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synced 2025-03-09 04:21:24 +01:00
translation work provided by ingo, michael and other stylite staff
This commit is contained in:
@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ alignment of label and input-field in table-cell etemplate de Ausrichtung der Be
alignment of the v/hbox containing table-cell etemplate de Ausrichtung der die V/HBox enthaltenden Tabellenzelle
all days etemplate de alle Tage
all operations save the template! etemplate de alle Operation speichern das Template!
all users etemplate de Alle Benutzer
allowed file type: %1 etemplate de Erlaubter Dateityp: %1
am etemplate de Vormittag
an indexed column speeds up querys using that column (cost space on the disk !!!) etemplate de eine indizierte Spalte beschleunigt Anfragen die diese benutzen (kostet Plattenplatz !!!)
@ -153,6 +154,7 @@ editable templates - delete template etemplate de eTemplates - Löschen
editable templates - editor etemplate de eTemplates - Bearbeiten
editable templates - search etemplate de eTemplates - Suchen
editable templates - show template etemplate de eTemplates - Anzeigen
element role title etemplate de Element Rolle Titel
embeded css styles, eg. '.red { background: red; }' (note the '.' before the class-name) or '@import url(...)' (class names are global for the whole page!) etemplate de eingebettete CSS Stile, zb. '.red { background: red; }' (man beachte den '.' vor der CSS class) oder '@import url(...)' (Angaben gelten für die gesamte Seite!)
enable javascript onchange submit etemplate de JavaScript absenden bei Änderung (onChange) aktivieren
enter '' for an empty default, nothing mean no default etemplate de '' für einen leeren Vorgabewert eingeben, nichts bedeutet keine Vorgabe
@ -218,6 +220,8 @@ hour etemplate de Stunde
hours etemplate de Stunden
how many entries should the list show etemplate de Wie viele Einträge soll die Liste anzeigen
html etemplate de HTML
html link to the current record etemplate de HTML-Link zum aktuellen Eintrag.
id etemplate de Id
if field is disabled an empty table-cell is displayed, for (temporal) removement of a field/cell etemplate de wenn das Feld deaktiviert ist, wird eine leere Tabellenzelle angezeigt, zum (zeitweisen) Entfernen eines Feldes
if you specify a directory (full vfs path) here, %1 displays an action for each document. that action allows to download the specified document with the data inserted. preferences de Wenn Sie hier ein Verzeichnis (kompletter VFS Pfad) angeben, zeigt das %1 einen Befehl für jedes Dokument darin. Diese Befehle erlauben das angegebene Dokument mit Kontaktdaten eingefügt herunterzuladen.
if you specify a document (full vfs path) here, %1 displays an extra document icon for each entry. that icon allows to download the specified document with the data inserted. preferences de Wenn Sie hier ein Dokument (kompletter VFS Pfad) angeben, zeigt das %1 ein zusätzliches Dokumenten Icon. Dieses Icon erlaubt das Dokument mit Kontaktdaten eingefügt herunterzuladen.
@ -293,6 +297,7 @@ nextmatch sortheader etemplate de Nextmatch Sortierkopf
no column to swap with !!! etemplate de Keine Spalte um damit zu tauschen !!!
no file etemplate de keine Datei
no filename given or selected via browse... etemplate de kein Dateiname angegeben oder mit [Browse...] ausgewählt
no filters etemplate de Keine Filter
no matches found etemplate de Keine Treffer gefunden
no rights to export more than %1 entries! common de Sie haben keine Rechte mehr als %1 Einträge zu exportieren!
no row to swap with !!! etemplate de Keine Zeile um damit zu tauschen !!!
@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ alignment of label and input-field in table-cell etemplate en Alignment of label
alignment of the v/hbox containing table-cell etemplate en Alignment of the V/HBox containing table cell
all days etemplate en All days
all operations save the template! etemplate en All operations save the template!
all users etemplate en All users
allowed file type: %1 etemplate en Allowed file type: %1
am etemplate en am
an indexed column speeds up querys using that column (cost space on the disk !!!) etemplate en An indexed column speeds up query using that column, cost space on the disk!
@ -153,6 +154,7 @@ editable templates - delete template etemplate en Editable Templates - Delete te
editable templates - editor etemplate en Editable Templates - Editor
editable templates - search etemplate en Editable Templates - Search
editable templates - show template etemplate en Editable Templates - Show template
element role title etemplate en Element role title
embeded css styles, eg. '.red { background: red; }' (note the '.' before the class-name) or '@import url(...)' (class names are global for the whole page!) etemplate en Embedded CSS styles, e.g. '.red { background: red; }' (note the '.' before the class-name) or '@import url(...)' (class names are global for the whole page!)
enable javascript onchange submit etemplate en Enable JavaScript onChange submit
enter '' for an empty default, nothing mean no default etemplate en Enter '' for an empty default, nothing means no default
@ -220,6 +222,7 @@ hours etemplate en Hours
how many entries should the list show etemplate en How many entries should the list show
html etemplate en HTML
html link to the current record etemplate en HTML link to the current record
id etemplate en id
if field is disabled an empty table-cell is displayed, for (temporal) removement of a field/cell etemplate en If field is disabled an empty table cell is displayed
if you specify a directory (full vfs path) here, %1 displays an action for each document. that action allows to download the specified document with the data inserted. preferences en If you specify a directory, full vfs path, %1 displays an action for each document. That action allows to download the specified document with the data inserted.
if you specify a document (full vfs path) here, %1 displays an extra document icon for each entry. that icon allows to download the specified document with the data inserted. preferences en If you specify a document, full vfs path, %1 displays an extra document icon for each entry. That icon allows to download the specified document with the data inserted.
@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ duplicate name, please choose another. importexport de Doppelter Name, bitte wä
edit conditions importexport de Einstellmöglichkeiten bearbeiten
edit definition <a href="%1">%2</a> to match your file importexport de Importdefinition überarbeiten<a href="%1">%2</a> um Ihre Datei zu Importieren
edit your file to match the definition: importexport de Bearbeiten Sie Ihre Importdatei, um Ihrem Importprofil zu Entsprechen
encoding mismatch. expected %1 file, you uploaded %2.<br />n importexport de Nicht übereinstimmendes Encoding. Erwartet wurde eine %1 Datei, sie luden %2 hoch.<br />\n
errors importexport de Fehler
execute importexport de Ausführen
expert options importexport de Export Optionen
@ -284,6 +284,7 @@ etag common de ETag
ethiopia common de ÄTHIOPIEN
everything common de Alles
exact common de exakt
failed to change password. common de Ändern des Passworts fehlgeschlagen.
failed to contact server or invalid response from server. try to relogin. contact admin in case of faliure. common de Konnte Server nicht erreichen oder ungültige Antwort vom Server. Versuchen Sie sich nochmals anzumelden. Benachrichtigen Sie Ihren Administrator wenn dies fehlschlägt.
failed to create required directory "%1"! admin de Anlegen des benötigten Verzeichnisses "%1" fehlgeschlagen!
failed to move unconnected %1 %2 to %3! admin de Verschiebung nicht möglich %1 %2 nach %3!
@ -448,6 +449,7 @@ logout common de Abmelden
lost login id common de Anmeldenamen vergessen
lost password common de Anmeldepasswort vergessen
low common de Niedrig
lowercase letters common de Kleinbuchstaben
lowest common de Niedrigste
luxembourg common de LUXEMBURG
macau common de MACAU
@ -532,6 +534,7 @@ notifications common de Benachrichtigungen
notify window common de Benachrichtigungsfenster
notify your administrator to correct this situation common de Benachrichtigen Sie Ihren Administrator um diese Situation zu lösen
november common de November
numbers common de Nummern
october common de Oktober
off groupdav de Aus
ok common de OK
@ -564,6 +567,8 @@ paraguay common de PARAGUAY
parcel common de Paket
parent category common de Übergeordnete Kategorie
password common de Passwort
password contains only %1 of required %2 character classes: no %3 common de Passwort enthält nur %1 von erforderlichen %2 Zeichengruppen: Kein %3
password contains with "%1" a parts of your user- or full-name (3 or more characters long) common de Passwort enthält mit "%1" einen Teil ihres Benutzer- oder vollen Namens (3 oder mehr Zeichen)
password could not be changed common de Passwort konnte nicht geändert werden
password has been updated common de Passwort wurde aktualisiert
password must contain at least %1 lowercase letters common de Das Passwort muss mindestens %1 Kleinbuchstaben enthalten
@ -661,6 +666,7 @@ search accounts common de Benutzer suchen
search or select accounts common de Suchen und auswählen von Benutzern
second common de Sekunden
section common de Sektion
securest common de sicherste
select common de Auswählen
select "%1", if your client does not support multiple addressbooks. groupdav de "%1" auswählen, wenn der Client nur ein einziges Adressbuch unterstützt.
select "%1", if your client support groups, eg. os x or ios addressbook. groupdav de "%1" auswählen, wenn der Client Gruppen unterstützt, z.B. für das OS X oder iOS Adressbuch.
@ -684,6 +690,7 @@ serbia common de SERBIEN
server %1 has been added common de Server %1 wurde zugefügt
server answered. processing response... common de Server antwortet. Bearbeite Antwort...
server contacted. waiting for response... common de Server kontaktiert. Warte auf Antwort...
server is unwilling to perform. common de Server ist zur Ausführung nicht bereit.
server name common de Server Name
session has been killed common de Session wurde beendet
set user as only responsible user, but keeping groups groupdav de setze Benutzer als einzigen verantwortlichen Benutzer, Gruppen werden nicht geändert
@ -722,6 +729,7 @@ south africa common de SÜDAFRIKA
south georgia and the south sandwich islands common de SOUTH GEORGIA AND THE SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS
space common de Space
spain common de SPANIEN
special characters common de Sonderzeichen
sri lanka common de SRI LANKA
start date common de Startdatum
start directory for image browser of rich text editor in egroupware vfs (filemanager). common de Startverzeichnis für Bildsuche des Editors für formatierten Text im EGroupware VFS (Dateimanager).
@ -804,6 +812,7 @@ update the clock per minute or per second common de Uhr pro Minute oder pro Seku
upload common de Hochladen
upload directory does not exist, or is not writeable by webserver common de Das Verzeichnis zum Hochladen existiert nicht oder der Webserver hat dort keine Schreibrechte.
upload requires the directory to be writable by the webserver! common de Der Upload verlangt, dass der Webserver Schreibrechte auf diesem Verzeichnis hat!
uppercase letters common de Grossbuchstaben
url common de Webseite
uruguay common de URUGUAY
use button to search for common de benutze Knopf zum suchen nach
@ -866,8 +875,10 @@ you've tried to open the egroupware application: %1, but you have no permission
your message could <b>not</b> be sent!<br> common de Ihre Nachricht konnte <b>nicht</b> gesendet werden!<br>
your message has been sent common de Ihre Nachricht wurde versendet
your password does not have required strength of %1 character classes and minimum length of %2 characters. common de Ihr Passwort hat nicht die benötigte Qualität von %1 Zeichenklassen und Mindestanzahl von %2 Zeichen.
your password does not have required strength: common de Ihr Passwort hat nicht die erforderliche Stärke:
your password failed the following criteria: common de Ihr Passwort entspricht nicht den folgenden Kriterien:
your password is about to expire in %1 days, you may change your password now common de Ihr Passwort läuft in %1 Tagen ab. Sie können nun hier Ihr Passwort ändern, oder warten bis Sie es ändern müssen.
your password might not match the password policy. common de Ihr Passwort könnte den Richtlinien nicht entsprechen.
your search returned %1 matchs common de Ihre Suche ergab %1 Treffer
your search returned 1 match common de Ihre Suche ergab einen Treffer
your session could not be verified. login de Ihre Sitzung konnte nicht verifiziert werden.
@ -284,9 +284,10 @@ etag common en ETag
ethiopia common en ETHIOPIA
everything common en Everything
exact common en Exact
failed to move unconnected %1 %2 to %3! admin en Faild to move unconnected %1 %2 to %3!
failed to change password. common en Failed to change password.
failed to contact server or invalid response from server. try to relogin. contact admin in case of faliure. common en Failed to contact server or invalid response from server. Try to re-login. Contact administrator in case of failure.
failed to create required directory "%1"! admin en Failed to create required directory "%1"!
failed to move unconnected %1 %2 to %3! admin en Faild to move unconnected %1 %2 to %3!
falkland islands (malvinas) common en FALKLAND ISLANDS (MALVINAS)
faroe islands common en FAROE ISLANDS
fax number common en Fax number
@ -448,6 +449,7 @@ logout common en Logout
lost login id common en Lost login ID
lost password common en Lost password
low common en Low
lowercase letters common en lowercase letters
lowest common en Lowest
luxembourg common en LUXEMBOURG
macau common en MACAU
@ -532,6 +534,7 @@ notifications common en Notifications
notify window common en Notify window
notify your administrator to correct this situation common en Notify your Administrator to correct this.
november common en November
numbers common en numbers
october common en October
off groupdav en Off
ok common en OK
@ -564,6 +567,8 @@ paraguay common en PARAGUAY
parcel common en Parcel
parent category common en Parent category
password common en Password
password contains only %1 of required %2 character classes: no %3 common en password contains only %1 of required %2 character classes: no %3
password contains with "%1" a parts of your user- or full-name (3 or more characters long) common en password contains with "%1" a parts of your user- or full-name (3 or more characters long)
password could not be changed common en Password could not be changed!
password has been updated common en Password has been updated.
password must contain at least %1 lowercase letters common en Password must contain at least %1 lower case letters.
@ -661,6 +666,7 @@ search accounts common en Search accounts
search or select accounts common en Search or select accounts
second common en Second
section common en Section
securest common en securest
select common en Select
select "%1", if your client does not support multiple addressbooks. groupdav en Select "%1", if your client does not support multiple addressbooks.
select "%1", if your client support groups, eg. os x or ios addressbook. groupdav en Select "%1", if your client support groups, eg. OS X or iOS addressbook.
@ -684,6 +690,7 @@ serbia common en Serbia
server %1 has been added common en Server %1 has been added.
server answered. processing response... common en Server answered. Processing response...
server contacted. waiting for response... common en Server contacted. Waiting for response...
server is unwilling to perform. common en Server is unwilling to perform.
server name common en Server name
session has been killed common en Session has been killed.
set user as only responsible user, but keeping groups groupdav en set user as only responsible user, but keeping groups
@ -722,6 +729,7 @@ south africa common en SOUTH AFRICA
south georgia and the south sandwich islands common en SOUTH GEORGIA AND THE SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS
space common en Space
spain common en SPAIN
special characters common en special characters
sri lanka common en SRI LANKA
start date common en Start date
start directory for image browser of rich text editor in egroupware vfs (filemanager). common en Start directory for image browser of rich text editor in EGroupware File Manager
@ -804,6 +812,7 @@ update the clock per minute or per second common en Update the clock per minute
upload common en Upload
upload directory does not exist, or is not writeable by webserver common en Upload directory does not exist, or is not writable by web server.
upload requires the directory to be writable by the webserver! common en Upload requires the directory to be writable by the web server!
uppercase letters common en uppercase letters
url common en URL
uruguay common en URUGUAY
use button to search for common en Use button to search for
@ -866,8 +875,10 @@ you've tried to open the egroupware application: %1, but you have no permission
your message could <b>not</b> be sent!<br> common en Your message could <b>not</b> be sent!<br>
your message has been sent common en Your message has been sent.
your password does not have required strength of %1 character classes and minimum length of %2 characters. common en Your password does not have required strength of %1 character classes and minimum length of %2 characters.
your password does not have required strength: common en Your password does not have required strength:
your password failed the following criteria: common en Your password failed the following criteria:
your password is about to expire in %1 days, you may change your password now common en Your password is about to expire in %1 days, you may change your password now.
your password might not match the password policy. common en Your password might not match the password policy.
your search returned %1 matchs common en Search returned %1 matches
your search returned 1 match common en Search returned 1 match
your session could not be verified. login en Your session could not be verified.
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ please select timezones, you want to be able to quickly switch between. switch i
please select your timezone. preferences de Bitte wählen Sie Ihre Zeitzone
please, select a new theme preferences de Bitte ein neues Schema wählen
popup with search preferences de Pop-up mit Suche
preferences saved. preferences de Bevorzugungen gesichert.
preferences saved. preferences de Einstellungen gespeichert
pt: points (1/72 inch) preferences de pt: Punkt (1/72 Inch)
px: display pixels preferences de px: Bildschirmpixel
re-enter your password preferences de Neues Passwort wiederholen
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
accessories resources de Zubehör
accessories of resources de Zubehör von
accessories: resources de Zubehör:
accessory of resources de Zubehör von
actions resources de Aktionen
add accessory resources de Zubehör hinzufügen
add resource resources de Ressource hinzufügen
@ -12,25 +13,29 @@ book resource resources de Ressource buchen
book selected resources resources de Ausgewählte Ressourcen buchen
book this resource resources de Ressource buchen
bookable resources de buchbar
booked resources de gebucht
buy this article resources de Diesen Artikel kaufen
buy this resource resources de Diese Ressource kaufen
buyable resources de käuflich
categories admin resources de Verwalter der Kategorie
category: resources de Kategorie
category: resources de Kategorie:
check all resources de Alle auswählen
choose categories admin resources de Wählen Sie einen Verwalter für diese Kategorie
clear selection resources de Auswahl löschen
configure access permissions admin de Zugangseinstellungen konfigurieren
create new accessory for this resource resources de Neues Zubehör zu dieser Ressource hinzufügen
create new links resources de Neue Verknüpfung erstellen
days resources de Tage
delete selected resources resources de Ausgewählte Ressourcen löschen
delete this entry resources de Diesen Eintrag löschen
deleted resources de gelöscht
description (short) resources de Kurzbeschreibung
direct booking permissions resources de Erlaubnis direkt zu buchen
don't use vfs (this will need a symlink --> see readme) resources de Vfs nicht benutzen. (Dies erfordert einen symlink --> siehe README)
edit this entry resources de Diesen Eintrag bearbeiten
existing links resources de Bestehende Verknüpfungen
exists resources de besteht bereits
expiry resources de Ablauf
export definitition to use for nextmatch export resources de Export Profil der Listenansicht (Disketten Symbol)
exports a list of resources to a csv file. resources de Exportiert eine Liste der Ressourcen als CSV-Datei
general resources de Generell
@ -68,6 +73,7 @@ name: resources de Name:
new accessory resources de Neues Zubehör
new resource resources de Neue Ressource
no description available resources de Keine Beschreibung vorhanden
no matches resources de Keine Treffer
no resources selected resources de Keine Ressource ausgewählt
notify your administrator to correct this situation resources de Benachrichtigen Sie ihren Administrator um diese Situation zu lösen
picture resources de Bild
@ -75,6 +81,7 @@ picture source resources de Quelle des Bildes
picture type is not supported, sorry! resources de Entschuldigung, dieser Bild-Datei-Typ wird nicht unterstützt
pictures or resource resources de Bild der Ressource
planer resources de Planer
please choose a different time: resources de Bitte wählen Sie eine andere Zeit:
prevent deleting admin de Lösch-Airbag aktivieren
prize resources de Preis
prizeing information for booking or buying resources de Preisinformation für Buchung und Kauf
@ -84,6 +91,7 @@ quantity: resources de Stückzahl:
read calendar permissions resources de Kalender-Leseberechtigung
read permissions resources de Leseberechtigung
related links resources de Siehe auch
resource resources de Resource
resource id resources de Ressourcen ID
resources common de Ressourcen
resources and accessories resources de Ressourcen und Zubehör
@ -91,6 +99,7 @@ resources csv export resources de CSV Export des Ressourcen-Moduls
resources csv import resources de CSV Import des Ressourcen-Moduls
resources list resources de Ressourcen Liste
responsible: resources de Verantwortlich:
restored resources de wiederhergestellt
saves entry and exits resources de Speichern und Schließen
select a category resources de Wählen sie eine Kategorie
select resource resources de Ressource auswählen
@ -106,6 +115,7 @@ storage information resources de Informationen zur Lagerung
storage information: resources de Informationen zur Lagerung:
the calendar of this resource resources de Kalender der Ressource
this module displays the resources app resources de Dieses Modul zeigt die Ressourcen Anwendung an
too many matches resources de Zu viele Treffer
use general resources icon resources de Generelles Bild benutzen
use own picture resources de Eigenes Bild benutzen
use the category's icon resources de Bild der Kategorie benutzen
@ -1,8 +1,15 @@
%1 accessories now resources resources en %1 accessories now resources
%1 accessories restored resources en %1 accessories restored
%1 resource(s) %2 resources en %1 resource(s) %2
%1 resource(s) %2, %3 failed resources en %1 resource(s) %2, %3 failed
%1 resource(s) %2, %3 failed because of insufficent rights !!! resources en %1 resource(s) %2, %3 failed because of insufficent rights !!!
accessories resources en Accessories
accessories of resources en Accessories of
accessories: resources en Accessories:
accessory of resources en Accessory of
actions resources en Actions
add accessory resources en Add accessory
add group to event participants resources en Add group to event participants
add resource resources en Add resource
add resources resources en Add resources
administrator resources en Administrator
@ -12,6 +19,7 @@ book resource resources en Book resource
book selected resources resources en Book selected resources
book this resource resources en Book this resource
bookable resources en Bookable
booked resources en booked
buy this article resources en Buy this article
buy this resource resources en Buy this resource
buyable resources en Buyable
@ -21,16 +29,26 @@ check all resources en Check all
choose categories admin resources en Choose categories admin
clear selection resources en Clear selection
configure access permissions admin en Configure ACL
confirmation email text resources en Confirmation email text
confirmed addressbook. resources en Confirmed addressbook.
conflict resources en conflict
create new accessory for this resource resources en Create new accessory for this resource
create new links resources en Create new links
custom etemplate for the contactform resources en Custom eTemplate for the contactform
custom fields resources en Custom Fields
days resources en days
delete selected resources resources en Delete selected resources
delete this entry resources en Delete this entry
deleted resources en deleted
description (short) resources en Short description
direct booking permissions resources en Direct booking permissions
don't use vfs (this will need a symlink --> see readme) resources en Don't use vfs (this will need a symlink --> see README)
edit this entry resources en Edit this entry
event start resources en Event start
existing links resources en Existing links
exists resources en Exists
expiry resources en expiry
export definition to use for nextmatch export resources en Export definition to use for nextmatch export
export definitition to use for nextmatch export resources en Export definition to use for nextmatch export
exports a list of resources to a csv file. resources en Exports a list of resources to a CSV file.
general resources en General
@ -68,6 +86,7 @@ name: resources en Name:
new accessory resources en New accessory
new resource resources en New Resource
no description available resources en No description available.
no matches resources en no matches
no resources selected resources en No resources selected.
notify your administrator to correct this situation resources en Notify your administrator.
picture resources en Picture
@ -75,6 +94,7 @@ picture source resources en Picture source
picture type is not supported, sorry! resources en Picture type is not supported, sorry!
pictures or resource resources en Pictures or resource
planer resources en Planner
please choose a different time: resources en Please choose a different time:
prevent deleting admin en Prevent deleting
prize resources en Prize
prizeing information for booking or buying resources en Prizing information for booking or buying
@ -83,7 +103,12 @@ quantity of resource resources en Quantity of resource
quantity: resources en Quantity:
read calendar permissions resources en Read calendar permissions
read permissions resources en Read permissions
registration confirmed %1 resources en Registration confirmed %1
related links resources en Related links
remove accessories before changing accessory of resources en Remove accessories before changing Accessory of
require confirmation resources en Require confirmation
reserve resources en Reserve
resource resources en Resource
resource id resources en Resource ID
resources common en Resources
resources and accessories resources en Resources and Accessories
@ -91,6 +116,7 @@ resources csv export resources en Resources CSV export
resources csv import resources en Resources CSV import
resources list resources en Resources list
responsible: resources en Responsible:
restored resources en restored
saves entry and exits resources en Save entry and exit
select a category resources en Select a category
select resource resources en Select resource
@ -99,13 +125,18 @@ select/deselect all resources en Select/deselect all
short description resources en Short description
short description of resource resources en Short description of resource
show calendar of resource resources en Show calendar of resource
simple reservation of a single item resources en Simple reservation of a single item
something went wrong by deleting resource resources en Error deleting resource!
something went wrong by saving resource resources en Error saving resource!
storage resources en Storage
storage information resources en Storage
storage information: resources en Storage information:
the anonymous user needs add rights for it! resources en The anonymous user needs add rights for it!
the calendar of this resource resources en Calendar of the resource
this module displays the resources app resources en This module displays the resources app
too many matches resources en too many matches
unable to link to %1 "%2" resources en Unable to link to %1 "%2"
unable to process confirmation. resources en Unable to process confirmation.
use general resources icon resources en Use general resources icon
use own picture resources en Use own picture
use the category's icon resources en Use the category icon
@ -119,6 +150,8 @@ web-site for this resource resources en Website for this resource
where to find this resource? resources en Location information
which category does this resource belong to? resources en Category of the resource
write permissions resources en Write permissions
yes, only admins can purge deleted items admin en Yes, only admins can purge deleted items
yes, users can purge their deleted items admin en Yes, users can purge their deleted items
you are not permitted to delete this resource! resources en You are not permitted to delete this resource!
you are not permitted to edit this resource! resources en You are not permitted to edit this resource!
you are not permitted to get information about this resource! resources en You are not permitted to get information about this resource!
@ -35,11 +35,17 @@ entry deleted timesheet de Eintrag gelöscht
entry saved timesheet de Eintrag gespeichert
error deleting the entry!!! timesheet de Fehler beim Löschen des Eintrags!!!
error saving the entry!!! timesheet de Fehler beim Speichern des Eintrags!!!
example {{if n_prefix~mr~hello mr.~hello ms.}} - search the field "n_prefix", for "mr", if found, write hello mr., else write hello ms. timesheet de Beispiel: {{IF n_prefix~Herr~sehr geehrter Herr~sehr geehrte Frau}} - wenn im Feld 'n_prefix' 'Herr' steht wird 'sehr geehrter Herr' geschrieben, ansonsten 'sehr geehrte Frau'.
example {{letterprefixcustom n_prefix title n_family}} - example: mr dr. james miller timesheet de Beispiel: {{LETTERPREFIXCUSTOM n_prefix title n_family}} - Herr Dr. Müller
example {{nelf role}} - if field role is not empty, you will get a new line with the value of field role timesheet de Beispiel: {{NELF role}} - wenn das Feld 'role' nicht leer ist wird der Inhalt des Feldes in eine neue Zeile geschrieben
example {{nelfnv role}} - if field role is not empty, set a lf without any value of the field timesheet de Beispiel: {{NELFNV role}} - wenn das Feld 'role' nicht leer ist erfolgt ein Zeilenumbruch ohne den Inhalt des Feldes
existing links timesheet de Bestehende Verknüpfungen
exists timesheet de vorhanden sein
export definition to use for nextmatch export timesheet de Exportdefinition für den nextmatch Export
export to openoffice spreadsheet timesheet de zu Open Office exportieren
exports entries from your timesheet into a csv file. timesheet de Exportiert Einträge des Stundenzettel Moduls in eine CSV Datei.
exports entries from your timesheet into a csv file. csv means 'comma seperated values'. however in the options tab you can also choose other seperators. timesheet de Exportiert die Einträge des Stundenzettels in eine CSV Datei. CSV bedeutet, Komma getrennte Werte. In dem Options-Tab können Sie andere Trennzeichen festlegen.
favorites timesheet de Favoriten
field must not be empty !!! timesheet de Dieses Feld darf nicht leer sein!!!
for serial letter use this tag. put the content, you want to repeat between two tags. timesheet de Für den Seriendruck, wählen die diesen Platzhalter. Fügen Sie den Inhalt, den Sie wiederholen möchten, zwischen zwei Platzhaltern ein.
full: use only projectmanager admin de Komplett: verwende nur Projektmanager
@ -47,7 +53,11 @@ general fields: timesheet de Das Löschen von Einträgen verhindern
global categories timesheet de Globale Kategorien
history timesheet de Historie
history logging admin de Protokollierung der Historie
html link to the current record timesheet de HTML-Verknüpfung zum aktuellen Eintrag
id timesheet de ID
if you specify a directory (full vfs path) here, %1 displays an action for each document. that action allows to download the specified document with the %1 data inserted. timesheet de Wenn Sie hier das Verzeichnis (vollständiger Pfad im virtuellen Dateisystem vfs) angeben, zeigt %1 eine Aktion für jedes Dokument. Diese Aktion erlaubt es das angegebene Dokument herunterzuladen mit den %1 Daten eingefügt.
if you specify a document (full vfs path) here, %1 displays an extra document icon for each entry. that icon allows to download the specified document with the data inserted. timesheet de Wenn Sie hier das Verzeichnis (vollständiger Pfad im virtuellen Dateisystem vfs) angeben, zeigt %1 ein einzelnes Dokument-Symbol für jeden Eintrag. Dieses Symbol erlaubt es das angegebene Dokument herunterzuladen mit den %1 Daten eingefügt.
if you specify an export definition, it will be used when you export timesheet de Wenn Sie eine Exportdefinition angeben wird diese beim Export angewendet.
ignore timesheet de Ignorieren
import options timesheet de Import Optionen
imports entries into the timesheet from a csv file. timesheet de Importiert Einträge für den Stundenzettel aus einer CSV Datei.
@ -62,6 +72,9 @@ leave it empty for a full week timesheet de Leer lassen für eine volle Woche
leaves without saveing timesheet de beenden ohne speichern
length<br>rows timesheet de Länge<br>Reihe
links timesheet de Verknüpfungen
links and attached files timesheet de Verknüpfungen und angehangene Dateien
links to specified application. example: {{links/infolog}} timesheet de Verknüpfung zu Anwendungen. Beispiel: {{links/infolog}}
list of files linked to the current record timesheet de Liste der zum aktuellen Eintrag verknüpften Dateien.
max length of the input [, length of the inputfield (optional)] timesheet de maximale Länge der Eingabe[,Länge des Eingabefeldes (optional)]
modified timesheet de Geändert
modify status timesheet de Status ändern
@ -80,10 +93,12 @@ order timesheet de Reihenfolge
parent timesheet de Übergeordnet
permission denied!!! timesheet de Zugriff verweigert!!!
permissions error - %1 could not %2 timesheet de Fehler in den Zugriffsberechtigungen - %1 nicht möglich %2
prevent deleting admin de Verhindert Löschung
price timesheet de Preis
project fields timesheet de Fehler der Projektverwaltung
projectmanager integration admin de Integration des Projektmanagers
quantity timesheet de Menge
recovered timesheet de wiederhergestellt
replacements for inserting entries into documents timesheet de Platzhalter für das Einfügen in Dokumente
save & new timesheet de Speichern & Neu
saves the changes made timesheet de Speichert die Änderungen
@ -108,6 +123,8 @@ status of created timesheets timesheet de Status für neue Stundenzettel
status updated. timesheet de Status geändert
sum %1: timesheet de Summe %1:
tag to mark positions for address labels timesheet de Platzhalter, um die Position der Adresslabels festzulegen
the document can contain placeholder like {{%3}}, to be replaced with the data (%1full list of placeholder names%2). timesheet de Das Dokument kann Platzhalter wie {{%3}} beinhalten, die mit den entsprechenden Inhalten ersetzt werden (%1Liste der Platzhalter%2).
the following document-types are supported: timesheet de Die folgenden Dokumenttypen werden unterstützt:
the name used internaly (<= 20 chars), changeing it makes existing data unavailible timesheet de Dieser Name wird nur intern benutzt (<= 20 Zeichen), Änderungen führen dazu, das bestehende Daten nicht mehr angezeigt werden können.
the text displayed to the user timesheet de der Text wird dem Benutzer angezeigt
this month timesheet de Diesen Monat
@ -124,11 +141,14 @@ timesheet openoffice export timesheet de Export des Stundenzettels als Open Off
timesheet status-%1 '%2' added. timesheet de Stundenzettel Status %1 '%2' hinzugefügt.
timesheet-%1 '%2' updated. timesheet de Stundenzettel Status %1 '%2' geändert
timesheet-%1 deleted. timesheet de Stundenzettel %1 gelöscht
titles of any entries linked to the current record, excluding attached files timesheet de Titel der zum aktuellen Eintrag verknüpften Einträge, ausgenommen angehangene Dateien.
unable to convert "%1" to account id. using plugin setting (%2) for %3. timesheet de Das System konnte "%1" nicht in die Benutzer-ID umwandeln. Verwenden Sie besser die Einstellung (%2) für %3.
unitprice timesheet de Preis pro Einheit
use this tag for addresslabels. put the content, you want to repeat, between two tags. timesheet de Verwenden Sie diesen Platzhalter für den den Seriendruck. Fügen Sie den Inhalt, der wiederholt werden soll, zwischen zwei Platzhaltern ein.
values for selectbox timesheet de Werte der Auswahlbox
view this entry timesheet de Diesen Eintrag anzeigen
week timesheet de Woche
yes, only admins can purge deleted items admin de Ja, nur Administatoren dürfen gelöschte Einträge endgültig löschen
yes, users can purge their deleted items admin de Ja, Benutzer dürfen ihre gelöschten Einträge endgültig löschen
yesterday timesheet de Gestern
your database is not up to date (%1 vs. %2), please run %3setup%4 to update your database. timesheet de Ihre Datenbank ist NICHT aktuell (%1 statt %2), bitte rufen sie %3setup%4 auf um die Datenbank zu aktualisieren.
@ -35,11 +35,17 @@ entry deleted timesheet en Entry deleted.
entry saved timesheet en Entry saved.
error deleting the entry!!! timesheet en Error deleting the entry!
error saving the entry!!! timesheet en Error saving the entry!
example {{if n_prefix~mr~hello mr.~hello ms.}} - search the field "n_prefix", for "mr", if found, write hello mr., else write hello ms. timesheet en Example {{IF n_prefix~Mr~Hello Mr.~Hello Ms.}} - search the field "n_prefix", for "Mr", if found, write Hello Mr., else write Hello Ms.
example {{letterprefixcustom n_prefix title n_family}} - example: mr dr. james miller timesheet en Example {{LETTERPREFIXCUSTOM n_prefix title n_family}} - Example: Mr Dr. James Miller
example {{nelf role}} - if field role is not empty, you will get a new line with the value of field role timesheet en Example {{NELF role}} - if field role is not empty, you will get a new line with the value of field role
example {{nelfnv role}} - if field role is not empty, set a lf without any value of the field timesheet en Example {{NELFNV role}} - if field role is not empty, set a LF without any value of the field
existing links timesheet en Existing links
exists timesheet en Exists
export definition to use for nextmatch export timesheet en Export definition to use for nextmatch export
export to openoffice spreadsheet timesheet en Export to OpenOffice Spreadsheet
exports entries from your timesheet into a csv file. timesheet en Exports entries from Time Sheet into a CSV file
exports entries from your timesheet into a csv file. csv means 'comma seperated values'. however in the options tab you can also choose other seperators. timesheet en Exports entries from Time Sheet into a CSV file. CSV means 'Comma Separated Values'. In the options Tab you can also choose other separators.
favorites timesheet en Favorites
field must not be empty !!! timesheet en Field must not be empty!
for serial letter use this tag. put the content, you want to repeat between two tags. timesheet en For serial letter use this tag. Put the content, you want to repeat between two Tags.
full: use only projectmanager admin en Full: use only Project Manager
@ -47,7 +53,11 @@ general fields: timesheet en General fields:
global categories timesheet en Global categories
history timesheet en History
history logging admin en History logging
html link to the current record timesheet en HTML link to the current record
id timesheet en ID
if you specify a directory (full vfs path) here, %1 displays an action for each document. that action allows to download the specified document with the %1 data inserted. timesheet en If you specify a directory (full vfs path) here, %1 displays an action for each document. That action allows to download the specified document with the %1 data inserted.
if you specify a document (full vfs path) here, %1 displays an extra document icon for each entry. that icon allows to download the specified document with the data inserted. timesheet en If you specify a document (full vfs path) here, %1 displays an extra document icon for each entry. That icon allows to download the specified document with the data inserted.
if you specify an export definition, it will be used when you export timesheet en If you specify an export definition, it will be used when you export
ignore timesheet en Ignore
import options timesheet en Import options
imports entries into the timesheet from a csv file. timesheet en Imports entries into the Time Sheet from a CSV file
@ -62,6 +72,10 @@ leave it empty for a full week timesheet en Leave it empty for a full week
leaves without saveing timesheet en Leaves without saving
length<br>rows timesheet en Length<br>Rows
links timesheet en Links
links and attached files timesheet en Links and attached files
links to specified application. example: {{links/infolog}} timesheet en Links to specified application. Example: {{links/infolog}}
list of files linked to the current record timesheet en List of files linked to the current record
manage mapping timesheet en Manage mapping
max length of the input [, length of the inputfield (optional)] timesheet en Max length of the input [, length of the input field (optional)]
modified timesheet en Modified
modify status timesheet en Modify status
@ -73,6 +87,7 @@ no project timesheet en No project
no status timesheet en No status
none: use only free project-names admin en None: use only free project names
number of row for a multiline inputfield or line of a multi-select-box timesheet en Number of row for a multi-line input field or line of a multi select box
old fixed definition timesheet en Old fixed definition
only admin timesheet en Only admin
only admin can edit this status timesheet en Only admins can edit timesheets with this status
or endtime timesheet en or end time
@ -80,10 +95,12 @@ order timesheet en Order
parent timesheet en Parent
permission denied!!! timesheet en Permission denied!
permissions error - %1 could not %2 timesheet en Permissions error - %1 could not %2
prevent deleting admin en Prevent deleting
price timesheet en Price
project fields timesheet en Project fields
projectmanager integration admin en Project Manager integration
quantity timesheet en Quantity
recovered timesheet en recovered
replacements for inserting entries into documents timesheet en Replacements for inserting entries into documents
save & new timesheet en Save & New
saves the changes made timesheet en Saves the changes made
@ -108,6 +125,8 @@ status of created timesheets timesheet en Status of created timesheets
status updated. timesheet en Status updated.
sum %1: timesheet en Sum %1:
tag to mark positions for address labels timesheet en Tag to mark positions for address labels
the document can contain placeholder like {{%3}}, to be replaced with the data (%1full list of placeholder names%2). timesheet en The document can contain placeholder like {{%3}}, to be replaced with the data (%1full list of placeholder names%2).
the following document-types are supported: timesheet en The following document-types are supported:
the name used internaly (<= 20 chars), changeing it makes existing data unavailible timesheet en The name used internally, <= 20 chars, changing it makes existing data unavailable
the text displayed to the user timesheet en Text displayed to the user
this month timesheet en This month
@ -124,11 +143,14 @@ timesheet openoffice export timesheet en TimeSheet OpenOffice export
timesheet status-%1 '%2' added. timesheet en TimeSheet status-%1 '%2' added.
timesheet-%1 '%2' updated. timesheet en TimeSheet-%1 '%2' updated.
timesheet-%1 deleted. timesheet en TimeSheet-%1 deleted.
titles of any entries linked to the current record, excluding attached files timesheet en Titles of any entries linked to the current record, excluding attached files
unable to convert "%1" to account id. using plugin setting (%2) for %3. timesheet en Unable to convert "%1" to account ID. Using plugin setting (%2) for %3.
unitprice timesheet en Unit price
use this tag for addresslabels. put the content, you want to repeat, between two tags. timesheet en Use this tag for address labels. Put the content, you want to repeat, between two tags.
values for selectbox timesheet en Values for select box
view this entry timesheet en View this entry
week timesheet en Week
yes, only admins can purge deleted items admin en Yes, only admins can purge deleted items
yes, users can purge their deleted items admin en Yes, users can purge their deleted items
yesterday timesheet en Yesterday
your database is not up to date (%1 vs. %2), please run %3setup%4 to update your database. timesheet en Your database is NOT up to date (%1 vs. %2), please run %3setup%4 to update.
Reference in New Issue
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