SL translations from Ludvik, Robert

This commit is contained in:
Ralf Becker 2012-02-18 14:48:09 +00:00
parent 0037bf4077
commit 97fd9598d3
3 changed files with 126 additions and 47 deletions

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
%1 added addressbook sl %1 dodan
%1 contact(s) %2 addressbook sl %1 je kontaktiral %2
%1 contact(s) %2 addressbook sl %1 stikov %2
%1 contact(s) %2, %3 failed because of insufficent rights !!! addressbook sl %1 je kontaktiral %2, pri %3 se je pojavila napaka zaradi premajhnih pravic!
%1 contacts updated (%2 errors). addressbook sl %1 stikov je bilo posodobljenih (%2 napak).
%1 fields in %2 other organisation member(s) changed addressbook sl %1 polje %2 članu v drugi organizaciji se je spremenilo
@ -22,10 +22,12 @@ add a new contact addressbook sl Dodaj nov kontakt
add a new infolog addressbook sl Dodaj novo opravilo
add a new list addressbook sl Dodaj nov seznam
add a single entry by passing the fields. addressbook sl Dodaj zapis z vnosom polj.
add appointment addressbook sl Dodaj dogodek
add business email of whole distribution list? addressbook sl Dodam službeni e-naslov celotnega distribucijskega seznama?
add custom field addressbook sl Dodaj polje
add emails of whole distribution list? addressbook sl Dodam naslove celega distribucijskega seznama?
add or delete categories addressbook sl Dodaj ali izbriši kategorije
add to distribution list addressbook sl Dodaj v distribucijski seznam
add to distribution list: addressbook sl Dodaj v distribucijski seznam:
added addressbook sl Dodano
added by synchronisation addressbook sl Dodano s sinhronizacijo
@ -49,6 +51,7 @@ addressbook-fieldname addressbook sl Adresar-Ime polja
addvcard addressbook sl Dodaj VCard
advanced search addressbook sl Napredno iskanje
all contacts addressbook sl Vsi kontakti
all in one field addressbook sl Vse v enem polju
allow users to maintain their own account-data admin sl Dovoli uporabnikom, da sami vzdržuejo svoje podatke o računu
alt. csv import addressbook sl Uvoz CSV datoteke
always addressbook sl Vedno
@ -58,7 +61,6 @@ are you shure you want to delete this contact? addressbook sl Res želite zbrisa
are you sure you want to delete this field? addressbook sl Ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati to polje?
assistent addressbook sl Pomočnik
assistent phone addressbook sl Telefon pomočnika
at the moment the following document-types are supported: addressbook sl Trenutno so podprte sledeče vrste dokumentov:
birthday common sl Rojstni dan
birthdays common sl Rojstni dnevi
blank addressbook sl Prazen
@ -80,6 +82,7 @@ categorie addressbook sl Kategorija
categorie added addressbook sl Kategorija dodana
categorie delete addressbook sl Kategorija izbrisana
categories, notes, ... addressbook sl Kategorije, opombe ...
category path addressbook sl Pot kategorije
category tree admin sl Drevo kategorij
cell phone addressbook sl GSM
change all organisation members addressbook sl Spremeni vse člane organizacije
@ -88,8 +91,8 @@ charset for the vcard export addressbook sl Nabor znakov za izvoz vCard
charset of file addressbook sl Kodna tabela datoteke
check all addressbook sl Preveri vse
choose an icon for this contact type admin sl Izberite ikono za to vrsto stika
choose export options addressbook sl Izberite možnosti izvoza
choose owner of imported data addressbook sl Izberite lastnika uvoženih podatkov
choose seperator and charset addressbook sl Izberite ločilo polj in nabor znakov
chosse an etemplate for this contact type admin sl Izberite eTemplate za to vrsto stika
city common sl Mesto
cleanup addressbook fields (apply if synchronization creates duplicates) addressbook sl Počisti polja adresarja (če se pojavijo duplikati pri sinhronizaciji)
@ -120,10 +123,10 @@ copied by %1, from record #%2. addressbook sl Kopirano iz zapisa %2 v zapis %1.
copy a contact and edit the copy addressbook sl Kopiraj stik in uredi kopijo
copy your changes to the clipboard, %1reload the entry%2 and merge them. addressbook sl Kopira spremembe v odložišče, %1 ponovno naloži vnos %2 in ju spoji.
country common sl Država
country code addressbook sl Koda države
create new links addressbook sl Ustvari nove povezave
created addressbook sl Ustvarjeno
credit addressbook sl Zasluge
csv field addressbook sl Polje CSV
csv-fieldname addressbook sl CSV-Ime polja
csv-filename addressbook sl CSV-Ime datoteke
custom addressbook sl Lasten
@ -137,6 +140,7 @@ default document to insert contacts addressbook sl Privzeti dokument za vstavlja
default file as format addressbook sl Privzeta datoteka kot oblika
default filter addressbook sl Privzeti filter
default format for fileas, eg. for new entries. addressbook sl Privzeta oblika za datoteke, npr za nove vnose.
default is to open email addresses in egroupware email application, if user has access to it. addressbook sl Privzeto se odpre e-naslov v programu za e-pošto Egroupware.
defines which email address (business or home) to use as the preferred one for distribution lists in mail. addressbook sl Določa, kateri e-naslov (domači ali službeni) naj se uporabi kot privzeti za distribucijski seznam.
delete a single entry by passing the id. addressbook sl Izbriši zapis s podano šifro
delete selected distribution list! addressbook sl Izbriši izbrane distribucijske sezname!
@ -154,7 +158,6 @@ distribution lists addressbook sl Distribucijski seznami
distribution lists, ... addressbook sl Distribucijski seznami, ...
do you want a private addressbook, which can not be viewed by users, you grant access to your personal addressbook? addressbook sl Ali želite zasebni adresar, ki ni viden uporabnikom, ki jim ne dovolite dostopa?
do your really want to delete this contact? addressbook sl Res želite zbrisati ta stik?
document '%1' does not exist or is not readable for you! addressbook sl Dokument '%1' ne obstaja ali pa nimate pravice branja!
doesn't matter addressbook sl Ni pomembno
domestic addressbook sl Domači
don't hide empty columns addressbook sl Ne skrij praznih stolpcev
@ -162,6 +165,8 @@ download addressbook sl Prenos
download export file (uncheck to debug output in browser) addressbook sl Prenos izvožene datoteke (Odznači za izpis v brskalniku)
download this contact as vcard file addressbook sl Prenesite ta stik kot datoteko vCard
duration addressbook sl Trajanje
each category in its own field addressbook sl Vsaka kategorija v svojem polju
each option in its own field addressbook sl Vsaka možnost v svojem polju
edit custom field addressbook sl Uredi lastno polje
edit custom fields admin sl Uredi lastna polja
edit extra account-data in the addressbook admin sl Uredi dodatne podatke računa v adresarju
@ -178,21 +183,14 @@ enter the path to the exported file here addressbook sl Vnesite pot do izhodne d
error deleting the contact !!! addressbook sl Napaka pri brisanju stika!
error saving the contact !!! addressbook sl Napaka pri shranjevanju stika!
error: the entry has been updated since you opened it for editing! addressbook sl Napaka: vnos je bil spremenjen medtem, ko ste imeli odprtega za urejanje!
example $$if n_prefix~mr~hello mr.~hello ms.$$ - search the field "n_prefix", for "mr", if found, write hello mr., else write hello ms. addressbook sl Primer $$IF n_prefix~Mr~Hello Mr.~Hello Ms.$$ - išče polje "n_prefix", za "Mr", če najde, izpiše Hello Mr., drugače izpiše Hello Ms.
example $$letterprefix$$ - gives a letter prefix without double spaces, if the title is emty for example addressbook sl Primer $$LETTERPREFIX$$ - predpona črke brez dvojnih presledkov, če je npr. naslov prazen
example $$letterprefixcustom n_prefix title n_family$$ - example: mr dr. james miller addressbook sl Primer $$LETTERPREFIXCUSTOM n_prefix title n_family$$ - Primer: G. Janez Novak
example $$nelf role$$ - if field role is not empty, you will get a new line with the value of field role addressbook sl Primer $$NELF role$$ - če polje vloga ni prazno, dobite novo vrstico z vrednostjo vloge polja
example $$nelfnv role$$ - if field role is not empty, set a lf without any value of the field addressbook sl Primer $$NELFNV role$$ - če polje vloga ni prazno, naredi novo vrstico brez vrednosti polja
existing links addressbook sl Obstoječe povezave
exists addressbook sl Obstaja
export addressbook sl Izvozi
export as csv addressbook sl Izvozi v CSV
export as vcard addressbook sl Izvozi kot VCard
export contacts addressbook sl Izvozi stike
export file name addressbook sl Ime izvožene datoteke
export from addressbook addressbook sl Izvoz iz adresarja
export selection addressbook sl Izvozi izbor
exported addressbook sl Izvoženo
exports contacts from your addressbook into a csv file. csv means 'comma seperated values'. however in the options tab you can also choose other seperators. addressbook sl Izvozi stike iz vašega adresarja v datoteko CSV. CSV pomeni 'Comma Seperated Values' (vrednosti, ločene z vejico). Na zavihku možnosti pa lahko za ločilo polj izberete drugi znak.
extra addressbook sl Dodatno
extra private addressbook sl Posebej zasebno
@ -204,16 +202,12 @@ field %1 has been updated ! addressbook sl Polje %1 je bilo popravljeno!
field name addressbook sl Ime polja
fields for the csv export addressbook sl Polja za izvoz CSV
fields the user is allowed to edit himself admin sl Polja, ki jih lahko uporabnik ureja sam
fields to copy when copying an address? admin sl Polja za kopiranje pri kopiranju naslova
fields to show in address list addressbook sl Polja, ki naj se prikažejo v seznamu
fieldseparator addressbook sl Ločilo polj
fieldseperator addressbook sl Ločilo polj
for more then one contact in a document use the tag pagerepeat! addressbook sl Za več kot en kontakt v dokumentu uporabite značko pagerepeat!
for read only ldap admin sl Za LDAP samo za branje
for serial letter use this tag. put the content, you want to repeat between two tags. addressbook sl Za tipska pisma uporabite značko. Vsebino, ki jo želite imeti v vseh dokumentih, vnesite med značke.
freebusy uri addressbook sl Freebusy URI
full name addressbook sl Polno ime
general addressbook sl Splošno
general fields: addressbook sl Splošna polja:
geo addressbook sl GEO
global categories addressbook sl Globalne kategorije
grant addressbook access common sl Dostop do glavnega imenika
@ -235,10 +229,7 @@ home zip code addressbook sl Poštna št.
how many contacts should non-admins be able to export admin sl Koliko stikov lahko izvozijo uporabniki, ki niso oskrbniki.
icon addressbook sl Ikona
if accounts are already in ldap admin sl Če je račun že v LDAP
if you specify a directory (full vfs path) here, addressbook displays an action for each document. that action allows to download the specified document with the contact data inserted. addressbook sl Če določite mapo (polna pot vfs), bo adresar prikazal dejanje za vsak dokument. To dejanje omogoča prenos določenih dokumentov z vstavljenimi podatki stika.
if you specify a document (full vfs path) here, addressbook displays an extra document icon for each address. that icon allows to download the specified document with the contact data inserted. addressbook sl Če določite dokument (polna pot vfs), bo adresar prikazal dodatno ikono dokumenta za vsak stik. Ta ikona omogoča prenos določenega dokumenta z vstavljenimi podatki stika.
ignore first line addressbook sl Prezri prvo vrstico
import addressbook sl Uvozi
import contacts addressbook sl Uvozi stike
import csv-file into addressbook addressbook sl Uvozi CSV-polja v imenik
import file addressbook sl Uvozi datoteko
@ -253,7 +244,6 @@ in %1 days (%2) is %3's birthday. addressbook sl V %1 dneh (%2) je rojstni dan %
income addressbook sl Priliv
infolog addressbook sl InfoDnevnik
insert addressbook sl Vstavi
insert in document addressbook sl Vstavi v dokument
insufficent rights to delete this list! addressbook sl Nimate dovolj pravic za brisanje tega seznama!
international addressbook sl Mednarodni
internet addressbook sl Internet
@ -273,12 +263,12 @@ list all customfields addressbook sl Izpis vseh lastnih polj
list already exists! addressbook sl Seznam že obstaja!
list created addressbook sl Seznam ustvarjen
list creation failed, no rights! addressbook sl Napak pri ustvarjanju seznama - nimate pravic!
load sample file addressbook sl Naloži datoteko s primeri
load vcard addressbook sl Naloži VCard
location addressbook sl Lokacija
locations addressbook sl Lokacije
manage mapping addressbook sl Upravljaj mapiranje
main categories in their own field addressbook sl Glavne kategorije v scojih poljih
mark records as private addressbook sl Označi zapise kot zasebne
merge contacts addressbook sl Združi stike
merge into first or account, deletes all other! addressbook sl Spoji v prvi stik, izbriši ostale!
merged addressbook sl Spojeno
message after submitting the form addressbook sl Sporočilo po oddaji obrazca
@ -290,7 +280,7 @@ mobile addressbook sl Mobilni
mobile phone addressbook sl GSM
modem phone addressbook sl Modem
more ... addressbook sl Več ...
move to addressbook: addressbook sl Premakni v adresar:
move to addressbook addressbook sl Premakni v adresar
moved addressbook sl Premaknjeno
multiple vcard addressbook sl Več VCard zapisov
name for the distribution list addressbook sl Ime za distribucijski seznam
@ -304,6 +294,7 @@ no fallback addressbook sl Brez rezerve
no vcard addressbook sl Ni VCard zapisov
number addressbook sl Število
number of records to read (%1) addressbook sl Število zapisov za branje (%1)
open email addresses in external mail program addressbook sl Odpri e-naslov v zunanjem programu
options for type admin sl Možnosti za vrsto
organisation addressbook sl Organizacija
organisations addressbook sl Organizacije
@ -338,7 +329,9 @@ read a single entry by passing the id and fieldlist. addressbook sl Preberi zapi
read only addressbook sl Samo za branje
record access addressbook sl Dostop do zapisa
record owner addressbook sl Lastnik zapisa
recovered addressbook sl Obnovljeno
region addressbook sl Regija
remove from distribution list addressbook sl Odstrani z distribucijskega seznama
remove selected contacts from distribution list addressbook sl Odstrani izbrane kontakte iz distribucijskega seznama
removed from distribution list addressbook sl Odstranjeno iz distribucijskega seznama
repetition addressbook sl Ponovitev
@ -387,7 +380,6 @@ that field name has been used already ! addressbook sl To ime polja je že v upo
the anonymous user has probably no add rights for this addressbook. addressbook sl Anonimni uporabnik verjetno nima pravic dodajanja v ta adresar.
the anonymous user needs add rights for it! addressbook sl Anonimni uporabnik potrebuje pravico dodajanja!
the anonymous user needs read it! addressbook sl Anonimni uporabnik mora imeti pravico branja.
the document can contain placeholder like $$n_fn$$, to be replaced with the contact data (%1full list of placeholder names%2). addressbook sl Dokument lahko vsebuje držalo mesta kot na primer $$n_fn$$, ki se zamenja s podatki stika (%1cel seznam imen držal mesta%2).
the zip extension is needed, to insert contact data in openoffice or msoffice documents. addressbook sl Za vstavljanje stikov v dokumente ali MSOffice, mora biti končnica zip.
there was an error saving your data :-( addressbook sl Napaka pri shranjevanju podatkov.
this module displays a contactform, that stores direct into the addressbook. addressbook sl Ta modul prikaže obrazec stika, ki se shrani neposredno v adresar.
@ -399,9 +391,9 @@ title addressbook sl Naslov
to many might exceed your execution-time-limit addressbook sl Preveč lahko preseže čas izvajanja
today is %1's birthday! common sl Danes ima rojstni dan %1.
tomorrow is %1's birthday. common sl Jutri ima rojstni dan %1.
translation addressbook sl Prevod
two of: %1 addressbook sl Dva od: %1
type addressbook sl Vrsta
un-delete addressbook sl Povrni
unique id (uid) addressbook sl Edinstven ID (UID)
unique id<br />(to update existing records) addressbook sl Edinstven ID<br />(za posodobitev obstoječih zapisov)
update a single entry by passing the fields. addressbook sl Popravi en zapis z vnosom polj.
@ -441,6 +433,7 @@ yes, for the next two weeks addressbook sl Da, za naslednja dva tedna
yes, for the next week addressbook sl Da, za naslednji teden
yes, for today and tomorrow addressbook sl Da, za jutri in pojutrišnjem
yes, only admins can purge deleted items admin sl Da, samo skrbniki lahko dokončno izbrišejo podatke
yes, users can purge their deleted items admin sl Da, uporabniki lahko dokončno izbrišejo podatke
you are not permitted to delete contact %1 addressbook sl Nimate dovoljenja brisati stik %1
you are not permittet to delete this contact addressbook sl Nimate dovoljenja brisati tega stika
you are not permittet to edit this contact addressbook sl Nimate dovoljenja spremeniti tega stika

View File

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
%1 weeks calendar sl %1 tednov
<b>please note</b>: the calendar use the holidays of your country, which is set to %1. you can change it in your %2.<br />holidays are %3 automatic installed from %4. you can changed it in %5. calendar sl <b>Opomba</b>: Koledar uporablja podatek o praznikih v vaši državi na podlagi področnih nastavitev, ki so nastavljene na %1. To lahko spremenite v %2.<br /> Podatki o praznikih se %3 samodejno namestijo z %4. To lahko spremenite v %5.
a non blocking event will not conflict with other events calendar sl Ne-blokirajoči dogodek ne bo v sporu z drugimi dogodki
accept calendar sl Sprejmi
accept or reject an invitation calendar sl Sprejmite ali zavrnite povabilo
accepted calendar sl Sprejeto
access denied to the calendar of %1 !!! calendar sl Dostop do koledarja %1 je bil zavrnjen!
@ -13,8 +14,10 @@ actions... calendar sl Dejanja ...
add alarm calendar sl Dodaj opomnik
added calendar sl Dodano
added by synchronisation calendar sl Dodano s sinhronizacijo
after calendar sl Po
after %1 calendar sl Po %1
after current date calendar sl Za trenutnim datumom
age: calendar sl Starost:
alarm calendar sl Opomnik
alarm added calendar sl Alarm dodan
alarm deleted calendar sl Alarm zbrisan
@ -25,23 +28,37 @@ all categories calendar sl Vse kategorije
all day calendar sl Ves dan
all events calendar sl Vsi dogodki
all future calendar sl Vsi v prihodnosti
all incl. rejected calendar sl Vse, vlkj. zavrnjene
all participants calendar sl Vsi udeleženci
allows to edit the event again calendar sl Dovoli ponovno urejanje dogodka
always calendar sl Vedno
apply the changes calendar sl Uveljavi spremembe
are you sure you want to delete this country ? calendar sl Ali ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati to državo?
are you sure you want to delete this holiday ? calendar sl Ali ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati ta praznik?
back half a month calendar sl Nazaj pol meseca
back one month calendar sl Nazaj en mesec
back one year calendar sl Eno leto nazaj
before calendar sl Pred
before %1 calendar sl Pred %1
before current date calendar sl Pred trenutnim datumom
before the event calendar sl Pred dogodkom
birthday calendar sl Rojstni dan
birthdays admin sl Rojstni dnevi
birthdays only calendar sl Samo rojstni dnevi
both, holidays and birthdays calendar sl Oboje, prazniki in rojstni dnevi
busy calendar sl Zaposlen
by calendar sl od
calendar - list calendar sl Koledar - seznam
calendar - multi-weekly calendar sl Koledar - več tednov
calendar - planner calendar sl Koledar - planer
calendar csv export calendar sl Izvoz CSV
calendar csv import calendar sl Uvoz CSV
calendar event calendar sl Koledarski dogodek
calendar fields: calendar sl Polja koledarja:
calendar holiday management admin sl Upravljanje praznikov na koledarju
calendar ical export calendar sl Izvoz iCal
calendar ical import calendar sl Uvoz iCal
calendar id calendar sl Šifra koledarja
calendar menu calendar sl Meni Koledar
calendar preferences calendar sl Nastavitve koledarja
calendar settings admin sl Lastnosti koledarja
@ -49,7 +66,12 @@ calendar-fieldname calendar sl Koledar - ime polja
can't add alarms in the past !!! calendar sl Ne morem dodati alarma v preteklosti!
can't aquire lock! calendar sl Ne morem zakleniti!
canceled calendar sl Razveljavljeno
charset of file calendar sl Kodna tabela datoteke
category acl common sl ACL kategorije
chair calendar sl Vodja
change history calendar sl Spremembe
change your status calendar sl Spremeni status
check all calendar sl Preveri vse
choose a category calendar sl Izberite kategorijo
close the window calendar sl Zapri okno
compose a mail to all participants after the event is saved calendar sl Ko shranite dogodek, sestavite sporočilo vsem udeležencem.
conflict calendar sl Spor
@ -58,6 +80,7 @@ copy this event calendar sl Kopiraj ta dogodek
copy your changes to the clipboard, %1reload the entry%2 and merge them. calendar sl Kopiraj spremembe v odložišče, %1ponovno naloži vnos%2 in ju spoji.
countries calendar sl Države
country calendar sl Država
create a new series calendar sl Ustvari nov set
create an exception for the given date calendar sl Ustvari izjemo za dani datum
create exception calendar sl Ustvari izjemo
create new links calendar sl Ustvari nove povezave
@ -65,7 +88,11 @@ csv calendar sl CSV
csv-fieldname calendar sl CSV-Ime polja
csv-filename calendar sl CSV-Ime datoteke
custom fields common sl Lastno polje
custom_2 common sl Prosto/zasedeno
daily calendar sl Dnevno
daily tables calendar sl Dnevne tabele
day calendar sl Dan
day of week tables calendar sl Tabele dnevi v tednu
days calendar sl Dni
days of the week for a weekly repeated event calendar sl Dnevi tedna za tedensko ponovljiv dogodek.
days repeated calendar sl Dnevi ponavljanja
@ -73,26 +100,33 @@ dayview calendar sl Dnevni pogled
default appointment length (in minutes) calendar sl Privzeta dolžina sestanka (v minutah)
default calendar filter calendar sl Privzeti koledarski filter
default calendar view calendar sl Privzeti pogled koledarja
default document to insert entries calendar sl Privzeti dokument za vstavljanje
default length of newly created events. the length is in minutes, eg. 60 for 1 hour. calendar sl Privzeta dolžina novih dogodkov. Dolžina se meri v minutah, npr. 60 minut za 1 uro.
default type of resources application selected in the calendar particpants research form. calendar sl Privzeta vrsta izbrane aplikacija sredstev v obrazcu udeležencev dogodka koledarja
default type of resources selection calendar sl Privzeta vrsta izbire sredstev
default week view calendar sl Privzeti tedenski pogled
delegated calendar sl Delegirano
delete exceptions calendar sl Izbriši izjeme
delete selected events calendar sl Izbriši izbrane dogodke
delete series calendar sl Izbriši serijo
delete this alarm calendar sl Zbriši ta alarm
delete this event calendar sl Zbriši ta dogodek
delete this exception calendar sl Zbriši to izjemo
delete this series of recuring events calendar sl Izbriši to serijo ponovljivih dogodkov.
deleted calendar sl Izbrisano
deny ressources reservation for private events calendar sl Prepovej rezervacijo sredstev za osebne dogodke
directory with documents to insert entries calendar sl Mapa z dokumenti za vstavljanje
disinvited calendar sl Preklicano povabilo
display in header calendar sl Prikaži v glavi
display status of events calendar sl Pokaži statuse dogodkov
displayed view calendar sl Prikazan pogled
displays your default calendar view on the startpage (page you get when you enter egroupware or click on the homepage icon)? calendar sl Prikaži vaš privzeti koledar na začetni strani.
do you want a weekview with or without weekend? calendar sl Želite tedenski pogled z ali brez vikendov?
do you want to be notified about new or changed appointments? you are not notified about changes you made yourself.<br>you can limit the notifications to certain changes only. each item includes all notifications listed above. all modifications include changes of title, description, participants, but no participant responses. if the owner of an event requested any notifcations, he will always get participant responses like acceptions or rejections too. calendar sl Ali želite biti obveščeni o novih ali spremenjenih sestankih? O spremembah, ki jih naredite, ne boste obveščeni.<br>Obvestila lahko omejite samo na določene spremembe. Vsak element vključuje vsa obvestila našteta nad njimi. Vse spremembe vključujejo spremembo naslova, opisa, udeležencev, ne pa tudi odgovorov udeležencev. Če avtor dogodka zahteva katerokoli obvestilo, bo vedno dobil pozivne in negativne odgovore udeležencev.
do you want to receive a regulary summary of your appointsments via email?<br>the summary is sent to your standard email-address on the morning of that day or on monday for weekly summarys.<br>it is only sent when you have any appointments on that day or week. calendar sl Ali želite prejemati povzetke sestankov po E-pošti?<br>Povzetki se pošiljajo na vaš običajni elektronski naslov vsako jutro tistega dne ali v ponedeljek v primeru tedenskih poročil.<br>Poslano je samo v primeru, če imate kake sestanke tisti dan oz. tisti teden.
do you wish to autoload calendar holidays files dynamically? admin sl Ali želite, da se dela prosti dnevi naložijo samodejno?
download calendar sl Prenos
download this event as ical calendar sl Prenesi ta dogodek v iCal
duration calendar sl Trajanje
duration of the meeting calendar sl Trajanje sestanka
edit exception calendar sl Uredi izjemo
edit series calendar sl Uredi serije
@ -122,10 +156,10 @@ exception created - you can now edit or delete it calendar sl Izjema ustvarjena
exceptions calendar sl Izjeme
execute a further action for this entry calendar sl Izvede dodatna dejanja za ta vnos
existing links calendar sl Obstoječe povezave
export calendar sl Izvoz
extended calendar sl Razširjen
extended updates always include the complete event-details. ical's can be imported by certain other calendar-applications. calendar sl Razširjeni popravki vedno vključujejo popolne podrobnosti o dogodku. iCal-ovi dogodki se lahko uvozijo preko drugih aplikacij koledarja.
fieldseparator calendar sl Ločilo polj
filemanager calendar sl Dokumenti
filename calendar sl Ime datoteke
filename of the download calendar sl Ime datoteke za prenos
find free timeslots where the selected participants are availible for the given timespan calendar sl Najdi prost termin, kjer so vsi udeleženci prosti
@ -136,12 +170,13 @@ format of event updates calendar sl Format popravkov dogodka
forward half a month calendar sl Naprej pol meseca
forward one month calendar sl Naprej en mesec
four days view calendar sl Pogled štirih dni
freebusy common sl Prosto/zasedeno
freebusy: unknow user '%1', wrong password or not availible to not loged in users !!! calendar sl Prost/Zaseden: Neznani uporabnik '%1', napačno geslo ali pa ni na voljo neprijavljenim uporabnikom!
freetime search calendar sl Iskanje prostega termina
fri calendar sl Pet
full description calendar sl Polni opis
fullname of person to notify calendar sl Polno ime osebe, ki jo obveščamo
general calendar sl Splošno
global categories calendar sl Globalne kategorije
global public and group public calendar sl Globalna in skupinska publika
global public only calendar sl Samo globalna publika
group invitation calendar sl Skupinsko povabilo
@ -152,9 +187,11 @@ h calendar sl h
here is your requested alarm. calendar sl Vaš zahtevani alarm
hide private infos calendar sl Skrij osebne podatke
high priority calendar sl Visoka prioriteta
history calendar sl Zgodovina
holiday calendar sl Prazniki
holiday management calendar sl Urejanje praznikov
holidays calendar sl Prazniki
holidays only calendar sl Samo prazniki
hours calendar sl ure
how far to search (from startdate) calendar sl Kako daleč od začetnega datuma naj iščem
how many minutes should each interval last? calendar sl Koliko minut naj traja posamezen interval?
@ -168,14 +205,18 @@ ical successful imported calendar sl iCal je bil uspešno uvožen
if checked holidays falling on a weekend, are taken on the monday after. calendar sl Če je označeno, se praznik s konca tedna prenese na ponedeljek.
if you dont set a password here, the information is available to everyone, who knows the url!!! calendar sl Če tukaj ne vnesete gesla, bo informacija na voljo vsem, ki poznajo URL!
ignore conflict calendar sl Prezri navzkrižje
import calendar sl Uvoz
import csv-file common sl Uvozi CSV datoteko
imports events into your calendar from a csv file. csv means 'comma seperated values'. however in the options tab you can also choose other seperators. calendar sl Uvozi dogodke v vaš koledar iz datoteke CSV. CSV pomeni 'vrednosti, ločene z vejico'. Na zavihku Možnosti lahko izberete drugo ločilo polj.
insert calendar sl Vstavi
insert in document calendar sl Vstavi v dokument
interval calendar sl Interval
invalid email-address "%1" for user %2 calendar sl Nepravilen elektronski naslov "%1" za uporabnika %2
invitations calendar sl Povabila
invite calendar sl Povabi
last calendar sl Zadnji
lastname of person to notify calendar sl Priimek osebe, ki jo obveščamo
length of the time interval calendar sl Dolžina časovnega intervala
link calendar sl Poveži na dogodek
link to view the event calendar sl Povezava na ogled dogodka
links calendar sl Povezave
links, attachments calendar sl Povezave, priponke
@ -185,18 +226,22 @@ location to autoload from admin sl Lokacija za samodejni prenos iz
location, start- and endtimes, ... calendar sl Lokacija, čas začetka in konca ...
mail all participants calendar sl Pošlji e-sporočilo vsem udeleženvem
make freebusy information available to not loged in persons? calendar sl Določim informacijo prost/zaseden na voljo tudi za neprijavljene uporabnike?
merge document... calendar sl Spoji dokumente ...
minutes calendar sl minut
modified calendar sl Spremenjeno
mon calendar sl Pon
month calendar sl Mesec
monthly calendar sl Mesečno
monthly (by date) calendar sl Mesečno (po datumu)
monthly (by day) calendar sl Mesečno (po dnevu)
monthview calendar sl Mesečni pogled
multiple week view calendar sl Pogled več tednov
new calendar sl Nov
new search with the above parameters calendar sl Novo iskanje z zgornjimi parametri
no events found calendar sl Noben dogodek ni bil najden
no filter calendar sl Brez filtra
no matches found calendar sl Ni zadetkov
no recurrence calendar sl Brez ponovotve
no response calendar sl Ni odgovora
non blocking calendar sl Ne-blokiran
not calendar sl Ne
@ -210,6 +255,7 @@ number of records to read (%1) calendar sl Število zapisov za branje (%1)
observance rule calendar sl Pravilo opazovanja
occurence calendar sl Dogodek
old startdate calendar sl Star datum začetka
olddate calendar sl Izviren datum
on %1 %2 %3 your meeting request for %4 calendar sl %1 %2 %3 vaša zahteva za srečanje za %4
on all modification, but responses calendar sl Ob vseh spremembah, ampak ne odgovorih
on any time change too calendar sl Tudi ob vsaki spremembi časa
@ -221,7 +267,10 @@ one week calendar sl En teden
one year calendar sl Eno leto
only the initial date of that recuring event is checked! calendar sl Označen bo samo začetni datum ponovitve dogodka!
open todo's: calendar sl Odprti ToDo-ji:
optional calendar sl Opcijsko
overlap holiday calendar sl Prekrivajoči se prazniki
owner too calendar sl Tudi lastnik
participant table calendar sl Tabela udeležencev
participants calendar sl Udeleženci
participants disinvited from an event calendar sl Udeležencem je bilo preklicano povabilo
participants, resources, ... calendar sl Udeleženci, resursi ...
@ -240,8 +289,11 @@ quantity calendar sl Količina
re-edit event calendar sl Ponovno uredi dogodek
receive email updates calendar sl Obveščanje o spremembah po e-pošti
receive summary of appointments calendar sl Sprejem povzetkov sestankov
recover calendar sl Obnovi
recovered calendar sl Obnovljeno
recurrence calendar sl Ponavljanje
recurring event calendar sl Ponavljajoči dogodek
reject calendar sl Zavrni
rejected calendar sl Zavrnjeno
repeat days calendar sl Ponavljajoči dnevi
repeat the event until which date (empty means unlimited) calendar sl Oo katerega datuma naj se dogodek ponavlja (prazno pomeni brez omejitve)
@ -250,10 +302,12 @@ repeating event information calendar sl Ponavljajoča informacija o dogodku
repeating interval, eg. 2 to repeat every second week calendar sl Ponavljajoči interval, npr. 2 za ponavljanje vsaka dva tedna
repetition calendar sl Ponovitev
repetitiondetails (or empty) calendar sl Podrobnosti ponovitev (ali prazno)
requested calendar sl Zahtevano
reset calendar sl Ponastavi
resources calendar sl Sredstva
resources except conflicting ones calendar sl Sredstva brez spornih
resources with conflict detection calendar sl Sredstva z zaznanimi spori
role calendar sl Vloga
rule calendar sl Pravilo
sat calendar sl Sob
saves the changes made calendar sl Shrani spremembe
@ -261,21 +315,20 @@ saves the event ignoring the conflict calendar sl Shrani dogodek ne glede na spo
scheduling conflict calendar sl Navzkrižje v urniku
select a %1 calendar sl Izberite %1
select a time calendar sl izberite čas
select an action calendar sl Izberite dejanje
select an action... calendar sl Izberite dejanje ...
select resources calendar sl Izberite sredstva
select who should get the alarm calendar sl Izberite, kdo naj dodi sporočilo alarma
selected range calendar sl Izbrani obseg
set a year only for one-time / non-regular holidays. calendar sl Nastavi leto samo za enkratne / ne-ponavljajoče praznike.
set new events to private calendar sl Novi dogodki naj bodo označeni kot zasebni
setting lock time calender admin sl Nastavitev časa Datalock za koledar (privzeto je 1 sekunda)
should invitations you rejected still be shown in your calendar ?<br>you can only accept them later (eg. when your scheduling conflict is removed), if they are still shown in your calendar! calendar sl Ali naj bodo povabila, ki ste jih zavrnili, še vedno vidna v koledarju?<br>Kasneje jih lahko le potrdite (npr. ko so dogodki v navzkrižju odstranjeni), če so še vedno v koledarju.
should new events created as private by default ? calendar sl Ali naj bodo novi dogodki označeni kot zasebni?
should not loged in persons be able to see your freebusy information? you can set an extra password, different from your normal password, to protect this informations. the freebusy information is in ical format and only include the times when you are busy. it does not include the event-name, description or locations. the url to your freebusy information is %1. calendar sl Dovolite, da uporabnik, ki ni prijavljen vidi vašo Prost/Zaseden informacijo? Za dostop do teh informacij lahko tudi določite geslo. Informacija Prost/Zaseden je v iCal obliki in vključuje samo termine, ko ste zasedeni, ne vključuje pa imena dogodkov, opisov in lokacij. URL za dostop do vaših Prost/Zaseden informacij je %1.
should the planner display an empty row for users or categories without any appointment. calendar sl Naj načrtovalec prikaže prazno vrstico za uporabnike ali kategorije brez dogodkov?
should the status of the event-participants (accept, reject, ...) be shown in brakets after each participants name ? calendar sl Ali naj bo status udeležencev dogodka (sprejet, zavrnjen,...) prikazan v oklepajih za imenom udeleženca?
show birthdays from addressbook admin sl Prikaži rojstni dan iz adresarja
show default view on main screen calendar sl Prikaži privzeti pogled na glavni strani
show empty rows in planner calendar sl Prikaži prazne vrstice v načrtovalcu
show invitations you rejected calendar sl Prikaži dobljena povabila
show list of upcoming events calendar sl Prikaži prihajajoče dogodke
show only the date, not the year admin sl Prikaži samo datum, brez leta
show this month calendar sl Prikaži ta mesec
@ -312,7 +365,7 @@ timeframe calendar sl Časovni okvir
timeframe to search calendar sl Iskanje časovnega okvira
title of the event calendar sl Naslov dogodka
to many might exceed your execution-time-limit calendar sl Preveč lahko preseže čas izvajanja programa
translation calendar sl Prevod
tomorrow calendar sl Jutri
tue calendar sl Tor
two weeks calendar sl Dva tedna
updated calendar sl Podosodobljeno
@ -332,8 +385,6 @@ weeks in multiple week view calendar sl Število tednov v pogledu več tednov
weekview calendar sl Tedenski pogled
weekview with weekend calendar sl Tedenski pogled z vikendom
weekview without weekend calendar sl Tedenski pogled brez vikenda
which events do you want to see when you enter the calendar. calendar sl Katere dogodke želite videti, ko odprete koledar?
which of calendar view do you want to see, when you start calendar ? calendar sl Kateri pogled želite videti, ko odprete koledar?
whole day calendar sl Cel dan
wk calendar sl Ted
work day ends on calendar sl Delovnik se konča ob

View File

@ -1,62 +1,75 @@
%1 already exists as a file filemanager sl %1 že obstaja kot datoteka
%1 directories and %2 files copied. filemanager sl %1 map in %2 datotek je bilo kopiranih.
%1 directories and %2 files deleted. filemanager sl %1 map in %2 datotek je bilo izbrisanih.
%1 elements linked. filemanager sl %1 element povezan.
%1 errors copying (%2 diretories and %3 files copied)! filemanager sl %1 napak med kopiranjem (%2 map in %3 datotek je bilo kopiranih).
%1 errors deleteting (%2 directories and %3 files deleted)! filemanager sl %1 napak med brisanjem (%2 map in %3 datotek je bilo izbrisanih).
%1 errors linking (%2)! filemanager sl %1 napak pri povezovanju (%2)!
%1 errors moving (%2 files moved)! filemanager sl %1 napak med premikanjem (%2 datotek je bilo premaknjenih).
%1 failed, %2 succeded filemanager sl %1 ni uspelo, %2 je uspelo.
%1 files common sl %1 datotek
%1 files copied. filemanager sl %1 datotek je bilo kopiranih.
%1 files deleted. filemanager sl %1 datotek je bilo izbrisanih.
%1 files moved. filemanager sl %1 datotek je bilo premaknjenih.
%1 starts with '%2' filemanager sl %1 se začne z '%2'
%1 successful uploaded. filemanager sl %1 je bila uspešno naložena.
%1 the following files into current directory filemanager sl %1 sledečo datoteko v trenutno mapo.
%1 urls %2 to clipboard. filemanager sl %1 URL %2 v odložišče.
%d erros while copying, %d files successfully copied. filemanager sl %d napak med kopiranjem, %d datotek je bilo uspešno kopiranih.
%d erros while moving, %d files successfully moved. filemanager sl %d napak med premikanjem, %d datotek je bilo uspešno premaknjenih.
%d files successfully copied. filemanager sl %d datotek uspešno kopiranih.
%d files successfully moved. filemanager sl %d datotek uspešno premaknjenih.
accessrights filemanager sl Pravice dostopa
acl added. filemanager sl ACL dodan.
acl deleted. filemanager sl ACL izbrisan.
actions filemanager sl Dejanja
add to clipboard filemanager sl Vse v odložišče
all files common sl Vse datoteke
allow a maximum of the above configured folderlinks to be configured in settings admin sl Dovoli največ toliko nastavitev povezav do map.
and all it's childeren filemanager sl in vse njihove podmape
applications common sl Aplikacije
basedirectory filemanager sl Osnovna mapa
can't open directory %1! filemanager sl Ne morem odpreti mape %1!
cancel editing %1 without saving filemanager sl Prekini urejanje %1 brez shranjevanja
cannot create directory because it begins or ends in a space filemanager sl Mapa ne more biti ustvarjena, ker se začne ali konča s presledkom.
cautiously rejecting to remove folder '%1'! filemanager sl Ne morem odstraniti mape '%1'!
check all filemanager sl Preveri vse
clear search filemanager sl Izbriši iskanje
comment filemanager sl Komentar
comments cannot contain "%1" filemanager sl Komentarji ne smejo vsebovati "%1".
copied filemanager sl Kopirano
copied %1 to %2 filemanager sl %1 prekopirano v %2.
copy filemanager sl Kopiraj
copy to filemanager sl Kopiraj v
copy to clipboard filemanager sl Kopiraj v odložišče
could not copy %1 to %2 filemanager sl Ne morem kopirati %1 v %2.
could not copy file because no destination directory is given filemanager sl Datoteke ni mogoče kopirati, ker ni podana ciljna mapa.
could not create %1 filemanager sl Ne morem ustvariti %1
could not delete %1 filemanager sl Ne morem izbrisati %1
could not move %1 to %2 filemanager sl Ne morem prenesti %1 v %2
could not move file because no destination directory is given filemanager sl Datoteke ni mogoče premakniti, ker ni podana ciljna mapa.
could not rename %1 to %2 filemanager sl Ne morem preimenovati %1 v %2
could not save %1 filemanager sl Ne morem shraniti %1
create a link filemanager sl Ustvari povezavo
create directory filemanager sl Ustvari mapo
create file filemanager sl Ustvari datoteko
create folder filemanager sl Ustvari mapo
created filemanager sl Ustvarjeno
created %1,%2 filemanager sl Ustvarjen %1,%2
created between filemanager sl Ustvarjeno med
created directory %1 filemanager sl Ustvarjena mapa %1
current directory filemanager sl Trenutna mapa
custom fields filemanager sl Polja po meri
cut filemanager sl Izreži
cut to clipboard filemanager sl Izreži v odložišče
default behavior is no. the link will not be shown, but you are still able to navigate to this location, or configure this paricular location as startfolder or folderlink. filemanager sl Privzeta nastavitev je NE. Povezava ne bo prikazana, vseeno pa boste lahko prišli do lokacije ali določili to lokacijo kot začetno mapo ali povezavo na mapo.
delete these files or directories? filemanager sl Izbrišem te datoteke ali mape?
delete this file or directory filemanager sl Izbriši to datoteko ali mapo
deleted %1 filemanager sl Izbrisano %1
directories sorted in filemanager sl Maoe razvrščene po
directory filemanager sl Mapa
directory %1 already exists filemanager sl Mapa %1 že obstaja
directory %1 does not exist filemanager sl Mapa %1 ne obstaja
directory names cannot contain "%1" filemanager sl Imena map ne smejo vsebovati "%1"
directory not found or no permission to access it! filemanager sl Mapa ni ila najdena ali pa nimate pravic za dostop!
directory successfully created. filemanager sl Mapa je bila uspešno ustvarjena.
display and modification of content filemanager sl Prikaz in sprememba vsebine
display of content filemanager sl Prikaz vsebine
do you want to overwrite the existing file %1? filemanager sl Želite prepisati obstoječo datoteko %1?
download filemanager sl Prenesi
edit comments filemanager sl Uredi komentarje
edit settings filemanager sl Uredi nastavitve
@ -65,22 +78,26 @@ enter setup user and password to get root rights filemanager sl Vnesite uporabni
enter the complete vfs path to specify a fast access link to a folder filemanager sl Vnesite celotno pot VFS, da določite hiter dostop do mape.
enter the complete vfs path to specify your desired start folder. filemanager sl Vnesite celotno pot VFS, da določite želeno začetno mapo.
error adding the acl! filemanager sl Napaka pri dodajanju ACL!
error creating symlink to target %1! filemanager sl Napaka pri ustvarjanju povezave do colja %1!
error deleting the acl entry! filemanager sl Napaka pri brisanju ACL!
error uploading file! filemanager sl Napaka pri nalaganju datoteke!
error while creating directory. filemanager sl Napaka pri ustvarjanju mape
executable filemanager sl Izvršilna
extended access control list filemanager sl Razširjen seznam kontrol dostopa
extended acl filemanager sl Razširjen ACL
failed to change permissions of %1! filemanager sl Spreminjanje pravic za %1 ni bilo uspešno.
failed to create directory! filemanager sl Napaka pri ustvarjanju mape!
favorites filemanager sl Priljubljene
file filemanager sl Datoteka
file %1 already exists. please edit it or delete it first. filemanager sl Datoteka %1 že obstaja. Najprej jo uredite ali izbrišite.
file %1 could not be created. filemanager sl Ne morem ustvariti datoteke %1.
file %1 may be too big. contact your systemadministrator for further info filemanager sl Mgooče je datoteka %1 prevelika. Za več informacij kontaktirajte sistemskega administratorja.
file %1 may be too big. contact your systemadministrator for further info filemanager sl Mogoče je datoteka %1 prevelika. Za več informacij kontaktirajte sistemskega administratorja.
file deleted. filemanager sl Datoteka izbrisana.
file names cannot contain "%1" filemanager sl Imena datotek ne smejo vsebovati "%1"
file or directory not found! filemanager sl Datoteka ali mapa ni bila najdena.
file successful uploaded. filemanager sl Datoteka je bila uspešno prenesena.
filemanager common sl Upravljalec datotek
filemanager common sl Dokumenti
filemanager configuration admin sl Nastavitev Upravljalca datotek
filename must not be empty! filemanager sl Ime datoteke ne sme biti prazno.
files from subdirectories filemanager sl Datoteke iz podmap
files in this directory filemanager sl Datoteke v mapi
folder up filemanager sl Nadrejena mapa
@ -91,9 +108,13 @@ go to your home directory filemanager sl Pojdi na domačo mapo
go up filemanager sl Pojdi navzgor
id filemanager sl Šifra
inherited filemanager sl Podedovano
link filemanager sl Poveži
link %1: %2 filemanager sl Povezava %1: %2
link target filemanager sl Poveži cilj
link target %1 not found! filemanager sl Cilj povezave %1 ni bil najden
location filemanager sl Lokacija
log out as superuser filemanager sl Odjavi se kot superuser
mail files filemanager sl Pošlji datoteke po e-pošti
max folderlinks admin sl Največje število povezav do map
mime type filemanager sl MIME tip
modified filemanager sl Spremenjeno
@ -102,11 +123,13 @@ modify all subdirectories and their content filemanager sl Spremeni vse podmape
move filemanager sl Premakni
move to filemanager sl Premakni v
moved %1 to %2 filemanager sl %1 je bilo premaknjeno v %2
new directory filemanager sl Nva mapa
no access filemanager sl Ni dostopa
no files in this directory. filemanager sl V tej mapi ni datotek
no preview available filemanager sl Predogled ni na voljo
no version history for this file/directory filemanager sl Ni zgodovine različic za to datoteko/mapo.
only owner can rename or delete the content filemanager sl Samo lastnik sme preimenovati ali izbrisati vsebino
open filemanager sl Odpri
operation filemanager sl Operacija
permission denied! filemanager sl Dostop zavrnjen!
permissions filemanager sl Pravice
@ -115,6 +138,7 @@ please select a file to delete. filemanager sl Izberite datoteko za brisanje.
preview filemanager sl Predogled
preview %1 filemanager sl Predogled %1
preview of %1 filemanager sl Predogled %1
projectmanager filemanager sl Upravljalec projektov
properties saved. filemanager sl Lastnosti so bile shranjene.
quick jump to filemanager sl Hiter skok v
read & write access filemanager sl Pravice branja in pisanja
@ -126,8 +150,9 @@ renamed %1 to %2 filemanager sl %1 je bilo preimenovano v %2
renamed %1 to %2. filemanager sl %1 je bila preimenovana v %2.
replaced %1 filemanager sl Zamenjana %1
rights filemanager sl Pravice
root filemanager sl Koren
root access granted. filemanager sl Dostop do root je bil odobren.
root access stoped. filemanager sl Dostop do root je bil preklican.
root access stopped. filemanager sl Dostop do korena je bil ustavljen.
save %1 filemanager sl Shrani %1
save %1, and go back to file listing filemanager sl Shrani %1 in se vrni na seznam datotek
save changes filemanager sl Shrani spremembe
@ -138,21 +163,31 @@ searchstring filemanager sl Iskani niz
select action... filemanager sl Izberite dejanje ...
select file to upload in current directory filemanager sl Izberite datoteko za prenos v trenutno mapo
show filemanager sl Prikaži
show hidden files filemanager sl Prikaži skrite datoteke
show link "%1" in side box menu? filemanager sl Prikaži povezavo "%1" v stranskem meniju
show link to filemanagers basedirectory (/) in side box menu? filemanager sl Prikažem povezavo do osnovne mape Upravljalca datotek (/) v stranski menijski vrstici?
size filemanager sl Velikost
start search filemanager sl Začni iskanje
startfolder filemanager sl Začetna mapa
superuser filemanager sl Superuser
symlink to %1 created. filemanager sl Povezava do %1 je bila ustvarjena
the default start folder is your personal folder. the default is used, if you leave this empty, the path does not exist or you lack the neccessary access permissions. filemanager sl Privzeta začetna mapa je vaša osebna mapa. Če pustite to prazno ali vnesena pt ne obstaja ali nimate ustreznih pravic za dostop, bo uporabljena privzeta vrednost.
the requested path %1 is not available. filemanager sl Pot %1 ni na voljo.
there's already a directory with that name! filemanager sl Mapa s tem imenom že obstaja.
there's already a file with that name! filemanager sl Datoteka s tem imenom že obstaja!
to overwrite the existing file store again. filemanager sl Če želite prepisati obstoječo datoteko, shranite še enkrat.
total files filemanager sl Vseh datotek
unused space filemanager sl Neuporabljen prostor
up filemanager sl Navzgor
updated comment for %1 filemanager sl Komentar za %1 je bil posodobljen
upload fields filemanager sl Naloži polja
upload files filemanager sl Naloži datoteke
used space filemanager sl Uporabljen prostor
users and groups filemanager sl Uporabniki in skupine
versioning filemanager sl Vodenje različic
wrong username or password! filemanager sl Napačno uporabniško ime ali geslo!
you are not allowed to upload a script! filemanager sl Nimate dovoljenja nalagati skripte
you can only grant additional rights, you can not take rights away! filemanager sl Dodatne pravice lahko samo dodelte, ne morete jih odvzeti.
you do not have access to %1 filemanager sl Nimate dostopa do %1
you need to select an owner! filemanager sl Izbrati morate lastnika!
you need to select some files first! filemanager sl Najprej morate izbrati nekaj datotek!