removed tinymce as we have now fck

This commit is contained in:
Ralf Becker 2007-05-02 14:37:50 +00:00
parent 823c0e922a
commit 354c637baa
1486 changed files with 0 additions and 58129 deletions

View File

@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<body class="mceContentBody">

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@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
// arabic lang variables
// Toolbar Items and Context Menu
dir : 'rtl',
bold_desc : '&#1594;&#1575;&#1605;&#1602;',
italic_desc : '&#1605;&#1575;&#1574;&#1604;',
underline_desc : '&#1578;&#1587;&#1591;&#1610;&#1585;',
striketrough_desc : '&#1610;&#1578;&#1608;&#1587;&#1591;&#1607; &#1582;&#1591;',
justifyleft_desc : '&#1605;&#1581;&#1575;&#1584;&#1575;&#1577; &#1573;&#1604;&#1609; &#1575;&#1604;&#1610;&#1587;&#1575;&#1585;',
justifycenter_desc : '&#1578;&#1608;&#1587;&#1610;&#1591;',
justifyright_desc : '&#1605;&#1581;&#1575;&#1584;&#1575;&#1577; &#1573;&#1604;&#1609; &#1575;&#1604;&#1610;&#1605;&#1610;&#1606;',
justifyfull_desc : '&#1590;&#1576;&#1591;',
bullist_desc : '&#1578;&#1593;&#1583;&#1575;&#1583; &#1606;&#1602;&#1591;&#1610;',
numlist_desc : '&#1578;&#1593;&#1583;&#1575;&#1583; &#1585;&#1602;&#1605;&#1610;',
outdent_desc : '&#1573;&#1606;&#1602;&#1575;&#1589; &#1575;&#1604;&#1605;&#1587;&#1575;&#1601;&#1577; &#1575;&#1604;&#1576;&#1575;&#1583;&#1574;&#1577;',
indent_desc : '&#1586;&#1610;&#1575;&#1583;&#1577; &#1575;&#1604;&#1605;&#1587;&#1575;&#1601;&#1577; &#1575;&#1604;&#1576;&#1575;&#1583;&#1574;&#1577;',
undo_desc : '&#1578;&#1585;&#1575;&#1580;&#1593;',
redo_desc : '&#1573;&#1593;&#1575;&#1583;&#1577;',
link_desc : '&#1573;&#1583;&#1585;&#1575;&#1580;/&#1578;&#1581;&#1585;&#1610;&#1585; &#1585;&#1575;&#1576;&#1591;',
unlink_desc : '&#1573;&#1586;&#1575;&#1604;&#1577; &#1585;&#1575;&#1576;&#1591;',
image_desc : '&#1573;&#1583;&#1585;&#1575;&#1580;/&#1578;&#1581;&#1585;&#1610;&#1585; &#1589;&#1608;&#1585;&#1577;',
cleanup_desc : 'Cleanup messy code',
focus_alert : 'A editor instance must be focused before using this command.',
edit_confirm : 'Do you want to use the WYSIWYG mode for this textarea?',
insert_link_title : '&#1573;&#1583;&#1585;&#1575;&#1580;/&#1578;&#1581;&#1585;&#1610;&#1585; &#1585;&#1575;&#1576;&#1591;',
insert : '&#1573;&#1583;&#1585;&#1575;&#1580;',
update : '&#1573;&#1583;&#1585;&#1575;&#1580;',
cancel : '&#1571;&#1604;&#1594;&#1610;',
insert_link_url : '&#1585;&#1575;&#1576;&#1591; URL',
insert_link_target : '&#1575;&#1604;&#1607;&#1583;&#1601;',
insert_link_target_same : '&#1606;&#1601;&#1587; &#1575;&#1604;&#1573;&#1591;&#1575;&#1585;',
insert_link_target_blank : '&#1573;&#1591;&#1575;&#1585; &#1580;&#1583;&#1610;&#1583; (_blank)',
insert_image_title : '&#1573;&#1583;&#1585;&#1575;&#1580;/&#1578;&#1581;&#1585;&#1610;&#1585; &#1589;&#1608;&#1585;&#1577;',
insert_image_src : '&#1589;&#1608;&#1585;&#1577; URL',
insert_image_alt : '&#1575;&#1604;&#1608;&#1589;&#1601;',
help_desc : '&#1575;&#1604;&#1605;&#1587;&#1575;&#1593;&#1583;&#1577;',
bold_img : 'bold.gif',
italic_img : 'italic.gif',
underline_img : "underline.gif",
clipboard_msg : 'Copy/Cut/Paste is not available in Mozilla and Firefox.\nDo you want more information about this issue?',
popup_blocked : 'Sorry, but we have noticed that your popup-blocker has disabled a window that provides application functionality. You will need to disable popup blocking on this site in order to fully utilize this tool.'

View File

@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
// CA lang variables by Marc Bria
bold_desc : 'Negreta',
italic_desc : 'Cursiva',
underline_desc : 'Subratllat',
striketrough_desc : 'Tatxat',
justifyleft_desc : 'Alinear a l´esquerra',
justifycenter_desc : 'Alinear al centre',
justifyright_desc : 'Alinear a la dreta',
justifyfull_desc : 'Alinear justificat',
bullist_desc : 'Llista sense ordenar',
numlist_desc : 'Llista ordenada',
outdent_desc : 'Disminueix sangria',
indent_desc : 'Augmentar sangria',
undo_desc : 'Desfer',
redo_desc : 'Refer',
link_desc : 'Insertar enllaç',
unlink_desc : 'Treure enllaç',
image_desc : 'Insertar imatge',
cleanup_desc : 'Netejar codi',
focus_alert : 'L´àrea de l´editor ha de ser enfocada abans d´executar aquesta comanda.',
edit_confirm : 'Vols utilitzar el modus WYSIWYG per a aquesta àrea de text?',
insert_link_title : 'Insertar/editar enllaç',
insert : 'Insertar',
update : 'Insertar',
cancel : 'Cancel·lar',
insert_link_url : 'Adreça de l´enllaç',
insert_link_target : 'Destí',
insert_link_target_same : 'Obrir enllaç a la mateixa finestra',
insert_link_target_blank : 'Obrir enllaç en una finestra nova',
insert_image_title : 'Insertar/editar imatge',
insert_image_src : 'URL de l´imatge',
insert_image_alt : 'Descripció de la imatge',
help_desc : 'Ajut',
bold_img : "bold.gif",
italic_img : "italic.gif",
underline_img : "underline.gif",
clipboard_msg : 'Copiar/Tallar/Enganxar no és possible amb Mozilla i Firefox.\nVols més informació sobre aquest problema de seguretat?',
popup_blocked : 'Sorry, but we have noticed that your popup-blocker has disabled a window that provides application functionality. You will need to disable popup blocking on this site in order to fully utilize this tool.'

View File

@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
* Czech lang variables
* encoding: utf-8
* @author Michi
* @author Pavel Novák
* @author Josef Klimosz
* $Id: cs.js,v 1.6 2005/10/18 13:59:21 spocke Exp $
bold_desc : 'Tučně',
italic_desc : 'Kurzíva',
underline_desc : 'Podtržení',
striketrough_desc : 'Přeškrtnutí',
justifyleft_desc : 'Zarovnání vlevo',
justifycenter_desc : 'Zarovnání na střed',
justifyright_desc : 'Zarovnání vpravo',
justifyfull_desc : 'Zarovnání do bloku',
bullist_desc : 'Seznam s odrážkami',
numlist_desc : 'Číslovaný seznam',
outdent_desc : 'Snížit odsazení',
indent_desc : 'Zvýšit odsazení',
undo_desc : 'Zpět',
redo_desc : 'Znovu',
link_desc : 'Vložit odkaz',
unlink_desc : 'Zrušit odkaz',
image_desc : 'Vložit obrázek',
cleanup_desc : 'Vyčistit kód',
focus_alert : 'Před použitím tohoto příkazu musí být kurzor v okně editoru.',
edit_confirm : 'Chcete použít WYSIWYG editaci pro tento text?',
insert_link_title : 'Vložit/upravit odkaz',
insert : 'Vložit',
update : 'Změnit',
cancel : 'Zrušit',
insert_link_url : 'URL odkazu',
insert_link_target : 'Cíl',
insert_link_target_same : 'Otevřít odkaz ve stejném okně',
insert_link_target_blank : 'Otevřít odkaz v novém okně',
insert_image_title : 'Vložit/upravit obrázek',
insert_image_src : 'URL obrázku',
insert_image_alt : 'Popis obrázku',
help_desc : 'Nápověda',
bold_img : 'bold.gif',
italic_img : 'italic.gif',
underline_img : "underline.gif",
clipboard_msg : 'Funkce Kopírovat/vyjmout/vložit nejsou použitelné v Mozille a Firefoxu.\nChcete více informací o tomto problému?',
popup_blocked : 'Omlouváme se, ale blokovač vyskakovacích oken neumožnil otevřít okno, které zprostředkovává funkčnost aplikace. Musíte vypnout blokování vyskakovacích oken na tomto webu, abyste využili plné funkčnosti.'

View File

@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
// UK lang variables
bold_desc : 'Bold (Ctrl+B)',
italic_desc : 'Italig (Ctrl+I)',
underline_desc : 'Tanlinellu (Ctrl+U)',
striketrough_desc : 'Llinell drwodd',
justifyleft_desc : 'Unioni i\'r chwith',
justifycenter_desc : 'Unioni i\'r canol',
justifyright_desc : 'Unioni i\'r dde',
justifyfull_desc : 'Unioni llawn',
bullist_desc : 'Rhestr heb drefn',
numlist_desc : 'Rhestr mewn trefn',
outdent_desc : 'Lleihau mewnoliad',
indent_desc : 'Cynyddu mewnoliad',
undo_desc : 'Dadwneud (Ctrl+Z)',
redo_desc : 'Ailwneud (Ctrl+Y)',
link_desc : 'Mewnosod/golygu dolen',
unlink_desc : 'Dadgysylltu',
image_desc : 'Mewnosod/golygu delwedd',
cleanup_desc : 'Tacluso c&ocirc;d',
focus_alert : 'Rhaid rhoi ffocws i\'r golygydd cyn defnyddio\'r gorchymyn hwn.',
edit_confirm : 'Wyt ti eisiau defnyddio\'r dull WYSIWYG ar gyfer yr ardal destun hon?',
insert_link_title : 'Mewnosod/golygu dolen',
insert : 'Mewnosod',
update : 'Diweddaru',
cancel : 'Diddymu',
insert_link_url : 'URL dolen',
insert_link_target : 'Targed',
insert_link_target_same : 'Agor dolen yn yr un ffenest',
insert_link_target_blank : 'Agor dolen mewn ffenest newydd',
insert_image_title : 'Mewnosod/golygu delwedd',
insert_image_src : 'URL delwedd',
insert_image_alt : 'Disgrifiad delwedd',
help_desc : 'Cymorth',
bold_img : "bold.gif",
italic_img : "italic.gif",
underline_img : "underline.gif",
clipboard_msg : 'Dyw Cop&iuml;o/Torri/Gludo ddim ar gael ym Mozilla na Firefox.\nHoffet ti ragor o wybodaeth ynghylch hyn?',
popup_blocked : 'Mae\'n ddrwg gennym, ond mae dy declyn atal ffenestri naid wedi analluogi ffenest sy\'n cynnig nodweddion i\'r rhaglen. Bydd rhaid i ti analluogi atal ffenestri naid ar gyfer y safle hon er mwyn cael y defnydd gorau o\'r rhaglen hwn.'

View File

@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
// DK lang variables contributed by Jan Moelgaard, John Dalsgaard and Bo Frederiksen.
bold_desc : 'Fed',
italic_desc : 'Kursiv',
underline_desc : 'Understreg',
striketrough_desc : 'Gennemstreg',
justifyleft_desc : 'Venstrestil',
justifycenter_desc : 'Centrer',
justifyright_desc : 'H&oslash;jrestil',
justifyfull_desc : 'Lige margin',
bullist_desc : 'Liste med bullets',
numlist_desc : 'Liste med tal',
outdent_desc : 'Ryk til venstre',
indent_desc : 'Ryk til h&oslash;jre',
undo_desc : 'Fortryd',
redo_desc : 'G&oslash;r igen',
link_desc : 'Inds&aelig;t link',
unlink_desc : 'Fjern link',
image_desc : 'Inds&aelig;t billede',
cleanup_desc : 'Ryd op i koden',
focus_alert : 'Der skal s&aelig;ttes fokus p&aring; sessionen, f&oslash;r man kan bruge denne kommando',
edit_confirm : 'Vil du bruge WYSIWYG mode til dette textomr&aring;de?',
insert_link_title : 'Inds&aelig;t eller rediger link',
insert : 'Inds&aelig;t',
update : 'Opdater',
cancel : 'Fortryd',
insert_link_url : 'Linkadresse',
insert_link_target : 'Destination',
insert_link_target_same : 'Luk linket op i samme vindue',
insert_link_target_blank : 'Luk linket op i et nyt vindue',
insert_image_title : 'Inds&aelig;t / rediger billede',
insert_image_src : 'Billedets adresse',
insert_image_alt : 'Alternativ tekst',
help_desc : 'Hj&aelig;lp',
bold_img : "bold.gif",
italic_img : "italic.gif",
underline_img : "underline.gif",
clipboard_msg : 'Kopier/Klip/Inds&aelig;t virker ikke i Mozilla og Firefox.\nVil du vide mere om dette?',
popup_blocked : 'Beklager, men din browser blokerer for pop-up-vinduer. Skal du bruge denne editor fuldt ud, skal pop-up-vinduer v&aelig;re tilladt.'

View File

@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
// DE lang variables
bold_desc : 'Fett',
italic_desc : 'Kursiv',
underline_desc : 'Unterstrichen',
striketrough_desc : 'Durchgestrichen',
justifyleft_desc : 'Linksb&uuml;ndig',
justifycenter_desc : 'Zentriert',
justifyright_desc : 'Rechtsb&uuml;ndig',
justifyfull_desc : 'Blocksatz',
bullist_desc : 'Aufz&auml;hlungszeichen',
numlist_desc : 'Nummerierung',
outdent_desc : 'Einzug verkleinern',
indent_desc : 'Einzug vergr&ouml;&szlig;ern',
undo_desc : 'R&uuml;ckg&auml;ngig',
redo_desc : 'Wiederholen',
link_desc : 'Link einf&uuml;gen/bearbeiten',
unlink_desc : 'Link entfernen',
image_desc : 'Bild einf&uuml;gen/bearbeiten',
cleanup_desc : 'Unsauberen Code aufr&auml;umen',
focus_alert : 'Klicken Sie bitte vor Benutzung dieses Befehls auf das Editorfenster.',
edit_confirm : 'Wollen Sie den WYSIWYG-Modus f&uuml;r dieses Textfeld benutzen?',
insert_link_title : 'Link einf&uuml;gen/bearbeiten',
insert : 'Einf&uuml;gen',
update : 'Aktualisieren',
cancel : 'Abbrechen',
insert_link_url : 'Link-URL',
insert_link_target : 'Ziel',
insert_link_target_same : 'Link im gleichen Fenster &ouml;ffnen',
insert_link_target_blank : 'Link in neuem Fenster &ouml;ffnen',
insert_image_title : 'Bild einf&uuml;gen/bearbeiten',
insert_image_src : 'Bild-URL',
insert_image_alt : 'Bild-Beschreibung',
help_desc : 'Hilfe',
bold_img : "bold_de_se.gif",
italic_img : "italic_de_se.gif",
underline_img : "underline.gif",
clipboard_msg : 'Kopieren/Ausschneiden/Einf&uuml;gen ist in Mozilla und Firefox nicht verf&uuml;gbar.\nWollen Sie mehr Informationen dar&uuml;ber erhalten?',
popup_blocked : 'Ihr Popup-Blocker hat verhindert, dass das Bearbeitungsfenster des Editors ge&ouml;ffnet werden konnte. Bitte deaktivieren Sie den Popup-Schutz f&uuml;r diese Seite.'

View File

@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
// Greek lang variables by Jacaranda Bill
// Revised by Dimitris Giannitsaros / MediSign SA
bold_desc : 'Έντονη γραφή',
italic_desc : 'Πλάγια γραφή',
underline_desc : 'Υπογράμμιση',
striketrough_desc : 'διακριτή διαγραφή',
justifyleft_desc : 'Στοίχιση αριστερά',
justifycenter_desc : 'Στοίχιση στο κέντρο',
justifyright_desc : 'Στοίχιση δεξιά',
justifyfull_desc : 'Πλήρης στοίχιση',
bullist_desc : 'Κουκκίδες',
numlist_desc : 'Αρίθμηση',
outdent_desc : 'Μείωση εσοχής',
indent_desc : 'Αύξηση εσοχής',
undo_desc : 'Αναίρεση',
redo_desc : 'Ακύρωση αναίρεσης',
link_desc : 'δημιουργία/διόρθωση υπερ-σύνδεσης',
unlink_desc : 'διαγραφή υπερ-σύνδεσης',
image_desc : 'εισαγωγή/διόρθωση εικόνας',
cleanup_desc : 'Καθάρισμα κώδικα',
focus_alert : 'Πρέπει να υπάρχει ενεργός κάποιος επεξεργαστής κειμένου πριν να χρησιμοποιήσετε αυτή την εντολή.',
edit_confirm : 'Θέλετε να χρησιμοποιήσετε την κατάσταση WYSIWYG για το συγκεκριμένο πλαίσιο κειμένου;',
insert_link_title : 'δημιουργία/διόρθωση υπερ-σύνδεσης',
insert : 'εισαγωγή',
update : 'εισαγωγή',
cancel : 'Ακύρωση',
insert_link_url : 'διεύθυνση',
insert_link_target : 'Στόχος',
insert_link_target_same : '’νοιγμα της διεύθυνσης στο ίδιο παράθυρο',
insert_link_target_blank : '’νοιγμα της διεύθυνσης σε νέο παράθυρο',
insert_image_title : 'εισαγωγή/διόρθωση εικόνας',
insert_image_src : 'διεύθυνση',
insert_image_alt : 'Περιγραφή',
help_desc : 'Βοήθεια',
bold_img : "bold.gif",
italic_img : "italic.gif",
underline_img : "underline.gif",
clipboard_msg : 'Η Αντιγραφή/Αποκοπή/Επικόλληση δεν είναι διαθέσιμες στο Mozilla και στο Firefox.\nΘέλετε πληροφορίες για αυτό το θέμα;',
popup_blocked : 'Ο popup-blocker σας απενεργοποίησε ένα παράθυρο το οποίο χρειάζεται. Θα πρέπει να απενεργοποιήσετε τον popup-blocker σας στο συγκεκριμένο site, ώστε να χρησιμοποιήσετε πλήρως αυτό το εργαλείο.'

View File

@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
// UK lang variables
bold_desc : 'Bold (Ctrl+B)',
italic_desc : 'Italic (Ctrl+I)',
underline_desc : 'Underline (Ctrl+U)',
striketrough_desc : 'Strikethrough',
justifyleft_desc : 'Align left',
justifycenter_desc : 'Align center',
justifyright_desc : 'Align right',
justifyfull_desc : 'Align full',
bullist_desc : 'Unordered list',
numlist_desc : 'Ordered list',
outdent_desc : 'Outdent',
indent_desc : 'Indent',
undo_desc : 'Undo (Ctrl+Z)',
redo_desc : 'Redo (Ctrl+Y)',
link_desc : 'Insert/edit link',
unlink_desc : 'Unlink',
image_desc : 'Insert/edit image',
cleanup_desc : 'Cleanup messy code',
focus_alert : 'A editor instance must be focused before using this command.',
edit_confirm : 'Do you want to use the WYSIWYG mode for this textarea?',
insert_link_title : 'Insert/edit link',
insert : 'Insert',
update : 'Update',
cancel : 'Cancel',
insert_link_url : 'Link URL',
insert_link_target : 'Target',
insert_link_target_same : 'Open link in the same window',
insert_link_target_blank : 'Open link in a new window',
insert_image_title : 'Insert/edit image',
insert_image_src : 'Image URL',
insert_image_alt : 'Image description',
help_desc : 'Help',
bold_img : "bold.gif",
italic_img : "italic.gif",
underline_img : "underline.gif",
clipboard_msg : 'Copy/Cut/Paste is not available in Mozilla and Firefox.\nDo you want more information about this issue?',
popup_blocked : 'Sorry, but we have noticed that your popup-blocker has disabled a window that provides application functionality. You will need to disable popup blocking on this site in order to fully utilize this tool.'

View File

@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
* ES lang variables
* Authors : Alvaro Velasco,
* Adolfo Sanz De Diego (asanzdiego) <>,
* Carlos C Soto (eclipxe) <>
* Eneko Castresana Vara
* Last Updated : July 14, 2006
* TinyMCE Version :
bold_desc : 'Negrita (Ctrl+B)',
bold_img : "bold_es.gif",
bullist_desc : 'Lista sin ordenar',
cancel : 'Cancelar',
cleanup_desc : 'Limpiar codigo',
clipboard_msg : 'No se pueden utilizar los comandos Copiar / Cortar / Pegar en Mozilla y en Firefox.\r\nUse el teclado Copiar (Ctrl+C) / Cortar (Ctrl+X) / Pegar (Ctrl+V)\r\n&#191;Quieres obtener m&aacute;s informaci&oacute;n?',
edit_confirm : '¿Quieres usar el modo WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get - "lo que ves es lo que obtienes") para esta area de texto?',
edit_confirm : 'Do you want to use the WYSIWYG mode for this textarea?',
focus_alert : 'A editor instance must be focused before using this command.',
focus_alert : 'Una instancia del editor debe ser enfocada antes de usar este comando.',
help_desc : 'Ayuda',
image_desc : 'Insertar imagen',
indent_desc : 'Aumentar sangr&iacute;a',
insert_image_alt : 'Descripci&oacute;n de la imagen',
insert_image_src : 'Direcci&oacute;n de la imagen',
insert_image_title : 'Insertar/editar imagen',
insert : 'Insertar',
insert_link_target_blank : 'Abrir enlace en una ventana nueva',
insert_link_target : 'Destino',
insert_link_target_same : 'Abrir enlace en la misma ventana',
insert_link_title : 'Insertar/editar enlace',
insert_link_url : 'Direcci&oacute;n del enlace',
italic_desc : 'Cursiva (Ctrl+I)',
italic_img : "italic_es.gif",
justifycenter_desc : 'Alinear al centro',
justifyfull_desc : 'Alinear justificado',
justifyleft_desc : 'Alinear a la izquierda',
justifyright_desc : 'Alinear a la derecha',
link_desc : 'Insertar/editar enlace',
numlist_desc : 'Lista ordenada',
outdent_desc : 'Disminuir sangr&iacute;a',
popup_blocked : 'Lo siento, pero tu bloqueador de popups ha desactivado una ventana que ha lanzado la aplicaci&oacute;n. Debes desactivar tu bloqueador de popups para tener toda la funcionalad de la aplicaci&oacute;n.',
redo_desc : 'Rehacer',
striketrough_desc : 'Tachado',
underline_desc : 'Subrayado (Ctrl+U)',
underline_img : "underline_es.gif",
undo_desc : 'Deshacer',
unlink_desc : 'Quitar enlace',
update : 'Actualizar'

View File

@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
* ES lang variables
* Authors : Alvaro Velasco,
* Adolfo Sanz De Diego (asanzdiego) <>,
* Carlos C Soto (eclipxe) <>
* Eneko Castresana Vara
* Last Updated : July 14, 2006
* TinyMCE Version :
bold_desc : 'Negrita (Ctrl+B)',
italic_desc : 'Cursiva (Ctrl+I)',
underline_desc : 'Subrayado (Ctrl+U)',
striketrough_desc : 'Tachado',
justifyleft_desc : 'Alinear a la izquierda',
justifycenter_desc : 'Alinear al centro',
justifyright_desc : 'Alinear a la derecha',
justifyfull_desc : 'Alinear justificado',
bullist_desc : 'Lista sin ordenar',
numlist_desc : 'Lista ordenada',
outdent_desc : 'Disminuir sangr&iacute;a',
indent_desc : 'Aumentar sangr&iacute;a',
undo_desc : 'Deshacer',
redo_desc : 'Rehacer',
link_desc : 'Insertar enlace',
unlink_desc : 'Quitar enlace',
image_desc : 'Insertar imagen',
cleanup_desc : 'Limpiar codigo',
focus_alert : 'Una instanacia del editor debe ser enfocada antes de usar este comando.',
edit_confirm : '&#191;Quieres usar el modo WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get - "lo que ves es lo que obtienes") para esta area de texto?',
insert_link_title : 'Insertar/editar enlace',
insert : 'Insertar',
update : 'Actualizar',
cancel : 'Cancelar',
insert_link_url : 'Direcci&oacute;n del enlace',
insert_link_target : 'Destino',
insert_link_target_same : 'Abrir enlace en la misma ventana',
insert_link_target_blank : 'Abrir enlace en una ventana nueva',
insert_image_title : 'Insertar/editar imagen',
insert_image_src : 'Direcci&oacute;n de la imagen',
insert_image_alt : 'Descripci&oacute;n de la imagen',
help_desc : 'Ayuda',
bold_img : "bold_es.gif",
italic_img : "italic_es.gif",
underline_img : "underline_es.gif",
clipboard_msg : 'No se pueden utilizar los comandos Copiar / Cortar / Pegar en Mozilla y en Firefox.\r\nUse el teclado Copiar (Ctrl+C) / Cortar (Ctrl+X) / Pegar (Ctrl+V)\r\n&#191;Quieres obtener m&aacute;s informaci&oacute;n?',
popup_blocked : 'Lo siento, pero tu bloqueador de popups ha desactivado una ventana que ha lanzado la aplicaci&oacute;n. Debes desactivar tu bloqueador de popups para tener toda la funcionalad de la aplicaci&oacute;n.'

View File

@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
// IR lang variables
// Persian (Farsi) language pack (for IRAN)
// By: Morteza Zafari
dir : 'rtl',
bold_desc : '????',
italic_desc : '????',
underline_desc : '??? ?? ???',
striketrough_desc : '?? ?????',
justifyleft_desc : '?? ???',
justifycenter_desc : '??? ???',
justifyright_desc : '???? ???',
justifyfull_desc : '????? ???',
bullist_desc : '????',
numlist_desc : '???? ????',
outdent_desc : '???? ?????',
indent_desc : '?????? ?????',
undo_desc : '????????',
redo_desc : '????????',
link_desc : '??? ? ?????? ????',
unlink_desc : '??? ????',
image_desc : '??? ? ?????? ???',
cleanup_desc : '??????? ??',
focus_alert : 'A editor instance must be focused before using this command.',
edit_confirm : 'Do you want to use the WYSIWYG mode for this textarea?',
insert_link_title : '??? ? ?????? ????',
insert : ' ????? ',
update : ' ????? ',
cancel : ' ?????? ',
insert_link_url : 'URL ????',
insert_link_target : '????',
insert_link_target_same : '???? ?? ?? ???? ???? ??? ??',
insert_link_target_blank : '???? ?? ?? ???? ???? ??? ??',
insert_image_title : '??? ? ?????? ???',
insert_image_src : 'URL ???',
insert_image_alt : '?????',
help_desc : '??????',
bold_img : "bold.gif",
italic_img : "italic.gif",
underline_img : "underline.gif",
clipboard_msg : 'Copy/Cut/Paste is not available in Mozilla and Firefox.\nDo you want more information about this issue?',
popup_blocked : 'Sorry, but we have noticed that your popup-blocker has disabled a window that provides application functionality. You will need to disable popup blocking on this site in order to fully utilize this tool.'

View File

@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
// UK lang variables
bold_desc : 'Bold (Ctrl+B)',
italic_desc : 'Italic (Ctrl+I)',
underline_desc : 'Underline (Ctrl+U)',
striketrough_desc : 'Strikethrough',
justifyleft_desc : 'Align left',
justifycenter_desc : 'Align center',
justifyright_desc : 'Align right',
justifyfull_desc : 'Align full',
bullist_desc : 'Unordered list',
numlist_desc : 'Ordered list',
outdent_desc : 'Outdent',
indent_desc : 'Indent',
undo_desc : 'Undo (Ctrl+Z)',
redo_desc : 'Redo (Ctrl+Y)',
link_desc : 'Insert/edit link',
unlink_desc : 'Unlink',
image_desc : 'Insert/edit image',
cleanup_desc : 'Cleanup messy code',
focus_alert : 'A editor instance must be focused before using this command.',
edit_confirm : 'Do you want to use the WYSIWYG mode for this textarea?',
insert_link_title : 'Insert/edit link',
insert : 'Insert',
update : 'Update',
cancel : 'Cancel',
insert_link_url : 'Link URL',
insert_link_target : 'Target',
insert_link_target_same : 'Open link in the same window',
insert_link_target_blank : 'Open link in a new window',
insert_image_title : 'Insert/edit image',
insert_image_src : 'Image URL',
insert_image_alt : 'Image description',
help_desc : 'Help',
bold_img : "bold.gif",
italic_img : "italic.gif",
underline_img : "underline.gif",
clipboard_msg : 'Copy/Cut/Paste is not available in Mozilla and Firefox.\nDo you want more information about this issue?',
popup_blocked : 'Sorry, but we have noticed that your popup-blocker has disabled a window that provides application functionality. You will need to disable popup blocking on this site in order to fully utilize this tool.'

View File

@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
// FI lang variables by Urho Konttori from Absolutions
// Updated by Tuomo Aura,
bold_desc : 'Lihavoi (Ctrl+B)',
italic_desc : 'Kursivoi (Ctrl+I)',
underline_desc : 'Alleviivaa (Ctrl+U)',
striketrough_desc : 'Yliviivaa',
justifyleft_desc : 'Vasen tasaus',
justifycenter_desc : 'Keskitys',
justifyright_desc : 'Oikea tasaus',
justifyfull_desc : 'Pakotettu tasaus',
bullist_desc : 'Luettelo',
numlist_desc : 'Numeroitu lista',
outdent_desc : 'Poista sisennys',
indent_desc : 'Sisennys',
undo_desc : 'Peruuta (Ctrl+Z)',
redo_desc : 'Tee uudelleen (Ctrl+Y)',
link_desc : 'Lis&auml;&auml; linkki',
unlink_desc : 'Poista linkki',
image_desc : 'Lis&auml;&auml; kuva',
cleanup_desc : 'Siisti koodi',
focus_alert : 'Teksink&auml;sittelyalue t&auml;ytyy olla valittuna ennen t&auml;m&auml;n komennon suorittamista.',
edit_confirm : 'Haluatko k&auml;ytt&auml;&auml; WYSIWYG-tilaa t&auml;h&auml;n tekstialueeseen?',
insert_link_title : 'Lis&auml;&auml;/muokkaa linkki&auml;',
insert : 'Lisää',
update : 'Päivitä',
cancel : 'Peruuta',
insert_link_url : 'Linkin URL',
insert_link_target : 'Kohde',
insert_link_target_same : 'Avaa linkki samassa ikkunassa',
insert_link_target_blank : 'Avaa linkki uudessa ikkunassa',
insert_image_title : 'Lis&auml;&auml;/muokkaa kuvaa',
insert_image_src : 'Kuvan URL',
insert_image_alt : 'Kuvan selite',
help_desc : 'Apua',
bold_img : "bold.gif",
italic_img : "italic.gif",
underline_img : "underline.gif",
clipboard_msg : 'Leikkaus/Kopiointi/Liit&auml;minen ei onnistu Mozilla eik&auml; Firefox -selaimilla tietoturvasta johtuen. \n Haluatko lis&auml;tietoa aiheesta?',
popup_blocked : 'Koneellasi oleva popup-ikkunoiden esto-ohjelma est&auml;&auml; tarvittavan ikkunan avaamisen. Sinun pit&auml;&auml; sallia popup-ikkunoiden n&auml;ytt&auml;minen t&auml;ll&auml; sivustolla ohjelman asetuksista.'

View File

@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
// FR lang variables
// Modified by Motte, last updated 2006-03-23
bold_desc : 'Gras',
italic_desc : 'Italique',
underline_desc : 'Soulign&eacute;',
striketrough_desc : 'Barr&eacute;',
justifyleft_desc : 'Aligner &agrave; gauche',
justifycenter_desc : 'Centrer',
justifyright_desc : 'Aligner &agrave; droite',
justifyfull_desc : 'Justifier',
bullist_desc : 'Liste &agrave; puces',
numlist_desc : 'Liste num&eacute;rot&eacute;e',
outdent_desc : 'Diminuer le retrait',
indent_desc : 'Augmenter le retrait',
undo_desc : 'Annuler',
redo_desc : 'Restaurer',
link_desc : 'Ins&eacute;rer/Modifier un lien',
unlink_desc : 'Supprimer le lien',
image_desc : 'Ins&eacute;rer/Modifier une image',
cleanup_desc : 'Nettoyer le code',
focus_alert : 'Une instance de l\&eacute;diteur doit avoir le focus avant d\'utiliser cette commande.',
edit_confirm : 'Voulez-vous utiliser le mode WYSIWYG pour cette zone d\'&eacute;dition de texte ?',
insert_link_title : 'Gestionnaire d\'hyperlien',
insert : 'Ins&eacute;rer',
update : 'Appliquer',
cancel : 'Annuler',
insert_link_url : 'Lien URL',
insert_link_target : 'Cible',
insert_link_target_same : 'Ouvrir dans la m&ecirc;me fen&ecirc;tre',
insert_link_target_blank : 'Ouvrir dans une nouvelle fen&ecirc;tre',
insert_image_title : 'Gestionnaire d\'image',
insert_image_src : 'URL de l\'image',
insert_image_alt : 'Equivalent textuel',
help_desc : 'Aide',
bold_img : "bold_fr.gif",
italic_img : "italic.gif",
underline_img : "underline_fr.gif",
clipboard_msg : 'Pour des raisons de s&eacute;curit&eacute;, les fonctions « Copier », « Couper » et « Coller »\nne sont pas disponibles dans Mozilla et Firefox.\n\n\nVoulez-vous plus d\'information &agrave; ce sujet?\n',
popup_blocked : 'D&eacute;sol&eacute;, mais votre bloqueur de pop-up emp&ecirc;che le fonctionnement normal de l\'application.\n\n\nPour utiliser cet outil, veuillez r&eacute;gler votre navigateur pour qu\'il accepte les pop-up de ce site.'

View File

@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
// Canadian French lang variables by Virtuelcom
bold_desc : 'Gras',
italic_desc : 'Italique',
underline_desc : 'Souligner',
striketrough_desc : 'Barrer',
justifyleft_desc : 'Aligner à gauche',
justifycenter_desc : 'Aligner au centre',
justifyright_desc : 'Aligner à droite',
justifyfull_desc : 'Justifier',
bullist_desc : 'Puces',
numlist_desc : 'Numérotation',
outdent_desc : 'Réduire le retrait',
indent_desc : 'Augmenter le retrait',
undo_desc : 'Annuler la dernière action',
redo_desc : 'Refaire la dernière action annulée',
link_desc : 'Insérer un hyperlien',
unlink_desc : 'Supprimer un hyperlien',
image_desc : 'Insérer une image',
cleanup_desc : 'Nettoyer le code',
focus_alert : 'Un éditeur doit être sélectionné pour utiliser cette fonction.',
edit_confirm : 'Désirez-vous utiliser l\'éditeur pour modifier cette zone?',
insert_link_title : 'Insérer / Modifier un hyperlien',
insert : 'Insérer',
update : 'Insérer',
cancel : 'Annuler',
insert_link_url : 'Adresse URL',
insert_link_target : 'Destination',
insert_link_target_same : 'Ouvrir dans la même fenêtre',
insert_link_target_blank : 'Ouvrir dans une nouvelle fenêtre',
insert_image_title : 'Insérer / Modifier une image',
insert_image_src : 'Adresse de l\'image',
insert_image_alt : 'Description de l\'image',
help_desc : 'Aide',
bold_img : "bold_fr.gif",
italic_img : "italic.gif",
underline_img : "underline_fr.gif",
clipboard_msg : 'Copier/Couper/Coller ne sont pas disponibles dans Mozilla et FireFox.\nDésirez-vous consulter de plus amples informations à ce sujet?'

View File

@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
// HE lang variables by Liron Newman,
bold_desc : 'îåãâù (Ctrl+B)',
italic_desc : 'ðèåé (Ctrl+I)',
underline_desc : '÷å úçúé (Ctrl+U)',
striketrough_desc : '÷å çåöä',
justifyleft_desc : 'éùø ìùîàì',
justifycenter_desc : 'éùø ìîøëæ',
justifyright_desc : 'éùø ìéîéï',
justifyfull_desc : 'éùø ìùðé äöããéí',
bullist_desc : 'øùéîä çñøú ñãø',
numlist_desc : 'øùéîä îñåãøú',
outdent_desc : 'ä÷èï ëðéñä',
indent_desc : 'äâãì ëðéñä',
undo_desc : 'áèì (Ctrl+Z)',
redo_desc : 'áöò ùåá (Ctrl+Y)',
link_desc : 'äëðñ/òøåê ÷éùåø',
unlink_desc : 'áèì ÷éùåø',
image_desc : 'äëðñ/òøåê úîåðä',
cleanup_desc : 'ð÷ä ÷åã îáåìâï',
focus_alert : 'éù ìáçåø áùãä òøéëä ìôðé ùðéúï ìäùúîù áô÷åãä æå.',
edit_confirm : 'äàí áøöåðê ìäùúîù áîöá òøéëä òùéøä (WYSIWYG) òáåø ùãä è÷ñè æä?',
insert_link_title : 'äëðñ/òøåê ÷éùåø',
insert : 'äëðñ',
update : 'òãëï',
cancel : 'áèì',
insert_link_url : 'ëúåáú (URL) ä÷éùåø',
insert_link_target : 'éòã',
insert_link_target_same : 'ôúç àú ä÷éùåø áàåúå çìåï',
insert_link_target_blank : 'ôúç àú ä÷éùåø áçìåï çãù',
insert_image_title : 'äëðñ/òøåê úîåðä',
insert_image_src : 'ëúåáú (URL) äúîåðä',
insert_image_alt : 'úéàåø äúîåðä',
help_desc : 'òæøä',
bold_img : "bold.gif",
italic_img : "italic.gif",
underline_img : "underline.gif",
clipboard_msg : 'ôòåìåú äòú÷ä/âæéøä/äãá÷ä àéðï ðúîëåú úçú Mozilla å-Firefox.\näàí áøöåðê ì÷áì îéãò ðåñó àåãåú ðåùà æä?',
popup_blocked : 'ñìéçä, àê ùîðå ìá ëé çåñí äçìåðåú ä÷åôöéí ùìê çñí çìåï ùîäååä çì÷ îäééùåí. úöèøê ìáèì àú çñéîú äçìåðåú ä÷åôöéí áàúø æä ëãé ìðöì ëìé æä áîìåàå.'

View File

@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
// HU lang variables
bold_desc : 'Félkövér',
italic_desc : 'Dölt',
underline_desc : 'Aláhúzott',
striketrough_desc : 'Áthúzott',
justifyleft_desc : 'Balra igazított',
justifycenter_desc : 'Középre igazított',
justifyright_desc : 'Jobbra igazított',
justifyfull_desc : 'Telejesen igazított',
bullist_desc : 'Rendezetlen lista',
numlist_desc : 'Rendezett lista',
outdent_desc : 'Kihúzás',
indent_desc : 'Behúzás',
undo_desc : 'visszavonás',
redo_desc : 'Ismét',
link_desc : 'Link hozzáadása/szerkesztése',
unlink_desc : 'Link megszüntetése',
image_desc : 'Kép beillesztése/szerkesztése',
cleanup_desc : 'Rendetlen kód tisztítása',
focus_alert : 'Egy szerkesztőablakra muszáj fókuszálni ennek a parancsnak a használata előtt.',
edit_confirm : 'Szeretnéd használni ezt a WYSIWYG módot ehhez a szövegmezőhöz?',
insert_link_title : 'Link beillesztése/szerkesztése',
insert : 'Beillesztés',
update : 'Frissítés',
cancel : 'Mégse',
insert_link_url : 'Link URL',
insert_link_target : 'Cél',
insert_link_target_same : 'Link megnyitása ugyanabban az ablakban',
insert_link_target_blank : 'Link megnyitása új ablakban',
insert_image_title : 'Kép beillesztése/szerkesztése',
insert_image_src : 'Kép URL',
insert_image_alt : 'Kép leírása',
help_desc : 'Súgó',
bold_img : "bold.gif",
italic_img : "italic.gif",
underline_img : "underline.gif",
clipboard_msg : 'A Másolás/Kivágás/Beillesztés nem elérhető Mozillában and Firefox-ban.\nSzeretnél több információt erről a problémáról?',
popup_blocked : 'Sajnálom, de észrevettem, hogy a popup-blokkolód letiltotta az ablakot, ami biztosítja ennek az alkalmazásnak a működését. Meg kell szüntetned a popup-blokkolást ennek a segédeszköznek a teljes használatához.'

View File

@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
// Iceland lang variables by Johannes Birgir Jensson
bold_desc : 'Feitletrun (Ctrl+B)',
italic_desc : 'Sk&aacute;letrun (Ctrl+I)',
underline_desc : 'Undirstrikun (Ctrl+U)',
striketrough_desc : 'Strik &iacute; gegn',
justifyleft_desc : 'Vinstri j&ouml;fnun',
justifycenter_desc : 'Mi&eth;ju j&ouml;fnun',
justifyright_desc : 'H&aelig;gri j&ouml;fnun',
justifyfull_desc : 'Samfelld j&ouml;fnun',
bullist_desc : 'Óra&eth;a&eth;ur listi',
numlist_desc : 'Ra&eth;a&eth;ur listi',
outdent_desc : 'Útdr&aacute;ttur',
indent_desc : 'Inndr&aacute;ttur',
undo_desc : 'Afturkalla (Ctrl+Z)',
redo_desc : 'Endurkalla (Ctrl+Y)',
link_desc : 'Setja inn/breyta hlekk',
unlink_desc : 'Fjarl&aelig;gja hlekk',
image_desc : 'Setja inn/breyta mynd',
cleanup_desc : 'Hreinsa ruslk&oacute;&eth;a',
focus_alert : 'Setja &thorn;arf bendil &iacute; ritsv&aelig;&eth;i &aacute;&eth;ur en &thorn;essi skipun er notu&eth;.',
edit_confirm : 'Viltu nota WYSIWYG &aacute; &thorn;essum reit?',
insert_link_title : 'N&yacute;r/breyttur hlekkur',
insert : 'Setja inn',
update : 'Uppf&aelig;ra',
cancel : 'H&aelig;tta vi&eth;',
insert_link_url : 'Sl&oacute;&eth; hlekks',
insert_link_target : 'Gluggi',
insert_link_target_same : 'Opna tengil &iacute; sama glugga',
insert_link_target_blank : 'Opna tengil &iacute; n&yacute;jum glugga',
insert_image_title : 'N&yacute;/breytt mynd',
insert_image_src : 'Sl&oacute;&eth; myndar',
insert_image_alt : 'L&yacute;sing myndar',
help_desc : 'Hj&aacute;lp',
bold_img : "bold.gif",
italic_img : "italic.gif",
underline_img : "underline.gif",
clipboard_msg : 'Afrita/skeyta/líma er ekki leyft í vafranum.\nViltu fá frekari upplýsingar um hvernig á að stilla það?',
popup_blocked : 'Afsakið, gluggavörn vafrans hefur meinað glugga, sem umsjónarkerfið notar, leyfi til þess að opnast. Þú verður að leyfa þessum vef að opna sprettiglugga (popup) til að geta nýtt þennan möguleika.'

View File

@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
// IT lang variables
bold_desc : 'Grassetto (Ctrl+B)',
italic_desc : 'Corsivo (Ctrl+I)',
underline_desc : 'Sottolineato (Ctrl+U)',
striketrough_desc : 'Barrato',
justifyleft_desc : 'Allinea a sinistra',
justifycenter_desc : 'Allinea al centro',
justifyright_desc : 'Allinea a destra',
justifyfull_desc : 'Giustifica',
bullist_desc : 'Elenco puntato',
numlist_desc : 'Elenco numerato',
outdent_desc : 'Riduci rientro',
indent_desc : 'Aumenta rientro',
undo_desc : 'Annulla (Ctrl+Z)',
redo_desc : 'Ripeti (Ctrl+Y)',
link_desc : 'Inserisci o modifica link',
unlink_desc : 'Elimina link',
image_desc : 'Inserisci o modifica immagine',
cleanup_desc : 'Pulisci il codice HTML',
focus_alert : 'Fare clic su un\' istanza dell\'editor prima di eseguire questo comando',
edit_confirm : 'Vuoi usare l\'editor visuale in quest\'area di testo?',
insert_link_title : 'Inserisci o modifica link',
insert : 'Inserisci',
update : 'Modifica',
cancel : 'Annulla',
insert_link_url : 'URL del collegamento',
insert_link_target : 'Destinazione',
insert_link_target_same : 'Apri il link nella stessa finestra',
insert_link_target_blank : 'Apri il link in una nuova finestra',
insert_image_title : 'Inserisci o modifica immagine',
insert_image_src : 'URL dell\'immagine',
insert_image_alt : 'Descrizione',
help_desc : 'Aiuto',
bold_img : "bold.gif",
italic_img : "italic.gif",
underline_img : "underline.gif",
clipboard_msg : 'Le operazioni di taglia, copia e incolla non sono disponibili in Firefox. Vuoi ricevere ulteriori informazioni al riguardo?',
popup_blocked : 'Un blocco popup sta impedendo l\'utilizzo di alcune funzionalit&agrave;. Dovresti disabilitare il blocco per questo sito.',
insert_image_delta_width : 50,
insert_link_delta_width : 75

View File

@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
// UK lang variables
bold_desc : 'Bold (Ctrl+B)',
italic_desc : 'Italic (Ctrl+I)',
underline_desc : 'Underline (Ctrl+U)',
striketrough_desc : 'Strikethrough',
justifyleft_desc : 'Align left',
justifycenter_desc : 'Align center',
justifyright_desc : 'Align right',
justifyfull_desc : 'Align full',
bullist_desc : 'Unordered list',
numlist_desc : 'Ordered list',
outdent_desc : 'Outdent',
indent_desc : 'Indent',
undo_desc : 'Undo (Ctrl+Z)',
redo_desc : 'Redo (Ctrl+Y)',
link_desc : 'Insert/edit link',
unlink_desc : 'Unlink',
image_desc : 'Insert/edit image',
cleanup_desc : 'Cleanup messy code',
focus_alert : 'A editor instance must be focused before using this command.',
edit_confirm : 'Do you want to use the WYSIWYG mode for this textarea?',
insert_link_title : 'Insert/edit link',
insert : 'Insert',
update : 'Update',
cancel : 'Cancel',
insert_link_url : 'Link URL',
insert_link_target : 'Target',
insert_link_target_same : 'Open link in the same window',
insert_link_target_blank : 'Open link in a new window',
insert_image_title : 'Insert/edit image',
insert_image_src : 'Image URL',
insert_image_alt : 'Image description',
help_desc : 'Help',
bold_img : "bold.gif",
italic_img : "italic.gif",
underline_img : "underline.gif",
clipboard_msg : 'Copy/Cut/Paste is not available in Mozilla and Firefox.\nDo you want more information about this issue?',
popup_blocked : 'Sorry, but we have noticed that your popup-blocker has disabled a window that provides application functionality. You will need to disable popup blocking on this site in order to fully utilize this tool.'

View File

@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
// JP lang variables
bold_desc : '$BB@;z(B',
italic_desc : '$B<PBN(B',
underline_desc : '$B2<@~(B',
striketrough_desc : '$BKu>C@~(B',
justifyleft_desc : '$B:85M$a(B',
justifycenter_desc : '$BCf1{9g$o$;(B',
justifyright_desc : '$B1&5M$a(B',
justifyfull_desc : '$B9TB7$((B',
bullist_desc : '$B2U>r=q(B',
numlist_desc : '$BHV9fIU$-2U>r=q(B',
outdent_desc : '$B;z>e$2(B',
indent_desc : '$B;z2<$2(B',
undo_desc : '$B$d$j$J$*$7(B',
redo_desc : '$B:F<B9T(B',
link_desc : '$B%j%s%/$NA^F~(B/$BJT=8(B',
unlink_desc : '$B%j%s%/$N:o=|(B',
image_desc : '$B2hA|$NA^F~(B/$BJT=8(B',
cleanup_desc : '$B%3!<%I@0M}(B',
focus_alert : '$B$3$N%3%^%s%I$r;H$&A0$K%(%G%#%?>e$N$I$3$+$rA*Br$9$kI,MW$,$"$j$^$9!#(B',
edit_confirm : 'WYSIWYG$B%b!<%I$G$3$N%F%-%9%H%(%j%"$rJT=8$7$^$9$+!)(B',
insert_link_title : '$B%j%s%/$NA^F~(B/$BJT=8(B',
insert : '$BA^F~(B',
update : '$BA^F~(B',
cancel : '$B<h$j>C$7(B',
insert_link_url : '$B%j%s%/@h(BURL',
insert_link_target : '$B%?!<%2%C%H(B',
insert_link_target_same : '$BF1$8Ak$G%j%s%/$r3+$/(B',
insert_link_target_blank : '$B?7$7$$Ak$G%j%s%/$r3+$/(B',
insert_image_title : '$B2hA|$NA^F~(B/$BJT=8(B',
insert_image_src : '$B2hA|$N(BURL',
insert_image_alt : '$B2hA|$N@bL@(B',
help_desc : '$B%X%k%W(B',
bold_img : "bold.gif",
italic_img : "italic.gif",
underline_img : "underline.gif",
clipboard_msg : 'Copy/Cut/Paste is not available in Mozilla and Firefox.\nDo you want more information about this issue?',
popup_blocked : 'Sorry, but we have noticed that your popup-blocker has disabled a window that provides application functionality. You will need to disable popup blocking on this site in order to fully utilize this tool.'

View File

@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
// Japanese 日本語 EUC-JP language pack
bold_desc : '太字 (Ctrl+B)',
italic_desc : '斜体 (Ctrl+I)',
underline_desc : '下線 (Ctrl+U)',
striketrough_desc : '取り消し線',
justifyleft_desc : '左揃え',
justifycenter_desc : '中央揃え',
justifyright_desc : '右揃え',
justifyfull_desc : '両端揃え',
bullist_desc : '箇条書き',
numlist_desc : '段落番号',
outdent_desc : 'アウトデント',
indent_desc : 'インデント',
undo_desc : '元に戻す (Ctrl+Z)',
redo_desc : '繰り返し (Ctrl+Y)',
link_desc : 'リンクを挿入・編集',
unlink_desc : 'リンクを外す',
image_desc : 'イメージを挿入',
cleanup_desc : 'コードを整備する',
focus_alert : 'A editor instance must be focused before using this command.',
edit_confirm : 'Do you want to use the WYSIWYG mode for this textarea?',
insert_link_title : 'リンクを挿入・編集',
insert : '挿入',
update : '更新',
cancel : 'キャンセル',
insert_link_url : 'リンクのURL',
insert_link_target : 'ターゲット',
insert_link_target_same : '同じウィンドウでリンクを開く',
insert_link_target_blank : '新しいウィンドウでリンクを開く',
insert_image_title : 'イメージを挿入・編集',
insert_image_src : 'イメージのURL',
insert_image_alt : '代替テキスト',
help_desc : 'ヘルプ',
bold_img : "bold.gif",
italic_img : "italic.gif",
underline_img : "underline.gif",
clipboard_msg : 'コピー/切り取る/貼り付けは Mozillaと Firefoxに無効です。\n詳しく表示しますか?',
popup_blocked : 'ポップアップ禁止されているので、ポップアップを有効にしてください。'

View File

@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
// UK lang variables
bold_desc : 'Bold (Ctrl+B)',
italic_desc : 'Italic (Ctrl+I)',
underline_desc : 'Underline (Ctrl+U)',
striketrough_desc : 'Strikethrough',
justifyleft_desc : 'Align left',
justifycenter_desc : 'Align center',
justifyright_desc : 'Align right',
justifyfull_desc : 'Align full',
bullist_desc : 'Unordered list',
numlist_desc : 'Ordered list',
outdent_desc : 'Outdent',
indent_desc : 'Indent',
undo_desc : 'Undo (Ctrl+Z)',
redo_desc : 'Redo (Ctrl+Y)',
link_desc : 'Insert/edit link',
unlink_desc : 'Unlink',
image_desc : 'Insert/edit image',
cleanup_desc : 'Cleanup messy code',
focus_alert : 'A editor instance must be focused before using this command.',
edit_confirm : 'Do you want to use the WYSIWYG mode for this textarea?',
insert_link_title : 'Insert/edit link',
insert : 'Insert',
update : 'Update',
cancel : 'Cancel',
insert_link_url : 'Link URL',
insert_link_target : 'Target',
insert_link_target_same : 'Open link in the same window',
insert_link_target_blank : 'Open link in a new window',
insert_image_title : 'Insert/edit image',
insert_image_src : 'Image URL',
insert_image_alt : 'Image description',
help_desc : 'Help',
bold_img : "bold.gif",
italic_img : "italic.gif",
underline_img : "underline.gif",
clipboard_msg : 'Copy/Cut/Paste is not available in Mozilla and Firefox.\nDo you want more information about this issue?',
popup_blocked : 'Sorry, but we have noticed that your popup-blocker has disabled a window that provides application functionality. You will need to disable popup blocking on this site in order to fully utilize this tool.'

View File

@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
// Japanese 日本語 シフトJIS language pack
bold_desc : '太字 (Ctrl+B)',
italic_desc : '斜体 (Ctrl+I)',
underline_desc : '下線 (Ctrl+U)',
striketrough_desc : '取り消し線',
justifyleft_desc : '左揃え',
justifycenter_desc : '中央揃え',
justifyright_desc : '右揃え',
justifyfull_desc : '両端揃え',
bullist_desc : '箇条書き',
numlist_desc : '段落番号',
outdent_desc : 'アウトデント',
indent_desc : 'インデント',
undo_desc : '元に戻す (Ctrl+Z)',
redo_desc : '繰り返し (Ctrl+Y)',
link_desc : 'リンクを挿入・編集',
unlink_desc : 'リンクを外す',
image_desc : 'イメージを挿入',
cleanup_desc : 'コードを整備する',
focus_alert : 'A editor instance must be focused before using this command.',
edit_confirm : 'Do you want to use the WYSIWYG mode for this textarea?',
insert_link_title : 'リンクを挿入・編集',
insert : '挿入',
update : '更新',
cancel : 'キャンセル',
insert_link_url : 'リンクのURL',
insert_link_target : 'ターゲット',
insert_link_target_same : '同じウィンドウでリンクを開く',
insert_link_target_blank : '新しいウィンドウでリンクを開く',
insert_image_title : 'イメージを挿入・編集',
insert_image_src : 'イメージのURL',
insert_image_alt : '代替テキスト',
help_desc : 'ヘルプ',
bold_img : "bold.gif",
italic_img : "italic.gif",
underline_img : "underline.gif",
clipboard_msg : 'コピー/切り取る/貼り付けは Mozillaと Firefoxに無効です。\n詳しく表示しますか?',
popup_blocked : 'ポップアップ禁止されているので、ポップアップを有効にしてください。'

View File

@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
// Japanese 日本語 utf-8 language pack
bold_desc : '太字 (Ctrl+B)',
italic_desc : '斜体 (Ctrl+I)',
underline_desc : '下線 (Ctrl+U)',
striketrough_desc : '取り消し線',
justifyleft_desc : '左揃え',
justifycenter_desc : '中央揃え',
justifyright_desc : '右揃え',
justifyfull_desc : '両端揃え',
bullist_desc : '箇条書き',
numlist_desc : '段落番号',
outdent_desc : 'アウトデント',
indent_desc : 'インデント',
undo_desc : '元に戻す (Ctrl+Z)',
redo_desc : '繰り返し (Ctrl+Y)',
link_desc : 'リンクを挿入・編集',
unlink_desc : 'リンクを外す',
image_desc : 'イメージを挿入',
cleanup_desc : 'コードを整備する',
focus_alert : 'A editor instance must be focused before using this command.',
edit_confirm : 'Do you want to use the WYSIWYG mode for this textarea?',
insert_link_title : 'リンクを挿入・編集',
insert : '挿入',
update : '更新',
cancel : 'キャンセル',
insert_link_url : 'リンクのURL',
insert_link_target : 'ターゲット',
insert_link_target_same : '同じウィンドウでリンクを開く',
insert_link_target_blank : '新しいウィンドウでリンクを開く',
insert_image_title : 'イメージを挿入・編集',
insert_image_src : 'イメージのURL',
insert_image_alt : '代替テキスト',
help_desc : 'ヘルプ',
bold_img : "bold.gif",
italic_img : "italic.gif",
underline_img : "underline.gif",
clipboard_msg : 'コピー/切り取る/貼り付けは Mozillaと Firefoxに無効です。\n詳しく表示しますか?',
popup_blocked : 'ポップアップ禁止されているので、ポップアップを有効にしてください。'

View File

@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
// KO lang variables by Setzer Gabbiani
bold_desc : 'ÁøÇÏ°Ô',
italic_desc : '±â¿ïÀÓ',
underline_desc : '¹ØÁÙ',
striketrough_desc : '°¡·ÎÁÙ',
justifyleft_desc : '¿ÞÂÊ Á¤·&Auml;',
justifycenter_desc : '°¡¿îµ¥ Á¤·&Auml;',
justifyright_desc : '¿À¸¥ÂÊ Á¤·&Auml;',
justifyfull_desc : '¾çÂÊ Á¤·&Auml;',
bullist_desc : '¸ñÂ÷ ¸&Aring;±â±â',
numlist_desc : '¹øÈ£ ¸&Aring;±â±â',
outdent_desc : '³»¾î¾²±â',
indent_desc : 'µé¿©¾²±â',
undo_desc : '½ÇÇàÃë¼Ò',
redo_desc : 'Àç½ÇÇà',
link_desc : '¸µ&Aring;© ³&Ouml;±â/°í&Auml;¡±â',
unlink_desc : '¸µ&Aring;© ÇØÁ¦',
image_desc : '±×¸² ³&Ouml;±â/°í&Auml;¡±â',
cleanup_desc : '&Auml;Úµ&aring;¸¦ ±ò²ûÇÏ°Ô',
focus_alert : 'ÀÌ ¸í·ÉÀ» ½ÇÇàÇϱâ Àü¿¡ ¹Ýµ&aring;½Ã ¿¡µð&Aring;Í ³»ÀÇ ¾îµò°¡¿¡ &Auml;¿¼­°¡ À&Ouml;¾î¾ß ÇÕ´Ï´Ù.',
edit_confirm : 'ÀÌ &Aring;ؽºÆ® ¹Ú½º¿¡¼­ HTML ¿¡µð&Aring;͸¦ »ç¿ëÇÏ±æ ¿øÇϽʴϱî?',
insert_link_title : '¸µ&Aring;© ³&Ouml;±â/°í&Auml;¡±â',
insert : '»ðÀÔ',
update : '»ðÀÔ',
cancel : 'Ãë¼Ò',
insert_link_url : 'URL ¸µ&Aring;©',
insert_link_target : '&Aring;¸°Ù',
insert_link_target_same : '°°Àº â¿¡¼­ ¸µ&Aring;© ¿­±â',
insert_link_target_blank : '»õ â¿¡¼­ ¸µ&Aring;© ¿­±â',
insert_image_title : '±×¸² ³&Ouml;±â/°í&Auml;¡±â',
insert_image_src : '±×¸² URL',
insert_image_alt : '±×¸² ¼³¸í',
help_desc : 'µµ¿ò¸»',
bold_img : "bold.gif",
italic_img : "italic.gif",
underline_img : "underline.gif",
popup_blocked : 'Sorry, but we have noticed that your popup-blocker has disabled a window that provides application functionality. You will need to disable popup blocking on this site in order to fully utilize this tool.'

View File

@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
// nb = Norwegian (bokm&aring;l) lang variables by Knut B. Jacobsen
bold_desc : 'Fet',
italic_desc : 'Kursiv',
underline_desc : 'Understreking',
striketrough_desc : 'Gjennomstreking',
justifyleft_desc : 'Venstrestill',
justifycenter_desc : 'Sentrer',
justifyright_desc : 'H&oslash;yrestill',
justifyfull_desc : 'Blokkjustering',
bullist_desc : 'Punktliste',
numlist_desc : 'Nummerliste',
outdent_desc : 'Reduser innrykk',
indent_desc : '&Oslash;k innrykk',
undo_desc : 'Angre',
redo_desc : 'Gj&oslash;r om',
link_desc : 'Opprett/endre lenke',
unlink_desc : 'Fjern lenke',
image_desc : 'Sett inn/endre bilde',
cleanup_desc : 'Rens grisete kode',
focus_alert : 'Editoren m&aring; v&aelig;re i fokus f&oslash;r du benytter denne kommando.',
edit_confirm : 'Vil du benytte WYSIWYG editoren for dette tekstfelt?',
insert_link_title : 'Opprett/endre lenke',
insert : 'Sett inn',
update : 'Oppdater',
cancel : 'Avbryt',
insert_link_url : 'Lenkens URL',
insert_link_target : 'Vindu',
insert_link_target_same : '&Aring;pne i samme vindu',
insert_link_target_blank : '&Aring;pne i nytt vindu',
insert_image_title : 'Opprett/endre bilde',
insert_image_src : 'Bildets URL',
insert_image_alt : 'Bildets beskrivelse',
help_desc : 'Hjelp',
bold_img : 'bold_de_se.gif',
italic_img : 'italic_de_se.gif',
underline_img : 'underline.gif',
clipboard_msg : 'Klipp ut/Kopier/Lim inn fungerer ikke i Mozilla og Firefox. Vil du vite mer om dette?',
popup_blocked : 'Sorry, but we have noticed that your popup-blocker has disabled a window that provides application functionality. You will need to disable popup blocking on this site in order to fully utilize this tool.'

View File

@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
// NL lang variables thanks to "Meint Post"
// Updates by (2.0) Mark van der Sanden
bold_desc : 'Vet (Ctrl+B)',
italic_desc : 'Cursief (Ctrl+I)',
underline_desc : 'Onderstrepen (Ctrl+U)',
striketrough_desc : 'Doorhalen',
justifyleft_desc : 'Links uitlijnen',
justifycenter_desc : 'Centreren',
justifyright_desc : 'Rechts uitlijnen',
justifyfull_desc : 'Volledig uitlijnen',
bullist_desc : 'Opsommingstekens',
numlist_desc : 'Genummerde lijst',
outdent_desc : 'Inspringen verkleinen',
indent_desc : 'Inspringen vergroten',
undo_desc : 'Ongedaan maken (Ctrl+Z)',
redo_desc : 'Opnieuw (Ctrl+Y)',
link_desc : 'Hyperlink invoegen/bewerken',
unlink_desc : 'Hyperlink verwijderen',
image_desc : 'Afbeelding invoegen',
cleanup_desc : 'Code opschonen',
focus_alert : 'Klik op de tekst in de editor voor het uitvoeren van dit commando.',
edit_confirm : 'Wilt u de WYSIWYG modus voor deze textarea gebruiken?',
insert_link_title : 'Hyperlink invoegen/bewerken',
insert : 'OK',
update : 'Toepassen',
cancel : 'Annuleren',
insert_link_url : 'URL link',
insert_link_target : 'Bestemming',
insert_link_target_same : 'Open link in hetzelfde venster',
insert_link_target_blank : 'Open link in een nieuw venster',
insert_image_title : 'Afbeelding invoegen/bewerken',
insert_image_src : 'Afbeelding',
insert_image_alt : 'Beschrijving',
help_desc : 'Help',
bold_img : "bold.gif",
italic_img : "italic.gif",
underline_img : "underline.gif",
clipboard_msg : 'Kopiëren/knippen/plakken is niet beschikbaar in Mozilla en Firefox.\nWilt u meer informatie over deze kwestie?',
popup_blocked : 'Uw browser heeft zojuist geweigerd een popup-venster te tonen. Waarschijnlijk gebruikt u een poup-blocker die voor deze editor te streng omgaat met popups. Om het venster toch te tonen, zult u uw popup-blocker zo in moeten stellen dat het popups van deze website toestaat.'

View File

@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
// nn = Norwegian (nynorsk) lang variables by Knut B. Jacobsen
bold_desc : 'Feit',
italic_desc : 'Kursiv',
underline_desc : 'Understreking',
striketrough_desc : 'Gjennomstreking',
justifyleft_desc : 'Venstrestill',
justifycenter_desc : 'Sentrer',
justifyright_desc : 'H&oslash;grestill',
justifyfull_desc : 'Blokkjustering',
bullist_desc : 'Punktliste',
numlist_desc : 'Nummerliste',
outdent_desc : 'Reduser innrykk',
indent_desc : 'Auk innrykk',
undo_desc : 'Angre',
redo_desc : 'Gjer om',
link_desc : 'Opprett/endre lenke',
unlink_desc : 'Fjern lenke',
image_desc : 'Sett inn/endre bilde',
cleanup_desc : 'Rens grisete kode',
focus_alert : 'Editoren m&aring; v&aelig;re i fokus f&oslash;r du benytter denne kommando.',
edit_confirm : 'Vil du benytte WYSIWYG editoren for dette tekstfelt?',
insert_link_title : 'Opprett/endre lenke',
insert : 'Sett inn',
update : 'Oppdater',
cancel : 'Avbryt',
insert_link_url : 'Lenkens URL',
insert_link_target : 'Vindu',
insert_link_target_same : '&Aring;pne i samme vindauge',
insert_link_target_blank : '&Aring;pne i nytt vindauge',
insert_image_title : 'Opprett/endre bilde',
insert_image_src : 'Bildets URL',
insert_image_alt : 'Bildets beskrivelse',
help_desc : 'Hjelp',
bold_img : 'bold_de_se.gif',
italic_img : 'italic_de_se.gif',
underline_img : 'underline.gif',
clipboard_msg : 'Klipp ut/Kopier/Lim inn fungerer ikkje i Mozilla og Firefox. Vil du vite meir om dette?',
popup_blocked : 'Sorry, but we have noticed that your popup-blocker has disabled a window that provides application functionality. You will need to disable popup blocking on this site in order to fully utilize this tool.'

View File

@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
// PL lang variables
// fixed by Wooya
// fixed by lemiel 26.10.2005
bold_desc : 'Pogrubienie (Ctrl+B)',
italic_desc : 'Pochylenie (Ctrl+I)',
underline_desc : 'Podkreślenie (Ctrl+U)',
striketrough_desc : 'Przekreślenie',
justifyleft_desc : 'Wyrównaj do lewej',
justifycenter_desc : 'Wyrównaj do środka',
justifyright_desc : 'Wyrównaj do prawej',
justifyfull_desc : 'Wyrównaj na całości',
bullist_desc : 'Lista nienumerowana',
numlist_desc : 'Lista numerowana',
outdent_desc : 'Zmniejsz wcięcie',
indent_desc : 'Zwiększ wcięcie',
undo_desc : 'Cofnij (Ctrl+Z)',
redo_desc : 'Ponów (Ctrl+Y)',
link_desc : 'Wstaw/edytuj link',
unlink_desc : 'Usuń link',
image_desc : 'Wstaw/edytuj obrazek',
cleanup_desc : 'Usuń zbędny kod',
focus_alert : 'Instancja edytora musi być aktywna przed użyciem tego polecenia.',
edit_confirm : 'Czy chcesz użyć edytora WYSIWYG dla tego pola tekstowego?',
insert_link_title : 'Wstaw/edytuj link',
insert : 'Wstaw',
update : 'Aktualizuj',
cancel : 'Anuluj',
insert_link_url : 'URL linku',
insert_link_target : 'Cel',
insert_link_target_same : 'Otwórz link w tym samym oknie',
insert_link_target_blank : 'Otwórz link w nowym oknie',
insert_image_title : 'Wstaw/edytuj obrazek',
insert_image_src : 'URL obrazka',
insert_image_alt : 'Opis obrazka',
help_desc : 'Pomoc',
bold_img : "bold.gif",
italic_img : "italic.gif",
underline_img : "underline.gif",
clipboard_msg : 'Kopiuj/Wytnij/Wklej nie jest dostępne dla przeglądarek Mozilla i Firefox.\nCzy chcesz uzyskać o tym więcej informacji?',
popup_blocked : 'Niestety, ale odnotowano, że Twoja przeglądarka ma włączoną blokadę okienek popup. Musisz wyłączyć opcję blokowania okienek dla tej strony, aby TinyMCE mógł pracować z pełną funkcjonalnością.'

View File

@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
// PT lang variables
bold_desc : 'Negrito',
italic_desc : 'Itálico',
underline_desc : 'Sublinhar',
striketrough_desc : 'Riscado',
justifyleft_desc : 'Alinhar á esquerda',
justifycenter_desc : 'Alinhar ao centro',
justifyright_desc : 'Alinhar á direita',
justifyfull_desc : 'Justificado',
bullist_desc : 'Lista não ordenada',
numlist_desc : 'Lista ordenada',
outdent_desc : 'Retirar indentação',
indent_desc : 'Indentar',
undo_desc : 'Desfazer',
redo_desc : 'Refazer',
link_desc : 'Inserir Hiperligação',
unlink_desc : 'Remover hiperligação',
image_desc : 'Inserir Referência a imagem externa',
object_desc : 'Inserir Objecto Multimédia da Galeria',
cleanup_desc : 'Limpeza de código',
focus_alert : 'Uma instância do editor deverá estar seleccionada antes de utilizar este comando.',
edit_confirm : 'Deseja utilizar o modo visual de edição para ezta área de texto?',
insert_link_title : 'Inserir/editar hiperligação',
insert : 'Inserir',
update : 'Actualizar',
cancel : 'Cancelar',
insert_link_url : 'URL de hiperligação',
insert_link_target : 'Destino',
insert_link_target_same : 'Abrir endereço na mesma janela',
insert_link_target_blank : 'Abrir endereço numa nova janela',
insert_image_title : 'Inserir/editar imagem',
insert_image_src : 'Endereço da imagem',
insert_image_alt : 'Descrição alt.',
help_desc : 'Ajuda',
bold_img : "bold.gif",
italic_img : "italic.gif",
underline_img : "underline.gif",
clipboard_msg : 'Copiar/Cortar/Colar não está disponível em Mozilla and Firefox.\nPretende obter mais informação acerca desta questão?',
popup_blocked : 'Sorry, but we have noticed that your popup-blocker has disabled a window that provides application functionality. You will need to disable popup blocking on this site in order to fully utilize this tool.'

View File

@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
* pt_br lang variables
* Brazilian Portuguese
* Authors : ????
* Revision and modifications:
* Marcio Barbosa (mpg) <>
* Last Updated : November 26, 2005
* TinyMCE Version : 2.0RC4
bold_desc : 'Negrito (Ctrl+B)',
italic_desc : 'Itálico (Ctrl+I)',
underline_desc : 'Sublinhar (Ctrl+U)',
striketrough_desc : 'Riscado',
justifyleft_desc : 'Alinhar à esquerda',
justifycenter_desc : 'Centralizado',
justifyright_desc : 'Alinhar à direita',
justifyfull_desc : 'Justificado',
bullist_desc : 'Lista não ordenada',
numlist_desc : 'Lista ordenada',
outdent_desc : 'Retirar indentação',
indent_desc : 'Indentar',
undo_desc : 'Desfazer (Ctrl+Z)',
redo_desc : 'Refazer (Ctrl+Y)',
link_desc : 'Inserir link',
unlink_desc : 'Remover link',
image_desc : 'Inserir Referência a imagem externa',
object_desc : 'Inserir Objeto Multimídia da Galeria',
cleanup_desc : 'Limpeza de código',
focus_alert : 'Uma instância do editor deverá estar selecionada antes de utilizar este comando.',
edit_confirm : 'Deseja utilizar o Modo Visual (WYSIWYG) de edição para esta área de texto?',
insert_link_title : 'Inserir/editar link',
insert : 'Inserir',
update : 'Atualizar',
cancel : 'Cancelar',
insert_link_url : 'URL do link',
insert_link_target : 'Destino',
insert_link_target_same : 'Abrir link na mesma janela',
insert_link_target_blank : 'Abrir link em uma nova janela',
insert_image_title : 'Inserir/editar imagem',
insert_image_src : 'Endereço (URL) da imagem',
insert_image_alt : 'Descrição da imagem',
help_desc : 'Ajuda',
bold_img : "bold.gif",
italic_img : "italic.gif",
underline_img : "underline.gif",
clipboard_msg : 'Copiar/Cortar/Colar não está disponível no Mozilla e Firefox.\nPretende obter mais informação sobre esta questão?',
popup_blocked : 'Desculpe, mas sabemos que seu bloqueador de popup desativou uma que permite a funcionabilidade desta aplicação. Você precisa desativar seu bloqueador de popup neste site para que possa ser utilizado todos os recursos desta ferramenta.'

View File

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
Language packs are from version 2.0.5 removed from the core but can be downloadable from the TinyMCE website.
The language pack codes are based on ISO-639-1
Try using entires if possible. &aring; etc.

View File

@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
// RO lang variables
bold_desc : 'Bold (Ctrl+B)',
italic_desc : 'Italic (Ctrl+I)',
underline_desc : 'Subliniat (Ctrl+U)',
striketrough_desc : 'T&#259;iat',
justifyleft_desc : 'Aliniere la st&#226;nga',
justifycenter_desc : 'Centrat',
justifyright_desc : 'Alinere la dreapta',
justifyfull_desc : 'Aliniere integral&#259;',
bullist_desc : 'List&#259; neordonat&#259;',
numlist_desc : 'List&#259; ordonat&#259;',
outdent_desc : 'De-indentare',
indent_desc : 'Indentare',
undo_desc : 'Revenire cu un pas &#238;napoi (Ctrl+Z)',
redo_desc : 'Revenire cu un pas &#238;nainte (Ctrl+Y)',
link_desc : 'Insereaz&#259;/editeaz&#259; leg&#259;tur&#259;',
unlink_desc : '&#350;terge leg&#259;tura',
image_desc : 'Insereaz&#259;/editeaz&#259; imagine',
cleanup_desc : 'Cur&#259;&#355;&#259; cod ne&#238;ngrijit',
focus_alert : 'O instan&#355;&#259; de editare trebuie s&#259; fie activ&#259; &#238;nainte de folosirea acestei comenzi.',
edit_confirm : 'Vrei s&#259; folose&#351;ti modul WYSIWYG pentru aceast&#259; zon&#259; de text?',
insert_link_title : 'Insereaz&#259;/editeaz&#259; leg&#259;tur&#259;',
insert : 'Insereaz&#259;',
update : 'Actualizeaz&#259;',
cancel : 'Anulare',
insert_link_url : 'URL leg&#259;tur&#259;',
insert_link_target : '&#354;int&#259; leg&#259;tur&#259;',
insert_link_target_same : 'Deschide leg&#259;tura &#238;n aceea&#351;i fereastr&#259;',
insert_link_target_blank : 'Deschide leg&#259;tura &#238;ntr-o fereastr&#259; nou&#259;',
insert_image_title : 'Insereaz&#259;/editeaz&#259; imagine',
insert_image_src : 'URL imagine',
insert_image_alt : 'Descriere imagine',
help_desc : 'Ajutor',
bold_img : "bold.gif",
italic_img : "italic.gif",
underline_img : "underline.gif",
clipboard_msg : 'Copierea/T&#259;ierea/Lipirea nu sunt disponibile &#238;n Mozilla &#351;i Firefox.\nVrei mai multe informa&#355;ii despre acest lucru?',
popup_blocked : 'Ne pare r&#259;u, dar am observat c&#259; componenta de blocare a popup-urilor a dezactivat o fereastr&#259; care asigur&#259; func&#355;ionalitatea aplica&#355;iei. Va trebui s&#259; dezactivezi blocarea de popup-uri pe acest portal, pentru a putea folosi acest instrument la &#238;ntreaga lui capacitate.'

View File

@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
// Russian windows-1251 translation by Vladimir Vitkovsky
bold_desc : 'Полужирный',
italic_desc : 'Курсив',
underline_desc : 'Подчеркнутый',
striketrough_desc : 'Перечеркнутый',
justifyleft_desc : 'Выравнивание влево',
justifycenter_desc : 'Выравнивание по центру',
justifyright_desc : 'Выравнивание вправо',
justifyfull_desc : 'Равномерное заполнение',
bullist_desc : 'Маркированный список',
numlist_desc : 'Нумерованный список',
outdent_desc : 'Уменьшить отступ',
indent_desc : 'Увеличить отспут',
undo_desc : 'Отменить',
redo_desc : 'Вернуть',
link_desc : 'Вставить/изменить ссылку',
unlink_desc : 'Убрать ссылку',
image_desc : 'Вставить/изменить изображение',
cleanup_desc : 'Подчистить избыточный код',
focus_alert : 'Для использования данной команды Вы должны находится в поле редактора.',
edit_confirm : 'Хотите ли Вы редактировать в визуальном (WYSIWYG) режиме?',
insert_link_title : 'Вставить/изменить ссылку',
insert : 'Вставить',
update : 'Применить',
cancel : 'Отменить',
insert_link_url : 'Адрес ссылки',
insert_link_target : 'Открыть в...:',
insert_link_target_same : 'том же окне',
insert_link_target_blank : 'новом окне',
insert_image_title : 'Вставить/изменить изображение',
insert_image_src : 'Адрес картинки',
insert_image_alt : 'Описание картинки',
help_desc : 'Помощь',
bold_img : "bold_ru.gif",
italic_img : "italic_ru.gif",
underline_img : "underline_ru.gif",
clipboard_msg : 'Копировать/Вырезать/Вставить недоступны для Mozilla и Firefox.\nХотите узнать об этом подробнее?',
popup_blocked : 'Извините, но в Вашем браузере заблокированы всплывающие окна. Для того, чтобы иметь возможность воспользоваться всеми возможностями редактора, необходимо отключить блокировку всплывающих окон для этого сайта.'

View File

@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
// Russian KOI8-R translation by Vladimir Vitkovsky
bold_desc : 'Полужирный',
italic_desc : 'Курсив',
underline_desc : 'Подчеркнутый',
striketrough_desc : 'Перечеркнутый',
justifyleft_desc : 'Выравнивание влево',
justifycenter_desc : 'Выравнивание по центру',
justifyright_desc : 'Выравнивание вправо',
justifyfull_desc : 'Равномерное заполнение',
bullist_desc : 'Маркированный список',
numlist_desc : 'Нумерованный список',
outdent_desc : 'Уменьшить отступ',
indent_desc : 'Увеличить отспут',
undo_desc : 'Отменить',
redo_desc : 'Вернуть',
link_desc : 'Вставить/изменить ссылку',
unlink_desc : 'Убрать ссылку',
image_desc : 'Вставить/изменить изображение',
cleanup_desc : 'Подчистить избыточный код',
focus_alert : 'Для использования данной команды Вы должны находится в поле редактора.',
edit_confirm : 'Хотите ли Вы редактировать в визуальном (WYSIWYG) режиме?',
insert_link_title : 'Вставить/изменить ссылку',
insert : 'Вставить',
update : 'Применить',
cancel : 'Отменить',
insert_link_url : 'Адрес ссылки',
insert_link_target : 'Открыть в...:',
insert_link_target_same : 'том же окне',
insert_link_target_blank : 'новом окне',
insert_image_title : 'Вставить/изменить изображение',
insert_image_src : 'Адрес картинки',
insert_image_alt : 'Описание картинки',
help_desc : 'Помощь',
bold_img : "bold_ru.gif",
italic_img : "italic_ru.gif",
underline_img : "underline_ru.gif",
clipboard_msg : 'Копировать/Вырезать/Вставить недоступны для Mozilla и Firefox.\nХотите узнать об этом подробнее?',
popup_blocked : 'Извините, но в Вашем браузере заблокированы всплывающие окна. Для того, чтобы иметь возможность воспользоваться всеми возможностями редактора, необходимо отключить блокировку всплывающих окон для этого сайта.'

View File

@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
// Russian UTF-8 translation by Vladimir Vitkovsky
bold_desc : 'Полужирный',
italic_desc : 'Курсив',
underline_desc : 'Подчеркнутый',
striketrough_desc : 'Перечеркнутый',
justifyleft_desc : 'Выравнивание влево',
justifycenter_desc : 'Выравнивание по центру',
justifyright_desc : 'Выравнивание вправо',
justifyfull_desc : 'Равномерное заполнение',
bullist_desc : 'Маркированный список',
numlist_desc : 'Нумерованный список',
outdent_desc : 'Уменьшить отступ',
indent_desc : 'Увеличить отспут',
undo_desc : 'Отменить',
redo_desc : 'Вернуть',
link_desc : 'Вставить/изменить ссылку',
unlink_desc : 'Убрать ссылку',
image_desc : 'Вставить/изменить изображение',
cleanup_desc : 'Подчистить избыточный код',
focus_alert : 'Для использования данной команды Вы должны находится в поле редактора.',
edit_confirm : 'Хотите ли Вы редактировать в визуальном (WYSIWYG) режиме?',
insert_link_title : 'Вставить/изменить ссылку',
insert : 'Вставить',
update : 'Применить',
cancel : 'Отменить',
insert_link_url : 'Адрес ссылки',
insert_link_target : 'Открыть в...:',
insert_link_target_same : 'том же окне',
insert_link_target_blank : 'новом окне',
insert_image_title : 'Вставить/изменить изображение',
insert_image_src : 'Адрес картинки',
insert_image_alt : 'Описание картинки',
help_desc : 'Помощь',
bold_img : "bold_ru.gif",
italic_img : "italic_ru.gif",
underline_img : "underline_ru.gif",
clipboard_msg : 'Копировать/Вырезать/Вставить недоступны для Mozilla и Firefox.\nХотите узнать об этом подробнее?',
popup_blocked : 'Извините, но в Вашем браузере заблокированы всплывающие окна. Для того, чтобы иметь возможность воспользоваться всеми возможностями редактора, необходимо отключить блокировку всплывающих окон для этого сайта.'

View File

@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
// SI lang variables ISO-8859-2
bold_desc : 'Krepko (Ctrl+B)',
italic_desc : 'Postrani (Ctrl+I)',
underline_desc : 'Pod&#269;rtano (Ctrl+U)',
striketrough_desc : 'Pre&#269;rtano',
justifyleft_desc : 'Poravnava levo',
justifycenter_desc : 'Sredinska poravnava',
justifyright_desc : 'Poravnava desno',
justifyfull_desc : 'Porazdeli vsebino',
bullist_desc : 'Ozna&#269;evanje',
numlist_desc : 'O&#353;tevil&#269;evanje',
outdent_desc : 'Zmanj&#353;aj zamik',
indent_desc : 'Pove&#269;aj zamik',
undo_desc : 'Prekli&#269;i zadnjo akcijo (Ctrl+Z)',
redo_desc : 'Ponovi prej&#353;njo akcijo (Ctrl+Y)',
link_desc : 'Vstavi/uredi hiperpovezavo',
unlink_desc : 'Zbri&#353;i hiperpovezavo',
image_desc : 'Vstavi/uredi sliko',
cleanup_desc : 'Po&#269;isti umazano kodo',
focus_alert : 'Pred uporabo tega ukaza morate klikniti na urejevalnik.',
edit_confirm : 'Ali &#382;elite uporabljati WYSIWYG na&#269;in za ta urejevalnik?',
insert_link_title : 'Vstavi/uredi hiperpovezavo',
insert : 'Vstavi',
update : 'Posodobi',
cancel : 'Prekli&#269;i',
insert_link_url : 'URL naslov',
insert_link_target : 'Tar&#269;a',
insert_link_target_same : 'Odpri hiperpovezavo v istem oknu',
insert_link_target_blank : 'Odpri hiperpovezavo v novem oknu',
insert_image_title : 'Vstavi/uredi sliko',
insert_image_src : 'URL naslov slike',
insert_image_alt : 'Opis slike',
help_desc : 'Pomo&#269;',
bold_img : "bold.gif",
italic_img : "italic.gif",
underline_img : "underline.gif",
clipboard_msg : 'Kopiraj/Izre&#382;i/Prilepi ni na voljo v brskalnikih Mozilla in Firefox.\nAli &#382;elite ve&#269; informacij glede tega?',
popup_blocked : 'Odpiranje novega okna je bilo blokirano. &#268;e &#382;elite uporabljati vsa orodja, morate izklopiti blokiranje novih oken na tej strani.'

View File

@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
* Slovak lang variables
* encoding: utf-8
* @author Vladimir VASIL
* $Id: sk.js,v 1.1 2005/11/22 20:56:43 spocke Exp $
bold_desc : 'Tučné',
italic_desc : 'Kurzivá',
underline_desc : 'Podčiarknutie',
striketrough_desc : 'Preškrtnutie',
justifyleft_desc : 'Zarovnanie vľavo',
justifycenter_desc : 'Zarovnanie na stred',
justifyright_desc : 'Zarovnanie vpravo',
justifyfull_desc : 'Zarovnanie do bloku',
bullist_desc : 'Zoznam s odrážkami',
numlist_desc : 'Číslovaný zoznam',
outdent_desc : 'Snížiť odsadenie',
indent_desc : 'Zvýšiť odsadenie',
undo_desc : 'Zpäť',
redo_desc : 'Znovu',
link_desc : 'Vložiť odkaz',
unlink_desc : 'Zrušiť odkaz',
image_desc : 'Vložiť obrázok',
cleanup_desc : 'Vyčistiť kód',
focus_alert : 'Pred použitím tohoto príkazu musí byť kurzor v okne editora.',
edit_confirm : 'Chcete použiť WYSIWYG editáciu pre tento text?',
insert_link_title : 'Vložiť/upraviť odkaz',
insert : 'Vložiť',
update : 'Zmeniť',
cancel : 'Zrušiť',
insert_link_url : 'URL odkazu',
insert_link_target : 'Cieľ',
insert_link_target_same : 'Otvoriť odkaz v rovnakom okne',
insert_link_target_blank : 'Otvoriť odkaz v novom okne',
insert_image_title : 'Vložiť/upraviť obrázok',
insert_image_src : 'URL obrázku',
insert_image_alt : 'Popis obrázku',
help_desc : 'Nápoveda',
bold_img : 'bold.gif',
italic_img : 'italic.gif',
underline_img : "underline.gif",
clipboard_msg : 'Funkcia Kopírovať/vysrihnúť/vložiť niesú použiteľné v Mozille a Firefoxe.\nChcete viac informácií o tomto probléme?',
popup_blocked : 'Ospravedlňujeme sa, ale blokovač vyskakovacích okien neumožnil otvoriť okno, ktoré zprostredkovává funkčnosť aplikáce. Musíte vypnuť blokovanie vyskakovacích okien na tomto webe, abyste využili jeho plnú funkčnosť.'

View File

@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
// UK lang variables
bold_desc : 'I forte (Ctrl+B)',
italic_desc : 'Italik (Ctrl+I)',
underline_desc : 'I nenvizuar (Ctrl+U)',
striketrough_desc : 'Strikethrough',
justifyleft_desc : 'Ne te majte',
justifycenter_desc : 'Ne mes',
justifyright_desc : 'Ne te djathte',
justifyfull_desc : 'Justifiko',
bullist_desc : 'Liste e parenditur',
numlist_desc : 'Liste e renditur',
outdent_desc : 'Terhiq',
indent_desc : 'Shty',
undo_desc : 'Ç\'bej (Ctrl+Z)',
redo_desc : 'Ri-bej (Ctrl+Y)',
link_desc : 'Nderfut /ndrysho lidhjen',
unlink_desc : 'Ç\'lidh',
image_desc : 'Nderfut /ndrysho imazhin',
cleanup_desc : 'Pastor kodin problematik',
focus_alert : 'fokuso nje instance editori pastaj kliko.',
edit_confirm : 'A do te perdoresh tinyMce?',
insert_link_title : 'Nderfut /ndrysho lidhjen',
insert : 'Nderfut',
update : 'Ndrysho',
cancel : 'Kthehu',
insert_link_url : 'URL e lidhjes',
insert_link_target : 'Objektivi',
insert_link_target_same : 'Hape lidhjen ne po ate dritare',
insert_link_target_blank : 'Hape lidhjen ne dritare te re',
insert_image_title : 'Nderfut /ndrysho imazhin',
insert_image_src : 'URL e imazhit',
insert_image_alt : 'Pershkrimi i imazhit',
help_desc : 'Ndihme',
bold_img : "bold.gif",
italic_img : "italic.gif",
underline_img : "underline.gif",
clipboard_msg : '?',
popup_blocked : 'Shiko popup blocker - in.'

View File

@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
// SE lang variables
bold_desc : 'Fet',
italic_desc : 'Kursiv',
underline_desc : 'Understruken',
striketrough_desc : 'Genomstruken',
justifyleft_desc : 'V&auml;nsterjustera',
justifycenter_desc : 'Centrera',
justifyright_desc : 'H&ouml;gerjustera',
justifyfull_desc : 'Kantjustera',
bullist_desc : 'Punktlista',
numlist_desc : 'Nummerlista',
outdent_desc : 'Utdrag',
indent_desc : 'Indrag',
undo_desc : '&Aring;ngra',
redo_desc : 'G&ouml;r om',
link_desc : 'Skapa l&auml;nk',
unlink_desc : 'Ta bort l&auml;nk',
image_desc : 'Skapa/redigera bild',
cleanup_desc : 'Rensa skr&auml;pkod',
focus_alert : 'Flytta mark&ouml;ren till en textyta innan du anv&auml;nder detta kommando.',
edit_confirm : 'Vill du anv&auml;nda WYSIWYG-editorn f&ouml;r detta textf&auml;lt?',
insert_link_title : 'Skapa/redigera l&auml;nk',
insert : 'Skapa',
update : 'Uppdatera',
cancel : 'Avbryt',
insert_link_url : 'L&auml;nkens URL',
insert_link_target : 'F&ouml;nster',
insert_link_target_same : '&Ouml;ppna l&auml;nken i samma f&ouml;nster',
insert_link_target_blank : '&Ouml;ppna l&auml;nken i ett nytt f&ouml;nster',
insert_link_delta_width : 20,
insert_link_delta_height : 10,
insert_image_title : 'Skapa/redigera bild',
insert_image_src : 'Bildens URL',
insert_image_alt : 'Bildens beskrivning',
bold_img : 'bold_de_se.gif',
italic_img : 'italic_de_se.gif',
underline_img : "underline.gif",
clipboard_msg : 'Klipput/Kopiera/Klistra fungerar inte Mozilla och Firefox. Vill du veta mer om detta?',
help_desc : "Hj&auml;lp",
popup_blocked : 'Sorry, but we have noticed that your popup-blocker has disabled a window that provides application functionality. You will need to disable popup blocking on this site in order to fully utilize this tool.'

View File

@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
// TH lang variables Thai contributed by Innozent
bold_desc : 'µÑÇ˹Ò',
italic_desc : 'µÑÇéàÍÕ§',
underline_desc : '¢Õ´àÊé¹ãµé',
striketrough_desc : '¢Õ´¤&Aring;èÍÁ',
justifyleft_desc : 'ªÔ´¢Íº«éÒÂ',
justifycenter_desc : '¡&Ouml;觡&Aring;Ò§',
justifyright_desc : 'ªÔ´¢Íº¢ÇÒ',
justifyfull_desc : '¨Ñ´ªÔ´¢Íº',
bullist_desc : 'ÊÑ­&Aring;ѡɳìáÊ´§ËÑÇ¢éÍÂèÍÂ',
numlist_desc : '&Aring;ӴѺà&Aring;¢',
outdent_desc : '&Aring;´¡ÒÃàÂ×éͧ',
indent_desc : 'à¾ÔèÁ¡ÒÃàÂ×éͧ',
undo_desc : 'à&Aring;Ô¡·Ó',
redo_desc : '·ÓãËÁè',
link_desc : 'à¾ÔèÁ&Aring;Ô§¤ì',
unlink_desc : '&Aring;º&Aring;Ô§¤ì',
image_desc : 'ãÊèÃÙ»',
cleanup_desc : '·Ó¤ÇÒÁÊÐÍÒ´¢éͤÇÒÁ',
focus_alert : 'µéͧà&Aring;×Í¡¡&Aring;èͧ¢éͤÇÒÁ¡è͹·Õè¨Ðãªé¤ÓÊÑ觹Õé',
edit_confirm : '¤Ø³µéͧ¡Ò÷Õè¨Ðãªé WYSIWYG mode ÊÓËÃѺ¡&Aring;èͧ¢éͤÇÒÁ¹ÕéËÃ×Í&auml;Áè?',
insert_link_title : 'à¾ÔèÁ/á¡é&auml;¢ &Aring;Ô§¤ì',
insert : 'à¾ÔèÁ',
cancel : '¡à&Aring;Ô¡',
insert_link_url : 'Link URL',
insert_link_target : 'à»Ô´&Aring;Ô§¤ìã¹',
insert_link_target_same : '˹éÒµèÒ§à´ÕÂǡѹ',
insert_link_target_blank : '˹éÒµèÒ§ãËÁè',
insert_image_title : 'à¾ÔèÁ/á¡é&auml;¢ ÃÙ»',
insert_image_src : 'URL ¢Í§ÃÙ»',
insert_image_alt : '¤Ó͸ԺÒÂÃÙ»',
help_desc : 'ªèÇÂàË&Aring;×Í',
bold_img : "bold.gif",
italic_img : "italic.gif",
underline_img : "underline.gif",
clipboard_msg : 'Copy/Cut/Paste is not available in Mozilla and Firefox.\nDo you want more information about this issue?',
popup_blocked : 'Sorry, but we have noticed that your popup-blocker has disabled a window that provides application functionality. You will need to disable popup blocking on this site in order to fully utilize this tool.'

View File

@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
// TR lang variables
bold_desc : 'Kalın (Ctrl+B)',
italic_desc : 'İtalik (Ctrl+I)',
underline_desc : 'Altı çizgili (Ctrl+U)',
striketrough_desc : 'Üstü çizgili',
justifyleft_desc : 'Sola dayalı',
justifycenter_desc : 'Ortalanmış',
justifyright_desc : 'Sağa dayalı',
justifyfull_desc : 'İki kenara yaslanmış',
bullist_desc : 'Sırasız liste',
numlist_desc : 'Sıralı liste',
outdent_desc : 'Girintiyi azalt',
indent_desc : 'Girintiyi arttır',
undo_desc : 'Geri al (Ctrl+Z)',
redo_desc : 'Yeniden yap (Ctrl+Y)',
link_desc : 'Link ekle/düzenle',
unlink_desc : 'Linki kaldır',
image_desc : 'Resim ekle/düzenle',
cleanup_desc : 'Dağınık kodu düzenle',
focus_alert : 'Bu komutu kullanmadan önce editör seçilmeli(aktif olmalı).',
edit_confirm : 'Bu text alanı için WYSIWYG modu kullanmak ister misiniz?',
insert_link_title : 'Link ekle/düzenle',
insert : 'Ekle',
update : 'Güncelle',
cancel : 'İptal',
insert_link_url : 'Link adresi giriniz',
insert_link_target : 'Hedef adres',
insert_link_target_same : 'Linki aynı sayfada aç',
insert_link_target_blank : 'Linki yeni sayfada aç',
insert_image_title : 'Resim ekle/düzenle',
insert_image_src : 'Resim adresi',
insert_image_alt : 'Resim açıklaması',
help_desc : 'Yardım',
bold_img : "bold.gif",
italic_img : "italic.gif",
underline_img : "underline.gif",
clipboard_msg : 'Mozilla ve Firefox tarayıcılarında kopyala/kes/yapıştır komutlarını kullanamassınız.\n Bu konu hakkında daha fazla bilgi edinmek ister misiniz?',
popup_blocked : 'Popup engelleyiciniz programın çalışmasını önlemektedir, bu özellikten yararlanabilmeniz için popup engelleyicinizi kapatmanız gerekiyor.'

View File

@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
// UK lang variables
bold_desc : 'Bold (Ctrl+B)',
italic_desc : 'Italic (Ctrl+I)',
underline_desc : 'Underline (Ctrl+U)',
striketrough_desc : 'Strikethrough',
justifyleft_desc : 'Align left',
justifycenter_desc : 'Align center',
justifyright_desc : 'Align right',
justifyfull_desc : 'Align full',
bullist_desc : 'Unordered list',
numlist_desc : 'Ordered list',
outdent_desc : 'Outdent',
indent_desc : 'Indent',
undo_desc : 'Undo (Ctrl+Z)',
redo_desc : 'Redo (Ctrl+Y)',
link_desc : 'Insert/edit link',
unlink_desc : 'Unlink',
image_desc : 'Insert/edit image',
cleanup_desc : 'Cleanup messy code',
focus_alert : 'A editor instance must be focused before using this command.',
edit_confirm : 'Do you want to use the WYSIWYG mode for this textarea?',
insert_link_title : 'Insert/edit link',
insert : 'Insert',
update : 'Update',
cancel : 'Cancel',
insert_link_url : 'Link URL',
insert_link_target : 'Target',
insert_link_target_same : 'Open link in the same window',
insert_link_target_blank : 'Open link in a new window',
insert_image_title : 'Insert/edit image',
insert_image_src : 'Image URL',
insert_image_alt : 'Image description',
help_desc : 'Help',
bold_img : "bold.gif",
italic_img : "italic.gif",
underline_img : "underline.gif",
clipboard_msg : 'Copy/Cut/Paste is not available in Mozilla and Firefox.\nDo you want more information about this issue?',
popup_blocked : 'Sorry, but we have noticed that your popup-blocker has disabled a window that provides application functionality. You will need to disable popup blocking on this site in order to fully utilize this tool.'

View File

@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
// Vietnamese lang variables - Đỗ Xuân Tiến - Việt hóa
bold_desc : 'Đậm (Ctrl+B)',
italic_desc : 'Nghiêng (Ctrl+I)',
underline_desc : 'Gạch chân (Ctrl+U)',
striketrough_desc : 'Gạch ngang',
justifyleft_desc : 'Căn lề trái',
justifycenter_desc : 'Căn lề giữa',
justifyright_desc : 'Căn lề phải',
justifyfull_desc : 'Căn lề đều hai bên',
bullist_desc : 'Danh sách không sắp xếp thứ tự',
numlist_desc : 'Danh sách có sắp xếp thứ tự',
outdent_desc : 'Nhô ra',
indent_desc : 'Thụt vào',
undo_desc : 'Quay lại một thao tác (Ctrl+Z)',
redo_desc : 'Thực hiện lại một thao tác (Ctrl+Y)',
link_desc : 'Thêm/sửa liên kết',
unlink_desc : 'Hủy liên kết',
image_desc : 'Thêm/sửa ảnh',
cleanup_desc : 'Xóa sạch các mã lộn xộn',
focus_alert : 'Cần nhấn chuột vào bên trong ô nhập trước khi sử dụng lệnh này.',
edit_confirm : 'Bạn có muốn dùng chế độ WYSIWYG (thấy gì có nấy) cho ô nhập này?',
insert_link_title : 'Thêm/sửa liên kết',
insert : 'Thêm',
update : 'Cập nhật',
cancel : 'Hủy bỏ',
insert_link_url : 'Địa chỉ liên kết',
insert_link_target : 'Mục tiêu',
insert_link_target_same : 'Mở liên kết trong cùng cửa sổ',
insert_link_target_blank : 'Mở liên kết trong cửa sổ mới',
insert_image_title : 'Thêm/sửa ảnh',
insert_image_src : 'Địa chỉ ảnh',
insert_image_alt : 'Mô tả ảnh',
help_desc : 'Trợ giúp',
bold_img : "bold.gif",
italic_img : "italic.gif",
underline_img : "underline.gif",
clipboard_msg : 'Trên Mozilla và Firefox không sử dụng được các thao tác Sao chép/Cắt/Dán. \nBạn cần thêm thông tin về điều này?',
popup_blocked : 'Xin lỗi, nhưng chúng tôi thấy bộ khóa các cửa sổ bật ra (popup-blocker) của bạn đã khóa một cửa sổ cung cấp chức năng ứng dụng. Bạn cần tắt chế độ khóa cửa sổ bật ra cho trang web này để sử dụng hết các chức năng của công cụ này.'

View File

@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
// Simplified Chinese lang variables contributed by TinyMCE_China_Team ( tinymce_china {AT} yahoogroups {DOT} com ).
// visit our homepage at: for more information.
bold_desc : '黑体 (Ctrl+B)',
italic_desc : '斜体 (Ctrl+I)',
underline_desc : '下划线 (Ctrl+U)',
striketrough_desc : '删除线',
justifyleft_desc : '左对齐',
justifycenter_desc : '居中对齐',
justifyright_desc : '右对齐',
justifyfull_desc : '两端对齐',
bullist_desc : '无序列表',
numlist_desc : '有序列表',
outdent_desc : '减少缩进',
indent_desc : '增加缩进',
undo_desc : '撤消 (Ctrl+Z)',
redo_desc : '重做 (Ctrl+Y)',
link_desc : '插入/编辑 链接',
unlink_desc : '删除链接',
image_desc : '插入/编辑 图像',
cleanup_desc : '删除冗余代码',
focus_alert : '请先选择编辑区',
edit_confirm : '您想在编辑区域上使用所见即所得编辑器么?',
insert_link_title : '插入/编辑 链接',
insert : '插入',
update : '更新',
cancel : '取消',
insert_link_url : '链接地址',
insert_link_target : '链接目标',
insert_link_target_same : '在同一窗口中打开链接',
insert_link_target_blank : '在新窗口中打开链接',
insert_image_title : '插入/编辑 图像',
insert_image_src : '图像地址',
insert_image_alt : '图像描述',
help_desc : '帮助',
bold_img : "bold.gif",
italic_img : "italic.gif",
underline_img : "underline.gif",
clipboard_msg : '剪切/复制/粘贴功能在 Mozilla 和 Firefox 浏览器中不支持。您希望获得更多的信息吗?',
popup_blocked : '对不起, 您的浏览器禁止了弹出式窗口。为了让您使用到最完善的功能,请对本网站的弹出式窗口解除禁止。'

View File

@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
// Simplified Chinese lang variables contributed by TinyMCE_China_Team ( tinymce_china {AT} yahoogroups {DOT} com ).
// visit our homepage at: for more information.
bold_desc : '黑体 (Ctrl+B)',
italic_desc : '斜体 (Ctrl+I)',
underline_desc : '下划线 (Ctrl+U)',
striketrough_desc : '删除线',
justifyleft_desc : '左对齐',
justifycenter_desc : '居中对齐',
justifyright_desc : '右对齐',
justifyfull_desc : '两端对齐',
bullist_desc : '无序列表',
numlist_desc : '有序列表',
outdent_desc : '减少缩进',
indent_desc : '增加缩进',
undo_desc : '撤消 (Ctrl+Z)',
redo_desc : '重做 (Ctrl+Y)',
link_desc : '插入/编辑 链接',
unlink_desc : '删除链接',
image_desc : '插入/编辑 图像',
cleanup_desc : '删除冗余代码',
focus_alert : '请先选择编辑区',
edit_confirm : '您想在编辑区域上使用所见即所得编辑器么?',
insert_link_title : '插入/编辑 链接',
insert : '插入',
update : '更新',
cancel : '取消',
insert_link_url : '链接地址',
insert_link_target : '链接目标',
insert_link_target_same : '在同一窗口中打开链接',
insert_link_target_blank : '在新窗口中打开链接',
insert_image_title : '插入/编辑 图像',
insert_image_src : '图像地址',
insert_image_alt : '图像描述',
help_desc : '帮助',
bold_img : "bold.gif",
italic_img : "italic.gif",
underline_img : "underline.gif",
clipboard_msg : '剪切/复制/粘贴功能在 Mozilla 和 Firefox 浏览器中不支持。您希望获得更多的信息吗?',
popup_blocked : '对不起, 您的浏览器禁止了弹出式窗口。为了让您使用到最完善的功能,请对本网站的弹出式窗口解除禁止。'

View File

@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
// Traditional Chinese BIG-5; Twapweb Site translated; twapweb_AT_gmail_DOT_com
// 繁體中文 BIG-5 ;數位應用坊製作; twapweb_AT_gmail_DOT_com
bold_desc : '粗體Ctrl+B',
italic_desc : '斜體Ctrl+I',
underline_desc : '加底線Ctrl+U',
striketrough_desc : '刪除線',
justifyleft_desc : '靠左',
justifycenter_desc : '置中',
justifyright_desc : '靠右',
justifyfull_desc : '整篇對齊',
bullist_desc : '項目方式條列',
numlist_desc : '編號方式條列',
outdent_desc : '擴大縮排',
indent_desc : '減小縮排',
undo_desc : '復原Ctrl+Z',
redo_desc : '重複Ctrl+Y',
link_desc : '插入或編輯連結',
unlink_desc : '刪除連結',
image_desc : '插入或編輯圖檔',
cleanup_desc : '清除冗碼',
focus_alert : '使用此指令前須先指定編輯器',
edit_confirm : '要於此文字輸入區中採用所視即得模式嗎?',
insert_link_title : '插入或編輯連結',
insert : '插入',
update : '更新',
cancel : '取消',
insert_link_url : '連結網址',
insert_link_target : '對象',
insert_link_target_same : '於同視窗中開啟連結',
insert_link_target_blank : '以新視窗中開啟連結',
insert_image_title : '插入或編輯圖檔',
insert_image_src : '圖檔網址',
insert_image_alt : '圖檔說明',
help_desc : '協助',
bold_img : "bold_tw.gif",
italic_img : "italic_tw.gif",
underline_img : "underline_tw.gif",
clipboard_msg : '在 Mozilla 和 Firefox 中無法使用複製或剪下或貼上功能。\n需要更多關於此的訊息嗎',
popup_blocked : '喔!您有設置跳現視窗隔絕機制,已將功能跳現視窗給隔絕了。\n請調整跳現視窗隔絕機制的設定才能正常使用此功能。'

View File

@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
// Traditional Chinese UTF-8; Twapweb Site translated; twapweb_AT_gmail_DOT_com
// 繁體中文 UTF-8 ;數位應用坊製作; twapweb_AT_gmail_DOT_com
bold_desc : '粗體Ctrl+B',
italic_desc : '斜體Ctrl+I',
underline_desc : '加底線Ctrl+U',
striketrough_desc : '刪除線',
justifyleft_desc : '靠左',
justifycenter_desc : '置中',
justifyright_desc : '靠右',
justifyfull_desc : '整篇對齊',
bullist_desc : '項目方式條列',
numlist_desc : '編號方式條列',
outdent_desc : '擴大縮排',
indent_desc : '減小縮排',
undo_desc : '復原Ctrl+Z',
redo_desc : '重複Ctrl+Y',
link_desc : '插入或編輯連結',
unlink_desc : '刪除連結',
image_desc : '插入或編輯圖檔',
cleanup_desc : '清除冗碼',
focus_alert : '使用此指令前須先指定編輯器',
edit_confirm : '要於此文字輸入區中採用所視即得模式嗎?',
insert_link_title : '插入或編輯連結',
insert : '插入',
update : '更新',
cancel : '取消',
insert_link_url : '連結網址',
insert_link_target : '對象',
insert_link_target_same : '於同視窗中開啟連結',
insert_link_target_blank : '以新視窗中開啟連結',
insert_image_title : '插入或編輯圖檔',
insert_image_src : '圖檔網址',
insert_image_alt : '圖檔說明',
help_desc : '協助',
bold_img : "bold_tw.gif",
italic_img : "italic_tw.gif",
underline_img : "underline_tw.gif",
clipboard_msg : '在 Mozilla 和 Firefox 中無法使用複製或剪下或貼上功能。\n需要更多關於此的訊息嗎',
popup_blocked : '喔!您有設置跳現視窗隔絕機制,已將功能跳現視窗給隔絕了。\n請調整跳現視窗隔絕機制的設定才能正常使用此功能。'

View File

@ -1,437 +0,0 @@
Version 2, June 1991
Copyright (C) 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
[This is the first released version of the library GPL. It is
numbered 2 because it goes with version 2 of the ordinary GPL.]
The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
Licenses are intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change
free software--to make sure the software is free for all its users.
This license, the Library General Public License, applies to some
specially designated Free Software Foundation software, and to any
other libraries whose authors decide to use it. You can use it for
your libraries, too.
When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if
you distribute copies of the library, or if you modify it.
For example, if you distribute copies of the library, whether gratis
or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that we gave
you. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source
code. If you link a program with the library, you must provide
complete object files to the recipients so that they can relink them
with the library, after making changes to the library and recompiling
it. And you must show them these terms so they know their rights.
Our method of protecting your rights has two steps: (1) copyright
the library, and (2) offer you this license which gives you legal
permission to copy, distribute and/or modify the library.
Also, for each distributor's protection, we want to make certain
that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
library. If the library is modified by someone else and passed on, we
want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original
version, so that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on
the original authors' reputations.
Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
patents. We wish to avoid the danger that companies distributing free
software will individually obtain patent licenses, thus in effect
transforming the program into proprietary software. To prevent this,
we have made it clear that any patent must be licensed for everyone's
free use or not licensed at all.
Most GNU software, including some libraries, is covered by the ordinary
GNU General Public License, which was designed for utility programs. This
license, the GNU Library General Public License, applies to certain
designated libraries. This license is quite different from the ordinary
one; be sure to read it in full, and don't assume that anything in it is
the same as in the ordinary license.
The reason we have a separate public license for some libraries is that
they blur the distinction we usually make between modifying or adding to a
program and simply using it. Linking a program with a library, without
changing the library, is in some sense simply using the library, and is
analogous to running a utility program or application program. However, in
a textual and legal sense, the linked executable is a combined work, a
derivative of the original library, and the ordinary General Public License
treats it as such.
Because of this blurred distinction, using the ordinary General
Public License for libraries did not effectively promote software
sharing, because most developers did not use the libraries. We
concluded that weaker conditions might promote sharing better.
However, unrestricted linking of non-free programs would deprive the
users of those programs of all benefit from the free status of the
libraries themselves. This Library General Public License is intended to
permit developers of non-free programs to use free libraries, while
preserving your freedom as a user of such programs to change the free
libraries that are incorporated in them. (We have not seen how to achieve
this as regards changes in header files, but we have achieved it as regards
changes in the actual functions of the Library.) The hope is that this
will lead to faster development of free libraries.
The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
modification follow. Pay close attention to the difference between a
"work based on the library" and a "work that uses the library". The
former contains code derived from the library, while the latter only
works together with the library.
Note that it is possible for a library to be covered by the ordinary
General Public License rather than by this special one.
0. This License Agreement applies to any software library which
contains a notice placed by the copyright holder or other authorized
party saying it may be distributed under the terms of this Library
General Public License (also called "this License"). Each licensee is
addressed as "you".
A "library" means a collection of software functions and/or data
prepared so as to be conveniently linked with application programs
(which use some of those functions and data) to form executables.
The "Library", below, refers to any such software library or work
which has been distributed under these terms. A "work based on the
Library" means either the Library or any derivative work under
copyright law: that is to say, a work containing the Library or a
portion of it, either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated
straightforwardly into another language. (Hereinafter, translation is
included without limitation in the term "modification".)
"Source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work for
making modifications to it. For a library, complete source code means
all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any associated
interface definition files, plus the scripts used to control compilation
and installation of the library.
Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
running a program using the Library is not restricted, and output from
such a program is covered only if its contents constitute a work based
on the Library (independent of the use of the Library in a tool for
writing it). Whether that is true depends on what the Library does
and what the program that uses the Library does.
1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Library's
complete source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that
you conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an
appropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact
all the notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any
warranty; and distribute a copy of this License along with the
You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy,
and you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a
2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Library or any portion
of it, thus forming a work based on the Library, and copy and
distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
a) The modified work must itself be a software library.
b) You must cause the files modified to carry prominent notices
stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
c) You must cause the whole of the work to be licensed at no
charge to all third parties under the terms of this License.
d) If a facility in the modified Library refers to a function or a
table of data to be supplied by an application program that uses
the facility, other than as an argument passed when the facility
is invoked, then you must make a good faith effort to ensure that,
in the event an application does not supply such function or
table, the facility still operates, and performs whatever part of
its purpose remains meaningful.
(For example, a function in a library to compute square roots has
a purpose that is entirely well-defined independent of the
application. Therefore, Subsection 2d requires that any
application-supplied function or table used by this function must
be optional: if the application does not supply it, the square
root function must still compute square roots.)
These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Library,
and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
on the Library, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote
Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
collective works based on the Library.
In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Library
with the Library (or with a work based on the Library) on a volume of
a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
the scope of this License.
3. You may opt to apply the terms of the ordinary GNU General Public
License instead of this License to a given copy of the Library. To do
this, you must alter all the notices that refer to this License, so
that they refer to the ordinary GNU General Public License, version 2,
instead of to this License. (If a newer version than version 2 of the
ordinary GNU General Public License has appeared, then you can specify
that version instead if you wish.) Do not make any other change in
these notices.
Once this change is made in a given copy, it is irreversible for
that copy, so the ordinary GNU General Public License applies to all
subsequent copies and derivative works made from that copy.
This option is useful when you wish to copy part of the code of
the Library into a program that is not a library.
4. You may copy and distribute the Library (or a portion or
derivative of it, under Section 2) in object code or executable form
under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you accompany
it with the complete corresponding machine-readable source code, which
must be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a
medium customarily used for software interchange.
If distribution of object code is made by offering access to copy
from a designated place, then offering equivalent access to copy the
source code from the same place satisfies the requirement to
distribute the source code, even though third parties are not
compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
5. A program that contains no derivative of any portion of the
Library, but is designed to work with the Library by being compiled or
linked with it, is called a "work that uses the Library". Such a
work, in isolation, is not a derivative work of the Library, and
therefore falls outside the scope of this License.
However, linking a "work that uses the Library" with the Library
creates an executable that is a derivative of the Library (because it
contains portions of the Library), rather than a "work that uses the
library". The executable is therefore covered by this License.
Section 6 states terms for distribution of such executables.
When a "work that uses the Library" uses material from a header file
that is part of the Library, the object code for the work may be a
derivative work of the Library even though the source code is not.
Whether this is true is especially significant if the work can be
linked without the Library, or if the work is itself a library. The
threshold for this to be true is not precisely defined by law.
If such an object file uses only numerical parameters, data
structure layouts and accessors, and small macros and small inline
functions (ten lines or less in length), then the use of the object
file is unrestricted, regardless of whether it is legally a derivative
work. (Executables containing this object code plus portions of the
Library will still fall under Section 6.)
Otherwise, if the work is a derivative of the Library, you may
distribute the object code for the work under the terms of Section 6.
Any executables containing that work also fall under Section 6,
whether or not they are linked directly with the Library itself.
6. As an exception to the Sections above, you may also compile or
link a "work that uses the Library" with the Library to produce a
work containing portions of the Library, and distribute that work
under terms of your choice, provided that the terms permit
modification of the work for the customer's own use and reverse
engineering for debugging such modifications.
You must give prominent notice with each copy of the work that the
Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are covered by
this License. You must supply a copy of this License. If the work
during execution displays copyright notices, you must include the
copyright notice for the Library among them, as well as a reference
directing the user to the copy of this License. Also, you must do one
of these things:
a) Accompany the work with the complete corresponding
machine-readable source code for the Library including whatever
changes were used in the work (which must be distributed under
Sections 1 and 2 above); and, if the work is an executable linked
with the Library, with the complete machine-readable "work that
uses the Library", as object code and/or source code, so that the
user can modify the Library and then relink to produce a modified
executable containing the modified Library. (It is understood
that the user who changes the contents of definitions files in the
Library will not necessarily be able to recompile the application
to use the modified definitions.)
b) Accompany the work with a written offer, valid for at
least three years, to give the same user the materials
specified in Subsection 6a, above, for a charge no more
than the cost of performing this distribution.
c) If distribution of the work is made by offering access to copy
from a designated place, offer equivalent access to copy the above
specified materials from the same place.
d) Verify that the user has already received a copy of these
materials or that you have already sent this user a copy.
For an executable, the required form of the "work that uses the
Library" must include any data and utility programs needed for
reproducing the executable from it. However, as a special exception,
the source code distributed need not include anything that is normally
distributed (in either source or binary form) with the major
components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the operating system on
which the executable runs, unless that component itself accompanies
the executable.
It may happen that this requirement contradicts the license
restrictions of other proprietary libraries that do not normally
accompany the operating system. Such a contradiction means you cannot
use both them and the Library together in an executable that you
7. You may place library facilities that are a work based on the
Library side-by-side in a single library together with other library
facilities not covered by this License, and distribute such a combined
library, provided that the separate distribution of the work based on
the Library and of the other library facilities is otherwise
permitted, and provided that you do these two things:
a) Accompany the combined library with a copy of the same work
based on the Library, uncombined with any other library
facilities. This must be distributed under the terms of the
Sections above.
b) Give prominent notice with the combined library of the fact
that part of it is a work based on the Library, and explaining
where to find the accompanying uncombined form of the same work.
8. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or distribute
the Library except as expressly provided under this License. Any
attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or
distribute the Library is void, and will automatically terminate your
rights under this License. However, parties who have received copies,
or rights, from you under this License will not have their licenses
terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance.
9. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
distribute the Library or its derivative works. These actions are
prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
modifying or distributing the Library (or any work based on the
Library), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
the Library or works based on it.
10. Each time you redistribute the Library (or any work based on the
Library), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
original licensor to copy, distribute, link with or modify the Library
subject to these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
this License.
11. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
may not distribute the Library at all. For example, if a patent
license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Library by
all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
refrain entirely from distribution of the Library.
If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under any
particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to apply,
and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other circumstances.
It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
integrity of the free software distribution system which is
implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
impose that choice.
This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
be a consequence of the rest of this License.
12. If the distribution and/or use of the Library is restricted in
certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
original copyright holder who places the Library under this License may add
an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding those countries,
so that distribution is permitted only in or among countries not thus
excluded. In such case, this License incorporates the limitation as if
written in the body of this License.
13. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new
versions of the Library General Public License from time to time.
Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version,
but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns.
Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Library
specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and
"any later version", you have the option of following the terms and
conditions either of that version or of any later version published by
the Free Software Foundation. If the Library does not specify a
license version number, you may choose any version ever published by
the Free Software Foundation.
14. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Library into other free
programs whose distribution conditions are incompatible with these,
write to the author to ask for permission. For software which is
copyrighted by the Free Software Foundation, write to the Free
Software Foundation; we sometimes make exceptions for this. Our
decision will be guided by the two goals of preserving the free status
of all derivatives of our free software and of promoting the sharing
and reuse of software generally.

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@
tinyMCE.importPluginLanguagePack('template','en,tr,he,nb,ru,ru_KOI8-R,ru_UTF-8,nn,fi,cy,es,is,pl');var TinyMCE_TemplatePlugin={getInfo:function(){return{longname:'Template plugin',author:'Your name',authorurl:'',infourl:'',version:"1.0"};},initInstance:function(inst){alert("Initialization parameter:"+tinyMCE.getParam("template_someparam",false));inst.addShortcut('ctrl','t','lang_template_desc','mceTemplate');},getControlHTML:function(cn){switch(cn){case"template":return tinyMCE.getButtonHTML(cn,'lang_template_desc','{$pluginurl}/images/template.gif','mceTemplate',true);}return"";},execCommand:function(editor_id,element,command,user_interface,value){switch(command){case"mceTemplate":if(user_interface){var template=new Array();template['file']='../../plugins/template/popup.htm';template['width']=300;template['height']=200;tinyMCE.openWindow(template,{editor_id:editor_id,some_custom_arg:"somecustomdata"});tinyMCE.triggerNodeChange(false);}else{alert("execCommand: mceTemplate gets called from popup.");}return true;}return false;},handleNodeChange:function(editor_id,node,undo_index,undo_levels,visual_aid,any_selection){if(node.parentNode.nodeName=="STRONG"||node.parentNode.nodeName=="B"){tinyMCE.switchClass(editor_id+'_template','mceButtonSelected');return true;}tinyMCE.switchClass(editor_id+'_template','mceButtonNormal');},setupContent:function(editor_id,body,doc){},onChange:function(inst){},handleEvent:function(e){top.status="template plugin event: "+e.type;return true;},cleanup:function(type,content,inst){switch(type){case"get_from_editor":alert("[FROM] Value HTML string: "+content);break;case"insert_to_editor":alert("[TO] Value HTML string: "+content);break;case"get_from_editor_dom":alert("[FROM] Value DOM Element "+content.innerHTML);break;case"insert_to_editor_dom":alert("[TO] Value DOM Element: "+content.innerHTML);break;}return content;},_someInternalFunction:function(a,b){return 1;}};tinyMCE.addPlugin("template",TinyMCE_TemplatePlugin);

View File

@ -1,238 +0,0 @@
* $RCSfile: editor_plugin_src.js,v $
* $Revision: 1.12 $
* $Date: 2006/02/22 20:06:23 $
* @author Moxiecode
* @copyright Copyright © 2004-2006, Moxiecode Systems AB, All rights reserved.
/* Import plugin specific language pack */
tinyMCE.importPluginLanguagePack('template', 'en,tr,he,nb,ru,ru_KOI8-R,ru_UTF-8,nn,fi,cy,es,is,pl'); // <- Add a comma separated list of all supported languages
* Steps for creating a plugin from this template:
* 1. Change all "template" to the name of your plugin.
* 2. Remove all the callbacks in this file that you don't need.
* 3. Remove the popup.htm file if you don't need any popups.
* 4. Add your custom logic to the callbacks you needed.
* 5. Write documentation in a readme.txt file on how to use the plugin.
* 6. Upload it under the "Plugins" section at sourceforge.
// Singleton class
var TinyMCE_TemplatePlugin = {
* Returns information about the plugin as a name/value array.
* The current keys are longname, author, authorurl, infourl and version.
* @returns Name/value array containing information about the plugin.
* @type Array
getInfo : function() {
return {
longname : 'Template plugin',
author : 'Your name',
authorurl : '',
infourl : '',
version : "1.0"
* Gets executed when a TinyMCE editor instance is initialized.
* @param {TinyMCE_Control} Initialized TinyMCE editor control instance.
initInstance : function(inst) {
// You can take out plugin specific parameters
alert("Initialization parameter:" + tinyMCE.getParam("template_someparam", false));
// Register custom keyboard shortcut
inst.addShortcut('ctrl', 't', 'lang_template_desc', 'mceTemplate');
* Returns the HTML code for a specific control or empty string if this plugin doesn't have that control.
* A control can be a button, select list or any other HTML item to present in the TinyMCE user interface.
* The variable {$editor_id} will be replaced with the current editor instance id and {$pluginurl} will be replaced
* with the URL of the plugin. Language variables such as {$lang_somekey} will also be replaced with contents from
* the language packs.
* @param {string} cn Editor control/button name to get HTML for.
* @return HTML code for a specific control or empty string.
* @type string
getControlHTML : function(cn) {
switch (cn) {
case "template":
return tinyMCE.getButtonHTML(cn, 'lang_template_desc', '{$pluginurl}/images/template.gif', 'mceTemplate', true);
return "";
* Executes a specific command, this function handles plugin commands.
* @param {string} editor_id TinyMCE editor instance id that issued the command.
* @param {HTMLElement} element Body or root element for the editor instance.
* @param {string} command Command name to be executed.
* @param {string} user_interface True/false if a user interface should be presented.
* @param {mixed} value Custom value argument, can be anything.
* @return true/false if the command was executed by this plugin or not.
* @type
execCommand : function(editor_id, element, command, user_interface, value) {
// Handle commands
switch (command) {
// Remember to have the "mce" prefix for commands so they don't intersect with built in ones in the browser.
case "mceTemplate":
// Show UI/Popup
if (user_interface) {
// Open a popup window and send in some custom data in a window argument
var template = new Array();
template['file'] = '../../plugins/template/popup.htm'; // Relative to theme
template['width'] = 300;
template['height'] = 200;
tinyMCE.openWindow(template, {editor_id : editor_id, some_custom_arg : "somecustomdata"});
// Let TinyMCE know that something was modified
} else {
// Do a command this gets called from the template popup
alert("execCommand: mceTemplate gets called from popup.");
return true;
// Pass to next handler in chain
return false;
* Gets called ones the cursor/selection in a TinyMCE instance changes. This is useful to enable/disable
* button controls depending on where the user are and what they have selected. This method gets executed
* alot and should be as performance tuned as possible.
* @param {string} editor_id TinyMCE editor instance id that was changed.
* @param {HTMLNode} node Current node location, where the cursor is in the DOM tree.
* @param {int} undo_index The current undo index, if this is -1 custom undo/redo is disabled.
* @param {int} undo_levels The current undo levels, if this is -1 custom undo/redo is disabled.
* @param {boolean} visual_aid Is visual aids enabled/disabled ex: dotted lines on tables.
* @param {boolean} any_selection Is there any selection at all or is there only a cursor.
handleNodeChange : function(editor_id, node, undo_index, undo_levels, visual_aid, any_selection) {
// Select template button if parent node is a strong or b
if (node.parentNode.nodeName == "STRONG" || node.parentNode.nodeName == "B") {
tinyMCE.switchClass(editor_id + '_template', 'mceButtonSelected');
return true;
// Deselect template button
tinyMCE.switchClass(editor_id + '_template', 'mceButtonNormal');
* Gets called when a TinyMCE editor instance gets filled with content on startup.
* @param {string} editor_id TinyMCE editor instance id that was filled with content.
* @param {HTMLElement} body HTML body element of editor instance.
* @param {HTMLDocument} doc HTML document instance.
setupContent : function(editor_id, body, doc) {
* Gets called when the contents of a TinyMCE area is modified, in other words when a undo level is
* added.
* @param {TinyMCE_Control} inst TinyMCE editor area control instance that got modified.
onChange : function(inst) {
* Gets called when TinyMCE handles events such as keydown, mousedown etc. TinyMCE
* doesn't listen on all types of events so custom event handling may be required for
* some purposes.
* @param {Event} e HTML editor event reference.
* @return true - pass to next handler in chain, false - stop chain execution
* @type boolean
handleEvent : function(e) {
// Display event type in statusbar
top.status = "template plugin event: " + e.type;
return true; // Pass to next handler
* Gets called when HTML contents is inserted or retrived from a TinyMCE editor instance.
* The type parameter contains what type of event that was performed and what format the content is in.
* Possible valuses for type is get_from_editor, insert_to_editor, get_from_editor_dom, insert_to_editor_dom.
* @param {string} type Cleanup event type.
* @param {mixed} content Editor contents that gets inserted/extracted can be a string or DOM element.
* @param {TinyMCE_Control} inst TinyMCE editor instance control that performes the cleanup.
* @return New content or the input content depending on action.
* @type string
cleanup : function(type, content, inst) {
switch (type) {
case "get_from_editor":
alert("[FROM] Value HTML string: " + content);
// Do custom cleanup code here
case "insert_to_editor":
alert("[TO] Value HTML string: " + content);
// Do custom cleanup code here
case "get_from_editor_dom":
alert("[FROM] Value DOM Element " + content.innerHTML);
// Do custom cleanup code here
case "insert_to_editor_dom":
alert("[TO] Value DOM Element: " + content.innerHTML);
// Do custom cleanup code here
return content;
// Private plugin internal methods
* This is just a internal plugin method, prefix all internal methods with a _ character.
* The prefix is needed so they doesn't collide with future TinyMCE callback functions.
* @param {string} a Some arg1.
* @param {string} b Some arg2.
* @return Some return.
* @type string
_someInternalFunction : function(a, b) {
return 1;
// Adds the plugin class to the list of available TinyMCE plugins
tinyMCE.addPlugin("template", TinyMCE_TemplatePlugin);

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 87 B

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
// UK lang variables
/* Remember to namespace the language parameters lang_<your plugin>_<some name> */
template_title : 'This is just a template popup',
template_desc : 'This is just a template button'

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
// UK lang variables
/* Remember to namespace the language parameters lang_<your plugin>_<some name> */
template_title : 'This is just a template popup',
template_desc : 'This is just a template button'

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
// UK lang variables
/* Remember to namespace the language parameters lang_<your plugin>_<some name> */
template_title : 'This is just a template popup',
template_desc : 'This is just a template button'

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
// UK lang variables
/* Remember to namespace the language parameters lang_<your plugin>_<some name> */
template_title : 'This is just a template popup',
template_desc : 'This is just a template button'

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
// DK lang variables contributed by Jan Moelgaard
/* Remember to namespace the language parameters lang_<your plugin>_<some name> */
template_title : 'Dette er bare en pop-up-skabelon',
template_desc : 'Dette er bare en testknap'

View File

@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
// DE lang variables
/* Remember to namespace the language parameters lang_<your plugin>_<some name> */
/* Sprachparameter müssen als lang_<Eigenes Plugin>_<Eigener Name> definiert werden */
template_title : 'Dies ist nur ein Beispiel-Popup',
template_desc : 'Dies ist nur ein Beispiel-Button'

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
// Initial translation by Dimitris Giannitsaros / MediSign SA
/* Remember to namespace the language parameters lang_<your plugin>_<some name> */
template_title : '¸íá popup ðñüôõðï',
template_desc : '¸íá êïõìðß template'

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
// UK lang variables
/* Remember to namespace the language parameters lang_<your plugin>_<some name> */
template_title : 'This is just a template popup',
template_desc : 'This is just a template button'

View File

@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
* ES lang variables
* Authors : Alvaro Velasco,
* Adolfo Sanz De Diego (asanzdiego) <>,
* Carlos C Soto (eclipxe) <>
* Eneko Castresana Vara
* Last Updated : July 14, 2006
* TinyMCE Version :
template_title : 'Esto es s&oacute;lo la plantilla de un popup',
template_desc : 'Esto es s&oacute;lo la plantilla de un bot&oacute;n'

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
// UK lang variables
/* Remember to namespace the language parameters lang_<your plugin>_<some name> */
template_title : 'This is just a template popup',
template_desc : 'This is just a template button'

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
// UK lang variables
/* Remember to namespace the language parameters lang_<your plugin>_<some name> */
template_title : 'This is just a template popup',
template_desc : 'This is just a template button'

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
// UK lang variables
/* Remember to namespace the language parameters lang_<your plugin>_<some name> */
template_title : 'This is just a template popup',
template_desc : 'This is just a template button'

View File

@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
// FR lang variables
// Modified by Motte, last updated 2006-03-23
/* N'oubliez pas d'identifer les parametres de langue ainsi: <votre plugin>_<un nom> */
template_title : 'Texte qui appara&icirc;tra sous forme de titre dans la fen&ecirc;tre pop-up de votre plugin',
template_desc : 'Texte qui appara&icirc;tra sous forme d\'info-bulle au survol du bouton de votre plugin'

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
// Canadian French lang variables by Virtuelcom last modification: 2005-06-15
/* Remember to namespace the language parameters <your plugin>_<some name> */
template_title : 'Ceci est un exmple pour le gabarit de popup',
template_desc : 'Ceci est un exmple pour le gabarit d\'un bouton'

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
// HE lang variables
/* Remember to namespace the language parameters lang_<your plugin>_<some name> */
template_title : 'æä ñúí çìåï ÷åôõ ùì äúáðéú',
template_desc : 'æä ñúí ëôúåø ùì äúáðéú'

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
// HU lang variables
/* Remember to namespace the language parameters lang_<your plugin>_<some name> */
template_title : 'Ez csak egy példa popup',
template_desc : 'Ez csak egy példa gomb'

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
// Iceland lang variables by Johannes Birgir Jensson
/* Remember to namespace the language parameters lang_<your plugin>_<some name> */
template_title : '&THORN;etta er sni&eth;m&aacute;tsgluggi',
template_desc : '&THORN;etta er sni&eth;m&aacute;tstakki'

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
// UK lang variables
/* Remember to namespace the language parameters lang_<your plugin>_<some name> */
template_title : 'This is just a template popup',
template_desc : 'This is just a template button'

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
// UK lang variables
/* Remember to namespace the language parameters lang_<your plugin>_<some name> */
template_title : 'This is just a template popup',
template_desc : 'This is just a template button'

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
// UK lang variables
/* Remember to namespace the language parameters lang_<your plugin>_<some name> */
template_title : 'This is just a template popup',
template_desc : 'This is just a template button'

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
// UK lang variables
/* Remember to namespace the language parameters lang_<your plugin>_<some name> */
template_title : 'This is just a template popup',
template_desc : 'This is just a template button'

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
// UK lang variables
/* Remember to namespace the language parameters lang_<your plugin>_<some name> */
template_title : 'This is just a template popup',
template_desc : 'This is just a template button'

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
// UK lang variables
/* Remember to namespace the language parameters lang_<your plugin>_<some name> */
template_title : 'This is just a template popup',
template_desc : 'This is just a template button'

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
// UK lang variables
/* Remember to namespace the language parameters lang_<your plugin>_<some name> */
template_title : 'This is just a template popup',
template_desc : 'This is just a template button'

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
// UK lang variables
/* Remember to namespace the language parameters lang_<your plugin>_<some name> */
template_title : 'This is just a template popup',
template_desc : 'This is just a template button'

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
// nb = Norwegian (bokm&aring;l) lang variables by Knut B. Jacobsen
/* Remember to namespace the language parameters lang_<your plugin>_<some name> */
template_title : 'Dette er bare en template popup',
template_desc : 'Dette er bare en template knapp'

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
// NL lang variables
/* Remember to namespace the language parameters lang_<your plugin>_<some name> */
template_title : 'Dit is slechts een voorbeeldpopup',
template_desc : 'Dit is slechts een voorbeeldknop'

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
// nn = Norwegian (nynorsk) lang variables by Knut B. Jacobsen
/* Remember to namespace the language parameters lang_<your plugin>_<some name> */
template_title : 'Dette er berre ein template popup',
template_desc : 'Dette er berre ein template knapp'

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
// PL lang variables
/* Remember to namespace the language parameters lang_<your plugin>_<some name> */
template_title : 'To jest szablon okna popup',
template_desc : 'To jest szablon przycisku'

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
// UK lang variables
/* Remember to namespace the language parameters lang_<your plugin>_<some name> */
template_title : 'This is just a template popup',
template_desc : 'This is just a template button'

View File

@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
* pt_br lang variables
* Brazilian Portuguese
* Authors :
* Marcio Barbosa (mpg) <>
* Last Updated : November 26, 2005
* TinyMCE Version : 2.0RC4
template_title : 'Este é só um modêlo de popup',
template_desc : 'Este é só um modêlo de botão'

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
// RO lang variables
/* Remember to namespace the language parameters lang_<your plugin>_<some name> */
template_title : 'Acesta este doar model de tip popup',
template_desc : 'Acesta este doar un model de buton'

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
// RU cp1251 lang variables
/* Remember to namespace the language parameters lang_<your plugin>_<some name> */
template_title : 'Ýòî øàáëîí äëÿ popup',
template_desc : 'Ýòî øàáëîí äëÿ êíîïêè'

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
// RU KOI8-R lang variables
/* Remember to namespace the language parameters lang_<your plugin>_<some name> */
template_title : 'üÔÏ ÛÁÂÌÏÎ ÄÌÑ popup',
template_desc : 'üÔÏ ÛÁÂÌÏÎ ÄÌÑ ËÎÏÐËÉ'

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
// RU UTF-8 lang variables
/* Remember to namespace the language parameters lang_<your plugin>_<some name> */
template_title : 'Это шаблон для popup',
template_desc : 'Это шаблон для кнопки'

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
// SI lang variables ISO-8859-2
/* Remember to namespace the language parameters lang_<your plugin>_<some name> */
template_title : 'To je samo primer popup okna',
template_desc : 'To je samo primer gumba'

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
// UK lang variables
/* Remember to namespace the language parameters lang_<your plugin>_<some name> */
template_title : 'This is just a template popup',
template_desc : 'This is just a template button'

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
// UK lang variables
/* Remember to namespace the language parameters lang_<your plugin>_<some name> */
template_title : 'Kjo eshte nje dritare teme',
template_desc : 'Ky eshte nje buton teme'

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
// UK lang variables
/* Remember to namespace the language parameters lang_<your plugin>_<some name> */
template_title : 'This is just a template popup',
template_desc : 'This is just a template button'

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
// UK lang variables
/* Remember to namespace the language parameters lang_<your plugin>_<some name> */
template_title : 'This is just a template popup',
template_desc : 'This is just a template button'

View File

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
// TR lang variables
template_title : 'Bu sadece bir şablon popup penceresidir',
template_desc : 'Bu sadece bir şablon butonudur'

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
// UK lang variables
/* Remember to namespace the language parameters lang_<your plugin>_<some name> */
template_title : 'This is just a template popup',
template_desc : 'This is just a template button'

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
// Vietnamese lang variables - Đỗ Xuân Tiến - Việt hóa
/* Remember to namespace the language parameters lang_<your plugin>_<some name> */
template_title : 'Đây chỉ là một cửa sổ bật ra cho mẫu',
template_desc : 'Đây chỉ là một nút cho mẫu'

View File

@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
// Simplified Chinese lang variables contributed by TinyMCE_China_Team ( tinymce_china {AT} yahoogroups {DOT} com ).
// visit our homepage at: for more information.
/* Remember to namespace the language parameters <your plugin>_<some name> */
template_title : '这是一个模板弹出窗口',
template_desc : '这是一个模板按钮'

View File

@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
// Simplified Chinese lang variables contributed by TinyMCE_China_Team ( tinymce_china {AT} yahoogroups {DOT} com ).
// visit our homepage at: for more information.
/* Remember to namespace the language parameters <your plugin>_<some name> */
template_title : '这是一个模板弹出窗口',
template_desc : '这是一个模板按钮'

View File

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
// Traditional Chinese BIG-5; Twapweb Site translated; twapweb_AT_gmail_DOT_com
// 繁體中文 BIG-5 ;數位應用坊製作; twapweb_AT_gmail_DOT_com
template_title : '樣式跳現視窗',
template_desc : '樣式按鈕'

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More