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2003-10-19 21:05:23 +02:00
// Copyright (c) 2003 ars Cognita Inc., all rights reserved
Released under both BSD license and Lesser GPL library license.
Whenever there is any discrepancy between the two licenses,
the BSD license will take precedence.
* xmlschema is a class that allows the user to quickly and easily
* build a database on any ADOdb-supported platform using a simple
* XML schema.
* @author Richard Tango-Lowy
* @version $Revision$
* @package xmlschema
* Include the main ADODB library
if (!defined( '_ADODB_LAYER' ) ) {
require( dirname(__FILE__).'/' );
* Maximum length allowed for object prefix
define( 'XMLS_PREFIX_MAXLEN', 10 );
* Creates a table object in ADOdb's datadict format
* This class stores information about a database table. As charactaristics
* of the table are loaded from the external source, methods and properties
* of this class are used to build up the table description in ADOdb's
* datadict format.
* @access private
class dbTable {
* @var string Table name
var $tableName;
* @var array Field specifier: Meta-information about each field
var $fieldSpec;
* @var array Table options: Table-level options
var $tableOpts;
* @var string Field index: Keeps track of which field is currently being processed
var $currentField;
* @var string If set (to 'ALTER' or 'REPLACE'), upgrade an existing database
* @access private
var $upgradeMethod;
* Constructor. Iniitializes a new table object.
* If the table already exists, there are two methods available to upgrade it.
* To upgrade an existing table the new schema by ALTERing the table, set the upgradeTable
* argument to "ALTER." To force the new table to replace the current table, set the upgradeTable
* argument to "REPLACE."
* @param string $name Table name
* @param string $upgradeTable Upgrade method (NULL, ALTER, or REPLACE)
function dbTable( $name, $upgradeTable = NULL ) {
$this->tableName = $name;
// If upgrading, set the upgrade method
if( isset( $upgradeTable ) ) {
$upgradeTable = strtoupper( $upgradeTable );
if( $upgradeTable == 'ALTER' or $upgradeTable == 'REPLACE' ) {
$this->upgradeMethod = strtoupper( $upgradeTable );
print "<P>Upgrading table '$name' using {$this->upgradeMethod}</P>";
} else {
unset( $this->upgradeMethod );
} else {
print "<P>Creating table '$name'</P>";
* Adds a field to a table object
* $name is the name of the table to which the field should be added.
* $type is an ADODB datadict field type. The following field types
* are supported as of ADODB 3.40:
* - C: varchar
* - X: CLOB (character large object) or largest varchar size
* if CLOB is not supported
* - C2: Multibyte varchar
* - X2: Multibyte CLOB
* - B: BLOB (binary large object)
* - D: Date (some databases do not support this, and we return a datetime type)
* - T: Datetime or Timestamp
* - L: Integer field suitable for storing booleans (0 or 1)
* - I: Integer (mapped to I4)
* - I1: 1-byte integer
* - I2: 2-byte integer
* - I4: 4-byte integer
* - I8: 8-byte integer
* - F: Floating point number
* - N: Numeric or decimal number
* @param string $name Name of the table to which the field will be added.
* @param string $type ADODB datadict field type.
* @param string $size Field size
* @param array $opts Field options array
* @return array Field specifier array
function addField( $name, $type, $size = NULL, $opts = NULL ) {
// Set the field index so we know where we are
$this->currentField = $name;
// Set the field type (required)
$this->fieldSpec[$name]['TYPE'] = $type;
// Set the field size (optional)
if( isset( $size ) ) {
$this->fieldSpec[$name]['SIZE'] = $size;
// Set the field options
if( isset( $opts ) ) $this->fieldSpec[$name]['OPTS'] = $opts;
// Return array containing field specifier
return $this->fieldSpec;
* Adds a field option to the current field specifier
* This method adds a field option allowed by the ADOdb datadict
* and appends it to the given field.
* @param string $field Field name
* @param string $opt ADOdb field option
* @param mixed $value Field option value
* @return array Field specifier array
function addFieldOpt( $field, $opt, $value = NULL ) {
// Add the option to the field specifier
if( $value === NULL ) { // No value, so add only the option
$this->fieldSpec[$field]['OPTS'][] = $opt;
} else { // Add the option and value
$this->fieldSpec[$field]['OPTS'][] = array( "$opt" => "$value" );
// Return array containing field specifier
return $this->fieldSpec;
* Adds an option to the table
*This method takes a comma-separated list of table-level options
* and appends them to the table object.
* @param string $opt Table option
* @return string Option list
function addTableOpt( $opt ) {
$optlist = &$this->tableOpts;
$optlist ? $optlist .= ", $opt" : $optlist = $opt;
// Return the options list
return $optlist;
* Generates the SQL that will create the table in the database
* Returns SQL that will create the table represented by the object.
* @param object $dict ADOdb data dictionary
* @return array Array containing table creation SQL
function create( $dict ) {
// Loop through the field specifier array, building the associative array for the field options
$fldarray = array();
$i = 0;
foreach( $this->fieldSpec as $field => $finfo ) {
// Set an empty size if it isn't supplied
if( !isset( $finfo['SIZE'] ) ) $finfo['SIZE'] = '';
// Initialize the field array with the type and size
$fldarray[$i] = array( $field, $finfo['TYPE'], $finfo['SIZE'] );
// Loop through the options array and add the field options.
if( isset( $finfo['OPTS'] ) ) {
foreach( $finfo['OPTS'] as $opt ) {
if( is_array( $opt ) ) { // Option has an argument.
$key = key( $opt );
$value = $opt[key( $opt ) ];
$fldarray[$i][$key] = $value;
} else { // Option doesn't have arguments
array_push( $fldarray[$i], $opt );
// Check for existing table
$legacyTables = $dict->MetaTables();
if( is_array( $legacyTables ) and count( $legacyTables > 0 ) ) {
foreach( $dict->MetaTables() as $table ) {
$this->legacyTables[ strtoupper( $table ) ] = $table;
if( in_array( strtoupper( $tableName ), $legacyTables ) ) {
$existingTableName = $legacyTables[strtoupper( $tableName )];
// Build table array
if( !isset( $this->upgradeMethod ) or !isset( $existingTableName ) ) {
// Create the new table
$sqlArray = $dict->CreateTableSQL( $this->tableName, $fldarray, $this->tableOpts );
print "<P>Generated create table SQL</P>";
} else {
// Upgrade an existing table
switch( $this->upgradeMethod ) {
case 'ALTER':
// Use ChangeTableSQL
print "<P>Generated ALTER table SQL</P>";
$sqlArray = $dict->ChangeTableSQL( $this->tableName, $fldarray, $this->tableOpts );
case 'REPLACE':
$this->replace( $dict );
// Return the array containing the SQL to create the table
return $sqlArray;
* Generates the SQL that will replace an existing table in the database
* Returns SQL that will replace the table represented by the object.
* @return array Array containing table replacement SQL
function replace( $dict ) {
$oldTable = $this->tableName;
$tempTable= "xmls_" . $this->tableName;
// Create the new table
$sqlArray = $dict->CreateTableSQL( $tempTable, $fldarray, $this->tableOpts );
switch( $dict->dataProvider ) {
case "posgres7":
case "mysql":
* Destructor
function destroy() {
unset( $this );
* Creates an index object in ADOdb's datadict format
* This class stores information about a database index. As charactaristics
* of the index are loaded from the external source, methods and properties
* of this class are used to build up the index description in ADOdb's
* datadict format.
* @access private
class dbIndex {
* @var string Index name
var $indexName;
* @var array Index options: Index-level options
var $indexOpts;
* @var string Name of the table this index is attached to
var $tableName;
* @var array Indexed fields: Table columns included in this index
var $fields;
* Constructor. Initialize the index and table names.
* @param string $name Index name
* @param string $table Name of indexed table
function dbIndex( $name, $table ) {
$this->indexName = $name;
$this->tableName = $table;
* Adds a field to the index
* This method adds the specified column to an index.
* @param string $name Field name
* @return string Field list
function addField( $name ) {
$fieldlist = &$this->fields;
$fieldlist ? $fieldlist .=" , $name" : $fieldlist = $name;
// Return the field list
return $fieldlist;
* Adds an option to the index
*This method takes a comma-separated list of index-level options
* and appends them to the index object.
* @param string $opt Index option
* @return string Option list
function addIndexOpt( $opt ) {
$optlist = &$this->indexOpts;
$optlist ? $optlist .= ", $opt" : $optlist = $opt;
// Return the options list
return $optlist;
* Generates the SQL that will create the index in the database
* Returns SQL that will create the index represented by the object.
* @param object $dict ADOdb data dictionary object
* @return array Array containing index creation SQL
function create( $dict ) {
if (isset($this->indexOpts) ) {
// CreateIndexSQL requires an array of options.
$indexOpts_arr = explode(",",$this->indexOpts);
} else {
$indexOpts_arr = NULL;
// Build table array
$sqlArray = $dict->CreateIndexSQL( $this->indexName, $this->tableName, $this->fields, $indexOpts_arr );
// Return the array containing the SQL to create the table
return $sqlArray;
* Destructor
function destroy() {
unset( $this );
* Creates the SQL to execute a list of provided SQL queries
* This class compiles a list of SQL queries specified in the external file.
* @access private
class dbQuerySet {
* @var array List of SQL queries
var $querySet;
* @var string String used to build of a query line by line
var $query;
* Constructor. Initializes the queries array
function dbQuerySet() {
$this->querySet = array();
$this->query = '';
* Appends a line to a query that is being built line by line
* $param string $data Line of SQL data or NULL to initialize a new query
function buildQuery( $data = NULL ) {
isset( $data ) ? $this->query .= " " . trim( $data ) : $this->query = '';
* Adds a completed query to the query list
* @return string SQL of added query
function addQuery() {
// Push the query onto the query set array
$finishedQuery = $this->query;
array_push( $this->querySet, $finishedQuery );
// Return the query set array
return $finishedQuery;
* Creates and returns the current query set
* @return array Query set
function create() {
return $this->querySet;
* Destructor
function destroy() {
unset( $this );
* Loads and parses an XML file, creating an array of "ready-to-run" SQL statements
* This class is used to load and parse the XML file, to create an array of SQL statements
* that can be used to build a database, and to build the database using the SQL array.
* @package xmlschema
class adoSchema {
* @var array Array containing SQL queries to generate all objects
var $sqlArray;
* @var object XML Parser object
* @access private
var $xmlParser;
* @var object ADOdb connection object
* @access private
var $dbconn;
* @var string Database type (platform)
* @access private
var $dbType;
* @var object ADOdb Data Dictionary
* @access private
var $dict;
* @var object Temporary dbTable object
* @access private
var $table;
* @var object Temporary dbIndex object
* @access private
var $index;
* @var object Temporary dbQuerySet object
* @access private
var $querySet;
* @var string Current XML element
* @access private
var $currentElement;
* @var string If set (to 'ALTER' or 'REPLACE'), upgrade an existing database
* @access private
var $upgradeMethod;
* @var mixed Existing tables before upgrade
* @access private
var $legacyTables;
* @var string Optional object prefix
* @access private
var $objectPrefix;
* @var long Original Magic Quotes Runtime value
* @access private
var $mgq;
* @var long System debug
* @access private
var $debug;
* Initializes the xmlschema object.
* adoSchema provides methods to parse and process the XML schema file, and is called automatically
* when an xmlschema object is instantiated.
* The dbconn argument is a database connection object created by ADONewConnection.
* Set upgradeSchema to TRUE to upgrade an existing database to the provided schema. By default,
* adoSchema will attempt to upgrade tables by ALTERing them on the fly. Upgrading has only been tested
* on the MySQL platform. It is know NOT to work on PostgreSQL. The forceReplace flag is not currently
* implemented.
* @param object $dbconn ADOdb connection object
* @param object $upgradeSchema Upgrade the database
* @param object $forceReplace If upgrading, REPLACE tables (**NOT IMPLEMENTED**)
function adoSchema( &$dbconn, $upgradeSchema = FALSE, $forceReplace = FALSE ) {
// Initialize the environment
$this->mgq = get_magic_quotes_runtime();
$this->dbconn = &$dbconn;
$this->dbType = $dbconn->databaseType;
$this->sqlArray = array();
$this->debug = $this->dbconn->debug;
// Create an ADOdb dictionary object
$this->dict = NewDataDictionary( $dbconn );
// If upgradeSchema is set, we will be upgrading an existing database to match
// the provided schema. If forceReplace is set, objects are marked for replacement
// rather than alteration.
if( $upgradeSchema == TRUE ) {
// Get the metadata from existing tables
$legacyTables = $this->dict->MetaTables();
if( is_array( $legacyTables ) and count( $legacyTables > 0 ) ) {
foreach( $this->dict->MetaTables() as $table ) {
$this->legacyTables[ strtoupper( $table ) ] = $table;
showDebug( $this->legacyTables, "LEGACY table" );
$forceReplace == TRUE ? $this->upgradeMethod = 'REPLACE' : $this->upgradeMethod = 'ALTER';
print "<P>Upgrading database schema using {$this->upgradeMethod}</P>";
} else {
print "<P>Creating new database schema</P>";
unset( $this->upgradeMethod );
* Loads and XML document and parses it into a prepared schema
* This method accepts a path to an xmlschema-compliant XML file,
* loads it, parses it, and uses it to create the SQL to generate the objects
* described by the XML file.
* @param string $file XML file
* @return array Array of SQL queries, ready to execute
function ParseSchema( $file ) {
// Create the parser
$this->xmlParser = &$xmlParser;
$xmlParser = xml_parser_create();
xml_set_object( $xmlParser, $this );
// Initialize the XML callback functions
xml_set_element_handler( $xmlParser, "_xmlcb_startElement", "_xmlcb_endElement" );
xml_set_character_data_handler( $xmlParser, "_xmlcb_cData" );
// Open the file
if( !( $fp = fopen( $file, "r" ) ) ) {
die( "Unable to open file" );
// Process the file
while( $data = fread( $fp, 4096 ) ) {
if( !xml_parse( $xmlParser, $data, feof( $fp ) ) ) {
die( sprintf( "XML error: %s at line %d",
xml_error_string( xml_get_error_code( $xmlParser ) ),
xml_get_current_line_number( $xmlParser ) ) );
// Return the array of queries
return $this->sqlArray;
* Loads a schema into the database
* Accepts an array of SQL queries generated by the parser
* and executes them.
* @param array $sqlArray Array of SQL statements
* @param boolean $continueOnErr Don't fail out if an error is encountered
* @return integer 0 if failed, 1 if errors, 2 if successful
function ExecuteSchema( $sqlArray, $continueOnErr = TRUE ) {
$err = $this->dict->ExecuteSQLArray( $sqlArray, $continueOnErr );
// Return the success code
return $err;
* XML Callback to process start elements
* @access private
function _xmlcb_startElement( $parser, $name, $attrs ) {
$dbType = $this->dbType;
if( isset( $this->table ) ) $table = &$this->table;
if( isset( $this->index ) ) $index = &$this->index;
if( isset( $this->querySet ) ) $querySet = &$this->querySet;
$this->currentElement = $name;
// Process the element. Ignore unimportant elements.
if( in_array( trim( $name ), array( "SCHEMA", "DESCR", "COL", "CONSTRAINT" ) ) ) {
return FALSE;
switch( $name ) {
case "CLUSTERED": // IndexOpt
case "BITMAP": // IndexOpt
case "UNIQUE": // IndexOpt
case "FULLTEXT": // IndexOpt
case "HASH": // IndexOpt
if( isset( $this->index ) ) $this->index->addIndexOpt( $name );
case "TABLE": // Table element
if( !isset( $attrs['PLATFORM'] ) or $this->supportedPlatform( $attrs['PLATFORM'] ) ) {
isset( $this->objectPrefix ) ? $tableName = $this->objectPrefix . $attrs['NAME'] : $tableName = $attrs['NAME'];
$this->table = new dbTable( $tableName, $this->upgradeMethod );
} else {
unset( $this->table );
case "FIELD": // Table field
if( isset( $this->table ) ) {
$fieldName = $attrs['NAME'];
$fieldType = $attrs['TYPE'];
isset( $attrs['SIZE'] ) ? $fieldSize = $attrs['SIZE'] : $fieldSize = NULL;
isset( $attrs['OPTS'] ) ? $fieldOpts = $attrs['OPTS'] : $fieldOpts = NULL;
$this->table->addField( $fieldName, $fieldType, $fieldSize, $fieldOpts );
case "KEY": // Table field option
if( isset( $this->table ) ) {
$this->table->addFieldOpt( $this->table->currentField, 'KEY' );
case "NOTNULL": // Table field option
if( isset( $this->table ) ) {
$this->table->addFieldOpt( $this->table->currentField, 'NOTNULL' );
case "AUTOINCREMENT": // Table field option
if( isset( $this->table ) ) {
$this->table->addFieldOpt( $this->table->currentField, 'AUTOINCREMENT' );
case "DEFAULT": // Table field option
if( isset( $this->table ) ) {
$this->table->addFieldOpt( $this->table->currentField, 'DEFAULT', $attrs['VALUE'] );
case "INDEX": // Table index
if( !isset( $attrs['PLATFORM'] ) or $this->supportedPlatform( $attrs['PLATFORM'] ) ) {
isset( $this->objectPrefix ) ? $tableName = $this->objectPrefix . $attrs['TABLE'] : $tableName = $attrs['TABLE'];
$this->index = new dbIndex( $attrs['NAME'], $tableName );
} else {
if( isset( $this->index ) ) unset( $this->index );
case "SQL": // Freeform SQL queryset
if( !isset( $attrs['PLATFORM'] ) or $this->supportedPlatform( $attrs['PLATFORM'] ) ) {
$this->querySet = new dbQuerySet( $attrs );
} else {
if( isset( $this->querySet ) ) unset( $this->querySet );
case "QUERY": // Queryset SQL query
if( isset( $this->querySet ) ) {
// Ignore this query set if a platform is specified and it's different than the
// current connection platform.
if( !isset( $attrs['PLATFORM'] ) or $this->supportedPlatform( $attrs['PLATFORM'] ) ) {
} else {
if( isset( $this->querySet->query ) ) unset( $this->querySet->query );
if( $this->debug ) print "OPENING ELEMENT '$name'<BR/>\n";
* XML Callback to process cDATA elements
* @access private
function _xmlcb_cData( $parser, $data ) {
$element = &$this->currentElement;
if( trim( $data ) == "" ) return;
// Process the data depending on the element
switch( $element ) {
case "COL": // Index column
if( isset( $this->index ) ) $this->index->addField( $data );
case "DESCR": // Description element
// Display the description information
if( isset( $this->table ) ) {
$name = "({$this->table->tableName}): ";
} elseif( isset( $this->index ) ) {
$name = "({$this->index->indexName}): ";
} else {
$name = "";
if( $this->debug ) print "<LI> $name $data\n";
case "QUERY": // Query SQL data
if( isset( $this->querySet ) and isset( $this->querySet->query ) ) $this->querySet->buildQuery( $data );
case "CONSTRAINT": // Table constraint
if( isset( $this->table ) ) $this->table->addTableOpt( $data );
if( $this->debug ) print "<UL><LI>CDATA ($element) $data</UL>\n";
* XML Callback to process end elements
* @access private
function _xmlcb_endElement( $parser, $name ) {
// Process the element. Ignore unimportant elements.
if( in_array( trim( $name ),
return FALSE;
switch( trim( $name ) ) {
case "TABLE": // Table element
if( isset( $this->table ) ) {
$tableSQL = $this->table->create( $this->dict );
// Handle case changes in MySQL
// Get the metadata from the database, convert old and new table names to the
// same case and compare. If they're the same, pop a RENAME onto the query stack.
$tableName = $this->table->tableName;
if( $this->dict->upperName == 'MYSQL' and $oldTableName = $this->legacyTables[ strtoupper( $tableName ) ] ) {
if( $oldTableName != $tableName ) {
print "RENAMING table $oldTableName to $tableName\n";
array_push( $this->sqlArray, "RENAME TABLE $oldTableName TO $tableName" );
foreach( $tableSQL as $query ) {
array_push( $this->sqlArray, $query );
case "INDEX": // Index element
if( isset( $this->index ) ) {
$indexSQL = $this->index->create( $this->dict );
array_push( $this->sqlArray, $indexSQL[0] );
case "QUERY": // Queryset element
if( isset( $this->querySet ) and isset( $this->querySet->query ) ) $this->querySet->addQuery();
case "SQL": // Query SQL element
if( isset( $this->querySet ) ) {
$querySQL = $this->querySet->create();
$this->sqlArray = array_merge( $this->sqlArray, $querySQL );;
if( $this->debug ) print "<LI>CLOSING $name</UL>\n";
* Sets default table prefix
* Sets a standard prefix that will be prepended to all database tables during
* database creation. The prefix will automatically apply to tables referenced in indices as well.
* Calling setPrefix with no arguments clears the prefix.
* @param string $prefix Prefix
* @return boolean TRUE if successful, else FALSE
function setPrefix( $prefix = '' ) {
if( !preg_match( '/[^\w]/', $prefix ) and strlen( $prefix < XMLS_PREFIX_MAXLEN ) ) {
$this->objectPrefix = $prefix;
return TRUE;
} else {
return FALSE;
* Checks if element references a specific platform
* Returns TRUE is no platform is specified or if we are currently
* using the specified platform.
* @param string $platform Requested platform
* @return boolean TRUE if platform check succeeds
* @access private
function supportedPlatform( $platform = NULL ) {
$dbType = $this->dbType;
$regex = "/^(\w*\|)*" . $dbType . "(\|\w*)*$/";
if( !isset( $platform ) or
preg_match( $regex, $platform ) ) {
return TRUE;
} else {
return FALSE;
* Destroys the current object, freeing all bound resources
* It is recommended that you explicitly destroy all adoSchema objects when
* you are finished using them.
function Destroy() {
xml_parser_free( $this->xmlParser );
set_magic_quotes_runtime( $this->mgq );
unset( $this );