mirror of
synced 2025-03-18 10:10:22 +01:00
gugux lang-update
This commit is contained in:
@ -2181,17 +2181,17 @@ if (!@is_file(PHPGW_SERVER_ROOT . '/phpgwapi/templates/' . $GLOBALS['phpgw_info'
case 32: $s .= lang('Group has been deleted'); break;
case 33: $s .= lang('Group has been updated'); break;
case 34: $s .= lang('Account has been deleted') . '<p>'
. lang('Error deleting x x directory',lang('users'),' '.lang('private').' ')
. ',<br>' . lang('Please x by hand',lang('delete')) . '<br><br>'
. lang('Error deleting %1 %2 directory',lang('users'),' '.lang('private').' ')
. ',<br>' . lang('Please %1 by hand',lang('delete')) . '<br><br>'
. lang('To correct this error for the future you will need to properly set the')
. '<br>' . lang('permissions to the files/users directory')
. '<br>' . lang('On *nix systems please type: x','chmod 770 '
. $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['files_dir'] . '/users/');
case 35: $s .= lang('Account has been updated') . '<p>'
. lang('Error renaming x x directory',lang('users'),
. lang('Error renaming %1 %2 directory',lang('users'),
' '.lang('private').' ')
. ',<br>' . lang('Please x by hand',
. ',<br>' . lang('Please %1 by hand',
lang('rename')) . '<br><br>'
. lang('To correct this error for the future you will need to properly set the')
. '<br>' . lang('permissions to the files/users directory')
@ -2199,9 +2199,9 @@ if (!@is_file(PHPGW_SERVER_ROOT . '/phpgwapi/templates/' . $GLOBALS['phpgw_info'
. $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['files_dir'] . '/users/');
case 36: $s .= lang('Account has been created') . '<p>'
. lang('Error creating x x directory',lang('users'),
. lang('Error creating %1 %2 directory',lang('users'),
' '.lang('private').' ')
. ',<br>' . lang('Please x by hand',
. ',<br>' . lang('Please %1 by hand',
lang('create')) . '<br><br>'
. lang('To correct this error for the future you will need to properly set the')
. '<br>' . lang('permissions to the files/users directory')
@ -2209,8 +2209,8 @@ if (!@is_file(PHPGW_SERVER_ROOT . '/phpgwapi/templates/' . $GLOBALS['phpgw_info'
. $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['files_dir'] . '/users/');
case 37: $s .= lang('Group has been added') . '<p>'
. lang('Error creating x x directory',lang('groups'),' ')
. ',<br>' . lang('Please x by hand',
. lang('Error creating %1 %2 directory',lang('groups'),' ')
. ',<br>' . lang('Please %1 by hand',
lang('create')) . '<br><br>'
. lang('To correct this error for the future you will need to properly set the')
. '<br>' . lang('permissions to the files/users directory')
@ -2218,8 +2218,8 @@ if (!@is_file(PHPGW_SERVER_ROOT . '/phpgwapi/templates/' . $GLOBALS['phpgw_info'
. $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['files_dir'] . '/groups/');
case 38: $s .= lang('Group has been deleted') . '<p>'
. lang('Error deleting x x directory',lang('groups'),' ')
. ',<br>' . lang('Please x by hand',
. lang('Error deleting %1 %2 directory',lang('groups'),' ')
. ',<br>' . lang('Please %1 by hand',
lang('delete')) . '<br><br>'
. lang('To correct this error for the future you will need to properly set the')
. '<br>' . lang('permissions to the files/users directory')
@ -2227,8 +2227,8 @@ if (!@is_file(PHPGW_SERVER_ROOT . '/phpgwapi/templates/' . $GLOBALS['phpgw_info'
. $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['files_dir'] . '/groups/');
case 39: $s .= lang('Group has been updated') . '<p>'
. lang('Error renaming x x directory',lang('groups'),' ')
. ',<br>' . lang('Please x by hand',
. lang('Error renaming %1 %2 directory',lang('groups'),' ')
. ',<br>' . lang('Please %1 by hand',
lang('rename')) . '<br><br>'
. lang('To correct this error for the future you will need to properly set the')
. '<br>' . lang('permissions to the files/users directory')
@ -777,11 +777,11 @@
$end = $start + $this->maxmatches;
return lang('showing x - x of x',($start + 1),$end,$total_records);
return lang('showing %1 - %2 of %3',($start + 1),$end,$total_records);
return lang('showing x',$total_records);
return lang('showing %1',$total_records);
@ -400,7 +400,7 @@
elseif (isset($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['lastpasswd_change']) && $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['lastpasswd_change'] < time() - (86400*30))
$message = lang('it has been more then x days since you changed your password',30);
$message = lang('it has been more then %1 days since you changed your password',30);
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ groups common br Grupos
help common br Ajuda
high common br Alta
home common br Pagina Inicial
it has been more then x days since you changed your password common br Ja passaram-se mais de %1 dias desde que vc mudou sua senha
it has been more then %1 days since you changed your password common br Ja passaram-se mais de %1 dias desde que vc mudou sua senha
january common br Janeiro
july common br Julho
june common br Junho
@ -80,8 +80,8 @@ search common br Procura
september common br Setembro
session has been killed common br Sessao foi morta
show all common br mostra tudo
showing x common br Visualizando %1
showing x - x of x common br Visualizando %1 - %2 de %3
showing %1 common br Visualizando %1
showing %1 - %2 of %3 common br Visualizando %1 - %2 de %3
sorry, there was a problem proccesing your request. common br Desculpe, ocorreu um problema processando sua requisicao.
submit common br Inserir
sunday common br Domingo
@ -95,10 +95,10 @@ wednesday common br Quarta
which groups common br Qual grupo
yes common br Sim
you have 1 new message! common br Voce tem 1 nova mensagem!
you have x new messages! common br Voce tem %1 novas mensagens!
you have %1 new messages! common br Voce tem %1 novas mensagens!
your message as been sent common br Sua mensagem foi enviada
your search returned 1 match common br sua pesquisa retornou 1 correspondecia
your search returned x matchs common br Sua pesquisa retornou %1 correspondencias
your search returned %1 matchs common br Sua pesquisa retornou %1 correspondencias
your settings have been updated common br suas preferencias foram atualizadas
bad login or password login br login ou senha incorreta
login login br Login
@ -420,7 +420,7 @@ time zone common cs
time zone offset common cs Rozdíl èasové zóny
title common cs Titul
to correct this error for the future you will need to properly set the common cs = Aby se chyba neobjevovala v budoucnosti musíte právnì nastavit
to go back to the msg list, click <a href= %1 >here</a> common cs <a href="%1">Zpìt na seznam zpráv</a>
to go back to the msg list, click <a href="%1">here</a> common cs <a href="%1">Zpìt na seznam zpráv</a>
togo common cs
tokelau common cs
tonga common cs
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ active common da Aktiv
add common da Tilføj
add category common da Tilføj kategori
add sub common da Tilføj underkategori
add x category for common da Tilføj kategorien %1 for
add %1 category for common da Tilføj kategorien %1 for
admin common da Admin
administration common da Administration
afghanistan common da Afghanistan
@ -64,8 +64,8 @@ cape verde common da Cape Verde
categories common da Kategorier
categories for common da kategorier for
category common da Kategori
category x has been added ! common da Kategorien %1 er blevet tilføjet!
category x has been updated ! common da Kategorien %1 er blevet opdateret!
category %1 has been added ! common da Kategorien %1 er blevet tilføjet!
category %1 has been updated ! common da Kategorien %1 er blevet opdateret!
cayman islands common da Cayman Øerne
central african republic common da Centralafrikanske Republik
chad common da Chad
@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ ecuador common da Ecuador
edit common da Redigér
edit categories common da Redigér Kategorier
edit category common da Redigér kategori
edit x category for common da Redigér kategorien %1 for
edit %1 category for common da Redigér kategorien %1 for
egypt common da Egypten
el salvador common da El Salvador
email common da E-mail
@ -131,9 +131,9 @@ entry updated sucessfully common da Emnet er succesrigt opdateret
equatorial guinea common da Equatorial Guinea
eritrea common da Eritrea
error common da Fejl
error creating x x directory common da Fejl ved oprettelsen af biblioteket %1%2
error deleting x x directory common da Fejl ved sletningen af biblioteket %1%2
error renaming x x directory common da Fejl ved omdøbningen af biblioteket %1%2
error creating %1 %2 directory common da Fejl ved oprettelsen af biblioteket %1 %2
error deleting %1 %2 directory common da Fejl ved sletningen af biblioteket %1 %2
error renaming %1 %2 directory common da Fejl ved omdøbningen af biblioteket %1 %2
estonia common da Estland
ethiopia common da Etiopien
exit common da Afslut
@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ iran, islamic republic of common da Iran, Den Islamiske Republik
iraq common da Irak
ireland common da Irland
israel common da Israel
it has been more then x days since you changed your password common da Det er mere end %1 dage siden du sidst ændrede dit password
it has been more then %1 days since you changed your password common da Det er mere end %1 dage siden du sidst ændrede dit password
it is recommended that you run setup to upgrade your tables to the current version common da Det anbefales at du kører setup for at opgradere dine tabeller til den nuværende version.
italy common da Italien
jamaica common da Jamaica
@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ october common da Oktober
ok common da OK
old value common da Gammel Værdi
oman common da Oman
on *nix systems please type: x common da På *nix systemer skriver Du: %1
on *nix systems please type: %1 common da På *nix systemer skriver Du: %1
only yours common da Kun Din
open notify window common da Åben Notificer Vindue
original common da Original
@ -324,10 +324,10 @@ pitcairn common da Pitcairn
please enter a name common da Indtast venligst et navn!
please run setup to become current common da Kør venligst setup for at blive opdateret
please set your preferences for this application common da Indtast venligst dine preferencer for denne applikation
please x by hand common da Udfør venligst %1 manuelt
please %1 by hand common da Udfør venligst %1 manuelt
poland common da Polen
portugal common da Portugal
powered by phpgroupware version x common da Denne site kører på <a href="http://www.phpgroupware.org">phpGroupWare</a> version %1
powered by phpgroupware version %1 common da Denne site kører på <a href="http://www.phpgroupware.org">phpGroupWare</a> version %1
preferences common da Preferencer
previous page common da Forrige side
print common da Udskriv
@ -361,8 +361,8 @@ september common da September
session has been killed common da Sessionen er afsluttet
seychelles common da Seychellerne
show all common da Vis alt
showing x common da Viser: %1
showing x - x of x common da Viser: %1 - %2 ud af %3
showing %1 common da Viser: %1
showing %1 - %2 of %3 common da Viser: %1 - %2 ud af %3
sierra leone common da Sierra Leone
singapore common da Singapore
slovakia common da Slovakiet
@ -456,10 +456,10 @@ you have 1 new message! common da Du har 1 ny besked!
you have been successfully logged out login da Du er nu succesrigt logget ud
you have selected an invalid date common da Du har valgt en ugyldig dato!
you have selected an invalid main category common da Du har valgt en ugyldig hovedkategori!
you have x new messages! common da Du har %1 nye beskeder!
you have %1 new messages! common da Du har %1 nye beskeder!
your message has been sent common da Din besked er afsendt
your search returned 1 match common da Søgningen leverede 1 resultat
your search returned x matchs common da Søgningen leverede %1 resultater
your search returned %1 matchs common da Søgningen leverede %1 resultater
your session could not be verified. login da Din session kunne ikke verificeres
your settings have been updated common da Dine indstillinger er opdateret
yugoslavia common da Jugoslavien
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ acl common de ACL
active common de Aktiv
add common de Hinzufügen
add category common de Kategorie hinzufügen
add x category for common de %1 Kategorie hinzufügen für
add %1 category for common de %1 Kategorie hinzufügen für
add sub common de Untergeordnete hinzufügen
admin common de Admin
administration common de Administration
@ -59,8 +59,8 @@ cape verde common de KAP VERDE
category common de Kategorie
categories common de Kategorien
categories for common de Kategorien für
category x has been added ! common de Kategorie %1 wurde hinzugefügt !
category x has been updated ! common de Kategorie %1 wurde überarbeitet !
category %1 has been added ! common de Kategorie %1 wurde hinzugefügt !
category %1 has been updated ! common de Kategorie %1 wurde überarbeitet !
cayman islands common de KAIMAN INSELN
central african republic common de ZENTRAL AFRIKANISCHE REPUBLIK
chad common de TSCHAD
@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ e-mail common de E-Mail
edit common de Editieren
edit category common de Kategorie editieren
edit categories common de Kategorien editieren
edit x category for common de %1 Kategorie editieren für
edit %1 category for common de %1 Kategorie editieren für
email common de E-Mail
enabled common de Verfügbar
end date common de Enddatum
@ -111,9 +111,9 @@ end time common de Endzeit
entry has been deleted sucessfully common de Eintrag wurde erfolgreich gelöscht
entry updated sucessfully common de Eintrag wurde erfolgreich aktualisiert
error common de Fehler
error creating x x directory common de Fehler beim Erstellen des Verzeichnisses %1%2
error deleting x x directory common de Fehler beim L.schen des Verzeichnisses %1%2
error renaming x x directory common de Fehler beim Umbennenen des Verzeichnisses %1%2
error creating %1 %2 directory common de Fehler beim Erstellen des Verzeichnisses %1 %2
error deleting %1 %2 directory common de Fehler beim L.schen des Verzeichnisses %1 %2
error renaming %1 %2 directory common de Fehler beim Umbennenen des Verzeichnisses %1 %2
february common de Februar
files common de Dateien
filter common de Filter
@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ group public common de Group Public
groups common de Gruppen
help common de Hilfe
home common de Home
it has been more then x days since you changed your password common de Sie haben Ihr Passwort seit mehr als %1 Tagen nicht geändert
it has been more then %1 days since you changed your password common de Sie haben Ihr Passwort seit mehr als %1 Tagen nicht geändert
it is recommended that you run setup to upgrade your tables to the current version common de Es ist notwendig, mit dem Setup-Programm die Tabellen zu aktualisieren.
january common de Januar
july common de Juli
@ -187,8 +187,8 @@ select category common de Kategorie ausw
september common de September
session has been killed common de Session wurde gelöscht
show all common de alle anzeigen
showing x common de %1 Einträge
showing x - x of x common de %1 - %2 von %3 Einträgen
showing %1 common de %1 Einträge
showing %1 - %2 of %3 common de %1 - %2 von %3 Einträgen
start date common de Startdatum
start time common de Startzeit
status common de Status
@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ you are running a newer version of phpGroupWare than your database is setup for
you have selected an invalid date common de Sie haben ein ungültiges Datum gewählt !
you have selected an invalid main category common de Sie haben eine ungültige Hauptkategorie gewählt !
your search returned 1 match common de Ihre Suche ergab einen Treffer
your search returned x matchs common de Ihre Suche ergab %1 Treffer
your search returned %1 matchs common de Ihre Suche ergab %1 Treffer
your settings have been updated common de Ihre Einstellungen wurden aktualisiert
you have been successfully logged out login de Abmeldung erfolgreich
your session could not be verified. login de Ihre Sitzung konnte nicht verifiziert werden.
@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
about x common en about %1
about %1 common en about %1
access common en Access
access not permitted common en Access not permitted
acl common en ACL
active common en Active
add common en Add
add category common en Add category
add x category for common en Add %1 category for
add %1 category for common en Add %1 category for
add sub common en Add sub
admin common en Admin
administration common en Administration
@ -61,8 +61,8 @@ cape verde common en CAPE VERDE
categories common en Categories
categories for common en categories for
category common en Category
category x has been added ! common en Category %1 has been added !
category x has been updated ! common en Category %1 has been updated !
category %1 has been added ! common en Category %1 has been added !
category %1 has been updated ! common en Category %1 has been updated !
cayman islands common en CAYMAN ISLANDS
central african republic common en CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC
chad common en CHAD
@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ ecuador common en ECUADOR
edit common en Edit
edit categories common en Edit Categories
edit category common en Edit category
edit x category for common en Edit %1 category for
edit %1 category for common en Edit %1 category for
egypt common en EGYPT
el salvador common en EL SALVADOR
email common en E-Mail
@ -128,9 +128,9 @@ entry updated sucessfully common en Entry updated sucessfully
equatorial guinea common en EQUATORIAL GUINEA
eritrea common en ERITREA
error common en Error
error creating x x directory common en Error creating %1%2 directory
error deleting x x directory common en Error deleting %1%2 directory
error renaming x x directory common en Error renaming %1%2 directory
error creating %1 %2 directory common en Error creating %1 %2 directory
error deleting %1 %2 directory common en Error deleting %1 %2 directory
error renaming %1 %2 directory common en Error renaming %1 %2 directory
estonia common en ESTONIA
ethiopia common en ETHIOPIA
falkland islands (malvinas) common en FALKLAND ISLANDS (MALVINAS)
@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ iran, islamic republic of common en IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF
iraq common en IRAQ
ireland common en IRELAND
israel common en ISRAEL
it has been more then x days since you changed your password common en It has been more then %1 days since you changed your password
it has been more then %1 days since you changed your password common en It has been more then %1 days since you changed your password
it is recommended that you run setup to upgrade your tables to the current version common en It is recommended that you run setup to upgrade your tables to the current version.
italy common en ITALY
jamaica common en JAMAICA
@ -311,6 +311,7 @@ philippines common en PHILIPPINES
is a multi-user, web-based groupware suite written in PHP about en is a multi-user, web-based groupware suite written in PHP.
phpgwapi common en phpGroupWare API
pitcairn common en PITCAIRN
please %1 by hand common en Please %1 by hand
please enter a name common en Please enter a name !
please run setup to become current common en Please run setup to become current
please set your global preferences common en Please set your global preferences !
@ -349,13 +350,13 @@ select category common en Select Category
send common en Send
senegal common en SENEGAL
september common en September
server x has been added common en Server %1 has been added
server %1 has been added common en Server %1 has been added
server name common en Server Name
session has been killed common en Session has been killed
seychelles common en SEYCHELLES
show all common en show all
showing x common en showing %1
showing x - x of x common en showing %1 - %2 of %3
showing %1 common en showing %1
showing %1 - %2 of %3 common en showing %1 - %2 of %3
sierra leone common en SIERRA LEONE
singapore common en SINGAPORE
slovakia common en SLOVAKIA
@ -396,7 +397,7 @@ time common en Time
time zone common en Timezone
time zone offset common en Time zone offset
title common en Title
to go back to the msg list, click <a href= x >here</a> common en To go back to the msg list, click <a href="%1">here</a>
to go back to the msg list, click <a href="%1">here</a> common en To go back to the msg list, click <a href="%1">here</a>
togo common en TOGO
tokelau common en TOKELAU
tonga common en TONGA
@ -444,7 +445,7 @@ you have been successfully logged out login en You have been successfully logged
you have selected an invalid date common en You have selected an invalid date !
you have selected an invalid main category common en You have selected an invalid main category !
your search returned 1 match common en your search returned 1 match
your search returned x matchs common en your search returned %1 matches
your search returned %1 matchs common en your search returned %1 matchs
your session could not be verified. login en Your session could not be verified.
your settings have been updated common en Your settings have been Updated
yugoslavia common en YUGOSLAVIA
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ acl common es LCA
active common es Activo
add common es Agregar
add category common es Agregar Categoria
add x category for common es Agregar %1 categoria para
add %1 category for common es Agregar %1 categoria para
add sub common es Agregar sub
admin common en Admininstrador
administration common es Administracion
@ -59,8 +59,8 @@ cape verde common es CAPE VERDE
categories common es Categorias
categories for common es categorias para
category common es Categoria
category x has been added ! common es La Categoria %1 ha sido agregada !
category x has been updated ! common es La Categoria %1 ha sido actualizada !
category %1 has been added ! common es La Categoria %1 ha sido agregada !
category %1 has been updated ! common es La Categoria %1 ha sido actualizada !
cayman islands common es CAYMAN ISLANDS
central african republic common es CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC
chad common es CHAD
@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ ecuador common es ECUADOR
edit common es Editar
edit categories common es Editar Categorias
edit category common es Editar categoria
edit x category for common es Editar %1 categoria para
edit %1 category for common es Editar %1 categoria para
egypt common es EGYPT
el salvador common es EL SALVADOR
email common es E-Mail
@ -124,9 +124,9 @@ entry updated sucessfully common es La entrada ha sido actualizada exitosamente
equatorial guinea common es EQUATORIAL GUINEA
eritrea common es ERITREA
error common es Error
error creating x x directory common es Error creando directorio %1%2
error deleting x x directory common es Error eliminando directorio %1%2
error renaming x x directory common es Error renombrando directorio %1%2
error creating %1 %2 directory common es Error creando directorio %1 %2
error deleting %1 %2 directory common es Error eliminando directorio %1 %2
error renaming %1 %2 directory common es Error renombrando directorio %1 %2
estonia common es ESTONIA
ethiopia common es ETHIOPIA
falkland islands (malvinas) common es MALVINAS
@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ iran, islamic republic of common es IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF
iraq common es IRAQ
ireland common es IRELAND
israel common es ISRAEL
it has been more then x days since you changed your password common es Hace mas de %1 dias desde que cambio su clave por ultima vez
it has been more then %1 days since you changed your password common es Hace mas de %1 dias desde que cambio su clave por ultima vez
it is recommended that you run setup to upgrade your tables to the current version common es Se recomienda que ejecute el setup para actualizar las tablas a la ultima version
italy common es ITALY
jamaica common es JAMAICA
@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ please run setup to become current common es Por favor ejecute el setup para act
please set your preferences for this application common es Por favor elija sus preferencias para esta aplicacion
poland common es POLAND
portugal common es PORTUGAL
powered by phpgroupware version x common es Potenciado por phpgroupware version %1
powered by phpgroupware version %1 common es Potenciado por phpgroupware version %1
preferences common es Preferencias
print common es Imprimir
priority common es Prioridad
@ -334,8 +334,8 @@ september common es Septiembre
session has been killed common es La Sesion ha sido eliminada
seychelles common es SEYCHELLES
show all common es mostrar todo
showing x common es mostrando %1
showing x - x of x common es mostrando %1 - %2 de %3
showing %1 common es mostrando %1
showing %1 - %2 of %3 common es mostrando %1 - %2 de %3
sierra leone common es SIERRA LEONE
singapore common es SINGAPORE
slovakia common es SLOVAKIA
@ -419,7 +419,7 @@ you have been successfully logged out login es Usted ha salido exitosamente
you have selected an invalid date common es Usted ha seleccionado una fecha invalida !
you have selected an invalid main category common es Usted ha seleccionado una categoria principal invalida !
your search returned 1 match common es su busqueda devolvio 1 resultado
your search returned x matchs common es su busqueda devolvio %1 resultados
your search returned %1 matchs common es su busqueda devolvio %1 resultados
your session could not be verified. login es Su sesion no pudo ser verificada.
your settings have been updated common es Sus preferencias fueron actualizadas
yugoslavia common es YUGOSLAVIA
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ acl common fi ACL
active common fi Aktiivinen
add common fi Lisää
add category common fi Lisää luokka
add x category for common fi Lisää %1 luokka
add %1 category for common fi Lisää %1 luokka
add sub common fi Lisää ala
admin common fi Admin
administration common fi Ylläpto
@ -59,8 +59,8 @@ cape verde common fi CAPE VERDE
categories common fi Luokat
categories for common fi luokat kohteelle
category common fi Luokka
category x has been added ! common fi Luokka %1 lisätty !
category x has been updated ! common fi Luokka %1 päivitetty !
category %1 has been added ! common fi Luokka %1 lisätty !
category %1 has been updated ! common fi Luokka %1 päivitetty !
cayman islands common fi CAYMAN SAARET
central african republic common fi KESKI-AFRIKAN TASAVALTA
chad common fi CHAD
@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ ecuador common fi ECUADOR
edit common fi Muokkaa
edit categories common fi Muokkaa luokkia
edit category common fi Muokkaa luokkaa
edit x category for common fi Muokkaa %1 luokkaa
edit %1 category for common fi Muokkaa %1 luokkaa
egypt common fi EGYPTI
el salvador common fi EL SALVADOR
email common fi E-Mail
@ -124,9 +124,9 @@ entry updated sucessfully common fi Kohde p
equatorial guinea common fi EQUATORIAL GUINEA
eritrea common fi ERITREA
error common fi Virhe
error creating x x directory common fi Virhe luotaessa hakemistoa %1%2
error deleting x x directory common fi Virhe poistettaessa hakemistoa %1%2
error renaming x x directory common fi Virhe vaihdettasessa hakemisto %1%2 nimeä
error creating %1 %2 directory common fi Virhe luotaessa hakemistoa %1 %2
error deleting %1 %2 directory common fi Virhe poistettaessa hakemistoa %1 %2
error renaming %1 %2 directory common fi Virhe vaihdettasessa hakemisto %1 %2 nimeä
estonia common fi VIRO
ethiopia common fi ETIOPIA
falkland islands (malvinas) common fi FALKLAND-SAARET
@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ iran, islamic republic of common fi IRANIN ISLAMILAINEN TASAVALTA
iraq common fi IRAQ
ireland common fi IRLANTI
israel common fi ISRAEL
it has been more then x days since you changed your password common fi It has been more then %1 days since you changed your password
it has been more then %1 days since you changed your password common fi It has been more then %1 days since you changed your password
it is recommended that you run setup to upgrade your tables to the current version common fi It is recommended that you run setup to upgrade your tables to the current version.
italy common fi ITALIA
jamaica common fi JAMAICA
@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ please run setup to become current common fi Aja setup-sovellus p
please set your preferences for this application common fi Tarkista tämän sovelluksen asetukset
poland common fi PUOLA
portugal common fi PORTUGALI
powered by phpgroupware version x common fi Tämä on <a href="http://www.phpgroupware.org">phpGroupWare</a> versio %1
powered by phpgroupware version %1 common fi Tämä on <a href="http://www.phpgroupware.org">phpGroupWare</a> versio %1
preferences common fi Asetukset
print common fi Tulosta
priority common fi Tärkeys
@ -334,8 +334,8 @@ september common fi Syyskuu
session has been killed common fi Istunto keskeytetty
seychelles common fi SEYCHELLES
show all common fi näytä kaikki
showing x common fi näytän %1
showing x - x of x common fi näytän %1 - %2 / %3
showing %1 common fi näytän %1
showing %1 - %2 of %3 common fi näytän %1 - %2 / %3
sierra leone common fi SIERRA LEONE
singapore common fi SINGAPORE
slovakia common fi SLOVAKIA
@ -419,7 +419,7 @@ you have been successfully logged out login fi Istuntosi on p
you have selected an invalid date common fi Päivä ei kelpaa !
you have selected an invalid main category common fi Pääluokka ei kelpaa !
your search returned 1 match common fi haku palautti yhden kohteen
your search returned x matchs common fi haku palautti %1 kohdetta
your search returned %1 matchs common fi haku palautti %1 kohdetta
your session could not be verified. login fi Istuntoasi ei voitu varmentaa.
your settings have been updated common fi Asetukset päivitetty
yugoslavia common fi JUGOSLAVIA
@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
about x common fr A propos de %1
about %1 common fr A propos de %1
access common fr Accès
access not permitted common fr Accès non permis
acl common fr Liste de Contrôle d'accès
active common fr Actif
add common fr Ajouter
add category common fr Ajouter catégorie
add x category for common fr Ajouter %1 catégorie pour
add %1 category for common fr Ajouter %1 catégorie pour
add sub common fr Ajouter sous
admin common fr Admin
administration common fr Administration
@ -61,8 +61,8 @@ cape verde common fr CAP VERT
categories common fr Catégories
categories for common fr catégories pour
category common fr Catégorie
category x has been added ! common fr La catégorie %1 a été ajoutée !
category x has been updated ! common fr La catégorie %1 a été modifiée !
category %1 has been added ! common fr La catégorie %1 a été ajoutée !
category %1 has been updated ! common fr La catégorie %1 a été modifiée !
cayman islands common fr ILES CAIMAN
central african republic common fr REPUBLIQUE DE CENTRAFRIQUE
chad common fr TCHAD
@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ ecuador common fr ECUADOR
edit common fr Modifier
edit categories common fr Modifier les catégories
edit category common fr Modifier la catégorie
edit x category for common fr Modifier %1 catégorie pour
edit %1 category for common fr Modifier %1 catégorie pour
egypt common fr EGYPTE
el salvador common fr SALVADOR
email common fr EMail
@ -128,9 +128,9 @@ entry updated sucessfully common fr Entr
equatorial guinea common fr GUINEE EQUATORIALE
eritrea common fr ERYTHREE
error common fr Erreur
error creating x x directory common fr Erreur pendant la création du répertoire %1%2
error deleting x x directory common fr Erreur pendant la suppression du répertoire %1%2
error renaming x x directory common fr Erreur pendant le renommage du répertoire %1%2
error creating %1 %2 directory common fr Erreur pendant la création du répertoire %1 %2
error deleting %1 %2 directory common fr Erreur pendant la suppression du répertoire %1 %2
error renaming %1 %2 directory common fr Erreur pendant le renommage du répertoire %1 %2
estonia common fr ESTONIE
ethiopia common fr ETHIOPIE
falkland islands (malvinas) common fr ILES FALKLAND (MALOUINES)
@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ iran, islamic republic of common fr IRAN, REPUBLIQUE ISLAMIQUE D'
iraq common fr IRAK
ireland common fr IRLANDE
israel common fr ISRAEL
it has been more then x days since you changed your password common fr Cela fait plus de %1 jours que vous n'avez pas modifié votre mot de passe
it has been more then %1 days since you changed your password common fr Cela fait plus de %1 jours que vous n'avez pas modifié votre mot de passe
it is recommended that you run setup to upgrade your tables to the current version common fr Il vous est recommandé d'exécuter "setup" pour mettre à jour vos tables vers la version courante.
italy common fr ITALIE
jamaica common fr JAMAIQUE
@ -349,13 +349,13 @@ select category common fr S
send common fr Envoyer
senegal common fr SENEGAL
september common fr Septembre
server x has been added common fr Le serveur %1 a été ajouté
server %1 has been added common fr Le serveur %1 a été ajouté
server name common fr Nom du serveur
session has been killed common fr La session a été tuée
seychelles common fr SEYCHELLES
show all common fr Tous les éléments
showing x common fr %1 éléments
showing x - x of x common fr éléments %1 - %2 de %3
showing %1 common fr %1 éléments
showing %1 - %2 of %3 common fr éléments %1 - %2 de %3
sierra leone common fr SIERRA LEONE
singapore common fr SINGAPOUR
slovakia common fr SLOVAQUIE
@ -396,7 +396,7 @@ time common fr Heure
time zone common fr Fuseau horaire
time zone offset common fr Décalage du fuseau horaire
title common fr Titre
to go back to the msg list, click <a href= x >here</a> common fr Pour revenir à la liste des messages, cliquez <a href="%1">ici</a>
to go back to the msg list, click <a href="%1">here</a> common fr Pour revenir à la liste des messages, cliquez <a href="%1">ici</a>
togo common fr TOGO
tokelau common fr TOKELAU
tonga common fr TONGA
@ -444,7 +444,7 @@ you have been successfully logged out login fr D
you have selected an invalid date common fr Vous avez sélectionné une date invalide !
you have selected an invalid main category common fr Vous avez sélectionné une catégorie principale invalide !
your search returned 1 match common fr Votre recherche a retourné un résultat
your search returned x matchs common fr Votre recherche a retourné %1 résultats
your search returned %1 matchs common fr Votre recherche a retourné %1 résultats
your session could not be verified. login fr Votre session n'est pas valide.
your settings have been updated common fr Vos préférences ont été mises à jour
yugoslavia common fr YOUGOSLAVIE
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ groups common hu Csoportok
help common hu Súgó
high common hu Sürgõs
home common hu Kezdõlap
it has been more then x days since you changed your password common hu Több mint %1 nap telt el az utolsó jelszómódosítás óta
it has been more then %1 days since you changed your password common hu Több mint %1 nap telt el az utolsó jelszómódosítás óta
january common hu Január
july common hu Július
june common hu Június
@ -69,14 +69,14 @@ normal common hu Norm
november common hu November
october common hu Október
ok common hu OK
on *nix systems please type: x common hu *nix rendszereken üsse be: %1
on *nix systems please type: %1 common hu *nix rendszereken üsse be: %1
only yours common hu csak sajátot
original common hu Eredeti
password common hu Jelszó
password has been updated common hu Jelszó módosítva
permissions to the files/users directory common hu a files/users könyvtár jogai
please x by hand common hu Kérem %1 kézzel
powered by phpgroupware version x common hu
please %1 by hand common hu Kérem %1 kézzel
powered by phpgroupware version %1 common hu
preferences common hu Tulajdonságok
previous page common hu Elõzõ oldal
print common hu Nyomtat
@ -89,8 +89,8 @@ search common hu Keres
september common hu Szeptember
session has been killed common hu Aktív bejelentkezés kitiltva
show all common hu mindet megmutat
showing x common hu %1 listázva
showing x - x of x common hu listázva %1 - %2, össz: %3
showing %1 common hu %1 listázva
showing %1 - %2 of %3 common hu listázva %1 - %2, össz: %3
sorry, there was a problem processing your request. common hu Hiba történt a kérelem feldolgozásakor!
submit common hu Elküld
sunday common hu Vasárnap
@ -107,10 +107,10 @@ which groups common hu melyik csoport
yes common hu Igen
you are required to change your password during your first login common hu Elsõ bejelentkezéskor meg kell változtatnia a jelszavát
you have 1 new message! common hu 1 új üzenete van!
you have x new messages! common hu %1 új üzenete van!
you have %1 new messages! common hu %1 új üzenete van!
your message has been sent common hu Üzenet elküldve
your search returned 1 match common hu Keresés végeredménye: 1 találat
your search returned x matchs common hu Keresés végeredménye: %1 találat
your search returned %1 matchs common hu Keresés végeredménye: %1 találat
your settings have been updated common hu A beállításai módosításra kerültek
bad login or password login hu Rossz felhasználó vagy jelszó
login login hu Belépés
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ acl common it ACL
active common it Attivo
add common it Aggiungi
add category common it Aggiungi una categoria
add x category for common it Aggiungi categoria %1 per
add %1 category for common it Aggiungi categoria %1 per
add sub common it Aggiungi Sub
admin common it Amministrazione
administration common it Amministrazione
@ -60,8 +60,8 @@ cape verde common it CAPO VERDE
categories common it Categorie
categories for common it Categorie per
category common it Categoria
category x has been added ! common it La categoria %1 è stata aggiunta!
category x has been updated ! common it La categoria %1 è stata aggiornata!
category %1 has been added ! common it La categoria %1 è stata aggiunta!
category %1 has been updated ! common it La categoria %1 è stata aggiornata!
cayman islands common it ISOLE CAYMAN
central african republic common it REPUBBLICA CENTRO AFRICANA
chad common it CHAD
@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ ecuador common it EQUADOR
edit common it Modifica
edit category common it Modifica Categoria
edit categories common it Modifica Categorie
edit x category for common it Modifica %1 categorie per
edit %1 category for common it Modifica %1 categorie per
egypt common it EGITTO
el salvador common it EL SALVADOR
email common it E-Mail
@ -125,9 +125,9 @@ entry updated sucessfully common it L'annotazione
equatorial guinea common it GUINEA EQUATORIALE
eritrea common it ERITREA
error common it Errore
error creating x x directory common it Errore durante la creazione della directory %1%2
error deleting x x directory common it Errore durante l'eliminazione della directory %1%2
error renaming x x directory common it Errore durante la rinomina della directory %1%2
error creating %1 %2 directory common it Errore durante la creazione della directory %1 %2
error deleting %1 %2 directory common it Errore durante l'eliminazione della directory %1 %2
error renaming %1 %2 directory common it Errore durante la rinomina della directory %1 %2
estonia common it ESTONIA
ethiopia common it ETIOPIA
falkland islands (malvinas) common it ISOLE FALKLAND (MALVINAS)
@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ iran, islamic republic of common it IRAN, REPUBBLICA ISLAMICA DELL
iraq common it IRAQ
ireland common it IRLANDA
israel common it ISRAELE
it has been more then x days since you changed your password common it Sono passati più di %1 da quando hai cambiato la password
it has been more then %1 days since you changed your password common it Sono passati più di %1 da quando hai cambiato la password
it is recommended that you run setup to upgrade your tables to the current version common it È raccomandato eseguire il setup per aggiornare le tabelle alla versione attuale.
italy common it ITALIA
jamaica common it GIAMAICA
@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ please run setup to become current common it Per favore esegui setup per aggiorn
please set your preferences for this app common it Per favore specifica le tue preferenze per questa applicazione
poland common it POLONIA
portugal common it PORTOGALLO
powered by phpgroupware version x common it Creato con <a href="http://www.phpgroupware.org">phpGroupWare</a> versione %1
powered by phpgroupware version %1 common it Creato con <a href="http://www.phpgroupware.org">phpGroupWare</a> versione %1
preferences common it Preferenze
print common it Stampa
priority common it Priorità
@ -335,8 +335,8 @@ september common it Settembre
session has been killed common it La sessione è stata terminata
seychelles common it SEYCHELLES
show all common it visualizza tutto
showing x common it visualizzati %1
showing x - x of x common it visualizzo %1 - %2 di %3
showing %1 common it visualizzati %1
showing %1 - %2 of %3 common it visualizzo %1 - %2 di %3
sierra leone common it SIERRA LEONE
singapore common it SINGAPORE
slovakia common it SLOVACCHIA
@ -420,7 +420,7 @@ you have been successfully logged out login it Il logout
you have selected an invalid date common it Hai selezionato una data non valida!
you have selected an invalid main category common it Hai selezionato una categoria principale non valida!
your search returned 1 match common it la tua ricerca ha restituito un risultato
your search returned x matchs common it la tua ricerca ha resttuito %1 risultati
your search returned %1 matchs common it la tua ricerca ha resttuito %1 risultati
your session could not be verified. login it La tua sessione non può essere verificata.
your settings have been updated common it I tuoi settaggi sono aggiornati
yugoslavia common it YUGOSLAVIA
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ acl common ja
active common ja アクティブ
add common ja 追加
add category common ja カテゴリ追加
add x category for common ja %1 カテゴリ追加
add %1 category for common ja %1 カテゴリ追加
admin common ja 環境設定
administration common ja 環境設定
all common ja 全て
@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ cancel common ja
categories common ja カテゴリ
category common ja カテゴリ
categories for common ja カテゴリ
category x has been added ! common ja カテゴリ %1 を追加しました。
category x has been updated ! common ja カテゴリ %1 を訂正しました。
category %1 has been added ! common ja カテゴリ %1 を追加しました。
category %1 has been updated ! common ja カテゴリ %1 を訂正しました。
cc common ja CC
change common ja 変更
charset common ja EUC-JP
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ e-mail common ja
edit common ja 訂正
edit categories common ja カテゴリ訂正
edit category common ja カテゴリ訂正
edit x category for common ja %1 カテゴリ訂正
edit %1 category for common ja %1 カテゴリ訂正
email common ja 電子メール
end date common ja 終了日
end time common ja 終了時間
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ home common ja
images common ja Images
inc common ja Inc
international common ja 国際
it has been more then x days since you changed your password common ja It has been more then %1 days since you changed your password
it has been more then %1 days since you changed your password common ja It has been more then %1 days since you changed your password
january common ja 1月
july common ja 7月
june common ja 6月
@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ notes preferences common ja
november common ja 11月
october common ja 10月
ok common ja OK
on *nix systems please type: x common ja On *nix systems please type: %1
on *nix systems please type: %1 common ja On *nix systems please type: %1
only yours common ja 所有者
original common ja オリジナル
other common ja その他
@ -140,9 +140,9 @@ password has been updated common ja
permissions to the files/users directory common ja permissions to the files/users directory
personal common ja 個人
please set your preferences for this application common ja このアプリケーションのユーザ設定を行って下さい。
please x by hand common ja Please %1 by hand
please %1 by hand common ja Please %1 by hand
please, check your username and password, or contact your admin. common ja ユーザとパスワードをチェックするか、管理者に問い合わせてください。
powered by phpgroupware version x common ja Powered by <a href="http://www.phpgroupware.org">phpGroupWare</a> version %1
powered by phpgroupware version %1 common ja Powered by <a href="http://www.phpgroupware.org">phpGroupWare</a> version %1
pref common ja 優先
prefer common ja 好み
preferences common ja ユーザ設定
@ -169,8 +169,8 @@ send updates via email common ja
september common ja 9月
session has been killed common ja セッションを削除しました。
show all common ja 全て表示
showing x common ja 表示数 %1
showing x - x of x common ja 表示数 %1 - %2 of %3
showing %1 common ja 表示数 %1
showing %1 - %2 of %3 common ja 表示数 %1 - %2 of %3
small common ja 小
sorry, there was a problem processing your request. common ja Sorry, there was a problem processing your request.
squirrelmail common ja Squirrelmail
@ -206,12 +206,12 @@ you are required to change your password durring your first login common ja
you have 1 new message! common ja 新着メールが1通あります。
you have messages! common ja メッセージがあります。
you have no new messages common ja 新着メールはありません。
you have x new messages! common ja 新着メールが %1 通あります。
you have %1 new messages! common ja 新着メールが %1 通あります。
you must enter a password common ja パスワードを入力して下さい。
your message has been sent common ja メッセージを送信しました。
your search has returned no matchs ! common ja 見つかりません。
your search returned 1 match common ja 1件見つかりました。
your search returned x matchs common ja %1 件見つかりました。
your search returned %1 matchs common ja %1 件見つかりました。
your settings have been updated common ja Your settings have been Updated
bad login or password login ja パスワードが誤っています
login login ja ログイン
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ groups common ko
help common ko 도움말
high common ko 높음
home common ko 홈으로
it has been more then x days since you changed your password common ko 암호를 변경한지 %1 일이 경과했습니다.
it has been more then %1 days since you changed your password common ko 암호를 변경한지 %1 일이 경과했습니다.
january common ko 1월
july common ko 7월
june common ko 6월
@ -68,13 +68,13 @@ notes common ko
november common ko 11월
october common ko 10월
ok common ko 확인
on *nix systems please type: x common ko On *nix systems please type: %1
on *nix systems please type: %1 common ko On *nix systems please type: %1
only yours common ko 자신의 것만
password common ko 암호
password has been updated common ko 암호가 변경되었습니다.
permissions to the files/users directory common ko permissions to the files/users directory
please x by hand common ko %1을 직접 하시오.
powered by phpgroupware version common ko Powered by <a href="http://www.phpgroupware.org">phpGroupWare</a> version %1
please %1 by hand common ko %1을 직접 하시오.
powered by phpgroupware version %1 common ko Powered by <a href="http://www.phpgroupware.org">phpGroupWare</a> version %1
preferences common ko 환경설정
previous page common ko 이전 페이지로
priority common ko 중요도
@ -86,8 +86,8 @@ search common ko
september common ko 9월
session has been killed common ko 작업이 종료되었습니다.
show all common ko 모두 보기
showing x common ko 현재 %1
showing x - x of x common ko 전체 %3에서 %1 - %2
showing %1 common ko 현재 %1
showing %1 - %2 of %3 common ko 전체 %3에서 %1 - %2
sorry, there was a problem processing your request. common ko 처리중 에러가 발생했습니다.
submit common ko 전송
sunday common ko 일요일
@ -103,10 +103,10 @@ wednesday common ko
which groups common ko 그룹선택
yes common ko 예
you have 1 new message! common ko 1 개의 새로운 메시지가 있습니다!
you have x new messages! common ko %1 개의 새로운 메시지가 있습니다!
you have %1 new messages! common ko %1 개의 새로운 메시지가 있습니다!
your message has been sent common ko 메시지가 전송되었습니다.
your search returned 1 match common ko 1건의 결과가 검색되었습니다.
your search returned x matchs common ko %1건의 결과가 검색되었습니다.
your search returned %1 matchs common ko %1건의 결과가 검색되었습니다.
your settings have been updated common ko 설정이 변경되었습니다.
bad login or password login ko 사용자ID나 패스워드가 틀립니다.
login login ko 로그인
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ groups common nl Groepen
help common nl Help
high common nl Hoog
home common nl Start
it has been more then x days since you changed your password common nl Er zijn meer dan %1 dagen verstreken sinds u uw wachtwoord hebt gewijzigd
it has been more then %1 days since you changed your password common nl Er zijn meer dan %1 dagen verstreken sinds u uw wachtwoord hebt gewijzigd
january common nl Januari
july common nl Juli
june common nl Juni
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ normal common nl Normaal
november common nl November
october common nl Oktober
ok common nl OK
on *nix systems please type: x common nl Op *nix systemen typt u: %1
on *nix systems please type: %1 common nl Op *nix systemen typt u: %1
only yours common nl alleen eigen weergeven
original common nl Origineel
pager common nl Buzzer
@ -81,8 +81,8 @@ password common nl Wachtwoord
password has been updated common nl Wachtwoord is gewijzigd
permissions to the files/users directory common nl privileges aan de bestanden/gebruikers toekennen
phone common nl Telefoon
please x by hand common nl Gelieve %1 handmatig uit te voeren
powered by phpgroupware version x common nl Deze site werkt met <a href="http://www.phpgroupware.org">phpGroupWare</a> version %1
please %1 by hand common nl Gelieve %1 handmatig uit te voeren
powered by phpgroupware version %1 common nl Deze site werkt met <a href="http://www.phpgroupware.org">phpGroupWare</a> version %1
preferences common nl Voorkeuren
previous page common nl Vorige pagina
print common nl Afdrukken
@ -95,8 +95,8 @@ search common nl Zoeken
september common nl September
session has been killed common nl Sessie is beëindigd
show all common nl laat alles zien
showing x common nl weergegeven: %1
showing x - x of x common nl weergegeven: %1 - %2 van %3
showing %1 common nl weergegeven: %1
showing %1 - %2 of %3 common nl weergegeven: %1 - %2 van %3
sorry, there was a problem processing your request. common nl Sorry, er is een probleem opgetreden met het verwerken van uw verzoek.
status common nl status
submit common nl Verzenden
@ -117,12 +117,12 @@ which groups common nl welke groepen
yes common nl Ja
you are required to change your password during your first login common nl U moet na de eerste keer inlogggen uw eerste sessie uw wachtwoord wijzigen
you have 1 new message! common nl U hebt 1 nieuw bericht!
you have x new messages! common nl U hebt %1 nieuwe berichten!
you have %1 new messages! common nl U hebt %1 nieuwe berichten!
your message has been sent common nl Uw bericht is verzonden
your search returned 1 match common nl Uw zoekopdracht leverde 1 item op
your search returned x matchs common nl Uw zoekopdracht leverde %1 items op
your search returned %1 matchs common nl Uw zoekopdracht leverde %1 items op
your settings have been updated common nl Uw instellingen zijn gewijzigd
powered by phpgroupware version x all nl Deze site werkt met <a href=http://www.phpgroupware.org>phpGroupWare</a> version %1
powered by phpgroupware version %1 all nl Deze site werkt met <a href=http://www.phpgroupware.org>phpGroupWare</a> version %1
bad login or password login nl Onjuiste gebruikersnaam of wachtwoord
login login nl Aanmelden
password login nl Wachtwoord
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ groups common no Grupper
help common no Hjelp
high common no Høy
home common no Hjemme
it has been more then x days since you changed your password common no Det er mer enn %1 dager siden du har endet ditt passord
it has been more then %1 days since you changed your password common no Det er mer enn %1 dager siden du har endet ditt passord
january common no Januar
july common no Juli
june common no Juni
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ ok common no OK
only yours common no kun dine
password common no Passord
password has been updated common no Passord har blitt oppdatert
powered by phpgroupware version common no Powered by <a href="http://www.phpgroupware.org">phpGroupWare</a> version %1
powered by phpgroupware version %1 common no Powered by <a href="http://www.phpgroupware.org">phpGroupWare</a> version %1
preferences common no Preferences
previous page common no Forrige side
priority common no Prioritet
@ -82,8 +82,8 @@ search common no S
september common no September
session has been killed common no Session har blitt avsluttet
show all common no vis alle
showing x common no showing %1
showing x - x of x common no showing %1 - %2 of %3
showing %1 common no showing %1
showing %1 - %2 of %3 common no showing %1 - %2 of %3
sorry, there was a problem processing your request. common no Beklager, der var problemer ved din forespørsel.
submit common no Submit
sunday common no Søndag
@ -97,10 +97,10 @@ wednesday common no Onsdag
which groups common no hvilke grupper
yes common no Ja
you have 1 new message! common no Du har 1 ny melding!
you have x new messages! common no Du har %1 nye meldinger!
you have %1 new messages! common no Du har %1 nye meldinger!
your message has been sent common no Din melding har blitt sent
your search returned 1 match common no ditt søk gav 1 match
your search returned x matchs common no ditt søk gav %1 match
your search returned %1 matchs common no ditt søk gav %1 match
your settings have been updated common no Dine innstillinger har blitt oppdatert
bad login or password login no Ugyldig login eller passord
login login no Login
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ active common pl Aktywne
add common pl Dodaj
add category common pl Dodaj kategoriê
add sub common pl Dodaj podrz.
add x category for common pl Dodaj kategoriê %1 dla
add %1 category for common pl Dodaj kategoriê %1 dla
admin common pl Administrator
administration common pl Administracja
afghanistan common pl AFGANISTAN
@ -59,8 +59,8 @@ cape verde common pl REPUBLIKA ZIELONEGO PRZYL
categories common pl Kategorie
categories for common pl kategorie dla
category common pl Kategoria
category x has been added ! common pl Kategoria %1 zosta³a dodana !
category x has been updated ! common pl Kategoria %1 zosta³a uaktualniona !
category %1 has been added ! common pl Kategoria %1 zosta³a dodana !
category %1 has been updated ! common pl Kategoria %1 zosta³a uaktualniona !
cayman islands common pl KAJMANY
central african republic common pl REPUBLIKA ¦RODKOWOAFRYKANSKA
chad common pl CZAD
@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ ecuador common pl EKWADOR
edit common pl Edytuj
edit categories common pl Edytuj kategorie
edit category common pl Edytuj kategoriê
edit x category for common pl Edytuj kategoriê %1 dla
edit %1 category for common pl Edytuj kategoriê %1 dla
egypt common pl EGIPT
el salvador common pl SALWADOR
email common pl E-mail
@ -124,9 +124,9 @@ entry updated sucessfully common pl Dane zosta
equatorial guinea common pl GWINEA RÓWNIKOWA
eritrea common pl ERYTREA
error common pl B³±d
error creating x x directory common pl B³±t podczas tworzenia katalogu %1%2
error deleting x x directory common pl B³±d podczas usuwania katalogu %1%2
error renaming x x directory common pl B³±d podczas zmiany nazwy katalogu %1%2
error creating %1 %2 directory common pl B³±t podczas tworzenia katalogu %1 %2
error deleting %1 %2 directory common pl B³±d podczas usuwania katalogu %1 %2
error renaming %1 %2 directory common pl B³±d podczas zmiany nazwy katalogu %1 %2
estonia common pl ESTONIA
ethiopia common pl ETIOPIA
falkland islands (malvinas) common pl FALKLANDY (MALWINY)
@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ iran, islamic republic of common pl IRAN
iraq common pl IRAK
ireland common pl IRLANDIA
israel common pl IZRAEL
it has been more then x days since you changed your password common pl Up³ynê³o ponad %1 dni od momentu zmiany has³a
it has been more then %1 days since you changed your password common pl Up³ynê³o ponad %1 dni od momentu zmiany has³a
it is recommended that you run setup to upgrade your tables to the current version common pl Zaleca siê uruchomienie instalatora do uaktualnienia tabel do bie¿±cej wersji
italy common pl W£OCHY
jamaica common pl JAMAJKA
@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ please set your global preferences common pl Prosz
please set your preferences for this application common pl Proszê wprowadziæ ustawienia dla tej aplikacji
poland common pl POLSKA
portugal common pl PORTUGALIA
powered by phpgroupware version x common pl Dzia³a na <a href="http://www.phpgroupware.org">phpGroupWare</a> wersja %1
powered by phpgroupware version %1 common pl Dzia³a na <a href="http://www.phpgroupware.org">phpGroupWare</a> wersja %1
preferences common pl Ustawienia
print common pl Drukuj
priority common pl Priorytet
@ -340,12 +340,12 @@ send common pl Wy
senegal common pl SENEGAL
september common pl Wrzesieñ
server name common pl Nazwa serwera
server x has been added common pl Serwer %1 zosta³ dodany
server %1 has been added common pl Serwer %1 zosta³ dodany
session has been killed common pl Sesja zosta³a zamkniêta
seychelles common pl SESZELE
show all common pl Poka¿ wszystko
showing x common pl Wy¶wietlono %1
showing x - x of x common pl Wy¶wietlanie %1 - %2 z %3
showing %1 common pl Wy¶wietlono %1
showing %1 - %2 of %3 common pl Wy¶wietlanie %1 - %2 z %3
sierra leone common pl SIERRA LEONE
singapore common pl SINGAPUR
slovakia common pl S£OWACJA
@ -386,7 +386,7 @@ time common pl Czas
time zone common pl Strefa czasowa
time zone offset common pl Przesuniêcie strefy czasowej
title common pl Tytu³
to go back to the msg list, click <a href= x >here</a> common pl Aby wróciæ do listy wiadomo¶ci, kliknij <a href="%1">tutaj</a>
to go back to the msg list, click <a href="%1">here</a> common pl Aby wróciæ do listy wiadomo¶ci, kliknij <a href="%1">tutaj</a>
togo common pl TOGO
tokelau common pl TOKELAU
tonga common pl TONGA
@ -434,7 +434,7 @@ you have selected an invalid date common pl Wybra
you have selected an invalid main category common pl Wybra³e¶ niew³a¶ciw± kategoriê g³ówn±
your message could <b>not</b> be sent!<br> common pl Twoja wiadomo¶æ <b>nie</b> zosta³a wys³ana!<br>
your search returned 1 match common pl wyszukiwanie zwróci³o 1 trafienie
your search returned x matchs common pl wyszukiwanie zwróci³o %1 trafieñ
your search returned %1 matchs common pl wyszukiwanie zwróci³o %1 trafieñ
your session could not be verified. login pl Nie mo¿na zweryfikowaæ sesji.
your settings have been updated common pl Twoje ustawienia zosta³y uaktualnione
yugoslavia common pl JUGOS£AWIA
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ active common pt Ativo
add category common pt Adicionar categoria
add common pt Adicionar
add sub common pt Adicionar sub-tarefa
add x category for common pt Adicionar categoria %1 para
add %1 category for common pt Adicionar categoria %1 para
admin common pt Administrador
administration common pt Administração
afghanistan common pt AFGHANISTAN
@ -59,8 +59,8 @@ cape verde common pt CAPE VERDE
categories common pt Categorias
categories for common pt categorias para
category common pt Categoria
category x has been added ! common pt Categoria %1 foi adicionada !
category x has been updated ! common pt Categoria %1 foi atualizada !
category %1 has been added ! common pt Categoria %1 foi adicionada !
category %1 has been updated ! common pt Categoria %1 foi atualizada !
cayman islands common pt CAYMAN ISLANDS
central african republic common pt CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC
chad common pt CHAD
@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ ecuador common pt ECUADOR
edit categories common pt Editar categorias
edit category common pt Editar categoria
edit common pt Editar
edit x category for common pt Editar para categoria %1
edit %1 category for common pt Editar para categoria %1
egypt common pt EGYPT
el salvador common pt EL SALVADOR
e-mail common pt E-mail
@ -124,9 +124,9 @@ entry updated sucessfully common pt Entrada atualizada com sucesso
equatorial guinea common pt EQUATORIAL GUINEA
eritrea common pt ERITREA
error common pt Erro
error creating x x directory common pt Erro criando diretório %1%2
error deleting x x directory common pt Erro removendo diretório %1%2
error renaming x x directory common pt Erro renomeando diretório %1%2
error creating %1 %2 directory common pt Erro criando diretório %1 %2
error deleting %1 %2 directory common pt Erro removendo diretório %1 %2
error renaming %1 %2 directory common pt Erro renomeando diretório %1 %2
estonia common pt ESTONIA
ethiopia common pt ETHIOPIA
falkland islands (malvinas) common pt FALKLAND ISLANDS (MALVINAS)
@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ iraq common pt IRAQ
ireland common pt IRELAND
israel common pt ISRAEL
italy common pt ITALY
it has been more then x days since you changed your password common pt Já passaram mais de %1 dias desde que você mudou sua senha
it has been more then %1 days since you changed your password common pt Já passaram mais de %1 dias desde que você mudou sua senha
it is recommended that you run setup to upgrade your tables to the current version common pt É recomendado que seja executada a Configuração para atualizar as tabelas para a versão atual.
jamaica common pt JAMAICA
january common pt Janeiro
@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ please run setup to become current common pt Por favor execute a configura
please set your preferences for this application common pt Configure suas preferências para este aplicativo
poland common pt POLAND
portugal common pt PORTUGAL
powered by phpgroupware version x common pt Powered by <a href=http://www.phpgroupware.org>phpGroupWare</a> versão %1
powered by phpgroupware version %1 common pt Powered by <a href=http://www.phpgroupware.org>phpGroupWare</a> versão %1
preferences common pt Preferências
print common pt Imprimir
priority common pt Prioridade
@ -337,8 +337,8 @@ september common pt Setembro
session has been killed common pt Sessão foi terminada
seychelles common pt SEYCHELLES
show all common pt Exibir tudo
showing x common pt Exibindo %1
showing x - x of x common pt Exibindo %1 - %2 de %3
showing %1 common pt Exibindo %1
showing %1 - %2 of %3 common pt Exibindo %1 - %2 de %3
sierra leone common pt SIERRA LEONE
singapore common pt SINGAPORE
slovakia common pt SLOVAKIA
@ -379,7 +379,7 @@ time common pt Hora
time zone common pt Fuso horário
time zone offset common pt Faixa de fuso horário
title common pt Título
to go back to the msg list, click <a href= x >here</a> common pt Para voltar para a lista de mensagens, clique <a href="%1">aqui</a>
to go back to the msg list, click <a href="%1">here</a> common pt Para voltar para a lista de mensagens, clique <a href="%1">aqui</a>
togo common pt TOGO
tokelau common pt TOKELAU
tonga common pt TONGA
@ -426,7 +426,7 @@ you have selected an invalid date common pt Voc
you have selected an invalid main category common pt Você selecionou uma categoria principal inválida !
your message could <b>not</b> be sent!<br> common pt <b>Não</b> foi possível enviar sua mensagem!<br>
your search returned 1 match common pt Sua pesquisa retornou 1 ocorrência
your search returned x matchs common pt Sua pesquisa retornou %1 ocorrências
your search returned %1 matchs common pt Sua pesquisa retornou %1 ocorrências
your session could not be verified. login pt Sua sessão expirou
your settings have been updated common pt Suas preferências foram atualizadas
yugoslavia common pt YUGOSLAVIA
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
about x common sv Om %1
about %1 common sv Om %1
access common sv Åtkomst
access type common sv Åtkomst typ
account has been created common sv Kontot har blivit skapat
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ help common sv Hj
high common sv Hög
home common sv Hem
home phone common sv Hemma telefon
it has been more then x days since you changed your password common sv Det er mer än %1 dagar sedan du ändrade ditt lösenord
it has been more then %1 days since you changed your password common sv Det er mer än %1 dagar sedan du ändrade ditt lösenord
january common sv Januari
july common sv Juli
june common sv Juni
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ normal common sv Normal
november common sv November
october common sv Oktober
ok common sv OK
on *nix systems please type: x common sv Skriv %1 på *nix system
on *nix systems please type: %1 common sv Skriv %1 på *nix system
only yours common sv endast dina
original common sv Orginal
other phone common sv Annat nummer
@ -83,8 +83,8 @@ pager common sv Persons
password common sv Lösenord
password has been updated common sv Lösenord har blivit uppdaterat
permissions to the files/users directory common sv rättigheter på files/users bibliotek
please x by hand common sv Var vänlig %1 för hand
powered by phpgroupware version x common sv Powered by <a href="http://www.phpgroupware.org">phpGroupWare</a> version %1
please %1 by hand common sv Var vänlig %1 för hand
powered by phpgroupware version %1 common sv Powered by <a href="http://www.phpgroupware.org">phpGroupWare</a> version %1
preferences common sv Inställningar
previous page common sv Föregående sida
print common sv Skriv ut
@ -97,8 +97,8 @@ search common sv S
september common sv September
session has been killed common sv Session har blivit avslutad
show all common sv visa alla
showing x common sv visar %1
showing x - x of x common sv visar %1 - %2 av %3
showing %1 common sv visar %1
showing %1 - %2 of %3 common sv visar %1 - %2 av %3
sorry, there was a problem processing your request. common sv Beklagar, det var problem att utföra din önskan.
state common sv Stat
street common sv Gata
@ -119,10 +119,10 @@ work phone common sv Arbets telefon
yes common sv Ja
you are required to change your password during your first login common sv Du måste byta lösenord vid din första inloggning
you have 1 new message! common sv Du har 1 nytt meddelande!
you have x new messages! common sv Du har %1 nya meddelanden!
you have %1 new messages! common sv Du har %1 nya meddelanden!
your message has been sent common sv Ditt meddelande har blivit sänt
your search returned 1 match common sv din sökning gav 1 träff
your search returned x matchs common sv din sökning gav %1 träffar
your search returned %1 matchs common sv din sökning gav %1 träffar
your settings have been updated common sv Dina innställningar har blivit uppdaterade
zip code common sv Postnummer
bad login or password login sv Ogiltigt login eller lösenord
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ acl common zt
active common zt 啟用
add common zt 新增
add category common zt 新增分類
add x category for common zt 新增 %1 子分類給
add %1 category for common zt 新增 %1 子分類給
admin common zt 系統管理
administration common zt 系統管理
afghanistan common zt AFGHANISTAN
@ -56,8 +56,8 @@ cape verde common zt CAPE VERDE
categories common zt Categories
categories for common zt categories for
category common zt Category
category x has been added ! common zt 已新增分類 %1 !
category x has been updated ! common zt 已更新分類 %1 !
category %1 has been added ! common zt 已新增分類 %1 !
category %1 has been updated ! common zt 已更新分類 %1 !
cayman islands common zt CAYMAN ISLANDS
central african republic common zt CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC
chad common zt CHAD
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ ecuador common zt ECUADOR
edit common zt 編輯
edit categories common zt 編輯分類
edit category common zt 編輯分類
edit x category for common zt 編輯分類 %1 給
edit %1 category for common zt 編輯分類 %1 給
egypt common zt EGYPT
el salvador common zt EL SALVADOR
email common zt E-Mail
@ -117,9 +117,9 @@ entry updated sucessfully common zt
equatorial guinea common zt EQUATORIAL GUINEA
eritrea common zt ERITREA
error common zt 錯誤
error creating x x directory common zt 無法建立目錄 %1%2
error deleting x x directory common zt 無法移除目錄 %1%2
error renaming x x directory common zt 無法更名目錄 %1%2
error creating %1 %2 directory common zt 無法建立目錄 %1 %2
error deleting %1 %2 directory common zt 無法移除目錄 %1 %2
error renaming %1 %2 directory common zt 無法更名目錄 %1 %2
estonia common zt ESTONIA
ethiopia common zt ETHIOPIA
falkland islands (malvinas) common zt FALKLAND ISLANDS (MALVINAS)
@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ iran, islamic republic of common zt IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF
iraq common zt IRAQ
ireland common zt IRELAND
israel common zt ISRAEL
it has been more then x days since you changed your password common zt 距離您上次更改密碼已經 %1 天了
it has been more then %1 days since you changed your password common zt 距離您上次更改密碼已經 %1 天了
it is recommended that you run setup to upgrade your tables to the current version common zt 建議您執行設定程式將資料表升級至目前的版本。
italy common zt ITALY
jamaica common zt JAMAICA
@ -284,7 +284,7 @@ please run setup to become current common zt
please set your preferences for this application common zt 請設定這個應用程式的個人喜好設定
poland common zt POLAND
portugal common zt PORTUGAL
powered by phpgroupware version x common zt 此軟體為 <a href="http://www.phpgroupware.org">phpGroupWare</a> %1 版,中文化版本由<a href="http://www.dottech.com.tw">達科數位</a>提供。
powered by phpgroupware version %1 common zt 此軟體為 <a href="http://www.phpgroupware.org">phpGroupWare</a> %1 版,中文化版本由<a href="http://www.dottech.com.tw">達科數位</a>提供。
preferences common zt 喜好設定
print common zt 列印
priority common zt 優先權
@ -316,8 +316,8 @@ september common zt
session has been killed common zt 連線已被中斷
seychelles common zt SEYCHELLES
show all common zt 顯示全部
showing x common zt 顯示 %1
showing x - x of x common zt 顯示 %1 - %2 之 %3
showing %1 common zt 顯示 %1
showing %1 - %2 of %3 common zt 顯示 %1 - %2 之 %3
sierra leone common zt SIERRA LEONE
singapore common zt SINGAPORE
slovakia common zt SLOVAKIA
@ -399,7 +399,7 @@ you have been successfully logged out login zt
you have selected an invalid date common zt 您選擇了不合法的日期!
you have selected an invalid main category common zt 您選擇了錯誤的分類!
your search returned 1 match common zt 搜尋到 1 筆資料
your search returned x matchs common zt 搜尋到 %s 筆資料
your search returned %1 matchs common zt 搜尋到 %1 筆資料
your session could not be verified. login zt 您的連線不合法。
your settings have been updated common zt 您的設定已經更新。
yugoslavia common zt YUGOSLAVIA
Reference in New Issue
Block a user