mirror of
synced 2025-03-06 19:11:32 +01:00
basque additions
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
%1 records imported addressbook eu %1 erregistro inportatuak
%1 records read (not yet imported, you may go %2back%3 and uncheck test import) addressbook eu %1 erregistro irakurriak (oraindik inportatu gabe, atzera itzuli eta "Inportazio Testa" kontrol laukia hautatu gabe utzi)
(e.g. 1969) addressbook eu (adib. 1969)
<b>no conversion type <none> could be located.</b> please choose a conversion type from the list addressbook eu <b>Ez da aurkitu <none> konbertsio mota.</b> Mesedez, aukeratu bat ondorengo zerrendatik
@-eval() is only availible to admins!!! addressbook eu @-eval() administratzaileek bakarrik erabil dezakete
actions addressbook eu Ekintzak
add a single entry by passing the fields. addressbook eu Gehitu sarrera berri bat eremua izendatuz.
add custom field addressbook eu Eremu berri bat gehitu
address book common eu Helbide-liburua
address book - vcard in addressbook eu Helbide-liburua - VCard bidez
address book - view addressbook eu Helbide-liburua - ikusi
address line 2 addressbook eu Helbidea-2.lerroa
address line 3 addressbook eu Helbidea-3.lerroa
address type addressbook eu Helbide mota
addressbook common eu Helbidea-2-lerroa
addressbook preferences addressbook eu Helbidea-luburuko lehenetsiak
addressbook-fieldname addressbook eu Helbide-liburua - eremu izena
addvcard addressbook eu VCard-a gehitu
alt. csv import addressbook eu CVS-ak inportatzeko
are you sure you want to delete this field? addressbook eu ziur zaude eremu hau ezabatu nahi duzula?
bbs phone addressbook eu BBS telefonoa
birthday common eu Jaiotze data
birthdays common eu Jaiotze datak
blank addressbook eu Utzik
business common eu Negozio
business address type addressbook eu Negozio helbide mota
business city addressbook eu Negozio hiria
business country addressbook eu Negozio herrialdea
business email addressbook eu Negozio Posta Elektronikoa
business email type addressbook eu Negozio Posta Elektroniko mota
business fax addressbook eu Negozio Faxa
business phone addressbook eu Negozio Telefonoa
business state addressbook eu Negozio Herrialdea
business street addressbook eu Negozio Kalea
business zip code addressbook eu Negozio Posta Kodea
car phone addressbook eu Autoko telefonoa
cell phone addressbook eu Telefono mugikorra
charset of file addressbook eu Fitxategiaren Karaktere bilduma
city common eu Hiria
company common eu Enpresa
company name common eu Enpresaren Izena
configuration common eu Konfigurazioa
contact common eu Kontaktua
contact application admin eu Kontatuaren aplikazioa
contact settings admin eu Kontakturan lehenetsiak
copied by %1, from record #%2. addressbook eu %1 gatik kopiatua, %2 errenkadatik.
country common eu Herrialdea
csv-fieldname addressbook eu CVS - Eremu izena
csv-filename addressbook eu CVS - Fitxategi izena
custom addressbook eu Egokitua
custom fields addressbook eu Egokitu Eremuak
debug output in browser addressbook eu Hirteera nabigatzailean erakutsi
default filter addressbook eu Iragazki lehenetsia
delete a single entry by passing the id. addressbook eu Ezabatu errenkada bakarra id. pasatuaz
department common eu Departamentua
domestic addressbook eu Barnekoa
download addressbook eu Deskargatu
download export file (uncheck to debug output in browser) addressbook eu Exportazio fitxategia deskargatu (egindakoa nabigatzailean erakusten duen aukera indargabetu)
edit custom field addressbook eu Aldatu egokitutako eremua
edit custom fields admin eu Aldatu egokitutako eremuak
empty for all addressbook eu hutsik guztientzat
enter the path to the exported file here addressbook eu Sartu hemen exportatutako fitxategiaren bidea
export contacts addressbook eu Kontaktuak exportatu
export file name addressbook eu Exportatu fitxategiaren izena
export from addressbook addressbook eu Exportatu helbide-liburutik
extra addressbook eu Extra
fax addressbook eu Fax-a
fax number common eu Fax zenbakia
field %1 has been added ! addressbook eu %1 eremua gehitua izan da!
field %1 has been updated ! addressbook eu %1 eremua berritua izan da!
field name addressbook eu Eremuaren izena
fields to show in address list addressbook eu Helbide zerrendan erakutsi beharreko eremuak
fieldseparator addressbook eu Eremu bereizlea
full name addressbook eu Izen osoa
geo addressbook eu GEO
global categories addressbook eu Kategoria orokorrak
grant addressbook access common eu Helbide-libururako sarrera ahalbideratu
home address type addressbook eu Etxea - Helbide mota
home city addressbook eu Etxea - Hiria
home country addressbook eu Etxea - Herrialdea
home email addressbook eu Etxea - Posta E.
home email type addressbook eu Etxea - Posta E. mota
home phone addressbook eu Etxea - Telefonoa
home state addressbook eu Etxea - Estatua
home street addressbook eu Etxea - Kalea
home zip code addressbook eu Etxea - Posta Kutxatila
import addressbook eu Inportatu
import contacts addressbook eu Inportatu kontaktuak
import csv-file into addressbook addressbook eu Inportatu CVS fitxategia Helbide liburura
import file addressbook eu Inportatu fitxategia
import from addressbook eu Inportazio iturria
import from ldif, csv, or vcard addressbook eu Inportatu LDIF, CVS ed VCard formatuak
import from outlook addressbook eu Inportatu Outlooketik
import multiple vcard addressbook eu Inportatu VCard talde bat
import next set addressbook eu Inportatu hurrengo taldea
import_instructions addressbook eu Netscape erabiliz gero, helbide liburua aukeratu eta klikatu <b>Exportatu</b>, <b>fitxategi</b> menuan. Exportaturiko fitxategia LDIF formatuan egongo da.<p>Edo, Microsoft outlookarekin, hautatu zure kontaktu karpeta eta ondoren hautatu <b>Inportatu eta Exportatu</b>, <b>Fitxategia</b> menutik eta exportatu kontaktuak komas separaturiko testu fitxategi batetara (CVS). <p>Edo, Palm Desktop 4.0 edo berriagoan, helbide liburura sartu eta hautatu <b>Exportatu</b>, <b>Fitxategia</b> menuan. Exportaturiko fitxategia VCard formatuan egongo da.
international addressbook eu Internazionala
isdn phone addressbook eu ISDN Telefonoa
label addressbook eu Etiketa
ldap context for contacts admin eu LDAP kontextua kontaktuentzat
ldap host for contacts admin eu LDAP zerbitzaria kontaktuentzat
ldap root dn for contacts admin eu LDAP dns nagusia kontaktuentzat
ldap root pw for contacts admin eu LDAP pasahitza
ldif addressbook eu LDIF
line 2 addressbook eu 2. Errenkada
load vcard addressbook eu VCard-a kargatu
mark records as private addressbook eu Errenkara pribatu moduan jarri
message phone addressbook eu Mezuen telefonoa
middle name addressbook eu Erdiko izena
mobile addressbook eu Mugikorra
mobile phone addressbook eu Mugikorra
modem phone addressbook eu Modem telefonoa
multiple vcard addressbook eu VCard anitzak
no vcard addressbook eu Ez VCard-ik
number of records to read (%1) addressbook eu Irakurri beharreko errenkaden kopurua (%1)
other number addressbook eu Beste Zebaki bat
other phone addressbook eu Beste telefono bat
pager common eu Bilagailua
parcel addressbook eu Partzela
phone number common eu Telefono zenbakia
phone numbers common eu Telefono zenbakiak
please enter a name for that field ! addressbook eu Mesedez sartu izen bat eremu horretarako!
postal common eu Posta Kutxatilla
pref addressbook eu lehenetsia
prefix addressbook eu Aurrizkia
public key addressbook eu Giltza publikoa
read a list of entries. addressbook eu Sarrea zerrenda bat irakurri
read a single entry by passing the id and fieldlist. addressbook eu Sarrera bakarra irakurri "ID"-a eta "eremu zerrenda" pasatuaz.
record access addressbook eu Erregistrora sarrera
record owner addressbook eu Erregistroaren jabea
retrieve contacts admin eu Berreskuratu kontaktuak
select all addressbook eu Guztiak hautatu
select the type of conversion addressbook eu Hautatu bihurketa mota
select the type of conversion: addressbook eu Hautatu bihurketa mota:
select where you want to store admin eu Hautatu non gorde nahi dituzun
show birthday reminders on main screen addressbook eu Erakutsi urtebetetze abisuak orri nagusian
startrecord addressbook eu Erregistro hasera
state common eu Estatua
street common eu Kalea
successfully imported %1 records into your addressbook. addressbook eu %1 erregistro arrakastaz inportatuak helbide-liburura.
suffix addressbook eu Atzizki
test import (show importable records <u>only</u> in browser) addressbook eu Inportazio proba (erakutsi inportatu daitezkeen errenkadak <u>bakarrik</u> nabigatzailean)
that field name has been used already ! addressbook eu Eremu izen hori dagoeneko erabilia izan da!
this person's first name was not in the address book. addressbook eu Pertsona honen lehen izena ez zegoen helbide-liburuan.
this person's last name was not in the address book. addressbook eu Pertsona honen abizena ez zegoen helbide-liburuan.
to many might exceed your execution-time-limit addressbook eu gehiegi, exekuzio denbora gainditu lezake.
today is %1's birthday! common eu Gaur %1_ren urtebetetzea da!
tomorrow is %1's birthday. common eu Bihar %1 _ren urtebetetzea da.
translation addressbook eu Itzulpena
update a single entry by passing the fields. addressbook eu Eguneratu sarrera bakarra eremua emanez.
use country list addressbook eu Erabili Herrialde zerrenda
vcard common eu VCard
vcards require a first name entry. addressbook eu VCard-ek "izena" sarrera behar du
vcards require a last name entry. addressbook eu VCard-ek "abizena" sarrera behar du
video phone addressbook eu Bideo telefonoa
voice phone addressbook eu Ahots telefonoa
warning!! ldap is valid only if you are not using contacts for accounts storage! admin eu KONTUZ!! LDAP balioduna da soilik kontaktuak kontu korronteko datuak gordetzeko ez badituzu erabiltzen!
work phone addressbook eu Laneko telefonoa
you must select a vcard. (*.vcf) addressbook eu VCard bat hautatu beharra daukazu. (*.vcf)
you must select at least 1 column to display addressbook eu Gutxienez erakusteko zutabe bat hautatu beharra daukazu
zip code common eu ZIP kodea
zip_note addressbook eu <p><b>Oharra:</b> fitxategia zip formatuan egon liteke, zebait .cvs, .vcf edo .ldif edukiaz. Dena dela, ez nahastu fitxategi motak inportatzerakoan.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
%1 email addresses inserted common eu %1 helbide elektronikoak txertatuak
00 (disable) admin eu 00 (desaktibatu)
13 (ntp) admin eu 13 (ntp)
80 (http) admin eu 80 (http)
about common eu Honi buruz
about %1 common eu %1ri buruz
about the calendar jscalendar eu Egutegiari buruz
about this editor htmlarea eu Editore honi buruz
access common eu Sarbide
access not permitted common eu Sarrera ez onartua
account has been created common eu Kontu bat sortu da
account has been deleted common eu Kontua ezabatua izan da
account has been updated common eu Kontua eguneratua izan da
account is expired common eu Kontua iraungi egin da
action common eu Ekin
active common eu Aktibatua
add common eu Gehitu
add category common eu Kategoria gehitu
add sub common eu Gehitu azpi-
addressbook common eu Helbide liburua
admin common eu Admin
administration common eu Administrazioa
afghanistan common eu AFGANISTAN
albania common eu ALBANIA
algeria common eu ALJERIA
all common eu Guztiak
alphabet common eu a,b,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z
american samoa common eu AMERICAN SAMOA
andorra common eu ANDORRA
angola common eu ANGOLA
anguilla common eu ANGUILLA
antarctica common eu ANTARTIKA
antigua and barbuda common eu ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA
apply common eu Aplikatu
april common eu Apirila
are you sure you want to delete these entries ? common eu Ziur al zaude sarrera hauek ezbatu nahi dituzula?
are you sure you want to delete this entry ? common eu Ziur al zaude sarrera hau ezbatu nahi duzula?
argentina common eu ARGENTINA
armenia common eu ARMENIA
aruba common eu ARUBA
august common eu Abuztua
australia common eu AUSTRALIA
austria common eu AUSTRIA
author common eu Egilea
autosave default category common eu Autograbatu kategoria lehenetsia
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back to user login common eu Erabiltzailearen sesioaren hasierara itzuli
background htmlarea-TableOperations eu Atzeko planoa
background color htmlarea eu Atzeko planoko kolorea
background color: common eu Atzeko planoko kolorea:
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barbados common eu BARBADOS
belarus common eu BELARUS
belgium common eu BELGIKA
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bhutan common eu BHUTAN
blocked, too many attempts common eu Blokeatuta saiakera gehiegi
bold htmlarea eu Lodia
bolivia common eu BOLIBIA
bosnia and herzegovina common eu BOSNIA ETA HERZEGOVINA
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brazil common eu BRASIL
british indian ocean territory common eu BRITISH INDIAN OCEAN TERRITORY
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bulleted list htmlarea eu Eskema zerrenda
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canada common eu CANADA
cancel common eu Ezeztatu
cape verde common eu CAPE VERDE
categories common eu Kategoriak
categories for common eu Kategoriak
category common eu Kategoria
category %1 has been added ! common eu Kategoria %1 erantsia izan da
category %1 has been updated ! common eu Kategoria %1 eguneratua izan da
cayman islands common eu CAIMAN IRLAK
central african republic common eu ERTA AFRIKAKO ERREPUBLIKA
chad common eu CHAD
change common eu Aldatu
check installation common eu Instalazioa egiaztu
chile common eu CHILE
china common eu TXINA
choose the category common eu Kategoria aukeratu
choose the parent category common eu Goi kategoria aukeratu
christmas island common eu CHRISTMAS ISLAND
clear common eu Garbitu
clear form common eu Formularioa garbitu
click common eu Klikatu
click or mouse over to show menus common eu Klikatu edo mugitu xagua menuetatik
click or mouse over to show menus? common eu Klikatu edo mugitu xagua menuetatik?
close common eu Itxi
cocos (keeling) islands common eu COCOS (KEELING) ISLANDS
colombia common eu COLOMBIA
color htmlarea-TableOperations eu Kolorea
comoros common eu COMOROS
company common eu Elkartea
congo common eu CONGO
congo, the democratic republic of the common eu CONGOKO ERREPUBLIKA DEMOKRATIKOA
cook islands common eu COOK ISLANDS
copy common eu Kopiatu
copy selection htmlarea eu Aukeraketa kopiatu
costa rica common eu COSTA RICA
cote d ivoire common eu COTE D IVOIRE
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create a link htmlarea-ContextMenu eu Linka sortu
created by common eu Nork sortua
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cut htmlarea-ContextMenu eu Moztu
cut selection htmlarea eu Aukeraketa moztu
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date selection: jscalendar eu Aukeratu data:
december common eu Abendua
decrease indent htmlarea eu Txikitu koska
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details common eu Zehaztasunak
dictionary htmlarea-SpellChecker eu Hiztegia
disable slider effects common eu Efektu graduatzaileak desaktibatu
disabled common eu Desgaitu
do you also want to delete all subcategories ? common eu Azpikategoria guztiak ezabatu nahi dituzu?
domain common eu Domeinu
done common eu Egina
drag to move jscalendar eu Arrastatu mugitzeko
e-mail common eu Posta elektronikoa
east timor common eu EAST TIMOR
edit common eu Editatu
edit %1 category for common eu Editatu %1 kategoria
edit categories common eu Editatu kategoriak
edit category common eu Editatu kategoria
egypt common eu EGIPTO
email common eu Posta elektronikoa
enabled common eu Lehenengo orria
end date common eu Amaiera data
end time common eu Amaiera ordua
enlarge editor htmlarea eu Editorea handitu
entry has been deleted sucessfully common eu Sarrera zuzen ezabatu da
entry updated sucessfully common eu Sarrera zuzen eguneratu da
error common eu Errorea
error creating %1 %2 directory common eu Errorea %1 %2 direktorioa sortzerakoan
error deleting %1 %2 directory common eu Errorea %1 %2 direktorioa ezabatzerakoan
error renaming %1 %2 directory common eu Errorea %1 %2 direktorioa berizendatzerakoan
estonia common eu ESTONIA
ethiopia common eu ETHIOPIA
falkland islands (malvinas) common eu MALVINAK
faroe islands common eu FAROE IRLAK
fax number common eu Fax zenbakia
february common eu Otsaila
fields common eu Eremuak
files common eu Fitxategiak
filter common eu Iragazkia
finland common eu FINLANDIA
first page common eu Lehenengo orria
fixme! common eu Zuzendu nazazu!
font color htmlarea eu Hizki kolorea
force selectbox common eu Aukeraketa koadroa indartu
france common eu FRANTZIA
french guiana common eu FRANTZIAR GUIANA
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friday common eu Ostirala
fullname common eu Izen osoa
gabon common eu GABON
gambia common eu GAMBIA
general menu common eu Menu nagusia
georgia common eu GEORGIA
germany common eu ALEMANIA
ghana common eu GHANA
gibraltar common eu GIBRALTAR
global common eu Guztizkoa
global public common eu Publiko guztia
go today jscalendar eu Gaur joan
grant access common eu Sarrera eman
greece common eu GREZIA
group common eu Taldea
group access common eu Taldeko sarrera
group has been added common eu Taldea gehitua izan da
group has been deleted common eu Taldea ezabatua izan da
group has been updated common eu Taldea eguneratua izan da
group name common eu Taldearen izena
group public common eu Talde publikoa
groups common eu Taldeak
groups with permission for %1 common eu Taldeak %1erako baimenarekin
groups without permission for %1 common eu Taldeak %1erako baimenik gabe
guadeloupe common eu GUADALUPE
guatemala common eu GUATEMALA
help common eu Laguntza
help using editor htmlarea eu Laguntza editorea erabiltzerakoan
high common eu Altua
highest common eu Altuena
home common eu Hasiera
home email common eu Posta elektroniko pribatua
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horizontal rule htmlarea eu Erregela horizontala
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iceland common eu ISLANDIA
ignore htmlarea-SpellChecker eu Ezikusi
ignore all htmlarea-SpellChecker eu Ezikusi guztiak
increase indent htmlarea eu Handitu koska
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insert image htmlarea eu Irudia txertatu
insert table htmlarea eu Taula txertatu
insert web link htmlarea eu Web lotura bet txertatu
international common eu Nazioartekoa
invalid ip address common eu IP helbidea baliogabea
invalid password common eu Pasahitza baliogabea
ireland common eu IRLANDA
italic common eu Etzana
italy common eu ITALIA
january common eu Urtarrila
japan common eu JAPONIA
july common eu Uztaila
jun common eu Ekaina
june common eu Ekaina
justify center common eu Lerrokatu erdian
justify full common eu Lerrokatu
justify left common eu Lerrokatu ezkerrean
justify right common eu lerrokatu eskuinean
kenya common eu KENYA
language common eu Hizkuntza
last page common eu Azken orria
march common eu Martxoa
may common eu Maiatza
monday common eu Astelehena
name common eu Izena
next common eu Hurrengoa
next month (hold for menu) jscalendar eu Hurrengo hilabetea
next page common eu Hurrengo orrialdea
next year (hold for menu) jscalendar eu Hurrengo urtea
november common eu Azaroa
october common eu Urria
saturday common eu Larunbata
september common eu Iraila
sunday common eu Igandea
thursday common eu Osteguna
today common eu Gaur
tuesday common eu Asteartea
wednesday common eu Asteazkena
year common eu Urtea
@ -949,6 +949,7 @@ use ctrl+v on your keyboard to paste the text into the window. tinymce nl Gebrui
user common nl Gebruiker
user accounts common nl Gebruikersaccounts
user groups common nl Gebruikersgroepen
user openinstance common nl Gebruik Openinstantie
username common nl Gebruikersnaam
users common nl gebruikers
users choice common nl Gebruikerskeuze
Reference in New Issue
Block a user