mirror of
synced 2025-03-27 16:17:06 +01:00
Import / Export cleanup:
- Start reducing some duplication by making better use of common CSV import ancestor - Work towards a universal preview, regardless of file type
This commit is contained in:
@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ class addressbook_egw_record implements importexport_iface_egw_record
'date-time' => array('modified','created','last_event','next_event'),
'date' => array('bday'),
'select-cat' => array('cat_id'),
'select' => array('tid')
@ -14,48 +14,14 @@
* class import_csv for addressbook
class addressbook_import_contacts_csv implements importexport_iface_import_plugin {
private static $plugin_options = array(
'fieldsep', // char
'charset', // string
'contact_owner', // int
'update_cats', // string {override|add} overides record
// with cat(s) from csv OR add the cat from
// csv file to exeisting cat(s) of record
'num_header_lines', // int number of header lines
'field_conversion', // array( $csv_col_num => conversion)
'field_mapping', // array( $csv_col_num => adb_filed)
'conditions', /* => array containing condition arrays:
'type' => exists, // exists
'string' => '#kundennummer',
'true' => array(
'action' => update,
'last' => true,
'false' => array(
'action' => insert,
'last' => true,
* actions wich could be done to data entries
protected static $actions = array( 'none', 'update', 'insert', 'delete', );
class addressbook_import_contacts_csv extends importexport_basic_import_csv {
* conditions for actions
* @var array
protected static $conditions = array( 'exists', 'greater', 'greater or equal', );
* @var definition
private $definition;
protected static $conditions = array( 'exists' );
* @var bocontacts
@ -67,35 +33,6 @@ class addressbook_import_contacts_csv implements importexport_iface_import_plugi
protected $tracking;
* @var bool
private $dry_run = false;
* @var bool is current user admin?
private $is_admin = false;
* @var int
private $user = null;
* List of import warnings
protected $warnings = array();
* List of import errors
protected $errors = array();
* List of actions, and how many times that action was taken
protected $results = array();
* imports entries according to given definition object.
@ -103,23 +40,7 @@ class addressbook_import_contacts_csv implements importexport_iface_import_plugi
* @param string $_charset
* @param definition $_definition
public function import( $_stream, importexport_definition $_definition ) {
$import_csv = new importexport_import_csv( $_stream, array(
'fieldsep' => $_definition->plugin_options['fieldsep'],
'charset' => $_definition->plugin_options['charset'],
$this->definition = $_definition;
// user, is admin ?
$this->is_admin = isset( $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps']['admin'] ) && $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps']['admin'];
$this->user = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id'];
// dry run?
$this->dry_run = isset( $_definition->plugin_options['dry_run'] ) ? $_definition->plugin_options['dry_run'] : false;
// Needed for categories to work right
$GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['currentapp'] = 'addressbook';
public function init(importexport_definition &$_definition ) {
// fetch the addressbook bo
$this->bocontacts = new addressbook_bo();
@ -127,166 +48,157 @@ class addressbook_import_contacts_csv implements importexport_iface_import_plugi
// Get the tracker for changes
$this->tracking = new addressbook_tracking($this->bocontacts);
// set FieldMapping.
$import_csv->mapping = $_definition->plugin_options['field_mapping'];
// set FieldConversion
$import_csv->conversion = $_definition->plugin_options['field_conversion'];
//check if file has a header lines
if ( isset( $_definition->plugin_options['num_header_lines'] ) && $_definition->plugin_options['num_header_lines'] > 0) {
} elseif(isset($_definition->plugin_options['has_header_line']) && $_definition->plugin_options['has_header_line']) {
// First method is preferred
$this->lookups = array(
'tid' => array('n'=>'contact')
foreach($this->bocontacts->content_types as $tid => $data)
$this->lookups['tid'][$tid] = $data['name'];
$_lookups = array();
// set contact owner
$contact_owner = isset( $_definition->plugin_options['contact_owner'] ) ?
$_definition->plugin_options['contact_owner'] : $this->user;
// Import into importer's personal addressbook
if($contact_owner == 'personal')
$contact_owner = $this->user;
$this->user = $contact_owner;
// Start counting successes
$count = 0;
$this->results = array();
* Import a single record
* You don't need to worry about mappings or translations, they've been done already.
* You do need to handle the conditions and the actions taken.
* Updates the count of actions taken
* @return boolean success
protected function import_record(importexport_iface_egw_record &$record, &$import_csv)
// Failures
$this->errors = array();
while ( $record = $import_csv->get_record() ) {
$success = false;
// don't import empty contacts
if( count( array_unique( $record ) ) < 2 ) continue;
$warning = importexport_import_csv::convert($record, addressbook_egw_record::$types, 'addressbook', $_lookups, $_definition->plugin_options['convert']);
if($warning) $this->warnings[$import_csv->get_current_position()] = $warning;
// Set owner, unless it's supposed to come from CSV file
if($_definition->plugin_options['owner_from_csv'] && $record['owner']) {
if(!is_numeric($record['owner'])) {
// Automatically handle text owner without explicit translation
$new_owner = importexport_helper_functions::account_name2id($record['owner']);
if($new_owner == '') {
$this->errors[$import_csv->get_current_position()] = lang(
'Unable to convert "%1" to account ID. Using plugin setting (%2) for owner.',
$record['owner'] = $contact_owner;
} else {
$record['owner'] = $new_owner;
} else {
$record['owner'] = $contact_owner;
// Check that owner (addressbook) is allowed
if(!array_key_exists($record['owner'], $this->bocontacts->get_addressbooks()))
$this->errors[$import_csv->get_current_position()] = lang("Unable to import into %1, using %2",
$record['owner'] = $this->user;
// Do not allow owner == 0 (accounts) without an account_id
// It causes the contact to be filed as an account, and can't delete
if(!$record['owner'] && !$record['account_id'])
$record['owner'] = $this->user;
// Also handle categories in their own field
$more_categories = array();
foreach($_definition->plugin_options['field_mapping'] as $number => $field_name) {
if(!array_key_exists($field_name, $record) ||
substr($field_name,0,3) != 'cat' || !$record[$field_name] || $field_name == 'cat_id') continue;
list($cat, $cat_id) = explode('-', $field_name);
if(is_numeric($record[$field_name]) && $record[$field_name] != 1) {
// Column has a single category ID
$more_categories[] = $record[$field_name];
} elseif($record[$field_name] == '1' ||
(!is_numeric($record[$field_name]) && strtolower($record[$field_name]) == strtolower(lang('Yes')))) {
// Each category got its own column. '1' is the database value, lang('yes') is the human value
$more_categories[] = $cat_id;
// Set owner, unless it's supposed to come from CSV file
if($this->definition->plugin_options['owner_from_csv'] && $record->owner) {
if(!is_numeric($record->owner)) {
// Automatically handle text owner without explicit translation
$new_owner = importexport_helper_functions::account_name2id($record->owner);
if($new_owner == '') {
$this->errors[$import_csv->get_current_position()] = lang(
'Unable to convert "%1" to account ID. Using plugin setting (%2) for owner.',
$record->owner = $this->user;
} else {
// Text categories
$more_categories = array_merge($more_categories, importexport_helper_functions::cat_name2id(is_array($record[$field_name]) ? $record[$field_name] : explode(',',$record[$field_name]), $cat_id));
$record->owner = $new_owner;
if(count($more_categories) > 0) $record['cat_id'] = array_merge(is_array($record['cat_id']) ? $record['cat_id'] : explode(',',$record['cat_id']), $more_categories);
// Private set but missing causes hidden entries
if(array_key_exists('private', $record) && (!isset($record['private']) || $record['private'] == '')) unset($record['private']);
// Format birthday as backend requires - converter should give timestamp
if($record['bday'] && is_numeric($record['bday']))
$time = new egw_time($record['bday']);
$record['bday'] = $time->format('Y-m-d');
if ( $_definition->plugin_options['conditions'] ) {
foreach ( $_definition->plugin_options['conditions'] as $condition ) {
$contacts = array();
switch ( $condition['type'] ) {
// exists
case 'exists' :
if($record[$condition['string']]) {
$searchcondition = array( $condition['string'] => $record[$condition['string']]);
// if we use account_id for the condition, we need to set the owner for filtering, as this
// enables addressbook_so to decide what backend is to be used
if ($condition['string']=='account_id') $searchcondition['owner']=0;
$contacts = $this->bocontacts->search(
//array( $condition['string'] => $record[$condition['string']],),
$_definition->plugin_options['update_cats'] == 'add' ? false : true,
'', '', '', false, 'AND', false,
if ( is_array( $contacts ) && count( array_keys( $contacts ) ) >= 1 ) {
// apply action to all contacts matching this exists condition
$action = $condition['true'];
foreach ( (array)$contacts as $contact ) {
$record['id'] = $contact['id'];
if ( $_definition->plugin_options['update_cats'] == 'add' ) {
if ( !is_array( $contact['cat_id'] ) ) $contact['cat_id'] = explode( ',', $contact['cat_id'] );
if ( !is_array( $record['cat_id'] ) ) $record['cat_id'] = explode( ',', $record['cat_id'] );
$record['cat_id'] = implode( ',', array_unique( array_merge( $record['cat_id'], $contact['cat_id'] ) ) );
$success = $this->action( $action['action'], $record, $import_csv->get_current_position() );
} else {
$action = $condition['false'];
$success = ($this->action( $action['action'], $record, $import_csv->get_current_position() ));
// not supported action
default :
die('condition / action not supported!!!');
if ($action['stop']) break;
} else {
// unconditional insert
$success = $this->action( 'insert', $record, $import_csv->get_current_position() );
} else {
$record->owner = $this->user;
return $count;
// Check that owner (addressbook) is allowed
if(!array_key_exists($record->owner, $this->bocontacts->get_addressbooks()))
$this->errors[$import_csv->get_current_position()] = lang("Unable to import into %1, using %2",
$record->owner = $this->user;
// Do not allow owner == 0 (accounts) without an account_id
// It causes the contact to be filed as an account, and can't delete
if(!$record->owner && !$record->account_id)
$record->owner = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id'];
// Also handle categories in their own field
$record_array = $record->get_record_array();
$more_categories = array();
foreach($this->definition->plugin_options['field_mapping'] as $number => $field_name) {
if(!array_key_exists($field_name, $record_array) ||
substr($field_name,0,3) != 'cat' || !$record->$field_name || $field_name == 'cat_id') continue;
list($cat, $cat_id) = explode('-', $field_name);
if(is_numeric($record->$field_name) && $record->$field_name != 1) {
// Column has a single category ID
$more_categories[] = $record->$field_name;
} elseif($record->$field_name == '1' ||
(!is_numeric($record->$field_name) && strtolower($record->$field_name) == strtolower(lang('Yes')))) {
// Each category got its own column. '1' is the database value, lang('yes') is the human value
$more_categories[] = $cat_id;
} else {
// Text categories
$more_categories = array_merge($more_categories, importexport_helper_functions::cat_name2id(is_array($record->$field_name) ? $record->$field_name : explode(',',$record->$field_name), $cat_id));
if(count($more_categories) > 0) $record->cat_id = array_merge(is_array($record->cat_id) ? $record->cat_id : explode(',',$record->cat_id), $more_categories);
// Private set but missing causes hidden entries
if(array_key_exists('private', $record_array) && (!isset($record_array['private']) || $record_array['private'] == '')) unset($record->private);
// Format birthday as backend requires - converter should give timestamp
if(isset($record->bday) && is_numeric($record->bday))
$time = new egw_time($record->bday);
$record->bday = $time->format('Y-m-d');
if ( $this->definition->plugin_options['conditions'] ) {
foreach ( $this->definition->plugin_options['conditions'] as $condition ) {
$contacts = array();
switch ( $condition['type'] ) {
// exists
case 'exists' :
if($record_array[$condition['string']]) {
$searchcondition = array( $condition['string'] => $record_array[$condition['string']]);
// if we use account_id for the condition, we need to set the owner for filtering, as this
// enables addressbook_so to decide what backend is to be used
if ($condition['string']=='account_id') $searchcondition['owner']=0;
$contacts = $this->bocontacts->search(
//array( $condition['string'] => $record[$condition['string']],),
$this->definition->plugin_options['update_cats'] == 'add' ? false : true,
'', '', '', false, 'AND', false,
if ( is_array( $contacts ) && count( array_keys( $contacts ) ) >= 1 ) {
// apply action to all contacts matching this exists condition
$action = $condition['true'];
foreach ( (array)$contacts as $contact ) {
$record->id = $contact['id'];
if ( $this->definition->plugin_options['update_cats'] == 'add' ) {
if ( !is_array( $contact['cat_id'] ) ) $contact['cat_id'] = explode( ',', $contact['cat_id'] );
if ( !is_array( $record_array['cat_id'] ) ) $record->cat_id = explode( ',', $record->cat_id );
$record->cat_id = implode( ',', array_unique( array_merge( $record->cat_id, $contact['cat_id'] ) ) );
$success = $this->action( $action['action'], $record->get_record_array(), $import_csv->get_current_position() );
} else {
$action = $condition['false'];
$success = ($this->action( $action['action'], $record->get_record_array(), $import_csv->get_current_position() ));
// not supported action
default :
die('condition / action not supported!!!');
if ($action['stop']) break;
} else {
// unconditional insert
$success = $this->action( 'insert', $record->get_record_array(), $import_csv->get_current_position() );
return $success;
@ -296,7 +208,7 @@ class addressbook_import_contacts_csv implements importexport_iface_import_plugi
* @param array $_data contact data for the action
* @return bool success or not
private function action ( $_action, $_data, $record_num = 0 ) {
protected function action ( $_action, Array $_data, $record_num = 0 ) {
switch ($_action) {
case 'none' :
return true;
@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ class addressbook_import_vcard implements importexport_iface_import_plugin {
* @var bool
private $dry_run = false;
private $preview_records = array();
* @var bool is current user admin?
@ -132,6 +133,16 @@ class addressbook_import_vcard implements importexport_iface_import_plugin {
$contact = $contacts->current();
$this->action('insert', $contact, $this->current);
// Stop if we have enough records for a preview
$egw_record = new addressbook_egw_record();
$this->preview_records[] = $egw_record;
if($count >= $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['maxmatchs']) break;
@ -222,7 +233,7 @@ class addressbook_import_vcard implements importexport_iface_import_plugin {
if ( $this->dry_run ) {
return true;
} else {
@ -240,6 +251,38 @@ class addressbook_import_vcard implements importexport_iface_import_plugin {
public function preview( $_stream, importexport_definition $_definition )
$rows = array('h1'=>array(),'f1'=>array(),'.h1'=>'class=th');
// Set this so plugin doesn't do any data changes
$_definition->plugin_options = (array)$_definition->plugin_options + array('dry_run' => true);
$this->import($_stream, $_definition);
// Get field labels
$rows['h1'] = $labels = $this->bocontacts->contact_fields;
$record_class = get_class($this->preview_records[0]);
foreach($this->preview_records as $i => $record)
// Convert to human-friendly
$record = $record->get_record_array();
$row = array();
foreach($labels as $field => $label)
$row[$field] = $record[$field];
$row += $record;
$rows[] = $row;
return html::table($rows);
* returns translated name of plugin
@ -11,17 +11,17 @@
* A basic CSV import plugin.
* You should extend this class to implement the various bits, but combined with the basic wizard
* You should extend this class to implement the various bits, but combined with the basic wizard
* should get you started on building a CSV plugin for an application fairly quickly.
abstract class importexport_basic_import_csv implements importexport_iface_import_plugin {
protected static $plugin_options = array(
'fieldsep', // char
'charset', // string
'contact_owner', // int
'record_owner', // int
'update_cats', // string {override|add} overides record
// with cat(s) from csv OR add the cat from
// csv file to exeisting cat(s) of record
@ -67,6 +67,11 @@ abstract class importexport_basic_import_csv implements importexport_iface_impor
protected $dry_run = false;
* If doing a dry_run, instead of altering the DB, store the records here
protected $preview_records = array();
* @var bool is current user admin?
@ -122,10 +127,6 @@ abstract class importexport_basic_import_csv implements importexport_iface_impor
// set eventOwner
$_definition->plugin_options['contact_owner'] = isset( $_definition->plugin_options['contact_owner'] ) ?
$_definition->plugin_options['contact_owner'] : $this->user;
// Start counting successes
$count = 0;
$this->results = array();
@ -134,28 +135,59 @@ abstract class importexport_basic_import_csv implements importexport_iface_impor
$this->warnings = array();
$this->errors = array();
// Record class name
$app = $_definition->application;
$record_class = isset(static::$record_class) ? static::$record_class : "{$app}_egw_record";
// Needed for categories to work right
$GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['currentapp'] = $app;
while ( $record = $import_csv->get_record() ) {
$success = false;
// don't import empty records
if( count( array_unique( $record ) ) < 2 ) continue;
$record['owner'] = $this->_definition->plugin_options['contact_owner'];
$success = $this->import_record($record, $import_csv);
$warning = importexport_import_csv::convert($record, $record_class::$types, $app, $this->lookups, $_definition->plugin_options['convert']);
if($warning) $this->warnings[$import_csv->get_current_position()] = $warning;
$egw_record = new $record_class();
$success = $this->import_record($egw_record, $import_csv);
if($success) $count++;
// Stop if we have enough records for a preview
$this->preview_records[] = $egw_record;
if($import_csv->get_current_position() >= $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['maxmatchs']) break;
return $count;
* Import a single record
* You don't need to worry about mappings or translations, they've been done already.
* You do need to handle the conditions and the actions taken.
* Stub to hook into import initialization - set lookups, etc.
protected function init(importexport_definition &$definition)
*Import a single record
* You don't need to worry about mappings or translations, they've been done already.
* You do need to handle the conditions and the actions taken.
* Updates the count of actions taken
* @return boolean success
protected abstract function import_record(&$record, &$import_csv);
/* Example stub:
protected function import_record(importexport_iface_egw_record &$record, &$import_csv)
if ( $this->_definition->plugin_options['conditions'] ) {
foreach ( $this->_definition->plugin_options['conditions'] as $condition ) {
@ -163,12 +195,19 @@ abstract class importexport_basic_import_csv implements importexport_iface_impor
// exists
case 'exists' :
// Check for that record
$result = $this->exists($record, array($contition['string']), $matches);
// Apply true action to any matching records found
$action = $condition['true'];
$success = ($this->action( $action['action'], $record, $import_csv->get_current_position() ));
// Apply false action if no matching records found
$action = $condition['false'];
$success = ($this->action( $action['action'], $record, $import_csv->get_current_position() ));
// not supported action
@ -176,7 +215,7 @@ abstract class importexport_basic_import_csv implements importexport_iface_impor
die('condition / action not supported!!!');
if ($action['last']) break;
if ($action['stop']) break;
} else {
// unconditional insert
@ -185,11 +224,23 @@ abstract class importexport_basic_import_csv implements importexport_iface_impor
return $success;
* Search for matching records, based on the the given condition
* @param record
* @param condition array = array('string' => field name)
* @param matches - On return, will be filled with matching records
* @return boolean
protected function exists(iface_egw_record &$record, Array &$condition, &$matches = array())
* perform the required action
* Make sure you record any errors you encounter here:
* $this->errors[$record_num] = error message;
@ -200,6 +251,59 @@ abstract class importexport_basic_import_csv implements importexport_iface_impor
protected abstract function action ( $_action, Array $_data, $record_num = 0 );
* Reads entries, and presents them back as they will be understood
* with no changes to the system.
* Uses information from the egw_record and the associated import wizard
* to parse, normalize and export a human-friendly version of the data as
* a HTML table.
* @param stream $stream
* @param importexport_definition $definition
* @return String HTML for preview
public function preview( $stream, importexport_definition $definition )
$this->import($stream, $definition);
// Set up result
$rows = array('h1'=>array(),'f1'=>array(),'.h1'=>'class=th');
// Load labels for app
$record_class = get_class($this->preview_records[0]);
// Get labels from wizard, if possible
$labels = array_combine($definition->plugin_options['field_mapping'], $definition->plugin_options['field_mapping']);
$plugin = get_called_class();
$wizard_name = $definition->application . '_wizard_' . str_replace($definition->application . '_', '', $plugin);
try {
$wizard = new $wizard_name;
$fields = $wizard->get_import_fields();
foreach($labels as $field => &$label)
if($fields[$field]) $label = $fields[$field];
} catch (Exception $e) {
foreach($labels as $field => &$label) {
$label = lang($label);
// Set up HTML
$rows['h1'] = $labels;
foreach($this->preview_records as $i => $row_data)
// Convert to human-friendly
$rows[] = $row_data->get_record_array();
return html::table($rows);
* returns translated name of plugin
@ -13,13 +13,13 @@
* class iface_import_plugin
* This a the abstract interface for an import plugin of importexport
* You need to implement this class in
* EGW_INCLUDE_ROOT/appname/inc/importexport/class.import_<type>.inc.php
* You need to implement this class in
* EGW_INCLUDE_ROOT/appname/inc/class.<appname>_import_<type>.inc.php
* to attend the importexport framwork with your export.
* NOTE: This is an easy interface, cause plugins live in theire own
* space. Means that they are responsible for generating a defintion AND
* NOTE: This is an easy interface, cause plugins live in theire own
* space. Means that they are responsible for generating a defintion AND
* working on that definition.
* So this interface just garanties the interaction with userinterfaces. It
* has nothing to do with datatypes.
@ -34,6 +34,16 @@ interface importexport_iface_import_plugin {
* @return int number of successful imports
public function import( $_stream, importexport_definition $_definition );
* Reads entries, and presents them back as they will be understood
* with no changes to the system.
* @param stream $_stream
* @param definition $_definition
* @return String HTML preview
// public function preview( $_stream, importexport_definition $_definition );
* returns translated name of plugin
@ -60,7 +70,7 @@ interface importexport_iface_import_plugin {
* return etemplate components for options.
* @abstract We can't deal with etemplate objects here, as an uietemplate
* objects itself are scipt orientated and not "dialog objects"
* @return array (
* name => string,
* content => array,
@ -103,7 +103,7 @@
$this->message .= implode($check_message, "<br />\n") . "<br />\n";
echo $this->preview($file, $definition_obj);
echo $this->preview($plugin, $file, $definition_obj);
$count = $plugin->import($file, $definition_obj);
@ -248,15 +248,14 @@
* Display the contents of the file for dry runs
* Display the interpretation of the file for dry runs
* CSV files only
protected function preview(&$_stream, &$definition_obj)
protected function preview(importexport_iface_import_plugin &$plugin, &$stream, importexport_definition &$definition_obj)
if(!$definition_obj->plugin_options['csv_fields']) return;
$import_csv = new importexport_import_csv( $_stream, array(
$preview = $plugin->preview($stream, $definition_obj);
$import_csv = new importexport_import_csv( $stream, array(
'fieldsep' => $definition_obj->plugin_options['fieldsep'],
'charset' => $definition_obj->plugin_options['charset'],
@ -271,10 +270,9 @@
$rows[$import_csv->get_current_position() <= $definition_obj->plugin_options['num_header_lines'] ? 'h1' : $row] = $row_data;
if($import_csv->get_current_position() <= $definition_obj->plugin_options['num_header_lines']) $row--;
// Rewind
return '<h2>' . lang('Preview') . '</h2>' . html::table($rows);
$preview = html::table($rows);
return '<h2>' . lang('Preview') . ' - ' . $plugin->get_name() . '</h2>' . $preview;
@ -436,4 +436,12 @@ class importexport_wizard_basic_import_csv
unset ($preserv['button']);
return $this->step_templates[$content['step']];
* Expose import fields for use elsewhere
public function get_import_fields()
return $this->mapping_fields;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user