mirror of https://github.com/EGroupware/egroupware.git synced 2025-03-04 01:51:34 +01:00

* Mail: fetch all subscribed folders for a given account in a single pass

fallback to previous scheme of retrieval per namespace only on failure/no result
This commit is contained in:
Klaus Leithoff 2014-09-26 08:39:48 +00:00
parent 06506c5a94
commit 48f1278cd5

View File

@ -2288,35 +2288,35 @@ class emailadmin_imapbase
$_subscribedOnly = false;
#$inboxData->attributes = 64;
$inboxFolderObject = array('INBOX' => $inboxData);
//$nameSpace = $this->icServer->getNameSpaces();
$nameSpace = $this->_getNameSpaces();
$fetchedAllInOneGo = false;
if (is_array($nameSpace))
foreach($nameSpace as $k => $singleNameSpace) {
$type = $singleNameSpace['type'];
$prefix_present = $singleNameSpace['prefix_present'];
// the following line (assumption that for the same namespace the delimiter should be equal) may be wrong
$foldersNameSpace[$type]['delimiter'] = $singleNameSpace['delimiter'];
if(is_array($singleNameSpace)) {
if(is_array($singleNameSpace)&&$fetchedAllInOneGo==false) {
// fetch and sort the subscribed folders
// we alway fetch the subscribed, as this provides the only way to tell
// if a folder is subscribed or not
if ($_subscribedOnly == true)
$subscribedMailboxes = $this->icServer->listSubscribedMailboxes($singleNameSpace['prefix'],0,true);
if (empty($subscribedMailboxes) && $type == 'shared')
$subscribedMailboxes = $this->icServer->listSubscribedMailboxes('',0,true);
if (!empty($subscribedMailboxes))
$fetchedAllInOneGo = true;
$subscribedMailboxes = $this->icServer->listSubscribedMailboxes($singleNameSpace['prefix'],0,true);
catch(Exception $e)
@ -2358,28 +2358,6 @@ class emailadmin_imapbase
// skip the checks here completely; we rely on Hordes code/results as for now
// this improves speed tremendously for the !$_subscribedOnly - mode
// only check for Folder in FolderMaintenance for Performance Reasons
if(!$_subscribedOnly) {
foreach ((array)$foldersNameSpace[$type]['subscribed'] as $folderName)
if ($singleNameSpace['prefix'] == $folderName || $singleNameSpace['prefix'] == $folderName.$singleNameSpace['delimiter']) continue;
//echo __METHOD__."Checking $folderName for existence<br>";
if (!$this->folderExists($folderName,true)) {
//echo("eMail Folder $folderName failed to exist; should be unsubscribed; Trying ...");
if ($this->subscribe($folderName, false))
$r = " success.";
} else {
$r = " failed.";
error_log(__METHOD__."-> $folderName in NS: $type failed to be here; should be unsubscribed....".$r);
// fetch and sort all folders
//echo $type.'->'.$singleNameSpace['prefix'].'->'.($type=='shared'?0:2)."<br>";
@ -2397,38 +2375,6 @@ class emailadmin_imapbase
error_log(__METHOD__.' ('.__LINE__.') '.' Failed to retrieve all Boxes:'.$e->getMessage());
$allMailboxesExt = array();
if (empty($allMailboxesExt) && $type == 'shared')
$allMailboxesExt = $this->icServer->getMailboxes('',0,true);
catch (Exception $e)
$allMailboxesExt = array();
if ($prefix_present=='forced' && $type=='personal') // you cannot trust dovecots assumed prefix
$allMailboxesExtAll = $this->icServer->getMailboxes('',0,true);
catch (Exception $e)
foreach ($allMailboxesExtAll as $kaMEA => $aMEA)
if (!in_array($aMEA,$allMailboxesExt)) $allMailboxesExt[] = $aMEA;
$allMailBoxesExtSorted = array();
if (!is_array($allMailboxesExt))
//error_log(__METHOD__.' ('.__LINE__.') '.' Expected Array but got:'.array2string($allMailboxesExt). 'Type:'.$type.' Prefix:'.$singleNameSpace['prefix']);
@ -2469,20 +2415,6 @@ class emailadmin_imapbase
$allMailboxes = array();
foreach ((array)$allMailBoxesExtSorted as $mbx) {
//echo $mbx['MAILBOX']."<br>";
// this is not used when we are callinglistMailboxes with $restriction_search = 0
// this lists all mailboxes so fetching mailboxes for each level would be obsolete
if (in_array('\HasChildren',$mbx["ATTRIBUTES"]) || in_array('\Haschildren',$mbx["ATTRIBUTES"]) || in_array('\haschildren',$mbx["ATTRIBUTES"])) {
if (!in_array($mbx['MAILBOX'],$allMailboxes)) $buff = self::getMailBoxesRecursive($mbx['MAILBOX'],$delimiter,$foldersNameSpace[$type]['prefix'],1);
if( PEAR::isError($buff) ) {
if (is_array($buff)) $allMailboxes = array_merge($allMailboxes,$buff);
if (!in_array($mbx['MAILBOX'],$allMailboxes)) $allMailboxes[] = $mbx['MAILBOX'];
//echo "Result:";_debug_array($allMailboxes);
@ -2490,108 +2422,6 @@ class emailadmin_imapbase
if (is_array($foldersNameSpace[$type]['all'])) sort($foldersNameSpace[$type]['all']);
// check for autocreated folders
if(isset($foldersNameSpace['personal']['prefix'])) {
$personalPrefix = $foldersNameSpace['personal']['prefix'];
$personalDelimiter = $foldersNameSpace['personal']['delimiter'];
if(!empty($personalPrefix)) {
if(substr($personalPrefix, -1) != $personalDelimiter) {
$folderPrefix = $personalPrefix . $personalDelimiter;
} else {
$folderPrefix = $personalPrefix;
if(substr($personalPrefix, -1) != $personalDelimiter) {
$folderPrefixAsInbox = 'INBOX' . $personalDelimiter;
} else {
$folderPrefixAsInbox = 'INBOX';
if (!$_alwaysGetDefaultFolders && $this->mailPreferences['notavailableautofolders'] && !empty($this->mailPreferences['notavailableautofolders']))
$foldersToCheck = array_diff(self::$autoFolders,explode(',',$this->mailPreferences['notavailableautofolders']));
} else {
$foldersToCheck = self::$autoFolders;
//error_log(__METHOD__.' ('.__LINE__.') '." foldersToCheck:".array2string($foldersToCheck));
//error_log(__METHOD__.' ('.__LINE__.') '." foldersToCheck:".array2string( $this->mailPreferences['sentFolder']));
foreach($foldersToCheck as $personalFolderName) {
$folderName = (!empty($personalPrefix) ? $folderPrefix.$personalFolderName : $personalFolderName);
//error_log(__METHOD__.' ('.__LINE__.') '." foldersToCheck: $personalFolderName / $folderName");
if(!is_array($foldersNameSpace['personal']['all']) || !in_array($folderName, $foldersNameSpace['personal']['all'])) {
$createfolder = true;
case 'Drafts': // => Entwürfe
$draftFolder = $this->getDraftFolder();
if ($draftFolder && $draftFolder=='none')
case 'Junk': //] => Spammails
$junkFolder = $this->getJunkFolder();
if ($junkFolder && $junkFolder=='none')
case 'Sent': //] => Gesendet
// ToDo: we may need more sophistcated checking here
$sentFolder = $this->getSentFolder();
if ($sentFolder && $sentFolder=='none')
case 'Trash': //] => Papierkorb
$trashFolder = $this->getTrashFolder();
if ($trashFolder && $trashFolder=='none')
case 'Templates': //] => Vorlagen
$templateFolder = $this->getTemplateFolder();
if ($templateFolder && $templateFolder=='none')
case 'Outbox': // Nokia Outbox for activesync
//if ($this->mailPreferences['outboxFolder'] && $this->mailPreferences['outboxFolder']=='none')
if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps']['activesync']) $createfolder = true;
// check for the foldername as constructed with prefix (or not)
if ($createfolder && $this->folderExists($folderName))
$createfolder = false;
// check for the folder as it comes (no prefix)
if ($createfolder && $personalFolderName != $folderName && $this->folderExists($personalFolderName))
$createfolder = false;
$folderName = $personalFolderName;
// check for the folder as it comes with INBOX prefixed
$folderWithInboxPrefixed = $folderPrefixAsInbox.$personalFolderName;
if ($createfolder && $folderWithInboxPrefixed != $folderName && $this->folderExists($folderWithInboxPrefixed))
$createfolder = false;
$folderName = $folderWithInboxPrefixed;
// now proceed with the folderName that may be altered in the progress of testing for existence
if ($createfolder === false && $_alwaysGetDefaultFolders)
if (!in_array($folderName,$foldersNameSpace['personal']['all'])) $foldersNameSpace['personal']['all'][] = $folderName;
if (!in_array($folderName,$foldersNameSpace['personal']['subscribed'])) $foldersNameSpace['personal']['subscribed'][] = $folderName;
if($createfolder === true && $this->createFolder('', $folderName, true)) {
$foldersNameSpace['personal']['all'][] = $folderName;
$foldersNameSpace['personal']['subscribed'][] = $folderName;
} else {
#print "FOLDERNAME failed: $folderName<br>";
//subscribed folders may be used in getFolderStatus
@ -2607,6 +2437,7 @@ class emailadmin_imapbase
foreach((array)$listOfFolders as $folderName) {
//echo "<br>FolderToCheck:$folderName<br>";
if ($_subscribedOnly && empty($foldersNameSpace[$type]['all'])) continue;//when subscribedonly, we fetch all folders in one go.
if($_subscribedOnly && !(in_array($folderName, $foldersNameSpace[$type]['all'])||in_array($folderName.$foldersNameSpace[$type]['delimiter'], $foldersNameSpace[$type]['all']))) {
#echo "$folderName failed to be here <br>";