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synced 2025-03-03 01:21:42 +01:00
latest update of egw translators pending work
This commit is contained in:
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
%1 records imported addressbook nl %1 adressen geïmporteerd
%1 records read (not yet imported, you may go %2back%3 and uncheck test import) addressbook nl %1 adressen gelezen (nog niet geïmporteerd, U kunt %2terug%3 gaan en "Test Import" uitzetten)
%1 starts with '%2' addressbook nl %1 begint met '%2'
%s please calculate the result addressbook nl %s bereken svp het resultaat
(e.g. 1969) addressbook nl (bijv. 1969)
<b>no conversion type <none> could be located.</b> please choose a conversion type from the list addressbook nl <b>Geen conversietype <none&g; gevonden </b> Selecteer a.u.b. een conversietype uit de lijst.
@-eval() is only availible to admins!!! addressbook nl @-eval() is alleen beschikbaar voor beheerders
@ -14,8 +15,17 @@ actions addressbook nl Acties
add %1 addressbook nl %1 toevoegen
add a contact to this organisation addressbook nl Voeg een contact toe aan deze organisatie
add a new contact addressbook nl Voeg een contact toe
add a new infolog addressbook nl Voeg een nieuw Infolog record toe
add a new list addressbook nl Voeg een nieuwe lijst toe
add a single entry by passing the fields. addressbook nl Voeg een enkele invoer toe door door de velden te geven
add business email of whole distribution list? addressbook nl Voeg bedrijfsemail of hele distributielijst toe?
add custom field addressbook nl Aangepast veld toevoegen
add emails of whole distribution list? addressbook nl Voeg emailadressen van de hele distributie lijst toe?
add or delete categoies addressbook nl Toevoegen of verwijderen categoriën
add to distribution list: addressbook nl Voeg toe aan distributielijst:
added addressbook nl toegevoegd
added by synchronisation addressbook nl toegevoegd tijdens synchronisatie
added to distribution list addressbook nl toegevoegd aan distributielijst
additional information about using ldap as contact repository admin nl Aanvullende informatie over het gebruik van LDAP als contact repository
address book common nl Adresboek
address book - vcard in addressbook nl Adresboek - VCard in
@ -23,9 +33,11 @@ address book - view addressbook nl Adresboek - weergave
address line 2 addressbook nl Adresregel 2
address type addressbook nl Adrestype
addressbook common nl Adresboek
addressbook csv export addressbook nl Adresboek CSV export
addressbook menu addressbook nl Adresboek menu
addressbook preferences addressbook nl Adresboek voorkeuren
addressbook the contact should be saved to addressbook nl Adresboek waarin het contact opgeslagen moet worden
addressbook the contact should be shown addressbook nl Adresboek waarin de contact weergegeven moet worden
addressbook-fieldname addressbook nl Adresboek-veldnaam
addvcard addressbook nl VCard toevoegen
advanced search addressbook nl UItgebreid zoeken
@ -39,6 +51,7 @@ are you shure you want to delete this contact? addressbook nl Weet u zeker dat u
are you sure you want to delete this field? addressbook nl Weet u zeker dat u dit veld wilt verwijderen?
assistent addressbook nl Assistent
assistent phone addressbook nl telefoon assistent
at the moment the following document-types are supported: addressbook nl Op dit moment worden de volgende documenttypes ondersteund:
birthday common nl Verjaardag
birthdays common nl Verjaardagen
blank addressbook nl Blanco
@ -52,16 +65,23 @@ business phone addressbook nl Telefoon Bedrijf
business state addressbook nl Provincie / Staat / Streek - Bedrijf
business street addressbook nl Straat Bedrijf
business zip code addressbook nl Postcode Bedrijf
calendar fields: addressbook nl Kaldendervelden:
calendar uri addressbook nl Kalender URI
can be changed via setup >> configuration admin nl Kan gewijzigd worden via Setup >> Configuratie
car phone addressbook nl Autotelefoon
categorie addressbook nl categorie
categorie added addressbook nl categorie toegevoegd
categorie delete addressbook nl categorie verwijderd
categories, notes, ... addressbook nl Categorieën, notities, ...
category tree admin nl Categorie boom
cell phone addressbook nl Mobilofoon
change all organisation members addressbook nl wijzig alle leden van de organisatie
charset for the csv export addressbook nl Karakterset voor de CSV export
charset of file addressbook nl Karakterset van bestand
check all addressbook nl Markeer alles
choose an icon for this contact type admin nl Kies een pictogram voor dit type contact
choose owner of imported data addressbook nl Kies de eigenaar van de geimporteerde gegevens
choose seperator and charset addressbook nl Kies scheidingsteken en karakterset
chosse an etemplate for this contact type admin nl Kies een eTemplate voor dit type contact
city common nl Stad
company common nl Bedrijf
@ -71,16 +91,23 @@ contact common nl Contact
contact application admin nl Contactaanvraag
contact copied addressbook nl Contact gekopieerd
contact deleted addressbook nl Contact verwijderd
contact fields to show addressbook nl Contactvelden die getoond moeten worden
contact fields: addressbook nl Contactvelden:
contact id addressbook nl Contact ID
contact modified by %1 at %2 addressbook nl Contact is op %2 gewijzigd door %1
contact not found! addressbook nl Contact niet gevonden!
contact repository admin nl Contact databasegegevens
contact saved addressbook nl Contact opgeslagen
contact settings admin nl Contactinstellingen
contactform addressbook nl Contactformulier
contacts and account contact-data to ldap admin nl contacten en account contactgegevens naar LDAP
contacts and account contact-data to sql admin nl contacten en account contactgegevens naar SQL
contacts to ldap admin nl contacten naar LDAP
contacts to ldap, account contact-data to sql admin nl contacten naar LDAP, account contactgegevens naar SQL
contains addressbook nl bevat
copied by %1, from record #%2. addressbook nl Gekopieerd door %1, van record #%2.
copy a contact and edit the copy addressbook nl Kopieer een contact en bewerk de kopie
copy your changes to the clipboard, %1reload the entry%2 and merge them. addressbook nl Kopieer je wijzigingen naar het klembord, %1 herlaad het record %2 en voeg ze samen.
country common nl Land
create new links addressbook nl Nieuwe links aanmaken
created addressbook nl Gecreëerd
@ -88,33 +115,53 @@ credit addressbook nl Credit
csv-fieldname addressbook nl CSV-Veldnaam
csv-filename addressbook nl CSV-Bestandsnaam
custom addressbook nl Aangepast
custom etemplate for the contactform addressbook nl Aangepaste eTemplate voor het contactformulier
custom fields addressbook nl Aangepast velden
debug output in browser addressbook nl Debug resultaat in browser
default addressbook nl standaard
default address format addressbook nl Standaard adresformaat
default addressbook for adding contacts addressbook nl Standaardadresboek om contacten toe te voegen
default document to insert contacts addressbook nl Standaard document om contacten in te voegen
default filter addressbook nl Standaard filter
defines which email address (business or home) to use as the preferred one for distribution lists in mail. addressbook nl Bepaalt welk emailadres (zakelijk of prive) gebruikt moet worden als het voorkeursadres voor distributielijsten in email.
delete a single entry by passing the id. addressbook nl Verwijder een enkel record door het ID. te geven
delete selected distribution list! addressbook nl Verwijder de geselecteerde distributielijst!
delete this contact addressbook nl Verwijder deze contact
delete this organisation including all its contacts addressbook nl Verwijder deze organisatie inclusief ALLE contacten
deleted addressbook nl verwijderd
deletes the photo addressbook nl Verwijdert de foto
department common nl Afdeling
departments addressbook nl afdelingen
directory with documents to insert contacts addressbook nl Directory met documenten om contacten in te voegen
display contact addressbook nl Contact weergeven
displays a remider for birthdays on the startpage (page you get when you enter egroupware or click on the homepage icon). addressbook nl Toont een herinnering voor verjaardagen op de voorpagina (de pagina die je te zien krijgt als je eGroupWare start of wanneer je op het voorpagina ikoon klikt)
distribution list deleted addressbook nl Distributielijst verwijderd
distribution lists addressbook nl Distributielijsten
do you want a private addressbook, which can not be viewed by users, you grant access to your personal addressbook? addressbook nl Wil je een persoonlijk adresboek dat niet door andere gebruikers bekeken kan worden, jij verleent toegang tot je persoonlijke adresboek
do your really want to delete this contact? addressbook nl Wilt u dit contact werkelijk verwijderen?
document '%1' does not exist or is not readable for you! addressbook nl Document '%1' bestaat niet of is niet toegankelijk voor jou!
doesn't matter addressbook nl maakt niets uit
domestic addressbook nl Huiselijk
don't hide empty columns addressbook nl Lege kolommen niet verbergen
download addressbook nl Download
download export file (uncheck to debug output in browser) addressbook nl Download export bestand (uitzetten om in verkenner te tonen)
download this contact as vcard file addressbook nl dit contact als vCardbestand downloaden
duration addressbook nl Duur
edit custom field addressbook nl Aangepast veld wijzigen
edit custom fields admin nl Aangepaste velden wijzigen
edit extra account-data in the addressbook admin nl Extra account-gegevens in het adresboek wijzigen
edit phonenumbers - addressbook nl Telefoonnummers wijzigen
either the configured email addesses are wrong or the mail configuration. addressbook nl Of de ingestelde emailadressen zijn onjuist of de email configuratie is onjuist.
email & internet addressbook nl Email & Internet
email addresses (comma separated) to send the contact data addressbook nl Emailadressen (kommagescheiden) om de contactgegevens te verzenden
empty for all addressbook nl leeg voor allen
enable an extra private addressbook addressbook nl Maak een extra persoonlijk adresboek mogelijk
end addressbook nl Einde
enter the path to the exported file here addressbook nl Geef folder voor het te exporteren bestand hier aan
error deleting the contact !!! addressbook nl Fout bij verwijderen van contact !!!
error saving the contact !!! addressbook nl Fout bij bewaren van contact !!!
error: the entry has been updated since you opened it for editing! addressbook nl Fout: het record is gewijzigd sinds jij bent begonnen met wijzigen!
example $$if n_prefix~mr~hello mr.~hello ms.$$ - search the field "n_prefix", for "mr", if found, write hello mr., else write hello ms. addressbook nl Voorbeeld $$ n_prefix~Mr~Hello Mr.~Hello Ms.$$ - doorzoek het veld "n_prefix", naar "Mr", indien gevonden, schrijf dan Hello Mr., anders schrijf Hello Ms.
existing links addressbook nl Bestaande links
export addressbook nl exporteren
export as csv addressbook nl Exporteer als CSV
@ -124,6 +171,7 @@ export file name addressbook nl Exporteer bestandsnaam
export from addressbook addressbook nl Exporteer vanuit adresboek
export selection addressbook nl Exporteer selectie
exported addressbook nl geexporteerd
exports contacts from your addressbook into a csv file. csv means 'comma seperated values'. however in the options tab you can also choose other seperators. addressbook nl Exporteert contacten van jouw adresboek in een CSV bestand. CSV betekent 'Komma gescheiden waarden'. Maar in het Opties tabblad kun je ook andere scheidingstekens kiezen.
extra addressbook nl Extra
failed to change %1 organisation member(s) (insufficent rights) !!! addressbook nl wijzigen van %1 organisatie lid/leden mislukte (onvoldoende rechten) !!!
fax addressbook nl Fax
@ -135,26 +183,35 @@ fields for the csv export addressbook nl Velden voor de CSV export
fields the user is allowed to edit himself admin nl Velden die de gebruiker zelf mag wijzigen
fields to show in address list addressbook nl Velden die zichtbaar zijn in adreslijst
fieldseparator addressbook nl Scheidingssymbool velden
for more then one contact in a document use the tag pagerepeat! addressbook nl voor meer dan één contact in een document gebruik je de tag pagerepeat!
for read only ldap admin nl voor alleen-lezen LDAP
for serial letter use this tag. put the content, you want to repeat between two tags. addressbook nl Gebruik deze tag voor serie brieven. Plaats de inhoud die herhaald moet worden tussen de twee tags.
freebusy uri addressbook nl Vrij/bezet URI
full name addressbook nl Volledige naam
general addressbook nl Algemeen
general fields: addressbook nl Algemene velden:
geo addressbook nl GEO
global categories addressbook nl Algemene categoriën
grant addressbook access common nl Geen toegang adresboek
group %1 addressbook nl Groep %1
h addressbook nl v
h addressbook nl u
hide accounts from addressbook addressbook nl Verberg accounts in het adresboek
hides accounts completly from the adressbook. addressbook nl Hou de accounts helemaal uit het adresboek
home address addressbook nl Privé adres
home address, birthday, ... addressbook nl Thuis adres, geboortedatum, ...
home city addressbook nl Privé Woonplaats
home country addressbook nl Privé Land
home email addressbook nl Privé Email
home email if given, else work email addressbook nl Privé email indien vermeld, anders zakelijke email
home phone addressbook nl Privé telefoon
home state addressbook nl Privé Provincie / Staat / Streek
home street addressbook nl Privé Straat
home zip code addressbook nl Privé Postcode
how many contacts should non-admins be able to export (empty = no limit) admin nl Hoeveel contacten moeten niet-beheerders kunnen exporteren (leeg = geen limiet)
icon addressbook nl Icoon
if accounts are already in ldap admin nl indien accounts reeds in LDAP zitten
if you specify a directory (full vfs path) here, addressbook displays an action for each document. that action allows to download the specified document with the contact data inserted. addressbook nl Indien je hier een directory opgeeft (volledige vfs pad), dan toont het adresboek een actie voor ieder document. Die aktie biedt de mogelijkheid om het bewuste document te downloaden samen met de contactgegevens ingevoegd.
if you specify a document (full vfs path) here, addressbook displays an extra document icon for each address. that icon allows to download the specified document with the contact data inserted. addressbook nl Indien je hier een document opgeeft (volledige vfs pad), dan toont het adresboek een extra documentikoon voor ieder adres. Zo'n ikoon biedt de mogelijkheid het bewuste document te downloaden met de contactgegevens ingevoegd.
import addressbook nl Importeren
import contacts addressbook nl Contacten Importeren
import csv-file into addressbook addressbook nl CSV-bestand importeren naar adresboek
@ -165,11 +222,14 @@ import from outlook addressbook nl Importeren vanuit Outlook
import multiple vcard addressbook nl Importeer Meervoudige VCard
import next set addressbook nl Importeren volgende serie
import_instructions addressbook nl In Netscape, open het adressenboek en selecteer <b>Exporteren</b> in het menu <b>Bestand</b>. Het bestand wordt geexporteerd in het LDIF formaat.<p>Of, in Outlook, selecteer de contacten-folder, kies <b>Importeren en Exporteren...</b> in het menu <b>Bestand</b> en exportoor als komma gescheiden tekst bestand (CSV).<p>Of, in Palm Desktop 4.0 of nieuwer, kies het adresboek en selecteer <b>Exporteren</b> in het menu <b>Bestand</b>, het bestand wordt geëxporteerd in het VCard formaat.
imports contacts into your addressbook from a csv file. csv means 'comma seperated values'. however in the options tab you can also choose other seperators. addressbook nl Importeert contacten in je adresboek vanuit een CSV bestand. CSV betekent 'Komma gescheiden waarden'. Maar in het Opties tabblad kun je ook andere scheidingstekens kiezen.
in %1 days (%2) is %3's birthday. addressbook nl Over %1 dagen (%2) is %3 jarig.
income addressbook nl Inkomen
insert in document addressbook nl Invoegen in document
insufficent rights to delete this list! addressbook nl Niet genoeg rechten om deze lijst te verwijderen!
international addressbook nl Internationaal
label addressbook nl Label
last date addressbook nl Laatste datum
last modified addressbook nl laatste wijziging
last modified by addressbook nl laatst gewijzigd door
ldap context for contacts admin nl LDAP-context voor contacten
@ -181,9 +241,18 @@ link title for contacts show addressbook nl Linktitel voor contactenweergave
links addressbook nl Links
list all categories addressbook nl Toon alle categoriën
list all customfields addressbook nl Toon alle op maat gemaakte velden
list already exists! addressbook nl Lijst bestaat reeds!
list created addressbook nl Lijst aangemaakt
list creation failed, no rights! addressbook nl Lijst aanmaak is mislukt, geen rechten!
load sample file addressbook nl Laad een voorbeeldbestand
load vcard addressbook nl Laad VCard
location addressbook nl Locatie
locations addressbook nl locaties
manage mapping addressbook nl Beheer de mappings
mark records as private addressbook nl Markeer records als privé
merge into first or account, deletes all other! addressbook nl Samenvoegen in eerste of in account, verwijdert alle andere!
merged addressbook nl samengevoegd
message after submitting the form addressbook nl Bericht na verzenden van het formulier
message phone addressbook nl Bericht Telefoon
middle name addressbook nl Tweede naam
migration finished addressbook nl Migratie voltooid
@ -192,9 +261,16 @@ mobile addressbook nl Mobiel
mobile phone addressbook nl Mobilofoon
modem phone addressbook nl Telefoonmodem
more ... addressbook nl Meer ...
move to addressbook: addressbook nl Verplaats naar adresboek:
moved addressbook nl verplaatst
multiple vcard addressbook nl Meervoudige VCard
name for the distribution list addressbook nl Naam voor de distributielijst
name of current user, all other contact fields are valid too addressbook nl Naam van de huidige gebruiker, alle andere contactvelden zijn ook geldig
name, address addressbook nl Naam, adres
new contact submitted by %1 at %2 addressbook nl Nieuwe contact toegevoegd op %2 door %1
new window opened to edit infolog for your selection addressbook nl Nieuw venster geopend waarin de Infolog voor uw selectie bewerkt wordt
next date addressbook nl Volgende datum
no categories selected addressbook nl geen categorieën geselecteerd
no vcard addressbook nl Geen VCard
number addressbook nl Nummer/aantal
number of records to read (%1) addressbook nl Aantal adressen om te lezen (%1)
@ -208,15 +284,19 @@ other phone addressbook nl Andere telefoon
own sorting addressbook nl eigen sorteren
pager common nl Pieper
parcel addressbook nl Pakket
participants addressbook nl Deelnemers
permission denied !!! addressbook nl Toestemming geweigerd !!!
phone number common nl Telefoonnummer
phone numbers common nl Telefoonnummers
photo addressbook nl Foto
please enter a name for that field ! addressbook nl Vul een naam voor dat veld in svp !
please select only one category addressbook nl Kies svp slechts één categorie
please update the templatename in your customfields section! addressbook nl Actualiseer svp de template naam in je aangepaste velden sectie!
postal common nl Postadres
pref addressbook nl voorkeur
preferred email address to use in distribution lists addressbook nl Voorkeurs emailadres tbv distributielijsten
preferred phone addressbook nl voorkeurstelefoon
preferred type of email address to add for distribution lists addressbook nl voorkeurs type van emailadres om toe te voegen aan distributielijsten
prefix addressbook nl Voorvoegsel
public key addressbook nl Public Key
publish into groups: addressbook nl Publiceer in groepen:
@ -226,6 +306,11 @@ read a single entry by passing the id and fieldlist. addressbook nl Lees een rec
read only addressbook nl alleen-lezen
record access addressbook nl Bestandstoegang
record owner addressbook nl Bestand eigenaar
remove selected contacts from distribution list addressbook nl Verwijder geselecteerde contacten van de distributielijst
removed from distribution list addressbook nl verwijderd van de distributielijst
repetition addressbook nl Herhaling
replacements for inserting contacts into documents addressbook nl Samenvoegvelden tbv invoegen van contacten in documenten
required fields * addressbook nl verplichte velden *
role addressbook nl Rol
room addressbook nl Kamer
search for '%1' addressbook nl Zoek naar '%1'
@ -241,6 +326,7 @@ select the type of conversion addressbook nl Kies type conversie
select the type of conversion: addressbook nl Kies type conversie:
select where you want to store / retrieve contacts admin nl Kies waar je contacten wilt opslaan / ophalen
selected contacts addressbook nl geselecteerde contacten
should the columns photo and home address always be displayed, even if they are empty. addressbook nl Moeten de kolommen foto en thuisadres altijd worden weergegeven, zelfs als ze leeg zijn?
show addressbook nl Toon
show birthday reminders on main screen addressbook nl Verjaardagsherinneringen weergeven op hoofdscherm
show infolog entries for this organisation addressbook nl InfoLog details van deze organisatie weergeven
@ -250,12 +336,21 @@ start admin nl Start
startrecord addressbook nl Startbestand
state common nl Provincie / Staat / Streek
street common nl Straatnaam
subject for email addressbook nl Onderwerp voor het emailbericht
successfully imported %1 records into your addressbook. addressbook nl Met succes %1 record geïmporteerd naar uw adresboek
suffix addressbook nl Achtervoegsel
tel home addressbook nl tel thuis
telephony integration admin nl Telefonie integratie
test import (show importable records <u>only</u> in browser) addressbook nl Test Import (te importeren adressen ALLEEN WEERGEVEN in uw browser)
thank you for contacting us. addressbook nl Bedankt dat u contact met ons hebt opgenomen.
that field name has been used already ! addressbook nl Het veldnaam is al in gebruik !
the anonymous user has probably no add rights for this addressbook. addressbook nl De anonieme gebruiker heeft waarschijnlijk geen toevoegrechten voor dit adresboek.
the anonymous user needs add rights for it! addressbook nl De anonieme gebruiker moet hier toevoegrechten voor hebben!
the anonymous user needs read it! addressbook nl De anonieme gebruiker moet hier leesrechten voor hebben!
the document can contain placeholder like $$n_fn$$, to be replaced with the contact data (%1full list of placeholder names%2). addressbook nl Het document kan variabelen bevatten zoals $$n_fn$$, die vervangen worden met de contact gegevens (%1volledige lijst van variabelen%2).
there was an error saving your data :-( addressbook nl Er ontstond een fout tijdens het opslaan van uw gegevens :-(
this module displays a contactform, that stores direct into the addressbook. addressbook nl Deze module toont een contact formulier dat gegevens direct opslaat in het adresboek.
this module displays block from a adddressbook group. addressbook nl Deze module toont een blok van een adresboek groep.
this person's first name was not in the address book. addressbook nl De voornaam van deze persoon staat niet het adresboek.
this person's last name was not in the address book. addressbook nl De achternaam van deze persoon staat niet het adresboek.
timezone addressbook nl Tijdszone
@ -265,24 +360,35 @@ tomorrow is %1's birthday. common nl Morgen is %1 jarig
translation addressbook nl Vertaling
type addressbook nl Type
update a single entry by passing the fields. addressbook nl Een record bijwerken door de velden te geven
update fields by edited organisations? admin nl Velden van de gewijzigde organisatie bijwerken?
updated addressbook nl Bijgewerkt
upload or delete the photo addressbook nl Upload of verwijder de foto
url to link telephone numbers to (use %1 = number to call, %u = account name, %t = account phone) admin nl URL waaraan telefoonnummers gelinkt moeten worden (gebruik %1 = nummer dat je wilt bellen, %u = account naam, %t = account telefoonnummer)
use an extra category tab? addressbook nl Een extra categorie tabblad gebruiken?
use an extra tab for private custom fields? admin nl Een extra categorie tabblad gebruiken voor persoonlijke aangepaste velden?
use country list addressbook nl Gebruik Landenlijst
use setup for a full account-migration admin nl gebruik setup voor een volledige accountmigratie
used for links and for the own sorting of the list addressbook nl gebruikt voor links en voor eigen sortering van de lijst
vcard common nl VCard
vcards require a first name entry. addressbook nl VCard vereist dat de voornaam ingevoerd is.
vcards require a last name entry. addressbook nl VCard vereist dat de achternaam ingevoerd is.
verification addressbook nl Verificatie
view linked infolog entries addressbook nl Gekoppelde InfoLog details bekijken
warning!! ldap is valid only if you are not using contacts for accounts storage! admin nl WAARSCHUWING!! Alleen LDAP gebruiken als het adresboek niet wordt gebruikt om de accounts op te slaan!
warning: all contacts found will be deleted! addressbook nl WAARSCHUWING: Alle gevonden contacten worden verwijderd!
warning: template "%1" not found, using default template instead. addressbook nl WAARSCHUWING: Template "%1" niet gevonden, gebruik de standaard template in plaats hiervan.
weekday addressbook nl Werkdag
what should links to the addressbook display in other applications. empty values will be left out. you need to log in anew, if you change this setting! addressbook nl Wat moeten koppelingen aan het adresboek in andere toepassingen moeten weergeven. Lege waardes worden genegeerd. U moet opnieuw inloggen, als u deze instelling wijzigt!
where to add the email address addressbook nl waar moet het emailadres toegevoegd worden
which address format should the addressbook use for countries it does not know the address format. if the address format of a country is known, it uses it independent of this setting. addressbook nl Welk adresformaat moet het adresboek gebruiken voor landen waarvan het adresformaat nog niet bekend is. Indien het adresformaat van een land bekend is wordt het ongeacht deze instelling gebruikt.
which addressbook should be selected when adding a contact and you have no add rights to the current addressbook. addressbook nl Welke adresboek moet geselecteerd worden wanneer een contact wordt bijgevoegd EN wanneer u geen toevoegingsrecht heb bij het huidige adresboek.
which charset should be used for the csv export. the system default is the charset of this egroupware installation. addressbook nl Welke karakterset moet gebruikt worden voor de CSV export. De systeem standaard is de karakterset van deze eGroupWare installatie.
which fields should be exported. all means every field stored in the addressbook incl. the custom fields. the business or home address only contains name, company and the selected address. addressbook nl Welke velden moeten geexporteerd worden. "Alles" betekent elke veld dat in het adresboek is opgeslagen, inclusief de aangepaste velden. "Alleen bedrijf adres of privé adres" betekent dat alleen naam, organisatie en het gekozen adres wordt geexporteerd.
whole query addressbook nl gehele query
work email if given, else home email addressbook nl Zakelijke emailadres indien bekend, ander privé emailadres
work phone addressbook nl Telefoon werk
write (update or add) a single entry by passing the fields. addressbook nl Schrijf (bijwerken of toevoegen) een record door de velden mee te geven.
wrong - try again ... addressbook nl Fout - probeer het nogmaals ...
yes, for the next three days addressbook nl Ja, voor de volgende drie dagen
yes, for the next two weeks addressbook nl Ja, voor de volgende twee dagen
yes, for the next week addressbook nl Ja, voor de volgende week
@ -292,8 +398,10 @@ you are not permittet to delete this contact addressbook nl U bent niet bevoegd
you are not permittet to edit this contact addressbook nl U bent niet bevoegd om dit contact te wijzigen
you are not permittet to view this contact addressbook nl U bent niet bevoegd om dit contact te bekijken
you can only use ldap as contact repository if the accounts are stored in ldap too! admin nl U kunt LDAP alleen als een contactdatabase gebruiken als de accounts ook in LDAP zijn opgeslagen!
you can respond by visiting: addressbook nl Om het te bekijken bezoek je:
you must select a vcard. (*.vcf) addressbook nl U moet een VCard selecteren (*.vcf)
you must select at least 1 column to display addressbook nl U moet een op z'n minst 1 kolom selecteren om weer te geven
you need to select a distribution list addressbook nl U moet een distributielijst kiezen
you need to select some contacts first addressbook nl U moet eerst enkele contacten selecteren
zip code common nl Postcode
zip_note addressbook nl <p><b>Opmerking:</b> Het bestand mag een zip file zijn bestaande uit .csv, .vcf, of .ldif bestanden. Echter, geen meerdere types per import.
@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ actions addressbook pt-br Ações
add %1 addressbook pt-br Adicionar %1
add a contact to this organisation addressbook pt-br Adicionar um contato para esta organização
add a new contact addressbook pt-br Adicionar um novo contato
add a new infolog addressbook pt-br Adicionar uma nova Tarefa
add a new list addressbook pt-br Adicionar uma nova lista
add a single entry by passing the fields. addressbook pt-br Adicionar uma única entrada informando os campos.
add business email of whole distribution list? addressbook pt-br Adicionar e-mail comercial para uma lista de distribuição inteira ?
@ -36,6 +37,7 @@ addressbook csv export addressbook pt-br Exportar Livro de Contatos em CSV
addressbook menu addressbook pt-br Menu do Livro de Contatos
addressbook preferences addressbook pt-br Preferências do Livro de Contatos
addressbook the contact should be saved to addressbook pt-br Livro de Contatos em que o contato deverá ser salvo
addressbook the contact should be shown addressbook pt-br Livro de Contatos em que o contato deverá ser exibido
addressbook-fieldname addressbook pt-br Livro de Contatos - Nome do Campo
addvcard addressbook pt-br Adicionar VCard
advanced search addressbook pt-br Pesquisa avançada
@ -99,11 +101,13 @@ contact saved addressbook pt-br Contato salvo
contact settings admin pt-br Preferências de Contatos
contactform addressbook pt-br Formulário de contatos
contacts and account contact-data to ldap admin pt-br contatos e dados da conta de contatos para LDAP
contacts and account contact-data to sql admin pt-br contatos e dados da conta de contatos para SQL
contacts to ldap admin pt-br contatos para LDAP
contacts to ldap, account contact-data to sql admin pt-br contatos para LDAP, dados da conta de contatos para SQL
contains addressbook pt-br contém
copied by %1, from record #%2. addressbook pt-br Copiado por %1, do registro #%2.
copy a contact and edit the copy addressbook pt-br Copiar um contato e editar a cópia
copy your changes to the clipboard, %1reload the entry%2 and merge them. addressbook pt-br Copiar suas alterações para a área de transferência, %1recarregar o registro%2 e mesclá-los.
country common pt-br País
create new links addressbook pt-br Criar novos links
created addressbook pt-br Criado
@ -156,6 +160,7 @@ end addressbook pt-br Fim
enter the path to the exported file here addressbook pt-br Entre aqui com o caminho do arquivo exportado
error deleting the contact !!! addressbook pt-br Erro removendo o contato !!!
error saving the contact !!! addressbook pt-br Erro salvando o contato !!!
error: the entry has been updated since you opened it for editing! addressbook pt-br Erro: o registro foi atualizado desde que você o abriu para edição!
example $$if n_prefix~mr~hello mr.~hello ms.$$ - search the field "n_prefix", for "mr", if found, write hello mr., else write hello ms. addressbook pt-br Exemplo: $$IF n_prefix~Sr~Olá Sr.~Olá Sra.$$ - procura no campo "n_prefix" por "Sr". Se encontrar, escreve "Olá Sr.", senão escreve "Olá Sra.".
existing links addressbook pt-br Links existentes
export addressbook pt-br exportar
@ -263,6 +268,7 @@ name for the distribution list addressbook pt-br Nome da lista de distribuição
name of current user, all other contact fields are valid too addressbook pt-br Nome do usuário atual, todos outros campos são válidos também
name, address addressbook pt-br Nome, Endereço
new contact submitted by %1 at %2 addressbook pt-br Novo contato informado por %1 em %2
new window opened to edit infolog for your selection addressbook pt-br Nova janela aberta para editar sua seleção de Tarefas
next date addressbook pt-br Próxima data
no categories selected addressbook pt-br nenhuma categoria selecionada
no vcard addressbook pt-br Nenhum VCard
@ -340,9 +346,11 @@ thank you for contacting us. addressbook pt-br Obrigado por entrar em contato co
that field name has been used already ! addressbook pt-br Este nome de campo já está em uso !
the anonymous user has probably no add rights for this addressbook. addressbook pt-br O usuário anônimo provavelmente não tem permissão para adicionar neste Livro de Contatos.
the anonymous user needs add rights for it! addressbook pt-br O usuário anônimo precisa de permissão para adicioná-lo!
the anonymous user needs read it! addressbook pt-br O usuário anônimo precisa lê-lo!
the document can contain placeholder like $$n_fn$$, to be replaced with the contact data (%1full list of placeholder names%2). addressbook pt-br O documento pode conter marcas como $$n_fn$$, para ser substituido com dados de contatos (%1lista completa de nomes de marcas%2).
there was an error saving your data :-( addressbook pt-br Ocorreu um erro ao salvar seus dados :-(
this module displays a contactform, that stores direct into the addressbook. addressbook pt-br Este módulo exibe um formulário de contato, que salva diretamente no Livro de Contatos.
this module displays block from a adddressbook group. addressbook pt-br Este módulo exibe blocos de um Grupo do Livro de Contatos
this person's first name was not in the address book. addressbook pt-br O primeiro nome desta pessoa não estava nos Contatos.
this person's last name was not in the address book. addressbook pt-br O último nome dessa pessoa não está nos Contatos.
timezone addressbook pt-br Zona de horário
@ -356,7 +364,8 @@ update fields by edited organisations? admin pt-br Atualizar campos por organiza
updated addressbook pt-br Atualizado
upload or delete the photo addressbook pt-br Carregar ou remover a foto
url to link telephone numbers to (use %1 = number to call, %u = account name, %t = account phone) admin pt-br URL para linkar números de telefones (use %1 = número a ser chamado, %u = nome da conta, %t = número do telefone)
use an extra category tab? addressbook pt-br Usar uma tab extra para categoria ?
use an extra category tab? addressbook pt-br Usar uma aba extra para categoria ?
use an extra tab for private custom fields? admin pt-br Usar uma aba extra para campos privados personalizados?
use country list addressbook pt-br Usar lista de países
use setup for a full account-migration admin pt-br usar setup para uma migração de contas completa
used for links and for the own sorting of the list addressbook pt-br usado para links e para a ordem própria da lista
@ -1,12 +1,19 @@
%1 - %2 of %3 user accounts admin nl %1 - %2 van %3 gebruikersaccounts
%1 - %2 of %3 user groups admin nl %1 - %2 van %3 gebruikersgroepen
%1 acl records of not (longer) existing accounts deleted. admin nl %1 ACL records van niet (meer) bestaande accounts zijn verwijderd.
%1 class not instanciated admin nl %1 klasse niet geinstantieerd
%1 group %2 admin nl %1 groep %2
%1 is no command! admin nl %1 is geen commando!
%1 not found or not executable !!! admin nl %1 niet gevonden of niet uitvoerbaar!
%1 rights for %2 and applications %3 admin nl %1 rechten voor %2 en toepassingen %3
%1 user %2 admin nl %1 gebruiker %2
(default no, leave it off if you dont use it) admin nl (standaard Nee, laat dit uit als je het niet gebruikt)
(stored password will not be shown here) admin nl (Opgeslagen wachtwoord word hier niet weergegeven)
(to install new applications use<br><a href="setup/" target="setup">setup</a> [manage applications] !!!) admin nl (Gebruik <a href="setup/" target="setup">Setup</a>[Beheer toepassingen] om nieuwe toepassingen te installeren.)
- type admin nl - type
accesslog and bruteforce defense admin nl Toegangslogboek en bescherming procesvermogen
account %1 %2 admin nl Account %1 %2
account '%1' deleted. admin nl Account '%1' verwijderd.
account active admin nl Account actief
account has been created common nl Account is aangemaakt.
account has been deleted common nl Account is verwijderd.
@ -14,6 +21,7 @@ account has been updated common nl Account is bijgewerkt.
account list admin nl Accountlijst
account permissions admin nl Toegangsrechten account
account preferences admin nl Voorkeuren account
account-id's have to be integers! admin nl Account-ids moeten integers zijn!
acl manager admin nl ACL-beheerder
acl rights common nl ACL-rechten
action admin nl Actie
@ -36,6 +44,7 @@ add sub-category admin nl Subcategorieën toevoegen
admin email admin nl Emailadres beheerder
admin email addresses (comma-separated) to be notified about the blocking (empty for no notify) admin nl Emailadressen beheerder (gescheiden door komma's) om gewaarschuwd te worden blokkeringen (laat leeg om geen notificaties te sturen)
admin name admin nl Naam beheerder
admin queue and history admin nl Beheerders wachtrij en historie
administration admin nl Beheer
admins admin nl Beheerders
advanced options admin nl geavanceerde opties
@ -45,6 +54,7 @@ aliases admin nl Aliassen
all records and account information will be lost! admin nl Alle records en gebruikersinformatie zal verloren gaan!
all users admin nl Alle gebruikers
allow anonymous access to this app admin nl Geef anonieme gebruikers toegang tot deze toepassing
allow remote administration from following install id's (comma separated) admin nl Sta beheer of afstand toe vanaf de volgende installatie IDs (komma gescheiden)
alternate email address admin nl alternatief emailadres
anonymous user admin nl Anonieme gebruiker
anonymous user (not shown in list sessions) admin nl Anonieme gebruiker (wordt niet weergegeven in sessieoverzichten)
@ -52,10 +62,12 @@ anonymous user does not exist! admin nl Anonieme gebruiker bestaat NIET!
anonymous user has no run-rights for the application! admin nl Anonieme gebruiker heeft geen uitvoer rechten voor deze toepassing.
appearance admin nl Weergave
application admin nl Toepassing
application '%1' not found (maybe not installed or misspelled)! admin nl Toepassing '%1' niet gevonden (misschien niet geinstalleerd of verkeerd gespeld)!
application name admin nl Toepassingsnaam
application title admin nl Toepassingstitel
applications admin nl Toepassingen
applications list admin nl Toepassingenlijst
applications run rights updated. admin nl Toepassings executie rechten bijgewerkt.
applies the changes admin nl past de wijzigingen toe
are you sure you want to delete the application %1 ? admin nl Weet u zeker dat de toepassing %1 wilt verwijderen?
are you sure you want to delete this account ? admin nl Weet u zeker dat u deze gebruiker wilt verwijderen?
@ -85,15 +97,25 @@ cancel testjob! admin nl Annuleer testtaak!
categories list admin nl Categorieënlijst
category %1 has been saved ! admin nl Categorie %1 is opgeslagen!
category list admin nl Categorieënlijst
change account_id admin nl Wijzig account_id
change acl rights admin nl Bewerk ACL-rechten
change config settings admin nl Bewerk configuratieinstellingen
change main screen message admin nl Bericht op start- of loginpagina wijzigen
change password for %1 admin nl wijzig wachtwoord voor %1
check acl for entries of not (longer) existing accounts admin nl Controle ACL voor records van niet (meer) bestaande accounts
check ip address of all sessions admin nl Controleer IP-adressen van alle sessies
check items to <b>%1</b> to %2 for %3 admin nl Controleer items van <b>%1</b> tot %2 van %3
click to select a color admin nl Klik om een kleur te kiezen
color admin nl Kleur
command scheduled to run at %1 admin nl Command is gepland om om %1 uitgevoerd te worden
complete path to aspell program admin nl Volledige pad naar aspell programma
cookie domain (default empty means use full domain name, for sitemgr eg. ".domain.com" allows to use the same cookie for egw.domain.com and www.domain.com) admin nl Cook domein (standaard leeg wat betekent dat de volledige domeinnaam gebruikt wordt. Voorbeeld: ".domein.nl" maakt het mogelijk om hetzelfde cookie te gebruiken voor verschillende subdomeinen als egw.domein.nl en www.domein.nl.
cookie path (allows multiple egw sessions with different directories, has problemes with sitemgr!) admin nl Cookie pad (maakt het mogelijk om meerdere eGW sessies in verschillende directories te gebruiken. Dit geeft problemen met SiteMgr!
could not remote execute the command admin nl Kon het commando op afstand niet uivoeren
country selection admin nl Landenselectie
create group admin nl Groep aanmaken
created admin nl Aangemaakt
created with id #%1 admin nl aangemaakt met id #%1
creates a new field admin nl creëert een nieuw veld
crontab only (recomended) admin nl Alleen crontab (aanbevolen)
custom fields admin nl Aangepaste velden
@ -107,6 +129,7 @@ default file system space per user admin nl Standaard bestandssysteemruimte per
default file system space per user/group ? admin nl Standaard bestandssysteemruimte per gebruiker/groep
deinstall crontab admin nl Deïnstalleer crontab
delete account admin nl Account verwijderen
delete account %1 admin nl Account %1 verwijderen
delete all records admin nl Alle records verwijderen
delete application admin nl Toepassing verwijderen
delete category admin nl Categorie verwijderen
@ -144,6 +167,7 @@ do not delete the category and return back to the list admin nl de categorie NIE
do you also want to delete all global subcategories ? admin nl Wilt u tevens alle globale subcategorieën verwijderen?
do you want to delete all global subcategories ? admin nl Wilt u alle globale subcategorieën verwijderen?
do you want to move all global subcategories one level down ? admin nl Wilt u alle globale subcategorieën een niveau naar beneden verplaatsen?
document root (default) admin nl Document root (standaard)
each value is a line like <id>[=<label>] admin nl iedere waarde is een regel zoals <id>[=<label>]
each value is a line like id[=label] admin nl iedere waarde is een regel zoals id[=label]
edit account admin nl Account bewerken
@ -162,10 +186,13 @@ edit this group admin nl deze groep bewerken
edit this user admin nl deze gebruiker bewerken
edit user admin nl gebruiker bewerken
edit user account admin nl Gebruikersaccount bewerken
egroupware directory admin nl eGroupWare directory
either install id and config password needed or the remote hash! admin nl Of installatie ID met configuratie wachtwoord is nodig of het remote hash!
email account active admin nl emailaccount actief
email address admin nl emailadres
enable debug-messages admin nl Debugberichten activeren
enable the soap service admin nl De SOAP service inschakelen
enable the spellcheck in the ritch text editor ? admin nl Schakel de spellingcontrole in de Rich Text Editor in?
enable the xmlrpc service admin nl De XML-RPC service inschakelen
enabled - hidden from navbar admin nl Ingeschakeld - niet zichtbaar op de navigatiebalk
enabled - popup window admin nl Ingeschakeld - Popup Window
@ -193,12 +220,19 @@ enter your http proxy server port admin nl Voer uw HTTP-proxy-serverpoort in
enter your smtp server hostname or ip address admin nl Uw SMTP server host of IP
enter your smtp server port admin nl Uw SMTP port
error canceling timer, maybe there's none set !!! admin nl Fout bij het annuleren van de timer, misschien is er geen timer ingesteld!
error changing the password for % !!! admin nl Fout bij wijzigen van wachtwoord voor % !!!
error changing the password for %1 !!! admin nl Fout bij wijzigen van wachtwoord voor %1 !!!
error saving admin nl Fout bij opslaan
error saving account! admin nl Fout bij opslaan van account!
error saving the command! admin nl Fout bij opslaan van commando!
error saving to db: admin nl Fout bij opslaan in database:
error setting timer, wrong syntax or maybe there's one already running !!! admin nl Fout bij het zetten van de timer. verkeerde syntax of misschien draait er al een timer!
error! no appname found admin nl Fout! geen appname gevonden
error: %1 not found or other error !!! admin nl Fout: %1 niet gevonden of een ander fout!
expires admin nl Verloopt
explanation of ldapman admin nl Deze module is getest voor POSTFIX, LDAP, Courier-IMAP en vereist de schema's CORE en QMAIL (OID7914). Meer details over het gebruik en configureren van dit systeem is te vinden in README.ldapman in de doc map van ADMIN.
fallback (after each pageview) admin nl terugval (na iedere paginaweergave)
false admin nl onwaar
field '%1' already exists !!! admin nl Veld '%1' bestaat al !!!
file space admin nl Bestandsruimte
file space must be an integer admin nl Bestandsruimte moet een integer zijn
@ -210,6 +244,7 @@ forward also to admin nl ook doorsturen naar
forward emails to admin nl stuurt emails door naar
forward only admin nl alleen doorsturen
global categories common nl Algemene Categorieën
grant admin nl Sta toe
group ? admin nl groep?
group has been added common nl Groep is toegevoegd.
group has been deleted common nl Groep is verwijderd.
@ -221,7 +256,9 @@ hide php information admin nl Verberg PHP-informatie
home directory admin nl Home directory
host information admin nl Hostinformatie
hour<br>(0-23) admin nl Uur<br /> (0-23)
how big should thumbnails for linked images be (maximum in pixels) ? admin nl Hoe groot moeten miniaturen voor gekoppelde afbeeldingen zijn (maximum in pixels)?
how many days should entries stay in the access log, before they get deleted (default 90) ? admin nl Hoeveel dagen moeten record worden bewaard in het toegangslogboek voordat zo worden verwijderd (standaard 90 dagen)?
how many entries should non-admins be able to export (empty = no limit, no = no export) admin nl Hoe veel records moeten niet-beheerders kunnen exporteren (leeg = geen limiet, geen = geen export)
how many minutes should an account or ip be blocked (default 30) ? admin nl Hoeveel minuten moet een account of IP-adres worden geblokkeerd (standaard 30 minuten)?
how should email addresses for new users be constructed? admin nl Hoe moet het Emailadres voor nieuwe gebruikers samengesteld worden?
icon admin nl Pictogram
@ -235,6 +272,9 @@ install crontab admin nl Installeer crontab
installed applications common nl Geïnstalleerde toepassingen
installed crontab admin nl Geïnstalleerde crontab
interface admin nl Interface
invalid formated date "%1"! admin nl Ongeldig datumformaat "%1"!
invalid remote id or name "%1"! admin nl Ongeldig id of naam "%1" op afstand!
invalid value "%1" use yes or no! admin nl Ongeldige waarde "%1" gebruik ja of nee!
ip admin nl IP
jobs admin nl Taken
kill admin nl Beëindigen
@ -278,7 +318,9 @@ method admin nl Methode
minimum account id (e.g. 500 or 100, etc.) admin nl Min. account id (bijv. 500 of 1000, etc.)
minute admin nl Minuut
mode admin nl Modus
modified admin nl Gewijzigd
month admin nl Maand
more secure admin nl veiliger
name must not be empty !!! admin nl Naam mag niet leeg zijn !!!
new group name admin nl Nieuwe groepsnaam
new name admin nl nieuwe naam
@ -297,14 +339,17 @@ note: ssl available only if php is compiled with curl support admin nl Let op: S
number of row for a multiline inputfield or line of a multi-select-box admin nl aantal rijen voor een meer-regelig invoerveld of regel in een meervoudige selectie veld
order admin nl Volgorde
outbound admin nl uitgaand
own install id: admin nl Eigen installatie ID:
passthrough admin nl doorgeven
password for smtp-authentication admin nl Wachtwoord voor SMTP-authenticatie
password updated admin nl Wachtwoord bijgewerkt
path information admin nl Path informatie
peer server list admin nl Peer-serverlijst
peer servers admin nl Peer-servers
percent of users that logged out admin nl Percentage gebruikers dat uitlogt
percent this user has logged out admin nl Percentage dat deze gebruiker uitgelogd heeft
permission denied admin nl Toestemming geweigerd
permission denied !!! admin nl Toestemming geweigerd !!!
permissions admin nl Toestemmingen
permissions this group has admin nl Toestemmingen van deze groep
phpinfo admin nl PHP informatie
@ -321,6 +366,9 @@ quota size in mbyte admin nl quota grootte in MByte
re-enter password admin nl Wachtwoord opnieuw invoeren
read this list of methods. admin nl Lees deze lijst met methodes.
register application hooks admin nl Registreer alle toepassingsproblemen
remote administration instances admin nl Afstandbeheer instanties
remote administration need to be enabled in the remote instance under admin > site configuration! admin nl Afstandbeheer moet ingeschakeld zijn in de afstand instantie onder Admin -> Site configuratie!
remote instance saved admin nl Afstandbeheer instantie opgeslagen
remove admin nl verwijderen
remove all users from this group admin nl Alle gebruikers uit deze groep verwijderen
remove all users from this group ? admin nl Alle gebruikers uit deze groep verwijderen?
@ -354,11 +402,13 @@ set preference values. admin nl Stel waarden van voorkeuren in
should the login page include a language selectbox (useful for demo-sites) ? admin nl Moet de login pagina een taalkeuze box bevatten (handig voor demo sites) ?
show 'powered by' logo on admin nl ''Powered by'-logo weergeven op
show access log admin nl Toegangslogboek weergeven
show an asterisk (*) to mark untranslated strings admin nl Toon een sterretje (*) om onvertaalde teksten te markeren
show current action admin nl Huidige actie weergeven
show error log admin nl Foutenlogboek weergeven
show phpinfo() admin nl De uitvoer van phpinfo() weergeven
show session ip address admin nl Geef Sessie IP-adres weer
site admin nl Site
site configuration admin nl Site configuratie
soap admin nl SOAP
sorry, that group name has already been taken. admin nl Sorry, die groepsnaam bestaat al.
sorry, the above users are still a member of the group %1 admin nl Excuses, de bovenstaande gebruikers zijn nog steeds lid van de groep %1.
@ -373,6 +423,7 @@ start testjob! admin nl Testtaak starten
submit changes admin nl Wijzigingen toepassen
submit the search string admin nl Verzend de zoekopdracht
subtype admin nl Subtype
switch it off, if users are randomly thrown out admin nl schakel het uit, wanneer gebruiker willekeurig eruit gegooid worden
template selection admin nl Templateselectie
text entry admin nl Tekstinvoer
that application name already exists. admin nl Die toepassingsnaam bestaat reeds.
@ -399,12 +450,18 @@ timeout for application session data in seconds (default 86400 = 1 day) admin nl
timeout for sessions in seconds (default 14400 = 4 hours) admin nl Uitvoertijd is overschreden voor sessies in seconden. (standaard 14400 =4 uren)
times admin nl Tijden
top admin nl boven
total of %1 id's changed. admin nl Totaal van %1 IDs gewijzigd.
total records admin nl Totaal aantal records
true admin nl waar
trust level admin nl Vertrouwensniveau
trust relationship admin nl Vertrouwensrelatie
type '%1' already exists !!! admin nl type '%1' bestaat al !!!
type of customfield admin nl Type van een aangepast veld
under windows you need to install the asyncservice %1manually%2 or use the fallback mode. fallback means the jobs get only checked after each page-view !!! admin nl Onder Windows moet u de asynservice %1handmatig%2 installeren of gebruiken van de fallback methode. De fallback methode houdt in dat de taak alleen wordt uitgevoerd na iedere pagina raadpleging !!!
unknown account: %1 !!! admin nl Onbekend account: %1 !!!
unknown command %1! admin nl Onbekend commando %1!
unknown option %1 admin nl Onbekende optie %1
updated admin nl bijgewerkt
use cookies to pass sessionid admin nl Gebruik cookies om sessie-ID door te geven
use pure html compliant code (not fully working yet) admin nl Gebruik pure HTML compatible code (werk momenteel niet volledig)
use theme admin nl Gebruik thema
@ -414,6 +471,7 @@ user for smtp-authentication (leave it empty if no auth required) admin nl Gebru
user groups admin nl Gebruikersgroepen
userdata admin nl gebruikersgegevens
users choice admin nl Gebruikerskeuze
value for column %1 is not unique! admin nl Waarde in kolom %1 is niet uniek!
view access log admin nl Toegangslog bekijken
view account admin nl Account weergegeven
view category admin nl Categorie weergeven
@ -427,6 +485,8 @@ would you like egroupware to check for a new version<br>when admins login ? admi
would you like egroupware to check for new application versions when admins login ? admin nl Wilt u eGroupWare laten controleren op nieuwe toepassingensversies wanneer beheerders inloggen?
would you like to automaticaly load new langfiles (at login-time) ? admin nl Wilt u automatisch (bij inloggen) nieuwe taalbestanden laden?
would you like to show each application's upgrade status ? admin nl Wilt u bij de elke toepassing de upgradestatus weergeven?
wrong account type: %1 is no %2 !!! admin nl Verkeerde account type: %1 is GEEN %2 !!!
wrong admin-account or -password !!! admin nl Verkeerde beheerders account of -wachtwoord !!!
xml-rpc admin nl XML-RPC
you have entered an invalid expiration date admin nl U heeft u een ongeldige verloopdatum ingevoerd.
you have to enter a name, to create a new field!!! admin nl U moet een naam invullen om een nieuwe veld te creëeren!!!
@ -439,5 +499,7 @@ you must enter an application name and title. admin nl U moet een toepassingsnaa
you must enter an application name. admin nl U moet een toepassingsnaam invoeren.
you must enter an application title. admin nl U moet een toepassingstitel invoeren.
you must select a file type admin nl U moet een bestandstype invoeren
you must select at least one group member. admin nl U moet tenminse één groepslid selecteen.
you need to enter install id and password! admin nl U moet het installatie ID EN wachtwoord invoeren!
you will need to remove the subcategories before you can delete this category admin nl U moet eerst de subcategorieën verwijderen voordat u deze bovenliggende categorie kunt verwijderen!
your session could not be verified. admin nl Uw sessie kon niet geverifieerd worden
@ -1,12 +1,19 @@
%1 - %2 of %3 user accounts admin pt-br %1 - %2 de %3 contas de usuários
%1 - %2 of %3 user groups admin pt-br %1 - %2 de %3 grupos de usuários
%1 acl records of not (longer) existing accounts deleted. admin pt-br %1 registro(s) ACL de contas inexistentes removido(s).
%1 class not instanciated admin pt-br Classe %1 não instanciada
%1 group %2 admin pt-br %1 grupo %2
%1 is no command! admin pt-br %1 não é um comando!
%1 not found or not executable !!! admin pt-br %1 não encontrado ou não-executável !!!
%1 rights for %2 and applications %3 admin pt-br %1 direitos para %2 e aplicativos %3
%1 user %2 admin pt-br %1 usuário %2
(default no, leave it off if you dont use it) admin pt-br (padrão Não, deixe-o assim se você não o usa)
(stored password will not be shown here) admin pt-br (Senha salva não será exibida aqui)
(to install new applications use<br><a href="setup/" target="setup">setup</a> [manage applications] !!!) admin pt-br (Para instalar um novo aplicativo use <br><a href="setup/" target="setup">Setup</a>[Gerenciar aplicativos] !!!)
- type admin pt-br - tipo
accesslog and bruteforce defense admin pt-br Registro de acesso e defesa de Força Bruta
account %1 %2 admin pt-br Conta %1 %2
account '%1' deleted. admin pt-br Conta '%1' removida.
account active admin pt-br Conta ativa
account has been created common pt-br A conta foi criada
account has been deleted common pt-br A conta foi removida
@ -14,6 +21,7 @@ account has been updated common pt-br A conta foi atualizada
account list admin pt-br Lista de contas
account permissions admin pt-br Permissões da conta
account preferences admin pt-br Preferências da conta
account-id's have to be integers! admin pt-br Id da conta deve ser número inteiro!
acl manager admin pt-br Administração de Regras de Acesso (ACL)
acl rights common pt-br Permissões de Acesso
action admin pt-br Ação
@ -36,6 +44,7 @@ add sub-category admin pt-br Adicionar subcategoria
admin email admin pt-br Email do Administrador
admin email addresses (comma-separated) to be notified about the blocking (empty for no notify) admin pt-br Endereços eletrônicos dos administradores (seprados por vírgula) a serem notificados em caso de bloqueio (em branco para não notificar)
admin name admin pt-br Nome do Administrador
admin queue and history admin pt-br Lista de administradores e histórico
administration admin pt-br Administração
admins admin pt-br Administradores
advanced options admin pt-br opções avançadas
@ -45,6 +54,7 @@ aliases admin pt-br Apelidos
all records and account information will be lost! admin pt-br Todos registros e informações de contas serão perdidos!
all users admin pt-br Todos usuários
allow anonymous access to this app admin pt-br Permitir acesso anônimo a esta aplicação
allow remote administration from following install id's (comma separated) admin pt-br Permitir administração remota dos seguintes IDS (separados por vírgulas)
alternate email address admin pt-br endereço de e-mail alternativo
anonymous user admin pt-br Usuário Anônimo
anonymous user (not shown in list sessions) admin pt-br Usuário Anônimo (não é exibido na lista de sessões)
@ -52,10 +62,12 @@ anonymous user does not exist! admin pt-br Usuário Anônimo não existe!
anonymous user has no run-rights for the application! admin pt-br Usuário Anônimo não tem acesso de execução para este aplicativo!
appearance admin pt-br Aparência
application admin pt-br Aplicativo
application '%1' not found (maybe not installed or misspelled)! admin pt-br Aplicativo '%1' não encontrado (talvez não esteja instalado ou nome mal informado)!
application name admin pt-br Nome do Aplicativo
application title admin pt-br Título do Aplicativo
applications admin pt-br Aplicativos
applications list admin pt-br Lista de Aplicativos
applications run rights updated. admin pt-br Direitos de execução dos aplicativos atualizados.
applies the changes admin pt-br aplicar as alterações
are you sure you want to delete the application %1 ? admin pt-br Você tem certeza que deseja remover o aplicativo %1 ?
are you sure you want to delete this account ? admin pt-br Você tem certeza que deseja remover esta conta?
@ -85,17 +97,25 @@ cancel testjob! admin pt-br Cancelar trabalhos de teste!
categories list admin pt-br Lista de Categorias
category %1 has been saved ! admin pt-br Categoria %1 foi salva!
category list admin pt-br Lista de Categorias
change account_id admin pt-br Alterar id da conta
change acl rights admin pt-br Mudar direitos da ACL
change config settings admin pt-br Mudar parâmetros de configuração
change main screen message admin pt-br Alterar mensagem da tela principal
change password for %1 admin pt-br alterar senha para %1
check acl for entries of not (longer) existing accounts admin pt-br Verificar registros ACL para contas não mais existentes.
check ip address of all sessions admin pt-br Verificar endereço IP de todas sessões
check items to <b>%1</b> to %2 for %3 admin pt-br Marcar itens de <b> %1</b> a %2 para %3
click to select a color admin pt-br Clique para selecionar uma cor
color admin pt-br Cor
command scheduled to run at %1 admin pt-br Comando agendado para rodar às %1
complete path to aspell program admin pt-br Caminho completo para o programa aspell
cookie domain (default empty means use full domain name, for sitemgr eg. ".domain.com" allows to use the same cookie for egw.domain.com and www.domain.com) admin pt-br Cookie domínio (o padrão vazio significa usar o nome completo do domínio, por exemplo: para SiteMgr ".dominio.com.br" permite usar o mesmo domínio para egw.dominio.com.br e www.dominio.com.br)
cookie path (allows multiple egw sessions with different directories, has problemes with sitemgr!) admin pt-br Cookie caminho (permite múltiplas sessões eGW com diferentes diretórios, mas tem problemas com SiteMgr!)
could not remote execute the command admin pt-br Não foi possível executar remotamente o comando
country selection admin pt-br Seleção de País
create group admin pt-br Criar Grupo
created admin pt-br Criado
created with id #%1 admin pt-br criado com id #%1
creates a new field admin pt-br criar um novo campo
crontab only (recomended) admin pt-br somente crontab (recomendado)
custom fields admin pt-br Campos personalizados
@ -109,6 +129,7 @@ default file system space per user admin pt-br Espaço em disco padrão por usu
default file system space per user/group ? admin pt-br Espaço em disco padrão por usuário/grupo?
deinstall crontab admin pt-br Desinstalar crontab
delete account admin pt-br Remover conta
delete account %1 admin pt-br Remover conta %1
delete all records admin pt-br Remover todos os registros
delete application admin pt-br Remover aplicativo
delete category admin pt-br Remover categoria
@ -166,10 +187,12 @@ edit this user admin pt-br editar este usuário
edit user admin pt-br editar usuário
edit user account admin pt-br Editar conta de usuário
egroupware directory admin pt-br Diretório eGroupWare
either install id and config password needed or the remote hash! admin pt-br Necessário ID de instalação E senha de configuração OU o hash remoto!
email account active admin pt-br conta de e-mail ativa
email address admin pt-br e-mail
enable debug-messages admin pt-br Habilitar menssagens de depuração
enable the soap service admin pt-br Habilitar o serviço soap
enable the spellcheck in the ritch text editor ? admin pt-br Habilitar o verificador ortográfico no editor de texto ?
enable the xmlrpc service admin pt-br Habilitar o serviço xmlrpc
enabled - hidden from navbar admin pt-br Habilitado - Escondido da barra de navegação
enabled - popup window admin pt-br Habilitar Janelas instantâneas
@ -197,12 +220,19 @@ enter your http proxy server port admin pt-br Digite a porta do servidor proxy H
enter your smtp server hostname or ip address admin pt-br Digite o endereço de seu servidor SMTP
enter your smtp server port admin pt-br Digite a porta de seu servidor SMTP
error canceling timer, maybe there's none set !!! admin pt-br Erro cancelando timer, possivelmente nenhum está configurado !!!
error changing the password for % !!! admin pt-br Erro alterando a senha para % !!!
error changing the password for %1 !!! admin pt-br Erro alterando a senha para %1 !!!
error saving admin pt-br Erro salvando
error saving account! admin pt-br Erro salvando conta!
error saving the command! admin pt-br Erro salvando o comando!
error saving to db: admin pt-br Erro salvando no banco de dados:
error setting timer, wrong syntax or maybe there's one already running !!! admin pt-br Erro configurando timer, sintaxe errada ou talvez já exista um sendo executado !!!
error! no appname found admin pt-br Erro: Nome de aplicativo não encontrado
error: %1 not found or other error !!! admin pt-br Erro: %1 não encrontrado ou outro erro não definido !!!
expires admin pt-br Expira
explanation of ldapman admin pt-br Até o momento, este módulo foi testado para POSTFIX, LDAP, Courier-IMAP e precisa dos esquemas CORE e QMAIL (OID7914). Mais detalhes, sobre como usar e configurar este sistema, pode ser encontrato no arquivo README.ldapman na pasta doc de ADMIN.
fallback (after each pageview) admin pt-br recuperar (após cada página visualizada)
false admin pt-br falso
field '%1' already exists !!! admin pt-br Campo '%1' já existe !!!
file space admin pt-br Espaço para arquivos
file space must be an integer admin pt-br Espaço para arquivos deve ser um número inteiro
@ -214,6 +244,7 @@ forward also to admin pt-br encaminhar também para
forward emails to admin pt-br encaminhar e-mails para
forward only admin pt-br apenas encaminhar
global categories common pt-br Categorias globais
grant admin pt-br Conceder
group ? admin pt-br grupo?
group has been added common pt-br Grupo adicionado
group has been deleted common pt-br Grupo removido
@ -225,6 +256,7 @@ hide php information admin pt-br Esconder informações de PHP
home directory admin pt-br Diretório de instalação
host information admin pt-br Informações do servidor
hour<br>(0-23) admin pt-br Hora<br>(0-23)
how big should thumbnails for linked images be (maximum in pixels) ? admin pt-br Qual o tamanho das miniaturas para links de imagens (máximo em pixels)?
how many days should entries stay in the access log, before they get deleted (default 90) ? admin pt-br Quantos dias as entradas devem ser mantidas no registro de acessos, antes de serem removidas (padrão 90)?
how many entries should non-admins be able to export (empty = no limit, no = no export) admin pt-br Quantos registros usuários não administradores serão capazes de exportar (vazio = sem limites, no = nenhum)
how many minutes should an account or ip be blocked (default 30) ? admin pt-br Quantos minutos uma conta ou endereço IP devem ser bloqueados (padrão 30)?
@ -240,6 +272,9 @@ install crontab admin pt-br Instalar crontab
installed applications common pt-br Aplicativos Instalados
installed crontab admin pt-br Crontab instalado
interface admin pt-br Interface
invalid formated date "%1"! admin pt-br Data formatada inválida "%1"!
invalid remote id or name "%1"! admin pt-br ID remoto ou nome inválido "%1"!
invalid value "%1" use yes or no! admin pt-br Valor inválido "%1"! Use sim ou não!
ip admin pt-br IP
jobs admin pt-br Trabalhos
kill admin pt-br Terminar
@ -283,6 +318,7 @@ method admin pt-br Método
minimum account id (e.g. 500 or 100, etc.) admin pt-br id mínimo para contas (Exemplo: 500 ou 100, etc.)
minute admin pt-br Minuto
mode admin pt-br Modo
modified admin pt-br Modificado
month admin pt-br Mês
more secure admin pt-br mais seguro
name must not be empty !!! admin pt-br Nome não pode estar vazio !!!
@ -303,14 +339,17 @@ note: ssl available only if php is compiled with curl support admin pt-br Nota:
number of row for a multiline inputfield or line of a multi-select-box admin pt-br número de linhas para um campo de entrada ou linhas para uma caixa de seleção
order admin pt-br Ordem
outbound admin pt-br Saída
own install id: admin pt-br Próprio id de instalação:
passthrough admin pt-br Atravessar
password for smtp-authentication admin pt-br Senha para autenticação SMTP
password updated admin pt-br Senha atualizada
path information admin pt-br Informação de Path
peer server list admin pt-br Lista de servidores parceiros
peer servers admin pt-br Servidores parceiros
percent of users that logged out admin pt-br Percentual de usuários que desconectaram
percent this user has logged out admin pt-br Percentagem de vezes que este usuário desconectou
permission denied admin pt-br Permissão negada
permission denied !!! admin pt-br Permissão negada !!!
permissions admin pt-br Permissões
permissions this group has admin pt-br Permissões do grupo
phpinfo admin pt-br Informações do PHP
@ -327,6 +366,9 @@ quota size in mbyte admin pt-br tamanho da cota em MByte
re-enter password admin pt-br Redigite a senha
read this list of methods. admin pt-br Ler esta lista de métodos
register application hooks admin pt-br Registrar configurações das aplicações
remote administration instances admin pt-br Instâncias de administração remotas
remote administration need to be enabled in the remote instance under admin > site configuration! admin pt-br Administração remota deve ser habilitada na instância remoda em Administrador > Configuração do Servidor!
remote instance saved admin pt-br Instância remota salva
remove admin pt-br remover
remove all users from this group admin pt-br Remover todos os usuários deste grupo
remove all users from this group ? admin pt-br Remover todos os usuários desse grupo?
@ -366,6 +408,7 @@ show error log admin pt-br Exibir registro de erros
show phpinfo() admin pt-br Exibir phpinfo()
show session ip address admin pt-br Exibir endereço IP das sessões
site admin pt-br Site
site configuration admin pt-br Configuração do Servidor
soap admin pt-br SOAP
sorry, that group name has already been taken. admin pt-br Este nome de grupo já está em uso.
sorry, the above users are still a member of the group %1 admin pt-br Desculpe, os usuários acima ainda são membros do grupo %1
@ -407,12 +450,18 @@ timeout for application session data in seconds (default 86400 = 1 day) admin pt
timeout for sessions in seconds (default 14400 = 4 hours) admin pt-br Tempo para expiração da sessões em segundos (padrão 14400 = 4 horas)
times admin pt-br Horários
top admin pt-br topo
total of %1 id's changed. admin pt-br Total de %1 IDs alterada(s)
total records admin pt-br Total de registros
true admin pt-br verdadeiro
trust level admin pt-br Nível de confiança
trust relationship admin pt-br Relação de confiança
type '%1' already exists !!! admin pt-br tipo '%1' já existe !!
type of customfield admin pt-br Tipo do campo personalizado
under windows you need to install the asyncservice %1manually%2 or use the fallback mode. fallback means the jobs get only checked after each page-view !!! admin pt-br No Windows você precisa instalar o asyncservide %1manualmente%2 ou usar o modo fallback. Fallback significa que os trabalhos serão verificados somente após cada visualização de página!!!
unknown account: %1 !!! admin pt-br Conta desconhecida: %1 !!!
unknown command %1! admin pt-br Comando desconhecido %1!
unknown option %1 admin pt-br Opção desconhecida %1
updated admin pt-br atualizado
use cookies to pass sessionid admin pt-br Usar cookies para transmitir id de sessão
use pure html compliant code (not fully working yet) admin pt-br Usar código HTML puro (não funciona totalmente ainda)
use theme admin pt-br Usar tema
@ -422,6 +471,7 @@ user for smtp-authentication (leave it empty if no auth required) admin pt-br Us
user groups admin pt-br Grupos de usuários
userdata admin pt-br Dados de usuário
users choice admin pt-br Escolha do usuário
value for column %1 is not unique! admin pt-br Valor da coluna %1 não é único!
view access log admin pt-br Exibir registro de acessos
view account admin pt-br Exibir conta
view category admin pt-br Exibir categoria
@ -435,6 +485,8 @@ would you like egroupware to check for a new version<br>when admins login ? admi
would you like egroupware to check for new application versions when admins login ? admin pt-br Deseja que o eGroupware verifique automaticamente novas versões de aplicativos quando administradores estiverem conectados?
would you like to automaticaly load new langfiles (at login-time) ? admin pt-br Deseja que novos arquivos de localização sejam carragados automaticamente (ao entrar)
would you like to show each application's upgrade status ? admin pt-br Deseja exibir se cada aplicação está atualizada ?
wrong account type: %1 is no %2 !!! admin pt-br Tipo de conta errado: %1 NÃO é %2 !!!
wrong admin-account or -password !!! admin pt-br Conta de administração ou -senha errada !!!
xml-rpc admin pt-br XML-RPC
you have entered an invalid expiration date admin pt-br A data de expiração digitada é inválida
you have to enter a name, to create a new field!!! admin pt-br Você precisa informar um nome para criar um novo campo!!!
@ -448,5 +500,6 @@ you must enter an application name. admin pt-br Você deve digitar um nome para
you must enter an application title. admin pt-br Você deve digitar um título para a aplicação.
you must select a file type admin pt-br Você deve selecionar um tipo de arquivo.
you must select at least one group member. admin pt-br Você deve selecionar ao menos um membro.
you need to enter install id and password! admin pt-br Você deve informar um ID de instalação E senha!
you will need to remove the subcategories before you can delete this category admin pt-br Você deverá remover as subcategorias antes de remover esta categoria !
your session could not be verified. admin pt-br Sua sessão não pôde ser verificada
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
%1 %2 in %3 calendar nl %1 %2 in %3
%1 records imported calendar nl %1 records geïmporteerd
%1 records read (not yet imported, you may go back and uncheck test import) calendar nl %1 records gelezen (nog niet geïmporteerd, u kunt teruggaan en Test Import uitzetten)
%1 weeks calendar nl %1 weken
<b>please note</b>: the calendar use the holidays of your country, which is set to %1. you can change it in your %2.<br />holidays are %3 automatic installed from %4. you can changed it in %5. calendar nl <b>Let op</b>: de agenda gebruikt de vrije dagen van uw land dat staat ingesteld op %1. U kunt dit wijzigen in uw %2.<br />Vrije dagen worden %3 automatisch geinstalleerd vanaf %4. U kunt dit wijzigen in %5.
a non blocking event will not conflict with other events calendar nl Een niet-blokkerende gebeurtenis zal geen conflicten met andere gebeurtenissen geven
accept or reject an invitation calendar nl Accepteer of weiger een uitnodiging
@ -8,8 +9,11 @@ accepted calendar nl Geaccepteerd
access denied to the calendar of %1 !!! calendar nl Toegang tot de agenda van %1 geweigerd !!!
action that caused the notify: added, canceled, accepted, rejected, ... calendar nl Reden van de notificatie: Toegevoegd, Geannuleerd, Geaccepteerd, Geweigerd, ...
actions calendar nl Acties
actions... calendar nl Acties...
add alarm calendar nl Alarm toevoegen
added calendar nl Toegevoegd
added by synchronisation calendar nl toegevoegd tijdens synchronisatie
after %1 calendar nl Na %1
after current date calendar nl Na de huidige datum
alarm calendar nl Herinnering
alarm added calendar nl Herinnering toegevoegd
@ -20,6 +24,7 @@ alarms calendar nl Herinneringen
all categories calendar nl Alle categorieën
all day calendar nl Hele dag
all events calendar nl Alle gebeurtenissen
all future calendar nl Alle toekomstige
all participants calendar nl Alle deelnemers
allows to edit the event again calendar nl Staat toe om de gebeurtenis opnieuw te wijzigen
apply the changes calendar nl wijzigingen doorvoeren
@ -27,11 +32,14 @@ are you sure you want to delete this country ? calendar nl Weet u zeker dat u di
are you sure you want to delete this holiday ? calendar nl Weet u zeker dat u deze feestdag wilt verwijderen?
back half a month calendar nl halve maand terug
back one month calendar nl één maand terug
before %1 calendar nl Voor %1
before current date calendar nl Voor de huidige datum
before the event calendar nl voor de afspraak
birthday calendar nl Verjaardag
birthdays admin nl Verjaardagen
busy calendar nl bezet
by calendar nl door
calendar csv export calendar nl Kalender CSV export
calendar event calendar nl Agenda - Afspraak
calendar holiday management admin nl Agenda feestdagen beheer
calendar menu calendar nl Agenda menu
@ -39,14 +47,18 @@ calendar preferences calendar nl Agenda voorkeuren
calendar settings admin nl Agenda instellingen
calendar-fieldname calendar nl Agenda - Veldnaam
can't add alarms in the past !!! calendar nl Herinneringen kunnen niet in het verleden aangemaakt worden !!!
can't aquire lock! calendar nl Kan geen lock plaatsen!
canceled calendar nl Geannuleerd
charset of file calendar nl Karakterset van bestand
close the window calendar nl Venster sluiten
compose a mail to all participants after the event is saved calendar nl stel een email aan alle deelnemers op nadat de gebeurtenis is opgeslagen
copy of: calendar nl Kopie van:
copy this event calendar nl Kopieer deze gebeurtenis
copy your changes to the clipboard, %1reload the entry%2 and merge them. calendar nl Kopieer uw wijzigingen naar het klembord, %1 herlaad het record%2 en voeg ze samen.
countries calendar nl Landen
country calendar nl Land
create an exception for the given date calendar nl Creëer een uitzondering voor de gekozen datum
create exception calendar nl Creëer uitzondering
create new links calendar nl Nieuwe links aanmaken
csv calendar nl CSV
csv-fieldname calendar nl CSV-veldnaam
@ -73,6 +85,7 @@ displayed view calendar nl getoonde weergave
displays your default calendar view on the startpage (page you get when you enter egroupware or click on the homepage icon)? calendar nl Laat uw standaard agenda weergave zien op de beginpagina (De pagina waarmee eGroupWare geopend wordt of die u krijgt als u op klikt op 'start'
do you want a weekview with or without weekend? calendar nl Wil je weekoverzicht met of zonder weekend?
do you want to be notified about new or changed appointments? you be notified about changes you make yourself.<br>you can limit the notifications to certain changes only. each item includes all the notification listed above it. all modifications include changes of title, description, participants, but no participant responses. if the owner of an event requested any notifcations, he will always get the participant responses like acceptions and rejections too. calendar nl Wilt u worden geinformeerd over nieuwe of gewijzigde afspraken? U wordt geïnformeerd over wijzigingen die u zelf heeft gemaakt.<br />U kunt de de notificaties beperken to alleen bepaalde wijzigingen. Elk item bevat alle notificaties hierboven weergegeven. "Alle wijzigingen" bevat wijziging va titel, beschrijving, deelnemers, maar niet reacties van deelnemers. Als de eigenaar van een afspraak verzocht heeft om een van de notificaties, zal hij of zij altijd reacties krijgen van de deelnemers zoals acceptaties en afwijzigingen.
do you want to edit serialevent als exception? - ok = edit exception, abort = edit serial calendar nl Wilt u deze herhalende gebeurtenis als een uitzondering? OK = Bewerk uitzondering, Annuleer = Bewerk de herhaling
do you want to receive a regulary summary of your appointsments via email?<br>the summary is sent to your standard email-address on the morning of that day or on monday for weekly summarys.<br>it is only sent when you have any appointments on that day or week. calendar nl Wilt u per email een periodieke overzichten ontvangen van uw afspraken? </br>Het overzicht wordt verzonden naar uw standaard emailadres op de ochtend dat de afspraak plaatsvind en op maandag voor wekelijkse overzichten. <br /> Er wordt alleen een overzicht verstuurd als er in die afspraken staan geregistreerd.
do you wish to autoload calendar holidays files dynamically? admin nl Wilt u de feestdagen automatisch downloaden
download calendar nl Downloaden
@ -94,13 +107,16 @@ error: importing the ical calendar nl Fout: importing van de iCal
error: no participants selected !!! calendar nl Fout: geen deelnemers geselecteerd !!!
error: saving the event !!! calendar nl Fout: opslaan van de gebeurtenis !!!
error: starttime has to be before the endtime !!! calendar nl Fout: Begintijd moet voor de eindtijd liggen !!!
error: the entry has been updated since you opened it for editing! calendar nl Fout: het record is gewijzigd sinds je het opende voor bewerking!
event copied - the copy can now be edited calendar nl Gebeurtenis gekopieerd - de kopie kan nu bewerkt worden
event deleted calendar nl Gebeurtenis verwijderd
event details follow calendar nl Afspraak details volgen
event saved calendar nl Gebeurtenis opgeslagen
event will occupy the whole day calendar nl Gebeurtenis duurt de hele dag
exception calendar nl Uitzondering
exception created - you can now edit or delete it calendar nl Uitzondering aangemaakt - u kunt het nu bewerken of verwijderen
exceptions calendar nl Uitzonderingen
execute a further action for this entry calendar nl Voer een vervolg actie uit voor dit record
existing links calendar nl Bestaande links
export calendar nl Exporteren
extended calendar nl Uitgebreid
@ -138,6 +154,7 @@ holidays calendar nl Vakanties
hours calendar nl uren
how far to search (from startdate) calendar nl hoe ver vooruit zoeken (vanaf de begindatum)
how many minutes should each interval last? calendar nl Hoeveel minuten moet ieder interval duren?
how many weeks should the multiple week view show? calendar nl Hoeveel weken moet de meerweekse weergave tonen?
ical calendar nl iCal
ical / rfc2445 calendar nl iCal / rfc2445
ical export calendar nl iCal export
@ -149,6 +166,7 @@ if you dont set a password here, the information is available to everyone, who k
ignore conflict calendar nl Conflict negeren
import calendar nl Importeren
import csv-file common nl CSV-bstand importeren
imports events into your calendar from a csv file. csv means 'comma seperated values'. however in the options tab you can also choose other seperators. calendar nl Importeer gebeurtenissen in uw agenda vanuit een CSV bestand. CSV betekent 'Komma gescheiden velden'. Maar in het Opties tabblad kunt u ook andere scheidingstekens kiezen.
interval calendar nl Herhaling
invalid email-address "%1" for user %2 calendar nl Ongeldig emailadres "%1" voor gebruiker %2
last calendar nl laatste
@ -162,7 +180,7 @@ location calendar nl Plaats
location to autoload from admin nl Plaats om van te laden
location, start- and endtimes, ... calendar nl Plaats, begin- en eindtijden
mail all participants calendar nl Stuur een email naar alle deelnemers
make freebusy information available to not loged in persons? calendar nl Maak vrij/bezet informatie beschikbaar voor nietingelogde personen?
make freebusy information available to not loged in persons? calendar nl Maak vrij/bezet informatie beschikbaar voor niet ingelogde personen?
minutes calendar nl minuten
modified calendar nl Gewijzigd
mon calendar nl Maa
@ -170,12 +188,14 @@ monthly calendar nl Maandelijks
monthly (by date) calendar nl Maandelijks (op datum)
monthly (by day) calendar nl Maandelijks (op dag)
monthview calendar nl Maandweergave
multiple week view calendar nl Meerweekse weergave
new search with the above parameters calendar nl opnieuw zoeken met de bovenstaande instellingen
no events found calendar nl Geen gebeurtenissen gevonden
no filter calendar nl Geen filter
no matches found calendar nl Geen resultaten gevonden
no response calendar nl Niet gereageerd
non blocking calendar nl niet blokkerend
not calendar nl niet
notification messages for added events calendar nl Notificatieberichten voor toegevoegde afspraken
notification messages for canceled events calendar nl Notificatieberichten voor geannuleerde afspraken
notification messages for disinvited participants calendar nl Notificatieberichten voor deelnemers waarvan de uitnodiging is ingetrokken
@ -212,6 +232,7 @@ previous calendar nl vorige
private and global public calendar nl Privé en globaal publiek
private and group public calendar nl Privé en groep publiek
private only calendar nl Alleen privé
quantity calendar nl Hoeveelheid
re-edit event calendar nl Afspraak opnieuw bewerken
receive email updates calendar nl Ontvang email updates
receive summary of appointments calendar nl Ontvang overzicht van afspraken
@ -236,15 +257,21 @@ select a %1 calendar nl Selecteer een %1
select a time calendar nl selecteer een tijd
select resources calendar nl Selecteer hulpmiddelen
select who should get the alarm calendar nl Selecteer wie de herinnering moet ontvangen
selected range calendar nl Gekozen range
set a year only for one-time / non-regular holidays. calendar nl Stel een een jaar in voor opzichstaande / niet reguliere feestdagen
set new events to private calendar nl Zet nieuwe afspraken op privé
setting lock time calender admin nl Stel een gegevenslock tijd in voor de agenda (standaard 1 seconde)
should invitations you rejected still be shown in your calendar ?<br>you can only accept them later (eg. when your scheduling conflict is removed), if they are still shown in your calendar! calendar nl Moeten uitnodigingen die u heeft afgewezen nog steeds worden weergegeven in uw agenda? <br/> U kunt ze alleen achteraf nog accepteren als ze in uw agenda worden weergegeven! (bijv. wanneer een planningsconflict is verwijderd)
should new events created as private by default ? calendar nl Moeten nieuwe afspraken standaard als privé worden aangemaakt?
should not loged in persons be able to see your freebusy information? you can set an extra password, different from your normal password, to protect this informations. the freebusy information is in ical format and only include the times when you are busy. it does not include the event-name, description or locations. the url to your freebusy information is %1. calendar nl Moeten niet-ingelogde personen jouw vrij/bezet informatie kunnen bekijken? Je kunt een extra wachtwoord instellen dat afwijkt van je normale wachtwoord, om deze informatie af te beveiligen. De vrij/bezet informatie is in iCal formaat en bevat uitsluitend de tijdstippen waarop je bezet bent. Het bevat niet de naam, omschrijving of locatie van de afspraak. De URL naar jouw vrij/bezet informatie is %1.
should the planner display an empty row for users or categories without any appointment. calendar nl Moet de planner een lege regel weergeven voor gebruikers of categorieën zonder enige afspraak.
should the status of the event-participants (accept, reject, ...) be shown in brakets after each participants name ? calendar nl Moet de status van de afspraak-deelnemers (accepteren, afwijzen, ...) worden weergegeven tussen haakjes achter elke de namen van de deelnemers?
show birthdays from addressbook admin nl Toon verjaardagen vanuit het adresboek
show default view on main screen calendar nl Geeft standaard overzicht weer op beginscherm
show empty rows in planner calendar nl Toon lege regels in de planner
show invitations you rejected calendar nl Uitnodigingen weergeven die zijn afgewezen
show list of upcoming events calendar nl Lijst weergeven van toekomstige afspraken
show only the date, not the year admin nl Toon alleen de datum, niet het jaar
show this month calendar nl toon deze maand
show this week calendar nl toon deze week
single event calendar nl enkele afspraak
@ -262,6 +289,8 @@ test import (show importable records <u>only</u> in browser) calendar nl Test im
this day is shown as first day in the week or month view. calendar nl Deze dag wordt weergegeven als de eerste dag in de week- and maandweergave.
this defines the end of your dayview. events after this time, are shown below the dayview. calendar nl Dit definieert het einde van uw dagweergave. Afspraken die na deze tijd plaatsvinden worden onderaan de dagweergave weergegeven.
this defines the start of your dayview. events before this time, are shown above the dayview.<br>this time is also used as a default starttime for new events. calendar nl Dit definieert het begin van uw dagweergave. Afspraken die voor deze tijd plaatsvinden worden boven de dagweergave weergegeven.<br />Deze tijd wordt ook gebruikt als standaard begintijd voor nieuwe afspraken.
this entry is currently opened by %1! calendar nl Dit record is nu geopend door %1!
this entry is opened by user: calendar nl Dit record werd geopend binnen het ingestelde tijdsinterval door gebruiker
this group that is preselected when you enter the planner. you can change it in the planner anytime you want. calendar nl Deze groep is voorgeselecteerd wanneer u de planner opent. U kunt deze selectie in de planner eventueel wijzigen.
this message is sent for canceled or deleted events. calendar nl Deze notificatie wordt verstuurd voor geannuleerde en verwijderde afspraken.
this message is sent for modified or moved events. calendar nl Deze notificatie wordt verstuurd voor gewijzigde afspraken.
@ -269,25 +298,34 @@ this message is sent to disinvited participants. calendar nl Deze notificatie wo
this message is sent to every participant of events you own, who has requested notifcations about new events.<br>you can use certain variables which get substituted with the data of the event. the first line is the subject of the email. calendar nl Deze notificatie wordt verstuurd naar elke deelnemer van uw afspraken die notificatie voor nieuwe afspraken heeft geactiveerd.<br /> U kunt bepaalde plaatsvervangende woorden invullen die worden gebruikt met de gegevens van de afspraak. De eerste regel is het onderwerp van de email.
this message is sent when you accept, tentative accept or reject an event. calendar nl Deze notificatie wordt verstuurd wanneer u afspraken accepteert, op proef accepteert of afwijst.
this message is sent when you set an alarm for a certain event. include all information you might need. calendar nl Deze notificatie wordt verstuurd als u een alarm instelt voor een bepaalde afspraak. Geef aan welke informatie u mogelijker nodig heeft.
this module displays the current month calendar nl Deze module toont de huidige maand
three month calendar nl drie maanden
thu calendar nl Don
til calendar nl tot
timeframe calendar nl Tijdskader
timeframe to search calendar nl Tijdskader om te zoeken
title of the event calendar nl Titel van afspraak
to many might exceed your execution-time-limit calendar nl te veel kan mogelijk uw uitvoertijd van dit programme overschrijden
translation calendar nl Vertaling
tue calendar nl Din
two weeks calendar nl twee weken
updated calendar nl Bijgewerkt
use end date calendar nl Gebruik einddatum
use the selected time and close the popup calendar nl gebruik de geselecteerde tijd en sluit het popupvenster
user or group calendar nl Gebruiker of groep
view this event calendar nl Bekijk deze gebeurtenis
views with fixed time intervals calendar nl Weergaves met vaste tijdsintervallen
wed calendar nl Woe
week calendar nl Week
weekday starts on calendar nl De week begint op
weekdays calendar nl Weekdagen
weekdays to use in search calendar nl Weekdagen waarop gezocht moet worden
weekday calendar nl werkdag
weekday starts on calendar nl De werkweek begint op
weekdays calendar nl Werkdagen
weekdays to use in search calendar nl Werkdagen waarop gezocht moet worden
weekly calendar nl Wekelijks
weeks in multiple week view calendar nl Weken in meerweekse weergave
weekview calendar nl Weekweergave
weekview with weekend calendar nl Weekweergave met weekend
weekview without weekend calendar nl Weekweergave zonder weekend
which events do you want to see when you enter the calendar. calendar nl Welke afspraken wilt u zien wanneer u de agenda opent?
which of calendar view do you want to see, when you start calendar ? calendar nl Welke agendaweergave wilt u zien wanneer u de agenda opent?
whole day calendar nl hele dag
@ -296,10 +334,12 @@ work day ends on calendar nl Werkdag eindigt om
work day starts on calendar nl Werkdag begint om
yearly calendar nl Jaarlijks
yearview calendar nl Jaarweergave
you can either set a year or a occurence, not both !!! calendar nl U kunt een of een jaar of een gebeurtenis instellen, niet beiden !!!
you can only set a year or a occurence !!! calendar nl U kunt alleen een Jaar of een Gebeurtenis instellen !!!
you do not have permission to read this record! calendar nl U heeft geen toegang om dit record in te lezen
you have a meeting scheduled for %1 calendar nl U heeft een vergadering gepland voor %1
you have been disinvited from the meeting at %1 calendar nl Uw uitnodiging voor de bijeenkomst op %1 is ingetrokken
you need to select an account, contact or resource first! calendar nl U moet eerst een account, contact of bron selecteren!
you need to select an ical file first calendar nl U moet eerst een iCal selecteren
you need to set either a day or a occurence !!! calendar nl U moet of een Dag of een Gebeurtenis instellen !!!
your meeting scheduled for %1 has been canceled calendar nl U geplande vergadering voor %1 is geannuleerd.
@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ calendar preferences calendar pt-br Preferências da Agenda
calendar settings admin pt-br Configurações da Agenda
calendar-fieldname calendar pt-br Agenda-Nome do Campo
can't add alarms in the past !!! calendar pt-br Não é possível incluir alarmes no passado !!
can't aquire lock! calendar pt-br Não foi possível acesso exclusivo ao registro!
canceled calendar pt-br Cancelado
charset of file calendar pt-br Charset do arquivo
close the window calendar pt-br Fechar a janela
@ -259,6 +260,7 @@ select who should get the alarm calendar pt-br Selecionar quem deverá receber o
selected range calendar pt-br Selecione período
set a year only for one-time / non-regular holidays. calendar pt-br Informar ano apenas para feriado flutuante/ocorrência única
set new events to private calendar pt-br Colocar novos itens como particular
setting lock time calender admin pt-br Definindo tempo de travamento de registros da Agenda (padrão 1 segundo)
should invitations you rejected still be shown in your calendar ?<br>you can only accept them later (eg. when your scheduling conflict is removed), if they are still shown in your calendar! calendar pt-br Os convites recusados devem permanecer na sua Agenda ?<br>Você poderá aceitá-los depois (ex. quando desfizer conflitos de horários), caso eles ainda estejam em sua Agenda.
should new events created as private by default ? calendar pt-br Novos eventos criados devem ser colocados como privados por padrão?
should not loged in persons be able to see your freebusy information? you can set an extra password, different from your normal password, to protect this informations. the freebusy information is in ical format and only include the times when you are busy. it does not include the event-name, description or locations. the url to your freebusy information is %1. calendar pt-br Usuários não logados podem ver sua informação de disponibilidade? Você pode especificar uma senha extra, diferente da senha normal, para proteger esta informação. A disponibilidade está em formato iCal e somente inclue os horários em que você está ocupado(a). Não são incluídos o título, descrição ou local do evento. A URL para sua disponibilidade é %1.
@ -287,6 +289,7 @@ test import (show importable records <u>only</u> in browser) calendar pt-br Test
this day is shown as first day in the week or month view. calendar pt-br Esse dia será mostrado como primeiro dia da semana na visão semanal e mensal
this defines the end of your dayview. events after this time, are shown below the dayview. calendar pt-br Isso define o último horário da visão diária. Eventos além desse horário são mostrados abaixo do dia.
this defines the start of your dayview. events before this time, are shown above the dayview.<br>this time is also used as a default starttime for new events. calendar pt-br Isso define o primeiro horário da visão diária. Eventos antes desse horário são mostrados acima do dia.<br>Esse horário também será o horário inicial para novos eventos.
this entry is currently opened by %1! calendar pt-br Este registro está atualmente aberto por %1!
this entry is opened by user: calendar pt-br Este registro foi aberto dentro do intervalo de tempo configurado pelo usuário:
this group that is preselected when you enter the planner. you can change it in the planner anytime you want. calendar pt-br Esse grupo é pré-selecionado ao entrar no organizador. Você poderá modificá-lo a qualquer tempo.
this message is sent for canceled or deleted events. calendar pt-br Essa mensagem é enviada para enventos cancelados ou apagados.
@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ calendar preferences calendar sk Predvoľby Kalendára
calendar settings admin sk Nastavenia Kalendára
calendar-fieldname calendar sk Kalendár - názov poľa
can't add alarms in the past !!! calendar sk Pripomienky sa nedajú zadávať do minulosti!!!
can't aquire lock! calendar sk Nepodarilo sa získať zámok!
canceled calendar sk Zrušené
charset of file calendar sk Znaková sada súboru
close the window calendar sk Zavrieť okno
@ -288,6 +289,7 @@ test import (show importable records <u>only</u> in browser) calendar sk Otestov
this day is shown as first day in the week or month view. calendar sk Tento deň sa zobrazuje ako prvý v týždennom či mesačnom pohľade.
this defines the end of your dayview. events after this time, are shown below the dayview. calendar sk Touto hodinou sa končí denný pohľad. Udalosti po tejto hodine se zobrazia až za denným pohľadom.
this defines the start of your dayview. events before this time, are shown above the dayview.<br>this time is also used as a default starttime for new events. calendar sk Touto hodinou sa začína denný pohľad. Udalosti pred touto hodinou se zobrazia pred denným pohľadom.<br>Zároveň sa táto hodina použije ako východzia pre nové udalosti.
this entry is currently opened by %1! calendar sk Tento záznam má práve otvorený používateľ %1!
this entry is opened by user: calendar sk Tento záznam bol otvorený počas nastaveného časového rozpätia používateľom:
this group that is preselected when you enter the planner. you can change it in the planner anytime you want. calendar sk Táto skupina bude automaticky vybratá pri vstupe do plánovača. V plánovači ju môžete zmeniť podľa ľubovôle.
this message is sent for canceled or deleted events. calendar sk Táto správa se posiela pri zrušení či odstránení udalostí.
@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ calendar preferences calendar sl Nastavitve koledarja
calendar settings admin sl Lastnosti koledarja
calendar-fieldname calendar sl Koledar - ime polja
can't add alarms in the past !!! calendar sl Ne morem dodati alarma v preteklosti!
can't aquire lock! calendar sl Ne morem zakleniti!
canceled calendar sl Razveljavljeno
charset of file calendar sl Kodna tabela datoteke
close the window calendar sl Zapri okno
@ -105,6 +106,7 @@ error: importing the ical calendar sl Napaka: pri uvozu v iCal
error: no participants selected !!! calendar sl Napaka: noben udeleženec ni izbran!
error: saving the event !!! calendar sl Napaka: pri shranjevanju dogodka!
error: starttime has to be before the endtime !!! calendar sl Napaka: čas začetka mora biti pred časom konca!
error: the entry has been updated since you opened it for editing! calendar sl Napaka: vnos je bil posodobljen odkar ste ga odprli za urejanje!
event copied - the copy can now be edited calendar sl Dogodek je bil kopiran - lahko uredite kopijo
event deleted calendar sl Dogodek zbrisan
event details follow calendar sl Sledijo podrobnosti dogodka
@ -151,6 +153,7 @@ holidays calendar sl Prazniki
hours calendar sl ure
how far to search (from startdate) calendar sl Kako daleč od začetnega datuma naj iščem
how many minutes should each interval last? calendar sl Koliko minut naj traja posamezen interval?
how many weeks should the multiple week view show? calendar sl Koliko tednov naj prikaže pogled več tednov?
ical calendar sl iCal
ical / rfc2445 calendar sl iCal / rfc2445
ical export calendar sl Izvozi iCal
@ -162,6 +165,7 @@ if you dont set a password here, the information is available to everyone, who k
ignore conflict calendar sl Prezri navzkrižje
import calendar sl Uvoz
import csv-file common sl Uvozi CSV datoteko
imports events into your calendar from a csv file. csv means 'comma seperated values'. however in the options tab you can also choose other seperators. calendar sl Uvozi dogodke v vaš koledar iz datoteke CSV. CSV pomeni 'vrednosti, ločene z vejico'. Na zavihku Možnosti lahko izberete drugo ločilo polj.
interval calendar sl Interval
invalid email-address "%1" for user %2 calendar sl Nepravilen elektronski naslov "%1" za uporabnika %2
last calendar sl Zadnji
@ -283,6 +287,8 @@ test import (show importable records <u>only</u> in browser) calendar sl Test uv
this day is shown as first day in the week or month view. calendar sl Ta dan je prikazan kot prvi dan v tednu ali v mesecu.
this defines the end of your dayview. events after this time, are shown below the dayview. calendar sl To definira konec dnevnega pogleda. Dogodki po tem času so prikazani pod dnevnim ogledom.
this defines the start of your dayview. events before this time, are shown above the dayview.<br>this time is also used as a default starttime for new events. calendar sl To definira začetek dnevnega pogleda. Dogodki pred tem so prikazani pred dnevnim pogledom.<br>Ta čas je tudi uporaben kot privzeti za nove dogodke.
this entry is currently opened by %1! calendar sl Ta vnos ima trenutno odprt uporabnik %1!
this entry is opened by user: calendar sl Ta vnos je med nastavljenim časom odprl uporabnik:
this group that is preselected when you enter the planner. you can change it in the planner anytime you want. calendar sl Ta skupina je že označena, ko vstopite v načrtovalca. V načrtovalcu jo lahko spremenite kadarkoli želite.
this message is sent for canceled or deleted events. calendar sl Sporočilo je poslano ob preklicu ali brisanju dogodkov.
this message is sent for modified or moved events. calendar sl Sporočilo je poslano ob spremembi ali premiku dogodkov.
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
%1 etemplates for application '%2' dumped to '%3' etemplate nl %1 eTemplates voor applicatie '%2' gedumpt naar '%3'
%1 etemplates found etemplate nl %1 eTemplates gevonden
%1 matches on search criteria etemplate nl %1 komt overeen met zoekcriteria
%1 more... etemplate nl %1 meer...
%1 new etemplates imported for application '%2' etemplate nl %1 nieuwe eTemplates geïmporteerd voor applicatie '%2'
%s disabled etemplate nl %s uitgeschakeld
%s needed etemplate nl %s nodig
@ -10,12 +11,15 @@
%s onchange etemplate nl %s bij Wijziging
%s readonly etemplate nl %s alleen lezen
'%1' has an invalid format !!! etemplate nl '%1' heeft een ongeldig formaat !!!
'%1' is no php file in the egw server root (%2)! etemplate nl '%1' is geen php bestand in de eGW server rootdirectory (%2)
'%1' is not a valid date !!! etemplate nl '%1' is geen geldige datum !!!
'%1' is not a valid floatingpoint number !!! etemplate nl '%1' is geen geldig drijvende komma getal !!!
'%1' is not a valid integer !!! etemplate nl '%1' is geen geldig geheel getal !!!
'%1' is not allowed ('%2')! etemplate nl '%1' is NIET toegestaan ('%2')!
a pattern to be searched for etemplate nl een patroon waarnaar gezocht moet worden
accesskey etemplate nl Toegangssleutel
accesskeys can also be specified with an & in the label (eg. &name) etemplate nl Accesskeys kunnen ook gedefinieerd worden door een & in het label te plaatsen (bijvoorbeeld: &Naam)
account contactdata etemplate nl Account contactgegevens
add a new column (after the existing ones) etemplate nl Voeg een nieuwe kolom toe (achter de bestaande kolommen)
add a new entry of the selected application etemplate nl Voeg een nieuw record toe van de geselecteerde toepassing
add a new multi-column index etemplate nl Een nieuwe multi-column index toevoegen
@ -35,6 +39,7 @@ application etemplate nl Applicatie
application name needed to write a langfile or dump the etemplates !!! etemplate nl Applicatie naam is nodig om een taalbestand te schrijven of de eTemplates te kunnen dumpen !!!
applies the changes made etemplate nl de gemaakte wijzigingen doorvoeren
applies the changes to the given version of the template etemplate nl de gemaakte wijzigingen doorvoeren op de opgegeven versie van de template
as default etemplate nl als standaard
attach etemplate nl Bijsluiten
attach file etemplate nl Bestand bijsluiten
baseline etemplate nl Baseline
@ -50,6 +55,7 @@ cant delete a single widget from a grid !!! etemplate nl kan één enkele widget
cant delete the only column of a grid !!! etemplate nl kan de enige kolom van een grid niet verwijderen !!!
cant delete the only row in a grid !!! etemplate nl kan de enige rij in een grid niet verwijderen !!!
category etemplate nl Categorie
category tree etemplate nl Categorie boom
cellpadding for the table-tag etemplate nl Cellpadding voor de table-tag
cells etemplate nl Cellen
cellspacing for the table-tag etemplate nl Cellspacing voor de table-tag
@ -73,6 +79,8 @@ comment etemplate nl Commentaar
confirm etemplate nl bevestigen
confirmation message or custom javascript (returning true or false) etemplate nl bevestigingsbericht of aangepast javascript (geeft true of false terug)
confirmation necesary or custom java-script etemplate nl bevestiging nodig of aangepast javascript
contact etemplate nl Contact
contact field to show etemplate nl Contact veld dat getoond moet worden
contact fields etemplate nl Veldnamen contacten
contains etemplate nl bevat
create a new table for the application etemplate nl Maak een nieuwe tabel voor de applicatie
@ -153,6 +161,7 @@ exchange this two columns etemplate nl verwissel deze twee kolommen
export the loaded etemplate into a xml-file etemplate nl exporteer de geladen eTemplate in een XML-bestand
export xml etemplate nl Exporteer XML
extensions loaded: etemplate nl Geladen extensies:
field etemplate nl Veld
field must not be empty !!! etemplate nl Veld mag niet leeg zijn !!!
file etemplate nl Bestand
file contains more than one etemplate, last one is shown !!! etemplate nl Bestand bevat meer dan één eTemplate, alleen de laatste wordt getoond !!!
@ -219,10 +228,12 @@ linklist etemplate nl Linklijst
linkstring etemplate nl LinkString
linkto etemplate nl LinkNaar
load this template into the editor etemplate nl laad deze tempate in de editor
message ... etemplate nl Bericht...
middle etemplate nl Midden
minute etemplate nl Minuut
minutes etemplate nl Minuten
month etemplate nl Maand
more than 1 match for '%1' etemplate nl Meer dan 1 overeenkomst voor '%1'
multicolumn indices etemplate nl Multi-column Indices
name etemplate nl Naam
name of other table where column is a key from etemplate nl naam van de andere tabel waar de kolom een sleutelwaarde van is
@ -237,10 +248,12 @@ nextmatch etemplate nl Volgende overeenkomst
nextmatch accountfilter etemplate nl Volgende overeenkomst Accountfilter
nextmatch custom filterheader etemplate nl Volgende overeenkomst aangepaste Filterdeader
nextmatch filterheader etemplate nl Volgende overeenkomst Filterheader
nextmatch header etemplate nl Volgende overeenkomst kop
nextmatch sortheader etemplate nl Volgende overeenkomst Sortheader
no column to swap with !!! etemplate nl geen kolom om mee te wisselen !!!
no file etemplate nl geen bestand
no filename given or selected via browse... etemplate nl geen bestandsnaam ingevoerd of geselecteerd met Bladeren ...
no matches found etemplate nl Geen overeenkomsten gevonden
no row to swap with !!! etemplate nl geen rij om mee te wisselen !!!
not null etemplate nl NIET NULL
nothing etemplate nl niets
@ -277,9 +290,11 @@ read etemplate from database (for the keys above) etemplate nl lees eTemplate ui
readonly etemplate nl alleen lezen
remove row (can not be undone!!!) etemplate nl Rij verwijderen (kan NIET ongedaan gemaakt worden)
remove this link (not the entry itself) etemplate nl Verwijder deze link (niet de entry zelf)
required etemplate nl Vereist
returns savely, without deleting etemplate nl komt veilig terug ZONDER te vewijderen
right etemplate nl Rechts
row... etemplate nl Rij...
save selected columns as default preference for all users. etemplate nl Bewaar geselecteerde kolommen als voorkeursstandaard voor alle gebruikers.
save the changes made and close the window etemplate nl Bewaar de gemaakte wijzigingen en sluit het venster
save the etemplate under the above keys (name, ...), change them for a saveas etemplate nl bewaar de eTemaplate onder de hierboven genoemde sleutels (naam, ...), wijzig ze om Opslaan Als uit te voeren
saves changes to tables_current.inc.php etemplate nl bewaart de wijzigingen in tables_current_inc.php
@ -298,19 +313,23 @@ select an application, (*) = uninstalled etemplate nl Selecteer een applicatie,
select an entry to link with etemplate nl Selecteer een entry om een link mee te maken
select an table of the application etemplate nl Selecteer een tabel van de toepassing
select application etemplate nl Selecteer applicatie
select application to search etemplate nl Selecteer toepassingen voor zoeken
select category etemplate nl Selecteer categorie
select columns etemplate nl Selecteer kolommen
select country etemplate nl Selecteer land
select day etemplate nl Selecteer dag
select day of week etemplate nl Selecteer dag van de week
select entry etemplate nl Selecteer entry
select hour etemplate nl Selecteer uur
select if content of field should not be translated (label gets always translated) etemplate nl markeer als de inhoud van het veld niet vertaald mag worden (label wordt altijd vertaald)
select language etemplate nl Selecteer taal
select month etemplate nl Selecteer maand
select number etemplate nl Selecteer nummer
select one ... etemplate nl Selecteer één ...
select percentage etemplate nl Selecteer percentage
select priority etemplate nl Selecteer prioriteit
select state etemplate nl Selecteer staat / provincie / streek
select the columns to display in the list etemplate nl Selecteer de kolommen die in de lijst getoond moeten worden
select the indexed columns in their desired order etemplate nl Selecteer de geindexeerde kolommen in hun gewenste volgorde
select this etemplate to delete it etemplate nl Select deze eTemplate om hem te verwijderen
select which accounts to show etemplate nl selecteer welke accounts u wilt weergeven
@ -356,6 +375,7 @@ to start the etemplate editor etemplate nl om de eTemplate editor te starten
to start the search etemplate nl om de zoekactie te starten
today etemplate nl Vandaag
top etemplate nl Bovenzijde
tree etemplate nl Boom
type etemplate nl Type
type of the column etemplate nl Kolomtype
type of the field (select label if field should be empty) etemplate nl veldtype (selecteer Label indiend veld leeg moet zijn)
@ -390,3 +410,5 @@ writes a 'etemplates.inc.php' file (for application in name) in the setup-dir of
xml-file to import etemplate nl XML-bestand om te importeren
xslt template etemplate nl XSLT Template
year etemplate nl Jaar
you are not allowed to export more then %1 entries! etemplate nl Je mag niet meer dan %1 items exporteren!
you can respond by visiting: etemplate nl Ju kunt reageren via:
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
%1 etemplates for application '%2' dumped to '%3' etemplate pt-br %1 eModelo para a aplicação '%2' copiado para '%3'
%1 etemplates found etemplate pt-br %1 eModelo encontrados
%1 matches on search criteria etemplate pt-br %1 encontrados para os critérios da busca
%1 more... etemplate pt-br mais %1...
%1 new etemplates imported for application '%2' etemplate pt-br %1 novo eModelo importado para a aplicação '%2'
%s disabled etemplate pt-br %s inativo
%s needed etemplate pt-br %s necessário
@ -10,9 +11,11 @@
%s onchange etemplate pt-br %s Sobre alteração
%s readonly etemplate pt-br %s apenas leitura
'%1' has an invalid format !!! etemplate pt-br '%1' está em um formato inválido !!!
'%1' is no php file in the egw server root (%2)! etemplate pt-br '%1' não é um arquivo php na pasta raiz do servidor eGW (%2)!
'%1' is not a valid date !!! etemplate pt-br '%1' não é uma data válida !!!
'%1' is not a valid floatingpoint number !!! etemplate pt-br %1' não é um número válido para o ponto flutuante!!!
'%1' is not a valid integer !!! etemplate pt-br %1' não é um inteiro válido!!!
'%1' is not allowed ('%2')! etemplate pt-br '%1' não é permitido ('%2')!
a pattern to be searched for etemplate pt-br um padrão a ser procurado
accesskey etemplate pt-br Tecla de atalho
accesskeys can also be specified with an & in the label (eg. &name) etemplate pt-br Teclas de atalho também pode ser especificadas com um '&' no rótulo (exemplo: &Nome).
@ -225,10 +228,12 @@ linklist etemplate pt-br Listar link
linkstring etemplate pt-br Texto para link
linkto etemplate pt-br Linkar para
load this template into the editor etemplate pt-br carregar este modelo para o editor
message ... etemplate pt-br Mensagem...
middle etemplate pt-br Meio
minute etemplate pt-br Minuto
minutes etemplate pt-br Minutos
month etemplate pt-br Mês
more than 1 match for '%1' etemplate pt-br mais de 1 combinação para '%1'
multicolumn indices etemplate pt-br Indices de multicolunas
name etemplate pt-br Nome
name of other table where column is a key from etemplate pt-br nome de outras tabelas onde a coluna é uma chave a partir de
@ -248,6 +253,7 @@ nextmatch sortheader etemplate pt-br Próximo campo - Classificar cabeçalho
no column to swap with !!! etemplate pt-br sem coluna para trocar !!!
no file etemplate pt-br sem arquivo
no filename given or selected via browse... etemplate pt-br sem nome de arquivo atribuído ou selecionado através do localizar...
no matches found etemplate pt-br Nenhuma combinação encontrada
no row to swap with !!! etemplate pt-br sem linha para trocar !!!
not null etemplate pt-br NÃO PODE SER VAZIO
nothing etemplate pt-br nada
@ -284,6 +290,7 @@ read etemplate from database (for the keys above) etemplate pt-br Ler eModelo da
readonly etemplate pt-br somente leitura
remove row (can not be undone!!!) etemplate pt-br remover Linha (NÃO pode ser desfeito!!!)
remove this link (not the entry itself) etemplate pt-br Remover este link (não a própria entrada)
required etemplate pt-br Requerido
returns savely, without deleting etemplate pt-br retornar ao documento salvo, SEM apagar
right etemplate pt-br Direita
row... etemplate pt-br Linha...
@ -403,3 +410,5 @@ writes a 'etemplates.inc.php' file (for application in name) in the setup-dir of
xml-file to import etemplate pt-br Importar arquivo xml
xslt template etemplate pt-br Modelo XSLT
year etemplate pt-br Ano
you are not allowed to export more then %1 entries! etemplate pt-br Você não tem permissão para exportar mais de %1 registros!
you can respond by visiting: etemplate pt-br Você pode responder acessando:
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
%1 etemplates for application '%2' dumped to '%3' etemplate sk %1 eŠablón pre aplikáciu '%2' urobilo výpis do '%3'
%1 etemplates found etemplate sk Našlo sa %1 eŠablón.
%1 matches on search criteria etemplate sk Nájdených bolo %1 zhôd s vyhľadávacím kritériom
%1 more... etemplate sk O %1 viac...
%1 new etemplates imported for application '%2' etemplate sk Naimportovaných %1 nových eŠablón pre aplikáciu '%2'
%s disabled etemplate sk %s je vypnuté
%s needed etemplate sk %s je potrebné
@ -10,9 +11,11 @@
%s onchange etemplate sk %s saMení
%s readonly etemplate sk %s lenNaČítanie
'%1' has an invalid format !!! etemplate sk '%1' má nesprávny formát !!!
'%1' is no php file in the egw server root (%2)! etemplate sk '%1' nie je php súborom v root adresári eGW servera (%2)!
'%1' is not a valid date !!! etemplate sk '%1' nie je platný dátum !!!
'%1' is not a valid floatingpoint number !!! etemplate sk '%1' nie je platné číslo s plávajúcou desatinnou čiarkou !!!
'%1' is not a valid integer !!! etemplate sk '%1' nie je platné celé číslo !!!
'%1' is not allowed ('%2')! etemplate sk '%1' NIE je dovolené ('%2')!
a pattern to be searched for etemplate sk hľadaný výraz
accesskey etemplate sk Prístupový kľúč
accesskeys can also be specified with an & in the label (eg. &name) etemplate sk Prístupový kľúč sa dá špecifikovať aj so znakom & v označení (napr. &Name)
@ -215,10 +218,12 @@ linklist etemplate sk Zoznam odkazov
linkstring etemplate sk Reťazec odkazu
linkto etemplate sk Odkázať Na
load this template into the editor etemplate sk načítať túto šablónu do editora
message ... etemplate sk Správa ...
middle etemplate sk Stred
minute etemplate sk Minúta
minutes etemplate sk Minút
month etemplate sk Mesiac
more than 1 match for '%1' etemplate sk Viac než 1 výskyt pre '%1'
name etemplate sk Meno
name of other table where column is a key from etemplate sk názov inej tabuľky, kde stĺpec je kľúčom z
name of table to add etemplate sk Názov tabuľky, ktorá sa má pridať
@ -231,6 +236,7 @@ nextmatch etemplate sk Ďalšia zhoda
no column to swap with !!! etemplate sk nemám žiadny stĺpec pre zámenu !!!
no file etemplate sk žiadny súbor
no filename given or selected via browse... etemplate sk nebol zadaný názov súboru, ani nebol vybratý pomocou "Prehľadávať"
no matches found etemplate sk Žiadna zhoda so zadaním vyhľadávania
no row to swap with !!! etemplate sk nemám žiadny riadok pre zámenu !!!
not null etemplate sk NIE NULL
nothing etemplate sk nič
@ -257,6 +263,7 @@ popup etemplate sk Vyskakovacie okno
precision etemplate sk Presnosť
primary key etemplate sk Primárny kľúč
primary key for the table, gets automaticaly indexed etemplate sk Primárny kľúč pre tabuľku, indexuje sa automaticky
radiobutton etemplate sk Tlačítko vypnutia
read etemplate sk Čítať
read a list of entries. etemplate sk Čítať zoznam záznamov
read a single entry by passing the id and fieldlist. etemplate sk Načítať jednotlivý záznam pomocou zadania id a zoznamu.
@ -264,6 +271,7 @@ read etemplate from database (for the keys above) etemplate sk načítať eŠabl
readonly etemplate sk iba na čítanie
remove row (can not be undone!!!) etemplate sk odstrániť Riadok (NEDÁ sa vrátiť späť!!!)
remove this link (not the entry itself) etemplate sk Odstrániť tento odkaz (nie záznam samotný)
required etemplate sk Vyžadované
returns savely, without deleting etemplate sk vracia sa BEZ odstraňovania
right etemplate sk Vpravo
row... etemplate sk Riadok...
@ -377,3 +385,5 @@ writes a 'etemplates.inc.php' file (for application in name) in the setup-dir of
xml-file to import etemplate sk xml súbor pre import
xslt template etemplate sk XSLT šablóna
year etemplate sk Rok
you are not allowed to export more then %1 entries! etemplate sk Nie je vám dovolené, exportovať viac než %1 záznamov!
you can respond by visiting: etemplate sk Odpovedať môžete na tejto adrese:
@ -1,115 +1,151 @@
%1 already exists as a file filemanager nl %1 bestaat reeds als een bestand.
application filemanager nl Toepassing
back to file manager filemanager nl Terug naar de Filemanager
cancel editing %1 without saving filemanager nl Annuleer het bewerken van %1 zonder te bewaren
cannot create directory because it begins or ends in a space filemanager nl Can de directory niet aanmaken omdat deze begint of eindigt met een spatie
cannot replace %1 because it is a directory filemanager nl Kan %1 niet vervangen omdat het een directory is.
command sucessfully run filemanager nl Commando met succes uitgevoerd.
comment filemanager nl Opmerking
comments cannot contain "%1" filemanager nl Opmerkingen kunnen geen "%1" bevatten.
copied %1 to %2 filemanager nl %1 gekopieerd naar %2.
copy to filemanager nl Kopiëren naar
copy to: filemanager nl Kopiëren naar:
could not copy %1 to %2 filemanager nl Kon %1 niet naar %2 kopiëren.
could not copy file because no destination directory is given filemanager nl Kon het bestand niet kopiëren omdat geen doel directory is opgegeven
could not create %1 filemanager nl Kon %1 niet aanmaken.
could not create directory %1 filemanager nl Kon directory %1 niet aanmaken.
could not delete %1 filemanager nl Kon %1 niet verwijderen.
could not move %1 to %2 filemanager nl Kon %1 niet verplaatsen naar %2.
could not move file because no destination directory is given filemanager nl Kon het bestand niet verplaatsen omdat geen doel directory is opgegeven
could not rename %1 to %2 filemanager nl Kon %1 niet hernoemen in %2.
could not save %1 filemanager nl Kon %1 niet opslaan.
%1 already exists as a file filemanager nl %1 bestaat reeds als een bestand
%1 directories and %2 files copied. filemanager nl %1 directories en %2 bestanden gekopieerd.
%1 directories and %2 files deleted. filemanager nl %1 directories en %2 bestanden verwijderd.
%1 errors copying (%2 diretories and %3 files copied)! filemanager nl %1 fouten tijdens kopiëren ((%2 directories en %3 bestanden gekopieerd)!
%1 errors deleteting (%2 directories and %3 files deleted)! filemanager nl %1 fouten tijdens verwijderen (%2 directories en %3 bestanden verwijderd)!
%1 errors moving (%2 files moved)! filemanager nl %1 fouten tijdens verplaatsen (%2 bestanden verplaatst)!
%1 files copied. filemanager nl %1 bestanden gekopieerd.
%1 files deleted. filemanager nl %1 bestanden verwijderd.
%1 files moved. filemanager nl %1 bestanden verplaatst.
%1 starts with '%2' filemanager nl %1 start met '%2'
%1 the following files into current directory filemanager nl %1de volgende bestanden naar de huidige directory
%1 urls %2 to clipboard. filemanager nl %1 URLs %2 naar het klembord.
accessrights filemanager nl Toegangsrechten
acl added. filemanager nl ACL toegevoegd.
acl deleted. filemanager nl ACL verwijderd.
actions filemanager nl Acties
all subdirectories filemanager nl Alle subdirectories
allow a maximum of the above configured folderlinks to be configured in settings admin nl staat een maximum van de hierboven ingestelde folderlinks toe om ingesteld te worden
and all it's childeren filemanager nl en alle kinderen
basedirectory filemanager nl Basisdirectory
cancel editing %1 without saving filemanager nl Annuleer het bewerken van %1 zonder op te slaan
cannot create directory because it begins or ends in a space filemanager nl Kan de directory niet aanmaken omdat de naam met en spatie begint of eindigt
check all filemanager nl Markeer alles
clear search filemanager nl zoekcriteria leegmaken
comment filemanager nl Commentaar
comments cannot contain "%1" filemanager nl Commentaar kan geen "%1" bevatten
copied filemanager nl gekopieerd
copied %1 to %2 filemanager nl %1 naar %2 gekopieerd
copy to filemanager nl Kopieer naar
copy to clipboard filemanager nl Kopieer naar klembord
could not copy %1 to %2 filemanager nl Kon %1 niet naar %2 kopieëren
could not copy file because no destination directory is given filemanager nl Kon het bestand niet kopieëren omdat geen bestemmingsdirectory is opgegeven
could not create %1 filemanager nl Kon %1 niet aanmaken
could not delete %1 filemanager nl Kon %1 niet verwijderen
could not move %1 to %2 filemanager nl Kon %1 niet naar %2 verplaatsen
could not move file because no destination directory is given filemanager nl Kon het bestand niet verplaatsen omdat geen bestemmingsdirectory is opgegeven
could not rename %1 to %2 filemanager nl Kon %1 niet hernoemen in %2
could not save %1 filemanager nl Kon %1 niet bewaren
create directory filemanager nl Directory aanmaken
create file filemanager nl Bestand aanmaken
create folder filemanager nl Directory aanmaken
created filemanager nl Aangemaakt
created %1 filemanager nl %1 aangemaakt.
created %1,%2 filemanager nl %1,%2 aangemaakt
created by filemanager nl Aangemaakt door
created directory %1 filemanager nl Directory %1 aangemaakt.
date filemanager nl Datum
default number of upload fields to show filemanager nl Standaard aantal te tonen uploadvelden
delete filemanager nl Verwijderen
create folder filemanager nl Folder aanmaken
created filemanager nl aangemaakt
created %1,%2 filemanager nl %1, %2 aangemaakt
created between filemanager nl aangemaakt tussen
created directory %1 filemanager nl Directory %1 aangemaakt
current directory filemanager nl Huidige directory
cut filemanager nl knippen
cut to clipboard filemanager nl Knippen naar klembord
delete this file or directory filemanager nl Verwijder dit bestand of deze directory
deleted %1 filemanager nl %1 verwijderd
directory filemanager nl Directory
directory %1 already exists filemanager nl Directory %1 bestaat reeds.
directory %1 does not exist filemanager nl Directory %1 bestaat niet.
directory names cannot contain "%1" filemanager nl Directorynamen kunnen geen "%1" bevatten.
display attributes filemanager nl Attributen weergeven
download filemanager nl Downloaden
edit filemanager nl Bewerken
edit comments filemanager nl Opmerkingen bewerken
error running command filemanager nl Fout bij het uitvoeren van commando
execute filemanager nl Uitvoeren
failed to create directory filemanager nl Het aanmaken van de directory is niet gelukt.
fake base dir did not exist, egroupware created a new one. filemanager nl Fake Base Dir bestond niet, eGroupWare heeft een nieuwe aangemaakt.
directory %1 already exists filemanager nl Directory %1 bestaat reeds
directory %1 does not exist filemanager nl Directory %1 bestaat niet
directory names cannot contain "%1" filemanager nl Directory namen kunnen geen "%1" bevatten
directory not found or no permission to access it! filemanager nl Directory niet gevonden of geen rechten om het te benaderen!
display and modification of content filemanager nl Weergave en modifcatie van inhoud
display of content filemanager nl Weergave van inhoud
download filemanager nl Download
edit comments filemanager nl Commentaar bewerken
edit settings filemanager nl Instellingen bewerken
enter the complete vfs path to specify a fast access link to a folder filemanager nl Vul het volledige VFS pad in om een snelkoppeling naar een folder te specificeren
enter the complete vfs path to specify your desired start folder. filemanager nl Vul het volledige VFS pad in om uw voorkeurs start folder te specificeren.
error adding the acl! filemanager nl Fout bij toevoegen van ACL!
error deleting the acl entry! filemanager nl Fout bij verwijderen van de ACL regel!
error uploading file! filemanager nl Fout bij uploaden van bestand!
executable filemanager nl Uitvoerbaar bestand
extended access control list filemanager nl Uitgebreide toegangscontrolelijst
extended acl filemanager nl Uitgebreide ACL
failed to create directory! filemanager nl Aanmaken van directory is mislukt!
file filemanager nl Bestand
file %1 already exists. please edit it or delete it first. filemanager nl Bestand %1 bestaat reeds.
file %1 could not be created. filemanager nl Bestand %1 kon niet worden aangemaakt.
file name filemanager nl Bestandsnaam
file names cannot contain "%1" filemanager nl Bestanden kunnen geen "%1" bevatten.
file names cannot contain \ or / filemanager nl Bestanden kunnen geen "\" of "/" bevatten.
filemanager common nl Filemanager
filemanager preferences filemanager nl Filemanager voorkeuren
files filemanager nl Bestanden
files in this directory filemanager nl Bestanden in deze folder
folder filemanager nl Directory
file %1 already exists. please edit it or delete it first. filemanager nl Bestand %1 bestaat reeds. Ga het wijzigen of verwijder het eerst.
file %1 could not be created. filemanager nl Bestand %1 kon niet aangemaakt worden.
file %1 may be too big. contact your systemadministrator for further info filemanager nl Bestand %1 is mogelijk te groot. Neem contact op met uw systeembeheerder voor meer informatie
file deleted. filemanager nl Bestand verwijderd.
file names cannot contain "%1" filemanager nl Bestandnamen kunnen geen "%1" bevatten
file or directory not found! filemanager nl Bestand of directory niet gevonden!
file successful uploaded. filemanager nl Bestandsupload met succes voltooid.
filemanager common nl Bestandsbeheerder
filemanager configuration admin nl bestandsbeheerder configuratie
files in this directory filemanager nl Bestanden in deze directory
folder up filemanager nl Folder omhoog
go home filemanager nl ga naar begin
general filemanager nl Algemeen
go home filemanager nl ga naar home
go to filemanager nl Ga naar
go to %1 filemanager nl Ga naar %1
go to your home directory filemanager nl Ga naar uw homedirectory
go to: filemanager nl Ga naar:
go up filemanager nl omhoog
home filemanager nl Home
go up filemanager nl naar boven
home directories filemanager nl Home directories
id filemanager nl ID
inherited filemanager nl Geërfd
link %1: %2 filemanager nl Link %1: %2
location filemanager nl Locatie
locked filemanager nl Gesloten
max folderlinks admin nl max folderlinks
maximum size for uploads filemanager nl Maximum grootte voor uploads
mime type filemanager nl MIME-type
modified filemanager nl Gewijzigd
modified by filemanager nl Gewijzigd door
move to filemanager nl Verplaatsen naar
move to: filemanager nl Verplaatsen naar:
modified between filemanager nl gewijzigd tussen
modify all subdirectories and their content filemanager nl Wijzig alle subdirectories en hun inhoud
move filemanager nl Verplaats
move to filemanager nl Verplaats naar
moved %1 to %2 filemanager nl %1 verplaatst naar %2
no files in this directory. filemanager nl Geen bestanden in deze folder.
no version history for this file/directory filemanager nl Geen versiegeschiedenis voor dit bestand of deze directory
operation filemanager nl Actie
other settings filemanager nl Overige instellingen
owner filemanager nl Eigenaar
please select a file to delete. filemanager nl Kies s.v.p. een bestand om te verwijderen.
preview %1 filemanager nl Preview %1
preview of %1 filemanager nl Preview van %1
quick jump to filemanager nl Snel naar
reload filemanager nl opnieuw opvragen
rename filemanager nl Hernoemen
renamed %1 to %2 filemanager nl %1 hernoemd naar %2
replaced %1 filemanager nl %1 vervangen
save %1 filemanager nl %1 opslaan
no access filemanager nl Geen toegang
no files in this directory. filemanager nl Geen bestanden in deze directory.
no preview available filemanager nl Geen afdrukvoorbeeld beschikbaar
no version history for this file/directory filemanager nl Geen versie historie voor dit bestand/deze directory
only owner can rename or delete the content filemanager nl Alleen de eigenaar kan de inhoud hernoemen of verwijderen
operation filemanager nl Bewerking
permission denied! filemanager nl Toestemming geweigerd!
permissions filemanager nl Toestemmingen
permissions changed for %1. filemanager nl Toestemmingen gewijzigd voor %1.
please select a file to delete. filemanager nl Selecteer svp een bestand om te verwijderen.
preview filemanager nl Afdrukvoorbeeld
preview %1 filemanager nl Afdrukvoorbeeld %1
preview of %1 filemanager nl Afdrukvoorbeeld van %1
properties saved. filemanager nl Eigenschappen opgeslagen.
quick jump to filemanager nl Snel springen naar
read & write access filemanager nl Lees en schrijf toegang
read access only filemanager nl Alleen lezen toegang
reload filemanager nl herladen
rename of %1 to %2 failed! filemanager nl Hernoemen van %1 in %2 is mislukt!
rename, change permissions or ownership filemanager nl Hernoemen, wijzig toestemmingen of eigendom
renamed %1 to %2 filemanager nl %1 hernoemd in %2
renamed %1 to %2. filemanager nl %1 hernoemd in %2
replaced %1 filemanager nl %1 is vervangen
rights filemanager nl Rechten
save %1 filemanager nl Bewaar %1
save %1, and go back to file listing filemanager nl Bewaar %1 en ga terug naar de bestandenlijst
save all filemanager nl Alles opslaan
save changes filemanager nl Bewaar wijzigingen
saved %1 filemanager nl %1 opgeslagen
show filemanager nl Weergeven
show .. filemanager nl .. weergeven
show .files filemanager nl Verborgen bestanden weergeven
show command line (experimental. dangerous.) filemanager nl Commandoinvoer weergeven (EXPERIMENTEEL EN GEVAARLIJK)
show help filemanager nl Help weergeven
save changes filemanager nl Wijzigingen bewaren
saved %1 filemanager nl %1 is bewaard
saving properties failed! filemanager nl Opslaan van eigenschappen is mislukt!
search for '%1' filemanager nl Zoek naar '%1'
searchstring filemanager nl zoektekst
select action... filemanager nl Kies actie...
select file to upload in current directory filemanager nl Selecteer bestand om in de huidige directory te uploaden
show filemanager nl Toon
show link to filemanagers basedirectory (/) in side box menu? filemanager nl Toon link naar bestandbeheerder's basisdirectory (/) in zijkant menu?
size filemanager nl Grootte
sort by: filemanager nl Sorteren op:
the future filemanager, now for testing purposes only, please send bugreports filemanager nl De toekomstige bestandsbeheerder, nu ALLEEN VOOR TEST DOELEINDEN, s.v.p. bugmeldingen insturen
sort folders always to the top? filemanager nl Sorteer folders altijd bovenaan?
start search filemanager nl start zoeken
the requested path %1 is not available. filemanager nl Het aangevraagde pad %1 is niet beschikbaar.
total files filemanager nl Totaal aantal bestanden
unknown mime-type defaults to text/plain when viewing filemanager nl Onbekend MIME-type standaard als text/plain weergeven
unused space filemanager nl Ongebruikte schijfruimte
unused space filemanager nl Ongebruikte ruimte
up filemanager nl Naar boven
update filemanager nl Bijgewerkt
updated comment for %1 filemanager nl Opmerking voor %1 bijgewerkt
upload filemanager nl Upload
upload fields filemanager nl uploadvelden
upload files filemanager nl Bestanden uploaden
use new experimental filemanager? filemanager nl Gebruik de nieuwe experimentele bestandsbeheerder?
used space filemanager nl Gebruikte schijfruimte
users filemanager nl Gebruikers
version filemanager nl Versie
view documents in new window filemanager nl Documenten in een nieuw venster weergeven
view documents on server (if available) filemanager nl Documenten op server weergeven (als dit mogelijk is)
who filemanager nl Wie
you do not have access to %1 filemanager nl U heeft geen toedang tot %1
your home dir did not exist, egroupware created a new one. filemanager nl Uw home directory bestond niet, eGroupWare heeft een nieuwe aangemaakt.
updated comment for %1 filemanager nl Commentaar voor %1 is bijgewerkt
used space filemanager nl Gebruikte ruimte
you do not have access to %1 filemanager nl U heeft geen toegang tot %1
you need to select an owner! filemanager nl U moet een eigenaar selecteren
you need to select some files first! filemanager nl U moet eerst enkele bestanden selecteren
you will be redirected to your home directory. filemanager nl U wordt omgeleid naar uw Home Directory
you will be redirected to your start folder. filemanager nl U wordt omgeleid naar uw Start Folder
your home dir did not exist, egroupware created a new one. filemanager nl Uw Home Dir bestond niet, eGroupware heeft een nieuwe aangemaakt.
your home directory filemanager nl Uw home directory
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
%1 already exists as a file filemanager pt-br %1 já existe como um arquivo
%1 directories and %2 files copied. filemanager pt-br %1 diretórios e %2 arquivos copiados.
%1 directories and %2 files deleted. filemanager pt-br %1 diretórios e %2 arquivos removidos.
%1 errors copying (%2 diretories and %3 files copied)! filemanager pt-br %1 erros copiando (%2 diretórios e %3 arquivos copiados)!
@ -6,6 +7,7 @@
%1 files copied. filemanager pt-br %1 arquivos copiados.
%1 files deleted. filemanager pt-br %1 arquivos removidos.
%1 files moved. filemanager pt-br %1 arquivos movidos.
%1 starts with '%2' filemanager pt-br %1 inicia com '%2'
%1 the following files into current directory filemanager pt-br %1 os seguintes arquivos para o diretório atual.
%1 urls %2 to clipboard. filemanager pt-br %1 URLs %2 para a área de transferência.
accessrights filemanager pt-br Direitos de acesso
@ -13,23 +15,51 @@ acl added. filemanager pt-br ACL adicionada
acl deleted. filemanager pt-br ACL removida.
actions filemanager pt-br Ações
all subdirectories filemanager pt-br Todos os subdiretórios
allow a maximum of the above configured folderlinks to be configured in settings admin pt-br permite um número máximo de links para pastas acima indicado, a serem definidos nas configurações
and all it's childeren filemanager pt-br e todos seus subdiretórios
basedirectory filemanager pt-br Diretório base
cancel editing %1 without saving filemanager pt-br Cancelar edição de %1 sem salvar
cannot create directory because it begins or ends in a space filemanager pt-br Não foi possível criar o diretório em razão do nome começar ou terminar com um espaço
check all filemanager pt-br Checar todos
clear search filemanager pt-br limpar pesquisa
comment filemanager pt-br Comentário
comments cannot contain "%1" filemanager pt-br Comentário não pode conter "%1"
copied filemanager pt-br copiado
copied %1 to %2 filemanager pt-br %1 copiado para %2
copy to filemanager pt-br Copiar para
copy to clipboard filemanager pt-br Copiar para a área de transferência
could not copy %1 to %2 filemanager pt-br Não foi possível copiar %1 para %2
could not copy file because no destination directory is given filemanager pt-br Não foi possível copiar o arquivo porque nenhum diretório destino foi informado
could not create %1 filemanager pt-br Não foi possível criar %1
could not delete %1 filemanager pt-br Não foi possível remover %1
could not move %1 to %2 filemanager pt-br Não foi possível mover %1 para %2
could not move file because no destination directory is given filemanager pt-br Não foi possível mover o arquivo porque nenhum diretório destino foi informado
could not rename %1 to %2 filemanager pt-br Não foi possível renomear %1 para %2
could not save %1 filemanager pt-br Não foi possível salvar %1
create directory filemanager pt-br Criar diretório
create file filemanager pt-br Criar arquivo
create folder filemanager pt-br Criar pasta
created filemanager pt-br Criado
created %1,%2 filemanager pt-br Criado %1,%2
created between filemanager pt-br criado entre
created directory %1 filemanager pt-br Criado diretório %1
current directory filemanager pt-br Diretório atual
cut filemanager pt-br recortar
cut to clipboard filemanager pt-br Recortar para a área de transferência
delete this file or directory filemanager pt-br Remover este arquivo ou diretório
deleted %1 filemanager pt-br Removido %1
directory filemanager pt-br Pasta
directory %1 already exists filemanager pt-br Diretório %1 já existe
directory %1 does not exist filemanager pt-br Diretório %1 não existe
directory names cannot contain "%1" filemanager pt-br Nomes de diretórios não podem conter "%1"
directory not found or no permission to access it! filemanager pt-br Diretório não encontrado ou sem permissão para acessá-lo!
display and modification of content filemanager pt-br Exibe a alteração do conteúdo
display of content filemanager pt-br Exibe o conteúdo
download filemanager pt-br Download
edit comments filemanager pt-br Editar comentários
edit settings filemanager pt-br Editar configurações
enter the complete vfs path to specify a fast access link to a folder filemanager pt-br Informe o caminho VFS completo para especificar um link rápido à pasta
enter the complete vfs path to specify your desired start folder. filemanager pt-br Informe o caminho VFS completo para especificar sua pasta inicial desejada.
error adding the acl! filemanager pt-br Erro editanto a ACL!
error deleting the acl entry! filemanager pt-br Erro removendo o registro ACL!
error uploading file! filemanager pt-br Erro carregando arquivo!
@ -37,39 +67,85 @@ executable filemanager pt-br Executável
extended access control list filemanager pt-br Lista de controle de acesso ampliada
extended acl filemanager pt-br ACL ampliada
failed to create directory! filemanager pt-br Falha ao criar diretório!
file filemanager pt-br Arquivo
file %1 already exists. please edit it or delete it first. filemanager pt-br Arquivo %1 já existe. Por favor, edite ou o remova primeiro.
file %1 could not be created. filemanager pt-br Arquivo %1 não pôde ser criado.
file %1 may be too big. contact your systemadministrator for further info filemanager pt-br Arquivo %1 pode ser muito grande. Entre em contato com o administrador do sistema para maiores informações.
file deleted. filemanager pt-br Arquivo removido.
file names cannot contain "%1" filemanager pt-br Nomes de arquivos não podem contem "%1"
file or directory not found! filemanager pt-br Arquivo ou diretório não encontrado!
file successful uploaded. filemanager pt-br Arquivo carregado com sucesso.
filemanager common pt-br Gerenciador de Arquivos
filemanager configuration admin pt-br configuração do Gerenciador de Arquivos
files in this directory filemanager pt-br Arquivos neste diretório
folder up filemanager pt-br Pasta acima
general filemanager pt-br Geral
go home filemanager pt-br ir à pasta Home
go to filemanager pt-br Ir Para
go to your home directory filemanager pt-br Ir para sua pasta Home
go to your home directory filemanager pt-br Ir à sua pasta Home
go up filemanager pt-br Acima
home directories filemanager pt-br Diretórios Home
id filemanager pt-br ID
inherited filemanager pt-br Herdado
link %1: %2 filemanager pt-br Link %1: %2
location filemanager pt-br Localização
max folderlinks admin pt-br máximo de links para pastas
maximum size for uploads filemanager pt-br Tamanho máximo para uploads
mime type filemanager pt-br Tipo MIME
modified filemanager pt-br Modificado
modified between filemanager pt-br moficiado entre
modify all subdirectories and their content filemanager pt-br Modificar todos os subdiretórios e seus conteúdos
move filemanager pt-br Mover
move to filemanager pt-br Mover para
moved %1 to %2 filemanager pt-br %1 movido para %2
no access filemanager pt-br Sem acesso
no files in this directory. filemanager pt-br Nenhum arquivo neste diretório
no preview available filemanager pt-br Pré-visualização indisponível
no version history for this file/directory filemanager pt-br Nenhum histórico de versões para este arquivo/diretório
only owner can rename or delete the content filemanager pt-br Apenas o proprietário pode renomear ou remover o conteúdo
operation filemanager pt-br Operação
permission denied! filemanager pt-br Permissão negada!
permissions filemanager pt-br Permissões
permissions changed for %1. filemanager pt-br Permissões alteradas para %1.
please select a file to delete. filemanager pt-br Por favor, selecione um arquivo para remoção.
preview filemanager pt-br Pré-visualização
preview %1 filemanager pt-br Pré-visualizar %1
preview of %1 filemanager pt-br Pré-visualização de %1
properties saved. filemanager pt-br Propriedades salvas.
quick jump to filemanager pt-br Saltar para
read & write access filemanager pt-br Acesso de leitura e gravação
read access only filemanager pt-br Somente acesso de leitura
reload filemanager pt-br recarregar
rename of %1 to %2 failed! filemanager pt-br Falha ao renomar %1 para %2
rename, change permissions or ownership filemanager pt-br Renomear, alterar permissões e propriedade
renamed %1 to %2. filemanager pt-br Renomeado %1 para %2.
renamed %1 to %2 filemanager pt-br %1 renomeado para %2
renamed %1 to %2. filemanager pt-br %1 renomeado para %2.
replaced %1 filemanager pt-br %1 trocado
rights filemanager pt-br Direitos
root filemanager pt-br root
save %1 filemanager pt-br Salvar %1
save %1, and go back to file listing filemanager pt-br Salvar %1 e voltar à lista de arquivos
save changes filemanager pt-br Salvar alterações
saved %1 filemanager pt-br %1 salvo
saving properties failed! filemanager pt-br Falha ao salvar propriedades!
search for '%1' filemanager pt-br Procurar por '%1'
searchstring filemanager pt-br parâmetro de pesquisa
select action... filemanager pt-br Selecionar ação...
select file to upload in current directory filemanager pt-br Selecionar arquivo para upload no diretório atual
show filemanager pt-br Exibir
show link to filemanagers basedirectory (/) in side box menu? filemanager pt-br Exibir link para o diretório base (/) na caixa lateral de menu?
size filemanager pt-br Tamanho
sort folders always to the top? filemanager pt-br Sempre ordernar pastas no topo?
start search filemanager pt-br iniciar procura
the requested path %1 is not available. filemanager pt-br O caminho solicitado %1 não está disponível.
total files filemanager pt-br Total de arquivos
unused space filemanager pt-br Espaço não utilizado
up filemanager pt-br Acima
updated comment for %1 filemanager pt-br Comentários para %1 atualizados
used space filemanager pt-br Espaço utilizado
you do not have access to %1 filemanager pt-br Você não possui acesso a %1
you need to select an owner! filemanager pt-br Você precisa selecionar um proprietário!
you need to select some files first! filemanager pt-br Você precisa selecionar alguns arquivos antes!
you will be redirected to your home directory. filemanager pt-br Você será redirecionado ao seu diretório Home
you will be redirected to your start folder. filemanager pt-br Você será redirecionado a sua Pasta Inicial
your home dir did not exist, egroupware created a new one. filemanager pt-br Seu diretório Home não existe, eGroupWare criou um novo.
your home directory filemanager pt-br Se diretório home
@ -1,125 +1,73 @@
%1 already exists as a file filemanager sk %1 už existuje ako súbor
application filemanager sk Aplikácia
back to file manager filemanager sk Naspäť na Správcu Súborov
cancel editing %1 without saving filemanager sk Zrušiť úpravu %1 bez uloženia zmien
cannot create directory because it begins or ends in a space filemanager sk Nemôžem vytvoriť adresár, pretože začína alebo končí medzerou
cannot replace %1 because it is a directory filemanager sk Nemôžem prepísať %1 pretože je to adresár
choosing dates where to-date is smaller than the from-date, will result in a search returning all entries but thoose between the two entered dates filemanager sk Ak vyberiete dátumy kde dátum konca je menší než dátum začiatku, výsledkom vyhľadávania budú všetky záznamy OKREM tých, ktoré ležia medzi zadanými dátumami
choosing only one date (from/to) will result in a search returning all entries older/younger than the entered date filemanager sk Ak vyberiete iba jeden dátum (od/do), výsledkom vyhľadávania budú všetky záznamy staršie/novšie než zadaný dátum
%1 directories and %2 files copied. filemanager sk %1 adresárov a %2 súborov bolo skopírovaných.
%1 directories and %2 files deleted. filemanager sk %1 adresárov a %2 súborov bolo odstránených.
%1 errors copying (%2 diretories and %3 files copied)! filemanager sk %1 chýb počas kopírovania (%2 adresárov a %3 súborov bolo skopírovaných)!
%1 errors deleteting (%2 directories and %3 files deleted)! filemanager sk %1 chýb počas odstraňovania (%2 adresárov a %3 súborov bolo odstránených)!
%1 errors moving (%2 files moved)! filemanager sk %1 chýb počas presúvania (%2 súborov bolo presunutých)!
%1 files copied. filemanager sk %1 súborov bolo skopírovaných.
%1 files deleted. filemanager sk %1 súborov bolo odstránených.
%1 files moved. filemanager sk %1 súborov bolo presunutých.
%1 the following files into current directory filemanager sk %1 nasledovné súbory do súčasného adresára
%1 urls %2 to clipboard. filemanager sk %1 URL %2 do schránky.
accessrights filemanager sk Prístupové oprávnenia
acl added. filemanager sk ACL bolo pridané.
acl deleted. filemanager sk ACL bolo odstránené.
actions filemanager sk Akcie
all subdirectories filemanager sk Všetky podadresáre
and all it's childeren filemanager sk a všetkých jeho potomkov
check all filemanager sk Označiť všetko
clear search filemanager sk vyčistiť hľadanie
command sucessfully run filemanager sk Príkaz bol úspešne spustený
comment filemanager sk Komentár
comments cannot contain "%1" filemanager sk Komentáre nemôžu obsahovať %1
copied %1 to %2 filemanager sk Skopíroval som %1 do %2
copy to filemanager sk Kopírovať do
copy to: filemanager sk Kopírovať do:
could not copy %1 to %2 filemanager sk Nepodarilo sa skopírovať %1 do %2
could not copy file because no destination directory is given filemanager sk Nepodarilo sa skopírovať súbor, pretože nebol zadaný cieľový adresár
could not create %1 filemanager sk Nepodarilo sa vytvoriť %1
could not create directory %1 filemanager sk Nepodarilo sa vytvoriť adresár %1
could not delete %1 filemanager sk Nepodarilo sa odstrániť %1
could not move %1 to %2 filemanager sk Nepodarilo sa presunúť %1 do %2
could not move file because no destination directory is given filemanager sk Nepodarilo sa presunúť súbor, pretože nebol zadaný cieľový adresár
could not rename %1 to %2 filemanager sk Nepodarilo sa premenovať %1 na %2
could not save %1 filemanager sk Nepodarilo sa uložiť %1
create file filemanager sk Vytvoriť súbor
create folder filemanager sk Vytvoriť priečinok
copied filemanager sk skopírované
copy to clipboard filemanager sk Kopírovať do schránky
create directory filemanager sk Vytvoriť adresár
created filemanager sk vytvorené
created %1 filemanager sk %1 bolo vytvorené
created %1,%2 filemanager sk %1, %2 bolo vytvorené
created between filemanager sk vytvorené medzi
created by filemanager sk Vytvoril
created directory %1 filemanager sk Bol vytvorený adresár %1
date filemanager sk Dátum
default number of upload fields to show filemanager sk Predvolený počet polí pre odovzdanie, ktoré sa zobrazia
delete filemanager sk Odstrániť
deleted %1 filemanager sk %1 bolo odstránené
current directory filemanager sk Súčasný adresár
cut filemanager sk Vystrihnúť
cut to clipboard filemanager sk Vystrihnúť do schránky
delete this file or directory filemanager sk Odstrániť tento súbor alebo adresár
directory filemanager sk Adresár
directory %1 already exists filemanager sk Adresár %1 už existuje
directory %1 does not exist filemanager sk Adresár %1 neexistuje
directory names cannot contain "%1" filemanager sk Názov adresára nesmie obsahovať "%1"
display attributes filemanager sk Zobraziť atribúty
download filemanager sk Stiahnuť
edit filemanager sk Upraviť
edit comments filemanager sk Upraviť komentáre
error running command filemanager sk Chyba pri vykonávaní príkazu
execute filemanager sk Vykonať
failed to create directory filemanager sk Nepodarilo sa vytvoriť adresár
fake base dir did not exist, egroupware created a new one. filemanager sk Falošný základný adresár neexistoval, eGroupWare preto vytvoril nový.
file filemanager sk Súbor
file %1 already exists. please edit it or delete it first. filemanager sk Súbor %1 už existuje. Prosím upravte ho alebo najprv odstráňte.
file %1 could not be created. filemanager sk Súbor %1 sa nepodarilo vytvoriť.
file %1 may be too big. contact your systemadministrator for further info filemanager sk Súbor %1 je možno priveľký. Kontaktujte svojho správcu systému pre ďalšie informácie.
file name filemanager sk Názov súboru
file names cannot contain or / filemanager sk Názvy súborov nesmú obsahovať \ alebo /
file names cannot contain "%1" filemanager sk Názvý súborov nesmú obsahovať "%1"
file names cannot contain \ or / filemanager sk Názvy súborov nesmú obsahovať \ alebo /
directory not found or no permission to access it! filemanager sk Adresár sa nenašiel alebo nemáme k nemu prístupové práva!
display and modification of content filemanager sk Zobrazenie a úprava obsahu
display of content filemanager sk Zobrazenie obsahu
edit settings filemanager sk Upraviť nastavenia
error adding the acl! filemanager sk Chyba počas pridávania ACL!
error deleting the acl entry! filemanager sk Chyba počas odstraňovania záznamu ACL!
error uploading file! filemanager sk Chyba počas odovzdávania súboru!
executable filemanager sk Spustiteľný
extended access control list filemanager sk Rozšírený zoznam prístupových oprávnení (ACL)
extended acl filemanager sk Rozšírený ACL
failed to create directory! filemanager sk Vytvorenie adresára sa nepodarilo!
file deleted. filemanager sk Súbor bol odstránený.
file or directory not found! filemanager sk Súbor alebo adresár sa nenašiel!
file successful uploaded. filemanager sk Súbor bol úspešne odovzdaný.
filemanager common sk Správca Súborov
filemanager preferences filemanager sk Predvoľby Správcu Súborov
files filemanager sk Súbory
files in this directory filemanager sk Súbory v tomto adresári
folder filemanager sk Priečinok
folder up filemanager sk O priečinok vyššie
go home filemanager sk domov
general filemanager sk Všeobecné
go to filemanager sk Choď na
go to %1 filemanager sk Choď na %1
go to your home directory filemanager sk Choď do svojho domovského adresára
go to: filemanager sk Choď na:
go up filemanager sk Choď vyššie
home filemanager sk Domov
id filemanager sk Id
location filemanager sk Umiestnenie
locked filemanager sk Zamknuté
maximum size for uploads filemanager sk Maximálna veľkosť pre odovzdané súbory
mime type filemanager sk MIME typ
modified filemanager sk Zmenené
modified between filemanager sk Zmenené medzi
modified by filemanager sk Zmenené (kým)
move to filemanager sk Presunúť do
move to: filemanager sk Presunúť do:
moved %1 to %2 filemanager sk Presunuté %1 do %2
no files in this directory. filemanager sk V tomto adresári nie sú žiadne súbory.
no version history for this file/directory filemanager sk Žiadna história verzií pre tento súbor / adresár
operation filemanager sk Operácia
other settings filemanager sk Iné nastavenia
owner filemanager sk Vlastník
please select a file to delete. filemanager sk Prosím vyberte súbor ktorý sa má odstrániť.
preview %1 filemanager sk Náhľad %1
preview of %1 filemanager sk Náhľad %1
quick jump to filemanager sk Rýchly skok na
reload filemanager sk znovunačítať
rename filemanager sk Premenovať
renamed %1 to %2 filemanager sk Premenované %1 na %2
replaced %1 filemanager sk Prepísané %1
save %1 filemanager sk Uložiť %1
save %1, and go back to file listing filemanager sk Uložiť %1, a vrátiť sa na zoznam súborov
save all filemanager sk Uložiť všetko
save changes filemanager sk Uložiť zmeny
saved %1 filemanager sk %1 bolo uložené
modify all subdirectories and their content filemanager sk Upraviť všetky podadresáre a ich obsah
move filemanager sk Presunúť
no access filemanager sk Bez prístupu
no preview available filemanager sk Nie je k dispozícii žiadny náhľad
only owner can rename or delete the content filemanager sk Iba vlastník môže premenovať alebo odstrániť obsah
permission denied! filemanager sk Prístup bol odopretý!
permissions filemanager sk Prístupové oprávnenia
permissions changed for %1. filemanager sk Prístupové oprávnenia sa zmenili pre %1.
preview filemanager sk Náhľad
read & write access filemanager sk Prístup na čítanie a zápis
read access only filemanager sk Prístup iba na čítanie
rename, change permissions or ownership filemanager sk Premenovať, zmeniť prístupové oprávnenia alebo vlastníctvo
renamed %1 to %2. filemanager sk Premenované %1 na %2.
rights filemanager sk Oprávnenia
searchstring filemanager sk Hľadaný reťazec
show filemanager sk Ukázať
show .. filemanager sk Ukázať ..
show .files filemanager sk Ukázať .súbory
show command line (experimental. dangerous.) filemanager sk Ukázať príkazový riadok (EXPERIMENTÁLNE. NEBEZPEČNÉ.)
show help filemanager sk Ukáž Pomoc
select action... filemanager sk Vyberte akciu...
select file to upload in current directory filemanager sk Vyberte súbor, ktorý sa má odovzdať, v súčasnom adresári
size filemanager sk Veľkosť
sort by: filemanager sk Triediť podľa:
start search filemanager sk Hľadaj
the future filemanager, now for testing purposes only, please send bugreports filemanager sk Budúci Správca Súborov, zatiaľ LEN PRE TESTOVACIE ÚČELY, prosím posielajte správy o chybách
total files filemanager sk Súborov celkovo
unknown mime-type defaults to text/plain when viewing filemanager sk Neznámy MIME typ sa predvolene chápe ako text/plain pri pokuse o zobrazenie
unused space filemanager sk Nevyužitý priestor
up filemanager sk Hore
update filemanager sk Aktualizácia
updated comment for %1 filemanager sk Aktualizovaný komentár pre %1
upload filemanager sk Nahrať
upload fields filemanager sk Nahrať položky
upload files filemanager sk Nahrať súbory
use new experimental filemanager? filemanager sk Použiť nového experimentálneho Správcu Súborov?
used space filemanager sk Použitý priestor
users filemanager sk Používatelia
version filemanager sk Verzia
view documents in new window filemanager sk Zobraziť dokumenty v novom okne
view documents on server (if available) filemanager sk Zobraziť dokumenty na serveri (ak sa dá)
who filemanager sk Kto
you do not have access to %1 filemanager sk Nemáte prístup ku %1
your home dir did not exist, egroupware created a new one. filemanager sk Váš domovský adresár neexistoval, eGroupWare vytvoril nový.
you need to select an owner! filemanager sk Najprv musíte vybrať vlastníka!
you need to select some files first! filemanager sk Najprv musíte vybrať nejaké súbory!
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
%1 already exists as a file filemanager sl %1 že obstaja kot datoteka
%1 directories and %2 files copied. filemanager sl %1 map in %2 datotek je bilo kopiranih.
%1 directories and %2 files deleted. filemanager sl %1 map in %2 datotek je bilo izbrisanih.
%1 errors copying (%2 diretories and %3 files copied)! filemanager sl %1 napak med kopiranjem (%2 map in %3 datotek je bilo kopiranih).
@ -6,23 +7,143 @@
%1 files copied. filemanager sl %1 datotek je bilo kopiranih.
%1 files deleted. filemanager sl %1 datotek je bilo izbrisanih.
%1 files moved. filemanager sl %1 datotek je bilo premaknjenih.
%1 starts with '%2' filemanager sl %1 se začne z '%2'
%1 the following files into current directory filemanager sl %1 sledečo datoteko v trenutno mapo.
%1 urls %2 to clipboard. filemanager sl %1 URL %2 v odložišče.
accessrights filemanager sl Pravice dostopa
acl added. filemanager sl ACL dodan.
acl deleted. filemanager sl ACL izbrisan.
actions filemanager sl Dejanja
all subdirectories filemanager sl Vse podmape
allow a maximum of the above configured folderlinks to be configured in settings admin sl Dovoli največ toliko nastavitev povezav do map.
and all it's childeren filemanager sl in vse njihove podmape
basedirectory filemanager sl Osnovna mapa
cancel editing %1 without saving filemanager sl Prekini urejanje %1 brez shranjevanja
cannot create directory because it begins or ends in a space filemanager sl Mapa ne more biti ustvarjena, ker se začne ali konča s presledkom.
check all filemanager sl Preveri vse
clear search filemanager sl Izbriši iskanje
comment filemanager sl Komentar
comments cannot contain "%1" filemanager sl Komentarji ne smejo vsebovati "%1".
copied filemanager sl Kopirano
copied %1 to %2 filemanager sl %1 prekopirano v %2.
copy to filemanager sl Kopiraj v
copy to clipboard filemanager sl Kopiraj v odložišče
could not copy %1 to %2 filemanager sl Ne morem kopirati %1 v %2.
could not copy file because no destination directory is given filemanager sl Datoteke ni mogoče kopirati, ker ni podana ciljna mapa.
could not create %1 filemanager sl Ne morem ustvariti %1
could not delete %1 filemanager sl Ne morem izbrisati %1
could not move %1 to %2 filemanager sl Ne morem prenesti %1 v %2
could not move file because no destination directory is given filemanager sl Datoteke ni mogoče premakniti, ker ni podana ciljna mapa.
could not rename %1 to %2 filemanager sl Ne morem preimenovati %1 v %2
could not save %1 filemanager sl Ne morem shraniti %1
create directory filemanager sl Ustvari mapo
create file filemanager sl Ustvari datoteko
create folder filemanager sl Ustvari mapo
created filemanager sl Ustvarjeno
created %1,%2 filemanager sl Ustvarjen %1,%2
created between filemanager sl Ustvarjeno med
created directory %1 filemanager sl Ustvarjena mapa %1
current directory filemanager sl Trenutna mapa
cut filemanager sl Izreži
cut to clipboard filemanager sl Izreži v odložišče
delete this file or directory filemanager sl Izbriši to datoteko ali mapo
deleted %1 filemanager sl Izbrisano %1
directory filemanager sl Mapa
directory %1 already exists filemanager sl Mapa %1 že obstaja
directory %1 does not exist filemanager sl Mapa %1 ne obstaja
directory names cannot contain "%1" filemanager sl Imena map ne smejo vsebovati "%1"
directory not found or no permission to access it! filemanager sl Mapa ni ila najdena ali pa nimate pravic za dostop!
display and modification of content filemanager sl Prikaz in sprememba vsebine
display of content filemanager sl Prikaz vsebine
download filemanager sl Prenesi
edit comments filemanager sl Uredi komentarje
edit settings filemanager sl Uredi nastavitve
enter the complete vfs path to specify a fast access link to a folder filemanager sl Vnesite celotno pot VFS, da določite hiter dostop do mape.
enter the complete vfs path to specify your desired start folder. filemanager sl Vnesite celotno pot VFS, da določite želeno začetno mapo.
error adding the acl! filemanager sl Napaka pri dodajanju ACL!
error deleting the acl entry! filemanager sl Napaka pri brisanju ACL!
error uploading file! filemanager sl Napaka pri prenosu datoteke!
executable filemanager sl Izvršilna
extended access control list filemanager sl Razširjen seznam kontrol dostopa
extended acl filemanager sl Razširjen ACL
failed to create directory! filemanager sl Napaka pri ustvarjanju mape!
file filemanager sl Datoteka
file %1 already exists. please edit it or delete it first. filemanager sl Datoteka %1 že obstaja. Najprej jo uredite ali izbrišite.
file %1 could not be created. filemanager sl Ne morem ustvariti datoteke %1.
file %1 may be too big. contact your systemadministrator for further info filemanager sl Mgooče je datoteka %1 prevelika. Za več informacij kontaktirajte sistemskega administratorja.
file deleted. filemanager sl Datoteka izbrisana.
file names cannot contain "%1" filemanager sl Imena datotek ne smejo vsebovati "%1"
file or directory not found! filemanager sl Datoteka ali mapa ni bila najdena.
file successful uploaded. filemanager sl Datoteka je bila uspešno prenesena.
filemanager common sl Upravljalec datotek
filemanager configuration admin sl Nastavitev Upravljalca datotek
files in this directory filemanager sl Datoteke v mapi
folder up filemanager sl Nadrejena mapa
general filemanager sl Splošno
go home filemanager sl Pojdi domov
go to filemanager sl Pojdi na
go to your home directory filemanager sl Pojdi na domačo mapo
go up filemanager sl Pojdi navzgor
home directories filemanager sl Domače mape
id filemanager sl Šifra
inherited filemanager sl Podedovano
link %1: %2 filemanager sl Povezava %1: %2
location filemanager sl Lokacija
max folderlinks admin sl Največje število povezav do map
maximum size for uploads filemanager sl Največja velikost za prenos
mime type filemanager sl MIME tip
modified filemanager sl Spremenjeno
modified between filemanager sl Spremenjeno med
modify all subdirectories and their content filemanager sl Spremeni vse podmape in njihvo vsebino
move filemanager sl Premakni
move to filemanager sl Premakni v
moved %1 to %2 filemanager sl %1 je bilo premaknjeno v %2
no access filemanager sl Ni dostopa
no files in this directory. filemanager sl V tej mapi ni datotek
no preview available filemanager sl Predogled ni na voljo
no version history for this file/directory filemanager sl Ni zgodovine različic za to datoteko/mapo.
only owner can rename or delete the content filemanager sl Samo lastnik sme preimenovati ali izbrisati vsebino
operation filemanager sl Operacija
permission denied! filemanager sl Dostop zavrnjen!
permissions filemanager sl Pravice
permissions changed for %1. filemanager sl Pravice spremenjene za %1.
please select a file to delete. filemanager sl Izberite datoteko za brisanje.
preview filemanager sl Predogled
preview %1 filemanager sl Predogled %1
preview of %1 filemanager sl Predogled %1
quick jump to filemanager sl Hiter skok v
read & write access filemanager sl Pravice branja in pisanja
read access only filemanager sl Dostop samo za branje
reload filemanager sl Osveži
rename of %1 to %2 failed! filemanager sl Preimenovanje %1 v %1 ni bilo uspešno!
rename, change permissions or ownership filemanager sl Preimenuj, spremeni previce ali lastništvo
renamed %1 to %2 filemanager sl %1 je bilo preimenovano v %2
renamed %1 to %2. filemanager sl %1 je bila preimenovana v %2.
replaced %1 filemanager sl Zamenjana %1
rights filemanager sl Pravice
save %1 filemanager sl Shrani %1
save %1, and go back to file listing filemanager sl Shrani %1 in se vrni na seznam datotek
save changes filemanager sl Shrani spremembe
saved %1 filemanager sl Shranjen %1
search for '%1' filemanager sl Išči '%1'
searchstring filemanager sl Iskani niz
select action... filemanager sl Izberite dejanje ...
select file to upload in current directory filemanager sl Izberite datoteko za prenos v trenutno mapo
show filemanager sl Prikaži
show link to filemanagers basedirectory (/) in side box menu? filemanager sl Prikažem povezavo do osnovne mape Upravljalca datotek (/) v stranski menijski vrstici?
size filemanager sl Velikost
sort folders always to the top? filemanager sl Naj bodo mape vedno urejene?
start search filemanager sl Začni iskanje
the requested path %1 is not available. filemanager sl Pot %1 ni na voljo.
total files filemanager sl Vseh datotek
unused space filemanager sl Neuporabljen prostor
up filemanager sl Navzgor
updated comment for %1 filemanager sl Komentar za %1 je bil posodobljen
used space filemanager sl Uporabljen prostor
you do not have access to %1 filemanager sl Nimate dostopa do %1
you need to select an owner! filemanager sl Izbrati morate lastnika!
you need to select some files first! filemanager sl Najprej morate izbrati nekaj datotek!
you will be redirected to your home directory. filemanager sl Preusmerjeni boste v vašo domačo mapo.
you will be redirected to your start folder. filemanager sl Preusmerjeni boste v vašo začetno mapo.
your home dir did not exist, egroupware created a new one. filemanager sl Vaša domača mapa ni obstajala. eGroupWare jo je ustvaril.
your home directory filemanager sl Vaša domača mapa
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
allowed users importexport nl Toegestane gebruikers
automatically created by importexport importexport nl Automatisch aangemaakt door importexport
choose a name for this definition importexport nl Kies een naam voor deze definitie
choose a plugin importexport nl Kies een plugin
choose an application importexport nl Kies een toepassing
delete all selected definitions importexport nl verwijder ALLE geselecteerde definities
expert options importexport nl Expert opties
export importexport nl Export
export all selected definitions importexport nl exporteer ALLE geselecteerde definities
finish importexport nl beëindig
general importexport nl Algemeen
import definitions (attension: existing definitions with equal names will be overwritten!!!) importexport nl Importdefinities (Let op: Bestaande definities met dezelfde naam worden overschreven!!!)
importexport wizard finished successfully! importexport nl ImportExport wizard is succesvol geëindigd!
next importexport nl volgende
preview importexport nl Voorbeeld
previous importexport nl vorige
save as definition importexport nl Bewaar als definitie
select definition importexport nl Selecteer definitie
select plugin importexport nl Selecteer plugin
some nice text importexport nl een fraaie uitleg
which useres are allowed for this definition importexport nl Welke gebruikers mogen deze definitie gebruiken
you need to select an app and format first! importexport nl U moet eerst een toepassing en formaat selecteren!
@ -1,13 +1,16 @@
allowed users importexport pt-br Usuários permitidos
automatically created by importexport importexport pt-br Automaticamente criado por importar/exportar
choose a name for this definition importexport pt-br Escolha um nome para esta definição
choose a plugin importexport pt-br EScolha um plugin
choose an application importexport pt-br Escolha uma aplicação
delete all selected definitions importexport pt-br remover TODAS as definições selecionadas
expert options importexport pt-br Opções avançadas
export importexport pt-br Exportar
export all selected definitions importexport pt-br exportar TODAS as definições selecionadas
finish importexport pt-br terminar
general importexport pt-br Geral
import definitions (attension: existing definitions with equal names will be overwritten!!!) importexport pt-br Importar definições (Atenção: definições existentes com nomes iguais serão substituídas!!!)
importexport wizard finished successfully! importexport pt-br Assistente de importação/exportação terminado com sucesso!
next importexport pt-br próximo
preview importexport pt-br Pré-visualização
previous importexport pt-br anterior
@ -16,3 +19,4 @@ select definition importexport pt-br Selecionar definição
select plugin importexport pt-br Selecionar plugin
some nice text importexport pt-br algum texto legal
which useres are allowed for this definition importexport pt-br Quais usuários são permitidos para esta definição
you need to select an app and format first! importexport pt-br Você deve selecionar um aplicativo e um formato primeiro!
@ -1,13 +1,16 @@
allowed users importexport sk Oprávnení používatelia
automatically created by importexport importexport sk Automaticky vytvorené aplikáciou importexport
choose a name for this definition importexport sk Zvoľte názov pre túto definíciu
choose a plugin importexport sk Zvoľte zásuvný modul (plugin)
choose an application importexport sk Zvoľte aplikáciu
delete all selected definitions importexport sk Odstrániť VŠETKY vybrané definície
expert options importexport sk Možnosti pre expertov
export importexport sk Export
export all selected definitions importexport sk Exportovať VŠETKY vybrané definície
finish importexport sk Dokončiť
general importexport sk Hlavné
import definitions (attension: existing definitions with equal names will be overwritten!!!) importexport sk Importovať definície (Pozor: Existujúce definície so zhodnými názvami sa prepíšu!!)
importexport wizard finished successfully! importexport sk Sprievodca ImportExport bol úspešne ukončený!
next importexport sk Ďalšie
preview importexport sk Náhľad
previous importexport sk Predchádzajúce
@ -16,3 +19,4 @@ select definition importexport sk Vybrať definíciu
select plugin importexport sk Vybrať zásuvný modul
some nice text importexport sk nejaký pekný text
which useres are allowed for this definition importexport sk Ktorí používatelia sú oprávnení pre túto definíciu
you need to select an app and format first! importexport sk Najprv potrebujete vybrať aplikáciu a formát!
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
%1 days in advance infolog el %1 ημέρες προκαταβολικά
%1 days in advance infolog el %1 ημέρες πριν
%1 deleted infolog el %1 διαγράφηκαν
%1 deleted by %2 at %3 infolog el %1 διαγράφηκαν από %2 στις %3
%1 modified infolog el %1 επεξεργάστηκαν
%1 modified by %2 at %3 infolog el %1 επεξεργάστηκαν από %2 στις %3
%1 records imported infolog el %1 εγγραφές εισήχθησαν
%1 records read (not yet imported, you may go %2back%3 and uncheck test import) infolog el Έχουν διαβαστεί %1 εγγραφές(δεν έχουν ακόμα εισαχθεί,μπορείτε να πάτε %2πίσω%3 και να ξετσεκάρετε το Τεστ Εισαγωγής)
%1 records read (not yet imported, you may go %2back%3 and uncheck test import) infolog el Έχουν διαβαστεί %1 εγγραφές (δεν έχουν εισαχθεί ακόμη, μπορείτε να πάτε %2 πίσω %3 και να ξετσεκάρετε το Τεστ Εισαγωγής)
- subprojects from infolog el - Υποκατηγορίες σχεδίων από
0% infolog el 0%
10% infolog el 10%
@ -81,8 +81,9 @@ date completed (leave it empty to have it automatic set if status is done or bil
datecreated infolog el ορίστηκε συνάντηση
dates, status, access infolog el Συναντήσεις, Κατάσταση,Είσοδος
days infolog el ημέρες
default categorie for new infolog entries infolog el Προκαθορισμένη κατηγορία για νέες καταχωρήσεις στο InfoLog
default filter for infolog infolog el Προκαθορισμένο Φίλτρο για το InfoLog
default status for a new log entry infolog el προκαθορισμένη κατάσταση για μια νέα είσοδο
default status for a new log entry infolog el προκαθορισμένη κατάσταση για νέες καταχωρήσεις
delegated infolog el εξουσιοδοτήθηκε
delegated open infolog el εξουσιοδοτημένα ανοικτά
delegated overdue infolog el εξουσιοδοτημένα καθυστερημένα
@ -108,10 +109,9 @@ do you want a notification, if items you created get updated? infolog el Επι
do you want a notification, if items you delegated are about to start? infolog el Επιθυμείτε ειδοποίηση, αν αντικείμενα για τα οποία είστε εξουσιοδοτημένος πρόκειται να ξεκινήσουν;
do you want a notification, if items you delegated are due? infolog el Επιθυμείτε ειδοποίηση, αν αντικείμενα για τα οποία είστε εξουσιοδοτημένος έχουν καθυστερήσει;
do you want to receive notifications as html-mails or plain text? infolog el Επιθυμείτε να λαμβάνετε ειδοποιήσεις ως html-mails ή απλό κείμενο;
do you want to see custom infolog types in the calendar? infolog el Επιθυμείτε να βλέπετε τους προσαρμοσμένους Infolog τύπους στο ημερολόγιο;
don't show infolog infolog el ΜΗΝ εμφανίζετε το InfoLog
done infolog el ολοκληρώθηκε
download infolog el Φορτώστε
download infolog el Download
duration infolog el Διάρκεια
each value is a line like <id>[=<label>] infolog el κάθε αξία είναι μία γραμμή όπως <id>[=<label>]
edit infolog el Προσαρμογή
@ -120,17 +120,18 @@ edit rights (full edit rights incl. making someone else responsible!) infolog el
edit status infolog el Επιμέλεια κατάστασης
edit the entry infolog el Επιμέλεια της καταχώρησης
edit this entry infolog el Επιμέλεια αυτής της καταχώρησης
empty for all infolog el άδειο για όλα
empty for all infolog el κενό για όλα
enddate infolog el Προθεσμία λήξης
enddate can not be before startdate infolog el Η προθεσμία λήξης δεν μπορεί να είναι προηγούμενη της ημερομηνίας έναρξης
enter a custom contact, leave empty if linked entry should be used infolog el είσοδος σε μία προσαρμοσμένη επαφή, να μείνει κενή αν πρέπει να χρησιμοποιηθεί συνδεδεμένη καταχώρηση
enter a custom phone/email, leave empty if linked entry should be used infolog el είσοδος σε ένα προσαρμοσμένο τηλέφωνο/email, να μένει κενό αν πρέπει να χρησιμοποιηθεί συνδεδεμένη καταχώρηση
enter a textual description of the log-entry infolog el Πληκτρολογήστε μία περιγραφή κειμένου για την καταχώρηση
enter the query pattern infolog el Είσοδος στο πρότυπο αποριών
error: saving the entry infolog el Σφάλμα:κατά την αποθήκευση της καταχώρησης
enter the query pattern infolog el Enter the query pattern
error: saving the entry infolog el Σφάλμα: κατά την αποθήκευση της καταχώρησης
error: the entry has been updated since you opened it for editing! infolog el Σφάλμα:η καταχώρηση έχει ενημερωθεί από όταν την ανοίξατε για προσαρμογή!
existing links infolog el Υπάρχοντες σύνδεσμοι
fax infolog el Fax
field must not be empty !!! infolog el Το πεδίο δεν πρέπει να μείνει κενό !!!
fieldseparator infolog el Διαχωριστής πεδίων
finish infolog el τέλος
for which types should this field be used infolog el για ποιους τύπους να χρησιμοποιηθεί αυτό το πεδίο
@ -169,6 +170,7 @@ link infolog el Σύνδεσμος
links infolog el Σύνδεσμοι
links of this entry infolog el Σύνδεσμοι αυτής της καταχώρησης
list all categories infolog el Να μπουν σε λίστα όλες οι κατηγορίες
list no subs/childs infolog el Να μην εμφανίζονται οι υπο- καταχωρήσεις
location infolog el Τοποθεσία
longer textual description infolog el εκτενέστερη περιγραφή κειμένου
low infolog el χαμηλή
@ -186,6 +188,7 @@ no details infolog el συνοπτικά
no entries found, try again ... infolog el δεν βρέθηκαν καταχωρήσεις, προσπαθήστε ξανά
no filter infolog el κανένα Φίλτρο
no links or attachments infolog el κανένα φίλτρο ή επισυνάψεις
nonactive infolog el ανενεργό
none infolog el Κανένα
normal infolog el κανονικό
not infolog el δεν
@ -210,6 +213,7 @@ own infolog el δικά μου
own open infolog el δικά μου ανοικτά
own overdue infolog el δικά μου καθυστερημένα
own upcoming infolog el δικά μου επερχόμενα
parent infolog el Μητρική
path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! infolog el Το μονοπάτι προς τα αρχεία του χρήστη και των ομάδων ΠΡΕΠΕΙ ΝΑ ΕΙΝΑΙ ΕΚΤΟΣ της πορείας των εγγράφων των webservers!!!
pattern for search in addressbook infolog el πρότυπο αναζήτησης στο βιβλίο διευθύνσεων
pattern for search in projects infolog el πρότυπο αναζήτησης στα σχέδια
@ -221,6 +225,8 @@ phonecall infolog el Κλήση τηλεφώνου
planned infolog el προγραμματίστηκε
planned time infolog el ώρα σχεδίου
price infolog el Τιμή
pricelist infolog el Τιμοκατάλογος
primary link infolog el κύριος σύνδεσμος
priority infolog el Προτεραιότητα
private infolog el Προσωπικό
project infolog el Σχέδιο
@ -257,6 +263,7 @@ select a priority for this task infolog el επιλέξτε προτεραιότ
select a project infolog el Επιλέξτε ένα έργο
select a responsible user: a person you want to delegate this task infolog el Επιλέξτε τον υπεύθυνο χρήστη: ένα άτομο στο οποίο θέλετε να αναθέσετε αυτό το έργο
select a typ to edit it's status-values or delete it infolog el επιλέξτε έναν τύπο για να επιμεληθείτε την κατάστασή του
select an app to search in infolog el Επελέξτε μία εφαρμογή στην οποία θα γίνει αναζήτηση
select an entry to link with infolog el Επελέξτε μία καταχώρηση προς σύνδεση
select to filter by owner infolog el Επιλογή φίλτρου σύμφωνα με τον ιδιοκτήτη
select to filter by responsible infolog el Επιλογή φίλτρου σύμφωνα με τον υπεύθυνο
@ -265,7 +272,6 @@ should infolog show subtasks, -calls or -notes in the normal view or not. you ca
should infolog show the links to other applications and/or the file-attachments in the infolog list (normal view when you enter infolog). infolog el Θα έπρεπε το InfoLog να εμφανίζει τους συνδέσμους με άλλες εφαρμογές και/ή τις προσκολλήσεις αρχείου στην InfoLog λίστα (κανονική εμφάνιση όταν εισέρχεστε στο InfoLog).
should infolog show up on the main screen and with which filter. works only if you dont selected an application for the main screen (in your preferences). infolog el Θα έπρεπε το InfoLog να εμφανίζεται στη βασική οθόνη και με ποιο φίλτρο.Λειτουργεί μόνο αν δεν επιλέξατε μία εφαρμογή για την βασική οθόνη (στις προτιμήσεις σας).
should infolog use full names (surname and familyname) or just the loginnames. infolog el Θα έπρεπε το InfoLog να χρησιμοποιεί ολόκληρα ονόματα (επώνυμα και οικογενειακά ονόματα) ή μόνο τα ονόματα εισόδου.
should the calendar show custom types too infolog el Θα έπρεπε το ημερολόγιο να δείχνει προσαρμοσμένους τύπους επίσης
should the infolog list show a unique numerical id, which can be used eg. as ticket id. infolog el Θα έπρεπε η InfoLog λίστα να εμφανίζει ένα μοναδικό νούμερο Id, το οποίο να μπορεί να χρησιμοποιείται π.χ. ως Id εισιτηρίου.
should the infolog list show the column "last modified". infolog el Θα έπρεπε η InfoLog λίστα να εμφανίζει τη στήλη "τελευταία τροποποίηση".
should the infolog list show the percent done only for status ongoing or two separate icons. infolog el Θα έπρεπε η InfoLog λίστα να εμφανίζει το ποσοστό ολοκλήρωσης μόνο για την κατάσταση τρέχων ή δύο ξεχωριστά εικονίδια.
@ -288,7 +294,9 @@ status ... infolog el Κατάσταση
sub infolog el Υπό
sub-entries become subs of the parent or main entries, if there's no parent infolog el Υπό-καταχωρήσεις γίνονται υποκατηγορίες των μητρικών ή βασικών καταχωρήσεων, αν δεν υπάρχει μητρική
subject infolog el Θέμα
sum infolog el Σύνολο
task infolog el Εργασίες
template infolog el Πρότυπο
test import (show importable records <u>only</u> in browser) infolog el Έλεγχος Εισαγωγής (εμφάνιση εισαγώγιμων εγγραφών <u>only</> στο browser)
the text displayed to the user infolog el το κείμενο εμφανίζεται στο χρήστη
this is the filter infolog uses when you enter the application. filters limit the entries to show in the actual view. there are filters to show only finished, still open or futures entries of yourself or all users. infolog el Αυτές είναι οι χρήσεις του InfoLog φίλτρου όταν εισέρχεστε στην εφαρμογή.Τα φίλτρα περιορίζουν τις καταχωρήσεις να εμφανίζονται στην πραγματική παρουσίαση.Υπάρχουν φίλτρα που παρουσιάζουν μόνο τα ολοκληρωμένα, τα τρέχοντα ή τις δικές σας μελλοντικές καταχωρήσεις ή και όλων των χρηστών.
@ -1,5 +1,14 @@
%1 days in advance infolog nl %1 dagen tevoren
%1 deleted infolog nl %1 verwijderd
%1 deleted by %2 at %3 infolog nl %1 verwijderd door %2 op %3
%1 modified infolog nl %1 gewijzigd
%1 modified by %2 at %3 infolog nl %1 gewijzigd door %2 op %3
%1 records imported infolog nl %1 records geïmporteerd
%1 records read (not yet imported, you may go %2back%3 and uncheck test import) infolog nl %1 records gelezen (nog niet geïmporteerd, u kunt terug gaan naar %2back%3 en 'Test Import' uitvinken)
%1 you are responsible for is due at %2 infolog nl %1 waar jij verantwoordelijk voor bent vervalt op %2
%1 you are responsible for is starting at %2 infolog nl %1 waar jij verantwoordelijk voor bent start op %2
%1 you delegated is due at %2 infolog nl %1 die jij gedelegeerd hebt vervalt op %2
%1 you delegated is starting at %2 infolog nl %1 die jij gedelegeerd hebt start op %2
- subprojects from infolog nl - Subprojecten van
0% infolog nl 0%
10% infolog nl 10%
@ -33,14 +42,16 @@ all infolog nl Alles
all links and attachments infolog nl alle links en bijlagen
allows to set the status of an entry, eg. set a todo to done if it's finished (values depend on entry-typ) infolog nl Toestaan de status van een infolog te wijzigen, bijv. een taak op status klaar zetten (waarden zijn onafhankelijk van infolog-type)
apply the changes infolog nl De wijzigingen doorvoeren
archive infolog nl archief
are you shure you want to delete this entry ? infolog nl Weet u zeker dat deze infolog wilt verwijderen
attach a file infolog nl Een bestand toevoegen
attach file infolog nl Een bestand toevoegen
attension: no contact with address %1 found. infolog nl Let op: Geen contact met adres %1 gevonden.
attention: no contact with address %1 found. infolog nl Attentie: Geen contact met adres %1 gevonden.
back to main list infolog nl Terug naar hoofdlijst
billed infolog nl gefactureerd
both infolog nl beiden
call infolog nl bellen
can be used to show further infolog types in the calendar or limit it to show eg. only tasks. infolog nl Kan gebruikt worden om meer InfoLog types in de kalender te tonen of de weergave te beperken door bijvoorbeeld alleen maar taken te tonen.
cancel infolog nl Annuleren
cancelled infolog nl geannuleerd
categories infolog nl Categorieën
@ -71,6 +82,7 @@ custom contact-address, leave empty to use information from most recent link inf
custom contact-information, leave emtpy to use information from most recent link infolog nl Aangepaste contactinformatie, laat dit leeg om de informatie te gebruiken van de meest recente link
custom fields infolog nl Aangepast velden
custom fields, typ and status common nl Aangepaste velden, type en status
custom from infolog nl Aangepast van
custom regarding infolog nl Aangepast m.b.t.
custom status for typ infolog nl Aangepaste status voor type
customfields infolog nl Aanpaste velden
@ -79,14 +91,20 @@ date completed (leave it empty to have it automatic set if status is done or bil
datecreated infolog nl datum aangemaakt
dates, status, access infolog nl Data, Status, Toegang
days infolog nl dagen
default categorie for new infolog entries infolog nl Standaard categorie voor nieuwe InfoLog invoer
default filter for infolog infolog nl Standaard filter voor InfoLog
default status for a new log entry infolog nl Standaard status voor een nieuwe infolog
delegated infolog nl gedelegeerd
delegated open infolog nl gedelegeerd openstaand
delegated overdue infolog nl gedelegeerd over tijd
delegated upcomming infolog nl gedelegeerd toekomstig
delegation infolog nl Delegatie
delete infolog nl Verwijderen
delete one record by passing its id. infolog nl Verwijder één record door het id mee te geven.
delete the entry infolog nl Infolog verwijderen
delete this entry infolog nl dit infolog verwijderen
delete this entry and all listed sub-entries infolog nl Deze infolog en alle getoonde onderliggende infologs verwijderen
deleted infolog nl verwijderd
deletes the selected typ infolog nl verwijderd het geselecteerde type
deletes this field infolog nl verwijderd dit veld
deletes this status infolog nl verwijderd deze status
@ -94,7 +112,13 @@ description infolog nl Beschrijving
determines the order the fields are displayed infolog nl bepaald hoe de volgorde van de velden wordt weergegeven
disables a status without deleting it infolog nl deactiveerd een status zonder het te verwijderen
do you want a confirmation of the responsible on: accepting, finishing the task or both infolog nl Wilt een een bevestiging van de verantwoordelijke voor accepteren, voor beëindigen, of voor beide
do you want to see custom infolog types in the calendar? infolog nl Wilt u aangepaste InfoLog types in de agenda weergeven?
do you want a notification, if items get assigned to you or assigned items get updated? infolog nl Wilt u een notificatie ontvangen indien items aan u toegewezen worden of toegewezen items gewijzigd worden?
do you want a notification, if items you are responsible for are about to start? infolog nl Wilt u een notificatie ontvangen indien items waarvoor u verantwoordelijk bent op het punt staat te starten?
do you want a notification, if items you are responsible for are due? infolog nl Wilt u een notificatie ontvangen indien item, waarvoor u verantwoordelijk bent, op het punt staan te vervallen?
do you want a notification, if items you created get updated? infolog nl Wilt u een notificatie ontvangen indien items, die u heeft aangemaakt, bijgewerkt worden?
do you want a notification, if items you delegated are about to start? infolog nl Wilt u een notificatie ontvangen indien items, die u heeft gedelegeerd, op het punt staan te starten?
do you want a notification, if items you delegated are due? infolog nl Wilt u een notificatie ontvangen indien items, die u heeft gedelegeerd, op het punt staan te vervallen?
do you want to receive notifications as html-mails or plain text? infolog nl Wilt u notificaties ontvangen als html-emails of als platte tekst?
don't show infolog infolog nl InfoLog NIET weergeven
done infolog nl gereed
download infolog nl Downloaden
@ -118,13 +142,19 @@ error: saving the entry infolog nl Fout: bij opslaan van de infolog
error: the entry has been updated since you opened it for editing! infolog nl Fout: de infolog is gewijzigd sinds dat u het opende voor bewerking!
existing links infolog nl Bestaande links
fax infolog nl Fax
field must not be empty !!! infolog nl Veld mag niet leeg zijn !!!
fieldseparator infolog nl Veldonderbreker
finish infolog nl Einde
for which types should this field be used infolog nl Voor welke type wordt dit veld gebruikt
from infolog nl Van
general infolog nl Algemeen
group owner for infolog nl Groepseigenaar
high infolog nl hoog
history logging infolog nl Historie vastleggen
history logging and deleting of items infolog nl Historie vastleggen en verwijdering van items
id infolog nl ID
id# infolog nl ID#
if a type has a group owner, all entries of that type will be owned by the given group and not the user who created it! infolog nl Indien een type een groepseigenaar heeft wordt alle invoer van dat type eigendom van de betreffende groep en NIET de gebruiker die ze heeft aangemaakt!
if not set, the line with search and filters is hidden for less entries then "max matches per page" (as defined in your common preferences). infolog nl Indien niet ingesteld wordt de regel met zoeken en filters verborgen in het geval van minder entries dan "maximum aantal matches per pagina" (zoals bepaald in uw algemene voorkeuren).
import infolog nl Importeren
import next set infolog nl Volgende set imporeten
@ -162,6 +192,8 @@ max length of the input [, length of the inputfield (optional)] infolog nl maxim
name must not be empty !!! infolog nl Naam mag niet leeg zijn !!!
name of new type to create infolog nl Naam van het nieuw te creëren type
never hide search and filters infolog nl Zoeken en filters niet verbergen
new %1 infolog nl Nieuw %1
new %1 created by %2 at %3 infolog nl Nieuw %1 aangemaakt door %2 op %3
new name infolog nl nieuwe naam
new search infolog nl Nieuwe zoekopdracht
no - cancel infolog nl Nee - Annuleren
@ -170,6 +202,7 @@ no details infolog nl geen details
no entries found, try again ... infolog nl Geen items gevonden, probeer het nogmaals ...
no filter infolog nl Geen filter
no links or attachments infolog nl geen links of bijlagen
nonactive infolog nl inactief
none infolog nl Geen
normal infolog nl normaal
not infolog nl niet
@ -179,8 +212,11 @@ note infolog nl Notitie
number of records to read (%1) infolog nl Aantal records om te importen (%1)
number of row for a multiline inputfield or line of a multi-select-box infolog nl Aantal regels voor een een invoertekstvak of van een menu-box
offer infolog nl offerte
one day after infolog nl één dag na
one day in advance infolog nl één dag voor
ongoing infolog nl lopende
only for details infolog nl Alleen voor details
only if i get assigned or removed infolog nl Alleen indien ik wordt toegewezen of verwijderd
only the attachments infolog nl alleen de bijlagen
only the links infolog nl alleen de links
open infolog nl open
@ -191,6 +227,7 @@ own infolog nl eigen
own open infolog nl eigen - openstaande
own overdue infolog nl eigen - te laat
own upcoming infolog nl eigen - toekomstige
parent infolog nl Ouder
path on (web-)serverside<br>eg. /var/samba/share infolog nl pad aan de serverkant <br/> bijv. /var/samba/Share
path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! infolog nl Pad naar gebruiker- en groepsbestanden MOETEN BUITEN de documentendirectory zijn van de webserver's
pattern for search in addressbook infolog nl Patroon voor zoekopdracht in Adressenboek
@ -203,6 +240,8 @@ phonecall infolog nl Telefoongesprek
planned infolog nl gepland
planned time infolog nl geplande tijd
price infolog nl Prijs
pricelist infolog nl Prijslijst
primary link infolog nl primaire link
priority infolog nl Prioriteit
private infolog nl Privé
project infolog nl Project
@ -210,6 +249,13 @@ project settings: price, times infolog nl Project instellingen: prijs, tijden
re: infolog nl Re:
read one record by passing its id. infolog nl Lees één record door het id mee te geven.
read rights (default) infolog nl leesrechten (standaard)
receive notifications about due entries you are responsible for infolog nl Ontvang notificaties over vervallende items waarvoor u verantwoordelijk bent
receive notifications about due entries you delegated infolog nl Ontvang notificaties over vervallende items waaraan u bent toegewezen
receive notifications about items assigned to you infolog nl Ontvang notificaties over items die aan u zijn toegewezen
receive notifications about own items infolog nl Ontvang notificaties over uw eigen items
receive notifications about starting entries you are responsible for infolog nl Ontvang notificaties over startende items waarvoor u verantwoordelijk bent
receive notifications about starting entries you delegated infolog nl Ontvang notificaties over startende items die aan u zijn toegewezen
receive notifications as html-mails infolog nl Ontvang notificaties als html-emails
reg. expr. for local ip's<br>eg. ^192.168.1. infolog nl reg. expr. for local IP's<br>eg. ^192\.168\.1\.
reg. expr. for local ip's<br>eg. ^192\.168\.1\. infolog nl reg. expr. for local IP's<br>eg. ^192\.168\.1\.
remark infolog nl aandachtspunt
@ -221,6 +267,7 @@ responsible upcoming infolog nl verantwoordelijk toekomstige
responsible user, priority infolog nl verantwoordelijke gebruiker, prioriteit
returns a list / search for records. infolog nl Toont een lijst / zoek records
rights for the responsible infolog nl Rechten voor de verantwoordelijke
same day infolog nl dezelfde dag
save infolog nl Opslaan
saves the changes made and leaves infolog nl Slaat wijzigingen op en verlaat het scherm
saves this entry infolog nl Slaat deze infolog op
@ -242,7 +289,6 @@ should infolog show subtasks, -calls or -notes in the normal view or not. you ca
should infolog show the links to other applications and/or the file-attachments in the infolog list (normal view when you enter infolog). infolog nl Moet InfoLog de links naar andere toepassingen en/of bestanden in de InfoLog lijst (normale weergave als u InfoLog start).
should infolog show up on the main screen and with which filter. works only if you dont selected an application for the main screen (in your preferences). infolog nl Moet InfoLog op de voorpagina getoond worden en met welk filter. Werkt alleen indien u geen toepassing voor de voorpagina heeft gekozen (in uw voorkeuren).
should infolog use full names (surname and familyname) or just the loginnames. infolog nl Moet InfoLog volledige namen (voor- en achternaam) gebruiken of alleen gebruikersnamen?
should the calendar show custom types too infolog nl Moet de agenda aangepaste types ook weergeven
should the infolog list show a unique numerical id, which can be used eg. as ticket id. infolog nl Moet de InfoLog lijst een uniek nummer tonen dat bijvoorbeeld als ticket ID gebruik kan worden?
should the infolog list show the column "last modified". infolog nl Moet de InfoLog lijst de kolom "laatst gewijzigd" tonen?
should the infolog list show the percent done only for status ongoing or two separate icons. infolog nl Moet de InfoLog lijst uitsluitend het percentage voltooid tonen bij status in behandeling of moet het twee separate ikonen tonen.
@ -265,7 +311,9 @@ status ... infolog nl Status ...
sub infolog nl Onderliggende
sub-entries become subs of the parent or main entries, if there's no parent infolog nl Sub infologs worden subs van de bovenliggende of hoofd infologs als er geen boven liggende infolog is
subject infolog nl Onderwerp
sum infolog nl Som
task infolog nl Taak
template infolog nl Template
test import (show importable records <u>only</u> in browser) infolog nl Test Import (te importeren record weergeven in uw browser)
the name used internaly (<= 10 chars), changeing it makes existing data unavailible infolog nl de naam die intern gebruikt wordt (<= 10 tekens), als je dit wijzigt worden de huidige gegevens onbereikbaar
the name used internaly (<= 20 chars), changeing it makes existing data unavailible infolog nl de naam die intern gebruikt wordt (<= 20 tekens), als je dit wijzigt worden de huidige gegevens onbereikbaar
@ -292,6 +340,7 @@ urgent infolog nl dringend
used time infolog nl gebruikte tijd
valid path on clientside<br>eg. \\server\share or e:\ infolog nl geldig pad op de computer van de cliënt<br/>. Bijv. \\Server\Share of D:\
valid path on clientside<br>eg. \servershare or e: infolog nl geldig pad op de computer van de cliënt<br/>. Bijv. \\Server\Share of D:\
valid path on clientside<br>eg. servershare or e: infolog nl geldig pad op de computer van de cliënt<br/>. Bijv. \\Server\Share of D:\
values for selectbox infolog nl Waarden voor selectbox
view all subs of this entry infolog nl Alle sub's van deze infolog weergeven
view other subs infolog nl overige sub's weergeven
@ -302,10 +351,16 @@ view this linked entry in its application infolog nl Gelinkt record in bijbehore
when should the todo or phonecall be started, it shows up from that date in the filter open or own open (startpage) infolog nl Wanneer moet de Taak of het Telefoongesprek worden gestart? If zal vanaf die datum worden weergeven in het filter OPEN of EIGEN OPENSTAANDE
which additional fields should the responsible be allowed to edit without having edit rights?<br />status, percent and date completed are always allowed. infolog nl Welke additionele velden moet de verantwoordelijke kunnen bewerken zonder daarvoor speciale bewerk rechten te moeten krijgen?<br />Status, percentage en datum voltooid zijn altijd toegestaan.
which implicit acl rights should the responsible get? infolog nl Welke impliciete ACL rechten moet de verantwoordelijke krijgen?
which types should the calendar show infolog nl Welke types moet de kalender weergeven
will-call infolog nl zal bellen
write (add or update) a record by passing its fields. infolog nl Schrijf (toevoegen of bijwerken) een record door de velden mee te geven.
yes - delete infolog nl Ja - Verwijderen
yes - delete including sub-entries infolog nl Ja - Verwijderen inclusief de onderliggende infologs
yes, noone can purge deleted items infolog nl Ja, niemand kan gewiste items definitief verwijderen
yes, only admins can purge deleted items infolog nl Ja, alleen beheerders kunnen gewiste items definitief verwijderen
yes, with larger fontsize infolog nl Ja, met groter lettertype
yes, with purging of deleted items possible infolog nl Ja, met definitieve verwijdering van gewiste items als mogelijk
you can choose a categorie to be preselected, when you create a new infolog entry infolog nl U kunt een categorie kiezen als voorgeselecteerd voor het geval u een nieuw InfoLog item aanmaakt
you can't delete one of the stock types !!! infolog nl U kunt de standaard types niet verwijderen
you have entered an invalid ending date infolog nl U heeft een ongeldige einddatum ingevoerd
you have entered an invalid starting date infolog nl U heeft een ongeldige startdatum ingevoerd
@ -153,6 +153,7 @@ high infolog pt-br alta
history logging infolog pt-br Registro de histórico
history logging and deleting of items infolog pt-br Registro de histórico e remoção de itens
id infolog pt-br Id
id# infolog pt-br Id#
if a type has a group owner, all entries of that type will be owned by the given group and not the user who created it! infolog pt-br Se um tipo tem um grupo-proprietário, todas as entradas deste tipo terão como dono o grupo informado e não o usuário que as criou.
if not set, the line with search and filters is hidden for less entries then "max matches per page" (as defined in your common preferences). infolog pt-br Se não informado, a linha com Pesquisa e Filtros ficará oculta para menos registros que "número máximo de registro por página" (definido em suas preferências).
import infolog pt-br Importar
@ -188,6 +189,7 @@ location infolog pt-br Local
longer textual description infolog pt-br descrição detalhada
low infolog pt-br baixo
max length of the input [, length of the inputfield (optional)] infolog pt-br tamanho máximo para inclusão [, tamanho para o campo (opcional)]
modifierer infolog pt-br Modificador
name must not be empty !!! infolog pt-br O campo nome não pode estar vazio!!!
name of new type to create infolog pt-br nome para o novo tipo
never hide search and filters infolog pt-br Nunca ocultar Pesquisa e Filtros
@ -82,6 +82,7 @@ custom contact-address, leave empty to use information from most recent link inf
custom contact-information, leave emtpy to use information from most recent link infolog sk Používateľom definované kontaktné informácie -ak necháte prázdne, použije sa údaj z najčerstvejšieho odkazu
custom fields infolog sk Používateľom definované polia
custom fields, typ and status common sk Používateľom definované polia, typ a stav
custom from infolog sk Používateľom definované od
custom regarding infolog sk Používateľom definované ohľadom
custom status for typ infolog sk Používateľom definovaný stav pre typ
customfields infolog sk Používateľské polia
@ -90,6 +91,7 @@ date completed (leave it empty to have it automatic set if status is done or bil
datecreated infolog sk Dátum vytvorenia
dates, status, access infolog sk Dátum, Stav, Prístup
days infolog sk dní
default categorie for new infolog entries infolog sk Predvolená kategória pre nové záznamy Záznamníka
default filter for infolog infolog sk Predvolený filter pre Záznamník
default status for a new log entry infolog sk Predvolený stav pre nový záznam
delegated infolog sk delegované
@ -140,6 +142,7 @@ error: saving the entry infolog sk Chyba pri ukladaní záznamu
error: the entry has been updated since you opened it for editing! infolog sk Chyba: odkedy ste záznam otvorili pre úpravy, bol medzitým aktualizovaný!
existing links infolog sk Existujúce odkazy
fax infolog sk Fax
field must not be empty !!! infolog sk Pole nesmie byť prázdne!!!
fieldseparator infolog sk Oddeľovač polí
finish infolog sk Koniec
for which types should this field be used infolog sk Pre ktoré typy sa má použiť toto pole
@ -150,6 +153,7 @@ high infolog sk Vysoká
history logging infolog sk Zaznamenávanie histórie
history logging and deleting of items infolog sk Zaznamenávanie histórie a odstránených položiek
id infolog sk ID
id# infolog sk ID#
if a type has a group owner, all entries of that type will be owned by the given group and not the user who created it! infolog sk Ak tento typ MÁ skupinového vlastníka, všetky záznamy tohto typu bude vlastniť zadaná skupina a NIE používateľ, ktorý záznam vytvoril!
if not set, the line with search and filters is hidden for less entries then "max matches per page" (as defined in your common preferences). infolog sk Ak nie je nastavené, riadok vyhľadávania a filtrov je skrytý pre menej záznamov než "maximálny počet záznamov zobrazených na stránke" (ako je definované v bežných nastaveniach).
import infolog sk Import
@ -185,6 +189,7 @@ location infolog sk Umiestnenie
longer textual description infolog sk Dlhší opisný text
low infolog sk Nízka
max length of the input [, length of the inputfield (optional)] infolog sk maximálna dĺžka vstupu [, dĺžka vstupného poľa (voliteľné)]
modifierer infolog sk Upravil
name must not be empty !!! infolog sk Názov nemôže byť prázdny!
name of new type to create infolog sk Názov novovytvoreného typu
never hide search and filters infolog sk Neschovávať hľadanie a filtre
@ -223,6 +228,7 @@ own infolog sk Vlastné
own open infolog sk Vlastné - otvorené
own overdue infolog sk Vlastné - meškajúce
own upcoming infolog sk Vlastné - blížiace sa
parent infolog sk Rodič
path on (web-)serverside<br>eg. /var/samba/share infolog sk cesta na strane (web-)servera <br>napr. /var/samba/Share
path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! infolog sk Cesta k súborom používateľa a skupiny MUSÍ BYŤ MIMO document-root webservera!
pattern for search in addressbook infolog sk Výraz pre hľadanie v Adresári
@ -235,6 +241,8 @@ phonecall infolog sk Telefonát
planned infolog sk Plánované
planned time infolog sk Plánovaný čas
price infolog sk Cena
pricelist infolog sk Cenník
primary link infolog sk Primárny odkaz
priority infolog sk Priorita
private infolog sk Súkromné
project infolog sk Projekt
@ -293,6 +301,7 @@ show last modified infolog sk Zobraziť čas poslednej úpravy
show status and percent done separate infolog sk Zobraziť samostatne stav záznamu a percentuálny stav vybavenia
show ticket id infolog sk Zobraziť ID problému
show times infolog sk Zobraziť časy
site configuration infolog sk Konfigurácia stránky
small view infolog sk Zmenšený pohľad
start a new search, cancel this link infolog sk Spustiť nové vyhľadávanie, zrušiť tento odkaz
startdate infolog sk Dátum začatia
@ -304,6 +313,7 @@ status ... infolog sk Stav...
sub infolog sk Podradené
sub-entries become subs of the parent or main entries, if there's no parent infolog sk Podzáznamy sa dostanú pod rodičovské alebo hlavné záznamy, ak nie je k dispozícii rodičovský.
subject infolog sk Predmet
sum infolog sk Suma
task infolog sk Úloha
template infolog sk Šablóna
test import (show importable records <u>only</u> in browser) infolog sk Test importu (zobraz importovateľné záznamy <u>iba</u> v prehliadači)
@ -352,6 +362,7 @@ yes, noone can purge deleted items infolog sk Áno, nikto nemôže vyčistiť od
yes, only admins can purge deleted items infolog sk Áno, iba správcovia môžu vyčistiť odstránené položky
yes, with larger fontsize infolog sk Áno, s väčším písmom
yes, with purging of deleted items possible infolog sk Áno, s možnosťou vyčistenia odstránených položiek
you can choose a categorie to be preselected, when you create a new infolog entry infolog sk Môžete si vybrať, ktorá kategória bude predvybraná, keď budete vytvárať nový záznam Záznamníka
you can't delete one of the stock types !!! infolog sk Nemôžete odstrániť východiskový typ!!
you have entered an invalid ending date infolog sk Zadali ste chybný termín ukončenia
you have entered an invalid starting date infolog sk Zadali ste chybný dátum začatia
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
choose a notification-chain. you will be notified over the backends included in the chain.<br />note: if a notification-chain is marked as "disabled", your administrator does not allow one or more of the backends included in the chain and notifications falls back to "e-mail" while notifying you. notifications nl Kies een notificatie-lijst. U wordt geinformeerd over de backends die in de lijst voorkomen.<br />Let op: Indien een notificatie-lijst is gemarkeerd als "uitgeschakeld", dan heeft uw beheerder ingesteld dat een of meer van de backends niet in de lijst mogen voorkomen. Notificatie valt dan terug op "E-mail" tijdens het aanmaken van de melding naar u.
common chains notifications nl Gebruikelijke lijsten
disabled chains notifications nl Uitgeschakelde lijsten
don't notify me via popups in egroupware notifications nl Waarschuw mij niet via popups in eGroupWare
egroupware has notifications for you notifications nl eGroupWare heeft meldingen voor u.
egroupware-popup backend admin nl eGroupWare popup backend
egroupware-popup verbosity notifications nl eGroupWare popup zichtbaarheid
enable egroupware-popup backend admin nl eGroupWare popup backend inschakelen
enable sms backend admin nl SMS backend inschakelen
enable windows-popup backend admin nl Windows popup backend inschakelen
enabled chains notifications nl Ingeschakelde lijsten
how verbose should the egroupware-popup behave if a notification is sent to the user:<br />low: just display the notification bell in the topmenu - topmenu must be enabled !<br />medium: bring notification window to front<br />high: bring notification window to front and let the browser do something to announce itself notifications nl Hoe uitgebreid moet de eGroupWare-Popup zijn wanneer een melding aan de gebruiker wordt gegeven:<br />laag: toon alleen de meldingbel in het bovenste menu - het bovenste menu moet dan ingeschakeld zijn!<br />middel: haal het meldingvenster naar voren<br />hoog: haal het meldingvenster naar voren en laat de browser iets doen om het aan te kondigen
if set, embedded links get rendered special for external clients notifications nl Indien ingesteld, embedded links worden op een speciale manier samengesteld voor externe clients
linked entries: notifications nl Gekoppelde items:
maximum sms messages per notification admin nl Maximaal aantal SMS berichten per melding
message from notifications nl Bericht van
notification common nl Melding
notify me by notifications nl Meld mij via
optimize e-mails for external mail client notifications nl Optimaliseer E-mails voor externe mail client
preferences for notification notifications nl Voorkeuren voor meldingen
sms backend admin nl SMS backend
this egroupware notification has been sent to you by mail because your notifications nl Deze eGroupWare melding is naar u gezonden via email omdat uw
windows-popup backend admin nl Windows-Popup backend
@ -1,3 +1,23 @@
choose a notification-chain. you will be notified over the backends included in the chain.<br />note: if a notification-chain is marked as "disabled", your administrator does not allow one or more of the backends included in the chain and notifications falls back to "e-mail" while notifying you. notifications pt-br Escolha uma série de notificação. Você será notificado pelos métodos incluídos na série. <br />Nota: Se uma série de notificação estiver marcada como "desabilitada", seu administrador não permitiu um ou mais métodos incluídos naquela série e as notificações usarão o método "E-Mail".
common chains notifications pt-br Séries comuns
disabled chains notifications pt-br Séries desabilitadas
don't notify me via popups in egroupware notifications pt-br Não me notificar por popups no eGroupWare
egroupware has notifications for you notifications pt-br O eGroupWare possui notificações para você
egroupware-popup backend admin pt-br Método eGroupWare-Popup
egroupware-popup verbosity notifications pt-br Nível de detalhe do eGroupWare-Popup
enable egroupware-popup backend admin pt-br Habilitar método eGroupWare-Popup
enable sms backend admin pt-br Habilitar método SMS
enable windows-popup backend admin pt-br Habilitar método Windows-Popup
enabled chains notifications pt-br Séries habilitadas
how verbose should the egroupware-popup behave if a notification is sent to the user:<br />low: just display the notification bell in the topmenu - topmenu must be enabled !<br />medium: bring notification window to front<br />high: bring notification window to front and let the browser do something to announce itself notifications pt-br Qual o nível de detalhe do método eGroupWare-Popup deve possuir se uma notificação for enviada ao usuário: <br/>baixo: exibir apenas o sino de notificação no menu superior - o menu superior deverá estar habilitado!<br/>médio: trazer a janela de notificação para frente<br/>alto: trazer a janela de notificação para frente e deixar o navegador fazer algo para anunciá-la.
if set, embedded links get rendered special for external clients notifications pt-br Se definido, links embutidos serão exibidos de forma especial para clientes externos
linked entries: notifications pt-br Registros linkados:
maximum sms messages per notification admin pt-br Máximo de mensagens SMS por notificação
message from notifications pt-br Mensagem de
notification common pt-br Notificação
notify me by notifications pt-br Notificar-me por
optimize e-mails for external mail client notifications pt-br Optmizar e-mails para clientes externos
preferences for notification notifications pt-br Preferências para notificação
sms backend admin pt-br Método SMS
this egroupware notification has been sent to you by mail because your notifications pt-br Esta notificação eGroupWare foi enviada a você por e-mail em razão de
windows-popup backend admin pt-br Método Windows-Popup
@ -1,3 +1,23 @@
choose a notification-chain. you will be notified over the backends included in the chain.<br />note: if a notification-chain is marked as "disabled", your administrator does not allow one or more of the backends included in the chain and notifications falls back to "e-mail" while notifying you. notifications sk Vyberte si pripomienkovací reťazec. Budete upozornení cez mechanizmy, ktoré sú zahrnuté v tomto reťazci.<br />Upozornenie: Ak je pripomienkovací reťazec označený ako "zakázaný", váš správca nepovolil jeden alebo viacero mechanizmov v reťazci a pripomienky sa prepnú do režimu "E-Mail".
common chains notifications sk Časté reťazce
disabled chains notifications sk Zakázané reťazce
don't notify me via popups in egroupware notifications sk Neupozorňuj ma cez vyskakovacie okná v eGroupWare
egroupware has notifications for you notifications sk eGroupWare má pre vás pripomienky
egroupware-popup backend admin sk eGroupWare vyskakovací mechanizmus
egroupware-popup verbosity notifications sk Podrobnosť vyskakovacieho mechanizmu
enable egroupware-popup backend admin sk Povoliť vyskakovací mechanizmus eGroupWare
enable sms backend admin sk Povoliť SMS mechanizmus
enable windows-popup backend admin sk Povoliť Windows vyskakovací mechanizmus
enabled chains notifications sk Povolené reťazce
how verbose should the egroupware-popup behave if a notification is sent to the user:<br />low: just display the notification bell in the topmenu - topmenu must be enabled !<br />medium: bring notification window to front<br />high: bring notification window to front and let the browser do something to announce itself notifications sk Do akých podrobností má eGroupware vyskakovací mechanizmus vystupovať, keď sa používateľovi posiela pripomienka:<br />nízka: iba zobraziť zvonček pripomienky vo vrchnej ponuke - táto musí byť povolená!<br />stredná: preniesť okno pripomienky do popredia<br />vysoká: preniesť okno pripomienky do popredia a spôsobiť, aby prehliadač na seba nejako upozornil
if set, embedded links get rendered special for external clients notifications sk Ak je nastavené, pripojené odkazy sa vykreslia špeciálne pre vonkajších klientov
linked entries: notifications sk Pripojené záznamy:
maximum sms messages per notification admin sk Maximálny počet SMS pre jednu pripomienku
message from notifications sk Správa od
notification common sk Pripomienka
notify me by notifications sk Pripomenúť mi pomocou
optimize e-mails for external mail client notifications sk Optimizovať E-Maily pre vonkajších poštových klientov
preferences for notification notifications sk Predvoľby pre Pripomienky
sms backend admin sk Mechanizmus SMS
this egroupware notification has been sent to you by mail because your notifications sk Táto pripomienka eGroupWare vám bola zaslaná prostredníctvom mailu, pretože váš
windows-popup backend admin sk Windows vyskakovací mechanizmus
@ -3,7 +3,8 @@
%1 manual common nl %1 handleiding
%1 start common nl %1 start
%1choose an other directory%2<br />or make %3 writeable by webserver common nl %1Kies een andere map%2<br />of maak %3 schrijfbaar voor de webserver
%1egroupware%2 is a multi-user, web-based groupware suite written in %3php%4. common nl %1eGroupWare%2 is een multi-user, web-gebaseerd groupware suite, geschreven in %3PHP%4.
%1egroupware%2 is a multi-user, web-based groupware suite written in %3php%4. common nl %1eGroupWare%2 is een multi-user, web-gebaseerde groupware suite, geschreven in %3PHP%4.
(session restored in %1 seconds) common nl (sessie hersteld in %1 seconden)
(shift-)click or drag to change value jscalendar nl (Shift-)Klik of sleep om waarde te wijzigen
- click on any of the time parts to increase it jscalendar nl - Klik op een willekeurig tijdsonderdeel om het te verhogen
- hold mouse button on any of the above buttons for faster selection. jscalendar nl - Hou de muisknop op een van de knoppen hierboven voor een snellere selectie.
@ -12,6 +13,10 @@
- use the %1, %2 buttons to select month jscalendar nl - Gebruik de %1, %2 knoppen om de maand te kiezen
- use the %1, %2 buttons to select year jscalendar nl - Gebruik de %1, %2 knoppen om het jaar te kiezen
00 (disable) admin nl 00 (uitschakelen)
1 day common nl 1 dag
1 hour common nl 1 uur
1 month common nl 1 maand
1 week common nl 1 week
13 (ntp) admin nl 13 (ntp)
3 number of chars for day-shortcut jscalendar nl 3 letters voor verkorte dagaanduiding
3 number of chars for month-shortcut jscalendar nl 3 letters voor verkorte maandaanduiding
@ -26,6 +31,7 @@ account has been created common nl Account is aangemaakt
account has been deleted common nl Account is verwijderd
account has been updated common nl Account is bijgewerkt
account is expired common nl Account is verlopen
accounts common nl Accounts
acl common nl ACL
action common nl Actie
active common nl Actief
@ -45,6 +51,8 @@ all fields common nl alle velden
alphabet common nl a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z
alternate style-sheet: common nl Afwisselende style-sheet:
american samoa common nl AMERIKAANS SAMOA
an error happend common nl Een fout trad op
an existing and by the webserver readable directory enables the image browser and upload. common nl Een bestaande EN door de webserver leesbare directory maakt het mogelijk om door afbeeldingen te bladeren en te uploaden.
andorra common nl ANDORRA
angola common nl ANGOLA
anguilla common nl ANGUILLA
@ -86,7 +94,6 @@ bermuda common nl BERMUDA
bhutan common nl BHUTAN
blocked, too many attempts common nl Geblokkeerd, te veel pogingen
bold common nl Vet
bold.gif common nl bold.gif
bolivia common nl BOLIVIA
border common nl Rand
bosnia and herzegovina common nl BOSNIË-HERZEGOVINA
@ -135,8 +142,10 @@ christmas island common nl CHRISTMASEILAND
clear common nl Wissen
clear form common nl Formulier wissen
click common nl Klik
click here to resume your egroupware session. common nl Klik hier om je eGroupWare sessie voort te zetten.
click or mouse over to show menus common nl Klik or Mouse Over om menus weer te geven
click or mouse over to show menus? common nl Klik or Mouse Over om menus weer te geven?
click this image on the navbar: %1 common nl Klik deze afbeelding op de navigatiebalk: %1
close common nl Sluiten
close sidebox common nl Zijkant box sluiten
cocos (keeling) islands common nl COCOS (KEELING) EILANDEN
@ -161,6 +170,8 @@ current common nl Huidig
current users common nl Huidig aantal gebruikers
cyprus common nl CYPRUS
czech republic common nl TSJECHIË
database error common nl Database fout
database error! common nl Database fout!
date common nl Datum
date due common nl Einddatum
date selection: jscalendar nl Datumselectie
@ -177,6 +188,7 @@ detail common nl Detail
details common nl Details
diable the execution a bugfixscript for internet explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in png-images? common nl Het bugfixscript uitschakelen dat dient om transparante PNG-afbeeldingen juist weer te geven in Internet Explorer 5.5 en hoger?
direction left to right common nl Richting links naar rechts
directory does not exist, is not readable by the webserver or is not relative to the document root! common nl Directory bestaat niet, kan niet gelezen worden door de webserver of is geen relatief pad ten opzichte van de document root.
disable internet explorer png-image-bugfix common nl Internet Explorer png-image-bugfix uitschakelen?
disable slider effects common nl Bewegende schuifeffecten uitschakelen
disable the animated slider effects when showing or hiding menus in the page? opera and konqueror users will probably must want this. common nl Schakel de bewegende schuifeffecten uit wanneer een langzame computer gebruikt of problemen met de uitklapmenus ondervind.
@ -202,18 +214,20 @@ edit common nl Bewerken
edit %1 category for common nl Bewerk %1 categorie voor
edit categories common nl Categorieën bewerken
edit category common nl Bewerk categorie
egroupware common nl eGroupWare
egroupware api version common nl eGroupWare API versie
egroupware api version %1 common nl eGroupWare API versie %1
egroupware: login blocked for user '%1', ip %2 common nl eGroupWare: login geblokkeerd voor gebruiker '%1', IP %2
egypt common nl EGYPTE
el salvador common nl EL SALVADOR
email common nl Email
email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common nl emailadres van de gebruiker, bijv. "%1"
en common nl en
enabled common nl Geactiveerd
end date common nl Einddatum
end time common nl Eindtijd
enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin nl Vul de lokatie van de eGroupWare URL in.<br />Voorbeeld: http://www.domeinnaam.nl/egroupware of /egroupware.<br /><b>Geen afsluitende slash toevoegen</b>
entry has been deleted sucessfully common nl Item succesvol verwijderd
entry not found! common nl Item niet gevonden!
entry updated sucessfully common nl Item succesvol bijgewerkt
equatorial guinea common nl EQUATORIAAL GUINEA
eritrea common nl ERITREA
@ -223,11 +237,13 @@ error deleting %1 %2 directory common nl Error tijdens het verwijderen van %1 %2
error renaming %1 %2 directory common nl Error tijdens het hernoemen van %1 %2 directory
estonia common nl ESTONIA
ethiopia common nl ETHIOPIË
everything common nl Alles
exact common nl exact
failed to contact server or invalid response from server. try to relogin. contact admin in case of faliure. common nl Verbinden met server is mislukt of een ongeldige reactie is ontvangen. Probeer opnieuw in te loggen. Neem contact op met de beheerder indien het mislukt.
falkland islands (malvinas) common nl FALKLAND EILANDEN
faroe islands common nl LAND EILANDEN
fax number common nl Faxnummer
features of the editor? common nl Functies van de tekstverwerker?
february common nl Februari
fields common nl Velden
fiji common nl FIJI
@ -241,6 +257,7 @@ firstname common nl Voornaam
fixme! common nl FIXME!
folder already exists. common nl Map bestaat reeds.
force selectbox common nl Forceer Selectbox
forever common nl Voor altijd
france common nl FRANKRIJK
french guiana common nl FRANS GUYANA
french polynesia common nl FRANS POLYNESIË
@ -292,15 +309,16 @@ home email common nl email thuis
honduras common nl HONDURAS
hong kong common nl HONG KONG
how many icons should be shown in the navbar (top of the page). additional icons go into a kind of pulldown menu, callable by the icon on the far right side of the navbar. common nl Hoe veel programma-iconen moeten worden weergegeven in de navigatiebalk. Extra iconen worden weergegeven in een uitklapmenu.
how to show the general egroupware menu ? common nl Hoe moet het algemene eGroupWare menu weergegeven worden?
hungary common nl HONGARIJË
iceland common nl IJSLAND
iespell not detected. click ok to go to download page. common nl ieSpell is niet gevonden. Klik OK om naar de download pagina te gaan.
if the clock is enabled would you like it to update it every second or every minute? common nl Indien de klok is ingeschakeld, wilt u dan dat deze iedere seconde of iedere minuut wordt geactualiseerd?
if there are some images in the background folder you can choose the one you would like to see. common nl Indien er enkele afbeeldingen in de achtergrond map aanwezig zijn, kunt u er een kiezen die u wilt weergeven.
image directory relative to document root (use / !), example: common nl Afbeeldingen directory relatief ten opzichte van de document root (gebruik / !), bijvoorbeeld:
image url common nl Afbeelding URL
india common nl INDIA
indonesia common nl INDONESIË
insert 'return false' common nl 'return false' invoegen
insert all %1 addresses of the %2 contacts in %3 common nl Voer alle %1 adressen in van de %2 contacten in %3
insert column after common nl Kolom invoegen achter
insert column before common nl Kolom invoegen voor
@ -317,7 +335,6 @@ israel common nl ISRAËL
it has been more then %1 days since you changed your password common nl Er zijn meer dan %1 dagen verstreken sinds u uw wachtwoord hebt gewijzigd.
it is recommended that you run setup to upgrade your tables to the current version common nl Het is aanbevolen dat u setup uitvoerd om uw tabellen bij te werken naar een actuele versie
italic common nl Cursief
italic.gif common nl italic.gif
italy common nl ITALIË
jamaica common nl JAMAICA
january common nl Januari
@ -354,6 +371,7 @@ liberia common nl LIBERIE
libyan arab jamahiriya common nl LIBIË
license common nl Licentie
liechtenstein common nl LIECHTENSTEIN
line %1: '%2'<br><b>csv data does contain ##last-check-run## of table %3 ==> ignored</b> common nl Regel %1: '%2'<br><b>csv data bevat ##last-check-run## van tabel %3 ==> genegeerd</b>
line %1: '%2'<br><b>csv data does not match column-count of table %3 ==> ignored</b> common nl Regel %1: '%2'<br /><b>csv gegevens klopt niet met het aantal kolommen van tabel %3 ==> genegeerd</b>
list common nl Lijst
list members common nl Lijst van leden
@ -362,6 +380,8 @@ local common nl Lokaal
login common nl Aanmelden
loginid common nl Loginnaam
logout common nl Afmelden
lost login id common nl Vergeten Login ID
lost password common nl Vergeten wachtwoord
low common nl Laag
lowest common nl Laagste
luxembourg common nl LUXEMBURG
@ -395,6 +415,7 @@ moldova, republic of common nl MOLDOVIË
monaco common nl MONACO
monday common nl Maandag
mongolia common nl MONGOLIË
montenegro common nl MONTENEGRO
montserrat common nl MONTSERRAT
morocco common nl MAROKKO
mozambique common nl MOZAMBIQUE
@ -431,9 +452,13 @@ norfolk island common nl NORFOLK EILAND
normal common nl Normaal
northern mariana islands common nl NOORDELIJKE MARIANA-EILANDEN
norway common nl NOORWEGEN
not common nl niet
not a user yet? register now common nl Nog geen gebruiker? Registreer nu
not assigned common nl Niet toegewezen
not readable %1 entry of user %2 common nl Niet leesbaar item %1 van gebruiker %2
note common nl Notitie
notes common nl Notities
notifications common nl meldingen
notify window common nl Attentievenster
notify your administrator to correct this situation common nl Waarschuw uw beheerder om deze situatie te laten corrigeren
november common nl November
@ -445,6 +470,7 @@ on *nix systems please type: %1 common nl Op *nix systemen typt u: %1
on mouse over common nl Bij Mouse Over
only private common nl alleen privé
only yours common nl alleen eigen weergeven
oops! you caught us in the middle of system maintainance. common nl Oeps! Je treft ons aan terwijl wij midden in het systeem onderhoud zitten
open notify window common nl Attentievenster openen
open popup window common nl Popupvenster openen
open sidebox common nl Zijkant box openen
@ -472,10 +498,9 @@ password must contain at least %1 special characters common nl Wachtwoord moet m
password must contain at least %1 uppercase letters common nl Wachtwoord moet minstens %1 hoofdletters bevatten
password must have at least %1 characters common nl Wachtwoord moet minstens %1 tekens bevatten
path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! common nl Pad naar gebruikers- en groepsbestanden. Dit MOET BUITEN het pad liggen van de documentendirectorie van de webserver !!!
pattern for search in addressbook common nl Patroon voor Zoeken in adresboek
pattern for search in calendar common nl Patroon voor Zoeken in agenda
pattern for search in projects common nl Patroon voor Zoeken in projecten
permission denied! common nl Toestemming geweigerd!
permissions to the files/users directory common nl privileges aan de bestanden/gebruikers toekennen
permisson denied! common nl Toestemming geweigerd!
personal common nl Persoonlijk
peru common nl PERU
philippines common nl FILIPIJNEN
@ -489,11 +514,12 @@ please select common nl Selecteer a.u.b.
please set your global preferences common nl Stel a.u.b. uw persoonlijke voorkeuren in !
please set your preferences for this application common nl Stel a.u.b. uw voorkeuren in voor deze toepassing !
please wait... common nl Even geduld a.u.b.
please, check back with us shortly. common nl Kom svp spoedig bij ons terug.
poland common nl POLEN
portugal common nl PORTUGAL
postal common nl Post
powered by common nl Ondersteund door
powered by egroupware version %1 common nl Gebruikt <a href="http://www.egroupware.org">eGroupWare</a> versie %1
powered by phpgroupware version %1 common nl Draait op phpGroupWare versie %1
preferences common nl Voorkeuren
preferences for the idots template set common nl Voorkeuren voor de idots template set
prev. month (hold for menu) jscalendar nl Vorige maand (vasthouden voor menu)
@ -511,7 +537,10 @@ qatar common nl QATAR
read common nl Lezen
read this list of methods. common nl Lees deze lijst met methodes.
reading common nl leest
register common nl Registreer
regular common nl Regulier
reject common nl Afwijzen
remember me common nl Onthoud mij
remove selected accounts common nl verwijder geselecteerde accounts
remove shortcut common nl Snelkoppeling verwijderen
rename common nl Hernoemen
@ -539,8 +568,8 @@ savant2 version differs from savant2 wrapper. <br/>this version: %1 <br/>savants
save common nl Opslaan
search common nl Zoeken
search %1 '%2' common nl Zoek %1 '%2'
search accounts common nl Zoek accounts
search or select accounts common nl Zoek of selecteer accounts
search or select multiple accounts common nl zoek of selecteer meerdere accounts
second common nl seconde
section common nl Sectie
select common nl Selecteren
@ -559,6 +588,7 @@ selection common nl Selectie
send common nl Verzend
senegal common nl SENEGAL
september common nl September
serbia common nl Servië
server %1 has been added common nl Server %1 is toegevoegd
server answered. processing response... common nl Server heeft geantwoord. Reactie wordt verwerkt...
server contacted. waiting for response... common nl Server verbonden. Wacht op reactie...
@ -569,8 +599,10 @@ setup main menu common nl Setup hoofdmenu
seychelles common nl SEYCHELLEN
show all common nl laat alles zien
show all categorys common nl Alle categorieën weergegeven
show as topmenu common nl Toon als Topmenu
show clock? common nl Klok weergeven?
show home and logout button in main application bar? common nl Home en logout knop weergeven in de toepassingen balk?
show in sidebox common nl Toon in zijkant blok
show logo's on the desktop. common nl Logo's op het bureaublad weergeven.
show menu common nl toon menu
show page generation time common nl Verlooptijd van de pagina's weergeven?
@ -581,6 +613,7 @@ show_more_apps common nl Meer applicaties weergeven
showing %1 common nl weergegeven: %1
showing %1 - %2 of %3 common nl weergegeven: %1 - %2 van %3
sierra leone common nl SIERRA LEONE
simple common nl Eenvoudig
singapore common nl SINGAPORE
slovakia common nl SLOWAKIJË
slovenia common nl SLOVENIË
@ -652,7 +685,6 @@ type common nl Type
uganda common nl UGANDA
ukraine common nl OEKRAÏNE
underline common nl Onderstrepen
underline.gif common nl underline.gif
united arab emirates common nl VERENIGDE ARABISCHE EMIRATEN
united kingdom common nl VERENIGD KONINKRIJK
united states common nl VERENIGDE STATES
@ -662,6 +694,7 @@ update common nl Bijwerken
update the clock per minute or per second common nl De klok per minuut of per seconde actualiseren
upload common nl Upload
upload directory does not exist, or is not writeable by webserver common nl Upload map bestaat niet of is niet schrijfbaar voor de webserver
upload requires the directory to be writable by the webserver! common nl Upload vereist dat de directory door de webserver beschreven kan worden!
url common nl URL
uruguay common nl URUGUAY
use button to search for common nl Gebruik knop om te zoeken naar
@ -690,6 +723,7 @@ western sahara common nl WESTELIJK SAHARA
what color should all the blank space on the desktop have common nl Welke kleur moet de blanko ruimte op het bureaublad hebben
what style would you like the image to have? common nl Welke stijl wilt u dat de afbeelding heeft?
when you say yes the home and logout buttons are presented as applications in the main top applcation bar. common nl Indien u ja antwoord worden de home en loguit knop gepresenteerd als toepassingen in de toepassingenbalk.
where and how will the egroupware links like preferences, about and logout be displayed. common nl Waar en op welke manier moeten de eGroupWare links zoals voorkeuren, informatie en uitloggen getoond worden.
which groups common nl Welke groepen
width common nl Breedte
wk jscalendar nl wk
@ -701,6 +735,7 @@ year common nl Jaar
yemen common nl JEMEN
yes common nl Ja
you are required to change your password during your first login common nl U moet nadat u voor het eerst bent ingelogd uw wachtwoord wijzigen.
you can customize how many icons and toolbars the editor shows. common nl U kunt instellen hoeveel pictogrammen en taakbalken de editor moet tonen.
you have been successfully logged out login nl U bent succesvol afgemeld
you have not entered a title common nl U heeft geen titel ingevoerd !
you have not entered a valid date common nl U heeft geen geldige datum ingevoerd !
@ -710,13 +745,14 @@ you have selected an invalid date common nl U heeft een ongeldige datum geselect
you have selected an invalid main category common nl U heeft een ongeldige hoofdcategorie geselecteerd !
you have successfully logged out common nl U bent succesvol afgemeld
you need to add the webserver user '%1' to the group '%2'. common nl Je moet de webserver user '%1' aan groep '%2' toevoegen.
you need to be an egroupware administrator to access this functionality! common nl U moet een eGroupWare beheerder zijn om deze functionaliteit te kunnen benaderen!
you've tried to open the egroupware application: %1, but you have no permission to access this application. common nl U heeft geprobeerd om de eGroupWare toepassing %1 te openen maar u heeft geen toestemming om deze toepassing te gebruiken.
your message could <b>not</b> be sent!<br> common nl Uw bericht kon niet worden verzonden !
your message has been sent common nl Uw bericht is verzonden
your search returned %1 matchs common nl Uw zoekopdracht leverde %1 items op
your search returned 1 match common nl Uw zoekopdracht leverde 1 item op
your session could not be verified. login nl Uw sessie kon niet geverifieerd worden
your settings have been updated common nl Uw instellingen zijn gewijzigd
yugoslavia common nl JOEGOSLAVIË
zambia common nl ZAMBIA
zimbabwe common nl ZIMBABWE
zoom common nl Inzoemen
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
%1 start common pt-br %1 iniciar
%1choose an other directory%2<br />or make %3 writeable by webserver common pt-br %1Escolha outro diretório%2<br/> ou dê ao servidor web permissão de escrita em %3
%1egroupware%2 is a multi-user, web-based groupware suite written in %3php%4. common pt-br %1eGroupWare%2 é um software de colaboração multi-usuário escrito em %3PHP%4.
(session restored in %1 seconds) common pt-br (sessão restaurada em %1 segundos)
(shift-)click or drag to change value jscalendar pt-br (Shift-) Clique ou arraste para alterar o valor
- click on any of the time parts to increase it jscalendar pt-br - Clique sobre as horas para alterá-las
- hold mouse button on any of the above buttons for faster selection. jscalendar pt-br - Segure mouse clicado e use o comando seta acima para avançar mais rápido
@ -12,6 +13,10 @@
- use the %1, %2 buttons to select month jscalendar pt-br - Use os botões %1, %2 para selecionar o mês
- use the %1, %2 buttons to select year jscalendar pt-br - Use os botões %1, %2 para selecionar o ano
00 (disable) admin pt-br 00 (desabilitado)
1 day common pt-br 1 Dia
1 hour common pt-br 1 Hora
1 month common pt-br 1 Mês
1 week common pt-br 1 Semana
13 (ntp) admin pt-br 13 (ntp)
3 number of chars for day-shortcut jscalendar pt-br 3 números para atalho-dia
3 number of chars for month-shortcut jscalendar pt-br 3 números para atalho-mês
@ -26,6 +31,7 @@ account has been created common pt-br A conta foi criada
account has been deleted common pt-br A conta foi removida
account has been updated common pt-br A conta foi atualizada
account is expired common pt-br A conta está expirada
accounts common pt-br Contas
acl common pt-br ACL
action common pt-br Ação
active common pt-br Ativo
@ -45,6 +51,7 @@ all fields common pt-br todos os campos
alphabet common pt-br a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z
alternate style-sheet: common pt-br Estilo de folha alternativo
american samoa common pt-br SAMOA AMERICANA
an error happend common pt-br Um erro ocorreu
an existing and by the webserver readable directory enables the image browser and upload. common pt-br Um diretório existente e que o servidor web tenha direito de leitura habilita a navegação e upload de imagem.
andorra common pt-br ANDORRA
angola common pt-br ANGOLA
@ -72,6 +79,7 @@ azerbaijan common pt-br AZERBAIJÃO
back common pt-br Voltar
back to user login common pt-br Voltar a tela de login
background color: common pt-br Cor de fundo:
backupdir '%1' is not writeable by the webserver common pt-br O servidor web não pode escrever no diretório de backup '%1'
bad login or password common pt-br Login ou senha incorretos
bahamas common pt-br BAHAMAS
bahrain common pt-br BAHRAIN
@ -134,8 +142,10 @@ christmas island common pt-br CHRISTMAS ISLAND
clear common pt-br Limpar
clear form common pt-br Limpar Formulário
click common pt-br Clique
click here to resume your egroupware session. common pt-br Clique aqui para restaurar sua sessão eGroupWare
click or mouse over to show menus common pt-br Clique ou passe o mouse sobre os menús
click or mouse over to show menus? common pt-br Clicar ou passar o mouse sobre os menús?
click this image on the navbar: %1 common pt-br Clique nesta imagem na barra de navegação: %1
close common pt-br Fechar
close sidebox common pt-br Fechar caixa lateral
cocos (keeling) islands common pt-br COCOS (KEELING) ISLANDS
@ -160,6 +170,8 @@ current common pt-br Atualizado
current users common pt-br Usuários ativos
cyprus common pt-br CHIPRE
czech republic common pt-br REPÚBLICA CHECA
database error common pt-br Erro de banco de dados
database error! common pt-br Erro de banco de dados!
date common pt-br Data
date due common pt-br Até data
date selection: jscalendar pt-br Seleção da data:
@ -202,6 +214,8 @@ edit common pt-br Editar
edit %1 category for common pt-br Editar para categoria %1
edit categories common pt-br Editar categorias
edit category common pt-br Editar categoria
egroupware common pt-br eGroupWare
egroupware api version common pt-br Versão da API eGroupWare
egroupware api version %1 common pt-br API version %1
egroupware: login blocked for user '%1', ip %2 common pt-br Extranet: login bloqueado para o usuário '%1', endereço IP %2
egypt common pt-br EGITO
@ -212,7 +226,8 @@ enabled common pt-br Habilitado
end date common pt-br Data do término
end time common pt-br Hora do término
enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin pt-br Informe a localização da Extranet em um URL .<br>Exemplo: http://www.seudomínio.com.br/extranet ou /extranet<br><b>Não finalize com uma BARRA</b>
entry has been deleted sucessfully common pt-br Entrada removida com sucesso
entry has been deleted sucessfully common pt-br Registro removido com sucesso
entry not found! common pt-br Registro não localizado!
entry updated sucessfully common pt-br Entrada atualizada com sucesso
equatorial guinea common pt-br GUINÉ EQUATORIAL
eritrea common pt-br ERITREA
@ -242,6 +257,7 @@ firstname common pt-br Primeiro Nome
fixme! common pt-br ATUALIZE-ME!
folder already exists. common pt-br Pasta já existe.
force selectbox common pt-br Forçar caixa de seleção
forever common pt-br Para sempre
france common pt-br FRANÇA
french guiana common pt-br GUIANA FRANCESA
french polynesia common pt-br FRANÇA POLYNÉSIA
@ -293,6 +309,7 @@ home email common pt-br E-mail residencial
honduras common pt-br HONDURAS
hong kong common pt-br HONG KONG
how many icons should be shown in the navbar (top of the page). additional icons go into a kind of pulldown menu, callable by the icon on the far right side of the navbar. common pt-br Quantos ícones devem ser mostrados na barra de navegação (ao topo da página). Ícones adicionais serão colocados em um recurso adicional em forma de menú suspenso à direita da barra de navegação.
how to show the general egroupware menu ? common pt-br Como exibir o menu geral do eGroupWare ?
hungary common pt-br HUNGRIA
iceland common pt-br ISLÂNDIA
iespell not detected. click ok to go to download page. common pt-br ieSpell não detectado. Clique Ok para ir para a página de download.
@ -362,6 +379,8 @@ local common pt-br Local
login common pt-br Conectar
loginid common pt-br ID Login
logout common pt-br Desconectar
lost login id common pt-br Login perdido
lost password common pt-br Senha perdida
low common pt-br Baixo
lowest common pt-br Mais baixo
luxembourg common pt-br LUXEMBOURG
@ -432,9 +451,13 @@ norfolk island common pt-br ILHAS NORFOLK
normal common pt-br Normal
northern mariana islands common pt-br NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS
norway common pt-br NORUEGA
not common pt-br não
not a user yet? register now common pt-br Ainda não é um usuário? Registre-se agora
not assigned common pt-br Não atribuído
not readable %1 entry of user %2 common pt-br Registro %1 do usuário %2 não pode ser lido
note common pt-br Nota
notes common pt-br Notas
notifications common pt-br notificações
notify window common pt-br Janela de notificação
notify your administrator to correct this situation common pt-br Notificar seu administrador para corrigir esta situação
november common pt-br Novembro
@ -446,6 +469,7 @@ on *nix systems please type: %1 common pt-br Sobre sistemas *nix tipo: %1
on mouse over common pt-br Passar o mouse
only private common pt-br Apenas particular
only yours common pt-br somente as suas
oops! you caught us in the middle of system maintainance. common pt-br Ôpa! Você nos pegou no meio de uma manutenção do sistema.
open notify window common pt-br Abrir janela de notificação
open popup window common pt-br Abrir janela
open sidebox common pt-br Abrir caixa lateral
@ -473,7 +497,9 @@ password must contain at least %1 special characters common pt-br Senha deve ter
password must contain at least %1 uppercase letters common pt-br Senha deve ter ao menos %1 caractere(s) maiúsculo(s)
password must have at least %1 characters common pt-br Senha deve ter ao menos %1 caractere(s)
path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! common pt-br O caminho para usuários e grupos deve ser FORA do servidor da extranet.!!!
permission denied! common pt-br Permissão negada!
permissions to the files/users directory common pt-br Permissões do diretório para os arquivos/usuários
permisson denied! common pt-br Permissão negada!
personal common pt-br Pessoal
peru common pt-br PERU
philippines common pt-br FILIPINAS
@ -487,6 +513,7 @@ please select common pt-br Por favor selecione
please set your global preferences common pt-br Por favor configure suas preferências gerais
please set your preferences for this application common pt-br Configure suas preferências para este aplicativo
please wait... common pt-br Aguarde...
please, check back with us shortly. common pt-br Por favor, tente novamente mais tarde.
poland common pt-br POLÔNIA
portugal common pt-br PORTUGAL
postal common pt-br CEP
@ -509,8 +536,10 @@ qatar common pt-br QATAR
read common pt-br Leitura
read this list of methods. common pt-br Leia a lista de métodos.
reading common pt-br Lendo
register common pt-br Registrar
regular common pt-br Normal
reject common pt-br Rejeitar
remember me common pt-br Lembre-me
remove selected accounts common pt-br apagar contas selecionadas
remove shortcut common pt-br Remover tecla de atalho
rename common pt-br Renomear
@ -539,6 +568,7 @@ save common pt-br Salvar
search common pt-br Procura
search %1 '%2' common pt-br Procura %1 '%2'
search accounts common pt-br Procurar contas
search or select accounts common pt-br procurar ou selecionar contas
second common pt-br segundo
section common pt-br Seção
select common pt-br Selecionar
@ -568,8 +598,10 @@ setup main menu common pt-br Menu principal de configurações
seychelles common pt-br SEYCHELLES
show all common pt-br Exibir tudo
show all categorys common pt-br Mostrar todas as Categorias
show as topmenu common pt-br Exibir como menu superior
show clock? common pt-br Exibir relógio
show home and logout button in main application bar? common pt-br Exibir Página Inicial e Desconectar na barra de aplicativos principais?
show in sidebox common pt-br Exibir como caixa lateral
show logo's on the desktop. common pt-br Exibir logotipo na tela.
show menu common pt-br Mostrar menu
show page generation time common pt-br Mostrar tempo de criação da página
@ -582,6 +614,7 @@ showing %1 - %2 of %3 common pt-br Exibindo %1 - %2 de %3
sierra leone common pt-br SERRA LEOA
simple common pt-br Simples
singapore common pt-br SINGAPURA
site configuration common pt-br Configuração do servidor
slovakia common pt-br ESLOVÁQUIA
slovenia common pt-br ESLOVÊNIA
solomon islands common pt-br ILHAS SOLOMON
@ -690,6 +723,7 @@ western sahara common pt-br WESTERN SAHARA
what color should all the blank space on the desktop have common pt-br Que cor todo espaço em branco deve ter na tela?
what style would you like the image to have? common pt-br Que estilo você quer que a imagem tenha?
when you say yes the home and logout buttons are presented as applications in the main top applcation bar. common pt-br Quando você escolhe sim, os botões Página Inicial e Desconectar são exibidos como aplicativos na barra de aplicativos principais.
where and how will the egroupware links like preferences, about and logout be displayed. common pt-br Onde e como os links como Preferências, Sobre e Desconectar serão exibidos.
which groups common pt-br Qual grupo
width common pt-br Largura
wk jscalendar pt-br wk
@ -711,6 +745,8 @@ you have selected an invalid date common pt-br Você selecionou uma data inváli
you have selected an invalid main category common pt-br Você selecionou uma categoria principal inválida !
you have successfully logged out common pt-br Você encerrou a sessão corretamente.
you need to add the webserver user '%1' to the group '%2'. common pt-br Você precisa adicionar o usuário webserver '%1' ao grupo '%2'.
you need to be an egroupware administrator to access this functionality! common pt-br Você precisa ser um administrador do eGroupWare para acessar esta funcionalidade!
you've tried to open the egroupware application: %1, but you have no permission to access this application. common pt-br Você tentou abrir a aplicação: %1, mas você não possui permissão para acessá-la.
your message could <b>not</b> be sent!<br> common pt-br <b>Não</b> foi possível enviar sua mensagem!<br>
your message has been sent common pt-br Sua mensagem foi enviada.
your search returned %1 matchs common pt-br Sua pesquisa retornou %1 ocorrências
@ -720,4 +756,3 @@ your settings have been updated common pt-br Suas preferências foram atualizada
zambia common pt-br ZÂMBIA
zimbabwe common pt-br ZIMBABUE
zoom common pt-br Zoom
site configuration common pt-br Configuração do servidor
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
%1 start common sk %1 štart
%1choose an other directory%2<br />or make %3 writeable by webserver common sk %1Vyberte iný adresár%2<br />alebo nastavte pre webserver právo zápisu do %3
%1egroupware%2 is a multi-user, web-based groupware suite written in %3php%4. common sk %1eGroupWare%2 je viacpoužívateľský, webovo orientovaný grupvérový balík napísaný v %3PHP%4.
(session restored in %1 seconds) common sk (relácia obnovená za %1 sekúnd)
(shift-)click or drag to change value jscalendar sk Ak chcete zmeniť hodnotu, použite (Shift-)klik alebo potiahnutie
- click on any of the time parts to increase it jscalendar sk - Ak kliknite na ktorúkoľvek časť času, zvýši sa
- hold mouse button on any of the above buttons for faster selection. jscalendar sk - Ak chcete rýchlejší výber, podržte myšítko na ktoromkoľvek z horeuvedených tlačidiel.
@ -12,6 +13,10 @@
- use the %1, %2 buttons to select month jscalendar sk - Ak chcete vybrať mesiac, použite %1, %2 tlačítka
- use the %1, %2 buttons to select year jscalendar sk - Ak chcete vybrať rok, použite %1, %2 tlačítka
00 (disable) admin sk 00 (vypnúť)
1 day common sk 1 deň
1 hour common sk 1 hodina
1 month common sk 1 mesiac
1 week common sk 1 týždeň
13 (ntp) admin sk 13 (ntp)
3 number of chars for day-shortcut jscalendar sk 3 počet znakov skratky dňa
3 number of chars for month-shortcut jscalendar sk 3 počet znakov skratky mesiaca
@ -26,6 +31,7 @@ account has been created common sk Používateľský účet bol vytvorený
account has been deleted common sk Používateľský účet bol odstránený
account has been updated common sk Používateľský účet bol aktualizovaný
account is expired common sk Platnosť používateľského účtu vypršala
accounts common sk Účty
acl common sk ACL práva
action common sk Akcia
active common sk Aktívne
@ -44,6 +50,7 @@ all common sk Všetko
all fields common sk všetky polia
alphabet common sk a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z
american samoa common sk AMERICKÁ SAMOA
an error happend common sk Nastala nejaká chyba
an existing and by the webserver readable directory enables the image browser and upload. common sk Adresár, ktorý existuje a je čitateľný webserverom, umožňuje prehliadanie a odovzdávanie obrázkov.
andorra common sk ANDORA
angola common sk ANGOLA
@ -71,6 +78,7 @@ azerbaijan common sk AZERBAJDŽÁN
back common sk Naspäť
back to user login common sk Naspäť na prihlásenie používateľa
background color: common sk Farba pozadia:
backupdir '%1' is not writeable by the webserver common sk Webserver nemá oprávnenia k zápisu do zálohovacieho adresára '%1'
bad login or password common sk Chybné meno alebo heslo
bahamas common sk BAHAMY
bahrain common sk BAHRAIN
@ -133,8 +141,10 @@ christmas island common sk VIANOČNÉ OSTROVY
clear common sk Vyčistiť
clear form common sk Vyčistiť formulár
click common sk Klik
click here to resume your egroupware session. common sk Ak chcete obnoviť vašu reláciu eGroupWare, kliknite sem.
click or mouse over to show menus common sk Ak chcete zobraziť ponuku, kliknite alebo ukážte myšou
click or mouse over to show menus? common sk Ak chcete zobraziť ponuku, kliknete alebo ukážete myšou
click this image on the navbar: %1 common sk Kliknite na tento obrázok v navigačnom paneli: %1
close common sk Zavrieť
close sidebox common sk Zavrieť Sidebox
cocos (keeling) islands common sk KOKOSOVÉ OSTROVY
@ -157,6 +167,8 @@ current common sk Aktuálne
current users common sk Súčasní používatelia
cyprus common sk CYPRUS
czech republic common sk ČESKÁ REPUBLIKA
database error common sk Chyba databázy
database error! common sk Chyba databázy!
date common sk Dátum
date due common sk Termín do
date selection: jscalendar sk Výber dátumu:
@ -198,6 +210,8 @@ edit common sk Upraviť
edit %1 category for common sk Uprav %1 kategóriu pre
edit categories common sk Upraviť kategórie
edit category common sk Upraviť kategóriu
egroupware common sk eGwoupWare
egroupware api version common sk eGroupWare API verzia
egroupware api version %1 common sk eGroupWare API verzia %1
egroupware: login blocked for user '%1', ip %2 common sk eGroupWare: prihlasovanie zablokované pre používateľa '%1', IP %2
egypt common sk EGYPT
@ -209,6 +223,7 @@ end date common sk Dátum ukončenia
end time common sk Čas ukončenia
enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin sk Zadajte umiestnenie URL pre eGroupware.<br>Príklad: http://www.domain.com/egroupware alebo /egroupware<br><b>Bez ukončovacieho lomítka</b>
entry has been deleted sucessfully common sk Položka bola úspešne odstránená
entry not found! common sk Položka sa nenašla!
entry updated sucessfully common sk Položka bola úspešne upravená
equatorial guinea common sk ROVNÍKOVÁ GUINEA
eritrea common sk ERITREA
@ -238,6 +253,7 @@ firstname common sk Krstné meno
fixme! common sk OPRAV MA!
folder already exists. common sk Priečinok už existuje.
force selectbox common sk Otvor výberovú ponuku
forever common sk Navždy
france common sk FRANCÚZSKO
french guiana common sk FRANCÚZSKA GUAYANA
french polynesia common sk FRANCÚZSKA POLYNÉZIA
@ -289,6 +305,7 @@ home email common sk domáci E-mail
honduras common sk HONDURAS
hong kong common sk HONG KONG
how many icons should be shown in the navbar (top of the page). additional icons go into a kind of pulldown menu, callable by the icon on the far right side of the navbar. common sk Koľko ikoniek sa má zobraziť v navigačnom paneli (vrch stránky). Ostatné ikony budú umiestnené do rozbaľovacej ponuky, ktorá bude dostupná na celkom pravom okraji navigačného panelu.
how to show the general egroupware menu ? common sk Ako sa má zobrazovať základná ponuka eGroupWare?
hungary common sk MAĎARSKO
iceland common sk ISLAND
iespell not detected. click ok to go to download page. common sk ieSpell sa nenašiel. Kliknutím na OK sa presuniete na stránku, odkiaľ ho môžete stiahnuť.
@ -358,6 +375,8 @@ local common sk Lokálny
login common sk Prihlásiť
loginid common sk Prihlasovacie ID
logout common sk Odhlásenie
lost login id common sk Stratené ID prihlásenia
lost password common sk Stratené heslo
low common sk Nízka
lowest common sk Najnižšia
luxembourg common sk LUXEMBURSKO
@ -427,9 +446,13 @@ norfolk island common sk NORFOLK
normal common sk Normálna
northern mariana islands common sk SEVERNÉ MARIÁNSKE OSTROVY
norway common sk NÓRSKO
not common sk nie
not a user yet? register now common sk Ešte nie ste používateľom? Zaregistrujte sa
not assigned common sk nepriradené
not readable %1 entry of user %2 common sk Nečitateľná položka %1 používateľa %2
note common sk Poznámka
notes common sk Poznámky
notifications common sk Upozornenia
notify window common sk Upozorňujúce okno
notify your administrator to correct this situation common sk Upozornite svojho správcu, aby napravil vzniknutú situáciu
november common sk November
@ -441,6 +464,7 @@ on *nix systems please type: %1 common sk Na *NIX systémoch prosím napíšte:
on mouse over common sk Pri namierení myši
only private common sk iba súkromné
only yours common sk iba vaše
oops! you caught us in the middle of system maintainance. common sk Ajajaj! Zastihli ste nás práve počas údržby systému.
open notify window common sk Otvor pripomínacie okno
open popup window common sk Otvor vyskakovacie okno
open sidebox common sk Otvor bočnú ponuku
@ -468,7 +492,9 @@ password must contain at least %1 special characters common sk Heslo musí obsah
password must contain at least %1 uppercase letters common sk Heslo musí obsahovať aspoň %1 veľkých písmen
password must have at least %1 characters common sk Heslo musí mať dĺžku aspoň %1 znakov
path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! common sk Cesta k súborom používateľa a skupiny MUSÍ BYŤ MIMO document-root webservera!!!
permission denied! common sk Prístup bol odopretý!
permissions to the files/users directory common sk oprávnenia k adresáru pre súbory / používateľov
permisson denied! common sk Prístup bol odopretý!
personal common sk Osobný
peru common sk PERU
philippines common sk FILIPÍNY
@ -503,8 +529,10 @@ qatar common sk KATAR
read common sk Čítať
read this list of methods. common sk Čítaj tento zoznam metód.
reading common sk Načítavam
register common sk Registrácia
regular common sk Regulárne
reject common sk Odmietnuť
remember me common sk Zapamätaj si ma
remove selected accounts common sk Odstrániť vybrané účty
remove shortcut common sk Odstrániť skratku
rename common sk Premenovať
@ -532,6 +560,7 @@ save common sk Uložiť
search common sk Hľadať
search %1 '%2' common sk Hľadaj %1 '%2'
search accounts common sk Hľadať v účtoch
search or select accounts common sk hľadať alebo vyberať medzi účtami
second common sk sekunda
section common sk Sekcia
select common sk Výber
@ -561,8 +590,10 @@ setup main menu common sk Hlavná inštalačná ponuka
seychelles common sk SEYCHELLY
show all common sk Ukázať všetko
show all categorys common sk Ukázať všetky kategórie
show as topmenu common sk Zobraziť ako Vrchnú ponuku
show clock? common sk Ukázať hodinky?
show home and logout button in main application bar? common sk Ukázať tlačítko Domovskej stránky a tlačítko Odhlásenia v hlavnom paneli aplikácií?
show in sidebox common sk Zobraziť ako bočnú ponuku
show logo's on the desktop. common sk Na desktope zobrazovať logá.
show menu common sk ukázať ponuku
show page generation time common sk Ukázať čas generovania stránky
@ -681,6 +712,7 @@ western sahara common sk ZÁPADNÁ SAHARA
what color should all the blank space on the desktop have common sk Akú farbu má mať všetok prázdny priestor na desktope
what style would you like the image to have? common sk Aký štýl má mať obrázok?
when you say yes the home and logout buttons are presented as applications in the main top applcation bar. common sk Keď odpoviete áno, tlačítka Domov a Odhlásenie sa zobrazia ako aplikácie v hlavnom paneli aplikácií.
where and how will the egroupware links like preferences, about and logout be displayed. common sk Kde a ako sa budú zobrazovať odkazy eGroupware, ako sú Nastavenia, O aplikácii a Odhlásiť.
which groups common sk Ktoré skupiny
width common sk Šírka
wk jscalendar sk Týž
@ -702,6 +734,8 @@ you have selected an invalid date common sk Vybrali ste chybný dátum!
you have selected an invalid main category common sk Vybrali ste chybnú hlavnú kategóriu!
you have successfully logged out common sk Boli ste úspešne odhlásení.
you need to add the webserver user '%1' to the group '%2'. common sk Je potrebné, aby ste priradili webserverového používateľa '%1' do skupiny '%2'.
you need to be an egroupware administrator to access this functionality! common sk Iba správca eGroupWare má prístup k tejto funkcionalite!
you've tried to open the egroupware application: %1, but you have no permission to access this application. common sk Pokúsili ste sa otvoriť aplikáciu eGroupWare: %1, ale nemáte na to oprávnenia.
your message could <b>not</b> be sent!<br> common sk Vašu správu sa <b>nepodarilo</b> odoslať!<br>
your message has been sent common sk Vaša správa bola odoslaná
your search returned %1 matchs common sk našiel som %1 záznamov
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
%1 start common sl Zaženi %1
%1choose an other directory%2<br />or make %3 writeable by webserver common sl %1Izberite drugo mapo%2<br /> ali nastavite, da bo %3 zapisljiva za spletni strežnik
%1egroupware%2 is a multi-user, web-based groupware suite written in %3php%4. common sl %1eGroupWare%2 je večuporabniški, spletno osnovani paket za skupinsko delo, napisan v %3PHP%4-ju.
(session restored in %1 seconds) common sl (seja je bila vzpostavljena v % sekundah)
(shift-)click or drag to change value jscalendar sl (Shift)-klik ali povleci-in-spusti za spremembo vrednosti.
- click on any of the time parts to increase it jscalendar sl - Kliknite na katerikoli del časa za njegovo povečanje.
- hold mouse button on any of the above buttons for faster selection. jscalendar sl - Držite miškin gumb na kateremkoli od zgornjih gumbov za hitrejši izbor.
@ -12,6 +13,10 @@
- use the %1, %2 buttons to select month jscalendar sl - Uporabite gumba %1, %2 za izbiro meseca
- use the %1, %2 buttons to select year jscalendar sl - Uporabite gumba %1, %2 za izbiro leta
00 (disable) admin sl 00 (izklopi)
1 day common sl 1 dan
1 hour common sl 1 ura
1 month common sl 1 mesec
1 week common sl 1 teden
13 (ntp) admin sl 13 (ntp)
3 number of chars for day-shortcut jscalendar sl 3 - število znakov za okrajšavo dneva
3 number of chars for month-shortcut jscalendar sl 3 - število znakov za okrajšavo meseca
@ -26,6 +31,7 @@ account has been created common sl Uporabniški račun je bil ustvarjen
account has been deleted common sl Uporabniški račun je bil izbrisan
account has been updated common sl Uporabniški račun je bil posodobljen
account is expired common sl Uporabniški račun je potekel
accounts common sl Računi
acl common sl ACL
action common sl Dejanje
active common sl Aktiven
@ -45,6 +51,7 @@ all fields common sl vsa polja
alphabet common sl a,b,c,č,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,š,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,ž
alternate style-sheet: common sl Nadomestna (CSS) predloga
american samoa common sl AMERIŠKA SAMOA
an error happend common sl Pojavila se je napaka
an existing and by the webserver readable directory enables the image browser and upload. common sl Obstoječa IN s strani spletnega strežnika berljiva mapa omogoča brskanje in nalaganje slik.
andorra common sl ANDORA
angola common sl ANGOLA
@ -72,6 +79,7 @@ azerbaijan common sl AZARBEJDŽAN
back common sl Nazaj
back to user login common sl Nazaj na prijavno okno
background color: common sl Barva ozadja:
backupdir '%1' is not writeable by the webserver common sl Spletni strežnik ne more pisati v arhivsko mapo '%1'
bad login or password common sl Napačno uporabniško ime in/ali geslo
bahamas common sl BAHAMI
bahrain common sl BAHRAIN
@ -134,8 +142,10 @@ christmas island common sl BOŽIČNI OTOK
clear common sl Izprazni
clear form common sl Izprazni formo
click common sl Klikni
click here to resume your egroupware session. common sl Kliknite tukaj za vrnitev seje eGroupWare
click or mouse over to show menus common sl Klik ali prehod z mišjo za prikaz menijev
click or mouse over to show menus? common sl Klik ali prehod z mišjo za prikaz menijev?
click this image on the navbar: %1 common sl Kliknite sliko v navbar: %1
close common sl Zapri
close sidebox common sl Zapri stranski meni
cocos (keeling) islands common sl KOKOSOVI (KEELINGOVI) OTOKI
@ -160,6 +170,8 @@ current common sl Trenutno
current users common sl Trenutni uporabniki
cyprus common sl CIPER
czech republic common sl ČEŠKA REPUBLIKA
database error common sl Napaka zbirke podatkov
database error! common sl Napaka zbirke podatkov!
date common sl Datum
date due common sl Rok
date selection: jscalendar sl Izbor datuma
@ -202,6 +214,8 @@ edit common sl Popravi
edit %1 category for common sl Popravi kategorijo %1 za
edit categories common sl Popravi kategorije
edit category common sl Popravi kategorijo
egroupware common sl eGroupWare
egroupware api version common sl Različica API eGroupWare
egroupware api version %1 common sl eGroupWare API različica %1
egroupware: login blocked for user '%1', ip %2 common sl eGroupWare: prijava uporabnika '%1' na IPju '%2' onemogočena.
egypt common sl EGIPT
@ -213,6 +227,7 @@ end date common sl Končni datum
end time common sl Končni čas
enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin sl Vnesite URL eGroupWare. Primer: http://www.domain.com/egroupware ali /egroupware<br><b>Brez zaključne poševnice!</b>
entry has been deleted sucessfully common sl Vnos je bil uspešno izbrisan
entry not found! common sl Ne najdem vnosa!
entry updated sucessfully common sl Vnos je bil uspešno osvežen
equatorial guinea common sl EKVATORIALNA GVINEJA
eritrea common sl ERITREJA
@ -242,6 +257,7 @@ firstname common sl Ime
fixme! common sl POPRAVI ME!
folder already exists. common sl Mapa že obstaja.
force selectbox common sl Vsili izbirna polja
forever common sl Za vedno
france common sl FRANCIJA
french guiana common sl FRANCOSKA GVAJANA
french polynesia common sl FRANCOSKA POLINEZIJA
@ -293,6 +309,7 @@ home email common sl Domači E-naslov
honduras common sl HONDURAS
hong kong common sl HONG KONG
how many icons should be shown in the navbar (top of the page). additional icons go into a kind of pulldown menu, callable by the icon on the far right side of the navbar. common sl Koliko ikon naj se pokaže na orodni vrstici na vrhu strani? Preostale ikone gredo v dodaten meni, ki ga je moč priklicati s pomočjo ikone na desni strani orodne vrstice.
how to show the general egroupware menu ? common sl Kako naj bo prikazan splošni meni eGroupWare?
hungary common sl MADŽARSKA
iceland common sl ISLANDIJA
iespell not detected. click ok to go to download page. common sl ieSpell ni bil zaznan. Kliknite V redu za obisk spletne strani za prenos.
@ -362,6 +379,8 @@ local common sl Lokalno
login common sl Prijava
loginid common sl Uporabniško ime
logout common sl Odjava
lost login id common sl Pozabljeno uporabniško ime
lost password common sl Pozabljeno geslo
low common sl Nizko
lowest common sl Najnižje
luxembourg common sl LUKSEMBURG
@ -432,9 +451,13 @@ norfolk island common sl OTOK NORFOLK
normal common sl Običajno
northern mariana islands common sl SEVERNI MARIANSKI OTOKI
norway common sl NORVEŠKA
not common sl Ne
not a user yet? register now common sl Še niste uporabnik? Registrirajte se.
not assigned common sl Ni dodeljeno
not readable %1 entry of user %2 common sl Zapisa %1 od uporabnika %2 ni mogoče prebrati
note common sl Opomba
notes common sl Opombe
notifications common sl Obvestila
notify window common sl Okno za opozorila
notify your administrator to correct this situation common sl Obvestite administratorja, da odpravi problem
november common sl November
@ -446,6 +469,7 @@ on *nix systems please type: %1 common sl Na *nix sistemih vnesite: %1
on mouse over common sl Ob prehodu z miško
only private common sl Samo zasebno
only yours common sl Samo vaše
oops! you caught us in the middle of system maintainance. common sl Smo sredi vzdrževanja sistema.
open notify window common sl Odpri okno z opozorilom
open popup window common sl Odpri pojavno okno
open sidebox common sl Odpri stranski meni
@ -473,7 +497,9 @@ password must contain at least %1 special characters common sl Geslo mora vsebov
password must contain at least %1 uppercase letters common sl Geslo mora vsebovati najmanj %1 velikih črk
password must have at least %1 characters common sl Geslo mora imeti najmanj %1 znakov
path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! common sl Pot do uporabniških in skupinskih datotek NE SME BITI podrejena korenski mapi spletišča.
permission denied! common sl Dostop zavrnjen!
permissions to the files/users directory common sl Dovoljenja do mape datotek/uporabnikov
permisson denied! common sl Dostop zavrnjen!
personal common sl Zasebno
peru common sl PERU
philippines common sl FILIPINI
@ -487,6 +513,7 @@ please select common sl Izberite
please set your global preferences common sl Vnesite splošne nastavitve.
please set your preferences for this application common sl Vnesite nastavitve za to aplikacijo!
please wait... common sl Prosimo, počakajte...
please, check back with us shortly. common sl Vrnite se pozneje.
poland common sl POLJSKA
portugal common sl PORTUGALSKA
postal common sl Poštno
@ -509,8 +536,10 @@ qatar common sl KATAR
read common sl Preberi
read this list of methods. common sl Preberi ta seznam postopkov
reading common sl Branje
register common sl Registriraj
regular common sl Občasno
reject common sl Zavrni
remember me common sl Zapomni se me
remove selected accounts common sl Odstrani izbrane račune
remove shortcut common sl Odstrani bližnjico
rename common sl Preimenuj
@ -539,6 +568,7 @@ save common sl Shrani
search common sl Išči
search %1 '%2' common sl Išči %1 '%2'
search accounts common sl Išči po računih
search or select accounts common sl Išči ali izberi uporabniške račune
second common sl Sekunda
section common sl Odsek
select common sl Izberi
@ -568,8 +598,10 @@ setup main menu common sl Glavni meni namestitve
seychelles common sl SEJEŠELI
show all common sl Prikaži vse
show all categorys common sl Prikaži vse kategorije
show as topmenu common sl Prikaži kot meni na vrhu
show clock? common sl Prikažem uro?
show home and logout button in main application bar? common sl Prikažem gumba Domov in Odjavi v glavni vrstici aplikacije?
show in sidebox common sl Prikaži v stranskem okviru
show logo's on the desktop. common sl Prikaži logotip na namizju.
show menu common sl Prikaži meni
show page generation time common sl Prikaži čas generiranja strani
@ -689,6 +721,7 @@ western sahara common sl ZAHODNA SAHARA
what color should all the blank space on the desktop have common sl Kakšne barve naj bo prazen prostor na namizju?
what style would you like the image to have? common sl Kakšen slog želite za sliko?
when you say yes the home and logout buttons are presented as applications in the main top applcation bar. common sl Če odgovorite z Da, bosta gumba Domov in Odjavi v orodni vrstici aplikacij.
where and how will the egroupware links like preferences, about and logout be displayed. common sl Kje in kako naj egroupware prikaže povezave za nastavitve in odjavo.
which groups common sl Katere skupine
width common sl Širina
wk jscalendar sl ted
@ -710,6 +743,8 @@ you have selected an invalid date common sl Izbrali ste napačen datum
you have selected an invalid main category common sl Izbrali ste napačno glavno kategorijo
you have successfully logged out common sl Bili ste uspešno odjavljeni
you need to add the webserver user '%1' to the group '%2'. common sl Uporabnika '%1' je potrebno dodati skupini '%2'.
you need to be an egroupware administrator to access this functionality! common sl Za dostop do te funkcionalnosti morate biti administrator!
you've tried to open the egroupware application: %1, but you have no permission to access this application. common sl Poskusili ste odpreti aplikacijo %1 ampak nimate pravice dostopa.
your message could <b>not</b> be sent!<br> common sl Vaše sporočilo <b>NI<b> bilo poslano! <br>
your message has been sent common sl Vaše sporočilo je bilo poslano
your search returned %1 matchs common sl Najdenih %1 zadetkov
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
$label preferences nl $label
%1 - preferences preferences nl %1 - Voorkeuren
%1 hours preferences nl %1 uren
12 hour preferences nl 12 uren
@ -7,10 +8,12 @@ a theme defines the colors and fonts used by the template. preferences nl Een th
acl grants have been updated preferences nl ACL-toegang is bijgewerkt.
any listing in egw will show you this number of entries or lines per page.<br>to many slow down the page display, to less will cost you the overview. preferences nl Elk overzicht in eGroupWare zal dit aantal regels per pagina weergeven. <br /> Te veel kan het systeem traag maken, te weinig kan het onoverzichtelijk maken
are you sure you want to delete this category ? preferences nl Weet u zeker dat u deze categorie wilt verwijderen
br preferences nl br
change a user password by passing the old and new passwords. returns true on success, false on failure. preferences nl Wijzig een gebruikerswachtwoord door de oude en de nieuwe mee te geven. Geeft TRUE terug bij succesvolle wijziging, FALSE bij fouten.
change your password preferences nl Verander uw wachtwoord
change your profile preferences nl Verander uw profiel
change your settings preferences nl Verander uw instellingen
charset for the csv export addressbook nl Karakterset voor de CSV export
click to select a color preferences nl Klik om een kleur te kiezen
color preferences nl Kleur
country preferences nl Land
@ -18,10 +21,15 @@ date format preferences nl Datumweergave
default preferences nl standaard
default application preferences nl Standaard toepassing
default preferences preferences nl Standaard voorkeuren
default theme preferences nl Standaard theme
delete categories preferences nl Verwijder categorieën
description can not exceed 255 characters in length ! preferences nl Beschrijving mag de 255 tekens niet overschrijden in lengte!
display thumbnails for linked images addressbook nl Toon miniaturen voor gekoppelde afbeeldingen
div preferences nl div
do you prefer a 24 hour time format, or a 12 hour one with am/pm attached. preferences nl Prefereert u de tijd in 24-uurs formaat, of in 12-uurs formaat met am/pm toegevoegd?
edit custom fields preferences nl wijzig aangepaste velden
enable drag and drop functionality (experimental) addressbook nl Schakel drag and drop functionaliteit in (experimenteel)
enables or disables drag and drop functions in all applications. if the browser does not support drag and drop, it will be disabled automatically. this feature is experimental at the moment. addressbook nl Schakel drag and drop functies in alle toepassingen in of uit. Indien de browser drag and drop niet ondersteund wordt, wordt het vanzelf uitgeschakeld. Deze functie is op dit moment experimenteel.
enter your new password preferences nl Voer uw nieuwe wachtwoord in
enter your old password preferences nl Voer uw oude wachtwoord in
error: there was a problem finding the preference file for %1 in %2 preferences nl Fout: Er is een fout opgetreden bij het zoeken naar het voorkeurenbestand voor %1 in %2.
@ -37,6 +45,7 @@ how should egroupware display dates for you. preferences nl Hoe moet eGroupWare
icon preferences nl Icoon
icons and text preferences nl Iconen en tekst
icons only preferences nl Alleen iconen
images linked to an entry can be displayed as thumbnails. you can turn this off to speed up page display. addressbook nl Afbeeldingen gekoppeld aan een record kunnen worden weergegeven als miniaturen. U kunt dit uitschakelen om de snelheid van weergave te verhogen.
in which country are you. this is used to set certain defaults for you. preferences nl In welk land bevindt u zich? Dit wordt gebruikt om bepaalde standaardinstellingen voor u te maken.
interface/template selection preferences nl Interface/Template Selectie
language preferences nl Taal
@ -46,13 +55,20 @@ no default preferences nl Geen standaard
no user-selection at all common nl Totaal geen gebruikersselectie
note: this feature does *not* change your email password. this will preferences nl Opmerking: Deze optie wijzigt uw email wachtwoord niet. Dit moet
note: this feature does *not* change your email password. this will need to be done manually. preferences nl Let op: Deze optie wijzigt *niet* uw email-wachtwoord. Dit moet handmatig te gebeuren.
office 2003 theme preferences nl Office 2003 theme
p: paragraph preferences nl p: Paragraaf
please, select a new theme preferences nl Selecteer een nieuw thema
popup with search preferences nl Popupvenster met zoekfunctie
re-enter your password preferences nl Voor uw wachtwoord nogmaals in
read prefs for the specified application. preferences nl Lees voorkeuren voor de opgegeven toepassing
rich text editor enter mode addressbook nl Rich text editor invoer modus
rich text editor theme addressbook nl Rich text editor theme
select different theme preferences nl Selecteer een ander thema
select how the rich text editor will generate the enter (linebreak) tag. addressbook nl Kies hoe de rich text editor de Enter (regelomloop) tag moet opbouwen.
select one preferences nl Selecteer één
select the language of texts and messages within egroupware.<br>some languages may not contain all messages, in that case you will see an english message. preferences nl Selecteer de taal teksten en berichten in eGroupWare. <br />Sommige talen zijn niet compleet. In dat geval wordt teruggevallen op de Engelse taal.
select the language of the spellchecker integrated into the rich text editor. addressbook nl Kies de taal van de spellingcontrole die is geintegreerde rich text editor.
select the theme (visualization) of the rich text editor. addressbook nl Kies het theme (vormgeving) van de rich text editor.
selectbox preferences nl Keuzevenster
selectbox with groupmembers common nl Keuzevenster met groepsleden
selectbox with primary group and search preferences nl Keuzevenster met primaire groep en zoekveld
@ -60,10 +76,13 @@ set this to your convenience. for security reasons, you might not want to show y
should the number of active sessions be displayed for you all the time. preferences nl Moet het aantal actieve sessies altijd aan u worden weergegeven?
should this help messages shown up always, when you enter the preferences or only on request. preferences nl Moet deze extra uitleg altijd worden weergegeven als u uw voorkeuren wijzigd?
show helpmessages by default preferences nl Extra uitleg standaard weergeven.
show links between egroupware aps as addressbook nl Toon links tussen eGroupWare toepassingen als
show navigation bar as preferences nl Navigatiebalk weergeven als
show number of current users preferences nl Aantal huidige gebruikers weergeven
show text on navigation icons preferences nl Geef tekst weer op de navigatiebalk
show_more_apps common nl Meer toepassingen weergeven
silver theme preferences nl Silver theme
spellchecker language addressbook nl Spellingcontrole
text only preferences nl Alleen tekst
the default application will be started when you enter egroupware or click on the homepage icon.<br>you can also have more than one application showing up on the homepage, if you don't choose a specific application here (has to be configured in the preferences of each application). preferences nl De standaard toepassing wordt direct geopend na het inloggen in eGroupWare en wanneer u klikt op start.<br />U kunt ook informatie van meerdere applicaties weergeven op de startpagina door hier geen specifieke pagina te selecteren. Niet alle toepassingen kunnen informatie tonen op de startpagina. Een voorbeeld toepassing die het wel kan is 'Kalender'. Zie de voorkeuren van 'Kalender' voor meer informatie.
the old password is not correct preferences nl Het oude wachtwoord is onjuist
@ -76,12 +95,12 @@ time format preferences nl Tijdweergave
use default preferences nl Gebruik standaard
users choice preferences nl Gebruikerskeuze
when you say yes the home and logout buttons are presented as applications in the main top applcation bar. preferences nl Indien je JA antwoordt, worden de start en logout knoppen als applicaties getoond in de knoppenbalk.
which charset should be used for the csv export. the system default is the charset of this egroupware installation. addressbook nl Welke karakterset moet gebruikt worden voor de CSV export. De systeem standaard is de karakterset van deze eGroupWare installatie.
which currency symbol or name should be used in egroupware. preferences nl Welke symbool of naam voor de munteenheid moet gebruikt worden in eGroupWare.
write prefs for the specified application. preferences nl Schrijf de voorkeuren op voor de opgegeven toepassing.
you can show the applications as icons only, icons with app-name or both. preferences nl U kunt de toepassingen weergeven met alleen iconen iconen met tekst, of alleen tekst.
you can show the linked entries with icons only, icons with app-name or both. addressbook nl U kunt de gekoppelde records weergeven met alleen ikonen, ikonen met toepassingsnaam of beiden.
you do not have permission to set acl's in this mode! preferences nl U heeft geen toelating om de ACL's in te stellen in deze modus!
you must enter a password preferences nl U moet een wachtwoord invoeren
your current theme is: %1 preferences nl uw huidige thema is %1
your preferences preferences nl Uw voorkeuren
charset for the csv export addressbook nl Karakterset voor de CSV export
which charset should be used for the csv export. the system default is the charset of this egroupware installation. addressbook nl Welke karakterset moet gebruikt worden voor de CSV export. De systeem standaard is de karakterset van deze eGroupWare installatie.
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
$label preferences pt-br $rótulo
%1 - preferences preferences pt-br %1 - Preferências
%1 hours preferences pt-br %1 horas
12 hour preferences pt-br 12 horas
@ -7,10 +8,12 @@ a theme defines the colors and fonts used by the template. preferences pt-br Um
acl grants have been updated preferences pt-br As permissões de acesso (ACL) foram atualizadas
any listing in egw will show you this number of entries or lines per page.<br>to many slow down the page display, to less will cost you the overview. preferences pt-br Todas as listas no eGroupWare utilizarão esta quantidade de linhas para a exibição por página. <br>Linhas demais podem deixar lenta a visualização, poucas linhas adificultam a visualização, teste várias possibilidades.
are you sure you want to delete this category ? preferences pt-br Tem certeza que deseja apagar essa categoria?
br preferences pt-br br
change a user password by passing the old and new passwords. returns true on success, false on failure. preferences pt-br Alterar a senha de usuário informando a antiga e a nova senha. Retorna VERDADEIRO no sucesso, FALSO na falha.
change your password preferences pt-br Altere sua senha
change your profile preferences pt-br Altere seu perfil
change your settings preferences pt-br Altere suas preferências
charset for the csv export addressbook pt-br Códificação de caracteres para a exportação CSV
click to select a color preferences pt-br Clique para selecionar uma cor
color preferences pt-br Cor
country preferences pt-br País
@ -18,10 +21,15 @@ date format preferences pt-br Formato de data
default preferences pt-br padrão
default application preferences pt-br Aplicação padrão
default preferences preferences pt-br Preferências padrões
default theme preferences pt-br Tema padrão
delete categories preferences pt-br Apagar Categorias
description can not exceed 255 characters in length ! preferences pt-br A Descrição não deve exceder 255 caracteres!
display thumbnails for linked images addressbook pt-br Exibir miniaturas para imagens linkadas
div preferences pt-br div
do you prefer a 24 hour time format, or a 12 hour one with am/pm attached. preferences pt-br Você prefere o formato de 24 horas, ou 12 horas acompanhado de am/pm?
edit custom fields preferences pt-br Editar campos personalizados
enable drag and drop functionality (experimental) addressbook pt-br Habilitar a funcionalidade arrastar e soltar (experimental)
enables or disables drag and drop functions in all applications. if the browser does not support drag and drop, it will be disabled automatically. this feature is experimental at the moment. addressbook pt-br Habilitar ou desabilitar funções de arrastar e soltar em todos os aplicativos. Se o navegador não suportar tal funcionalidade, esta será desabilitada automaticamente. Esta função é experimental no momento.
enter your new password preferences pt-br Digite sua nova senha
enter your old password preferences pt-br Digite sua antiga senha
error: there was a problem finding the preference file for %1 in %2 preferences pt-br Erro: Houve um problema ao tentar encontrar o arquivo de preferencias para %1 em %2
@ -37,6 +45,7 @@ how should egroupware display dates for you. preferences pt-br Como o eGroupWare
icon preferences pt-br Ícone
icons and text preferences pt-br Ícones e texto
icons only preferences pt-br Somente ícones
images linked to an entry can be displayed as thumbnails. you can turn this off to speed up page display. addressbook pt-br Imagens linkadas a um registro podem ser exibidas como miniaturas. Você pode desabilitar esta função para acelerar o carregamento da página.
in which country are you. this is used to set certain defaults for you. preferences pt-br Em que País você está. Isto é usado para determinar alguns padrões.
interface/template selection preferences pt-br Seleção de Interface/Modelo
language preferences pt-br Idioma
@ -46,13 +55,20 @@ no default preferences pt-br Sem padrão
no user-selection at all common pt-br Sem nenhuma seleção de usuário
note: this feature does *not* change your email password. this will preferences pt-br Atenção: Esta função NÃO altera sua senha de e-mail.
note: this feature does *not* change your email password. this will need to be done manually. preferences pt-br Nota: Esta função <b>NÃO</b> altera sua senha de email. Você deverá fazer isto manualmente.
office 2003 theme preferences pt-br Tema Office 2003
p: paragraph preferences pt-br p: Parágrafo
please, select a new theme preferences pt-br Por favor, selecione um novo tema
popup with search preferences pt-br Janela instantânea com busca
re-enter your password preferences pt-br Digite sua senha novamente
read prefs for the specified application. preferences pt-br Ler preferências do aplicativo específico
rich text editor enter mode addressbook pt-br Modo 'Enter' do Editor Rich Text
rich text editor theme addressbook pt-br Tema do Editor Rich Text
select different theme preferences pt-br Selecione um tema diferente
select how the rich text editor will generate the enter (linebreak) tag. addressbook pt-br Selecione como o editor rich text gerará a tag enter (quebra de linha).
select one preferences pt-br Selecione um
select the language of texts and messages within egroupware.<br>some languages may not contain all messages, in that case you will see an english message. preferences pt-br Selecione o idioma dos textos e mensagens do eGroupWare.<br> Alguns idiomas podem estar incopletos, e neste caso aparecerá a mensagem original em inglês seguida de um asterisco.
select the language of the spellchecker integrated into the rich text editor. addressbook pt-br Selecione o idioma do corretor gramatical integrado ao editor rich text.
select the theme (visualization) of the rich text editor. addressbook pt-br Selecione o tema (visualização) do editor rich text.
selectbox preferences pt-br Caixa de seleção
selectbox with groupmembers common pt-br Caixa de seleção com usuários de grupo
selectbox with primary group and search preferences pt-br Caixa de seleção com grupo principal e busca
@ -60,10 +76,13 @@ set this to your convenience. for security reasons, you might not want to show y
should the number of active sessions be displayed for you all the time. preferences pt-br O número de sessões ativas deve ser mostrado todo o tempo.
should this help messages shown up always, when you enter the preferences or only on request. preferences pt-br Essas mensagens de ajuda devem aparecer sempre ao modificar preferências, ou quando somente quando requisitadas.
show helpmessages by default preferences pt-br Exibir mensagens de ajuda por padrão
show links between egroupware aps as addressbook pt-br Exibir links entre os aplicativos eGroupWare como
show navigation bar as preferences pt-br Exibir barra de navegação como
show number of current users preferences pt-br Exibir o número de usuários correntes
show text on navigation icons preferences pt-br Exibir texto na barra de navegação
show_more_apps common pt-br Exibir mais Aplicativos
silver theme preferences pt-br Tema Prata
spellchecker language addressbook pt-br Idioma do corretor gramatical
text only preferences pt-br Somente texto
the default application will be started when you enter egroupware or click on the homepage icon.<br>you can also have more than one application showing up on the homepage, if you don't choose a specific application here (has to be configured in the preferences of each application). preferences pt-br O aplicativo padrão será iniciado quando você entrar no eGroupWare ou clicar no ícone página inicial.<br>Você pode ter mais de um aplicativo padrão mostrado na página inicial, caso não seja especificado aqui (precisa ser configurado nas preferências de cada aplicativo)
the old password is not correct preferences pt-br A antiga senha não está correta
@ -76,12 +95,12 @@ time format preferences pt-br Formato do horário
use default preferences pt-br Usar o padrão
users choice preferences pt-br Escolha do usuário
when you say yes the home and logout buttons are presented as applications in the main top applcation bar. preferences pt-br Quando você selecionar Sim os botões serão colocados na barra de ferramentas ao topo do aplicativo.
which charset should be used for the csv export. the system default is the charset of this egroupware installation. addressbook pt-br Que codificação de caracter deverá ser usado para exportação CSV. O padrão é a codificação desta instalação do eGroupWare.
which currency symbol or name should be used in egroupware. preferences pt-br Qual o simbolo monetário ou nome deve ser usado pelo eGroupWare.
write prefs for the specified application. preferences pt-br Gravar preferências para o aplicativo específico
you can show the applications as icons only, icons with app-name or both. preferences pt-br Você pode mostrar os aplicativos como ícones, ícones com o nome do aplicativo ou ambos
you can show the applications as icons only, icons with app-name or both. preferences pt-br Você pode exibir os aplicativos como ícones, ícones com o nome do aplicativo ou ambos.
you can show the linked entries with icons only, icons with app-name or both. addressbook pt-br Você pode exibir os registros linkados como ícones, ícones com o nome do aplicativo ou ambos.
you do not have permission to set acl's in this mode! preferences pt-br Você não possui permissão para determinar ACL´s nesse modo!
you must enter a password preferences pt-br Você deve digitar uma senha
your current theme is: %1 preferences pt-br Seu tema atual é: %1
your preferences preferences pt-br Suas preferências
charset for the csv export addressbook pt-br Códificação de caracteres para a exportação CSV
which charset should be used for the csv export. the system default is the charset of this egroupware installation. addressbook pt-br Que codificação de caracter deverá ser usado para exportação CSV. O padrão é a codificação desta instalação do eGroupWare.
@ -19,10 +19,14 @@ date format preferences sk Formát dátumu
default preferences sk predvolený
default application preferences sk Predvolená aplikácia
default preferences preferences sk Predvolené nastavenia
default theme preferences sk Predvolená téma
delete categories preferences sk Zmazať kategórie
description can not exceed 255 characters in length ! preferences sk Dĺžka opisu nesmie prekročiť 255 znakov!
display thumbnails for linked images addressbook sk Zobraziť náhľady pre odkazované obrázky
do you prefer a 24 hour time format, or a 12 hour one with am/pm attached. preferences sk Chcete čas zobrazovať ako 24 hodín, alebo ako 12 hodín s príponami am(dopoludnia) a pm(popoludní).
edit custom fields preferences sk upraviť vlastné polia
enable drag and drop functionality (experimental) addressbook sk Povoliť funkcionalitu ťahaj-a-pusť (experimentálna!)
enables or disables drag and drop functions in all applications. if the browser does not support drag and drop, it will be disabled automatically. this feature is experimental at the moment. addressbook sk Povolí alebo zakáže funkcie ťahaj-a-pusť vo všetkých aplikáciách. Ak váš prehliadač nepodporuje ťahaj-a-pusť, automaticky sa zakáže. Táto funkcia je v súčasnosti iba na experimentálnej úrovni.
enter your new password preferences sk Zadajte vaše heslo
enter your old password preferences sk Zadajte staré heslo
error: there was a problem finding the preference file for %1 in %2 preferences sk Chyba: Súbor predvolieb pre %1 v %2 sa nenašial
@ -38,6 +42,7 @@ how should egroupware display dates for you. preferences sk Ako má eGroupWare z
icon preferences sk Ikona
icons and text preferences sk Ikony s textom
icons only preferences sk Len ikony
images linked to an entry can be displayed as thumbnails. you can turn this off to speed up page display. addressbook sk Obrázky, na ktoré sa v zázname odkazuje, sa dajú zobrazovať ako náhľady. Ak chcete zrýchliť zobrazovanie, tak to vypnite.
in which country are you. this is used to set certain defaults for you. preferences sk V akej krajine sa nachádzate. Informácia sa použije na nastavenie niektorých predvolieb.
interface/template selection preferences sk Výber vzhľadu rozhrania / šablóny
language preferences sk Jazyk
@ -47,13 +52,19 @@ no default preferences sk Bez predvolených nastavení
no user-selection at all common sk Žiadny výber používateľov
note: this feature does *not* change your email password. this will preferences sk upozornenie: Táto funkcia NEZMENÍ vaše E-mailové heslo. Len
note: this feature does *not* change your email password. this will need to be done manually. preferences sk Poznámka: Týmto *nezmeníte* vaše E-mailové heslo. To sa dá urobiť len ručne.
office 2003 theme preferences sk Téma Office 2003
please, select a new theme preferences sk Prosím, vyberte novú farebnú tému
popup with search preferences sk Vyhľadaním
re-enter your password preferences sk Zadajte heslo znovu
read prefs for the specified application. preferences sk Načítať predvoľby pre vybranú aplikáciu.
rich text editor enter mode addressbook sk Zadávací režim textového editora
rich text editor theme addressbook sk Téma textového editora
select different theme preferences sk Vybrať inú farebnú tému
select how the rich text editor will generate the enter (linebreak) tag. addressbook sk Vyberte, ako má textový editor generovať značku enter (zalomenie riadku).
select one preferences sk Vyberte si jeden
select the language of texts and messages within egroupware.<br>some languages may not contain all messages, in that case you will see an english message. preferences sk Vyberte jazyk pre texty a správy v rámci eGroupWare.<br>Niektoré jazyky nemusia zahŕňať preklad všetkých hlášok - v takých prípadoch sa zobrazí hláška v angličtine.
select the language of the spellchecker integrated into the rich text editor. addressbook sk Vyberte jazyk kontroly pravopisu v textovom editore.
select the theme (visualization) of the rich text editor. addressbook sk Vyberte tému (vzhľad) textového editora.
selectbox preferences sk Výberom
selectbox with groupmembers common sk Výberom s členmi skupiny
selectbox with primary group and search preferences sk Výberom s primárnou skupinou a vyhľadaním
@ -61,10 +72,13 @@ set this to your convenience. for security reasons, you might not want to show y
should the number of active sessions be displayed for you all the time. preferences sk Má sa stále zobrazovať počet aktívnych relácií (pripojených používateľov)?
should this help messages shown up always, when you enter the preferences or only on request. preferences sk Chcete vidieť pomocné texty pri každej zmene nastavení, alebo iba na požiadanie?
show helpmessages by default preferences sk Vždy zobraziť pomocné texty
show links between egroupware aps as addressbook sk Zobraziť odkazy medzi aplikáciami eGroupWare ako
show navigation bar as preferences sk Ako zobraziť navigačný panel
show number of current users preferences sk Zobraziť počet pripojených používateľov
show text on navigation icons preferences sk Zobrazovať text na navigačných ikonách
show_more_apps common sk Zobraziť ďalšie aplikácie
silver theme preferences sk Strieborná téma
spellchecker language addressbook sk Jazyk kontroly pravopisu
text only preferences sk Iba text
the default application will be started when you enter egroupware or click on the homepage icon.<br>you can also have more than one application showing up on the homepage, if you don't choose a specific application here (has to be configured in the preferences of each application). preferences sk Predvolená aplikácia sa spustí po prihlásení do eGroupWare alebo kliknutí na ikonku Domovskej stránky.<br>Naraz môžete mať na hlavnej stránke zobrazených aj viacero aplikácií, ak si tu nevyberiete žiadnu. Musíte si to však ponastavovať v nastaveniach jednotlivých aplikácií.
the old password is not correct preferences sk Staré heslo bolo zadané chybne
@ -81,6 +95,7 @@ which charset should be used for the csv export. the system default is the chars
which currency symbol or name should be used in egroupware. preferences sk Ktorý symbol alebo názov meny sa má používať v eGroupWare.
write prefs for the specified application. preferences sk Zapísať predvoľby pre vybranú aplikáciu.
you can show the applications as icons only, icons with app-name or both. preferences sk Aplikácie môžu byť zobrazované ako ikonky, ikonky s názvami alebo obidvoje.
you can show the linked entries with icons only, icons with app-name or both. addressbook sk Odkazované záznamy sa dajú zobrazovať ako ikony, ikony s názvom aplikácie alebo oboje.
you do not have permission to set acl's in this mode! preferences sk Nemáte oprávnenia na zmenu ACL v tomto režime!
you must enter a password preferences sk Musíte zadať heslo
your current theme is: %1 preferences sk Vaša súčasná farebná téma je: <b>%1</b>
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
$label preferences sl $label
%1 - preferences preferences sl %1 - lastnosti
%1 hours preferences sl %1 ur
12 hour preferences sl 12 ur
@ -7,10 +8,12 @@ a theme defines the colors and fonts used by the template. preferences sl Tema d
acl grants have been updated preferences sl Pravice ACL so bile spremenjene
any listing in egw will show you this number of entries or lines per page.<br>to many slow down the page display, to less will cost you the overview. preferences sl Vsak seznam v eGW prikaže število vnosov oz. vrstic na stran.<br>Preveliko število upočasni vpogled strani, premajhno pa omeji vpogled na seznam.
are you sure you want to delete this category ? preferences sl Ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati to kategorijo?
br preferences sl br
change a user password by passing the old and new passwords. returns true on success, false on failure. preferences sl Spremeni geslo uporabniku tako, da podate staro in novo geslo. Če se operacija uspešno izvede, vrne TRUE, drugače pa FALSE.
change your password preferences sl Spremenite svoje geslo
change your profile preferences sl Spremenite svoj profil
change your settings preferences sl Spremenite svoje nastavitve
charset for the csv export addressbook sl Nabor znakov za izvoz CSV
click to select a color preferences sl Izberite barvo
color preferences sl Barva
country preferences sl Država
@ -18,10 +21,15 @@ date format preferences sl Oblika datuma
default preferences sl Privzeto
default application preferences sl Privzeta aplikacija
default preferences preferences sl Privzete nastavitve
default theme preferences sl Privzeta tema
delete categories preferences sl Izbriši kategorije
description can not exceed 255 characters in length ! preferences sl Opis ne more presegati 255 znakov!
display thumbnails for linked images addressbook sl Prikaži ikonice za slike s povezavami
div preferences sl div
do you prefer a 24 hour time format, or a 12 hour one with am/pm attached. preferences sl Imate raje 24 ali 12 urni časovni zapis?
edit custom fields preferences sl Uredi lastna polja
enable drag and drop functionality (experimental) addressbook sl Omogoči "povleci in spusti"
enables or disables drag and drop functions in all applications. if the browser does not support drag and drop, it will be disabled automatically. this feature is experimental at the moment. addressbook sl Omogoči ali onemogoči "povleci in spusti" v vseh aplikacijah. Če brskalnik tega ne podpira, bo samodejno onemogočeno. Ta funkcionalnost je trenutno v testni fazi.
enter your new password preferences sl Vpišite novo geslo
enter your old password preferences sl Vpišite staro geslo
error: there was a problem finding the preference file for %1 in %2 preferences sl Napaka: ne morem najti datoteke z nastavitvami za %1 v %2
@ -37,6 +45,7 @@ how should egroupware display dates for you. preferences sl Kako naj eGroupWare
icon preferences sl Ikona
icons and text preferences sl Ikone in besedilo
icons only preferences sl Samo ikone
images linked to an entry can be displayed as thumbnails. you can turn this off to speed up page display. addressbook sl Slike, ki so povezane na vnos, so lahko prikazane kot ikonice. Če želite pohitriti nalaganje strani, lahko to izključite.
in which country are you. this is used to set certain defaults for you. preferences sl V kateri državi ste. Uporabno za pravilen izbor privzetih vrednosti.
interface/template selection preferences sl Vmesnik/izbira predloge
language preferences sl Jezik
@ -46,13 +55,20 @@ no default preferences sl Ni privzetih vrednosti
no user-selection at all common sl Ni izbire za uporabnika
note: this feature does *not* change your email password. this will preferences sl Pozor: to *NE* bo zamenjalo gesla vaše E-pošte. To bo
note: this feature does *not* change your email password. this will need to be done manually. preferences sl Opomba: Ta možnost *ne* spremeni vašega E-poštnega gesla. Spremeniti ga boste moral ročno.
office 2003 theme preferences sl Tema Office 2003
p: paragraph preferences sl p: Paragraph
please, select a new theme preferences sl Izberite novo temo
popup with search preferences sl Okno za iskanje
re-enter your password preferences sl Ponovno vpišite geslo
read prefs for the specified application. preferences sl Preberite lastnosti izbrane aplikacije.
rich text editor enter mode addressbook sl Način obogatenega besedila
rich text editor theme addressbook sl Tema obogatenega besedila
select different theme preferences sl Izberite drugačno temo
select how the rich text editor will generate the enter (linebreak) tag. addressbook sl Izberite, kako bo urejevalnik obogatenega besedila ustvaril značko za prelom vsrtice.
select one preferences sl Izberite eno
select the language of texts and messages within egroupware.<br>some languages may not contain all messages, in that case you will see an english message. preferences sl Izberi jezik sporočil in besedil znotraj EGW.<br>Nekateri jeziki morda ne vsebujejo vseh prevodov in v tem primeru bo izpisano besedilo v angleščini.
select the language of the spellchecker integrated into the rich text editor. addressbook sl Izberite jezik črkovalnika, vgrajenega v urejevalnik obogatenega besedila.
select the theme (visualization) of the rich text editor. addressbook sl Izberite temo urejevalnika obogatenega besedila.
selectbox preferences sl Izbirno polje
selectbox with groupmembers common sl Izbirno polje s člani skupine
selectbox with primary group and search preferences sl Izbirno polje s primarno skupino in iskanjem
@ -60,10 +76,13 @@ set this to your convenience. for security reasons, you might not want to show y
should the number of active sessions be displayed for you all the time. preferences sl Ali naj bo število aktivnih sej prikazano ves čas?
should this help messages shown up always, when you enter the preferences or only on request. preferences sl Naj bo pomoč vidna vedno ali samo na zahtevo?
show helpmessages by default preferences sl Privzeto prikaži sporočila s pomočjo
show links between egroupware aps as addressbook sl Prikaži povezave med aplikacijami eGroupWare kot
show navigation bar as preferences sl Prikaži navigacijsko vrstico kot
show number of current users preferences sl Prikaži število prijavljenih uporabnikov
show text on navigation icons preferences sl Prikaži besedilo na navigacijski ikoni
show_more_apps common sl Pokaži več aplikacij
silver theme preferences sl Tema Silver
spellchecker language addressbook sl Jezik črkovalnika
text only preferences sl Samo besedilo
the default application will be started when you enter egroupware or click on the homepage icon.<br>you can also have more than one application showing up on the homepage, if you don't choose a specific application here (has to be configured in the preferences of each application). preferences sl Privzeta aplikacija se bo zagnala ob vstopu v EGW ali ob kliku na domačo ikono.<br>Na domači strani je lahko hkrati prikazanih več aplikacij. Prikaz aplikacij določate v nastavitvah aplikacij.
the old password is not correct preferences sl Staro geslo ni pravilno
@ -76,12 +95,12 @@ time format preferences sl Oblika izpisa časa
use default preferences sl Uporabi privzeto
users choice preferences sl Uporabnikova izbira
when you say yes the home and logout buttons are presented as applications in the main top applcation bar. preferences sl Če želite, sta lahko gumba za domačo stran in odjavo na voljo na vrhu aplikacije.
which charset should be used for the csv export. the system default is the charset of this egroupware installation. addressbook sl Kateri nabor znakov naj se uporabi pri izvozu CSV. Privzeto se uporabi nabor znakov, ki je nastavljen v eGroupWare.
which currency symbol or name should be used in egroupware. preferences sl Kateri valutni simbol ali ime bo uporabno v EGW.
write prefs for the specified application. preferences sl Napišite lastnosti izbrane aplikacije.
you can show the applications as icons only, icons with app-name or both. preferences sl Lahko pokažem aplikacije kot ikone, ikone z imenom aplikacije ali oboje.
you can show the linked entries with icons only, icons with app-name or both. addressbook sl Vnose s povezavami lahko prikažete samo z ikonami, samo z imenom aplikacije ali z obojim.
you do not have permission to set acl's in this mode! preferences sl Nimate dovoljenja za nastavitev ACL v tem načinu!
you must enter a password preferences sl Vpisati morate geslo
your current theme is: %1 preferences sl Vaša trenutna tema je: %1
your preferences preferences sl Vaše nastavitve
charset for the csv export addressbook sl Nabor znakov za izvoz CSV
which charset should be used for the csv export. the system default is the charset of this egroupware installation. addressbook sl Kateri nabor znakov naj se uporabi pri izvozu CSV. Privzeto se uporabi nabor znakov, ki je nastavljen v eGroupWare.
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ category: resources nl Categorie:
check all resources nl Alles markeren
choose categories admin resources nl kies categorieën beheer
clear selection resources nl selectie wissen
configure access permissions resources nl Toegangsrechten configureren
configure access permissions admin nl Toegangsrechten configureren
create new accessory for this resource resources nl Nieuw toebehoren voor deze hulpbron aanmaken
create new links resources nl Nieuwe links aanmaken
delete selected resources resources nl verwijder de geselecteerde hulpbronnen
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ responsible: resources nl Verantwoordelijk:
saves entry and exits resources nl Opslaan en sluiten
select a category resources nl Selecteer een categorie
select resource resources nl selecteer hulpbron
select resources resources nl Selecteer hulpbronnen
select resources common nl Selecteer hulpbronnen
select/deselect all resources nl alles (de)selecteren
short description resources nl Korte beschrijving
short description of resource resources nl Korte beschrijving van hulpbron
@ -95,6 +95,7 @@ web-site for this resource resources nl Website voor deze hulpbron
where to find this resource? resources nl Waar kun je deze hulpbron vinden?
which category does this resource belong to? resources nl Tot welke categorie behoort deze hulpbron?
write permissions resources nl Schrijfrechten
you are not permitted to delete this reource! resources nl U bent niet bevoegd deze hulpbron te verwijderen!
you are not permitted to edit this reource! resources nl U bent niet bevoegd deze hulpbron te wijzigen!
you are not permitted to get information about this resource! resources nl U bent niet bevoegd informatie over deze hulpbron op te vragen!
you chose more resources than available resources nl U koos meer hulpbronnen dan er beschikbaar zijn
@ -95,6 +95,7 @@ web-site for this resource resources sk Webstránka tohto zdroja
where to find this resource? resources sk Kde sa dá nájsť tento zdroj
which category does this resource belong to? resources sk Do ktorej kategórie tento zdroj patrí?
write permissions resources sk Oprávnenia k zápisu
you are not permitted to delete this reource! resources sk Nemáte oprávnenie odstrániť tento zdroj!
you are not permitted to edit this reource! resources sk Nemáte oprávnenie upravovať tento zdroj!
you are not permitted to get information about this resource! resources sk Nemáte oprávnenia čítať informácie o tomto zdroji!
you chose more resources than available resources sk Vybrali ste si viacej zdrojov než je dostupných
@ -1,10 +1,14 @@
%1 '%2' does not exist, is not readable by the webserver or contains no egroupware installation! setup pt-br %1 '%2' não existe, o servidor web não tem permissão de leitura ou não contém uma instalação do eGroupware!
%1 already exists in %2. setup pt-br %1 já existe em %2.
%1 created in %2. setup pt-br %1 criado em %2.
%1 database %2 on %3 already contains the following tables: setup pt-br %1 banco de dados %2 em %3 já possui as seguintes tabelas:
%1 does not exist !!! setup pt-br %1 não existe!!!
%1 is %2%3 !!! setup pt-br %1 é %2%3 !!!
%1 is needed by: %2. setup pt-br %1 é utilizado por: %2.
%1 is set to %2, you will not be able to upload or attach files bigger then that! setup pt-br %1 está definido(a) como %2, você NÃO será capaz de fazer upload ou anexar arquivos maiores que isso!
%1 is set to %2. this is not recommeded for a production system, as displayed error messages can contain passwords or other sensitive information! setup pt-br %1 está definido(a) como %2. Isto NÃO é recomendado para um sistema em produção, já que mensagens de erros exibidas poderão conter senhas ou outras informações sensíveis!
%1, %2 or %3 the configuration file. setup pt-br %1, %2 ou %3 o arquivo de configuração.
'%1' is no valid domain name! setup pt-br '%1' não é um nome de domínio válido!
'%1' is not allowed as %2. arguments of option %3 !!! setup pt-br '%1' não é permitido como argumento %2 da opção %3 !!!
(searching accounts and changing passwords) setup pt-br (procurando contas e alterando senhas)
*** do not update your database via setup, as the update might be interrupted by the max_execution_time, which leaves your db in an unrecoverable state (your data is lost) !!! setup pt-br Não atualize sua base de dados usando o configurador, já que a atualização pode ser interrompida pelo limite máximo de tempo seu servidor. Isto pode deixar sua base de dados em uma situação irrecuperável, provocando perda de dados.
@ -71,6 +75,7 @@ at your request, this script is going to take the evil action of deleting your e
at your request, this script is going to take the evil action of uninstalling all your apps, which deletes your existing tables and data setup pt-br A seu pedido, este script irá desinstalar todas suas aplicações, removendo as tabelas do banco de dados e seus dados
attempt to use correct mimetype for ftp instead of default 'application/octet-stream' setup pt-br Tentar usar o mimetype correto para FTP ao invés do padrão 'application/octet-stream'
authentication / accounts setup pt-br Autenticação / Contas
authentication type for application setup pt-br Tipo de autenticação para o aplicativo
auto create account records for authenticated users setup pt-br Criar contas de usuários automaticamente para usuários autenticados
auto login anonymous user setup pt-br Login automático do usuário anônimo
auto-created user accounts expire setup pt-br Usuários criados automaticamente expiram em
@ -99,6 +104,10 @@ because of a failed upgrade, or the database is newer than the installed version
because the enable flag for this app is set to 0, or is undefined setup pt-br porque o campo de habilitação (flag) desta aplicação está definido como 0, ou está indefinido
bottom setup pt-br Inferior
but we <u>highly recommend backing up</u> your tables in case the script causes damage to your data.<br /><strong>these automated scripts can easily destroy your data.</strong> setup pt-br é <u>altamente recomendável</u> fazer uma cópia de segurança das tabelas do banco de dados caso o script danifique seus dados. <br /><strong>Estes scripts automáticos podem destruir seus dados facilmente</strong>
can not connect to %1 database %2 on host %3 using user %4! setup pt-br Não foi possível conectar ao %1 banco de dados %2 no servidor %3 utilizando o usuário %4!
can not connect to ldap server on host %1 using dn %2! setup pt-br Não foi possível conectar ao servidor LDAP no servidor %1 usando DN %2!
can not create %1 database %2 on %3 for user %4! setup pt-br Não foi possível criar o %1 banco de dados %2 em %3 para o usuário %4!
can not create dn %1! setup pt-br Não foi possível criar o DN %1!
cancel setup pt-br Cancelar
cannot create the header.inc.php due to file permission restrictions.<br /> instead you can %1 or %2 the file. setup pt-br Não é possível criar o arquivo header.inc.php devido à problemas de permissões. <br/>Então você pode %1 ou %2 o arquivo.
change system-charset setup pt-br Trocar o Conjunto de Carcteres do Sistema
@ -160,6 +169,7 @@ current system-charset setup pt-br Codificação de caracteres atual do sistema
current system-charset is %1. setup pt-br Codificação de caracteres atual do sistema é %1.
current version setup pt-br Versão atual
currently installed languages: %1 <br /> setup pt-br Idiomas instalados atualmente: %1 <br />
custom set via %1 setup pt-br Definição personalizada através de %1
cyrus imap: admin user,password setup pt-br IMAP Cyrus: usuário administrador,senha
database setup pt-br Base de dados
database instance (egw domain) setup pt-br Instância da base de dados (domínio eGW)
@ -203,6 +213,7 @@ domain(all),[config user(admin)],password,[file-name(default: backup-dir/db_back
domain(default),[config user(admin)],password,[backup to install],[charset(default depends on language)] setup pt-br domínio(padrão),[usuário configurador(admin)],senha,[backup a instalar],[conjunto de caracteres(padrão: depende do idioma)]
domain(default),[config user(admin)],password,[name=value,...] sets config values beside: setup pt-br domínio(padrão),[usuário configurador(admin)],senha,[nome=valor,...] define valores de configuração ao lado de:
domain-name setup pt-br nome do domínio
don't change, if you already stored files! you will loose them! setup pt-br Não altere se você já armazena arquivos! Você os perderá!
dont touch my data setup pt-br Não alterar meus dados
download setup pt-br Baixar
edit current configuration setup pt-br Editar configuração atual
@ -248,6 +259,7 @@ file type, size, version, etc. setup pt-br tipo de arquivo, tamanho, versão, et
file uploads are switched off: you can not use any of the filemanagers, nor can you attach files in several applications! setup pt-br Carregamento de arquivos está desabilitado. Você NÃO pode pode usar nenhum dos gerenciadores de arquivo nem adicionar arquivos em vários aplicativos!
filename setup pt-br Nome do arquivo
filesystem setup pt-br Sistema de arquivos
filesystem (default) setup pt-br Sistema de arquivos (padrão)
force selectbox setup pt-br Forçar caixa de seleção
found existing configuration file. loading settings from the file... setup pt-br Foi encontrado um arquivo de configurações. Carregando os dados desse arquivo.
give admin access to all installed apps setup pt-br Dar acesso administrativo a todos os aplicativos instalados
@ -275,12 +287,14 @@ hour (0-24) setup pt-br hora (0-24)
however the tables are still in the database setup pt-br No entanto, as tabelas permanecem no banco de dados
however, the application is otherwise installed setup pt-br No entanto, a aplicação está instalada
however, the application may still work setup pt-br No entanto, a aplicação ainda pode funcionar
http auth types (comma-separated) to use without login-page, eg. "ntlm" setup pt-br Tipos de autenticação HTTP (separados por vírgulas) para uso sem a página de login, exemplo: "NTLM"
if no acl records for user or any group the user is a member of setup pt-br Caso não exista registro de permissões ou grupo para o usuário ele é membro do
if safe_mode is turned on, egw is not able to change certain settings on runtime, nor can we load any not yet loaded module. setup pt-br Se o modo de segurança estiver ligado, o eGroupware não será capaz de modificar automáticamente determinados valores de configuração, não será possível carregar módulos que ainda não estejam carregados.
if the application has no defined tables, selecting upgrade should remedy the problem setup pt-br Se o aplicativo não têm tabelas definidas, selecionar atualizar deve resolver o problema
if using ads (active directory) authentication setup pt-br Se estiver usando autenticação por ADS (Active Directory)
if using ldap setup pt-br Se estiver usando LDAP
if using ldap, do you want to manage homedirectory and loginshell attributes? setup pt-br Se estiver usando LDAP, você deseja definir atributos de diretório base e do interpretador de comandos?
if you can only access the docroot choose <b>database</b> for where to store the file content and use same path as for temporäry files. setup pt-br Se você tem acesso apenas à pasta raiz, escolha <b>Banco de Dados</b> como local para armazenar o conteúdo do arquivo E use o mesmo caminho para arquivos temporários.
if you did not receive any errors, your applications have been setup pt-br Se não foi exibido nenhum erro, suas aplicações foram
if you did not receive any errors, your tables have been setup pt-br Se não foi exibido nenhum erro, as tabelas foram
if you running this the first time, don't forget to manualy %1 !!! setup pt-br Se você está rodando isso pela primeira vez, não esqueça de %1 manualmente!!!
@ -300,6 +314,7 @@ installation finished setup pt-br Instalação concluída
installation started, this might take a few minutes ... setup pt-br A instalação teve início. Isso pode demorar alguns minutos...
installed setup pt-br instaladas
instructions for creating the database in %1: setup pt-br Instruções para criar a base de dados em %1
invalid argument '%1' !!! setup pt-br Argumento inválido: '%1' !!!
invalid ip address setup pt-br endereço IP inválido
invalid mcrypt algorithm/mode combination setup pt-br Combinação inválida para algorítimo/modo do Mcrypt
invalid password setup pt-br Senha inválida
@ -375,6 +390,7 @@ not completed setup pt-br Incompleto
not ready for this stage yet setup pt-br Não está pronto para este passo ainda
not set setup pt-br não configurado
note: you will be able to customize this later setup pt-br Nota: será possível personalizar isto depois
nothing to change. setup pt-br Nada a alterar.
now guessing better values for defaults... setup pt-br Agora, testando valores melhores para padrão
odbc / maxdb: dsn (data source name) to use setup pt-br Nome da fonte de dados ODBC/MaxDB (DSN) a ser usada
ok setup pt-br OK
@ -398,6 +414,7 @@ path of egroupware install directory (default auto-detected) setup pt-br caminho
path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! setup pt-br Caminho para ser usado para arquivos de usuários e grupos. TEM QUE ESTAR FORA do diretório de documentos do servidor web.
path to various directories: have to exist and be writeable by the webserver setup pt-br caminho para vários diretórios: devem existir e o servidor web deve ter permissão de escrita neles
pear (%1) is a php repository and is usually in a package called %2. setup pt-br PEAR (%1) é um repositório PHP e normalmente está em um pacote chamado %2.
pear extensions are required by many egroupware applications, pear itself is the required basis for each extension! setup pt-br Extensões PEAR são requeridas por muitos aplicativos eGroupWare, o próprio PEAR é requerimento básico para cada extensão!
pear%1 is needed by: %2. setup pt-br PEAR %1 é requerido por: %2.
persistent connections setup pt-br Conexões Persistentes
php plus restore setup pt-br PHP + restauração
@ -428,7 +445,6 @@ re-enter password setup pt-br Digite novamente a senha
read translations from setup pt-br Ler as traduções de
readable by the webserver setup pt-br Leitura pelo servidor web
really uninstall all applications setup pt-br REALMENTE desinstalar todas aplicações
recommended: filesystem setup pt-br Sistemas de Arquivos recomendado
register_globals is turned on, egroupware does not require it and it's generaly more secure to have it turned off setup pt-br A variável register_globais está ligada. O eGroupWare não necessita desse recurso e geralmente é mais seguro manter essa variável desligada.
registered setup pt-br registrado
rejected lines setup pt-br Linhas rejeitadas.
@ -457,8 +473,6 @@ select one... setup pt-br selecione um
select the default applications to which your users will have access setup pt-br Selecione o aplicativo padrão.
select the desired action(s) from the available choices setup pt-br Selecione a ação (ou ações) desejada(s) a partir das opções
select to download file setup pt-br Selecione para baixar um arquivo
select where you want to store/retrieve file contents setup pt-br Selecione onde você deseja salvar/recuperar arquivos de conteúdo.
select where you want to store/retrieve filesystem information setup pt-br Selecione onde você deseja salvar / recuperar informações de arquivos do sistema.
select where you want to store/retrieve user accounts setup pt-br Selecione onde você deseja salvar / recuperar as contas de usuários
select which group(s) will be exported setup pt-br Selecionar que(quais) grupo(s) será(ão) exportado(s)
select which group(s) will be imported (group membership will be maintained) setup pt-br Selecione qual grupo (ou grupos) serão importados (a estrutura de membros dos grupos será mantida)
@ -495,6 +509,7 @@ sources deleted/missing setup pt-br Fontes removidas/faltando
sql encryption type setup pt-br Tipo de criptografia para senhas SQL(padrão Md5)
standard (login-name identical to egroupware user-name) setup pt-br padrão (nome de login idêntico ao nome de usuário do eGroupWare)
standard mailserver settings (used for mail authentication too) setup pt-br Configurações de servidor de e-mail padrão (também usadas para autenticação)
standard, as defined above setup pt-br Padrão, como definido acima
start the postmaster setup pt-br Iniciar o postmaster
start updating languages %1 ... setup pt-br Atualizando idiomas %1 ...
start updating the database ... setup pt-br Atualizando a base de dados ...
@ -506,6 +521,11 @@ step %1 - db backup and restore setup pt-br Passo %1 - Backup e Restauração de
step %1 - language management setup pt-br Passo %1 - Gerenciamento de idiomas
step %1 - simple application management setup pt-br Passo %1 - Gerenciamento simples de aplicativos
succesfully uploaded file %1 setup pt-br Arquivo % carregado com sucesso.
successful connected to %1 database %2 on %3 using user %4. setup pt-br Conectado com sucesso ao %1 banco de dados %2 em %3 utilizando usuário %4.
successful connected to %1 on %3 and created database %2 for user %4. setup pt-br Conectado com sucesso a %1 em %3 e criado banco de dados %2 para o usuário %4.
successful connected to ldap server on %1 and created/checked required structur %2. setup pt-br Conectado com sucesso ao servidor LDAP em %1 e criada/verificada a estrutura requerida %2.
successful connected to ldap server on %1 using dn %2. setup pt-br Conectado com sucesso ao servidor LDAP em %1 utilizando DN %2.
supported node types: setup pt-br Tipos de nós suportados:
table change messages setup pt-br Mensagens de alterações nas tabelas
tables dropped setup pt-br tabelas removidas (DROP)
tables installed, unless there are errors printed above setup pt-br caso não existam erros mostrados abaixo, suas tabelas terão sido instaladas com sucesso.
@ -518,13 +538,16 @@ the %1 extension is needed, if you plan to use a %2 database. setup pt-br A exte
the db_type in defaults (%1) is not supported on this server. using first supported type. setup pt-br O valor da variável db_type (%1) indica um banco de dados que não tem suporte nesse servidor. Usaremos o primeiro tipo encontrado que tenha suporte nesse servidor.
the file setup pt-br o arquivo
the first step in installing egroupware is to ensure your environment has the necessary settings to correctly run the application. setup pt-br O primeiro passo ao instalar eGroupWare é assegurar que seu ambiente possui as configurações necessárias para executar corretamente a aplicação.
the following applications are not installed: setup pt-br O seguinte aplicativo NÃO está instalado:
the following applications need to be upgraded: setup pt-br As seguintes aplicações precisam ser atualizadas:
the function %1 is needed from: %2. setup pt-br A função %1 é necessária para: %2
the imagecreatefromjpeg function is supplied by the gd extension (complied with jpeg support!). it's needed to upload photos for contacts. setup pt-br A função imagecreatefromjpeg é fornecida pela extensão gd (compilada com suporte jpeg!). Ela é necessária para fazer upload de fotos dos contatos.
the ldap extension is needed, if you use ldap as account or contact storage, authenticate against ldap or active directory. it's not needed for a standard sql installation. setup pt-br A extensão ldap é necessária, se você usa ldap como repositório de contas ou contatos, autenticação via ldap ou active directory. Não é necessária para instalação padrão SQL.
the mbstring extension is needed to fully support unicode (utf-8) or other multibyte-charsets. setup pt-br As extensões mbstring são necessárias para suporte unicode (utf-8) completo ou para outros conjuntos de carácteres multibyte.
the mbstring.func_overload = 7 is needed to fully support unicode (utf-8) or other multibyte-charsets. setup pt-br A opção 'mbstring.func_overload = 7' é necessária para total suporte unicode (utf-8) ou outros caracteres multibyte.
the pdo extension plus a database specific driver is needed by the vfs (virtual file system)! setup pt-br A extensão PDO mais o driver específico do banco de dados são requeridos pelo VFS (Sistema Arquivos Virtual)!
the session extension is needed to use php sessions (db-sessions work without). setup pt-br A extensão 'session' é necessária para usar sessões php (sessões db funciona sem ela)
the session extension is required! setup pt-br A extensão de sessão é requerida!
the table definition was correct, and the tables were installed setup pt-br As definições de tabelas estão corretas e as tabelas estão instaladas
the tables setup pt-br as tabelas
the username/passwords are: demo/guest, demo2/guest and demo3/guest. setup pt-br Os usuários/senhas são: demo/guest, demo2/guest e demo3/guest
@ -581,6 +604,7 @@ validation errors setup pt-br Erros de validação
version setup pt-br versão
version mismatch setup pt-br Erro de versão
view setup pt-br Visualizar
virtual filesystem setup pt-br Sistema de Arquivos Virtual
virtual mail manager (login-name includes domain) setup pt-br Gerenciador de e-mail virtual (nome de login inclui o domínio)
warning! setup pt-br Aviso!
we can proceed setup pt-br Podemos prosseguir
@ -589,6 +613,7 @@ we will automatically update your tables/records to %1 setup pt-br As tabelas/re
we will now run a series of tests, which may take a few minutes. click the link below to proceed. setup pt-br Nós iremos executar neste momento uma série de testes que poderão levar alguns minutos. Clique noa link abaixo para prosseguir.
welcome to the egroupware installation setup pt-br Bem-vindo(a) à instalação do eGroupWare
what type of sessions management do you want to use (php session management may perform better)? setup pt-br Que tipo de gerenciamento de sessão você quer usar (sessões PHP podem ser melhores)?
where should egroupware store file content setup pt-br Onde o eGroupWare deve armazenar o conteúdo de arquivos
which database type do you want to use with egroupware? setup pt-br Qual tipo de base de dados você pretende usar com o eGroupWare?
world readable setup pt-br Leitura permitida para todos
world writable setup pt-br Escrita permitida para todos
@ -597,6 +622,7 @@ would you like egroupware to check for a new version<br />when admins login ? se
would you like to show each application's upgrade status ? setup pt-br Deseja exibir o status de atualização de cada aplicativo?
writable by the webserver setup pt-br Escrita permitida para o servidor Web
write setup pt-br Gravar
wrong credentials to access the header.inc.php file! setup pt-br Credenciais incorretas para acessar o arquivo header.inc.php!
year setup pt-br ano
yes setup pt-br Sim
yes, with lowercase usernames setup pt-br Sim, com nome de usuários em letras minúsculas
@ -624,6 +650,7 @@ you need to configure egroupware: setup pt-br Você precisa configurar o eGroupW
you need to fix the above errors, before the configuration file header.inc.php can be written! setup pt-br Você precisa corrigir os erros acima antes que o arquivo header.inc.php possa ser gravado!
you need to save the settings you made here first! setup pt-br Você precisa salvar as configurações que você fez aqui antes!
you need to select your current charset! setup pt-br Você precisa selecionar seu conjunto de carácteres atual
you need to specify a password! setup pt-br Você precisa informar uma senha!
you should either install the sources or uninstall it, to get rid of the tables setup pt-br Você deve instalar as fontes ou desinstalá-las, para se livrar das tabelas
you should either uninstall and then reinstall it, or attempt manual repairs setup pt-br Você pode tentar desinstalar e então reinstalar ou tentar executar reparos manuais.
you will not be able to log into egroupware using php sessions: "session could not be verified" !!! setup pt-br Você não poderá logar no eGroupWare usando sessões PHP: "sessão não poderá ser verificada !!"
@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
%1 '%2' does not exist, is not readable by the webserver or contains no egroupware installation! setup sk %1 '%2' NEexistuje, je nečitateľné webserverom alebo neobsahuje inštaláciu eGroupWare!
%1 already exists in %2. setup sk %1 už existuje v %2.
%1 created in %2. setup sk %1 bolo vytvorené v %2.
%1 database %2 on %3 already contains the following tables: setup sk %1 databáza %2 pre %3 už obsahuje nasledovné tabuľky:
%1 does not exist !!! setup sk %1 neexistuje !!!
%1 is %2%3 !!! setup sk %1 je %2%3 !!!
%1 is needed by: %2. setup sk %1 je vyžadované: %2
%1, %2 or %3 the configuration file. setup sk %1, %2 alebo %3 konfiguračný súbor.
'%1' is no valid domain name! setup sk '%1' nie je platný názov domény!
'%1' is not allowed as %2. arguments of option %3 !!! setup sk '%1' nie je povolené ako %2. argumenty k voľbe %3 !!!
(searching accounts and changing passwords) setup sk (prehľadávanie účtov a zmena hesiel)
*** do not update your database via setup, as the update might be interrupted by the max_execution_time, which leaves your db in an unrecoverable state (your data is lost) !!! setup sk NIKDY neaktualizujte vašu databázu pomocou Inštalátora, pretože aktualizácia by mohla byť prerušená na základe maximálneho času vykonávania, čo by zanechalo vašu databázu v dezolátnom stave (stratené všetky dáta)!!!
@ -69,6 +71,7 @@ at your request, this script is going to take the evil action of deleting your e
at your request, this script is going to take the evil action of uninstalling all your apps, which deletes your existing tables and data setup sk Na vašu žiadosť, skript vykoná deštruktívnu akciu: odinštaluje všetky aplikácie, čo odstráni všetky existujúce tabuľky a dáta
attempt to use correct mimetype for ftp instead of default 'application/octet-stream' setup sk Pokúsiť sa používať správny MIME typ pre FTP namieste predvoleného 'application/octet-stream'
authentication / accounts setup sk Overovanie / Účty
authentication type for application setup sk Typ autentifikácie pre aplikáciu
auto create account records for authenticated users setup sk Automaticky vytvoriť účtové záznamy pre overených používateľov
auto login anonymous user setup sk Automaticky prihlásiť anonymného používateľa
auto-created user accounts expire setup sk Automaticky vytvorený používateľský účet vyprší
@ -97,6 +100,10 @@ because of a failed upgrade, or the database is newer than the installed version
because the enable flag for this app is set to 0, or is undefined setup sk pretože príznak zapnutia pre túto aplikáciu je nastavený na 0 alebo nie je nastavený vôbec
bottom setup sk spodok
but we <u>highly recommend backing up</u> your tables in case the script causes damage to your data.<br /><strong>these automated scripts can easily destroy your data.</strong> setup sk ale <u>dôrazne odporúčame zazálohovať</u> vašu databázu pre prípad, že skript poškodí vaše dáta.<br /><strong>Tieto automatické skripty môžu veľmi ľahko zničiť vaše dáta.</strong>
can not connect to %1 database %2 on host %3 using user %4! setup sk Nepodarilo sa spojiť s %1 databázou %2 na hostiteľovi %3 pomocou používateľa %4!
can not connect to ldap server on host %1 using dn %2! setup sk Nepodarilo sa spojiť s LDAP serverom na hostiteľovi %1 pomocou DN %2!
can not create %1 database %2 on %3 for user %4! setup sk Nepodarilo sa vytvoriť %1 databázu na %3 pre používateľa %4!
can not create dn %1! setup sk Nepodarilo sa vytvoriť DN %1!
cancel setup sk Zrušiť
cannot create the header.inc.php due to file permission restrictions.<br /> instead you can %1 or %2 the file. setup sk Nedá sa vytvoriť header.inc.php kvôli obmedzeniam prístupových práv na súbore.<br /> Môžete namiesto toho %1 alebo %2 tento súbor.
change system-charset setup sk Zmeniť znakovú sadu systému
@ -257,6 +264,8 @@ header password setup sk Heslo pre hlavičky
header username setup sk Používateľské meno pre hlavičky
header.inc.php successful written. setup sk header.inc.php bol úspešne zapísaný
historylog removed setup sk Záznam histórie odstránený
hooks deregistered setup sk háčiky odregistrované
hooks registered setup sk háčiky zaregistrované
host information setup sk Informácie o stroji
host/ip domain controler setup sk Názov/IP radiča domény
hostname/ip of database server setup sk Názov/IP databázového servera
@ -264,6 +273,7 @@ hour (0-24) setup sk hodina (0-24)
however the tables are still in the database setup sk Avšak tabuľky sú stále prítomné v databáze
however, the application is otherwise installed setup sk Avšak aplikácia je ináč nainštalovaná
however, the application may still work setup sk Avšak aplikácia možno stále funguje
http auth types (comma-separated) to use without login-page, eg. "ntlm" setup sk Typy HTTP autentifikácie (oddelené čiarkou) pre použitie na prihlasovacej stránke, napr. "NTML"
if no acl records for user or any group the user is a member of setup sk Ak pre používateľa neexistujú ACL záznamy, používateľom je členom
if safe_mode is turned on, egw is not able to change certain settings on runtime, nor can we load any not yet loaded module. setup sk Ak je bezpečný režim zapnutý, eGW nedokáže zmeniť niektoré veci za behu, ani nahrať nejaký nenahratý modul.
if the application has no defined tables, selecting upgrade should remedy the problem setup sk Ak aplikácia nemá tabuľky definícií, voľba "aktualizácia" by mala problém vyriešiť
@ -288,6 +298,7 @@ installation finished setup sk Inštalácia je ukončená
installation started, this might take a few minutes ... setup sk Inštalácia sa začína, potrvá to niekoľko minút...
installed setup sk nainštalované
instructions for creating the database in %1: setup sk Inštrukcie pre vytvorenie databázy v %1:
invalid argument '%1' !!! setup sk Neplatý argument '%1' !!!
invalid ip address setup sk Chybná IP adresa
invalid mcrypt algorithm/mode combination setup sk Chybná kombinácia Mcrypt algoritmu/režimu
invalid password setup sk Chybné heslo
@ -358,6 +369,7 @@ not completed setup sk Nedokončené
not ready for this stage yet setup sk Na túto fázu nie sme pripravení
not set setup sk nenastavené
note: you will be able to customize this later setup sk Upozornenie: neskôr to budete môcť zmeniť
nothing to change. setup sk Niet čo zmeniť.
now guessing better values for defaults... setup sk Teraz hádam lepšie hodnoty pre predvolené...
odbc / maxdb: dsn (data source name) to use setup sk ODBC/MaxDB: aké DSN (data source name) použiť
ok setup sk OK
@ -476,6 +488,7 @@ sources deleted/missing setup sk Chýbajúce alebo odstránené zdroje
sql encryption type setup sk Typ SQL kryptovania pre heslá (predvolené - md5)
standard (login-name identical to egroupware user-name) setup sk štandardné (prihlasovacie meno totožné s používateľským menom eGroupWare)
standard mailserver settings (used for mail authentication too) setup sk Nastavenia predvoleného poštového servera (použité aj pre Mailové overovanie)
standard, as defined above setup sk Štandardne, ako je zadefinované vyššie
start the postmaster setup sk Spustiť postmastera
start updating languages %1 ... setup sk Spustiť aktualizáciu jazykov %1 ...
start updating the database ... setup sk Spustiť aktualizáciu databázy ...
@ -487,6 +500,11 @@ step %1 - db backup and restore setup sk Krok %1 - Zálohovanie a obnova Databá
step %1 - language management setup sk Krok %1 - Správa jazykov
step %1 - simple application management setup sk Krok %1 - Jednoduchá správa aplikácií
succesfully uploaded file %1 setup sk úspešne odovzdaný súbor %1
successful connected to %1 database %2 on %3 using user %4. setup sk Úspešne sme sa spojili s %1 databázou %2 na %3 pomocou používateľa %4.
successful connected to %1 on %3 and created database %2 for user %4. setup sk Úspešne sme sa spojili s %1 na %3 a vytvorili databázu %2 pre používateľa %4.
successful connected to ldap server on %1 and created/checked required structur %2. setup sk Úspešne sme sa spojili s LDAP serverom na %1 a vytvorili/skontolovali požadovanú štruktúru %2.
successful connected to ldap server on %1 using dn %2. setup sk Úspešne sme sa spojili s LDAP serverom na %1 pomocou DN %2.
supported node types: setup sk Podporované typy uzlov:
table change messages setup sk Správy pri zmene tabuliek
tables dropped setup sk tabuľky zahodené
tables installed, unless there are errors printed above setup sk tabuľky nainštalované, ak len nevidno nejaké chybové hlásenia
@ -499,6 +517,7 @@ the %1 extension is needed, if you plan to use a %2 database. setup sk Ak plánu
the db_type in defaults (%1) is not supported on this server. using first supported type. setup sk Typ databázy v predvolených (%1) nie je podporovaný na tomto serveri. Použije sa prvý podporovaný typ.
the file setup sk súbor
the first step in installing egroupware is to ensure your environment has the necessary settings to correctly run the application. setup sk Prvým krokom pri inštalácii eGroupWare je kontrola, či vaše prostredie obsahuje všetky nevyhnutné nastavenia pre správny chod aplikácie.
the following applications are not installed: setup sk Nasledujúce aplikácie NEBOLI nainštalované:
the following applications need to be upgraded: setup sk Nasledovné aplikácie potrebujú aktualizáciu:
the function %1 is needed from: %2. setup sk Funkcia %1 je vyžadovaná od: %2.
the imagecreatefromjpeg function is supplied by the gd extension (complied with jpeg support!). it's needed to upload photos for contacts. setup sk Funkcia imagecreatefromjpeg je zabezpečená rozšírením gd (kompilovaným s podporou jpeg!). Je potrebná pre odosielanie fotiek ku kontaktom.
@ -578,6 +597,7 @@ would you like egroupware to check for a new version<br />when admins login ? se
would you like to show each application's upgrade status ? setup sk Chcete zobraziť stav aktualizácie jednotlivých aplikácií?
writable by the webserver setup sk zapisovateľné webserverom
write setup sk Zápis
wrong credentials to access the header.inc.php file! setup sk Nesprávne meno/heslo na prístup ku súboru header.inc.php!
year setup sk rok
yes setup sk Áno
yes, with lowercase usernames setup sk Áno, s používateľskými menami malými písmenami
@ -605,6 +625,7 @@ you need to configure egroupware: setup sk Musíte konfigurovať eGroupWare:
you need to fix the above errors, before the configuration file header.inc.php can be written! setup sk Uvedené chyby musíte opraviť, až potom sa zapíše súbor header.inc.php !
you need to save the settings you made here first! setup sk Musíte najprv uložiť zmeny, ktoré ste vykonali!
you need to select your current charset! setup sk Treba zadať vašu súčasnú znakovú sadu!
you need to specify a password! setup sk Musíte zadať heslo!
you should either install the sources or uninstall it, to get rid of the tables setup sk Musíte najprv nainštalovať zdroje alebo odinštalovať, aby ste sa zbavili tabuliek
you should either uninstall and then reinstall it, or attempt manual repairs setup sk mali by ste buď odinštalovať a potom znovu nainštalovať, alebo sa pokúsiť o ručné opravy
you will not be able to log into egroupware using php sessions: "session could not be verified" !!! setup sk NEBUDETE schopní prihlásiť sa do eGroupWare pomocou PHP sedení: "sedenie sa nedá overiť" !!!
@ -295,6 +295,7 @@ install all setup sl Namesti vse
install applications setup sl Namesti aplikacije
install backup setup sl Namesti arhiviranje
install language setup sl Namesti jezik
install or update translations: domain(all),[config user(admin)],password,[[+]lang1[,lang2,...]] + adds, no langs update existing ones setup sl Namesti ali posodobi prevode: domain(all),[config user(admin)],password,[[+]lang1[,lang2,...]] + doda, če ni jezika, se posodobi obstoječi
installation finished setup sl Namestitev zaključena
installation started, this might take a few minutes ... setup sl Namestitev se je začela, to lahko traja nekaj minut ...
installed setup sl nameščen
@ -306,6 +307,7 @@ is broken setup sl je pretrgan
is disabled setup sl je onemogočen
is in the webservers docroot setup sl je v "docroot" mapi spletnega strežnika
is not writeable by the webserver setup sl ni zapisljiv s strani spletnega strežnika
it needs upgrading to version %1! use --update-header <password>[,<user>] to do so (--usage gives more options). setup sl Potrebna je nadgradnja na različico %1! Uporabite --update-header <password>[,<user>]. (--usage prikaže več možnosti).
languages updated. setup sl Jeziki so posodobljeni.
ldap accounts configuration setup sl Konfiguriranje LDAP računov
ldap accounts context setup sl Kontekst LDAP računov
@ -361,6 +363,8 @@ no setup sl Ne
no %1 support found. disabling setup sl Ni bila najdena podpora za %1. Onemogočeno.
no accounts existing setup sl Noben račun ne obstaja
no algorithms available setup sl Ni razpoložljivih algoritmov
no egroupware domains / database instances exist! use --edit-header --domain to add one (--usage gives more options). setup sl Ne obstaja domena/zbirka podatkov eGroupWare. Uporabite --edit-header --domain da dodate novo (--usage prikaže več možnosti).
no header admin password set! use --edit-header <password>[,<user>] to set one (--usage gives more options). setup sl Ni nastavljeno geslo upravljalca glave! Uporabite --edit-header <password>[,<user>], da ga nastavite. (--usage prikaže več možnosti).
no modes available setup sl Ni razpoložljivih načinov
no update necessary, domain %1(%2) is up to date. setup sl Posodobitev ni potrebna, domena %1 (%2) je posodobljena.
no xml support found. disabling setup sl Ni podpore za XML. Onemogočam.
@ -390,7 +394,10 @@ password of db user setup sl Geslo za dostop do baze
passwords did not match, please re-enter setup sl Gesli se ne ujemata, prosim, ponovite
path (not url!) to your egroupware installation. setup sl Pot (ne URL) do namestitve eGroupWare.
path information setup sl Podatki o poti
path of egroupware install directory (default auto-detected) setup sl Pot do namestitvene mape eGroupWare (privzeto je samodejna zaznava)
path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! setup sl Pot do uporabnikovih in skupinskih datotek <b>mora biti zunaj</b> strežnikovega spletnega področja!
path to various directories: have to exist and be writeable by the webserver setup sl Pot do več map: morajo obstojati in biti zapisljive s strani spletnega strežnika.
pear (%1) is a php repository and is usually in a package called %2. setup sl PEAR (%1) je v repozitoriju PHP in je ponavadi del paketa %2.
pear%1 is needed by: %2. setup sl EAR%1 je potreben za: %2.
persistent connections setup sl Trajne povezave
php plus restore setup sl PHP plus restore
@ -410,6 +417,7 @@ possible reasons setup sl Možni razlogi
possible solutions setup sl Možne rešitve
post-install dependency failure setup sl Napaka odvisnosti po namestitvi
postfix with ldap: [yes(user edit forwarding)] setup sl Postfix z LDAP: [yes(user edit forwarding)]
postgres: leave it empty to use the prefered unix domain sockets instead of a tcp/ip connection setup sl Postgres: pustite prazno za uporabo vtičnic unix domain namesto povezave TCP/IP.
potential problem setup sl Mogoč problem
preferences setup sl Nastavitve
problem resolution setup sl Rešitev težave
@ -436,6 +444,7 @@ restore finished setup sl obnovitev končana
restore started, this might take a few minutes ... setup sl obnovitev se je začela kar lahko traja nekaj minut
restoring a backup will delete/replace all content in your database. are you sure? setup sl Obnova rezervne kopije bo zbrisala/zamenjala vso vsebino podatkovne baze. Ste prepričani?
return to setup setup sl Vrnitev v namestitev
run a database schema update (if necessary): domain(all),[config user(admin)],password setup sl Požene posodobitev sheme zbirke podatkov (če je potrebno): domain(all),[config user(admin)],password
run installation tests setup sl Poženi namestitvene teste
safe_mode is turned on, which is generaly a good thing as it makes your install more secure. setup sl Vrednost "safe_mode" je nastavljena na "On", kar na splošno pomeni bolj varno namestitev.
sample configuration not found. using built in defaults setup sl Ne najdem predloge za konfiguracijo. Uporabljam privzete vrednosti.
@ -474,6 +483,7 @@ setup setup sl Namestitev
setup main menu setup sl Namesti glavni meni
setup the database setup sl Namesti podatkovno bazo
setup/config admin login setup sl Namesti/Konfiguriraj prijavo upravljalca
should be the same as server root unless you know what you are doing. setup sl mora biti enako kot Server Root, razen če veste, kaj delate.
show 'powered by' logo on setup sl Pokaži "teče na" logotip na
sieve: host[,port(2000)] setup sl Sieve: Gostitelj[,Vrata(2000)]
size setup sl Velikost
@ -481,8 +491,13 @@ skip the installation tests (not recommended) setup sl Preskoči namestitveni te
smtp server hostname or ip address setup sl Ime ali naslov IP strežnika SMTP
smtp server port setup sl Vrata strežnika SMTP
some or all of its tables are missing setup sl Manjka nekaj ali vse njene tabele
sources deleted/missing setup sl Izvor je izbrisan/manjka.
sql encryption type setup sl Enkripcija za SQL geslo (privzeta je MD5)
standard (login-name identical to egroupware user-name) setup sl Standardno (uporabniško ime enako uuporabniškemu imenu eGroupWare)
standard mailserver settings (used for mail authentication too) setup sl Standardne nastavitve poštnega strežnika (uporabljeno je tudi za avtentikacijo pošte)
start the postmaster setup sl Poženi "postmasterja"
start updating languages %1 ... setup sl Začni posodabljanje jezikov %1 ...
start updating the database ... setup sl Začni posodabljanje zbirke podatkov ...
status setup sl Status
step %1 - admin account setup sl Korak %1 - upravljalski račun
step %1 - advanced application management setup sl Korak %1 - zahtevno upravljanje aplikacij
@ -505,10 +520,14 @@ the file setup sl Datoteka
the first step in installing egroupware is to ensure your environment has the necessary settings to correctly run the application. setup sl Prvi korak pri nameščanju eGroupWarea je prilagoditev okolja in obveznih nastavitev za delovanje aplikacij.
the following applications need to be upgraded: setup sl Naslednje aplikacije potrebujejo nadgradnjo:
the function %1 is needed from: %2. setup sl Funkcija %1 je potrebna za: %2.
the imagecreatefromjpeg function is supplied by the gd extension (complied with jpeg support!). it's needed to upload photos for contacts. setup sl Funkcija imagecreatefromjpeg je del razširitve gd (s podporo jpeg!). Potrebna je za prenos slik v stikih.
the ldap extension is needed, if you use ldap as account or contact storage, authenticate against ldap or active directory. it's not needed for a standard sql installation. setup sl Razširitev LDAP je potrebna, če uporabljate LDAP kot skladišče računov ali stikov, avtentikacijo preko LDAP ali AD. Ni potrebna za standardno namestitev z uporabo SQL.
the mbstring extension is needed to fully support unicode (utf-8) or other multibyte-charsets. setup sl "mbstring" dodatek je potreben za polno podporo UTF-8 (Unicode).
the mbstring.func_overload = 7 is needed to fully support unicode (utf-8) or other multibyte-charsets. setup sl Vrednost "mbstring.func_overload = 7" je potrebna za polno podporo UTF-8 (Unicode).
the session extension is needed to use php sessions (db-sessions work without). setup sl Razširitev sej je potrebna za uporabo sej PHP (db-sessions deluje brez).
the table definition was correct, and the tables were installed setup sl Definicije tabel so pravilne in tabele so nameščene.
the tables setup sl tabele
the username/passwords are: demo/guest, demo2/guest and demo3/guest. setup sl Uporabniška imena/gesla so: demo/guest, demo2/guest in demo3/guest.
there was a problem trying to connect to your ldap server. <br /> setup sl Napaka pri povezovanju z LDAP strežnikom.<br />
there was a problem trying to connect to your ldap server. <br />please check your ldap server configuration setup sl Napaka pri povezovanju z LDAP strežnikom.<br />Prosim, preverite nastavitve LDAP strežnika.
this has to be outside the webservers document-root!!! setup sl To mora biti izven strežnikovega spletnega področja!
@ -518,7 +537,10 @@ this program will convert your database to a new system-charset. setup sl Ta pro
this program will help you upgrade or install different languages for egroupware setup sl Ta program vam bo pomagal pri posodabljanju ali namestitvi različnih jezikov za eGroupWare.
this should be around 30 bytes in length.<br />note: the default has been randomly generated. setup sl To naj bo dolgo približno 30 bajtov. <br /> Privzeto besedilo je bilo naključno generirano.
this stage is completed<br /> setup sl Korak je zaključen. <br />
this will create a first user in egroupware or reset password and admin rights of an exiting user setup sl To bo ustvarilo prvega uporabnika v eGroupWare ali ponastavilo geslo in pravice skrbnika obstoječega uporabnika.
to a version it does not know about setup sl v različico, ki je ne pozna
to allow password authentification add the following line to your pg_hba.conf (above all others) and restart postgres: setup sl Če želite dovoliti avtentikacijo z geslom, dodajte v pg_hba.conf sledečo vrstico (nad vsemi) IN ponovno zaženite Postgres:
to change the charset: back up your database, deinstall all applications and re-install the backup with "convert backup to charset selected" checked. setup sl Če želite spremeniti nabor znakov: naredite varnostno kopijo zbirke podatkov, odstranite vse programe in ponovno namestite podatke iz varnostne kopije z označenim poljem "pretvori varnostno kopijo v označeni nabor znakov".
to setup 1 admin account and 3 demo accounts. setup sl za kreiranj 1 upravljalskega in 3 demo računov.
top setup sl vrh
translations added setup sl prevodi dodani
@ -527,6 +549,7 @@ translations upgraded setup sl prevodi posodobljeni
true setup sl DA
try to configure your php to support one of the above mentioned dbms, or install egroupware by hand. setup sl Poizkusite konfigurirati vašo php podporo na enega od zgoraj naštetih DBMS, ali pa ročno namestite eGroupWare.
two weeks setup sl Čez dva tedna
unfortunally some php/apache packages have problems with it (apache dies and you cant login anymore). setup sl Na žalost imajo nekateri paketi PHP/Apache s tem probleme (Apache se sesuje in se ne morete več prijaviti).
uninstall setup sl Odstrani
uninstall all applications setup sl Odstrani vse aplikacije
uninstalled setup sl Odstranjeno
@ -539,13 +562,21 @@ upgrading tables setup sl Posodabljanje tabel
upload backup setup sl Prenos arhiva
uploads a backup and installs it on your db setup sl Prenese arhiv in ga namesti v podatkovno bazo
uploads a backup to the backup-dir, from where you can restore it setup sl prenese arhiv v arhivsko mapo, od koder ga lahko obnovite
usage: %1 command [additional options] setup sl Uporaba: %1 ukaz [dodatne možnosti]
use --create-header to create the configuration file (--usage gives more options). setup sl Uporabite --create-header, da ustvarite konfiguracijsko datoteko (--usage prikaže več možnosti).
use --install to install egroupware. setup sl Uporabite --install za namestitev eGroupWare.
use --update to do so. setup sl Uporabite --update za to.
use cookies to pass sessionid setup sl Uporabi piškotke za pošiljanje ID-ja sej
use mcrypt to crypt session-data: {off(default) | on},[mcrypt-init-vector(default randomly generated)],[mcrypt-version] setup sl Uporabi mcrypt za šifriranje podatkov seje: {off(default) | on},[mcrypt-init-vector(default randomly generated)],[mcrypt-version]
use persistent db connections: {on(default) | off} setup sl Uporabi persistent db connections: {on(default) | off}
use pure html compliant code (not fully working yet) setup sl Uporabi popolnoma standardno HTML kodo (še ne deluje)
user setup sl Uporabnik
user account prefix setup sl Predpona uporabniškega računa
user for smtp-authentication (leave it empty if no auth required) setup sl Uporabnik za avtentikacijo SMTP (pustite prazno, če avtentikacija ni potrebna).
usernames are casesensitive setup sl Uporabniška imena so občutljiva na velike/male črke
users choice setup sl Uporabnikov izbor
utf-8 (unicode) setup sl UTF-8 (Unicode)
validation errors setup sl Napake preverjanja
version setup sl Različica
version mismatch setup sl Navzkrižje različic
view setup sl Pregled
@ -568,8 +599,12 @@ yes, with lowercase usernames setup sl Da, z malimi črkami uporabniška imena
you appear to be running a pre-beta version of egroupware.<br />these versions are no longer supported, and there is no upgrade path for them in setup.<br /> you may wish to first upgrade to 0.9.10 (the last version to support pre-beta upgrades) <br />and then upgrade from there with the current version. setup sl Videti je, da uporabljate pred-beta različico egroupWare.<br /> Te različice niso več podprte in nadgradnja z njih ni mogoča.<br /> Prosimo, da najprej nadgradite na 0.9.10, (zadnja različica, ki podpira pred-beta posodabljanje) <br /> in potem nadgradite na posodobljeno različico.
you appear to be running an old version of php <br />it its recommend that you upgrade to a new version. <br />older version of php might not run egroupware correctly, if at all. <br /><br />please upgrade to at least version %1 setup sl Videti je, da uporabljate staro različico PHP.<br />Priporočamo, da nadgradite na novo različico.<br />Starejše različice morda ne bodo pravilno izvajale eGroupWare programov, če jih sploh bodo.<br /><br />Prosim, nadgradite vsaj na PHP različico %1.
you appear to be running version %1 of egroupware setup sl Videti je, da imate eGroupWare različico %1.
you appear to have %1 support. setup sl Kaže, da imate podporo za %1.
you appear to have php session support. enabling php sessions. setup sl Kaže, da imate podporo za seje PHP. Omogočam seje PHP.
you appear to have xml support enabled setup sl Videti je, da imate omogočeno podporo XML.
you are ready for this stage, but this stage is not yet written.<br /> setup sl Pripravljeni ste za ta korak vendar še ni zapisan.<br />
you are using php version %1. egroupware now requires %2 or later, recommended is php %3. setup sl Uporabljate PHP različico %1. eGroupWare zdaj zahteva različico %2 ali novejšo, priporočena je %3.
you can install it by running: setup sl Namestite jo lahko tako, da poženete:
you didn't enter a config password for domain %1 setup sl Niste vnesli konfiguracijskega gesla za domeno %1
you didn't enter a config username for domain %1 setup sl Niste vnesli konfiguracijskega uporabniškega imena za domeno %1
you didn't enter a header admin password setup sl Niste vnesli upravljalskega gesla za header.inc.php.
@ -16,6 +16,9 @@ entry saved timesheet pt-br Registro salvo
error deleting the entry!!! timesheet pt-br Erro removendo o registro!!
error saving the entry!!! timesheet pt-br Erro salvando o registro!!
existing links timesheet pt-br Links existentes
export to openoffice spreadsheet timesheet pt-br Exportar como Planilha do OpenOffice
exports entries from your timesheet into a csv file. csv means 'comma seperated values'. however in the options tab you can also choose other seperators. timesheet pt-br Exporta registros de sua Planilha de Tempo em um arquivo CSV. CSV significa 'Valores Separados por Vírgula'. Entretando, na aba Opções você pode escolher outros separadores.
field must not be empty !!! timesheet pt-br Campo não pode estar vazio !!!
full: use only projectmanager admin pt-br Completo: usar apenas Gerenciador de Projetos
general timesheet pt-br Geral
last modified timesheet pt-br Modificado por último
@ -46,6 +49,8 @@ this month timesheet pt-br Este mês
this week timesheet pt-br Esta semana
this year timesheet pt-br Este ano
timesheet common pt-br Planilha de Tempo
timesheet csv export timesheet pt-br Exportar Planilha - CSV
timesheet openoffice export timesheet pt-br Exportar Planilha OpenOffice
unitprice timesheet pt-br Unidade de preço
view this entry timesheet pt-br Exibir este registro
week timesheet pt-br Semana
@ -16,6 +16,9 @@ entry saved timesheet sk Položka bola uložená
error deleting the entry!!! timesheet sk Chyba pri odstraňovaní položky!!!
error saving the entry!!! timesheet sk Chyba pri ukladaní položky!!!
existing links timesheet sk Existujúce odkazy
export to openoffice spreadsheet timesheet sk Exportovať do zošita OpenOffice
exports entries from your timesheet into a csv file. csv means 'comma seperated values'. however in the options tab you can also choose other seperators. sk en
field must not be empty !!! timesheet sk Pole nesmie byť prázdne!!!
full: use only projectmanager admin sk Plné: použiť iba Projektovník
general timesheet sk Hlavné
last modified timesheet sk Naposledy upravené
@ -46,6 +49,8 @@ this month timesheet sk Tento mesiac
this week timesheet sk Tento týždeň
this year timesheet sk Tento rok
timesheet common sk Harmonogram
timesheet csv export timesheet sk Harmonogram - export do CSV
timesheet openoffice export timesheet sk Harmonogram - export do OpenOffice
unitprice timesheet sk Jednotková cena
view this entry timesheet sk Zobraziť položku
week timesheet sk Týždeň
Reference in New Issue
Block a user