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synced 2025-03-03 01:21:42 +01:00
* Admin/Preferences/Active Directory: more understandable password policy errors and using windows defaults only, if admin has not configured something else
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,57 +1,49 @@
* eGroupWare - Admin - DB backup and restore *
* http://www.egroupware.org *
* Written by RalfBecker@outdoor-training.de *
* -------------------------------------------- *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the *
* Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your *
* option) any later version. *
* EGroupware - Admin - DB backup and restore
* @link http://www.egroupware.org
* @author Ralf Becker <RalfBecker@outdoor-training.de>
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License
* @package admin
* @version $Id$
/* $Id$ */
class admin_db_backup
var $public_functions = array(
'index' => true,
var $db_backup;
class admin_db_backup
var $public_functions = array(
'do_backup' => true,
'index' => true,
var $db_backup;
* Method for sheduled backups, called via asynservice
function do_backup()
$this->db_backup = new db_backup();
function admin_db_backup()
* Method for sheduled backups, called via asynservice
function do_backup()
$this->db_backup =& CreateObject('phpgwapi.db_backup');
if ($f = $this->db_backup->fopen_backup())
/* Remove old backups. */
* includes setup's db_backup to display/access it inside admin
function index()
$tpl_root = EGW_SERVER_ROOT.'/setup/templates/default';
$self = $GLOBALS['egw']->link('/index.php',array('menuaction'=>'admin.admin_db_backup.index'));
include EGW_SERVER_ROOT.'/setup/db_backup.php';
if ($f = $this->db_backup->fopen_backup())
/* Remove old backups. */
* includes setup's db_backup to display/access it inside admin
function index()
$tpl_root = EGW_SERVER_ROOT.'/setup/templates/default';
$self = $GLOBALS['egw']->link('/index.php',array('menuaction'=>'admin.admin_db_backup.index'));
include EGW_SERVER_ROOT.'/setup/db_backup.php';
@ -211,7 +211,7 @@
$accountPrefix = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['account_prefix'];
if($accountPrefix && strpos($userData['account_lid'], $accountPrefix) !== 0)
$userData['account_lid'] = $accountPrefix . $userData['account_lid'];
@ -798,6 +798,9 @@
// use old_loginid, if account_lid is not set in post, because input is disabled
if (!isset($_POST['account_lid'])) $_POST['account_lid'] = $_GET['old_loginid'];
if(!($email = $_POST['account_email']))
$email = common::email_address($_POST['account_firstname'],$_POST['account_lastname'],$_POST['account_lid']);
@ -808,9 +811,9 @@
'account_firstname' => $_POST['account_firstname'],
'account_lastname' => $_POST['account_lastname'],
'account_passwd' => $_POST['account_passwd'],
'account_status' => ($_POST['account_status'] ? 'A' : ''),
'old_loginid' => ($_GET['old_loginid']?rawurldecode($_GET['old_loginid']):''),
'account_id' => ($_GET['account_id']?$_GET['account_id']:0),
'account_status' => $_POST['account_status'] ? 'A' : '',
'old_loginid' => $_GET['old_loginid'] ? $_GET['old_loginid'] : '',
'account_id' => $_GET['account_id'] ? $_GET['account_id'] : 0,
'account_passwd_2' => $_POST['account_passwd_2'],
'account_groups' => $_POST['account_groups'],
'account_primary_group' => $_POST['account_primary_group'],
@ -1337,7 +1340,7 @@
$page_params['account_id'] = $_account_id;
$page_params['old_loginid'] = rawurlencode($userData['account_lid']);
$page_params['old_loginid'] = $userData['account_lid'];
$var = Array(
@ -1427,7 +1430,7 @@
'account_lid' => $accountPrefix.html::input('account_lid', $userData['account_lid'], '',
'id="account" onchange="check_account_email(this.id);" maxlength="64"'.
// disable account_lid input, if backend does not allow to change it
($GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->change_account_lid_allowed() ? '' : ' disabled="disabled"')),
($GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->change_account_lid_allowed() || !$_account_id ? '' : ' disabled="disabled"')),
'lang_homedir' => $lang_homedir,
'lang_shell' => $lang_shell,
'homedirectory' => $homedirectory,
@ -483,6 +483,7 @@ quota size in mbyte admin de Quotagröße in MByte
re-enter password admin de Passwort wiederholen
read this list of methods. admin de Diese Liste der Methoden lesen
register application hooks admin de Registrieren der "Hooks" der Anwendungen
reject passwords containing part of username or full name (3 or more characters long) admin de Passwörter zurückweisen die einen Teil des Benutzernamen oder vollständigen Namens beinhalten (3 oder mehr Zeichen lang)
remote administration instances admin de Remote Administrations Instanzen
remote administration need to be enabled in the remote instance under admin > site configuration! admin de Die Remote Administration muss von der Remote-Instanz (unter Admin -> Konfiguration der Anwendung) freigegeben werden.
remote instance saved admin de Remote Instanz gespeichert
@ -484,6 +484,7 @@ quota size in mbyte admin en Quota size in MByte
re-enter password admin en Re-enter password
read this list of methods. admin en Read this list of methods.
register application hooks admin en Register application hooks
reject passwords containing part of username or full name (3 or more characters long) admin en Reject passwords containing part of username or full name (3 or more characters long)
remote administration instances admin en Remote administration instances
remote administration need to be enabled in the remote instance under admin > site configuration! admin en Remote administration need to be enabled in the remote instance under Admin > Site configuration!
remote instance saved admin en Remote instance saved.
@ -269,6 +269,16 @@
<tr class="row_off">
<select name="newsettings[passwd_forbid_name]">
<option value="">{lang_No}</option>
<option value="True"{selected_True}>{lang_Yes}</option>
<tr class="row_on">
<input name="newsettings[admin_mails]" value="{value_admin_mails}" size="40">
@ -285,7 +295,7 @@
<tr class="row_on">
<tr class="row_off">
<td>{lang_Enable_the_xmlrpc_service} {lang_(default_No,_leave_it_off_if_you_dont_use_it)}:</td>
<select name="newsettings[xmlrpc_enabled]">
@ -295,7 +305,7 @@
<tr class="row_off">
<tr class="row_on">
<td>{lang_Enable_the_soap_service} {lang_(default_No,_leave_it_off_if_you_dont_use_it)}:</td>
<select name="newsettings[soap_enabled]">
@ -304,19 +314,19 @@
<tr class="row_on">
<tr class="row_off">
<td>{lang_How_many_entries_should_non-admins_be_able_to_export_(empty_=_no_limit,_no_=_no_export)}:<br />{lang_This_controls_exports_and_merging.}</td>
<td><input name="newsettings[export_limit]" value="{value_export_limit}" size="5"></td>
<tr class="row_off">
<tr class="row_on">
<tr class="row_on">
<tr class="row_off">
<td>{lang_Allow_remote_administration_from_following_install_ID's_(comma_separated)}:<br />{lang_Own_install_ID:_}{value_install_id}</td>
<td><input name="newsettings[allow_remote_admin]" value="{value_allow_remote_admin}" size="40"></td>
<tr class="row_off">
<tr class="row_on">
<select name="newsettings[exception_show_trace]">
@ -325,7 +335,7 @@
<tr class="row_on">
<tr class="row_off">
<select name="newsettings[debug_minify]">
@ -524,21 +524,27 @@ class auth
* Checks if a given password is "safe"
* atm a simple check in length, #digits, #uppercase and #lowercase
* Could be made more safe using e.g. pecl library cracklib.
* But as pecl dosn't run on any platform and isn't GPL'd, I haven't implemented it yet.
* Windows compatible check is: 7 char length, 1 Up, 1 Low, 1 Num and 1 Special
* @link http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc786468(v=ws.10).aspx
* In contrary to whats documented in above link, windows seems to treet numbers as delimiters too.
* Windows compatible check is $reqstrength=3, $minlength=7, $forbid_name=true
* @param string $password
* @param int $reqstrength=null defaults to whatever set in config for "force_pwd_strength"
* @param int $minlength=null defaults to whatever set in config for "check_save_passwd"
* @author cornelius weiss <egw at von-und-zu-weiss.de>
* @param boolean $forbid_name=null if true username or full-name split by delimiters AND longer then 3 chars are
* forbidden to be included in password, default to whatever set in config for "passwd_forbid_name"
* @param array|int $account=null array with account_lid and account_fullname or account_id for $forbid_name check
* @return mixed false if password is considered "safe" (or no requirements) or a string $message if "unsafe"
static function crackcheck($passwd, $reqstrength=null, $minlength=null)
static function crackcheck($passwd, $reqstrength=null, $minlength=null, $forbid_name=null, $account=null)
if (!isset($reqstrength)) $reqstrength = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['force_pwd_strength'];
if (!isset($minlength)) $minlength = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['force_pwd_length'];
if (!isset($forbid_name)) $forbid_name = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['passwd_forbid_name'];
// load preferences translations, as changepassword get's called from admin too
// check for and if necessary convert old values True and 5 to new separate values for length and char-classes
if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['check_save_passwd'] || $reqstrength == 5)
@ -554,56 +560,61 @@ class auth
config::save_value('check_save_passwd', null, 'phpgwapi');
if (!$reqstrength && !$minlength)
$errors = array();
if ($minlength && strlen($passwd) < $minlength)
return false; // nothing to check
$errors[] = lang('password must have at least %1 characters', $minlength);
$strength = 0;
if(!preg_match('/(.*\d.*){'. ($non=1). ',}/',$passwd))
if ($forbid_name)
$message[] = lang('Password must contain at least %1 numbers',$non);
if (!$account || !is_array($account) && !($account = $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->read($account)))
throw new egw_exception_wrong_parameter('crackcheck(..., forbid_name=true, account) requires account-data!');
$parts = preg_split("/[,._ \t0-9-]+/", $account['account_fullname'].','.$account['account_lid']);
foreach($parts as $part)
if (strlen($part) > 2 && stripos($passwd, $part) !== false)
$errors[] = lang('password contains with "%1" a parts of your user- or full-name (3 or more characters long)', $part);
if ($reqstrength)
$missing = array();
if (!preg_match('/(.*\d.*){'. ($non=1). ',}/',$passwd))
$missing[] = lang('numbers');
if (!preg_match('/(.*[[:upper:]].*){'. ($nou=1). ',}/',$passwd))
$missing[] = lang('uppercase letters');
if (!preg_match('/(.*[[:lower:]].*){'. ($nol=1). ',}/',$passwd))
$missing[] = lang('lowercase letters');
if (!preg_match('/'.preg_quote('~!@#$%^&*_-+=`|\(){}[]:;"\'<>,.?/', '/').'/', $passwd))
$missing[] = lang('special characters');
if (4 - count($missing) < $reqstrength)
$errors[] = lang('password contains only %1 of required %2 character classes: no %3',
4-count($missing), $reqstrength, implode(', ', $missing));
if(!preg_match('/(.*[[:upper:]].*){'. ($nou=1). ',}/',$passwd))
if ($errors)
$message[] = lang('Password must contain at least %1 uppercase letters',$nou);
return lang('Your password does not have required strength:').
"<br/>\n- ".implode("<br/>\n- ", $errors);
if(!preg_match('/(.*[[:lower:]].*){'. ($nol=1). ',}/',$passwd))
$message[] = lang('Password must contain at least %1 lowercase letters',$nol);
if(!preg_match('/(.*[\\!"#$%&\'()*+,-.\/:;<=>?@\[\]\^_ {|}~`].*){'. ($nos=1). ',}/',$passwd))
$message[] = lang('Password must contain at least %1 special characters',$nos);
if (!preg_match('/.{'. ($minlength). ',}/',$passwd))
$message[] = lang('Password must have at least %1 characters', $minlength);
$strength = 0;
if ($reqstrength <= $strength)
return false;
return lang('Your password does not have required strength of %1 character classes and minimum length of %2 characters.',
$reqstrength, $minlength).
"<br/>\n- ".implode("<br/>\n- ", $message);
return false;
@ -118,6 +118,7 @@ class auth_ads implements auth_backend
$admin = false;
$username = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_lid'];
$account_id = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id'];
@ -136,15 +137,22 @@ class auth_ads implements auth_backend
return $ret;
catch (Exception $e) {
// as we cant (todo) detect what the problem is, we do a password strength check and throw it's message, if it fails
if (($error = auth::crackcheck($new_passwd, 4, 8))) // 4 char classes and 8 chars min
throw new egw_exception_wrong_userinput($error);
throw new egw_exception(lang('Failed to change password. Please contact your administrator.').' ('.$e->getMessage().')');
error_log(__METHOD__."('$old_passwd', '$new_passwd', $account_id) admin=$admin adldap->user()->password('$username', '$new_passwd') returned ".array2string($ret).' ('.ldap_error($adldap->getLdapConnection()).')');
// as we cant detect what the problem is, we do a password strength check and throw it's message, if it fails
$error = auth::crackcheck($new_passwd,
// if admin has nothing configured use windows default of 3 char classes, 7 chars min and name-part-check
$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['force_pwd_strength'] ? $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['force_pwd_strength'] : 3,
$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['force_pwd_length'] ? $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['force_pwd_length'] : 7,
$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['passwd_forbid_name'] ? $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['passwd_forbid_name'] : true,
$msg = $e->getMessage();
$msg = strtr($msg, $tr=array( // translate possible adLDAP and LDAP error
'Error' => lang('Error'),
'Server is unwilling to perform.' => lang('Server is unwilling to perform.'),
'Your password might not match the password policy.' => lang('Your password might not match the password policy.'),
'SSL must be configured on your webserver and enabled in the class to set passwords.' => lang('Encrypted LDAP connection is required to change passwords, but it is not configured in your installation.'),
throw new egw_exception('<p><b>'.lang('Failed to change password.')."</b></p>\n".$msg.($error ? "\n<p>".$error."</p>\n" : ''));
return false;
@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ class uipassword
lang('note: This feature does *not* change your email password. This will need to be done manually.'));
$errors = array();
$o_passwd = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['passwd'];
@ -93,18 +94,20 @@ class uipassword
// allow auth backends or configured password strenght to throw exceptions and display there message
try {
$passwd_changed = $this->bo->changepass($o_passwd, $n_passwd);
if (!$errors)
try {
$passwd_changed = $this->bo->changepass($o_passwd, $n_passwd);
catch (Exception $e) {
$errors[] = $e->getMessage();
catch (Exception $e) {
$errors[] = $e->getMessage();
if (!$errors) // if we have no specific error, add general message
$errors[] = lang('Failed to change password. Please contact your administrator.');
$errors[] = lang('Failed to change password.');
echo parse_navbar();
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ enable drag and drop functionality (experimental) preferences ca Habilita funcio
enables or disables drag and drop functions in all applications. if the browser does not support drag and drop, it will be disabled automatically. this feature is experimental at the moment. preferences ca Habilita o deshabilita funcions d'arrossegar i deixar anar a totes les aplicacions. Si el navegador no permet l'arrossegar i deixar anar, serà inhabilitat automàticament. Aquesta funció és experimental de moment.
enter your new password preferences ca Entreu la nova contrasenya
enter your old password preferences ca Escriu la contrasenya antiga
failed to change password. please contact your administrator. preferences ca Error al canviar la contrasenya. Contacteu amb el vostre Administrador.
failed to change password. preferences ca Error al canviar la contrasenya.
forced preferences preferences ca Preferències forçades
help off preferences ca Sense ajuda
hours preferences ca hores
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ enables or disables drag and drop functions in all applications. if the browser
enables or disables dropdown selectbox resizing for ie in all applications. if the browser is not an ie , the option will not apply. this feature is experimental at the moment. preferences cs Povoluje nebo zakazuje změnu velikosti rozbalovacích nabídek v IE pro všechny aplikace. Ostatních prohlížečů se tato volba nedotkne. V současné době se jedná o experimentální funkci.
enter your new password preferences cs Zadejte Vaše nové heslo
enter your old password preferences cs Zadejte Vaše staré heslo
failed to change password. please contact your administrator. preferences cs Nepodařilo se změnit heslo. Kontaktujte prosím Vašeho administrátora.
failed to change password. preferences cs Nepodařilo se změnit heslo.
forced preferences preferences cs Vynucené předvolby
help off preferences cs Vypnout nápovědu
hours preferences cs hodiny
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ do you prefer a 24 hour time format, or a 12 hour one with am/pm attached. prefe
edit custom fields preferences da Ret valgfrie felter
enter your new password preferences da Indtast din nye adgangskode
enter your old password preferences da Indtast din gamle adgangskode
failed to change password. please contact your administrator. preferences da Det lykkedes ikke at ændre adgangskoden. Kontakt din administrator.
failed to change password. preferences da Det lykkedes ikke at ændre adgangskoden.
forced preferences preferences da Tvungne præferencer
help off preferences da Ingen Hjælp
hours preferences da timer
@ -42,9 +42,11 @@ enables or disables drag and drop functions in all applications. if the browser
enables or disables dropdown selectbox resizing for ie in all applications. if the browser is not an ie , the option will not apply. this feature is experimental at the moment. preferences de Hier können die die Funktion aktiveren oder deaktivieren, die es Ihnen im Internet Explorer ermöglicht Auswahl Boxen automatisch auf Ihre wirkliche Größe (bei langen Texten) zu erweitern. Falls Sie einen anderen Browser verwenden, hat dies keine Auswirkungen. Diese Funktion ist noch in der Erprobung.
enables or disables selectbox dropdown resizing for ie in all applications. if the browser is not an ie , the option will not apply. this feature is experimental at the moment. preferences de Schaltet die Selectbox-Drop-Down-Menue Grössenanpassung für den Internet Explorer in allen Anwendungen ein oder aus. Wenn der Browser kein Internet Explorer ist,wird diese Option ignoriert. Diese Option ist im Moment noch experimentell.
enables or disables selectbox dropdown resizing for ie in all applications. if the browser is not an ie, the option will not apply. this feature is experimental at the moment. preferences de Schaltet die Selectbox-Drop-Down-Menu Grössenanpassung für den Internet Explorer in allen Anwendungen ein oder aus. Wenn der Browser kein Internet Explorer ist,wird diese Option ignoriert.
encrypted ldap connection is required to change passwords, but it is not configured in your installation. preferences de Eine verschlüsselte LDAP Verbindung ist erforderlich um Passwörter zu ändern, aber in Ihre Installation nicht konfiguriert.
enter your new password preferences de Neues Passwort eingeben
enter your old password preferences de Altes Passwort eingeben
failed to change password. please contact your administrator. preferences de Passwortänderung fehlgeschlagen. Bitte kontaktieren Sie Ihren Administrator!
error preferences de Fehler
failed to change password. preferences de Passwortänderung fehlgeschlagen.
features of the editor preferences de Funktionsauswahl des Editors
font size unit preferences de Einheit der Schriftgröße
forced preferences preferences de Erzwungene Einstellungen
@ -69,6 +71,7 @@ interface/template selection preferences de Auswahl der Benutzeroberfläche
just clicking on the line, like a checkbox preferences de einfaches anklicken der Zeile, wie eine Checkbox
language preferences de Sprache
look & feel preferences de Aussehen und Handhabung
lowercase letters preferences de Kleinbuchstaben
max matches per page preferences de maximale Treffer pro Seite
max number of icons in navbar preferences de Maximale Anzahl von Icons in der Navigationsleiste
no default preferences de Keine Vorgabe
@ -77,10 +80,14 @@ note: this feature does *not* change your email password. this will preferences
note: this feature does *not* change your email password. this will need to be done manually. preferences de Hinweis: Diese Funktion ändert *nicht* Ihr Passwort auf dem E-Mail-Server. Dies müssen Sie separat tun.
notification settings preferences de Einstellungen der Benachrichtigungen
number format preferences de Format von Zahlen
numbers preferences de Zahlen
office 2003 theme preferences de Office 2003
old password and new password are the same. this is invalid. you must enter a new password preferences de Altes Passwort und Neues Passwort sind gleich. Dies ist ungültig. Sie müssen ein neues Passwort vergeben.
p: paragraph preferences de p: Absatz
password changed preferences de Ihr Password wurde geändert
password contains only %1 of required %2 character classes: no %3 preferences de Passwort enthält nur %1 von erforderlichen %2 Zeichenklassen: keine %3
password contains with "%1" a parts of your user- or full-name (3 or more characters long) preferences de Passwort enthält mit "%1" einen Teil Ihres Benutzername oder vollständigen Names (3 oder mehr Zeichen lang)
password must have at least %1 characters preferences de Passwort muss mindestens %1 Zeichen lang sein
permanent time zone selection preferences de Ständige Zeitzonen Auswahl
please select timezones, you want to be able to quickly switch between. switch is not shown, if less then two are selected. preferences de Zeitzonen auswählen, zwischen den schnell umgeschaltet werden soll. Der Umschalter wird NICHT angezeigt, wenn weniger als zwei ausgewählt werden.
please select your timezone. preferences de Bitte wählen Sie Ihre Zeitzone
@ -102,6 +109,7 @@ select the theme (visualization) of the rich text editor. preferences de Farbsch
selectbox preferences de Auswahlfeld
selectbox with groupmembers common de Auswahlbox mit Gruppenmitgliedern
selectbox with primary group and search preferences de Auswahlfeld mit primärer Gruppe und Suche
server is unwilling to perform. preferences de Server ist unwillig die Änderung auszuführen.
set this to your convenience. for security reasons, you might not want to show your loginname in public. preferences de Stellen Sie das nach Ihren Vorlieben ein. Aus Sicherheitsgründen sollte der Benutzername nicht in der Öffentlichkeit gezeigt werden.
should the number of active sessions be displayed for you all the time. preferences de Soll die Anzahl aktiver Sitzungen permanent für Sie angezeigt werden.
should this help messages shown up always, when you enter the preferences or only on request. preferences de Sollen die Hilfetexte immer angezeigt werden, wenn Sie die Einstellungen aufrufen oder nur auf Anforderung?
@ -112,6 +120,7 @@ show number of current users preferences de Anzahl gegenwärtiger Benutzer anzei
show text on navigation icons preferences de Text zu Icons in der Navigationsleiste anzeigen
show_more_apps common de Mehr Anwendungen anzeigen
silver theme preferences de Silbern
special characters preferences de Sonderzeichen
spellchecker language addressbook de Sprache Rechtschreibprüfung
text editor settings preferences de Einstellungen des Texteditors
text only preferences de nur Text
@ -127,6 +136,7 @@ this server is located in the %1 timezone preferences de Der Server befindet sic
thousands separator is only used for displaying and not for editing numbers. preferences de Tausender Trennzeichen werden nur zur Anzeige benutzt, aber nicht, zum bearbeiten von Zahlen.
time format preferences de Zeitformat
unit of displayed font sizes: either "px" as used eg. for web-pages or "pt" as used in text processing. preferences de Einzeit für angezeigte Schriftgrößen: entweder "px" wie z.B. bei Webseiten verwendet oder "pt" wie in der Textverarbeitung üblich
uppercase letters preferences de Großbuchstaben
use default preferences de Vorgabe benutzen
users choice preferences de Benutzerauswahl
when you say yes the home and logout buttons are presented as applications in the main top applcation bar. preferences de Wenn Sie hier Ja auswählen, werden in der Hauptnavigationsleiste oben zusätzlich Buttons für die Startseite und zum Abmelden angezeigt.
@ -138,4 +148,6 @@ you can show the linked entries with icons only, icons with app-name or both. co
you do not have permission to set acl's in this mode! preferences de Sie haben keine Berechtigung die ACL in diesem Modus zu setzen.
you must enter a password preferences de Sie müssen ein Passwort angeben
your current theme is: %1 preferences de Ihr aktuelles Farbschema ist: %1
your password does not have required strength: preferences de Ihr Passwort hat nicht die erforderliche Stärke:
your password might not match the password policy. preferences de Ihr Passwort erfüllt möglicherweise nicht die Passwort Richtlinie.
your preferences preferences de Persönliche Einstellungen
@ -42,9 +42,11 @@ enables or disables drag and drop functions in all applications. if the browser
enables or disables dropdown selectbox resizing for ie in all applications. if the browser is not an ie , the option will not apply. this feature is experimental at the moment. preferences en Enables or disables select box drop down menu resizing for IE in all applications. If the browser is not an IE, the option will not apply.
enables or disables selectbox dropdown resizing for ie in all applications. if the browser is not an ie , the option will not apply. this feature is experimental at the moment. preferences en Enables or disables selectbox dropdown resizing for IE in all applications. If the browser is not an IE , the option will not apply. This feature is experimental at the moment.
enables or disables selectbox dropdown resizing for ie in all applications. if the browser is not an ie, the option will not apply. this feature is experimental at the moment. preferences en Enables or disables selectbox dropdown resizing for IE in all applications. If the browser is not an IE, the option will not apply. This feature is experimental at the moment.
encrypted ldap connection is required to change passwords, but it is not configured in your installation. preferences en Encrypted LDAP connection is required to change passwords, but it is not configured in your installation.
enter your new password preferences en Enter new password
enter your old password preferences en Enter old password
failed to change password. please contact your administrator. preferences en Failed to change password. Contact your administrator.
error preferences en Error
failed to change password. preferences en Failed to change password.
features of the editor preferences en Features of the editor
font size unit preferences en Font size unit
forced preferences preferences en Forced preferences
@ -69,6 +71,7 @@ interface/template selection preferences en Interface | Template
just clicking on the line, like a checkbox preferences en just clicking on the line, like a checkbox
language preferences en Language
look & feel preferences en Look & feel
lowercase letters preferences en lowercase letters
max matches per page preferences en Max matches per page
max number of icons in navbar preferences en Max number of icons in navigation bar
no default preferences en No default
@ -77,10 +80,14 @@ note: this feature does *not* change your email password. this will preferences
note: this feature does *not* change your email password. this will need to be done manually. preferences en Note: This feature does NOT change your email password. It needs to be done manually.
notification settings preferences en Notification settings
number format preferences en Number format
numbers preferences en numbers
office 2003 theme preferences en Office 2003 theme
old password and new password are the same. this is invalid. you must enter a new password preferences en Old password and new password are the same. You must enter a new password!
p: paragraph preferences en p: Paragraph
password changed preferences en Password changed.
password contains only %1 of required %2 character classes: no %3 preferences en password contains only %1 of required %2 character classes: no %3
password contains with "%1" a parts of your user- or full-name (3 or more characters long) preferences en password contains with "%1" a parts of your user- or full-name (3 or more characters long)
password must have at least %1 characters preferences en password must have at least %1 characters
permanent time zone selection preferences en Permanent time zone
please select timezones, you want to be able to quickly switch between. switch is not shown, if less then two are selected. preferences en Select time zones to switch between. Switch is NOT shown, if less than two time zones are selected.
please select your timezone. preferences en Select your time zone.
@ -102,6 +109,7 @@ select the theme (visualization) of the rich text editor. preferences en Select
selectbox preferences en Select box
selectbox with groupmembers common en Select box with group members
selectbox with primary group and search preferences en Select box with primary group and search
server is unwilling to perform. preferences en Server is unwilling to perform.
set this to your convenience. for security reasons, you might not want to show your loginname in public. preferences en Selection is shown to all users. For security reasons you may not want to show your user name in public.
should the number of active sessions be displayed for you all the time. preferences en Show the number of active sessions.
should this help messages shown up always, when you enter the preferences or only on request. preferences en Show help messages when modifying preferences or only on request.
@ -112,6 +120,7 @@ show number of current users preferences en Current users
show text on navigation icons preferences en Show text on navigation icons
show_more_apps common en Show more applications
silver theme preferences en Silver theme
special characters preferences en special characters
spellchecker language addressbook en Spellchecker language
text editor settings preferences en Text editor settings
text only preferences en Text only
@ -127,6 +136,7 @@ this server is located in the %1 timezone preferences en This server is located
thousands separator is only used for displaying and not for editing numbers. preferences en Thousands separator is only used for displaying and not for editing numbers.
time format preferences en Time format
unit of displayed font sizes: either "px" as used eg. for web-pages or "pt" as used in text processing. preferences en Unit of displayed font sizes: either "px" as used eg. for web-pages or "pt" as used in text processing.
uppercase letters preferences en uppercase letters
use default preferences en Use default
users choice preferences en Users choice
when you say yes the home and logout buttons are presented as applications in the main top applcation bar. preferences en Show Home and Logout buttons as applications in the top bar.
@ -138,4 +148,6 @@ you can show the linked entries with icons only, icons with app-name or both. co
you do not have permission to set acl's in this mode! preferences en You do not have permission to set ACL's in this mode!
you must enter a password preferences en You must enter a password.
your current theme is: %1 preferences en Your current theme is %1
your password does not have required strength: preferences en Your password does not have required strength:
your password might not match the password policy. preferences en Your password might not match the password policy.
your preferences preferences en Your preferences
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ enables or disables drag and drop functions in all applications. if the browser
enables or disables dropdown selectbox resizing for ie in all applications. if the browser is not an ie , the option will not apply. this feature is experimental at the moment. preferences es-es Activa o desactiva el menú desplegable redimensionable para IE en todas las aplicaciones. Si el navegador no es IE, la opción no se aplica. Esta característica es experimental en este instante.
enter your new password preferences es-es Introduzca la contraseña nueva
enter your old password preferences es-es Introduzca la contraseña anterior
failed to change password. please contact your administrator. preferences es-es Fallo al cambiar la contraseña. Por favor, póngase en contacto con su administrador.
failed to change password. preferences es-es Fallo al cambiar la contraseña.
forced preferences preferences es-es Preferencias forzadas
help off preferences es-es Desactivar ayuda
hours preferences es-es horas
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ do you prefer a 24 hour time format, or a 12 hour one with am/pm attached. prefe
edit custom fields preferences eu Eremu pertsonalizatuak editatu
enter your new password preferences eu Zure pasahitz berria sartu
enter your old password preferences eu Zure pasahitz zaharra sartu
failed to change password. please contact your administrator. preferences eu Akatsa pasahitza aldatzerakoan. Mesedez jarri zure administratzailearekin kontaktuan.
failed to change password. preferences eu Akatsa pasahitza aldatzerakoan.
forced preferences preferences eu Behartutako hobespenak
help off preferences eu Laguntza desaktibatu
hours preferences eu orduak
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ do you prefer a 24 hour time format, or a 12 hour one with am/pm attached. prefe
edit custom fields preferences fa ویرایش فیلدهای سفارشی
enter your new password preferences fa گذرواژه جدبد را وارد کنید
enter your old password preferences fa گذرواژه قبلی خود را وارد کنید
failed to change password. please contact your administrator. preferences fa ناتوان از تغییر گذرواژه. لطفا با مدیر سیستم تماس بگیرید
failed to change password. preferences fa ناتوان از تغییر گذرواژه. لطفا با مدیر سیستم تماس بگیرید
forced preferences preferences fa تنظیمات اجباری
help off preferences fa کمک خاموش
hours preferences fa ساعت
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ enables or disables drag and drop functions in all applications. if the browser
enables or disables dropdown selectbox resizing for ie in all applications. if the browser is not an ie , the option will not apply. this feature is experimental at the moment. preferences fi Ota käyttöön valintalaatikon pudotusvalikon koonmääritys toiminto kaikissa sovelluksissa IE:lle. Jos selain ei ole IE, toiminto otetaan pois käytöstä automaattisesti.
enter your new password preferences fi Anna uusi salasana
enter your old password preferences fi Anna vanha salasana
failed to change password. please contact your administrator. preferences fi Salasanan vaihto ei onnistunut.
failed to change password. preferences fi Salasanan vaihto ei onnistunut.
features of the editor preferences fi Editorin asetukset
forced preferences preferences fi Pakotetut asetukset
help off preferences fi Piilota ohjeet
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ do you prefer a 24 hour time format, or a 12 hour one with am/pm attached. prefe
edit custom fields preferences fr Modifier les champs personnalisés
enter your new password preferences fr Entrez votre nouveau mot de passe
enter your old password preferences fr Entrez votre ancien mot de passe
failed to change password. please contact your administrator. preferences fr Erreur lors du changement de mot de passe. Veuillez contacter votre administrateur.
failed to change password. preferences fr Erreur lors du changement de mot de passe.
forced preferences preferences fr Préférences forcées
help off preferences fr Aide désactivée
hours preferences fr Heures
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ description can not exceed 255 characters in length ! preferences hr Opis nemož
do you prefer a 24 hour time format, or a 12 hour one with am/pm attached. preferences hr Da li želite da vam se vrijeme prikazuje u 24 satnom formatu ili 12 satnom sa am/pm dodatkom.
edit custom fields preferences hr Uredi proizvoljna polja
enter your new password preferences hr Unesite vašu novu zaporku
failed to change password. please contact your administrator. preferences hr Nisam mogao promijeniti zaporku. Molim vas kontaktirajte vašeg administratora
failed to change password. preferences hr Nisam mogao promijeniti zaporku.
forced preferences preferences hr Prisiljene postavke
help off preferences hr Ugasi pomoć
hours preferences hr sati
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ enable drag and drop functionality (experimental) preferences hu Drag and Drop f
enables or disables drag and drop functions in all applications. if the browser does not support drag and drop, it will be disabled automatically. this feature is experimental at the moment. preferences hu Engedélyezi vagy tiltja a Drag and Drop funkciókat az összes alkalmazásban. Ha a böngésző nem támogatja a Drag and Drop-ot, akkor automatikusan le lesz tiltva. Ez a tulajdonság egyelőre haladó.
enter your new password preferences hu Új jelszó megadása
enter your old password preferences hu Régi jelszó megadása
failed to change password. please contact your administrator. preferences hu Sikertelen jelszó változtatás. Lépjen kapcsolatba az adminisztrátorral.
failed to change password. preferences hu Sikertelen jelszó változtatás.
forced preferences preferences hu Kényszerített Tulajdonságok
help off preferences hu Segítség kikapcsolása
hours preferences hu órák
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ do you prefer a 24 hour time format, or a 12 hour one with am/pm attached. prefe
edit custom fields preferences id edit custom fields
enter your new password preferences id Masukan password baru anda
enter your old password preferences id Masukan password lama anda
failed to change password. please contact your administrator. preferences id Gagal mengubah password. Silahkan hubungi administrator anda.
failed to change password. preferences id Gagal mengubah password.
forced preferences preferences id Kesukaan Dipaksakan
help off preferences id Help off
hours preferences id jam
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ do you prefer a 24 hour time format, or a 12 hour one with am/pm attached. prefe
edit custom fields preferences it modifica campi personalizzati
enter your new password preferences it Inserisci la tua nuova password
enter your old password preferences it Inserisci la tua vecchia password
failed to change password. please contact your administrator. preferences it Impossibile cambiare la password. Prego contatta l'amministratore.
failed to change password. preferences it Impossibile cambiare la password.
forced preferences preferences it Preferenze Forzate
help off preferences it Nessun Aiuto
hours preferences it ore
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ description can not exceed 255 characters in length ! preferences iw !התיאו
do you prefer a 24 hour time format, or a 12 hour one with am/pm attached. preferences iw .am/pm האם עדיף לך פורמט שעון בעל 24 שעות, או פורמט של 12 שעות בתוספת
edit custom fields preferences iw ערוך שדות מותאמות אישית
enter your new password preferences iw ציין את סיסמתך החדשה
failed to change password. please contact your administrator. preferences iw .לא הצלחתי לשנות את הסיסמא. נא ליצור קשר עם מנהל המערכת
failed to change password. preferences iw .לא הצלחתי לשנות את הסיסמא. נא ליצור קשר עם מנהל המערכת
forced preferences preferences iw הגדרות בכוח
help off preferences iw עזרה כבויה
hours preferences iw שעות
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ description can not exceed 255 characters in length ! preferences ko 설명은 2
do you prefer a 24 hour time format, or a 12 hour one with am/pm attached. preferences ko 24시간 시간 형식이 좋으신가요? 아니면 12시간 시간형식에 am/pm 이 덧붙혀 표기되는 형식이 좋으신가요?
edit custom fields preferences ko 사용자정의 필드를 편집
enter your new password preferences ko 새로운 암호를 입력
failed to change password. please contact your administrator. preferences ko 암호를 바꾸는데 실패했습니다. 관리자에게 문의하세요
failed to change password. preferences ko 암호를 바꾸는데 실패했습니다. 관리자에게 문의하세요
forced preferences preferences ko 강제 환경설정
help off preferences ko 도움말 끄기
hours preferences ko 시간
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ enables or disables drag and drop functions in all applications. if the browser
enables or disables dropdown selectbox resizing for ie in all applications. if the browser is not an ie , the option will not apply. this feature is experimental at the moment. preferences lo ເປີດ ຫຼື ປິດໃຊ້ງານການປັບຂະໜາດຊ່ອງເລືອກ-ເມນູແບບເລື່ອນລົງສຳຫຼັບ IE ໃນທຸກແອບພຼິເຄຊັນ. ຖ້າໜ້າຕ່າງບໍ່ແມ່ນ IE, ຕົວເລືອກຈະນໍາໃຊ້ບໍ່ໄດ້. ຄຸນລັກສະນະມີການທົດລອງໃນຕອນນີ້
enter your new password preferences lo ໃສ່ລະຫັດຜ່ານໃໝ່ຂອງທ່ານ
enter your old password preferences lo ໃສ່ລະຫັດຜ່ານເກົ່າຂອງທ່ານ
failed to change password. please contact your administrator. preferences lo ການປ່ຽນລະຫັດລົ້ມເຫຼວ. ກະລຸນາຕິດຕໍ່ຜູ້ເບິ່ງແຍງລະບົບຂອງທ່ານ
failed to change password. preferences lo ການປ່ຽນລະຫັດລົ້ມເຫຼວ. ກະລຸນາຕິດຕໍ່ຜູ້ເບິ່ງແຍງລະບົບຂອງທ່ານ
forced preferences preferences lo ການຕັ້ງຄ່າແບບບັງຄັບ
help off preferences lo ປິດຄວາມຊ່ວຍເຫຼືອ
hours preferences lo ຊົ່ວໂມງ
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ description can not exceed 255 characters in length ! preferences lv Apraksts ne
do you prefer a 24 hour time format, or a 12 hour one with am/pm attached. preferences lv Vai tev labāk patīk 24stundu formāts, vai arī 12, pievienojot am/pm?
edit custom fields preferences lv rediģēt klientu laukus
enter your new password preferences lv Ievadi jauno paroli
failed to change password. please contact your administrator. preferences lv Neizdevād nomainīt paroli. Lūdzu sazinies ar savu administratoru
failed to change password. preferences lv Neizdevād nomainīt paroli.
forced preferences preferences lv Vajadzīgie iestatījumi
help off preferences lv Palīgs izslēgts
hours preferences lv stundas
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ enable drag and drop functionality (experimental) preferences nl Schakel drag an
enables or disables drag and drop functions in all applications. if the browser does not support drag and drop, it will be disabled automatically. this feature is experimental at the moment. preferences nl Schakel drag and drop functies in alle toepassingen in of uit. Indien de browser drag and drop niet ondersteund wordt, wordt het vanzelf uitgeschakeld. Deze functie is op dit moment experimenteel.
enter your new password preferences nl Voer uw nieuwe wachtwoord in
enter your old password preferences nl Voer uw oude wachtwoord in
failed to change password. please contact your administrator. preferences nl Wachtwoord kan niet worden gewijzigd. Neem contact op met uw beheerder.
failed to change password. preferences nl Wachtwoord kan niet worden gewijzigd.
forced preferences preferences nl Geforceerde voorkeuren
help off preferences nl Help uitgeschakeld
hours preferences nl uren
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ do you prefer a 24 hour time format, or a 12 hour one with am/pm attached. prefe
edit custom fields preferences no endre egendefinerte felter
enter your new password preferences no Skriv inn ditt nye passord
enter your old password preferences no Skriv inn ditt gamle passord
failed to change password. please contact your administrator. preferences no Passordet kunne ikke endres. Ta kontakt med EDB-ansvarlig.
failed to change password. preferences no Passordet kunne ikke endres.
forced preferences preferences no Overstyrte preferanser
help off preferences no Hjelp av
hours preferences no timer
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ enables or disables dropdown selectbox resizing for ie in all applications. if t
enables or disables selectbox dropdown resizing for ie in all applications. if the browser is not an ie , the option will not apply. this feature is experimental at the moment. preferences pl Aktywuj lub deaktywuj skalowanie pola wyboru dla IE we wszystkich aplikacjach. Jeśli przeglądarką nie jest IE, opcja nie zadziała. To funkcja eksperymentalna.
enter your new password preferences pl Wprowadź nowe hasło
enter your old password preferences pl Wprowadź stare hasło
failed to change password. please contact your administrator. preferences pl Zmiana hasła nieudana. Proszę skontaktować się z administratorem.
failed to change password. preferences pl Zmiana hasła nieudana.
forced preferences preferences pl Ustawienia wymuszone
help off preferences pl Wyłącz wyświetlanie pomocy
hours preferences pl godzin
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ enable drag and drop functionality (experimental) preferences pt-br Habilitar a
enables or disables drag and drop functions in all applications. if the browser does not support drag and drop, it will be disabled automatically. this feature is experimental at the moment. preferences pt-br Habilitar ou desabilitar funções de arrastar e soltar em todos os aplicativos. Se o navegador não suportar tal funcionalidade, esta será desabilitada automaticamente. Esta função é experimental no momento.
enter your new password preferences pt-br Digite sua nova senha
enter your old password preferences pt-br Digite sua antiga senha
failed to change password. please contact your administrator. preferences pt-br Erro ao moudar a senha. Por favor contate seu administrador.
failed to change password. preferences pt-br Erro ao moudar a senha.
forced preferences preferences pt-br Preferências obrigatórias
help off preferences pt-br Desligar ajuda
hours preferences pt-br horas
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ do you prefer a 24 hour time format, or a 12 hour one with am/pm attached. prefe
edit custom fields preferences pt Editar campos personalizados
enter your new password preferences pt Insira sua nova senha
enter your old password preferences pt Insira sua antiga senha
failed to change password. please contact your administrator. preferences pt Não foi possível alterar a senha. Por favor, contacte o administrador.
failed to change password. preferences pt Não foi possível alterar a senha.
forced preferences preferences pt Preferências obrigatórias
help off preferences pt Ajuda
hours preferences pt horas
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ enables or disables dropdown selectbox resizing for ie in all applications. if t
enables or disables selectbox dropdown resizing for ie in all applications. if the browser is not an ie , the option will not apply. this feature is experimental at the moment. preferences ru Не существует или не работает выпадающее меню для изменения размера для Интернет Эксплорера во всех приложениях. Если браузер другой, опция не применена. В данный момент эта функция работает в экспериментальном режиме.
enter your new password preferences ru Введите новый пароль
enter your old password preferences ru введите прежний пароль
failed to change password. please contact your administrator. preferences ru Ошибка при смене пароля. Обратитесь к администратору.
failed to change password. preferences ru Ошибка при смене пароля
forced preferences preferences ru Принудительные настройки
help off preferences ru Убрать подсказки
holding ctrl/cmd key and click on the line preferences ru удерживайте клавишу Cntr/Cmd и одновременно нажмите на строку
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ enables or disables dropdown selectbox resizing for ie in all applications. if t
enables or disables selectbox dropdown resizing for ie in all applications. if the browser is not an ie , the option will not apply. this feature is experimental at the moment. preferences sk Povolí alebo zakáže zmenu veľkosti pre výberovú roletu v prehliadači IE pre všetky aplikácie EGroupware. Ak prehliadačom nie je IE, táto voľba sa neuplatní. Táto funkcia je v súčasnosti experimentálna.
enter your new password preferences sk Zadajte vaše heslo
enter your old password preferences sk Zadajte staré heslo
failed to change password. please contact your administrator. preferences sk Nepodarilo sa zmeniť heslo. Prosím kontaktujte správcu systému.
failed to change password. preferences sk Nepodarilo sa zmeniť heslo.
forced preferences preferences sk Vynútené nastavenia
help off preferences sk Skryť Pomocníka
holding ctrl/cmd key and click on the line preferences sk držaním klávesy Ctrl/Cmd a kliknutím na riadok
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ enable drag and drop functionality (experimental) preferences sl Omogoči "povle
enables or disables drag and drop functions in all applications. if the browser does not support drag and drop, it will be disabled automatically. this feature is experimental at the moment. preferences sl Omogoči ali onemogoči "povleci in spusti" v vseh aplikacijah. Če brskalnik tega ne podpira, bo samodejno onemogočeno. Ta funkcionalnost je trenutno v testni fazi.
enter your new password preferences sl Vpišite novo geslo
enter your old password preferences sl Vpišite staro geslo
failed to change password. please contact your administrator. preferences sl Napaka pri spreminjanju gesla. Obvestite oskrbnika.
failed to change password. preferences sl Napaka pri spreminjanju gesla.
forced preferences preferences sl Vsiljene nastavitve
help off preferences sl Izključi pomoč
hours preferences sl Ure
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ do you prefer a 24 hour time format, or a 12 hour one with am/pm attached. prefe
edit custom fields preferences sv Ändra anpassade fält
enter your new password preferences sv Nytt lösenord
enter your old password preferences sv Gamla lösenordet
failed to change password. please contact your administrator. preferences sv Kunde inte ändra lösenordet. Vänligen kontakta administratör.
failed to change password. preferences sv Kunde inte ändra lösenordet.
forced preferences preferences sv Tvingade inställningar
help off preferences sv Hjälp av
hours preferences sv timmar
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ do you prefer a 24 hour time format, or a 12 hour one with am/pm attached. prefe
edit custom fields preferences zh-tw 編輯自訂的欄位
enter your new password preferences zh-tw 輸入您的新密碼
enter your old password preferences zh-tw 輸入您的舊密碼
failed to change password. please contact your administrator. preferences zh-tw 密碼變更錯誤,請聯絡管理員
failed to change password. preferences zh-tw 密碼變更錯誤,請聯絡管理員
forced preferences preferences zh-tw 強制修改偏好設定
help off preferences zh-tw 關閉求助訊息
hours preferences zh-tw 小時
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ enable drag and drop functionality (experimental) preferences zh 启用拖放功
enables or disables drag and drop functions in all applications. if the browser does not support drag and drop, it will be disabled automatically. this feature is experimental at the moment. preferences zh 在所有应用程序中启用或禁用拖放功能。如果浏览器不支持拖放,它将自动禁用。这个特征目前是实验性的。
enter your new password preferences zh 请输入您的新密码
enter your old password preferences zh 请输入您的旧密码
failed to change password. please contact your administrator. preferences zh 更改密码失败。请联系系统管理员。
failed to change password. preferencs zh 更改密码失败。请联系系统管理员。
forced preferences preferences zh 强制参数配置
help off preferences zh 关闭提示信息
hours preferences zh 小时
Reference in New Issue
Block a user