mirror of
synced 2024-12-26 16:48:49 +01:00
replaced several calendar_so::search() parameter with new array $params parameter and added new $params[users] with raw users as passed to calendar_bo::search() (without members and memberships added) for calendar integration
This commit is contained in:
@ -421,7 +421,7 @@ class calendar_bo
// date2ts(,true) converts to server time, db2data converts again to user-time
$events =& $this->so->search(isset($start) ? $this->date2ts($start,true) : null,isset($end) ? $this->date2ts($end,true) : null,
if (isset($params['cols']))
@ -438,7 +438,7 @@ class calendar_bo
if (isset($start) && $event['end'] < $start)
unset($events[$id]); // remove former events (e.g. whole day)
unset($events[$id]); // remove former events (e.g. whole day)
@ -845,7 +845,7 @@ class calendar_bo
function read($ids,$date=null,$ignore_acl=False,$date_format='ts')
if ($date) $date = $this->date2ts($date);
$return = null;
if ($ignore_acl || is_array($ids) || ($return = $this->check_perms(EGW_ACL_READ,$ids,0,$date_format,$date)))
@ -313,42 +313,44 @@ class calendar_so
* @param int $cat_id=0 mixed category-id or array of cat-id's, default 0 = all
* Please note: only a single cat-id, will include all sub-cats (if the common-pref 'cats_no_subs' is False)
* @param string $filter='all' string filter-name: all (not rejected), accepted, unknown, tentative, rejected or hideprivate (handled elsewhere!)
* @param string $query='' pattern so search for, if unset or empty all matching entries are returned (no search)
* Please Note: a search never returns repeating events more then once AND does not honor start+end date !!!
* @param int|boolean $offset=False offset for a limited query or False (default)
* @param int $num_rows=0 number of rows to return if offset set, default 0 = use default in user prefs
* @param string $order='cal_start' column-names plus optional DESC|ASC separted by comma
* @param string $sql_filter='' sql to be and'ed into query (fully quoted)
* @param string|array $_cols=null what to select, default "$this->repeats_table.*,$this->cal_table.*,cal_start,cal_end,cal_recur_date",
* @param array $params=array()
* @param string $params['query'] pattern so search for, if unset or empty all matching entries are returned (no search)
* Please Note: a search never returns repeating events more then once AND does not honor start+end date !!!
* @param string $params['order']='cal_start' column-names plus optional DESC|ASC separted by comma
* @param string $params['sql_filter'] sql to be and'ed into query (fully quoted)
* @param string|array $params['cols'] what to select, default "$this->repeats_table.*,$this->cal_table.*,cal_start,cal_end,cal_recur_date",
* if specified and not false an iterator for the rows is returned
* @param string $append='' SQL to append to the query before $order, eg. for a GROUP BY clause
* @param array $cfs=null custom fields to query, null = none, array() = all, or array with cfs names
* @param string $params['append'] SQL to append to the query before $order, eg. for a GROUP BY clause
* @param array $params['cfs'] custom fields to query, null = none, array() = all, or array with cfs names
* @param array $params['users'] raw parameter as passed to calendar_bo::search() no memberships resolved!
* @return array of cal_ids, or false if error in the parameters
* ToDo: search custom-fields too
function &search($start,$end,$users,$cat_id=0,$filter='all',$query='',$offset=False,$num_rows=0,$order='cal_start',$sql_filter='',$_cols=null,$append='',$cfs=null)
function &search($start,$end,$users,$cat_id=0,$filter='all',$offset=False,$num_rows=0,array $params=array())
//echo '<p>'.__METHOD__.'('.($start ? date('Y-m-d H:i',$start) : '').','.($end ? date('Y-m-d H:i',$end) : '').','.array2string($users).','.array2string($cat_id).",'$filter',".array2string($query).",$offset,$num_rows,$order,$show_rejected,".array2string($_cols).",$append,".array2string($cfs).")</p>\n";
//echo '<p>'.__METHOD__.'('.($start ? date('Y-m-d H:i',$start) : '').','.($end ? date('Y-m-d H:i',$end) : '').','.array2string($users).','.array2string($cat_id).",'$filter',,$offset,$num_rows,".array2string($params).")</p>\n";
$cols = !is_null($_cols) ? $_cols : "$this->repeats_table.*,$this->cal_table.*,cal_start,cal_end,cal_recur_date";
$cols = isset($params['cols']) ? $params['cols'] : "$this->repeats_table.*,$this->cal_table.*,cal_start,cal_end,cal_recur_date";
$where = array();
if (is_array($query))
if (is_array($params['query']))
$where = $query;
$where = $params['query'];
elseif ($query)
elseif ($params['query'])
foreach(array('cal_title','cal_description','cal_location') as $col)
$to_or[] = $col . ' LIKE ' . $this->db->quote('%'.$query.'%');
$to_or[] = $col . ' LIKE ' . $this->db->quote('%'.$params['query'].'%');
$where[] = '('.implode(' OR ',$to_or).')';
if (!empty($sql_filter) && is_string($sql_filter))
if (!empty($params['sql_filter']) && is_string($params['sql_filter']))
$where[] = $sql_filter;
$where[] = $params['sql_filter'];
if ($users)
@ -400,15 +402,15 @@ class calendar_so
if($filter != 'deleted')
$where[] = 'cal_deleted='.$this->db->quote(false,'bool');
$where['cal_deleted'] = false;
case 'showonlypublic':
$where[] = 'cal_public=1';
$where['cal_public'] = 1;
$where[] = "cal_status != 'R'"; break;
case 'deleted':
$where[] = 'cal_deleted='.$this->db->quote(true,'bool');
$where['cal_deleted'] = true;
case 'unknown':
$where[] = "cal_status='U'"; break;
case 'accepted':
@ -423,7 +425,6 @@ class calendar_so
case 'owner':
//if (!$show_rejected) // not longer used
$where[] = "cal_status != 'R'";
@ -435,7 +436,7 @@ class calendar_so
if ($start) $where[] = (int)$start.' < cal_end';
if ($end) $where[] = 'cal_start < '.(int)$end;
if (!preg_match('/^[a-z_ ,]+$/i',$order)) $order = 'cal_start'; // gard against SQL injection
if (!preg_match('/^[a-z_ ,]+$/i',$params['order'])) $params['order'] = 'cal_start'; // gard against SQL injection
if ($useUnionQuery)
@ -445,7 +446,8 @@ class calendar_so
// For deleted history
$history_id = $this->cal_table.'.cal_id';
// Postgres needs a cast
if($this->db->Type == 'pgsql') {
if($this->db->Type == 'pgsql')
$history_id = "CAST($history_id AS VARCHAR)";
@ -456,7 +458,7 @@ class calendar_so
'cols' => $cols,
'where' => $where,
'app' => 'calendar',
'append'=> $append,
'append'=> $params['append'],
// we check if there are parts to use for the construction of our UNION query,
// as replace the OR by construction of a suitable UNION for performance reasons
@ -514,7 +516,7 @@ class calendar_so
$selects[$key]['cols'] = "DISTINCT $this->repeats_table.*,$this->cal_table.cal_id,cal_start,cal_end,cal_recur_date";
//$selects[0]['cols'] = $selects[1]['cols'] = "DISTINCT $this->repeats_table.*,$this->cal_table.cal_id,cal_start,cal_end,cal_recur_date";
if (is_null($_cols)) self::get_union_selects($selects,$start,$end,$users,$cat_id,$filter,$query);
if (is_null($_cols)) self::get_union_selects($selects,$start,$end,$users,$cat_id,$filter,$query,$params['users']);
$this->total = $this->db->union($selects,__LINE__,__FILE__)->NumRows();
$i = 0;
@ -539,7 +541,7 @@ class calendar_so
if (is_null($_cols)) self::get_union_selects($selects,$start,$end,$users,$cat_id,$filter,$query);
// error_log("calendar_so_search:\n" . print_r($selects, true));
$rs = $this->db->union($selects,__LINE__,__FILE__,$order,$offset,$num_rows);
$rs = $this->db->union($selects,__LINE__,__FILE__,$params['order'],$offset,$num_rows);
else // MsSQL oder MySQL 3.23
@ -554,7 +556,7 @@ class calendar_so
"JOIN $this->dates_table ON $this->cal_table.cal_id=$this->dates_table.cal_id JOIN $this->user_table ON $this->cal_table.cal_id=$this->user_table.cal_id LEFT JOIN $this->repeats_table ON $this->cal_table.cal_id=$this->repeats_table.cal_id")->NumRows();
$rs = $this->db->select($this->cal_table,($this->db->capabilities['distinct_on_text'] ? 'DISTINCT ' : '').$cols,
$where,__LINE__,__FILE__,$offset,$append.' ORDER BY '.$order,'calendar',$num_rows,
$where,__LINE__,__FILE__,$offset,$params['append'].' ORDER BY '.$params['order'],'calendar',$num_rows,
"JOIN $this->dates_table ON $this->cal_table.cal_id=$this->dates_table.cal_id JOIN $this->user_table ON $this->cal_table.cal_id=$this->user_table.cal_id LEFT JOIN $this->repeats_table ON $this->cal_table.cal_id=$this->repeats_table.cal_id");
if (!is_null($_cols))
@ -612,10 +614,10 @@ class calendar_so
//custom fields are not shown in the regular views, so we only query them, if explicitly required
if (!is_null($cfs))
if (!is_null($params['cfs']))
$where = array('cal_id' => $ids);
if ($cfs) $where['cal_extra_name'] = $cfs;
if ($params['cfs']) $where['cal_extra_name'] = $params['cfs'];
__LINE__,__FILE__,false,'','calendar') as $row)
@ -664,12 +666,13 @@ class calendar_so
* @param &$selects parts of union query
* @param $start see search()
* @param $end
* @param $users
* @param $users as used in calendar_so ($users_raw plus all members and memberships added by calendar_bo)
* @param $cat_id
* @param $filter
* @param $query
* @param $users_raw as passed to calendar_bo::search (no members and memberships added)
private static function get_union_selects(array &$selects,$start,$end,$users,$cat_id,$filter,$query)
private static function get_union_selects(array &$selects,$start,$end,$users,$cat_id,$filter,$query,$users_raw)
if (in_array(basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']),array('groupdav.php','rpc.php','xmlrpc.php')) || $GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['currentapp'] != 'calendar')
@ -681,6 +684,7 @@ class calendar_so
'start' => $start,
'end' => $end,
'users' => $users,
'users_raw' => $users_raw,
'cat_id'=> $cat_id,
'filter'=> $filter,
'query' => $query,
Reference in New Issue
Block a user