diff --git a/admin/inc/class.html.inc.php b/admin/inc/class.html.inc.php
index 5751777cb1..b4fd324c4d 100755
--- a/admin/inc/class.html.inc.php
+++ b/admin/inc/class.html.inc.php
@@ -70,22 +70,113 @@ class html
$html .= "\t\n";
+ // get GroupBy
+ $groupby = $head['_groupby'];
+ $supres = $head['_supres'];
+ $lastgroup = '';
+ // build actual Rows...
- reset($rows);
- while(list($rno,$r)=each($rows))
+** Okay here goes nothing
+** Need to build a table in an array so that I can directly access
+** the diferent portions and change attributes directly...
+ // Start by making an empty table, with default values!
+ $rparms = array();
+ $table = array();
+ $mrow = count($rows);
+ $mcol = count($cols);
+ for ($rno=0;$rno<$mrow;$rno++)
- $row = $obj->$frtn($rno,$r);
- $rparms = $row['_rparms'];
- $html .= "\t
- reset($cols);
- while (list(,$name) = each($cols))
+ $rparms[$rno] =
+ array (
+ 'VALIGN' =>'TOP',
+ 'bgcolor' =>'FFFFFF'
+ );
+ for($cno=0;$cno<$mcol;$cno++)
- $values = $head[$name];
- $parms = $values['parms'];
- $fparms = $row['_'.$name];
- $html .= "\t\t".$row[$name]." | \n";
+ $table[$rno][$cno] =
+ array (
+ 'VALIGN' =>'TOP',
+ 'colspan' =>1,
+ 'rowspan' =>1,
+ 'value' =>$rows[$rno][$cols[$cno]],
+ 'bgcolor' =>'FFFFFF',
+ '#supres' =>'no'
+ );
+ }
+ // Build GroupKey
+ if (isset($groupby))
+ {
+ $gkey = '';
+ reset($groupby);
+ while (list($gname,)=each($groupby))
+ {
+ $gkey .= $rows[$rno][$gname];
+ }
+ $table[$rno]['#gkey'] = $gkey;
+ }
+ }
+ // Grouping Suppression
+ if (isset($groupby))
+ {
+ $grno = 0;
+ for ($rno=1;$rno<$mrow;$rno++)
+ {
+ $rowspan = 1;
+ $gkey = $table[$grno]['#gkey'];
+ $rkey = $table[$rno]['#gkey'];
+ while ( $gkey == $rkey)
+ {
+ $rowspan = $rowspan + 1;
+ for ($cno=0;$cno<$mcol;$cno++)
+ {
+ if ($supres[$cols[$cno]])
+ {
+ $table[$rno][$cno]['#supres']='yes';
+ $table[$rno][$cno]['value']='  ';
+ $table[$grno][$cno]['rowspan']=$rowspan;
+ }
+ }
+ $rno++;
+ if ($rno >= $mrow)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ $rkey = $table[$rno]['#gkey'];
+ }
+ $grno=$rno;
+ $gkey=$rkey;
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ ** Now (finaly) Generate the Html For the Table
+ */
+ for ($rno=0;$rno<$mrow;$rno++)
+ {
+ // let user have a hack at the row...
+ $table[$rno]=$obj->$frtn($rno,$table[$rno]);
+ $rp = $this->makeparms($rparms[$rno]);
+ $gkey = $table[$rno]['#gkey'];
+ $html .= "\t
+ for($cno=0;$cno<$mcol;$cno++)
+ {
+ if ($table[$rno][$cno]['#supres']=='no')
+ {
+ $cp = $this->makeparms($table[$rno][$cno]);
+ $html .= "\t\t".$table[$rno][$cno]['value']." | \n";
+ };
$html .= "\t
@@ -95,6 +186,37 @@ class html
+ function makeparms($parmlist)
+ {
+ $html = '';
+ $comma = ' ';
+ reset($parmlist);
+ while(list($pname,$pvalue)=each($parmlist))
+ {
+ switch($pname)
+ {
+ case 'value':
+ break;
+ case 'colspan':
+ case 'rowspan':
+ if ($pvalue != 1)
+ {
+ $html .= $comma . $pname . '="' . $pvalue . '"';
+ $comma = ', ';
+ };
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (substr($pname,0,1) != '#')
+ {
+ $html .= $comma . $pname . '="' . $pvalue . '"';
+ $comma = ', ';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $html;
+ }
function edit_table($rows,$head='',$obj, $frtn)
global $phpgw, $nocols;