mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 09:31:24 +01:00
renaming info in infolog
This commit is contained in:
@ -12,14 +12,14 @@
/* $Id$ */
$phpgw_info["flags"]["currentapp"] = "info";
$phpgw_info["flags"]["enable_contacts_class"] = True;
$phpgw_info['flags']['currentapp'] = 'infolog';
$phpgw_info['flags']['enable_contacts_class'] = True;
$phpgw->info = createobject('info.info');
$phpgw->infolog = createobject('infolog.infolog');
$t = new Template($phpgw_info["server"]["app_tpl"]); // $t->unknows = 'keep'; $t->debug = 1;
$t->set_file(array("import" => "csv_import.tpl"));
$t = new Template($phpgw_info['server']['app_tpl']); // $t->unknows = 'keep'; $t->debug = 1;
$t->set_file(array('import' => 'csv_import.tpl'));
@ -32,8 +32,8 @@
if ($action == 'download' && (!$fieldsep || !$csvfile || !($fp=fopen($csvfile,"r")))) {
$action = '';
$t->set_var( $phpgw->info->setStyleSheet( ));
$t->set_var( $phpgw->infolog->setStyleSheet( ));
$t->set_var("lang_info_action",lang("Import CSV-File into Info Log"));
$PSep = '||'; // Pattern-Separator, separats the pattern-replacement-pairs in trans
@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ function cat_id( $cats )
if (!isset($values['datecreated'])) $values['datecreated'] = $values['startdate'];
if (!$debug) {
$log .= "\t</tr>\n</table>\n";
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
* phpGroupWare - Info Log *
* http://www.phpgroupware.org *
* Written by Ralf Becker <RalfBecker@outdoor-training.de> *
* based on todo written by Joseph Engo <jengo@phpgroupware.org> *
* originaly based on todo written by Joseph Engo <jengo@phpgroupware.org> *
* -------------------------------------------- *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the *
@ -17,26 +17,26 @@
'noheader' => True,
'nonavbar' => True,
'nofooter' => True,
'currentapp' => 'info'
'currentapp' => 'infolog'
if (! $info_id) {
Header('Location: ' . $phpgw->link('/info/index.php',"&sort=$sort&order=$order&query=$query&start=$start"
Header('Location: ' . $phpgw->link('/infolog/index.php',"&sort=$sort&order=$order&query=$query&start=$start"
. "&filter=$filter&cat_id=$cat_id"));
$phpgw->info = createobject('info.info');
if (! $phpgw->info->check_access($info_id,PHPGW_ACL_DELETE)) {
Header('Location: ' . $phpgw->link('/info/index.php',"&sort=$sort&order=$order&query=$query&start=$start"
$phpgw->infolog = createobject('infolog.infolog');
if (! $phpgw->infolog->check_access($info_id,PHPGW_ACL_DELETE)) {
Header('Location: ' . $phpgw->link('/infolog/index.php',"&sort=$sort&order=$order&query=$query&start=$start"
. "&filter=$filter&cat_id$cat_id"));
if ($confirm) {
Header('Location: ' . $phpgw->link('/info/index.php',"cd=16&sort=$sort&order=$order&query=$query&start="
Header('Location: ' . $phpgw->link('/infolog/index.php',"cd=16&sort=$sort&order=$order&query=$query&start="
. "$start&filter=$filter&cat_id=$cat_id"));
} else {
@ -51,21 +51,21 @@
$phpgw->template = new Template($phpgw->common->get_tpl_dir('info'));
$phpgw->template->set_file(array( 'info_delete' => 'delete.tpl' ));
$phpgw->template->set_var( $phpgw->info->setStyleSheet( ));
$phpgw->template->set_var( $phpgw->info->infoHeaders( ));
$phpgw->template->set_var( $phpgw->info->formatInfo( $info_id ));
$phpgw->template->set_var( $phpgw->infolog->setStyleSheet( ));
$phpgw->template->set_var( $phpgw->infolog->infoHeaders( ));
$phpgw->template->set_var( $phpgw->infolog->formatInfo( $info_id ));
$phpgw->template->set_var('lang_info_action',lang('Info Log - Delete'));
$phpgw->template->set_var('deleteheader',lang('Are you sure you want to delete this entry'));
$nolinkf = $phpgw->link('/info/index.php',"sort=$sort&order=$order&query=$query&start=$start&filter=$filter");
$nolinkf = $phpgw->link('/infolog/index.php',"sort=$sort&order=$order&query=$query&start=$start&filter=$filter");
$nolink = '<a href="' . $nolinkf . '">' . lang('No') .'</a>';
$phpgw->template->set_var('lang_cancel',lang('No - Cancel'));
$yeslinkf = $phpgw->link('/info/delete.php',"info_id=$info_id&confirm=True&sort="
$yeslinkf = $phpgw->link('/infolog/delete.php',"info_id=$info_id&confirm=True&sort="
. "$sort&order=$order&query=$query&start=$start&filter=$filter");
$yeslink = '<a href="' . $yeslinkf . '">' . lang('Yes') . '</a>';
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
# $Id$
#DROP TABLE infolog;
CREATE TABLE infolog (
info_id int(11) unsigned PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL auto_increment,
info_type enum('task','phone','note','confirm','reject','email','fax') NOT NULL, # type of entry
info_addr_id int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, # concerning address: e.g. call from or to (if applicable or 0)
@ -28,26 +28,26 @@ CREATE TABLE info (
# some test data:
# phone-calls
INSERT INTO info (info_type,info_addr_id,info_from,info_addr,info_subject,info_des,info_owner,info_responsible,info_access,info_pri,info_status) VALUES
INSERT INTO infolog (info_type,info_addr_id,info_from,info_addr,info_subject,info_des,info_owner,info_responsible,info_access,info_pri,info_status) VALUES
('phone',0,'Hugo X.','+49 (631) 12345','Was steht an','...',599440,599441,'public','urgent','call'),
('phone',1,'','','Besprechungstermin','Wann treffen wir uns wegen',599441,599440,'public','normal','call');
# notes
INSERT INTO info (info_type,info_addr_id,info_from,info_subject,info_des,info_owner) VALUES
INSERT INTO infolog (info_type,info_addr_id,info_from,info_subject,info_des,info_owner) VALUES
('note',0,'Hugo X.','Wie geht das','so und so',599440),
('note',1,'','zusätzliche Daten','1. + 2. + 3.',599441);
# tasks
INSERT INTO info (info_type,info_addr_id,info_from,info_subject,info_des,info_owner,info_responsible,info_access,info_pri,info_status,info_confirm) VALUES
INSERT INTO infolog (info_type,info_addr_id,info_from,info_subject,info_des,info_owner,info_responsible,info_access,info_pri,info_status,info_confirm) VALUES
('task',0,'','Bauauftrag','wir brauche 10 Mohawks',599440,0,'public','low','offer','both'),
('task',2,'Ralf','Konzept vorlegen','Wann treffen wir uns wegen',599440,599441,'privat','high','ongoing','done');
# confirmation
INSERT INTO info (info_type,info_id_parent,info_subject,info_des,info_owner,info_status,info_time) VALUES
INSERT INTO infolog (info_type,info_id_parent,info_subject,info_des,info_owner,info_status,info_time) VALUES
('confirm',6,'war ne harte Nuß','blah blah blah',599441,'done',10);
# email
INSERT INTO info (info_type,info_addr_id,info_from,info_addr,info_subject,info_des,info_owner,info_responsible,info_access,info_pri) VALUES
INSERT INTO infolog (info_type,info_addr_id,info_from,info_addr,info_subject,info_des,info_owner,info_responsible,info_access,info_pri) VALUES
('email',0,'Ralf Becker','RalfBecker@outdoor-training.de','Was steht an','...',599440,0,'public','normal'),
('email',1,'Birgit Becker','BirgitBecker@outdoor-training.de','Besprechungstermin','Wann treffen wir uns wegen',599441,599440,'public','urgent');
@ -1,71 +1,71 @@
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('info','common','de','InfoLog');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('urgency','info','de','Priorität');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('sub','info','de','Teil-<br>projekte');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('add sub','info','de','neues Teilprojekt anlegen');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('view subs','info','de','Teilprojekte anzeigen');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('type','info','de','Typ');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('urgent','info','de','Dringend');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('confirm','info','de','Bestätigung');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('not','info','de','keine');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('done','info','de','erledigt');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('accept','info','de','bei Annahme');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('both','info','de','Annahme+erledigt');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('offer','info','de','Angebot');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('ongoing','info','de','in Arbeit');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('call','info','de','anrufen');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('will-call','info','de','ruft zurück');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('billed','info','de','abgerechnet');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('finish','info','de','wenn erledigt');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('from','info','de','Von');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('phone/email','info','de','Telefon/Email');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('note','info','de','Notiz');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('fax','info','de','Fax');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('task','info','de','Auftrag');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('phone','info','de','Anruf');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('reject','info','de','Absage');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('not assigned','info','de','nicht zugewiesen');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('responsible','info','de','Auftrag an');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('duration','info','de','Dauer');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('days','info','de','Tage');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('today','info','de','Heute');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('startdate','info','de','Startdatum');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('enddate','info','de','Enddatum');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('info log - edit','info','de','Info Log - Bearbeiten');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('info log','info','de','Info Log');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('info log - delete','info','de','Info Log - Löschen');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('are you sure you want to delete this entry','info','de','Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie diesen Eintrag löschen wollen?');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('phonecall','info','de','Telefonanruf');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('no - cancel','info','de','Nein - Abbruch');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('yes - delete','info','de','Ja - Löschen');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('info log - new','info','de','Info Log - Anlegen');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('info log - new subproject','info','de','Info Log - Anlegen Teilprojekt');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('re:','info','de','Re: ');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('info log - subprojects from','info','de','Info Log - Teilprojekte von');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('back to projectlist','info','de','Zurück zur Gesamtliste');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('view other subs','info','de','andere Teileprojekte anzeigen');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('action','info','de','Befehle');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('showing x - x of x','info','de','Einträge %1 - %2 von %3');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('datecreated','info','de','Erstellt am');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('you have entered an invalid ending date','info','de','Sie haben ein ungültiges Enddatum angegeben');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('you have entered an invalid starting date','info','de','Sie haben ein ungültiges Startdatum eingegeben');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('owner','info','de','Erstellt von');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('no entrys found for %1, try again ...','info','de','Keine Einträge für %1 gefunden, nochmal versuchen ...');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('search for:','info','de','Suchen nach:');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('project','info','de','Projekt');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('pattern for search in addressbook','info','de','Muster für Suche im Adressbuch');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('pattern for search in projects','info','de','Muster für Suche des Projekts');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('not set, use button to search for','info','de','nicht gesetzt, Button zum Suchen verwenden');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('import csv-file into info log','info','de','Import CSV-Datei ins Info Log');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('csv-fieldname','info','de','CSV-Feldname');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('info log-fieldname','info','de','Info Log-Feldname');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('translation','info','de','Translation');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('import','info','de','Import');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('startrecord','info','de','Startdatensatz');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('number of records to read (<=200)','info','de','Anzahl Datensätze lesen (<=200)');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('test import (show importable records <u>only</u> in browser)','info','de','Test Import (zeige importierbare Datensätze <u>nur</u> im Browser)');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('csv-filename','info','de','CSV-Dateiname');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('fieldseparator','info','de','Feldbegrenzer');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('download','info','de','Datei laden');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('%1 records imported','info','de','%1 Datensätze importiert');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('%1 records read (not yet imported, you may go back and uncheck test import)','info','de','%1 Datensätze gelesen (noch nicht importiert, sie können %2zurück%3 gehen und Test Import ausschalten)');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('%1 records read (not yet imported, you may go back and uncheck test import)','info','en','%1 records read (not yet imported, you may go %2back%3 and uncheck Test Import)');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('infolog','common','de','InfoLog');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('urgency','infolog','de','Priorität');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('sub','infolog','de','Teil-<br>projekte');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('add sub','infolog','de','neues Teilprojekt anlegen');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('view subs','infolog','de','Teilprojekte anzeigen');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('type','infolog','de','Typ');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('urgent','infolog','de','Dringend');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('confirm','infolog','de','Bestätigung');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('not','infolog','de','keine');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('done','infolog','de','erledigt');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('accept','infolog','de','bei Annahme');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('both','infolog','de','Annahme+erledigt');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('offer','infolog','de','Angebot');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('ongoing','infolog','de','in Arbeit');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('call','infolog','de','anrufen');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('will-call','infolog','de','ruft zurück');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('billed','infolog','de','abgerechnet');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('finish','infolog','de','wenn erledigt');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('from','infolog','de','Von');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('phone/email','infolog','de','Telefon/Email');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('note','infolog','de','Notiz');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('fax','infolog','de','Fax');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('task','infolog','de','Auftrag');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('phone','infolog','de','Anruf');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('reject','infolog','de','Absage');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('not assigned','infolog','de','nicht zugewiesen');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('responsible','infolog','de','Auftrag an');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('duration','infolog','de','Dauer');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('days','infolog','de','Tage');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('today','infolog','de','Heute');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('startdate','infolog','de','Startdatum');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('enddate','infolog','de','Enddatum');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('info log - edit','infolog','de','Info Log - Bearbeiten');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('info log','infolog','de','Info Log');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('info log - delete','infolog','de','Info Log - Löschen');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('are you sure you want to delete this entry','infolog','de','Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie diesen Eintrag löschen wollen?');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('phonecall','infolog','de','Telefonanruf');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('no - cancel','infolog','de','Nein - Abbruch');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('yes - delete','infolog','de','Ja - Löschen');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('info log - new','infolog','de','Info Log - Anlegen');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('info log - new subproject','infolog','de','Info Log - Anlegen Teilprojekt');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('re:','infolog','de','Re: ');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('info log - subprojects from','infolog','de','Info Log - Teilprojekte von');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('back to projectlist','infolog','de','Zurück zur Gesamtliste');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('view other subs','infolog','de','andere Teileprojekte anzeigen');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('action','infolog','de','Befehle');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('showing x - x of x','infolog','de','Einträge %1 - %2 von %3');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('datecreated','infolog','de','Erstellt am');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('you have entered an invalid ending date','infolog','de','Sie haben ein ungültiges Enddatum angegeben');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('you have entered an invalid starting date','infolog','de','Sie haben ein ungültiges Startdatum eingegeben');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('owner','infolog','de','Erstellt von');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('no entrys found for %1, try again ...','infolog','de','Keine Einträge für %1 gefunden, nochmal versuchen ...');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('search for:','infolog','de','Suchen nach:');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('project','infolog','de','Projekt');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('pattern for search in addressbook','infolog','de','Muster für Suche im Adressbuch');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('pattern for search in projects','infolog','de','Muster für Suche des Projekts');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('not set, use button to search for','infolog','de','nicht gesetzt, Button zum Suchen verwenden');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('import csv-file into info log','infolog','de','Import CSV-Datei ins Info Log');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('csv-fieldname','infolog','de','CSV-Feldname');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('info log-fieldname','infolog','de','Info Log-Feldname');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('translation','infolog','de','Translation');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('import','infolog','de','Import');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('startrecord','infolog','de','Startdatensatz');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('number of records to read (<=200)','infolog','de','Anzahl Datensätze lesen (<=200)');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('test import (show importable records <u>only</u> in browser)','infolog','de','Test Import (zeige importierbare Datensätze <u>nur</u> im Browser)');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('csv-filename','infolog','de','CSV-Dateiname');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('fieldseparator','infolog','de','Feldbegrenzer');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('download','infolog','de','Datei laden');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('%1 records imported','infolog','de','%1 Datensätze importiert');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('%1 records read (not yet imported, you may go back and uncheck test import)','infolog','de','%1 Datensätze gelesen (noch nicht importiert, sie können %2zurück%3 gehen und Test Import ausschalten)');
INSERT INTO lang VALUES ('%1 records read (not yet imported, you may go back and uncheck test import)','infolog','en','%1 records read (not yet imported, you may go %2back%3 and uncheck Test Import)');
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
* phpGroupWare - Info Log *
* http://www.phpgroupware.org *
* Written by Ralf Becker <RalfBecker@outdoor-training.de> *
* based on info written by Joseph Engo <jengo@phpgroupware.org> *
* originaly based on todo written by Joseph Engo <jengo@phpgroupware.org> *
* -------------------------------------------- *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the *
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
/* $Id$ */
$phpgw_info['flags'] = array(
'currentapp' => 'info',
'currentapp' => 'infolog',
'noheader' => True,
'nofooter' => True,
'nonavbar' => True,
@ -23,11 +23,11 @@
if ((!isset($info_id) || !$info_id) && !$action) {
Header('Location: ' . $phpgw->link('/info/index.php',sprintf('sort=%s&order=%s&query=%s&start=%s'
. '&filter=%s&cat_id=%s',$sort,$order,$query,$start,$filter,$cat_id)));
Header('Location: ' . $phpgw->link('/infolog/index.php',"sort=$sort&order=$order&query=$query&start=$start&".
$phpgw->info = createobject('info.info');
$phpgw->infolog = createobject('infolog.infolog');
if ($submit) {
if (strlen($des) >= 8000) {
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@
if (! is_array($error)) {
'type' => $type,
'from' => $from,
'addr' => $addr,
@ -102,32 +102,32 @@
if (!$addrsearch && !$projectsearch) {
Header('Location: ' . $phpgw->link('/info/index.php', "cd=15&sort=$sort&order=$order&query=$query&".
Header('Location: ' . $phpgw->link('/infolog/index.php', "cd=15&sort=$sort&order=$order&query=$query&".
$phpgw->info->read( $info_id );
$phpgw->infolog->read( $info_id );
if ($info_id && $action == 'sp') { // new SubProject
if (!$phpgw->info->check_access($info_id,PHPGW_ACL_ADD)) {
Header('Location: ' . $phpgw->link('/info/index.php',"sort=$sort&order=$order&query=$query&start=$start&filter=$filter"));
if (!$phpgw->infolog->check_access($info_id,PHPGW_ACL_ADD)) {
Header('Location: ' . $phpgw->link('/infolog/index.php',"sort=$sort&order=$order&query=$query&start=$start&filter=$filter"));
$parent = $phpgw->info->data;
$phpgw->info->data['info_id'] = $info_id = 0;
$phpgw->info->owner = $phpgw_info['user']['account_id'];
$phpgw->info->data['info_id_parent'] = $parent['info_id'];
$parent = $phpgw->infolog->data;
$phpgw->infolog->data['info_id'] = $info_id = 0;
$phpgw->infolog->owner = $phpgw_info['user']['account_id'];
$phpgw->infolog->data['info_id_parent'] = $parent['info_id'];
if ($parent['info_type'] == 'task' && $parent['info_status'] == 'offer') {
$phpgw->info->data['info_type'] = 'confirm';
$phpgw->info->data['info_responsible'] = $parent['info_owner']; // confirmation to parent
$phpgw->infolog->data['info_type'] = 'confirm';
$phpgw->infolog->data['info_responsible'] = $parent['info_owner']; // confirmation to parent
$phpgw->info->data['info_status'] = 'ongoing';
$phpgw->info->data['info_confirm'] = 'not';
$phpgw->info->data['info_subject'] = lang('Re:').' '.$parent['info_subject'];
$phpgw->info->data['info_des'] = '';
$phpgw->infolog->data['info_status'] = 'ongoing';
$phpgw->infolog->data['info_confirm'] = 'not';
$phpgw->infolog->data['info_subject'] = lang('Re:').' '.$parent['info_subject'];
$phpgw->infolog->data['info_des'] = '';
} else {
if ($info_id && !$phpgw->info->check_access($info_id,PHPGW_ACL_EDIT)) {
Header('Location: ' . $phpgw->link('/info/index.php',"sort=$sort&order=$order&query=$query&start=$start&filter=$filter"));
if ($info_id && !$phpgw->infolog->check_access($info_id,PHPGW_ACL_EDIT)) {
Header('Location: ' . $phpgw->link('/infolog/index.php',"sort=$sort&order=$order&query=$query&start=$start&filter=$filter"));
@ -138,17 +138,17 @@
. '<input type="hidden" name="start" value="' . $start . '">'
. '<input type="hidden" name="filter" value="' . $filter . '">'
. '<input type="hidden" name="info_id" value="' . $info_id. '">'
. '<input type="hidden" name="id_parent" value="' . ($id_parent = $phpgw->info->data['info_id_parent']). '">'
. '<input type="hidden" name="id_parent" value="' . ($id_parent = $phpgw->infolog->data['info_id_parent']). '">'
. '<input type="hidden" name="action" value="' . $action. '">';
echo parse_navbar();
$phpgw->db->query("select * from info where info_id='$info_id'");
$phpgw->db->query("select * FROM infolog where info_id='$info_id'");
$pri_selected[$phpgw->info->data['info_pri']] = ' selected';
$status_selected[$phpgw->info->data['info_status']] = ' selected';
$pri_selected[$phpgw->infolog->data['info_pri']] = ' selected';
$status_selected[$phpgw->infolog->data['info_status']] = ' selected';
$phpgw->template->set_file(array('info_edit' => 'form.tpl'));
@ -172,29 +172,29 @@
$info_action = 'Info Log - Edit'; break;
$phpgw->template->set_var('lang_info_action',lang($info_action).($addrsearch?' - '.lang('Search for:')." '$addrsearch'":''));
$phpgw->template->set_var($phpgw->info->setStyleSheet( ));
$phpgw->template->set_var($phpgw->infolog->setStyleSheet( ));
$phpgw->template->set_var('lang_prfrom', lang('From'));
$phpgw->template->set_var('fromval', $phpgw->strip_html($phpgw->info->data['info_from']));
$phpgw->template->set_var('fromval', $phpgw->strip_html($phpgw->infolog->data['info_from']));
$phpgw->template->set_var('lang_praddr', lang('Phone/Email'));
$phpgw->template->set_var('addrval', $phpgw->strip_html($phpgw->info->data['info_addr']));
$phpgw->template->set_var('addrval', $phpgw->strip_html($phpgw->infolog->data['info_addr']));
$phpgw->template->set_var('lang_search', lang('Search'));
$phpgw->template->set_var('lang_prproject', lang('Project'));
$phpgw->template->set_var('lang_proj_prompt', lang('Pattern for Search in Projects'));
if (($proj_id = $phpgw->info->data['info_proj_id']) || $projectsearch) {
if (($proj_id = $phpgw->infolog->data['info_proj_id']) || $projectsearch) {
$projects = createobject('projects.projects');
if ($projectsearch) {
@ -224,7 +224,7 @@
$phpgw->template->set_var('lang_praddrbook', lang('Addressbook'));
$phpgw->template->set_var('lang_addr_prompt', lang('Pattern for Search in Addressbook'));
if (($addr_id = $phpgw->info->data['info_addr_id']) || $addrsearch) {
if (($addr_id = $phpgw->infolog->data['info_addr_id']) || $addrsearch) {
$contacts = createobject('phpgwapi.contacts');
if ($addrsearch) {
@ -232,7 +232,7 @@
if (count($addrs)) {
$addrbook = '<select name="addr_id">';
while (list( $key,$addr ) = each( $addrs )) {
$addrbook .= '<option value="'.$addr['id'].'">'.$phpgw->info->addr2name( $addr )."\n";
$addrbook .= '<option value="'.$addr['id'].'">'.$phpgw->infolog->addr2name( $addr )."\n";
$addrbook .= '<option value="0">'.lang('none')."\n";
$addrbook .= '</select>';
@ -242,7 +242,7 @@
} else { // read name/company from addressbook entry info_addr_id
list( $addr ) = $contacts->read_single_entry( $addr_id );
if (count($addr)) {
$addrbook = $phpgw->info->addr2name( $addr ).'<input type="hidden" name="addr_id" value="' . $addr_id . '">';
$addrbook = $phpgw->infolog->addr2name( $addr ).'<input type="hidden" name="addr_id" value="' . $addr_id . '">';
@ -252,25 +252,25 @@
$phpgw->template->set_var('addrbook', $addrbook);
$phpgw->template->set_var('lang_prsubject', lang('Subject'));
$phpgw->template->set_var('subjectval', $phpgw->strip_html($phpgw->info->data['info_subject']));
$phpgw->template->set_var('subjectval', $phpgw->strip_html($phpgw->infolog->data['info_subject']));
$phpgw->template->set_var('lang_prdesc', lang('Description'));
$phpgw->template->set_var('descval', $phpgw->strip_html($phpgw->info->data['info_des']));
$phpgw->template->set_var('descval', $phpgw->strip_html($phpgw->infolog->data['info_des']));
// get month/day/year fields for startdate and enddate
if ($phpgw->info->data['info_startdate'] == 0) {
if ($phpgw->infolog->data['info_startdate'] == 0) {
$sday = $smonth = $syear = 0;
} else {
$sday = date('d',$phpgw->info->data['info_startdate']);
$smonth = date('m',$phpgw->info->data['info_startdate']);
$syear = date('Y',$phpgw->info->data['info_startdate']);
$sday = date('d',$phpgw->infolog->data['info_startdate']);
$smonth = date('m',$phpgw->infolog->data['info_startdate']);
$syear = date('Y',$phpgw->infolog->data['info_startdate']);
if ($phpgw->info->data['info_enddate'] == 0) {
if ($phpgw->infolog->data['info_enddate'] == 0) {
$eday = $emonth = $eyear = 0;
} else {
$eday = date('d',$phpgw->info->data['info_enddate']);
$emonth = date('m',$phpgw->info->data['info_enddate']);
$eyear = date('Y',$phpgw->info->data['info_enddate']);
$eday = date('d',$phpgw->infolog->data['info_enddate']);
$emonth = date('m',$phpgw->infolog->data['info_enddate']);
$eyear = date('Y',$phpgw->infolog->data['info_enddate']);
// get an instance of select box class
@ -288,25 +288,25 @@
$phpgw->template->set_var('access_list', '<input type="checkbox" name="access" value="True"' . ($phpgw->info->data['info_access'] == 'private'?' checked':'') . '>');
$phpgw->template->set_var('access_list', '<input type="checkbox" name="access" value="True"' . ($phpgw->infolog->data['info_access'] == 'private'?' checked':'') . '>');
$phpgw->template->set_var('edit_button','<input type="submit" name="submit" value="' . lang('Save') . '">');
if (!$action && $phpgw->info->check_access($info_id,PHPGW_ACL_DELETE)) {
if (!$action && $phpgw->infolog->check_access($info_id,PHPGW_ACL_DELETE)) {
$phpgw->template->set_var('delete_button','<input type="submit" name="delete" value="' . lang('Delete') . '">');
@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
* phpGroupWare - Info *
* phpGroupWare - InfoLog *
* http://www.phpgroupware.org *
* Written by Ralf Becker <RalfBecker@outdoor-training.de> *
* originaly based on todo written by Joseph Engo <jengo@phpgroupware.org> *
* -------------------------------------------- *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the *
@ -11,7 +13,7 @@
/* $Id$ */
class info
class infolog
var $db,$db2;
var $grants;
@ -19,11 +21,11 @@
var $enums;
var $data = array( );
function info( $info_id = 0) {
function infolog( $info_id = 0) {
global $phpgw;
$this->db = $phpgw->db;
$this->db2 = $phpgw->db; // for getAccounts and accountInfo
$this->grants = $phpgw->acl->get_grants('info');
$this->grants = $phpgw->acl->get_grants('infolog');
$this->enums = array( 'priority' => array( 'urgent' => 'urgent','high' => 'high','normal' => 'normal','low' => 'low' ),
'status' => array( 'offer' => 'offer','ongoing' => 'ongoing','call' => 'call',
'will-call' => 'will-call','done' => 'done','billed' => 'billed' ),
@ -183,13 +185,13 @@
$subject = "<span class=$css_class>";
if ($p_id != ($proj_id = $info['info_proj_id']) && $proj = $this->readProj($proj_id)) {
$subject .= '<b><a href="'.$phpgw->link('/info/index.php',"filter=$filter&action=proj&proj_id=$proj_id").
$subject .= '<b><a href="'.$phpgw->link('/infolog/index.php',"filter=$filter&action=proj&proj_id=$proj_id").
if ($a_id != ($addr_id = $info['info_addr_id']) && $addr = $this->readAddr($addr_id)) {
if ($proj) $subject .= '<br>';
$addr = $this->addr2name( $addr );
$subject .= '<b><a href="'.$phpgw->link('/info/index.php',"filter=$filter&action=addr&addr_id=$addr_id").
$subject .= '<b><a href="'.$phpgw->link('/infolog/index.php',"filter=$filter&action=addr&addr_id=$addr_id").
if (($from = $info['info_from']) && (!$addr || !strstr($addr,$from))) {
@ -214,17 +216,17 @@
$enddate = "<span class=overdue>$enddate</span>";
if (!($responsible = $info['info_responsible']) && $info['info_status'] == 'offer') {
$responsible = $phpgw->info->icon('status','offer');
$responsible = $phpgw->infolog->icon('status','offer');
} else {
$responsible = $phpgw->info->accountInfo($responsible);
$responsible = $phpgw->infolog->accountInfo($responsible);
$owner = $phpgw->info->accountInfo($info['info_owner']);
$owner = $phpgw->infolog->accountInfo($info['info_owner']);
if ($info['info_access'] == 'private')
$owner = "<span class=private>$owner</span>";
return array(
'type' => $phpgw->info->icon('type',$info['info_type']),
'status' => $phpgw->info->icon('status',$info['info_status']),
'type' => $phpgw->infolog->icon('type',$info['info_type']),
'status' => $phpgw->infolog->icon('status',$info['info_status']),
'pri' => lang($info['info_pri']),
'subject' => $subject,
'des' => $info['info_des'],
@ -244,7 +246,7 @@
for ( ;$f = $h = current($fields); $f = next($fields)) {
$lang = lang(ucfirst( $f ));
if ($do_sort_header) {
$headers['sort_'.$f] = $phpgw->nextmatchs->show_sort_order($sort,'info_'.$f,$order,'/info/index.php',$lang);
$headers['sort_'.$f] = $phpgw->nextmatchs->show_sort_order($sort,'info_'.$f,$order,'/infolog/index.php',$lang);
} else {
$headers['lang_'.$f] = $lang;
@ -321,7 +323,7 @@
function read($info_id) { // did _not_ ensure ACL, has to be done by the calling code
if ($info_id <= 0 || $info_id != $this->data['info_id'] &&
(!$this->db->query("select * from info where info_id='$info_id'") || !$this->db->next_record()))
(!$this->db->query("select * FROM infolog where info_id='$info_id'") || !$this->db->next_record()))
$this->init( );
return False;
@ -348,7 +350,7 @@
function delete($info_id) { // did _not_ ensure ACL, has to be done by the calling code
global $phpgw_info;
$this->db->query("delete from info where info_id='$info_id' or info_id_parent='"
$this->db->query("delete FROM infolog where info_id='$info_id' or info_id_parent='"
. "$info_id' AND ((info_access='public' and info_owner != '"
. $phpgw_info['user']['account_id'] . "') or (info_owner='"
. $phpgw_info['user']['account_id'] . "'))" ,__LINE__,__FILE__);
@ -389,7 +391,7 @@
if ($values['info_id']) {
$query = 'update info set '.$query.' where info_id=\'' . $values['info_id'] .'\'';
} else {
$query = 'insert into info set '.$query;
$query = 'insert INTO infolog set '.$query;
* need to set $this->data['info_id'] with assigned autoincrement id
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
$imgpath = $phpgw->common->image($appname,'navbar.gif');
@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
function about_app($tpl,$handle)
$s = "<b>Info Log</b><p>written by <a href='mailto:RalfBecker@outdoor-training.de'>Ralf Becker</a><br>adopted from todo written by Joseph Engo";
return $s;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
function about_app($tpl,$handle)
$s = "<b>Info Log</b><p>written by <a href='mailto:RalfBecker@outdoor-training.de'>Ralf Becker</a><br>adopted from todo written by Joseph Engo<p>".
"InfoLog sumarizes the 3 core-programms ToDo, Notes and PhoneLog. InfoLog is based on phpGroupWare's ToDo-List and already has the features ".
"of all 3 mentioned applications plus fully working ACL (including Add+Private attributes, add for to addreplys/subtasks), responsibility ".
"for a task (ToDo) or a phonecall could be delegated to an other user, all entry could be linked to an addressbook entry and a projekt. ".
"This allows you to log all activity of a projekt or address (this should include archiving of emails, faxes and other documents in the ".
"Their is a CSV import filter (under admin) to import existing data which allows to interactivly assign fields and customize the values ".
"with regular expressions and direkt calls to php-functions (e.g. link the phone calls (again) to the addressbook entrys).";
return $s;
@ -29,10 +29,10 @@
lang('Grant InfoLog Access'));
lang('InfoLog categories'));
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
* phpGroupWare - Info Log *
* http://www.phpgroupware.org *
* Written by Ralf Becker <RalfBecker@outdoor-training.de> *
* based on todo written by Joseph Engo <jengo@phpgroupware.org> *
* originaly based on todo written by Joseph Engo <jengo@phpgroupware.org> *
* -------------------------------------------- *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the *
@ -14,21 +14,21 @@
/* $Id$ */
$phpgw_info['flags'] = array(
'currentapp' => 'info',
'currentapp' => 'infolog',
'enable_nextmatchs_class' => True,
'enable_categories_class' => True
$phpgw->info = createobject('info.info');
$phpgw->infolog = createobject('infolog.infolog');
$db = $phpgw->db;
$db2 = $phpgw->db;
$phpgw->template = new Template($phpgw->common->get_tpl_dir('info'));
$phpgw->template = new Template($phpgw->common->get_tpl_dir('infolog'));
$phpgw->template->set_file(array( 'info_list_t' => 'list.tpl' ));
$grants = $phpgw->acl->get_grants('info');
$grants = $phpgw->acl->get_grants('infolog');
$common_hidden_vars =
'<input type="hidden" name="sort" value="' . $sort . '">'
@ -48,21 +48,21 @@
case 'proj':
$common_hidden_vars .= '<input type="hidden" name="proj_id" value="' . $proj_id . '">';
$proj = $phpgw->info->readProj($proj_id);
$proj = $phpgw->infolog->readProj($proj_id);
$phpgw->template->set_var(lang_info_action,lang('Info Log').' - '.$proj['title']);
case 'addr':
$common_hidden_vars .= '<input type="hidden" name="addr_id" value="' . $addr_id . '">';
$addr = $phpgw->info->readAddr($addr_id);
$phpgw->template->set_var(lang_info_action,lang('Info Log').' - '.$phpgw->info->addr2name($addr));
$addr = $phpgw->infolog->readAddr($addr_id);
$phpgw->template->set_var(lang_info_action,lang('Info Log').' - '.$phpgw->infolog->addr2name($addr));
$phpgw->template->set_var(lang_info_action,lang('Info Log'));
$phpgw->template->set_var($phpgw->info->setStyleSheet( ));
$phpgw->template->set_var($phpgw->infolog->setStyleSheet( ));
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
// ===========================================
// list header variable template-declarations
// ===========================================
$phpgw->template->set_var( $phpgw->info->infoHeaders( 1,$sort,$order ));
$phpgw->template->set_var( $phpgw->infolog->infoHeaders( 1,$sort,$order ));
// -------------- end header declaration -----------------
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@
if (!$filter) {
$filter = 'none';
$filtermethod = $phpgw->info->aclFilter($filter);
$filtermethod = $phpgw->infolog->aclFilter($filter);
if ($cat_id) {
$filtermethod .= " AND info_cat='$cat_id' ";
@ -100,10 +100,10 @@
if ($query) $sql_query = "AND (info_from like '%$query%' OR info_subject like '%$query%' OR info_des like '%$query%') ";
$pid = 'AND info_id_parent='.($action == 'sp' ? $info_id : 0);
if ($phpgw->info->listChilds && $action != 'sp')
if ($phpgw->infolog->listChilds && $action != 'sp')
$pid = '';
$db->query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM info WHERE $filtermethod $pid $sql_query",__LINE__,__FILE__);
$db->query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM infolog WHERE $filtermethod $pid $sql_query",__LINE__,__FILE__);
$total = $db->f(0);
@ -126,8 +126,8 @@
switch ($action) {
case 'sp': // details of parent
$phpgw->template->set_var( $phpgw->info->infoHeaders( ));
$phpgw->template->set_var( $phpgw->info->formatInfo( $info_id ));
$phpgw->template->set_var( $phpgw->infolog->infoHeaders( ));
$phpgw->template->set_var( $phpgw->infolog->formatInfo( $info_id ));
case 'addr':
@ -139,7 +139,7 @@
// ===========================================
// nextmatch variable template-declarations
// ===========================================
$next_matchs = $phpgw->nextmatchs->show_tpl('/info/index.php',$start,$total,
$next_matchs = $phpgw->nextmatchs->show_tpl('/infolog/index.php',$start,$total,
@ -147,13 +147,13 @@
$limit = $db->limit($start);
$db->query($q="SELECT * FROM info WHERE $filtermethod $pid $sql_query $ordermethod $limit",__LINE__,__FILE__);
$db->query($q="SELECT * FROM infolog WHERE $filtermethod $pid $sql_query $ordermethod $limit",__LINE__,__FILE__);
while ($db->next_record()) {
// ========================================
// check if actual project has subprojects
// ========================================
$db2->query("select count(*) as cnt from info where info_id_parent=" .$db->f('info_id'),__LINE__,__FILE__);
$db2->query("select count(*) as cnt FROM infolog where info_id_parent=" .$db->f('info_id'),__LINE__,__FILE__);
if ($db2->f('cnt') > 0) {
$subproact = 1;
@ -164,20 +164,20 @@
$phpgw->template->set_var( $phpgw->info->formatInfo( $db->Record,$proj_id,$addr_id ));
$phpgw->template->set_var( $phpgw->infolog->formatInfo( $db->Record,$proj_id,$addr_id ));
if ($phpgw->info->check_access($db->f('info_id'),PHPGW_ACL_EDIT)) {
$phpgw->template->set_var('edit','<a href="' . $phpgw->link('/info/edit.php','info_id=' . $db->f('info_id')
if ($phpgw->infolog->check_access($db->f('info_id'),PHPGW_ACL_EDIT)) {
$phpgw->template->set_var('edit','<a href="' . $phpgw->link('/infolog/edit.php','info_id=' . $db->f('info_id')
. '&sort=' . $sort . '&order=' . $order . '&query=' . $query . '&start=' . $start . '&filter=' . $filter)
. '">' . $phpgw->info->icon('action','edit') . '</a>');
. '">' . $phpgw->infolog->icon('action','edit') . '</a>');
} else {
if ($phpgw->info->check_access($db->f('info_id'),PHPGW_ACL_DELETE)) {
$phpgw->template->set_var('delete','<a href="' . $phpgw->link('/info/delete.php','info_id=' . $db->f('info_id')
if ($phpgw->infolog->check_access($db->f('info_id'),PHPGW_ACL_DELETE)) {
$phpgw->template->set_var('delete','<a href="' . $phpgw->link('/infolog/delete.php','info_id=' . $db->f('info_id')
. '&sort=' . $sort . '&order=' . $order . '&query=' . $query . '&start=' . $start . '&filter=' . $filter)
. '">' . $phpgw->info->icon('action','delete') . '</a>');
. '">' . $phpgw->infolog->icon('action','delete') . '</a>');
} else {
@ -186,17 +186,17 @@
$phpgw->template->set_var('viewparent', '');
if ($subproact > 0) { // if subprojects exist, display VIEW SUB icon
$phpgw->template->set_var('viewsub', '<a href="' . $phpgw->link('/info/index.php','info_id=' . $db->f('info_id')
. "&filter=$filter&action=sp") . '">' . $phpgw->info->icon('action','view') . '</a>');
$phpgw->template->set_var('viewsub', '<a href="' . $phpgw->link('/infolog/index.php','info_id=' . $db->f('info_id')
. "&filter=$filter&action=sp") . '">' . $phpgw->infolog->icon('action','view') . '</a>');
} else { // else display ADD SUB-Icon
if ($phpgw->info->check_access($db->f('info_id'),PHPGW_ACL_ADD)) {
$phpgw->template->set_var('subadd', '<a href="' . $phpgw->link('/info/edit.php','info_id=' . $db->f('info_id') .
'&filter=' . $filter . '&action=sp') . '">' . $phpgw->info->icon('action','new') . '</a>');
if ($phpgw->infolog->check_access($db->f('info_id'),PHPGW_ACL_ADD)) {
$phpgw->template->set_var('subadd', '<a href="' . $phpgw->link('/infolog/edit.php','info_id=' . $db->f('info_id') .
'&filter=' . $filter . '&action=sp') . '">' . $phpgw->infolog->icon('action','new') . '</a>');
} // if parent --> display VIEW SUBS of Parent
if ($db->f('info_id_parent') && $action != 'sp') {
$phpgw->template->set_var('viewparent', '<a href="' . $phpgw->link('/info/index.php','info_id=' . $db->f('info_id_parent') .
"&filter=$filter&action=sp") . '">' . $phpgw->info->icon('action','parent') . '</a>');
$phpgw->template->set_var('viewparent', '<a href="' . $phpgw->link('/infolog/index.php','info_id=' . $db->f('info_id_parent') .
"&filter=$filter&action=sp") . '">' . $phpgw->infolog->icon('action','parent') . '</a>');
@ -209,14 +209,14 @@
if ($action) {
$phpgw->template->set_var('lang_back2projects', '<br><a href="' .
'">'.lang('Back to Projectlist').'</a>');
// get actual date and year for matrixview arguments
/* $year = date('Y');
$month = date('m');
$phpgw->template->set_var('lang_matrixviewhref', '<br><a href="' . $phpgw->link('/info/graphview.php',"month=$month&year=$year&filter=$filter").
$phpgw->template->set_var('lang_matrixviewhref', '<br><a href="' . $phpgw->link('/infolog/graphview.php',"month=$month&year=$year&filter=$filter").
'">'.lang('View Matrix of actual Month').'</a>'); */
// ============================================
// template declaration for Add Form
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
// include('../version.inc.php');
$phpgw_info['setup']['info']['name'] = 'info';
$phpgw_info['setup']['info']['name'] = 'infolog';
$phpgw_info['setup']['info']['version'] = "0.1";
$phpgw_info['setup']['info']['app_order'] = 1;
$phpgw_info['setup']['info']['tables'] = "info";
$phpgw_info['setup']['info']['tables'] = 'infolog';
$hooks = Array();
$hooks_string = implode (',', $hooks);
$phpgw_info['setup']['info']['hooks'] = $hooks_string;
@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
$setup_info["info"] = array("name" => "InfoLog", "app_order" => 1, "version" => "0.1");
$setup_info['infolog'] = array('name' => 'InfoLog', 'app_order' => 1, 'version' => '0.1');
Reference in New Issue
Block a user