diff --git a/api/js/etemplate/et2_extension_nextmatch.js b/api/js/etemplate/et2_extension_nextmatch.js
index 99743492e1..d5da1fff10 100644
--- a/api/js/etemplate/et2_extension_nextmatch.js
+++ b/api/js/etemplate/et2_extension_nextmatch.js
@@ -433,6 +433,7 @@ var et2_nextmatch = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
      * Change type parameters allows for quicker refresh then complete server side reload:
      * - update: request just modified data from given rows.  Sorting is not considered,
      *		so if the sort field is changed, the row will not be moved.
+     * - update-in-place: update row, but do NOT move it, or refresh if uid does not exist
      * - edit: rows changed, but sorting may be affected.  May require full reload.
      * - delete: just delete the given rows clientside (no server interaction neccessary)
      * - add: put the new row in at the top, unless app says otherwise
@@ -504,6 +505,9 @@ var et2_nextmatch = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
         id_loop: for (var i = 0; i < _row_ids.length; i++) {
             var uid = _row_ids[i].toString().indexOf(this.controller.dataStorePrefix) == 0 ? _row_ids[i] : this.controller.dataStorePrefix + "::" + _row_ids[i];
             switch (_type) {
+                case "update-in-place":
+                    this.egw().dataRefreshUID(uid);
+                    break;
                 case "edit":
                 case "update":
                     if (!this.refresh_update(uid)) {
diff --git a/api/js/etemplate/et2_extension_nextmatch.ts b/api/js/etemplate/et2_extension_nextmatch.ts
index 2c47b699db..5bdb20d114 100644
--- a/api/js/etemplate/et2_extension_nextmatch.ts
+++ b/api/js/etemplate/et2_extension_nextmatch.ts
@@ -681,6 +681,7 @@ export class et2_nextmatch extends et2_DOMWidget implements et2_IResizeable, et2
 	 * Change type parameters allows for quicker refresh then complete server side reload:
 	 * - update: request just modified data from given rows.  Sorting is not considered,
 	 *		so if the sort field is changed, the row will not be moved.
+	 * - update-in-place: update row, but do NOT move it, or refresh if uid does not exist
 	 * - edit: rows changed, but sorting may be affected.  May require full reload.
 	 * - delete: just delete the given rows clientside (no server interaction neccessary)
 	 * - add: put the new row in at the top, unless app says otherwise
@@ -769,6 +770,9 @@ export class et2_nextmatch extends et2_DOMWidget implements et2_IResizeable, et2
 			var uid = _row_ids[i].toString().indexOf(this.controller.dataStorePrefix) == 0 ? _row_ids[i] : this.controller.dataStorePrefix + "::" + _row_ids[i];
+				case "update-in-place":
+					this.egw().dataRefreshUID(uid);
+					break;
 				case "edit":
 				case "update":
diff --git a/api/js/jsapi/egw_global.d.ts b/api/js/jsapi/egw_global.d.ts
index 7f61f0009f..778c609299 100644
--- a/api/js/jsapi/egw_global.d.ts
+++ b/api/js/jsapi/egw_global.d.ts
@@ -875,6 +875,7 @@ declare interface IegwWndLocal extends IegwGlobal
 	 * @param {string} _type either 'update', 'edit', 'delete', 'add' or null
 	 * - update: request just modified data from given rows.  Sorting is not considered,
 	 *		so if the sort field is changed, the row will not be moved.
+	 * - update-in-place: update row, but do NOT move it, or refresh if uid does not exist
 	 * - edit: rows changed, but sorting may be affected.  Requires full reload.
 	 * - delete: just delete the given rows clientside (no server interaction neccessary)
 	 * - add: requires full reload for proper sorting
diff --git a/api/js/jsapi/egw_message.js b/api/js/jsapi/egw_message.js
index 62de529d81..078cb03b01 100644
--- a/api/js/jsapi/egw_message.js
+++ b/api/js/jsapi/egw_message.js
@@ -319,6 +319,7 @@ egw.extend('message', egw.MODULE_WND_LOCAL, function(_app, _wnd)
 		 * @param {string} _type either 'update', 'edit', 'delete', 'add' or null
 		 * - update: request just modified data from given rows.  Sorting is not considered,
 		 *		so if the sort field is changed, the row will not be moved.
+		 * - update-in-place: update row, but do NOT move it, or refresh if uid does not exist
 		 * - edit: rows changed, but sorting may be affected.  Requires full reload.
 		 * - delete: just delete the given rows clientside (no server interaction neccessary)
 		 * - add: requires full reload for proper sorting
diff --git a/mail/inc/class.mail_compose.inc.php b/mail/inc/class.mail_compose.inc.php
index 253e2ef901..af9ba28cfa 100644
--- a/mail/inc/class.mail_compose.inc.php
+++ b/mail/inc/class.mail_compose.inc.php
@@ -570,6 +570,7 @@ class mail_compose
 					$rhA = mail_ui::splitRowID($_content['processedmail_id']);
 					$idsForRefresh[] = mail_ui::generateRowID($rhA['profileID'], $rhA['folder'], $rhA['msgUID'], $_prependApp=false);
+					$workingFolder = $rhA['folder'];	// need folder to refresh eg. drafts folder
 				$response = Api\Json\Response::get();
 				if ($activeProfile != $composeProfile)
@@ -577,17 +578,19 @@ class mail_compose
 					// we need a message only, when account ids (composeProfile vs. activeProfile) differ
 					$response->call('opener.egw_message',lang('Message send successfully.'));
-				elseif ($activeProfile == $composeProfile && ($workingFolder==$activeFolder['mailbox'] && $mode != 'compose') || ($this->mail_bo->isSentFolder($workingFolder)||$this->mail_bo->isDraftFolder($workingFolder)))
+				elseif ($activeProfile == $composeProfile && ($workingFolder==$activeFolder['mailbox'] && $mode != 'compose') ||
+					($this->mail_bo->isSentFolder($workingFolder) || $this->mail_bo->isDraftFolder($workingFolder)))
 					if ($this->mail_bo->isSentFolder($workingFolder)||$this->mail_bo->isDraftFolder($workingFolder))
 						// we may need a refresh when on sent folder or in drafts, as drafted messages will/should be deleted after succeeded send action
 						$response->call('opener.egw_refresh',lang('Message send successfully.'),'mail');
+					// we only need to update the icon of the replied or forwarded mails --> 'update-in-place'
-						$response->call('opener.egw_refresh',lang('Message send successfully.'),'mail',$idsForRefresh,'update');
+						$response->call('opener.egw_refresh',lang('Message send successfully.'),'mail',$idsForRefresh,'update-in-place');