documented the nextmatch-widget and the attrs/options for the predefined select's

This commit is contained in:
Ralf Becker 2002-10-03 18:26:47 +00:00
parent d59e5aaebc
commit 07bec1fa34

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@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ an eTemplate from the example app in the <a href="etemplate.html">Tutorial</a>
<a href="show.gif">show-function</a>):</p>
&lt;?xml version="1.0"?>
<span>&lt;!-- $Id$ --></span>
&lt;grid id="et_media.edit" template="" lang="" group="" version="" width="100%">
@ -456,7 +457,7 @@ implement only a subset of XUL. Here are the main differences:</p>
<td>&lt;grid id="" content="subarr"/></td>
@ -470,7 +471,7 @@ implement only a subset of XUL. Here are the main differences:</p>
<td>&lt;image src="foo.gif" id="app.class.method"/></td>
@ -483,10 +484,17 @@ implement only a subset of XUL. Here are the main differences:</p>
&nbsp; &lt;menupopup/><br>
&nbsp; &lt;menupopup id="name" options="Select one"/><br>
<i>multiselect: <b>options</b> > 1</i><br>
&lt;listbox rows="#"/>
&lt;listbox rows="#"/><p>
<i>Examples for predefined selectboxes</i>:<p>
&lt;listbox type="select-cat" rows="5"/><p>
&nbsp; &lt;menupopup type="select-account" options="All,both,2"/><br>
@ -500,23 +508,29 @@ implement only a subset of XUL. Here are the main differences:</p>
<b>Options</b> <i>in the editor</i>: if set and > 1 the selectbox is a multiselection with options number of lines<p>
xml: <b>rows</b>: <i>only for &lt;listbox></i>: number of rows to show<p>
xml <b>options</b>: <i>only for &lt;menupopup/></i>: textual label for a first Row, e.g. 'All' or 'None'
(id will be ''), additional attr see sub-types<p>
xml: <b>type</b>: can be set to get several predefined select-contents, in that case you dont need to set
the content as descripted above: <br>
<b>select-cat</b>: Select a phpgw category, options can be set to -1 to get an additional 'All'<br>
the content as descripted above (if set it too its in front of the predefined rows): <br>
<b>select-cat</b>: Select a phpgw category<br>
<b>select-account</b>: Select a user and/or group, determined by the options-field:
'accounts' (default), 'groups', 'both'<br>
,{accounts(default)|groups|both},{0(only lid)|1(only names/default)|2(both)}<br>
<b>select-percent, select-priority, select-access, select-country, select-state</b>: as you expect
by the name
by the name<br>
<b>select-year, select-month, select-day</b>: options for year: ,start,end (start and end can be a number of
years from now or if > 100 a absolut year)
&lt;tabbox id="name"><br>
&nbsp; &lt;tabs><br>
&nbsp; &nbsp; &lt;tab/><br>
&nbsp; &nbsp; &lt;tab label="Tab 1" statustext="Help"/><br>
&nbsp; &nbsp; ...<br>
&nbsp; &lt;/tabs><br>
&nbsp; &lt;tabpanels><br>
&nbsp; &nbsp; &lt;grid/><br>
&nbsp; &nbsp; &lt;grid id=""/><br>
&nbsp; &nbsp; ...<br>
&nbsp; &lt;/tabpanels><br>
@ -527,9 +541,111 @@ implement only a subset of XUL. Here are the main differences:</p>
The tab-widget is implemented as an extension, as html does not have a tab-widget.<p>
The following fields / attributes are in the Editor and internaly in the class separeted by '|', in the
xml/xul-file the are attributes of each tab- or grid-tag:<br>
<b>Label</b> xml: <b>label</b>: the labels of the tabs<br>
<b>Label</b> xml: <b>label</b>: the labels of the tabs eg. 'Tab 1|Tab 2|Tab 3'<br>
<b>Help</b> xml: <b>statustext</b>: of the tabs<br>
<b>Name</b> xml: <b>id</b>: the names/ids of the eTemplates/grid's to fill the bodies of the tabs
<b>Name</b> xml: <b>id</b>: the names/ids of the eTemplates/grid's to fill the bodies of the tabs<p>
<b>Demo</b>: <i>There is a demo availible</i>: load 'etemplate.tab_widget.test' into the eTemplate editor and
run it with show.
&lt;nextmatch options="notes.index.rows" id="nm"/>
<b>shows a table with some selectboxes, a search-field and arrows to scroll the table</b><br>
The nextmatch-widget is implemented as an extension.<p>
<b>Options</b> xml: <b>options</b>: name of the template to display the rows<br>
<b>Name</b> xml: <b>id</b>: index into the content-array, it need to be pre-set with some information
for the nextmatch widget and it returns its content with it:
<td colspan="5">
$content[$id] = array( <span>// I = value set by the app, 0 = value on return / output, </span>
'get_rows' => <span>// I method/callback to request the data for the rows eg. ''</span>
'filter_label' => <span>// I label for filter (optional)</span>
'filter_help' => <span>// I help-msg for filter (optional)</span>
'no_filter2' => True <span>// I disable the 2. filter (params are the same as for filter)</span>
'template' => <span>// I template to use for the rows, if not set via options</span>
'start' => <span>// IO position in list</span>
'cat_id' => <span>// IO category, if not 'no_cat' => True</span>
'search' => <span>// IO search pattern</span>
'filter' => <span>// IO filter, if not 'no_filter' => True</span>
'rows' => <span>// O content set by callback</span>
'total' => <span>// O the total number of entries</span>
* example: the get_rows function from (has to be in public_functions !)
function get_rows($query,&$rows,&$readonlys)
$rows = $this->read($query['start'],$query['search'],$query['filter'],$query['cat_id']);
if (!is_array($rows))
$rows = array( );
array_unshift($rows,0); each($rows); <span>// first entry is not used !!!</span>
$readonlys = array( ); <span>// set readonlys to enable/disable our edit/delete-buttons</span>
while (list($n,$note) = each($rows))
if (!$this->check_perms($this->grants[$note['owner_id']],PHPGW_ACL_EDIT))
$readonlys["edit[$note[id]]"] = True;
if (!$this->check_perms($this->grants[$note['owner_id']],PHPGW_ACL_DELETE))
$readonlys["delete[$note[id]]"] = True;
return $this->total_records;
* Example how the nextmatch-widget is used in notes.ui.index:
function index($content = 0)
if (!is_array($content))
$content = array('nm' => $this->session_data); <span>// restore settings from the session</span>
if (isset($content['nm']['rows'])) <span>// one of the buttons in the rows is pressed</span>
$this->session_data = $values['nm']; <span>// save the settings in the session</span>
unset($this->session_data['rows']); <span>// we dont want to save the content of the rows</span>
if (isset($values['nm']['rows']['edit']))
list($id) = each($values['nm']['rows']['edit']);
return $this->edit($id);
elseif (isset($values['nm']['rows']['delete']))
list($id) = each($values['nm']['rows']['delete']);
return $this->delete($id);
$values['nm']['options-filter'] = array ( <span>// set up the data for our filter</span>
'all' => 'Show all',
'public' => 'Only yours',
'private' => 'Private'
$values['nm']['get_rows'] = '';
$values['nm']['no_filter2'] = True; <span>// disable the 2. filter</span>