Now with super-multi-switch capabilities (file_repository choice in setup)

This commit is contained in:
zone 2001-07-31 07:00:43 +00:00
parent 48b0508a7c
commit 136100fff8

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@ -1,454 +1,10 @@
<?php <?php
* phpGroupWare API - VFS *
* This file written by Dan Kuykendall <> *
* This class handled file/dir access for phpGroupWare *
* Copyright (C) 2000, 2001 Dan Kuykendall *
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------*
* This library is part of the phpGroupWare API *
* *
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, *
* or any later version. *
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but *
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License *
* along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, *
* Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *
/* $Id$ */ if (empty ($phpgw_info['server']['file_repository']))
/*! {
@class vfs $phpgw_info['server']['file_repository'] = 'sql';
@abstract virtual file system }
@discription Author: Seek3r
class vfs
var $basedir;
@function sanitize
@abstract ?
function sanitize($string) {
global $phpgw, $phpgw_info;
$sep = $phpgw_info["server"]["dir_separator"];
return(ereg_replace( "^\.+", "",str_replace($sep, "",strrchr($string,$sep))));
@function securitycheck
@abstract security check function
@discussion need detail here ?
function securitycheck($string) {
if(substr($string,0,1) == "." || substr($string,0,1) == "\\" || strstr($string, "..") || strstr($string, "\\..") || strstr($string, ".\\.")) {
return False;
return True;
@functino rawname2array
@abstract take raw filename including path and return file name
@param $string raw filename
@result $file filename
function rawname2array($string) {
global $phpgw, $phpgw_info;
$sep = $phpgw_info["server"]["dir_separator"];
if(substr($string,0,1) == $sep) {
// we have a starting slash...
$sub = substr($string,1); // take everything past the first slash...
$basedir = substr($sub,0,strpos($sub,$sep)); // the second slash
if (!$basedir){
$basedir = substr($sub,strpos($sub,$sep)); // it becomes the basedir
$file = substr($sub,strpos($sub,$sep)); // take everything after the second slash.
} else {
// we have no starting slash...
$basedir = $phpgw->common->appsession();
$file = $string;
// security check (might want to spin this into it's own function...)
if(substr($file,0,1) == "." || substr($file,0,1) == "\\" || strstr($file, "..") || strstr($file, "\\..") || strstr($file, ".\\.")) {
return False;
return(array( "basedir" => $basedir, "file" => $file));
@function getabsolutepath
@abstract get the absolute path
@param $target defaults to False
function getabsolutepath($target = False) {
global $phpgw, $phpgw_info;
$sep = $phpgw_info["server"]["dir_separator"];
$basedir = $phpgw_info["server"]["files_dir"].$sep."groups";
$currentdir = $phpgw->common->appsession();
if(!$this->securitycheck($target)) {
return False;
} else {
$dir_array = explode($sep,$target);
$dir_count = count($dir_array);
if (substr ($target, 0, 1) != $sep){
if (!empty($currentdir)){
$basedir .= $currentdir;
for ($diridx=0;$diridx<$dir_count;++$diridx) {
if (!empty($dir_array[$diridx])){
$basedir .= $sep.$dir_array[$diridx];
return $basedir = ereg_replace ($phpgw_info["server"]["files_dir"].$sep."groups".$sep."home", $phpgw_info["server"]["files_dir"].$sep."users".$sep.$phpgw_info["user"]["userid"], $basedir);
@function ls
@abstract get directory listing
@param $target Default False
@param $checksubdirs "Yes" or "No" defaults to "No"
@result array
function ls($target = False, $checksubdirs = "No") {
global $phpgw, $phpgw_info;
$sep = $phpgw_info["server"]["dir_separator"];
if(!$this->securitycheck($target)) {
return False;
} else {
$basedir = $this->getabsolutepath($target);
if ($basedir == $phpgw_info["server"]["files_dir"].$sep."groups".$sep || $target == "/"){
//if ($basedir == $phpgw_info["server"]["files_dir"].$sep."groups".$sep){
if ($checksubdirs == "Yes"){ //if its a dir, does that dir have subdirs?
$path = $phpgw_info["server"]["files_dir"].$sep."users".$sep.$phpgw_info["user"]["userid"];
$subdir = dir($path);
while($subentry=$subdir->read()) {
$subpath = $path.$sep.$subentry;
$subtype = filetype($subpath);
if ($subentry != "." && $subentry != ".." && $subtype == "dir"){
$hassubdir = True;
$list[] = array("name" => "home", "type" => "dir", "subdirs" => $hassubdir);
$hassubdir = False;
$groups = $phpgw->accounts->get_list('groups');
if (!empty ($groups[0]['account_lid'])) {
$group_count = count($groups);
for ($groupidx=0;$groupidx<$group_count;++$groupidx) {
if ($checksubdirs == "Yes"){ //if its a dir, does that dir have subdirs?
$path = $phpgw_info["server"]["files_dir"].$sep."groups".$sep.$groups[$groupidx]['account_lid'];
$subdir = dir($path);
while($subentry=$subdir->read()) {
$subpath = $path.$sep.$subentry;
$subtype = filetype($subpath);
if ($subentry != "." && $subentry != ".." && $subtype == "dir"){
$hassubdir = True;
$list[] = array("name" => $groups[$groupidx]['account_lid'], "type" => "dir", "subdirs" => $hassubdir);
$hassubdir = False;
return $list;
}elseif (is_dir($basedir)){ //if basedir is a directory, then we fill the array
$dir = dir($basedir);
while($entry=$dir->read()) {
if ($entry != "." && $entry != ".." ){ //make sure we filter out . and ..
$path = $basedir.$sep.$entry;
if (filetype($path) == "dir"){
$entrytype = "dir";
if ($checksubdirs == "Yes"){ //if its a dir, does that dir have subdirs?
$subdir = dir($path);
while($subentry=$subdir->read()) {
$subpath = "$path$sep$subentry";
$subtype = filetype($subpath);
if ($subentry != "." && $subentry != ".." && $subtype == "dir"){
$hassubdir = True;
$list[] = array("name" => $entry, "type" => $entrytype, "subdirs" => $hassubdir);
if (filetype($path) == "file"){
$entrytype = "file";
$entrysize = filesize($path);
$entrymodifiedtime = filemtime($path);
$list[] = array("name" => $entry, "type" => $entrytype, "size" => $entrysize, "modified" =>$entrymodifiedtime);
return $list;
$dir_array = explode($sep,$basedir);
$dir_count = count($dir_array);
for ($diridx=0;$diridx<($dir_count-1);++$diridx) {
if (!empty($dir_array[$diridx])){
$basedir .= $sep.$dir_array[$diridx];
if (!is_dir($basedir) && !is_file($basedir)){
return False;
}elseif (is_dir($basedir)) {
$file = $dir_array[$dir_count];
@function dir
@abstract a shortcut to ls
@param $target target default False
@param $checksubdirs default "No"
function dir($target, $checksubdirs) {
return $this->ls($target, $checksubdirs);
@function cd
@abstract change directory
@param $target default "/"
@param $targettype default "relative"
function cd ($target = "/", $targettype = "relative"){
global $phpgw, $phpgw_info;
$sep = $phpgw_info["server"]["dir_separator"];
if ($targettype == "relative"){
$basedir = $this->getabsolutepath($target);
$basedir = $target;
$currentdir = $phpgw->common->appsession();
if (substr ($target, 0, 1) != $sep){
if (!empty($currentdir)){
$appsession_dir = $currentdir.$sep.$target;
$appsession_dir = $target;
if (!is_dir($basedir)){
return False;
$var = chdir ($basedir);
if ($var){
return True;
return False;
@function pwd
@abstract current working dir
@result $currentdir currentdir
function pwd() {
global $phpgw;
$currentdir = $phpgw->common->appsession();
if ($currentdir == ""){$currentdir = "/";}
return $currentdir;
@function read
@abstract read file
@param $file filename
@result $contents contents
function read($file) {
global $phpgw_info;
$path = $this->getabsolutepath($file);
if ($fp = fopen($path, "r")) {
$contents = fread($fp, filesize($path));
return $contents;
} else {
return False;
@function write
@abstract write to a file
@param $file file name
@param $contents contents
@result int 1 for success 0 if not
function write($file, $contents) {
global $phpgw_info;
$path = $this->getabsolutepath($file);
if ($fp = fopen($path, "w")) {
fputs($fp, $contents, strlen($contents));
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
@function cp
@abstract copy
@param $fromfile from filename
@param $tofile to filename
@param $from_absolute default ""
@result boolean based on success
function cp($fromfile, $tofile, $from_absolute = "") {
global $phpgw_info;
if ($from_absolute){
$frompath = $fromfile;
$frompath = $this->getabsolutepath($fromfile);
$topath = $this->getabsolutepath($tofile);
if (!copy($frompath, $topath)) {
return False;
return True;
function copy($fromfile, $tofile) { include (PHPGW_API_INC . '/class.vfs_' . $phpgw_info['server']['file_repository'] . '.inc.php');
return $this->cp($fromfile, $tofile);
@function mv
@abstract movie file
@param $fromfile from filename
@param $tofile to filename
@param $from_absolute default False
@result boolean True if it was successfull
function mv($fromfile, $tofile, $from_absolute = False) {
global $phpgw_info;
if ($from_absolute){
$frompath = $fromfile;
$frompath = $this->getabsolutepath($fromfile);
$topath = $this->getabsolutepath($tofile);
if (!copy($frompath, $topath)) {
return False;
if (!unlink($frompath)) {
return False;
return True;
@function move
@abstract shortcut to mv
function move($fromfile, $tofile, $from_absolute) {
return $this->mv($fromfile, $tofile, $from_absolute);
@function rm
@abstract remove or delete a file
@param $file filename
@result boolean true on success
function rm($file) {
global $phpgw_info;
$path = $this->getabsolutepath($file);
if (!unlink($path)) {
return False;
return True;
@function delete
@abstract shortcut to rm
function delete($file) {
return $this->rm($file);
@function rmdir
@abstract remvoe a dir
@param $dir dirname
@result boolean true for sucdess
function rmdir($dir) {
global $phpgw_info;
$path = $this->getabsolutepath($dir);
if (!rmdir($path)) {
return False;
return True;
@function mkdir
@abstract make a new directory
@param $dir
@result boolean True on success
function mkdir($dir) {
global $phpgw_info;
$path = $this->getabsolutepath($dir);
if (!mkdir($path, 01770)) {
return False;
return True;
@function verifydir
@abstract verify directories have correct permissions
@param $type default "user"
@param $account default False
function verifydir($type = "user", $account = False) {
global $phpgw_info;
if (!$account){ ?>
$path = "/home";
$path = "/".$account;
if (!is_dir ($this->getabsolutepath($path))) {
if (!$this->mkdir ($path)) {
$msg = "To correct this error you will need to properly set the "
. "permissions to the files/users directory.<br> "
."On *nix systems please type: chmod 770 ";
if ($type = "user"){
$msg .= $phpgw_info["server"]["files_dir"] . "/users/";
$msg .= $phpgw_info["server"]["files_dir"] . "/groups/";
echo $msg;
return False;
return True;
return True;