Removing - hold overs from the original phpwebhosting

This commit is contained in:
zone 2001-06-03 22:52:13 +00:00
parent ae0724dfea
commit 96293091d6
2 changed files with 0 additions and 865 deletions

View File

@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
$phpgw_info["flags"] = array("currentapp" => "phpwebhosting");
error_reporting (4);
if ($update == 1)
if ($commit)
$query = sql_query ("SELECT shortcut FROM settings");
while ($array = mysql_fetch_array ($query))
$shortcutvar = addslashes ($$array["shortcut"]);
$query2 = sql_query ("UPDATE settings SET info = '$shortcutvar' WHERE shortcut = '$array[shortcut]'");
header ("Location: $hostname/admin.php");
elseif ($set)
$query = sql_query ("SELECT shortcut FROM settings");
while ($array = mysql_fetch_array ($query))
$shortcut = $array["shortcut"];
$shortcutvar = addslashes ($$shortcut);
$query2 = sql_query ("UPDATE settings SET original = '$shortcutvar' WHERE shortcut = '$shortcut'");
$query3 = sql_query ("UPDATE settings SET info = original");
header ("Location: $hostname/admin.php");
elseif ($reset)
$query = sql_query ("UPDATE settings SET info = original");
header ("Location: $hostname/admin.php");
html_page_begin ("Administration");
html_page_body_begin ();
html_text_italic ("This is the administration section. Here you can change most everything. Be careful, because your changes affect the entire site, including this page.");
html_break (1);
html_text_italic (htmlspecialchars ('"Strings" are arbitrary text included inside of the HTML tags. For example, "Body String" would be in the <body> tag. An example would be "text=blue".'));
html_break (1);
html_text_italic ('"Shortcuts" are used mostly by developers');
html_break (2);
html_form_begin ("$hostname/users.php?op=logout");
html_form_input ("submit", NULL, "Log Out");
html_form_end ();
html_form_begin ("$hostname/admin.php?update=1");
html_table_begin ();
$query = sql_query ("SELECT DISTINCT category FROM settings");
while ($cat = mysql_fetch_array ($query))
$cat = $cat["category"];
html_table_row_begin ();
html_table_col_begin ();
html_text_header (2, ucwords ($cat));
html_table_col_end ();
html_table_row_end ();
$query2 = sql_query ("SELECT DISTINCT subcategory FROM settings WHERE category = '$cat'");
while ($sub = mysql_fetch_array ($query2))
$sub = $sub["subcategory"];
html_table_row_begin ();
html_table_col_begin ();
html_table_col_end ();
html_table_col_begin ();
html_text_header (3, ucwords ($sub));
html_table_col_end ();
html_table_row_end ();
$query3 = sql_query ("SELECT DISTINCT subsubcategory FROM settings WHERE category = '$cat' AND subcategory = '$sub'");
while ($subsub = mysql_fetch_array ($query3))
$subsub = $subsub["subsubcategory"];
html_table_row_begin ();
html_table_col_begin ();
html_table_col_end ();
html_table_col_begin ();
html_table_col_end ();
html_table_col_begin ();
html_text_header (4, ucwords ($subsub));
html_table_col_end ();
html_table_row_end ();
$query4 = sql_query ("SELECT * FROM settings WHERE category = '$cat' AND subcategory = '$sub' AND subsubcategory = '$subsub'");
while ($settings = mysql_fetch_array ($query4))
$desc = htmlspecialchars ($settings["description"]);
$original = htmlspecialchars ($settings["original"]);
if (($original == NULL || !$original) && !is_int ($original))
$original = "None";
$info = $settings["info"];
$shortcut = $settings["shortcut"];
html_table_row_begin ();
html_table_col_begin ();
html_table_col_end ();
html_table_col_begin ();
html_table_col_end ();
html_table_col_begin ();
html_table_col_end ();
html_table_col_begin ();
html_text_underline (ucwords ($desc));
html_font_set (2);
html_break (1, html_nbsp (3, 1));
html_text ("Shortcut: " . $shortcut);
html_break (1, html_nbsp (3, 1));
html_text ("Default: " . $original);
html_break (1, html_nbsp (3, 1));
html_font_end ();
html_form_textarea ($shortcut, 5, 50, $info);
html_table_col_end ();
html_table_row_end ();
html_table_end ();
html_break (2);
html_form_input ("submit", "commit", "Commit changes");
html_nbsp (10);
html_form_input ("submit", "set", "Save changes as Defaults");
html_nbsp (10);
html_form_input ("reset", NULL, "Reset to Session Defaults");
html_nbsp (10);
html_form_input ("submit", "reset", "Reset to Saved Defaults");
html_form_end ();
html_page_close ();

View File

@ -1,729 +0,0 @@
require ("");
error_reporting (4);
# Authenticate user
$userinfo = check_auth();
# Groups can allow/disallow access for anonymous users
# Update: actually not anymore, but we still need this
# for a few display options
if ($userinfo["username"] == "anonymous")
$anonymous = 1;
if (!$group)
choose_group ();
$query = sql_query ("SELECT * FROM groupinfo WHERE groupname = '$group'");
if (!$groupinfo = mysql_fetch_array($query))
choose_group ("Group $group does not exist");
$group_access = group_auth ();
# Something's gone wrong if we get GROUP_NONE
if ($group_access <= GROUP_NONE)
choose_group ("You do not have access to $groupinfo[groupname]");
if ($group_access >= GROUP_VIEW)
$view = 1;
if ($group_access >= GROUP_WRITE)
$write = 1;
if ($group_access >= GROUP_ADMIN)
$admin = 1;
if ($group_access >= GROUP_FOUNDER)
$founder = 1;
$phpwh->fs->set_account_type ("group");
$query = sql_query ("SELECT * FROM groupinfo WHERE groupname = '$group'");
if (!$sortby)
$sortby = "name";
if (!$path)
$path = "/";
if ($path != "/" && $nextdir)
$path = $path . "/" . $nextdir;
$path = $path . $nextdir;
if ($path == "/")
$disppath = "";
$disppath = $path;
$cwd = substr ($path, strrpos ($path, "/") +1);
if (!($lesspath = substr ($path, 0, strrpos ($path, "/"))))
$lesspath = "/";
if ($rename)
for ($j = 0; $j != $numoffiles; $j++)
$filesman = array_push ($fileman[$j]);
if ($path != "/")
$query = sql_query ("SELECT name FROM groupfiles WHERE groupname = '$groupinfo[groupname]' AND name = '$cwd' AND type = 'Directory' AND directory = '$lesspath'");
if (!mysql_fetch_row($query))
html_text_error ("Directory does not exist", 1);
html_link ("$hostname/groups.php?group=$groupinfo[groupname]", HTML_TEXT_NAVIGATION_BACK_TO_GROUP);
$query = sql_query ("SELECT * FROM groupfiles WHERE groupname = '$groupinfo[groupname]' AND directory = '$path' ORDER BY $sortby");
$files = mysql_fetch_array($query);
$numoffiles = mysql_affected_rows($db_main);
if ($op != 'showinfo' && $op != 'changeinfo' && $op != 'delete')
html_page_begin ("Groups :: $groupinfo[groupname]");
html_page_body_begin (HTML_PAGE_BODY_COLOR);
if (!$op && !$delete && !$createdir && !$renamefiles)
html_table_begin ("100%");
html_table_row_begin ();
html_table_col_begin (NULL, NULL, "top");
html_font_set (2);
html_text ("Welcome to " . html_text_bold ("$groupinfo[groupname]", 1));
html_break (2, html_text_bold ("$userinfo[username]", 1));
if ($anonymous)
html_break (2, html_link ("$hostname/login.php", "Login", 1));
html_break (2, html_link ("$hostname/signup.php", "Create an account", 1));
html_break (2, html_link ("$hostname/users.php", "Your user page", 1));
if ($admin)
html_break (2, html_link ("$hostname/groups.php?group=$groupinfo[groupname]&op=showinfo", "Edit this group", 1));
if ($founder)
html_break (2, html_link ("$hostname/groups.php?group=$groupinfo[groupname]&op=delete", "Delete this group", 1));
html_break (2, html_link ("$hostname/index.php", "Home", 1));
html_break (2);
html_break (1);
html_text_bold ($group_access_names[$group_access]);
html_text ("access");
html_font_end ();
html_table_col_end ();
html_table_col_begin ("center", NULL, "top");
html_align ("center");
html_form_begin ("$hostname/groups.php?group=$groupinfo[groupname]&path=$path");
if ($numoffiles || $cwd)
html_table_begin ();
html_table_col_begin ("center", NULL, NULL, NULL, 8);
html_table_begin ("100%");
html_table_row_begin ();
html_table_col_begin ("left");
if ($cwd)
html_link ("$hostname/groups.php?group=$groupinfo[groupname]&path=$lesspath", html_image ("$hostname/images/folder-up.gif", "Up", "left", 0, NULL, 1));
html_table_col_end ();
html_table_col_begin ("center");
if ($cwd)
html_image ("$hostname/images/folder.gif", "Folder", "center");
html_image ("$hostname/images/folder-home.gif", "Home");
html_text_bold (strtoupper($cwd));
html_table_col_end ();
html_table_col_begin ("right");
if ($cwd)
html_link ("$hostname/groups.php?group=$groupinfo[groupname]", html_image ("$hostname/images/folder-home.gif", "Home", "right", 0, NULL, 1));
html_table_col_end ();
html_table_row_end ();
html_table_end ();
html_table_col_end ();
html_table_row_end ();
# Start File Table Column Headers
html_table_col_begin ();
html_text ("Sort by:" . html_nbsp (5, 1));
html_table_col_end ();
html_table_col_begin ();
html_link ("$hostname/groups.php?group=$groupinfo[groupname]&path=$path&sortby=name", html_text_bold ("Filename", 1));
html_table_col_end ();
html_table_col_begin ();
html_link ("$hostname/groups.php?group=$groupinfo[groupname]&path=$path&sortby=type", html_text_bold ("Type", 1));
html_table_col_end ();
html_table_col_begin ();
html_link ("$hostname/groups.php?group=$groupinfo[groupname]&path=$path&sortby=size", html_text_bold ("Size", 1));
html_table_col_end ();
html_table_col_begin ();
html_link ("$hostname/groups.php?group=$groupinfo[groupname]&path=$path&sortby=createdby", html_text_bold ("Created By", 1));
html_table_col_end ();
html_table_col_begin ();
html_link ("$hostname/groups.php?group=$groupinfo[groupname]&path=$path&sortby=modifiedby", html_text_bold ("Modified By", 1));
html_table_col_end ();
html_table_col_begin ();
html_link ("$hostname/groups.php?group=$groupinfo[groupname]&path=$path&sortby=created", html_text_bold ("Created", 1));
html_table_col_end ();
html_table_col_begin ();
html_link ("$hostname/groups.php?group=$groupinfo[groupname]&path=$path&sortby=modified", html_text_bold ("Modified", 1));
html_table_col_end ();
html_table_col_begin ();
html_table_col_end ();
html_table_row_end ();
# List all of the files, with their attributes
$i = 0;
while ($i != $numoffiles)
if ($rename)
for ($j = 0; $j != $numoffiles; $j++)
if ($fileman[$j] == $files["name"])
$renamethis = 1;
html_table_row_begin (NULL, NULL, NULL, HTML_TABLE_FILES_BG_COLOR);
html_table_col_begin ("right");
if ($write)
if (!$rename)
html_form_input ("checkbox", "fileman[$i]", "$files[name]");
elseif ($renamethis)
html_form_input ("checkbox", "fileman[$files[name]]", "$files[name]", NULL, NULL, "checked");
html_table_col_end ();
html_table_col_begin ();
if ($renamethis)
if ($files["type"] == "Directory")
html_image ("$hostname/images/folder.gif", "Folder");
html_form_input ("text", "renamefiles[$files[name]]", "$files[name]", 255);
if ($files["type"] == "Directory")
html_image ("$hostname/images/folder.gif", "Folder");
html_link ("$hostname/groups.php?group=$groupinfo[groupname]&path=$path&nextdir=$files[name]", $files["name"]);
html_link ("$hostname/groups/$groupinfo[groupname]$disppath/$files[name]", $files["name"]);
html_table_col_end ();
html_table_col_begin ();
html_text ($files["type"]);
html_table_col_end ();
html_table_col_begin ();
if ($files["type"] == "Directory")
$query2 = sql_query ("SELECT SUM(size) FROM groupfiles WHERE groupname = '$groupinfo[groupname]' AND directory RLIKE '^$disppath/$files[name]'");
$fileinfo = mysql_fetch_row($query2);
if ($fileinfo[0])
echo "1KB";
html_table_col_end ();
html_table_col_begin ();
html_text ($files["createdby"]);
html_table_col_end ();
html_table_col_begin ();
html_text ($files["modifiedby"]);
html_table_col_end ();
html_table_col_begin ();
html_text ($files["created"]);
html_table_col_end ();
html_table_col_begin ();
html_text ($files["modified"]);
html_table_col_end ();
html_table_col_begin ();
html_text ($files["owner"]);
html_table_col_end ();
if ($files["deleteable"] == "N")
html_table_col_begin ();
html_image ("$hostname/images/locked.gif", "Locked");
html_table_col_end ();
html_table_col_begin ();
html_table_col_end ();
html_table_row_end ();
if ($files["type"] == "Directory")
$usedspace += $fileinfo[0];
$usedspace += $files["size"];
$files = mysql_fetch_array($query);
html_table_end ();
html_break (2);
if ($write)
html_form_input ("submit", "rename", "Rename");
html_nbsp (3);
if (!$rename)
html_form_input ("submit", "delete", "Delete");
html_nbsp (3);
if (!$rename)
if ($write)
html_form_input ("text", "createdir", NULL, 255);
html_nbsp ();
html_form_input ("submit", "newdir", "Create Folder");
html_form_end ();
html_break (1);
html_text_bold ("Files: ");
html_text ($numoffiles);
html_nbsp (3);
html_text_bold ("Used space: ");
html_text (borkb ($usedspace, NULL, 1));
html_nbsp (3);
if ($path == "/")
html_text_bold ("Unused space: ");
html_text (borkb ($groupinfo["hdspace"] - $usedspace, NULL, 1));
$query = sql_query ("SELECT name FROM groupfiles WHERE groupname = '$groupinfo[groupname]'");
$i = mysql_affected_rows($db_main);
html_break (2);
html_text_bold ("Total Files: ");
html_text ($i);
if ($write)
html_break (2);
html_form_begin ("$hostname/groups.php?group=$groupinfo[groupname]&op=upload&path=$path", "post", "multipart/form-data");
html (html_form_input ("file", "file[]", NULL, 255, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1) . "<br>", 5);
html_form_input ("submit", "upload_files", "Upload files");
html_form_end ();
html_table_col_end ();
html_table_row_end ();
html_table_end ();
html_page_body_end ();
html_page_end ();
# Handle File Uploads
elseif ($op == "upload")
for ($i = 0; $i != 5; $i++)
if ($file_size[$i] != 0)
if (strlen($file_name[$i]) > 255)
html_text_summary_error ("File names must be under 256 characters");
if ($badchar = bad_chars($file_name[$i], 1))
html_text_summary_error ("Cannot upload $file_name[$i]", "(filename contains '$badchar')");
$query = sql_query ("SELECT * FROM groupfiles WHERE name = '$file_name[$i]' AND groupname = '$groupinfo[groupname]' AND directory = '$path'");
if ($fileinfo = mysql_fetch_array($query))
if ($fileinfo["type"] == "Directory")
html_text_summary_error ("Cannot replace $fileinfo[name] because it is a directory");
$query = sql_query ("SELECT SUM(size) FROM groupfiles WHERE groupname = '$groupinfo[groupname]' AND name != '$file_name[$i]'");
$files = mysql_fetch_row($query);
$usedspace = $files[0];
if (($file_size[$i] + $usedspace) > $userinfo["hdspace"])
html_text_summary_error ("Not enough space to upload $file_name[$i]", NULL, $file_size[$i]);
if ($fileinfo["deleteable"] != "N")
$query = sql_query ("UPDATE groupfiles SET groupname = '$groupinfo[groupname]',modifiedby = '$userinfo[username]', size = $file_size[$i], type = '$file_type[$i]', modified = NOW(), deleteable = 'Y' WHERE number = '$fileinfo[number]' AND groupname = '$groupinfo[groupname]' AND directory = '$path'");
copy ($file[$i], "$rootdir/groups/$groupinfo[groupname]$path/$file_name[$i]");
html_text_summary ("Replaced $disppath/$file_name[$i]", $file_size[$i]);
$query = sql_query ("SELECT SUM(size) FROM groupfiles WHERE groupname = '$groupinfo[groupname]'");
$files = mysql_fetch_row($query);
$usedspace = $files[0];
if (($file_size[$i] + $usedspace) > $userinfo["hdspace"])
html_text_summary_error ("Not enough space to upload $file_name[$i]", NULL, $file_size[$i]);
$query = sql_query ("SELECT number FROM groupfiles WHERE groupname = 'number'");
$number = mysql_fetch_row($query);
$query = sql_query ("INSERT INTO groupfiles SET number = $number[0]+1, groupname='$groupinfo[groupname]', createdby='$userinfo[username]', modifiedby='', size=$file_size[$i], type='$file_type[$i]', created=NOW(), modified='', deleteable='Y', directory='$path', name='$file_name[$i]'");
copy ($file[$i], "$rootdir/groups/$groupinfo[groupname]$path/$file_name[$i]");
$query = sql_query ("UPDATE groupfiles SET number = $number[0]+1 WHERE groupname = 'number'");
html_text_summary ("Created $disppath/$file_name[$i]", $file_size[$i]);
html_break (2);
html_link ("$hostname/groups.php?group=$groupinfo[groupname]&path=$path", HTML_TEXT_NAVIGATION_BACK_TO_GROUP);
elseif ($renamefiles)
while (list($file) = each($renamefiles))
if ($badchar = bad_chars ($renamefiles[$file], 1))
html_text_error_summary ("Cannot rename $file to $renamefiles[$file]", "(filename contains '$badchar')");
if (($fileman[$file] && $renamefiles[$file]) && ($fileman[$file] != $renamefiles[$file]))
$query = sql_query ("SELECT name FROM groupfiles WHERE groupname = '$groupinfo[groupname]' AND directory = '$path' AND name = '$renamefiles[$file]'");
if (mysql_fetch_row($query))
html_text_summary_error ("Cannot rename $fileman[$file]: $renamefiles[$file] exists");
$query = sql_query ("SELECT number,name,directory FROM groupfiles WHERE groupname = '$groupinfo[groupname]' AND (directory RLIKE '^$disppath/$fileman[$file]/' OR directory = '$disppath/$fileman[$file]')");
while ($fileinfo = mysql_fetch_row($query))
$newdir = $fileinfo[2];
$newdir = preg_replace("|^$disppath/$fileman[$file]|","$disppath/$renamefiles[$file]",$newdir);
$query2 = sql_query ("UPDATE groupfiles SET directory = '$newdir' WHERE groupname = '$groupinfo[groupname]' AND name = '$fileinfo[1]' AND number = '$fileinfo[0]' AND directory RLIKE '^$disppath/$fileman[$file]'");
$query = sql_query ("UPDATE groupfiles SET name = '$renamefiles[$file]' WHERE groupname = '$groupinfo[groupname]' AND directory = '$path' AND name = '$fileman[$file]'");
html_text_summary ("Renamed $disppath/$fileman[$file] to $disppath/$renamefiles[$file]");
html_break (2);
html_link ("$hostname/groups.php?group=$groupinfo[groupname]&path=$path", HTML_TEXT_NAVIGATION_BACK_TO_GROUP);
elseif ($delete)
$query = sql_query ("SELECT name FROM groupfiles WHERE groupname = '$groupinfo[groupname]'");
$numoffiles = mysql_affected_rows($db_main);
for ($i = 0; $i != $numoffiles; $i++)
if ($fileman[$i])
if ($query = sql_query ("SELECT name,type,size FROM groupfiles WHERE groupname = '$groupinfo[groupname]' AND name = '$fileman[$i]' AND directory = '$path' AND deleteable = 'Y'"))
$fileinfo = mysql_fetch_row($query);
if ($fileinfo[1] == "Directory")
$query2 = sql_query ("SELECT name,size,directory FROM groupfiles WHERE groupname = '$groupinfo[groupname]' AND type != 'Directory' AND directory RLIKE '^$disppath/$fileman[$i]'");
while ($files = mysql_fetch_row($query2))
html_text_summary ("Deleted $files[2]/$files[0]", $files[1]);
$query2 = sql_query ("DELETE FROM groupfiles WHERE groupname = '$groupinfo[groupname]' AND directory RLIKE '^$disppath/$fileman[$i]' AND type != 'Directory'");
$query2 = sql_query ("SELECT name,type,directory FROM groupfiles WHERE groupname = '$groupinfo[groupname]' AND type = 'Directory' AND (directory RLIKE '^$disppath/$fileman[$i]' OR (name = '$fileman[$i]' AND directory = '$path')) ORDER BY directory DESC");
while ($files = mysql_fetch_row($query2))
html_text_summary ("Deleted directory ");
if ($files[2] == "/")
html_text_bold ("/$files[0]");
html_text_bold ("$files[2]/$files[0]");
$query2 = sql_query ("DELETE FROM groupfiles WHERE groupname = '$groupinfo[groupname]' AND type = 'Directory' AND (directory RLIKE '^$disppath/$fileman[$i]' OR (name = '$fileman[$i]' AND directory = '$path'))");
$query = sql_query ("DELETE FROM groupfiles WHERE groupname = '$groupinfo[groupname]'
AND name = '$fileman[$i]' AND directory = '$path'");
html_text_summary ("Deleted $disppath/$fileman[$i]", $fileinfo[2]);
html_break (2);
html_link ("$hostname/groups.php?group=$groupinfo[groupname]&path=$path", HTML_TEXT_NAVIGATION_BACK_TO_GROUP);
elseif ($newdir && $createdir)
if ($badchar = bad_chars ($createdir, 1))
html_text_error_summary ("Cannot create directory $createdir", "(name contains '$badchar')");
html_break (2);
html_link ("$hostname/groups.php?group=$groupinfo[groupname]&path=$path", HTML_TEXT_NAVIGATION_BACK_TO_GROUP);
html_page_close ();
if ($createdir[strlen($createdir)-1] == " " || $createdir[0] == " ")
html_text_error_summary ("Cannot create directory $createdir because it begins or ends in a space");
html_break (2);
html_link ("$hostname/groups.php?group=$groupinfo[groupname]&path=$path", HTML_TEXT_NAVIGATION_BACK_TO_GROUP);
html_page_close ();
$query = sql_query ("SELECT name,type FROM groupfiles WHERE name = '$createdir' AND groupname = '$groupinfo[groupname]' AND directory = '$path'");
if ($fileinfo = mysql_fetch_row($query))
if ($fileinfo[1] != "Directory")
html_text_error_summary ("$fileinfo[0] already exists as a file");
html_break (2);
html_link ("$hostname/groups.php?group=$groupinfo[groupname]&path=$path", HTML_TEXT_NAVIGATION_BACK_TO_GROUP);
html_page_close ();
html_text_error ("Directory $fileinfo[0] already exists");
html_break (2);
html_link ("$hostname/groups.php?group=$groupinfo[groupname]&path=$path", HTML_TEXT_NAVIGATION_BACK_TO_GROUP);
html_page_close ();
$query = sql_query ("SELECT SUM(size) FROM groupfiles WHERE groupname = '$groupinfo[groupname]' AND name != '$file_name[$i]'");
$files = mysql_fetch_row($query);
$usedspace = $files[0];
if (($usedspace + 1024) > $userinfo["hdspace"])
html_text_summary_error ("Sorry, you do not have enough space to create a new directory","Groups : $groupinfo[groupname]");
html_page_close ();
$query = sql_query ("SELECT number FROM groupfiles WHERE groupname = 'number'");
$number = mysql_fetch_row($query);
$query = sql_query ("INSERT INTO groupfiles SET number=$number[0]+1, groupname='$groupinfo[groupname]', createdby='$userinfo[username]', modifiedby='', size=1024, type='Directory', created=NOW(), modified='', deleteable='Y', directory='$path', name='$createdir'");
$query = sql_query ("UPDATE groupfiles SET number = $number[0]+1 WHERE groupname = 'number'");
html_text_summary ("Created directory $disppath/$createdir/");
html_break (2);
html_link ("$hostname/groups.php?group=$groupinfo[groupname]&path=$path", HTML_TEXT_NAVIGATION_BACK_TO_GROUP);
# Show info about a group (to change), but only if they have admin access
# Having write access is not enough
elseif ($op == "showinfo")
if (group_auth () >= GROUP_ADMIN)
showgroupinfo ();
html_page_error (html_text_summary_error ("Admin access to $groupinfo[groupname] is denied", NULL, NULL, 1));
# Change group info. Proceeds showinfo above
elseif ($op == "changeinfo")
if ($group_access < GROUP_ADMIN)
html_page_error (html_text_summary_error ("Admin access to $groupinfo[groupname] is denied", NULL, NULL, 1));
if ($grouppass == $groupinfo["groupname"])
showgroupinfo ("Your password cannot be the same as the group name");
if (strlen ($grouppass) > 10)
showgroupinfo ("Your password must be 10 characters or less");
$users = split("\n", $usernames);
for ($i = 0; $users[$i]; $i++)
$query = sql_query ("SELECT username FROM userinfo WHERE username = '$users[$i]'");
if (!$user = mysql_fetch_row($query))
showgroupinfo ("User $users[$i] does not exist");
$usernamessep .= $user[0] . ",";
if ($usernamessep)
$usernamessep = ',' . $usernamessep;
if ($public)
$public = 'Y';
$public = 'N';
if ($passonly)
$passonly = 'Y';
$passonly = 'N';
$query = sql_query ("UPDATE groupinfo SET grouppass = PASSWORD('$grouppass'), public = '$public', passonly = '$passonly', users = '$usernamessep' WHERE groupname = '$groupinfo[groupname]'");
html_page_begin ("Groups :: $groupinfo[groupname]");
html_page_body_begin ();
html_break (2);
html_font_end ();
html_break (2);
html_link ("$hostname/groups.php?group=$groupinfo[groupname]&path=$path", HTML_TEXT_NAVIGATION_BACK_TO_GROUP);
html_page_close ();
elseif ($op == "delete")
if ($group_access < GROUP_FOUNDER)
html_page_error (html_text_summary_error ("Founder access to $groupinfo[groupname] is denied", NULL, NULL, 1));
if ($yesdelete)
$query = sql_query ("SELECT name,directory FROM groupfiles WHERE groupname = '$groupinfo[groupname]' AND type != 'Directory'");
while ($fileinfo = mysql_fetch_row($query))
unlink ("$rootdir/groups/$groupinfo[groupname]$fileinfo[1]/$fileinfo[0]");
$query = sql_query ("SELECT name,directory FROM groupfiles WHERE groupname = '$groupinfo[groupname]' AND type = 'Directory' ORDER BY directory DESC");
while ($fileinfo = mysql_fetch_row($query))
$query = sql_query ("DELETE FROM groupfiles WHERE groupname = '$groupinfo[groupname]'");
$query = sql_query ("DELETE FROM groupinfo WHERE groupname = '$groupinfo[groupname]'");
html_page_begin ("Groups :: $groupinfo[groupname]");
html_page_body_begin ();
html_break (2);
html_font_end ();
html_break (2);
html_link ("$hostname", HTML_TEXT_NAVIGATION_HOME);
html_page_close ();
html_page_begin ("Groups :: $groupinfo[groupname]");
html_page_body_begin ();
html_form_begin ("$hostname/groups.php?group=$groupinfo[groupname]&op=delete");
html_form_input ("submit", "yesdelete", "Yes, please delete my group");
html_form_end ();
html_page_close ();