mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 09:31:24 +01:00
lang updates
This commit is contained in:
@ -48,6 +48,8 @@ allow anonymous access to this app admin es-es Permitir acceso an
alternate email address admin es-es dirección de correo alternativa
anonymous user admin es-es Usuario anónimo
anonymous user (not shown in list sessions) admin es-es Usuario anónimo (no se muestra en la lista de sesiones)
anonymous user does not exist! admin es-es ¡El usuario anónimo no existe!
anonymous user has no run-rights for the application! admin es-es ¡El usuario anónimo NO tiene derecho de ejecución para la aplicación!
appearance admin es-es Apariencia
application admin es-es Aplicación
application name admin es-es Nombre de la aplicación
@ -203,7 +205,6 @@ for the times above admin es-es durante las horas indicadas arriba
for the times below (empty values count as '*', all empty = every minute) admin es-es para las horas indicadas debajo (los valores vacíos cuentan como '*', todos vacío = cada minuto)
force selectbox admin es-es Forzar cuadro de selección
forward also to admin es-es reenviar también a
forward email's to admin es-es reenviar correos a
forward emails to admin es-es reenviar correos a
forward only admin es-es reenviar solamente
global categories common es-es Categorías globales
@ -419,7 +420,6 @@ view this user admin es-es ver este usuario
view user account admin es-es Ver cuenta de usuario
who would you like to transfer all records owned by the deleted user to? admin es-es ¿A quién desea transferirle todos los registros del usuario eliminado?
would you like egroupware to cache the egw info array ? admin es-es ¿Desea que eGroupWare almacene en memoria el array egw info?
would you like egroupware to cache the phpgw info array ? admin es-es ¿Desea que eGroupWare guarde en la caché el array phpgw info?
would you like egroupware to check for a new version<br>when admins login ? admin es-es ¿Desea que eGroupWare revise si hay versiones nuevas<br>cuando inicie la sesión un administrador?
would you like egroupware to check for new application versions when admins login ? admin es-es ¿Desea que eGroupWare compruebe nuevas versiones de las aplicaciones cuando un administrador inicie la sesión?
would you like to automaticaly load new langfiles (at login-time) ? admin es-es ¿Desea cargar automáticamente nuevos ficheros de idioma (al iniciar la sesión)?
@ -173,7 +173,6 @@ no filter calendar es-es Sin filtro
no matches found calendar es-es No se encontraron coincidencias
no response calendar es-es Sin respuesta
non blocking calendar es-es no bloquea
not calendar es-es no
notification messages for added events calendar es-es Mensajes de notificación para eventos añadidos
notification messages for canceled events calendar es-es Mensajes de notificación para eventos cancelados
notification messages for disinvited participants calendar es-es Mensajes de notificación para participantes que dejan de ser invitados
@ -246,7 +245,6 @@ show list of upcoming events calendar es-es Mostrar la lista de eventos pr
show this month calendar es-es Mostrar este mes
show this week calendar es-es Mostrar esta semana
single event calendar es-es evento simple
site configuration calendar es-es configuración del sitio
start calendar es-es Inicio
start date/time calendar es-es Fecha/Hora inicio
startdate / -time calendar es-es Fecha de incio / -hora
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
- subprojects from infolog it - Sottoprogetti da
0% infolog it 0%
10% infolog it 10%
100% infolog it 100%
20% infolog it 20%
30% infolog it 30%
40% infolog it 40%
@ -16,6 +17,7 @@ a short subject for the entry infolog it un breve oggetto per la nota
abort without deleting infolog it Annulla senza cancellare
accept infolog it accetta
action infolog it Azione
actual date and time infolog it data e ora attuale
add infolog it Aggiungi
add a file infolog it Aggiungi File
add a new entry infolog it Aggiungi una voce
@ -25,6 +27,7 @@ add a new sub-task, -note, -call to this entry infolog it Aggiungi un sub ToDo,
add a new todo infolog it Aggiungi un ToDo
add file infolog it Aggiungi file
add sub infolog it Aggiungi Sub
add timesheet entry infolog it Aggiungi voce foglio ore
add: infolog it Aggiungi:
all infolog it Tutto
all links and attachments infolog it tutti i link links e gli allegati
@ -38,6 +41,7 @@ billed infolog it fatturato
both infolog it entrambi
call infolog it chiamata
cancel infolog it Annulla
cancelled infolog it annullato
categories infolog it Categorie
category infolog it Categoria
change the status of an entry, eg. close it infolog it Cambia lo stato di una voce, es. chiudi
@ -47,6 +51,7 @@ click here to create the link infolog it premi qui per creare un Link
click here to start the search infolog it premi qui per iniziare la ricerca
close infolog it Chiudi
comment infolog it Commento
completed infolog it Completato
configuration infolog it Configurazione
confirm infolog it conferma
contact infolog it Rubrica
@ -67,6 +72,8 @@ custom fields, typ and status common it Campi personalizzati, tipi e stati
custom regarding infolog it Considerazione personale
custom status for typ infolog it Stato personalizzato per i tipi
customfields infolog it Customfields
date completed infolog it Data completamento
date completed (leave it empty to have it automatic set if status is done or billed) infolog it Data completamento (lasciala vuota per averla impostata automaticamento se lo stato è Fatto o Fatturato)
datecreated infolog it data creazione
dates, status, access infolog it Date, Stati, Accessi
days infolog it giorni
@ -91,6 +98,7 @@ duration infolog it Durata
each value is a line like <id>[=<label>] infolog it ogni valore è una linea tipo <id>[=<label>]
edit infolog it Modifica
edit or create categories for ingolog infolog it Modifica o crea una categoria di IngoLog
edit rights (full edit rights incl. making someone else responsible!) infolog it diritti di modifica (diritti di modifica completi incluso rendere qualcun'altro responsabile!)
edit status infolog it Modifica lo Stato
edit the entry infolog it Modifica una voce
edit this entry infolog it Modifica questa voce
@ -110,6 +118,7 @@ fieldseparator infolog it Separatore campi
finish infolog it finito
for which types should this field be used infolog it per quali tipo devi usare questo campo
from infolog it Da
general infolog it Generale
high infolog it Alta
id infolog it Id
if not set, the line with search and filters is hidden for less entries then "max matches per page" (as defined in your common preferences). infolog it Se non impostato, la linea con ricerca e filtri viene nascosta per meno voci di "massime occorrenze per pagina" (come definito nelle tue preferenze comuni).
@ -132,6 +141,7 @@ invalid filename infolog it Nome di Campo non valido
label<br>helptext infolog it Etichetta<br>Testo di Help
last changed infolog it Ultima modifica
last modified infolog it Ultima modifica
leave it empty infolog it lascia vuoto
leave without saveing the entry infolog it uscire senza salvare la voce
leaves without saveing infolog it uscire senza salvare
length<br>rows infolog it Lunghezza<br>Righe
@ -140,7 +150,8 @@ links infolog it Links
links of this entry infolog it Links della voce
list all categories infolog it Elenca tutte le categorie
list no subs/childs infolog it Non elencare Sub/figli
longer textual description infolog it lunga descrizione testuale
location infolog it Localizzazione
longer textual description infolog it descrizione testuale più lunga
low infolog it Bassa
max length of the input [, length of the inputfield (optional)] infolog it massima lunghezza di inserimento [, lunghezza dal campo di inserimento (opzionale)]
max number of entries to display on the main screen infolog it Numero massimo di voci da visualizzare nella schermata principale
@ -151,6 +162,7 @@ new name infolog it nuovo nome
new search infolog it Nuova ricerca
no - cancel infolog it No - Annulla
no describtion, links or attachments infolog it nessuna descrizione, collegamenti o allegati
no details infolog it no dettagli
no entries found, try again ... infolog it nessun risulato, prova ancora...
no filter infolog it Nessun Filtro
no links or attachments infolog it nessun link o allegato
@ -158,6 +170,7 @@ none infolog it Nessuno
normal infolog it Normale
not infolog it non
not assigned infolog it non assegnato
not-started infolog it non iniziato
note infolog it Nota
number of records to read (%1) infolog it Numero di record da leggere (%1)
number of row for a multiline inputfield or line of a multi-select-box infolog it numeri di righe per la casella di inserimento multilinea o linee per una select-box multipla
@ -178,16 +191,21 @@ path on (web-)serverside<br>eg. /var/samba/share infolog it percorso lato (web)s
path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! infolog it Il path ai file utente e gruppo DEVE ESSERE ESTERNO alla directory principale del webserver!!!
pattern for search in addressbook infolog it stringa da ricercare nella rubrica
pattern for search in projects infolog it stringa da ricercare nei progetti
percent completed infolog it Percentuale completamento
permission denied infolog it Permesso negato
phone infolog it Chiamata Telefonica
phone/email infolog it Telefono/Email
phonecall infolog it Chiamata Telefonica
planned infolog it pianificato
planned time infolog it tempo pianificato
price infolog it Prezzo
priority infolog it Priorità
private infolog it Privato
project infolog it Progetto
project settings: price, times infolog it Impostazioni progetto: prezzo, tempi
re: infolog it Re:
read one record by passing its id. infolog it Leggi un record fornendo la sua ID
read rights (default) infolog it diritti di lettura (default)
reg. expr. for local ip's<br>eg. ^192\.168\.1\. infolog it espressione corretta per indirizzi IP Locali<br>es.^192\.168\.1\.
remark infolog it Osservazione
remove this link (not the entry itself) infolog it Rimuovi questo link (non la voce)
@ -195,8 +213,9 @@ responsible infolog it responsabile
responsible open infolog it responsabile aperti
responsible overdue infolog it responsabile scaduti
responsible upcoming infolog it responsabile imminenti
responsible user, priority, times infolog it utente responsabile, priorità, tempi
responsible user, priority infolog it utente responsabile, priorità
returns a list / search for records. infolog it Restituisce un elenco / cerca record
rights for the responsible infolog it Diritti del responsabile
save infolog it Salva
saves the changes made and leaves infolog it salva i cambiamenti ed esci
saves this entry infolog it Salva questa voce
@ -204,7 +223,9 @@ search infolog it Cerca
search for: infolog it Ricerca:
select infolog it Seleziona
select a category for this entry infolog it seleziona una ricerca per questa voce
select a price infolog it Seleziona un prezzo
select a priority for this task infolog it seleziona una priorità per questo ToDo
select a project infolog it Seleziona un progetto
select a responsible user: a person you want to delegate this task infolog it seleziona una responsabile: una persoa a cui vuoi delegare questo ToDo
select a typ to edit it's status-values or delete it infolog it seleziona un tipo per modificare il suo stato o cancellarlo
select an app to search in infolog it Seleziona un'applicazione un cui cercare
@ -222,11 +243,14 @@ show full usernames infolog it Mostra nomi utente completi
show in the infolog list infolog it Visualizza nella lista di InfoLog
show list of upcoming entries infolog it visualizza la lista delle voci imminenti
show open entries: tasks/calls/notes on main screen infolog it Mostra voci aperte: Compiti/Chiamate/Note sulla videata principale
show status and percent done separate infolog it Mostra status e percentuale completamento separati
show ticket id infolog it Mostra ID ticket
show times infolog it Mostra tempi
small view infolog it vista ridotta
start a new search, cancel this link infolog it inizia una nuova ricerca, annulla questo link
startdate infolog it Data Inizio
startdate enddate infolog it Data Inizio Data Fine
startdate for new entries infolog it Data iniziale per nuove voci
startrecord infolog it Record Iniziale
status infolog it Stato
status ... infolog it Stato ...
@ -243,6 +267,7 @@ til when should the todo or phonecall be finished infolog it esegue fino a quand
times infolog it Tempi
to many might exceed your execution-time-limit infolog it troppi potrebbero superare il limite del tempo di esecuzione
today infolog it Oggi
todays date infolog it data odierna
todo infolog it ToDo
translation infolog it Traduzione
typ infolog it Tipo
@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
%1 email addresses inserted common fr %1 adresses email ont été insérée(s)
%1 is not executable by the webserver !!! common fr %1 n'est pas exécutable par le serveur web !!!
%1 manual common fr %1 manuel
%1 start common fr % départ
%1choose an other directory%2<br />or make %3 writeable by webserver common fr %1Choisissez un autre répertoire%2<br />ou rendez %3 écrivable par le serveur web
%1egroupware%2 is a multi-user, web-based groupware suite written in %3php%4. common fr %1eGroupWare%2 est un logiciel de GroupWare multi-utilisateur basé sur les technologies Web et PHP
(shift-)click or drag to change value jscalendar fr (Shift-)Cliquer ou 'drag' pour changer la valeur
@ -21,6 +23,7 @@ _remove link... htmlarea-ContextMenu fr _Effacer Lien
_table properties... htmlarea-ContextMenu fr Propriétés _Table...
about common fr A propos
about %1 common fr A propos de %1
about egroupware common fr A propos d'eGroupware
about the calendar jscalendar fr A propos du Calendrier
about this editor htmlarea fr A propos de cet éditeur
access common fr Accès
@ -35,6 +38,7 @@ active common fr Actif
add common fr Ajouter
add %1 category for common fr Ajouter la catégorie %1 pour
add category common fr Ajouter catégorie
add shortcut common fr Ajouter raccourci
add sub common fr Ajouter sous
addressbook common fr Carnet d'adresses
admin common fr Admin
@ -61,6 +65,7 @@ angola common fr ANGOLA
anguilla common fr ANGUILLA
antarctica common fr ANTARCTIQUE
antigua and barbuda common fr ANTIGUE ET BARBADE
application common fr Application
apply common fr Appliquer
april common fr Avril
are you sure you want to delete these entries ? common fr Etes-vous sûr de vouloir effacer ces entrées ?
@ -136,6 +141,7 @@ cell properties htmlarea-TableOperations fr Propri
cellpadding tinymce fr Cellpadding
cellspacing tinymce fr Cellspacing
center tinymce fr Milieu
centered common fr centré
central african republic common fr REPUBLIQUE DE CENTRAFRIQUE
chad common fr TCHAD
change common fr Changer
@ -146,6 +152,11 @@ check installation common fr V
check now common fr Vérifier maintenant
chile common fr CHILI
china common fr CHINE
choose a background color common fr Choisissez une couleur de fond
choose a background color for the icons common fr Choisissez une couleur de fond pour les icônes
choose a background image. common fr Choisissez une image de fond
choose a background style. common fr Choisissez un style de fond
choose a text color for the icons common fr Choisissez une couleur de texte pour les icônes
choose directory to move selected folders and files to. tinymce fr Choisissez un répertoire pour y déplacer les fichiers et dossiers séléctionnés
choose list style type (for ordered lists) htmlarea-ListType fr Choisir le type de style de la liste (Pour les listes ordonnées)
choose the category common fr Choisir la catégorie
@ -159,6 +170,7 @@ click common fr Cliquer
click or mouse over to show menus common fr Cliquer ou passer la souris dessus pour voir les menus
click or mouse over to show menus? common fr Cliquer ou passer la souris dessus pour voir les menus ?
close common fr Fermer
close sidebox common fr Fermer la barre de menu latérale
cocos (keeling) islands common fr COCOS (KEELING) ISLANDS
collapsed borders htmlarea-TableOperations fr Bords joints
colombia common fr COLOMBIE
@ -206,6 +218,8 @@ decimal numbers htmlarea-ListType fr Nombres d
decrease indent htmlarea fr Diminuer l'indentation
default tinymce fr Défaut
default category common fr Catégorie par défaut
default height for the windows common fr Hauteur par défaut de la fenêtre
default width for the windows common fr largeur par défaut de la fenêtre
delete common fr Supprimer
delete cell htmlarea-TableOperations fr Effacer cellule
delete column htmlarea-TableOperations fr Effacer colonne
@ -383,6 +397,8 @@ i will open it in a new page. htmlarea-SpellChecker fr Je vais l'ouvrir dans une
i_nsert row before htmlarea-ContextMenu fr I_nsérer Ligne Avant
iceland common fr ISLANDE
iespell not detected. click ok to go to download page. common fr ieSpell non détécté. Cliquez sur Ok pour aller à la page de téléchargement.
if the clock is enabled would you like it to update it every second or every minute? common fr Si l'horloge est activée vouslez vous le mettre à jour toutes les secondes ou toutes les minutes?
if there are some images in the background folder you can choose the one you would like to see. common fr Si il y a des images dans le dossier des fonds, vous pouvez choisir celle que vous voulez voir.
ignore htmlarea-SpellChecker fr Ignorer
ignore all htmlarea-SpellChecker fr Ignorer tout
image description tinymce fr Description de l'image
@ -522,6 +538,7 @@ message common fr Message
mexico common fr MEXIQUE
micronesia, federated states of common fr MICRONESIA, FEDERATED STATES OF
middle htmlarea-TableOperations fr Milieu
minute common fr minute
mkdir failed. tinymce fr Mkdir échoué.
modify url htmlarea-ContextMenu fr Modifier l'URL
moldova, republic of common fr MOLDAVIE, REPUBLIQUE DE
@ -605,6 +622,7 @@ open link in a new window tinymce fr Ouvrir le lien dans une nouvelle fenê
open link in the same window tinymce fr Ouvrir le lien dans la même fenêtre
open notify window common fr Ouvrir une fenêtre de notification
open popup window common fr Ouvrir une fenêtre de popup
open sidebox common fr Ouvrir la barre de menu latérale
opens this link in a new window htmlarea-ContextMenu fr Ouvrir ce lien dans une nouvelle fenêtre
ordered list common fr Liste ordonnée (numéros)
original common fr Original
@ -635,6 +653,7 @@ password must have at least %1 characters common fr Le mot de passe doit conteni
paste htmlarea-ContextMenu fr Coller
paste as plain text tinymce fr Coller comme du texte simple
paste from clipboard htmlarea fr Coller depuis la presse-papiers
paste from word tinymce fr Coller depuis Word
paste table row after tinymce fr Paste table row after
paste table row before tinymce fr Paste table row before
path htmlarea fr Chemin
@ -674,6 +693,7 @@ portugal common fr PORTUGAL
position (x/y) tinymce fr Position (X/Y)
postal common fr Code postal
powered by egroupware version %1 common fr Motorisé par <a href="http://www.egroupware.org">eGroupWare</a> version %1
powered by phpgroupware version %1 common fr Motorisé par eGroupware version %1
preferences common fr Préférences
preferences for the idots template set common fr Préférences pour l´application du template idots
prev. month (hold for menu) jscalendar fr Mois précédent (maintenir pour le menu)
@ -698,6 +718,7 @@ refresh tinymce fr Rafraichir
reject common fr Rejeter
remove col tinymce fr Supprimer la colonne
remove selected accounts common fr effacer les comptes sélectionnés
remove shortcut common fr Effacer le raccourci
remove the htmlarea-ContextMenu fr Enlever le
remove this node from the document htmlarea-ContextMenu fr Enlever ce noeud du document
rename common fr Renommer
@ -739,6 +760,7 @@ search common fr Chercher
search %1 '%2' common fr Chercher %1 '%2'
search or select accounts common fr Chercher ou sélectionner des comptes
search or select multiple accounts common fr Chercher ou sélectionner des comptes multiples
second common fr seconde
section common fr Section
select common fr Sélectionner
select all tinymce fr Sélectionner tout
@ -749,6 +771,8 @@ select group common fr S
select home email address common fr Sélectionner l'email Maison
select multiple accounts common fr Sélectionner des comptes multiples
select one common fr Sélectionner un
select the default height for the application windows common fr choisissez la hauteur par défaut de la fenêtre d'application
select the default width for the application windows common fr choisissez la largeur par défaut de la fenêtre d'application
select user common fr Sélectionner l'utilisateur
select work email address common fr Sélectionner l'email Bureau
selection common fr Sélection
@ -765,15 +789,19 @@ setup main menu common fr Menu principal du Seup
seychelles common fr SEYCHELLES
show all common fr Tous les éléments
show all categorys common fr Voir toutes les catégories
show clock? common fr Afficher l'horloge?
show home and logout button in main application bar? common fr Afficher les bouttons Accueil et déconnecter dans la barre d'application principale?
show locationbar tinymce fr Afficher la barre d'adresse
show logo's on the desktop. common fr Afficher le logo sur le bureau?
show menu common fr Voir menu
show menubar tinymce fr Montrer la barre du menu
show page generation time common fr Voir le temps de génération de page
show page generation time on the bottom of the page? common fr Montrer le temps de génération de page au fond de la page?
show page generation time? common fr Afficher le temps de génération de la page?
show scrollbars tinymce fr Montrer la barre de défilement
show statusbar tinymce fr Afficher la barre de status
show the image properties dialog htmlarea-ContextMenu fr Montrer la boîte de dialogue des propriétés de l'image
show the logo's of egroupware and x-desktop on the desktop. common fr Afficher le logo d'eGroupware et x-destop sur le bureau?
show the table cell properties dialog htmlarea-ContextMenu fr Montrer la boîte de dialogue des Propriétés du Tableau de Cellules
show the table properties dialog htmlarea-ContextMenu fr Montrer la boîte de dialogue des Propriétés du Tableau
show the table row properties dialog htmlarea-ContextMenu fr Montrer la boîte de dialogue des Propriétés du Tableau de Lignes
@ -806,6 +834,7 @@ start time common fr Heure de d
start with common fr commence avec
starting up... common fr Démarrage...
status common fr Etat
stretched common fr étiré
strikethrough htmlarea fr Rayé
striketrough tinymce fr Barré
style [css] htmlarea-TableOperations fr Style [CSS]
@ -852,6 +881,7 @@ this is just a template popup tinymce fr C'est juste un mod
this name has been used already common fr Ce nom est déjà utilisé !
this will drop changes and quit spell checker. please confirm. htmlarea-SpellChecker fr Ceci annulera les modifications et quittera le correcteur orthographique. Veuillez confirmer SVP.
thursday common fr Jeudi
tiled common fr carrelé
time common fr Heure
time selection: jscalendar fr Sélection du temps:
time zone common fr Fuseau horaire
@ -871,6 +901,7 @@ tonga common fr TONGA
too many unsucessful attempts to login: %1 for the user '%2', %3 for the ip %4 common fr Trop d'essais de connexions: %1 pour l'utilisateur '%2', %3 pour l'IP %4
top common fr Haut
total common fr Total
transparant bg for the icons? common fr Fond transparent pour les icones?
trinidad and tobago common fr TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO
tuesday common fr Mardi
tunisia common fr TUNISIE
@ -897,6 +928,7 @@ unordered list tinymce fr Liste d
unset color htmlarea-TableOperations fr Enlever la couleur
up tinymce fr Haut
update common fr Insertion
update the clock per minute or per second common fr Mettre à jour l'horloge par minutes ou secondes
upload common fr Upload
upload directory does not exist, or is not writeable by webserver common fr Le répertoire d'upload n'existe pas ou n'est pas ecrivable par le serveur web
upload image htmlarea-UploadImage fr Uploader l'Image
@ -932,12 +964,15 @@ warning!\n renaming or moving folders and files will break existing links in you
wednesday common fr Mercredi
welcome common fr Bienvenue
western sahara common fr SAHARA OUEST
what color should all the blank space on the desktop have common fr Quelle couleur l'espace vide du bureau doit-il avoir?
what style would you like the image to have? common fr Quel style vouslez-vous pour l'image?
when you say yes the home and logout buttons are presented as applications in the main top applcation bar. common fr Quand vous dites oui, les bouttons Acceuil et déconnexion sont affichés comme des applications dans la barre d'application principale.
which groups common fr Quels groupes
width common fr Largeur
window name tinymce fr Nom de la fen?tre
wk jscalendar fr wk
work email common fr email Bureau
would you like to display the page generation time at the bottom of every window? common fr Voulez-vous voir apparaître le temps de génération en bas de chaque fenêtre?
writing common fr ecriture
written by: common fr Ecrit par:
year common fr Année
@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ cellspacing tinymce zh-tw 儲存格間距
center tinymce zh-tw 置中
centered common zh-tw 置中
central african republic common zh-tw CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC
chad common zh-tw CHAD
chad common zh-tw 查德
change common zh-tw 更換
char htmlarea-TableOperations zh-tw 字元
charset common zh-tw utf-8
@ -412,8 +412,8 @@ image url common zh-tw 圖片網址
in_sert row after htmlarea-ContextMenu zh-tw 在插入列之後
increase indent htmlarea zh-tw 增加邊緣
indent tinymce zh-tw 縮排
india common zh-tw INDIA
indonesia common zh-tw INDONESIA
india common zh-tw 印度
indonesia common zh-tw 印尼
insert tinymce zh-tw 插入
insert 'return false' common zh-tw 插入'return false'
insert / edit flash movie tinymce zh-tw 插入 / 編輯Flash影片
@ -449,8 +449,8 @@ invalid ip address common zh-tw 錯誤的IP位址
invalid password common zh-tw 錯誤的密碼
iran, islamic republic of common zh-tw IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF
iraq common zh-tw 伊拉克
ireland common zh-tw IRELAND
israel common zh-tw ISRAEL
ireland common zh-tw 愛爾蘭
israel common zh-tw 以色列
it has been more then %1 days since you changed your password common zh-tw 距離您上次更改密碼已經 %1 天了
it is recommended that you run setup to upgrade your tables to the current version common zh-tw 建議您執行設定程式將資料表升級至目前的版本。
italic common zh-tw 斜體
@ -469,14 +469,14 @@ justify center common zh-tw 置中
justify full common zh-tw 全螢幕
justify left common zh-tw 靠左
justify right common zh-tw 靠右
kazakstan common zh-tw KAZAKSTAN
kazakstan common zh-tw 哈薩克
keep linebreaks tinymce zh-tw 保留段落
kenya common zh-tw KENYA
kenya common zh-tw 肯亞
keywords common zh-tw 關鍵字
kiribati common zh-tw KIRIBATI
korea, democratic peoples republic of common zh-tw 北韓
korea, republic of common zh-tw 南韓
kuwait common zh-tw KUWAIT
kuwait common zh-tw 科威特
kyrgyzstan common zh-tw KYRGYZSTAN
language common zh-tw 語言
language_direction_rtl common zh-tw language_direction_rtl
@ -485,7 +485,7 @@ last name common zh-tw 姓
last name of the user, eg. "%1" common zh-tw 使用者的姓,例: "%1"
last page common zh-tw 最後一頁
lastname common zh-tw 姓
latvia common zh-tw LATVIA
latvia common zh-tw 拉托維亞
layout htmlarea-TableOperations zh-tw 版面
ldap-mgr common zh-tw LDAP管理員
lebanon common zh-tw 黎巴嫩
@ -276,6 +276,7 @@ mail server protocol setup es-es Protcolo del servidor de correo
make sure that your database is created and the account permissions are set setup es-es Asegúrese de que su base de datos está creada y que los permisos están configurados
manage applications setup es-es Administrar aplicaciones
manage languages setup es-es Administrar idiomas
manual / help setup es-es Manual / Ayuda
max_execution_time is set to less than 30 (seconds): egroupware sometimes needs a higher execution_time, expect occasional failures setup es-es max_execution_time está puesto a menos de 30 (segundos): eGroupWare a veces necesita un valor mayor para execution_time, así que puede haber fallos ocasionales.
maximum account id (e.g. 65535 or 1000000) setup es-es Id máximo de cuenta (p. ej. 65535 o 1000000)
may be broken setup es-es puede estar roto
Reference in New Issue
Block a user