mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 01:21:42 +01:00
*** empty log message ***
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,60 +1,55 @@
%1 %2 in %3 calendar sl %1 %2 v %3
%1 matches found calendar sl %1 zadetkov najdenih
%1 records imported calendar sl %1 zapisov uvoženih
%1 records read (not yet imported, you may go back and uncheck test import) calendar sl %1 zapisov prebranih (niso še uvoženi, lahko greste nazaj in pregledate test uvoza)
(for weekly) calendar sl (tedenski)
(i/v)cal calendar sl (i/v)Cal
1 match found calendar sl 1 zadetek najden
a calendar sl a
accept calendar sl Sprejmi
accept or reject an invitation calendar sl Sprejmite ali zavrnite povabilo
accepted calendar sl Sprejeto
access denied to the calendar of %1 !!! calendar sl Dostop do koledarja %1 je bil zavrnjen!
action that caused the notify: added, canceled, accepted, rejected, ... calendar sl Dejanje, ki je sprožilo obvestilo: Dodano, Prekinjeno, Sprejeto, Zavrnjeno,...
add a single entry by passing the fields. calendar sl Dodaj zapis z vnosom polj.
actions calendar sl Dejanja
add alarm calendar sl Dodaj opomnik
add contact calendar sl Dodaj kontakt
add or update a single entry by passing the fields. calendar sl Dodaj ali spremeni zapis z vnosom polj.
added calendar sl Dodano
address book calendar sl Imenik
after current date calendar sl Za trenutnim datumom
alarm calendar sl Opomnik
alarm added calendar sl Alarm dodan
alarm deleted calendar sl Alarm zbrisan
alarm for %1 at %2 in %3 calendar sl Opomnik za %1 ob %2 v %3
alarm management calendar sl Upravljanje opomnikov
alarm-management calendar sl Upravljanje opomnikov
alarms calendar sl Opomniki
all categories calendar sl Vse kategorije
all day calendar sl Ves dan
all events calendar sl Vsi dogodki
all participants calendar sl Vsi udeleženci
allows to edit the event again calendar sl Dovoli ponovno urejanje dogodka
apply the changes calendar sl uveljavi spremembe
are you sure you want to delete this country ? calendar sl Ali ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati to državo?
are you sure you want to delete this holiday ? calendar sl Ali ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati ta praznik?
are you sure\nyou want to\ndelete these alarms? calendar sl Ali ste prepričani,\nda želite\nizbrisati te opomnike?
are you sure\nyou want to\ndelete this entry ? calendar sl Ali ste prepričani,\nda želite\nizbrisati ta zapis?
are you sure\nyou want to\ndelete this entry ?\n\nthis will delete\nthis entry for all users. calendar sl Ali ste prepričani\n, da želite izbrisati ta zapis?\n\nTo bo izbrisalo\nta zapis za vse uporabnike.
are you sure\nyou want to\ndelete this single occurence ?\n\nthis will delete\nthis entry for all users. calendar sl Ali ste prepričani,\nda želite izbrisati edini dogodek?\nTo bo izbrisalo\nta zapis za vse uporabnike.
back half a month calendar sl nazaj pol meseca
back one month calendar sl nazaj en mesec
before current date calendar sl Pred trenutnim datumom
before the event calendar sl pred dogodkom
brief description calendar sl Kratek opis
business calendar sl Služba
calendar common sl Koledar
calendar - [iv]cal importer calendar sl Koledar - [iv]Cal Uvoznik
calendar - add calendar sl Koledar - Dodaj
calendar - edit calendar sl Koledar - Uredi
birthday calendar sl Rojstni dan
busy calendar sl zaposlen
by calendar sl od
calendar event calendar sl Koledarski dogodek
calendar holiday management admin sl Upravljanje praznikov na koledarju
calendar menu calendar sl Meni Koledar
calendar preferences calendar sl Nastavitve koledarja
calendar settings admin sl Lastnosti koledarja
calendar-fieldname calendar sl Koledar - ime polja
can't add alarms in the past !!! calendar sl Ne morem dodati alarma v preteklosti!
canceled calendar sl Razveljavljeno
change all events for $params['old_owner'] to $params['new_owner']. calendar sl Spremeni vse dogodke za $params['old_owner'] v $params['new_owner'].
change status calendar sl Spremeni status
charset of file calendar sl Kodna tabela datoteke
click %1here%2 to return to the calendar. calendar sl Klikni %1tukaj%2 za vrnitev v kolendar.
configuration calendar sl Konfiguracija
close the window calendar sl Zapri okno
copy of: calendar sl Kopija od:
copy this event calendar sl Kopiraj ta dogodek
countries calendar sl Države
country calendar sl Država
created by calendar sl Ustvaril
create new links calendar sl Ustvari nove povezave
csv calendar sl CSV
csv-fieldname calendar sl CSV-Ime polja
csv-filename calendar sl CSV-Ime datoteke
custom fields calendar sl Lastno polje
custom fields and sorting common sl Lastna polja in urejanje
custom fields common sl Lastno polje
daily calendar sl Dnevno
daily matrix view calendar sl Dnevni matrični pogled
days calendar sl dni
days repeated calendar sl dni ponovljeno
dayview calendar sl Dnevni pogled
@ -64,19 +59,10 @@ default calendar view calendar sl Privzeti pogled koledarja
default length of newly created events. the length is in minutes, eg. 60 for 1 hour. calendar sl Privzeta dolžina novih dogodkov. Dolžina se meri v minutah, npr. 60 minut za 1 uro.
default week view calendar sl Privzeti tedenski pogled
defines the size in minutes of the lines in the day view. calendar sl Nastavi velikost vrstic (v minutah) v dnevnem pogledu.
delete a single entry by passing the id. calendar sl Izbriši posamezen zapis podan s šifro.
delete an entire users calendar. calendar sl Izbriši celoten uporabnikov koledar.
delete selected contacts calendar sl Izbriši izbrane kontakte
delete selected participants calendar sl Izbriši izbrane soudeležence
delete series calendar sl Izbriši serijo
delete single calendar sl Izbriši posamezno
deleted calendar sl Izbrisano
description calendar sl Opis
determining window width ... calendar sl Ugotavljam širino okna ...
disable calendar sl Onemogoči
disabled calendar sl onemogočen
display interval in day view calendar sl Pokaži interval v dnevnem pogledu
display mini calendars when printing calendar sl Pri tiskanju prikaži majhne koledarje
delete this alarm calendar sl Zbriši ta alarm
delete this event calendar sl Zbriši ta dogodek
delete this exception calendar sl Zbriši to izjemo
display status of events calendar sl Pokaži statuse dogodkov
displayed view calendar sl prikazan pogled
displays your default calendar view on the startpage (page you get when you enter egroupware or click on the homepage icon)? calendar sl Prikaži vaš privzeti koledar na začetni strani.
@ -85,94 +71,71 @@ do you want to be notified about new or changed appointments? you be notified ab
do you want to receive a regulary summary of your appointsments via email?<br>the summary is sent to your standard email-address on the morning of that day or on monday for weekly summarys.<br>it is only sent when you have any appointments on that day or week. calendar sl Ali želite prejemati povzetke sestankov po E-pošti?<br>Povzetki se pošiljajo na vaš običajni elektronski naslov vsako jutro tistega dne ali v ponedeljek v primeru tedenskih poročil.<br>Poslano je samo v primeru, če imate kake sestanke tisti dan oz. tisti teden.
do you wish to autoload calendar holidays files dynamically? admin sl Ali želite, da se dela prosti dnevi naložijo samodejno?
download calendar sl Prenos
duration calendar sl Trajanje
duration of the meeting calendar sl Trajanje sestanka
edit series calendar sl Uredi serije
edit single calendar sl Uredi posamezno
email notification calendar sl Obveščanje po E-pošti
email notification for %1 calendar sl E-pošta za %1
edit this event calendar sl Uredi ta dogodek
empty for all calendar sl izprazni za vse
enable calendar sl Omogoči
enabled calendar sl omogočen
end calendar sl Konec
end date/time calendar sl Končni datum/čas
enddate calendar sl Končni datum
enddate / -time of the meeting, eg. for more then one day calendar sl Končni datum / -čas sestanka, npr. za več kot en dan
ends calendar sl konča
enter output filename: ( .vcs appended ) calendar sl Vnesite ime datoteke: (.vcs se pripne)
event details follow calendar sl Sledijo podrobnosti dogodka
exceptions calendar sl Izjeme
existing links calendar sl Obstoječe povezave
export calendar sl Izvoz
export a list of entries in ical format. calendar sl Izvozi seznam zapisov v iCal formatu.
extended calendar sl Razširjen
extended updates always include the complete event-details. ical's can be imported by certain other calendar-applications. calendar sl Razširjeni popravki vedno vključujejo popolne podrobnosti o dogodku. iCal-ovi dogodki se lahko uvozijo preko drugih aplikacij koledarja.
external participants calendar sl Soudeleženci
failed sending message to '%1' #%2 subject='%3', sender='%4' !!! calendar sl Pošiljanje obvestila %2 naslovniku '%1' (naslov='%3', pošiljatelj='%4') ni uspelo!
fieldseparator calendar sl Ločilo polj
find free timeslots where the marked participants are availible for the given timespan calendar sl Poišči proste termine za označene soudeležence za določeno časovno obdobje
filename calendar sl Ime datoteke
firstname of person to notify calendar sl Ime osebe, ki jo obveščamo
for calendar sl za
format of event updates calendar sl Format popravkov dogodka
fr calendar sl P
free/busy calendar sl Prost/Zaseden
freebusy: unknow user '%1', wrong password or not availible to not loged in users !!! calendar sl Prost/Zaseden: Neznani uporabnik '%1', napačno geslo ali pa ni na voljo neprijavljenim uporabnikom!
freetime search calendar sl Iskanje prostega termina
frequency calendar sl Pogostost
fri calendar sl Pet
full description calendar sl Polni opis
fullname of person to notify calendar sl Polno ime osebe, ki jo obveščamo
generate printer-friendly version calendar sl Pripravi tiskalniku prijazno različico
global categories calendar sl Globalne kategorije
general calendar sl Splošno
global public and group public calendar sl Globalna in skupinska publika
global public only calendar sl Samo globalna publika
go! calendar sl Pojdi!
grant calendar access common sl Nastavi pravice koledarja
group planner calendar sl Skupinski planer
group public only calendar sl Samo skupinska publika
here is your requested alarm. calendar sl Tu je tvoj zahtevani alarm
high priority calendar sl visoka prioriteta
holiday calendar sl Prazniki
holiday management calendar sl Urejanje praznikov
holiday-management calendar sl Urejanje praznikov
holidays calendar sl Prazniki
hours calendar sl ure
how far to search (from startdate) calendar sl kako daleč od začetnega datuma naj iščem
i participate calendar sl Se udeležujem
ical calendar sl iCal
ical / rfc2445 calendar sl iCal / rfc2445
ical export calendar sl Izvozi iCal
ical file calendar sl Datoteka iCal
ical import calendar sl Uvozi iCal
ical successful imported calendar sl iCal je bil uspešno uvožen
if checked holidays falling on a weekend, are taken on the monday after. calendar sl Če označeno, potem se praznik s konca tedna prenese na ponedeljek.
if you dont set a password here, the information is available to everyone, who knows the url!!! calendar sl Če tukaj ne vnesete gesla, bo informacija na voljo vsem, ki poznajo URL!!!
ignore conflict calendar sl Prezri navzkrižje
import calendar sl Uvoz
import csv-file common sl Uvozi CSV datoteko
import csv-file calendar sl Uvozi CSV datoteko
interval calendar sl Interval
intervals in day view calendar sl Intervali v dnevnem pogledu
intervals per day in planner view calendar sl Intervali na dan v pogledu načrtovalca
invalid entry id. calendar sl Napačna šifra zapisa
last calendar sl zadnji
lastname of person to notify calendar sl Priimek osebe, ki jo obveščamo
length shown<br>(emtpy for full length) calendar sl Prikazana dolžina<br>(pustite prazno za polno dolžino)
length<br>(<= 255) calendar sl Dolžina<br>(krajša od 255)
link calendar sl Povezava
link to view the event calendar sl Povezava na ogled dogodka
list all categories. calendar sl Izpis vseh kategorij
load [iv]cal calendar sl Naloži [iv]Cal
links calendar sl Povezave
location calendar sl Lokacija
location to autoload from admin sl Lokacija za samodejni prenos iz
make freebusy information available to not loged in persons? calendar sl Določim informacijo prost/zaseden na voljo tudi za neprijavljene uporabnike?
matrixview calendar sl Matrični pogled
minutes calendar sl minut
mo calendar sl P
modified calendar sl Spremenjeno
modify list of external participants calendar sl Spremeni seznam soudeležencev
mon calendar sl Pon
month calendar sl Mesec
monthly calendar sl Mesečno
monthly (by date) calendar sl Mesečno (po datumu)
monthly (by day) calendar sl Mesečno (po dnevu)
monthview calendar sl Mesečni pogled
needs javascript to be enabled !!! calendar sl JavaScript mora biti omogočen!!!
new entry calendar sl Nov zapis
new name must not exist and not be empty!!! calendar sl Novo ime že obstaja ali pa je polje prazno!!!
new search with the above parameters calendar sl novo iskanje z zgornjimi parametri
next day calendar sl naslednji dan
no filter calendar sl Brez filtra
no matches found calendar sl Ni zadetkov
no response calendar sl Ni odgovora
@ -181,15 +144,11 @@ notification messages for canceled events calendar sl Sporočilo ob preklicanih
notification messages for modified events calendar sl Sporočilo ob spremenjenih dogodkih
notification messages for your alarms calendar sl Sporočilo ob vaših opomnikih
notification messages for your responses calendar sl Sporočilo ob vaših odgovorih
number of intervals per day in planner view calendar sl Število dnevnih intervalov v načrtovalcu
number of months calendar sl Število mesecev
number of records to read (%1) calendar sl Število zapisov za branje (%1)
observance rule calendar sl Pravilo opazovanja
occurence calendar sl Dogodek
old startdate calendar sl Star datum začetka
olddate calendar sl Star datum
on %1 %2 %3 your meeting request for %4 calendar sl %1 %2 %3 vaša zahteva za srečanje za %4
on all changes calendar sl ob vseh spremembah
on all modification, but responses calendar sl ob vseh spremembah, ampak ne odgovorih
on any time change too calendar sl tudi ob vsaki spremembi časa
on invitation / cancelation only calendar sl samo ob povabilu / preklicu
@ -200,134 +159,77 @@ one week calendar sl en teden
one year calendar sl eno leto
only the initial date of that recuring event is checked! calendar sl Označen bo samo začetni datum ponovitve dogodka!
open todo's: calendar sl Odprti ToDo-ji:
or enddate / -time calendar sl oziroma končni datum /-čas
order calendar sl Razvrsti
overlap holiday calendar sl prekrivajoči se prazniki
participant calendar sl Udeleženec
participants calendar sl Udeleženci
participates calendar sl Udeležuje
password for not loged in users to your freebusy information? calendar sl Geslo za vaše informacije Prost/Zaseden za uporabnike, ki niso prijavljeni?
people holiday calendar sl narodni prazniki
permission denied calendar sl Dostop zavrnjen
planner calendar sl Načrtovalec
planner by category calendar sl Načrtovalec po kategoriji
planner by user calendar sl Načrtovalec po uporabniku
please confirm,accept,reject or examine changes in the corresponding entry in your calendar calendar sl Potrdite, sprejmite, odklonite ali preglejte spremembe v v ustreznem zapisu v vašem koledarju
please enter a filename !!! calendar sl vnesite ime datoteke!
preselected group for entering the planner calendar sl Predoznačena skupina za vstop v načrtovalec
previous day calendar sl prejšnji dan
print calendars in black & white calendar sl Natisni koledarje v črno-belem tisku
print the mini calendars calendar sl Natisni majhne koledarje
printer friendly calendar sl Tiskalniku prijazno
privat calendar sl Zasebno
previous calendar sl prejšnji
private and global public calendar sl Zasebno in ostali
private and group public calendar sl Zasebno in skupina
private only calendar sl Samo zasebno
re-edit event calendar sl Ponovno uredi dogodek
read a list of entries. calendar sl Preberi seznam zapisov
read a single entry by passing the id and fieldlist. calendar sl Preberi zapis preko šifre in seznama polj.
read this list of methods. calendar sl Branje seznama metod.
receive email updates calendar sl Obveščanje o spremembah po E-pošti
receive extra information in event mails calendar sl Sprejem dodatnih informacije o dogodkih po E-pošti
receive summary of appointments calendar sl Sprejem povzetkov sestankov
recurring event calendar sl Ponavljajoči dogodek
refresh calendar sl Osveži
reinstate calendar sl Obnovljeno
rejected calendar sl Zavrnjeno
repeat day calendar sl Ponovi dan
repeat end date calendar sl Ponovi končni datum
repeat type calendar sl Ponovi tip
repeating event information calendar sl Ponavljajoča informacija o dogodku
repetition calendar sl Ponovitev
repetitiondetails (or empty) calendar sl Podrobnosti ponovitev (ali prazno)
reset calendar sl Ponastavi
rule calendar sl Pravilo
sa calendar sl So
sat calendar sl Sob
scheduling conflict calendar sl Navzkrižje v urniku
search results calendar sl Rezultati iskanja
select a %1 calendar sl Izberite %1
select a time calendar sl izberite čas
selected contacts (%1) calendar sl Izbrani kontakti (%1)
send updates via email common sl Pošlji spremembe po E-pošti
send/receive updates via email calendar sl Pošlji/sprejmi spremembe po E-pošti
set a year only for one-time / non-regular holidays. calendar sl Nastavi leto samo za enkratne / neponavljajoče praznike.
set new events to private calendar sl Novi dogodki naj bodo označeni kot zasebni
should invitations you rejected still be shown in your calendar ?<br>you can only accept them later (eg. when your scheduling conflict is removed), if they are still shown in your calendar! calendar sl Ali naj bodo povabila, ki ste jih zavrnili, še vedno vidna v koledarju?<br>Kasneje jih lahko le potrdite (npr. ko so dogodki v navzkrižju odstranjeni), če so še vedno v koledarju.
should new events created as private by default ? calendar sl Ali naj bodo novi dogodki označeni kot zasebni?
should not loged in persons be able to see your freebusy information? you can set an extra password, different from your normal password, to protect this informations. the freebusy information is in ical format and only include the times when you are busy. it does not include the event-name, description or locations. the url to your freebusy information is %1. calendar sl Dovolite, da uporabnik, ki ni prijavljen vidi vašo Prost/Zasedeb informacijo? Za dostop do teh informacij lahko tudi določite geslo. Informacija Prost/Zaseden je v iCal obliki in vključuje samo termine, ko ste zasedeni, ne vključuje pa imena doggodkov, opisov in lokacij. URL za dostop do vaših Prost/Zaseden informacij je %1.
should the mini calendars by printed / displayed in the printer friendly views ? calendar sl Ali naj bodo majhni koledarji natisnjeni / prikazani v tiskalniku prijaznem pogledu?
should the printer friendly view be in black & white or in color (as in normal view)? calendar sl Ali naj bo tiskalniku prijazen pogled črno-bel ali barvni?
should the status of the event-participants (accept, reject, ...) be shown in brakets after each participants name ? calendar sl Ali naj bo status udeležencev dogodka (sprejet, zavrnjen,...) prikazan v oklepajih za imenom udeleženca?
show day view on main screen calendar sl prikaži dnevni pogled na glavni strani
show default view on main screen calendar sl Prikaži privzeti pogled na glavni strani
show high priority events on main screen calendar sl Prikaži dogodke z visoko prioriteto na glavni strani
show invitations you rejected calendar sl Prikaži dobljena povabila
show list of upcoming events calendar sl Prikaži prihajajoče dogodke
show next seven days calendar sl Prikaže naslednjih sedem dni
show only one day calendar sl Prikaži samo en dan
show the calendar of multiple users calendar sl prikažu skupinski koledar
show this month calendar sl prikaži ta mesec
show this week calendar sl prikaži ta teden
single event calendar sl posamezen dogodek
sorry, the owner has just deleted this event calendar sl Lastnik je izbrisal ta dogodek
sorry, this event does not exist calendar sl Ta dogodek ne obstaja
sorry, this event does not have exceptions defined calendar sl Ta dogodek nima določenih izjem
sort by calendar sl Razvrsti po
specifies the the number of intervals shown in the planner view. calendar sl Število prikazanih intervalov v pogledu načrtovalca.
start calendar sl Začetek
start date/time calendar sl Začetni datum/čas
start- and enddates calendar sl Začetni in končni datumi
startdate calendar sl Začetni datum
startdate / -time calendar sl Začetni datum /-čas
startdate and -time of the search calendar sl Začetni datum in -čas iskanja
startrecord calendar sl Začetni zapis
su calendar sl Ne
submit to repository calendar sl Pošlji v zbirko
sun calendar sl Ned
tentative calendar sl Preizkušen
test import (show importable records <u>only</u> in browser) calendar sl Test uvoza (pokaži uvozljive zapise<u>samo</u> v brskalniku)
text calendar sl Tekst
th calendar sl Č
the following conflicts with the suggested time:<ul>%1</ul> calendar sl Sledeča navzkrižja predlaganim časom:<ul>%1</ul>
the user %1 is not participating in this event! calendar sl Uporabnik %1 ni soudeleženec tega dogodka!
there was an error trying to connect to your news server.<br>please contact your admin to check the news servername, username or password. calendar sl Napaka pri povezovanju na novičarski strežnik.<br>Obvestite skrbnika, da preveri novičarski strežnik ali preverite uporabniško ime in geslo.
this day is shown as first day in the week or month view. calendar sl Ta dan je prikazan kot prvi dan v tednu ali v mesecu.
this defines the end of your dayview. events after this time, are shown below the dayview. calendar sl To definira konec dnevnega pogleda. Dogodki po tem času so prikazani pod dnevnim ogledom.
this defines the start of your dayview. events before this time, are shown above the dayview.<br>this time is also used as a default starttime for new events. calendar sl To definira začetek dnevnega pogleda. Dogodki pred tem so prikazani pred dnevnim pogledom.<br>Ta čas je tudi uporaben kot privzeti za nove dogodke.
this group that is preselected when you enter the planner. you can change it in the planner anytime you want. calendar sl Ta skupina je že označena, ko vstopite v načrtovalca. V načrtovalcu jo lahko spremenite kadarkoli želite.
this is mostly caused by a not or wrongly configured smtp server. notify your administrator. calendar sl To je najverjetneje vzrok nedefiniranega SMTP strežnika ali napačne konfiguracije. Obvestite skrbnika SMTP strežnika.
this message is sent for canceled or deleted events. calendar sl Sporočilo je poslano ob preklicu ali brisanju dogodkov.
this message is sent for modified or moved events. calendar sl Sporočilo je poslano ob spremembi ali premiku dogodkov.
this message is sent to every participant of events you own, who has requested notifcations about new events.<br>you can use certain variables which get substituted with the data of the event. the first line is the subject of the email. calendar sl To sporočilo je poslano vsem udeležencem dogodka, ki sprejemajo obvestila o dogodkih.<br>V obvestilu lahko uporabite nekatere spremenljivke, ki se ob pošiljanju zamenjajo s podatki dogodka. Prva vrstica je naslov E-pošte.
this message is sent when you accept, tentative accept or reject an event. calendar sl To sporočilo se pošlje ko sprejmete ali zavrnete dogodek.
this message is sent when you set an alarm for a certain event. include all information you might need. calendar sl To sporočilo je poslano, ko nastavite opomnik za dogodek. Vključuje vse potrebne informacije.
this month calendar sl Ta mesec
this week calendar sl Ta teden
this year calendar sl To leto
three month calendar sl trije meseci
thu calendar sl Čet
til calendar sl do
timeframe calendar sl Časovni okvir
timeframe to search calendar sl Iskanje časovnega okvira
title calendar sl Naslov
title of the event calendar sl Naslov dogodka
title-row calendar sl Naslovna vrstica
to many might exceed your execution-time-limit calendar sl preveč lahko preseže čas izvajanja programa
to-firstname calendar sl Za-Ime
to-fullname calendar sl Za-Polno ime
to-lastname calendar sl Za-Priimek
today calendar sl Danes
translation calendar sl Prevod
tu calendar sl T
tue calendar sl Tor
two dayview calendar sl dva dnevna pogleda
two weeks calendar sl dva tedna
update a single entry by passing the fields. calendar sl Spremeni en zapis z vnosom polj.
updated calendar sl Podosodobljeno
use end date calendar sl Uporabi končni datum
use the selected time and close the popup calendar sl uporabi izbrani čas in zapri pojavno okno
view this entry calendar sl Poglej ta zapis
we calendar sl S
view this event calendar sl Poglej ta dogodek
wed calendar sl Sre
week calendar sl Teden
weekday starts on calendar sl Teden se začne z dnem
@ -335,33 +237,19 @@ weekdays calendar sl Dnevi tedna
weekdays to use in search calendar sl Dnevi tedna, ki jih uporabim pri iskanju
weekly calendar sl Tedensko
weekview calendar sl Tedenski pogled
weekview including weekend calendar sl Tedenski pogled z vikendom
weekview without weekend calendar sl Tedenski pogled brez vikenda
when creating new events default set to private calendar sl Novi dogodki naj bodo označeni kot zasebni
which events do you want to see when you enter the calendar. calendar sl Katere dogodke želite videti, ko odprete koledar?
which of calendar view do you want to see, when you start calendar ? calendar sl Kateri pogled želite videti, ko odprete koledar?
whole day calendar sl Cel dan
wk calendar sl Ted
work day ends on calendar sl Delovnik se konča ob
work day starts on calendar sl Delovnik se začne ob
workdayends calendar sl konec delovnega dne
yearly calendar sl Letno
yearview calendar sl Letni pogled
you can either set a year or a occurence, not both !!! calendar sl Nastavite lahko ali leto ali pojavljanje, ne pa obojega!
you can only set a year or a occurence !!! calendar sl Nastavite lahko le leto ali pojavljanje!
you do not have permission to add alarms to this event !!! calendar sl Nimate dovoljenja dodati opomnika za ta dogodek!!!
you do not have permission to delete this alarm !!! calendar sl Nimate dovoljenja za brisanje tega opomnika!!!
you do not have permission to enable/disable this alarm !!! calendar sl Nimate dovoljenja omogočiti/onemogočiti tega opomnika!
you do not have permission to read this record! calendar sl Nimate dovoljenja brati tega zapisa!
you have %1 high priority events on your calendar today. common sl Danes imate %1 dogodkov z visoko prioriteto v vašem koledarju.
you have 1 high priority event on your calendar today. common sl Danes imate 1 dogodek z visoko prioriteto v vašem koledarju.
you have a meeting scheduled for %1 calendar sl Imate napovedan sestanek ob %1
you have not entered a title calendar sl Niste vnesli naslova
you have not entered a valid date calendar sl Niste vnesli veljavnega datuma
you have not entered a valid time of day calendar sl Niste vnesli veljavnega časa
you have not entered participants calendar sl Niste vnesli udeležencev
you must enter one or more search keywords calendar sl Vpisati morate enega ali več iskanih ključnih besed
you must select a [iv]cal. (*.[iv]cs) calendar sl Izbrati morate [iv]Cal. (*.[iv]cs)
you need to set either a day or a occurence !!! calendar sl Nastaviti morate dan ali pojavljanje!
your meeting scheduled for %1 has been canceled calendar sl Vaš sestanek %1 je izbrisan
your meeting that had been scheduled for %1 has been rescheduled to %2 calendar sl Sestanek za %1 je bil prestavljen na %2
your suggested time of <b> %1 - %2 </b> conflicts with the following existing calendar entries: calendar sl Vaš predlagan čas <B> %1 - %2 </B> je v navzkrižju z obstoječim dogodkom v koledarju:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
2 month ago timesheet it 2 mesi fa
2 years ago timesheet it 2 anni fa
3 years ago timesheet it 3 anni fa
actions timesheet it Azioni
by timesheet it di
create new links timesheet it Crea nuovi collegamenti
delete this entry timesheet it Cancella questa voce
edit this entry timesheet it Modifica questa voce
empty if identical to duration timesheet it vuoto se identico a durata
entry deleted timesheet it Voce eliminata
entry saved timesheet it Voce salvata
error deleting the entry!!! timesheet it Errore durante cancellazione voce!!!
error saving the entry!!! timesheet it Errore durante salvataggio voce!!!
existing links timesheet it Collegamenti esistenti
general timesheet it Generale
last modified timesheet it Ultima modifica
last month timesheet it Mese scorso
last week timesheet it Settimana scorsa
last year timesheet it L'anno scorso
leave it empty for a full week timesheet it Lascia vuoto per una settimana completa
links timesheet it Collegamenti
no details timesheet it no dettagli
permission denied!!! timesheet it Permesso negato!!!
price timesheet it Prezzo
quantity timesheet it Quantità
save & new timesheet it Salva & Nuovo
saves the changes made timesheet it Salva le modifiche fatte
saves this entry and add a new one timesheet it Salva questa voce e ne aggiunge una nuova
select a price timesheet it Seleziona un prezzo
select a project timesheet it Seleziona un progetto
this month timesheet it Questo mese
this week timesheet it Questa settimana
this year timesheet it Questo anno
timesheet common it Foglio Ore
unitprice timesheet it Prezzo unitario
view this entry timesheet it Vedi questa voce
yesterday timesheet it Ieri
your database is not up to date (%1 vs. %2), please run %3setup%4 to update your database. timesheet it Il tuo database NON è aggiornato (%1 contro %2), prego esegui %3setup%4 per aggiornare il database.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
2 month ago timesheet nl 2 maanden geleden
2 years ago timesheet nl 2 jaar geleden
3 years ago timesheet nl 3 jaar geleden
actions timesheet nl Acties
by timesheet nl door
create new links timesheet nl Creëer nieuwe links
delete this entry timesheet nl Verwijder dit item
edit this entry timesheet nl Wijzig dit item
empty if identical to duration timesheet nl leeg indien gelijk aan duur
entry deleted timesheet nl Item verwijderd
entry saved timesheet nl Item opgeslagen
error deleting the entry!!! timesheet nl Fout bij verwijderen van het item !!!
error saving the entry!!! timesheet nl Fout bij opslaan van het item !!!
existing links timesheet nl Bestaande links
general timesheet nl Algemeen
last modified timesheet nl Laatst gewijzigd
last month timesheet nl Vorige maand
last week timesheet nl Vorige week
last year timesheet nl Vorig jaar
leave it empty for a full week timesheet nl Laat het leeg voor een volle week
links timesheet nl Links
no details timesheet nl geen details
permission denied!!! timesheet nl Toegang geweigerd!!!
price timesheet nl Tarief
quantity timesheet nl Hoeveelheid
save & new timesheet nl Opslaan & Nieuw
saves the changes made timesheet nl Bewaar de gemaakte wijzigingen
saves this entry and add a new one timesheet nl Bewaar dit item en maak een nieuwe
select a price timesheet nl Selecteer een tarief
select a project timesheet nl Selecteer een project
this month timesheet nl Deze maand
this week timesheet nl Deze week
this year timesheet nl Dit jaar
timesheet common nl Urenregistratie
unitprice timesheet nl Eenheidstarief
view this entry timesheet nl Dit item weergeven
yesterday timesheet nl Gisteren
your database is not up to date (%1 vs. %2), please run %3setup%4 to update your database. timesheet nl Uw database is niet up to date (%1 vs. %2), draai s.v.p. %3setup%4 om uw database bij te werken.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
2 month ago timesheet pt-br 2 meses atrás
2 years ago timesheet pt-br 2 anos atrás
3 years ago timesheet pt-br 3 anos atrás
actions timesheet pt-br Ações
by timesheet pt-br por
create new links timesheet pt-br Criar novos links
delete this entry timesheet pt-br Remover este registro
edit this entry timesheet pt-br Editar este registro
empty if identical to duration timesheet pt-br vazio se idêntico à duração
entry deleted timesheet pt-br Registro removido
entry saved timesheet pt-br Registro salvo
error deleting the entry!!! timesheet pt-br Erro removendo o registro!!
error saving the entry!!! timesheet pt-br Erro salvando o registro!!
existing links timesheet pt-br Links existentes
general timesheet pt-br Geral
last modified timesheet pt-br Modificado por último
last month timesheet pt-br Último mês
last week timesheet pt-br Última semana
last year timesheet pt-br Último ano
leave it empty for a full week timesheet pt-br Deixar vazio para uma semana inteira
links timesheet pt-br Links
no details timesheet pt-br Sem detalhes
permission denied!!! timesheet pt-br Permissão negada !!
price timesheet pt-br Preço
quantity timesheet pt-br Quantidade
save & new timesheet pt-br Salvar e Novo
saves the changes made timesheet pt-br Salvar as alterações feitas
saves this entry and add a new one timesheet pt-br Salvar este registro e adicionar um novo
select a price timesheet pt-br Selecionar um preço
select a project timesheet pt-br Selecionar um projeto
this month timesheet pt-br Este mês
this week timesheet pt-br Esta semana
this year timesheet pt-br Este ano
timesheet common pt-br Planilha de Tempo
unitprice timesheet pt-br Unidade de preço
view this entry timesheet pt-br Exibir este registro
yesterday timesheet pt-br Ontem
your database is not up to date (%1 vs. %2), please run %3setup%4 to update your database. timesheet pt-br Sua base de dados NÃO está atualizada (%1 x %2). Por favor execute %3setup%4 para atualizá-la.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
2 month ago timesheet sk 2 mesiace spä»
2 years ago timesheet sk 2 roky spä»
3 years ago timesheet sk 3 roky spä»
actions timesheet sk Akcie
create new links timesheet sk Vytvori» nové odkazy
delete this entry timesheet sk zmaza» tento záznam
edit this entry timesheet sk Uprav tento záznam
empty if identical to duration timesheet sk prázdne ak sa zhoduje då¾ka trvania
entry deleted timesheet sk Záznam vymazaný
entry saved timesheet sk Záznam ulo¾ený
error deleting the entry!!! timesheet sk Chyba pri mazaní záznamu !!!
error saving the entry!!! timesheet sk Chyba pri ukladaní záznamu !!!
existing links timesheet sk Existujúce odkazy
general timesheet sk Hlavné
last modified timesheet sk Naposledy upravené
last month timesheet sk Posledný mesiac
last week timesheet sk Posledný tý¾deò
last year timesheet sk Posledný rok
leave it empty for a full week timesheet sk Ponechajte prázdne ak chcete plný tý¾deò
links timesheet sk Odkazy
no details timesheet sk ¾iadne podrobnosti
permission denied!!! timesheet sk Prístup bol odopretý !!!
price timesheet sk Cena
quantity timesheet sk Mno¾stvo
save & new timesheet sk Ulo¾i» & Nové
saves the changes made timesheet sk Ulo¾í vykonané zmeny
saves this entry and add a new one timesheet sk Ulo¾í tento záznam a pridá nový
select a price timesheet sk Vyberte cenu
select a project timesheet sk Vyberte projekt
this month timesheet sk Tento mesiac
this week timesheet sk Tento tý¾deò
this year timesheet sk Tento rok
timesheet common sk Harmonogram
unitprice timesheet sk Jednotková cena
view this entry timesheet sk Zobrazi» záznam
yesterday timesheet sk Vèera
your database is not up to date (%1 vs. %2), please run %3setup%4 to update your database. timesheet sk Va¹a databáza NIE je aktuálna (%1 oproti %2), prosím spustite %3setup%4 kvôli aktualizácii va¹ej databázy.
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