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synced 2025-03-03 09:31:24 +01:00
GNU Patch #506.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,28 +1,28 @@
<b>no conversion type <none> could be located.</b> please choose a conversion type from the list addressbook pl <b>typ konwersji <none> nie zosta³ znaleziony.</b> Proszê wybraæ typ konwersji z listy
add custom field addressbook pl Dodaj pole u¿ytkownika
address book common pl Ksi±¿ka adresowa
address book - vcard in addressbook pl Wczytanie VCard do ksi±zki adresowej
address book - vcard in addressbook pl Wczytanie kartek elektronicznych do ksi±zki adresowej
address book - view addressbook pl Przegl±d ksi±¿ki adresowej
address line 2 addressbook pl Ulica 2
address line 3 addressbook pl Ulica 3
address line 2 addressbook pl Wiersz adresu nr 2
address line 3 addressbook pl Wiersz adresu nr 3
address type addressbook pl Typ adresu
addressbook common pl Ksi±¿ka adresowa
addressbook preferences addressbook pl Preferencje ksi±¿ki adresowej
addvcard addressbook pl Dodaj Vcard
addressbook preferences addressbook pl Ustawienia ksi±¿ki adresowej
addvcard addressbook pl Dodaj kartkê elektroniczn±
alt. csv import addressbook pl Alt. CSV Import
are you sure you want to delete this field? addressbook pl Are you sure you want to delete this field?
are you sure you want to delete this field? addressbook pl Czy na pewno skasowaæ to pole?
bbs phone addressbook pl Telefon BBS
birthday common pl Urodziny
blank addressbook pl Puste
business common pl Praca
business address type addressbook pl Typ adresu
business city addressbook pl Miejscowo¶æ
business common pl Firma
business address type addressbook pl Typ adresu firmowego
business city addressbook pl Miasto firmy
business country addressbook pl Kraj
business email addressbook pl E-mail
business email type addressbook pl Typ e-maila
business fax addressbook pl Fax
business phone addressbook pl Telefon
business state addressbook pl Woj./Land
business email type addressbook pl Typ adresu e-mail
business fax addressbook pl Numer faksu
business phone addressbook pl Numer telefonu
business state addressbook pl Województwo
business street addressbook pl Ulica
business zip code addressbook pl Kod pocztowy
car phone addressbook pl Telefon w samochodzie
@ -31,74 +31,74 @@ city common pl Miejscowo
company common pl Firma
company name common pl Nazwa firmy
contact common pl Kontakt
contact application admin pl
contact settings admin pl
contact application admin pl Aplikacja kontaktowa
contact settings admin pl Ustawienia kontaktu
country common pl Kraj
custom addressbook pl
custom addressbook pl U¿ytkownika
custom field addressbook pl Pole u¿ytkownika
custom fields addressbook pl Pola u¿ytkownika
default filter addressbook pl Filtr domy¶lny
department common pl Wydzia³
domestic addressbook pl
edit custom field addressbook pl
edit custom fields admin pl Edycja pól u¿ytkownika
export contacts addressbook pl Eksport kontaktów
department common pl Departament
domestic addressbook pl Domowy
edit custom field addressbook pl Edytuj pole u¿ytkownika
edit custom fields admin pl Edytuj pola u¿ytkownika
export contacts addressbook pl Eksportuj kontakty
export file name addressbook pl Nazwa pliku
export from addressbook addressbook pl Eksport z ksi±¿ki adresowej
extra addressbook pl Dodatkowe
fax addressbook pl Fax
fax number common pl Nr faxu
fax addressbook pl Faks
fax number common pl Numer faksu
field name addressbook pl Nazwa pola
field x has been added ! addressbook pl
fields to show in address list addressbook pl Pola wy¶wietlane w li¶cie adresów
field x has been added ! addressbook pl Pole %1 zosta³o dodane !
fields to show in address list addressbook pl Pola pokazywane na li¶cie adresów
full name addressbook pl Pe³na nazwa
geo addressbook pl GEO
grant addressbook access common pl Prawa dostêpu do ksi±¿ki adresowej
grant addressbook access common pl Nadaj prawa dostêpu do ksi±¿ki adresowej
home addressbook pl Dom
home address type addressbook pl Typ adresu
home city addressbook pl Miejscowo¶æ
home country addressbook pl Kraj
home email addressbook pl E-mail
home email type addressbook pl Typ e-maila
home phone addressbook pl Telefon
home state addressbook pl Woj./Land
home city addressbook pl Miasto zamieszkania
home country addressbook pl Kraj zamieszkania
home email addressbook pl E-mail domowy
home email type addressbook pl Typ domowego e-mail
home phone addressbook pl Telefon domowy
home state addressbook pl Województwo
home street addressbook pl Ulica
home zip code addressbook pl Kod pocztowy
import contacts addressbook pl Import kontaktów
import contacts addressbook pl Importuj kontakty
import file addressbook pl Plik importu
import from ldif, csv, or vcard addressbook pl Import z LDIF, CSV lub VCard
import from outlook addressbook pl Import z Outlook-a
import from outlook addressbook pl Importuj z programu Outlook
international addressbook pl Miêdzynarodowy
isdn phone addressbook pl Telefon ISDN
label addressbook pl Etykieta
ldap context for contacts admin pl
ldap host for contacts admin pl
ldap root dn for contacts admin pl
ldap root pw for contacts admin pl
ldap context for contacts admin pl Kontekst LDAP dla kontaktów
ldap host for contacts admin pl Serwer LDAP dla kontaktów
ldap root dn for contacts admin pl LDAP root dn dla kontaktów
ldap root pw for contacts admin pl LDAP root pw dla kontaktów
line 2 addressbook pl Wiersz 2
message phone addressbook pl Automatyczna sekretarka
middle name addressbook pl Drugie imiê
mobile addressbook pl Komórka
mobile phone addressbook pl Komórka
modem phone addressbook pl
no vcard addressbook pl Bez VCard
modem phone addressbook pl Numer modemu
no vcard addressbook pl Bez kartki elektronicznej
other number addressbook pl Inny numer
other phone addressbook pl Inny telefon
pager common pl Pager
parcel addressbook pl Parcela
phone number common pl Nr telefonu
parcel addressbook pl Paczka
phone number common pl Numer telefonu
phone numbers common pl Numery telefonów
postal common pl Kod pocztowy
prefix addressbook pl Prefiks (Pan/Pani)
public key addressbook pl Klucz publiczny
record access addressbook pl Dostêp do rekordu
record owner addressbook pl W³a¶ciciel rekordu
retrieve contacts admin pl
select where you want to store admin pl
show birthday reminders on main screen addressbook pl Wy¶wietlaæ przypomnienie o urodzinach na stronie g³ównej?
state common pl Woj./Land
retrieve contacts admin pl Znajd¼ kontakty
select where you want to store admin pl Wybierz gdzie zapamiêtaæ
show birthday reminders on main screen addressbook pl Pokazuj przypomnienia o urodzinach na g³ównym ekranie
state common pl Województwo
street common pl Ulica
successfully imported x records into your addressbook. addressbook pl Zaimportowano pomy¶lnie %1 rekordów do Twojej ksi±¿ki adresowej
successfully imported x records into your addressbook. addressbook pl Zaimportowano %1 rekordów do ksi±¿ki adresowej.
suffix addressbook pl Sufiks
this person's first name was not in the address book. addressbook pl Ksi±¿ka adresowa nie zawiera imienia tej osoby
this person\'s first name was not in the address book. addressbook pl Ta osoba nie posiada imienia w ksi±¿ce adresowej
@ -106,10 +106,10 @@ today is x's birthday! common pl Dzi
tomorrow is x's birthday. common pl Jutro s± urodziny %1
url addressbook pl URL
use country list addressbook pl We¼ listê krajów
vcard common pl VCard
vcards require a first name entry. addressbook pl VCard wymaga podania imienia
vcard common pl Kartka elektroniczna
vcards require a first name entry. addressbook pl Kartki elektroniczne wymagaj± podania imienia.
video phone addressbook pl Wideo telefon
voice phone addressbook pl Voice Phone
warning!! ldap is valid only if you are not using contacts for accounts storage! admin pl
work phone addressbook pl Telefon pracy
voice phone addressbook pl Telefon g³osowy
warning!! ldap is valid only if you are not using contacts for accounts storage! admin pl UWAGA!! LDAP mo¿na u¿ywaæ gdy NIE u¿ywa siê kontaktów do przechowywania kont!
work phone addressbook pl Telefon do pracy
zip code common pl Kod pocztowy
@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
(stored password will not be shown here) admin pl (Przechowywane has³o nie bêdzie wy¶wietlane tutaj)
account active admin pl Konto aktywne?
account active admin pl Konto aktywne
account has been created common pl Konto zosta³o utworzone
account has been deleted common pl Konto zosta³o usuniête
account has been updated common pl Konto zosta³o zaktualizowane
account permissions admin pl Prawa do konta
account preferences admin pl Preferencje konta
acl manager admin pl Manager ACL
account preferences admin pl Ustawienia konta
acl manager admin pl Mened¿er ACL
acl rights admin pl Prawa ACL
action admin pl Czynno¶æ
add a new account. admin pl Dodaj nowe konto
add auto-created users to this group ('default' will be attempted if this is empty.) admin pl
add a new account. admin pl Dodaj nowe konto.
add auto-created users to this group ('default' will be attempted if this is empty.) admin pl Dodaj automatyczne stworzonych u¿ytkowników do tej grupy ('Domy¶lna' bêdzie u¿yta je¶li pole bêdzie puste.)
add global category admin pl Dodaj kategoriê globaln±
add global category for x admin pl Dodaj globaln± kategorie dla %1
add new account admin pl Dodaj nowe konto
add new application admin pl Dodaj now± aplikacjê
add peer server admin pl Dodaj serwer równorzêdny
admin email admin pl Adres e-mail administratora
admin name admin pl Nazwa administratora
adminemail admin pl Adres administratora
admin email admin pl E-mail administratora
admin name admin pl Nazwisko administratora
adminemail admin pl E-mail administratora
administration admin pl Administracja
adminname admin pl Nazwa administratora
admins admin pl Zarz±dzaj±cy
adminname admin pl Nazwisko administratora
admins admin pl Administratorzy
all records and account information will be lost! admin pl Wszystkie rekordy i informacje konta zostan± usuniête!
all users admin pl Wszyscy u¿ytkownicy
allow anonymous access to this app admin pl Dostêp do aplikacji dla anonimowych u¿ytkowników
@ -35,12 +35,12 @@ are you sure you want to delete this group ? admin pl Na pewno chcesz usun
are you sure you want to delete this news site ? admin pl Na pewno chcesz usun±æ serwis wiadomo¶ci?
are you sure you want to delete this server? admin pl Na pewno chcesz usun±æ serwer?
are you sure you want to kill this session ? admin pl Na pewno zabiæ sesjê?
attempt to use correct mimetype for ftp instead of default 'application/octet-stream' admin pl
authentication / accounts admin pl Autentykacja / Konta
auto create account records for authenticated users admin pl
attempt to use correct mimetype for FTP instead of default 'application/octet-stream' admin pl Spróbuj u¿yæ w³a¶ciwy typ mime dla FTP zamiast domy¶lnego 'application/octet-stream'
authentication / accounts admin pl Uwierzytelnianie / Konta
auto create account records for authenticated users admin pl Automatycznie stwórz zapisy kont dla uwierzytelnionych u¿ytkowników
base url admin pl Adres domowy URL
bi-dir passthrough admin pl
bi-directional admin pl
bi-dir passthrough admin pl Przep³yw dwukierunkowy
bi-directional admin pl Dwukierunkowy
bottom admin pl u do³u
calendar holiday management admin pl Zarz±dzanie ¶wiêtami
category description admin pl Opis kategorii
@ -53,8 +53,8 @@ countries admin pl Kraje
country selection admin pl Wybór kraju
create group admin pl Utwórz grupê
cvs admin pl cvs
default file system space per user admin pl
default file system space per user/group ? admin pl
default file system space per user admin pl Domy¶lny rozmiar plików na u¿ytkownika
default file system space per user/group ? admin pl Domy¶lny rozmiar plików na u¿ytkownika/grupê ?
delete all records admin pl Usuñ wszystkie rekordy
deny access to application registery admin pl Odmów dostêpu do
deny access to applications admin pl Odmów dostêpu do aplikacji
@ -89,8 +89,8 @@ enter the full path for temporary files.<br>examples: /tmp, c:\temp admin pl Pod
enter the full path for users and group files.<br>examples: /files, e:\files admin pl Podaj pe³n± ¶ie¿kê do plików u¿ytkowników i grup.<br>Na przyk³ad: /files, E:\FILES
enter the hostname of the machine on which this server is running admin pl Podaj nazwê komputera, na którym jest uruchomiony serwer
enter the location of phpgroupware's url.<br>example: http://www.domain.com/phpgroupware or /phpgroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin pl Podaj URL do twojego portala phpGroupWare's URL.<br>Na przyk³ad: http://www.domain.com/phpgroupware or /phpgroupware<br><b>Bez koñcz±cego ciacha (,,/'')</b>
enter the site password for peer servers admin pl
enter the site username for peer servers admin pl
enter the site password for peer servers admin pl Wprowad¼ has³o serwisu dla serwerów równorzêdnych (peer servers)
enter the site username for peer servers admin pl Wprowad¼ nazwê u¿ytkownika serwisu dla serwerów równorzêdnych (peer servers)
enter the title for your site admin pl Nazwa Twojego portala
enter your default ftp server admin pl Domy¶lny serwer FTP
enter your default mail domain ( from: user@domain ) admin pl Podaj nazwê swojej domeny (u¿ytkownik@domena)
@ -111,18 +111,18 @@ group ? admin pl grupa?
group has been added common pl Dodano grupê
group has been deleted common pl Usuniêto grupê
group has been updated common pl Zaktualizowano grupê
group manager admin pl Manager grupy
group manager admin pl Mened¿er grupy
group name admin pl Nazwa grupy
headline sites admin pl Serwisy wiadomo¶ci
hide php information admin pl Ukryj informacje o PHP
home directory admin pl Katalog domowy
host information admin pl
host information admin pl Informacja o stacji roboczej
id admin pl ID
idle admin pl Czas ja³owy
if no acl records for user or any group the user is a member of admin pl
if using ldap, do you want to manage homedirectory and loginshell attributes? admin pl
imap mail server hostname or ip address admin pl IMAP serwera nazwê hosta lub adres IP
inbound admin pl
inbound admin pl do wewn±trz
installed applications common pl Zainstalowane aplikacje
interface admin pl Interfejs
ip admin pl IP
@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ loginid admin pl ID Loginu
mail server login type admin pl Rodzaj logowania do serwera pocztowego
mail settings admin pl Konfiguracja poczty
main screen message admin pl Wiadomo¶æ na stronie g³ównej
manager admin pl Manager
manager admin pl Mened¿er
maximum account id (e.g. 65535 or 1000000) admin pl Maksymalny ID konta (np: 65535 lub 100000)
message has been updated admin pl Zaktualizowano wiadomo¶æ
metar regions admin pl Regiony
@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ minimum account id (e.g. 500 or 100, etc.) admin pl Minimalny ID konta (np:500 l
minutes between reloads admin pl Minut pomiêdzy od¶wie¿eniem
mode admin pl Tryb
never admin pl Nigdy
new group name admin pl Nazwa grupy
new group name admin pl Nowa nazwa grupy
new password [ leave blank for no change admin pl Nowe has³o (Pozostaw puste je¶li bez zmian)
new password [ leave blank for no change admin pl
new password [ leave blank for no change ] admin pl Nowe has³o (Pozostaw puste je¶li bez zmian)
@ -170,10 +170,10 @@ news type admin pl Typ wiadomo
no login history exists for this user admin pl Nie ma historii logowania dla tego u¿ytkownika
no matches found admin pl Nie znaleziono zgodnych
no matchs found admin pl Nie znaleziono zgodnych
outbound admin pl
passthrough admin pl
path information admin pl
peer servers admin pl Serwer równorzêdny
outbound admin pl na zewn±trz
passthrough admin pl przep³yw
path information admin pl Informacja o ¶cie¿ce
peer servers admin pl Serwery równorzêdne (peer servers)
percent of users that logged out admin pl Procent wylogowanych u¿ytkowników
percent this user has logged out admin pl Procent wylogowañ tego u¿ytkownika
permissions admin pl Prawa
@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ phpsysinfo admin pl Informacja o systemie
please enter a name admin pl Proszê podaæ nazwê
please enter a name for that category ! admin pl Proszê podaæ nazwê kategorii!
please enter a name for that server ! admin pl Proszê podaæ nazwê dla serwera
please run setup to become current admin pl
please run setup to become current admin pl Uruchom instalacjê (setup) aby uaktualniæ konfiguracjê
preferences admin pl Preferencje
program locations admin pl Lokalizacja programów
project administration admin pl Zarz±dzanie projektem
@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ security admin pl Zabezpieczenie
select group managers admin pl Wybierz managera grupy
select permissions this group will have admin pl Wybór praw dla grupy
select users for inclusion admin pl U¿ytkownicy w grupie
select where you want to store/retrieve filesystem information admin pl
select where you want to store/retrieve filesystem information admin pl Wybierz gdzie chcesz przechowywaæ informacje o systemie plików
select where you want to store/retrieve user accounts admin pl Wybierz gdzie chcesz przechowywaæ konta u¿ytkowników
select which location this app should appear on the navbar, lowest (left) to highest (right) admin pl Wybierz pozycjê aplikacji w menu, od lewej (najmniejsza) do prawej (najwiêksza warto¶æ)
select your mail server type admin pl Wybierz typ swojego serwera pocztowego
@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ server url admin pl Adres URL serwera
server username admin pl Nazwa u¿ytkownika na serwerze
server x has been added admin pl Dodano serwer %1
server x has been updated admin pl Zaktualizowano serwer %1
set preference values. admin pl
set preference values. admin pl Wprowad¼ warto¶ci ustawieñ
show 'powered by' logo on admin pl Wy¶wietl logo 'powered by'
show \'powered by\' logo on admin pl Wy¶wietl logo ,,powered by\'\'
site admin pl Serwis
@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ table admin pl Tabela
template selection admin pl Wybór szablonu
text entry admin pl Wpisywanie tekstu
that application name already exists. admin pl Podana nazwa aplikacji ju¿ istnieje
that application order must be a number. admin pl
that application order must be a number. admin pl Numer porz±dkowy aplikacji musi byæ liczb±
that category name has been used already ! admin pl Ta nazwa kategorii ju¿ istnieje
that loginid has already been taken admin pl Takie ID loginu ju¿ istnieje
that name has been used already admin pl Taka nazwa jest ju¿ u¿yta
@ -241,24 +241,24 @@ that site has already been entered admin pl Ten serwis jest ju
the api is current admin pl Wersja API jest aktualna
the api requires an upgrade admin pl Wersja API wymaga aktualizacji
the login and password can not be the same admin pl Nazwa logowania i has³o nie mog± byæ identyczne
the loginid can not be more then 8 characters admin pl
the loginid can not be more then 8 characters admin pl Identyfikator logowania (loginid) nie mo¿e byæ d³u¿szy ni¿ 8 znaków
the two passwords are not the same admin pl Oba has³a nie s± identyczne
they must be removed before you can continue admin pl
they must be removed before you can continue admin pl Musz± byæ usuniête zanim bêdzie mo¿na kontynuowaæ
this application is current admin pl Wersja aplikacji jest aktualna
this application requires an upgrade admin pl Wersja aplikacji wymaga aktualizacji
this category is currently being used by applications as a parent category admin pl
this category is currently being used by applications as a parent category admin pl Ta kategoria jest obecnie u¿ywana przez aplikacje jako kategoria nadrzêdna
top admin pl u góry
total records admin pl Wszystkich rekordów
trust level admin pl
trust relationship admin pl
trust level admin pl Poziom zaufania
trust relationship admin pl Relacja zaufania (bezpieczeñstwa)
update admin pl Aktualizuj
use cookies to pass sessionid admin pl
use pure html compliant code (not fully working yet) admin pl
use theme admin pl
use cookies to pass sessionid admin pl U¿ywaj ciasteczek do przekazywania identyfikatora sesji
use pure html compliant code (not fully working yet) admin pl U¿ywaj kodu zgodnego z czystym HTML (nie w pe³ni opracowane)
use theme admin pl U¿ywaj tematu
user accounts admin pl Konta u¿ytkowników
user data admin pl Dane u¿ytkownika
user groups admin pl Grupy u¿ytkowników
userdata admin pl
userdata admin pl Dane u¿ytkownika
view access log admin pl Wy¶wietl dziennik
view error log admin pl Poka¿ dziennik b³êdów
view sessions admin pl Poka¿ sesjê
@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ warning!! ldap is valid only if you are not using contacts for accounts storage!
weather admin pl Pogoda
weather center admin pl Centrum pogodowe
who would you like to transfer all records owned by the deleted user to? admin pl Kto powinien przej±æ wszystkie rekordy usuwanego u¿ytkownika?
would you like phpgroupware to cache the phpgw info array ? admin pl
would you like phpgroupWare to cache the phpgw info array ? admin pl Czy przechowywaæ tablicê informacyjn± phpGW w pamiêci ?
would you like phpgroupware to check for a new version<br>when admins login ? admin pl Chcesz sprawdzaæ czy s± nowe wersje<br>gdy zaloguje siê administrator?
would you like to show each application's upgrade status ? admin pl Chcesz wy¶wietlaæ status aktualizacji dla ka¿dej aplikacji?
you have entered an invalid expiration date admin pl Poda³e¶ niew³a¶ciw± datê wyga¶niêcia
@ -281,5 +281,5 @@ you must enter an application name. admin pl Musisz poda
you must enter an application title. admin pl Musisz podaæ tytu³ aplikacji
you must enter the number of listings display admin pl Musisz podaæ liczbê wy¶wietlanych wierszy
you must select a file type admin pl Musisz wybraæ typ pliku
you will need to remove the subcategories before you can delete this category admin pl
you will need to remove the subcategories before you can delete this category admin pl Nale¿y usun±æ podkategorie przed skasowaniem tej kategorii !
zone admin pl Strefa
@ -6,20 +6,20 @@ add common pl Dodaj
add category common pl Dodaj kategoriê
add sub common pl Dodaj podrz.
add x category for common pl Dodaj kategoriê %1 dla
admin common pl Admininistracja
admin common pl Administrator
administration common pl Administracja
afghanistan common pl AFGANISTAN
albania common pl ALBANIA
algeria common pl ALGIERIA
all common pl Wszystko
american samoa common pl AMERICAN SAMOA
american samoa common pl SAMOA AMERYKAÑSKIE
andorra common pl ANDORA
angola common pl ANGOLA
anguilla common pl ANGUILLA
antarctica common pl ANTARKTYKA
antigua and barbuda common pl ANTIGUA I BARBUDA
april common pl Kwiecieñ
are you sure you want to delete this entry ? common pl Na pewno usun±æ ten wpis?
are you sure you want to delete this entry ? common pl Czy na pewno usun±æ ten wpis?
argentina common pl ARGENTYNA
armenia common pl ARMENIA
aruba common pl ARUBA
@ -30,9 +30,9 @@ author common pl Autor
autosave default category common pl Automatyczny zapis domy¶lnej kategorii
azerbaijan common pl AZERBEJD¯AN
back common pl Powrót
bad login or password login pl Z³y login lub has³o
bahamas common pl BAHAMA
bahrain common pl BAHRAIN
bad login or password login pl B³êdna nazwa u¿ytkownika lub has³o
bahamas common pl BAHAMY
bahrain common pl BAHRAJN
bangladesh common pl BANGLADESZ
barbados common pl BARBADOS
belarus common pl BIA£ORU¦
@ -44,10 +44,10 @@ bhutan common pl BHUTAN
bolivia common pl BOLIWIA
bosnia and herzegovina common pl BO¦NIA I HERCEGOWINA
botswana common pl BOTSWANA
bouvet island common pl BOUVET ISLAND
bouvet island common pl WYSPA BOUVETA
brazil common pl BRAZYLIA
british indian ocean territory common pl BRITISH INDIAN OCEAN TERRITORY
brunei darussalam common pl BRUNEI DARUSSALAM
british indian ocean territory common pl BRYTYJSKIE TERYTORIUM OCEANU INDYJSKIEGO
brunei darussalam common pl BRUNEI
bulgaria common pl BU£GARIA
burkina faso common pl BURKINA FASO
burundi common pl BURUNDI
@ -55,73 +55,73 @@ cambodia common pl KAMBOD
cameroon common pl KAMERUN
canada common pl KANADA
cancel common pl Anuluj
cape verde common pl CAPE VERDE
categories common pl Kategorie
categories for common pl kategorie dla
category common pl Kategoria
category x has been added ! common pl Dodano kategoriê %1
category x has been updated ! common pl Zaktualizowano kategoriê %1
cayman islands common pl CAYMAN ISLANDS
central african republic common pl CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC
category x has been added ! common pl Kategoria %1 zosta³a dodana !
category x has been updated ! common pl Kategoria %1 zosta³a uaktualniona !
cayman islands common pl KAJMANY
central african republic common pl REPUBLIKA ¦RODKOWOAFRYKANSKA
chad common pl CZAD
change common pl Zmiana
change common pl Zmieñ
charset common pl iso-8859-2
chile common pl CHILE
china common pl CHINY
choose the category common pl Wybierz kategoriê
choose the parent category common pl Wybierz kategoriê g³ówn±
christmas island common pl CHRISTMAS ISLAND
choose the parent category common pl Wybierz kategoriê nadrzêdn±
christmas island common pl WYSPA BO¯EGO NARODZENIA
clear common pl Wyczy¶æ
clear form common pl Wyczy¶æ formularz
cocos (keeling) islands common pl COCOS (KEELING) ISLANDS
cocos (keeling) islands common pl WYSPY KOKOSOWE
colombia common pl KOLUMBIA
comoros common pl COMOROS
comoros common pl KOMORY
congo common pl KONGO
congo, the democratic republic of the common pl KONGO, THE DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF\n THE
congo, the democratic republic of the common pl REPUBLIKA DEMOKRATYCZNA KONGA
cook islands common pl WYSPY COOKA
copy common pl Kopiuj
costa rica common pl KOSTARYKA
cote d ivoire common pl COTE D IVOIRE
cote d ivoire common pl WYBRZE¯E KO¦CI S£ONIOWEJ
create common pl Utwórz
created by common pl Utworzone przez
croatia common pl CHORWACJA
cuba common pl KUBA
currency common pl Waluta
current common pl Aktualny
current users common pl Aktywnych u¿ytkowników
current common pl Bie¿±cy
current users common pl Bie¿±cy u¿ytkownicy
cyprus common pl CYPR
czech republic common pl CZECHY
czech republic common pl REPUBLIKA CZESKA
date common pl Data
date due common pl Termin wykonania
date due common pl Data wymagalno¶ci
december common pl Grudzieñ
default category common pl Kategoria domy¶lna
delete common pl Usuñ
denmark common pl DANIA
description common pl Opis
detail common pl
details common pl
disabled common pl Nieaktywna
djibouti common pl D¯IBUTTI
do you also want to delete all subcategories ? common pl Chcesz równie¿ usun±æ wszystkie podkategorie?
detail common pl Opis szczegó³owy
details common pl Opis szczegó³owy
disabled common pl Zablokowany
djibouti common pl D¯IBUTI
do you also want to delete all subcategories ? common pl Czy chcesz równie¿ usun±æ wszystkie podkategorie?
dominica common pl DOMINIKA
dominican republic common pl REPUBLIKA DOMINIKANY
dominican republic common pl DOMINIKANA
done common pl Gotowe
e-mail common pl E-mail
east timor common pl TIMOR WSCHODNI
ecuador common pl EKWADOR
edit common pl Edycja
edit categories common pl Edycja kategorii
edit category common pl Edycja kategorii
edit x category for common pl Edycja kategorii %1 dla
edit common pl Edytuj
edit categories common pl Edytuj kategorie
edit category common pl Edytuj kategoriê
edit x category for common pl Edytuj kategoriê %1 dla
egypt common pl EGIPT
el salvador common pl SALWADOR
email common pl E-mail
enabled common pl Aktywna
end date common pl Zakoñczenie
end time common pl Zakoñczenie
entry has been deleted sucessfully common pl Wpis zosta³ pomy¶lnie usuniety
entry updated sucessfully common pl Wpis zaktualizowano pomy¶lnie
equatorial guinea common pl EQUATORIAL GUINEA
enabled common pl Aktywny
end date common pl Data koñcowa
end time common pl Czas koñcowy
entry has been deleted sucessfully common pl Dane zosta³y usuniête
entry updated sucessfully common pl Dane zosta³y uaktualnione
equatorial guinea common pl GWINEA RÓWNIKOWA
eritrea common pl ERYTREA
error common pl B³±d
error creating x x directory common pl B³±t podczas tworzenia katalogu %1%2
@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ error renaming x x directory common pl B
estonia common pl ESTONIA
ethiopia common pl ETIOPIA
falkland islands (malvinas) common pl FALKLANDY (MALWINY)
faroe islands common pl FAROE ISLANDS
faroe islands common pl WYSPY FAROE
february common pl Luty
fields common pl Pola
fiji common pl FID¯I
@ -143,38 +143,38 @@ force selectbox common pl Wymu
france common pl FRANCJA
french guiana common pl GUJANA FRANCUSKA
french polynesia common pl POLINEZJA FRANCUSKA
french southern territories common pl FRANCUSKIE PO£UDNIOWE TERYTOTIUM
french southern territories common pl FRANCUSKIE TERYTORIA PO£UDNIOWE
friday common pl Pi±tek
ftp common pl FTP
gabon common pl GABON
gambia common pl GAMBIA
georgia common pl Georgia
georgia common pl GRUZJA
germany common pl NIEMCY
ghana common pl GHANA
gibraltar common pl GIBRALTAR
global common pl Globalne
global public common pl Globalnie Publiczne
grant access common pl
global public common pl Globalny publiczny
grant access common pl Przyznaj dostêp
greece common pl GRECJA
greenland common pl GRENLANDIA
grenada common pl GRENADA
group common pl Grupa
group access common pl Dostêp grupy
group public common pl Grupowo publiczne
group public common pl Grupowy publiczny
groups common pl Grupy
guadeloupe common pl GUADELUPA
guam common pl GUAM
guadeloupe common pl GWADELUPA
guam common pl WYSPY GUAM
guatemala common pl GWATEMALA
guinea common pl GWINEA
guinea-bissau common pl GUINEA-BISSAU
guinea-bissau common pl GWINEA-BISSAU
guyana common pl GUJANA
haiti common pl HAITI
heard island and mcdonald islands common pl WYSPY HEARD I MCDONALD
heard island and mcdonald islands common pl WYSPY HEARDA I MCDONALDA
help common pl Pomoc
high common pl Wysoki
highest common pl Najwy¿szy
holy see (vatican city state) common pl HOLY SEE (VATICAN CITY STATE)
home common pl Strona g³ówna
holy see (vatican city state) common pl PAÑSTWO WATYKAN
home common pl Powrót na stronê g³ówn±
honduras common pl HONDURAS
hong kong common pl HONG KONG
hungary common pl WÊGRY
@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ iran, islamic republic of common pl IRAN
iraq common pl IRAK
ireland common pl IRLANDIA
israel common pl IZRAEL
it has been more then x days since you changed your password common pl Minê³o %1 dni od chwili zmiany twojego has³a
it has been more then x days since you changed your password common pl Up³ynê³o ponad %1 dni od momentu zmiany has³a
it is recommended that you run setup to upgrade your tables to the current version common pl Zaleca siê uruchomienie instalatora do uaktualnienia tabel do bie¿±cej wersji
italy common pl W£OCHY
jamaica common pl JAMAJKA
@ -196,9 +196,10 @@ july common pl Lipiec
june common pl Czerwiec
kazakstan common pl KAZACHSTAN
kenya common pl KENIA
keywords common pl S³owa kluczowe
kiribati common pl KIRIBATI
korea, democratic peoples republic of common pl KOREAÑSKA REPUBLIA LUDOWO-DEMOKRATYCZNA
korea, republic of common pl KOREA
korea, republic of common pl KOREA PO£UDNIOWA
kuwait common pl KUWEJT
kyrgyzstan common pl KIRGISTAN
language common pl Jêzyk
@ -223,39 +224,40 @@ macedonia, the former yugoslav republic of common pl MACEDONIA
madagascar common pl MADAGASKAR
main category common pl Kategoria g³ówna
main screen common pl Strona g³ówna
malawi common pl
malaysia common pl
maldives common pl
malawi common pl MALAWI
malaysia common pl MALEZJA
maldives common pl MALEDIWY
mali common pl MALI
malta common pl MALTA
manual common pl Podrêcznik
march common pl Marzec
marshall islands common pl
marshall islands common pl WYSPY MARSHALLA
martinique common pl MARTYNIKA
mauritania common pl MAURETANIA
mauritius common pl MAURITIUS
may common pl Maj
mayotte common pl
medium common pl Normalna
message common pl Wiadomo¶æ
mayotte common pl MAYOTTE
medium common pl ¦redni
message common pl Komunikat
mexico common pl MEKSYK
micronesia, federated states of common pl
moldova, republic of common pl
monaco common pl MONACO
micronesia, federated states of common pl MIKRONEZJA
moldova, republic of common pl MO£DAWIA
monaco common pl MONAKO
monday common pl Poniedzia³ek
mongolia common pl MONGOLIA
montserrat common pl
montserrat common pl MONTSERRAT
morocco common pl MAROKO
mozambique common pl MOZAMBIK
myanmar common pl
myanmar common pl MYANMAR
name common pl Nazwa
namibia common pl NAMIBIA
nauru common pl
nauru common pl NAURU
nepal common pl NEPAL
netherlands common pl HOLANDIA
netherlands antilles common pl ANTYLE HOLENDERSKIE
never common pl Nigdy
new caledonia common pl NOWA KALEDONIA
new entry added sucessfully common pl Dodano pomy¶lnie nowy wpis
new entry added sucessfully common pl Nowy wpis zosta³ dodany
new main category common pl Nowa kategoria g³ówna
new value common pl Nowa warto¶æ
new zealand common pl NOWA ZELANDIA
@ -263,17 +265,17 @@ next common pl Nast
nicaragua common pl NIKARAGUA
niger common pl NIGER
nigeria common pl NIGERIA
niue common pl
niue common pl NIUE
no common pl Nie
no history for this record common pl
no history for this record common pl Brak historii dla tego zapisu
no subject common pl Bez tematu
none common pl Brak
norfolk island common pl
normal common pl ¦redni
northern mariana islands common pl
none common pl ¯aden
norfolk island common pl WYSPA NORFOLK
normal common pl Normalny
northern mariana islands common pl PÓ£NOCNE WYSPY MARIANA
norway common pl NORWEGIA
note common pl Uwaga
notes common pl Notatnik
notes common pl Uwagi
notify window common pl Okno powiadamiania
november common pl Listopad
october common pl Pa¼dziernik
@ -281,13 +283,13 @@ ok common pl OK
old value common pl Poprzednia warto¶æ
oman common pl OMAN
only yours common pl Tylko twoje
open notify window common pl Otwórz okno komunikatów
original common pl Orygina³
open notify window common pl Otwórz okno powiadamiania
original common pl Oryginalny
other common pl Inne
overview common pl Opis
overview common pl Przegl±d
owner common pl W³a¶ciciel
pakistan common pl PAKISTAN
palau common pl
palau common pl PALAU
palestinian territory, occupied common pl PALESTYNA
panama common pl PANAMA
papua new guinea common pl PAPUA NOWA GWINEA
@ -295,85 +297,90 @@ paraguay common pl PARAGWAJ
parent category common pl Kategoria nadrzêdna
password common pl Has³o
password has been updated common pl Has³o zosta³o zaktualizowane
personal common pl Dane osobowe
personal common pl Osobisty
peru common pl PERU
philippines common pl FILIPINY
pitcairn common pl
pitcairn common pl PITCAIRN
please enter a name common pl Proszê podaæ nazwê
please run setup to become current common pl
please set your preferences for this application common pl Proszê ustawiæ swoje preferencje dla tej aplikacji
please run setup to become current common pl Proszê uruchom instalacjê (setup) w celu uaktualnienia
please set your global preferences common pl Proszê wprowadziæ swoje globalne preferencje !
please set your preferences for this application common pl Proszê wprowadziæ ustawienia dla tej aplikacji
poland common pl POLSKA
portugal common pl PORTUGALIA
powered by phpgroupware version x common pl Powered by <a href=http://www.phpgroupware.org>phpGroupWare</a> wersja %1
powered by phpgroupware version x common pl Dzia³a na <a href="http://www.phpgroupware.org">phpGroupWare</a> wersja %1
preferences common pl Ustawienia
print common pl Drukuj
priority common pl Priorytet
private common pl Prywatne
private common pl Prywatny
public common pl Publiczny
puerto rico common pl PUERTO RICO
puerto rico common pl PORTORYKO
qatar common pl KATAR
read common pl Czytaj
reject common pl Odrzuæ
rename common pl Zmieñ nazwê
reunion common pl
reunion common pl REUNION
romania common pl RUMUNIA
russian federation common pl ROSJA
rwanda common pl RWANDA
saint helena common pl ¦WIÊTA HELENA
saint kitts and nevis common pl
saint lucia common pl
saint pierre and miquelon common pl
saint vincent and the grenadines common pl
saint helena common pl WYSPY ¦W. HELENY
saint kitts and nevis common pl SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS
saint lucia common pl SAINT LUCIA
saint pierre and miquelon common pl SAINT PIERRE AND MIQUELON
saint vincent and the grenadines common pl SAINT VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES
samoa common pl SAMOA
san marino common pl SAN MARINO
sao tome and principe common pl
sao tome and principe common pl SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE
saturday common pl Sobota
saudi arabia common pl ARABIA SAUDYJSKA
save common pl Zapisz
search common pl Szukaj
section common pl
section common pl Sekcja
select category common pl Wybierz kategoriê
send common pl Wy¶lij
senegal common pl SENEGAL
september common pl Wrzesieñ
session has been killed common pl Sesja zosta³a zabita
server name common pl Nazwa serwera
server x has been added common pl Serwer %1 zosta³ dodany
session has been killed common pl Sesja zosta³a zamkniêta
seychelles common pl SESZELE
show all common pl Poka¿ wszystko
showing x common pl Wy¶wietlono %1
showing x - x of x common pl Wy¶wietlanie %1 - %2 z %3
sierra leone common pl SIERRA LEONE
singapore common pl SINGAPURE
singapore common pl SINGAPUR
slovakia common pl S£OWACJA
slovenia common pl S£OWENIA
solomon islands common pl WYSPY SALOMONA
somalia common pl SOMALIA
sorry, your login has expired login pl Twoje konto wygas³o
south africa common pl AFRYKA PO£UDNIOWA
south georgia and the south sandwich islands common pl
south africa common pl REPUBLIKA PO£UDNIOWEJ AFRYKI
south georgia and the south sandwich islands common pl PO£UDNIOWA GEORGIA I PO£UDNIOWE WYSPY SANDWICH
spain common pl HISZPANIA
sri lanka common pl SRI LANKA
start date common pl Pocz±tek
start time common pl Pocz±tek
start date common pl Data pocz±tkowa
start time common pl Czas pocz±tkowy
status common pl Status
subject common pl Temat
submit common pl OK
submit common pl Wprowad¼
sudan common pl SUDAN
sunday common pl Niedziela
suriname common pl SURINAM
svalbard and jan mayen common pl
swaziland common pl
svalbard and jan mayen common pl SVALBARD AND JAN MAYEN
swaziland common pl SUAZILAND
sweden common pl SZWECJA
switzerland common pl SZWAJCARIA
switzerland common pl SZWARCARIA
syrian arab republic common pl SYRIA
taiwan, province of china common pl TAJWAN
taiwan, province of china common pl TAJWAN, PROWINCJA CHIÑSKA
tajikistan common pl TAD¯YKISTAN
tanzania, united republic of common pl TANZANIA
thailand common pl TAJLANDIA
the api is current common pl API jest aktualne
the api requires an upgrade common pl API wymaga aktualizacji
the following applications require upgrades common pl Aplikacje wymagaj±ce aktualizacji
the following applications require upgrades common pl Nastêpuj±ce aplikacje wymagaj± upgrade'u
the mail server returned common pl Serwer pocztowy zwróci³
this application is current common pl Wersja aplikacji jest aktualna
this application requires an upgrade common pl Aplikacja wymaga aktualizacji
this name has been used already common pl Nazwa jest ju¿ u¿ywana
this name has been used already common pl Ta nazwa zosta³a ju¿ u¿yta
thursday common pl Czwartek
time common pl Czas
time zone common pl Strefa czasowa
@ -381,23 +388,23 @@ time zone offset common pl Przesuni
title common pl Tytu³
to go back to the msg list, click <a href= x >here</a> common pl Aby wróciæ do listy wiadomo¶ci, kliknij <a href="%1">tutaj</a>
togo common pl TOGO
tokelau common pl
tonga common pl
total common pl Suma
tokelau common pl TOKELAU
tonga common pl TONGA
total common pl Ogó³em
trinidad and tobago common pl TRINIDAD I TOBAGO
tuesday common pl Wtorek
tunisia common pl TUNEZJA
turkey common pl TURCJA
turkmenistan common pl TURKMENISTAN
turks and caicos islands common pl
tuvalu common pl
turks and caicos islands common pl TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS
tuvalu common pl TUVALU
uganda common pl UGANDA
ukraine common pl UKRAINA
united arab emirates common pl ZJEDNOCZONE EMIRATY ARABSKIE
united kingdom common pl WIELKA BRYTANIA
united states common pl STANY ZJEDNOCZONE
united states minor outlying islands common pl
unknown common pl Nieznane
united states minor outlying islands common pl UNITED STATES MINOR OUTLYING ISLANDS
unknown common pl Nieznany
update common pl Aktualizuj
url common pl Adres URL
uruguay common pl URUGWAJ
@ -406,29 +413,30 @@ username common pl Nazwa u
users common pl U¿ytkownicy
users choice common pl Wybieraj± u¿ytkownicy
uzbekistan common pl UZBEKISTAN
vanuatu common pl
vanuatu common pl VANUATU
venezuela common pl WENEZUELA
viet nam common pl WIETNAM
view common pl Widok
virgin islands, british common pl WYSPY DZIEWICZE, BRYTYJSKIE
virgin islands, u.s. common pl WYSPY DZIEWICZE, USA
wallis and futuna common pl
view common pl Przegl±daj
virgin islands, british common pl BRYTYJSKIE WYSPY DZIEWICZE
virgin islands, u.s. common pl AMERYKAÑSKIE WYSPY DZIEWICZE
wallis and futuna common pl WALLIS AND FUTUNA
wednesday common pl ¦roda
welcome common pl Strona g³ówna
western sahara common pl ZACHODNIA SAHARA
western sahara common pl SAHARA ZACHODNIA
which groups common pl Która grupa
written by: common pl Napisany przez
written by: common pl Napisany przez:
year common pl Rok
yemen common pl JEMEN
yes common pl Tak
you are running a newer version of phpgroupware than your database is setup for common pl Uruchomi³e¶ nowsz± wersjê phpGroupWare ni¿ zainstalowana baza danych
you have been successfully logged out login pl Zosta³e¶ pomy¶lnie wylogowany
you have selected an invalid date common pl Wybra³e¶ niepoprawn± datê
you have selected an invalid date common pl Wybra³e¶ nieprawid³ow± datê
you have selected an invalid main category common pl Wybra³e¶ niew³a¶ciw± kategoriê g³ówn±
your message could <b>not</b> be sent!<br> common pl Twoja wiadomo¶æ <b>nie</b> zosta³a wys³ana<br>
your search returned 1 match common pl Poszukiwanie zwróci³o 1 zgodny
your search returned x matchs common pl Poszukiwanie zwróci³o %1 zgodnych
your session could not be verified. login pl Twoja sesja nie zosta³a zweryfikowana
your settings have been updated common pl Twoja konfiguracja zosta³a zaktualizowana
your message could <b>not</b> be sent!<br> common pl Twoja wiadomo¶æ <b>nie</b> zosta³a wys³ana!<br>
your search returned 1 match common pl wyszukiwanie zwróci³o 1 trafienie
your search returned x matchs common pl wyszukiwanie zwróci³o %1 trafieñ
your session could not be verified. login pl Nie mo¿na zweryfikowaæ sesji.
your settings have been updated common pl Twoje ustawienia zosta³y uaktualnione
yugoslavia common pl JUGOS£AWIA
zambia common pl ZAMBIA
zimbabwe common pl ZIMBABWE
@ -1,39 +1,38 @@
change your password preferences pl Zmiana has³a
change your password preferences pl Zmieñ swoje has³o
change your profile preferences pl Zmieñ swój profil
change your settings preferences pl Zmiana ustawieñ
change your settings preferences pl ZmieN swoje ustawienia
date format preferences pl Format daty
default application preferences pl Domy¶lna aplikacja
default preferences preferences pl Domy¶lne
edit custom fields preferences pl Edycja pól u¿ytkownika
enter your new password preferences pl Nowe has³o
forced preferences preferences pl Wymuszone
grant access preferences pl Prawa dostêpu
default preferences preferences pl Domy¶lne ustawienia
edit custom fields preferences pl Edytuj pola u¿ytkownika
enter your new password preferences pl Wprowad¼ swoje nowe has³o
forced preferences preferences pl Wymuszone ustawienia
grant access preferences pl Nadaj prawa dostêpu
icons and text preferences pl Ikony i tekst
icons only preferences pl Ikony
interface/template selection preferences pl Wybór tematu interfejsu
icons only preferences pl Tylko ikony
interface/template selection preferences pl Wybór interfejsu/szablonu
inv preferences pl Fakturacja
language preferences pl Jêzyk
max matches per page preferences pl Maks. liczba wierszy na stronê
max matchs per page preferences pl Rekordów/stronê
max matches per page preferences pl Maksymalna liczba trafieñ na stronie
monitor newsgroups preferences pl Monitor grup dyskusyjnych
note: this feature does *not* change your email password. this will need to be done manually. preferences pl Uwaga. Te polecenie NIE zmienia has³a do twojej skrzyniki pocztowej! musisz to wykonaæ rêcznie.
note: this feature does *not* change your email password. this will need to be done manually. preferences pl Uwaga. Te polecenie NIE zmienia has³a do twojej skrzyniki pocztowej! Nale¿y to zrobiæ rêcznie.
please, select a new theme preferences pl Proszê wybraæ nowy temat
re-enter your password preferences pl Powtórz has³o
re-enter your password preferences pl Wpisz has³o ponownie
select different theme preferences pl Wybierz inny temat
select displayed stocks preferences pl Wybór wy¶wietlanych spó³ek
select headlines to display preferences pl Wybór serwisów wiadomo¶ci
select one preferences pl Wybierz jedn±
select one preferences pl Wybierz jeden
show current users on navigation bar preferences pl Wy¶wietlaj liczbê u¿ytkowników
show navigation bar as preferences pl Poka¿ pasek jako
show text on navigation icons preferences pl Wy¶wietl tekst na ikonach
text only preferences pl Tekst
the two passwords are not the same preferences pl Podane has³o nie s± identyczne
theme (colors/fonts) selection preferences pl Wybór kolorystyki interfejsu
this server is located in the x timezone preferences pl Serwer znajduje siê w strefie czasowej %1
show navigation bar as preferences pl Poka¿ pasek nawigacji jako
show text on navigation icons preferences pl Poka¿ tekst na ikonach nawigacji
text only preferences pl Tylko tekst
theme (colors/fonts) selection preferences pl Wybór tematu (kolory/czcionki)
the two passwords are not the same preferences pl Te dwa has³a nie s± identyczne
this server is located in the x timezone preferences pl Ten serwer znajduje siê w strefie czasowej %1
time format preferences pl Format czasu
weather preferences pl Pogoda
weather center preferences pl Centrum pogodowe
weather preferences preferences pl Preferencje
you must enter a password preferences pl Musisz podaæ has³o
your current theme is: x preferences pl </b>
your preferences preferences pl Twoje preferencje
weather preferences pl Pogoda
weather preferences preferences pl Ustawienia pogody
you must enter a password preferences pl Musisz wprowadziæ has³o
your current theme is: x preferences pl Twój bie¿±cy temat to: %1
your preferences preferences pl Twoje ustawienia
@ -1,30 +1,31 @@
(account deletion in SQL Only) setup pl (dotyczy tylko kont w SQL)
(account deletion in sql only) setup pl (dotyczy tylko kont w SQL)
<br><center>import has been completed! click <a href="index.php">here</a> to return to setup </center> setup pl <br><center>Import has been completed! Click <a href="index.php">here</a> to return to setup </center>
actions setup pl Polecenia
Add auto-created users to this group ('Default' will be attempted if this is empty.) setup pl Add auto-created users to this group ('Default' will be attempted if this is empty.)
add auto-created users to this group ('default' will be attempted if this is empty.) setup pl Add auto-created users to this group ('Default' will be attempted if this is empty.)
admin first name setup pl Imiê administratora
admin last name setup pl Nazwisko administratora
admin password setup pl Has³o administratora
Admins setup pl Administratorzy
admin username setup pl Nazwa administratora
admins setup pl Administratorzy
all applications setup pl wszystkie aplikacje
All Users setup pl Wszyscy u¿ytkownicy
all users setup pl Wszyscy u¿ytkownicy
app details setup pl Szczegó³owe dane o aplikacji
app install/remove/upgrade setup pl Instaluj/Usuñ/Aktualizuj aplikacje
application data setup pl Dane aplikacji
application management setup pl Zarz±dzanie aplikacjami
application name and status information setup pl Nazwa aplikacji i status
application name and status setup pl Nazwa aplikacji i status
application name and status information setup pl Nazwa aplikacji i status
application title setup pl Tytu³ aplikacji
are you sure? setup pl JESTE¦ PEWIEN?
Attempt to use correct mimetype for FTP instead of default 'application/octet-stream' setup pl Attempt to use correct mimetype for FTP instead of default 'application/octet-stream'
at your request, this script is going to attempt to create the database and assign the db user rights to it setup pl At your request, this script is going to attempt to create the database and assign the db user rights to it
at your request, this script is going to attempt to install all the applications for you setup pl At your request, this script is going to attempt to install all the applications for you
at your request, this script is going to attempt to upgrade your old applications to the current versions setup pl At your request, this script is going to attempt to upgrade your old applications to the current versions
at your request, this script is going to attempt to upgrade your old tables to the new format setup pl At your request, this script is going to attempt to upgrade your old tables to the new format
at your request, this script is going to take the evil action of deleting your existing tables and re-creating them in the new format setup pl At your request, this script is going to take the evil action of deleting your existing tables and re-creating them in the new format
at your request, this script is going to take the evil action of uninstalling all your apps, which deletes your existing tables and data setup pl At your request, this script is going to take the evil action of uninstalling all your apps, which deletes your existing tables and data
Authentication / Accounts setup pl Autentykacja / Konta
Auto create account records for authenticated users setup pl Auto create account records for authenticated users
attempt to use correct mimetype for ftp instead of default 'application/octet-stream' setup pl Próbuj u¿yæ w³a¶ciwy typ mime dla FTP zamiast domy¶lnego 'application/octet-stream'
authentication / accounts setup pl Uwierzytelnianie / Konta
auto create account records for authenticated users setup pl Automatycznie twórz zapisy kont dla uwierzytelnionych u¿ytkowników
auto-created user accounts expire setup pl Utworzone automatycznie konta u¿ytkowników wygas³y
available version setup pl Dostêpne wersje
backupwarn setup pl but we <u>highly recommend backing up</u> your tables in case the script causes damage to your data.<br><strong>These automated scripts can easily destroy your data.</strong><br><em>Please backup before going any further!</em>
@ -36,50 +37,49 @@ because of a failed upgrade or install setup pl because of a failed upgrade or i
because of a failed upgrade, or the database is newer than the installed version of this app setup pl because of a failed upgrade, or the database is newer than the installed version of this app
because the enable flag for this app is set to 0, or is undefined setup pl because the enable flag for this app is set to 0, or is undefined
bottom setup pl U do³u
<br><center>Import has been completed! Click <a href="index.php">here</a> to return to setup </center> setup pl <br><center>Import has been completed! Click <a href="index.php">here</a> to return to setup </center>
cancel setup pl Anuluj
charset setup pl ISO-8859-2
check ip address of all sessions setup pl Sprawdzaæ IP dla wszystkich sesji
click here setup pl Kliknij tutaj
configuration completed setup pl Zakoñczono konfiguracjê
configuration setup pl Konfiguracja
configuration completed setup pl Zakoñczono konfiguracjê
configure now setup pl Konfiguruj teraz
Country Selection setup pl Wybór kraju
country selection setup pl Wybór kraju
create setup pl Twórz
create database setup pl Tworzenie bazy danych
create one now setup pl Create one now
create setup pl Twórz
creating tables setup pl Tworzenie tabel
currently installed languages: x <br> setup pl Zainstalowane wersje jêzykowe: %1 <br>
current version setup pl Aktualna wersja
currently installed languages: x <br> setup pl Zainstalowane wersje jêzykowe: %1 <br>
db root password setup pl Has³o root do bazy danych
db root username setup pl nazwa u¿ytkownika root bazy danych
Default file system space per user/group ? setup pl Default file system space per user/group ?
default file system space per user/group ? setup pl Domy¶lny rozmiar plików na u¿ytkownika/grupê ?
delete all my tables and data setup pl Uswanie wszystkich moich tabel i danych
delete all old languages and install new ones setup pl Usuñ wszystkie jêzyki i zainstaluj je na nowo
deleting tables setup pl Usuwanie tabel
demo server setup setup pl Demo Server Setup
deny access setup pl Odmów dostêpu
Deny all users access to grant other users access to their entries ? setup pl Deny all users access to grant other users access to their entries ?
deny all users access to grant other users access to their entries ? setup pl Zabroniæ u¿ytkownikom nadawania uprawnieñ dla innych u¿ytkowników?
deregistered setup pl Wyrejestrowano
details for admin account setup pl Dane konta administratora
domain setup pl Ustawienia domeny
dont touch my data setup pl Nie dotykaj moich danych
edit current configuration setup pl Edytuj bie¿±c± konfiguracjê
Enter some random text for app_session <br>encryption (requires mcrypt) setup pl Enter some random text for app_session <br>encryption (requires mcrypt)
enter some random text for app session encryption setup pl Enter some random text for app session encryption
Enter the full path for temporary files.<br>Examples: /tmp, C:\TEMP setup pl Podaj pe³n± ¶cie¿kê do katalogu dla plików tymczasowych.<br>Na przyk³ad: /tmp, C:\TEMP
Enter the full path for users and group files.<br>Examples: /files, E:\FILES setup pl Podaj pe³n± ¶ie¿kê do plików u¿ytkowników i grup.<br>Na przyk³ad: /files, E:\FILES
Enter the hostname of the machine on which this server is running setup pl Podaj nazwê komputera, na którym jest uruchomiony serwer
Enter the location of phpGroupWare's URL.<br>Example: http://www.domain.com/phpgroupware or /phpgroupware<br><b>No trailing slash</b> setup pl Podaj URL do twojego portala phpGroupWare's URL.<br>Na przyk³ad: http://www.domain.com/phpgroupware or /phpgroupware<br><b>Bez koñcz±cego ciacha (,,/'')</b>
Enter the site password for peer servers setup pl Enter the site password for peer servers
Enter the site username for peer servers setup pl Enter the site username for peer servers
Enter the title for your site setup pl Podaj nazwê swojego portala
Enter your default FTP server setup pl Podaj domy¶lny serwer FTP
Enter your HTTP proxy server port setup pl Podaj port serwera proxy HTTP
Enter your HTTP proxy server setup pl Podaj adres serwera proxy HTTP
export phpgroupware accounts from sql to ldap setup pl Export phpGroupWare accounts from SQL to LDAP
export sql users to ldap setup pl Export SQL users to LDAP
for a new install, select import. to convert existing sql accounts to ldap, select export setup pl For a new install, select import. To convert existing SQL accounts to LDAP, select export
enter some random text for app session encryption setup pl Wprowad¼ losowy tekst dla zaszyfrowania sesji aplikacji
enter some random text for app_session <br>encryption (requires mcrypt) setup pl Wprowad¼ losowy tekst dla zaszyfrowania <br>sesji aplikacji (wymaga mcrypt)
enter the full path for temporary files.<br>examples: /tmp, c:\temp setup pl Podaj pe³n± ¶cie¿kê do katalogu dla plików tymczasowych.<br>Na przyk³ad: /tmp, C:\TEMP
enter the full path for users and group files.<br>examples: /files, e:\files setup pl Podaj pe³n± ¶ie¿kê do plików u¿ytkowników i grup.<br>Na przyk³ad: /files, E:\FILES
enter the hostname of the machine on which this server is running setup pl Podaj nazwê komputera, na którym jest uruchomiony serwer
enter the location of phpgroupware's url.<br>example: http://www.domain.com/phpgroupware or /phpgroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> setup pl Podaj URL do twojego portala phpGroupWare's URL.<br>Na przyk³ad: http://www.domain.com/phpgroupware or /phpgroupware<br><b>Bez koñcz±cego ciacha (,,/'')</b>
enter the site password for peer servers setup pl Wprowad¼ has³o serwisu dla serwerów równorzêdnych (peer servers)
enter the site username for peer servers setup pl Wprowad¼ nazwê u¿ytkownika serwisu dla serwerów równorzêdnych (peer servers)
enter the title for your site setup pl Podaj nazwê swojego portala (serwisu)
enter your default ftp server setup pl Podaj domy¶lny serwer FTP
enter your http proxy server setup pl Podaj adres serwera proxy HTTP
enter your http proxy server port setup pl Podaj port serwera proxy HTTP
export phpgroupware accounts from sql to ldap setup pl Eksportuj konta phpGroupWare z SQL do LDAP
export sql users to ldap setup pl Eksportuj u¿ytkowników SQL do LDAP
for a new install, select import. to convert existing sql accounts to ldap, select export setup pl Dla nowej instalacji wybierz importuj. Aby skonwertowaæ istniej±ce konta SQL do LDAP wybierz eksportuj.
force selectbox setup pl Wymu¶ wybór z listy
go back setup pl Powrót
go to setup pl Id¼ do
@ -87,53 +87,53 @@ grant access setup pl Przydziel dost
has a version mismatch setup pl ma niezgodn± wersjê
hooks deregistered setup pl Wyrejestrowano uchwyty
hooks registered setup pl Zarejestrowano uchwyty
Host information setup pl Host
host information setup pl Informacja o stacji roboczej
however, the application is otherwise installed setup pl However, the application is otherwise installed
If no ACL records for user or any group the user is a member of setup pl If no ACL records for user or any group the user is a member of
if the application has no defined tables, selecting upgrade should remedy the problem setup pl If the application has no defined tables, selecting upgrade should remedy the problem
If using LDAP, do you want to manage homedirectory and loginshell attributes? setup pl If using LDAP, do you want to manage homedirectory and loginshell attributes?
if you did not receive any errors, your applications have been setup pl If you did not receive any errors, your applications have been
if you did not receive any errors, your tables have been setup pl If you did not receive any errors, your tables have been
import accounts from ldap to the phpgroupware accounts table (for a new install using sql accounts) setup pl Import accounts from LDAP to the phpGroupWare accounts table (for a new install using SQL accounts)
if no acl records for user or any group the user is a member of setup pl
if the application has no defined tables, selecting upgrade should remedy the problem setup pl
if using ldap, do you want to manage homedirectory and loginshell attributes? setup pl
if you did not receive any errors, your applications have been setup pl
if you did not receive any errors, your tables have been setup pl
import accounts from ldap to the phpgroupware accounts table (for a new install using sql accounts) setup pl
import ldap users/groups setup pl Import u¿tkowników/grup LDAP
insanity setup pl Insanity
install Applications setup pl Instalacja aplikacji
installed setup pl Zainstalowano
install language setup pl Instalacje wersji jêzykowych
insanity setup pl Szaleñstwo
install setup pl Instaluj
install applications setup pl Instaluj aplikacji
install language setup pl Instaluj wersje jêzykowe
installed setup pl Zainstalowano
is broken setup pl is broken
is disabled setup pl Jest zablokowane
ldap account import/export setup pl LDAP account import/export
LDAP accounts context setup pl LDAP accounts context
LDAP Default homedirectory prefix (e.g. /home for /home/username) setup pl LDAP Default homedirectory prefix (e.g. /home for /home/username)
LDAP Default shell (e.g. /bin/bash) setup pl LDAP Default shell (e.g. /bin/bash)
LDAP encryption type setup pl LDAP encryption type
ldap export users setup pl LDAP export users
LDAP groups context setup pl LDAP groups context
LDAP host setup pl LDAP host
ldap import users setup pl LDAP import users
LDAP rootdn setup pl LDAP rootdn
LDAP root password setup pl LDAP root password
ldap account import/export setup pl Import/eksport kont LDAP
ldap accounts context setup pl Kontekst kont LDAP
ldap default homedirectory prefix (e.g. /home for /home/username) setup pl Domy¶lny prefiks katatalogu domowego LDAP (np. /home dla /home/username)
ldap default shell (e.g. /bin/bash) setup pl Domy¶lna pow³oka LDAP (e.g. /bin/bash)
ldap encryption type setup pl Typ szyfrowania LDAP
ldap export users setup pl Eksportuj u¿ytkowników LDAP
ldap groups context setup pl Kontekst grup LDAP
ldap host setup pl Stacja (host) LDAP
ldap import users setup pl Import u¿ytkowników LDAP
ldap root password setup pl Has³o u¿ytkownika root LDAP
ldap rootdn setup pl LDAP rootdn
logout setup pl Wyloguj
makesure setup pl Make sure that your database is created and the account permissions are set
manage applications setup pl Zarz±dzanie aplikacjami
manage languages setup pl Zarz±dzanie jêzykami
Maximum account id (e.g. 65535 or 1000000) setup pl Maksymalny ID konta (np. 65535 lub 1000000)
maximum account id (e.g. 65535 or 1000000) setup pl Maksymalny ID konta (np. 65535 lub 1000000)
mcrypt algorithm (default tripledes) setup pl Mcrypt algorithm (default TRIPLEDES)
mcrypt mode (default cbc) setup pl Mcrypt mode (default CBC)
mcrypt settings (requires mcrypt php extension) setup pl Ustawienia Mcrypt (wymaga rozszerzenia PHP: mcrypt)
Minimum account id (e.g. 500 or 100, etc.) setup pl Minimalny ID konta (np. 500 lub 100, itd.)
minimum account id (e.g. 500 or 100, etc.) setup pl Minimalny ID konta (np. 500 lub 100, itd.)
modify an existing ldap account store for use with phpgroupware (for a new install using ldap accounts) setup pl Modify an existing LDAP account store for use with phpGroupWare (for a new install using LDAP accounts)
multi-language support setup setup pl Instalacja wersji jêzykowych
mysqlinstr setup pl Instructions for creating the database in MySQL:<br>Login to mysql -<br><i>[user@server user]# mysql -u root -p</i><br>Create the empty database and grant user permissions -<br><i>mysql> create database phpgroupware;</i><br><i>mysql> grant all on phpgroupware.* to phpgroupware@localhost identified by 'password';</i>
never setup pl Nigdy
no setup pl Nie
no algorithms available setup pl no algorithms available
no modes available setup pl no modes available
no setup pl Nie
not complete setup pl Nie gotowe
not completed setup en Nie zakoñczone
note: you will be able to customize this later setup pl Uwaga: You will be able to customize this later
not ready for this stage yet setup pl Jeszcze nie gotowe na tym etapie
note: you will be able to customize this later setup pl Uwaga: Bêdzie mo¿na zmieniæ to pó¼niej
ok setup pl OK
once the database is setup correctly setup pl Once the database is setup correctly
one month setup pl Jeden miesi±c
@ -141,33 +141,32 @@ one week setup pl Jeden tydzie
only add languages that are not in the database already setup pl Dodaj tylko te jêzyki, których nie ma jeszcze w bazie danych
only add new phrases setup pl Dodaj tylko nowe zdania
passwords did not match, please re-enter setup pl Has³a nie s± identyczne, proszê wpisaæ je jeszcze raz
Path information setup pl ¦cie¿ki
path information setup pl ¦cie¿ki
pgsqlinstr setup pl Instructions for creating the database in PostgreSQL:<br>Start the postmaster<br><i>[user@server user]# postmaster -i -D /home/[username]/[dataDir]</i><br>Create the empty database -<br><i>[user@server user]# createdb phpgroupware</i>
please check for sql scripts within the application's directory setup pl Please check for sql scripts within the application's directory
please configure phpGroupWare for your environment setup pl Please configure phpGroupWare for your environment
please configure phpgroupware for your environment setup pl Proszê skonfigurowaæ phpGroupWare dla Twojego ¶rodowiska
please install setup pl Proszê zainstalowaæ
please login to phpgroupware and run the admin application for additional site configuration setup pl Proszê zalogowaæ siê siê do phpGroupWare i wej¶æ do modu³u Administracja dla dalszej konfiguracji
possible solutions setup pl Mo¿liwe rozwiazania
potential problem setup pl Potencjalny problem
Preferences setup pl Preferencje
preferences setup pl Ustawienia
problem resolution setup pl Rozwiazanie problemu
process setup pl Process
really uninstall all applications setup pl NA PEWNO usun±æ WSZYSTKIE aplikacje
re-check my database setup pl Sprawd¼ moj± bazê
re-check my installation setup pl Sprawd¼ moj± instalacjê
re-enter password setup pl Podaj powtórnie has³o
really uninstall all applications setup pl NA PEWNO usun±æ WSZYSTKIE aplikacje
registered setup pl Zarejestrowano
remove setup pl Usuñ
requires reinstall or manual repair setup pl Wymaga reinstalacji lub rêcznej naprawy
requires upgrade setup pl Wymaga aktualizacji
resolve setup pl Rozwi±¿
Select an app, enter a target version, then submit to process to that version.<br>If you do not enter a version, only the baseline tables will be installed for the app.<br><blink>THIS WILL DROP ALL OF THE APPS' TABLES FIRST!</blink> setup pl Select an app, enter a target version, then submit to process to that version.<br>If you do not enter a version, only the baseline tables will be installed for the app.<br><blink>THIS WILL DROP ALL OF THE APPS' TABLES FIRST!</blink>
Selectbox setup pl Wybór z listy
select an app, enter a target version, then submit to process to that version.<br>if you do not enter a version, only the baseline tables will be installed for the app.<br><blink>this will drop all of the apps' tables first!</blink> setup pl Select an app, enter a target version, then submit to process to that version.<br>If you do not enter a version, only the baseline tables will be installed for the app.<br><blink>THIS WILL DROP ALL OF THE APPS' TABLES FIRST!</blink>
select the default applications to which your users will have access setup pl Select the default applications to which your users will have access
select the desired action(s) from the available choices setup pl Wybierz z dostêpnych ¿±dane polecenie
select to download file setup pl Select to download file
Select where you want to store/retrieve filesystem information setup pl Select where you want to store/retrieve filesystem information
Select where you want to store/retrieve user accounts setup pl Wybierz gdzie chcesz przechowywaæ konta u¿ytkowników
select where you want to store/retrieve filesystem information setup pl Wybierz gdzie chcesz przechowywaæ informacje o systemie plików
select where you want to store/retrieve user accounts setup pl Wybierz gdzie chcesz przechowywaæ konta u¿ytkowników
select which group(s) will be exported (group membership will be maintained) setup pl Select which group(s) will be exported (group membership will be maintained)
select which group(s) will be imported (group membership will be maintained) setup pl Select which group(s) will be imported (group membership will be maintained)
select which languages you would like to use setup pl Wybierz te jêzyki, które chcesz zainstalowaæ
@ -177,9 +176,10 @@ select which user(s) will be exported setup pl Select which user(s) will be expo
select which user(s) will be imported setup pl Select which user(s) will be imported
select which user(s) will have admin privileges setup pl Select which user(s) will have admin privileges
select your old version setup pl Select your old version
setup demo accounts in ldap setup pl Setup demo accounts in LDAP
selectbox setup pl Wybór z listy
setup setup pl Setup
Show 'powered by' logo on setup pl Wy¶wietlaj logo 'powered by'
setup demo accounts in ldap setup pl Setup demo accounts in LDAP
show 'powered by' logo on setup pl Wy¶wietlaj logo 'powered by'
some or all of its tables are missing setup pl Some or all of its tables are missing
status setup pl Status
step 1 - simple application management setup pl Krok 1 - Proste zarz±dzanie aplikacj±
@ -192,45 +192,45 @@ tables dropped setup pl Usuni
tables installed, unless there are errors printed above setup pl Zainstalowano tabele, unless there are errors printed above
tables upgraded setup pl Tabele zaktualizowano
target version setup pl Wersja docelowa
Text Entry setup pl Wpisywanie tekstu
there was a problem tring to connect to your ldap server. <br>please check your LDAP server configuration setup pl There was a problem tring to connect to your LDAP server. <br>please check your LDAP server configuration
text entry setup pl Wpisywanie tekstu
the table definition was correct, and the tables were installed setup pl Definicja tabel jest poprawna i tabele zosta³y zainstalowane
the tables setup pl tabele
this program will help you upgrade or install different languages for phpGroupWare setup pl Ten program pomo¿e Ci zainstalowaæ lub uaktualniæ wersje jêzykowe phpGroupWare
this section will help you export users and groups from phpgroupWare's account tables into your ldap tree setup pl This section will help you export users and groups from phpGroupWare's account tables into your LDAP tree
this section will help you import users and groups from your ldap tree into phpGroupWare's account tables setup pl This section will help you import users and groups from your LDAP tree into phpGroupWare's account tables
there was a problem tring to connect to your ldap server. <br>please check your ldap server configuration setup pl There was a problem tring to connect to your LDAP server. <br>please check your LDAP server configuration
this program will help you upgrade or install different languages for phpgroupware setup pl Ten program pomo¿e Ci zainstalowaæ lub uaktualniæ wersje jêzykowe phpGroupWare
this section will help you export users and groups from phpgroupware's account tables into your ldap tree setup pl This section will help you export users and groups from phpGroupWare's account tables into your LDAP tree
this section will help you import users and groups from your ldap tree into phpgroupware's account tables setup pl This section will help you import users and groups from your LDAP tree into phpGroupWare's account tables
this stage is completed<br> setup pl Etap zakoñczony<br>
this will create 1 admin account and 3 demo accounts<br>the username/passwords are: demo/guest, demo2/guest and demo3/guest.<br><b>!!!THIS WILL DELETE ALL EXISTING ACCOUNTS!!!</b><br> setup pl Zostanie utworzone jedno konto administratora i trzy konta demonstracyne<br>Nazwy u¿ytkowników/has³a: demo/guest, demo2/guest i demo3/guest.<br><b>UWAGA! Wszystkie istniej±ce konta zostan± usuniête!!!</b><br>
top setup pl U góry
this will create 1 admin account and 3 demo accounts<br>the username/passwords are: demo/guest, demo2/guest and demo3/guest.<br><b>!!!this will delete all existing accounts!!!</b><br> setup pl Zostanie utworzone jedno konto administratora i trzy konta demonstracyne<br>Nazwy u¿ytkowników/has³a: demo/guest, demo2/guest i demo3/guest.<br><b>UWAGA! Wszystkie istniej±ce konta zostan± usuniête!!!</b><br>
to setup 1 admin account and 3 demo accounts.<br><b>this will delete all existing accounts</b> setup pl aby za³o¿yæ jedno konto administracyjne i trzy konta demo.<br><b>Istniej±ce konta zostan± usuniete!</b>
top setup pl U góry
translations added setup pl Dodano t³umaczenia
translations removed setup pl Usuniêto t³umaczenia
translations upgraded setup pl Zaktualizowano t³umaczenia
two weeks setup pl Dwa tygodnie
uninstall all applications setup pl Odinstaluj wszystkie aplikacje
uninstalled setup pl Odinstalowano
upgraded setup pl Zaktualizowano
upgrade setup pl Aktualizacja
upgraded setup pl Zaktualizowano
upgrading tables setup pl Aktualizacja tabel
Use cookies to pass sessionid setup pl U¿ywaæ cookie do przechowywania sessionid
Use pure HTML compliant code (not fully working yet) setup pl Use pure HTML compliant code (not fully working yet)
Users Choice setup pl Wybór u¿ytkownika
use cookies to pass sessionid setup pl U¿ywaæ cookie do przechowywania sessionid
use pure html compliant code (not fully working yet) setup pl Use pure HTML compliant code (not fully working yet)
users choice setup pl Wybór u¿ytkownika
version mismatch setup pl Niezgodne wersje
we will automatically update your tables/records to x setup pl We will automatically update your tables/records to %1
Would you like phpGroupWare to cache the phpgw info array ? setup pl Would you like phpGroupWare to cache the phpgw info array ?
Would you like phpGroupWare to check for a new version<br>when admins login ? setup pl Chcesz sprawdzaæ czy jest nowa wersja phpGroupWare<br>gdy loguje siê administrator?
Would you like to show each application's upgrade status ? setup pl Would you like to show each application's upgrade status ?
would you like phpgroupware to cache the phpgw info array ? setup pl Would you like phpGroupWare to cache the phpgw info array ?
would you like phpgroupware to check for a new version<br>when admins login ? setup pl Chcesz sprawdzaæ czy jest nowa wersja phpGroupWare<br>gdy loguje siê administrator?
would you like to show each application's upgrade status ? setup pl Would you like to show each application's upgrade status ?
yes setup pl Tak
you appear to be running an old version of PHP <br>It its recommend that you upgrade to a new version. <br>Older version of PHP might not run phpGroupWare correctly, if at all. <br><br>Please upgrade to at least version 3.0.16 setup pl You appear to be running an old version of PHP <br>It its recommend that you upgrade to a new version. <br>Older version of PHP might not run phpGroupWare correctly, if at all. <br><br>Please upgrade to at least version 3.0.16
You appear to be running a pre-beta version of phpGroupWare.<br>These versions are no longer supported, and there is no upgrade path for them in setup.<br> You may wish to first upgrade to 0.9.10 (the last version to support pre-beta upgrades) <br>and then upgrade from there with the current version. setup pl You appear to be running a pre-beta version of phpGroupWare.<br>These versions are no longer supported, and there is no upgrade path for them in setup.<br> You may wish to first upgrade to 0.9.10 (the last version to support pre-beta upgrades) <br>and then upgrade from there with the current version.
you appear to be running version x of phpGroupWare setup pl You appear to be running version %1 of phpGroupWare
you appear to be running a pre-beta version of phpgroupware.<br>these versions are no longer supported, and there is no upgrade path for them in setup.<br> you may wish to first upgrade to 0.9.10 (the last version to support pre-beta upgrades) <br>and then upgrade from there with the current version. setup pl You appear to be running a pre-beta version of phpGroupWare.<br>These versions are no longer supported, and there is no upgrade path for them in setup.<br> You may wish to first upgrade to 0.9.10 (the last version to support pre-beta upgrades) <br>and then upgrade from there with the current version.
you appear to be running an old version of php <br>it its recommend that you upgrade to a new version. <br>older version of php might not run phpgroupware correctly, if at all. <br><br>please upgrade to at least version 3.0.16 setup pl You appear to be running an old version of PHP <br>It its recommend that you upgrade to a new version. <br>Older version of PHP might not run phpGroupWare correctly, if at all. <br><br>Please upgrade to at least version 3.0.16
you appear to be running version x of phpgroupware setup pl You appear to be running version %1 of phpGroupWare
you are ready for this stage, but this stage is not yet written.<br> setup pl You are ready for this stage, but this stage is not yet written.<br>
you do not have any languages installed. please install one now <br> setup pl You do not have any languages installed. Please install one now <br>
you must enter a username for the admin setup pl Musisz podaæ nazwê administratora
you should either uninstall and then reinstall it, or attempt manual repairs setup pl You should either uninstall and then reinstall it, or attempt manual repairs
your applications are current setup pl Your applications are current
your database does not exist setup pl Twoja baza nie istnieje
your database is working, but you dont have any applications installed setup pl Twoja baza pracuje, ale nie ma zainstalowanej ¿adnej aplikacji
your tables are current setup pl Your tables are current
your tables may be altered and you may lose data setup pl Your tables may be altered and you may lose data.
your tables will be dropped and you will lose data setup pl Tabele zostan± usuniête, a Twoje dane utracone!
you should either uninstall and then reinstall it, or attempt manual repairs setup pl You should either uninstall and then reinstall it, or attempt manual repairs
Reference in New Issue
Block a user