diff --git a/mail/inc/class.mail_ui.inc.php b/mail/inc/class.mail_ui.inc.php
index e8e21c750f..12ffb49b96 100644
--- a/mail/inc/class.mail_ui.inc.php
+++ b/mail/inc/class.mail_ui.inc.php
@@ -1160,7 +1160,7 @@ class mail_ui
'caption' => lang('Open'),
'icon' => 'view',
'group' => ++$group,
- 'onExecute' => Api\Header\UserAgent::mobile()?'javaScript:app.mail.mobileView':'javaScript:app.mail.mail_open',
+ 'onExecute' => Api\Header\UserAgent::mobile()?'javaScript:app.mail.mobileView':'javaScript:app.mail.mobileView',
'allowOnMultiple' => false,
'default' => true,
'mobileViewTemplate' => 'view?'.filemtime(Api\Etemplate\Widget\Template::rel2path('/mail/templates/mobile/view.xet'))
@@ -2113,6 +2113,18 @@ $filter['before']= date("d-M-Y", $cutoffdate2);
if (($header['mdnsent']||$header['mdnnotsent']|$header['seen'])&&isset($data['dispositionnotificationto'])) unset($data['dispositionnotificationto']);
$data['attachmentsBlock'] = $imageHTMLBlock;
$data['address'] = ($_folderType?$data["toaddress"]:$data["fromaddress"]);
+ $email = Mail::stripRFC822Addresses(array($data['address']));
+ $contact = $GLOBALS['egw']->contacts->search(
+ array('contact_email' => $email[0], 'contact_email_home' => $email[0]),
+ array('contact_id', 'email', 'email_home', 'n_fn'),
+ '', '', '', false, 'OR', false
+ );
+ if (!empty($contact))
+ {
+ $data['avatar'] = $contact[0]['photo'];
+ }
if (in_array("bodypreview", $cols)&&$header['bodypreview'])
$data["bodypreview"] = $header['bodypreview'];
diff --git a/mail/js/app.js b/mail/js/app.js
index b4e198e5b3..321d7f9371 100644
--- a/mail/js/app.js
+++ b/mail/js/app.js
@@ -997,113 +997,6 @@ app.classes.mail = AppJS.extend(
- /**
- * Create an expand on click box
- *
- * @param {object} _expContent an object with at least these elements
- * {build_children, data_one, data, widget, line}
- *
- * @param {object} _dataElem includes data of the widget which need to be expand
- * @param {object} _et2 widget container of relevant template, default is this.et2
- *
- * @return _dataElem content of widgets
- */
- url_email_expandOnClick: function (_expContent, _dataElem, _et2)
- {
- var et2 = _et2 || this.et2;
- for(var j = 0; j < _expContent.length; j++)
- {
- var field = _expContent[j] || [];
- var content = _dataElem.data[field.data] || [];
- // Add in single address, if there
- if(typeof field.data_one != 'undefined' && field.data != field.data_one)
- {
- if (jQuery.isArray(_dataElem.data[field.data_one]))
- content = content.concat(_dataElem.data[field.data_one]);
- else
- content.unshift(_dataElem.data[field.data_one]);
- // Unique
- content = content.filter(function(value, index, self) {
- return self.indexOf(value) === index;
- });
- }
- // Disable whole box if there are none
- var line = et2.getWidgetById(field.line);
- if(line != null) line.set_disabled(content.length == 0);
- var widget = et2.getWidgetById(field.widget);
- if(widget == null) continue;
- jQuery(widget.getDOMNode()).removeClass('visible');
- // Programatically build the child elements
- if(field.build_children)
- {
- // Remove any existing
- var children = widget.getChildren();
- for(var i = children.length-1; i >= 0; i--)
- {
- children[i].destroy();
- widget.removeChild(children[i]);
- }
- if (content.length == 1 && typeof content[0] != 'undefined' && content[0])
- {
- content = content[0].split(',');
- }
- // Add for current record
- var remembervalue = '';
- for(var i = 0; i < content.length; i++)
- {
- if (typeof content[i] != 'string' || !content[i]) continue;
- // if there is no @ in string, its most likely that we have a comma in the personal name part of the emailaddress
- if (content[i].indexOf('@')< 0)
- {
- remembervalue = content[i];
- }
- else
- {
- var value = remembervalue+(remembervalue?',':'')+content[i];
- var url_email_options = {
- id: widget.id + '_' + i,
- value: value,
- readonly: true,
- contact_plus: true,
- full_email: typeof field['full_email'] != 'undefined' ? field['full_email'] : true
- };
- var email = et2_createWidget('url-email', url_email_options, widget);
- email.loadingFinished();
- remembervalue = '';
- }
- }
- }
- else if (widget instanceof Et2SelectEmail)
- {
- widget.value = content;
- }
- else
- {
- widget.set_value({content: content});
- }
- // Show or hide button, as needed
- line.iterateOver(function(button) {
- // Avoid binding to any child buttons
- if(button.getParent() != line) return;
- button.set_disabled(
- // Disable if only 1 address
- content.length <=1 || (
- // Disable if all content is visible
- jQuery(widget.getDOMNode()).innerWidth() >= widget.getDOMNode().scrollWidth &&
- jQuery(widget.getDOMNode()).innerHeight() >= widget.getDOMNode().scrollHeight)
- );
- },this,et2_button);
- }
- return _dataElem;
- },
* Set values for mail dispaly From,Sender,To,Cc, and Bcc
* Additionally, apply expand on click feature on thier widgets
@@ -1113,19 +1006,11 @@ app.classes.mail = AppJS.extend(
var dataElem = {data:{FROM:"",SENDER:"",TO:"",CC:"",BCC:""}};
var content = this.et2.getArrayMgr('content').data;
- var expand_content = [
- {build_children: false, data_one: 'FROM', data: 'FROM', widget: 'FROM', line: 'mailDisplayHeadersFrom', full_email: false},
- {build_children: false, data: 'SENDER', widget: 'SENDER', line: 'mailDisplayHeadersSender'},
- {build_children: false, data: 'TO', widget: 'TO', line: 'mailDisplayHeadersTo'},
- {build_children: false, data: 'CC', widget: 'CC', line: 'mailDisplayHeadersCc'},
- {build_children: false, data: 'BCC', widget: 'BCC', line: 'mailDisplayHeadersBcc'}
- ];
if (typeof content != 'undefiend')
dataElem.data = jQuery.extend(dataElem.data, content);
- this.url_email_expandOnClick(expand_content, dataElem);
var toolbaractions = ((typeof dataElem != 'undefined' && typeof dataElem.data != 'undefined' && typeof dataElem.data.displayToolbaractions != 'undefined')?JSON.parse(dataElem.data.displayToolbaractions):undefined);
if (toolbaractions) this.et2.getWidgetById('displayToolbar').set_actions(toolbaractions);
@@ -1138,136 +1023,66 @@ app.classes.mail = AppJS.extend(
* @param selected Array Selected row IDs. May be empty if user unselected all rows.
mail_preview: function(selected, nextmatch) {
- // Empty values, just in case selected is empty (user cleared selection)
- //dataElem.data is populated, when available with fromaddress(string),toaddress(string),additionaltoaddress(array),ccaddress (array)
- var dataElem = {data:{subject:"",fromaddress:"",toaddress:"",ccaddress:"",date:"",attachmentsBlock:""}};
- var attachmentArea = this.et2.getWidgetById('previewAttachmentArea');
+ let data = {};
+ let rowId = '';
+ let attachmentsBlock = this.et2.getWidgetById('attachmentsBlock');
+ let mailPreview = this.et2.getWidgetById('mailPreview');
if(typeof selected != 'undefined' && selected.length == 1)
- var _id = this.mail_fetchCurrentlyFocussed(selected);
- dataElem = jQuery.extend(dataElem, egw.dataGetUIDdata(_id));
+ rowId = this.mail_fetchCurrentlyFocussed(selected);
+ data = egw.dataGetUIDdata(rowId).data;
// Try to resolve winmail.data attachment
- if (dataElem.data && dataElem.data.attachmentsBlock[0]
- && dataElem.data.attachmentsBlock[0].winmailFlag
- && (dataElem.data.attachmentsBlock[0].mimetype =='application/ms-tnef' ||
- dataElem.data.attachmentsBlock[0].filename == "winmail.dat"))
+ if (data && data.attachmentsBlock[0]
+ && data.attachmentsBlock[0].winmailFlag
+ && (data.attachmentsBlock[0].mimetype =='application/ms-tnef' ||
+ data.attachmentsBlock[0].filename == "winmail.dat"))
- attachmentArea.getDOMNode().classList.add('loading');
- this.egw.jsonq('mail.mail_ui.ajax_resolveWinmail',[_id], jQuery.proxy(function(_data){
- attachmentArea.getDOMNode().classList.remove('loading');
+ attachmentsBlock.getDOMNode().classList.add('loading');
+ this.egw.jsonq('mail.mail_ui.ajax_resolveWinmail',[rowId], jQuery.proxy(function(_data){
+ attachmentsBlock.getDOMNode().classList.remove('loading');
if (typeof _data == 'object')
- attachmentArea.set_value({content:_data});
- this.data.attachmentsBlock = _data;
+ data.attachmentsBlock = _data;
+ data.attachmentsBlockTitle = `${_data.lenght} attachments`;
// Update client cache to avoid resolving winmail.dat attachment again
egw.dataStoreUID(this.data.uid, this.data);
- set_prev_iframe_top();
+ mailPreview.set_value({content:data});
console.log('Can not resolve the winmail.data!');
- },dataElem));
+ },data));
- var $preview_iframe = jQuery('#mail-index_mailPreviewContainer');
- // Re calculate the position of preview iframe according to its visible sibilings
- var set_prev_iframe_top = function ()
+ if (data.toaddress||data.fromaddress)
- // Need to make sure that the iframe is fullyLoad before calculation
- window.setTimeout(function(){
- var lastEl = $preview_iframe.prev();
- // Top offset of preview iframe calculated from top level
- var iframeTop = $preview_iframe.offset().top;
- while (lastEl.css('display') === "none")
- {
- lastEl = lastEl.prev();
- }
- var offset = iframeTop - (lastEl.offset().top + lastEl.height()) || 130; // fallback to 130 px if can not calculate new top
- // preview iframe parent has position absolute, therefore need to calculate the top via position
- $preview_iframe.css ('top', $preview_iframe.position().top - offset + 10);
- }, 50);
- };
- // Show / hide 'Select something' in preview
- var blank = this.et2.getWidgetById('blank');
- if(blank)
- {
- blank.set_disabled(true);
+ data.additionaltoaddress = (data.additionaltoaddress??[]).concat(data.toaddress);
+ data.additionalfromaddress = (data.additionalfromaddress??[]).concat(data.fromaddress);
- if (attachmentArea && typeof _id != 'undefined' && _id !='' && typeof dataElem !== 'undefined')
- {
- // If there is content to show recalculate the size
- set_prev_iframe_top();
- }
- else if (this.getPreviewPaneState())
- {
- if(blank)
- {
- blank.set_disabled(false);
- }
- this.mail_disablePreviewArea(false);
- if (!egwIsMobile())return;
- }
- else
+ if (data.attachmentsBlock) data.attachmentsBlockTitle = `${data.attachmentsBlock.length} attachments`;
+ mailPreview.set_value({content:data});
+ if (selected.length>1)
// Leave if we're here and there is nothing selected, too many, or no data
- var prevAttchArea = this.et2.getWidgetById('previewAttachmentArea');
- if (prevAttchArea)
+ if (attachmentsBlock)
- prevAttchArea.set_value({content:[]});
- this.et2.getWidgetById('previewAttachmentArea').set_class('previewAttachmentArea noContent mail_DisplayNone');
+ attachmentsBlock.set_value({content:[]});
+ attachmentsBlock.set_class('previewAttachmentArea noContent mail_DisplayNone');
var IframeHandle = this.et2.getWidgetById('messageIFRAME');
if (!egwIsMobile())return;
// Not applied to mobile preview
if (!egwIsMobile())
- var smimeSigBtn = this.et2.getWidgetById('previewSmimeSigBtn');
- if (smimeSigBtn) smimeSigBtn.set_disabled(dataElem.data['smimeSigUrl']?false:true);
- // Widget ID:data key map of widgets we can directly set from cached data
- var data_widgets = {
- 'previewDate': 'date',
- 'previewSubject': 'subject'
- };
- // Set widget values from cached data
- for(var id in data_widgets)
- {
- var widget = this.et2.getWidgetById(id);
- if(widget == null) continue;
- widget.set_value(dataElem.data[data_widgets[id]] || "");
- }
- var smime_widgets = ['smime_signature', 'smime_encryption'];
- for (var i in smime_widgets)
- {
- var widget = this.et2.getWidgetById(smime_widgets[i]);
- switch (smime_widgets[i])
- {
- case 'smime_signature':
- widget.set_disabled(!(dataElem.data.smime == 'smime_sign'));
- break;
- case 'smime_encryption':
- widget.set_disabled(!(dataElem.data.smime == 'smime_encrypt'));
- break;
- default:
- widget.set_disabled(true);
- }
- this.smime_clear_flags([jQuery(widget.getDOMNode())]);
- }
- this.smime_clear_flags([jQuery('#mail-index_mailPreviewContainer')]);
// Blank first, so we don't show previous email while loading
var IframeHandle = this.et2.getWidgetById('messageIFRAME');
@@ -1276,27 +1091,13 @@ app.classes.mail = AppJS.extend(
- // Set up additional content that can be expanded.
- // We add a new URL widget for each address, so they get all the UI
- // TO addresses have the first one split out, not all together
- // list of keys:
- var expand_content = [
- {build_children: false, data_one: 'fromaddress', data: 'additionalfromaddress', widget: 'fromAddress', line: 'mailPreviewHeadersFrom'},
- {build_children: false, data_one: 'toaddress', data: 'additionaltoaddress', widget: 'toAddress', line: 'mailPreviewHeadersTo'},
- {build_children: false, data: 'ccaddress', widget: 'CCAddress', line: 'mailPreviewHeadersCC'},
- {build_children: false, data: 'attachmentsBlock', widget: 'previewAttachmentArea', line: 'mailPreviewHeadersAttachments'}
- ];
- // Undock the preview before running expandOnClick, because we
// need to have the DOM ready for calculation.
- dataElem = this.url_email_expandOnClick(expand_content,dataElem);
// Update the internal list of selected mails, if needed
- if(this.mail_selectedMails.indexOf(_id) < 0)
+ if(this.mail_selectedMails.indexOf(rowId) < 0)
- this.mail_selectedMails.push(_id);
+ this.mail_selectedMails.push(rowId);
var self = this;
@@ -1305,28 +1106,28 @@ app.classes.mail = AppJS.extend(
for (var t in this.W_TIMEOUTS) {window.clearTimeout(this.W_TIMEOUTS[t]);}
- console.log(_id);
+ console.log(rowId);
// Request email body from server
- IframeHandle.set_src(egw.link('/index.php',{menuaction:'mail.mail_ui.loadEmailBody',_messageID:_id}));
+ IframeHandle.set_src(egw.link('/index.php',{menuaction:'mail.mail_ui.loadEmailBody',_messageID:rowId}));
jQuery(IframeHandle.getDOMNode()).on('load', function(e){
self.resolveExternalImages (this.contentWindow.document);
}, 300));
- if (dataElem.data['smime']) this.smimeAttachmentsCheckerInterval();
+ if (data['smime']) this.smimeAttachmentsCheckerInterval();
var messages = {};
- messages['msg'] = [_id];
+ messages['msg'] = [rowId];
// When body is requested, mail is marked as read by the mail server. Update UI to match.
- if (typeof dataElem != 'undefined' && typeof dataElem.data != 'undefined' && typeof dataElem.data.flags != 'undefined' && typeof dataElem.data.flags.read != 'undefined') dataElem.data.flags.read = 'read';
- if (typeof dataElem != 'undefined' && typeof dataElem.data != 'undefined' && typeof dataElem.data['class'] != 'undefined' && (dataElem.data['class'].indexOf('unseen') >= 0 || dataElem.data['class'].indexOf('recent') >= 0))
+ if (typeof data != 'undefined' && typeof data != 'undefined' && typeof data.flags != 'undefined' && typeof data.flags.read != 'undefined') data.flags.read = 'read';
+ if (typeof data != 'undefined' && typeof data != 'undefined' && typeof data['class'] != 'undefined' && (data['class'].indexOf('unseen') >= 0 || data['class'].indexOf('recent') >= 0))
// reduce counter without server roundtrip
- if (typeof dataElem.data.dispositionnotificationto != 'undefined' && dataElem.data.dispositionnotificationto &&
- typeof dataElem.data.flags.mdnsent == 'undefined' && typeof dataElem.data.flags.mdnnotsent == 'undefined')
+ if (typeof data.dispositionnotificationto != 'undefined' && data.dispositionnotificationto &&
+ typeof data.flags.mdnsent == 'undefined' && typeof data.flags.mdnnotsent == 'undefined')
var buttons = [
{label: this.egw.lang("Yes"), id: "mdnsent", image: "check"},
@@ -1575,7 +1376,7 @@ app.classes.mail = AppJS.extend(
- if (_data.data.quotawarning)
+ if (_data.quotawarning)
var self = this;
var buttons = [
diff --git a/mail/templates/default/app.css b/mail/templates/default/app.css
index 5417afe6d6..2e15600de2 100644
--- a/mail/templates/default/app.css
+++ b/mail/templates/default/app.css
@@ -446,16 +446,37 @@ div.mail-compose_fileselector {
background-color: white;
width: 100%;
-#mail-index_mailPreview {
+#mail-index_mail-index-preview {
overflow: hidden;
position: relative;
background-color: white;
+ width: calc(100% - 1em);
+ margin-left: 1em;
+.previewWrapper {height: 100%}
+#mail-index_mailPreview .th {display: none}
-#mail-index_mailPreview > div, #mail-index_mailPreview > et2-hbox {
+#mail-index_mailPreview > div, #mail-index_mailPreview > * {
padding-left: 8px !important;
+#mail-index_mailPreview_subject {
+ margin-bottom: 1em;
+ font-size: 1.2em;
+.previewWrapper .et2_details.attachments {
+ margin-top: 0.4em;
+.previewWrapper .et2_details {
+ flex-direction: row;
+ text-align: start !important;
+.previewWrapper .et2_details .et2_details_title {
+ margin: 0;
+ margin-left: 0.5em;
+.previewWrapper .et2_details .et2_details_toggle {
+ margin: 0;
#mail-index_mailPreview .et2_email > span {
display: inline;
@@ -669,7 +690,6 @@ div.mailDisplayHeaders div.mail_extraEmails.visible {
.mailPreviewHeaders :first-child, .mailDisplayHeaders :first-child {
- width: 5em;
flex: 0 0 auto;
color: #7a7a7a;
text-align: end;
@@ -1010,4 +1030,21 @@ div#mail-index_nm.splitter-pane {min-height: 100px;}
#calendar-meeting table.et2_grid.meetingRequest td {
padding-left: 8px !important;
-#mail-index_mailPreview_mailPreviewContainer {height:100%;}
\ No newline at end of file
+#mail-index_mailPreview_mailPreviewContainer {
+ height:100%;
+ padding-top: 1em;
+ border-top: 1px solid silver;
+ margin-top: 1em;
+#mail-index_nm thead tr th.optcol {
+ display: none;
+#mail-index_nm .et2_label.et2_vfs {text-align: center}
+.et2_nextmatch .egwGridView_outer .egwGridView_scrollarea tbody tr.row_category td:first-child>div {
+ margin-left: 0px;
+ margin-right: 2px;
+ padding: 0px;
+#mail-index_nm tbody tr et2-lavatar {max-width: 3.7em; min-width:3.7em !important;}
diff --git a/mail/templates/default/index.xet b/mail/templates/default/index.xet
index ace5c89cf4..ac07c51314 100644
--- a/mail/templates/default/index.xet
+++ b/mail/templates/default/index.xet
@@ -5,92 +5,128 @@
@@ -98,21 +134,11 @@
@@ -123,21 +149,27 @@
diff --git a/mail/templates/pixelegg/app.css b/mail/templates/pixelegg/app.css
index dcd64336c7..82ed1b76ee 100755
--- a/mail/templates/pixelegg/app.css
+++ b/mail/templates/pixelegg/app.css
@@ -443,15 +443,41 @@ div.mail-compose_fileselector {
background-color: white;
width: 100%;
-#mail-index_mailPreview {
+#mail-index_mail-index-preview {
overflow: hidden;
position: relative;
background-color: white;
+ width: calc(100% - 1em);
+ margin-left: 1em;
+.previewWrapper {
+ height: 100%;
+#mail-index_mailPreview .th {
+ display: none;
#mail-index_mailPreview > div,
-#mail-index_mailPreview > et2-hbox {
+#mail-index_mailPreview > * {
padding-left: 8px !important;
+#mail-index_mailPreview_subject {
+ margin-bottom: 1em;
+ font-size: 1.2em;
+.previewWrapper .et2_details.attachments {
+ margin-top: 0.4em;
+.previewWrapper .et2_details {
+ flex-direction: row;
+ text-align: start !important;
+.previewWrapper .et2_details .et2_details_title {
+ margin: 0;
+ margin-left: 0.5em;
+.previewWrapper .et2_details .et2_details_toggle {
+ margin: 0;
#mail-index_mailPreview .et2_email > span {
display: inline;
@@ -656,7 +682,6 @@ div.mailDisplayHeaders div.mail_extraEmails.visible {
.mailPreviewHeaders :first-child,
.mailDisplayHeaders :first-child {
- width: 5em;
flex: 0 0 auto;
color: #7a7a7a;
text-align: end;
@@ -970,6 +995,24 @@ div#mail-index_nm.splitter-pane {
#mail-index_mailPreview_mailPreviewContainer {
height: 100%;
+ padding-top: 1em;
+ border-top: 1px solid silver;
+ margin-top: 1em;
+#mail-index_nm thead tr th.optcol {
+ display: none;
+#mail-index_nm .et2_label.et2_vfs {
+ text-align: center;
+.et2_nextmatch .egwGridView_outer .egwGridView_scrollarea tbody tr.row_category td:first-child > div {
+ margin-left: 0px;
+ margin-right: 2px;
+ padding: 0px;
+#mail-index_nm tbody tr et2-lavatar {
+ max-width: 3.7em;
+ min-width: 3.7em !important;
#popupMainDiv {
padding: 5px;
@@ -1057,6 +1100,45 @@ body {
#mail-index #mail-index_mailPreview #mail-index_mailPreviewHeadersSubject > span {
white-space: nowrap;
+#mail-index #mail-index_mailPreview .mail-d-h1 {
+ position: relative;
+ padding-bottom: 15px;
+ border-bottom: 1px solid silver;
+ font-size: 12pt;
+ padding-top: 10px;
+ font-weight: bold;
+#mail-index #mail-index_mailPreview .mail-d-h1 span {
+ font-size: 12pt;
+#mail-index #mail-index_mailPreview .mail-d-h2 {
+ padding-top: 5px;
+ font-size: 10pt;
+ color: grey;
+#mail-index #mail-index_mailPreview .mail-d-h2 a,
+#mail-index #mail-index_mailPreview .mail-d-h2 span,
+#mail-index #mail-index_mailPreview .mail-d-h2 .et2_label {
+ color: grey;
+ font-size: 10pt;
+#mail-index #mail-index_mailPreview .mail-d-h2 a#mail-display_FROM > * {
+ color: black;
+ padding-top: 15px;
+ font-size: 12pt;
+#mail-index #mail-index_mailPreview .et2_details {
+ width: 100%;
+ display: block;
+#mail-index #mail-index_mailPreview .et2_details.et2_details_expanded {
+ width: 100%;
+ display: block;
+#mail-index #mail-index_mailPreview span.et2_details_title {
+ color: #26537c;
+ font-size: 10pt;
# # #
# # #
diff --git a/mail/templates/pixelegg/app.less b/mail/templates/pixelegg/app.less
index 8a55b89b2c..4ff824f862 100755
--- a/mail/templates/pixelegg/app.less
+++ b/mail/templates/pixelegg/app.less
@@ -126,6 +126,45 @@ body {
#mail-index_mailPreviewHeadersSubject > span {
white-space: nowrap;
+ .mail-d-h1{
+ position: relative;
+ padding-bottom: 15px;
+ border-bottom: 1px solid silver;
+ span {
+ .mob-fontsize-l;
+ }
+ .mob-fontsize-l;
+ padding-top: 10px;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ }
+ .mail-d-h2{
+ padding-top: 5px;
+ .mob-fontsize-n;
+ color: grey;
+ a,span,.et2_label {
+ color: grey;
+ .mob-fontsize-n;
+ }
+ a#mail-display_FROM>* {
+ color:black;
+ padding-top: 15px;
+ .mob-fontsize-l;
+ }
+ }
+ .et2_details {
+ width: 100%;
+ display: block;
+ }
+ .et2_details.et2_details_expanded {
+ width: 100%;
+ display: block;
+ }
+ span.et2_details_title {
+ color:#26537c;
+ .mob-fontsize-n;
+ }
} // Ende: Ansicht der Emails
} // iframe