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synced 2025-03-19 02:33:10 +01:00
Fix some translation issues reported by Stefan Unverricht
This commit is contained in:
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
%1 is not executable by the webserver !!! common de %1 ist nicht ausführbar durch den Webserver !!!
%1 matches on search criteria common de %1 Treffer bei der Suche
%1 more... common de %1 mehr...
%1 more %2 selected ... common de %1 weitere %2 ausgewählt ...
%1 new etemplates imported for application '%2' common de %1 neue eTemplate(s) importiert für die Anwendung '%2'
%1 not implemented for %2! common de %1 ist nicht implementiert für '%2'
%1 proxy of %2 common de %1 beauftragt von %2
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
%1 is not executable by the webserver !!! common en %1 is not executable by the web server!
%1 matches on search criteria common en %1 matches on search criteria
%1 more... common en %1 more...
%1 more %2 selected ... common en %1 more %2 selected...
%1 new etemplates imported for application '%2' common en %1 new eTemplates imported for application '%2'
%1 not implemented for %2! common en %1 not implemented for %2!
%1 proxy of %2 common en %1 proxy of %2
@ -1228,9 +1228,8 @@ app.classes.filemanager = AppJS.extend(
jQuery("body").off("click", "[name=share_link]", copy_link_to_clipboard);
return true;
title: _data.title ? _data.title : this.egw.lang(
"%1 Share Link", _data.writable || _data.action ==='shareWritableLink' ?
egw.lang("Writable") : egw.lang("Readonly")
title: _data.title ? _data.title : (_data.writable || _data.action ==='shareWritableLink' ?
this.egw.lang("Writable share link") : this.egw.lang("Readonly share link")
template: _data.template,
width: 450,
@ -319,6 +319,7 @@ startdate enddate infolog bg Начална дата дата за прикл.
startdate for new entries infolog bg Начална дата за новите записи
startrecord infolog bg Начален запис
status infolog bg Статус
status, percent and date completed are always allowed. infolog bg Статус, степен на изпълнение и датата на приключване винаги са достъпни.
status ... infolog bg Статус...
sub infolog bg Под-
sub-entries become subs of the parent or main entries, if there's no parent infolog bg Под-записите са такива за "родителските" или главните записи, ако няма "родителски"
@ -355,7 +356,7 @@ view parent infolog bg Показва "Родителя"
view subs infolog bg показва Под-
view the parent of this entry and all his subs infolog bg Показва Родителя на записа и всичките му под-
view this linked entry in its application infolog bg показва свързания запис в съотв. приложение
which additional fields should the responsible be allowed to edit without having edit rights?<br />status, percent and date completed are always allowed. infolog bg Кои допълнителни полета да бъдат достъпни за редакция от отговорника, без да има съответните права?<br />Статус, степен на изпълнение и датата на приключване винаги са достъпни.
which additional fields should the responsible be allowed to edit without having edit rights? infolog bg Кои допълнителни полета да бъдат достъпни за редакция от отговорника, без да има съответните права?
which implicit acl rights should the responsible get? infolog bg Какви права от Списъка за контрол на достъпа (ACL) да получава отговорника при назначаването си?
which types should the calendar show infolog bg Кои типове да се показват в Календара
will-call infolog bg ще телефонира
@ -281,6 +281,7 @@ startdate enddate infolog ca Dates d'inici i fi
startdate for new entries infolog ca Data d'inici per a noves entrades
startrecord infolog ca Començar gravació de registre
status infolog ca Estat
status, percent and date completed are always allowed. infolog ca Estat, percentatge i data complerta sempre estan permesos.
status ... infolog ca Estat...
sub infolog ca Sub
sub-entries become subs of the parent or main entries, if there's no parent infolog ca Les subentrades se converteixen en filles de l'entrada pare o de l'entrada principal si no té pare.
@ -318,7 +319,7 @@ view subs infolog ca Veure subs
view the parent of this entry and all his subs infolog ca Veure el pare d'aquesta entrada i tots els seus subs
view this linked entry in its application infolog ca Veure aquesta entrada vinculada a la seva aplicació
when should the todo or phonecall be started, it shows up from that date in the filter open or own open (startpage) infolog ca Quan s'han d'iniciar les Tasques Pendents o les Trucades Telefòniques. Es mostra a la data del filtre o en obrir manualment a la plana d'inici
which additional fields should the responsible be allowed to edit without having edit rights?<br />status, percent and date completed are always allowed. infolog ca Quins camps adicionals pot editar el responsable sense tenir drets per editar?<br />,Estat, percentatge i data complerta sempre estan permesos.
which additional fields should the responsible be allowed to edit without having edit rights? infolog ca Quins camps adicionals pot editar el responsable sense tenir drets per editar?
which implicit acl rights should the responsible get? infolog ca Quins drets ACL implícits ha de tenir el responsable?
will-call infolog ca trucarà
write (add or update) a record by passing its fields. infolog ca Escriu (afegeix o actualitza) un registre, introduïnt els seus camps.
@ -453,6 +453,7 @@ startdate must be before enddate!!! infolog cs Počáteční datum musí být d
starting %1 infolog cs Začíná %1
startrecord infolog cs První záznam
status infolog cs Stav
status, percent and date completed are always allowed. infolog cs Stav, procento a datum dokončení může vždy.
status ... infolog cs Stav ...
sub infolog cs Podpoložka
sub-entries become subs of the parent or main entries, if there's no parent infolog cs Podzáznamy se stanou podpoložkou rodiče nebo hlavních záznamů, pokud neexistuje rodič
@ -508,7 +509,7 @@ view subs infolog cs zobrazit podpoložky
view the parent of this entry and all his subs infolog cs Zobrazit rodiče tohoto záznamu a všechny jeho podpoložky
view this linked entry in its application infolog cs zobrazit odkazovaný záznam v jeho aplikaci
when should the todo or phonecall be started, it shows up from that date in the filter open or own open (startpage) infolog cs kdy má být úkol nebo telefonní hovor započat (od tohoto data se ve filtru na úvodní straně zobrazuje jako otevřený nebo vlastní otevřený)
which additional fields should the responsible be allowed to edit without having edit rights?<br />status, percent and date completed are always allowed. infolog cs Které dodatečné položky má mít odpovědná osoba možnost editovat bez toho, že by měla práva k editaci?<br>Stav, procento a datum dokončení může vždy.
which additional fields should the responsible be allowed to edit without having edit rights? infolog cs Které dodatečné položky má mít odpovědná osoba možnost editovat bez toho, že by měla práva k editaci?
which implicit acl rights should the responsible get? infolog cs Jaká implicitní ACL práva má odpovědná osoba dostat?
which participants should be preselected when scheduling an appointment. infolog cs Kteří účastníci by měli být automaticky pozváni při vytváření schůzky.
which types should the calendar show infolog cs Které typy záznamů má kalendář zobrazovat
@ -461,6 +461,7 @@ startdate must be before enddate!!! infolog de Startdatum muss vor dem Fälligke
starting %1 infolog de %1 startet
startrecord infolog de Startdatensatz
status infolog de Status
status, percent and date completed are always allowed. infolog de Status, Prozent und Datum erledigt sind immer erlaubt.
status ... infolog de Status ...
sub infolog de Unter-<br />einträge
sub-entries become subs of the parent or main entries, if there's no parent infolog de Untereinträge gehören dann zum übergeordneten Eintrag oder werden Haupteinträge wenn es keinen übergeordneten gibt.
@ -516,8 +517,8 @@ view subs infolog de Untereinträge anzeigen
view the parent of this entry and all his subs infolog de übergeordneter Eintrag mit allen seinen Untereinträgen anzeigen
view this linked entry in its application infolog de diesen verknüpfen Eintrag in seiner Anwendung anzeigen
when should the todo or phonecall be started, it shows up from that date in the filter open or own open (startpage) infolog de wann soll mit der Aufgabe oder dem Anruf begonnen werden, ab diesem Datum wird er beim Filter offen oder eigene offen angezeigt (Startseite)
which additional fields should the responsible be allowed to edit without having edit rights?<br />status, percent and date completed are always allowed. infolog de Welche zusätzlichen Felder soll der Verantwortliche bearbeiten können ohne Bearbeitungsrechte zu haben?<br />Status, Prozent und Datum erledigt sind immer erlaubt.
which implicit acl rights should the responsible get? infolog de Welche impliziten Zugriffsrechte soll der Verantwortliche bekommen?
which additional fields should the responsible be allowed to edit without having edit rights? infolog de Welche zusätzlichen Felder soll der Verantwortliche bearbeiten können ohne Bearbeitungsrechte zu haben?
which implicit acl rights should the responsible get infolog de Welche impliziten Zugriffsrechte soll der Verantwortliche bekommen?
which participants should be preselected when scheduling an appointment. infolog de Welche Teilnehmer sollen als Vorgabe ausgewählt sein bei Termin planen.
which types should the calendar show infolog de Welche Typen soll der Kalender anzeigen
which types should the calendar show like events? infolog de Welche Typen soll der Kalender wie Termine anzeigen?
@ -300,6 +300,7 @@ startdate enddate infolog el Ημερομηνία έναρξης ημερομη
startdate for new entries infolog el Ημερομηνία έναρξης για νέες καταχωρήσεις
startrecord infolog el Έναρξη εγγραφής
status infolog el Κατάσταση
status, percent and date completed are always allowed. infolog el Κατάσταση, ποσοστό και ημερομηνία ολοκλήρωσης είναι πάντοτε επιτρεπτά.
status ... infolog el Κατάσταση
sub infolog el Υπό
sub-entries become subs of the parent or main entries, if there's no parent infolog el Υπό-καταχωρήσεις γίνονται υποκατηγορίες των μητρικών ή βασικών καταχωρήσεων, αν δεν υπάρχει μητρική
@ -337,7 +338,7 @@ view subs infolog el εμφάνιση υποκατηγοριών
view the parent of this entry and all his subs infolog el Εμφάνιση της μητρικής αυτής της καταχώρησης και όλων των υποκατηγοριών της
view this linked entry in its application infolog el εμφάνιση αυτής της συνδεδεμένης καταχώρησης στην αίτησή της
when should the todo or phonecall be started, it shows up from that date in the filter open or own open (startpage) infolog el πότε θα έπρεπε οι Εργασίες ή Κλήση τηλεφώνου να αρχίζουν,εμφανίζεται από εκείνη την ημερομηνία στο άνοιγμα φίλτρου ή δικά μου άνοιγμα (αρχική σελίδα)
which additional fields should the responsible be allowed to edit without having edit rights?<br />status, percent and date completed are always allowed. infolog el Ποια επιπλέον πεδία πρέπει ο υπεύθυνος να έχει άδεια να επιμεληθεί χωρίς να έχει δικαιώματα επιμέλειας;<br/>Κατάσταση, ποσοστό και ημερομηνία ολοκλήρωσης είναι πάντοτε επιτρεπτά.
which additional fields should the responsible be allowed to edit without having edit rights? infolog el Ποια επιπλέον πεδία πρέπει ο υπεύθυνος να έχει άδεια να επιμεληθεί χωρίς να έχει δικαιώματα επιμέλειας;
which implicit acl rights should the responsible get? infolog el Ποια αυτονόητα ACL δικαιώματα πρέπει ο υπεύθυνος να έχει;
will-call infolog el θα τηλεφωνήσει
write (add or update) a record by passing its fields. infolog el Καταγραφή (προσθήκη ή ενημέρωση) μιας εγγραφής διαβαίνοντας από τα πεδία της.
@ -461,6 +461,7 @@ startdate must be before enddate!!! infolog en Startdate must be before due date
starting %1 infolog en Starting %1
startrecord infolog en Start record
status infolog en Status
status, percent and date completed are always allowed. infolog en Status, percent and date completed are always allowed.
status ... infolog en Status ...
sub infolog en Sub
sub-entries become subs of the parent or main entries, if there's no parent infolog en Sub entries become subs of the parent or main entries, if there's no parent
@ -516,8 +517,8 @@ view subs infolog en View subs
view the parent of this entry and all his subs infolog en View the parent of this entry and all other subs
view this linked entry in its application infolog en View this linked entry in its application
when should the todo or phonecall be started, it shows up from that date in the filter open or own open (startpage) infolog en When should the ToDo or Phone call be started, it shows up from that date in the filter open or own open (start page)
which additional fields should the responsible be allowed to edit without having edit rights?<br />status, percent and date completed are always allowed. infolog en Which additional fields should the responsible be allowed to edit without having edit rights?<br />Status, percent and date completed are always allowed.
which implicit acl rights should the responsible get? infolog en Which implicit ACL rights should the responsible get
which additional fields should the responsible be allowed to edit without having edit rights? infolog en Which additional fields should the responsible be allowed to edit without having edit rights?
which implicit acl rights should the responsible get infolog en Which implicit ACL rights should the responsible get
which participants should be preselected when scheduling an appointment. infolog en Which participants should be preselected when scheduling an appointment.
which types should the calendar show infolog en Which types should the calendar show
which types should the calendar show like events? infolog en Which types should the calendar show like events?
@ -410,6 +410,7 @@ startdate for new entries infolog es-es Fecha de inicio para entradas nuevas
starting %1 infolog es-es Iniciando %1
startrecord infolog es-es Comenzar grabación de registro
status infolog es-es Estado
status, percent and date completed are always allowed. infolog es-es El estado, porcentaje y fecha de finalización se permiten siempre.
status ... infolog es-es Estado...
sub infolog es-es Sub
sub-entries become subs of the parent or main entries, if there's no parent infolog es-es Las subentradas quedan por debajo de las entradas del nivel superior o del principal, si no hay nivel superior.
@ -458,7 +459,7 @@ view subs infolog es-es ver subs
view the parent of this entry and all his subs infolog es-es Ver el padre de esta entrada y todos sus subs
view this linked entry in its application infolog es-es ver esta entrada vinculada en su aplicación
when should the todo or phonecall be started, it shows up from that date in the filter open or own open (startpage) infolog es-es Cuándo se debe iniciar las tareas pendientes o llamada de teléfono. Se muestra en la fecha del filtro o al abrir manualmente en la página de inicio
which additional fields should the responsible be allowed to edit without having edit rights?<br />status, percent and date completed are always allowed. infolog es-es ¿Qué campos adicionales puede editar el responsable sin tener derechos de edición?<br />El estado, porcentaje y fecha de finalización se permiten siempre.
which additional fields should the responsible be allowed to edit without having edit rights? infolog es-es ¿Qué campos adicionales puede editar el responsable sin tener derechos de edición?
which implicit acl rights should the responsible get? infolog es-es ¿Qué derechos implícitos de ACL debe tener el responsable?
which types should the calendar show infolog es-es Qué tipos debe mostrar el calendario
will-call infolog es-es va a llamar
@ -268,6 +268,7 @@ startdate enddate infolog fa تاریخ شروع تاریخ انجام
startdate for new entries infolog fa تاریخ شروع برای ورودی های جدید
startrecord infolog fa رکورد شروع
status infolog fa وضعیت
status, percent and date completed are always allowed. infolog fa وضعیت درصد پیشرفت و تاریخ، تمام شده، همیشه مجازند
status ... infolog fa وضعیت...
sub infolog fa ارجاع/جواب
sub-entries become subs of the parent or main entries, if there's no parent infolog fa اگر والدی نباشد، زیر ورودی تحت والد یا بعنوان ورودی اصلی می شود
@ -305,7 +306,7 @@ view subs infolog fa نمایش جواب/ارجاعها
view the parent of this entry and all his subs infolog fa نمایش والد این ورودی و تمام جواب/ارجاعهایش
view this linked entry in its application infolog fa نمایش این ورودی پیوند شده در برنامه اش
when should the todo or phonecall be started, it shows up from that date in the filter open or own open (startpage) infolog fa زمان شروع یک کار «برای انجام» یا «تماس تلفنی» چه زمانی است.
which additional fields should the responsible be allowed to edit without having edit rights?<br />status, percent and date completed are always allowed. infolog fa کدام فیلد دیگر باید توسط مسئول اجرا قابل ویرایش باشد بدون آنکه حقوق ویرایشگری داشته باشد؟<br />وضعیت درصد پیشرفت و تاریخ، تمام شده، همیشه مجازند
which additional fields should the responsible be allowed to edit without having edit rights? infolog fa کدام فیلد دیگر باید توسط مسئول اجرا قابل ویرایش باشد بدون آنکه حقوق ویرایشگری داشته باشد؟
which implicit acl rights should the responsible get? infolog fa کدام حق دسترسی را باید مسئول اجرا داشته باشد؟
will-call infolog fa تماس خواهد گرفت
write (add or update) a record by passing its fields. infolog fa نوشتن(افزودن یا بهنگام سازی) یک رکورد با ارسال یک فیلد به آن
@ -410,6 +410,7 @@ startdate for new entries infolog fi Aloituspäivä uusille merkinnöille
starting %1 infolog fi Alkaa %1
startrecord infolog fi Startrecord
status infolog fi Tila
status, percent and date completed are always allowed. infolog fi Tila, prosentit, valmistumispäivä ovat aina sallittuja.
status ... infolog fi Tila...
sub infolog fi Sub
sub-entries become subs of the parent or main entries, if there's no parent infolog fi Alimerkinnät (sub entries) tulevat päämerkinnän (parent) alle tai päämerkinnöiksi, ellei niille aseteta päämerkintää.
@ -460,7 +461,7 @@ view subs infolog fi Näytä alamerkinnät
view the parent of this entry and all his subs infolog fi Näytä tämän merkinnän päämerkintä ja kaikki sen alimerkinnät
view this linked entry in its application infolog fi Näytä tämä linkitetty merkintä sovelluksessa
when should the todo or phonecall be started, it shows up from that date in the filter open or own open (startpage) infolog fi Millon tehtävän tai puhelinsoiton pitäisi alkaa, se näkyy sinä päivä avoimissa tai omissa avoimissa tehtävissä (aloitussivulla)?
which additional fields should the responsible be allowed to edit without having edit rights?<br />status, percent and date completed are always allowed. infolog fi Mitä muita kenttiä vastuuhenkilö saa muokata, ilman että hänellä on muokkas oikeuksia? <br/>Tila, prosentit, valmistumispäivä ovat aina sallittuja.
which additional fields should the responsible be allowed to edit without having edit rights? infolog fi Mitä muita kenttiä vastuuhenkilö saa muokata, ilman että hänellä on muokkas oikeuksia?
which implicit acl rights should the responsible get? infolog fi Mitä ACL -oikeuksia vastuuhenkilö saa?
which types should the calendar show infolog fi Mitkä Tehtävätyypit kalenterin tulisi näyttää
will-call infolog fi Soita
@ -462,6 +462,7 @@ startdate must be before enddate!!! infolog fr La date de début doit être avan
starting %1 infolog fr Début le %1
startrecord infolog fr Enregistrement de départ
status infolog fr Statut
status, percent and date completed are always allowed. infolog fr Statuts, pourcentage et date de fin sont toujours permis.
status ... infolog fr Statut ...
sub infolog fr Enfant
sub-entries become subs of the parent or main entries, if there's no parent infolog fr Les sous-entrées deviennent les enfants des parents des entrées principales s'il n'y a pas de parent
@ -519,7 +520,7 @@ view subs infolog fr Voir les Enfants
view the parent of this entry and all his subs infolog fr Voir le parent de cette entrée et tous ses Enfants
view this linked entry in its application infolog fr Voir cette entrée liée dans son application
when should the todo or phonecall be started, it shows up from that date in the filter open or own open (startpage) infolog fr Quand la tâche ou l'appel téléphonique devrait être démarré, il s'affiche depuis cette date dans le filtre ouvert ou propre ouvert (page de démarrage)
which additional fields should the responsible be allowed to edit without having edit rights?<br />status, percent and date completed are always allowed. infolog fr Quels champs supplémentaires le responsable devrait être autorisé à modifier sans avoir à modifier les droits d'édition ?<br />Statuts, pourcentage et date de fin sont toujours permis.
which additional fields should the responsible be allowed to edit without having edit rights? infolog fr Quels champs supplémentaires le responsable devrait être autorisé à modifier sans avoir à modifier les droits d'édition ?
which implicit acl rights should the responsible get? infolog fr Quels droits ACL implicites le responsable devrait-il obtenir ?
which participants should be preselected when scheduling an appointment. infolog fr Quels participants devraient être présélectionnés lors de la programmation d'une réunion.
which types should the calendar show infolog fr Quels types afficher dans le calendrier
@ -336,6 +336,7 @@ startdate enddate infolog hu Kezdés dátuma Befejezés dátuma
startdate for new entries infolog hu Új bejegyzés kezdési időpontja
startrecord infolog hu Kezdő bejegyzés
status infolog hu Állapot
status, percent and date completed are always allowed. infolog hu (például ha az alapértelmezett csoportjogosultság nem tenné lehetővé, hogy a leírást módosítsa a felelős).
status ... infolog hu Állapot ...
sub infolog hu Albejegyzés
sub-entries become subs of the parent or main entries, if there's no parent infolog hu Az albejegyzések a struktúrában felettük álló kategóriának lesznek gyermekei, ha nincs szülő.
@ -374,7 +375,7 @@ view subs infolog hu Albejegyzések megtekintése
view the parent of this entry and all his subs infolog hu Szülő bejegyzés és összes albejegyzésének megtekintése
view this linked entry in its application infolog hu hivatkozott bejegyzés megtekintése a hozzá tartozó alkalmazással
when should the todo or phonecall be started, it shows up from that date in the filter open or own open (startpage) infolog hu Ha egy tennivaló vagy telefonhívás elindult, a nyitott (vagy saját nyitott) szűrőbe bekerül a dátuma (ezt is ki kell találni, hogy hol szerepel)
which additional fields should the responsible be allowed to edit without having edit rights?<br />status, percent and date completed are always allowed. infolog hu A bejegyzés felelőse mely mezőket szerkesztheti anélkül, hogy egyébként szerkesztési jogosultságai lennének?<br/>A Státusz, százalékos készültség és dátum mindig szerkeszthető!<br/>(például ha az alapértelmezett csoportjogosultság nem tenné lehetővé, hogy a leírást módosítsa a felelős).
which additional fields should the responsible be allowed to edit without having edit rights? infolog hu A bejegyzés felelőse mely mezőket szerkesztheti anélkül, hogy egyébként szerkesztési jogosultságai lennének?
which implicit acl rights should the responsible get? infolog hu Mely értelemszerűen felmerülő ACL jogosultságokat kapjon a felelős?
which types should the calendar show infolog hu Mely típust mutasson a naptár
will-call infolog hu hívni fog
@ -457,6 +457,7 @@ startdate must be before enddate!!! infolog it La data di inizio deve essere ant
starting %1 infolog it Avvio %1
startrecord infolog it Record Iniziale
status infolog it Stato
status, percent and date completed are always allowed. infolog it Stato, percentuale e data completamento sono sempre permessi.
status ... infolog it Stato ...
sub infolog it Sub
sub-entries become subs of the parent or main entries, if there's no parent infolog it Le sotto-voci diventano sotto- di voci superiori o voci principali, se non c'è più superiore
@ -512,7 +513,7 @@ view subs infolog it Visualizza sotto-attività
view the parent of this entry and all his subs infolog it Visualizza i padri di queste voci e tutte i suoi subs
view this linked entry in its application infolog it Visualizza le voci linkate nella sua applicazione
when should the todo or phonecall be started, it shows up from that date in the filter open or own open (startpage) infolog it quando i ToDo e le Chiamate Telefoniche iniziano, vengono visualizzati dalla data impostata sul filtro aperti o propri aperti (pagina iniziale)
which additional fields should the responsible be allowed to edit without having edit rights?<br />status, percent and date completed are always allowed. infolog it Che campi aggiuntivi sarà permesso modificare al responsabile senza avere diritti di modifica?<br />Stato, percentuale e data completamento sono sempre permessi.
which additional fields should the responsible be allowed to edit without having edit rights? infolog it Che campi aggiuntivi sarà permesso modificare al responsabile senza avere diritti di modifica?
which implicit acl rights should the responsible get? infolog it Che diritti ACL impliciti otterrà il responsabile?
which participants should be preselected when scheduling an appointment. infolog it Quali partecipanti dovrebbero essere preselezionati quando si programma un appuntamento?
which types should the calendar show infolog it Quali tipi di calendario mostrare?
@ -486,6 +486,7 @@ startdate must be before enddate!!! infolog ja 開始日は終了日よりも前
starting %1 infolog ja %1 を開始
startrecord infolog ja レコード開始
status infolog ja 状態
status, percent and date completed are always allowed. infolog ja 状態, 進捗パーセント, 完了日は常に編集を許可されます。
status ... infolog ja 状態 ...
sub infolog ja サブ
sub-entries become subs of the parent or main entries, if there's no parent infolog ja サブ項目は、親または主項目(親が無い場合)のサブになります。
@ -499,7 +500,7 @@ tasks of infolog ja タスク:
template infolog ja テンプレート
test import (show importable records <u>only</u> in browser) infolog ja インポートの予行演習。インポート可能なレコードをブラウザに<u>表示するだけ</u>。
the document can contain placeholder like {{%1}}, to be replaced with the data. infolog ja ドキュメントにはプレース・ホルダー(例: {{%1}})を埋め込むことができ、ドキュメント保存時に実データで置換されます。
the following document-types are supported: infolog ja 下記のドキュメント・タイプがサポートされます:
the following document-types are supported: infolog ja 下記のドキュメント・タイプがサポートされます:
the name used internaly (<= 10 chars), changeing it makes existing data unavailible infolog ja 内部識別名(10文字以下)。これを変更すると既存データが利用できなくなります。
the name used internaly (<= 20 chars), changeing it makes existing data unavailible infolog ja 内部識別名(20文字以下)。これを変更すると既存データが利用できなくなります。
the text displayed to the user infolog ja ユーザに表示されるテキスト
@ -544,7 +545,7 @@ view subs infolog ja サブ項目を表示
view the parent of this entry and all his subs infolog ja この項目の親とその他全てのサブ項目を表示
view this linked entry in its application infolog ja この項目のリンク先情報を表示
when should the todo or phonecall be started, it shows up from that date in the filter open or own open (startpage) infolog ja ToDo、または電話発呼を開始する日。指定日以降、フィルター「オープン」または「所有者 オープン」で表示されます。
which additional fields should the responsible be allowed to edit without having edit rights?<br />status, percent and date completed are always allowed. infolog ja 責任者が、編集権限無しでも編集可能な追加項目。<br>状態, 進捗パーセント, 完了日は常に編集を許可されます。
which additional fields should the responsible be allowed to edit without having edit rights? infolog ja 責任者が、編集権限無しでも編集可能な追加項目。
which implicit acl rights should the responsible get? infolog ja 責任者が取得する、暗黙の ACL 権限。
which participants should be preselected when scheduling an appointment. infolog ja 約束をスケジュールする際に、あらかじめ選択される参加者を指定します。
which types should the calendar show infolog ja カレンダーで表示するタイプ
@ -351,6 +351,7 @@ startdate enddate infolog nl Startdatum Einddatum
startdate for new entries infolog nl Startdatum voor nieuwe items
startrecord infolog nl Startregel
status infolog nl Status
status, percent and date completed are always allowed. infolog nl Status, percentage en datum voltooid zijn altijd toegestaan.
status ... infolog nl Status ...
sub infolog nl Onderliggende
sub-entries become subs of the parent or main entries, if there's no parent infolog nl Sub infologs worden subs van de bovenliggende of hoofd infologs als er geen boven liggende infolog is
@ -393,7 +394,7 @@ view subs infolog nl Sub's weergeven
view the parent of this entry and all his subs infolog nl Van deze infolog de bovenliggende en alle bijbehorende zijn sub's weergeven
view this linked entry in its application infolog nl Gelinkt record in bijbehorende applicatie bekijken
when should the todo or phonecall be started, it shows up from that date in the filter open or own open (startpage) infolog nl Wanneer moet de Taak of het Telefoongesprek worden gestart? If zal vanaf die datum worden weergeven in het filter OPEN of EIGEN OPENSTAANDE
which additional fields should the responsible be allowed to edit without having edit rights?<br />status, percent and date completed are always allowed. infolog nl Welke additionele velden moet de verantwoordelijke kunnen bewerken zonder daarvoor speciale bewerk rechten te moeten krijgen?<br />Status, percentage en datum voltooid zijn altijd toegestaan.
which additional fields should the responsible be allowed to edit without having edit rights? infolog nl Welke additionele velden moet de verantwoordelijke kunnen bewerken zonder daarvoor speciale bewerk rechten te moeten krijgen?
which implicit acl rights should the responsible get? infolog nl Welke impliciete ACL rechten moet de verantwoordelijke krijgen?
which types should the calendar show infolog nl Welke types moet de kalender weergeven
will-call infolog nl zal bellen
@ -298,6 +298,7 @@ startdate enddate infolog pl Data początku, data zakończenia
startdate for new entries infolog pl Data rozpoczęcia dla nowych zadań
startrecord infolog pl Początkowy rekord
status infolog pl Status
status, percent and date completed are always allowed. infolog pl Status, stopień zaawansowania oraz data wykonania są zawsze możliwe do edycji.
status ... infolog pl Status ...
sub infolog pl Podrz.
sub-entry infolog pl Wpis podrzędny
@ -339,7 +340,7 @@ view subs infolog pl zobacz podrzędne
view the parent of this entry and all his subs infolog pl Zoabcz rodzica tego wpisu i wszystkie wpisy podrzędne
view this linked entry in its application infolog pl zoabcz podlinkowany wpis w jego aplikacji (np. w Książce Adresowej dla kontaktu)
when should the todo or phonecall be started, it shows up from that date in the filter open or own open (startpage) infolog pl Kiedy powinno się rozpocząć Zadanie lub Rozmowa telefoniczna
which additional fields should the responsible be allowed to edit without having edit rights?<br />status, percent and date completed are always allowed. infolog pl Które dodatkowe pola powinna móc edytować osoba odpowiedzialna nie posiadając praw edycji? <br />Status, stopień zaawansowania oraz data wykonania są zawsze możliwe do edycji.
which additional fields should the responsible be allowed to edit without having edit rights? infolog pl Które dodatkowe pola powinna móc edytować osoba odpowiedzialna nie posiadając praw edycji?
which implicit acl rights should the responsible get? infolog pl Które prawa ACL powinna otrzymać niejawnie osoba odpowiedzialna?
will-call infolog pl zadzwoni
write (add or update) a record by passing its fields. infolog pl Zapisz (dodaj lub uaktualnij) zapis przez przechodzenie po jego polach
@ -346,6 +346,7 @@ startdate enddate infolog pt-br Data inicial / Data Final
startdate for new entries infolog pt-br Data inicial para novas tarefas
startrecord infolog pt-br Iniciar registro
status infolog pt-br Status
status, percent and date completed are always allowed. infolog pt-br Status, percentagem e data de finalização são sempre autorizados.
status ... infolog pt-br Status ...
sub infolog pt-br Sub
sub-entries become subs of the parent or main entries, if there's no parent infolog pt-br Sub-entradas tornam-se "filhas" da "entrada-pai" ou, se não houver "entrada-pai", da entrada principal
@ -387,7 +388,7 @@ view subs infolog pt-br ver inferiores
view the parent of this entry and all his subs infolog pt-br Ver o registro superior e todos os inferiores
view this linked entry in its application infolog pt-br Ver esse link no aplicativo correspondente
when should the todo or phonecall be started, it shows up from that date in the filter open or own open (startpage) infolog pt-br Quando uma pendência ou chamada for iniciada ela deverá ser mostrada primeiro no filtro que esteja aberto ou na sua página inicial
which additional fields should the responsible be allowed to edit without having edit rights?<br />status, percent and date completed are always allowed. infolog pt-br Que registros adicionais o responsável estará autorizado a editar sem ter acesso à edição?<br/>Status, percentagem e data de finalização são sempre autorizados.
which additional fields should the responsible be allowed to edit without having edit rights? infolog pt-br Que registros adicionais o responsável estará autorizado a editar sem ter acesso à edição?
which implicit acl rights should the responsible get? infolog pt-br Que direitos implícitos o responsável deverá receber ?
which types should the calendar show infolog pt-br Quais tipos deverão ser exibidos pela Agenda
will-call infolog pt-br a chamar
@ -409,6 +409,7 @@ startdate must be before enddate!!! infolog pt STARTDATE deve ser antes endDate!
starting %1 infolog pt A partir de 1%
startrecord infolog pt Iniciar registo
status infolog pt Estado
status, percent and date completed are always allowed. infolog pt A edição do estado, percentagem e data de conclusão é sempre autorizada.
status ... infolog pt Estado ...
sub infolog pt Sub-registo
sub-entries become subs of the parent or main entries, if there's no parent infolog pt Os sub-registos tornam-se sub-registos de registos principais, ou registos principais se não existirem registos principais.
@ -458,7 +459,7 @@ view subs infolog pt Ver sub-registo(s)
view the parent of this entry and all his subs infolog pt Ver o registo principal e os seus sub-registos
view this linked entry in its application infolog pt Ver este registo ligado na sua aplicação
when should the todo or phonecall be started, it shows up from that date in the filter open or own open (startpage) infolog pt Quando as tarefas ou chamadas telefónicas devem ser executadas. Surgem a partir dessa data no filtro--abertas ou no minhas--abertas (página inicial)
which additional fields should the responsible be allowed to edit without having edit rights?<br />status, percent and date completed are always allowed. infolog pt Sem ter direitos de edição, o responsável deve estar autorizado a editar que campos adicionais?<br />A edição do estado, percentagem e data de conclusão é sempre autorizada.
which additional fields should the responsible be allowed to edit without having edit rights? infolog pt Sem ter direitos de edição, o responsável deve estar autorizado a editar que campos adicionais?
which implicit acl rights should the responsible get? infolog pt O responsável deve ter que direitos ACL implícitos?
which types should the calendar show infolog pt Quais os tipos deve o calendário mostra
will-call infolog pt Por telefonar
@ -440,6 +440,7 @@ startdate for new entries infolog ru Дата начала для новых з
starting %1 infolog ru Начиная с %1
startrecord infolog ru Начальная запись
status infolog ru Состояние
status, percent and date completed are always allowed. infolog ru Состояние, процент и дата завершения уже разрешены.
status ... infolog ru Состояние ...
sub infolog ru Под
sub-entries become subs of the parent or main entries, if there's no parent infolog ru Под-записи становятся подзаписями родительских или главных записей если нет родителей
@ -492,7 +493,7 @@ view subs infolog ru Смотреть дочерние записи
view the parent of this entry and all his subs infolog ru Показать родительскую запись данной записи и всех подзаписей
view this linked entry in its application infolog ru Показать данную запись в ее приложении
when should the todo or phonecall be started, it shows up from that date in the filter open or own open (startpage) infolog ru когда Задание или Телефонный Звонок должны начаться, они показываются с этой даты при открытии фильтра или просто открытии (стартовая страница) (?..)
which additional fields should the responsible be allowed to edit without having edit rights?<br />status, percent and date completed are always allowed. infolog ru Какие дополнительные поля должен мочь редактировать ответственный, не имея прав на редактирование?<br/>Состояние, процент и дата завершения уже разрешены.
which additional fields should the responsible be allowed to edit without having edit rights? infolog ru Какие дополнительные поля должен мочь редактировать ответственный, не имея прав на редактирование?
which implicit acl rights should the responsible get? infolog ru Какие подразумеваемые права ACL должен получить ответственный?
which participants should be preselected when scheduling an appointment. infolog ru Какие участники должны быть предварительно выбраны для расписания встречи.
which types should the calendar show infolog ru Какие типы календарь должен показывать
@ -457,6 +457,7 @@ startdate must be before enddate!!! infolog sk Dátu začiatku musí byť pred d
starting %1 infolog sk Začiatok %1
startrecord infolog sk Prvý záznam
status infolog sk Stav
status, percent and date completed are always allowed. infolog sk Stav, percentuálny stav vybavenia a dátum dokončenia sú prístupné vždy.
status ... infolog sk Stav...
sub infolog sk Podradené
sub-entries become subs of the parent or main entries, if there's no parent infolog sk Podzáznamy sa dostanú pod rodičovské alebo hlavné záznamy, ak nie je k dispozícii rodičovský.
@ -511,7 +512,7 @@ view subs infolog sk Zobraziť podradené záznamy
view the parent of this entry and all his subs infolog sk Zobraziť rodičovský záznam a všetky jeho podradené
view this linked entry in its application infolog sk Zobraziť tento odkaz v jeho aplikácii
when should the todo or phonecall be started, it shows up from that date in the filter open or own open (startpage) infolog sk keď má byť začatá Úloha alebo Telefonát, ukáže sa akoby od tohto dátumu vo filtri "otvorené" alebo "moje otvorené" (úvodná stránka)
which additional fields should the responsible be allowed to edit without having edit rights?<br />status, percent and date completed are always allowed. infolog sk Ktoré prídavné položky majú byť zodpovednej osobe prístupné pre úpravy, a to aj bez pridelených práv na úpravy?<br />Stav, percentuálny stav vybavenia a dátum dokončenia sú prístupné vždy.
which additional fields should the responsible be allowed to edit without having edit rights? infolog sk Ktoré prídavné položky majú byť zodpovednej osobe prístupné pre úpravy, a to aj bez pridelených práv na úpravy?
which implicit acl rights should the responsible get? infolog sk Ktoré implicitné ACL oprávnenia má zodpovedná osoba obdržať automaticky?
which participants should be preselected when scheduling an appointment. infolog sk Ktorí účastníci majú byť predvybratí pri plánovaní pozvania.
which types should the calendar show infolog sk Aké typy má kalendár ukazovať
@ -477,6 +477,7 @@ startdate must be before enddate!!! infolog sl Začetni datum mora biti pred kon
starting %1 infolog sl Začetek %1
startrecord infolog sl Začetni zapis
status infolog sl Status
status, percent and date completed are always allowed. infolog sl Status, odstotek in datum opravljenega so vedno dovoljeni.
status ... infolog sl Status ...
sub infolog sl Podrejeni
sub-entries become subs of the parent or main entries, if there's no parent infolog sl Podrejeni vnosi postanejo podrejeni staršu ali glavnemu vnosu, če ni starša
@ -537,7 +538,7 @@ view subs infolog sl Pogled podrejenih zapisov
view the parent of this entry and all his subs infolog sl Poglej nadrejenega in vse njegove podrejene zapise
view this linked entry in its application infolog sl Poglej ta povezani vnos v njegovi aplikaciji
when should the todo or phonecall be started, it shows up from that date in the filter open or own open (startpage) infolog sl Kdaj naj se Opravila ali Telefonski klic zaženejo?
which additional fields should the responsible be allowed to edit without having edit rights?<br />status, percent and date completed are always allowed. infolog sl Katera dodatna polja lahko odgovorni ureja brez pravic za urejanje?<br />Status, odstotek in datum opravljenega so vedno dovoljeni.
which additional fields should the responsible be allowed to edit without having edit rights? infolog sl Katera dodatna polja lahko odgovorni ureja brez pravic za urejanje?
which implicit acl rights should the responsible get? infolog sl Katere pravice ACL naj dobi odgovorni?
which participants should be preselected when scheduling an appointment. infolog sl Kateri udeleženci je treba predhodno izbirati pri načrtovanju sestanka.
which types should the calendar show infolog sl Katere vrste naj koledar prikaže
@ -276,6 +276,7 @@ startdate enddate infolog sv Start- Slutdatum
startdate for new entries infolog sv Startdatum för nya poster
startrecord infolog sv Startposition
status infolog sv Status
status, percent and date completed are always allowed. infolog sv Status, procent och datum är alltid tillåtna.
status ... infolog sv Status ...
sub infolog sv Under
sub-entries become subs of the parent or main entries, if there's no parent infolog sv Underposter blir underordnade huvudposten om det inte finns någon förälder
@ -313,7 +314,7 @@ view subs infolog sv Visa under
view the parent of this entry and all his subs infolog sv Visa rot till denna post och dess underkategorier
view this linked entry in its application infolog sv Visa den länkade posten i dess applikation
when should the todo or phonecall be started, it shows up from that date in the filter open or own open (startpage) infolog sv När Uppgift och Samtal ska påbörjas visas de från aktuellt datum i Mina eller Mina öppna (Startsidan)
which additional fields should the responsible be allowed to edit without having edit rights?<br />status, percent and date completed are always allowed. infolog sv Vilka övriga fält ska ansvariga kunna ändra utan ändringsrättigheter?<br />Status, procent och datum är alltid tillåtna.
which additional fields should the responsible be allowed to edit without having edit rights? infolog sv Vilka övriga fält ska ansvariga kunna ändra utan ändringsrättigheter?
which implicit acl rights should the responsible get? infolog sv Vilka ACL rättigheter ska den ansvarigefå?
will-call infolog sv Ska ringa
write (add or update) a record by passing its fields. infolog sv Fyll i fälten för att skapa eller uppdatera post
@ -321,6 +321,7 @@ startdate enddate infolog zh-tw 開始日期 結束日期
startdate for new entries infolog zh-tw 新資料的開始日期
startrecord infolog zh-tw 開始紀錄
status infolog zh-tw 狀態
status, percent and date completed are always allowed. infolog zh-tw 狀態、比率與完成日期預設都會允許。
status ... infolog zh-tw 狀態...
sub infolog zh-tw 附屬
sub-entries become subs of the parent or main entries, if there's no parent infolog zh-tw 如果沒有父項目的資訊,附屬資料會歸屬到主要資料的父項目
@ -358,7 +359,7 @@ view subs infolog zh-tw 顯示附屬的
view the parent of this entry and all his subs infolog zh-tw 顯示這個事件的主要與所有附屬事件
view this linked entry in its application infolog zh-tw 在應用程式中顯示這個被連結的事件
when should the todo or phonecall be started, it shows up from that date in the filter open or own open (startpage) infolog zh-tw 待辦事項或是聯絡清單應該開始的時間?當過濾條件為"所有未完成"或是"自己未完成"時顯示在開始頁面。
which additional fields should the responsible be allowed to edit without having edit rights?<br />status, percent and date completed are always allowed. infolog zh-tw 哪些額外欄位即使負責人沒有編輯權限也能夠編輯?<br />狀態、比率與完成日期預設都會允許。
which additional fields should the responsible be allowed to edit without having edit rights? infolog zh-tw 哪些額外欄位即使負責人沒有編輯權限也能夠編輯?
which implicit acl rights should the responsible get? infolog zh-tw 負責人可以取得哪個隱含的權限?
which types should the calendar show infolog zh-tw 行事曆要顯示哪些類型
will-call infolog zh-tw 將連絡
@ -19,7 +19,10 @@
<html value="Which additional fields should the responsible be allowed to edit without having edit rights?<br />Status, percent and date completed are always allowed."/>
<description value="Which additional fields should the responsible be allowed to edit without having edit rights?"/>
<description value="Status, percent and date completed are always allowed."/>
<listbox id="responsible_edit" rows="6" options=",,,,,,0"/>
<row class="th">
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