _app)
* - translation: egw.lang("%1 entries deleted", 5)
* - link registry:, _app), egw.link_get_registry(_app, _name), egw.link_app_list(_must_support)
* - configuration: egw.config(_name[, _app='phpgwapi'])
* - image urls: egw.image(_name[, _app='phpgwapi'])
* - user data: egw.user(_field)
* - user app data:[, _name])
if (window.opener && typeof window.opener.egw == 'object')
egw = window.opener.egw;
else if ( && typeof == 'object')
egw =;
egw = {
* Object holding the prefences as 2-dim. associative array, use egw.preference(name[,app]) to access it
* @access: private, use egw.preferences() or egw.set_perferences()
prefs: {
common: {
dateformat: "Y-m-d",
timeformat: 24,
lang: "en"
* base-URL of the EGroupware installation
* get set via egw_framework::header()
webserverUrl: "/egroupware",
* Setting prefs for an app or 'common'
* @param object _data object with name: value pairs to set
* @param string _app application name, 'common' or undefined to prefes of all apps at once
set_preferences: function(_data, _app)
if (typeof _app == 'undefined')
this.prefs = _data;
this.prefs[_app] = _data;
* Query an EGroupware user preference
* If a prefernce is not already loaded (only done for "common" by default), it is synchroniosly queryed from the server!
* @param string _name name of the preference, eg. 'dateformat'
* @param string _app='common'
* @return string preference value
* @todo add a callback to query it asynchron
preference: function(_name, _app)
if (typeof _app == 'undefined') _app = 'common';
if (typeof this.prefs[_app] == 'undefined')
xajax_doXMLHTTPsync('home.egw_framework.ajax_get_preference.template', _app);
if (typeof this.prefs[_app] == 'undefined') this.prefs[_app] = {};
return this.prefs[_app][_name];
* Set a preference and sends it to the server
* Server will silently ignore setting preferences, if user has no right to do so!
* @param string _app application name or "common"
* @param string _name name of the pref
* @param string _val value of the pref
set_preference: function(_app, _name, _val)
xajax_doXMLHTTP('home.egw_framework.ajax_set_preference.template', _app, _name, _val);
// update own preference cache, if _app prefs are loaded (dont update otherwise, as it would block loading of other _app prefs!)
if (typeof this.prefs[_app] != 'undefined') this.prefs[_app][_name] = _val;
* Translations
* @access: private, use egw.lang() or egw.set_lang_arr()
lang_arr: {},
* Set translation for a given application
* @param string _app
* @param object _message message => translation pairs
set_lang_arr: function(_app, _messages)
this.lang_arr[_app] = _messages;
* Translate a given phrase replacing optional placeholders
* @param string _msg message to translate
* @param string _arg1 ... _argN
lang: function(_msg, _arg1)
var translation = _msg;
_msg = _msg.toLowerCase();
// search apps in given order for a replacement
var apps = [window.egw_appName, 'etemplate', 'common'];
for(var i = 0; i < apps.length; ++i)
if (typeof this.lang_arr[apps[i]] != "undefined" &&
typeof this.lang_arr[apps[i]][_msg] != 'undefined')
translation = this.lang_arr[apps[i]][_msg];
if (arguments.length == 1) return translation;
if (arguments.length == 2) return translation.replace('%1', arguments[1]);
// to cope with arguments containing '%2' (eg. an urlencoded path like a referer),
// we first replace all placeholders '%N' with '|%N|' and then we replace all '|%N|' with arguments[N]
translation = translation.replace(/%([0-9]+)/g, '|%$1|');
for(var i = 1; i < arguments.length; ++i)
translation = translation.replace('|%'+i+'|', arguments[i]);
return translation;
* View an EGroupware entry: opens a popup of correct size or redirects window.location to requested url
* Examples:
* -,'infolog') or'infolog:123') opens popup to edit or view (if no edit rights) infolog entry 123
* -'infolog:123','timesheet','add') opens popup to add new timesheet linked to infolog entry 123
* -,'addressbook','view') opens addressbook view for entry 123 (showing linked infologs)
* -'','addressbook','view_list',{ search: 'Becker' }) opens list of addresses containing 'Becker'
* @param string|int id either just the id or "app:id" if app==""
* @param string app app-name or empty (app is part of id)
* @param string type default "edit", possible "view", "view_list", "edit" (falls back to "view") and "add"
* @param object|string extra extra url parameters to append as object or string
* @param string target target of window to open
open: function(id, app, type, extra, target)
if (typeof this.link_registry != 'object')
alert(' link registry is NOT defined!');
if (!app)
var app_id = id.split(':',2);
app = app_id[0];
id = app_id[1];
if (!app || typeof this.link_registry[app] != 'object')
alert(' app "'+app+'" NOT defined in link registry!');
var app_registry = this.link_registry[app];
if (typeof type == 'undefined') type = 'edit';
if (type == 'edit' && typeof app_registry.edit == 'undefined') type = 'view';
if (typeof app_registry[type] == 'undefined')
alert(' type "'+type+'" is NOT defined in link registry for app "'+app+'"!');
var url = this.webserverUrl+'/index.php';
var delimiter = '?';
var params = app_registry[type];
if (type == 'view' || type == 'edit') // add id parameter for type view or edit
params[app_registry[type+'_id']] = id;
else if (type == 'add' && id) // add add_app and app_id parameters, if given for add
var app_id = id.split(':',2);
params[app_registry.add_app] = app_id[0];
params[app_registry.add_id] = app_id[1];
for(var attr in params)
url += delimiter+attr+'='+encodeURIComponent(params[attr]);
delimiter = '&';
if (typeof extra == 'object')
for(var attr in extra)
url += delimiter+attr+'='+encodeURIComponent(extra[attr]);
else if (typeof extra == 'string')
url += delimiter + extra;
if (typeof app_registry[type+'_popup'] == 'undefined')
if (target)
{, target);
egw_appWindowOpen(app, url);
var w_h = app_registry[type+'_popup'].split('x');
if (w_h[1] == 'egw_getWindowOuterHeight()') w_h[1] = egw_getWindowOuterHeight();
egw_openWindowCentered2(url, target, w_h[0], w_h[1], 'yes', app, false);
* Check if $app is in the registry and has an entry for $name
* @param string $app app-name
* @param string $name name / key in the registry, eg. 'view'
* @return boolean|string false if $app is not registered, otherwise string with the value for $name
link_get_registry: function(_app, _name)
if (typeof this.link_registry[_app] == 'undefined')
return false;
var reg = this.link_registry[_app];
// some defaults (we set them directly in the registry, to do this only once)
if (typeof reg[_name] == 'undefined')
case 'name': = _app;
case 'icon':
var app_data =;
if (typeof app_data != 'undefined' && typeof app_data.icon != 'undefined')
reg.icon = (typeof app_data.icon_app != 'undefined' ? app_data.icon_app : _app)+'/'+app_data.icon;
reg.icon = _app+'/navbar';
return typeof reg[_name] == 'undefined' ? false : reg[_name];
* Get list of link-aware apps the user has rights to use
* @param string $must_support capability the apps need to support, eg. 'add', default ''=list all apps
* @return array with app => title pairs
link_app_list: function(_must_support)
var apps = [];
for (var type in this.link_registry)
var reg = this.link_registry[type];
if (typeof _must_support != 'undefined' && _must_support && typeof reg[_must_support] == 'undefined') continue;
var app_sub = type.split('-');
if ([0]))
apps.push({"type": type, "label": this.lang(this.link_get_registry(type,'name'))});
// sort labels (caseinsensitive) alphabetic
apps = apps.sort(function(_a,_b) {
var al = _a.label.toUpperCase();
var bl = _b.label.toUpperCase();
return al == bl ? 0 : (al > bl ? 1 : -1);
// create sorted associative array / object
var sorted = {};
for(var i = 0; i < apps.length; ++i)
sorted[apps[i].type] = apps[i].label;
return sorted;
* Link registry
* @access: private, use or egw.set_link_registry()
link_registry: null,
* Set link registry
* @param object _registry whole registry or entries for just one app
* @param string _app
set_link_registry: function (_registry, _app)
if (typeof _app == 'undefined')
this.link_registry = _registry;
this.link_registry[_app] = _registry;
* Clientside config
* @access: private, use egw.config(_name, _app="phpgwapi")
configs: {},
* Query clientside config
* @param string _name name of config variable
* @param string _app default "phpgwapi"
* @return mixed
config: function (_name, _app)
if (typeof _app == 'undefined') _app = 'phpgwapi';
if (typeof this.configs[_app] == 'undefined') return null;
return this.configs[_app][_name];
* Set clientside configuration for all apps
* @param array/object
set_configs: function(_configs)
this.configs = _configs;
* Map to serverside available images for users template-set
* @access: private, use egw.image(_name, _app)
images: {},
* Set imagemap, called from /phpgwapi/images.php
* @param array/object _images
set_images: function (_images)
this.images = _images;
* Get image URL for a given image-name and application
* @param string _name image-name without extension
* @param string _app application name, default current app of window
* @return string with URL of image
image: function (_name, _app)
if (typeof _app == 'undefined') _app = this.getAppName();
// own instance specific images in vfs have highest precedence
if (typeof this.images['vfs'] != 'undefined' && typeof this.images['vfs'][_name] != 'undefined')
return this.webserverUrl+this.images['vfs'][_name];
if (typeof this.images[_app] != 'undefined' && typeof this.images[_app][_name] != 'undefined')
return this.webserverUrl+this.images[_app][_name];
if (typeof this.images['phpgwapi'] != 'undefined' && typeof this.images['phpgwapi'][_name] != 'undefined')
return this.webserverUrl+this.images['vfs'][_name];
// if no match, check if it might contain an extension
if (_name.match(/\.(png|gif|jpg)$/i))
return this.image(_name.replace(/.(png|gif|jpg)$/i,''), _app);
console.log('egw.image("'+_name+'", "'+_app+'") image NOT found!');
return null;
* Returns the name of the currently active application
* @ToDo: fixme: does not work, as egw object runs in framework for jdots
getAppName: function ()
if (typeof egw_appName == 'undefined')
return 'egroupware';
return egw_appName;
* Data about current user
* @access: private, use egw.user(_field) or
userData: {},
* Set data of current user
* @param object _data
set_user: function(_data)
this.userData = _data;
* Get data about current user
* @param string _field
* - 'account_id','account_lid','person_id','account_status',
* - 'account_firstname','account_lastname','account_email','account_fullname','account_phone'
* - 'apps': object with app => data pairs the user has run-rights for
* @return string|array|null
user: function (_field)
return this.userData[_field];
* Return data of apps the user has rights to run
* Can be used the check of run rights like: if ('addressbook')) { do something if user has addressbook rights }
* @param string _app
* @param string _name attribute to return, default return whole app-data-object
* @return object|string|null null if not found
app: function(_app, _name)
return typeof _name == 'undefined' || typeof this.userData.apps[_app] == 'undefined' ?
this.userData.apps[_app] : this.userData.apps[_app][_name];
* Call a link, which can be either a menuaction, a EGroupware relative url or a full url
* @param string _link menuaction, EGroupware relative url or a full url (incl. "mailto:" or "javascript:")
* @param string _target optional target
* @param string _popup widthxheight, if a popup should be used
call_link: function(_link, _target, _popup)
var url = _link;
if (url.indexOf('javascript:') == 0)
// link is not necessary an url, it can also be a menuaction!
if (url.indexOf('/') == -1 &&
url.split('.').length >= 3 &&
url.indexOf('mailto:') == -1 ||
url.indexOf('://') == -1)
url = "/index.php?menuaction="+url;
if (url[0] == '/') // link relative to eGW
url = egw.webserverUrl + url;
if (_popup)
var w_h = _popup.split('x');
if (w_h[1] == 'egw_getWindowOuterHeight()') w_h[1] = egw_getWindowOuterHeight();
egw_openWindowCentered2(url, _target, w_h[0], w_h[1]);
{, _target);