mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 01:21:42 +01:00
Changed navbar() to return and array and each template set will now use its own navbar.inc.php file. Theres still much to do, but its at least working
This commit is contained in:
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
$phpgw_info["flags"] = array("noheader" => True, "nonavbar" => True, "currentapp" => "home",
"enable_network_class" => True, "enable_todo_class" => True,
"enable_addressbook_class" => True
"enable_addressbook_class" => True
// Note: I need to add checks to make sure these apps are installed.
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
if ($navbarframe) {
echo parse_navbar();
} elseif ($cd=="yes" && $phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["common"]["default_app"]
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
} else {
echo parse_navbar();
@ -218,7 +218,7 @@
$kp3 = $phpgw_info["user"]["kp3"];
if (! $url) { // PHP won't allow you to set a var to a var
$url = $PHP_SELF; // or function for default values
$url = $PHP_SELF; // or function for default values
if (isset($phpgw_info["server"]["usecookies"]) && $phpgw_info["server"]["usecookies"]) {
@ -229,6 +229,7 @@
$url .= "?sessionid=" . $phpgw_info["user"]["sessionid"];
$url .= "&kp3=" . $kp3;
$url .= "&domain=" . $phpgw_info["user"]["domain"];
// This doesn't belong in the API. Its up to the app to pass this value. (jengo)
if ($phpgw_info["flags"]["newsmode"]) {
$url .= "&newsmode=on";
@ -238,9 +239,11 @@
// Note: The following code is slighty redundant, you should ALWAYS pass the full path (jengo)
// next line adds index.php when one is assumed since
// iis will not interpret urls like http://.../addressbook/?xyz=5
$url = str_replace("/?", "/index.php?", $url);
/* $url = str_replace("/?", "/index.php?", $url);
$html_check = strtolower(substr($url ,0,4));
$slash_check = strtolower(substr($url ,0,1));
if($url_check != "http") {
@ -249,15 +252,12 @@
} else{
$url = $phpgw_info["server"]["hostname"].$url;
} */
return $url;
function strip_html($s)
global $phpgw_info;
$working_langs = array("en" => True);
return htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($s));
@ -335,10 +335,10 @@
$phpgw = new phpgw;
if ($phpgw_info["flags"]["currentapp"] != "login" && $phpgw_info["flags"]["currentapp"] != "logout") {
// if (! $phpgw->session->verify()) {
// Header("Location: " . $phpgw->link($phpgw_info["server"]["webserver_url"] . "/login.php", "cd=10"));
// exit;
// }
if (! $phpgw->session->verify()) {
Header("Location: " . $phpgw->link($phpgw_info["server"]["webserver_url"] . "/login.php", "cd=10"));
@ -154,8 +154,15 @@
return $s;
function display_fullname($lid, $firstname, $lastname)
function display_fullname($lid = "", $firstname = "", $lastname = "")
if (! $lid && ! $firstname && ! $lastname) {
global $phpgw_info;
$lid = $phpgw_info["user"]["account_lid"];
$firstname = $phpgw_info["user"]["firstname"];
$lastname = $phpgw_info["user"]["lastname"];
if (! $firstname && ! $lastname) {
$s = $lid;
@ -330,255 +337,54 @@
function show_icon(&$tpl, $td_width, $appname, $description = "")
function navbar($called_directly = True)
global $phpgw_info, $colspan, $phpgw;
if ($appname && (($appname=="home" || $appname=="logout" || $appname == "print" || $appname == "preferences" || $appname == "about")
|| ($phpgw_info["user"]["apps"][$appname]))) {
if (isset($phpgw_info["flags"]["navbar_target"]) && $phpgw_info["flags"]["navbar_target"]) {
$target = ' target="' . $phpgw_info["flags"]["navbar_target"] . '"';
if ($appname == "logout") {
$target = ' target="_top"';
} else {
$target = "";
if (isset($colspan) && $colspan) {
} else {
$colspan = 1;
if (!isset($description) || !$description) {
$description = $phpgw_info["apps"][$appname]["title"];
$urlbasename = $phpgw_info["server"]["webserver_url"];
if ($appname == "home") {
$output_text = "<A href=\"" . $phpgw->link($urlbasename."/index.php");
} elseif ($appname == "logout") {
$output_text = "<A href=\"" . $phpgw->link($urlbasename."/logout.php");
} elseif ($appname == "about") {
if ($phpgw_info["flags"]["currentapp"] != "home" && $phpgw_info["flags"]["currentapp"] != "preferences" && $phpgw_info["flags"]["currentapp"] != "about") {
$about_app = "app=" . $phpgw_info["flags"]["currentapp"];
$output_text = "<A href=\"" . $phpgw->link($urlbasename."/about.php",$about_app);
} elseif ($appname == "print") {
$output_text = "<A href=\"javascript:window.print();\"";
// Changed by Skeeter 03 Dec 00 2000 GMT
// This is to allow for the calendar app to have a default page view.
} elseif ($appname == "calendar") {
if (isset($phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["calendar"]["defaultcalendar"])) {
$view = $phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["calendar"]["defaultcalendar"];
} else {
$view = "index.php";
$output_text = "<A href=\"" . $phpgw->link($urlbasename."/$appname/".$view);
// end change
} else {
$output_text = "<A href=\"" . $phpgw->link($urlbasename."/$appname/index.php");
$output_text .= "\"$target>";
if ($phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["common"]["navbar_format"] != "text") {
if ($appname != "home" && $appname != "logout" && $appname != "print" && $appname != "about") {
$output_text .= '<img src="' . $this->get_image_path($appname) . '/navbar.gif" border=0 alt="' . lang($description) . '" title="' . lang($description) . '">';
} else {
$output_text .= '<img src="' . $phpgw_info["server"]["images_dir"] .'/' . $appname . '.gif" border="0" alt="' . lang($description) . '" title="' . lang($description) . '">';
if (ereg("text",$phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["common"]["navbar_format"])) {
$output_text .= "<br><font size=\"-2\">" . lang($description) . "</font>";
$output_text .= "</A>";
// This is only temp, until will change everything to use the new method
if ($called_directly) {
echo '<center><b>Warning: You can no longer call navbar() directly, use echo parse_navbar() from now on.</b></center>';
global $phpgw_info, $phpgw;
$phpgw_info["navbar"]["home"]["title"] = lang("Home");
$phpgw_info["navbar"]["home"]["url"] = $phpgw->link($phpgw_info["server"]["webserver_url"] . "/index.php");
$phpgw_info["navbar"]["home"]["icon"] = $phpgw_info["server"]["webserver_url"] . "/phpgwapi/templates/"
. $phpgw_info["server"]["template_set"] . "/images/home.gif";
while ($permission = each($phpgw_info["user"]["apps"])) {
if ($phpgw_info["apps"][$permission[0]]["status"] != 2) {
$phpgw_info["navbar"][$permission[0]]["title"] = lang($phpgw_info["apps"][$permission[0]]["title"]);
$phpgw_info["navbar"][$permission[0]]["url"] = $phpgw->link($phpgw_info["server"]["webserver_url"]
. "/" . $permission[0] . "/index.php");
$phpgw_info["navbar"][$permission[0]]["icon"] = $phpgw_info["server"]["webserver_url"] . "/"
. $permission[0] . "/templates/"
. $phpgw_info["server"]["template_set"]
. "/images/navbar.gif";
$phpgw_info["navbar"]["preferences"]["title"] = lang("preferences");
$phpgw_info["navbar"]["preferences"]["url"] = $phpgw->link($phpgw_info["server"]["webserver_url"]
. "/preferences/index.php");
$phpgw_info["navbar"]["preferences"]["icon"] = $phpgw_info["server"]["webserver_url"] . "/preferences/templates/"
. $phpgw_info["server"]["template_set"] . "/images/navbar.gif";
if ($phpgw_info["flags"]["currentapp"] == "home" || $phpgw_info["flags"]["currentapp"] == "preferences" || $phpgw_info["flags"]["currentapp"] == "about") {
$app = "phpGroupWare";
} else {
$app = $phpgw_info["flags"]["currentapp"];
$phpgw_info["navbar"]["about"]["title"] = lang("About x",$about);
$phpgw_info["navbar"]["about"]["url"] = $phpgw->link($phpgw_info["server"]["webserver_url"]
. "/about.php");
$phpgw_info["navbar"]["about"]["icon"] = $phpgw_info["server"]["webserver_url"] . "/phpgwapi/templates/"
. $phpgw_info["server"]["template_set"] . "/images/about.gif";
$phpgw_info["navbar"]["logout"]["title"] = lang("Logout"); // Add app name
$phpgw_info["navbar"]["logout"]["url"] = $phpgw->link($phpgw_info["server"]["webserver_url"]
. "/logout.php");
$phpgw_info["navbar"]["logout"]["icon"] = $phpgw_info["server"]["webserver_url"] . "/phpgwapi/templates/"
. $phpgw_info["server"]["template_set"] . "/images/logout.gif";
function navbar($force = False)
global $cd,$phpgw,$phpgw_info,$colspan,$PHP_SELF;
if (($phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["common"]["useframes"] && $phpgw_info["server"]["useframes"] == "allowed")
|| ($phpgw_info["server"]["useframes"] == "always")) {
if (! $force) {
return False;
$tpl = new Template($phpgw_info["server"]["template_dir"]);
$tpl->set_file(array("navbar" => "navbar.tpl",
"navbar_row" => "navbar_row.tpl",
"navbar_column" => "navbar_column.tpl"
$urlbasename = $phpgw_info["server"]["webserver_url"];
if (ereg("text",$phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["common"]["navbar_format"])) {
$td_width = "7%";
} else {
$td_width = "3%";
// This is hardcoded for right now
if ($phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["common"]["navbar_format"] == "text") {
} else {
$tpl->set_var("value"," " . $phpgw_info["user"]["fullname"] . " - "
. lang($phpgw->common->show_date(time(),"l")) . " "
. lang($phpgw->common->show_date(time(),"F")) . " "
. $phpgw->common->show_date(time(),"d, Y"));
if ($phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["common"]["navbar_format"] == "text") {
$tabs[1]["label"] = "home";
$tabs[1]["link"] = $phpgw->link($phpgw_info["server"]["webserver_url"] . "/index.php");
if ($PHP_SELF == $phpgw_info["server"]["webserver_url"] . "/index.php") {
$selected = 1;
$i = 2;
while ($permission = each($phpgw_info["user"]["apps"])) {
if ($phpgw_info["apps"][$permission[0]]["status"] != 2) {
$tabs[$i]["label"] = $permission[0];
$tabs[$i]["link"] = $phpgw->link($phpgw_info["server"]["webserver_url"] . "/" . $permission[0] . "/index.php");
if (ereg($permission[0],$PHP_SELF)) {
$selected = $i;
$tabs[$i]["label"] = "preferences";
$tabs[$i]["link"] = $phpgw->link($phpgw_info["server"]["webserver_url"] . "/preferences/index.php");
if ($PHP_SELF == $phpgw_info["server"]["webserver_url"] . "/preferences/index.php") {
$selected = $i;
$tabs[$i]["label"] = "logout";
$tabs[$i]["link"] = $phpgw->link($phpgw_info["server"]["webserver_url"] . "/logout.php");
} else {
while ($permission = each($phpgw_info["user"]["apps"])) {
if ($phpgw_info["apps"][$permission[0]]["status"] != 2) {
if ($phpgw_info["flags"]["currentapp"] == "home" || $phpgw_info["flags"]["currentapp"] == "preferences" || $phpgw_info["flags"]["currentapp"] == "about") {
$app = "phpGroupWare";
} else {
$app = $phpgw_info["flags"]["currentapp"];
$this->show_icon(&$tpl,$td_width,"about","About $app");
} // end else
if (isset($phpgw_info["user"]["apps"]["admin"]) && isset($phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["common"]["show_currentusers"])) {
if ($phpgw_info["server"]["showpoweredbyon"] != "top") {
$phpgw->db->query("select count(*) from phpgw_sessions");
$tpl->set_var("value",'<a href="' . $phpgw->link($urlbasename."/admin/currentusers.php")
. '"> ' . lang("Current users") . ': ' . $phpgw->db->f(0) . '</a>');
if ($phpgw_info["server"]["showpoweredbyon"] == "top") {
if ( ! $phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["common"]["show_currentusers"]) {
$tpl->set_var("value",lang("Powered by phpGroupWare version x",$phpgw_info["server"]["versions"]["phpgwapi"]));
if ($phpgw_info["server"]["showpoweredbyon"] == "top"
&& isset($phpgw_info["user"]["apps"]["admin"])
&& isset($phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["common"]["show_currentusers"])) {
$tpl->set_var("value",lang("Powered by phpGroupWare version x",$phpgw_info["server"]["versions"]["phpgwapi"]));
$phpgw->db->query("select count(*) from phpgw_sessions");
$tpl->set_var("value",'<a href="' . $phpgw->link($urlbasename."/admin/currentusers.php")
. '"> ' . lang("Current users") . ': ' . $phpgw->db->f(0) . '</a>');
// Make the wording a little more user friendly
if ($phpgw_info["user"]["lastpasswd_change"] == 0) {
echo "<br><center>" . lang("You are required to change your password "
. "during your first login");
echo "<br> Click this image on the navbar: <img src=\"".$phpgw_info["server"]["webserver_url"]."/preferences/templates/".$phpgw_info["server"]["template_set"]."/images/navbar.gif\">";
echo "</center>";
} else if ($phpgw_info["user"]["lastpasswd_change"] < time() - (86400*30)) {
echo "<br><CENTER>" . lang("it has been more then x days since you "
. "changed your password",30) . "</CENTER>";
if (isset($cd) && $cd) {
echo "<center>" . check_code($cd) . "</center>";
* Load the app include files if the exists *
/* Then the include file */
if ($phpgw_info["flags"]["noheader"] && !$phpgw_info["flags"]["noappheader"]) {
function app_header() {
if (file_exists ($phpgw_info["server"]["app_inc"]."/header.inc.php")) {
@ -613,8 +419,11 @@
} else {
echo ("<BODY BGCOLOR=\"".$phpgw_info["theme"]["bg_color"]."\">\n");
include($phpgw_info["server"]["include_root"] . "/phpgwapi/templates/"
. $phpgw_info["server"]["template_set"] . "/navbar.inc.php");
if ((! isset($phpgw_info["flags"]["nonavbar"]) || ! $phpgw_info["flags"]["nonavbar"]) && ! $phpgw_info["flags"]["navbar_target"]) {
echo parse_navbar();
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,317 @@
function show_icon(&$tpl, $td_width, $appname, $description = "")
global $phpgw_info, $colspan, $phpgw;
if ($appname && (($appname=="home" || $appname=="logout" || $appname == "print" || $appname == "preferences" || $appname == "about")
|| ($phpgw_info["user"]["apps"][$appname]))) {
if (isset($phpgw_info["flags"]["navbar_target"]) && $phpgw_info["flags"]["navbar_target"]) {
$target = ' target="' . $phpgw_info["flags"]["navbar_target"] . '"';
if ($appname == "logout") {
$target = ' target="_top"';
} else {
$target = "";
if (isset($colspan) && $colspan) {
} else {
$colspan = 1;
if (!isset($description) || !$description) {
$description = $phpgw_info["apps"][$appname]["title"];
$urlbasename = $phpgw_info["server"]["webserver_url"];
if ($appname == "home") {
$output_text = "<A href=\"" . $phpgw->link($urlbasename."/index.php");
} elseif ($appname == "logout") {
$output_text = "<A href=\"" . $phpgw->link($urlbasename."/logout.php");
} elseif ($appname == "about") {
if ($phpgw_info["flags"]["currentapp"] != "home" && $phpgw_info["flags"]["currentapp"] != "preferences" && $phpgw_info["flags"]["currentapp"] != "about") {
$about_app = "app=" . $phpgw_info["flags"]["currentapp"];
$output_text = "<A href=\"" . $phpgw->link($urlbasename."/about.php",$about_app);
} elseif ($appname == "print") {
$output_text = "<A href=\"javascript:window.print();\"";
// Changed by Skeeter 03 Dec 00 2000 GMT
// This is to allow for the calendar app to have a default page view.
} elseif ($appname == "calendar") {
if (isset($phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["calendar"]["defaultcalendar"])) {
$view = $phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["calendar"]["defaultcalendar"];
} else {
$view = "index.php";
$output_text = "<A href=\"" . $phpgw->link($urlbasename."/$appname/".$view);
// end change
} else {
$output_text = "<A href=\"" . $phpgw->link($urlbasename."/$appname/index.php");
$output_text .= "\"$target>";
if ($phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["common"]["navbar_format"] != "text") {
if ($appname != "home" && $appname != "logout" && $appname != "print" && $appname != "about") {
$output_text .= '<img src="' . $this->get_image_path($appname) . '/navbar.gif" border=0 alt="' . lang($description) . '" title="' . lang($description) . '">';
} else {
$output_text .= '<img src="' . $phpgw_info["server"]["images_dir"] .'/' . $appname . '.gif" border="0" alt="' . lang($description) . '" title="' . lang($description) . '">';
if (ereg("text",$phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["common"]["navbar_format"])) {
$output_text .= "<br><font size=\"-2\">" . lang($description) . "</font>";
$output_text .= "</A>";
function navbar($force = False)
global $cd,$phpgw,$phpgw_info,$colspan,$PHP_SELF;
if (($phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["common"]["useframes"] && $phpgw_info["server"]["useframes"] == "allowed")
|| ($phpgw_info["server"]["useframes"] == "always")) {
if (! $force) {
return False;
$tpl = new Template($phpgw_info["server"]["template_dir"]);
$tpl->set_file(array("navbar" => "navbar.tpl",
"navbar_row" => "navbar_row.tpl",
"navbar_column" => "navbar_column.tpl"
$urlbasename = $phpgw_info["server"]["webserver_url"];
if (ereg("text",$phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["common"]["navbar_format"])) {
$td_width = "7%";
} else {
$td_width = "3%";
// This is hardcoded for right now
if ($phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["common"]["navbar_format"] == "text") {
} else {
$tpl->set_var("value"," " . $phpgw_info["user"]["fullname"] . " - "
. lang($phpgw->common->show_date(time(),"l")) . " "
. lang($phpgw->common->show_date(time(),"F")) . " "
. $phpgw->common->show_date(time(),"d, Y"));
if ($phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["common"]["navbar_format"] == "text") {
$tabs[1]["label"] = "home";
$tabs[1]["link"] = $phpgw->link($phpgw_info["server"]["webserver_url"] . "/index.php");
if ($PHP_SELF == $phpgw_info["server"]["webserver_url"] . "/index.php") {
$selected = 1;
$i = 2;
while ($permission = each($phpgw_info["user"]["apps"])) {
if ($phpgw_info["apps"][$permission[0]]["status"] != 2) {
$tabs[$i]["label"] = $permission[0];
$tabs[$i]["link"] = $phpgw->link($phpgw_info["server"]["webserver_url"] . "/" . $permission[0] . "/index.php");
if (ereg($permission[0],$PHP_SELF)) {
$selected = $i;
$tabs[$i]["label"] = "preferences";
$tabs[$i]["link"] = $phpgw->link($phpgw_info["server"]["webserver_url"] . "/preferences/index.php");
if ($PHP_SELF == $phpgw_info["server"]["webserver_url"] . "/preferences/index.php") {
$selected = $i;
$tabs[$i]["label"] = "logout";
$tabs[$i]["link"] = $phpgw->link($phpgw_info["server"]["webserver_url"] . "/logout.php");
} else {
while ($permission = each($phpgw_info["user"]["apps"])) {
if ($phpgw_info["apps"][$permission[0]]["status"] != 2) {
if ($phpgw_info["flags"]["currentapp"] == "home" || $phpgw_info["flags"]["currentapp"] == "preferences" || $phpgw_info["flags"]["currentapp"] == "about") {
$app = "phpGroupWare";
} else {
$app = $phpgw_info["flags"]["currentapp"];
$this->show_icon(&$tpl,$td_width,"about","About $app");
} // end else
if (isset($phpgw_info["user"]["apps"]["admin"]) && isset($phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["common"]["show_currentusers"])) {
if ($phpgw_info["server"]["showpoweredbyon"] != "top") {
$phpgw->db->query("select count(*) from phpgw_sessions");
$tpl->set_var("value",'<a href="' . $phpgw->link($urlbasename."/admin/currentusers.php")
. '"> ' . lang("Current users") . ': ' . $phpgw->db->f(0) . '</a>');
if ($phpgw_info["server"]["showpoweredbyon"] == "top") {
if ( ! $phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["common"]["show_currentusers"]) {
$tpl->set_var("value",lang("Powered by phpGroupWare version x",$phpgw_info["server"]["versions"]["phpgwapi"]));
if ($phpgw_info["server"]["showpoweredbyon"] == "top"
&& isset($phpgw_info["user"]["apps"]["admin"])
&& isset($phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["common"]["show_currentusers"])) {
$tpl->set_var("value",lang("Powered by phpGroupWare version x",$phpgw_info["server"]["versions"]["phpgwapi"]));
$phpgw->db->query("select count(*) from phpgw_sessions");
$tpl->set_var("value",'<a href="' . $phpgw->link($urlbasename."/admin/currentusers.php")
. '"> ' . lang("Current users") . ': ' . $phpgw->db->f(0) . '</a>');
// Make the wording a little more user friendly
if ($phpgw_info["user"]["lastpasswd_change"] == 0) {
echo "<br><center>" . lang("You are required to change your password "
. "during your first login");
echo "<br> Click this image on the navbar: <img src=\"".$phpgw_info["server"]["webserver_url"]."/preferences/templates/".$phpgw_info["server"]["template_set"]."/images/navbar.gif\">";
echo "</center>";
} else if ($phpgw_info["user"]["lastpasswd_change"] < time() - (86400*30)) {
echo "<br><CENTER>" . lang("it has been more then x days since you "
. "changed your password",30) . "</CENTER>";
if (isset($cd) && $cd) {
echo "<center>" . check_code($cd) . "</center>";
} */
function parse_navbar($force = False)
global $phpgw_info, $phpgw;
$tpl = new Template($phpgw_info["server"]["template_dir"]);
$tpl->set_file(array("navbar" => "navbar.tpl",
"navbar_app" => "navbar_app.tpl"
if ($phpgw_info["flags"]["navbar_target"]) {
$target = ' target="' . $phpgw_info["flags"]["navbar_target"] . '"';
while ($app = each($phpgw_info["navbar"])) {
$title = '<img src="' . $app[1]["icon"] . '" alt="' . $app[1]["title"] . '" title="'
. $app[1]["title"] . '" border="0">';
if ($phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["common"]["navbar_format"] == "icons_and_text") {
$title .= "<br>" . $app[1]["title"];
} else {
$tpl->set_var("value",'<a href="' . $app[1]["url"] . '"' . $target . '>' . $title . '</a>');
if ($phpgw_info["server"]["showpoweredbyon"] == "top") {
$tpl->set_var("powered_by",lang("Powered by phpGroupWare version x",$phpgw_info["server"]["versions"]["phpgwapi"]));
if (isset($phpgw_info["navbar"]["admin"]) && isset($phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["common"]["show_currentusers"])) {
$db = $phpgw->db;
$db->query("select count(*) from phpgw_sessions");
$tpl->set_var("current_users",'<a href="' . $phpgw->link("/admin/currentusers.php") . '"> '
. lang("Current users") . ': ' . $db->f(0) . '</a>');
$tpl->set_var("user_info",$phpgw->common->display_fullname() . " - "
. lang($phpgw->common->show_date(time(),"l")) . " "
. lang($phpgw->common->show_date(time(),"F")) . " "
. $phpgw->common->show_date(time(),"d, Y"));
// Maybe we should create a common function in the phpgw_accounts_shared.inc.php file
// to get rid of duplicate code.
if ($phpgw_info["user"]["lastpasswd_change"] == 0) {
$api_messages = lang("You are required to change your password during your first login")
. '<br> Click this image on the navbar: <img src="'
. $phpgw_info["server"]["webserver_url"] . '/preferences/templates/'
. $phpgw_info["server"]["template_set"] . '/images/navbar.gif">';
} else if ($phpgw_info["user"]["lastpasswd_change"] < time() - (86400*30)) {
$api_messages = lang("it has been more then x days since you changed your password",30);
// This is gonna change
if (isset($cd)) {
$tpl->set_var("messages",$api_messages . "<br>" . checkcode($cd));
// If the application has a header include, we now include it
if ($phpgw_info["flags"]["noheader"] && ! $phpgw_info["flags"]["noappheader"]) {
return $tpl->finish($tpl->parse("out","navbar"));
@ -1,6 +1,26 @@
<!-- BEGIN navbar -->
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<tr bgcolor="{navbar_color}">
<td align="left"> </td>
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td align="left">
<td align="right">
<td align="left" colspan="2">
<!-- END navbar -->
Reference in New Issue
Block a user