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synced 2025-03-15 08:38:16 +01:00
Initial revision
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@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
The DHTML Calendar
Author: Mihai Bazon, <mishoo@infoiasi.ro>
This program is free software published under the
GNU Lesser General Public License.
For the entire license text please refer to
An additional restriction is that you are not allowed
to remove the comment note present at the beginning of
the script.
calendar.js -- the main program file
lang/*.js -- internalization files
*.css -- color themes
cal.html -- example usage file
doc/ -- documentation, in PDF and HTML
simple-1.html -- quick setup examples [popup calendars]
simple-2.html -- quick setup example for flat calendar
For details and latest versions please refer to calendar
homepage, located on my website:
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="ro" lang="ro">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="calendar-win2k-1.css" title="win2k-1" />
<!-- import the calendar script -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="calendar.js"></script>
<!-- import the language module -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="lang/calendar-en.js"></script>
<!-- helper script that uses the calendar -->
<script type="text/javascript">
// This function gets called when the end-user clicks on some date.
function selected(cal, date) {
cal.sel.value = date; // just update the date in the input field.
if (cal.sel.id == "sel1" || cal.sel.id == "sel3")
// if we add this call we close the calendar on single-click.
// just to exemplify both cases, we are using this only for the 1st
// and the 3rd field, while 2nd and 4th will still require double-click.
// And this gets called when the end-user clicks on the _selected_ date,
// or clicks on the "Close" button. It just hides the calendar without
// destroying it.
function closeHandler(cal) {
cal.hide(); // hide the calendar
// This function shows the calendar under the element having the given id.
// It takes care of catching "mousedown" signals on document and hiding the
// calendar if the click was outside.
function showCalendar(id, format) {
var el = document.getElementById(id);
if (calendar != null) {
// we already have some calendar created
calendar.hide(); // so we hide it first.
} else {
// first-time call, create the calendar.
var cal = new Calendar(false, null, selected, closeHandler);
// uncomment the following line to hide the week numbers
// cal.weekNumbers = false;
calendar = cal; // remember it in the global var
cal.setRange(1900, 2070); // min/max year allowed.
calendar.setDateFormat(format); // set the specified date format
calendar.parseDate(el.value); // try to parse the text in field
calendar.sel = el; // inform it what input field we use
calendar.showAtElement(el); // show the calendar below it
return false;
var MINUTE = 60 * 1000;
var HOUR = 60 * MINUTE;
var DAY = 24 * HOUR;
var WEEK = 7 * DAY;
// If this handler returns true then the "date" given as
// parameter will be disabled. In this example we enable
// only days within a range of 10 days from the current
// date.
// You can use the functions date.getFullYear() -- returns the year
// as 4 digit number, date.getMonth() -- returns the month as 0..11,
// and date.getDate() -- returns the date of the month as 1..31, to
// make heavy calculations here. However, beware that this function
// should be very fast, as it is called for each day in a month when
// the calendar is (re)constructed.
function isDisabled(date) {
var today = new Date();
return (Math.abs(date.getTime() - today.getTime()) / DAY) > 10;
<input type="text" name="date1" id="sel1" size="30">
<input type="button" value="..." onclick="return showCalendar('sel1', 'y-m-d');">
<br><b>Visible <select>, hides and unhides as expected</b>
<select name="foo" multiple>
<option value="1">can use the functions date.getFullYear() -- returns</option>
<option value="2">4 digit number, date.getMonth() -- returns the month</option>
<option value="3">heavy calculations here. However, beware that this</option>
<br><b>Hidden <select>, it should stay hidden (but doesn't)</b>
<select name="foo2" multiple style="visibility: hidden">
<option value="1">this should</option>
<option value="2">remain hidden right?</option>
<br><b>Hidden textbox below, it stays hidden as expected</b>
<input type="text" name="foo3" value="this stays hidden just fine" style="visibility: hidden">
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,381 @@
< ? xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-2" ? >
< ! DOCTYPE html
PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<!-- $Id$ -->
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="ro" lang="ro">
<title>The Coolest DHTML Calendar - Online Demo</title>
<link rel="alternate stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="calendar-blue.css" title="winter" />
<link rel="alternate stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="calendar-brown.css" title="summer" />
<link rel="alternate stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="calendar-green.css" title="green" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="calendar-win2k-1.css" title="win2k-1" />
<link rel="alternate stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="calendar-win2k-2.css" title="win2k-2" />
<link rel="alternate stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="calendar-win2k-cold-1.css" title="win2k-cold-1" />
<link rel="alternate stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="calendar-win2k-cold-2.css" title="win2k-cold-2" />
<link rel="alternate stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="calendar-system.css" title="system" />
<!-- for ro -->
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/xml; charset=iso-8859-2" />
<!-- import the calendar script -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="calendar.js"></script>
<!-- import the language module -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="lang/calendar-en.js"></script>
<!-- <script type="text/javascript" src="lang/calendar-ro.js"></script> -->
<!-- <script type="text/javascript" src="lang/calendar-da.js"></script> -->
<!-- <script type="text/javascript" src="lang/calendar-it.js"></script> -->
<!-- <script type="text/javascript" src="lang/calendar-fr.js"></script> -->
<!-- other languages might be available in the lang directory; please check
your distribution archive. -->
<!-- helper script that uses the calendar -->
<script type="text/javascript">
var oldLink = null;
// code to change the active stylesheet
function setActiveStyleSheet(link, title) {
var i, a, main;
for(i=0; (a = document.getElementsByTagName("link")[i]); i++) {
if(a.getAttribute("rel").indexOf("style") != -1 && a.getAttribute("title")) {
a.disabled = true;
if(a.getAttribute("title") == title) a.disabled = false;
if (oldLink) oldLink.style.fontWeight = 'normal';
oldLink = link;
link.style.fontWeight = 'bold';
return false;
// This function gets called when the end-user clicks on some date.
function selected(cal, date) {
cal.sel.value = date; // just update the date in the input field.
if (cal.dateClicked && (cal.sel.id == "sel1" || cal.sel.id == "sel3"))
// if we add this call we close the calendar on single-click.
// just to exemplify both cases, we are using this only for the 1st
// and the 3rd field, while 2nd and 4th will still require double-click.
// And this gets called when the end-user clicks on the _selected_ date,
// or clicks on the "Close" button. It just hides the calendar without
// destroying it.
function closeHandler(cal) {
cal.hide(); // hide the calendar
// This function shows the calendar under the element having the given id.
// It takes care of catching "mousedown" signals on document and hiding the
// calendar if the click was outside.
function showCalendar(id, format) {
var el = document.getElementById(id);
if (calendar != null) {
// we already have some calendar created
calendar.hide(); // so we hide it first.
} else {
// first-time call, create the calendar.
var cal = new Calendar(false, null, selected, closeHandler);
// uncomment the following line to hide the week numbers
// cal.weekNumbers = false;
calendar = cal; // remember it in the global var
cal.setRange(1900, 2070); // min/max year allowed.
calendar.setDateFormat(format); // set the specified date format
calendar.parseDate(el.value); // try to parse the text in field
calendar.sel = el; // inform it what input field we use
// the reference element that we pass to showAtElement is the button that
// triggers the calendar. In this example we align the calendar bottom-right
// to the button.
calendar.showAtElement(el.nextSibling, "Br"); // show the calendar
return false;
var MINUTE = 60 * 1000;
var HOUR = 60 * MINUTE;
var DAY = 24 * HOUR;
var WEEK = 7 * DAY;
// If this handler returns true then the "date" given as
// parameter will be disabled. In this example we enable
// only days within a range of 10 days from the current
// date.
// You can use the functions date.getFullYear() -- returns the year
// as 4 digit number, date.getMonth() -- returns the month as 0..11,
// and date.getDate() -- returns the date of the month as 1..31, to
// make heavy calculations here. However, beware that this function
// should be very fast, as it is called for each day in a month when
// the calendar is (re)constructed.
function isDisabled(date) {
var today = new Date();
return (Math.abs(date.getTime() - today.getTime()) / DAY) > 10;
function flatSelected(cal, date) {
var el = document.getElementById("preview");
el.innerHTML = date;
function showFlatCalendar() {
var parent = document.getElementById("display");
// construct a calendar giving only the "selected" handler.
var cal = new Calendar(false, null, flatSelected);
// hide week numbers
cal.weekNumbers = false;
// We want some dates to be disabled; see function isDisabled above
cal.setDateFormat("DD, M d");
// this call must be the last as it might use data initialized above; if
// we specify a parent, as opposite to the "showCalendar" function above,
// then we create a flat calendar -- not popup. Hidden, though, but...
// ... we can show it here.
<style type="text/css">
.ex { font-weight: bold; background: #fed; color: #080 }
.help { color: #080; font-style: italic; }
body { background: #fea; }
a { color: #00f; }
a:visited { color: #00f; }
a:hover { color: #f00; background: #fefaf0; }
a:active { color: #08f; }
.key { border: 1px solid #000; background: #fff; color: #008;
padding: 0px 5px; cursor: default; font-size: 80%; }
<body onload="showFlatCalendar()">
<h2>The coolest DHTML calendar, v. 0.9.3 "It's still alife"</h2>
<a href="#" onclick="return setActiveStyleSheet(this, 'winter');">winter</a>
<a href="#" onclick="return setActiveStyleSheet(this, 'summer');">summer</a>
<a href="#" onclick="return setActiveStyleSheet(this, 'green');">green</a>
<a href="#" id="defaultTheme" onclick="return setActiveStyleSheet(this, 'win2k-1');">win2k-1</a>
<a href="#" onclick="return setActiveStyleSheet(this, 'win2k-2');">win2k-2</a>
<a href="#" onclick="return setActiveStyleSheet(this, 'win2k-cold-1');">win2k-cold-1</a>
<a href="#" onclick="return setActiveStyleSheet(this, 'win2k-cold-2');">win2k-cold-2</a>
<a href="#" onclick="return setActiveStyleSheet(this, 'system');">system</a>
<script type="text/javascript">
setActiveStyleSheet(document.getElementById("defaultTheme"), "win2k-1");
<br />
<a href="release-notes.html">Release notes for 0.9.3</a>
<br />
Setup a calendar in minutes:
<a href="simple-1.html">popup calendar</a>,
<a href="simple-2.html">flat calendar</a>.
<br />
<a href="doc/html/reference.html">HTML</a>,
<a href="doc/reference.pdf">PDF</a>
<div style="
float: right;
padding: 5px;
margin: 5px;
border: 1px solid #984;
background: #ed9;
<div style="background: #984; color: #fea;
font-weight: bold; padding: 2px; text-align: center">
Flat calendar
<p style="width: 12em"><small>A non-popup version will appear below as soon
as the page is loaded. Note that it doesn't show the week number.</small></p>
<!-- the calendar will be inserted here -->
<div id="display"></div>
<div id="preview" style="font-size: 80%; text-align: center; padding: 2px"></div>
<p style="width: 12em"><small>
The example above uses the <code>setDisabledHandler()</code> member function
to setup a handler that would only enable days withing a range of 10 days,
forward or backward, from the current date.
<div style="padding-left:20px; font-size: 90%; font-style: italic;">
<p><span style="color: red">Easy I18N</span>: all messages are separate JS
files (see <a href="lang/calendar-en.js">calendar-en.js</a> for an example).
Check the lang directory in your distribution archive to see what languages
are available. You just need to include the right one from the HTML
<p><span style="color: red">NOTE:</span> I made the English and Romanian
versions only. The other lang files were submitted by people. I thank them
very much, and you should too! :) Unfortunately, I lost track of these files
and the persons who sent them, so if you send me a translation file please
include a small comment with your name and email address, as you are the
author. Also, a statement that the file is distributed under the GNU LGPL
would be welcome :)</p>
<form action="#">
<div style="background: #ffa; padding: 5px; border: 1px solid #995;">
<div style="background: #995; color: #ffa;
font-weight: bold; padding: 2px;">
Popup examples
<br />
<b>Date #1:</b> <input type="text" name="date1" id="sel1" size="30"
><input type="reset" value=" ... "
onclick="return showCalendar('sel1', 'y-m-d [ww]');"> [<b>y-m-d [ww]</b>] -- single
click<br />
<b>Date #2:</b> <input type="text" name="date2" id="sel2" size="30"
><input type="reset" value=" ... "
onclick="return showCalendar('sel2', 'DD, MM d, y');"> [<b>DD, MM d, y</b>]
-- double click
<br /><br />
if you remove this comment and leave the following HTML code
you will see a horrible effect, in all supported browsers (IE and Mozilla).
<SELECT multiple size="4" name="component-select">
<OPTION selected value="Component_1_a">Component_1</OPTION>
<OPTION selected value="Component_1_b">Component_2</OPTION>
this select should hide when the calendar is above it.
<br /><br />
<b>Date #3:</b> <input type="text" name="date3" id="sel3" size="30"
><input type="reset" value=" ... "
onclick="return showCalendar('sel3', 'dd/mm/y');"> [<b>dd/mm/y</b>]
-- single click
<br />
<b>Date #4:</b> <input type="text" name="date4" id="sel4" size="30"
><input type="reset" value=" ... "
onclick="return showCalendar('sel4', 'D, M d, y');"> [<b>D, M d, y</b>] --
double click
<p>You can find more information about this script (and how to use/customize
it) <a href="http://students.infoiasi.ro/~mishoo/site/calendar.epl">on my
<p>This is release <b>0.9.3</b>. Works on MSIE 5.0, 5.5, 6.0, Opera 7,
Mozilla, Netscape 6.x, 7.0 and all other Gecko-s.</p>
<p class="help">You can click on "Mo"/"Su" (first day name displayed) to
change the first day of week (Sunday/Monday) (since 0.8 this is also mapped
on the "-" button in the top-left corner). Use the navigation buttons
("<<", "<", "Today", ">", ">>") to move to the prev/next
year/month. Keep the mouse button pressed for a short time over one of
these buttons to get a menu for faster selection. You can drag the "status
bar" (that's where the tooltips appear) or title bar (that's where the
currently selected month/year shows up) to move the whole calendar.</p>
<h4>Keyboard navigation</h4>
<p>Starting with version 0.9.2, you can also use the keyboard to select
dates (only for popup calendars; does <em>not</em> work with Opera
7). The following keys are available:</p>
<li><span class="key">←</span> , <span class="key">→</span> ,
<span class="key">↑</span> , <span class="key">↓</span> -- select date</li>
<li><span class="key">CTRL</span> + <span class="key">←</span> ,
<span class="key">→</span> -- select month</li>
<li><span class="key">CTRL</span> + <span class="key">↑</span> ,
<span class="key">↓</span> -- select year</li>
<li><span class="key">SPACE</span> -- go to <em>today</em> date</li>
<li><span class="key">ENTER</span> -- accept the currently selected date</li>
<li><span class="key">ESC</span> -- cancel selection</li>
<h4>Date formatting</h4>
<li><b>d</b> -- the date ( ex: <span class="ex">1 .. 31</span> )
<li><b>dd</b> -- the date, zero padded ( ex: <span class="ex">01 .. 31</span> )
<li><b>m</b> -- month as a number ( ex: <span class="ex">1 .. 12</span> )
<li><b>mm</b> -- month, zero padded ( ex: <span class="ex">01 .. 12</span> )
<li><b>y</b> -- 4 digit year ( ex: <span class="ex">1979</span> )
<li><b>yy</b> -- 2 digit year, <bb>yy</bb> - 1900 ( ex: <span class="ex">79</span> ) (USING THIS IS NOT RECOMMENDED)
<li><b>w</b> -- the number of the week in the year (1 or 2 digits)
<li><b>ww</b> -- the number of the week, zero padded (2 digits)
<li><b>D</b> -- short weekday name ( ex: <span class="ex">Sun, Wed, Fri</span> )
<li><b>DD</b> -- long weekday name ( ex: <span class="ex">Sunday, Wednesday, Friday</span> )
<li><b>M</b> -- short month name ( ex: <span class="ex">Mar, Jan, Oct</span> )
<li><b>MM</b> -- long month name ( ex: <span class="ex">March, January, October</span> )
<h4>Date parsing</h4>
<p>The algorithm will first try to read the date in the specified
<p>If it doesn't work, it will try different methods to recognize a valid
date -- general behavior is: if some part of the input is the <em>name</em>
of a month, i.e. "Mar", then that will be considered the month, the
next/previous 1 .. 31 number will be considered the date and the next big
number (hopefully there) will be the year; if it's missing we assume the
current year. If no such name exists, then the first 1 .. 12 number will be
taken as the month, the next 1 .. 31 as the date; year selection is the same
as discussed.</p>
<p>Examples: <span class="ex">3/8/1979</span> as well as <span class="ex">03
08 79</span> as well as <span class="ex">1979 mar 8</span>, as well as <span
class="ex">79+3+8</span> will all lead to the same date: my birthday (March
8, 1979). To try the algo, just input the date using whatever format you
like in one of the fields above and click on the "..." button. The calendar
that shows up should contain your date, otherwise you and this algorithm
don't get too well together :)</p>
<hr /><address> Author: <a href="http://students.infoiasi.ro/~mishoo/">Mihai
Bazon</a> © 2002<br /> Feel free to use / redistribute under the <a
href="http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html">GNU LGPL</a>.<br /> Please no
<b>not</b> remove or alter the comment at the script start.</address>
<p style="font-size: smaller">If you use this script on a public page it
would be nice if you would <a href="mailto:mishoo@infoiasi.ro">let me
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@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
/* The main calendar widget. DIV containing a table. */
div.calendar { position: relative; }
.calendar, .calendar table {
border: 1px solid #556;
font-size: 11px;
color: #000;
cursor: default;
background: #eef;
font-family: tahoma,verdana,sans-serif;
/* Header part -- contains navigation buttons and day names. */
.calendar .button { /* "<<", "<", ">", ">>" buttons have this class */
text-align: center; /* They are the navigation buttons */
padding: 2px; /* Make the buttons seem like they're pressing */
.calendar thead .title { /* This holds the current "month, year" */
font-weight: bold; /* Pressing it will take you to the current date */
text-align: center;
background: #fff;
color: #000;
padding: 2px;
.calendar thead .headrow { /* Row <TR> containing navigation buttons */
background: #778;
color: #fff;
.calendar thead .daynames { /* Row <TR> containing the day names */
background: #bdf;
.calendar thead .name { /* Cells <TD> containing the day names */
border-bottom: 1px solid #556;
padding: 2px;
text-align: center;
color: #000;
.calendar thead .weekend { /* How a weekend day name shows in header */
color: #a66;
.calendar thead .hilite { /* How do the buttons in header appear when hover */
background: #aaf;
color: #000;
border: 1px solid #04f;
padding: 1px;
.calendar thead .active { /* Active (pressed) buttons in header */
background: #77c;
padding: 2px 0px 0px 2px;
/* The body part -- contains all the days in month. */
.calendar tbody .day { /* Cells <TD> containing month days dates */
width: 2em;
color: #456;
text-align: right;
padding: 2px 4px 2px 2px;
.calendar table .wn {
padding: 2px 3px 2px 2px;
border-right: 1px solid #000;
background: #bdf;
.calendar tbody .rowhilite td {
background: #def;
.calendar tbody .rowhilite td.wn {
background: #eef;
.calendar tbody td.hilite { /* Hovered cells <TD> */
background: #def;
padding: 1px 3px 1px 1px;
border: 1px solid #bbb;
.calendar tbody td.active { /* Active (pressed) cells <TD> */
background: #cde;
padding: 2px 2px 0px 2px;
.calendar tbody td.selected { /* Cell showing today date */
font-weight: bold;
border: 1px solid #000;
padding: 1px 3px 1px 1px;
background: #fff;
color: #000;
.calendar tbody td.weekend { /* Cells showing weekend days */
color: #a66;
.calendar tbody td.today { /* Cell showing selected date */
font-weight: bold;
color: #00f;
.calendar tbody .disabled { color: #999; }
.calendar tbody .emptycell { /* Empty cells (the best is to hide them) */
visibility: hidden;
.calendar tbody .emptyrow { /* Empty row (some months need less than 6 rows) */
display: none;
/* The footer part -- status bar and "Close" button */
.calendar tfoot .footrow { /* The <TR> in footer (only one right now) */
text-align: center;
background: #556;
color: #fff;
.calendar tfoot .ttip { /* Tooltip (status bar) cell <TD> */
background: #fff;
color: #445;
border-top: 1px solid #556;
padding: 1px;
.calendar tfoot .hilite { /* Hover style for buttons in footer */
background: #aaf;
border: 1px solid #04f;
color: #000;
padding: 1px;
.calendar tfoot .active { /* Active (pressed) style for buttons in footer */
background: #77c;
padding: 2px 0px 0px 2px;
/* Combo boxes (menus that display months/years for direct selection) */
.combo {
position: absolute;
display: none;
top: 0px;
left: 0px;
width: 4em;
cursor: default;
border: 1px solid #655;
background: #def;
color: #000;
font-size: smaller;
.combo .label {
width: 100%;
text-align: center;
.combo .hilite {
background: #acf;
.combo .active {
border-top: 1px solid #46a;
border-bottom: 1px solid #46a;
background: #eef;
font-weight: bold;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
/* The main calendar widget. DIV containing a table. */
div.calendar { position: relative; }
.calendar, .calendar table {
border: 1px solid #655;
font-size: 11px;
color: #000;
cursor: default;
background: #ffd;
font-family: tahoma,verdana,sans-serif;
/* Header part -- contains navigation buttons and day names. */
.calendar .button { /* "<<", "<", ">", ">>" buttons have this class */
text-align: center; /* They are the navigation buttons */
padding: 2px; /* Make the buttons seem like they're pressing */
.calendar thead .title { /* This holds the current "month, year" */
font-weight: bold; /* Pressing it will take you to the current date */
text-align: center;
background: #654;
color: #fed;
padding: 2px;
.calendar thead .headrow { /* Row <TR> containing navigation buttons */
background: #edc;
color: #000;
.calendar thead .name { /* Cells <TD> containing the day names */
border-bottom: 1px solid #655;
padding: 2px;
text-align: center;
color: #000;
.calendar thead .weekend { /* How a weekend day name shows in header */
color: #f00;
.calendar thead .hilite { /* How do the buttons in header appear when hover */
background: #faa;
color: #000;
border: 1px solid #f40;
padding: 1px;
.calendar thead .active { /* Active (pressed) buttons in header */
background: #c77;
padding: 2px 0px 0px 2px;
.calendar thead .daynames { /* Row <TR> containing the day names */
background: #fed;
/* The body part -- contains all the days in month. */
.calendar tbody .day { /* Cells <TD> containing month days dates */
width: 2em;
text-align: right;
padding: 2px 4px 2px 2px;
.calendar table .wn {
padding: 2px 3px 2px 2px;
border-right: 1px solid #000;
background: #fed;
.calendar tbody .rowhilite td {
background: #ddf;
.calendar tbody .rowhilite td.wn {
background: #efe;
.calendar tbody td.hilite { /* Hovered cells <TD> */
background: #ffe;
padding: 1px 3px 1px 1px;
border: 1px solid #bbb;
.calendar tbody td.active { /* Active (pressed) cells <TD> */
background: #ddc;
padding: 2px 2px 0px 2px;
.calendar tbody td.selected { /* Cell showing today date */
font-weight: bold;
border: 1px solid #000;
padding: 1px 3px 1px 1px;
background: #fea;
.calendar tbody td.weekend { /* Cells showing weekend days */
color: #f00;
.calendar tbody td.today { font-weight: bold; }
.calendar tbody .disabled { color: #999; }
.calendar tbody .emptycell { /* Empty cells (the best is to hide them) */
visibility: hidden;
.calendar tbody .emptyrow { /* Empty row (some months need less than 6 rows) */
display: none;
/* The footer part -- status bar and "Close" button */
.calendar tfoot .footrow { /* The <TR> in footer (only one right now) */
text-align: center;
background: #988;
color: #000;
.calendar tfoot .ttip { /* Tooltip (status bar) cell <TD> */
border-top: 1px solid #655;
background: #dcb;
color: #840;
.calendar tfoot .hilite { /* Hover style for buttons in footer */
background: #faa;
border: 1px solid #f40;
padding: 1px;
.calendar tfoot .active { /* Active (pressed) style for buttons in footer */
background: #c77;
padding: 2px 0px 0px 2px;
/* Combo boxes (menus that display months/years for direct selection) */
.combo {
position: absolute;
display: none;
top: 0px;
left: 0px;
width: 4em;
cursor: default;
border: 1px solid #655;
background: #ffe;
color: #000;
font-size: smaller;
.combo .label {
width: 100%;
text-align: center;
.combo .hilite {
background: #fc8;
.combo .active {
border-top: 1px solid #a64;
border-bottom: 1px solid #a64;
background: #fee;
font-weight: bold;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
/* The main calendar widget. DIV containing a table. */
div.calendar { position: relative; }
.calendar, .calendar table {
border: 1px solid #565;
font-size: 11px;
color: #000;
cursor: default;
background: #efe;
font-family: tahoma,verdana,sans-serif;
/* Header part -- contains navigation buttons and day names. */
.calendar .button { /* "<<", "<", ">", ">>" buttons have this class */
text-align: center; /* They are the navigation buttons */
padding: 2px; /* Make the buttons seem like they're pressing */
background: #676;
color: #fff;
font-size: 90%;
.calendar thead .title { /* This holds the current "month, year" */
font-weight: bold; /* Pressing it will take you to the current date */
text-align: center;
padding: 2px;
background: #250;
color: #efa;
.calendar thead .headrow { /* Row <TR> containing navigation buttons */
.calendar thead .name { /* Cells <TD> containing the day names */
border-bottom: 1px solid #565;
padding: 2px;
text-align: center;
color: #000;
.calendar thead .weekend { /* How a weekend day name shows in header */
color: #a66;
.calendar thead .hilite { /* How do the buttons in header appear when hover */
background: #afa;
color: #000;
border: 1px solid #084;
padding: 1px;
.calendar thead .active { /* Active (pressed) buttons in header */
background: #7c7;
padding: 2px 0px 0px 2px;
.calendar thead .daynames { /* Row <TR> containing the day names */
background: #dfb;
/* The body part -- contains all the days in month. */
.calendar tbody .day { /* Cells <TD> containing month days dates */
width: 2em;
color: #564;
text-align: right;
padding: 2px 4px 2px 2px;
.calendar table .wn {
padding: 2px 3px 2px 2px;
border-right: 1px solid #000;
background: #dfb;
.calendar tbody .rowhilite td {
background: #dfd;
.calendar tbody .rowhilite td.wn {
background: #efe;
.calendar tbody td.hilite { /* Hovered cells <TD> */
background: #efd;
padding: 1px 3px 1px 1px;
border: 1px solid #bbb;
.calendar tbody td.active { /* Active (pressed) cells <TD> */
background: #dec;
padding: 2px 2px 0px 2px;
.calendar tbody td.selected { /* Cell showing today date */
font-weight: bold;
border: 1px solid #000;
padding: 1px 3px 1px 1px;
background: #f8fff8;
color: #000;
.calendar tbody td.weekend { /* Cells showing weekend days */
color: #a66;
.calendar tbody td.today { font-weight: bold; color: #0a0; }
.calendar tbody .disabled { color: #999; }
.calendar tbody .emptycell { /* Empty cells (the best is to hide them) */
visibility: hidden;
.calendar tbody .emptyrow { /* Empty row (some months need less than 6 rows) */
display: none;
/* The footer part -- status bar and "Close" button */
.calendar tfoot .footrow { /* The <TR> in footer (only one right now) */
text-align: center;
background: #565;
color: #fff;
.calendar tfoot .ttip { /* Tooltip (status bar) cell <TD> */
padding: 2px;
background: #250;
color: #efa;
.calendar tfoot .hilite { /* Hover style for buttons in footer */
background: #afa;
border: 1px solid #084;
color: #000;
padding: 1px;
.calendar tfoot .active { /* Active (pressed) style for buttons in footer */
background: #7c7;
padding: 2px 0px 0px 2px;
/* Combo boxes (menus that display months/years for direct selection) */
.combo {
position: absolute;
display: none;
top: 0px;
left: 0px;
width: 4em;
cursor: default;
border: 1px solid #565;
background: #efd;
color: #000;
font-size: smaller;
.combo .label {
width: 100%;
text-align: center;
.combo .hilite {
background: #af8;
.combo .active {
border-top: 1px solid #6a4;
border-bottom: 1px solid #6a4;
background: #efe;
font-weight: bold;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
/* Copyright Mihai Bazon, 2002, 2003 | http://students.infoiasi.ro/~mishoo
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* The DHTML Calendar
* Details and latest version at:
* http://students.infoiasi.ro/~mishoo/site/calendar.epl
* Feel free to use this script under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
* Public License, as long as you do not remove or alter this notice.
* This file defines helper functions for setting up the calendar. They are
* intended to help non-programmers get a working calendar on their site
* quickly.
// $Id$
* This function "patches" an input field (or other element) to use a calendar
* widget for date selection.
* The "params" is a single object that can have the following properties:
* prop. name | description
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* inputField | the ID of an input field to store the date
* displayArea | the ID of a DIV or other element to show the date
* button | ID of a button or other element that will trigger the calendar
* eventName | event that will trigger the calendar, without the "on" prefix (default: "click")
* ifFormat | date format that will be stored in the input field
* daFormat | the date format that will be used to display the date in displayArea
* singleClick | (true/false) wether the calendar is in single click mode or not (default: true)
* mondayFirst | (true/false) if true Monday is the first day of week, Sunday otherwise (default: false)
* align | alignment (default: "Bl"); if you don't know what's this see the calendar documentation
* range | array with 2 elements. Default: [1900, 2999] -- the range of years available
* weekNumbers | (true/false) if it's true (default) the calendar will display week numbers
* flat | null or element ID; if not null the calendar will be a flat calendar having the parent with the given ID
* flatCallback | function that receives a JS Date object and returns an URL to point the browser to (for flat calendar)
* disableFunc | function that receives a JS Date object and should return true if that date has to be disabled in the calendar
* None of them is required, they all have default values. However, if you
* pass none of "inputField", "displayArea" or "button" you'll get a warning
* saying "nothing to setup".
Calendar.setup = function (params) {
function param_default(pname, def) { if (typeof params[pname] == "undefined") { params[pname] = def; } };
param_default("inputField", null);
param_default("displayArea", null);
param_default("button", null);
param_default("eventName", "click");
param_default("ifFormat", "y/mm/dd");
param_default("daFormat", "y/mm/dd");
param_default("singleClick", true);
param_default("disableFunc", null);
param_default("mondayFirst", false);
param_default("align", "Bl");
param_default("range", [1900, 2999]);
param_default("weekNumbers", true);
param_default("flat", null);
param_default("flatCallback", null);
var tmp = ["inputField", "displayArea", "button"];
for (var i in tmp) {
if (typeof params[tmp[i]] == "string") {
params[tmp[i]] = document.getElementById(params[tmp[i]]);
if (!(params.flat || params.inputField || params.displayArea || params.button)) {
alert("Calendar.setup:\n Nothing to setup (no fields found). Please check your code");
return false;
function onSelect(cal) {
if (cal.params.flat) {
if (typeof cal.params.flatCallback == "function") {
} else {
alert("No flatCallback given -- doing nothing.");
return false;
if (cal.params.inputField) {
cal.params.inputField.value = cal.date.print(cal.params.ifFormat);
if (cal.params.displayArea) {
cal.params.displayArea.innerHTML = cal.date.print(cal.params.daFormat);
if (cal.params.singleClick && cal.dateClicked) {
if (params.flat != null) {
params.flat = document.getElementById(params.flat);
if (!params.flat) {
alert("Calendar.setup:\n Flat specified but can't find parent.");
return false;
var cal = new Calendar(params.mondayFirst, null, onSelect);
cal.params = params;
cal.weekNumbers = params.weekNumbers;
cal.setRange(params.range[0], params.range[1]);
return false;
var triggerEl = params.button || params.displayArea || params.inputField;
triggerEl["on" + params.eventName] = function() {
var dateEl = params.inputField || params.displayArea;
var dateFmt = params.inputField ? params.ifFormat : params.daFormat;
var mustCreate = false;
if (!window.calendar) {
window.calendar = new Calendar(params.mondayFirst, null, onSelect, function(cal) { cal.hide(); });
window.calendar.weekNumbers = params.weekNumbers;
mustCreate = true;
} else {
window.calendar.setRange(params.range[0], params.range[1]);
window.calendar.params = params;
if (mustCreate) {
window.calendar.parseDate(dateEl.value || dateEl.innerHTML);
window.calendar.showAtElement(params.displayArea || params.inputField, params.align);
return false;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
/* Copyright Mihai Bazon, 2002, 2003 | http://students.infoiasi.ro/~mishoo
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* The DHTML Calendar
* Details and latest version at:
* http://students.infoiasi.ro/~mishoo/site/calendar.epl
* Feel free to use this script under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
* Public License, as long as you do not remove or alter this notice.
* This file defines helper functions for setting up the calendar. They are
* intended to help non-programmers get a working calendar on their site
* quickly.
Calendar.setup=function(params){function param_default(pname,def){if(typeof params[pname]=="undefined"){params[pname]=def;}};param_default("inputField",null);param_default("displayArea",null);param_default("button",null);param_default("eventName","click");param_default("ifFormat","y/mm/dd");param_default("daFormat","y/mm/dd");param_default("singleClick",true);param_default("disableFunc",null);param_default("mondayFirst",false);param_default("align","Bl");param_default("range",[1900,2999]);param_default("weekNumbers",true);param_default("flat",null);param_default("flatCallback",null);var tmp=["inputField","displayArea","button"];for(var i in tmp){if(typeof params[tmp[i]]=="string"){params[tmp[i]]=document.getElementById(params[tmp[i]]);}}if(!(params.flat||params.inputField||params.displayArea||params.button)){alert("Calendar.setup:\n Nothing to setup (no fields found). Please check your code");return false;}function onSelect(cal){if(cal.params.flat){if(typeof cal.params.flatCallback=="function"){cal.params.flatCallback(cal);}else{alert("No flatCallback given -- doing nothing.");}return false;}if(cal.params.inputField){cal.params.inputField.value=cal.date.print(cal.params.ifFormat);}if(cal.params.displayArea){cal.params.displayArea.innerHTML=cal.date.print(cal.params.daFormat);}if(cal.params.singleClick&&cal.dateClicked){cal.callCloseHandler();}};if(params.flat!=null){params.flat=document.getElementById(params.flat);if(!params.flat){alert("Calendar.setup:\n Flat specified but can't find parent.");return false;}var cal=new Calendar(params.mondayFirst,null,onSelect);cal.params=params;cal.weekNumbers=params.weekNumbers;cal.setRange(params.range[0],params.range[1]);cal.setDisabledHandler(params.disableFunc);cal.create(params.flat);cal.show();return false;}var triggerEl=params.button||params.displayArea||params.inputField;triggerEl["on"+params.eventName]=function(){var dateEl=params.inputField||params.displayArea;var dateFmt=params.inputField?params.ifFormat:params.daFormat;var mustCreate=false;if(!window.calendar){window.calendar=new Calendar(params.mondayFirst,null,onSelect,function(cal){cal.hide();});window.calendar.weekNumbers=params.weekNumbers;mustCreate=true;}else{window.calendar.hide();}window.calendar.setRange(params.range[0],params.range[1]);window.calendar.params=params;window.calendar.setDisabledHandler(params.disableFunc);window.calendar.setDateFormat(dateFmt);if(mustCreate){window.calendar.create();}window.calendar.parseDate(dateEl.value||dateEl.innerHTML);window.calendar.refresh();window.calendar.showAtElement(params.displayArea||params.inputField,params.align);return false;};};
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
/* The main calendar widget. DIV containing a table. */
.calendar {
position: relative;
display: none;
border: 1px solid;
border-color: #fff #000 #000 #fff;
font-size: 11px;
cursor: default;
background: Window;
color: WindowText;
font-family: tahoma,verdana,sans-serif;
.calendar table {
border: 1px solid;
border-color: #fff #000 #000 #fff;
font-size: 11px;
cursor: default;
background: Window;
color: WindowText;
font-family: tahoma,verdana,sans-serif;
/* Header part -- contains navigation buttons and day names. */
.calendar .button { /* "<<", "<", ">", ">>" buttons have this class */
text-align: center;
padding: 1px;
border: 1px solid;
border-color: ButtonHighlight ButtonShadow ButtonShadow ButtonHighlight;
background: ButtonFace;
.calendar thead .title { /* This holds the current "month, year" */
font-weight: bold;
padding: 1px;
border: 1px solid #000;
background: ActiveCaption;
color: CaptionText;
text-align: center;
.calendar thead .headrow { /* Row <TR> containing navigation buttons */
.calendar thead .daynames { /* Row <TR> containing the day names */
.calendar thead .name { /* Cells <TD> containing the day names */
border-bottom: 1px solid ButtonShadow;
padding: 2px;
text-align: center;
background: ButtonFace;
color: ButtonText;
.calendar thead .weekend { /* How a weekend day name shows in header */
color: #f00;
.calendar thead .hilite { /* How do the buttons in header appear when hover */
border-width: 2px;
padding: 0px;
.calendar thead .active { /* Active (pressed) buttons in header */
border-width: 1px;
padding: 2px 0px 0px 2px;
border-color: ButtonShadow ButtonHighlight ButtonHighlight ButtonShadow;
/* The body part -- contains all the days in month. */
.calendar tbody .day { /* Cells <TD> containing month days dates */
width: 2em;
text-align: right;
padding: 2px 4px 2px 2px;
.calendar table .wn {
padding: 2px 3px 2px 2px;
border-right: 1px solid ButtonShadow;
background: ButtonFace;
color: ButtonText;
.calendar tbody .rowhilite td {
background: #eee;
color: #000;
.calendar tbody td.hilite { /* Hovered cells <TD> */
padding: 1px 3px 1px 1px;
border-top: 1px solid #fff;
border-right: 1px solid #000;
border-bottom: 1px solid #000;
border-left: 1px solid #fff;
.calendar tbody td.active { /* Active (pressed) cells <TD> */
padding: 2px 2px 0px 2px;
border: 1px solid;
border-color: ButtonShadow ButtonHighlight ButtonHighlight ButtonShadow;
.calendar tbody td.selected { /* Cell showing selected date */
font-weight: bold;
border: 1px solid;
border-color: ButtonShadow ButtonHighlight ButtonHighlight ButtonShadow;
padding: 2px 2px 0px 2px;
.calendar tbody td.weekend { /* Cells showing weekend days */
color: #f00;
.calendar tbody td.today { /* Cell showing today date */
font-weight: bold;
color: #00f;
.calendar tbody td.disabled { color: GrayText; }
.calendar tbody .emptycell { /* Empty cells (the best is to hide them) */
visibility: hidden;
.calendar tbody .emptyrow { /* Empty row (some months need less than 6 rows) */
display: none;
/* The footer part -- status bar and "Close" button */
.calendar tfoot .footrow { /* The <TR> in footer (only one right now) */
.calendar tfoot .ttip { /* Tooltip (status bar) cell <TD> */
background: ButtonFace;
padding: 1px;
border: 1px solid;
border-color: ButtonShadow ButtonHighlight ButtonHighlight ButtonShadow;
color: ButtonText;
text-align: center;
.calendar tfoot .hilite { /* Hover style for buttons in footer */
border-top: 1px solid #fff;
border-right: 1px solid #000;
border-bottom: 1px solid #000;
border-left: 1px solid #fff;
padding: 1px;
background: #e4e0d8;
.calendar tfoot .active { /* Active (pressed) style for buttons in footer */
padding: 2px 0px 0px 2px;
border-top: 1px solid #000;
border-right: 1px solid #fff;
border-bottom: 1px solid #fff;
border-left: 1px solid #000;
/* Combo boxes (menus that display months/years for direct selection) */
.combo {
position: absolute;
display: none;
width: 4em;
top: 0px;
left: 0px;
cursor: default;
border: 1px solid;
border-color: ButtonHighlight ButtonShadow ButtonShadow ButtonHighlight;
background: Menu;
color: MenuText;
font-size: smaller;
padding: 1px;
.combo .label {
text-align: center;
padding: 1px;
.combo .active {
padding: 0px;
border: 1px solid #000;
.combo .hilite {
background: Highlight;
color: HighlightText;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
/* The main calendar widget. DIV containing a table. */
.calendar {
position: relative;
display: none;
border-top: 2px solid #fff;
border-right: 2px solid #000;
border-bottom: 2px solid #000;
border-left: 2px solid #fff;
font-size: 11px;
color: #000;
cursor: default;
background: #d4d0c8;
font-family: tahoma,verdana,sans-serif;
.calendar table {
border-top: 1px solid #000;
border-right: 1px solid #fff;
border-bottom: 1px solid #fff;
border-left: 1px solid #000;
font-size: 11px;
color: #000;
cursor: default;
background: #d4d0c8;
font-family: tahoma,verdana,sans-serif;
/* Header part -- contains navigation buttons and day names. */
.calendar .button { /* "<<", "<", ">", ">>" buttons have this class */
text-align: center;
padding: 1px;
border-top: 1px solid #fff;
border-right: 1px solid #000;
border-bottom: 1px solid #000;
border-left: 1px solid #fff;
.calendar thead .title { /* This holds the current "month, year" */
font-weight: bold;
padding: 1px;
border: 1px solid #000;
background: #848078;
color: #fff;
text-align: center;
.calendar thead .headrow { /* Row <TR> containing navigation buttons */
.calendar thead .daynames { /* Row <TR> containing the day names */
.calendar thead .name { /* Cells <TD> containing the day names */
border-bottom: 1px solid #000;
padding: 2px;
text-align: center;
background: #f4f0e8;
.calendar thead .weekend { /* How a weekend day name shows in header */
color: #f00;
.calendar thead .hilite { /* How do the buttons in header appear when hover */
border-top: 2px solid #fff;
border-right: 2px solid #000;
border-bottom: 2px solid #000;
border-left: 2px solid #fff;
padding: 0px;
background: #e4e0d8;
.calendar thead .active { /* Active (pressed) buttons in header */
padding: 2px 0px 0px 2px;
border-top: 1px solid #000;
border-right: 1px solid #fff;
border-bottom: 1px solid #fff;
border-left: 1px solid #000;
background: #c4c0b8;
/* The body part -- contains all the days in month. */
.calendar tbody .day { /* Cells <TD> containing month days dates */
width: 2em;
text-align: right;
padding: 2px 4px 2px 2px;
.calendar table .wn {
padding: 2px 3px 2px 2px;
border-right: 1px solid #000;
background: #f4f0e8;
.calendar tbody .rowhilite td {
background: #e4e0d8;
.calendar tbody .rowhilite td.wn {
background: #d4d0c8;
.calendar tbody td.hilite { /* Hovered cells <TD> */
padding: 1px 3px 1px 1px;
border-top: 1px solid #fff;
border-right: 1px solid #000;
border-bottom: 1px solid #000;
border-left: 1px solid #fff;
.calendar tbody td.active { /* Active (pressed) cells <TD> */
padding: 2px 2px 0px 2px;
border-top: 1px solid #000;
border-right: 1px solid #fff;
border-bottom: 1px solid #fff;
border-left: 1px solid #000;
.calendar tbody td.selected { /* Cell showing selected date */
font-weight: bold;
border-top: 1px solid #000;
border-right: 1px solid #fff;
border-bottom: 1px solid #fff;
border-left: 1px solid #000;
padding: 2px 2px 0px 2px;
background: #e4e0d8;
.calendar tbody td.weekend { /* Cells showing weekend days */
color: #f00;
.calendar tbody td.today { /* Cell showing today date */
font-weight: bold;
color: #00f;
.calendar tbody .disabled { color: #999; }
.calendar tbody .emptycell { /* Empty cells (the best is to hide them) */
visibility: hidden;
.calendar tbody .emptyrow { /* Empty row (some months need less than 6 rows) */
display: none;
/* The footer part -- status bar and "Close" button */
.calendar tfoot .footrow { /* The <TR> in footer (only one right now) */
.calendar tfoot .ttip { /* Tooltip (status bar) cell <TD> */
background: #f4f0e8;
padding: 1px;
border: 1px solid #000;
background: #848078;
color: #fff;
text-align: center;
.calendar tfoot .hilite { /* Hover style for buttons in footer */
border-top: 1px solid #fff;
border-right: 1px solid #000;
border-bottom: 1px solid #000;
border-left: 1px solid #fff;
padding: 1px;
background: #e4e0d8;
.calendar tfoot .active { /* Active (pressed) style for buttons in footer */
padding: 2px 0px 0px 2px;
border-top: 1px solid #000;
border-right: 1px solid #fff;
border-bottom: 1px solid #fff;
border-left: 1px solid #000;
/* Combo boxes (menus that display months/years for direct selection) */
.combo {
position: absolute;
display: none;
width: 4em;
top: 0px;
left: 0px;
cursor: default;
border-top: 1px solid #fff;
border-right: 1px solid #000;
border-bottom: 1px solid #000;
border-left: 1px solid #fff;
background: #e4e0d8;
font-size: smaller;
padding: 1px;
.combo .label {
text-align: center;
padding: 1px;
.combo .active {
background: #c4c0b8;
padding: 0px;
border-top: 1px solid #000;
border-right: 1px solid #fff;
border-bottom: 1px solid #fff;
border-left: 1px solid #000;
.combo .hilite {
background: #048;
color: #fea;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
/* The main calendar widget. DIV containing a table. */
.calendar {
position: relative;
display: none;
border-top: 2px solid #fff;
border-right: 2px solid #000;
border-bottom: 2px solid #000;
border-left: 2px solid #fff;
font-size: 11px;
color: #000;
cursor: default;
background: #d4c8d0;
font-family: tahoma,verdana,sans-serif;
.calendar table {
border-top: 1px solid #000;
border-right: 1px solid #fff;
border-bottom: 1px solid #fff;
border-left: 1px solid #000;
font-size: 11px;
color: #000;
cursor: default;
background: #d4c8d0;
font-family: tahoma,verdana,sans-serif;
/* Header part -- contains navigation buttons and day names. */
.calendar .button { /* "<<", "<", ">", ">>" buttons have this class */
text-align: center;
padding: 1px;
border-top: 1px solid #fff;
border-right: 1px solid #000;
border-bottom: 1px solid #000;
border-left: 1px solid #fff;
.calendar thead .title { /* This holds the current "month, year" */
font-weight: bold;
padding: 1px;
border: 1px solid #000;
background: #847880;
color: #fff;
text-align: center;
.calendar thead .headrow { /* Row <TR> containing navigation buttons */
.calendar thead .daynames { /* Row <TR> containing the day names */
.calendar thead .name { /* Cells <TD> containing the day names */
border-bottom: 1px solid #000;
padding: 2px;
text-align: center;
background: #f4e8f0;
.calendar thead .weekend { /* How a weekend day name shows in header */
color: #f00;
.calendar thead .hilite { /* How do the buttons in header appear when hover */
border-top: 2px solid #fff;
border-right: 2px solid #000;
border-bottom: 2px solid #000;
border-left: 2px solid #fff;
padding: 0px;
background: #e4d8e0;
.calendar thead .active { /* Active (pressed) buttons in header */
padding: 2px 0px 0px 2px;
border-top: 1px solid #000;
border-right: 1px solid #fff;
border-bottom: 1px solid #fff;
border-left: 1px solid #000;
background: #c4b8c0;
/* The body part -- contains all the days in month. */
.calendar tbody .day { /* Cells <TD> containing month days dates */
width: 2em;
text-align: right;
padding: 2px 4px 2px 2px;
.calendar table .wn {
padding: 2px 3px 2px 2px;
border-right: 1px solid #000;
background: #f4e8f0;
.calendar tbody .rowhilite td {
background: #e4d8e0;
.calendar tbody .rowhilite td.wn {
background: #d4c8d0;
.calendar tbody td.hilite { /* Hovered cells <TD> */
padding: 1px 3px 1px 1px;
border-top: 1px solid #fff;
border-right: 1px solid #000;
border-bottom: 1px solid #000;
border-left: 1px solid #fff;
.calendar tbody td.active { /* Active (pressed) cells <TD> */
padding: 2px 2px 0px 2px;
border-top: 1px solid #000;
border-right: 1px solid #fff;
border-bottom: 1px solid #fff;
border-left: 1px solid #000;
.calendar tbody td.selected { /* Cell showing selected date */
font-weight: bold;
border-top: 1px solid #000;
border-right: 1px solid #fff;
border-bottom: 1px solid #fff;
border-left: 1px solid #000;
padding: 2px 2px 0px 2px;
background: #e4d8e0;
.calendar tbody td.weekend { /* Cells showing weekend days */
color: #f00;
.calendar tbody td.today { /* Cell showing today date */
font-weight: bold;
color: #00f;
.calendar tbody .disabled { color: #999; }
.calendar tbody .emptycell { /* Empty cells (the best is to hide them) */
visibility: hidden;
.calendar tbody .emptyrow { /* Empty row (some months need less than 6 rows) */
display: none;
/* The footer part -- status bar and "Close" button */
.calendar tfoot .footrow { /* The <TR> in footer (only one right now) */
.calendar tfoot .ttip { /* Tooltip (status bar) cell <TD> */
background: #f4e8f0;
padding: 1px;
border: 1px solid #000;
background: #847880;
color: #fff;
text-align: center;
.calendar tfoot .hilite { /* Hover style for buttons in footer */
border-top: 1px solid #fff;
border-right: 1px solid #000;
border-bottom: 1px solid #000;
border-left: 1px solid #fff;
padding: 1px;
background: #e4d8e0;
.calendar tfoot .active { /* Active (pressed) style for buttons in footer */
padding: 2px 0px 0px 2px;
border-top: 1px solid #000;
border-right: 1px solid #fff;
border-bottom: 1px solid #fff;
border-left: 1px solid #000;
/* Combo boxes (menus that display months/years for direct selection) */
.combo {
position: absolute;
display: none;
width: 4em;
top: 0px;
left: 0px;
cursor: default;
border-top: 1px solid #fff;
border-right: 1px solid #000;
border-bottom: 1px solid #000;
border-left: 1px solid #fff;
background: #e4d8e0;
font-size: smaller;
padding: 1px;
.combo .label {
text-align: center;
padding: 1px;
.combo .active {
background: #d4c8d0;
padding: 0px;
border-top: 1px solid #000;
border-right: 1px solid #fff;
border-bottom: 1px solid #fff;
border-left: 1px solid #000;
.combo .hilite {
background: #408;
color: #fea;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
/* The main calendar widget. DIV containing a table. */
.calendar {
position: relative;
display: none;
border-top: 2px solid #fff;
border-right: 2px solid #000;
border-bottom: 2px solid #000;
border-left: 2px solid #fff;
font-size: 11px;
color: #000;
cursor: default;
background: #c8d0d4;
font-family: tahoma,verdana,sans-serif;
.calendar table {
border-top: 1px solid #000;
border-right: 1px solid #fff;
border-bottom: 1px solid #fff;
border-left: 1px solid #000;
font-size: 11px;
color: #000;
cursor: default;
background: #c8d0d4;
font-family: tahoma,verdana,sans-serif;
/* Header part -- contains navigation buttons and day names. */
.calendar .button { /* "<<", "<", ">", ">>" buttons have this class */
text-align: center;
padding: 1px;
border-top: 1px solid #fff;
border-right: 1px solid #000;
border-bottom: 1px solid #000;
border-left: 1px solid #fff;
.calendar thead .title { /* This holds the current "month, year" */
font-weight: bold;
padding: 1px;
border: 1px solid #000;
background: #788084;
color: #fff;
text-align: center;
.calendar thead .headrow { /* Row <TR> containing navigation buttons */
.calendar thead .daynames { /* Row <TR> containing the day names */
.calendar thead .name { /* Cells <TD> containing the day names */
border-bottom: 1px solid #000;
padding: 2px;
text-align: center;
background: #e8f0f4;
.calendar thead .weekend { /* How a weekend day name shows in header */
color: #f00;
.calendar thead .hilite { /* How do the buttons in header appear when hover */
border-top: 2px solid #fff;
border-right: 2px solid #000;
border-bottom: 2px solid #000;
border-left: 2px solid #fff;
padding: 0px;
background: #d8e0e4;
.calendar thead .active { /* Active (pressed) buttons in header */
padding: 2px 0px 0px 2px;
border-top: 1px solid #000;
border-right: 1px solid #fff;
border-bottom: 1px solid #fff;
border-left: 1px solid #000;
background: #b8c0c4;
/* The body part -- contains all the days in month. */
.calendar tbody .day { /* Cells <TD> containing month days dates */
width: 2em;
text-align: right;
padding: 2px 4px 2px 2px;
.calendar table .wn {
padding: 2px 3px 2px 2px;
border-right: 1px solid #000;
background: #e8f4f0;
.calendar tbody .rowhilite td {
background: #d8e4e0;
.calendar tbody .rowhilite td.wn {
background: #c8d4d0;
.calendar tbody td.hilite { /* Hovered cells <TD> */
padding: 1px 3px 1px 1px;
border: 1px solid;
border-color: #fff #000 #000 #fff;
.calendar tbody td.active { /* Active (pressed) cells <TD> */
padding: 2px 2px 0px 2px;
border: 1px solid;
border-color: #000 #fff #fff #000;
.calendar tbody td.selected { /* Cell showing selected date */
font-weight: bold;
padding: 2px 2px 0px 2px;
border: 1px solid;
border-color: #000 #fff #fff #000;
background: #d8e0e4;
.calendar tbody td.weekend { /* Cells showing weekend days */
color: #f00;
.calendar tbody td.today { /* Cell showing today date */
font-weight: bold;
color: #00f;
.calendar tbody .disabled { color: #999; }
.calendar tbody .emptycell { /* Empty cells (the best is to hide them) */
visibility: hidden;
.calendar tbody .emptyrow { /* Empty row (some months need less than 6 rows) */
display: none;
/* The footer part -- status bar and "Close" button */
.calendar tfoot .footrow { /* The <TR> in footer (only one right now) */
.calendar tfoot .ttip { /* Tooltip (status bar) cell <TD> */
background: #e8f0f4;
padding: 1px;
border: 1px solid #000;
background: #788084;
color: #fff;
text-align: center;
.calendar tfoot .hilite { /* Hover style for buttons in footer */
border-top: 1px solid #fff;
border-right: 1px solid #000;
border-bottom: 1px solid #000;
border-left: 1px solid #fff;
padding: 1px;
background: #d8e0e4;
.calendar tfoot .active { /* Active (pressed) style for buttons in footer */
padding: 2px 0px 0px 2px;
border-top: 1px solid #000;
border-right: 1px solid #fff;
border-bottom: 1px solid #fff;
border-left: 1px solid #000;
/* Combo boxes (menus that display months/years for direct selection) */
.combo {
position: absolute;
display: none;
width: 4em;
top: 0px;
left: 0px;
cursor: default;
border-top: 1px solid #fff;
border-right: 1px solid #000;
border-bottom: 1px solid #000;
border-left: 1px solid #fff;
background: #d8e0e4;
font-size: smaller;
padding: 1px;
.combo .label {
text-align: center;
padding: 1px;
.combo .active {
background: #c8d0d4;
padding: 0px;
border-top: 1px solid #000;
border-right: 1px solid #fff;
border-bottom: 1px solid #fff;
border-left: 1px solid #000;
.combo .hilite {
background: #048;
color: #aef;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
/* The main calendar widget. DIV containing a table. */
.calendar {
position: relative;
display: none;
border-top: 2px solid #fff;
border-right: 2px solid #000;
border-bottom: 2px solid #000;
border-left: 2px solid #fff;
font-size: 11px;
color: #000;
cursor: default;
background: #c8d4d0;
font-family: tahoma,verdana,sans-serif;
.calendar table {
border-top: 1px solid #000;
border-right: 1px solid #fff;
border-bottom: 1px solid #fff;
border-left: 1px solid #000;
font-size: 11px;
color: #000;
cursor: default;
background: #c8d4d0;
font-family: tahoma,verdana,sans-serif;
/* Header part -- contains navigation buttons and day names. */
.calendar .button { /* "<<", "<", ">", ">>" buttons have this class */
text-align: center;
padding: 1px;
border-top: 1px solid #fff;
border-right: 1px solid #000;
border-bottom: 1px solid #000;
border-left: 1px solid #fff;
.calendar thead .title { /* This holds the current "month, year" */
font-weight: bold;
padding: 1px;
border: 1px solid #000;
background: #788480;
color: #fff;
text-align: center;
.calendar thead .headrow { /* Row <TR> containing navigation buttons */
.calendar thead .daynames { /* Row <TR> containing the day names */
.calendar thead .name { /* Cells <TD> containing the day names */
border-bottom: 1px solid #000;
padding: 2px;
text-align: center;
background: #e8f4f0;
.calendar thead .weekend { /* How a weekend day name shows in header */
color: #f00;
.calendar thead .hilite { /* How do the buttons in header appear when hover */
border-top: 2px solid #fff;
border-right: 2px solid #000;
border-bottom: 2px solid #000;
border-left: 2px solid #fff;
padding: 0px;
background: #d8e4e0;
.calendar thead .active { /* Active (pressed) buttons in header */
padding: 2px 0px 0px 2px;
border-top: 1px solid #000;
border-right: 1px solid #fff;
border-bottom: 1px solid #fff;
border-left: 1px solid #000;
background: #b8c4c0;
/* The body part -- contains all the days in month. */
.calendar tbody .day { /* Cells <TD> containing month days dates */
width: 2em;
text-align: right;
padding: 2px 4px 2px 2px;
.calendar table .wn {
padding: 2px 3px 2px 2px;
border-right: 1px solid #000;
background: #e8f4f0;
.calendar tbody .rowhilite td {
background: #d8e4e0;
.calendar tbody .rowhilite td.wn {
background: #c8d4d0;
.calendar tbody td.hilite { /* Hovered cells <TD> */
padding: 1px 3px 1px 1px;
border-top: 1px solid #fff;
border-right: 1px solid #000;
border-bottom: 1px solid #000;
border-left: 1px solid #fff;
.calendar tbody td.active { /* Active (pressed) cells <TD> */
padding: 2px 2px 0px 2px;
border-top: 1px solid #000;
border-right: 1px solid #fff;
border-bottom: 1px solid #fff;
border-left: 1px solid #000;
.calendar tbody td.selected { /* Cell showing selected date */
font-weight: bold;
border-top: 1px solid #000;
border-right: 1px solid #fff;
border-bottom: 1px solid #fff;
border-left: 1px solid #000;
padding: 2px 2px 0px 2px;
background: #d8e4e0;
.calendar tbody td.weekend { /* Cells showing weekend days */
color: #f00;
.calendar tbody td.today { /* Cell showing today date */
font-weight: bold;
color: #00f;
.calendar tbody .disabled { color: #999; }
.calendar tbody .emptycell { /* Empty cells (the best is to hide them) */
visibility: hidden;
.calendar tbody .emptyrow { /* Empty row (some months need less than 6 rows) */
display: none;
/* The footer part -- status bar and "Close" button */
.calendar tfoot .footrow { /* The <TR> in footer (only one right now) */
.calendar tfoot .ttip { /* Tooltip (status bar) cell <TD> */
background: #e8f4f0;
padding: 1px;
border: 1px solid #000;
background: #788480;
color: #fff;
text-align: center;
.calendar tfoot .hilite { /* Hover style for buttons in footer */
border-top: 1px solid #fff;
border-right: 1px solid #000;
border-bottom: 1px solid #000;
border-left: 1px solid #fff;
padding: 1px;
background: #d8e4e0;
.calendar tfoot .active { /* Active (pressed) style for buttons in footer */
padding: 2px 0px 0px 2px;
border-top: 1px solid #000;
border-right: 1px solid #fff;
border-bottom: 1px solid #fff;
border-left: 1px solid #000;
/* Combo boxes (menus that display months/years for direct selection) */
.combo {
position: absolute;
display: none;
width: 4em;
top: 0px;
left: 0px;
cursor: default;
border-top: 1px solid #fff;
border-right: 1px solid #000;
border-bottom: 1px solid #000;
border-left: 1px solid #fff;
background: #d8e4e0;
font-size: smaller;
padding: 1px;
.combo .label {
text-align: center;
padding: 1px;
.combo .active {
background: #c8d4d0;
padding: 0px;
border-top: 1px solid #000;
border-right: 1px solid #fff;
border-bottom: 1px solid #fff;
border-left: 1px solid #000;
.combo .hilite {
background: #048;
color: #aef;
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
Normal file
Normal file
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
html { margin: 0px; padding: 0px; background-color: #08f; color: #444; font-family: georgia,serif; }
body { margin: 2em 8%; background-color: #fff; padding: 1em; border: 2px ridge #048; }
a:link, a:visited { text-decoration: none; color: #00f; }
a:hover { color: #f00; text-decoration: underline; }
a:active { color: #f84; }
h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { font-family: tahoma,verdana,sans-serif; }
h2, h3 { font-weight: normal; }
h1 a:hover, h2 a:hover, h3 a:hover, h4 a:hover, h5 a:hover, h6 a:hover { text-decoration: none; }
h1 { font-size: 170%; border: 2px ridge #048; letter-spacing: 2px; color: #000; margin-left: -2em; margin-right: -2em;
background-color: #fff; padding: 2px 1em; background-color: #def; }
h2 { font-size: 140%; color: #222; }
h3 { font-size: 120%; color: #444; }
h1.title { font-size: 300%; font-family: georgia,serif; font-weight: normal; color: #846; letter-spacing: -1px;
border: none;
padding: none;
background-color: #fff;
border-bottom: 3px double #624; padding-bottom: 2px; margin-left: 8%; margin-right: 8%; }
.colophon { padding-top: 2em; color: #999; font-size: 90%; font-family: georgia,"times new roman",serif; }
.colophon a:link, .colophon a:visited { color: #755; }
.colophon a:hover { color: #422; text-decoration: underline; }
.footnote { font-size: 90%; font-style: italic; font-family: georgia,"times new roman",serif; margin: 0px 3em; }
.footnote sup { font-size: 120%; padding: 0px 0.3em; position: relative; top: -0.2em; }
.small { font-size: 90%; }
.verbatim { background-color: #eee; padding: 0.2em 1em; border: 1px solid #aaa; }
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
After Width: | Height: | Size: 145 B |
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
// ** I18N
Calendar._DN = new Array
Calendar._MN = new Array
// tooltips
Calendar._TT = {};
Calendar._TT["TOGGLE"] = "Altera primeiro dia da semana";
Calendar._TT["PREV_YEAR"] = "Ano anterior(hold for menu)";
Calendar._TT["PREV_MONTH"] = "Mês anterior (hold for menu)";
Calendar._TT["GO_TODAY"] = "Hoje";
Calendar._TT["NEXT_MONTH"] = "Mês seguinte (hold for menu)";
Calendar._TT["NEXT_YEAR"] = "ano seguinte (hold for menu)";
Calendar._TT["SEL_DATE"] = "Seleciona uma data";
Calendar._TT["DRAG_TO_MOVE"] = "Arrasta calendário";
Calendar._TT["PART_TODAY"] = " (hoje)";
Calendar._TT["MON_FIRST"] = "Inicia na segunda-feira";
Calendar._TT["SUN_FIRST"] = "Inicia no domingo";
Calendar._TT["CLOSE"] = "Fechar";
Calendar._TT["TODAY"] = "Hoje";
// date formats
Calendar._TT["DEF_DATE_FORMAT"] = "dd-mm-y";
Calendar._TT["TT_DATE_FORMAT"] = "DD, dd de MM de y";
Calendar._TT["WK"] = "sem";
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
// ** I18N
Calendar._DN = new Array
Calendar._MN = new Array
// tooltips
Calendar._TT = {};
Calendar._TT["TOGGLE"] = "Canvia el primer dia de la setmana";
Calendar._TT["PREV_YEAR"] = "Any anterior (mantenir per a menu)";
Calendar._TT["PREV_MONTH"] = "Mes anterior (mantenir per a menu)";
Calendar._TT["GO_TODAY"] = "Anar a avui";
Calendar._TT["NEXT_MONTH"] = "Mes següent (mantenir per a menu)";
Calendar._TT["NEXT_YEAR"] = "Any següent (mantenir per a menu)";
Calendar._TT["SEL_DATE"] = "Seleccionar data";
Calendar._TT["DRAG_TO_MOVE"] = "Arrastrar per a moure";
Calendar._TT["PART_TODAY"] = " (avui)";
Calendar._TT["MON_FIRST"] = "Mostrar dilluns primer";
Calendar._TT["SUN_FIRST"] = "Mostrar diumenge primer";
Calendar._TT["CLOSE"] = "Tancar";
Calendar._TT["TODAY"] = "Avui";
// date formats
Calendar._TT["DEF_DATE_FORMAT"] = "dd-mm-yy";
Calendar._TT["TT_DATE_FORMAT"] = "D, M d";
Calendar._TT["WK"] = "sem";
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
language: Czech
encoding: windows-1250
author: Lubos Jerabek (xnet@seznam.cz)
// ** I18N
Calendar._DN = new Array('Nedìle','Pondìlí','Úterý','Støeda','Ètvrtek','Pátek','Sobota','Nedìle');
Calendar._DN3 = new Array('Ne','Po','Út','St','Èt','Pá','So','Ne');
Calendar._MN = new Array('Leden','Únor','Bøezen','Duben','Kvìten','Èerven','Èervenec','Srpen','Záøí','Øíjen','Listopad','Prosinec');
Calendar._MN3 = new Array('Led','Úno','Bøe','Dub','Kvì','Èrv','Èvc','Srp','Záø','Øíj','Lis','Pro');
// tooltips
Calendar._TT = {};
Calendar._TT["TOGGLE"] = "Zmìna prvního dne v týdnu";
Calendar._TT["PREV_YEAR"] = "Pøedchozí rok (pøidrž pro menu)";
Calendar._TT["PREV_MONTH"] = "Pøedchozí mìsíc (pøidrž pro menu)";
Calendar._TT["GO_TODAY"] = "Dnešní datum";
Calendar._TT["NEXT_MONTH"] = "Další mìsíc (pøidrž pro menu)";
Calendar._TT["NEXT_YEAR"] = "Další rok (pøidrž pro menu)";
Calendar._TT["SEL_DATE"] = "Vyber datum";
Calendar._TT["DRAG_TO_MOVE"] = "Chy<68> a táhni, pro pøesun";
Calendar._TT["PART_TODAY"] = " (dnes)";
Calendar._TT["MON_FIRST"] = "Ukaž jako první Pondìlí";
Calendar._TT["SUN_FIRST"] = "Ukaž jako první Nedìli";
Calendar._TT["CLOSE"] = "Zavøít";
Calendar._TT["TODAY"] = "Dnes";
// date formats
Calendar._TT["DEF_DATE_FORMAT"] = "d.m.yy";
Calendar._TT["TT_DATE_FORMAT"] = "DD, 5.MM y";
Calendar._TT["WK"] = "wk";
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
// ** I18N
Calendar._DN = new Array
Calendar._MN = new Array
// tooltips
Calendar._TT = {};
Calendar._TT["TOGGLE"] = "Skift første ugedag";
Calendar._TT["PREV_YEAR"] = "Ét år tilbage (hold for menu)";
Calendar._TT["PREV_MONTH"] = "Én måned tilbage (hold for menu)";
Calendar._TT["GO_TODAY"] = "Gå til i dag";
Calendar._TT["NEXT_MONTH"] = "Én måned frem (hold for menu)";
Calendar._TT["NEXT_YEAR"] = "Ét år frem (hold for menu)";
Calendar._TT["SEL_DATE"] = "Vælg dag";
Calendar._TT["DRAG_TO_MOVE"] = "Træk vinduet";
Calendar._TT["PART_TODAY"] = " (i dag)";
Calendar._TT["MON_FIRST"] = "Vis mandag først";
Calendar._TT["SUN_FIRST"] = "Vis søndag først";
Calendar._TT["CLOSE"] = "Luk vinduet";
Calendar._TT["TODAY"] = "I dag";
// date formats
Calendar._TT["DEF_DATE_FORMAT"] = "y-mm-dd";
Calendar._TT["TT_DATE_FORMAT"] = "D d. M, y";
Calendar._TT["WK"] = "wk";
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
// ** I18N
Calendar._DN = new Array
Calendar._MN = new Array
// tooltips
Calendar._TT = {};
Calendar._TT["TOGGLE"] = "Toggle startdag van de week";
Calendar._TT["PREV_YEAR"] = "Vorig jaar (indrukken voor menu)";
Calendar._TT["PREV_MONTH"] = "Vorige month (indrukken voor menu)";
Calendar._TT["GO_TODAY"] = "Naar Vandaag";
Calendar._TT["NEXT_MONTH"] = "Volgende Maand (indrukken voor menu)";
Calendar._TT["NEXT_YEAR"] = "Volgend jaar (indrukken voor menu)";
Calendar._TT["SEL_DATE"] = "Selecteer datum";
Calendar._TT["DRAG_TO_MOVE"] = "Sleep om te verplaatsen";
Calendar._TT["PART_TODAY"] = " (vandaag)";
Calendar._TT["MON_FIRST"] = "Toon Maandag eerst";
Calendar._TT["SUN_FIRST"] = "Toon Zondag eerst";
Calendar._TT["CLOSE"] = "Sluiten";
Calendar._TT["TODAY"] = "Vandaag";
// date formats
Calendar._TT["DEF_DATE_FORMAT"] = "y-mm-dd";
Calendar._TT["TT_DATE_FORMAT"] = "D, M d";
Calendar._TT["WK"] = "wk";
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
// ** I18N
Calendar._DN = new Array
Calendar._MN = new Array
// tooltips
Calendar._TT = {};
Calendar._TT["TOGGLE"] = "Μπάρα πρώτης ημέρας της εβδομάδας";
Calendar._TT["PREV_YEAR"] = "Προηγ. έτος (κρατήστε για το μενού)";
Calendar._TT["PREV_MONTH"] = "Προηγ. μήνας (κρατήστε για το μενού)";
Calendar._TT["GO_TODAY"] = "Σήμερα";
Calendar._TT["NEXT_MONTH"] = "Επόμενος μήνας (κρατήστε για το μενού)";
Calendar._TT["NEXT_YEAR"] = "Επόμενο έτος (κρατήστε για το μενού)";
Calendar._TT["SEL_DATE"] = "Επιλέξτε ημερομηνία";
Calendar._TT["DRAG_TO_MOVE"] = "Σύρτε για να μετακινήσετε";
Calendar._TT["PART_TODAY"] = " (σήμερα)";
Calendar._TT["MON_FIRST"] = "Εμφάνιση Δευτέρας πρώτα";
Calendar._TT["SUN_FIRST"] = "Εμφάνιση Κυριακής πρώτα";
Calendar._TT["CLOSE"] = "Κλείσιμο";
Calendar._TT["TODAY"] = "Σήμερα";
// date formats
Calendar._TT["DEF_DATE_FORMAT"] = "dd-mm-y";
Calendar._TT["TT_DATE_FORMAT"] = "D, d M";
Calendar._TT["WK"] = "wk";
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
// ** I18N
Calendar._DN = new Array
Calendar._MN = new Array
// tooltips
Calendar._TT = {};
Calendar._TT["TOGGLE"] = "Toggle first day of week";
Calendar._TT["PREV_YEAR"] = "Prev. year (hold for menu)";
Calendar._TT["PREV_MONTH"] = "Prev. month (hold for menu)";
Calendar._TT["GO_TODAY"] = "Go Today";
Calendar._TT["NEXT_MONTH"] = "Next month (hold for menu)";
Calendar._TT["NEXT_YEAR"] = "Next year (hold for menu)";
Calendar._TT["SEL_DATE"] = "Select date";
Calendar._TT["DRAG_TO_MOVE"] = "Drag to move";
Calendar._TT["PART_TODAY"] = " (today)";
Calendar._TT["MON_FIRST"] = "Display Monday first";
Calendar._TT["SUN_FIRST"] = "Display Sunday first";
Calendar._TT["CLOSE"] = "Close";
Calendar._TT["TODAY"] = "Today";
// date formats
Calendar._TT["DEF_DATE_FORMAT"] = "y-mm-dd";
Calendar._TT["TT_DATE_FORMAT"] = "D, M d";
Calendar._TT["WK"] = "wk";
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
// ** I18N
Calendar._DN = new Array
Calendar._MN = new Array
// tooltips
Calendar._TT = {};
Calendar._TT["TOGGLE"] = "Cambia el primer día de la semana";
Calendar._TT["PREV_YEAR"] = "Año anterior (mantener para menu)";
Calendar._TT["PREV_MONTH"] = "Mes anterior (mantener para menu)";
Calendar._TT["GO_TODAY"] = "Ir a hoy";
Calendar._TT["NEXT_MONTH"] = "Mes siguiente (mantener para menu)";
Calendar._TT["NEXT_YEAR"] = "Año siguiente (mantener para menu)";
Calendar._TT["SEL_DATE"] = "Seleccionar fecha";
Calendar._TT["DRAG_TO_MOVE"] = "Arrastrar para mover";
Calendar._TT["PART_TODAY"] = " (hoy)";
Calendar._TT["MON_FIRST"] = "Mostrar lunes primero";
Calendar._TT["SUN_FIRST"] = "Mostrar domingo primero";
Calendar._TT["CLOSE"] = "Cerrar";
Calendar._TT["TODAY"] = "Hoy";
// date formats
Calendar._TT["DEF_DATE_FORMAT"] = "dd-mm-yy";
Calendar._TT["TT_DATE_FORMAT"] = "D, M d";
Calendar._TT["WK"] = "sem";
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
// ** I18N
Calendar._DN = new Array
Calendar._MN = new Array
// tooltips
Calendar._TT = {};
Calendar._TT["TOGGLE"] = "Changer le premier jour de la semaine";
Calendar._TT["PREV_YEAR"] = "Année préc. (maintenir pour menu)";
Calendar._TT["PREV_MONTH"] = "Mois préc. (maintenir pour menu)";
Calendar._TT["GO_TODAY"] = "Atteindre date du jour";
Calendar._TT["NEXT_MONTH"] = "Mois suiv. (maintenir pour menu)";
Calendar._TT["NEXT_YEAR"] = "Année suiv. (maintenir pour menu)";
Calendar._TT["SEL_DATE"] = "Choisir une date";
Calendar._TT["DRAG_TO_MOVE"] = "Déplacer";
Calendar._TT["PART_TODAY"] = " (Aujourd'hui)";
Calendar._TT["MON_FIRST"] = "Commencer par lundi";
Calendar._TT["SUN_FIRST"] = "Commencer par dimanche";
Calendar._TT["CLOSE"] = "Fermer";
Calendar._TT["TODAY"] = "Aujourd'hui";
// date formats
Calendar._TT["DEF_DATE_FORMAT"] = "y-mm-dd";
Calendar._TT["TT_DATE_FORMAT"] = "D, M d";
Calendar._TT["WK"] = "wk";
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
/* Croatian language file for the DHTML Calendar version 0.9.2
* Author Krunoslav Zubrinic <krunoslav.zubrinic@vip.hr>, June 2003.
* Feel free to use this script under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
* Public License, as long as you do not remove or alter this notice.
Calendar._DN = new Array
Calendar._MN = new Array
// tooltips
Calendar._TT = {};
Calendar._TT["TOGGLE"] = "Promjeni dan s kojim počinje tjedan";
Calendar._TT["PREV_YEAR"] = "Prethodna godina (dugi pritisak za meni)";
Calendar._TT["PREV_MONTH"] = "Prethodni mjesec (dugi pritisak za meni)";
Calendar._TT["GO_TODAY"] = "Idi na tekući dan";
Calendar._TT["NEXT_MONTH"] = "Slijedeći mjesec (dugi pritisak za meni)";
Calendar._TT["NEXT_YEAR"] = "Slijedeća godina (dugi pritisak za meni)";
Calendar._TT["SEL_DATE"] = "Izaberite datum";
Calendar._TT["DRAG_TO_MOVE"] = "Pritisni i povuci za promjenu pozicije";
Calendar._TT["PART_TODAY"] = " (today)";
Calendar._TT["MON_FIRST"] = "Prikaži ponedjeljak kao prvi dan";
Calendar._TT["SUN_FIRST"] = "Prikaži nedjelju kao prvi dan";
Calendar._TT["CLOSE"] = "Zatvori";
Calendar._TT["TODAY"] = "Danas";
// date formats
Calendar._TT["DEF_DATE_FORMAT"] = "dd-mm-y";
Calendar._TT["TT_DATE_FORMAT"] = "DD, dd.mm.y";
Calendar._TT["WK"] = "Tje";
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
// ** I18N
Calendar._DN = new Array
Calendar._MN = new Array
// tooltips
Calendar._TT = {};
Calendar._TT["TOGGLE"] = "Toggle first day of week";
Calendar._TT["PREV_YEAR"] = "Elõzõ év (hold for menu)";
Calendar._TT["PREV_MONTH"] = "Elõzõ hónap (hold for menu)";
Calendar._TT["GO_TODAY"] = "Mai napra ugrás";
Calendar._TT["NEXT_MONTH"] = "Köv. hónap (hold for menu)";
Calendar._TT["NEXT_YEAR"] = "Köv. év (hold for menu)";
Calendar._TT["SEL_DATE"] = "Válasszon dátumot";
Calendar._TT["DRAG_TO_MOVE"] = "Drag to move";
Calendar._TT["PART_TODAY"] = " (ma)";
Calendar._TT["MON_FIRST"] = "Hétfõ legyen a hét elsõ napja";
Calendar._TT["SUN_FIRST"] = "Vasárnap legyen a hét elsõ napja";
Calendar._TT["CLOSE"] = "Bezár";
Calendar._TT["TODAY"] = "Ma";
// date formats
Calendar._TT["DEF_DATE_FORMAT"] = "y-mm-dd";
Calendar._TT["TT_DATE_FORMAT"] = "M d, D";
Calendar._TT["WK"] = "hét";
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
// ** I18N
Calendar._DN = new Array
Calendar._MN = new Array
// tooltips
Calendar._TT = {};
Calendar._TT["TOGGLE"] = "Modifica il primo giorno della settimana";
Calendar._TT["PREV_YEAR"] = "Anno prec. (tieni premuto per menu)";
Calendar._TT["PREV_MONTH"] = "Mese prec. (tieni premuto per menu)";
Calendar._TT["GO_TODAY"] = "Vai a oggi";
Calendar._TT["NEXT_MONTH"] = "Mese succ. (tieni premuto per menu)";
Calendar._TT["NEXT_YEAR"] = "Anno succ. (tieni premuto per menu)";
Calendar._TT["SEL_DATE"] = "Seleziona data";
Calendar._TT["DRAG_TO_MOVE"] = "Trascina per spostare";
Calendar._TT["PART_TODAY"] = " (oggi)";
Calendar._TT["MON_FIRST"] = "Parti da lunedì";
Calendar._TT["SUN_FIRST"] = "Parti da domenica";
Calendar._TT["CLOSE"] = "Chiudi";
Calendar._TT["TODAY"] = "Oggi";
// date formats
Calendar._TT["DEF_DATE_FORMAT"] = "y-mm-dd";
Calendar._TT["TT_DATE_FORMAT"] = "D, M d";
Calendar._TT["WK"] = "wk";
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
// ** I18N
Calendar._DN = new Array
Calendar._MN = new Array
// tooltips
Calendar._TT = {};
Calendar._TT["TOGGLE"] = "Selecteer de eerste week-dag";
Calendar._TT["PREV_YEAR"] = "Vorig jaar (ingedrukt voor menu)";
Calendar._TT["PREV_MONTH"] = "Vorige maand (ingedrukt voor menu)";
Calendar._TT["GO_TODAY"] = "Ga naar Vandaag";
Calendar._TT["NEXT_MONTH"] = "Volgende maand (ingedrukt voor menu)";
Calendar._TT["NEXT_YEAR"] = "Volgend jaar (ingedrukt voor menu)";
Calendar._TT["SEL_DATE"] = "Selecteer datum";
Calendar._TT["DRAG_TO_MOVE"] = "Klik en sleep om te verplaatsen";
Calendar._TT["PART_TODAY"] = " (vandaag)";
Calendar._TT["MON_FIRST"] = "Toon Maandag eerst";
Calendar._TT["SUN_FIRST"] = "Toon Zondag eerst";
Calendar._TT["CLOSE"] = "Sluiten";
Calendar._TT["TODAY"] = "Vandaag";
// date formats
Calendar._TT["DEF_DATE_FORMAT"] = "dd-mm-y";
Calendar._TT["TT_DATE_FORMAT"] = "DD, d MM";
Calendar._TT["WK"] = "wk";
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
// ** I18N
Calendar._DN = new Array
Calendar._MN = new Array
// tooltips
Calendar._TT = {};
Calendar._TT["TOGGLE"] = "Skift første ukedag";
Calendar._TT["PREV_YEAR"] = "Et år tilbake (hold for meny)";
Calendar._TT["PREV_MONTH"] = "En måned tilbake (hold for meny)";
Calendar._TT["GO_TODAY"] = "Gå til i dag";
Calendar._TT["NEXT_MONTH"] = "En måned fram (hold for meny)";
Calendar._TT["NEXT_YEAR"] = "Et år fram (hold for meny)";
Calendar._TT["SEL_DATE"] = "Velg dag";
Calendar._TT["DRAG_TO_MOVE"] = "Dra vinduet";
Calendar._TT["PART_TODAY"] = " (i dag)";
Calendar._TT["MON_FIRST"] = "Vis mandag først";
Calendar._TT["SUN_FIRST"] = "Vis søndag først";
Calendar._TT["CLOSE"] = "Lukk vinduet";
Calendar._TT["TODAY"] = "I dag";
// date formats
Calendar._TT["DEF_DATE_FORMAT"] = "y-mm-dd";
Calendar._TT["TT_DATE_FORMAT"] = "D d. M, y";
Calendar._TT["WK"] = "wk";
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
// Polish| dariush pietrzak, eyck@ghost.anime.pl
// ** I18N
Calendar._DN = new Array
Calendar._MN = new Array
// tooltips
Calendar._TT = {};
Calendar._TT["TOGGLE"] = "Zmień pierwszy dzień tygodnia";
Calendar._TT["PREV_YEAR"] = "Poprzedni rok (przytrzymaj dla menu)";
Calendar._TT["PREV_MONTH"] = "Poprzedni miesiąc (przytrzymaj dla menu)";
Calendar._TT["GO_TODAY"] = "Idź do dzisiaj";
Calendar._TT["NEXT_MONTH"] = "Następny miesiąc (przytrzymaj dla menu)";
Calendar._TT["NEXT_YEAR"] = "Następny rok (przytrzymaj dla menu)";
Calendar._TT["SEL_DATE"] = "Wybierz datę";
Calendar._TT["DRAG_TO_MOVE"] = "Przeciągnij by przesunąć";
Calendar._TT["PART_TODAY"] = " (dzisiaj)";
Calendar._TT["MON_FIRST"] = "Wyświetl poniedziałek jako pierwszy";
Calendar._TT["SUN_FIRST"] = "Wyświetl niedzielę jako pierwszą";
Calendar._TT["CLOSE"] = "Zamknij";
Calendar._TT["TODAY"] = "Dzisiaj";
// date formats
Calendar._TT["DEF_DATE_FORMAT"] = "y-mm-dd";
Calendar._TT["TT_DATE_FORMAT"] = "D, M d";
Calendar._TT["WK"] = "wk";
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
// ** I18N
Calendar._DN = new Array
Calendar._MN = new Array
// tooltips
Calendar._TT = {};
Calendar._TT["TOGGLE"] = "Trocar o primeiro dia da semana";
Calendar._TT["PREV_YEAR"] = "Ano Anterior (mantenha para menu)";
Calendar._TT["PREV_MONTH"] = "Mês Anterior (mantenha para menu)";
Calendar._TT["GO_TODAY"] = "Ir para hoje";
Calendar._TT["NEXT_MONTH"] = "Próximo Mês (mantenha para menu)";
Calendar._TT["NEXT_YEAR"] = "Próximo Ano (mantenha para menu)";
Calendar._TT["SEL_DATE"] = "Escolha Data";
Calendar._TT["DRAG_TO_MOVE"] = "Arraste para mover";
Calendar._TT["PART_TODAY"] = " (hoje)";
Calendar._TT["MON_FIRST"] = "Mostrar Segunda primeiro";
Calendar._TT["SUN_FIRST"] = "Mostrar Domingo primeiro";
Calendar._TT["CLOSE"] = "Fechar";
Calendar._TT["TODAY"] = "Hoje";
// date formats
Calendar._TT["DEF_DATE_FORMAT"] = "a-mm-dd";
Calendar._TT["TT_DATE_FORMAT"] = "D, M d";
Calendar._TT["WK"] = "sm";
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
// ** I18N
Calendar._DN = new Array
Calendar._MN = new Array
// tooltips
Calendar._TT = {};
Calendar._TT["TOGGLE"] = "Schimbă prima zi din săptămână";
Calendar._TT["PREV_YEAR"] = "Anul precedent (lung pt menu)";
Calendar._TT["PREV_MONTH"] = "Luna precedentă (lung pt menu)";
Calendar._TT["GO_TODAY"] = "Data de azi";
Calendar._TT["NEXT_MONTH"] = "Luna următoare (lung pt menu)";
Calendar._TT["NEXT_YEAR"] = "Anul următor (lung pt menu)";
Calendar._TT["SEL_DATE"] = "Selectează data";
Calendar._TT["DRAG_TO_MOVE"] = "Trage pentru a mişca";
Calendar._TT["PART_TODAY"] = " (astăzi)";
Calendar._TT["MON_FIRST"] = "Prima zi -> Luni";
Calendar._TT["SUN_FIRST"] = "Prima zi -> Duminică";
Calendar._TT["CLOSE"] = "Închide";
Calendar._TT["TODAY"] = "Astăzi";
// date formats
Calendar._TT["DEF_DATE_FORMAT"] = "dd-mm-y";
Calendar._TT["TT_DATE_FORMAT"] = "D, d M";
Calendar._TT["WK"] = "wk";
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
// ** I18N
Calendar._DN = new Array
Calendar._MN = new Array
// tooltips
Calendar._TT = {};
Calendar._TT["TOGGLE"] = "Ñìåíèòü äåíü íà÷àëà íåäåëè (ÏÍ/ÂÑ)";
Calendar._TT["PREV_YEAR"] = "Ïðåä. ãîä (óäåðæèâàòü äëÿ ìåíþ)";
Calendar._TT["PREV_MONTH"] = "Ïðåä. ìåñÿö (óäåðæèâàòü äëÿ ìåíþ)";
Calendar._TT["GO_TODAY"] = "Íà ñåãîäíÿ";
Calendar._TT["NEXT_MONTH"] = "Ñëåä. ìåñÿö (óäåðæèâàòü äëÿ ìåíþ)";
Calendar._TT["NEXT_YEAR"] = "Ñëåä. ãîä (óäåðæèâàòü äëÿ ìåíþ)";
Calendar._TT["SEL_DATE"] = "Âûáðàòü äàòó";
Calendar._TT["DRAG_TO_MOVE"] = "Ïåðåòàùèòü";
Calendar._TT["PART_TODAY"] = " (ñåãîäíÿ)";
Calendar._TT["MON_FIRST"] = "Ïîêàçàòü ïîíåäåëüíèê ïåðâûì";
Calendar._TT["SUN_FIRST"] = "Ïîêàçàòü âîñêðåñåíüå ïåðâûì";
Calendar._TT["CLOSE"] = "Çàêðûòü";
Calendar._TT["TODAY"] = "Ñåãîäíÿ";
// date formats
Calendar._TT["DEF_DATE_FORMAT"] = "y-mm-dd";
Calendar._TT["TT_DATE_FORMAT"] = "D, M d";
Calendar._TT["WK"] = "íåä";
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
// ** I18N
Calendar._DN = new Array
Calendar._MN = new Array
// tooltips
Calendar._TT = {};
Calendar._TT["TOGGLE"] = "Primer dia de la semana";
Calendar._TT["PREV_YEAR"] = "Año anterior (Presione para menu)";
Calendar._TT["PREV_MONTH"] = "Mes Anterior (Presione para menu)";
Calendar._TT["GO_TODAY"] = "Ir a Hoy";
Calendar._TT["NEXT_MONTH"] = "Mes Siguiente (Presione para menu)";
Calendar._TT["NEXT_YEAR"] = "Año Siguiente (Presione para menu)";
Calendar._TT["SEL_DATE"] = "Seleccione fecha";
Calendar._TT["DRAG_TO_MOVE"] = "Arrastre y mueva";
Calendar._TT["PART_TODAY"] = " (Hoy)";
Calendar._TT["MON_FIRST"] = "Lunes Primero";
Calendar._TT["SUN_FIRST"] = "Domingo Primero";
Calendar._TT["CLOSE"] = "Cerrar";
Calendar._TT["TODAY"] = "Hoy";
// date formats
Calendar._TT["DEF_DATE_FORMAT"] = "dd-mm-yy";
Calendar._TT["TT_DATE_FORMAT"] = "D, d M";
Calendar._TT["WK"] = "Smn";
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
// ** I18N
Calendar._DN = new Array
Calendar._MN = new Array
// tooltips
Calendar._TT = {};
Calendar._TT["TOGGLE"] = "Skifta första veckodag";
Calendar._TT["PREV_YEAR"] = "Förra året (tryck för meny)";
Calendar._TT["PREV_MONTH"] = "Förra månaden (tryck för meny)";
Calendar._TT["GO_TODAY"] = "Gå till dagens datum";
Calendar._TT["NEXT_MONTH"] = "Nästa månad (tryck för meny)";
Calendar._TT["NEXT_YEAR"] = "Nästa år (tryck för meny)";
Calendar._TT["SEL_DATE"] = "Välj dag";
Calendar._TT["DRAG_TO_MOVE"] = "Flytta fönstret";
Calendar._TT["PART_TODAY"] = " (idag)";
Calendar._TT["MON_FIRST"] = "Visa Måndag först";
Calendar._TT["SUN_FIRST"] = "Visa Söndag först";
Calendar._TT["CLOSE"] = "Stäng fönstret";
Calendar._TT["TODAY"] = "Idag";
// date formats
Calendar._TT["DEF_DATE_FORMAT"] = "y-mm-dd";
Calendar._TT["TT_DATE_FORMAT"] = "DD, d MM y";
Calendar._TT["WK"] = "wk";
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
// Turkish Translation by Nuri AKMAN
// Location: Ankara/TURKEY
// e-mail : nuriakman@hotmail.com
// Date : April, 9 2003
// Note: if Turkish Characters does not shown on you screen
// please include falowing line your html code:
// <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1254">
// ** I18N
Calendar._DN = new Array
Calendar._MN = new Array
// tooltips
Calendar._TT = {};
Calendar._TT["TOGGLE"] = "Haftanın ilk gününü kaydır";
Calendar._TT["PREV_YEAR"] = "Önceki Yıl (Menü için basılı tutunuz)";
Calendar._TT["PREV_MONTH"] = "Önceki Ay (Menü için basılı tutunuz)";
Calendar._TT["GO_TODAY"] = "Bugün'e git";
Calendar._TT["NEXT_MONTH"] = "Sonraki Ay (Menü için basılı tutunuz)";
Calendar._TT["NEXT_YEAR"] = "Sonraki Yıl (Menü için basılı tutunuz)";
Calendar._TT["SEL_DATE"] = "Tarih seçiniz";
Calendar._TT["DRAG_TO_MOVE"] = "Taşımak için sürükleyiniz";
Calendar._TT["PART_TODAY"] = " (bugün)";
Calendar._TT["MON_FIRST"] = "Takvim Pazartesi gününden başlasın";
Calendar._TT["SUN_FIRST"] = "Takvim Pazar gününden başlasın";
Calendar._TT["CLOSE"] = "Kapat";
Calendar._TT["TODAY"] = "Bugün";
// date formats
Calendar._TT["DEF_DATE_FORMAT"] = "dd-mm-y";
Calendar._TT["TT_DATE_FORMAT"] = "d MM y, DD";
Calendar._TT["WK"] = "Hafta";
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
// ** Translated by ATang ** I18N
Calendar._DN = new Array
Calendar._MN = new Array
// tooltips
Calendar._TT = {};
Calendar._TT["TOGGLE"] = "切换周开始的一天";
Calendar._TT["PREV_YEAR"] = "上一年 (按住出菜单)";
Calendar._TT["PREV_MONTH"] = "上一月 (按住出菜单)";
Calendar._TT["GO_TODAY"] = "到今日";
Calendar._TT["NEXT_MONTH"] = "下一月 (按住出菜单)";
Calendar._TT["NEXT_YEAR"] = "下一年 (按住出菜单)";
Calendar._TT["SEL_DATE"] = "选择日期";
Calendar._TT["DRAG_TO_MOVE"] = "拖动";
Calendar._TT["PART_TODAY"] = " (今日)";
Calendar._TT["MON_FIRST"] = "首先显示星期一";
Calendar._TT["SUN_FIRST"] = "首先显示星期日";
Calendar._TT["CLOSE"] = "关闭";
Calendar._TT["TODAY"] = "今日";
// date formats
Calendar._TT["DEF_DATE_FORMAT"] = "y-mm-dd";
Calendar._TT["TT_DATE_FORMAT"] = "D, M d";
Calendar._TT["WK"] = "周";
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
<title>jscalendar-0.9.3 release notes</title>
<h1>jscalendar-0.9.3 release notes</h1>
<p>This release compiled at Wednesday, 9 Jul 2003 (00:39).</p>
<h3>New stuff</h3>
<li>Opera 7 compatibility — keyboard navigation is
still not available; text selection can't be disabled, leading to an
ugly effect when walking through the month/year menus.</li>
<li>Ability to align the calendar relative to the input field (or any
other element). Vertical: top, center, bottom. Horizontal: left,
center, right. This is established as a new parameter for
<li>Added <tt>dateClicked</tt> property (boolean). This can be
inspected in the "onSelect" handler to determine if a date was
really clicked or the user only changed month/year using the menus.
You <em>need</em> to check this for "single-click" calendars and
only close/hide the calendar if it's <tt>true</tt>.</li>
<li>Full documentation in <a href="doc/html/reference.html">HTML</a>
and <a href="doc/reference.pdf">PDF</a> format is now available in the
distribution archive.</li>
<li>New language definition files: HU, HR, PT, ZH. Thanks those who
<h3>Bug status</h3>
<p>This covers only those bugs that have been reported <a
href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/jscalendar" target="_blank"
title="Project page at SourceForge">at SourceForge</a>.</p>
<li><a href="http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=703238&group_id=75569&atid=544285" target="_blank"
title="Go to bug description at sourceforge"><tt>#703,238</tt></a> — fixed</li>
<li><a href="http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=703814&group_id=75569&atid=544285" target="_blank"
title="Go to bug description at sourceforge"><tt>#703,814</tt></a> — fixed</li>
<li><a href="http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=716777&group_id=75569&atid=544285" target="_blank"
title="Go to bug description at sourceforge"><tt>#716,777</tt></a> — closed (was fixed already in 0.9.2-1)</li>
<li><a href="http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=723335&group_id=75569&atid=544285" target="_blank"
title="Go to bug description at sourceforge"><tt>#723,335</tt></a> — fixed</li>
<li><a href="http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=715122&group_id=75569&atid=544285" target="_blank"
title="Go to bug description at sourceforge"><tt>#715,122</tt></a> — feature request; implemented.</li>
<li><a href="http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=721206&group_id=75569&atid=544285" target="_blank"
title="Go to bug description at sourceforge"><tt>#721,206</tt></a> — fixed (added "refresh()" function)</li>
<li><a href="http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=721833&group_id=75569&atid=544285" target="_blank"
title="Go to bug description at sourceforge"><tt>#721,833</tt></a> — fixed (bug concerning the "yy" format
<li><a href="http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=721833&group_id=75569&atid=544285" target="_blank"
title="Go to bug description at sourceforge"><tt>#721,833</tt></a> — won't fix (we won't set the time to
midnight; time might actually be useful when we implement support
for time selection).
<hr />
<address><a href="http://students.infoiasi.ro/~mishoo/">Mihai Bazon</a></address>
<!-- Created: Tue Jul 8 17:29:37 EEST 2003 -->
<!-- hhmts start -->
Last modified on Tue Jul 8 21:52:23 2003
<!-- hhmts end -->
<!-- doc-lang: English -->
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
<html style="background-color: buttonface; color: buttontext;">
<title>Simple calendar setups [popup calendar]</title>
<!-- calendar stylesheet -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="calendar-win2k-cold-1.css" title="win2k-cold-1" />
<!-- main calendar program -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="calendar.js"></script>
<!-- language for the calendar -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="lang/calendar-en.js"></script>
<!-- the following script defines the Calendar.setup helper function, which makes
adding a calendar a matter of 1 or 2 lines of code. -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="calendar-setup.js"></script>
<h2>DHTML Calendar — for the impatient</h2>
This page lists some common setups for the popup calendar. In
order to see how to do any of them please see the source of this
page. For each example it's structured like this: there's the
<form> that contains the input field, and following there is
the JavaScript snippet that setups that form. An example of
<em>flat</em> calendar is available in <a
href="simple-2.html">another page</a>.
The code in this page uses a helper function defined in
"calendar-setup.js". With it you can setup the calendar in
minutes. If you're not <em>that</em> impatient, ;-) <a
href="doc/html/reference.html">complete documenation</a> is
<hr />
<p><b>Basic setup: one input field only.</b> Clicking in the input field
activates the calendar. Default date format is "y/mm/dd". The calendar
defaults to "single-click mode".</p>
<p><span style="color:red">Note:</span> for some reason this example works
only with Mozilla. It seems that IE and Opera can't set the onclick handler
correctly for the input field.</p>
<form action="#" method="get">
<input type="text" name="date" id="f_date_a" />
<script type="text/javascript">
inputField : "f_date_a", // id of the input field
<hr />
<p><b>Input field with a trigger button.</b> Clicking the button activates
the calendar. Note that this one needs double-click (singleClick parameter
is explicitely set to false).</p>
<form action="#" method="get">
<input type="text" name="date" id="f_date_b" /><button type="reset" id="f_trigger_b">...</button>
<script type="text/javascript">
inputField : "f_date_b", // id of the input field
ifFormat : "mm/dd/y", // format of the input field
button : "f_trigger_b", // trigger for the calendar (button ID)
singleClick : false // double-click mode
<hr />
<p><b>Input field with a trigger image.</b> Note that the Calendar.setup
function doesn't care if the trigger is a button, image, or anything else.
Also in this example we setup a different alignment, just to show how it's
done. The input field is read-only (that is set from HTML).</p>
<form action="#" method="get">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="border-collapse: collapse"><tr>
<td><input type="text" name="date" id="f_date_c" readonly="1" /></td>
<td><img src="img.gif" id="f_trigger_c" style="cursor: pointer; border: 1px solid red;" title="Date selector"
onmouseover="this.style.background='red';" onmouseout="this.style.background=''" /></td>
<script type="text/javascript">
inputField : "f_date_c", // id of the input field
ifFormat : "MM d, y", // format of the input field
button : "f_trigger_c", // trigger for the calendar (button ID)
align : "Tl", // alignment (defaults to "Bl")
singleClick : true
<hr />
<p><b>Hidden field, display area.</b> The calendar now puts the date into 2
elements: one is an input field of type "hidden"—so that the user
can't directly see or modify it— and one is a <span> element in
which the date is displayed. Note that if the trigger is not specified the
calendar will use the displayArea (or inputField as in the first example).
The display area can have it's own format. This is useful if, for instance,
we need to store one format in the database (thus pass it in the input
field) but we wanna show a friendlier format to the end-user.</p>
<form action="#" method="get" style="visibility: hidden">
<input type="hidden" name="date" id="f_date_d" />
<p>Your birthday:
<span style="background-color: #ff8; cursor: default;"
>Click to open date selector</span>.</p>
<script type="text/javascript">
inputField : "f_date_d", // id of the input field
ifFormat : "y/dd/mm", // format of the input field (even if hidden, this format will be honored)
displayArea : "show_d", // ID of the span where the date is to be shown
daFormat : "DD, MM d, y", // format of the displayed date
align : "Tl", // alignment (defaults to "Bl")
singleClick : true
<hr />
<p><b>Hidden field, display area, trigger image.</b> Very similar to the
previous example. The difference is that we also have a trigger image.</p>
<form action="#" method="get" style="visibility: hidden">
<input type="hidden" name="date" id="f_date_e" />
<p>Your birthday: <span id="show_e">-- not entered --</span> <img
src="img.gif" id="f_trigger_e" style="cursor: pointer; border: 1px solid
red;" title="Date selector" onmouseover="this.style.background='red';"
onmouseout="this.style.background=''" />.</p>
<script type="text/javascript">
inputField : "f_date_e", // id of the input field
ifFormat : "y/dd/mm", // format of the input field (even if hidden, this format will be honored)
displayArea : "show_e", // ID of the span where the date is to be shown
daFormat : "DD, MM d, y", // format of the displayed date
button : "f_trigger_e", // trigger button (well, IMG in our case)
align : "Tl", // alignment (defaults to "Bl")
singleClick : true
<hr />
<p><b>Hidden field, display area.</b> Very much like the previous examples,
but we now disable some dates (all weekends, that is, Saturdays and
<form action="#" method="get" style="visibility: hidden">
<input type="hidden" name="date" id="f_date_f" />
<p>Your birthday:
<span style="background-color: #ff8; cursor: default;"
>Click to open date selector</span>.</p>
<script type="text/javascript">
inputField : "f_date_f", // id of the input field
ifFormat : "y/dd/mm", // format of the input field (even if hidden, this format will be honored)
displayArea : "show_f", // ID of the span where the date is to be shown
daFormat : "DD, MM d, y", // format of the displayed date
align : "Tl", // alignment (defaults to "Bl")
disableFunc : function (date) { // disable weekend days (Saturdays == 6 and Subdays == 0)
return (date.getDay() == 6 || date.getDay() == 0);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
<html style="background-color: buttonface; color: buttontext;">
<title>Simple calendar setup [flat calendar]</title>
<!-- calendar stylesheet -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="calendar-win2k-cold-1.css" title="win2k-cold-1" />
<!-- main calendar program -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="calendar.js"></script>
<!-- language for the calendar -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="lang/calendar-en.js"></script>
<!-- the following script defines the Calendar.setup helper function, which makes
adding a calendar a matter of 1 or 2 lines of code. -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="calendar-setup.js"></script>
<h2>DHTML Calendar — for the impatient</h2>
This page demonstrates how to setup a flat calendar. Examples of
<em>popup</em> calendars are available in <a
href="simple-1.html">another page</a>.
The code in this page uses a helper function defined in
"calendar-setup.js". With it you can setup the calendar in
minutes. If you're not <em>that</em> impatient, ;-) <a
href="doc/html/reference.html">complete documenation</a> is
<hr />
<div style="float: right; margin-left: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em;"
<script type="text/javascript">
function dateChanged(calendar) {
// Beware that this function is called even if the end-user only
// changed the month/year. In order to determine if a date was
// clicked you can use the dateClicked property of the calendar:
if (calendar.dateClicked) {
// OK, a date was clicked, redirect to /yyyy/mm/dd/index.php
var y = calendar.date.getFullYear();
var m = calendar.date.getMonth(); // integer, 0..11
var d = calendar.date.getDate(); // integer, 1..31
// redirect...
window.location = "/" + y + "/" + m + "/" + d + "/index.php";
flat : "calendar-container", // ID of the parent element
flatCallback : dateChanged // our callback function
<p>The positioning of the DIV that contains the calendar is entirely your
job. For instance, the "calendar-container" DIV from this page has the
following style: "float: right; margin-left: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em".</p>
<p>Following there is the code that has been used to create this calendar.
You can find the full description of the <tt>Calendar.setup()</tt> function
in the <a href="doc/html/reference.html">calendar documenation</a>.</p>
><div style="float: right; margin-left: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em;"
<script type="text/javascript">
function dateChanged(calendar) {
// Beware that this function is called even if the end-user only
// changed the month/year. In order to determine if a date was
// clicked you can use the dateClicked property of the calendar:
if (calendar.dateClicked) {
// OK, a date was clicked, redirect to /yyyy/mm/dd/index.php
var y = calendar.date.getFullYear();
var m = calendar.date.getMonth(); // integer, 0..11
var d = calendar.date.getDate(); // integer, 1..31
// redirect...
window.location = "/" + y + "/" + m + "/" + d + "/index.php";
flat : "calendar-container", // ID of the parent element
flatCallback : dateChanged // our callback function
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