mirror of
synced 2025-03-28 16:46:44 +01:00
copy over changes from 17.1
This commit is contained in:
@ -6,8 +6,7 @@
* @link http://www.egroupware.org
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License
* @author RalfBecker@outdoor-training.de
* @copyright (c) 2009-17 by Ralf Becker <rb@egroupware.org>
* @version $Id$
* @copyright (c) 2009-19 by Ralf Becker <rb@egroupware.org>
if (php_sapi_name() !== 'cli') // security precaution: forbit calling setup-cli as web-page
@ -51,11 +50,10 @@ $config = array(
'clamscan' => trim(`which clamscan`),
'freshclam' => trim(`which freshclam`),
'git' => trim(`which git`),
'mr' => trim(`which mr`),
'gpg' => trim(`which gpg`),
'editor' => trim(`which vi`),
'rsync' => trim(`which rsync`).' --progress -e ssh --exclude "*-stylite-*" --exclude "*-esyncpro-*"',
'composer' => ($composer=trim(`which composer.phar`)) ? $composer.' install --ignore-platform-reqs --no-dev' : '',
'composer' => trim(`which composer.phar`),
'after-checkout' => 'rm -rf */source */templates/*/source',
'packager' => 'build@egroupware.org',
'obs' => '/home/stylite/obs/stylite-epl-trunk',
@ -236,9 +234,8 @@ function get_changelog_from_git($_path, $log_pattern=null, &$last_tag=null, $pre
* "egroupware" => "git@github.com:EGroupware/egroupware.git"),
* "git@github.com:EGroupware/tracker.git" => array(
* "egroupware/tracker" => "git@github.com:EGroupware/tracker.git"),
* "svn+ssh://stylite@svn.stylite.de/stylite" => array(
* "egroupware/stylite] => svn+ssh://stylite@svn.stylite.de/stylite/branches/14.2/stylite",
* "egroupware/esyncpro] => svn+ssh://stylite@svn.stylite.de/stylite/branches/14.2/esyncpro",
* "git@github.com:EGroupware/epl" => array(
* "egroupware/stylite" => git@github.com:EGroupware/epl"),
function get_modules_per_repo()
@ -250,35 +247,21 @@ function get_modules_per_repo()
throw new Exception("checkout directory '{$config['checkoutdir']} does NOT exists or is NO directory!");
if (!($mrconfig = file_get_contents($path=$config['checkoutdir'].'/.mrconfig')))
throw new Exception("$path not found!");
$module = $baseurl = null;
$modules = array();
foreach(explode("\n", $mrconfig) as $line)
foreach(scandir($config['checkoutdir']) as $module)
$matches = null;
if (isset($baseurl))
if ($module === '..' || !file_exists($config['checkoutdir'].'/'.$module.'/.git'))
$line = str_replace("\${EGW_REPO_BASE:-\$(git config --get remote.origin.url|sed 's|/egroupware.git||')}", $baseurl, $line);
if ($line && $line[0] == '[' && preg_match('/^\[([^]]*)\]/', $line, $matches))
$output = $matches = null;
run_cmd($cmd='cd '.$config['checkoutdir'].'/'.$module.'; '.$config['git'].' remote -v', $output);
if (!preg_match('/^origin\s+(.*)\s+\(push\)$/m', implode("\n", $output), $matches))
if (in_array($matches[1], array('DEFAULT', 'vendor/egroupware/ckeditor', 'api/src/Accounts/Ads', 'phpgwapi/js/ckeditor', 'phpgwapi/inc/adldap')))
$module = null;
$module = (string)$matches[1];
elseif (isset($module) && preg_match('/^checkout\s*=\s*(git\s+clone\s+(-b\s+[0-9.]+\s+)?((git|http)[^ ]+)|svn\s+checkout\s+((svn|http)[^ ]+))/', $line, $matches))
$repo = $url = substr($matches[1], 0, 3) == 'svn' ? $matches[5] : $matches[3];
if (substr($matches[1], 0, 3) == 'svn') $repo = preg_replace('#/(trunk|branches)/.*$#', '', $repo);
$modules[$repo][$config['aliasdir'].($module ? '/'.$module : '')] = $url;
if ($module === '' && !isset($baseurl)) $baseurl = str_replace('/egroupware.git', '', $url);
throw new Exception("Could not parse output of ".implode("\n", $output));
$repo = $matches[1];
$modules[$repo][$config['aliasdir'].($module !== '.' ? '/'.$module : '')] = $repo;
if ($verbose) print_r($modules);
return $modules;
@ -322,15 +305,14 @@ function do_checkout()
$cmd = $config['git'].' clone '.(!empty($config['branch']) ? ' -b '.$config['branch'] : '').
' git@github.com:EGroupware/egroupware.git '.$config['checkoutdir'];
run_cmd('mr up'); // need to run mr up twice for new checkout, because chained .mrconfig wont run first time (because not there yet!)
elseif (!is_dir($config['checkoutdir']) || !is_writable($config['checkoutdir']))
throw new Exception("svn checkout directory '{$config['checkoutdir']} exists and is NO directory or NOT writable!");
throw new Exception("checkout directory '{$config['checkoutdir']} exists and is NO directory or NOT writable!");
run_cmd('mr up');
run_cmd('./install-cli.php --ignore-platform-reqs --no-dev');
@ -350,10 +332,66 @@ function do_tag()
if (empty($config['tag'])) return; // otherwise we copy everything in svn root!
echo "Creating tag $config[tag]\n";
echo "Creating tag and pushing $config[tag]\n";
$cmd = $config['mr'].' tag '.escapeshellarg($config['tag']).' '.escapeshellarg('Creating '.$config['tag']);
run_cmd('./install-cli.php --git tag -f '.escapeshellarg($config['tag']).' -m '.escapeshellarg('Creating '.$config['tag']));
// push tags in all apps (not main-dir!)
run_cmd('./install-cli.php --git-apps push -f origin '.escapeshellarg($config['tag']));
// tag and push stuff now in vendor
foreach(array('z-push-dev', 'adodb-php') as $package)
run_cmd("cd vendor/egroupware/$package; git tag -f ".escapeshellarg($config['tag']).' -m '.escapeshellarg('Creating '.$config['tag']));
run_cmd("cd vendor/egroupware/$package; git push -t origin ".escapeshellarg($config['tag']));
// checkout tag, update composer.{json,lock}, move tag to include them
run_cmd($config['git'].' checkout '.$config['tag']);
// might require more then one run, as pushed tags need to be picked up by packagist
$output = $ret = null;
$timeout = $retries = 10;
$cmd = $config['composer'].' update --ignore-platform-reqs --no-dev egroupware/\*';
for($try=1; $try <= $retries && run_cmd($cmd, $output, $try < $retries ? 2 : null); ++$try)
error_log("Retry $try/$retries in $timeout seconds ...");
run_cmd($config['git'].' commit -m '.escapeshellarg('Updating dependencies for '.$config['tag']).' composer.{json,lock}');
run_cmd($config['git'].' tag -f '.escapeshellarg($config['tag']).' -m '.escapeshellarg('Creating '.$config['tag']));
* Update composer.json with version number (or add it after "name" if not yet there)
* @param string $version
* @throws Exception on error
function update_composer_json_version($version)
global $config;
if (!($json = file_get_contents($path=$config['checkoutdir'].'/composer.json')))
throw new Exception("Can NOT read $path to update with new version!");
if (preg_match('/"version":\s*"[^"]+"/', $json))
$json = preg_replace('/"version":\s*"[^"]+"/', '"version": "'.$version.'"', $json);
elseif (preg_replace('/^(\s*)"name":\s*"[^"]+",$/m', $json))
$json = preg_replace('/^(\s*)"name":\s*"[^"]+",$/m', '$0'."\n".'$1"version": "'.$version.'",', $json);
throw new Exception("Failed to add new version to $path!");
if (!file_put_contents($path, $json))
throw new Exception("Can NOT update $path with new version!");
@ -363,14 +401,14 @@ function do_release()
global $config,$verbose;
// push local changes to Github incl. tags
// push local changes to Github incl. tag (tags of apps are already pushed by do_tag)
if ($verbose) echo "Pushing changes and tags\n";
run_cmd($config['mr']. ' up'); // in case someone else pushed something
run_cmd($config['git'].' push'); // regular commits like changelog
run_cmd($config['git'].' push');
$tag = config_translate('tag');
run_cmd($config['mr']. ' push origin '.$tag); // pushing tags in all apps
run_cmd($config['git'].' push -f origin '.$tag);
// checkout release-branch again (we are on the tag!)
run_cmd($config['git'].' checkout '.$config['version']);
if (empty($config['github_user']) || empty($config['github_token']))
@ -568,7 +606,7 @@ function do_editchangelog()
$revision = null;
if (substr($branch_url, -4) == '.git')
$path = key($modules);
list($path) = each($modules);
$changelog .= get_changelog_from_git($path, $config['editchangelog'], $last_tag);
@ -1206,7 +1244,7 @@ function do_svncheckout()
// do composer install to fetch dependencies
if ($config['composer'])
run_cmd($config['composer'].' install --ignore-platform-reqs --no-dev');
// run after-checkout command(s), eg. to purge source directories
@ -1284,11 +1322,17 @@ function do_svntag()
* Runs given shell command, exists with error-code after echoing the output of the failed command (if not already running verbose)
* Runs given shell command
* If command return non-zero exit-code:
* 1) output is echoed, if not already running verbose
* 2a) if exit-code is contained in $no_bailout --> return it
* 2b) otherwise throws with $cmd as message and exit-code
* @param string $cmd
* @param array& $output=null $output of command, only if !$verbose !!!
* @param int|array $no_bailout =null exit code(s) to NOT bail out
* @throws Exception on non-zero exit-code not matching $no_bailout
* @return int exit code of $cmd
function run_cmd($cmd,array &$output=null,$no_bailout=null)
Reference in New Issue
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