some corrections for the inline-doc-parser

This commit is contained in:
Ralf Becker 2002-09-02 11:14:30 +00:00
parent c698632d44
commit 569a3672b0
16 changed files with 228 additions and 119 deletions

View File

@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
@class boetemplate
@author ralfbecker
@abstract Buiseness Objects for eTemplates
@discussion Not so much so far, as the most logic is still in the UI-class
@param $types,$alings converts internal names/values to (more) human readible ones
@ -65,7 +66,9 @@
@function expand_name($name,$c,$row,$c_='',$row_='',$cont='')
@function expand_name
@syntax expand_name( $name,$c,$row,$c_='',$row_='',$cont='' )
@author ralfbecker
@abstract allows a few variables (eg. row-number) to be used in field-names
@discussion This is mainly used for autorepeat, but other use is possible.
@discussion You need to be aware of the rules PHP uses to expand vars in strings, a name
@ -123,7 +126,7 @@
@param &$idx_cname returns the basename for the form-name: is $idx if only one value
@param (no ',') is given in size (name (not template-fields) are always only one value)
@param $check_col boolean to check for col- or row-autorepeat
@returns true if cell is autorepeat (has index with vars / '$') or false otherwise
@result true if cell is autorepeat (has index with vars / '$') or false otherwise
function autorepeat_idx($cell,$c,$r,&$idx,&$idx_cname,$check_col=False)
@ -171,7 +174,9 @@
@function save_appsession($data,$id='')
@function save_appsession
@syntax save_appsession( $data,$id='' )
@author ralfbecker
@abstract saves content,readonlys,template-keys, ... via the appsession function
@discussion As a user may open several windows with the same content/template wie generate a location-id from microtime
@discussion which is used as location for appsession to descriminate between the different windows. This location-id
@ -179,7 +184,7 @@
@discussion from the session-id which is constant for all windows opened in one session.
@param $data the data to save
@param $id the id to use or '' to generate a new id
@returns the location-id
@result the location-id
function save_appsession($data,$id='')
@ -193,10 +198,12 @@
@function get_appsession($id)
@function get_appsession
@syntax get_appsession( $id )
@author ralfbecker
@abstract gets content,readonlys,template-keys, ... back from the appsession function
@param $id the location-id
@returns the session-data
@result the session-data
function get_appsession($id)
@ -208,9 +215,11 @@
@function get_cell_attribute($name,$attr)
@function get_cell_attribute
@syntax get_cell_attribute( $name,$attr )
@author ralfbecker
@abstract gets an attribute in a named cell
@returns the attribute or False if named cell not found
@result the attribute or False if named cell not found
function get_cell_attribute($name,$attr)
@ -232,9 +241,11 @@
@function set_cell_attribute($name,$attr,$val)
@function set_cell_attribute
@syntax set_cell_attribute( $name,$attr,$val )
@author ralfbecker
@abstract set an attribute in a named cell
@returns the number of changed cells
@result the number of changed cells
function set_cell_attribute($name,$attr,$val)
@ -257,9 +268,11 @@
@function set_cell_attribute($name,$attr,$val)
@function set_cell_attribute
@syntax set_cell_attribute( $name,$attr,$val )
@author ralfbecker
@abstract set an attribute in a named cell
@returns the number of changed cells
@result the number of changed cells
function set_cell_attribute($name,$attr,$val)
@ -282,7 +295,9 @@
@function disable_cells($name)
@function disable_cells
@syntax disable_cells( $name )
@author ralfbecker
@abstract disables all cells with name == $name
function disable_cells($name)
@ -291,10 +306,12 @@
@function loadExtension($name,$ui='')
@function loadExtension
@syntax loadExtension( $name,$ui='' )
@author ralfbecker
@abstact trys to load the Extension / Widget-class from the app or etemplate
@param $name name of the extension the classname should be class.${name}
@note the $name might be "$name.$app" to give a app-name (default is the current app)
@discussion the $name might be "$name.$app" to give a app-name (default is the current app)
function loadExtension($name,&$parent,$ui='html')
@ -327,7 +344,9 @@
@function isset_array($arr,$idx)
@function isset_array
@syntax isset_array( $arr,$idx )
@author ralfbecker
@abstract checks if idx, which may contain ONE subindex is set in array
function isset_array($arr,$idx)
@ -377,10 +396,12 @@
@function complete_array_merge($old,$new)
@function complete_array_merge
@syntax complete_array_merge( $old,$new )
@author ralfbecker
@abstract merges $old and $new, content of $new has precedence over $old
@note THIS IS NOT THE SAME AS PHP4: array_merge (as it calls itself recursive for values which are arrays,
@note if there key does NOT start with a '_' (array_merge just overwrites the old (sub)array)
@discussion THIS IS NOT THE SAME AS PHP4: array_merge (as it calls itself recursive for values which are arrays,
@discussion if there key does NOT start with a '_' (array_merge just overwrites the old (sub)array)
function complete_array_merge($old,$new)

View File

@ -14,8 +14,9 @@
@class date_widget
@author ralfbecker
@abstract widget that reads dates in via 3 select-boxes
@note This widget is generates html vi the sbox-class, so it does not work (without an extra implementation) in an other UI
@discussion This widget is generates html vi the sbox-class, so it does not work (without an extra implementation) in an other UI
class date_widget

View File

@ -14,8 +14,9 @@
@class datefield_widget
@author ralfbecker
@abstract widget that reads date in via 3 input-fields
@note This widget is independent of the UI as it only uses etemplate-widgets and has therefor no render-function
@discussion This widget is independent of the UI as it only uses etemplate-widgets and has therefor no render-function
class datefield_widget

View File

@ -65,7 +65,9 @@
@function db_tools()
@function db_tools
@syntax db_tools( )
@author ralfbecker
@abstract constructor of class
function db_tools($lang_on_messages=True)
@ -92,7 +94,9 @@
@function edit($content='',$msg='')
@function edit
@syntax edit( $content='',$msg='' )
@author ralfbecker
@abstract this is the table editor (and the callback/submit-method too)
function edit($content='',$msg = '')
@ -241,13 +245,15 @@
@function needs_save($cont='',$posted_app='',$posted_table='',$edited_table='')
@function needs_save
@syntax needs_save( $cont='',$posted_app='',$posted_table='',$edited_table='' )
@author ralfbecker
@abstract checks if table was changed and if so offers user to save changes
@param $cont the content of the form (if called by process_exec)
@param $posted_app the app the table is from
@param $posted_table the table-name
@param $edited_table the edited table-definitions
@returns only if no changes
@result only if no changes
function needs_save($cont='',$posted_app='',$posted_table='',$edited_table='')
@ -320,10 +326,12 @@
@function table2content($table)
@function table2content
@syntax table2content( $table )
@author ralfbecker
@abstract creates content-array from a $table
@param $table table-definition, eg. $phpgw_baseline[$table_name]
@returns content-array
@result content-array
function table2content($table)
@ -351,10 +359,12 @@
@function content2table($content)
@function content2table
@syntax content2table( $content )
@author ralfbecker
@abstract creates table-definition from posted content
@param $content posted content-array
@returns table-definition
@result table-definition
function content2table($content)
@ -426,11 +436,13 @@
@function read($app,&$phpgw_baseline)
@function read
@syntax read( $app,&$phpgw_baseline )
@author ralfbecker
@abstract includes $app/setup/
@param $app application name
@param $phpgw_baseline where to put the data
@returns True if file found, False else
@result True if file found, False else
function read($app,&$phpgw_baseline)
@ -508,7 +520,9 @@
@function write($app,$phpgw_baseline)
@function write
@syntax write( $app,$phpgw_baseline )
@author ralfbecker
@abstract writes tabledefinitions $phpgw_baseline to file /$app/setup/
@param $app app-name
@param $phpgw_baseline tabledefinitions
@ -552,7 +566,9 @@
@function setup_version($app,$new = '',$tables='')
@function setup_version
@syntax setup_version( $app,$new = '',$tables='' )
@author ralfbecker
@abstract reads and updates the version in file $app/setup/ if $new != ''
@return the version or False if the file could not be read or written
@ -599,7 +615,9 @@
@function update($app,$current,$version)
@function update
@syntax update( $app,$current,$version )
@author ralfbecker
@abstract updates file /$app/setup/ to reflect changes in $current
@param $app app-name
@param $current new tabledefinitions
@ -759,9 +777,11 @@
@function normalize($table)
@function normalize
@syntax normalize( $table )
@author ralfbecker
@abstract sets all nullable properties to True or False
@returns the new array
@result the new array
function normalize($table)
@ -788,9 +808,11 @@
@function tables_identical($old,$new)
@function tables_identical
@syntax tables_identical( $old,$new )
@author ralfbecker
@abstract compares two table-definitions
@returns True if they are identical or False else
@result True if they are identical or False else
function tables_identical($a,$b)

View File

@ -434,10 +434,12 @@
@function scan_for_extensions()
@function scan_for_extensions
@syntax scan_for_extensions( )
@author ralfbecker
@abstract search the inc-dirs of etemplate and the app whichs template is edited for extensions / custom widgets
@note extensions are class-files in $app/inc/class.${name}
@returns array with name => human_name of the extensions found
@discussion extensions are class-files in $app/inc/class.${name}
@result array with name => human_name of the extensions found
function scan_for_extensions($app='etemplate')

View File

@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ class html
@parm $vars query or array ('name' => 'value', ...) with query
@example link('/index.php?menuaction=infolog.uiinfolog.get_list',array('info_id' => 123))
@example = 'http://domain/phpgw-path/index.php?menuaction=infolog.uiinfolog.get_list&info_id=123'
@returns absolut link already run through $phpgw->link
@result absolut link already run through $phpgw->link
function link($url,$vars='')
@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ class html
@example 2 => 'cell2', 3 => 'cell3', '.3' => 'width="10%"' ),
@example '.1' => 'BGCOLOR="#0000FF"' );
@example table($rows,'WIDTH="100%"') = '<table WIDTH="100%"><tr><td colspan=3>cell1</td><td>cell2</td><td width="10%">cell3</td></tr></table>'
@returns string with html-code of the table
@result string with html-code of the table
function table($rows,$options = '')
@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ class html
@param $options String (or Array) with option-values eg. '100%,,1'
@param $names String (or Array) with the option-names eg. 'WIDTH,HEIGHT,BORDER'
@example formatOptions('100%,,1','WIDTH,HEIGHT,BORDER') = ' WIDTH="100%" BORDER="1"'
@returns option string
@result option string
function formatOptions($options,$names)
@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ class html
@function nextMatchStyles
@abstract returns simple stylesheet for nextmatch row-colors
@returns the classes 'nmh' = nextmatch header, 'nmr0'+'nmr1' = alternating rows
@result the classes 'nmh' = nextmatch header, 'nmr0'+'nmr1' = alternating rows
function nextMatchStyles()

View File

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
@class so_sql
@author ralfbecker
@abstract generalized SQL Storage Object
@discussion the class can be used in following ways:
@discussion 1) by calling the constructor with an app and table-name or
@ -50,7 +51,9 @@ class so_sql
var $non_db_cols = array();
@function so_sql($app='',$table='')
@function so_sql
@syntax so_sql( $app='',$table='' )
@author ralfbecker
@abstract constructor of the class
@discussion NEED to be called from the constructor of the derived class
@param $app, $table should be set if table-defs to be read from <app>/setup/
@ -73,7 +76,9 @@ class so_sql
@function setup_table($app,$table)
@function setup_table
@syntax setup_table( $app,$table )
@author ralfbecker
@abstract reads table-definition from <app>/setup/
@discussion Does NOT set a different internal-data-name. If you want this, you have to do so
@discussion in a derifed class !!!
@ -110,7 +115,9 @@ class so_sql
@function so_data_merge($new)
@function so_data_merge
@syntax so_data_merge( $new )
@author ralfbecker
@abstract merges in new values from the given new data-array
@param $new array in form col => new_value with values to set
@ -182,7 +189,7 @@ class so_sql
@function so_sql_init
@abstract initializes data with the content of key
@param $keys array with keys in form internalName => value
@returns void
@result void
function so_sql_init($keys=array())
@ -207,7 +214,7 @@ class so_sql
@function so_sql_read
@abstract reads row matched by key and puts all cols in the data array
@param $keys array with keys in form internalName => value, may be a scalar value if only one key
@returns data array if row could be retrived else False and data = array()
@result data array if row could be retrived else False and data = array()
function so_sql_read($keys)
@ -274,7 +281,7 @@ class so_sql
@function so_sql_save
@abstracts saves the content of data to the db
@param $keys if given $keys are copied to data before saveing => allows a save as
@returns 0 on success and errno != 0 else
@result 0 on success and errno != 0 else
function so_sql_save($keys='')
@ -338,7 +345,7 @@ class so_sql
@function so_sql_delete
@abstract deletes row representing keys in internal data or the supplied $keys if != ''
@param $keys if not '', array with col => value pairs to characterise the rows to delete
@returns affected rows, should be 1 if ok, 0 if an error
@result affected rows, should be 1 if ok, 0 if an error
function so_sql_delete($keys='')
@ -386,7 +393,7 @@ class so_sql
@param $order_by fieldnames + {ASC|DESC} separated by colons ','
@param $wildcard string appended befor and after each criteria
@param $empty False=empty criteria are ignored in query, True=empty have to be empty in row
@returns array of matching rows (the row is an array of the cols) or False
@result array of matching rows (the row is an array of the cols) or False
function so_sql_search($criteria,$only_keys=True,$order_by='',$extra_cols='',$wildcard='',$empty=False)
@ -433,10 +440,12 @@ class so_sql
@function so_sql_not_unique($data='')
@function so_sql_not_unique
@syntax so_sql_not_unique( $data='' )
@author ralfbecker
@abstract Check if values for unique keys are unique
@param $data data-set to check, defaults to $this->data
@returns 0: all keys are unique, 1: first key not unique, 2: ...
@result 0: all keys are unique, 1: first key not unique, 2: ...
function so_sql_not_unique($data='')
@ -465,7 +474,9 @@ class so_sql
@function not_unique($data='')
@function not_unique
@syntax not_unique( $data='' )
@author ralfbecker
@abstract just an convinient alias for so_sql_search, might be reimplemented in derived class
@parms as for so_sql_not_unique

View File

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
@class soetemplate
@author ralfbecker
@abstract Storage Objects: Everything to store and retrive the eTemplates.
@discussion eTemplates are stored in the db in table 'phpgw_etemplate' and gets distributed
@discussion through the file '' in the setup dir of each app. That file gets
@ -79,7 +80,7 @@
@function num2chrs
@abstract generates column-names from index: 'A', 'B', ..., 'AA', 'AB', ..., 'ZZ' (not more!)
@param $num index to generate name from 1 => 'A'
@returns the name
@result the name
function num2chrs($num)
@ -97,7 +98,7 @@
@function empty_cell
@abstracts constructor for a new / empty cell (nothing fancy so far)
@returns the cell
@result the cell
function empty_cell()
@ -150,7 +151,7 @@
@param $template as '' loads the prefered template 'default' loads the default one '' in the db
@param $lang as '' loads the pref. lang 'default' loads the default one '' in the db
@param $group is NOT used / implemented yet
@returns True if a fitting template is found, else False
@result True if a fitting template is found, else False
function read($name,$template='default',$lang='default',$group=0,$version='')
@ -242,12 +243,14 @@
@function compress_array($arr)
@function compress_array
@syntax compress_array( $arr )
@author ralfbecker
@abstract to save space in the db all empty values in the array got unset
@discussion The never-'' type field ensures a cell does not disapear completely.
@discussion Calls it self recursivly for arrays / the rows
@param $arr the array to compress
@returns the compressed array
@result the compressed array
function compress_array($arr)
@ -273,7 +276,7 @@
@function as_array
@abstract returns obj-data as array
@param $data_too 0 = no data array, 1 = data array too, 2 = serialize data array
@returns the array
@result the array
function as_array($data_too=0)
@ -297,7 +300,7 @@
@function save
@abstract saves eTemplate-object to db, can be used as saveAs by giving keys as params
@params keys see class
@returns the number of affected rows, 1 should be ok, 0 somethings wrong
@result the number of affected rows, 1 should be ok, 0 somethings wrong
function save($name='',$template='.',$lang='.',$group='',$version='.')
@ -366,7 +369,7 @@
@function delete
@abstract Deletes the eTemplate from the db, object itself is unchanged
@returns the number of affected rows, 1 should be ok, 0 somethings wrong
@result the number of affected rows, 1 should be ok, 0 somethings wrong
function delete()
@ -383,7 +386,7 @@
@function dump2setup
@abstract dumps all eTemplates to <app>/setup/ for distribution
@param $app app- or template-name
@returns the number of templates dumped as message
@result the number of templates dumped as message
function dump2setup($app)
@ -425,8 +428,8 @@
@function getToTranslate
@abstract extracts all texts: labels and helptexts from an eTemplate-object
@note some extensions use a '|' to squezze multiple texts in a label or help field
@returns array with messages as key AND value
@discussion some extensions use a '|' to squezze multiple texts in a label or help field
@result array with messages as key AND value
function getToTranslate()
@ -454,7 +457,7 @@
@function getToTranslateApp
@abstract Read all eTemplates of an app an extracts the texts to an array
@param $app name of the app
@returns the array with texts
@result the array with texts
function getToTranslateApp($app)
@ -478,7 +481,7 @@
@param $lang language the messages in the template are, defaults to 'en'
@param $additional extra texts to translate, if you pass here an array with all messages and
@param select-options they get writen too (form is <unique key> => <message>)
@returns message with number of messages written (total and new)
@result message with number of messages written (total and new)
function writeLangFile($app,$lang='en',$additional='')
@ -540,7 +543,7 @@
@function import_dump
@abstract Imports the dump-file /$app/setup/ unconditional (!)
@param $app app name
@returns message with number of templates imported
@result message with number of templates imported
function import_dump($app)

View File

@ -14,9 +14,10 @@
@class tab_widget
@author ralfbecker
@abstract widget that shows one row of tabs and an other row with the eTemplate of the selected tab
@note see the example in 'etemplate.tab_widget.test' (use show to view it)
@note This widget is independent of the UI as it only uses etemplate-widgets and has therefor no render-function
@discussion see the example in 'etemplate.tab_widget.test' (use show to view it)
@discussion This widget is independent of the UI as it only uses etemplate-widgets and has therefor no render-function
class tab_widget

View File

@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
@class etemplate
@author ralfbecker
@abstract creates dialogs / HTML-forms from eTemplate descriptions
@discussion etemplate or uietemplate extends boetemplate, all vars and public functions are inherited
@example $tmpl = CreateObject('etemplate.etemplate','');
@ -76,7 +77,7 @@
@param $readonlys Array with field-names as keys for fields with should be readonly
@param (eg. to implement ACL grants on field-level or to remove buttons not applicable)
@param $preserv Array with vars which should be transported to the $method-call (eg. an id) array('id' => $id) sets $HTTP_POST_VARS['id'] for the $method-call
@returns nothing
@result nothing
function exec($method,$content,$sel_options='',$readonlys='',$preserv='',$changes='')
@ -191,7 +192,7 @@
@param $cname basename of names for form-elements, means index in $HTTP_POST_VARS
@param eg. $cname='cont', element-name = 'name' returned content in $HTTP_POST_VARS['cont']['name']
@param $show_xxx row,col name/index for name expansion
@returns the generated HTML
@result the generated HTML
function show($content,$sel_options='',$readonlys='',$cname='cont',$show_c=0,$show_row=0)
@ -311,7 +312,7 @@
@discussion calls show to generate included eTemplates. Again only an INTERMAL function.
@param $cell array with data of the cell: name, type, ...
@param for rest see show
@returns the generated HTML
@result the generated HTML
function show_cell($cell,$content,$sel_options,$readonlys,$cname,$show_c,$show_row,&$span)
@ -583,7 +584,7 @@
@param $vars HTTP_POST_VARS on first call, later (deeper recursions) subscripts of it
@param $readonly array with cell- / var-names which should NOT return content (this is to workaround browsers who not understand READONLY correct)
@param $cname basename of our returnt content (same as in call to show)
@returns the adjusted content (by using the var-param &$content)
@result the adjusted content (by using the var-param &$content)
function process_show(&$content,$readonlys='')
@ -699,7 +700,9 @@
@function process_show_cell($cell,$name,$c,$r,$readonlys,&$value)
@function process_show_cell
@syntax process_show_cell( $cell,$name,$c,$r,$readonlys,&$value )
@author ralfbecker
@abstract makes necessary adjustments on $value eTemplate / form gots submitted
@discussion This is only an internal function, dont call it direct use only exec
@discussion process_show recursivly calls itself for the included eTemplates.
@ -708,7 +711,7 @@
@param $c,$r col,row index
@param $readonlys readonlys-array to pass on for templates
@param &$value value to change
@returns if $value is set
@result if $value is set
function process_show_cell($cell,$name,$c,$r,$readonlys,&$value)
@ -811,10 +814,12 @@
@function java_script($consider_not_tested_as_enabled = True)
@function java_script
@syntax java_script( $consider_not_tested_as_enabled = True )
@author ralfbecker
@abstract is javascript enabled?
@discussion this should be tested by the api at login
@returns true if javascript is enabled or not yet tested
@result true if javascript is enabled or not yet tested
function java_script($consider_not_tested_as_enabled = True)
@ -825,7 +830,9 @@
@function include_java_script()
@function include_java_script
@syntax include_java_script( )
@author ralfbecker
@abstract returns the javascript to be included by exec
function include_java_script()

View File

@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
@class etemplate
@author ralfbecker
@abstract creates dialogs / HTML-forms from eTemplate descriptions
@discussion etemplate or uietemplate extends boetemplate, all vars and public functions are inherited
@example $tmpl = CreateObject('etemplate.etemplate','');
@ -77,7 +78,7 @@
@param $readonlys Array with field-names as keys for fields with should be readonly
@param (eg. to implement ACL grants on field-level or to remove buttons not applicable)
@param $preserv Array with vars which should be transported to the $method-call (eg. an id) array('id' => $id) sets $HTTP_POST_VARS['id'] for the $method-call
@returns nothing
@result nothing
function exec($method,$content,$sel_options='',$readonlys='',$preserv='')
@ -154,7 +155,7 @@
@function process_show
@abstract this is only an empty function for the GTK ui
@returns the adjusted content (in the simplest case that would be $content)
@result the adjusted content (in the simplest case that would be $content)
function process_show(&$content,$readonlys='')
@ -263,7 +264,7 @@
@param $cname basename of names for form-elements, means index in $HTTP_POST_VARS
@param eg. $cname='cont', element-name = 'name' returned content in $HTTP_POST_VARS['cont']['name']
@param $show_xxx row,col name/index for name expansion
@returns the generated HTML
@result the generated HTML
function show(&$result,$content,$sel_options='',$readonlys='',$cname='',$show_c=0,$show_row=0)
@ -433,7 +434,7 @@
@discussion calls show to generate included eTemplates. Again only an INTERMAL function.
@param $cell array with data of the cell: name, type, ...
@param for rest see show
@returns the generated HTML
@result the generated HTML
function show_cell($cell,$content,$sel_options,$readonlys,$cname,$show_c,$show_row,&$span,&$result)

View File

@ -446,7 +446,9 @@
return False;
@function link_title( $id )
@function link_title
@syntax link_title( $id )
@author ralfbecker
@abstract get title for an infolog entry identified by $id
function link_title( $info )
@ -459,7 +461,9 @@
@function link_query( $pattern )
@function link_query
@syntax link_query( $pattern )
@author ralfbecker
@abstract query infolog for entries matching $pattern
function link_title( $pattern )

View File

@ -20,11 +20,12 @@
@class bolink
@author ralfbecker
@abstract generalized linking between entries of phpGroupware apps - BO layer
@discussion This class is the BO-layer of the links
@note Links have to ends each pointing to an entry, an entry is a double:
@note app app-name or directory-name of an phpgw application, eg. 'infolog'
@note id this is the id, eg. an integer or a tupple like '0:INBOX:1234'
@discussion Links have to ends each pointing to an entry, an entry is a double:
@discussion app app-name or directory-name of an phpgw application, eg. 'infolog'
@discussion id this is the id, eg. an integer or a tupple like '0:INBOX:1234'
class bolink extends solink
@ -85,9 +86,11 @@
@function query($app,$pattern)
@function query
@syntax query( $app,$pattern )
@author ralfbecker
@abstract Searches for a $pattern in the entries of $app
@returns an array of $id => $title pairs
@result an array of $id => $title pairs
function query($app,$pattern)
@ -101,9 +104,11 @@
@function title($app,$id)
@function title
@syntax title( $app,$id )
@author ralfbecker
@abstract returns the title (short description) of entry $id and $app
@returns the title
@result the title
function title($app,$id)
@ -117,7 +122,9 @@
@function calendar_title( $id )
@function calendar_title
@syntax calendar_title( $id )
@author ralfbecker
@abstract get title for an event, should be moved to bocalendar.link_title
function calendar_title( $event )
@ -142,7 +149,9 @@
@function calendar_query( $pattern )
@function calendar_query
@syntax calendar_query( $pattern )
@author ralfbecker
@abstract query calendar for an event $matching pattern, should be moved to bocalendar.link_query
function calendar_query($pattern)
@ -162,7 +171,9 @@
@function addressbook_title( $id )
@function addressbook_title
@syntax addressbook_title( $id )
@author ralfbecker
@abstract get title for an address, should be moved to boaddressbook.link_title
function addressbook_title( $addr )
@ -195,7 +206,9 @@
@function addressbook_query( $pattern )
@function addressbook_query
@syntax addressbook_query( $pattern )
@author ralfbecker
@abstract query addressbook for $pattern, should be moved to boaddressbook.link_query
function addressbook_query( $pattern )
@ -213,7 +226,9 @@
@function projects_title( $id )
@function projects_title
@syntax projects_title( $id )
@author ralfbecker
@abstract get title for a project, should be moved to boprojects.link_title
function projects_title( $proj )
@ -232,7 +247,9 @@
@function projects_query( $pattern )
@function projects_query
@syntax projects_query( $pattern )
@author ralfbecker
@abstract query for projects matching $pattern, should be moved to boprojects.link_query
function projects_title( $pattern )

View File

@ -14,11 +14,12 @@
@class solink
@author ralfbecker
@abstract generalized linking between entries of phpGroupware apps - DB layer
@discussion This class is to access the links in the DB
@note Links have to ends each pointing to an entry, an entry is a double:
@note app app-name or directory-name of an phpgw application, eg. 'infolog'
@note id this is the id, eg. an integer or a tupple like '0:INBOX:1234'
@discussion Links have to ends each pointing to an entry, an entry is a double:
@discussion app app-name or directory-name of an phpgw application, eg. 'infolog'
@discussion id this is the id, eg. an integer or a tupple like '0:INBOX:1234'
class solink // DB-Layer
@ -35,7 +36,9 @@
var $debug = 0;
@function solink( )
@function solink
@syntax solink( )
@author ralfbecker
@abstract constructor
function solink( )
@ -45,12 +48,14 @@
@function link( $app1,$name1,$id1,$app2,$name2,$id2,$remark='',$user=0 )
@function link
@syntax link( $app1,$name1,$id1,$app2,$name2,$id2,$remark='',$user=0 )
@author ralfbecker
@abstract creats a link between $app1,$name1,$id1 and $app2,$name2,$id2
@param $remark Remark to be saved with the link (defaults to '')
@param $owner Owner of the link (defaults to user)
@note Does NOT check if link already exists
@returns db-errno or -1 (for param-error) or 0 for success
@discussion Does NOT check if link already exists
@result db-errno or -1 (for param-error) or 0 for success
function link( $app1,$id1,$app2,$id2,$remark='',$owner=0 )
@ -82,11 +87,13 @@
@function get_links( $app,$name,$id,$only_app='',$only_name='',$order='link_lastmod DESC' )
@function get_links
@syntax get_links( $app,$name,$id,$only_app='',$only_name='',$order='link_lastmod DESC' )
@author ralfbecker
@abstract returns array of links to $app,$name,$id
@param $only_app if set return only links from $only_app (eg. only addressbook-entries)
@param $order defaults to newest links first
@returns array of links or empty array if no matching links found
@result array of links or empty array if no matching links found
function get_links( $app,$id,$only_app='',$order='link_lastmod DESC' )
@ -136,11 +143,13 @@
@function unlink($link_id,$app='',$id='',$owner='')
@function unlink
@syntax unlink( $link_id,$app='',$id='',$owner='' )
@author ralfbecker
@abstract Remove link with $link_id or all links matching given params
@param $link_id link-id to remove if > 0
@param $app,$id,$owner if $link_id <= 0: removes all links matching the non-empty params
@returns the number of links deleted
@result the number of links deleted
function unlink($link_id,$app='',$id='',$owner='')
@ -181,11 +190,13 @@
@function chown($owner,$new_owner)
@function chown
@syntax chown( $owner,$new_owner )
@author ralfbecker
@abstract Changes ownership of all links from $owner to $new_owner
@discussion This is needed when a user/account gets deleted
@note Does NOT change the modification-time
@returns the number of links changed
@discussion Does NOT change the modification-time
@result the number of links changed
function chown($owner,$new_owner)

View File

@ -20,11 +20,12 @@
@class uilink
@author ralfbecker
@abstract generalized linking between entries of phpGroupware apps - HTML UI layer
@discussion This class is the UI to show/modify the links
@note Links have to ends each pointing to an entry, an entry is a double:
@note app app-name or directory-name of an phpgw application, eg. 'infolog'
@note id this is the id, eg. an integer or a tupple like '0:INBOX:1234'
@discussion Links have to ends each pointing to an entry, an entry is a double:
@discussion app app-name or directory-name of an phpgw application, eg. 'infolog'
@discussion id this is the id, eg. an integer or a tupple like '0:INBOX:1234'
class uilink extends bolink
@ -38,7 +39,9 @@
@function getEntry($name)
@function getEntry
@syntax getEntry( $name )
@author ralfbecker
@abstract HTML UI to query user for one side of a link: an entry of a supported app
function getEntry()
@ -46,7 +49,9 @@
@function show($app,$id)
@function show
@syntax show( $app,$id )
@author ralfbecker
@abstract HTML UI to show & delete existing links to $app,$id and to make new links
@discussion this should be called by each link-supporting app at the bottom of its view-entry-page

View File

@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
@class vfs
@author ralfbecker
@abstract Virtual File System
@description Authors: Zone
@ -55,6 +56,7 @@
@class path_class
@author ralfbecker
@abstract helper class for path_parts