mirror of
synced 2025-03-28 16:46:44 +01:00
Formatting and comment adjustment
This commit is contained in:
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
$this->m_sStatementTerminator = ";";
// Return a type suitable for DDL abstracted array
/* Return a type suitable for DDL abstracted array */
function TranslateType($sType, $iPrecision = 0, $iScale = 0, &$sTranslated)
$sTranslated = $sType;
@ -11,332 +11,332 @@
/* $Id$ */
class schema_proc_mssql
var $m_sStatementTerminator;
// Following added to convert sql to array
var $sCol = array();
var $pk = array();
var $fk = array();
var $ix = array();
var $uc = array();
function schema_proc_mssql()
class schema_proc_mssql
$this->m_sStatementTerminator = ";";
var $m_sStatementTerminator;
/* Following added to convert sql to array */
var $sCol = array();
var $pk = array();
var $fk = array();
var $ix = array();
var $uc = array();
// Return a type suitable for DDL
function TranslateType($sType, $iPrecision = 0, $iScale = 0, &$sTranslated)
$sTranslated = "";
function schema_proc_mssql()
case "auto":
$sTranslated = "int identity(1,1)";
case "blob":
$sTranslated = "image"; // wonder how well PHP will support this???
case "char":
if ($iPrecision > 0 && $iPrecision < 256)
$sTranslated = sprintf("char(%d)", $iPrecision);
if ($iPrecision > 255)
$sTranslated = "text";
case "date":
$sTranslated = "smalldatetime";
case "decimal":
$sTranslated = sprintf("decimal(%d,%d)", $iPrecision, $iScale);
case "float":
switch ($iPrecision)
case 4:
$sTranslated = "float";
case 8:
$sTranslated = "real";
case "int":
switch ($iPrecision)
case 2:
$sTranslated = "smallint";
case 4:
case 8:
$sTranslated = "int";
case "longtext":
$sTranslated = "longtext";
case "text":
$sTranslated = "text";
case "timestamp":
$sTranslated = "datetime";
case "varchar":
if ($iPrecision > 0 && $iPrecision < 256)
$sTranslated = sprintf("varchar(%d)", $iPrecision);
if ($iPrecision > 255)
$sTranslated = "text";
$this->m_sStatementTerminator = ';';
return (strlen($sTranslated) > 0);
function TranslateDefault($sDefault)
switch ($sDefault)
/* Return a type suitable for DDL */
function TranslateType($sType, $iPrecision = 0, $iScale = 0, &$sTranslated)
case "current_date":
case "current_timestamp":
return "GetDate()";
$sTranslated = '';
case 'auto':
$sTranslated = 'int identity(1,1)';
case 'blob':
$sTranslated = 'image'; /* wonder how well PHP will support this??? */
case 'char':
if ($iPrecision > 0 && $iPrecision < 256)
$sTranslated = sprintf("char(%d)", $iPrecision);
if ($iPrecision > 255)
$sTranslated = 'text';
case 'date':
$sTranslated = 'smalldatetime';
case 'decimal':
$sTranslated = sprintf("decimal(%d,%d)", $iPrecision, $iScale);
case 'float':
switch ($iPrecision)
case 4:
$sTranslated = 'float';
case 8:
$sTranslated = 'real';
case 'int':
switch ($iPrecision)
case 2:
$sTranslated = 'smallint';
case 4:
case 8:
$sTranslated = 'int';
case 'longtext':
$sTranslated = 'longtext';
case 'text':
$sTranslated = 'text';
case 'timestamp':
$sTranslated = 'datetime';
case 'varchar':
if ($iPrecision > 0 && $iPrecision < 256)
$sTranslated = sprintf("varchar(%d)", $iPrecision);
if ($iPrecision > 255)
$sTranslated = 'text';
return (strlen($sTranslated) > 0);
return $sDefault;
function TranslateDefault($sDefault)
switch ($sDefault)
case 'current_date':
case 'current_timestamp':
return 'GetDate()';
return $sDefault;
// Inverse of above, convert sql column types to array info
function rTranslateType($sType, $iPrecision = 0, $iScale = 0, &$sTranslated)
$sTranslated = '';
if ($sType == 'int' || $sType == 'tinyint' || $sType == 'smallint')
function rTranslateType($sType, $iPrecision = 0, $iScale = 0, &$sTranslated)
if ($iPrecision > 8)
$sTranslated = '';
if ($sType == 'int' || $sType == 'tinyint' || $sType == 'smallint')
$iPrecision = 8;
if ($iPrecision > 8)
$iPrecision = 8;
elseif($iPrecision > 4)
$iPrecision = 4;
$iPrecision = 2;
elseif($iPrecision > 4)
$iPrecision = 4;
case 'tinyint':
case 'smallint':
$sTranslated = "'type' => 'int', 'precision' => 2";
case 'int':
$sTranslated = "'type' => 'int', 'precision' => 4";
case 'char':
if ($iPrecision > 0 && $iPrecision < 256)
$sTranslated = "'type' => 'char', 'precision' => $iPrecision";
if ($iPrecision > 255)
$sTranslated = "'type' => 'text'";
case 'decimal':
$sTranslated = "'type' => 'decimal', 'precision' => $iPrecision, 'scale' => $iScale";
case 'float':
case 'double':
$sTranslated = "'type' => 'float', 'precision' => $iPrecision";
case 'smalldatetime':
$sTranslated = "'type' => 'date'";
case 'datetime':
$sTranslated = "'type' => 'timestamp'";
case 'varchar':
if ($iPrecision > 0 && $iPrecision < 256)
$sTranslated = "'type' => 'varchar', 'precision' => $iPrecision";
if ($iPrecision > 255)
$sTranslated = "'type' => 'text'";
case 'image':
$sTranslated = "'type' => 'blob'";
case 'text':
$sTranslated = "'type' => '$sType'";
$iPrecision = 2;
case "tinyint":
case "smallint":
$sTranslated = "'type' => 'int', 'precision' => 2";
case "int":
$sTranslated = "'type' => 'int', 'precision' => 4";
case "char":
if ($iPrecision > 0 && $iPrecision < 256)
$sTranslated = "'type' => 'char', 'precision' => $iPrecision";
if ($iPrecision > 255)
$sTranslated = "'type' => 'text'";
case "decimal":
$sTranslated = "'type' => 'decimal', 'precision' => $iPrecision, 'scale' => $iScale";
case "float":
case "double":
$sTranslated = "'type' => 'float', 'precision' => $iPrecision";
case "smalldatetime":
$sTranslated = "'type' => 'date'";
case "datetime":
$sTranslated = "'type' => 'timestamp'";
case "varchar":
if ($iPrecision > 0 && $iPrecision < 256)
$sTranslated = "'type' => 'varchar', 'precision' => $iPrecision";
if ($iPrecision > 255)
$sTranslated = "'type' => 'text'";
case "image":
$sTranslated = "'type' => 'blob'";
case "text":
$sTranslated = "'type' => '$sType'";
return (strlen($sTranslated) > 0);
return (strlen($sTranslated) > 0);
function GetPKSQL($sFields)
return "PRIMARY KEY($sFields)";
function GetPKSQL($sFields)
return "PRIMARY KEY($sFields)";
function GetUCSQL($sFields)
return "UNIQUE($sFields)";
function GetUCSQL($sFields)
return "UNIQUE($sFields)";
function _GetColumns($oProc, $sTableName, &$sColumns, $sDropColumn = "")
$sColumns = "";
$this->pk = array();
$this->fk = array();
$this->ix = array();
$this->uc = array();
function _GetColumns($oProc, $sTableName, &$sColumns, $sDropColumn = '')
$sColumns = '';
$this->pk = array();
$this->fk = array();
$this->ix = array();
$this->uc = array();
// Field, Type, Null, Key, Default, Extra
$oProc->m_odb->query("exec sp_columns '$sTableName'");
while ($oProc->m_odb->next_record())
$type = $default = $null = $nullcomma = $prec = $scale = $ret = $colinfo = $scales = '';
if ($sColumns != "")
$oProc->m_odb->query("exec sp_columns '$sTableName'");
while ($oProc->m_odb->next_record())
$sColumns .= ",";
$sColumns .= $oProc->m_odb->f(0);
$type = $default = $null = $nullcomma = $prec = $scale = $ret = $colinfo = $scales = '';
if ($sColumns != '')
$sColumns .= ',';
$sColumns .= $oProc->m_odb->f(0);
// The rest of this is used only for SQL->array
$colinfo = explode('(',$oProc->m_odb->f(1));
$prec = ereg_replace(')','',$colinfo[1]);
$scales = explode(',',$prec);
if ($scales[1])
$prec = $scales[0];
$scale = $scales[1];
$this->rTranslateType($colinfo[0], $prec, $scale, &$type);
$colinfo = explode('(',$oProc->m_odb->f(1));
$prec = ereg_replace(')','',$colinfo[1]);
$scales = explode(',',$prec);
if ($scales[1])
$prec = $scales[0];
$scale = $scales[1];
$this->rTranslateType($colinfo[0], $prec, $scale, &$type);
if ($oProc->m_odb->f(2) == 'YES')
$null = "'nullable' => True";
$null = "'nullable' => False";
if ($oProc->m_odb->f(4))
$default = "'default' => '".$oProc->m_odb->f(4)."'";
$nullcomma = ',';
$default = '';
$nullcomma = '';
if ($oProc->m_odb->f(5))
$type = "'type' => 'auto'";
$this->sCol[] = "\t\t\t\t'" . $oProc->m_odb->f(0)."' => array(" . $type . ',' . $null . $nullcomma . $default . '),' . "\n";
if ($oProc->m_odb->f(3) == 'PRI')
$this->pk[] = $oProc->m_odb->f(0);
if ($oProc->m_odb->f(3) == 'UNI')
$this->uc[] = $oProc->m_odb->f(0);
// Hmmm, MUL could also mean unique, or not...
if ($oProc->m_odb->f(3) == 'MUL')
$this->ix[] = $oProc->m_odb->f(0);
if ($oProc->m_odb->f(2) == 'YES')
$null = "'nullable' => True";
$null = "'nullable' => False";
if ($oProc->m_odb->f(4))
$default = "'default' => '".$oProc->m_odb->f(4)."'";
$nullcomma = ',';
$default = '';
$nullcomma = '';
if ($oProc->m_odb->f(5))
$type = "'type' => 'auto'";
$this->sCol[] = "\t\t\t\t'" . $oProc->m_odb->f(0)."' => array(" . $type . ',' . $null . $nullcomma . $default . '),' . "\n";
if ($oProc->m_odb->f(3) == 'PRI')
$this->pk[] = $oProc->m_odb->f(0);
if ($oProc->m_odb->f(3) == 'UNI')
$this->uc[] = $oProc->m_odb->f(0);
/* Hmmm, MUL could also mean unique, or not... */
if ($oProc->m_odb->f(3) == 'MUL')
$this->ix[] = $oProc->m_odb->f(0);
/* ugly as heck, but is here to chop the trailing comma on the last element (for php3) */
$this->sCol[count($this->sCol) - 1] = substr($this->sCol[count($this->sCol) - 1],0,-2) . "\n";
return false;
// ugly as heck, but is here to chop the trailing comma on the last element (for php3)
$this->sCol[count($this->sCol) - 1] = substr($this->sCol[count($this->sCol) - 1],0,-2) . "\n";
return false;
function DropTable($oProc, &$aTables, $sTableName)
return !!($oProc->m_odb->query("DROP TABLE " . $sTableName));
function DropTable($oProc, &$aTables, $sTableName)
return !!($oProc->m_odb->query("DROP TABLE " . $sTableName));
function DropColumn($oProc, &$aTables, $sTableName, $aNewTableDef, $sColumnName, $bCopyData = true)
return !!($oProc->m_odb->query("ALTER TABLE $sTableName DROP COLUMN $sColumnName"));
function DropColumn($oProc, &$aTables, $sTableName, $aNewTableDef, $sColumnName, $bCopyData = true)
return !!($oProc->m_odb->query("ALTER TABLE $sTableName DROP COLUMN $sColumnName"));
function RenameTable($oProc, &$aTables, $sOldTableName, $sNewTableName)
return !!($oProc->m_odb->query("EXEC sp_rename '$sOldTableName', '$sNewTableName'"));
function RenameTable($oProc, &$aTables, $sOldTableName, $sNewTableName)
return !!($oProc->m_odb->query("EXEC sp_rename '$sOldTableName', '$sNewTableName'"));
function RenameColumn($oProc, &$aTables, $sTableName, $sOldColumnName, $sNewColumnName, $bCopyData = true)
function RenameColumn($oProc, &$aTables, $sTableName, $sOldColumnName, $sNewColumnName, $bCopyData = true)
// This really needs testing - it can affect primary keys, and other table-related objects
// like sequences and such
global $DEBUG;
if ($DEBUG) { echo '<br>RenameColumn: calling _GetFieldSQL for ' . $sNewColumnName; }
if ($oProc->_GetFieldSQL($aTables[$sTableName]["fd"][$sNewColumnName], $sNewColumnSQL))
return !!($oProc->m_odb->query("EXEC sp_rename '$sTableName.$sOldColumnName', '$sNewColumnName'"));
return false;
function AlterColumn($oProc, &$aTables, $sTableName, $sColumnName, &$aColumnDef, $bCopyData = true)
global $DEBUG;
if ($DEBUG) { echo '<br>AlterColumn: calling _GetFieldSQL for ' . $sNewColumnName; }
if ($oProc->_GetFieldSQL($aTables[$sTableName]["fd"][$sColumnName], $sNewColumnSQL))
return !!($oProc->m_odb->query("ALTER TABLE $sTableName ALTER COLUMN $sColumnName " . $sNewColumnSQL));
return false;
function AddColumn($oProc, &$aTables, $sTableName, $sColumnName, &$aColumnDef)
$oProc->_GetFieldSQL($aColumnDef, $sFieldSQL);
$query = "ALTER TABLE $sTableName ADD COLUMN $sColumnName $sFieldSQL";
return !!($oProc->m_odb->query($query));
function GetSequenceSQL($sTableName, &$sSequenceSQL)
$sSequenceSQL = "";
return true;
function CreateTable($oProc, &$aTables, $sTableName, $aTableDef)
if ($oProc->_GetTableSQL($sTableName, $aTableDef, $sTableSQL, $sSequenceSQL))
// create sequence first since it will be needed for default
if ($sSequenceSQL != "")
global $DEBUG;
if ($DEBUG) { echo '<br>RenameColumn: calling _GetFieldSQL for ' . $sNewColumnName; }
if ($oProc->_GetFieldSQL($aTables[$sTableName]["fd"][$sNewColumnName], $sNewColumnSQL))
return !!($oProc->m_odb->query("EXEC sp_rename '$sTableName.$sOldColumnName', '$sNewColumnName'"));
return false;
function AlterColumn($oProc, &$aTables, $sTableName, $sColumnName, &$aColumnDef, $bCopyData = true)
global $DEBUG;
if ($DEBUG) { echo '<br>AlterColumn: calling _GetFieldSQL for ' . $sNewColumnName; }
if ($oProc->_GetFieldSQL($aTables[$sTableName]["fd"][$sColumnName], $sNewColumnSQL))
return !!($oProc->m_odb->query("ALTER TABLE $sTableName ALTER COLUMN $sColumnName " . $sNewColumnSQL));
$query = "CREATE TABLE $sTableName ($sTableSQL)";
return false;
function AddColumn($oProc, &$aTables, $sTableName, $sColumnName, &$aColumnDef)
$oProc->_GetFieldSQL($aColumnDef, $sFieldSQL);
$query = "ALTER TABLE $sTableName ADD COLUMN $sColumnName $sFieldSQL";
return !!($oProc->m_odb->query($query));
return false;
function GetSequenceSQL($sTableName, &$sSequenceSQL)
$sSequenceSQL = '';
return true;
function CreateTable($oProc, &$aTables, $sTableName, $aTableDef)
if ($oProc->_GetTableSQL($sTableName, $aTableDef, $sTableSQL, $sSequenceSQL))
// create sequence first since it will be needed for default
if ($sSequenceSQL != '')
$query = "CREATE TABLE $sTableName ($sTableSQL)";
return !!($oProc->m_odb->query($query));
return false;
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
class schema_proc_mysql
var $m_sStatementTerminator;
// Following added to convert sql to array
/* Following added to convert sql to array */
var $sCol = array();
var $pk = array();
var $fk = array();
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
$this->m_sStatementTerminator = ';';
// Return a type suitable for DDL
/* Return a type suitable for DDL */
function TranslateType($sType, $iPrecision = 0, $iScale = 0, &$sTranslated)
$sTranslated = '';
@ -115,7 +115,7 @@
return $sDefault;
// Inverse of above, convert sql column types to array info
/* Inverse of above, convert sql column types to array info */
function rTranslateType($sType, $iPrecision = 0, $iScale = 0, &$sTranslated)
$sTranslated = '';
@ -166,7 +166,7 @@
$sTranslated = "'type' => 'timestamp'";
case 'enum':
// Here comes a nasty assumption
/* Here comes a nasty assumption */
$sTranslated = "'type' => 'varchar', 'precision' => 255";
case 'varchar':
@ -208,7 +208,7 @@
$this->ix = array();
$this->uc = array();
// Field, Type, Null, Key, Default, Extra
/* Field, Type, Null, Key, Default, Extra */
$oProc->m_odb->query("describe $sTableName");
while ($oProc->m_odb->next_record())
@ -219,7 +219,7 @@
$sColumns .= $oProc->m_odb->f(0);
// The rest of this is used only for SQL->array
/* The rest of this is used only for SQL->array */
$colinfo = explode('(',$oProc->m_odb->f(1));
$prec = ereg_replace(')','',$colinfo[1]);
$scales = explode(',',$prec);
@ -261,13 +261,13 @@
$this->uc[] = $oProc->m_odb->f(0);
// Hmmm, MUL could also mean unique, or not...
/* Hmmm, MUL could also mean unique, or not... */
if ($oProc->m_odb->f(3) == 'MUL')
$this->ix[] = $oProc->m_odb->f(0);
// ugly as heck, but is here to chop the trailing comma on the last element (for php3)
/* ugly as heck, but is here to chop the trailing comma on the last element (for php3) */
$this->sCol[count($this->sCol) - 1] = substr($this->sCol[count($this->sCol) - 1],0,-2) . "\n";
return false;
@ -290,8 +290,10 @@
function RenameColumn($oProc, &$aTables, $sTableName, $sOldColumnName, $sNewColumnName, $bCopyData = true)
// This really needs testing - it can affect primary keys, and other table-related objects
// like sequences and such
TODO: This really needs testing - it can affect primary keys, and other table-related objects
like sequences and such
global $DEBUG;
if ($DEBUG) { echo '<br>RenameColumn: calling _GetFieldSQL for ' . $sNewColumnName; }
if ($oProc->_GetFieldSQL($aTables[$sTableName]["fd"][$sNewColumnName], $sNewColumnSQL))
@ -332,7 +334,7 @@
if ($oProc->_GetTableSQL($sTableName, $aTableDef, $sTableSQL, $sSequenceSQL))
// create sequence first since it will be needed for default
/* create sequence first since it will be needed for default */
if ($sSequenceSQL != '')
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
class schema_proc_pgsql
var $m_sStatementTerminator;
// Following added to convert sql to array
/* Following added to convert sql to array */
var $sCol = array();
var $pk = array();
var $fk = array();
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
$this->m_sStatementTerminator = ';';
// Return a type suitable for DDL
/* Return a type suitable for DDL */
function TranslateType($sType, $iPrecision = 0, $iScale = 0, &$sTranslated)
@ -105,7 +105,7 @@
return $sDefault;
// Inverse of above, convert sql column types to array info
/* Inverse of above, convert sql column types to array info */
function rTranslateType($sType, $iPrecision = 0, $iScale = 0, &$sTranslated)
$sTranslated = '';
@ -234,7 +234,7 @@
and a.attrelid = c.oid
and a.atttypid = t.oid
ORDER BY a.attnum";
// attnum field type length lengthvar notnull(Yes/No)
/* attnum field type length lengthvar notnull(Yes/No) */
while ($sdb->next_record())
@ -341,7 +341,7 @@
$this->uc[] = $sdc->f(2);
// ugly as heck, but is here to chop the trailing comma on the last element (for php3)
/* ugly as heck, but is here to chop the trailing comma on the last element (for php3) */
$this->sCol[count($this->sCol) - 1] = substr($this->sCol[count($this->sCol) - 1],0,-2) . "\n";
return false;
@ -526,8 +526,10 @@
function RenameColumn($oProc, &$aTables, $sTableName, $sOldColumnName, $sNewColumnName, $bCopyData = true)
// This really needs testing - it can affect primary keys, and other table-related objects
// like sequences and such
This really needs testing - it can affect primary keys, and other table-related objects
like sequences and such
if ($bCopyData)
$oProc->m_odb->query("SELECT * INTO $sTableName" . "_tmp FROM $sTableName");
@ -565,10 +567,12 @@
$this->CreateTable($oProc, $aTables, $sTableName, $aTables[$sTableName], True);
$this->_GetColumns($oProc, $sTableName . "_tmp", $sColumns, '', $sColumnName, $aColumnDef['type'] == 'auto' ? 'int4' : $aColumnDef['type']);
// TODO: analyze the type of change and determine if this is used or _CopyAlteredTable
// this is a performance consideration only, _CopyAlteredTable should be safe
//$query = "INSERT INTO $sTableName SELECT $sColumns FROM $sTableName" . "_tmp";
//$bRet = !!($oProc->m_odb->query($query));
TODO: analyze the type of change and determine if this is used or _CopyAlteredTable
this is a performance consideration only, _CopyAlteredTable should be safe
$query = "INSERT INTO $sTableName SELECT $sColumns FROM $sTableName" . "_tmp";
$bRet = !!($oProc->m_odb->query($query));
$bRet = $this->_CopyAlteredTable($oProc, $aTables, $sTableName . '_tmp', $sTableName);
@ -594,7 +598,7 @@
global $DEBUG;
if ($oProc->_GetTableSQL($sTableName, $aTableDef, $sTableSQL, $sSequenceSQL))
// create sequence first since it will be needed for default
/* create sequence first since it will be needed for default */
if ($bCreateSequence && $sSequenceSQL != '')
if ($DEBUG) { echo '<br>Making sequence using: ' . $sSequenceSQL; }
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['api_inc'] = PHPGW_SERVER_ROOT . '/phpgwapi/inc';
include($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['api_inc'] . '/class.db_'.$GLOBALS['phpgw_domain'][$ConfigDomain]['db_type'].'.inc.php');
$this->db = new db;
$this->db = new db;
$this->db->Host = $GLOBALS['phpgw_domain'][$ConfigDomain]['db_host'];
$this->db->Type = $GLOBALS['phpgw_domain'][$ConfigDomain]['db_type'];
$this->db->Database = $GLOBALS['phpgw_domain'][$ConfigDomain]['db_name'];
@ -75,15 +75,15 @@
$FormLogout == 'ldapimport' ||
$FormLogout == 'sqltoarray')
setcookie('ConfigPW'); // scrub the old one
setcookie('ConfigDomain'); // scrub the old one
setcookie('ConfigPW'); /* scrub the old one */
setcookie('ConfigDomain'); /* scrub the old one */
$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['setup']['ConfigLoginMSG'] = 'You have successfully logged out';
return False;
elseif($FormLogout == 'header')
setcookie('HeaderPW'); // scrub the old one
setcookie('HeaderPW'); /* scrub the old one */
$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['setup']['HeaderLoginMSG'] = 'You have successfully logged out';
return False;
@ -92,8 +92,8 @@
if ($ConfigPW != $GLOBALS['phpgw_domain'][$ConfigDomain]['config_passwd'] && $auth_type == 'Config')
setcookie('ConfigPW'); // scrub the old one
setcookie('ConfigDomain'); // scrub the old one
setcookie('ConfigPW'); /* scrub the old one */
setcookie('ConfigDomain'); /* scrub the old one */
$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['setup']['ConfigLoginMSG'] = 'Invalid session cookie (cookies must be enabled)';
return False;
@ -109,7 +109,7 @@
if ($FormPW == $GLOBALS['phpgw_domain'][$FormDomain]['config_passwd'] && $auth_type == 'Config')
setcookie('HeaderPW'); // scrub the old one
setcookie('HeaderPW'); /* scrub the old one */
@ -140,7 +140,7 @@
if ($HeaderPW != $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['header_admin_password'] && $auth_type == 'Header')
setcookie('HeaderPW'); // scrub the old one
setcookie('HeaderPW'); /* scrub the old one */
$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['setup']['HeaderLoginMSG'] = 'Invalid session cookie (cookies must be enabled)';
return False;
@ -232,7 +232,7 @@
echo '<br>register_app(): ' . $appname . ', version: ' . $setup_info[$appname]['version'] . ', table: ' . $appstbl . '<br>';
// _debug_array($setup_info[$appname]);
if ($setup_info[$appname]['version'])
@ -298,7 +298,7 @@
echo '<br>app_registered(): checking ' . $appname . ', table: ' . $appstbl;
// _debug_array($setup_info[$appname]);
$this->db->query("SELECT COUNT(app_name) FROM $appstbl WHERE app_name='".$appname."'");
@ -345,7 +345,7 @@
echo '<br>update_app(): ' . $appname . ', version: ' . $setup_info[$appname]['currentver'] . ', table: ' . $appstbl . '<br>';
// _debug_array($setup_info[$appname]);
$this->db->query("SELECT COUNT(app_name) FROM $appstbl WHERE app_name='".$appname."'");
@ -453,7 +453,7 @@
if ($this->alessthanb($setup_info['phpgwapi']['currentver'],'0.9.8pre5') && ($setup_info['phpgwapi']['currentver'] != ''))
// No phpgw_hooks table yet.
/* No phpgw_hooks table yet. */
return False;
@ -496,7 +496,7 @@
if ($this->alessthanb($setup_info['phpgwapi']['currentver'],'0.9.8pre5'))
// No phpgw_hooks table yet.
/* No phpgw_hooks table yet. */
return False;
@ -598,7 +598,7 @@
if ($i<3)
// Ensure that this is definitely smaller
/* Ensure that this is definitely smaller */
if ($DEBUG) { echo" This is the $num[$i] octet, so A is definitely less than B."; }
$less = 5;
@ -610,7 +610,7 @@
if ($i<2)
// Ensure that this is definitely greater
/* Ensure that this is definitely greater */
if ($DEBUG) { echo" This is the $num[$i] octet, so A is definitely greater than B."; }
$less = -5;
@ -679,7 +679,7 @@
if ($i<3)
// Ensure that this is definitely greater
/* Ensure that this is definitely greater */
if ($DEBUG) { echo" This is the $num[$i] octet, so A is definitely greater than B."; }
$less = 5;
@ -691,7 +691,7 @@
if ($i<2)
// Ensure that this is definitely smaller
/* Ensure that this is definitely smaller */
if ($DEBUG) { echo" This is the $num[$i] octet, so A is definitely less than B."; }
$less = -5;
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
$setup_info[$this->db->f('app_name')]['currentver'] = $this->db->f('app_version');
$setup_info[$this->db->f('app_name')]['enabled'] = $this->db->f('app_enabled');
// This is to catch old setup installs that did not have phpgwapi listed as an app
/* This is to catch old setup installs that did not have phpgwapi listed as an app */
if (!$setup_info['phpgwapi']['currentver'])
$tmp = $setup_info['phpgwapi']['version']; /* save the file version */
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@
while (list ($key, $value) = each ($setup_info))
//echo '<br>'.$setup_info[$key]['name'].'STATUS: '.$setup_info[$key]['status'];
// Only set this if it has not already failed to upgrade - Milosch
/* Only set this if it has not already failed to upgrade - Milosch */
if (!( ($setup_info[$key]['status'] == 'F') || ($setup_info[$key]['status'] == 'C') ))
//if ($setup_info[$key]['currentver'] > $setup_info[$key]['version'])
@ -118,7 +118,6 @@
$setup_info[$key]['status'] = 'C';
//elseif ($setup_info[$key]['currentver'] < $setup_info[$key]['version'])
elseif ($this->alessthanb($setup_info[$key]['currentver'],$setup_info[$key]['version']))
$setup_info[$key]['status'] = 'U';
@ -151,9 +150,7 @@
while (list ($depskey, $depsvalue) = each ($value['depends'][$depkey]['versions']))
$major = $this->get_major($setup_info[$value['depends'][$depkey]['appname']]['currentver']);
//echo $major;
if ($major == $depsvalue)
//if ($setup_info[$value['depends'][$depkey]['appname']]['currentver'] == $depsvalue )
$setup_info['depends'][$depkey]['status'] = True;
@ -162,14 +159,16 @@
/* Finally I will loop thru the dependencies again look for apps that still have a failure status */
/* If we find one we set the apps overall status as a dependency failure */
Finally, we loop through the dependencies again to look for apps that still have a failure status
If we find one, we set the apps overall status as a dependency failure.
reset ($value['depends']);
while (list ($depkey, $depvalue) = each ($value['depends']))
if ($setup_info['depends'][$depkey]['status'] == False)
// Only set this if it has not already failed to upgrade - Milosch
/* Only set this if it has not already failed to upgrade - Milosch */
if (!( ($setup_info[$key]['status'] == 'F') || ($setup_info[$key]['status'] == 'C') ))
$setup_info[$key]['status'] = 'D';
@ -242,7 +241,6 @@
$this->db->query('CREATE TABLE phpgw_testrights ( testfield varchar(5) NOT NULL )');
if (! $this->db->Errno)
//if (isset($isdb)){
$this->db->query('DROP TABLE phpgw_testrights');
$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['setup']['header_msg'] = 'Stage 3 (Install Applications)';
return 3;
@ -258,9 +256,12 @@
function check_config()
$this->db->Halt_On_Error = 'no';
if ($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['setup']['stage']['db'] != 10){return '';}
if ($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['setup']['stage']['db'] != 10)
return '';
// Since 0.9.10pre6 config table is named as phpgw_config
/* Since 0.9.10pre6 config table is named as phpgw_config */
$config_table = 'config';
$ver = explode('.',$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['versions']['phpgwapi']);
@ -332,7 +333,7 @@
// Make a copy, else we send some callers into an infinite loop
/* Make a copy, else we send some callers into an infinite loop */
$copy = $setup_info;
$this->db->Halt_On_Error = 'no';
$tablenames = $this->db->table_names();
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
@function generate_header
@abstract generate header.inc.php file output - NOT a generic html header function
function generate_header()
$setting = $GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']['setting'];
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
function setup_tpl_dir($app_name='setup')
// hack to get tpl dir
/* hack to get tpl dir */
if (is_dir(PHPGW_SERVER_ROOT))
$srv_root = PHPGW_SERVER_ROOT . SEP . "$app_name" . SEP;
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
/* $setup_tpl->set_var('T_head',''); */
function show_footer()
@ -111,14 +111,16 @@
function login_form()
// begin use TEMPLATE login_main.tpl
/* begin use TEMPLATE login_main.tpl */
if ($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['setup']['stage']['header'] == '10')
// begin use SUB-TEMPLATE login_stage_header,
// fills V_login_stage_header used inside of login_main.tpl
Begin use SUB-TEMPLATE login_stage_header,
fills V_login_stage_header used inside of login_main.tpl
if (count($GLOBALS['phpgw_domain']) > 1)
@ -132,33 +134,36 @@
$default_domain = each($GLOBALS['phpgw_domain']);
// use BLOCK B_single_domain inside of login_stage_header
/* Use BLOCK B_single_domain inside of login_stage_header */
// // in this case, the multi domain block needs to be nothing
/* in this case, the multi domain block needs to be nothing */
// end use SUB-TEMPLATE login_stage_header
// put all this into V_login_stage_header for use inside login_main
End use SUB-TEMPLATE login_stage_header
put all this into V_login_stage_header for use inside login_main
// begin SKIP SUB-TEMPLATE login_stage_header
/* begin SKIP SUB-TEMPLATE login_stage_header */
// end use TEMPLATE login_main.tpl
// now out the login_main template
end use TEMPLATE login_main.tpl
now out the login_main template
function get_template_list()
$d = dir(PHPGW_SERVER_ROOT . '/phpgwapi/templates');
//$list['user_choice']['name'] = 'user_choice';
//$list['user_choice']['title'] = 'Users Choice';
if ($entry != 'CVS' && $entry != '.' && $entry != '..')
@ -152,7 +152,7 @@
if ($i == 20) // Then oops it broke
if ($i == 20) /* Then oops it broke */
echo '<br>Setup failure: excess looping in process_pass():'."\n";
echo '<br>Pass:<br>'."\n";
@ -165,7 +165,7 @@
$passing_string = implode (':', $passing);
// now return the list
/* now return the list */
while(list($key,$value) = @each($passed))
@ -188,7 +188,7 @@
$this->oProc->m_bDeltaOnly = False;
// The following is built so below we won't try to drop a table that isn't there
/* The following is built so below we won't try to drop a table that isn't there. */
$tablenames = $this->db->table_names();
while(list($key,$val) = @each($tablenames))
@ -214,15 +214,15 @@
// Done, return current status
/* Done, return current status */
return ($setup_info);
// NOTE: This duplicates the old newtables behavior, using schema_proc
@function process_current
@abstract process current table setup in each application/setup dir
@param $appinfo array of application info from setup.inc.php files, etc.
@discussion This duplicates the old newtables behavior, using schema_proc
function process_current($setup_info,$DEBUG=False)
@ -265,7 +265,7 @@
// script processing failed
/* script processing failed */
if($DEBUG) { echo '<br>process_current(): Failed for ' . $appname . ',status: '. $setup_info[$key]['status']; }
$setup_info[$key]['status'] = 'F';
@ -273,8 +273,10 @@
if($DEBUG) { echo '<br>process_current(): No current tables for ' . $apptitle . "\n"; }
// add the app, but disable it if it has tables defined
// a manual sql script install is needed, but we do add the hooks
Add the app, but disable it if it has tables defined.
A manual sql script install is needed, but we do add the hooks
$enabled = 99;
if ($setup_info[$key]['tables'][0] != '')
@ -295,7 +297,7 @@
if($DEBUG) { echo '<br>process_current(): Outgoing status: ' . $appname . ',status: '. $setup_info[$key]['status']; }
// Done, return current status
/* Done, return current status */
return ($setup_info);
@ -329,10 +331,10 @@
include ($appdir.'default_records.inc.php');
//$setup_info[$key]['status'] = 'C';
/* $setup_info[$key]['status'] = 'C'; */
// Done, return current status
/* Done, return current status */
return ($setup_info);
@ -354,7 +356,7 @@
echo '<br>process_add_langs(): Translations added for ' . $appname . "\n";
// Done, return current status
/* Done, return current status */
return ($setup_info);
@ -376,7 +378,7 @@
echo '<br>process_drop_langs(): Translations removed for ' . $appname . "\n";
// Done, return current status
/* Done, return current status */
return ($setup_info);
@ -404,7 +406,7 @@
echo '<br>process_upgrade_langs(): Translations reinstalled for ' . $appname . "\n";
// Done, return current status
/* Done, return current status */
return ($setup_info);
@ -440,7 +442,7 @@
// Done, return current status
/* Done, return current status */
return ($setup_info);
@ -472,8 +474,8 @@
$this->oProc->GenerateScripts($phpgw_baseline, $DEBUG);
// Update the array values for return below
//$setup_info[$key]['status'] = 'R';
/* Update the array values for return below */
/* $setup_info[$key]['status'] = 'R'; */
@ -485,7 +487,7 @@
// Done, return current status
/* Done, return current status */
return ($setup_info);
@ -551,7 +553,7 @@
include ($appdir.'tables_baseline.inc.php');
$this->oProc->m_aTables = $phpgw_baseline;
//$this->oProc->GenerateScripts($phpgw_baseline, $DEBUG);
/* $this->oProc->GenerateScripts($phpgw_baseline, $DEBUG); */
@ -568,7 +570,7 @@
include ($appdir . 'tables_update.inc.php');
$this->updateincluded[$appname] = True;
// $test array comes from update file, it is a list of available upgrade functions
/* $test array comes from update file. It is a list of available upgrade functions */
while (list($x,$value) = @each($test))
@ -590,7 +592,7 @@
if ($value == $targetver)
$this->oProc->m_bDeltaOnly = False;
// Done upgrading
/* Done upgrading */
echo '<br>process_upgrade(): Upgrade of ' . $appname . ' to ' . $targetver . ' is completed.' . "\n";
@ -611,13 +613,11 @@
elseif (($value == $currentver) || !$currentver)
//elseif ($this->alessthanb($value,$targetver,True) &&
// $this->alessthanb($currentver,$value,True))
// start upgrading db in addition to baseline
/* start upgrading db in addition to baseline */
$this->oProc->m_bDeltaOnly = False;
if ($DEBUG) { echo '<br>process_upgrade(): running ' . $function; }
// run upgrade function
/* run upgrade function */
$success = $function();
if ($success != False)
@ -717,7 +717,7 @@
// Done with this app, update status
/* Done with this app, update status */
$setup_info[$key]['status'] = $appstatus;
if ($DEBUG)
@ -725,8 +725,7 @@
// Done, return current status
/* Done, return current status */
return ($setup_info);
@ -762,8 +761,7 @@
@function sql_to_array
@abstract send this a table name, returns printable column spec and keys for the table from
@abstract send this a table name, returns printable column spec and keys for the table from schema_proc
@param $tablename table whose array you want to see
function sql_to_array($tablename = '')
@ -233,7 +233,7 @@
include(PHPGW_SERVER_ROOT.'/phpgwapi/setup/setup.inc.php'); // To set the current core version
include(PHPGW_SERVER_ROOT.'/phpgwapi/setup/setup.inc.php'); /* To set the current core version */
/* This will change to just use setup_info */
$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['versions']['current_header'] = $setup_info['phpgwapi']['versions']['current_header'];
Reference in New Issue
Block a user