From a33363a884d473f7c273e684e8c2214faf31427c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: =?UTF-8?q?Oscar=20Manuel=20G=C3=B3mez=20Senovilla?= <> Date: Sun, 3 Jun 2007 18:01:21 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] Czech translation in #824 and extra pending language updates --- addressbook/setup/phpgw_cs.lang | 424 +++++++++------ admin/setup/phpgw_cs.lang | 599 ++++++++++++--------- admin/setup/phpgw_pl.lang | 9 +- calendar/setup/phpgw_cs.lang | 703 ++++++++++-------------- etemplate/setup/phpgw_cs.lang | 403 ++++++++++++++ filemanager/setup/phpgw_cs.lang | 148 ++--- home/setup/phpgw_cs.lang | 5 + infolog/setup/phpgw_cs.lang | 404 ++++++++------ phpgwapi/setup/phpgw_cs.lang | 925 +++++++++++++++++++------------- phpgwapi/setup/phpgw_pl.lang | 1 + phpgwapi/setup/phpgw_sk.lang | 4 +- preferences/setup/phpgw_cs.lang | 147 +++-- resources/setup/phpgw_cs.lang | 101 ++++ setup/lang/phpgw_cs.lang | 644 ++++++++++++++++++++++ timesheet/setup/phpgw_cs.lang | 66 ++- 15 files changed, 3014 insertions(+), 1569 deletions(-) create mode 100644 etemplate/setup/phpgw_cs.lang create mode 100644 home/setup/phpgw_cs.lang create mode 100644 resources/setup/phpgw_cs.lang create mode 100644 setup/lang/phpgw_cs.lang diff --git a/addressbook/setup/phpgw_cs.lang b/addressbook/setup/phpgw_cs.lang index dd845cda71..d9433d5dd8 100644 --- a/addressbook/setup/phpgw_cs.lang +++ b/addressbook/setup/phpgw_cs.lang @@ -1,204 +1,328 @@ +%1 added addressbook cs %1 p�id�no +%1 contact(s) %2 addressbook cs %1 kontakt(�) %2 +%1 contact(s) %2, %3 failed because of insufficent rights !!! addressbook cs %1 kontakt(�) %2, %3 selhal(o) z d�vodu nedostate�n�ch opr�vn�n� !!! +%1 fields in %2 other organisation member(s) changed addressbook cs %1 pol� u %2 ostatn�ch �len� organizace zm�n�no %1 records imported addressbook cs %1 z�znam� importov�no -%1 records read (not yet imported, you may go %2back%3 and uncheck test import) addressbook cs %1 z�znam� na�teno (pro import jd�te zp�t a od�krtn�te Test Import) -%1 records read (not yet imported, you may go back and uncheck test import) addressbook cs %1 z�znam� na�teno (prozat�m neimportov�no) -(e.g. 1969) addressbook cs nap�. 1969 -<b>no conversion type <none> could be located.</b> please choose a conversion type from the list addressbook cs <b>Konerzn� typ <none> nebyl lokalizov�n.</b> Vyberte, pros�m, konverzn� typ ze seznamu -@-eval() is only availible to admins!!! addressbook cs @-eval() je p��pustn� pouze pro administr�tory!!! -access not permitted addressbook cs p��stup nepovolen +%1 records read (not yet imported, you may go %2back%3 and uncheck test import) addressbook cs %1 z�znam� na�teno (zat�m nebyly importov�ny, m��ete se vr�tit %2zp�t%3 a od�krtnout Testovat Import) +%1 starts with '%2' addressbook cs %1 za��n� s '%2' +(e.g. 1969) addressbook cs (nap�. 1969) +<b>no conversion type <none> could be located.</b> please choose a conversion type from the list addressbook cs <b>��dn� konverzn� typ <none> nebyl nalezen.</b> Vyberte si pros�m konverzn� typ ze seznamu +@-eval() is only availible to admins!!! addressbook cs @-eval() je p��stupn� jen administr�tor�m!!! +account repository admin cs Datab�ze ��t� +accounts addressbook cs ��ty actions addressbook cs Akce -add a single entry by passing the fields. addressbook cs P�idat z�znam vypln�n�m �daj�. -add custom field addressbook cs P�idat u�ivatelskou polo�ku +add %1 addressbook cs P�idat %1 +add a contact to this organisation addressbook cs P�idat kontakt k t�to organizaci +add a new contact addressbook cs P�idat nov� kontakt +add a new list addressbook cs P�idat nov� seznam +add a single entry by passing the fields. addressbook cs P�idat z�znam vypln�n�m polo�ek. +add business email of whole distribution list? addressbook cs P�idat firemn� e-mail cel�ho distribu�n�ho seznamu? +add custom field addressbook cs P�idat u�ivatelsky definovanou polo�ku +add to distribution list: addressbook cs P�idat do distribu�n�ho seznamu: +added by synchronisation addressbook cs p�id�no synchronizac� +added to distribution list addressbook cs p�id�no do distribu�n�ho seznamu +additional information about using ldap as contact repository admin cs Dal�� informace k pou��v�n� LDAP jako datab�ze kontakt� address book common cs Adres�� address book - vcard in addressbook cs Adres�� - VCard v address book - view addressbook cs Adres�� - pohled -address line 2 addressbook cs Adresa ��dek 2 -address line 3 addressbook cs Adresa ��dek 3 +address line 2 addressbook cs Adresa - ��dek 2 address type addressbook cs Typ adresy addressbook common cs Adres�� -addressbook preferences addressbook cs Nastaven� adres��e -addressbook-fieldname addressbook cs Adres�� - jm�no pole -addvcard addressbook cs P�idat vizitku VCard -all addressbook cs V�e +addressbook csv export addressbook cs Export adres��e do CSV +addressbook menu addressbook cs Menu adres��e +addressbook preferences addressbook cs P�edvolby adres��e +addressbook the contact should be saved to addressbook cs Kontakty adres��e by m�ly b�t ulo�eny do +addressbook-fieldname addressbook cs Adres�� - n�zev polo�ky +addvcard addressbook cs P�idat VCard +advanced search addressbook cs Roz���en� hled�n� +all contacts addressbook cs V�echny kontakty +allow users to maintain their own account-data admin cs Povolit u�ivatel�m m�nit jejich vlastn� data alt. csv import addressbook cs Alternativn� import z CSV -april addressbook cs duben -are you sure you want to delete this field? addressbook cs Opravdu chcete smazat tuto polo�ku? -august addressbook cs srpen -bbs phone addressbook cs Tel. ��slo BBS +always addressbook cs v�dy +apply changes to all members, whose fields have the same previous content addressbook cs Aplikovat zm�ny na v�echny �leny, jejich� polo�ky maj� stejn� obsah +apply the action on the whole query, not only the shown contacts!!! addressbook cs Pou��t akci na cel� dotaz, nejen zobrazen� kontakty!!! +are you shure you want to delete this contact? addressbook cs Ur�it� chcete smazat tento kontakt? +are you sure you want to delete this field? addressbook cs Ur�it� chcete smazat tuto polo�ku? +assistent addressbook cs Asistent(ka) +assistent phone addressbook cs telefon asistenta(ky) birthday common cs Narozeniny birthdays common cs Narozeniny -blank addressbook cs Pr�zdn� -business common cs Pracovn� �daje -business address type addressbook cs Typ obchodn� adresy -business city addressbook cs M�sto -business country addressbook cs Zem� -business email addressbook cs Firemn� e-mail -business email type addressbook cs Typ firemn�ho e-mailu -business fax addressbook cs Fax -business phone addressbook cs Firemn� telefon -business state addressbook cs St�t -business street addressbook cs Ulice -business zip code addressbook cs PS� +blank addressbook cs Pr�zdn� +business common cs Firemn� +business address addressbook cs Firemn� adresa +business city addressbook cs Firma - m�sto +business country addressbook cs Firma - zem� +business email addressbook cs Firma - e-mail +business fax addressbook cs Firma - fax +business phone addressbook cs Firma - telefon +business state addressbook cs Firma - st�t +business street addressbook cs Firma - Ulice +business zip code addressbook cs Firma - PS� +calendar uri addressbook cs URI kalend��e +can be changed via setup >> configuration admin cs M��e b�t zm�n�no p�es Setup >> Konfigurace car phone addressbook cs Telefon do auta -category addressbook cs Kategorie -cell phone addressbook cs Mobil -charset of file addressbook cs K�dov�n� souboru +categories, notes, ... addressbook cs Kategorie, Pozn�mky, ... +cell phone addressbook cs Mobiln� telefon +change all organisation members addressbook cs zm�nit v�echny �leny organizace +charset for the csv export addressbook cs Znakov� sada pro export do CSV +charset of file addressbook cs Znakov� sada souboru +check all addressbook cs Ozna�it v�echny +choose an icon for this contact type admin cs Vybrat ikonu pro tento typ kontaktu +chosse an etemplate for this contact type admin cs Vybrat eTemplate pro tento typ kontaktu city common cs M�sto company common cs Spole�nost -company name common cs Jm�no spole�nosti +company name addressbook cs jm�no firmy configuration common cs Konfigurace contact common cs Kontakt contact application admin cs Kontakty -contact settings admin cs Nastaven� kontakt� -copied by %1, from record #%2. addressbook cs Ze z�znamu %2 zkop�roval %1 +contact copied addressbook cs Kontakt zkop�rov�n +contact deleted addressbook cs Kontakt smaz�n +contact id addressbook cs ID kontaktu +contact repository admin cs Datab�ze kontakt� +contact saved addressbook cs Kontakt ulo�en +contact settings admin cs Nastaven� kontaktu +contacts and account contact-data to ldap admin cs kontakty a kontaktn� data u�ivatelsk�ch ��t� do LDAP +contacts to ldap admin cs kontakty do LDAP +contacts to ldap, account contact-data to sql admin cs kontakty do LDAP, kontaktn� data u�ivatelsk�ch ��t� do SQL +contains addressbook cs obsahuje +copied by %1, from record #%2. addressbook cs Zkop�rov�no %1, ze z�znamu #%2. +copy a contact and edit the copy addressbook cs Kop�rovat kontakt a editovat kopii country common cs Zem� -created by addressbook cs Vytvo�il -csv-fieldname addressbook cs CVS - n�zev pole -csv-filename addressbook cs CVS - n�zev souboru -custom addressbook cs Vlastn� -custom fields addressbook cs Vlastn� polo�ky -debug output in browser addressbook cs Lad�c� v�stup v prohl��e�i -december addressbook cs prosinec -default filter addressbook cs Implicitn� filtr -delete addressbook cs Smazat -delete a single entry by passing the id. addressbook cs Smazat z�znam zad�n�m id. +create new links addressbook cs Vytvo�it nov� odkazy +created addressbook cs Vytvo�eno +credit addressbook cs Platebn� lh�ta +csv-fieldname addressbook cs N�zev CSV pole +csv-filename addressbook cs Jm�no CSV souboru +custom addressbook cs U�ivatelsky definovan� +custom fields addressbook cs U�ivatelsky definovan� pole +debug output in browser addressbook cs Debugovac� v�stup v prohl��e�i +default address format addressbook cs V�choz� form�t adresy +default addressbook for adding contacts addressbook cs V�choz� adres�� pro p�id�v�n� kontakt� +default filter addressbook cs V�choz� filtr +delete a single entry by passing the id. addressbook cs Vymazat z�znam vlo�en�m ID. +delete selected distribution list! addressbook cs Smazat vybran� distribu�n� seznam! +delete this contact addressbook cs Smazat kontakt +delete this organisation including all its contacts addressbook cs Vymazat tuto organizaci v�etn� V�ECH jej�ch kontakt�. +deleted addressbook cs smaz�no +deletes the photo addressbook cs Ma�e fotografii department common cs Odd�len� +departments addressbook cs odd�len� +displays a remider for birthdays on the startpage (page you get when you enter egroupware or click on the homepage icon). addressbook cs Zobrazuje p�ipom�nku narozenin na �vodn� stran� (str�nka, na kterou se dostanete kdy� se p�ihl�s�te do eGroupWare a kliknete na ikonu Hlavn� strana). +distribution list deleted addressbook cs Distribu�n� seznam smaz�n +distribution lists addressbook cs Distribu�n� seznamy +do you want a private addressbook, which can not be viewed by users, you grant access to your personal addressbook? addressbook cs Chcete vytvo�it soukrom� adres��, kam nebudou m�t p��stup ani u�ivatel�, kter�m d�te p��stup do Va�eho osobn�ho adres��e? +do your really want to delete this contact? addressbook cs Opravdu chcete smazat tento kontakt? +doesn't matter addressbook cs nez�le�� na tom domestic addressbook cs Vnitrost�tn� -download addressbook cs Download -download export file (uncheck to debug output in browser) addressbook cs St�hnout exportovan� soubor (Neza�krt�vejte ladic� v�stup v prohl��e�i) -e-mail addressbook cs E-Mail -edit addressbook cs Opravit -edit custom field addressbook cs Opravit vlastn� polo�ku -edit custom fields admin cs Opravit vlastn� polo�ky +don't hide empty columns addressbook cs Neschov�vat pr�zdn� sloupce +download addressbook cs St�hnout +download export file (uncheck to debug output in browser) addressbook cs St�hnout exportn� soubor (Od�krtn�te debugovac� v�stup v prohl��e�i) +download this contact as vcard file addressbook cs st�hnout kontakt jako vCard soubor +edit custom field addressbook cs Editovat u�ivatelsky definovanou polo�ku +edit custom fields admin cs Editovat u�ivatelsky definovan� polo�ky +edit extra account-data in the addressbook admin cs Editovat specifick� �daje u�ivatelsk�ch ��t� v adres��i +edit phonenumbers - addressbook cs Editovat telefonn� ��sla - +email & internet addressbook cs E-mail & Internet empty for all addressbook cs pr�zdn� pro v�echny -enter the path to the exported file here addressbook cs Zadejte cestu k exportovan�mu souboru -export contacts addressbook cs Export kontakt� -export file name addressbook cs N�zev souboru pro export +enable an extra private addressbook addressbook cs Povolit dodate�n� priv�tn� adres�� +enter the path to the exported file here addressbook cs Zde vypl�te cestu pro exportovan� soubor +error deleting the contact !!! addressbook cs Chyba p�i maz�n� kontaktu +error saving the contact !!! addressbook cs Chyba p�i ukl�d�n� kontaktu +existing links addressbook cs St�vaj�c� odkazy +export addressbook cs export +export as csv addressbook cs Exportovat jako CSV +export as vcard addressbook cs Exportovat jako VCard +export contacts addressbook cs Exportovat kontakty +export file name addressbook cs N�zev soubor pro export export from addressbook addressbook cs Export z adres��e +export selection addressbook cs V�b�r exportu +exported addressbook cs exportov�n +exports contacts from your addressbook into a csv file. csv means 'comma seperated values'. however in the options tab you can also choose other seperators. addressbook cs Exportuje kontakty z Va�eho adres��e do CSV souboru. CSV znamen� 'hodnoty odd�len� ��rkou'. Nicm�n� v z�lo�ce voleb si m��ete zvolit jin� odd�lova�e. extra addressbook cs Extra +failed to change %1 organisation member(s) (insufficent rights) !!! addressbook cs nepoda�ilo se zm�nit %1 �len� organizace (nedostate�n� pr�va) !!! fax addressbook cs Fax -fax number common cs ��slo faxu -february addressbook cs �nor -field %1 has been added ! addressbook cs Polo�ka %1 byla p�id�na ! -field %1 has been updated ! addressbook cs Polo�ka %1 byla aktualizov�na ! -field name addressbook cs Jm�no polo�ky -fields addressbook cs Polo�ky -fields to show in address list addressbook cs Zobrazovan� polo�ky v seznamu adres -fieldseparator addressbook cs Odd�lova� pol� -first name addressbook cs Jm�no +fax number common cs Faxov� ��slo +field %1 has been added ! addressbook cs Polo�ka %1 byla p�id�na. +field %1 has been updated ! addressbook cs Polo�ka %1 byla zaktualizov�na. +field name addressbook cs N�zev polo�ky +fields for the csv export addressbook cs Polo�ky k exportu do CSV +fields the user is allowed to edit himself admin cs Polo�ky, kter� si sm� editovat sami u�ivatel� +fields to show in address list addressbook cs Polo�ky, kter� se zobrazuj� v seznamu adres +fieldseparator addressbook cs Odd�lova� polo�ek +for read only ldap admin cs LDAP jen pro �ten� +freebusy uri addressbook cs Voln� / zanepr�zdn�n URI full name addressbook cs Cel� jm�no -geo addressbook cs GEO +general addressbook cs Obecn� +geo addressbook cs Geografick� um�st�n� global categories addressbook cs Glob�ln� kategorie -grant addressbook access common cs Delegovat pr�va pro p��stup k adres��i -home address type addressbook cs Typ soukrom� adresy -home city addressbook cs M�sto -home country addressbook cs Zem� -home email addressbook cs Soukrom� e-mail -home email type addressbook cs Typ soukrom�ho e-mailu -home phone addressbook cs Telefon - dom� -home state addressbook cs St�t -home street addressbook cs Ulice -home zip code addressbook cs PS� -import addressbook cs Import -import contacts addressbook cs Import kontakt� -import csv-file into addressbook addressbook cs Import CVS souboru do adres��e -import file addressbook cs Import souboru +grant addressbook access common cs P�id�lit p��stup k adres��i +group %1 addressbook cs Skupina %1 +hide accounts from addressbook addressbook cs Nezobrazovat ��ty v adres��i +hides accounts completly from the adressbook. addressbook cs Kompletn� skryje ��ty p�ed adres��em. +home address addressbook cs Dom�c� adresa +home address, birthday, ... addressbook cs Dom�c� adresa, narozeniny, ... +home city addressbook cs Domov - m�sto +home country addressbook cs Domov - zem� +home email addressbook cs Domov - e-mail +home phone addressbook cs Domov - telefon +home state addressbook cs Domov - st�t +home street addressbook cs Domov - ulice +home zip code addressbook cs Domov - PS� +how many contacts should non-admins be able to export (empty = no limit) admin cs Kolik kontakt� mohou exportovat u�ivatel� bez administr�torsk�ch pr�v (pr�zdn� = bez omezen�) +icon addressbook cs Ikona +if accounts are already in ldap admin cs pokud jsou ��ty ji� v LDAP +import addressbook cs Importovat +import contacts addressbook cs Importovat kontakty +import csv-file into addressbook addressbook cs Importovat soubor CSV do adres��e +import file addressbook cs Importovat soubor import from addressbook cs Importovat z -import from ldif, csv, or vcard addressbook cs Import z LDIF, CSV nebo VCard -import from outlook addressbook cs Import z Outlooku -import multiple vcard addressbook cs Importovat n�kolik VCard -import next set addressbook cs Importovat dal�� sadu -import_instructions addressbook cs Otev�ete adres�� v Netscape a vyberte <b>Export</b> z menu <b>Soubor</b>. Vyexportovan� soubor bude ve form�tu LDIF.<p>Pop�. v Outlooku vyberte slo�ku Kontakty, zvolte <b>Import a Export...</b> z menu <b>Soubor</b>.<p>P��padn� v Palm Desktopu 4.0 nebo vy���m otev�ete v� adres�� a vyberte <b>Export</b> z menu <b>File</b>. Vyexportovan� soubor bude ve form�tu VCard. +import from ldif, csv, or vcard addressbook cs Importovat z LDIFu, CSV nebo VCard +import from outlook addressbook cs Importovat z Outlooku +import multiple vcard addressbook cs Importovat v�ce VCard +import next set addressbook cs Importovat n�sleduj�c� sadu +import_instructions addressbook cs V prohl��e�i Netscape otev�ete Adres�� a vyberte <b>Exportovat</b> z menu <b>Soubor</b>. Exportovan� soubor bude ve form�tu LDIF.<p>Nebo v Outlooku vyberte slo�ku s Kontakty, zvolte <b>Import a export</b> z menu <b>Start</b> a vyexportujte sv� kontakty do souboru typu CSV (text odd�len� ��rkami).<p>Nebo v Palm Desktopu 4.0 a vy���m vyberte <b>Export</b> z menu <b>File</b>. Exportovan� soubor bude ve form�tu VCard. +in %1 days (%2) is %3's birthday. addressbook cs Za %1 dn� (%2) m� %3 narozeniny. +income addressbook cs Hospod��sk� v�sledek +insufficent rights to delete this list! addressbook cs Nem�te dostate�n� opr�vn�n� ke smaz�n� seznamu! international addressbook cs Mezin�rodn� -isdn phone addressbook cs ISDN ��slo -january addressbook cs leden -july addressbook cs �ervenec -june addressbook cs �erven label addressbook cs Jmenovka -last name addressbook cs P��jmen� -ldap context for contacts admin cs LDAP kontext kontakt� -ldap host for contacts admin cs LDAP hostitel kontakt� -ldap root dn for contacts admin cs LDAP ko�enov� dn kontakt� -ldap root pw for contacts admin cs LDAP ko�enov� pw kontakt� +last modified addressbook cs naposledy zm�n�no +last modified by addressbook cs naposledy zm�nil(a) +ldap context for contacts admin cs LDAP kontext pro kontakty +ldap host for contacts admin cs LDAP server pro kontakty +ldap settings for contacts admin cs nastaven� LDAP pro kontakty ldif addressbook cs LDIF line 2 addressbook cs ��dek 2 -list all categories addressbook cs P�ehled v�ech kategori� -list all customfields addressbook cs P�ehled v�ech u�ivatelsk�ch polo�ek +link title for contacts show addressbook cs Odkazovat nadpis pro zobrazen� kontakt� +links addressbook cs Odkazy +list all categories addressbook cs Vypsat v�echny kategorie +list all customfields addressbook cs Vypsat v�echny u�ivatelsky definovan� polo�ky +list already exists! addressbook cs Seznam u� existuje! +list created addressbook cs Seznam vytvo�en +list creation failed, no rights! addressbook cs Vytvo�en� seznamu selhalo, nedostate�n� pr�va! load vcard addressbook cs Nahr�t VCard -march addressbook cs b�ezen +locations addressbook cs um�st�n� mark records as private addressbook cs Ozna�it z�znamy jako soukrom� -may addressbook cs kv�ten +merge into first or account, deletes all other! addressbook cs Slou�en� do prvn�ho nebo do ��tu, sma�e v�echny ostatn�! +merged addressbook cs slou�eno message phone addressbook cs Telefon pro zpr�vy middle name addressbook cs Prost�edn� jm�no -mobile addressbook cs Mobil +migration finished addressbook cs Migrace ukon�ena +migration to ldap admin cs Migrace do LDAP +mobile addressbook cs Mobiln� mobile phone addressbook cs Mobiln� telefon -modem phone addressbook cs ��slo modemu +modem phone addressbook cs Telefon modemu +more ... addressbook cs V�ce ... +move to addressbook: addressbook cs P�esunout do adres��e: +moved addressbook cs p�esunuto multiple vcard addressbook cs V�ce VCard -name addressbook cs Jm�no -no addressbook cs Ne -no vcard addressbook cs ��dn� vizitka -none addressbook cs ��dn� -notes addressbook cs Pozn�mky -november addressbook cs listopad -number of records to read (%1) addressbook cs Po�et z�znam� ke �ten� (%1) -october addressbook cs ��jen -ok addressbook cs OK +name for the distribution list addressbook cs N�zev distribu�n�ho seznamu +name, address addressbook cs Jm�no, adresa +no vcard addressbook cs ��dn� VCard +number addressbook cs �islo +number of records to read (%1) addressbook cs Po�et z�znam� k na�ten� (%1) +options for type admin cs Volby pro typ +organisation addressbook cs Organizace +organisations addressbook cs Organizace +organisations by departments addressbook cs Organizace dle odd�len� +organisations by location addressbook cs Organizace dle um�st�n� other number addressbook cs Jin� ��slo other phone addressbook cs Jin� telefon +own sorting addressbook cs vlastn� t��d�n� pager common cs Pager -parcel addressbook cs Po�t. z�silka +parcel addressbook cs Pozemek +permission denied !!! addressbook cs P��stup zablokov�n!!! phone number common cs Telefonn� ��slo phone numbers common cs Telefonn� ��sla -please enter a name for that field ! addressbook cs Zadejte pros�m jm�no pro tuto polo�ku ! -please select addressbook cs Vyberte pros�m -please set your preferences for this app addressbook cs Upravte si pros�m volby pro tuto aplikaci -please set your preferences for this application addressbook cs Upravte si pros�m volby pro tuto aplikaci -postal common cs Koresponden�n� -pref addressbook cs p�edv. -prefix addressbook cs Titul -private addressbook cs Soukrom� -public addressbook cs ve�ejn� +photo addressbook cs Fotografie +please enter a name for that field ! addressbook cs Zadejte pros�m n�zev pro tuto polo�ku! +please select only one category addressbook cs Vyberte pros�m jen jednu kategorii +postal common cs PS� +pref addressbook cs preferovan� +preferred phone addressbook cs preferovan� telefon +prefix addressbook cs Titul/Osloven� public key addressbook cs Ve�ejn� kl�� -read a list / search for entries. addressbook cs Na��st seznam / hledat polo�ky. -read a list of entries. addressbook cs Na��st seznam polo�ek. -read a single entry by passing the id and fieldlist. addressbook cs Na�ti z�znam p�ed�n�m id a seznamu polo�ek. -read this list of methods. addressbook cs Na�ti tento seznam metod. +publish into groups: addressbook cs Zve�ejnit ve skupin�ch: +read a list / search for entries. addressbook cs Na��st seznam / vyhledat z�znamy. +read a list of entries. addressbook cs Na��st seznam z�znam�. +read a single entry by passing the id and fieldlist. addressbook cs Na��st z�znam zad�n�m id a seznamu polo�ek. +read only addressbook cs jen ke �ten� record access addressbook cs P��stup k z�znamu record owner addressbook cs Vlastn�k z�znamu -retrieve contacts admin cs na��st kontakty -select all addressbook cs Ozna�it v�e +remove selected contacts from distribution list addressbook cs Odstranit vybran� kontakty z distribu�n�ho seznamu +removed from distribution list addressbook cs odstran�no z distribu�n�ho seznamu +role addressbook cs Role +room addressbook cs M�stnost +search for '%1' addressbook cs Hledat '%1' +select a portrait format jpeg photo. it will be resized to 60 pixel width. addressbook cs Vyberte portr�t ve form�tu jpeg. Bude upraven na ���ku 60 pixel�. +select a view addressbook cs Vybrat pohled +select addressbook type addressbook cs Vybrat typ adres��e +select all addressbook cs Vybrat v�e +select an action or addressbook to move to addressbook cs Vybrat akci nebo adres�� kam se p�esunout +select migration type admin cs Vybrat typ migrace +select multiple contacts for a further action addressbook cs Vybrat v�ce kontakt� pro dal�� akci +select phone number as prefered way of contact addressbook cs vybrat telefonn� ��slo jako preferovan� zp�sob kontaktu select the type of conversion addressbook cs Vybrat typ konverze select the type of conversion: addressbook cs Vybrat typ konverze: -select where you want to store admin cs Vyberte m�sto pro ulo�en� -september addressbook cs z��� +select where you want to store / retrieve contacts admin cs Vybrat �lo�i�t� kontakt� +selected contacts addressbook cs vybran� kontakty +should the columns photo and home address always be displayed, even if they are empty. addressbook cs Maj� b�t sloupce fotografie a domovsk� adresa v�dy zobrazeny i kdy� jsou pr�zdn� show addressbook cs Zobrazit -show birthday reminders on main screen addressbook cs P�ipom�nat narozeniny na hlavn� stran� -startrecord addressbook cs Po��te�n� z�znam +show birthday reminders on main screen addressbook cs Zobrazit upom�nky na narozeniny na hlavn� obrazovce +show infolog entries for this organisation addressbook cs Zobrazit z�znamy InfoLogu pro tuto organizaci +show the contacts of this organisation addressbook cs Zobrazit kontakty t�to organizace +size of popup (wxh, eg.400x300, if a popup should be used) admin cs Velikost p�ekr�vac�ho okna (�xV, nap�. 400x300, pokud m� b�t p�ekr�vac� okno pou��v�no) +start admin cs Start +startrecord addressbook cs Prvn� z�znam state common cs St�t street common cs Ulice -submit addressbook cs Odeslat -successfully imported %1 records into your addressbook. addressbook cs �sp�n� importov�no %1 z�znam� do adres��e. -suffix addressbook cs P��pona -test import (show importable records <u>only</u> in browser) addressbook cs Test importu (zobraz� importovateln� z�znamy <u>pouze</u> v prohl��e�i) -that field name has been used already ! addressbook cs Takov� n�zev polo�ky u� existuje ! -this person's first name was not in the address book. addressbook cs Toto jm�no nebylo nalezeno v adres��i. -this person's last name was not in the address book. addressbook cs Toto p��jmen� nebylo nalezeno v adres��i. -to many might exceed your execution-time-limit addressbook cs m��e p�es�hnout v� �asov� limit pro spu�t�n� +successfully imported %1 records into your addressbook. addressbook cs �sp�n� importov�no %1 zaznam� do Va�eho adres��e. +suffix addressbook cs Za p��jmen�m +tel home addressbook cs telefon dom� +telephony integration admin cs Integrace telefonie +test import (show importable records <u>only</u> in browser) addressbook cs Testovat import (zobrazit importovateln� z�znamy <u>jen</u> v prohl��e�i) +that field name has been used already ! addressbook cs Tento n�zev polo�ky je ji� pou��v�n ! +this person's first name was not in the address book. addressbook cs K�estn� jm�no t�to osoby nebylo v adres��i. +this person's last name was not in the address book. addressbook cs P��jmen� t�to osoby nebylo v adres��i. +timezone addressbook cs �asov� z�na +to many might exceed your execution-time-limit addressbook cs p��li� mnoho m��e p�ekro�it nastaven� �asov� limit spu�t�n� today is %1's birthday! common cs Dnes m� narozeniny %1! -tomorrow is %1's birthday. common cs Z�tra m� narozeniny %1. +tomorrow is %1's birthday. common cs Z�tra m� narozeniny %1! translation addressbook cs P�eklad -update a single entry by passing the fields. addressbook cs Zm�nit z�znam p�ed�n�m polo�ek. +type addressbook cs Typ +update a single entry by passing the fields. addressbook cs Aktualizovat z�znam vypln�n�m polo�ek. +upload or delete the photo addressbook cs Upload nebo smaz�n� fotografie +url to link telephone numbers to (use %1 = number to call, %u = account name, %t = account phone) admin cs URL na kter� m� telefonn� ��slo odkazovat (pou�ijte %1 = vyt��en� telefonn� ��slo, %u = n�zev ��tu, %t = telefon ��tu) +use an extra category tab? addressbook cs Pou��t extra zalo�ku pro kategorii? use country list addressbook cs Pou��t seznam zem� -vcard common cs Vizitka VCard -vcards require a first name entry. addressbook cs Vizitky pot�ebuj� vlo�en� k�estn� jm�no. -vcards require a last name entry. addressbook cs Vizitky pot�ebuj� vlo�en� p��jmen�. -video phone addressbook cs Video telefon -voice phone addressbook cs Telefon -warning!! ldap is valid only if you are not using contacts for accounts storage! admin cs VAROV�N�!! LDAP nejde pou��t, pokud pou��v�te kontakty pro uchov�n� u�ivatelsk�ch ��t�! +use setup for a full account-migration admin cs pro kompletn� migraci ��t� pou�ijte setup +used for links and for the own sorting of the list addressbook cs pou�ito pro odkazy a vlastn� t��d�n� seznamu +vcard common cs VCard +vcards require a first name entry. addressbook cs VCard vy�aduje k�estn� jm�no v z�znamu +vcards require a last name entry. addressbook cs VCard vy�aduje p��jmen� v z�znamu +view linked infolog entries addressbook cs Zobrazit odkazovan� z�znamy v InfoLogu +warning!! ldap is valid only if you are not using contacts for accounts storage! admin cs POZOR!! LDAP je pou�iteln� jen v p��pad�, �e NEpou��v�te kontakty pro ukl�d�n� u�ivatelsk�ch ��t�! +warning: all contacts found will be deleted! addressbook cs POZOR: V�echny kontakty budou smaz�ny! +what should links to the addressbook display in other applications. empty values will be left out. you need to log in anew, if you change this setting! addressbook cs Co maj� odkazy na adres�� zobrazovat v ostatn�ch aplikac�ch. Pr�zdn� hodnoty budou vynech�ny. Pokud zm�n�te toto nastaven�, mus�te se znovu p�ihl�sit! +which address format should the addressbook use for countries it does not know the address format. if the address format of a country is known, it uses it independent of this setting. addressbook cs Jak� form�t adres m� adres�� pou��vat u zem�, jejich� adresn� form�t nezn�. Pokud je form�t zn�m, je pou�it bez ohledu na toto nastaven�. +which addressbook should be selected when adding a contact and you have no add rights to the current addressbook. addressbook cs Kter� adres�� m� b�t vybr�n v p��pad�, �e p�id�v�te kontakt a pro aktu�ln� adres�� nem�te dostate�n� pr�va. +which charset should be used for the csv export. the system default is the charset of this egroupware installation. addressbook cs Ketr� znakov� sada m� b�t pou�ita pro CSV export? V�choz� znakovou sadou je znakov� sada pou�it� pro instalaci eGroupWare. +which fields should be exported. all means every field stored in the addressbook incl. the custom fields. the business or home address only contains name, company and the selected address. addressbook cs Kter� polo�ky budou exportov�ny. V�echny znamen� ka�dou polo�ku v�etn� u�ivatelsky definovan�ch. Firemn� nebo dom�c� obsahuje jen jm�no, firmu a vybranou adresu. +whole query addressbook cs cel� dotaz work phone addressbook cs Pracovn� telefon -write (update or add) a single entry by passing the fields. addressbook cs Zapsat (zm�nit nebo p�idat) z�znam p�ed�n�m polo�ek. -yes addressbook cs Ano -you appear to be running addressbook cs Pou��v�te -you must select a vcard. (*.vcf) addressbook cs Mus�te vybrat VCard (*.vcf) -you must select at least 1 column to display addressbook cs Mus�te vybrat alespo� 1 sloupec k zobrazen�. +write (update or add) a single entry by passing the fields. addressbook cs Zapsat (aktualizovat nebo p�idat) z�znam vypln�n�m polo�ek. +yes, for the next three days addressbook cs Ano, po n�sleduj�c� t�i m�s�ce +yes, for the next two weeks addressbook cs Ano, po n�sleduj�c� dva t�dny +yes, for the next week addressbook cs Ano, po n�sleduj�c� t�den +yes, for today and tomorrow addressbook cs Ano, po dne�n� a z�t�ej�� den +you are not permitted to delete contact %1 addressbook cs Nem�te opr�vn�n� ke smaz�n� kontaktu %1 +you are not permittet to delete this contact addressbook cs Nem�te opr�vn�n� ke smaz�n� tohoto kontaktu +you are not permittet to edit this contact addressbook cs Nem�te opr�vn�n� k editaci tohoto kontaktu +you are not permittet to view this contact addressbook cs nem�te opr�vn�n� k prohl��en� tohoto kontaktu +you can only use ldap as contact repository if the accounts are stored in ldap too! admin cs LDAP m��ete pou��vat jako datab�zi kontakt� jen v p��pad�, �e m�te v LDAP ulo�eny tak� u�ivatelsk� ��ty! +you must select a vcard. (*.vcf) addressbook cs Mus�te vybrat vCard. (*.vcf) +you must select at least 1 column to display addressbook cs Mus�te vybrat nejm�n� jeden sloupec k zobrazen� +you need to select a distribution list addressbook cs Mus�te vybrat distribu�n� seznam +you need to select some contacts first addressbook cs Nejprve mus�te vybrat n�jak� kontakty zip code common cs PS� -zip_note addressbook cs <b>Pozn�mka:</b> Soubor je mo�n� zip r�zn�ch typ� .csv, .vcf, or .ldif soubor�. Nemixujte typy soubor� v jednom importu. +zip_note addressbook cs <p><b>Pozn�mka:</b>Soubor m��e b�t zip archiv .csv, .vcf nebo .ldif soubor�. Nesm�te v�ak kombinovat r�zn� typy soubor� b�hem jednoho importu. diff --git a/admin/setup/phpgw_cs.lang b/admin/setup/phpgw_cs.lang index 2847705fe5..11dceb4f70 100644 --- a/admin/setup/phpgw_cs.lang +++ b/admin/setup/phpgw_cs.lang @@ -1,362 +1,449 @@ %1 - %2 of %3 user accounts admin cs %1 - %2 z %3 u�ivatelsk�ch ��t� -%1 - %2 of %3 user groups admin cs %1 - %2 z %3 skupin u�ivatel� -%1 not found or not executable !!! admin cs %1 nenalezena nebo nen� spustiteln� !!! -(stored password will not be shown here) admin cs (Ulo�en� heslo zde nebude zobrazeno) -(to install new applications use<br><a href="setup/" target="setup">setup</a> [manage applications] !!!) admin cs (Nov� aplikace lze nainstalovat pou�it�m <br><a href="setup/" target="setup">Setup</a> [Manage Applications] !!!) -accesslog and bruteforce defense admin cs AccessLog a ochrana p�ed �tokem silou -account active admin cs U�ivatelsk� ��et je aktivn� -account has been created common cs U�ivatelsk� ��et byl vytvo�en -account has been deleted common cs U�ivatelsk� ��et byl smaz�n -account has been updated common cs U�ivatelsk� ��et byl updatov�n -account list admin cs Seznam u�ivatelsk�ch ��t� -account permissions admin cs Opr�vn�n� u�ivatelsk�ho ��tu -account preferences admin cs P�edvolby u�ivatelsk�ho ��tu +%1 - %2 of %3 user groups admin cs %1 - %2 z %3 u�ivatelsk�ch skupin +%1 acl records of not (longer) existing accounts deleted. admin cs %1 ACL z�znam� pro ji� neexistuj�c� ��ty bylo smaz�no. +%1 not found or not executable !!! admin cs %1 nebyl nalezen nebo nen� spustiteln� !!! +(default no, leave it off if you dont use it) admin cs (obvykle Ne, ponechte pr�zdn�, pokud nepou��v�te) +(stored password will not be shown here) admin cs (Ulo�en� hesla zde nebudou zobrazena) +(to install new applications use<br><a href="setup/" target="setup">setup</a> [manage applications] !!!) admin cs (Pro instalaci nov�ch aplikac� pou�ijte<br><a href="setup/" target="setup">Setup</a> [Spravovat aplikace] !!!) +- type admin cs - typ +accesslog and bruteforce defense admin cs P��stupov� protokol a obrana proti �toku hrubou silou +account active admin cs ��et aktivn� +account has been created common cs ��et byl vytvo�en +account has been deleted common cs ��et byl smaz�n +account has been updated common cs ��et byl aktualizov�n +account list admin cs Seznam ��t� +account permissions admin cs Pr�va ��tu +account preferences admin cs P�edvolby ��tu acl manager admin cs Spr�vce ACL -acl rights common cs ACL opr�vn�n� +acl rights common cs ACL pr�va action admin cs Akce -activate wsiwyg-editor admin cs aktivovat WISIWYG editor activate wysiwyg-editor admin cs aktivovat WYSIWYG editor add a category admin cs p�idat kategorii add a group admin cs p�idat skupinu -add a new account. admin cs P�idat nov� ��et. +add a new account. admin cs P�idat nov� ��et add a subcategory admin cs p�idat podkategorii add a user admin cs p�idat u�ivatele -add account admin cs P�idat u�ivatelsk� ��et +add account admin cs P�idat ��et add application admin cs P�idat aplikaci -add auto-created users to this group ('default' will be attempted if this is empty.) admin cs P�idat automaticky vytvo�en� u�ivatele do t�to skupiny (Pokud z�stane nevypln�no, 'Implicitn�' se syst�m o to pokus�.) +add auto-created users to this group ('default' will be attempted if this is empty.) admin cs P�idat automaticky vytvo�en� u�ivatele do t�to skupiny (ponech�te-li pr�zdn�, pou�ije se 'V�choz�') add global category admin cs P�idat glob�ln� kategorii add global category for %1 admin cs P�idat glob�ln� kategorii pro %1 add group admin cs P�idat skupinu add new account admin cs P�idat nov� ��et add new application admin cs P�idat novou aplikaci -add peer server admin cs P�idat Peer Server +add peer server admin cs P�idat peer server add sub-category admin cs P�idat podkategorii admin email admin cs E-mail administr�tora -admin email addresses (comma-separated) to be notified about the blocking (empty for no notify) admin cs E-mailov� adresy administr�tor� (odd�len� ��rkou), na kter� m� b�t odesl�na informace o zablokov�n� u�ivatel� (pr�zdn� pro neodes�l�n�) +admin email addresses (comma-separated) to be notified about the blocking (empty for no notify) admin cs E-mailov� adresy spr�vce (odd�len� ��rkou) pro zas�l�n� upozorn�n� o blokov�n� (ponechte pr�zdn� pokud nechcete upozorn�n� odes�lat) admin name admin cs Jm�no administr�tora administration admin cs Administrace admins admin cs Administr�to�i -after how many unsuccessful attempts to login, an account should be blocked (default 3) ? admin cs Po kolika ne�sp�n�ch pokusech se m� u�ivatelsk� ��et zablokovat (implicitn� 3) ? -after how many unsuccessful attempts to login, an ip should be blocked (default 3) ? admin cs Po kolika ne�sp�n�ch pokusech se m� IP adresa zablokovat (implicitn� 3) ? -all records and account information will be lost! admin cs V�echny z�znamy a u�ivatelsk� ��ty budou ztraceny !!! +advanced options admin cs roz���en� volby +after how many unsuccessful attempts to login, an account should be blocked (default 3) ? admin cs Po kolika ne�sp�n�ch pokusech o p�ihl�en� m� b�t ��et zablokov�n (v�choz� 3)? +after how many unsuccessful attempts to login, an ip should be blocked (default 3) ? admin cs Po kolika ne�sp�n�ch pokusech o p�ihl�en� m� b�t IP zablokov�na (v�choz� 3)? +aliases admin cs Aliasy +all records and account information will be lost! admin cs V�echny z�znamy a informace o ��tu budou ztraceny! all users admin cs V�ichni u�ivatel� -allow anonymous access to this app admin cs Povolit anonymn�m u�ivatel�m p��stup k t�to aplikaci +allow anonymous access to this app admin cs Povolit anonymn� p��stup k t�to aplikaci +alternate email address admin cs alternativn� e-mailov� adresa anonymous user admin cs Anonymn� u�ivatel -anonymous user (not shown in list sessions) admin cs Anonymn� u�ivatel (nezobrazen� na seznamu sezen�) +anonymous user (not shown in list sessions) admin cs Anonymn� u�ivatel (nezobrazuje se v seznamu relac�) +anonymous user does not exist! admin cs Anonymn� u�ivatel NEexistuje! +anonymous user has no run-rights for the application! admin cs Anonymn� u�ivatel NEM� opr�vn�n� ke spu�t�n� aplikace! appearance admin cs Vzhled application admin cs Aplikace -application name admin cs Jm�no aplikace -application title admin cs Titulek aplikace +application name admin cs N�zev aplikace +application title admin cs N�zev aplikace applications admin cs Aplikace applications list admin cs Seznam aplikac� -apply admin cs pou��t +applies the changes admin cs pou�ije zm�ny are you sure you want to delete the application %1 ? admin cs Ur�it� chcete smazat aplikaci %1 ? -are you sure you want to delete this account ? admin cs Ur�it� chcete smazat tento u�ivatelsk� ��et ? +are you sure you want to delete this account ? admin cs Ur�it� chcete smazat tento ��et ? are you sure you want to delete this application ? admin cs Ur�it� chcete smazat tuto aplikaci ? -are you sure you want to delete this category ? common cs Jste si jist(a), �e chcete zru�it tuto kategorii? +are you sure you want to delete this category ? common cs Ur�it� chcete smazat tuto kategorii ? are you sure you want to delete this global category ? admin cs Ur�it� chcete smazat tuto glob�ln� kategorii ? are you sure you want to delete this group ? admin cs Ur�it� chcete smazat tuto skupinu ? -are you sure you want to delete this server? admin cs Ur�it� chcete smazat tento server ? -are you sure you want to kill this session ? admin cs Ur�it� chcete zru�it toto sezen� ? -async services last executed admin cs Naposledy spu�t�n� asynchronn� slu�by -asynchronous timed services admin cs Asynchronn� na�asovan� slu�by -asyncservices not yet installed or other error (%1) !!! admin cs asynchronn� slu�by nebyly je�t� nainstalov�ny nebo jin� chyba (%1) !!! -attempt to use correct mimetype for ftp instead of default 'application/octet-stream' admin cs Zkuste pou��t spr�vn� MIME Type pro FTP nam�sto implicitn�ho 'application/octet-stream' -authentication / accounts admin cs Autentizace / ��ty -auto create account records for authenticated users admin cs Automaticky zalo�it ��ty pro autentizovan� u�ivatele +are you sure you want to delete this server? admin cs Ur�it� chcete smazat tento server? +are you sure you want to kill this session ? admin cs Ur�it� chcete ukon�it tuto relaci ? +async services last executed admin cs Asynchronn� slu�by naposledy spu�t�ny +asynchronous timed services admin cs Asynchornn� �asovan� slu�by +asyncservices not yet installed or other error (%1) !!! admin cs asynchronn� slu�by nebyly dosud nainstalov�ny nebo jin� chyba (%1) !!! +attempt to use correct mimetype for ftp instead of default 'application/octet-stream' admin cs Pokuste se pou��t spr�vn� MIME typ pro FTP m�sto v�choz�ho 'application/octet-stream' +attribute accountstatus explained admin cs Toto pracuje s atributem <b><i>-accountStatus-</i></b> z QMAIL schematu. +attribute mail explained admin cs Toto pracuje s atributem <b><i>-mail-</i></b> z QMAIL schematu a nikdy by nem�lo b�t pr�zdn�. Je tak� intern�m e-mailov�m polem eGroupWaru. +attribute mailalternateaddress explained admin cs Toto pracuje s atributem <b><i>-mailAlternateAddress-</i></b> z QMAIL schematu a m��e b�t pou�ito jako virtu�ln� mapov�n� nebo aliasy. +attribute mailforwardingaddress explained admin cs Toto pracuje s atributem <b><i>-mailForwardingAddress-</i></b> z QMAIL schematu a pokud je nastaven�, nesm� b�t pr�zdn�. +authentication / accounts admin cs Autentikace / ��ty +auto create account records for authenticated users admin cs Automaticky vytvo�it z�znamy pro autentikovan� u�ivatele back to the list admin cs zp�t na seznam -bi-dir passthrough admin cs obousm�rn� pr�chod -bi-directional admin cs obousm�rn� -bottom admin cs spodn� ��st -calculate next run admin cs Spo��tat dal�� spu�t�n� -can change password admin cs M��e zm�nit -cancel testjob! admin cs Stornovat testovac� �kol +bi-dir passthrough admin cs pr�choz� v obou sm�rech +bi-directional admin cs obousm�rn� +bottom admin cs Doln� okraj +calculate next run admin cs Vypo��tat dal�� spu�t�n� +can change password admin cs M��e zm�nit heslo +cancel testjob! admin cs Uko�it testovac� �lohu categories list admin cs Seznam kategori� category %1 has been saved ! admin cs Kategorie %1 byla ulo�ena ! -category list admin cs Seznam kategori� -change acl rights admin cs zm�nit ACL opr�vn�n� -change config settings admin cs Zm�nit nastaven� konfigurace -change main screen message admin cs Zm�nit zpr�vu na hlavn� str�nce -check ip address of all sessions admin cs Kontrolovat IP adresu v�ech sezen� -click to select a color admin cs Pro nastaven� barvy kliknout +category list admin cs Seznam kategorie +change acl rights admin cs zm�nit ACL pr�va +change config settings admin cs Zm�n�t konfigura�n� nastaven� +change main screen message admin cs Zm�nit zpr�vu na hlavn� obrazovce +check ip address of all sessions admin cs Kontrolovat IP adresy v�ech relac� +check items to <b>%1</b> to %2 for %3 admin cs Zkontrolovat polo�ky k <b>%1</b> do %2 pro %3 +click to select a color admin cs Klikn�te pro v�b�r barvy color admin cs Barva +cookie domain (default empty means use full domain name, for sitemgr eg. "" allows to use the same cookie for and admin cs Cookie dom�na (v�choz� pr�zdn� hodnota znamen� pou�it� cel�ho dom�nov�ho jm�na; ve Spr�vci webu nap�. "" dovoluje pou��t stejnou cookie pro i +cookie path (allows multiple egw sessions with different directories, has problemes with sitemgr!) admin cs Cookie cesta (umo��uje n�kolik eGW relac� s r�zn�mi adres��i, nefunguje korektn� ve Spr�vci webu!) country selection admin cs V�b�r zem� create group admin cs Vytvo�it skupinu -crontab only (recomended) admin cs pouze crontab (doporu�eno) +creates a new field admin cs vytvo�� novou polo�ku +crontab only (recomended) admin cs jen crontab (doporu�eno) +custom fields admin cs U�ivatelsky definovan� polo�ky +cyrus imap server admin cs Cyrus IMAP Server data admin cs Data day admin cs Den -day of week<br>(0-6, 0=sun) admin cs Den v t�dnu<br>(0-6, 0=Ne) -default admin cs Implicitn� -default file system space per user admin cs Implicitn� prostor souborov�ho syst�mu u�ivatele -default file system space per user/group ? admin cs Implicitn� prostor souborov�ho syst�mu u�ivatele / skupiny ? -deinstall crontab admin cs Odinstalovat crontab -delete account admin cs Smazat u�ivatelsk� ��et +day of week<br>(0-6, 0=sun) admin cs Den t�dne <br>(0-6, 0=Ne) +db backup and restore admin cs Z�loha a obnova datab�ze +default admin cs V�choz� +default file system space per user admin cs V�choz� kapacita na souborov�m syst�mu na u�ivatele +default file system space per user/group ? admin cs V�choz� kapacita na souborov�m syst�mu na u�ivatele/skupinu? +deinstall crontab admin cs Odinstalace crontabu +delete account admin cs Smazat ��et delete all records admin cs Smazat v�echny z�znamy delete application admin cs Smazat aplikaci delete category admin cs Smazat kategorii delete group admin cs Smazat skupinu -delete peer server admin cs Smazat Peer Server +delete peer server admin cs Smazat peer server delete the category admin cs smazat kategorii -delete the group admin cs smazat skupinu +delete the group admin cs smszat skupinu delete this category admin cs smazat tuto kategorii delete this group admin cs smazat tuto skupinu delete this user admin cs smazat tohoto u�ivatele -deny access to access log admin cs Zak�zat p��stup k z�znam�m o p��stupech -deny access to application registery admin cs Zak�zat p��stup k registru aplikac� -deny access to applications admin cs Zak�zat p��stup k aplikac�m -deny access to asynchronous timed services admin cs Zak�zat p��stup k na�asovan�m asynchronn�m slu�b�m -deny access to current sessions admin cs Zak�zat p��stup k aktu�ln�m sezen�m -deny access to error log admin cs Zak�zat p��stup k z�znam�m o chyb�ch -deny access to global categories admin cs Zak�zat p��stup ke glob�ln�m kategori�m -deny access to groups admin cs Zak�zat p��stup ke skupin�m -deny access to mainscreen message admin cs Zak�zat p��stup ke zpr�v� na hlavn� str�nce -deny access to peer servers admin cs Zak�zat p��stup k Peer Server�m -deny access to phpinfo admin cs Zak�zat p��stup k phpInfo -deny access to site configuration admin cs Zak�zat p��stup ke konfiguraci str�nek -deny access to user accounts admin cs Zak�zat p��stup k u�ivatelsk�m ��t�m -deny all users access to grant other users access to their entries ? admin cs Zak�zat v�em u�ivatel�m p��stup k delegov�n� privileg�� ostatn�m u�ivatel�m k jejich polo�k�m ? -description can not exceed 255 characters in length ! admin cs Popis nesm� p�ekro�it 255 znak� ! -disable "auto completion" of the login form admin cs Zak�zat automatick� dopl�ov�n� �daj� na p�ihla�ovac�m formul��i -disable wsiwyg-editor admin cs zak�zat WISIWYG editor +deletes this field admin cs sma�e tuto polo�ku +deliver extern admin cs doru�it extern +deny access to access log admin cs Zablokovat p��stup k p��stupov�mu protokolu +deny access to application registery admin cs Zablokovat p��stup do registru aplikac� +deny access to applications admin cs Zablokovat p��stup k aplikac�m +deny access to asynchronous timed services admin cs Zablokovat p��stup k asynchonn� �asovan�m slu�b�m +deny access to current sessions admin cs Zablokovat p��stup k aktu�ln�m relac�m +deny access to db backup and restore admin cs Zablokovat p��stup k z�loze a obnov� datab�ze +deny access to error log admin cs Zablokovat p��stup k chybov�m protokolu +deny access to global categories admin cs Zablokovat p��stup ke glob�ln�m kategori�m +deny access to groups admin cs Zablokovat p��stup ke skupin�m +deny access to mainscreen message admin cs Zablokovat p��stup ke zpr�v� na hlavn� obrazovce +deny access to peer servers admin cs Zablokovat p��stup k peer server�m +deny access to phpinfo admin cs Zablokovat p��stup k phpinfo +deny access to site configuration admin cs Zablokovat p��stup k nastaven� webu +deny access to user accounts admin cs Zablokovat p��stup k u�ivatelsk�m ��t�m +deny all users access to grant other users access to their entries ? admin cs Zablokovat v�em u�ivatel�m pr�vo p�id�lit p��stup k vlastn�m z�znam�m jin�m u�ivatel�m ? +description can not exceed 255 characters in length ! admin cs Popis nesm� p�ekro�it d�lku 255 znak� ! +determines the order the fields are displayed admin cs ur�uje po�ad� zobrazov�n� polo�ek +disable "auto completion" of the login form admin cs Zak�zat funkci "automatick�ho dokon�en�" na p�ihla�ovac�m fomul��i disable wysiwyg-editor admin cs zak�zat WYSIWYG editor -disabled (not recomended) admin cs zak�z�no (nen� doporu�eno) +disabled (not recomended) admin cs zak�z�no (nedoporu�uje se) display admin cs Zobrazit -do not delete the category and return back to the list admin cs NEMAZAT kategorii a n�vrat zp�t na seznam -do you also want to delete all global subcategories ? admin cs P�ejete si tak� smazat v�echny glob�ln� kategorie ? -do you want to delete all global subcategories ? admin cs P�ejete si smazat v�echny glob�ln� kategorie ? -do you want to move all global subcategories one level down ? admin cs P�ejete si p�esunout v�echny glob�ln� kategorie o �rove� dol� ? -edit account admin cs Upravit u�ivatelsk� ��et -edit application admin cs Upravit kategorii -edit global category admin cs Upravit glob�ln� kategorii -edit global category for %1 admin cs Upravit glob�ln� kategorii pro %1 -edit group admin cs Upravit skupinu -edit group acl's admin cs Upravit ACL opr�vn�n� skupiny -edit login screen message admin cs Upravit zpr�vu na p�ihla�ovac� obrazovce -edit main screen message admin cs Upravit zpr�vu na hlavn� str�nce -edit peer server admin cs Upravit Peer Server -edit table format admin cs Upravit form�t tabulky -edit this category admin cs upravit tuto kategorii -edit this group admin cs upravit tuto skupinu -edit this user admin cs upravit tohoto u�ivatele -edit user admin cs upravit u�ivatele -edit user account admin cs Upravit u�ivatelsk� ��et -enable debug-messages admin cs Povolit ladic� informace -enabled - hidden from navbar admin cs Povoleno - Skryto na naviga�n� li�t� -enabled - popup window admin cs Povoleno - Vyskakovac� okno -enter a description for the category admin cs vlo�te popis k t�to kategorii -enter some random text for app_session <br>encryption (requires mcrypt) admin cs Vlo�te n�jak� n�hodn� text pro zakryptov�n� <br>app_session (vy�aduje mcrypt) -enter the background color for the login page admin cs Vlo�te barvu pozad� p�ihla�ovac� str�nky -enter the background color for the site title admin cs Vlo�te barvu pozad� n�zvu str�nek -enter the full path for temporary files.<br>examples: /tmp, c:\temp admin cs Vlo�te celou cestu k do�asn�m soubor�m.<br>P��klady: /tmp, C:\TEMP -enter the full path for temporary files.<br>examples: /tmp, c:temp admin cs Vlo�te celou cestu k do�asn�m soubor�m.<br>P��klady: /tmp, C:\TEMP -enter the full path for users and group files.<br>examples: /files, e:\files admin cs Vlo�te plnou cestu k soubor�m u�ivatel� a skupiny.<br>P��klady: /files, E:\FILES -enter the full path for users and group files.<br>examples: /files, e:files admin cs Vlo�te plnou cestu k soubor�m u�ivatel� a skupiny.<br>P��klady: /files, E:\FILES -enter the hostname of the machine on which this server is running admin cs Vlo�te jm�no po��ta�e, na kter�m tento server b�� -enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: or /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin cs Vlo�te um�st�n� URL eGroupWare.<br>Nap�.: nebo /egroupware<br><b>Bez ukon�ovac�ho lom�tka</b> -enter the location of phpgroupware's url.<br>example: or /phpgroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin cs Vlo�te um�st�n� (URL) phpGroupWare.<br>P��klad: nebo /phpgroupware<br><b>Bez ukon�ovac�ho lom�tka</b> -enter the search string. to show all entries, empty this field and press the submit button again admin cs Vlo�te vyhled�vac� �et�zec. Pro zobrazen� v�ech polo�et ponechte pol��ko pr�zdn� a znovu stiskn�te tla��tko ODESLAT. -enter the title for your site admin cs Vlo�te n�zev va�ich str�nek -enter the title of your logo admin cs Vlo�te n�zev va�eho loga -enter the url or filename (in phpgwapi/templates/default/images) of your logo admin cs Vlo�te URL nebo jm�no souboru (v phpgwapi/templates/default/images) s va��m logem -enter the url where your logo should link to admin cs Vlo�te URL, kam m� b�t logo napojeno -enter your default ftp server admin cs Vlo�te implicitn� FTP server -enter your default mail domain ( from: user@domain ) admin cs Vlo�te va�i implicitn� mailovou dom�nu ( user@domena ) -enter your http proxy server admin cs Vlo�te v� HTTP proxy server -enter your http proxy server port admin cs Vlo�te ��slo portu va�eho HTTP proxy serveru -enter your smtp server hostname or ip address admin cs Vlo�te jm�no nebo IP adresu va�eho SMTP serveru -enter your smtp server port admin cs Vlo�te ��slo portu va�eho SMTP serveru -error canceling timer, maybe there's none set !!! admin cs Chyba p�i stornov�n� �asova�e, mo�n� nebyl je�t� ��dn� nastaven !!! -error setting timer, wrong syntax or maybe there's one already running !!! admin cs Chyba p�i nastavov�n� �asova�e, �patn� syntaxe nebo mo�n� ��dn� je�t� neb�� !!! +do not delete the category and return back to the list admin cs NEmazat kategorii a vr�tit se zp�t na seznam +do you also want to delete all global subcategories ? admin cs Chcete tak� smazat v�echny glob�ln� kategorie ? +do you want to delete all global subcategories ? admin cs Chcete smazat v�echny glob�ln� podkategorie ? +do you want to move all global subcategories one level down ? admin cs Chcete p�esunout v�echny glob�ln� podkategorie o jednu �rove� n��e ? +document root (default) admin cs Ko�enov� adres�� dokument� (v�choz�) +each value is a line like <id>[=<label>] admin cs ka�d� hodnota je ��dek ve tvaru <id>[=<label>] +each value is a line like id[=label] admin cs ka�d� hodnota je ��dek ve tvaru id[=label] +edit account admin cs Editovat ��et +edit application admin cs Editovat aplikaci +edit email settings admin cs editovat nastaven� e-mailu +edit global category admin cs Editovat glob�ln� kategorii +edit global category for %1 admin cs Editovat glob�ln� kategorii pro %1 +edit group admin cs Editovat skupinu +edit group acl's admin cs editovat skupinov� ACL +edit login screen message admin cs Editovat zpr�vu na p�ihla�ovac� obrazovce +edit main screen message admin cs Editovat zpr�vu na hlavn� obrazovce +edit peer server admin cs Editovat peer server +edit table format admin cs Editovat form�t tabulky +edit this category admin cs editovat tuto kategorii +edit this group admin cs editovat tuto skupinu +edit this user admin cs editovat tohoto u�ivatele +edit user admin cs editovat u�ivatele +edit user account admin cs Editovat u�ivatelsk� ��et +egroupware directory admin cs Adres�� eGroupWaru +email account active admin cs e-mailov� ��et aktivn� +email address admin cs e-mailov� adresa +enable debug-messages admin cs Povolit debugovac� zpr�vy +enable the soap service admin cs Povolit slu�bu soap +enable the xmlrpc service admin cs Povolit slu�bu xmlrpc +enabled - hidden from navbar admin cs Povoleno - Skryto z naviga�n� li�ty +enabled - popup window admin cs Povoleno - P�ekryvn� okno +enter a description for the category admin cs zadejte popis pro kategorii +enter some random text for app_session <br>encryption (requires mcrypt) admin cs Zadejte n�hodn� text pro �ifrov�n�<br>aplika�n� relace (vy�aduje mcrypt) +enter the background color for the login page admin cs Zadejte barvu pozad� pro p�ihla�ovac� str�nku +enter the background color for the site title admin cs Zadejte barvu pozad� pro titulek webu +enter the full path for users and group files.<br>examples: /files, e:files admin cs Zadejte celou cestu k soubor�m u�ivatel� a skupin.<br>Nap��klad: /files, E:\FILES +enter the hostname of the machine on which this server is running admin cs Zadejte DNS jm�no stroje, na kter�m server b�� +enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: or /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin cs Zadejte um�st�n� URL eGroupWaru.<br>P��klad: nebo /egroupware<br><b>Bez koncov�ho lom�tka</b> +enter the search string. to show all entries, empty this field and press the submit button again admin cs Zadejte vyhled�vac� �et�zec. Pro zobrazen� v�ech z�znam� ponechte pole pr�zdn� a znovu stiskn�te tla��tko Odeslat +enter the site password for peer servers admin cs Zadejte heslo webu pro peer servery +enter the site username for peer servers admin cs Zadejte u�ivatelsk� jm�no webu pro peer servery +enter the title for your site admin cs Zadejte nadpis pro V� web +enter the title of your logo admin cs Zadejte nadpis pro Va�e logo +enter the url or filename (in phpgwapi/templates/default/images) of your logo admin cs Zadejte URL nebo n�zev souboru (v adres��i phpgwapi/templates/default/images) pro Va�e logo +enter the url where your logo should link to admin cs Zadejte URL, kam by Va�e logo m�lo odkazovat +enter your default ftp server admin cs Zadejte V� v�choz� FTP server +enter your default mail domain ( from: user@domain ) admin cs Zadejte Va�� v�choz� po�tovn� dom�nu ( Od: u�ivatel@dom�na ) +enter your http proxy server admin cs Zadejte V� HTTP proxy server +enter your http proxy server port admin cs Zadejte port Va�eho HTTP proxy serveru +enter your smtp server hostname or ip address admin cs Zadejte dom�nov� jm�no nebo IP adresu Va�eho SMTP serveru +enter your smtp server port admin cs Zadejte port Va�eho SMTP serveru +error canceling timer, maybe there's none set !!! admin cs Chyba p�i uko�en� �asova�e, patrn� nen� ��dn� nastaven !!! +error setting timer, wrong syntax or maybe there's one already running !!! admin cs Chyba p�i nastaven� �asova�e, �patn� syntaxe nebo u� jeden �asova� b�� !!! +error! no appname found admin cs Chyba! N�zev aplikace nenalezen error: %1 not found or other error !!! admin cs Chyba: %1 nenalezen nebo jin� chyba !!! expires admin cs Vypr�� -find and register all application hooks admin cs Nal�zt a registrovat ve�ker� p�dy aplikac� -force selectbox admin cs Vynutit nab�dku pro v�b�r +explanation of ldapman admin cs Tento modul byl zat�m testov�n pro Postfix,LDAP,Courier-IMAP a pot�ebuje sch�mata CORE a QMAIL (OID7914). V�ce informac� k pou��v�n� a konfiguraci tohoto syst�mu naleznete v souboru README.ldapman ve podslo�ce doc slo�ky admin. +fallback (after each pageview) admin cs n�hradn� re�im (po ka�d�m zobrazen� str�nky) +field '%1' already exists !!! admin cs Polo�ka '%1' ji� existuje !!! +file space admin cs Prostor pro soubory +file space must be an integer admin cs Prostor pro soubory mus� b�t cel� ��slo +find and register all application hooks admin cs Naj�t a zaregistrovat v�echny aplikace +for the times above admin cs pro v��e uveden� �asy +for the times below (empty values count as '*', all empty = every minute) admin cs pro n��e uveden� �asy (pr�zdn� hodnoty se berou jako '*', v�e pr�zdn� = ka�dou minutu) +force selectbox admin cs Vynuit rozbalovac� nab�dku +forward also to admin cs p�eposlat tak� na +forward emails to admin cs p�eposlat e-maily na +forward only admin cs jen p�eposlat global categories common cs Glob�ln� kategorie group ? admin cs skupina ? group has been added common cs Skupina byla p�id�na group has been deleted common cs Skupina byla smaz�na -group has been updated common cs Skupina byla updatov�na +group has been updated common cs Skupina byla aktualizov�na group list admin cs Seznam skupin group manager admin cs Spr�vce skupin -group name admin cs Jm�no skupiny -hide php information admin cs skr�t PHP informaci +group name admin cs N�zev skupiny +hide php information admin cs skr�t php informace home directory admin cs Domovsk� adres�� -host information admin cs Hostitelsk� informace +host information admin cs Informace o serveru (host) hour<br>(0-23) admin cs Hodina<br>(0-23) -how many days should entries stay in the access log, before they get deleted (default 90) ? admin cs Kolik dn� maj� z�stat z�znamy v p��stupov�m logu ne� budou smaz�ny (implicitn� 90) ? -how many minutes should an account or ip be blocked (default 30) ? admin cs Kolik minut m� z�stat u�ivatelsk� ��et nebo IP adresa zablokov�na (implicitn� 30) ? +how many days should entries stay in the access log, before they get deleted (default 90) ? admin cs Kolik dn� maj� z�znamy z�stat v p��stupov�m protokolu, ne� budou smaz�ny (v�choz� 90) ? +how many minutes should an account or ip be blocked (default 30) ? admin cs Kolik minut maj� b�t ��et nebo IP blokov�ny (v�choz� 30) ? +how should email addresses for new users be constructed? admin cs Jak maj� b�t sestaveny e-mailov� adresy pro nov� u�ivatele? icon admin cs Ikona idle admin cs ne�inn� -if no acl records for user or any group the user is a member of admin cs Pokud neexistuje ��dn� ACL z�znam pro u�ivatele nebo skupinu, u�ivatel je �lenem +if no acl records for user or any group the user is a member of admin cs Pokud pro u�ivatele nebo ��dnou ze skupin kter� je �lenem neexistuj� ACL z�znamy +if using ldap, do you want to manage homedirectory and loginshell attributes? admin cs Pokud pou��v�te LDAP, chcete spravovat atributy pro domovsk� adres�� a login shell? +in mbyte admin cs v MBytech inbound admin cs p��choz� +initial admin cs Po��te�n� install crontab admin cs Instalovat crontab -installed applications common cs Nainstalovan� aplikace +installed applications common cs Instalovan� aplikace installed crontab admin cs Nainstalovan� crontab -interface admin cs Rozhran� +interface admin cs Rozhrann� ip admin cs IP -jobs admin cs �koly -kill admin cs Zru�it -kill session admin cs Zru�it sezen� +jobs admin cs �lohy +kill admin cs Ukon�it +kill session admin cs Ukon�it relaci last %1 logins admin cs Posledn�ch %1 p�ihl�en� -last %1 logins for %2 admin cs Posledn�ch %1 p�ihl�en� %2 +last %1 logins for %2 admin cs Posledn�ch %1 p�ihl�en� pro %2 last login admin cs posledn� p�ihl�en� -last login from admin cs posledn� p�ihl�en� od +last login from admin cs posledn� p��hl�en� z last time read admin cs Naposledy p�e�teno -leave the category untouched and return back to the list admin cs ponechat kategorii nezm�n�nou a n�vrat na seznam -leave the group untouched and return back to the list admin cs ponechat skupinu nezm�n�nou a n�vrat na seznam -list config settings admin cs Vypsat nastaven� konfigurace -list current sessions admin cs Vypsat aktu�ln� sezen� +ldap accounts context admin cs LDAP kontext ��t� +ldap default homedirectory prefix (e.g. /home for /home/username) admin cs LDAP v�choz� prefix domovsk�ho adres��e (nap�. /home pro /home/username) +ldap default shell (e.g. /bin/bash) admin cs LDAP v�choz� shell (nap�. /bin/bash) +ldap encryption type admin cs LDAP typ �ifrov�n� +ldap groups context admin cs LDAP kontext skupin +ldap host admin cs LDAP server +ldap root password admin cs LDAP root heslo +ldap rootdn admin cs LDAP rootdn +leave empty for no quota admin cs ponechte pr�zdn�, nechcete-li kv�tu +leave the category untouched and return back to the list admin cs ponechat kategorii bez zm�ny a vr�tit se zp�t na seznam +leave the group untouched and return back to the list admin cs ponechat skupinu bez zm�ny a vr�tit se zp�t na seznam +leaves without saveing admin cs ukon�� bez ukl�d�n� +length<br>rows admin cs D�lka<br>��dky +list config settings admin cs Zobrazit konfigura�n� nastaven� +list current sessions admin cs Zobrazit aktu�ln� relace list of current users admin cs seznam aktu�ln�ch u�ivatel� login history common cs Historie p�ihl�en� login message admin cs P�ihla�ovac� zpr�va login screen admin cs P�ihla�ovac� obrazovka login shell admin cs P�ihla�ovac� shell login time admin cs �as p�ihl�en� -loginid admin cs P�ihla�ovac� ID +loginid admin cs P�ihla�ovac� ID mail settings admin cs Nastaven� po�ty +main email-address admin cs Hlavn� e-mailov� adresa main screen message admin cs Zpr�va na hlavn� obrazovce manager admin cs Spr�vce -maximum account id (e.g. 65535 or 1000000) admin cs Maxim�ln� ��slo ��tu (nap�. 65535 nebo 1000000) -maximum entries in click path history admin cs Maxim�ln� po�et polo�ek v historii akc� -message has been updated admin cs zpr�va byla zm�n�na +max length of the input [, length of the inputfield (optional)] admin cs maxim�ln� d�lka vstupu (voliteln�) +maximum account id (e.g. 65535 or 1000000) admin cs Maxim�ln� id ��tu (nap�. 65535 nebo 1000000) +maximum entries in click path history admin cs Maxim�ln� po�et z�znam� v historii kliknut� +message has been updated admin cs zpr�va byla aktualizov�na method admin cs Metoda -minimum account id (e.g. 500 or 100, etc.) admin cs Minim�ln� ��slo ��tu (nap�. 500 or 100, apod.) +minimum account id (e.g. 500 or 100, etc.) admin cs Minim�ln� id ��tu (nap�. 500 nebo 100, atp.) minute admin cs Minuta -mode admin cs M�d +mode admin cs Re�im month admin cs M�s�c -new group name admin cs Nov� jm�no skupiny -new password [ leave blank for no change ] admin cs Nov� heslo [ Pro ��dnou zm�nu ponechte pr�zdn� ] -next run admin cs P���t� b�h -no algorithms available admin cs nen� dostupn� ��dn� algoritmus -no jobs in the database !!! admin cs ��dn� �koly v datab�zi !!! -no login history exists for this user admin cs Tento u�ivatel nem� ��dn� z�znamy o historii p�ihla�ov�n� -no matches found admin cs Nenalezeny ��dn� odpov�daj�c� �daje -no modes available admin cs nejsou dostupn� ��dn� m�dy -no permission to add groups admin cs chyb�j�c� opr�vn�n� pro p�id�n� skupiny -no permission to add users admin cs chyb�j�c� opr�vn�n� pro p�id�n� u�ivatele -no permission to create groups admin cs chyb�j�c� opr�vn�n� pro p�id�n� skupin -note: ssl available only if php is compiled with curl support admin cs Pozn.: SSL je dostupn� pouze pokud je PHP zkompilov�no s podporou curl +more secure admin cs bezpe�n�j�� +name must not be empty !!! admin cs N�zev nem��e b�t pr�zdn� !!! +new group name admin cs N�zev nov� skupiny +new name admin cs nov� n�zev +new password [ leave blank for no change ] admin cs Nov� heslo [ Ponechte pr�zdn�, nechcete-li m�nit ] +next run admin cs Dal�� spu�t�n� +no algorithms available admin cs ��dn� algoritmus nen� k dispozici +no alternate email address admin cs ��dn� alternativn� e-mailov� adresa +no jobs in the database !!! admin cs ��dn� �lohy v datab�zi !!! +no login history exists for this user admin cs Pro tohoto u�ivatele neexistuje historie p�ihl�en� +no matches found admin cs Nenalezeny ��dn� z�znamy +no modes available admin cs ��dn� re�imy nejsou k dispozici +no permission to add groups admin cs nem�te opr�vn�n� p�id�vat skupiny +no permission to add users admin cs nem�te opr�vn�n� p�id�vat u�ivatele +no permission to create groups admin cs nem�te opr�vn�n� vytv��et skupiny +note: ssl available only if php is compiled with curl support admin cs Upozorn�n�: SSL je k dispozici jen v p��pad�, �e je PHP zkompilov�no s podporou curl +number of row for a multiline inputfield or line of a multi-select-box admin cs po�et ��dk� ve v�ce��dkov�m vstupn�m poli nebo ve v�b�rov�m okn� +order admin cs Po�ad� outbound admin cs odchoz� -passthrough admin cs pr�chod -password for smtp-authentication admin cs Heslo pro SMTP autentizaci -peer server list admin cs Seznam Peer Server� -peer servers admin cs Peer Servery -percent of users that logged out admin cs Procento u�ivatel�, kte�� se odhl�sili. -percent this user has logged out admin cs Procento, kdy se tento u�ivatel odhl�sil. +passthrough admin cs pr�choz� +password for smtp-authentication admin cs Heslo pro SMTP autentikaci +path information admin cs Informace o cest� +peer server list admin cs Seznam peer server� +peer servers admin cs Peer servery +percent of users that logged out admin cs Procento odhl�en�ch u�ivatel� +percent this user has logged out admin cs Procento odhl�en� tohoto u�ivatele +permission denied admin cs P��stup zam�tnut permissions admin cs Opr�vn�n� permissions this group has admin cs Opr�vn�n� t�to skupiny -phpinfo admin cs PHP informace -please enter a name admin cs Vlo�te pros�m jm�no -please enter a name for that server ! admin cs Vlo�te pros�m jm�no tohoto serveru ! -please run setup to become current admin cs Spus�t� pros�m setup pro aktualizaci -please select admin cs Vyberte pros�m +phpinfo admin cs Informace o PHP +please enter a name admin cs Pros�m zadejte jm�no +please enter a name for that server ! admin cs Zadejte pros�m n�zev serveru ! +please run setup to become current admin cs Spus�te pros�m setup pro aktualizaci +please select admin cs Pros�m zvolte +postfix with ldap admin cs Postfix s LDAP preferences admin cs P�edvolby primary group admin cs prim�rn� skupina -re-enter password admin cs Vlo�te heslo je�t� jednou -read this list of methods. admin cs P�e��st tento seznam metod. -register application hooks admin cs Zaregistrovat p�d aplikace +qmaildotmode admin cs Te�kov� re�im Qmail +quota settings admin cs nastaven� kv�ty +quota size in mbyte admin cs velikost kv�ty v MBytech +re-enter password admin cs Zadejte heslo znovu +read this list of methods. admin cs Na��st seznam metod. +register application hooks admin cs Registrovat aplikace +remove admin cs odstranit remove all users from this group admin cs Odstranit v�echny u�ivatele z t�to skupiny remove all users from this group ? admin cs Odstranit v�echny u�ivatele z t�to skupiny ? -return to admin mainscreen admin cs zp�t na hlavn� str�nku administrace -return to view account admin cs Zp�t na prohl�dku ��tu +return to admin mainscreen admin cs n�vrat na hlavn� str�nku administrace +return to view account admin cs N�vrat na zobrazen� ��tu +route all mails to admin cs Sm�rovat v�echny zpr�vy na run asynchronous services admin cs Spustit asynchronn� slu�by -save the category admin cs ulo�it kategorii -save the category and return back to the list admin cs ulo�it kategorii a zp�t na seznam -search accounts admin cs Hledat ��ty -search categories admin cs Hledat kategorie -search groups admin cs Hledat skupiny -search peer servers admin cs Hledat Peer Servery -security admin cs Bezpe�nost -select group managers admin cs Vybrat spr�vce skupiny +save the category admin cs ulo�it katergorii +save the category and return back to the list admin cs ulo�it kategorii a vr�tit se zp�t na seznam +saves the changes made and leaves admin cs ulo�� proveden� zm�ny a ukon�� +search accounts admin cs Prohledat ��ty +search categories admin cs Prohledat kategorie +search groups admin cs Prohledat skupiny +search peer servers admin cs Prohledat peer servery +security admin cs Zabezpe�en� +select group managers admin cs Vybrat skupinov� spr�vce select permissions this group will have admin cs Vybrat opr�vn�n� pro tuto skupinu -select the parent category. if this is a main category select no category admin cs Vybrat rodi�ovskou kategorii. Pokud je toto hlavn� kategorie vyberte NO CATEGORY. -select users for inclusion admin cs Vybrat u�ivatele pro vlo�en� -select where you want to store/retrieve filesystem information admin cs Vyberte kam se maj� ukl�dat informace souborov�ho syst�mu. -select where you want to store/retrieve user accounts admin cs Vyberte kam se maj� ukl�dat u�ivatelsk� ��ty. -select which location this app should appear on the navbar, lowest (left) to highest (right) admin cs Vyberte um�st�n� t�to aplikace na naviga�n� li�t�, od nejni��� (nalevo) k nejvy��� (napravo) -selectbox admin cs Nab�dka pro v�b�r -server %1 has been updated admin cs Server %1 byl zm�n�n +select the parent category. if this is a main category select no category admin cs Vyberte rodi�ovskou kategorii. Poukud se jedna o hlavn� kategorii, zvolte NO CATEGORY +select users for inclusion admin cs Vyberte u�ivatele k za�azen� +select where you want to store/retrieve filesystem information admin cs Vyberte kam/odkud chcete ukl�dat/na��tat informace o souborov�m syst�mu +select where you want to store/retrieve user accounts admin cs Vyberte kam/odkud chcete ukl�dat/na��tat informace o u�ivatelsk�ch ��tech +select which location this app should appear on the navbar, lowest (left) to highest (right) admin cs Vyberte um�st�n� t�to aplikace v naviga�n� li�t�, od nejni���ho(vlevo) k nejvy���mu (vpravo) +selectbox admin cs Rozbalovac� nab�dka +server %1 has been updated admin cs Server %1 byl zaktualizov�n server list admin cs Seznam server� -server password admin cs Heslo na server -server type(mode) admin cs Typ serveru (m�d) +server password admin cs Heslo serveru +server type(mode) admin cs Typ (re�im) serveru server url admin cs URL serveru -server username admin cs U�ivatelsk� jm�no pro server -set preference values. admin cs Nastavit hodnoty p�edvoleb. -should the login page include a language selectbox (useful for demo-sites) ? admin cs M� b�t zobrazena nab�dka pro v�b�r jazyku na p�ihla�ovac� str�nce (u�ite�n� pro demo str�nky) ? -show 'powered by' logo on admin cs Zobrazovat 'powered-by' logo na -show access log admin cs Zobrazovat z�znamy o p��stupech -show current action admin cs Zobrazovat aktu�ln� akci -show error log admin cs Zobrazovat informace o chyb�ch -show phpinfo() admin cs Zobrazovat phpInfo() -show session ip address admin cs Zobrazovat IP adresy sezen� -site admin cs Str�nky -site configuration common cs Konfigurace str�nek +server username admin cs U�ivatelsk� jm�no serveru +set preference values. admin cs Nastavit preferovan� hodnoty. +should the login page include a language selectbox (useful for demo-sites) ? admin cs M� p�ihla�ovac� str�nka zobrazovat rozbalovac� nab�dku s v�b�rem jazyka (u�ite�n� pro demo str�nky)? +show 'powered by' logo on admin cs Zobrazovat logo 'zalo�eno na' na +show access log admin cs Zobrazit p��stupov� protokol +show an asterisk (*) to mark untranslated strings admin cs Zobrazovat hv�zdi�ku (*) u nep�elo�en�ch text� +show current action admin cs Zobrazit aktu�ln� akci +show error log admin cs Zobrazit chybov� protokol +show phpinfo() admin cs Zobrazit phpinfo() +show session ip address admin cs Zobrazit IP adresu relace +site admin cs Web +site configuration common cs Konfigurace webu soap admin cs SOAP -sorry, that group name has already been taken. admin cs Pardon, toto jm�no skupiny je ji� zad�no. -sorry, the above users are still a member of the group %1 admin cs Pardon, v��e uveden� u�ivatel� jsou st�le �leny skupiny %1 -sorry, the follow users are still a member of the group %1 admin cs Pardon, n�sleduj�c� u�ivatel� jsou st�le �leny skupiny %1 -sort the entries admin cs set��dit polo�ky +sorry, that group name has already been taken. admin cs Lituji, takov� jm�no skupiny u� bylo pou�ito. +sorry, the above users are still a member of the group %1 admin cs Lituji, v��e uveden� u�ivatel� jsou st�le �leny skupiny %1 +sorry, the follow users are still a member of the group %1 admin cs Lituji, n�sleduj�c� u�ivatel� jsou st�le �leny skupiny %1 +sort the entries admin cs t��dit z�znamy ssl admin cs SSL standard admin cs standardn� -start testjob! admin cs Spustit testovac� �kol ! +standard imap server admin cs standardn� IMAP server +standard pop3 server admin cs standardn� POP3 server +standard smtp-server admin cs standardn� SMTP server +start testjob! admin cs Zah�jit testovac� �lohu submit changes admin cs Odeslat zm�ny submit the search string admin cs Odeslat hledan� �et�zec +subtype admin cs Podtyp +switch it off, if users are randomly thrown out admin cs vypn�te, pokud jsou u�ivatel� n�hodn� vyhazov�ni template selection admin cs V�b�r �ablony -text entry admin cs Textov� polo�ka +text entry admin cs Textov� z�znam that application name already exists. admin cs Takov� jm�no aplikace ji� existuje. that application order must be a number. admin cs Po�ad� aplikace mus� b�t ��slo. -that loginid has already been taken admin cs Toto p�ihla�ovac� jm�no je ji� zad�no. -that name has been used already admin cs Takov� jm�no se ji� pou��v� -that server name has been used already ! admin cs Takov� jm�no serveru se ji� pou��v� ! +that loginid has already been taken admin cs Takov� p�ihla�ovac� id u� bylo pou�ito +that name has been used already admin cs Takov� n�zev u� byl pou�it +that server name has been used already ! admin cs Takov� n�zev serveru u� byl pou�it ! the api is current admin cs API je aktu�ln� -the api requires an upgrade admin cs API vy�aduje upgrade -the groups must include the primary group admin cs Skupiny mus� obsahovat prim�rn� skupinu -the login and password can not be the same admin cs P�ihla�ovac� jm�no a heslo nesm� b�t stejn� -the loginid can not be more then 8 characters admin cs P�ihla�ovac� IP nesm� b�t del�� ne� 8 znak� -the testjob sends you a mail everytime it is called. admin cs Testovac� �kol v�m ode�le e-mail poka�d�, kdy� je vyvol�n. -the two passwords are not the same admin cs Tato dv� hesla nejsou stejn� +the api requires an upgrade admin cs API vy�aduje aktualizaci +the groups must include the primary group admin cs Skupiny mus� obsahovat i prim�rn� skupinu +the login and password can not be the same admin cs P�ihla�ovac� jm�no a heslo se nesm� shodovat +the loginid can not be more then 8 characters admin cs P�ihla�ovac� id nesm� b�t del�� ne� osm znak� +the name used internaly (<= 20 chars), changeing it makes existing data unavailible admin cs n�zev pou��van� intern� (<= 20 znak�), je zm�na zp�sob� nedostupnost st�vaj�c�ch dat +the testjob sends you a mail everytime it is called. admin cs Testovac� �loha V�m po�le e-mail p�i ka�d�m spu�t�n�. +the text displayed to the user admin cs text zobrazen� u�ivateli +the two passwords are not the same admin cs Zadan� hesla se neshoduj� the users bellow are still members of group %1 admin cs n��e uveden� u�ivatel� jsou st�le �leny skupiny %1 -there already is a group with this name. userid's can not have the same name as a groupid admin cs Skupina s t�mto jm�nem ji� existuje. ID u�ivatel� nemohou b�t stejn� jako ID skupiny. -they must be removed before you can continue admin cs Aby bylo mo�no pokra�ovat mus� b�t odstran�ny +there already is a group with this name. userid's can not have the same name as a groupid admin cs Skupina s t�mto jm�nem ji� existuje. U�ivatel� a skupiny nemohou m�t stejn� id. +they must be removed before you can continue admin cs Mus� b�t odstran�ni, aby jste mohl(a) pokra�ovat this application is current admin cs Tato aplikace je aktu�ln� -this application requires an upgrade admin cs Tato aplikace vy�aduje upgrade -this category is currently being used by applications as a parent category admin cs Tato kategorie je v sou�asnosti pou��v�na aplikacemi jako rodi�ovsk� kategorie. -timeout for application session data in seconds (default 86400 = 1 day) admin cs Timeout aplika�n�ch dat v r�mci sezen� v sekund�ch (standardn� 86400 = 1 den) -timeout for sessions in seconds (default 14400 = 4 hours) admin cs Timeout sezen� v sekund�ch (implicitn� 14400 = 4 dny) +this application requires an upgrade admin cs Tato aplikace vy�aduje aktualizaci +this category is currently being used by applications as a parent category admin cs Tuto kategorii v sou�asn� dob� pou��vaj� apikace jako rodi�ovskou. +timeout for application session data in seconds (default 86400 = 1 day) admin cs �asov� limit vypr�en� dat aplika�n� relace v sekund�ch (v�choz� hodnota je 86400 = 1 den) +timeout for sessions in seconds (default 14400 = 4 hours) admin cs �asov� limit vypr�en� relace v sekund�ch (v�choz� hodnota je 14400 = 4 hodiny) +times admin cs �asy top admin cs naho�e total records admin cs Celkem z�znam� -trust level admin cs �rove� d�v�ryhodnosti -trust relationship admin cs D�v�ryhodn� vztak -use cookies to pass sessionid admin cs Pou��vat cookies pro p�ed�v�n� sessionid -use pure html compliant code (not fully working yet) admin cs Pou��t �ist� HTML kompatibiln� k�d (je�t� ne zcela funk�n�) -use theme admin cs Pou��t barevn� t�ma +trust level admin cs Stupe� d�v�ry +trust relationship admin cs Vztah d�v�ry +type '%1' already exists !!! admin cs typ '%1' ji� existuje !!! +type of customfield admin cs Typ u�ivatelsky definovan� polo�ky +under windows you need to install the asyncservice %1manually%2 or use the fallback mode. fallback means the jobs get only checked after each page-view !!! admin cs Pod Windows mus�te nainstalovat asynchronn� slu�bu %1ru�n�%2 nebo pou��t n�hradn� re�im. N�hradn� re�im funguje tak, �e �lohy jsou zkontrolov�ny jen po ka�d�m zobrazen� str�nky !!! +use cookies to pass sessionid admin cs Po��vat cookies pro p�ed�n� id relace +use pure html compliant code (not fully working yet) admin cs Pou��vat HTML kompatibiln� k�d (zat�m nen� zcela funk�n�) +use theme admin cs Pou��t t�ma user accounts admin cs U�ivatelsk� ��ty -user data admin cs U�ivatelsk� data -user for smtp-authentication (leave it empty if no auth required) admin cs U�ivatel pro SMTP autentizaci (nevypl�ovat pokud nen� vy�adov�no) +user data common cs U�ivatelsk� data +user for smtp-authentication (leave it empty if no auth required) admin cs U�ivatel pro SMTP autentikaci (ponechte pr�zdn�, nen�-li autentikace vy�adov�na) user groups admin cs Skupiny u�ivatel� -userdata admin cs u�ivatelsk�_data -users choice admin cs U�ivatelsk� nab�dky -view access log admin cs Prohl��et informace o p��stupech -view account admin cs Prohl��et u�ivatelsk� ��et -view category admin cs Prohl��et kategorii -view error log admin cs Prohl��et informace o chyb�ch -view sessions admin cs Prohl��et sezen� -view this user admin cs prohl�dnout tohoto u�ivatele -view user account admin cs Prohl��et u�ivatelsk� ��et -who would you like to transfer all records owned by the deleted user to? admin cs Komu chcete p�eposlat V�ECHNY z�znamy vlastn�n� smazan�m u�ivatelem ? -would you like egroupware to check for a new version<br>when admins login ? admin cs P�ejete si aby eGroupWare zkontroloval svoji aktu�ln�<br> verzi p�i p�ihl�en� administr�tora ? -would you like egroupware to check for new application versions when admins login ? admin cs P�ejete si aby eGroupWare zkontroloval nov�<br> aplikace p�i p�ihl�en� administr�tora ? -would you like to automaticaly load new langfiles (at login-time) ? admin cs P�ejete si automaticky nahr�t nov� soubory jazykov�ch verz� (p�i p�ihla�ov�n�) ? -would you like to show each application's upgrade status ? admin cs P�ejete si zobrazovat stav upgradu ka�d� aplikace ? +userdata admin cs u�ivatelsk� data +users choice admin cs U�ivatelsk� volba +view access log admin cs Zobrazit p��stupov� protokol +view account admin cs Zobrazit ��et +view category admin cs Zobrazit kategorii +view error log admin cs Zobrazit chybov� protokol +view sessions admin cs Zobrazit relace +view this user admin cs Zobrazit u�ivatele +view user account admin cs Zobrazit u�ivatelsk� ��et +who would you like to transfer all records owned by the deleted user to? admin cs Komu chcete p�esunout V�ECHNY z�znamy vlastn�n� smazan�m u�ivatelem? +would you like egroupware to cache the egw info array ? admin cs Chcete aby eGroupWare pou�il vyrovn�vac� pam� pro pole egw info? +would you like egroupware to check for a new version<br>when admins login ? admin cs Chcete aby eGroupWare kontroloval dostupnost nov� verze<br>p�i p�ihl�en� administr�tora ? +would you like egroupware to check for new application versions when admins login ? admin cs Chcete aby eGrooupWare kontroloval dostupnost nov�ch verz� aplikace p�i p�ihl�en� administr�tora? +would you like to automaticaly load new langfiles (at login-time) ? admin cs Chcete (b�hem p�ihl�en�) automaticky nahr�vat nov� jazykov� soubory ? +would you like to show each application's upgrade status ? admin cs Chcete ukazovat stav aktualizace ka�d� z aplikac� ? xml-rpc admin cs XML-RPC -you have entered an invalid expiration date admin cs Bylo vlo�eno chybn� datum vypr�en� -you must add at least 1 permission or group to this account admin cs Mus�te p�idat alespo� 1 opr�vn�n� nebo skupinu pro tento ��et -you must enter a group name. admin cs Mus�te vlo�it jm�no skupiny. -you must enter a lastname admin cs Mus�te vlo�it p��jmen� -you must enter a loginid admin cs Mus�te vlo�it p�ihla�ovac� ID -you must enter an application name and title. admin cs Mus�te vlo�it jm�no aplikace a titulek. -you must enter an application name. admin cs Mus�te vlo�it jm�no aplikace. -you must enter an application title. admin cs Mus�te vlo�it titulek aplikace. +you have entered an invalid expiration date admin cs Zadal(a) jste neplatn� datum expirace +you have to enter a name, to create a new field!!! admin cs Mus�te zadat n�zev pro vytvo�en� nov� polo�ky!!! +you have to enter a name, to create a new type!!! admin cs Mus�te zadat n�zev pro vytvo�en� nov�ho typu!!! +you must add at least 1 permission or group to this account admin cs Mus�te zadat nejm�n� jedno opr�vn�n� nebo skupinu k tomuto ��tu +you must enter a group name. admin cs Mus�te zadat jm�no skupiny. +you must enter a lastname admin cs Mus�te zadat p��jmen� +you must enter a loginid admin cs Mus�te zadat p�ihla�ovac� id +you must enter an application name and title. admin cs Mus�te zadat n�zev aplikace a titulek. +you must enter an application name. admin cs Mus�te zadat n�zev aplikace. +you must enter an application title. admin cs Mus�te zadat titulek aplikace. you must select a file type admin cs Mus�te vybrat typ souboru -you will need to remove the subcategories before you can delete this category admin cs Mus�te odstranit podkategorie p�edt�m, ne� m��ete smazat tuto kategorii ! -your session could not be verified. admin cs Va�e sezen� nen� platn�. +you must select at least one group member. admin cs Mus�te vybrat alespo� jednoho �lena skupiny +you will need to remove the subcategories before you can delete this category admin cs Ne� sma�ete tuto kategorii, mus�te smazat v�echny podkategorie ! +your session could not be verified. admin cs Va�e relace nemohla b�t ov��ena. diff --git a/admin/setup/phpgw_pl.lang b/admin/setup/phpgw_pl.lang index f455e1051a..62998a4117 100755 --- a/admin/setup/phpgw_pl.lang +++ b/admin/setup/phpgw_pl.lang @@ -92,6 +92,8 @@ check ip address of all sessions admin pl sprawdzanie adresu IP dla ka check items to <b>%1</b> to %2 for %3 admin pl sprawd� pozycje do <b>%1</b> do %2 dla %3 click to select a color admin pl Kliknij aby wybra� kolor color admin pl Kolor +cookie domain (default empty means use full domain name, for sitemgr eg. "" allows to use the same cookie for and admin pl Domena dla ciasteczek (pusta warto�� oznacza pe�n� nazw� domeny, dla aplikacji SiteMgr przyk�adowo '' pozwoli u�ywa� tego samego ciasteczka dla domen oraz +cookie path (allows multiple egw sessions with different directories, has problemes with sitemgr!) admin pl �cie�ka ciasteczka (pozwala na wiele r�wnoleg�ych sesji eGW do r�nych podkatalog�w, generuje problemy z aplikacj� SiteMgr!) country selection admin pl Wyb�r kraju create group admin pl Stw�rz grup� creates a new field admin pl utw�rz nowe pole @@ -144,6 +146,7 @@ do not delete the category and return back to the list admin pl NIE usuwaj tej k do you also want to delete all global subcategories ? admin pl Czy chcesz usun�� tak�e wszystkie globalne podkategorie? do you want to delete all global subcategories ? admin pl Czy chcesz usun�� wszystkie globalne podkategorie? do you want to move all global subcategories one level down ? admin pl Czy przenie�� wszystkie podkategorie o jeden poziom w d�? +document root (default) admin pl Katalog g��wny serwera WWW (domy�lnie) each value is a line like <id>[=<label>] admin pl ka�da warto�� jest lini� jak <id>[=<label>] each value is a line like id[=label] admin pl ka�da warto�� jest lini� jak <id>[=label] edit account admin pl Edytuj konto u�ytkownika @@ -162,6 +165,7 @@ edit this group admin pl edytuj t edit this user admin pl edytuj tego u�ytkownika edit user admin pl edytuj u�ytkownika edit user account admin pl Edycja konta u�ytkownika +egroupware directory admin pl Katalog eGroupWare email account active admin pl konto poczty aktywne email address admin pl adres email enable debug-messages admin pl Wy�wietlaj komunikaty trybu debug @@ -173,8 +177,8 @@ enter a description for the category admin pl wpisz opis tej kategorii enter some random text for app_session <br>encryption (requires mcrypt) admin pl Wpisz troch� losowego tekstu dla zakodowania<br>app_session (wymaga mcrypt) enter the background color for the login page admin pl Podaj kolor t�a strony logowania enter the background color for the site title admin pl Wpisz kolor t�a tytu�u portalu -enter the full path for temporary files.<br>examples: /tmp, c:temp admin pl Podaj pe�n� �cie�k� do plik�w tymczasowych/<br />Przyk�ady: /tmp, C:\TEMP -enter the full path for users and group files.<br>examples: /files, e:files admin pl Podaj pe�n� �cie�k� do plik�w katalog�w i grup.<br />Przyk�ady: /files, E:\FILES +enter the full path for temporary files.<br>examples: /tmp, c:temp admin pl Podaj pe�n� �cie�k� do plik�w tymczasowych.<br />Przyk�ady: /tmp, C:\TEMP +enter the full path for users and group files.<br>examples: /files, e:files admin pl Podaj pe�n� �cie�k� do plik�w u�ytkownik�w i grup.<br />Przyk�ady: /files, E:\FILES enter the hostname of the machine on which this server is running admin pl Podaj nazw� komputera, na kt�rym jest uruchomiony serwer enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: or /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin pl Podaj URL do twojego portalu eGroupWare.<br>Na przykad: or /egroupware<br><b>Bez ko�cz�cego slash-a (,,/'')</b> enter the search string. to show all entries, empty this field and press the submit button again admin pl Wpisz szukany ci�g znak�w. Aby pokaza� wszystkie wpisy, wyczy�� to pole i kliknij ponownie przycisk SZUKAJ. @@ -374,6 +378,7 @@ start testjob! admin pl Uruchom Testjob submit changes admin pl Zatwierd� zmiany submit the search string admin pl Wy�lij tekst zapytania subtype admin pl Pod-typ +switch it off, if users are randomly thrown out admin pl wy��cz to, je�eli u�ytkownicy s� wyrzucani losowo template selection admin pl Wyb�r szablonu text entry admin pl Wpisywanie tekstu that application name already exists. admin pl Podana nazwa aplikacji ju� istnieje diff --git a/calendar/setup/phpgw_cs.lang b/calendar/setup/phpgw_cs.lang index f4780b8356..1e74a039d8 100644 --- a/calendar/setup/phpgw_cs.lang +++ b/calendar/setup/phpgw_cs.lang @@ -1,482 +1,323 @@ %1 %2 in %3 calendar cs %1 %2 v %3 -%1 matches found calendar cs Nalezeno %1 z�znam� -%1 records imported calendar cs Importov�no %1 z�znam� -%1 records read (not yet imported, you may go %2back%3 and uncheck test import) addressbook cs p�e�teno %1 z�znam� (neiportov�no, m��ete se vr�tit %2zp�t%3 a odzna�it Test importu) -%1 records read (not yet imported, you may go back and uncheck test import) calendar cs na�teno %1 z�znam� (neimportov�no, vra�te se a odzna�te Test) -(e.g. 1969) addressbook cs (nap�. 1969) -(for weekly) calendar cs (pro t�denn�) -(i/v)cal calendar cs (i/v)Cal -1 match found calendar cs Nalezen 1 z�znam -@-eval() is only availible to admins!!! addressbook cs pou��t @-eval() mohou jen spr�vci !!! -accept calendar cs Potvrdit -accepted calendar cs Potvrzeno -access not permitted addressbook cs p��stup nepovolen -action that caused the notify: added, canceled, accepted, rejected, ... calendar cs Zm�na kter� vyvolala upozorn�n�: Nov�, Zru�en�, P�ijat�, Odm�tnut�, ... -add a single entry by passing the fields. calendar cs P�idat z�znam p�esko�en�m polo�ek. -add alarm calendar cs P�idat p�ipomenut� -add contact calendar cs P�idat kontakt -add custom field addressbook cs P�idej u�ivatelskou polo�ku -add or update a single entry by passing the fields. calendar cs P�idejte �i upravte jeden z�znam zad�n�m pol� +%1 records imported calendar cs %1 z�znam� importov�no +%1 records read (not yet imported, you may go back and uncheck test import) calendar cs %1 z�znam� na�teno (zat�m nebyly importov�ny, m��ete se vr�tit zp�t a od�krtnout Testovat Import) +<b>please note</b>: the calendar use the holidays of your country, which is set to %1. you can change it in your %2.<br />holidays are %3 automatic installed from %4. you can changed it in %5. calendar cs <b>Upozorn�n�</b>: Kalend�� pou��v� sv�tky Va�� zem�, aktu�ln� je nastavena %1. M��ete j� zm�nit v sekci %2.<br />Sv�tky jsou %3 automaticky instalov�ny z %4. M��ete je zm�nit v sekci %5. +a non blocking event will not conflict with other events calendar cs Neblokuj�c� ud�lost nebude v konfliktu s jin�mi ud�lostmi +accept or reject an invitation calendar cs P�ijmout nebo odm�tnout pozv�n� +accepted calendar cs P�ijato +access denied to the calendar of %1 !!! calendar cs Odm�tnut p��stup ke kalend��i %1 !!! +action that caused the notify: added, canceled, accepted, rejected, ... calendar cs Akce, kter� vyvolala upozorn�n�: P�id�no, Ukon�eno, P�ijato, Odm�tnuto,... +actions calendar cs Akce +actions... calendar cs Akce... +add alarm calendar cs P�idat p�ipom�nku added calendar cs P�id�no -address book calendar cs Adres�� -address book - vcard in addressbook cs Adres�� - VCard v -address book - view addressbook cs Adres�� - pohled -address line 2 addressbook cs Adresa ��dek 2 -address line 3 addressbook cs Adresa ��dek 3 -address type addressbook cs Typ adresy -addressbook common cs Telefonn� seznam -addressbook preferences addressbook cs Nastaven� adres��e -addvcard addressbook cs P�idej vizitku VCard -alarm calendar cs P�ipomenut� -alarm for %1 at %2 in %3 calendar cs P��pomenut� %1 %2 v %2 -alarm management calendar cs Spr�va p�ipomenut� -alarm-management calendar cs Spr�va p�ipomenut� -alarms calendar cs P�ipomenut� -all addressbook cs V�e -all day calendar cs Cel� den -alt. csv import addressbook cs Alternativn� import z CSV -april addressbook cs duben -are you sure you want to delete this country ? calendar cs Opravdu m�m smazat tuto zemi? -are you sure you want to delete this field? addressbook cs Opravdu m�m smazat tuto polo�ku? -are you sure you want to delete this holiday ? calendar cs Opravdu m�m smazat tento z�znam? -are you sure\nyou want to\ndelete these alarms? calendar cs Opravdu\nm�m smazat\ntato p�ipomenut�? -are you sure\nyou want to\ndelete this entry ? calendar cs Opravdu m�m\nsmazat tento z�znam? -are you sure\nyou want to\ndelete this entry ?\n\nthis will delete\nthis entry for all users. calendar cs Ur�it� chcete\nsmazat tuto ud�lost?\n\nBude vymaz�na\npro v�echny u�ivatele. -are you sure\nyou want to\ndelete this single occurence ?\n\nthis will delete\nthis entry for all users. calendar cs Ur�it� chcete\nsmazat tento v�skyt ud�losti?\n\nBude vymaz�na\npro v�echny u�ivatele. -august addressbook cs srpen -bbs phone addressbook cs ��slo na BBS +after %1 calendar cs Po %1 +after current date calendar cs Po aktu�ln�m datu +alarm calendar cs P�ipom�nka +alarm added calendar cs P�ipom�nka p�id�na +alarm deleted calendar cs P�ipom�nka smaz�na +alarm for %1 at %2 in %3 calendar cs P�ipom�nka pro %1 v %2 v %3 +alarm management calendar cs Spr�va p�ipom�nek +alarms calendar cs P�ipom�nky +all categories calendar cs V�echny kategorie +all day calendar cs cel� den +all events calendar cs V�echny ud�losti +all future calendar cs V�echny budouc� +all participants calendar cs V�ichni ��astn�ci +allows to edit the event again calendar cs Dovoluje znovu editovat ud�lost +apply the changes calendar cs pou��t zm�ny +are you sure you want to delete this country ? calendar cs Ur�it� chcete smazat tuto zemi? +are you sure you want to delete this holiday ? calendar cs Ur�it� chcete smazat tento sv�tek? +back half a month calendar cs zp�t o p�l m�s�ce +back one month calendar cs zp�t o m�s�c +before %1 calendar cs P�ed %1 +before current date calendar cs P�ed aktu�ln�m datem before the event calendar cs p�ed ud�lost� -birthday common cs Narozeniny -birthdays common cs Narozeniny -blank addressbook cs Pr�zdn� -brief description calendar cs Kr�tk� popis -business calendar cs Obchod -business address type addressbook cs Typ obchodn� adresy -business city addressbook cs M�sto obchodu -business country addressbook cs Zem� obchodu -business email addressbook cs E-mail obchodu -business email type addressbook cs Typ e-mailu obchodu -business fax addressbook cs Fax obchodu -business phone addressbook cs Telefon obchodu -business state addressbook cs St�t obchodu -business street addressbook cs Ulice obchodu -business zip code addressbook cs PS� obchodu -calendar common cs Kalend�� -calendar - [iv]cal importer calendar cs Kalend�� - Import [iv]Cal -calendar - add calendar cs Kalend�� - P�idat -calendar - edit calendar cs Kalend�� - Upravit -calendar event calendar cs Ud�lost kalend��e -calendar holiday management admin cs Spr�va sv�tk� kalend��e -calendar preferences calendar cs Nastaven� kalend��e +birthday calendar cs Narozeniny +busy calendar cs zanepr�zdn�n +by calendar cs (k�m) +calendar event calendar cs Ud�lost v kalend��i +calendar holiday management admin cs Spr�va sv�tk� v kalend��i +calendar menu calendar cs Menu kalend��e +calendar preferences calendar cs P�edvolby kalend��e calendar settings admin cs Nastaven� kalend��e -calendar-fieldname calendar cs Pole kalend��e +calendar-fieldname calendar cs kalend��-jm�no polo�ky +can't add alarms in the past !!! calendar cs Nen� mo�n� p�id�vat p�ipom�nky do minulosti !!! canceled calendar cs Stornov�no -car phone addressbook cs Telefon do auta -category addressbook cs Kategorie -cell phone addressbook cs Mobil -change all events for $params['old_owner'] to $params['new_owner']. calendar cs Zm�nit v�echny ud�losti pro $params['old_owner'] to $params['new_owner']. -change status calendar cs Zm�nit stav charset of file calendar cs Znakov� sada souboru -city common cs M�sto -click %1here%2 to return to the calendar. calendar cs %1Zp�t na kalend��%2 -company common cs Spole�nost -company name common cs Firma -configuration calendar cs Nastaven� -contact common cs Kontakt -contact application admin cs Kontakty -contact settings admin cs Nastaven� kontakt� -copied by %1, from record #%2. addressbook cs Zkop�roval %1 od z�znamu �.%2 +close the window calendar cs Zav��t okno +compose a mail to all participants after the event is saved calendar cs napsat dopis v�em ��astn�k�m po ulo�en� ud�losti +copy of: calendar cs Kopie (�eho): +copy this event calendar cs Kop�rovat tuto ud�lost countries calendar cs Zem� country calendar cs Zem� -created by calendar cs Vytvo�il -csv-fieldname calendar cs Pole v CVS -csv-filename calendar cs CVS soubor -custom addressbook cs Vlastn� -custom fields calendar cs U�ivatelsk� pole -custom fields and sorting common cs U�ivatelsk� pole a �azen� +create an exception for the given date calendar cs Vytvo�it v�jimku pro zadan� datum +create new links calendar cs Vytvo�it nov� odkazy +csv calendar cs CSV +csv-fieldname calendar cs N�zev CSV pole +csv-filename calendar cs Jm�no CSV souboru +custom fields common cs Voliteln� polo�ky daily calendar cs Denn� -daily matrix view calendar cs Pohled na denn� tabulku days calendar cs dny -days repeated calendar cs dn� se opakuje -dayview calendar cs N�hled dne -debug output in browser addressbook cs Lad�c� v�stup v prohl��e�i -december addressbook cs prosinec -default appointment length (in minutes) calendar cs V�choz� d�lka ud�losti (v minut�ch) -default calendar filter calendar cs Standartn� filtr kalend��e -default calendar view calendar cs Standartn� pohled kalend��e -default filter addressbook cs Standartn� filtr -default length of newly created events. the length is in minutes, eg. 60 for 1 hour. calendar cs V�choz� d�lka nov� vytvo�en�ch ud�lost�. D�lka je v minut�ch, tedy 60 odpov�d� jedn� hodin�. -defines the size in minutes of the lines in the day view. calendar cs Definuje kolika minut�m odpov�d� jeden ��dek v denn�m pohledu. -delete addressbook cs Sma� -delete a single entry by passing the id. calendar cs Smazat z�znam p�ed�n�m id. -delete an entire users calendar. calendar cs Smazat cel� u�ivatel�v kalend�� -delete selected contacts calendar cs Smazat vybran� kontakty -delete series calendar cs Smazat s�rii -delete single calendar cs Smazat tento -deleted calendar cs Smaz�no -department common cs Odd�len� -description calendar cs Popis -disable calendar cs Zak�zat -disabled calendar cs zak�z�no -display interval in day view calendar cs Zobrazovat interval v denn�m pohledu -display mini calendars when printing calendar cs P�i tisku zobrazovat mini kalend�� -display status of events calendar cs Zobrazovat stav ud�losti -displays your default calendar view on the startpage (page you get when you enter egroupware or click on the homepage icon)? calendar cs Zobrazit v�choz� kalend�� na dom�c� str�nce (str�nka kter� se zobraz� po p�ihl�en� �i kliknut� na ikonu dome�ku)? -do you want to be notified about new or changed appointments? you be notified about changes you make yourself.<br>you can limit the notifications to certain changes only. each item includes all the notification listed above it. all modifications include changes of title, description, participants, but no participant responses. if the owner of an event requested any notifcations, he will always get the participant responses like acceptions and rejections too. calendar cs Chcete dost�vat zpr�vy o nov�ch �i zm�n�n�ch ud�lostech? Budete informov�ni o va�ich vlastn�ch zm�n�ch.<br>M��ete omezit zpr�vy jen na ur�it� ud�losti. Ka�d� prvek v�b�ru obsahuje z�rove� v�echny prvky uveden� p�ed n�m. V�echny zm�ny obsahuj� zm�ny n�zvu, popisu ��astn�k� ale ne odezvy ��astn�k�. Pokud vlastn�k ud�losti po�aduje zpr�vy o v�ech zm�n�ch, dostane v�dy i odezvy ��astn�k�. -do you want to receive a regulary summary of your appointsments via email?<br>the summary is sent to your standard email-address on the morning of that day or on monday for weekly summarys.<br>it is only sent when you have any appointments on that day or week. calendar cs Chcete dost�vat pravideln� souhrn va�ich sch�zek elektronickou po�tou?<br>Souhrn bude pos�l�n na Va�i b�nou adresu ka�d� r�no, p��padn� v pond�l� pro t�denn� souhrn.<br>Bude pos�l�n jen pokud budou na dan� den �i t�den n�jak� ud�losti pl�nov�ny. -do you wish to autoload calendar holidays files dynamically? admin cs M�m automaticky nahr�vat sobory sv�tk�? -domestic addressbook cs Dom�c� -download calendar cs Ulo�it -duration calendar cs Trv�n� -e-mail addressbook cs E-Mail -edit addressbook cs Oprav -edit custom field addressbook cs Oprav vlastn� polo�ku -edit custom fields admin cs Oprav vlastn� polo�ky -edit series calendar cs Upravit s�rii -edit single calendar cs Upravit jednu -email notification calendar cs Upozorn�n� elektronickou po�tou -email notification for %1 calendar cs Elektronickou po�tou bude upozorn�n %1 +days of the week for a weekly repeated event calendar cs Dny v t�dnu pro ud�losti s t�denn�m opakov�n�m +days repeated calendar cs dn� opakov�no +dayview calendar cs Denn� pohled +default appointment length (in minutes) calendar cs V�choz� d�lka ud�lost� (v minut�ch) +default calendar filter calendar cs V�choz� filtr kalend��e +default calendar view calendar cs V�choz� pohled kalend��e +default length of newly created events. the length is in minutes, eg. 60 for 1 hour. calendar cs V�choz� d�lka nov� vytvo�en�ch ud�lost�. Zad�v� se v minut�ch, nap�. 60 pro 1 hodinu. +default week view calendar cs V�choz� t�denn� pohled +delete series calendar cs Smazat �ady +delete this alarm calendar cs Smazat tuto p�ipom�nku +delete this event calendar cs Smazat tuto ud�lost +delete this exception calendar cs Smazat tuto vyj�mku +delete this series of recuring events calendar cs Smazat tyto �ady opakuj�c�ch se ud�lost� +disinvited calendar cs Zru�en� pozv�nka +display status of events calendar cs Zobrazit stav ud�lost� +displayed view calendar cs zobrazen� pohled +displays your default calendar view on the startpage (page you get when you enter egroupware or click on the homepage icon)? calendar cs Zobrazit v�choz� pohled kalend��e na �vodn� stran� (str�nka, na kterou se dostanete po p�ihl�en� do eGroupWare nebo kliknut�m na ikonu Hlavn� strana)? +do you want a weekview with or without weekend? calendar cs Chcete t�denn� pohled v�etn� v�kendu nebo bez n�j? +do you want to be notified about new or changed appointments? you be notified about changes you make yourself.<br>you can limit the notifications to certain changes only. each item includes all the notification listed above it. all modifications include changes of title, description, participants, but no participant responses. if the owner of an event requested any notifcations, he will always get the participant responses like acceptions and rejections too. calendar cs Chcete b�t upozorn�ni na nov� nebo zm�n�n� ud�losti? Budete upozorn�ni tak� na zm�ny, kter� sami provedete.<br>Upozorn�n� m��ete omezit jen na n�kter� ud�losti. Ka�d� polo�ka zahrnuje v�echna p�edchoz� upozorn�n�. V�echny modifikace zahrnuj� tak� zm�ny titulku, popisu a ��astn�k� (nikoli v�ak jejich odpov�di). Pokud vlastn�k ud�losti ��dal jak�koli zpr�vy o zm�n�ch, v�dy dostane i odpov�di ��astn�k�, mj. tak� p�ijet� a odm�tnut�. +do you want to receive a regulary summary of your appointsments via email?<br>the summary is sent to your standard email-address on the morning of that day or on monday for weekly summarys.<br>it is only sent when you have any appointments on that day or week. calendar cs Chcete pravideln� dost�vat p�ehled Va�ich ud�lost� e-mailem?<br>P�ehled bude odes�l�n na Va�i v�choz� e-mailovou adresu ka�d� den r�no, respektive v pond�l� r�no v p��pad� t�denn�ch p�ehled�.<br>P�ehled bude odesl�n jen v p��pad�, �e m�te na dan� den, resp. t�den napl�nov�ny n�jak� ud�losti. +do you wish to autoload calendar holidays files dynamically? admin cs Chcete automaticky na��st soubory se sv�tky do kalend��e? +download calendar cs St�hnout +download this event as ical calendar cs St�hnout tuto ud�lost jako iCal +duration of the meeting calendar cs D�lka trv�n� setk�n� +edit exception calendar cs Editovat v�jimku +edit series calendar cs Editovat �adu +edit this event calendar cs Editovat tuto ud�lost +edit this series of recuring events calendar cs Editovat tuto �adu opakuj�c�ch se ud�lost� empty for all calendar cs pr�zdn� znamen� v�e -enable calendar cs Povolit -enabled calendar cs povoleno -end date/time calendar cs Koncov� datum a �as -enddate calendar cs Konec +end calendar cs Konec +end date/time calendar cs Koncov� datum/�as +enddate calendar cs Koncov� datum +enddate / -time of the meeting, eg. for more then one day calendar cs Koncov� datum/�as setk�n�, nap�. je-li v�cedenn� +enddate of the export calendar cs Koncov� datum exportu ends calendar cs kon�� -enter output filename: ( .vcs appended ) calendar cs Vlo�te jm�no v�stupn�ho souboru (p��poj� .vcs) -event details follow calendar cs Podrobnosti o ud�losti +error adding the alarm calendar cs Chyba p�i p�id�v�n� p�ipom�nky +error: importing the ical calendar cs Chyba p�i importu iCal +error: no participants selected !!! calendar cs Chyba: nebyli vybr�ni ��dn� ��astn�ci !!! +error: saving the event !!! calendar cs Chyba pri ukl�d�n� ud�losti !!! +error: starttime has to be before the endtime !!! calendar cs Chyba: po��te�n� �as mus� p�edch�zet koncov�mu �asu !!! +event copied - the copy can now be edited calendar cs Ud�lost zkop�rov�na - kopii lze nyn� editovat +event deleted calendar cs Ud�lost smaz�na +event details follow calendar cs N�sleduj� detaily ud�losti +event saved calendar cs Ud�lost ulo�ena +event will occupy the whole day calendar cs Ud�lost zabere cel� den +exception calendar cs V�jimka exceptions calendar cs V�jimky -export calendar cs Export -export a list of entries in ical format. calendar cs Exportovat seznam ud�lost� ve form�tu iCal. -export contacts addressbook cs Export kontakt� -export file name addressbook cs N�zev souboru exportu -export from addressbook addressbook cs Export z adres��e +execute a further action for this entry calendar cs Spustit dal�� akci pro tento z�znam +existing links calendar cs St�vaj�c� odkazy +export calendar cs Exportovat extended calendar cs Roz���en� -extended updates always include the complete event-details. ical's can be imported by certain other calendar-applications. calendar cs Roz���en� form�t v�dy obsahuje v�echny �daje o ud�losti. Form�t iCal lze importovat do n�kter�ch dal��ch kalend��n�ch aplikac� -external participants calendar cs Extern� ��astn�ci -extra addressbook cs Extra -failed sending message to '%1' #%2 subject='%3', sender='%4' !!! calendar cs Nelze poslat zpr�vu pro '%1' #%2 p�edm�t='%3', odesilatel='%4' !!! -fax addressbook cs Fax -fax number common cs Faxov� ��slo -february addressbook cs �nor -field %1 has been added ! addressbook cs Polo�ka %1 byla p�id�na -field %1 has been updated ! addressbook cs Polo�ka %1 byla aktualizov�na -field name addressbook cs Jm�no polo�ky -fields addressbook cs Polo�ky -fields to show in address list addressbook cs Viditeln� polo�ky v seznamu -fieldseparator calendar cs Odd�lova� pol� -first name addressbook cs Jm�no -firstname of person to notify calendar cs K�estn� jm�no upozor�ovan� osoby -format of event updates calendar cs Form�t zpr�vy o zm�n�ch -fr calendar cs P� -free/busy calendar cs Volno/Obsazeno -freebusy: unknow user '%1', wrong password or not availible to not loged in users !!! calendar cs Informace o zanepr�zdn�n� nen� povoleno pro nep�ihl�en� u�ivatele, u�ivatel '%1' je nezn�m� nebo zadal �patn� heslo -frequency calendar cs Frekvence opakov�n� +extended updates always include the complete event-details. ical's can be imported by certain other calendar-applications. calendar cs Roz���en� aktualizace v�dy zahrnuj� kompletn� detaily ud�losti. iCal soubory lze importovat do jin�ch kalend���. +fieldseparator calendar cs Odd�lova� polo�ek +filename calendar cs Jm�no souboru +filename of the download calendar cs Jm�no souboru ke sta�en� +find free timeslots where the selected participants are availible for the given timespan calendar cs Najdi t�i voln� �asov� �seky v dan�m rozmez�, b�hem kter�ch jsou vybran� ��astn�ci voln� +firstname of person to notify calendar cs K�estn� jm�no osoby, kter� m� b�t upozorn�na +for calendar cs pro +for which views should calendar show distinct lines with a fixed time interval. calendar cs Ve kter�ch pohledech m� kalend�� zobrazit d�l�c� ��ry v pevn� dan�ch �asov�ch intervalech. +format of event updates calendar cs Form�t aktualizac� �kol� +forward half a month calendar cs dop�edu o p�l m�s�ce +forward one month calendar cs dop�edu o m�s�c +four days view calendar cs �ty�denn� pohled +freebusy: unknow user '%1', wrong password or not availible to not loged in users !!! calendar cs Voln�/zanepr�zdn�n: Nezn�m� u�ivatel '%1', chybn� heslo nebo informace nen� dostupn� nep�ihl�en�m u�ivatel�m !!! +freetime search calendar cs Hled�n� voln�ho �asu fri calendar cs P� -full description calendar cs Popis -full name addressbook cs Cel� jm�no -fullname of person to notify calendar cs Cel� jm�no upozor�ovan� osoby -generate printer-friendly version calendar cs Generuj verzi pro tisk -geo addressbook cs GEO -global categories calendar cs Glob�ln� kategorie -global public and group public calendar cs Glob�ln� p��stupn� i p��stupn� pro skupinu -global public only calendar cs Pouze glob�ln� p��stupn� -go! calendar cs Jdi! -grant addressbook access common cs Deleguj pr�va pro p��stup k adres��i -grant calendar access common cs Vyhradit p��stup ke kalend��i -group planner calendar cs Pl�nova� -group public only calendar cs P��stupn� pouze pro skupinu -here is your requested alarm. calendar cs Po�adovan� p�ipomenut�. +full description calendar cs Cel� popis +fullname of person to notify calendar cs Cel� jm�no osoby, kter� m� b�t upozorn�na +general calendar cs Hlavn� +global public and group public calendar cs ve�ejn� glob�ln� i pro skupinu +global public only calendar cs ve�ejn� jen glob�ln� +group invitation calendar cs Skupinov� pozv�nka +group planner calendar cs Skupinov� pl�nova� +group public only calendar cs ve�ejn� jen pro skupinu +groupmember(s) %1 not included, because you have no access. calendar cs �lenov� skupin(y) %1 nebyly zahrnuti, proto�e nem�te p��stup. +h calendar cs h +here is your requested alarm. calendar cs Zde je V�e po�adovan� p�ipom�nka. +hide private infos calendar cs Skr�t soukrom� informace high priority calendar cs vysok� priorita -holiday calendar cs Sv�tky +holiday calendar cs Sv�tek holiday management calendar cs Spr�va sv�tk� -holiday-management calendar cs Spr�va sv�tk� holidays calendar cs Sv�tky -home address type addressbook cs Typ adresy dom� -home city addressbook cs M�sto - dom� -home country addressbook cs Zem� - dom� -home email addressbook cs E-mail - dom� -home email type addressbook cs Typ e-mailu dom� -home phone addressbook cs Telefon - dom� -home state addressbook cs St�t - dom� -home street addressbook cs Ulice -dom� -home zip code addressbook cs PS� - dom� -hours calendar cs hodin -i participate calendar cs ��astn�m se -ical / rfc2445 calendar cs iCal - rfc2445 -if checked holidays falling on a weekend, are taken on the monday after. calendar cs Pokud za�krtnete toto pole a sv�tek p�ipadne na v�kend, automaticky se p�esune na n�sleduj�c� pond�l�. -if you dont set a password here, the information is availible to everyone, who knows the url!!! calendar cs Pokud heslo nenastav�te, budou �daje dostupn� komukoli kdo zn� p��slu�n� URL!!! -ignore conflict calendar cs Ignorovat konflikt -import calendar cs Import -import contacts addressbook cs Importuj kontakty +hours calendar cs hodiny +how far to search (from startdate) calendar cs jak daleko hledat (od po��te�n�ho data) +how many minutes should each interval last? calendar cs Kolik minut by m�l ka�d� interval trvat? +ical calendar cs iCal +ical / rfc2445 calendar cs iCal / rfc2445 +ical export calendar cs Exportovat iCal +ical file calendar cs iCal soubor +ical import calendar cs Importovat iCal +ical successful imported calendar cs iCal �sp�n� naimportov�n +if checked holidays falling on a weekend, are taken on the monday after. calendar cs Pokud za�krtnete, jsou sv�tky p�ipadaj�c� na v�kend automaticky p�esunuty na n�sleduj�c� pond�l�. +if you dont set a password here, the information is available to everyone, who knows the url!!! calendar cs Pokud zde nenastav�te heslo, bude informace dostupn� ka�d�mu, kdo zn� adresu (URL)!!! +ignore conflict calendar cs Ingorovat konflikt +import calendar cs Importovat import csv-file common cs Importovat CSV soubor -import file addressbook cs Importuj soubor -import from ldif, csv, or vcard addressbook cs Import z LDIF, CSV nebo VCard -import from outlook addressbook cs Importuj z Outlooku -international addressbook cs Mezin�rodn� interval calendar cs Interval -intervals in day view calendar cs �asov� rozli�en� v denn�m pohledu -intervals per day in planner view calendar cs Rozli�en� dn� v pl�nova�i -invalid entry id. calendar cs Neplatn� id -isdn phone addressbook cs ISDN ��slo -january addressbook cs leden -july addressbook cs �ervenec -june addressbook cs �erven -label addressbook cs N�lepka -last calendar cs posledn� -last name addressbook cs P��jmen� -lastname of person to notify calendar cs P��jmen� upozor�ovan� osoby -ldap context for contacts admin cs LDAP kontext pro kontakty -ldap host for contacts admin cs LDAP hostitel pro kontakty -ldap root dn for contacts admin cs LDAP ko�enov� dn pro kontakty -ldap root pw for contacts admin cs LDAP ko�enov� pw pro kontakty -ldif addressbook cs LDIF -length shown<br>(emtpy for full length) calendar cs D�lka zobrazen�<br>(pr�zdn� pro celou) -length<br>(<= 255) calendar cs D�lka<br>(<=255) -line 2 addressbook cs ��dek 2 -link calendar cs Odkaz -link to view the event calendar cs Odkaz na detail ud�losti -list all categories. calendar cs Zobrazit v�echny kategorie -load [iv]cal calendar cs Na��st [iv]Cal +invalid email-address "%1" for user %2 calendar cs Neplatn� e-mailov� adresa "%1" pro u�ivatele %2 +last calendar cs Posledn� +lastname of person to notify calendar cs P��jmen� osoby, kter� m� b�t upozorn�na +length of the time interval calendar cs D�lka �asov�ho intervalu +link to view the event calendar cs Odkaz pro zobrazen� ud�losti +links calendar cs Odkazy +links, attachments calendar cs Odkazy, p��lohy +listview calendar cs Zobrazen� seznamu location calendar cs Um�st�n� -location to autoload from admin cs Um�st�n� zdroje pro automatick� na�ten� -make freebusy information availible to not loged in persons? calendar cs Zp��stupnit informace o voln�m �ase a zanepr�zdn�n� i nep�ihl�en�ch osob�m? -march addressbook cs b�ezen -mark records as private addressbook cs Ozna�it z�znam jako soukrom� -matrixview calendar cs Denn� tabulka -may addressbook cs kv�ten -message phone addressbook cs Telefon pro zpr�vy -middle name addressbook cs Prost�edn� jm�no -minutes calendar cs minut -mo calendar cs Po -mobile addressbook cs Mobil -mobile phone addressbook cs Mobil -modem phone addressbook cs ��slo na modem +location to autoload from admin cs Automaticky nahr�t z um�st�n� +location, start- and endtimes, ... calendar cs Um�st�n�, po��te�n� a koncov� �asy... +mail all participants calendar cs obeslat v�echny ��astn�ky +make freebusy information available to not loged in persons? calendar cs Povolit zobrazen� stavu voln�/zanepr�zdn�n nep�ihl�en�m osob�m? +minutes calendar cs Minut modified calendar cs Zm�n�no -modify list of external participants calendar cs Zm�nit seznam extern�ch ��astn�k� mon calendar cs Po -month calendar cs M�s�c monthly calendar cs M�s��n� -monthly (by date) calendar cs M�s��n� (podle data) -monthly (by day) calendar cs M�s��n� (podle dne) -monthview calendar cs N�hled m�s�ce -name addressbook cs Jm�no -new entry calendar cs Nov� z�znam -new name must not exist and not be empty!!! calendar cs Nov� jm�no nesm� b�t pr�zdn� a nesm� b�t ji� pou�ito!!! -no addressbook cs Ne -no matches found calendar cs ��dn� z�znamy nenalezeny -no response calendar cs ��dn� odezva -no vcard addressbook cs ��dn� vizitka -none addressbook cs ��dn� -notes addressbook cs Pozn�mky -notification messages for added events calendar cs Tvar zpr�vy pro nov� ud�losti -notification messages for canceled events calendar cs Tvar zpr�vy p�i zru�en� ud�losti -notification messages for modified events calendar cs Tvar zpr�vy p�i zm�n� ud�losti -notification messages for your alarms calendar cs Tvar zpr�v p�ipomenut� ud�losti +monthly (by date) calendar cs M�s��n� (podle datumu) +monthly (by day) calendar cs M�s��n� (podle dne) +monthview calendar cs M�s��n� pohled +new search with the above parameters calendar cs nov� hled�n� dle v��e uveden�ch parametr� +no events found calendar cs ��dn� ud�losti nebyly nalezeny +no filter calendar cs ��dn� filtr +no matches found calendar cs nenalezeny ��dn� z�znamy +no response calendar cs ��dn� odpov�� +non blocking calendar cs neblokuj�c� +notification messages for added events calendar cs Tvar zpr�vy s upozorn�n�m na p�idan� ud�losti +notification messages for canceled events calendar cs Tvar zpr�vy s upozorn�n�m na zru�en� ud�losti +notification messages for disinvited participants calendar cs Tvar zpr�vy s upozorn�n�m na zru�en� ��asti +notification messages for modified events calendar cs Tvar zpr�vy s upozorn�n�m na zm�n�n� �d�losti +notification messages for your alarms calendar cs Tvar zpr�vy pro Va�e p�ipom�nky notification messages for your responses calendar cs Tvar zpr�vy pro Va�e odpov�di -november addressbook cs listopad -number of intervals per day in planner view calendar cs Po�et interval� za den v pl�novac�m pohledu -number of months calendar cs Po�et m�s�c� number of records to read (%1) calendar cs Po�et z�znam� k na�ten� (%1) observance rule calendar cs Pravidlo zachov�n� occurence calendar cs V�skyt -october addressbook cs ��jen -ok addressbook cs OK old startdate calendar cs Star� po��te�n� datum -olddate calendar cs Star�Datum -on %1 %2 %3 your meeting request for %4 calendar cs %1 %2 %3 v� po�adavek na sch�zku pro %4 -on all changes calendar cs p�i v�ech zm�n�ch -on all modification, but responses calendar cs p�i v�ech zm�n�ch mimo odpov�d� -on any time change too calendar cs i p�i jak�koli zm�n� �asu -on invitation / cancelation only calendar cs jen p�i pozv�n�/zru�en� -on participant responses too calendar cs i p�i odpov�d�ch -on time change of more than 4 hours too calendar cs i p�i zm�n� �asu o v�ce ne� 4 hodiny -open todo's: calendar cs �koly: -order calendar cs Po�ad� -other number addressbook cs Telefon - ostatn� -other phone addressbook cs Jin� telefon -overlap holiday calendar cs p�ekr�t sv�tky -pager common cs Pager -parcel addressbook cs Parcela -participant calendar cs Spolu��astn�k -participants calendar cs Spolu��astn�ci -participates calendar cs ��astn� se -password for not loged in users to your freebusy information? calendar cs P��stupov� heslo k informac�m o zanepr�zdn�n� pro nep�ihl�en� osoby +on %1 %2 %3 your meeting request for %4 calendar cs %1 %2 %3 V�s po�adavek na setk�n� pro %4 +on all modification, but responses calendar cs p�i v�ech zm�n�ch, krom� odpov�d� +on any time change too calendar cs tak� p�i jak�koli zm�n� �asu +on invitation / cancelation only calendar cs jen p�i pozv�n� / zru�en� +on participant responses too calendar cs tak� p�i odpov�d�ch ��astn�k� +on time change of more than 4 hours too calendar cs tak� p�i zm�n� �asu o v�ce jak 4 hodiny +one month calendar cs jeden m�s�c +one week calendar cs jeden t�den +one year calendar cs jeden rok +only the initial date of that recuring event is checked! calendar cs Kontroluje se jen �vodn� �as t�to opakuj�c�c� se ud�losti! +open todo's: calendar cs aktivn� �koly: +overlap holiday calendar cs p�ekr�t sv�tek +participants calendar cs ��astn�ci +participants disinvited from an event calendar cs ��astn�ci, kter�m byla zru�ena pozv�nka +participants, resources, ... calendar cs ��astn�ci, Zdroje, ... +password for not loged in users to your freebusy information? calendar cs Heslo pro nep�ihl�en� u�ivatele k z�sk�n� informace o Va�em statusu voln�/zanepr�zdn�n? people holiday calendar cs osobn� dovolen� -permission denied calendar cs P��stup zak�z�n -phone number common cs Telefonn� ��slo -phone numbers common cs Telefonn� ��sla -planner calendar cs Pl�nova� +permission denied calendar cs P��stup zam�tnut planner by category calendar cs Pl�nova� - podle kategorie planner by user calendar cs Pl�nova� - podle u�ivatele -please confirm,accept,reject or examine changes in the corresponding entry in your calendar calendar cs Pros�m potvr�te, p�ijm�te, odvolejte nebo zkontrolujte zm�ny v p��slu�n�m z�znamu kalend��e -please enter a filename !!! calendar cs Pros�m vlo�te n�zev souboru !!! -please enter a name for that field ! addressbook cs Pros�m zadejte jm�no pro tuto polo�ku ! -please select addressbook cs Vyberte pros�m -please set your preferences for this app addressbook cs Upravte si pros�m volby pro tuto aplikaci -please set your preferences for this application addressbook cs Upravte si pros�m volby pro tuto aplikaci -postal common cs Po�tovn� -pref addressbook cs Titul -prefix addressbook cs Titul -preselected group for entering the planner calendar cs P�edvybran� skupina pro vstup do pl�nova�e -print calendars in black & white calendar cs Tiskni �ernob�l� kalend��e -print the mini calendars calendar cs Tisknout minikalend��e -printer friendly calendar cs Pro tisk -privat calendar cs Soukrom� -private addressbook cs Soukrom� -private and global public calendar cs Soukrom� i ve�ejn� p��stupn� -private and group public calendar cs P��stupn� soukrom� i pro skupinu -private only calendar cs Pouze soukrom� -public addressbook cs ve�ejn� -public key addressbook cs Ve�ejn� kl�� -re-edit event calendar cs Opravit znova -read a list of entries. calendar cs Na��st seznam z�znam�. -read a single entry by passing the id and fieldlist. calendar cs Na��st z�znam p�ed�n�m id a seznamu polo�ek. -read this list of methods. calendar cs Na��st tento seznam metod. -receive email updates calendar cs Dost�vat informace elektronickou po�tou? -receive extra information in event mails calendar cs Dost�vat roz���en� informace v e-mailech o ud�lostech -receive summary of appointments calendar cs Dost�vat souhrn ud�lost� -record access addressbook cs P��stup k z�znamu -record owner addressbook cs Vlastn�k z�znamu -recurring event calendar cs Opakuj�c� se ud�lost -refresh calendar cs Obnovit -reinstate calendar cs Obnovit v�skyty +please note: you can configure the field assignments after you uploaded the file. calendar cs Upozorn�n�: P�i�azen� pol� m��ete konfigurovat a� po uploadu souboru. +preselected group for entering the planner calendar cs P�edvybran� skupina pro zad�n� do pl�nova�e +previous calendar cs p�edchoz� +private and global public calendar cs soukrom� a ve�ejn� p��stupn� +private and group public calendar cs soukrom� a p��stupn� pro skupinu +private only calendar cs Jen soukrom� +quantity calendar cs Mno�stv� +re-edit event calendar cs Znovu editovat ud�lost +receive email updates calendar cs P�ij�mat informace o zm�n�ch po�tou +receive summary of appointments calendar cs P�ij�mat p�ehledy ud�lost� +recurrence calendar cs Pravideln� opakov�n� +recurring event calendar cs Pravideln� se opakuj�c� ud�lost rejected calendar cs Odm�tnuto -repeat day calendar cs Den pro opakov�n� -repeat end date calendar cs Datum konce opakov�n� -repeat type calendar cs Druh opakov�n� -repeating event information calendar cs Informace o opakov�n� +repeat days calendar cs Opakovat ve dnech +repeat the event until which date (empty means unlimited) calendar cs opakovat ud�lost a� do data (nevypln�no znamen� bez omezen�) +repeat type calendar cs Typ opakov�n� +repeating event information calendar cs Informace o opakuj�c� se ud�losti +repeating interval, eg. 2 to repeat every second week calendar cs interval opakovan�, nap�. 2 pro jednou za dva t�dny repetition calendar cs Opakov�n� -repetitiondetails (or empty) calendar cs Opakov�n� (nebo nic) -reset calendar cs Reset -retrieve contacts admin cs na�ti kontakty +repetitiondetails (or empty) calendar cs Detaily opakov�n� (nebo ponechte pr�zdn�) +reset calendar cs Vynulovat +resources calendar cs Zdroje rule calendar cs Pravidlo -sa calendar cs So sat calendar cs So -scheduling conflict calendar cs Konflikt napl�nov�n� -search results calendar cs V�sledky hled�n� -select all addressbook cs Vybrat v�e -select where you want to store admin cs Vyberte m�sto pro ulo�en� -selected contacts (%1) calendar cs Vyber kontakty (%1) -send updates via email common cs Poslat zm�ny e-mailem -send/receive updates via email calendar cs Odeslat / p�ijmout zm�ny e-mailem -september addressbook cs z��� -set a year only for one-time / non-regular holidays. calendar cs Rok nastavte jen pro jednor�zov� a nepravideln� ud�losti. +saves the changes made calendar cs ulo�� proveden� zm�ny +saves the event ignoring the conflict calendar cs Ulo�� ud�lost bez ohledu na konflikt +scheduling conflict calendar cs Konflikt v pl�nov�n� +select a %1 calendar cs vybrat %1 +select a time calendar cs vybrat �as +select resources calendar cs Vybrat zdroje +select who should get the alarm calendar cs Vybrat kdo dostane upozorn�n� +selected range calendar cs Vybran� rozsah +set a year only for one-time / non-regular holidays. calendar cs Nastavit rok pro jednor�zov� (nepravideln�) sv�tky. set new events to private calendar cs Nastavit nov� ud�losti jako soukrom� -should invitations you rejected still be shown in your calendar ?<br>you can only accept them later (eg. when your scheduling conflict is removed), if they are still shown in your calendar! calendar cs Maj� se odm�tnut� pozv�nky st�le zobrazovat v kalend��i?<br>M��ete je p�ijmout pozd�ji, ale jen pokud jsou st�le zobrazeny! -should new events created as private by default ? calendar cs Maj� b�t nov� ud�losti vytv��eny jako soukrom�? -should not loged in persons be able to see your freebusy information? you can set an extra password, different from your normal password, to protect this informations. the freebusy information is in ical format and only include the times when you are busy. it does not include the event-name, description or locations. the url to your freebusy information is %1. calendar cs Mohou nep�ihl�en� osoby vid�t informace o Va�em zanepr�zdn�n� �i voln�m �ase? M��ete i nastavit dodate�n� heslo, odli�n� od Va�eho b�n�ho hesla, k ochran� t�chto �daj�. Tyto �daje jsou ve form�tu iCal a obsahuj� pouze �asy va�eho zanepr�zdn�n�, nikoli podrobnosti o ud�lostech. Odkaz na tyto informace je %1. -should the mini calendars by printed / displayed in the printer friendly views ? calendar cs Maj� se minikalend��e zobrazovat a tisknout i v n�hledech tisku? -should the printer friendly view be in black & white or in color (as in normal view)? calendar cs M� b�t n�hled tisku �ernob�l� nebo barevn�? -should the status of the event-participants (accept, reject, ...) be shown in brakets after each participants name ? calendar cs M� se za jm�nem u�ivatele zobrazovat jeho vztah k ud�losti (p�ijmul, odm�tnul, ...)? -show birthday reminders on main screen addressbook cs P�ipom�nat narozeniny na hlavn� stran� -show day view on main screen calendar cs Zobrazit denn� pohled na hlavn� str�nce -show default view on main screen calendar cs Zobrazit standartn� pohled na hlavn� str�nce -show high priority events on main screen calendar cs Zobrazit ud�losti s vysokou prioritou na hlavn� str�nce -show invitations you rejected calendar cs Zobrazit odm�tnut� pozv�nky -show list of upcoming events calendar cs Zobrazit seznam budouc�ch ud�lost� -show next seven days calendar cs Zobrazit dal��ch 7 dn� -show only one day calendar cs Zobrazit pouze 1 den -single event calendar cs samostatn� ud�lost -sorry, the owner has just deleted this event calendar cs Omlouv�m se, vlastn�k pr�v� smazal tuto ud�lost -sorry, this event does not exist calendar cs Omlouv�m se, tato ud�lost neexistuje -sorry, this event does not have exceptions defined calendar cs Omlouv�m se, tato ud�lost nem� definov�ny v�jimky -sort by calendar cs Set��d�no podle -specifies the the number of intervals shown in the planner view. calendar cs Ur�uje po�et zobrazen�ch interval� v pl�nova�i -start date/time calendar cs Po��te�n� datum a �as -start- and enddates calendar cs Po��te�n� a koncov� datum -startdate calendar cs Po��te�n� datum +should invitations you rejected still be shown in your calendar ?<br>you can only accept them later (eg. when your scheduling conflict is removed), if they are still shown in your calendar! calendar cs Maj� b�t pozv�nky, kter� odm�tnete d�le zobrazov�ny ve Va�em kalend��i?<br>Jen tak je m��ete pozd�ji p�ijmout (nap�. kdy� se V�m poda�� odstranit konfliktn� ud�lost). +should new events created as private by default ? calendar cs Maj� b�t nov� ud�losti standardn� vytv��eny jako soukorm�? +should not loged in persons be able to see your freebusy information? you can set an extra password, different from your normal password, to protect this informations. the freebusy information is in ical format and only include the times when you are busy. it does not include the event-name, description or locations. the url to your freebusy information is %1. calendar cs Maj� m�t nep��hl�en� u�ivatel� mo�nost vid�t V� stav voln�/zanepr�zdn�n? M��ete nastavit zvl�tn� heslo, kter� se neshoduje s Va��m p�ihla�ovac�m heslem a chr�nit j�m tuto informaci. Informace o stavu voln�/zanepr�zdn�n je ve form�tu iCal a obsahuje jen �asy, kdy jste zanepr�zdn�n(a). Nezahrnuje n�zvy ud�lost�, jejich popisy ani um�st�n�. Adresa URL pro informace o Va�em voln�m a obsazen�m �asu je %1. +should the planner display an empty row for users or categories without any appointment. calendar cs M� pl�nova� zobrazovat pr�zdn� ��dek pro u�ivatele nebo kategorie bez ud�losti. +should the status of the event-participants (accept, reject, ...) be shown in brakets after each participants name ? calendar cs M� b�t informace o stavu ��asti jednotliv�ch ��astn�k� (p�ijal, odm�tnul) zobrazena v z�vork�ch vedle jejich jm�na? +show default view on main screen calendar cs Zobrazit v�choz� pohled na hlavn� obrazovce +show empty rows in planner calendar cs Zobrazit pr�zdn� ��dky v Pl�nova�i +show invitations you rejected calendar cs Zobrazit V�mi zam�tnut� pozv�n� +show list of upcoming events calendar cs zobrazit seznam nadch�zej�c�ch ud�lost� +show this month calendar cs zobrazit tento m�s�c +show this week calendar cs zobrazit tento t�den +single event calendar cs jednotliv� ud�lost +start calendar cs Za��tek +start date/time calendar cs Po��te�n� datum/�as +startdate / -time calendar cs Po��te�n� datum/�as +startdate and -time of the search calendar cs Po��te�n� datum/�as hled�n� +startdate of the export calendar cs Po��te�n� datum exportu startrecord calendar cs Prvn� z�znam -state common cs St�t -street common cs Ulice -su calendar cs Ne -submit addressbook cs Ode�li +status changed calendar cs Stav zm�n�n submit to repository calendar cs Ulo�it do datab�ze -successfully imported %1 records into your addressbook. addressbook cs �sp�n� importov�no %1 z�znam� do adres��e. -suffix addressbook cs P��pona sun calendar cs Ne -tentative calendar cs P�edb�n� -test import (show importable records <u>only</u> in browser) calendar cs Otestovat import (importovan� z�znamy se zobraz� <u>jen</u> v prohl��e�i) -text calendar cs Text -th calendar cs �t -that field name has been used already ! addressbook cs Takov� n�zev polo�ky u� existuje ! -the following conflicts with the suggested time:<ul>%1</ul> calendar cs N�sleduj� kolize se zadan�m �asem:<ul>%1</ul> -the user %1 is not participating in this event! calendar cs U�ivatel %1 se ne��astn� t�to ud�losti -there was an error trying to connect to your news server.<br>please contact your admin to check the news servername, username or password. calendar cs Vyskytl se probl�m se spojen�m na news-server. <BR>Pros�m kontaktujte administr�tora. -this day is shown as first day in the week or month view. calendar cs Tento den je zobrazen jako prvn� v n�hledu t�dne �i m�s�ce -this defines the end of your dayview. events after this time, are shown below the dayview. calendar cs Touto hodinou kon�� denn� pohled. Ud�losti po t�to hodin� se zobraz� za denn�m pohledem. -this defines the start of your dayview. events before this time, are shown above the dayview.<br>this time is also used as a default starttime for new events. calendar cs Touto hodinou za��n� denn� pohled. Ud�losti p�ed n� se zobraz� nad denn�m pohledem.<br>Z�rove� se tato hodina pou�ije jako v�choz� pro nov� ud�losti. -this group that is preselected when you enter the planner. you can change it in the planner anytime you want. calendar cs Tato skupina bude automaticky vybr�na p�i vstupu do pl�nova�e. V pl�nova�i ji m��ete m�nit podle libosti. -this is mostly caused by a not or wrongly configured smtp server. notify your administrator. calendar cs Pravd�podobn� je �patn� nastaven SMTP server. Upozorn�te spr�vce syst�mu. -this message is sent for canceled or deleted events. calendar cs Tato zpr�va se ode�le p�i zru�en� �i smaz�n� ud�losti -this message is sent for modified or moved events. calendar cs Tato zpr�va je pos�l�na p�i zm�n� �i p�esunut� ud�losti -this message is sent to every participant of events you own, who has requested notifcations about new events.<br>you can use certain variables which get substituted with the data of the event. the first line is the subject of the email. calendar cs Tato zpr�va se ode�le v�em ��astn�k�m Va�� sch�zky, kte�� po��dali o zpr�vy o nov�ch ud�lostech<br>M��ete pou��t r�zn� prom�nn�, kter� budou nahrazeny skute�n�mi �daji o ud�losti.<br>Prvn� ��dka je p�edm�t zpr�vy -this message is sent when you accept, tentative accept or reject an event. calendar cs Tato zpr�va se ode�le pokud p�ijmete, p�edb�n� p�ijmete �i odm�tnete ud�lost (sch�zku). -this message is sent when you set an alarm for a certain event. include all information you might need. calendar cs Tato zpr�va se ode�le pokud je nastaveno p�ipomenut� n�jak� ud�losti. Uve�te v�echny �daje kter� m��ete pot�ebovat. -this month calendar cs Tento m�s�c -this person's first name was not in the address book. addressbook cs Toto jm�no nebylo nalezeno v adres��i. -this person's last name was not in the address book. addressbook cs Toto p��jmen� nebylo nalezeno v adres��i. -this week calendar cs Tento t�den -this year calendar cs Letos +tentative calendar cs P�edb�n� +test import (show importable records <u>only</u> in browser) calendar cs Testovat import (zobrazit importovateln� z�znamy <u>jen</u> v prohl��e�i) +this day is shown as first day in the week or month view. calendar cs Tento den se zobraz� jako prvn� v t�denn�m nebo m�s��n�m pohledu. +this defines the end of your dayview. events after this time, are shown below the dayview. calendar cs Tento �as ukon�� V� denn� pohled. N�sleduj�c� ud�losti se zobraz� pod Va��m denn�m pohledem. +this defines the start of your dayview. events before this time, are shown above the dayview.<br>this time is also used as a default starttime for new events. calendar cs T�mto �asem za�ne V� denn� pohled. P�edch�zej�c� ud�losti se zobraz� nad Va��m denn�m pohledem.<br>Tento �as je tak� br�n jako v�choz� po��te�n� �as pro nov� ud�losti. +this group that is preselected when you enter the planner. you can change it in the planner anytime you want. calendar cs Tato skupina je p�ednastavena, kdy� vstoup�te do pl�nova�e. V pl�nova�i j� m��ete zm�nit kdykoli se V�m zl�b�. +this message is sent for canceled or deleted events. calendar cs Tato zpr�va je zas�l�na v p��pad� ukon�en�ch nebo smazan�ch ud�lost�. +this message is sent for modified or moved events. calendar cs Tato zpr�va je zas�l�na v p��pad� zm�n�n�ch nebo posunut�ch ud�lost�. +this message is sent to disinvited participants. calendar cs Tato zpr�va je zas�l�na ��astn�k�m, kter�m byla zru�ena pozv�nka. +this message is sent to every participant of events you own, who has requested notifcations about new events.<br>you can use certain variables which get substituted with the data of the event. the first line is the subject of the email. calendar cs Tato zpr�va je zasl�na ka�d�mu ��astn�kovi ud�losti, jej�� jste vlastn�kem, kter� si nastavil zas�l�n� informac� o nov�ch ud�lostech.<br>V textu m��ete pou��t n�kter� prom�nn�, kter� budou nahrazeny �daji konkr�tn� ud�losti. Prvn� ��dka textu bude subjektem e-mailov� zpr�vy. +this message is sent when you accept, tentative accept or reject an event. calendar cs Tato zpr�va je zasl�na, pokud p�ijmete, p�edb�n� p�ijmete nebo odm�tnete ud�lost. +this message is sent when you set an alarm for a certain event. include all information you might need. calendar cs Tato zpr�va je zasl�na, pokud nastav�te upozorn�n� pro ur�itou ud�lost. Zahrnuje v�echny informace, kter� by jste mohl(a) pot�ebovat. +three month calendar cs t�i m�s�ce thu calendar cs �t -title calendar cs N�zev +til calendar cs do +timeframe calendar cs �asov� r�mec +timeframe to search calendar cs �asov� r�mec hled�n� title of the event calendar cs N�zev ud�losti -title-row calendar cs Nadpis -to many might exceed your execution-time-limit calendar cs p��li� mnoho m��e p�ekro�it �as vymezen� pro vykon�n� -to-firstname calendar cs Dle jm�na -to-fullname calendar cs Dle cel�ho jm�na -to-lastname calendar cs Dle p��jmen� -today calendar cs Dnes -today is %1's birthday! common cs Dnes m� narozeniny %1! -tomorrow is %1's birthday. common cs Z�tra m� narozeniny %1. +to many might exceed your execution-time-limit calendar cs p��li� mnoho m��e p�ekro�it nastaven� �asov� limit spu�t�n� translation calendar cs P�eklad -tu calendar cs �t tue calendar cs �t -update a single entry by passing the fields. calendar cs Zm�nit z�znam p�ed�n�m polo�ek. +two weeks calendar cs dva t�dny updated calendar cs Aktualizov�no -use end date calendar cs Datum konce pou�it� -vcard common cs Vizitka VCard -vcards require a first name entry. addressbook cs Vizitky pot�ebuj� zadan� k�estn� jm�no. -vcards require a last name entry. addressbook cs Vizitky pot�ebuj� zadan� p��jmen�. -video phone addressbook cs Video telefon -view this entry calendar cs Uk�zat tento z�znam -voice phone addressbook cs Voice telefon -warning!! ldap is valid only if you are not using contacts for accounts storage! admin cs VAROV�N�!! LDAP nejde pou��t, pokud pou��v�te kontakty pro uchov�n� u�ivatelsk�ch ��t� -we calendar cs St +use end date calendar cs pou��t koncov� datum +use the selected time and close the popup calendar cs pou��t zvolen� �as a zav��t okno +user or group calendar cs U�ivatel nebo skupina +view this event calendar cs Zobrazit ud�lost +views with fixed time intervals calendar cs Pohledy s pevn�mi �asov�mi intervaly wed calendar cs St week calendar cs T�den weekday starts on calendar cs T�den za��n� dnem +weekdays calendar cs Dny v t�dnu +weekdays to use in search calendar cs Dny v t�dnu pou�it� p�i hled�n� weekly calendar cs T�dn� -weekview calendar cs N�hled t�dne -when creating new events default set to private calendar cs Nov� vytvo�en� ud�losti standartn� nastavit na soukrom� -which events do you want to see when you enter the calendar. calendar cs Jak� ud�losti chcete vid�t p�i spu�t�n� kalend��e? -which of calendar view do you want to see, when you start calendar ? calendar cs Jak� n�hled chcete vid�t p�i spu�t�n� kalend��e? -work day ends on calendar cs Pracovn� den za��n� -work day starts on calendar cs Pracovn� den kon�� -work phone addressbook cs Telefon - pr�ce -workdayends calendar cs konecpr�ce +weekview calendar cs T�denn� pohled +weekview with weekend calendar cs T�denn� pohled v�etn� v�kendu +weekview without weekend calendar cs T�denn� pohled bez v�kendu +which events do you want to see when you enter the calendar. calendar cs Kter� ud�losti chcete vid�t, kdy� vstoup�te do kalend��e. +which of calendar view do you want to see, when you start calendar ? calendar cs Kter� z pohled� chcete vid�t, kdy� spust�te kalend��? +whole day calendar cs cel� den +wk calendar cs T�d. +work day ends on calendar cs Pracovn� den kon�� v +work day starts on calendar cs Pracovn� den za��n� v yearly calendar cs Ro�n� -yearview calendar cs N�hled roku -yes addressbook cs Ano -you appear to be running addressbook cs Pou��v�te -you can either set a year or a occurence, not both !!! calendar cs M��ete zadat bu� rok nebo v�skyt, ale ne oboj� !!! -you can only set a year or a occurence !!! calendar cs M��ete zadat bu� rok nebo v�skyt, ale ne oboj� !!! -you do not have permission to add alarms to this event !!! calendar cs Nem�te pr�vo p�idat p�ipomenut� k t�to ud�losti !!! -you do not have permission to delete this alarm !!! calendar cs Nem�te pr�vo smazat toto p�ipomenut� !!! -you do not have permission to enable/disable this alarm !!! calendar cs Nem�te pr�vo zapnout nebo vypnout toto p�ipomenut� !!! -you do not have permission to read this record! calendar cs Nem�te pr�vo ��st tento z�znam -you have %1 high priority events on your calendar today. common cs Dnes m�te %1 ud�lost� s vysokou priritou. -you have 1 high priority event on your calendar today. common cs Dnes m�te 1 ud�lost s vysokou prioritou. -you have a meeting scheduled for %1 calendar cs M�te napl�novanou sch�zku na %1 -you have not entered a title calendar cs Nebyl zad�n n�zev -you have not entered a valid date calendar cs Nebylo zad�no spr�vn� datum -you have not entered a valid time of day calendar cs Nebyl zad�n spr�vn� �as -you have not entered participants calendar cs Nebyli zad�n� spoluzodpov�dn� -you must enter one or more search keywords calendar cs Mus�te zadat alespo� jedno kl��ov� slovo -you must select a [iv]cal. (*.[iv]cs) calendar cs Mus�te vybrat [iv]Cal. (*.[iv]cs) -you must select a vcard. (*.vcf) addressbook cs Mus�te vybrat VCard (*.vcf) -you must select at least 1 column to display addressbook cs Mus�te vybrat alespo� 1 sloupec k zobrazen�. +yearview calendar cs Ro�n� pohled +you can either set a year or a occurence, not both !!! calendar cs M��ete nastavit rok nebo v�skyt, ne oboj� !!! +you can only set a year or a occurence !!! calendar cs M��ete nastavit jen rok nebo v�skyt !!! +you do not have permission to read this record! calendar cs Nem�te opr�vn�n� ke �ten� tohoto z�znamu! +you have a meeting scheduled for %1 calendar cs M�te napl�novano setk�n� na %1 +you have been disinvited from the meeting at %1 calendar cs Byla V�m zru�ena pozv�nka na setk�n� v %1 +you need to select an ical file first calendar cs Nejprve mus�te vybrat iCal soubor you need to set either a day or a occurence !!! calendar cs Mus�te nastavit bu� den nebo v�skyt !!! -your meeting scheduled for %1 has been canceled calendar cs Sch�zka pl�novavan� na %1 byla zru�ena -your meeting that had been scheduled for %1 has been rescheduled to %2 calendar cs Sch�zka pl�novan� na %1 byla p�elo�ena na %2 -your suggested time of <b> %1 - %2 </b> conflicts with the following existing calendar entries: calendar cs V� navrhovan� �as <B> %1 - %2 </B> se kryje s n�sleduj�c�mi z�znamy v kalend��i: -zip code common cs PS� +your meeting scheduled for %1 has been canceled calendar cs Va�e setk�n� pl�novan� na %1 bylo zru�eno +your meeting that had been scheduled for %1 has been rescheduled to %2 calendar cs Va�e setk�n� pl�novan� na %1 bylo p�esunuto na %2 diff --git a/etemplate/setup/phpgw_cs.lang b/etemplate/setup/phpgw_cs.lang new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7dc671fa45 --- /dev/null +++ b/etemplate/setup/phpgw_cs.lang @@ -0,0 +1,403 @@ +%1 (%2 new) messages writen for application '%3' and languages '%4' etemplate cs %1 (%2 nov�ch) zpr�v zapsan�ch pro aplikaci '%3' a jazyky '%4' +%1 etemplates deleted etemplate cs %1 e�ablon smaz�no +%1 etemplates for application '%2' dumped to '%3' etemplate cs %1 e�ablon pro aplikaci '%2' vytvo�ilo v�pis do '%3' +%1 etemplates found etemplate cs %1 e�ablon nalezeno +%1 matches on search criteria etemplate cs %1 shod s krit�riem vyhled�v�n� +%1 new etemplates imported for application '%2' etemplate cs %1 nov�ch e�ablon importov�no pro aplikaci '%2' +%s disabled etemplate cs %s zablokov�no +%s needed etemplate cs %s zapot�eb� +%s notranslation etemplate cs %s bez p�ekladu +%s onchange etemplate cs %s onChange (p�i zm�n�) +%s readonly etemplate cs %s jen ke �ten� +'%1' has an invalid format !!! etemplate cs %1' m� neplatn� form�t !!! +'%1' is not a valid date !!! etemplate cs %1' nen� platn� datum !!! +'%1' is not a valid floatingpoint number !!! etemplate cs %1' nen� platn� ��slo s pohyblivou desetinnou ��rkou !!! +'%1' is not a valid integer !!! etemplate cs %1' nen� platn� cel� ��slo +a pattern to be searched for etemplate cs hledan� v�raz +accesskey etemplate cs P��stupov� kl�� +accesskeys can also be specified with an & in the label (eg. &name) etemplate cs P��stupov� kl��e mohou b�t specifikov�ny tak� s & v ozna�en� (nap�. &Name) +account contactdata etemplate cs Kontaktn� �daje ��tu +add a new column (after the existing ones) etemplate cs P�idat nov� sloupec (za st�vaj�c�) +add a new entry of the selected application etemplate cs P�idat nov� z�znam vybran� aplikace +add a new multi-column index etemplate cs P�idat nov� vicesloupcov� index +add column etemplate cs P�idat sloupec +add index etemplate cs P�idat index +add new etemplate cs P�idat nov� +add table etemplate cs P�idat tabulku +advanced search etemplate cs Roz���en� hled�n� +align etemplate cs Zarovnat +alignment of label and input-field in table-cell etemplate cs zarovn�n� popisku a vstupn�ho pole v bu�ce tabulky +alignment of the v/hbox containing table-cell etemplate cs Zarovn�n� V/HBoxu obsahuj�c�ho bu�ku tabulky +all days etemplate cs v�echny dny +all operations save the template! etemplate cs v�echny operace ukl�daj� �ablonu ! +am etemplate cs am +an indexed column speeds up querys using that column (cost space on the disk !!!) etemplate cs indexy vytvo�en� pro sloupec zrychluj� vyhled�v�n� v dan�m sloupci (ale tak� zab�raj� m�sto na disku !!!) +application etemplate cs Aplikace +application name needed to write a langfile or dump the etemplates !!! etemplate cs N�zev aplikace pot�eboval zapsat jazykov� soubor nebo vypsat e�ablony !!! +applies the changes made etemplate cs pou�ije proveden� zm�ny +applies the changes to the given version of the template etemplate cs pou�ije zm�ny proveden� v dan� verzi �ablony +as default etemplate cs jako v�choz� +attach etemplate cs P�ipojit +attach file etemplate cs p�ipojit soubor +baseline etemplate cs Z�kladna +blurtext etemplate cs rozmazan� text +border etemplate cs Okraj +border-line-thickness for the table-tag etemplate cs Tlou��ka okraje pro tag tabulky +bottom etemplate cs Doln� okraj +box etemplate cs R�me�ek +box... etemplate cs R�me�ek... +can not have special sql-value null etemplate cs nem��e m�t speci�ln� SQL hodnotu NULL +cancel etemplate cs Zru�it +cant delete a single widget from a grid !!! etemplate cs nemohu smazat jednotliv� widget z m���ky !!! +cant delete the only column of a grid !!! etemplate cs nemohu smazat jedin� sloupec ve m���ce !!! +cant delete the only row in a grid !!! etemplate cs nemohu smazat jedin� ��dek ve m���ce !!! +category etemplate cs Kategorie +cellpadding for the table-tag etemplate cs Vzd�lenost mezi bu�kou a jej�m obsahem pro tag tabulky +cells etemplate cs Bu�ky +cellspacing for the table-tag etemplate cs Vzd�lenost mezi bu�kami pro tag tabulky +center etemplate cs St�ed +changed etemplate cs Zm�n�no +check if content should only be displayed but not altered (the content is not send back then!) etemplate cs za�krtn�te, pokud m� b�t obsah jen zobrazen, nikoli m�n�n (obsah pak nen� pos�l�n zp�t!) +check if field has to be filled by user etemplate cs za�krtn�te, pokud mus� u�ivatel polo�ku vyplnit +checkbox etemplate cs Za�krt�vac� pol��ko +class etemplate cs T��da +class, valign etemplate cs t��da, svisl� zarovn�n� +click here to attach the file etemplate cs klikn�te sem pro p�ipojen� souboru +click here to create the link etemplate cs klikn�te sem pro vytvo�en� odkazu +click here to start the search etemplate cs Klikn�te sem pro zah�jen� hled�n� +click here to upload the file etemplate cs Klikn�te sem pro upload souboru +click to order after that criteria etemplate cs klikn�te sem pro �azen� dle dan�ho krit�ria +clickable path etemplate cs rozkliknuteln� cesta +closes the window without saving the changes etemplate cs uzav�e okno bez ulo�en� zm�n +column... etemplate cs Sloupec... +columnname etemplate cs Jm�no sloupce +comment etemplate cs Koment�� +confirm etemplate cs potvrdit +confirmation message or custom javascript (returning true or false) etemplate cs Potvrzuj�c� zpr�va nebo u�ivatelsky definovan� javaskript (vracej�c� true nebo false) +confirmation necesary or custom java-script etemplate cs vy�adov�no potvrzen� nebo u�ivatelsk� javaskript +contact etemplate cs Kontakt +contact field to show etemplate cs Zobrazit polo�ku kontaktu +contact fields etemplate cs Kontaktn� polo�ky +contains etemplate cs obsahuje +create a new table for the application etemplate cs Vytvo�it novou tabulku pro aplikaci +creates an english ('en') langfile from label and helptexts (for application in name) etemplate cs vytvo�� nov� anglick� jazykov� soubor ('en') z ozna�en� a pomocn�ch text� (pro aplikaci uvedenou v N�zvu) +css class for the table-tag etemplate cs CSS t��da pro tag tabulky +css properties etemplate cs Vlastnosti CSS +css-class name for this row, preset: 'nmh' = nextmatch header, 'nmr' = alternating nm row, 'nmr0'+'nmr1' nm rows etemplate cs n�zev CSS t��dy pro tento ��dek, p�ednastaveno: 'nmh' = NextMatch header (z�hlav� Dal��Shoda),'nmr' = alternating NM row (st��dav� NM ��dek),'nmr0'+'nmr1' NM ��dky +css-class name for this row, preset: 'th' = header, 'row' = alternating row, 'row_off'+'row_on' rows etemplate cs n�zev CSS t��dy pro tento ��dek, p�ednastaveno: 'th' = z�hlav�, 'row' = st��dav� ��dek, ��dky 'row_off'+'row_on' +css-styles etemplate cs CSS styly +custom etemplate cs u�ivatelsky definovan� +custom fields etemplate cs u�ivatelsky definovan� polo�ky +custom javascript for onchange etemplate cs u�ivatelsky definovan� javaskript pro onChange (p�i zm�n�) +cut etemplate cs Vyjmout +date+time etemplate cs Datum a �as +datum etemplate cs Datum +day etemplate cs Den +days etemplate cs dn� +db ensures that every row has a unique value in that column etemplate cs Datab�ze zaji��uje, �e ka�d� ��dek m� v tomto sloupci unik�tn� hodnotu +db-specific index options (comma-sep.), eg. mysql(fulltext) or mysql(100) for the indexed length of a col etemplate cs volby indexu (odd�len� ��rkou) specifick� pro datab�zi, nap�. mysql(FULLTEXT) nebo mysql(100) pro indexovanou d�lku sloupce +db-tools etemplate cs Datab�zov� n�stroje +deck etemplate cs Paluba (intern�) +default etemplate cs V�choz� +delete a single entry by passing the id. etemplate cs Vymazat z�znam vlo�en�m ID. +delete all selected etemplates, without further inquiry etemplate cs smazat V�ECHNY vybran� e�ablony BEZ dal��ho dotazu +delete and cut save the template! etemplate cs smazat a �ablonu vyjmout a ulo�it ! +delete column etemplate cs Smazat sloupec +delete index etemplate cs Smazat index +delete the spezified etemplate etemplate cs Smazat ur�enou e�ablonu +delete this column etemplate cs smazat tento sloupec +delete this etemplate etemplate cs smazat tuto e�ablonu +delete this file etemplate cs Smazat tento soubor +delete this row etemplate cs smazat tento ��dek +delete whole column (can not be undone!!!) etemplate cs smazat cel� sloupec (nelze vr�tit zp�t!!!) +deletes the above spez. etemplate from the database, can not be undone etemplate cs vyma�e v��e uvedenou e�ablonu z datab�ze, nelze vr�tit zp�t +deletes the etemplate spez. above etemplate cs sma�e v��e uvedenou e�ablonu +deletes this column etemplate cs Sma�e tento sloupec +deletes this index etemplate cs Sma�e tento index +discard changes etemplate cs zahodit zm�ny +displayed in front of input or input is inserted for a '%s' in the label (label of the submitbutton or image-filename) etemplate cs zobrazeno p�ed vstupem nebo je vstup vlo�en za '%s' v ozna�en� (tla��tka pro odesl�n� nebo n�zvu souboru s obr�zkem) +displayed in statusline of browser if input-field gets focus etemplate cs zobrazeno ve stavov� li�t� prohl��e�e pokud vstupn� pole z�sk� fokus +displayed in the top line of the groupbox (legend) etemplate cs zobrazeno v horn� ��dce r�me�ku skupiny (v legend�) +do you want to save the changes you made in table %s? etemplate cs Chcete ulo�it zm�ny, kter� jste ud�lal(a)v tabulce %s? +documentation etemplate cs Dokumentace +doesn't matter etemplate cs nez�le�� na tom +drop a table - this can not be undone etemplate cs Smazat tabulku - nelze vr�tit zp�t +drop table etemplate cs Smazat Tabulku +dump4setup etemplate cs Vypsat pro setup +duration etemplate cs Trv�n� +edit etemplate cs Editovat +edit embeded css styles or of the applications app.css file etemplate cs upravit vlo�en� CSS styly nebo CSS styly aplikac� v souboru app.css +edit the etemplate spez. above etemplate cs upravit v��e uvedenou e�ablonu +edit... etemplate cs Editovat.... +editable templates - db-tools etemplate cs Editovateln� �ablony - Datab�zov� n�stroje +editable templates - delete template etemplate cs Editovateln� �ablony - Smazat �ablonu +editable templates - editor etemplate cs Editovateln� �ablony - Editor +editable templates - search etemplate cs Editovateln� �ablony - Hledat +editable templates - show template etemplate cs Editovateln� �ablony - Zobrazit �ablonu +embeded css styles, eg. '.red { background: red; }' (note the '.' before the class-name) or '@import url(...)' (class names are global for the whole page!) etemplate cs vlo�en� CSS styly, nap�. '.red { background: red; }' (v�imn�te si te�ky p�ed n�zvem t��dy) nebo '@import url(...)' (n�zvy t��d jsou glob�ln� pro celou str�nku!) +enable javascript onchange submit etemplate cs povolit odes�l�n� onChange v javaskriptu +enter '' for an empty default, nothing mean no default etemplate cs zadejte '' pro pr�zdnou hodnotu jako v�choz�, nic znamen� bez v�choz� hodnoty +enter a search pattern etemplate cs Zadejte hledan� v�raz +enter filename to upload and attach, use [browse...] to search for it etemplate cs Zadejte n�zev souboru, kter� chcete uploadovat a p�ipojit, pou�ijte [Proch�zet] pro vyhled�n� souboru +enter the new version number here (> old_version), empty for no update-file etemplate cs sem zadejte ��slo nov� verze (> star�_verze), ponechte pr�zdn� pokud nechcete aktualizovat soubor +enter the new version number here (has to be > old_version) etemplate cs sem zadejte ��slo nov� verze (mus� b�t > star�_verze) +entry saved etemplate cs Z�znam ulo�en +error: template not found !!! etemplate cs Chyba: �ablona nebyla nalezena !!! +error: webserver is not allowed to write into '%1' !!! etemplate cs Chyba: webov� server nem� opr�vn�n� k z�pisu do '%1' !!! +error: while saving !!! etemplate cs Chyba p�i ukl�d�n� !!! +error: writing file (no write-permission for the webserver) !!! etemplate cs Chyba p�i ukl�d�n� souboru (webov� server nem� opr�vn�n� k z�pisu) !!! +etemplate common cs e�ablona +etemplate '%1' imported, use save to put it in the database etemplate cs e�ablona '%1' naimportov�na, pou�ijte Ulo�it pro z�pis do datab�ze +etemplate '%1' written to '%2' etemplate cs e�ablona '%1' zaps�na do '%2' +etemplate editor etemplate cs Editor e�ablon +etemplate reference etemplate cs Referen�n� p��ru�ka e�ablon +etemplate tutorial etemplate cs V�uka e�ablon +exchange this row with the one above etemplate cs zam�nit tento ��dek s ��dkem nad n�m +exchange this two columns etemplate cs zam�nit tyto dva sloupce +export the loaded etemplate into a xml-file etemplate cs exportovat na�tenou e�ablonu do XML souboru +export xml etemplate cs Exportovat XML +extensions loaded: etemplate cs Na�ten� roz���en�: +field etemplate cs Polo�ka +field must not be empty !!! etemplate cs Polo�ka nesm� b�t pr�zdn� !!! +file etemplate cs Soubor +file contains more than one etemplate, last one is shown !!! etemplate cs Soubor obsahuje v�ce jak jednu e�ablonu, zobrazena je posledn� !!! +file writen etemplate cs Soubor zaps�n +fileupload etemplate cs Upload souboru +first etemplate cs Prvn� +floating point etemplate cs Plovouc� desetinn� ��rka +foreign key etemplate cs Ciz� kl�� +formatted text (html) etemplate cs Form�tovan� text (HTML) +go to the first entry etemplate cs j�t na prvn� z�znam +go to the last entry etemplate cs j�t na posledn� z�znam +go to the next page of entries etemplate cs j�t na dal�� str�nku z�znam� +go to the previous page of entries etemplate cs j�t na p�edchoz� str�nku z�znam� +grid etemplate cs M���ka +grid column attributes etemplate cs Atributy sloupc� ve m���ce +grid row attributes etemplate cs Atributy ��dk� ve m���ce +groupbox etemplate cs R�me�ek skupiny +hbox etemplate cs Vodorovn� r�me�ek +height etemplate cs V��ka +height of row (in % or pixel) etemplate cs v��ka ��dku (v % nebo pixelech) +height of row (in % or pixel), disable row: [! = not]<value>[=<check>] eg: '!@data' disable row if content of data is empty etemplate cs v��ka ��dku (v % nebo pixelech), zak�z�n� ��dku: [! = not]<hodnota>[=<kontrola>] nap�.: '!@data' zak�e ��dek pokud obsah data je pr�zdn� +height of the table in % or pixels for the table-tag and (optional) div etemplate cs V��ka tabulky v % nebo pixelech pro tag tabulky a (voliteln�) div +height, disabled etemplate cs V��ka, vypnuto +help etemplate cs N�pov�da +history log etemplate cs Protokol historie +horizontal rule etemplate cs Vodorovn� prav�tko +hour etemplate cs Hodina +hours etemplate cs hodin +how many entries should the list show etemplate cs Kolik z�znam� m� seznam zobrazovat +html etemplate cs HTML +if field is disabled an empty table-cell is displayed, for (temporal) removement of a field/cell etemplate cs pokud je polo�ka zak�zan�, je zobrazena pr�zdn� bu�ka tabulky pro (do�asn�) odstran�n� polo�ky/bu�ky +image etemplate cs Obr�zek +import etemplate cs Importovat +import an etemplate from a xml-file etemplate cs importovat e�ablonu z XML souboru +import table-definitions from existing db-table etemplate cs Importovat definice tabulky ze stavaj�c� datab�zov� tabulky +import xml etemplate cs Importovat XML +increment version to not overwrite the existing template etemplate cs zvy�te ��slo verze, aby nedo�lo k p�eps�n� st�vaj�c� �ablony +index/name of returned content (name of the template, link / method for image) etemplate cs index/n�zev vr�cen�ho obsahu (n�zev �ablony, odkaz/metoda pro obr�zek) +indexed etemplate cs Indexovan� +indexoptions etemplate cs Volby indexu +insert a column before etemplate cs vlo�it sloupec p�ed +insert a column behind etemplate cs vlo�it sloupec za +insert a row above etemplate cs vlo�it ��dek nad +insert a row below etemplate cs vlo�it ��dek pod +insert a widget before etemplate cs vlo�it widget p�ed +insert a widget behind etemplate cs vlo�it widget za +insert new column behind this one etemplate cs vlo�it nov� sloupec za tento +insert new column in front of all etemplate cs vlo�it nov� sloupec p�ed v�echny ostatn� +insert new row after this one etemplate cs vlo�it nov� ��dek za tento +insert new row in front of first line etemplate cs vlo�it nov� ��dek p�ed prvn� ��dek +integer etemplate cs Cel� ��slo +key etemplate cs Kl�� +label etemplate cs Jmenovka +label:[bold][italic] text:[len][,max] numbers:[min][,[max][,len]] t.area:[rows][,cols] radiob.:value h.rule:[width] templ.:[indexincontent] select:[multiselect] date:[values: eg. 'y-m-d'] etemplate cs Jmenovka:[bold][italic] Text:[len][,max] ��sla:[min][,[max][,len]] Textov� oblast:[rows][,cols] P�ep�nac� tla��tko:value Vodorovn� prav�tko:[width] �ablona:[IndexInContent] V�b�r:[multiselect] Datum:[hodnoty: nap�. 'Y-m-d'] +lang etemplate cs Jazyk +language-short (eg. 'en' for english) for language-dependent template ('' reads your pref. languages or the default, us 'default' to read the default template '') etemplate cs zkratka jazyka (nap�. 'en' u angli�tiny) pro jazykov� z�vislou �ablonu ('' na�te Va�e p�edvolen� jazyky nebo v�choz�, pou�ijte 'v�choz�' pro na�ten� v�choz� �ablony '') +last etemplate cs Posledn� +left etemplate cs Lev� +length for char+varchar, precisions int: 2, 4, 8 and float: 4, 8 etemplate cs d�lka pro char+varchar, p�esnost cel�ch ��sel: 2, 4, 8 a desetinn�ch: 4, 8 +link etemplate cs Odkaz +linkapps etemplate cs Odkaz na aplikace +linkentry etemplate cs Z�znam odkazu +linklist etemplate cs Seznam odkaz� +linkstring etemplate cs �et�zec odkazu +linkto etemplate cs Odkaz na +load this template into the editor etemplate cs Na��st tuto �ablonu do editoru +middle etemplate cs Prost�edn� +minute etemplate cs Minuta +minutes etemplate cs minut +month etemplate cs M�s�c +multicolumn indices etemplate cs V�cesloupcov� indexy +name etemplate cs Jm�no +name of other table where column is a key from etemplate cs n�zev jin� tabulky kde je skoupec kl��em +name of phpgw-template set (e.g. verdilak): '' = default (will read pref. template, us 'default' to read default template '') etemplate cs n�zev skupiny �ablon z phpgw (nap�. verdilak): '' = v�choz� (na�te p�edvolenou �ablonu, pou�ijte 'v�choz�' pro na�ten� v�choz� �ablony '') +name of table to add etemplate cs N�zev tabulky, kter� se m� p�idat +name of the etemplate, should be in form application.function[.subtemplate] etemplate cs n�zev e�ablony, m�l by b�t ve tvaru aplikace.funkce.[.pod�ablona] +need to be unique in the table and no reseved word from sql, best prefix all with a common 2-digit short for the app, eg. 'et_' etemplate cs mus� b�t unik�tn� v r�mci tabulky a nesm� b�t rezervovan�m slovem SQL, nejlep�� je v�echny opat�it spole�nou dvoup�smennou zkratkou aplikace, nap�. 'et_' +new search etemplate cs Nov� hled�n� +new table created etemplate cs Nov� tabulka vytvo�ena +newer version '%1' exists !!! etemplate cs existuje nov�j�� verze '%1' !!! +nextmatch etemplate cs Nextmatch (Dal�� shoda) +nextmatch accountfilter etemplate cs Dal�� shoda s filtrem ��t� +nextmatch custom filterheader etemplate cs Dal�� shoda s u�ivatelsk�m filtrem z�hlav� +nextmatch filterheader etemplate cs Dal�� shoda s filtrem z�hlav� +nextmatch header etemplate cs Dal�� shoda z�hlav� +nextmatch sortheader etemplate cs Dal�� shoda set��d�n�ho z�hlav� +no column to swap with !!! etemplate cs nen� sloupec, za kter� se d� prohodit !!! +no file etemplate cs ��dn� soubor +no filename given or selected via browse... etemplate cs nebyl zad�n n�zev souboru ani vybr�n p�es Proch�zet +no row to swap with !!! etemplate cs nen� ��dek, za kter� se d� prohodit !!! +not null etemplate cs NEN� NULL +nothing etemplate cs nic +nothing found - try again !!! etemplate cs Nic nenalezeno - zkuste znovu !!! +nothing in clipboard to paste !!! etemplate cs v clipboardu nen� nic ke vlo�en� !!! +nothing matched search criteria !!! etemplate cs Zadan�mu krit�riu hled�n� nic neodpov�d� !!! +number of colums the field/cell should span or 'all' for the remaining columns, css-class name (for the td tag) etemplate cs po�et sloupc�, p�es kter� se m� pole/bu�ka rozt�hnout nebo 'all' pro zb�vaj�c� sloupce, jm�no CSS t��dy (pro tag TD) +number of rows/cols in a v/hbox, cellpadding, cellspacing etemplate cs po�et ��dk�/sloupc� ve Svisl�m/Vodorovn�m r�me�ku, vzd�lenost mezi bu�kou a jej�m obsahem, vzd�lenost mezi bu�kami +of etemplate cs z +onchange etemplate cs onChange (p�i zm�n�) +onclick etemplate cs onClick (p�i kliknut�) +only an other version found !!! etemplate cs na�la se jen jin� verze !!! +open the online help. etemplate cs Otev�it online n�pov�du. +operator etemplate cs Oper�tor +optional note about the link etemplate cs voliteln� pozn�mka o odkazu +options etemplate cs Volby +order to navigating by tab key through the form etemplate cs Po�ad� v navigaci fomul��em pomoc� kl�vesy tabul�tor +overflow etemplate cs P�ete�en� +padding etemplate cs Odsazen� +parent is a '%1' !!! etemplate cs nad�azen� je '%1' !!! +paste etemplate cs Vlo�it +path etemplate cs Cesta +please enter table-name first !!! etemplate cs Zadejte pros�m nejprve n�zev tabulky !!! +pm etemplate cs pm +popup etemplate cs P�ekr�vac� +precision etemplate cs P�esnost +primary key etemplate cs Prim�rn� kl�� +primary key for the table, gets automaticaly indexed etemplate cs Prim�rn� kl�� tabulky, je automaticky indexov�n +radiobutton etemplate cs P�ep�nac� tla��tko +read etemplate cs ��st +read a list of entries. etemplate cs Na��st seznam z�znam� +read a single entry by passing the id and fieldlist. etemplate cs Na��st jednotliv� z�znam zad�n�m jeho id a seznamu pol� +read etemplate from database (for the keys above) etemplate cs na��st e�ablonu z datab�ze (pro v��e uveden� kl��e) +readonly etemplate cs jen pro �ten� +remove row (can not be undone!!!) etemplate cs odstranit ��dek (nelze vr�tit zp�t!!!) +remove this link (not the entry itself) etemplate cs Odstranit tento odkaz (ne cel� z�znam) +returns savely, without deleting etemplate cs vr�t� bezpe�n� zp�t, BEZ smaz�n� +right etemplate cs Prav� +row... etemplate cs ��dek... +save selected columns as default preference for all users. etemplate cs Ulo�it vybran� sloupce jako v�choz� p�edvolbu pro v�echny u�ivatele. +save the changes made and close the window etemplate cs Ulo�it proveden� zm�ny a zav��t okno +save the etemplate under the above keys (name, ...), change them for a saveas etemplate cs ulo�it e�ablonu pod v��e uveden�mi kl��i (n�zev, ...), zm�nit je pro Ulo�it jako +saves changes to etemplate cs ulo�� zm�ny do +saves the template with given version number and closes the window etemplate cs ulo�� �ablonu s dan�m ��slem verze a zav�e okno +scale etemplate cs �k�la +scale for float etemplate cs �k�la pro plovouc� +search etemplate cs Hledat +select a category etemplate cs vybrat kategorii +select a primary contact, to show in the list etemplate cs Vybrat prim�rn� kontakt, kter� m� b�t zobrazen v seznamu +select access etemplate cs Vybrat p��stup +select account etemplate cs Vybrat ��et +select an app first !!! etemplate cs Vyberte nejprve aplikaci !!! +select an app to search in etemplate cs Vybrat aplikaci k prohled�n� +select an application etemplate cs Vybrat aplikaci +select an application, (*) = uninstalled etemplate cs Vybrat aplikaci, (*) = nenainstalovan� +select an entry to link with etemplate cs Vybrat z�znam, na kter� se m� odkazovat +select an table of the application etemplate cs Vybrat tabulku aplikace +select application etemplate cs Vybrat aplikaci +select application to search etemplate cs Vybrat aplikaci k prohled�n� +select category etemplate cs Vybrat kategorii +select columns etemplate cs Vybrat sloupce +select country etemplate cs Vybrat zemi +select day etemplate cs Vybrat den +select day of week etemplate cs vybrat den v t�dnu +select entry etemplate cs Vybrat z�znam +select hour etemplate cs Vybrat hodinu +select if content of field should not be translated (label gets always translated) etemplate cs vyberte pokud nem� b�t obsah pole p�elo�en (jmenovka je p�elo�ena v�dy) +select language etemplate cs Vybrat jazyk +select month etemplate cs Vybrat m�s�c +select number etemplate cs Vybrat ��slo +select one ... etemplate cs Vybrat jeden ... +select percentage etemplate cs Vybrat procento +select priority etemplate cs Vybrat prioritu +select state etemplate cs Vybrat st�t +select the columns to display in the list etemplate cs Vybrat sloupce, kter� maj� b�t zobrazeny v seznamu +select the indexed columns in their desired order etemplate cs Vybrat indexovan� sloupce v po�adovan�m po�ad� +select this etemplate to delete it etemplate cs vybrat tuto e�ablonu ke smaz�n� +select which accounts to show etemplate cs vybrat ��ty ke zobrazen� +select which values to show etemplate cs vybrat hodnoty ke zobrazen� +select year etemplate cs Vybrat rok +selectbox etemplate cs Rozbalovac� nab�dka +sets today as date etemplate cs nastav� dne�ek jako datum +should the form be submitted or any custom javascript be executed etemplate cs M� b�t odesl�n formul�� nebo spu�t�n libovoln� u�ivatelsk� javaskript +show etemplate cs Zobrazit +show (no save) etemplate cs Zobrazit (neukl�dat) +show values etemplate cs Zobrazit hodnoty +showing etemplate cs zobrazuji +shows / allows you to enter values into the etemplate for testing etemplate cs zobraz� / umo�n� V�m zadat hodnoty do e�ablony pro testov�n� +shows/displays etemplate for testing, does not save it before etemplate cs zobraz� e�ablonu pro testov�n�, p�edt�m j� NEukl�d� +spacing etemplate cs Rozestupy +span etemplate cs Rozta�en� +span, class etemplate cs Rozta�en�, T��da +stack etemplate cs Z�sobn�k +start a new search, cancel this link etemplate cs za��t nov� hled�n�, zru�it tento odkaz +start new search for the above pattern etemplate cs za��t nov� hled�n� pro v��e uveden� v�raz +submit form etemplate cs odeslat formul�� +submitbutton etemplate cs Tla�itko pro odesl�n� +swap etemplate cs prohodit +swap widget with next one etemplate cs prohodit widget s n�sleduj�c�m +swap with next column etemplate cs prohodit s n�sleduj�c�m sloupcem +swap with next row etemplate cs prohodit s n�sleduj�c�m ��dkem +switch to a parent widget etemplate cs p�epnout na nad��zen� widget +switch to an other widgets of that container etemplate cs p�epnout na jin� widgety v dan�m kontejneru +tabindex etemplate cs Index tabulek +table unchanged, no write necessary !!! etemplate cs Tabulka se nezm�nila, z�pis nen� zapot�eb� !!! +tablename etemplate cs N�zev tabulky +tabs etemplate cs Z�lo�ky +template etemplate cs �ablona +template deleted etemplate cs �ablona smaz�na +template saved etemplate cs �ablona ulo�ena +text etemplate cs Text +textarea etemplate cs Textov� oblast +this text gets displayed if the input-field is empty and has no focus (blur) etemplate cs tento text se zobraz�, pokud je vstupn� pole pr�zdn� a nem� fokus +time etemplate cs �as +to disable: [! = not]<value>[=<check>] eg: '!@data' disables if content of data is empty etemplate cs pro z�kaz: [! = not]<hodnota>[=<kontrola>] nap�.: '!@data' zak�e pokud obsah data je pr�zdn� +to start the db-tools etemplate cs pro start datab�zov�ch n�stroj� +to start the etemplate editor etemplate cs pro start editoru e�ablon +to start the search etemplate cs pro start hled�n� +today etemplate cs Dnes +top etemplate cs Horn� okraj +type etemplate cs Typ +type of the column etemplate cs typ sloupce +type of the field (select label if field should be empty) etemplate cs typ pole (vyberte Jmenovku, pokud m� b�t pole pr�zdn�) +unique etemplate cs Unik�tn� +unlink etemplate cs Zru�it odkaz +update a single entry by passing the fields. etemplate cs Aktualizovat z�znam vypln�n�m polo�ek. +update from version '%s' to etemplate cs Aktualizovat z verze '%s' na +upload etemplate cs Uploadovat +valign etemplate cs svisl� zarovn�n� +value etemplate cs Hodnota +value has to be at least '%1' !!! etemplate cs Hodnota mus� b�t nejm�n� '%1' !!! +value has to be at maximum '%1' !!! etemplate cs Hodnota mus� b�t nejv��e '%1' !!! +vbox etemplate cs Svisl� r�me�ek +version etemplate cs Verze +version-number, should be in the form: major.minor.revision.number (eg. all numbers filled up with zeros) etemplate cs ��slo verze, m�lo b�t m�t podobu: hlavn�.vedlej��.revize.��slo (nap�. v�echna ��sla dopln�n� nulami) +vertical alignment of row etemplate cs svisl� zarovn�n� ��dku +view this etemplate etemplate cs zobrazit tuto e�ablonu +view this linked entry in its application etemplate cs zobrazit odkazovan� z�znam v jeho aplikaci +weekend etemplate cs v�kend +what happens with overflowing content: visible (default), hidden, scroll, auto (browser decides) etemplate cs co se stane s p�et�kaj�c�m obsahem: viditeln� (v�choz�), skryt�,rolovat,auto(rozhoduje prohl��e�) +widget copied into clipboard etemplate cs widget zkop�rovan� do klipboradu +width etemplate cs ���ka +width of col (in % or pixel), disable col: [! = not]<value>[=<check>] eg: '!@data' disable col if content of data is empty etemplate cs ���ka sloupce (v % nebo pixelech), zak�zat sloupec: [! = not]<hodnota>[=<kontrola>] nap�.: '!@data' zak�zat sloupec pokud je obsah data pr�zdn� +width of column (in % or pixel) etemplate cs ���ka sloupce (v % nebo pixelech) +width of the table in % or pixels for the table-tag and (optional) div etemplate cs ���ka tabulky (v % nebo pixelech) pro tag tabulky a (voliteln�) div +width, disabled etemplate cs ���ka, vypnuto +working days etemplate cs pracovn� dny +write <app>/setup/ etemplate cs Zapsat <app>/setup/ +write langfile etemplate cs Zapsat jazykov� soubor +write tables etemplate cs Zapsat tabulky +writes a '' file (for application in name) in the setup-dir of the app etemplate cs zap��e soubor '' (pro aplikaci v N�zvu) do setup adres��e aplikace +xml-file to import etemplate cs XML soubor pro import +xslt template etemplate cs XSLT �ablona +year etemplate cs Rok diff --git a/filemanager/setup/phpgw_cs.lang b/filemanager/setup/phpgw_cs.lang index f770ac37ab..da05bbfd48 100644 --- a/filemanager/setup/phpgw_cs.lang +++ b/filemanager/setup/phpgw_cs.lang @@ -1,115 +1,115 @@ %1 already exists as a file filemanager cs %1 ji� existuje jako soubor application filemanager cs Aplikace -back to file manager filemanager cs Zp�t do spr�vce soubor� -cancel editing %1 without saving filemanager cs Zru�it editaci %1 bez ulo�en� -cannot create directory because it begins or ends in a space filemanager cs Adres�� nemohl b�t vytvo�en, proto�e za��n� nebo kon�� mezerou. -cannot replace %1 because it is a directory filemanager cs %1 nemohl b�t nahrazen, proto�e se jedn� o adres�� +back to file manager filemanager cs Zp�t na Spr�vce soubor� +cancel editing %1 without saving filemanager cs Ukon�it editaci %1 bez ulo�en� +cannot create directory because it begins or ends in a space filemanager cs Nemohu vytvo�it adres��, proto�e za��n� nebo kon�� mezerou +cannot replace %1 because it is a directory filemanager cs Nemohu p�epsat %1 proto�e je to adres�� command sucessfully run filemanager cs P��kaz �sp�n� spu�t�n -comment filemanager cs Pozn�mka -comments cannot contain "%1" filemanager cs Pozn�mka nem��e obsahovat "%1" -copied %1 to %2 filemanager cs %1 zkop�rov�n do %2 +comment filemanager cs Koment�� +comments cannot contain "%1" filemanager cs Koment��e nemohou obsahovat "%1" +copied %1 to %2 filemanager cs %1 zkop�rov�no do %2 copy to filemanager cs Kop�rovat do copy to: filemanager cs Kop�rovat do: -could not copy %1 to %2 filemanager cs %1 nemohl b�t zkop�rov�n do %2 -could not copy file because no destination directory is given filemanager cs Soubor nemohl b�t zkop�rov�n, proto�e nebyl specifikov�n ��dn� c�lov� adres��. -could not create %1 filemanager cs %1 nemohl b�t vytvo�en -could not create directory %1 filemanager cs Adres�� %1 nemohl b�t vytvo�en -could not delete %1 filemanager cs %1 nemohl b�t smaz�n -could not move %1 to %2 filemanager cs %1 nemohl b�t p�esunut do %2 -could not move file because no destination directory is given filemanager cs Soubor nemohl b�t p�esunut, proto�e nebyl specifikov�n ��dn� c�lov� adres��. -could not rename %1 to %2 filemanager cs %1 nemohl b�t p�ejmenov�n na %2 -could not save %1 filemanager cs %1 nemohl b�t ulo�en +could not copy %1 to %2 filemanager cs Nepoda�ilo se zkop�rovat %1 do %2 +could not copy file because no destination directory is given filemanager cs Nepoda�ilo se zkop�rovat soubor, proto�e nebyl zad�n c�lov� adres�� +could not create %1 filemanager cs Nepoda�ilo se vytvo�it %1 +could not create directory %1 filemanager cs Nepoda�ilo se vytvo�it adres�� %1 +could not delete %1 filemanager cs Nepoda�ilo se smazat %1 +could not move %1 to %2 filemanager cs Nepoda�ilo se p�esunout %1 do %2 +could not move file because no destination directory is given filemanager cs Nepoda�ilo se p�esunout soubor, proto�e nebyl zad�n c�lov� adres�� +could not rename %1 to %2 filemanager cs Nepoda�ilo se p�ejmenovat %1 na %2 +could not save %1 filemanager cs Nepoda�ilo se ulo�it %1 create file filemanager cs Vytvo�it soubor -create folder filemanager cs Vytvo�it adres�� -created filemanager cs Vytvo�en -created %1 filemanager cs %1 vytvo�en -created %1,%2 filemanager cs Vytvo�en %1,%2 -created by filemanager cs Vytvo�il +create folder filemanager cs Vytvo�it slo�ku +created filemanager cs Vytvo�eno +created %1 filemanager cs Vytvo�eno %1 +created %1,%2 filemanager cs Vytvo�eno %1,%2 +created by filemanager cs Vytvo�il(a) created directory %1 filemanager cs Vytvo�en adres�� %1 date filemanager cs Datum -default number of upload fields to show filemanager cs Implicitn� po�et zobrazovan�ch pol� pro upload +default number of upload fields to show filemanager cs V�choz� po�et zobrazovan�ch polo�ek pro upload delete filemanager cs Smazat -deleted %1 filemanager cs %1 smaz�n +deleted %1 filemanager cs Smaz�no %1 directory filemanager cs Adres�� directory %1 already exists filemanager cs Adres�� %1 ji� existuje directory %1 does not exist filemanager cs Adres�� %1 neexistuje -directory names cannot contain "%1" filemanager cs Jm�no adres��e nesm� obsahovat "%1" +directory names cannot contain "%1" filemanager cs Jm�na adres��� nesm� obsahovat "%1" display attributes filemanager cs Zobrazit atributy -download filemanager cs Download +download filemanager cs St�hnout edit filemanager cs Editovat -edit comments filemanager cs Editovat pozn�mky -error running command filemanager cs Chyba p�i b�hu p��kazu -execute filemanager cs Prov�st -failed to create directory filemanager cs neschopen vytvo�it adres�� -fake base dir did not exist, egroupware created a new one. filemanager cs Improvizovan� z�kladn� adres�� neexistoval a eGroupWare ho tedy vytvo�il. +edit comments filemanager cs Editovat koment��e +error running command filemanager cs Chyba p�i spu�t�n� p��kazu +execute filemanager cs Spustit +failed to create directory filemanager cs nepoda�ilo se vytvo�it adres�� +fake base dir did not exist, egroupware created a new one. filemanager cs Virtu�ln� z�kladn� adres�� neexistoval, eGroupWare vytvo�il nov� file filemanager cs Soubor -file %1 already exists. please edit it or delete it first. filemanager cs Soubor %1 ji� existuje. Nejd��ve ho editujte nebo sma�te. +file %1 already exists. please edit it or delete it first. filemanager cs Soubor %1 ji� existuje. Bu� ho nejprve sma�te nebo ho zeditujte. file %1 could not be created. filemanager cs Soubor %1 nemohl b�t vytvo�en. file name filemanager cs Jm�no souboru -file names cannot contain "%1" filemanager cs Jm�na soubor� nemohou obsahovat "%1" -file names cannot contain \ or / filemanager cs Jm�na soubor� nemohou obsahovat \ nebo / +file names cannot contain or / filemanager cs Jm�na soubor� nesm� obsahovat \ nebo / +file names cannot contain "%1" filemanager cs Jm�na soubor� nesm� obsahovat "%1" filemanager common cs Spr�vce soubor� -filemanager preferences filemanager cs P�edvolby spr�vce soubor� +filemanager preferences filemanager cs P�edvolby Spr�vce soubor� files filemanager cs Soubory -files in this directory filemanager cs Soubory v adres��i +files in this directory filemanager cs Soubory v tomto adres��i folder filemanager cs Slo�ka -folder up filemanager cs P�edchoz� slo�ka -go home filemanager cs dom� -go to filemanager cs Jdi na -go to %1 filemanager cs Jdi na %1 -go to your home directory filemanager cs Jdi do domovsk�ho adres��e -go to: filemanager cs Jdi na: -go up filemanager cs jdi nahoru -home filemanager cs Dom� +folder up filemanager cs O slo�ku v��e +go home filemanager cs zp�t dom� +go to filemanager cs J�t na +go to %1 filemanager cs J�t na %1 +go to your home directory filemanager cs J�t do domovsk�ho adres��e +go to: filemanager cs J�t na: +go up filemanager cs J�t v��e +home filemanager cs Domov location filemanager cs Um�st�n� locked filemanager cs Uzam�en -mime type filemanager cs MIME Type +mime type filemanager cs MIME typ modified filemanager cs Zm�n�no -modified by filemanager cs Zm�nil +modified by filemanager cs Zm�nil(a) move to filemanager cs P�esunout do move to: filemanager cs P�esunout do: -moved %1 to %2 filemanager cs %1 p�esunut do %2 -no files in this directory. filemanager cs tento adres�� neobsahuje ��dn� soubory. -no version history for this file/directory filemanager cs Nenalezena ��dn� historie verz� tohoto souboru / adres��e +moved %1 to %2 filemanager cs %1p�esunuto do %2 +no files in this directory. filemanager cs V tomto adres��i nejsou soubory. +no version history for this file/directory filemanager cs Pro tento soubor/adres�� neexistuje historie verz� operation filemanager cs Operace other settings filemanager cs Ostatn� nastaven� owner filemanager cs Vlastn�k -please select a file to delete. filemanager cs Vyberte soubor ke smaz�n�. +please select a file to delete. filemanager cs Vyberte pros�m soubor ke smaz�n�. preview %1 filemanager cs N�hled %1 -preview of %1 filemanager cs N�hled na %1 -quick jump to filemanager cs Rychl� p�esun do +preview of %1 filemanager cs N�hled (�eho) %1 +quick jump to filemanager cs Rychl� skok na reload filemanager cs Na��st znovu rename filemanager cs P�ejmenovat renamed %1 to %2 filemanager cs %1 p�ejmenov�no na %2 -replaced %1 filemanager cs Nahrazen %1 +replaced %1 filemanager cs %1nahrazeno save %1 filemanager cs Ulo�it %1 -save %1, and go back to file listing filemanager cs Ulo�it %1 a nazp�t do seznamu soubor� +save %1, and go back to file listing filemanager cs Ulo�it %1 a vr�tit se zp�t na seznam soubor� save all filemanager cs Ulo�it v�e save changes filemanager cs Ulo�it zm�ny -saved %1 filemanager cs %1 ulo�en -show filemanager cs Uk�zat -show .. filemanager cs Uk�zat .. -show .files filemanager cs Uk�zat .soubory -show command line (experimental. dangerous.) filemanager cs Uk�zat p��kazovou ��dku (EXPERIMENT�LN�. NEBEZPE�N�.) -show help filemanager cs Uk�zat n�pov�du +saved %1 filemanager cs %1 ulo�eno +show filemanager cs Zobrazit +show .. filemanager cs Zobrazit ... +show .files filemanager cs Zobrazit skryt� .soubory +show command line (experimental. dangerous.) filemanager cs Zobrazit p��kazovou ��dku (Experiment�ln�, nebezpe�en�) +show help filemanager cs Zobrazit n�pov�du size filemanager cs Velikost -sort by: filemanager cs Set��dit podle: -the future filemanager, now for testing purposes only, please send bugreports filemanager cs V budouc�m spr�vci soubor�, nyn� POUZE PRO ��ELY TESTOV�N�, za�lete, pros�m, informace o chyb�ch. -total files filemanager cs Soubor� celkem -unknown mime-type defaults to text/plain when viewing filemanager cs Nezn�m� MIME-type, b�hem zobrazov�n� bude pou�it implicitn� text/plain -unused space filemanager cs Voln� prostor +sort by: filemanager cs T��dit dle +the future filemanager, now for testing purposes only, please send bugreports filemanager cs Budouc� spr�vce soubor�, zat�m JEN PRO TESTOVAC� ��ELY. Pos�lejte pros�m hl�en� o chyb�ch. +total files filemanager cs Celkem soubor� +unknown mime-type defaults to text/plain when viewing filemanager cs Nezn�m� MIME typy jsou standardn� zobrazov�ny jako prost� text +unused space filemanager cs Nevyu�it� m�sto up filemanager cs Nahoru -update filemanager cs Update -updated comment for %1 filemanager cs Updatovan� pozn�mka pro %1 -upload filemanager cs Upload +update filemanager cs Aktualizovat +updated comment for %1 filemanager cs Aktualizovat koment�� pro %1 +upload filemanager cs Uploadovat upload fields filemanager cs polo�ky pro upload -upload files filemanager cs Upload soubor� -use new experimental filemanager? filemanager cs Pou��t nov� experiment�ln� spr�vce soubor�? -used space filemanager cs Vyu�it� prostor +upload files filemanager cs Uploadovat soubory +use new experimental filemanager? filemanager cs Pou��vat nov� experiment�ln� spr�vce soubor�? +used space filemanager cs Vyu�it� m�sto users filemanager cs U�ivatel� version filemanager cs Verze -view documents in new window filemanager cs Zobrazit dokumenty v nov�m okn� -view documents on server (if available) filemanager cs Zobrazit dokumenty na serveru (pokud je k dispozici) +view documents in new window filemanager cs Zobrazovat dokumenty v nov�m okn� +view documents on server (if available) filemanager cs Zobrazovat dokumenty na serveru (je-li k dispozici) who filemanager cs Kdo -you do not have access to %1 filemanager cs Nem�te p��stup do %1 -your home dir did not exist, egroupware created a new one. filemanager cs V� domovsk� adres�� neexistuje a eGroupWare ho tedy vytvo�il. +you do not have access to %1 filemanager cs Nem�te p��stup k %1 +your home dir did not exist, egroupware created a new one. filemanager cs V� domovsk� adres�� neexistoval, eGroupWare vytvo�il nov�. diff --git a/home/setup/phpgw_cs.lang b/home/setup/phpgw_cs.lang new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3f5596ff44 --- /dev/null +++ b/home/setup/phpgw_cs.lang @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +displays home home cs Zobrazuje hlavn� stranu +egroupware home cs eGroupWare +home home cs Hlavn� strana +mainscreen_message home cs mainscreen_message +there is a new version of egroupware available home cs Je k dispozici nov� verze eGroupWare diff --git a/infolog/setup/phpgw_cs.lang b/infolog/setup/phpgw_cs.lang index 2346b0a6d7..647a6934cd 100644 --- a/infolog/setup/phpgw_cs.lang +++ b/infolog/setup/phpgw_cs.lang @@ -1,8 +1,9 @@ %1 records imported infolog cs %1 z�znam� importov�no -%1 records read (not yet imported, you may go %2back%3 and uncheck test import) infolog cs %1 z�znam� na�teno (pro import mus�te j�t zp�t a odtrhnout pole Test Import) -- subprojects from infolog cs - Podprojekt� z +%1 records read (not yet imported, you may go %2back%3 and uncheck test import) infolog cs %1 z�znam� p�e�teno (zat�m nebyly importov�ny, m��ete se vr�tit %2zp�t%3 a od�krtnout Testovat import) +- subprojects from infolog cs - Podprojekty od (z) 0% infolog cs 0% 10% infolog cs 10% +100% infolog cs 100% 20% infolog cs 20% 30% infolog cs 30% 40% infolog cs 40% @@ -11,248 +12,303 @@ 70% infolog cs 70% 80% infolog cs 80% 90% infolog cs 90% -<b>file-attachments via symlinks</b> instead of uploads and retrieval via file:/path for direct lan-clients infolog cs <b>p�ilo�en� soubory s odkazy</b> nam�sto zas�l�n� a vyzved�v�n� soubor� cestou file:/cesta pro s��ov� orientovan� klienty -a short subject for the entry infolog cs kr�tk� popis p�edm�tu z�znamu +<b>file-attachments via symlinks</b> instead of uploads and retrieval via file:/path for direct lan-clients infolog cs <b>soubory p�ipojen� p�es symbolick� odkazy</b> m�sto uploadov�n� a stahov�n� p�es file:/cesta pro p��m� klienty LAN +a short subject for the entry infolog cs stru�n� p�edm�t z�znamu abort without deleting infolog cs Zru�it bez smaz�n� -accept infolog cs P�ijmout +accept infolog cs p�ijmout action infolog cs Akce +actual date and time infolog cs aktu�ln� datum a �as add infolog cs P�idat add a file infolog cs P�idat soubor add a new entry infolog cs P�idat nov� z�znam add a new note infolog cs P�idat novou pozn�mku -add a new phonecall infolog cs P�idat nov� hovor -add a new sub-task, -note, -call to this entry infolog cs P�idat novou pod�lohu -add a new todo infolog cs P�idat nov� ToDo +add a new phonecall infolog cs P�idat nov� telefonn� hovor +add a new sub-task, -note, -call to this entry infolog cs P�idat novou pod-�lohu, -pozn�mku, -hovor k tomuto z�znamu +add a new todo infolog cs P�idat nov� �kol add file infolog cs P�idat soubor -add sub infolog cs P�idat podpolo�ku +add sub infolog cs p�idat podpolo�ku +add timesheet entry infolog cs P�idat z�znam do harmonogramu add: infolog cs P�idat: all infolog cs V�e -all links and attachments infolog cs v�ecgny odkazy a p��lohy -allows to set the status of an entry, eg. set a todo to done if it's finished (values depend on entry-typ) infolog cs dovoluje nastavit stav z�znamu, nap�. nastavit ToDo do stavu hotovo po jej�m ukon�en� (hodnoty z�vis� na typu z�znamu) -applies the changes infolog cs aplikuje zm�ny -are you shure you want to delete this entry ? infolog cs Opravdu chcete smazat tento z�znam? -are you sure you want to delete this entry infolog cs Opravdu chcete smazat tento z�znam +all links and attachments infolog cs v�echny odkazy a p��lohy +allows to set the status of an entry, eg. set a todo to done if it's finished (values depend on entry-typ) infolog cs umo��uje nastavit stav z�znamu, nap�. �kol jako dokon�en�, kdy� je do�e�en (hodnota z�vis� na typu z�znamu) +apply the changes infolog cs Pou��t zm�ny +are you shure you want to delete this entry ? infolog cs Ur�it� chcete smazat tento z�znam? attach a file infolog cs P�ipojit soubor attach file infolog cs P�ipojit soubor -back to main list infolog cs Zp�t do hlavn�ho seznamu -back to projectlist infolog cs Zp�t do Seznamu projekt� -billed infolog cs vy��tov�n -both infolog cs oba +attension: no contact with address %1 found. infolog cs Varov�n�: ��dn� kontakt s adresou %1 nebyl nalezen +back to main list infolog cs Zp�t na hlavn� seznam +billed infolog cs vy��tov�no +both infolog cs oboj� call infolog cs hovor cancel infolog cs Zru�it +cancelled infolog cs zru�eno categories infolog cs Kategorie category infolog cs Kategorie -change the status of an entry, eg. close it infolog cs Zm�nit stav z�znamu, nap�. uzav��t -charset of file infolog cs K�dov�n� souboru -check to set startday infolog cs zatrhnout pro nastaveni po��te�n�ho dne -click here to create the link infolog cs klikn�te sem pro vytvo�en� nov�ho odkazu -click here to start the search infolog cs klikn�te sem pro start vyhled�v�n� +change the status of an entry, eg. close it infolog cs Zm�nit stav z�znamu, nap�. jej uzav��t +charset of file infolog cs Znakov� sada souboru +check to set startday infolog cs Za�krtn�te pro nastaven� po��te�n�ho dne +check to specify custom contact infolog cs Za�krtn�te pro zad�n� u�ivatelsky definovan�ho kontaktu +click here to create the link infolog cs klikn�te sem pro vytvo�en� odkazu +click here to start the search infolog cs klikn�te sem pro zah�jen� hled�n� close infolog cs Zav��t comment infolog cs Koment�� +completed infolog cs Ukon�eno configuration infolog cs Konfigurace confirm infolog cs Potvrdit contact infolog cs Kontakt +copy your changes to the clipboard, %1reload the entry%2 and merge them. infolog cs Zkop�rujte Va�e �pravy do clipboardu, %1na�t�te znovu z�znam%2 a slu�te je. create new links infolog cs Vytvo�it nov� odkazy -creates a new field infolog cs vytvo�� nov� pole -creates a new status with the given values infolog cs vytvo�� nov� status s danou hodnotou -creates a new typ with the given name infolog cs vytvo�� nov� typ s dan�m jm�nem -csv-fieldname infolog cs n�zev pole CVS -csv-filename infolog cs n�zev CVS souboru -csv-import common cs Import CVS -custom infolog cs U�ivatelsk� -custom contact-address, leave empty to use information from most recent link infolog cs U�ivatelsk� kontaktn� adresa, nevypl�ujte, pokud se m� pou��t informace z posledn�ho odkazu -custom contact-information, leave emtpy to use information from most recent link infolog cs U�ivatelsk� kontaktn� informace, nevypl�ujte, pokud se m� pou��t informace z posledn�ho odkazu -custom fields infolog cs U�ivatelsk� pole -custom fields, typ and status common cs U�ivatelsk� pole, typ a stav -custom regarding infolog cs Vztahuj�c� se k u�ivateli -custom status for typ infolog cs U�ivatelsk� stav typu -customfields infolog cs U�ivatelsk� pole -datecreated infolog cs datum vytvo�en� -dates, status, access infolog cs Data, Stavy, P��stupy -days infolog cs dny -default filter for infolog infolog cs Standardn� filtr pro Informa�n� z�znamn�k -default status for a new log entry infolog cs standardn� status pro nov� z�znam +creates a new field infolog cs vytvo�� novou polo�ku +creates a new status with the given values infolog cs vytvo�� nov� stav se zadan�mi hodnotami +creates a new typ with the given name infolog cs vytvo�� nov� typ zadan�ho jm�na +creation infolog cs Vytvo�en� +csv-fieldname infolog cs CSV-jm�no polo�ky +csv-filename infolog cs CSV-jm�no souboru +csv-import common cs CSV-import +custom infolog cs U�ivatelsky definovan� +custom contact-address, leave empty to use information from most recent link infolog cs U�ivatelsky definovan� kontaktn� adresa, ponechte pr�zdn� pokud chcete pou��t informace z posledn�ho odkazu +custom contact-information, leave emtpy to use information from most recent link infolog cs U�ivatelsky definovan� kontaktn� �daje, ponechte pr�zdn� pro pou�it� informac� z posledn�ho odkazu +custom fields infolog cs U�ivatelsky definovan� polo�ky +custom fields, typ and status common cs U�ivatelsky definovan� polo�ky, typy a stavy +custom regarding infolog cs U�ivatelsky definovan� ohled +custom status for typ infolog cs U�ivatelsky definovan� stav pro typ +customfields infolog cs U�ivatelsky definovan� pole +date completed infolog cs Datum uko�en� +date completed (leave it empty to have it automatic set if status is done or billed) infolog cs Datum ukon�en� (ponechte pr�zdn�, pokud chcete nastavit automaticky p�i dokon�en� nebo vy��tov�n�) +datecreated infolog cs Datum vytvo�en� +dates, status, access infolog cs Datumy, Stavy, P��stupy +days infolog cs dn� +default filter for infolog infolog cs V�choz� filtr pro InfoLog +default status for a new log entry infolog cs v�choz� stav pro nov� z�znam delegation infolog cs Pov��en� delete infolog cs Smazat -delete all subs (if not subs will be subs of this enties parent or have no parent) infolog cs Smazat v�echny podpolo�ky -delete one record by passing its id. infolog cs Smazat z�znam p�ed�n�m jeho id +delete one record by passing its id. infolog cs Smazat jeden z�znam zad�n�m jeho id. delete the entry infolog cs Smazat z�znam -delete this entry infolog cs smazat tento z�znam +delete this entry infolog cs smazat z�znam +delete this entry and all listed sub-entries infolog cs Smazat tento z�znam a v�echny zobrazen� podpolo�ky deletes the selected typ infolog cs sma�e vybran� typ deletes this field infolog cs sma�e toto pole deletes this status infolog cs sma�e tento stav description infolog cs Popis -description can not exceed 8000 characters in length infolog cs Popis nesm� p�es�hnout d�lku 8000 znak�. -determines the order the fields are displayed infolog cs rozhoduje o po�ad� zobrazen� pol� -disables a status without deleting it infolog cs zak�e stav bez jeho smaz�n� -do you want a confirmation of the responsible on: accepting, finishing the task or both infolog cs Chcete potvrzovat zodpov�dn� osoby o p�ijet� a ukon�en� �lohy +determines the order the fields are displayed infolog cs ur�uje po�ad� zobrazov�n� polo�ek +disables a status without deleting it infolog cs zak�e stav ani� by ho smazal +do you want a confirmation of the responsible on: accepting, finishing the task or both infolog cs chcete potvrzen� od odpov�dn� osoby p�i: p�ijet� �kolu, jeho ukon�en� nebo v obou p��padech +do you want to see custom infolog types in the calendar? infolog cs Chcete zobrazovat u�ivatelsky definovan� typy z InfoLogu v kalend��i? +don't show infolog infolog cs NEzobrazovat InfoLog done infolog cs hotovo -download infolog cs Download +download infolog cs St�hnout duration infolog cs Trv�n� -each value is a line like <id>[=<label>] infolog cs ka�d� hodnota je na ��dce v podob� <id>[=<popis>] -edit infolog cs Upravit -edit or create categories for ingolog infolog cs Upravit nebo vytvo�it kategorii pro Informa�n� z�znamn�k -edit status infolog cs Upravit stav +each value is a line like <id>[=<label>] infolog cs ka�d� hodnota je �adkem jako <id>[=<label>] +edit infolog cs Editovat +edit or create categories for ingolog infolog cs Editovat nebo vytvo�it kategorie pro InfoLog +edit rights (full edit rights incl. making someone else responsible!) infolog cs editovat pr�va (pln� pr�va na editaci v�etn� p�id�len� odpov�dnosti n�komu jin�mu!) +edit status infolog cs Editovat stav edit the entry infolog cs Editovat z�znam edit this entry infolog cs Editovat tento z�znam -empty for all infolog cs vypr�zdnit pro v�echny -enddate infolog cs Koncove datum -enddate can not be before startdate infolog cs Koncov� datum nem��e b�t p�ed po��te�n�m datem. -enter a custom contact, leave empty if linked entry should be used infolog cs zadejte u�ivatelsk� kontakt, p�i pou�it� odkazu na polo�ku zanechte pr�zdn� -enter a custom phone/email, leave empty if linked entry should be used infolog cs zadejte u�ivatelsk� telefon/email, p�i pou�it� odkazu na polo�ku zanechte pr�zdn� -enter a textual description of the log-entry infolog cs zadejte textov� popis logovac�ho vstupu -enter the query pattern infolog cs Zadejte dotazovac� vzor -entry and all files infolog cs Vypl�te v�echna pole -existing links infolog cs Existuj�c� odkazy +empty for all infolog cs pr�zdn� znamen� v�e +enddate infolog cs Koncov� datum +enddate can not be before startdate infolog cs Koncov� datum nem��e p�edch�zet po��te�n�mu datu +enter a custom contact, leave empty if linked entry should be used infolog cs zadejte u�ivatelsky definovan� kontakt, ponechte pr�zdn� pokud m� b�t pou�it odkazovan� z�znam +enter a custom phone/email, leave empty if linked entry should be used infolog cs zadejte u�ivatelsky definovan� telefon/e-mail, ponechte pr�zdn� pokud m� b�t pou�it odkazovan� z�znam +enter a textual description of the log-entry infolog cs zadejte textov� popis z�znamu +enter the query pattern infolog cs Zadejte v�raz pro vyhled�v�n� +entry and all files infolog cs Z�znam a v�echny soubory +error: saving the entry infolog cs Chyba p�i ukl�d�n� z�znamu +error: the entry has been updated since you opened it for editing! infolog cs Chyba: z�znam byl zaktualizov�n v dob�, kdy jste ho m�l(a) otev�en� pro editaci! +existing links infolog cs St�vaj�c� odkazy fax infolog cs Fax -fieldseparator infolog cs Odd�lova� pol� -finish infolog cs Dokon�it -for which types should this field be used infolog cs pro kter� typy m� b�t toto pole pou�ito +fieldseparator infolog cs Odd�lova� polo�ek +finish infolog cs dokon�it +for which types should this field be used infolog cs pro kter� typy m� b�t tato polo�ka pou�ita from infolog cs Od -high infolog cs vysok� +general infolog cs Obecn� +group owner for infolog cs Skupinov� vlastn�k pro +high infolog cs Vysok� id infolog cs Id -import infolog cs Import -import next set infolog cs Importovat dal�� sadu -info log common cs Informa�n� z�znamn�k -infolog common cs Informa�n� z�znamn�k -infolog - delete infolog cs Informa�n� z�znamn�k - Smazat -infolog - edit infolog cs Informa�n� z�znamn�k - Upravit -infolog - import csv-file infolog cs Informa�n� z�znamn�k - Import souboru CVS -infolog - new infolog cs Informa�n� z�znamn�k - Nov� -infolog - new subproject infolog cs Informa�n� z�znamn�k - Nov� podprojekt -infolog - subprojects from infolog cs Informa�n� z�znamn�k - Podprojekty z -infolog list infolog cs V�pis Informa�n�ho z�znamn�ku -infolog preferences common cs Informa�n� z�znamn�k - Nastaven� -infolog-fieldname infolog cs Informa�n� z�znamn�k - N�zev pole -invalid filename infolog cs �patn� n�zev pole -label<br>helptext infolog cs Popiska<br>Text n�pov�dy -last changed infolog cs Posledn� zm�na -last modified infolog cs Posledn� modifikace -leave without saveing the entry infolog cs zanechat bez ulo�en� z�znamu -leaves without saveing infolog cs zanechat bez ulo�en� -length<br>rows infolog cs D�lka<br>��dek +if a type has a group owner, all entries of that type will be owned by the given group and not the user who created it! infolog cs Pokud m� typ skupinov�ho vlastn�ka, v�echny polo�ky toho typu bude vlastnit dan� skupina, nikoli u�ivatel, kter� je vytvo�il! +if not set, the line with search and filters is hidden for less entries then "max matches per page" (as defined in your common preferences). infolog cs Pokud nen� nastaveno, je ��dek s filtry a hled�n�m skryt, je-li z�znam� m�n�, ne� ud�v� hodnota "maximum v�sledk� na str�nku" (definovan� ve spole�n�ch p�edvolb�ch). +import infolog cs Importovat +import next set infolog cs importovat n�sleduj�c� sadu +info log common cs InfoLog +infolog common cs InfoLog +infolog - delete infolog cs InfoLog - Smazat +infolog - edit infolog cs InfoLog - Editovat +infolog - import csv-file infolog cs InfoLog - Importovat CSV soubor +infolog - new infolog cs InfoLog - Nov� +infolog - new subproject infolog cs InfoLog - Nov� podprojekt +infolog - subprojects from infolog cs InfoLog - Podprojekty (�eho) +infolog entry deleted infolog cs Z�znam InfoLogu smaz�n +infolog entry saved infolog cs Z�znam InfoLogu ulo�en +infolog filter for the main screen infolog cs Filtr InfoLogu pro hlavn� obrazovku +infolog list infolog cs Seznam InfoLogu +infolog preferences common cs P�edvolby InfoLogu +infolog-fieldname infolog cs InfoLog - N�zev pole +invalid filename infolog cs Neplatn� jm�no souboru +label<br>helptext infolog cs Ozna�en�<br>Text n�pov�dy +last changed infolog cs Naposledy zm�n�no +last modified infolog cs Naposledy zm�n�no +leave it empty infolog cs ponechat pr�zdn� +leave without saveing the entry infolog cs ukon�it bez ulo�en� z�znamu +leaves without saveing infolog cs ukon�� bez ukl�d�n� +length<br>rows infolog cs D�lka<br>��dky link infolog cs Odkaz links infolog cs Odkazy -links of this entry infolog cs Odkazy tohoto z�znam -list all categories infolog cs Seznam kategori� -list no subs/childs infolog cs Nevypisovat Podpolo�ky/Potomky +links of this entry infolog cs Odkazy tohoto z�znamu +list all categories infolog cs Vypsat v�echny kategorie +list no subs/childs infolog cs Vypsat bez Podpolo�ek/Potomk� +location infolog cs Um�st�n� longer textual description infolog cs del�� textov� popis -low infolog cs n�zk� -max length of the input [, length of the inputfield (optional)] infolog cs maxim�ln� d�lka vstupu [d�lka vstupn�ho pole (nepovinn�)] -max number of entries to display on the main screen infolog cs Maxim�ln� po�et z�znam� na hlavn� str�nce -name must not be empty !!! infolog cs Jm�no nesm� b�t pr�zdn� -name of new type to create infolog cs jm�no nov� vytv��en�ho typu -new name infolog cs nov� jm�no +low infolog cs N�zk� +max length of the input [, length of the inputfield (optional)] infolog cs maxim�ln� d�lka vstupu (voliteln�) +name must not be empty !!! infolog cs N�zev nem��e b�t pr�zdn� !!! +name of new type to create infolog cs n�zev nov� vytv��en�ho typu +never hide search and filters infolog cs Nikdy neskr�vat hled�n� a filtry +new name infolog cs nov� n�zev new search infolog cs Nov� hled�n� no - cancel infolog cs Ne - Zru�it -no entries found, try again ... infolog cs nenalezeny ��dn� z�znamy, zkuste znovu ... +no describtion, links or attachments infolog cs ��dn� popis, odkazy nebo p��lohy +no details infolog cs ��dn� detaily +no entries found, try again ... infolog cs ��dn� z�znamy nebyly nalezeny, zkuste znovu... no filter infolog cs ��dn� filtr no links or attachments infolog cs ��dn� odkazy nebo p��lohy -none infolog cs ��dn� -normal infolog cs norm�ln� +none infolog cs ��dn� +normal infolog cs Norm�ln� not infolog cs ne -not assigned infolog cs nep�i�azen� +not assigned infolog cs nep�id�len +not-started infolog cs nezah�jeno note infolog cs Pozn�mka -number of records to read (%1) infolog cs Po�et z�znam� ke �ten� (%1) -number of row for a multiline inputfield or line of a multi-select-box infolog cs po�et ��dek ve v�ce��dkov�m vstupn�m poli nebo v v�ce��dkov�m menu v�b�ru +number of records to read (%1) infolog cs Po�et z�znam� k na�ten� (%1) +number of row for a multiline inputfield or line of a multi-select-box infolog cs po�et ��dk� ve v�ce��dkov�m vstupn�m poli nebo v�b�rov�m okn� offer infolog cs nab�dka -ongoing infolog cs pokra�uj�c� -only the attachments infolog cs pouze p��lohy -only the links infolog cs pouze odkazy -only up to this number of entries are displayed on the main screen. infolog cs Pouze tento maxim�ln� po�et z�znam� je zobrazen na hlavn� str�nce +ongoing infolog cs nadch�zej�c� +only for details infolog cs Jen pro detaily +only the attachments infolog cs jen p��lohy +only the links infolog cs jen odkazy open infolog cs otev��t optional note to the link infolog cs voliteln� pozn�mka k odkazu order infolog cs Po�ad� -overdue infolog cs zpo�d�n� +overdue infolog cs zme�kan� own infolog cs vlastn� own open infolog cs vlastn� otev�en� -own overdue infolog cs vlastn� zpo�d�n� -own upcoming infolog cs vlastn� aktu�ln� -path on (web-)serverside<br>eg. /var/samba/share infolog cs cesta na stran� (webov�ho) serveru<br>nap�. /var/samba/Share -path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! infolog cs Cesta k soubor�m u�ivatele nebo skupiny MUS� B�T VN� dokument root adres��e webov�ho serveru !!! -pattern for search in addressbook infolog cs vyhled�vac� vzor pro aplikaci Adres�� -pattern for search in projects infolog cs vyhled�vac� vzor pro aplikaci Projekty +own overdue infolog cs vlastn� zme�kan� +own upcoming infolog cs vlastn� zme�kan� +path on (web-)serverside<br>eg. /var/samba/share infolog cs cesta (um�st�n�) na WWW serveru<br>nap�. /var/samba/Share +path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! infolog cs Cesta k soubor�m u�ivatel� a skupin MUS� B�T MIMO ko�enovou slo�ku dokument� WWW serveru!!! +pattern for search in addressbook infolog cs V�raz pro vyhled�v�n� v Adres��i +pattern for search in projects infolog cs V�raz pro vyhled�v�n� v Projektech +percent completed infolog cs Procent dokon�eno +permission denied infolog cs P��stup zam�tnut phone infolog cs Telefonn� hovor -phone/email infolog cs Telefon/Email +phone/email infolog cs Telefon/E-mail phonecall infolog cs Telefonn� hovor +planned infolog cs pl�novan� +planned time infolog cs pl�novan� �as +price infolog cs Cena priority infolog cs Priorita -private infolog cs Soukrom� +private infolog cs Soukrom� project infolog cs Projekt +project settings: price, times infolog cs Nastaven� projektu: cena, �as re: infolog cs Re: -read one record by passing its id. infolog cs P�e��st z�znam p�ed�n�m jeho id. -reg. expr. for local ip's<br>eg. ^192\.168\.1\. infolog cs regul�rn� v�raz pro lok�ln� IP adresy<br>nap�. ^192\.168\.1\. +read one record by passing its id. infolog cs Na��st jeden z�znam zad�n�m jeho id. +read rights (default) infolog cs pr�va ke �ten� (v�choz�) +reg. expr. for local ip's<br>eg. ^192.168.1. infolog cs regul�rn� v�raz pro lok�ln� IP adresy,<br>nap�. ^192\.168\.1\. remark infolog cs Pozn�mka -remove this link (not the entry itself) infolog cs Odebrat tento odkaz (nikoliv vlastn� z�znam) -responsible infolog cs Zodpov�dn� -responsible user, priority, ... infolog cs zodpov�dn� u�ivatel, priorita, ... -returns a list / search for records. infolog cs Vrac� seznam / hled�n� z�znam�. +remove this link (not the entry itself) infolog cs Odstranit tento odkaz (ne cel� z�znam) +responsible infolog cs odpov�dn� +responsible open infolog cs odpov�dn� - otev�en� +responsible overdue infolog cs odpov�dn� - zme�kan� +responsible upcoming infolog cs odpov�dn� - nast�vaj�c� +responsible user, priority infolog cs odpov�dn� u�ivatel, priorita +returns a list / search for records. infolog cs Vrac� seznam / vyhled�n� z�znam�. +rights for the responsible infolog cs Pr�va pro odpov�dnou osobu save infolog cs Ulo�it -saves the changes made and leaves infolog cs ulo�it zm�ny a odej�t -saves this entry infolog cs Ulo�it tuto polo�ku +saves the changes made and leaves infolog cs ulo�� proveden� zm�ny a ukon�� +saves this entry infolog cs Ulo�� z�znam search infolog cs Hledat -search for: infolog cs Hledat co: +search for: infolog cs Hledat (co): select infolog cs Vybrat -select a category for this entry infolog cs vybrat ketegorii pro tuto polo�ku -select a priority for this task infolog cs zvolit prioritu tohoto �kolu -select a responsible user: a person you want to delegate this task infolog cs vybrat odpov�dn�ho u�ivatele: osoba, kterou chcete pov��it t�mto �kolem -select a typ to edit it's status-values or delete it infolog cs vybrat typ pro jeho editaci stavu - hodnot nebo pro jeho smaz�n� -select an app to search in infolog cs Vybrat aplikaci pro hled�n� v -select an entry to link with infolog cs Vybrat z�znam k propojen� s -should infolog display your open entries - not finised tasks, phonecalls or notes - on the main screen. works only if you dont selected an application for the main screen (in your preferences). infolog cs M� Informa�n� z�znamn�k zobrazovat va�e otev�en� polo�ky - neukon�en� �koly, telefonn� hovory nebo pozn�mky - na hlavn� obrazovce ? Funguje pouze pokud nezvol�te ��dnou aplikaci na hlavn� str�nce (ve va�ich p�edvolb�ch). -should infolog show subtasks, -calls or -notes in the normal view or not. you can always view the subs via there parent. infolog cs M� Informa�n� z�znamn�k zobrazovat pod�koly, vol�n� nebo pozn�mky v norm�ln�m pohledu ? M��ete v�dy prohl��et podpolo�ky skrze rodi�ovsk� z�znamy. -should infolog show the links to other applications and/or the file-attachments in the infolog list (normal view when u enter infolog). infolog cs M� Informa�n� z�znamn�k zobrazovat odkazy na jin� aplikace a/nebo p�ilo�en� soubory ve v�pisu InfoLogu (norm�ln� p�ehled p�i vstupu do InfoLogu)? -should infolog use full names (surname and familyname) or just the loginnames. infolog cs M� Informa�n� z�znamn�k pou��vat cel� jm�na nebo jen p�ihla�ovac� jm�na ? -should this entry only be visible to you and people you grant privat access via the acl infolog cs M� b�t tato polo�ka viditeln� pouze v�m a lidem, kter�m p�id�l�te p��stupov� pr�va cestou ACL ? +select a category for this entry infolog cs vybrat kategorii pro tento z�znam +select a price infolog cs Vybrat cenu +select a priority for this task infolog cs vybrat prioritu pro tento �kol +select a project infolog cs Vybrat projekt +select a responsible user: a person you want to delegate this task infolog cs vybrat odpov�dn�ho u�ivatele: osobu, kter� chcete delegovat tento �kol +select a typ to edit it's status-values or delete it infolog cs vyberte typ pro editaci jeho stavu, hodnot nebo pro smaz�n� +select an app to search in infolog cs Vybrat aplikaci k prohled�n� +select an entry to link with infolog cs Vybrat z�znam, na kter� se m� odkazovat +select to filter by owner infolog cs vybrat pro filtrov�n� dle vlastn�ka +select to filter by responsible infolog cs vybrat pro filtrov�n� dle odpov�dn� osoby +sets the status of this entry and its subs to done infolog cs Nastavit stav z�znamu a jeho podpolo�ek na hotov� +should infolog show subtasks, -calls or -notes in the normal view or not. you can always view the subs via there parent. infolog cs M� InfoLog zobrazovat Pod-�koly, -hovory nebo -pozn�mky v norm�ln�m zobrazen� nebo ne? Podpolo�ky m��ete v�dy zobrazit p�es jejich rodi�e. +should infolog show the links to other applications and/or the file-attachments in the infolog list (normal view when you enter infolog). infolog cs M� InfoLog zobrazovat odkazy na ostatn� aplikace nebo p�ipojen� soubory v seznamu InfoLogu nebo ne (norm�ln� zobrazen� p�i vstupu do InfoLogu)? +should infolog show up on the main screen and with which filter. works only if you dont selected an application for the main screen (in your preferences). infolog cs M� se InfoLog zobrazovat na hlavn� obrazovce a se kter�m filtrem? Volba funguje jen v p��pad�, �e nevyberete v p�edvolb�ch pro hlavn� obrazovku n�jakou aplikaci. +should infolog use full names (surname and familyname) or just the loginnames. infolog cs M� InfoLog pou��vat jm�na a p��jmen� nebo jen p�ihla�ovac� jm�na? +should the calendar show custom types too infolog cs M� kalend�� zobrazovat tak� u�ivatelsky definovan� typy? +should the infolog list show a unique numerical id, which can be used eg. as ticket id. infolog cs M� seznam InfoLogu zobrazovat unik�tn� ��seln� Id, kter� se daj� po��vat nap�. jako ticket Id? +should the infolog list show the column "last modified". infolog cs M� seznam InfoLogu zobrazovat sloupec "naposledy zm�n�no"? +should the infolog list show the percent done only for status ongoing or two separate icons. infolog cs M� seznam InfoLogu zobrazovat procenta dokon�en� jen pro stav nadch�zej�c� nebo dv� separ�tn� ikony? +should this entry only be visible to you and people you grant privat access via the acl infolog cs M� b�t tento z�znam viditeln� jen V�m a lidem, kter�m p�id�l�te soukrom� p��stup p�es ACL? +show a column for used and planned times in the list. infolog cs Zobrazit sloupec pro spot�ebovan� a pl�novan� �as v seznamu? show full usernames infolog cs Zobrazit cel� u�ivatelsk� jm�na -show in the infolog list infolog cs Zobrazit ve v�pisu Informa�n�ho z�znamn�ku -show list of upcoming entries infolog cs zobrazit v�pis aktu�ln�ch z�znam� -show open entries: tasks/calls/notes on main screen infolog cs Zobrazit otev�en� z�znamy: �koly/Hovory/Pozn�mky na hlavn� str�nce -small view infolog cs mal� p�ehled -start a new search, cancel this link infolog cs za�it nov� hled�n�, ukon�it tento odkaz +show in the infolog list infolog cs Zobrazit v seznamu InfoLogu +show last modified infolog cs Zobrazit naposledy zm�n�n� +show status and percent done separate infolog cs Zobrazit stav a procento dokon�en� odd�len� +show ticket id infolog cs Zobrazit ticket id +show times infolog cs Zobrazit �asy +small view infolog cs mal� zobrazen� +start a new search, cancel this link infolog cs za��t nov� hled�n�, zru�it tento odkaz startdate infolog cs Po��te�n� datum -startdate enddate infolog cs Po��te�n� datum Koncov� datum -startrecord infolog cs Po��te�n� z�znam +startdate enddate infolog cs Po��te�n� datum Datum dokon�en� +startdate for new entries infolog cs Po��te�n� datum pro nov� z�znamy +startrecord infolog cs Prvn� z�znam status infolog cs Stav status ... infolog cs Stav ... -sub infolog cs Pod +sub infolog cs Podpolo�ka +sub-entries become subs of the parent or main entries, if there's no parent infolog cs Podz�znamy se stanou podpolo�kou rodi�e nebo hlavn�ch z�znam�, pokud neexistuje rodi� subject infolog cs P�edm�t -task infolog cs Denn� �koly (ToDo) -test import (show importable records <u>only</u> in browser) infolog cs Test Importu (zobraz� importovateln� z�znamy <u>pouze</u> v prohl��e�i) -the name used internaly (<= 10 chars), changeing it makes existing data unavailible infolog cs jm�no pou�it� intern� (<= 10 znak�), jeho zm�nou se znep��stupn� existuj�c� data -the name used internaly (<= 20 chars), changeing it makes existing data unavailible infolog cs jm�no pou�it� intern� (<= 20 znak�), jeho zm�nou se znep��stupn� existuj�c� data -the name used internaly (<= 32 chars), changeing it makes existing data unavailible infolog cs intern� pou�it� jm�no (<= 32 znak�), jeho zm�na zp�sob� nedostupnost existuj�c�ch dat +task infolog cs �kol +test import (show importable records <u>only</u> in browser) infolog cs Testovat import (zobrazit importovateln� z�znamy <u>jen</u> v prohl��e�i) +the name used internaly (<= 10 chars), changeing it makes existing data unavailible infolog cs n�zev pou��van� intern� (<= 10 znak�), jeho zm�na zp�sob� nedostupnost st�vaj�c�ch dat +the name used internaly (<= 20 chars), changeing it makes existing data unavailible infolog cs n�zev pou��van� intern� (<= 20 znak�), jeho zm�na zp�sob� nedostupnost st�vaj�c�ch dat the text displayed to the user infolog cs text zobrazen� u�ivateli -this is the filter infolog uses when you enter the application. filters limit the entries to show in the actual view. there are filters to show only finished, still open or futures entries of yourself or all users. infolog cs Tento filtr je pou�it Informa�n�m z�znamn�kem p�i va�em vstupu do aplikace. Filtry omezuj� zobrazen� polo�ek v aktu�ln�m pohledu. Tyto filtry umo��uj� zobrazit pouze ukon�en�, st�le otev�en� nebo p���t� z�znamy v�ech u�ivatel� nebo jen va�ich. -til when should the todo or phonecall be finished infolog cs dokud nebude ToDo nebo Hovor ukon�en -to many might exceed your execution-time-limit infolog cs p��li� mnoho m��e zp�sobit p�ekro�en� �asov�ho limit pro vykon�n� +this is the filter infolog uses when you enter the application. filters limit the entries to show in the actual view. there are filters to show only finished, still open or futures entries of yourself or all users. infolog cs Tento filter InfoLog pou��v� p�i vstupu do aplikace. Filtry omezuj� zobrazen� z�znam� v aktu�ln�m pohledu. Jsou filtry pro zobrazen� jen ukon�en�ch, st�le otev�en�ch nebo budouc�ch z�znam�, Va�ich nebo v�ech u�ivatel�. +til when should the todo or phonecall be finished infolog cs dokud se neukon�� �kol nebo telefon�t +times infolog cs �asy +to many might exceed your execution-time-limit infolog cs p��li� mnoho m��e p�ekro�it nastaven� �asov� limit spu�t�n� +to what should the startdate of new entries be set. infolog cs Na jakou hodnotu m� b�t nastaveno po��te�n� datum nov�ch z�znam�. today infolog cs Dnes -todo infolog cs Denn� �koly (ToDo) +todays date infolog cs dne�n� datum +todo infolog cs �kol translation infolog cs P�eklad typ infolog cs Typ -typ '%1' already exists !!! infolog cs Typ %1 ji� existuje !!! +typ '%1' already exists !!! infolog cs Typ '%1' u� existuje !!! type infolog cs Typ type ... infolog cs Typ ... -type of the log-entry: note, phonecall or todo infolog cs Typ logovac�ho z�znamu: Pozn�mka, Telefonn� hovor nebo Denn� �kol -unlink infolog cs Odpojit -upcoming infolog cs nast�vaj�c� -urgency infolog cs d�le�itost -urgent infolog cs urgentn� -use button to search for address infolog cs pou��t tla��tko ke hled�n� adresy -use button to search for project infolog cs pou��t tla��tko ke hled�n� projektu -valid path on clientside<br>eg. \\server\share or e:\ infolog cs platn� cesta na stran� klienta<br>nap�. \\Server\Sdileni nebo e:\ -values for selectbox infolog cs Hodnoty posuvn�m seznamu -view all subs of this entry infolog cs Zobrazit v�echny podz�znamy t�to polo�ky -view other subs infolog cs zobrazit jin� podpolo�ky -view parent infolog cs prohl�dnout rodi�e -view subs infolog cs prohl�dnout podpolo�ky -view the parent of this entry and all his subs infolog cs prohl�dnout rodi�e tohoto z�znamu a jeho podz�znamy -view this linked entry in its application infolog cs prohl�dnout propojen� z�znam v jeho aplikac�ch -when should the todo or phonecall be started, it shows up from that date in the filter open or own open (startpage) infolog cs kdy m� b�t odstartov�n telefonn� hovor nebo ToDo, zobraz� se od tohoto data +type of customfield infolog cs Typ u�ivatelsky definovan� polo�ky +type of the log-entry: note, phonecall or todo infolog cs Typ z�znamu: Pozn�mka, Telefonn� hovor nebo �kol +unlink infolog cs Zru�it odkaz +upcoming infolog cs nadch�zej�c� +urgency infolog cs nal�havost +urgent infolog cs Nal�hav� +used time infolog cs spot�ebovan� �as +valid path on clientside<br>eg. \servershare or e: infolog cs platn� cesta na klientsk� stran�<br>nap�. \\Server\Sd�len� nebo e:\ +values for selectbox infolog cs Hodnoty pro rozbalovac� nab�dku +view all subs of this entry infolog cs Zobrazit v�echny podpolo�ky z�znamu +view other subs infolog cs zobrazit ostatn� podpolo�ky +view parent infolog cs Zobrazit rodi�e +view subs infolog cs zobrazit podpolo�ky +view the parent of this entry and all his subs infolog cs Zobrazit rodi�e tohoto z�znamu a v�echny jeho podpolo�ky +view this linked entry in its application infolog cs zobrazit odkazovan� z�znam v jeho aplikaci +when should the todo or phonecall be started, it shows up from that date in the filter open or own open (startpage) infolog cs kdy m� b�t �kol nebo telefonn� hovor zapo�at (od tohoto data se ve filtru na �vodn� stran� zobrazuje jako otev�en� nebo vlastn� otev�en�) +which additional fields should the responsible be allowed to edit without having edit rights?<br />status, percent and date completed are always allowed. infolog cs Kter� dodate�n� polo�ky m� m�t odpov�dn� osoba mo�nost editovat bez toho, �e by m�la pr�va k editaci?<br>Stav, procento a datum dokon�en� m��e v�dy. +which implicit acl rights should the responsible get? infolog cs Jak� implicitn� ACL pr�va m� odpov�dn� osoba dostat? will-call infolog cs zavol� -write (add or update) a record by passing its fields. infolog cs Zapsat (p�idat nebo zm�nit) z�znam p�ed�n�m jeho polo�ek. +write (add or update) a record by passing its fields. infolog cs Zapsat (p�idat nebo smazat) z�znam zad�n�m jeho polo�ek. yes - delete infolog cs Ano - Smazat -you can't delete one of the stock types !!! infolog cs Nem��ete smazat jeden z t�chto invent�rn�ch typ� !!! -you have entered an invalid ending date infolog cs Bylo zad�no �patn� koncov� datum. -you have entered an invalid starting date infolog cs Bylo zad�no �patn� po��te�n� datum. -you have to enter a name, to create a new typ!!! infolog cs Zadejte jm�no nov� vytv��en�ho typu !!! +yes - delete including sub-entries infolog cs Ano - Smazat v�etn� podpolo�ek +you can't delete one of the stock types !!! infolog cs Nem��ete smazat jeden z kmenov�ch typ� !!! +you have entered an invalid ending date infolog cs Zadal(a) jste neplatn� datum doko�en� +you have entered an invalid starting date infolog cs Zadal(a) jste neplatn� po��te�n� datum +you have to enter a name, to create a new typ!!! infolog cs Pro vytvo�en� nov�ho typu mus�te zadat jeho n�zev!!! you must enter a subject or a description infolog cs Mus�te zadat p�edm�t nebo popis +your database is not up to date (%1 vs. %2), please run %3setup%4 to update your database. infolog cs Va�e datab�ze NEN� aktu�ln� (%1 vs. %2), spus�te pros�m %3setup%4 pro aktualizaci Va�� datab�ze. diff --git a/phpgwapi/setup/phpgw_cs.lang b/phpgwapi/setup/phpgw_cs.lang index 5ca91a81ab..7b75fd42a0 100644 --- a/phpgwapi/setup/phpgw_cs.lang +++ b/phpgwapi/setup/phpgw_cs.lang @@ -1,549 +1,722 @@ -%1 email addresses inserted common cs Emailov� adresa %1 vlo�ena -%1 is not executable by the webserver !!! common cs %1 nen� spustiteln� webserverem -%1egroupware%2 is a multi-user, web-based groupware suite written in %3php%4. common cs %1eGroupWare%2 je v�ceu�ivatelsk�, webov� groupware napsan� v %3PHP%4. -(shift-)click or drag to change value jscalendar cs Pro zm�nu hodnoty pou��t (Shift-)Klik nebo ta�en�m -- click on any of the time parts to increase it jscalendar cs - Kliknut�m na kter�koliv �asov� odd�l ho zv���me -- hold mouse button on any of the above buttons for faster selection. jscalendar cs - Pro rychlej�� v�b�r p�idr�te tla��tko my�i na n�kter�m z tla��tek v��e. -- or click and drag for faster selection. jscalendar cs - nebo pro rychelj�� v�b�r kliknout a t�hnout -- or shift-click to decrease it jscalendar cs - nebo Shift-kliknut�m sn��it -- use the %1, %2 buttons to select month jscalendar cs - Pro ozna�en� m�s�ce pou��t tla��tka %1, %2 -- use the %1, %2 buttons to select year jscalendar cs - Pro ozna�en� roku pou��t tla��tka %1, %2 +%1 email addresses inserted common cs %1 e-mailov�ch adres vlo�eno +%1 is not executable by the webserver !!! common cs %1 nen� spustiteln� pro webov� server +%1 manual common cs %1 manu�l +%1 start common cs %1 start +%1choose an other directory%2<br />or make %3 writeable by webserver common cs %1Zvolte jin� adres��%2<br />nebo nastavte pr�va na %3 tak, aby do n�j mohl zapisovat webov� server +%1egroupware%2 is a multi-user, web-based groupware suite written in %3php%4. common cs %1eGroupWare%2 je v�ceu�ivatelsk� groupware postaven� na webov�ch technologi�ch napsan� v jazyce %3PHP%4. +(shift-)click or drag to change value jscalendar cs Klikn�te (se shiftem) nebo uchopte pro zm�nu hodnoty +- click on any of the time parts to increase it jscalendar cs - Kliknut�m zv�t��te libovolnou polo�ku �asov�ho �daje +- hold mouse button on any of the above buttons for faster selection. jscalendar cs - Podr�te tla��tko my�i nad kter�mkoli z horn�ch tla��tek pro zrychlen� v�b�ru. +- or click and drag for faster selection. jscalendar cs - nebo klikn�te a p�et�hn�te pro rychlej�� v�b�r. +- or shift-click to decrease it jscalendar cs - kliknut�m se shiftem ji zmen��te +- use the %1, %2 buttons to select month jscalendar cs - Pou�ijte tla��tka %1, %2 pro v�b�r m�s�ce +- use the %1, %2 buttons to select year jscalendar cs - Pou�ijte tla��tka %1, %2 pro v�b�r roku 00 (disable) admin cs 00 (zak�zat) 13 (ntp) admin cs 13 (ntp) -3 number of chars for day-shortcut jscalendar cs 3 znaky pro zkratku dne -3 number of chars for month-shortcut jscalendar cs 3 znaky pro zkratku m�s�ce +3 number of chars for day-shortcut jscalendar cs 3 ��slice nebo znaky pro zkratku dne +3 number of chars for month-shortcut jscalendar cs 3 ��slice nebo znaky pro zkratku m�s�ce 80 (http) admin cs 80 (http) -about common cs O aplikaci -about %1 common cs O aplikaci %1 +about common cs O +about %1 common cs O %1 +about egroupware common cs O eGroupWare about the calendar jscalendar cs O kalend��i access common cs P��stup access not permitted common cs P��stup zak�z�n -access type common cs Druh p��stupu -account has been created common cs U�ivatelsk� ��et byl vytvo�en -account has been deleted common cs U�ivatelsk� ��et byl smaz�n -account has been updated common cs U�ivatelsk� ��et byl zm�n�n -account is expired common cs Platnost u�ivatelsk�ho ��tu vypr�ela -acl common cs Pr�va (ACL) +account has been created common cs ��et byl vytvo�en +account has been deleted common cs ��et byl smaz�n +account has been updated common cs ��et byl aktualizov�n +account is expired common cs Platnost ��tu vypr�ela +acl common cs ACL action common cs Akce active common cs Aktivn� add common cs P�idat -add %1 category for common cs P�idat %1 kategorii pro +add %1 category for common cs P�idat kategorii %1 pro add category common cs P�idat kategorii -add sub common cs P�idat podkategorii +add shortcut common cs P�idat z�stupce +add sub common cs P�idat pod addressbook common cs Adres�� admin common cs Administr�tor -administration common cs Spr�va -afghanistan common cs Afg�nist�n -albania common cs Alb�nie -algeria common cs Al��r +administration common cs Administrace +afghanistan common cs AFGH�NIST�N +albania common cs ALB�NIE +algeria common cs AL��RSKO all common cs V�e all fields common cs v�echna pole alphabet common cs a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z -alternate style-sheet: common cs Alternativn� styl (CSS) -american samoa common cs Americk� Samoa -andorra common cs Andora -angola common cs Angola -antarctica common cs Antarktida -apply common cs Pou��vat +alternate style-sheet: common cs Alternativn� form�tovac� sada +american samoa common cs AMERICK� SAMOA +an existing and by the webserver readable directory enables the image browser and upload. common cs Existuj�c� adres�� pro kter� m� web server pr�va pro �ten� povol� prohl��e� obr�zk� a upload. +andorra common cs ANDORA +angola common cs ANGOLA +anguilla common cs ANGUILLA +antarctica common cs ANTARKTIDA +antigua and barbuda common cs ANTIGUA A BARBUDA +application common cs Aplikace +apply common cs Pou��t april common cs Duben -are you sure you want to delete these entries ? common cs Jste si jist, �e chcete vymazat tyto z�znamy? -are you sure you want to delete this entry ? common cs Jste si jist, �e chcete vymazat tento z�znam? -argentina common cs Argentina -armenia common cs Arm�nsko +are you sure you want to delete these entries ? common cs Ur�it� chcete smazat tyto z�znamy? +are you sure you want to delete this entry ? common cs Ur�it� chcete smazat tento z�znam? +argentina common cs AFGENTINA +armenia common cs ARM�NIE +aruba common cs ARUBA august common cs Srpen -australia common cs Austr�lie -austria common cs Rakousko +australia common cs AUSTR�LIE +austria common cs RAKOUSKO author common cs Autor -autohide sidebox menus common cs Automaticky skr�vat postrann� menu -automatically hide the sidebox menus? common cs Automaticky skr�vat postrann� menu? -autosave default category common cs Automaticky ukl�dat standartn� kategorii -azerbaijan common cs Azerb�jd��n +autohide sidebox menu's common cs Automaticky skr�vat menu postrann�ho panelu +autohide sidebox menus common cs Automaticky skr�vat menu postrann�ho panelu +automatically hide the sidebox menu's? common cs Automaticky skr�vat menu postrann�ho panelu? +automatically hide the sidebox menus? common cs Automaticky skr�vat menu postrann�ho panelu? +autosave default category common cs Automatick� ukl�d�n� v�choz� kategorie +azerbaijan common cs �ZERB�JD��N back common cs Zp�t -back to user login common cs Zp�t k p�ihl�en� u�ivatele -background color: common cs Barva pozad�: -bad login or password common cs �patn� jm�no nebo heslo -bahamas common cs Bahamy -bahrain common cs Bahrajn -bangladesh common cs Banglad� -barbados common cs Barbados -bcc common cs Bcc -belarus common cs B�lorusko -belgium common cs Belgie -belize common cs Belize -benin common cs Benin -bermuda common cs Bermundy -bhutan common cs Bh�t�n -blocked, too many attempts common cs Zablokov�no, p��li� mnoho pokus� -bolivia common cs Bol�vie -bosnia and herzegovina common cs Bosna a Hercegovina -botswana common cs Botsvana -brazil common cs Braz�lie -bulgaria common cs Bulharsko -burkina faso common cs Burkina Faso -burundi common cs Burundi +back to user login common cs Zp�t na p�ihl�en� u�ivatele +background color: common cs Barva na pozad�: +bad login or password common cs Chybn� u�ivatelsk� jm�no nebo heslo +bahamas common cs BAHAMY +bahrain common cs BAHRAJN +bangladesh common cs BANGLADɩ +barbados common cs BARBADOS +bcc common cs Skryt� kopie +belarus common cs B�LORUSKO +belgium common cs BELGIE +belize common cs BELIZE +benin common cs BENIN +bermuda common cs BERMUNDY +bhutan common cs BH�T�N +blocked, too many attempts common cs P��stup zablokov�n, p�ili� mnoho pokus� +bold common cs Tu�n� +bolivia common cs BOL�VIE +border common cs Okraj +bosnia and herzegovina common cs BOSNA A HERCEGOVINA +botswana common cs BOTSWANA +bottom common cs Doln� okraj +bouvet island common cs BOUVET�V OSTROV +brazil common cs BRAZ�LIE +british indian ocean territory common cs BRITSK� INDICKOOCE�NSK� �ZEM� +brunei darussalam common cs BRUNEJ DARUSSALAM +bulgaria common cs BULHARSKO +burkina faso common cs HORN� VOLTA +burundi common cs BURUNDI calendar common cs Kalend�� -cambodia common cs Kambod�a -cameroon common cs Kamerun -canada common cs Kanada +cambodia common cs KAMBOD�A +cameroon common cs KAMERUN +canada common cs KANADA cancel common cs Storno +cannot replace %1 because it is a directory common cs Nemohu p�epsat %1 proto�e je to adres�� +cant open '%1' for %2 common cs Nemohu otev��t '%1' pro %2 +cape verde common cs KAPVERDSK� OSTROVY +caption common cs Z�hlav� categories common cs Kategorie categories for common cs kategorie pro category common cs Kategorie -category %1 has been added ! common cs Kategorie %1 byla p�id�na ! -category %1 has been updated ! common cs Kategorie %1 byla zm�n�na ! -cayman islands common cs Kajmansk� ostrovy -cc common cs Cc -chad common cs �ad +category %1 has been added ! common cs Kategorie %1 byla p�id�na! +category %1 has been updated ! common cs Kategorie %1 byla aktualizov�na! +cayman islands common cs KAJMANSK� OSTROVY +cc common cs Kopie +centered common cs vyst�ed�n� +central african republic common cs ST�EDOAFRICK� REPUBLIKA +chad common cs �AD change common cs Zm�nit charset common cs iso-8859-2 -check installation common cs Zkontrolovat instalaci -check now common cs Zkontrolovat te� -chile common cs �ile -china common cs ��na +check installation common cs Kontrola instalace +check now common cs Zkontroluj +chile common cs CHILE +china common cs ��NA +choose a background color common cs Vyberte barvu pozad� +choose a background color for the icons common cs Vyberte barvu pozad� pro ikony +choose a background image. common cs Vyberte obr�zek na pozad� +choose a background style. common cs Vyberte styl pozad� +choose a text color for the icons common cs Vyberte barvu textu pro ikony choose the category common cs Vyberte kategorii -choose the parent category common cs Vyberte rodi�ovskou kategorii -christmas island common cs V�no�n� ostrovy -clear common cs Smazat -clear form common cs Vy�istit formul�� -click common cs Klik -click or mouse over to show menus common cs Kliknut�m nebo najet�m my�� se zobrazen� menu -click or mouse over to show menus? common cs Zobrazit menu kliknut�m nebo najet�m my�� ? +choose the parent category common cs Vyberte nad�azenou kategorii +christmas island common cs V�NO�N� OSTROV +clear common cs Vymazat +clear form common cs Vymazat od +click common cs Kliknout +click or mouse over to show menus common cs Klikn�te nebo p�eje�te my�� pro zobrazen� menu +click or mouse over to show menus? common cs Kliknout nebo p�ejet my�� pro zobrazen� menu? close common cs Zav��t -cocos (keeling) islands common cs Kokosov� ostrovy -colombia common cs Kolumbie +close sidebox common cs Zav��t postrann� panel +cocos (keeling) islands common cs KOKOSOV� OSTROVY +colombia common cs KOLUMBIE +common preferences common cs Spole�n� p�edvolby +comoros common cs KOMORSK� OSTROVY company common cs Spole�nost -config password common cs Heslo pro konfiguraci -config username common cs U�ivatelsk� jm�no pro konfiguraci -congo common cs Kongo -congo, the democratic republic of the common cs Demokratick� republika Kongo -cook islands common cs Cookovy ostrovy +congo common cs KONGO +congo, the democratic republic of the common cs DEMOKRATICK� REPUBLIKA KONGO +contacting server... common cs Kontaktuji server... +cook islands common cs COOKOVY OSTROVY copy common cs Kop�rovat -costa rica common cs Kostarika +costa rica common cs KOSTARIKA +cote d ivoire common cs REPUBLIKA POB�E�� SLONOVINY +could not contact server. operation timed out! common cs Nemohu kontaktovat server. �asov� limit vypr�el! create common cs Vytvo�it -created by common cs Vytvo�il -croatia common cs Chorvatsko -cuba common cs Kuba +created by common cs Vytvo�il(a) +croatia common cs CHORVATSKO +cuba common cs KUBA currency common cs M�na current common cs Aktu�ln� -current users common cs Sou�asn� u�ivatel� -cyprus common cs Kypr -czech republic common cs �esk� republika +current users common cs Aktu�ln� u�ivatel� +cyprus common cs KYPR +czech republic common cs �ESK� REPUBLIKA date common cs Datum -date due common cs Datum do +date due common cs Do data date selection: jscalendar cs V�b�r data: -datetime port.<br>if using port 13, please set firewall rules appropriately before submitting this page.<br>(port: 13 / host: admin cs Datov�-�asov� port. Kdy� pou��v�te port 13, nastavte pravidla pro firewall p�ed potvrzen�m t�to str�nky +datetime port.<br>if using port 13, please set firewall rules appropriately before submitting this page.<br>(port: 13 / host: admin cs Port pro datum a �as.<br>Pokud pou��v�te port 13, nastavte pros�m p��slu�n� pravidla na firewallu d��ve, ne� ode�lete tuto str�nku.<br>(Port: 13 / Host: december common cs Prosinec -default category common cs Implicitn� kategorie -delete common cs Vymazat -denmark common cs D�nsko +default category common cs V�choz� kategorie +default height for the windows common cs V�choz� v��ka oken +default width for the windows common cs V�choz� ���ka oken +delete common cs Smazat +delete row common cs Smazat ��dek +denmark common cs D�NSKO description common cs Popis detail common cs Detail details common cs Podrobnosti -diable the execution a bugfixscript for internet explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in png-images? common cs Zak�zat spou�t�n� bugfix skriptu pro zobrazen� transparentnosti PNG obr�zk� v Internet Exploreru 5.5 a vy���m? -disable internet explorer png-image-bugfix common cs Zak�zat Internet Explorer png-image-bugfix +diable the execution a bugfixscript for internet explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in png-images? common cs Zablokovat spou�t�n� skriptu pro opravu chyby v Internet Exploreru 5.5 a vy���ch, kter� umo��uje zobrazit pr�hlednost v obr�zc�ch form�tu .PNG? +direction left to right common cs Sm�r zleva doprava +directory does not exist, is not readable by the webserver or is not relative to the document root! common cs Adres�� neexistuje, web server pro n�j nem� pr�va ke �ten� nebo nen� relativn� ke ko�enov�mu adres��i dokument�. +disable internet explorer png-image-bugfix common cs Zablokovat zranitelnost Internet Exploreru pro .png obr�zky disable slider effects common cs Zak�zat efekty posuvn�ku -disable the animated slider effects when showing or hiding menus in the page? opera and konqueror users will probably must want this. common cs Zak�zat animovan� efekty posuvn�ku p�i zobrazov�n� nebo skr�v�n� menu na str�nce? U�ivate� prohl��e�� Opera a Konqueror to budou pravd�podobn� cht�t. -disabled common cs Zak�z�no -display %s first jscalendar cs Nejd��ve zobrazit %s -display monday first jscalendar cs Zobrazit pond�l� jako prvn� -display sunday first jscalendar cs Zobrazit ned�li jako prvn� -djibouti common cs D�ibuti +disable the animated slider effects when showing or hiding menus in the page? opera and konqueror users will probably must want this. common cs Zak�zat animovan� efekty posuvn�ku p�i zobrazen� nebo skr�v�n� menu na str�nce? U�ivatel� Opery a Konqueroru patrn� budou muset nastavit. +disable the execution a bugfixscript for internet explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in png-images? common cs Zablokovat spou�t�n� skriptu pro opravu chyby v Internet Exploreru 5.5 a vy���ch, kter� umo��uje zobrazit pr�hlednost v obr�zc�ch form�tu .PNG? +disabled common cs Zak�zano +display %s first jscalendar cs Zobrazit nejprve %s +djibouti common cs D�IBUTSKO do you also want to delete all subcategories ? common cs Chcete tak� smazat v�echny podkategorie? -doctype: common cs DOCTYPE: +doctype: common cs Typ dokumentu: document properties common cs Vlastnosti dokumentu -document title: common cs Nadpis dokumentu +document title: common cs N�zev dokumentu: domain common cs Dom�na -domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common cs jm�no dom�ny pro mailovou adresu, nap�. "%1" -domestic common cs Dom�c� -dominican republic common cs Dominik�nsk� republika +domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common cs jm�no dom�ny pro e-mailovou adresu, nap�. "%1" +domestic common cs Vnitrost�tn� +dominica common cs DOMINIKA +dominican republic common cs DOMINIK�NSK� REPUBLIKA done common cs Hotovo -drag to move jscalendar cs Pro p�esunut� t�hnout +drag to move jscalendar cs Pro p�esun uchopte e-mail common cs E-Mail -east timor common cs V�chodn� Timor -ecuador common cs Ekv�dor -edit common cs Upravit -edit %1 category for common cs Uprav kategorii %1 pro -edit categories common cs Uprav kategorie -edit category common cs Uprav kategorii +east timor common cs V�CHODN� TIMOR +ecuador common cs EKV�DOR +edit common cs Editovat +edit %1 category for common cs Editovat kategorii %1 pro +edit categories common cs Editovat kategorie +edit category common cs Editovat kategorii egroupware api version %1 common cs eGroupWare API verze %1 -egroupware: login blocked for user '%1', ip %2 common cs eGroupWare: p�ihla�ov�n� u�ivatele '%1' zablokov�no, IP %2 -egypt common cs Egypt -el salvador common cs El Salvador +egroupware: login blocked for user '%1', ip %2 common cs eGroupWare: zablokov�no p�ihl�en� u�ivatele '%1', IP %2 +egypt common cs EGYPT +el salvador common cs EL SALVADOR email common cs E-Mail email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common cs e-mailov� adresa u�ivatele, nap�. "%1" enabled common cs Povoleno -end date common cs Koncov� datum -end time common cs Koncov� �as -enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: or /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin cs Zvolte um�st�n� URL eGroupWare.<br>P��klad: nebo /egroupware<br><b>Bez ukon�ovac�ho lom�tka</b> -entry has been deleted sucessfully common cs Z�znam �sp�n� vymaz�n -entry updated sucessfully common cs Z�znam �sp�n� upraven +end date common cs Datum ukon�en� +end time common cs �as ukon�en� +enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: or /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin cs Zadejte um�st�n� URL eGroupwaru.<br>P��klad: nebo /egroupware<br><b>Bez koncov�ho lom�tka</b> +entry has been deleted sucessfully common cs Z�znam byl �sp�n� smaz�n +entry updated sucessfully common cs Z�znam byl �sp�n� zaktualizov�n +equatorial guinea common cs ROVN�KOV� GUINEA +eritrea common cs ERITREA error common cs Chyba -error creating %1 %2 directory common cs Chyba p�i vytv��en� adres��e %1 %2 -error deleting %1 %2 directory common cs Chyba p�i ru�en� adres��e %1 %2 +error creating %1 %2 directory common cs Chyba p�i vyt��en� adres��e %1 %2 +error deleting %1 %2 directory common cs Chyba p�i maz�n� adres��e %1 %2 error renaming %1 %2 directory common cs Chyba p�i p�ejmenov�n� adres��e %1 %2 -estonia common cs Estonsko -ethiopia common cs Etiopie -exact common cs p�esn� -exit common cs Ukon�it -falkland islands (malvinas) common cs Falklandsk� ostrovy +estonia common cs ESTONSKO +ethiopia common cs ETIOPIE +everything common cs V�e +exact common cs p�esn� (v�raz) +failed to contact server or invalid response from server. try to relogin. contact admin in case of faliure. common cs Nepoda�ilo se zkontaktovat server nebo jeho odpov�� byla chybn�. Zkuste se p�ihl�sit znovu a v p��pad� chyby kontaktujte administr�tora. +falkland islands (malvinas) common cs FALKLANDSK� OSTROVY +faroe islands common cs FAERSK� OSTROVY fax number common cs ��slo faxu +features of the editor? common cs Vlastnosti editoru? february common cs �nor -fields common cs Polo�ky -fiji common cs Fid�i +fields common cs Pole +fiji common cs FID�I files common cs Soubory filter common cs Filtr -finland common cs Finsko -first name common cs Jm�no -first name of the user, eg. "%1" common cs Jm�no u�ivatele, nap�. "%1" +finland common cs FINSKO +first name common cs K�estn� jm�no +first name of the user, eg. "%1" common cs k�estn� jm�no u�ivatele, nap�. "%1" first page common cs Prvn� strana -firstname common cs Jm�no -fixme! common cs OPRAV_M�! -force selectbox common cs Otev�i nab�dku pro v�b�r -france common cs Francie +firstname common cs K�estn� jm�no +fixme! common cs OPRAV M�! +folder already exists. common cs Slo�ka ji� existuje +force selectbox common cs Vynutit rozbalovac� nab�dku +france common cs FRANCIE +french guiana common cs FRANCOUZSK� GUYANA +french polynesia common cs FRANCOUZSK� POLYN�SIE +french southern territories common cs FRANCOUZSK� JI�N� �ZEM� friday common cs P�tek ftp common cs FTP fullname common cs Cel� jm�no -gabon common cs Gabun -gambia common cs Gambie -general menu common cs Obecn� menu -germany common cs N�mecko -ghana common cs Ghana +fullscreen mode common cs Zobrazen� na celou obrazovku +gabon common cs GABUN +gambia common cs GAMBIE +general menu common cs Hlavn� menu +georgia common cs GEORGIE +german common cs N�meck� +germany common cs N�MECKO +ghana common cs GHANA +gibraltar common cs D�IBRALTAR global common cs Glob�ln� -global public common cs Ve�ejn� pro v�echny -go today jscalendar cs B� na dne�ek +global public common cs P��stupn� v�em +go today jscalendar cs Jdi na dne�ek grant access common cs Povolit p��stup -greece common cs �ecko -grenada common cs Grenada +greece common cs �ECKO +greenland common cs GR�NSKO +grenada common cs GRENADA group common cs Skupina group access common cs Skupinov� p��stup group has been added common cs Skupina byla p�id�na group has been deleted common cs Skupina byla smaz�na -group has been updated common cs Skupina byla upravena -group name common cs jm�no skupiny -group public common cs Ve�ejn� pro skupiny +group has been updated common cs Skupina byla aktualizov�na +group name common cs n�zev skupiny +group public common cs P��stupn� skupin� groups common cs Skupiny -groups with permission for %1 common cs Skupiny s opr�vn�n�m pro %1 -groups without permission for %1 common cs Skupiny bez opr�vn�n� pro %1 -guam common cs Guam +groups with permission for %1 common cs Skupiny s pr�vy na %1 +groups without permission for %1 common cs Skupiny bez opr�vn�n� na %1 +guadeloupe common cs GUADELOUPE +guam common cs GUAM +guatemala common cs GUATEMALA +guinea common cs GUINEA +guinea-bissau common cs GUINEA-BISSAU +guyana common cs GUYANA +haiti common cs HAITI +heard island and mcdonald islands common cs HEARD�V OSTROV A McDONALDOVY OSTROVY +height common cs ���ka help common cs N�pov�da high common cs Vysok� highest common cs Nejvy��� -home common cs Hlavn� str�nka -home email common cs soukrom� e-mail -honduras common cs Honduras -how many icons should be shown in the navbar (top of the page). additional icons go into a kind of pulldown menu, callable by the icon on the far right side of the navbar. common cs Kolik ikon by m�lo b�t zobrazeno v naviga�n� li�t� (na vrcholu str�nky). Ikony nav�c jsou um�st�ny ve spou�t�c�m menu, aktivovan�m ikonou na prav� stran� naviga�n� li�ty. -hungary common cs Ma�arsko -iceland common cs Island -india common cs Indie -indonesia common cs Indonesie -insert all %1 addresses of the %2 contacts in %3 common cs Vlo�it v�echny %1 adresy z kontanku %2 v %3 +holy see (vatican city state) common cs VATIK�N +home common cs Hlavn� strana +home email common cs dom�c� e-mail +honduras common cs HONDURAS +hong kong common cs HONGKONG +how many icons should be shown in the navbar (top of the page). additional icons go into a kind of pulldown menu, callable by the icon on the far right side of the navbar. common cs Kolik ikon se m� zobrazovat v naviga�n� li�t� (v z�hlav� str�nky). Dal�� ikony se p�esunou do roletov�ho menu, kter� zobraz�te kliknut�m na symbol na prav� stran� naviga�n� li�ty. +hungary common cs MA�ARSKO +iceland common cs ISLAND +iespell not detected. click ok to go to download page. common cs ieSpell nebyl nalezen. Klikn�te na OK pro p�esun na str�nku ke sta�en�. +if the clock is enabled would you like it to update it every second or every minute? common cs Pokud budou hodiny povoleny, chcete je aktualizovat ka�dou vte�inu nebo ka�dou minutu? +if there are some images in the background folder you can choose the one you would like to see. common cs Pokud m�te ve slo�ce pozad� n�jak� obr�zky, m��ete si vybrat ten, kter� se m� zobrazovat. +image directory relative to document root (use / !), example: common cs Adres�� pro obr�zky relativn� ke ko�enov�mu adres��i dokument� (pou�ijte / !), nap��klad: +image url common cs URL obr�zku +india common cs INDIE +indonesia common cs INDON�SIE +insert all %1 addresses of the %2 contacts in %3 common cs Vlo�it v�ech %1 adres z %2 kontakt� v %3 +insert column after common cs Vlo�it sloupec za +insert column before common cs Vlo�it sloupec p�ed +insert row after common cs Vlo�it ��dek za +insert row before common cs Vlo�it ��dek p�ed international common cs Mezin�rodn� +invalid filename common cs Neplatn� jm�no souboru invalid ip address common cs Neplatn� IP adresa invalid password common cs Neplatn� heslo -iran, islamic republic of common cs �r�n -iraq common cs �r�k -ireland common cs Irsko -israel common cs Izrael -it has been more then %1 days since you changed your password common cs Uplynulo v�ce jak %1 dn� od posledn� zm�ny va�eho hesla -it is recommended that you run setup to upgrade your tables to the current version common cs Doporu�uji spustit setup pro upgrade datab�zov�ch tabulek na sou�asnou verzi. +iran, islamic republic of common cs �R�N +iraq common cs IR�K +ireland common cs IRSKO +israel common cs IZRAEL +it has been more then %1 days since you changed your password common cs U� je to v�ce jak %1 dn�, co jste si naposledy zm�nil(a) heslo. +it is recommended that you run setup to upgrade your tables to the current version common cs Doporu�ujeme spustit setup pro p�evod tabulek na aktu�ln� verzi. italic common cs Kurz�va -italy common cs It�lie -jamaica common cs Jamajka +italy common cs IT�LIE +jamaica common cs JAMAJKA january common cs Leden -japan common cs Japosko -jordan common cs Jord�nsko +japan common cs JAPONSKO +jordan common cs JORD�NSKO july common cs �ervenec jun common cs �erven june common cs �erven -justify center common cs Zarovnat na st�ed -justify full common cs Zarovnat oboustrann� -justify left common cs Zarovnat doleva -justify right common cs Zarovnat doprava -kazakstan common cs Kazachstan -kenya common cs Ke�a +justify center common cs Zarovnej na st�ed +justify full common cs Zarovnej do bloku +justify left common cs Zarovnej nalevo +justify right common cs Zarovnej napravo +kazakstan common cs KAZACHST�N +kenya common cs KE�A keywords common cs Kl��ov� slova -kiribati common cs Kiribati -korea, democratic peoples republic of common cs Korejsk� lidov� demokratick� republika -korea, republic of common cs Ji�n� Korea -kuwait common cs Kuvajt +kiribati common cs KIRIBATI +korea, democratic peoples republic of common cs KOREA +korea, republic of common cs KOREA +kuwait common cs KUWAIT +kyrgyzstan common cs KYRGYZST�N language common cs Jazyk +language_direction_rtl common cs sm�r_jazyka_zprava_doleva +lao peoples democratic republic common cs LAOS last name common cs P��jmen� last name of the user, eg. "%1" common cs p��jmen� u�ivatele, nap�. "%1" -last page common cs Posledn� str�nka +last page common cs Posledn� strana lastname common cs P��jmen� -latvia common cs Litva -lebanon common cs Libanon +latvia common cs LOTY�SKO +ldap-mgr common cs LDAP-Mana�er +lebanon common cs LIBANON +left common cs Lev� +lesotho common cs LESOTHO +liberia common cs LIB�RIE +libyan arab jamahiriya common cs LIBYE license common cs Licence -liechtenstein common cs Lichten�tejnsko +liechtenstein common cs LICHTEN�TEJNSKO +line %1: '%2'<br><b>csv data does not match column-count of table %3 ==> ignored</b> common cs ��dek %1: '%2'<br><b>csv data neodpov�daj� po�tu sloupc� v tabulce %3 ==> ignorov�n</b> list common cs Seznam list members common cs Seznam �len� -local common cs M�stn� +lithuania common cs LITVA +local common cs Lok�ln� login common cs P�ihl�sit -loginid common cs P�ihla�ovac�_ID +loginid common cs ID pro p�ihl�en� logout common cs Odhl�sit low common cs N�zk� lowest common cs Nejni��� -luxembourg common cs Lucembursko -macedonia, the former yugoslav republic of common cs Makedonie -madagascar common cs Madagaskar -mail domain, eg. "%1" common cs mailov� dom�na, nap�. %1 +luxembourg common cs LUCEMBURSKO +macau common cs MACAO +macedonia, the former yugoslav republic of common cs MAKEDONIE +madagascar common cs MADAGASKAR +mail domain, eg. "%1" common cs e-mailov� dom�na, nap�. "%1" main category common cs Hlavn� kategorie -main screen common cs Hlavn� strana -maintainer common cs �dr�ba -malaysia common cs Malajsie -mali common cs Mali -malta common cs Malta -manual common cs P��ru�ka +main screen common cs Hlavn� obrazovka +maintainer common cs Spr�vce +malawi common cs MALAWI +malaysia common cs MALAJSIE +maldives common cs MALEDIVY +mali common cs MALI +malta common cs MALTA march common cs B�ezen -mauritania common cs Mauret�nie -mauritius common cs Mauricius -max number of icons in navbar common cs Maxim�ln� po�et ikon na naviga�n� li�t� +marshall islands common cs MARSHALLOVY OSTROVY +martinique common cs MARTINIK +mauritania common cs MAURIT�NIE +mauritius common cs MAURICIUS +max number of icons in navbar common cs Maxim�ln� po�et ikon v naviga�n� li�t� may common cs Kv�ten +mayotte common cs MAYOTTE medium common cs St�edn� menu common cs Menu message common cs Zpr�va -mexico common cs Mexiko -moldova, republic of common cs Moldavsk� republika -monaco common cs Monako +mexico common cs MEXIKO +micronesia, federated states of common cs MIKRON�SIE +minute common cs minuta +moldova, republic of common cs MOLDAVSKO +monaco common cs MONAKO monday common cs Pond�l� -mongolia common cs Mongolsko -mozambique common cs Mozambik +mongolia common cs MONGOLSKO +montenegro common cs �ERN� HORA +montserrat common cs MONTSERRAT +morocco common cs MAROKO +mozambique common cs MOSAMBIK +multiple common cs v�cen�sobn� +myanmar common cs MYANMAR name common cs Jm�no name of the user, eg. "%1" common cs jm�no u�ivatele, nap�. "%1" -namibia common cs Nanibie -nepal common cs Nep�l -netherlands common cs Holandsko +namibia common cs NAMIBIE +nauru common cs NAURU +nepal common cs NEP�L +netherlands common cs NIZOZEMSKO +netherlands antilles common cs NIZOZEMSK� ANTILY never common cs Nikdy -new caledonia common cs Nov� Kaledonie -new entry added sucessfully common cs Nov� z�znam �sp�n� p�id�n +new caledonia common cs NOV� KALEDONIE +new entry added sucessfully common cs Nov� z�znam byl �sp�n� p�id�n new main category common cs Nov� hlavn� kategorie new value common cs Nov� hodnota -new zealand common cs Nov� Z�land +new zealand common cs NOV� Z�LAND next common cs Dal�� -next month (hold for menu) jscalendar cs Dal�� m�s�c (podr�en�m zobraz�te menu) -next page common cs dal�� str�nka -next year (hold for menu) jscalendar cs Dal�� rok (podr�en�m zobraz�te menu) -nicaragua common cs Nikaragua +next month (hold for menu) jscalendar cs Dal�� m�s�c (podr�te pro menu) +next page common cs Dal�� strana +next year (hold for menu) jscalendar cs Dal�� rok (podr�te pro menu) +nicaragua common cs NIKARAGUA +niger common cs NIGER +nigeria common cs NIG�RIE +niue common cs NIUE no common cs Ne -no entries found, try again ... common cs Nebylo nalezeno nic, zkuste to znova ... -no history for this record common cs ��dn� historie tohoto z�znamu -no subject common cs P�edm�t neuveden +no entries found, try again ... common cs ��dn� z�znamy nebyly nalezeny, zkuste znovu... +no history for this record common cs ��dn� historie pro tento z�znam +no savant2 template directories were found in: common cs Nebyly nalezeny �ablony adres��� Savant2 v: +no subject common cs ��dn� subjekt none common cs ��dn� +norfolk island common cs NORFOLK normal common cs Norm�ln� -norway common cs Norsko -not assigned common cs nep�i�azeno +northern mariana islands common cs SEVERN� MARIANY +norway common cs NORSKO +not assigned common cs nep�id�len note common cs Pozn�mka notes common cs Pozn�mky -notify window common cs Upozor�uj�c� okno +notify window common cs Okno s upozorn�n�m +notify your administrator to correct this situation common cs Uv�domte pros�m sv�ho administr�tora, aby tuto situaci vy�e�il. november common cs Listopad october common cs ��jen ok common cs OK old value common cs Star� hodnota -oman common cs Om�n -on *nix systems please type: %1 common cs Na *NIX syst�mech pros�m napi�te: %1 -on mouse over common cs S my�� nad -only private common cs pouze soukrom� -only yours common cs jenom va�e -open notify window common cs Otev�i p�ipom�nac� okno -open popup window common cs Otev�i vyskakovac� okno -original common cs Origin�l -other common cs Jin� +oman common cs OM�N +on *nix systems please type: %1 common cs Na syst�mech typu *nix zadejte pros�m: %1 +on mouse over common cs P�i pohybu my�i p�es +only private common cs jen soukrom� +only yours common cs jen Va�e +open notify window common cs Otev��t okno s upozorn�n�m +open popup window common cs Otev��t p�ekr�vac� okno +open sidebox common cs Otev��t postrann� panel +ordered list common cs Set��d�n� seznam +original common cs P�vodn� +other common cs Ostatn� overview common cs P�ehled owner common cs Vlastn�k -page common cs Str�nka -page was generated in %1 seconds common cs Str�nka byla vygenerov�na za %1 sekund -pakistan common cs Pakist�n -panama common cs Panama -papua new guinea common cs Papua nov� Guinea -paraguay common cs Paraguay +page common cs Strana +page was generated in %1 seconds common cs Strana vygenerov�na za %1 sekund +pakistan common cs P�KIST�N +palau common cs PALAU +palestinian territory, occupied common cs PALESTINA +panama common cs PANAMA +papua new guinea common cs PAPUA - NOV� GUINEA +paraguay common cs PARAGUAY parcel common cs Z�silka -parent category common cs Rodi�ovsk� kategorie +parent category common cs Nad�azen� kategorie password common cs Heslo password could not be changed common cs Heslo nemohlo b�t zm�n�no -password has been updated common cs Heslo bylo zm�n�no -path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! common cs Cesta k soubor�m u�ivatel� a skupin MUS� B�T VN� document-root adres��e webov�ho serveru!!! -pattern for search in addressbook common cs Vzor pro hled�n� v adres��i -pattern for search in calendar common cs Vzor pro hled�n� v kalend��i -pattern for search in projects common cs Vzor pro hled�n� v projektech +password has been updated common cs Heslo bylo zaktualizov�no +password must contain at least %1 lowercase letters common cs Heslo mus� obsahovat nejm�n� %1 mal�ch p�smen +password must contain at least %1 numbers common cs Heslo mus� obsahovat nejm�n� %1 ��slic +password must contain at least %1 special characters common cs Heslo mus� obsahovat nejm�n� %1 speci�ln�ch znak� +password must contain at least %1 uppercase letters common cs Heslo mus� obsahovat nejm�n� %1 velk�ch p�smen +password must have at least %1 characters common cs Heslo mus� m�t nejm�n� %1 znak� +path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! common cs Cesta k soubor�m u�ivatel� a skupin MUS� B�T MIMO ko�enov� adres�� dokument� webov�ho serveru!!! permissions to the files/users directory common cs pr�va k soubor�m / u�ivatelsk�m adres���m -personal common cs Person�lie -peru common cs Peru -philippines common cs Filip�ny +personal common cs Osobn� +peru common cs PERU +philippines common cs FILIP�NY phone number common cs telefonn� ��slo +phpgwapi common cs eGroupWare API +pitcairn common cs PITCAIRN please %1 by hand common cs Pros�m %1 ru�n� -please enter a name common cs Pros�m vlo�te jm�no ! -please run setup to become current common cs Pros�m spus�te setup pro aktualizaci -please select common cs Pros�m vyberte -please set your global preferences common cs Pros�m nastavte va�e glob�ln� p�edvolby ! -please set your preferences for this application common cs Pros�m nastavte va�e p�edvolby pro tuto aplikaci ! -please wait... common cs �ekejte, pros�m... -poland common cs Polsko -portugal common cs Portugalsko +please enter a name common cs Zadejte pros�m jm�no! +please run setup to become current common cs Spus�te pros�m setup pro aktualizaci +please select common cs Pros�m zvolte +please set your global preferences common cs Upravte pros�m sv� glob�ln� p�edvolby! +please set your preferences for this application common cs Upravte pros�m sv� p�edvolby pro tuto aplikaci! +please wait... common cs Pros�m �ekejte... +poland common cs POLSKO +portugal common cs PORTUGALSKO postal common cs Po�tovn� -powered by egroupware version %1 common cs Provozov�no na eGroupWare verze %1 -powered by phpgroupware version %1 common cs Provozov�no na <a href="">phpGroupWare</a> verze %1 +powered by common cs Zalo�eno na +powered by egroupware version %1 common cs Zalo�eno na <a href="">eGroupWare</a> verze %1 preferences common cs P�edvolby -preferences for the idots template set common cs P�edvolby sady �ablon idots -prev. month (hold for menu) jscalendar cs P�edchoz� m�s�c (podr�en�m zobraz�te menu) -prev. year (hold for menu) jscalendar cs P�edchoz� rok (podr�en�m zobraz�te menu) -previous page common cs P�edchoz� str�nka -primary style-sheet: common cs Prim�rn� vzhled (CSS): -print common cs Tisk +preferences for the idots template set common cs P�edvolby pro �ablony idots +prev. month (hold for menu) jscalendar cs P�edchoz� m�s�c (podr�te pro menu) +prev. year (hold for menu) jscalendar cs P�edchoz� rok (podr�te pro menu) +previous page common cs Predchoz� strana +primary style-sheet: common cs Prim�rn� form�tovac� sada: +print common cs Tisknout priority common cs Priorita -private common cs Soukrom� +private common cs Soukrom� +programs common cs Programy project common cs Projekt -public common cs ve�ejn� +public common cs Ve�ejn� +puerto rico common cs PORTORIKO +qatar common cs KATAR read common cs ��st -read this list of methods. common cs �ti tento seznam metod +read this list of methods. common cs ��st tento seznam metod. +reading common cs �ten� +regular common cs Norm�ln� reject common cs Odm�tnout remove selected accounts common cs odstranit vybran� ��ty +remove shortcut common cs Odstranit z�stupce rename common cs P�ejmenovat -returns a full list of accounts on the system. warning: this is return can be quite large common cs Vr�t� cel� seznam u�ivatelsk�ch ��t� v syst�mu. Pozor: M��e vr�tit docela dost dat. -returns an array of todo items common cs Vrac� pole �kol� -returns struct of users application access common cs Vrac� strukturu u�ivatelsk�ho p��stupu k aplikac�m -romania common cs Rumunsko -russian federation common cs Rusk� federace -rwanda common cs Rvanda -saint helena common cs Svat� Helena -samoa common cs Samoa +replace common cs Nahradit +replace with common cs Nahradit s +returns a full list of accounts on the system. warning: this is return can be quite large common cs Vrac� kompletn� seznam ��t� v syst�mu. Varov�n�: v�pis m��e b�t velmi dlouh�. +returns an array of todo items common cs Vrac� pole s polo�kami �kol� +returns struct of users application access common cs Vrac� strukturu u�ivatelsk�ch p��stup� k aplikaci +reunion common cs R�UNION +right common cs Prav� +romania common cs RUMUNSKO +russian federation common cs RUSKO +rwanda common cs RWANDA +saint helena common cs SVAT� HELENA +saint kitts and nevis common cs SVAT� KRY�TOF A NEVIS +saint lucia common cs SVAT� LUCIE +saint pierre and miquelon common cs SAINT PIERRE A MIQUELON +saint vincent and the grenadines common cs SVAT� VINCENC A GRENADINY +samoa common cs SAMOA +san marino common cs SAN MARINO +sao tome and principe common cs SVAT� TOM�� saturday common cs Sobota -saudi arabia common cs Saudsk� Ar�bie +saudi arabia common cs SA�DSK� AR�BIE +savant2 version differs from savant2 wrapper. <br/>this version: %1 <br/>savants version: %2 common cs Verze Savant2 se li�� od verze Savant2 wrapperu. <br/>Tato verze: %1 <br/>Verze Savantu: %2 save common cs Ulo�it search common cs Hledat search %1 '%2' common cs Hledat %1 '%2' -search or select accounts common cs Hladat pro vybran� ��ty +search accounts common cs Hledat v ��tech +second common cs sekunda section common cs Sekce -select common cs V�b�r +select common cs Vybrat select all %1 %2 for %3 common cs Vybrat v�e %1 %2 pro %3 -select category common cs Vyberte kategorii -select date common cs Vyberte datum -select group common cs Vyberte skupinu -select home email address common cs Vyberte dom�c� e-mailovou adresu -select one common cs Vyberte -select user common cs Vyberte u�ivatele -select work email address common cs Vyberte pracovn� e-mailovou adresu +select category common cs Vybrat kategorii +select date common cs Vybrat datum +select group common cs Vybrat skupinu +select home email address common cs Vybrat dom�c� e-mailovou adresu +select multiple accounts common cs vybrat v�ce ��t� +select one common cs Vybrat jeden +select the default height for the application windows common cs Vyberte v�choz� v��ku pro okno aplikace +select the default width for the application windows common cs Vyberte v�choz� ���ku pro okno aplikace +select user common cs Vybrat u�ivatele +select work email address common cs Vybrat pracovn� e-mailovou adresu selection common cs V�b�r send common cs Odeslat -senegal common cs Senegal +senegal common cs SENEGAL september common cs Z��� +serbia common cs SRBSKO server %1 has been added common cs Server %1 byl p�id�n -server name common cs Jm�no serveru -session has been killed common cs Sezen� bylo zru�eno +server answered. processing response... common cs Server odpov�d�l. Zpracov�v�m odpov��... +server contacted. waiting for response... common cs Server zkontaktov�n. �ek�m na odpov��... +server name common cs N�zev serveru +session has been killed common cs Relace byla ukon�ena setup common cs Setup -setup main menu common cs Setup - hlavn� menu -setup/config admin login common cs Setup/Config Admin Login -show all common cs Uk�zat v�e +setup main menu common cs Nastavit hlavn� menu +seychelles common cs SEYCHELY +show all common cs zobrazit v�e show all categorys common cs Zobrazit v�echny kategorie +show clock? common cs Zobrazit hodiny? +show home and logout button in main application bar? common cs Zobrazit odkaz na hlavn� stranu a odhl�en� v hlavn� aplika�n� li�t�? +show logo's on the desktop. common cs Zobrazit logo na pracovn� plo�e. show menu common cs zobrazit menu -show page generation time common cs Zobrazit dobu generov�n� str�nky -show page generation time on the bottom of the page? common cs Zobrazovat dobu generov�n� str�nek na spodn�m okraji str�nky? +show page generation time common cs Zobrazit �asy generov�n� str�nek +show page generation time on the bottom of the page? common cs P�ejete si zobrazit �as generov�n� str�nky na jej�m z�pat�? +show page generation time? common cs Zobrazit �as generovan� str�nky? +show the logo's of egroupware and x-desktop on the desktop. common cs Zobrazit logo eGroupWare a x-desktopu na pracovn� plo�e. show_more_apps common cs zobrazit_v�ce_aplikac� showing %1 common cs zobrazeno %1 showing %1 - %2 of %3 common cs zobrazeno %1 - %2 z %3 -slovakia common cs Slovensko -slovenia common cs Slovinsko -somalia common cs Som�lsko -sorry, there was a problem processing your request. common cs Promi�te, nastala chyba p�i zpracov�n� va�eho po�adavku. -sorry, your login has expired login cs Promi�te, platnost va�eho p�ihl�en� ji� vypr�ela -south africa common cs Jihoafrick� republika -spain common cs �pan�lsko -sri lanka common cs Sr� Lanka (Cejlon) +sierra leone common cs SIERRA LEONE +simple common cs Jednoduch� +singapore common cs SINGAPUR +slovakia common cs SLOVENSKO +slovenia common cs SLOVINSKO +solomon islands common cs �ALAMOUNOVY OSTROVY +somalia common cs SOM�LSK� REPUBLIKA +sorry, your login has expired login cs Lituji, V�e p�ihl�en� vypr�elo +south africa common cs JIHOAFRICK� REPUBLIKA +south georgia and the south sandwich islands common cs JI�N� GEORGIE A JI�N� SANDWICHOVY OSTROVY +spain common cs �PAN�LSKO +sri lanka common cs SR� LANKA start date common cs Po��te�n� datum start time common cs Po��te�n� �as -start with common cs za��t s +start with common cs za��n� s +starting up... common cs Startuji... status common cs Stav +stretched common cs rozta�en� subject common cs P�edm�t -submit common cs Potvrdit -substitutions and their meanings: common cs Nahrazen� a jejich v�znam: -sudan common cs S�d�n +submit common cs Odeslat +substitutions and their meanings: common cs Substituce a jejich v�znamy: +sudan common cs S�D�N sunday common cs Ned�le -suriname common cs Surinam -sweden common cs �v�dsko -switzerland common cs �v�carsko -tajikistan common cs T�d�ikist�n -tanzania, united republic of common cs Tanz�nie +suriname common cs SURINAM +svalbard and jan mayen common cs SVALBARD A OSTROV JAN MAYEN +swaziland common cs SVAZIJSKO +sweden common cs �V�DSKO +switzerland common cs �V�CARSKO +syrian arab republic common cs S�RIE +table properties common cs Vlastnosti tabulky +taiwan common cs TCHAJ-WAN +tajikistan common cs T�D�IKIST�N +tanzania, united republic of common cs TANZANIE text color: common cs Barva textu: -thailand common cs Thajsko +thailand common cs THAJSKO the api is current common cs API je aktu�ln� -the api requires an upgrade common cs API pot�ebuje upgrade -the following applications require upgrades common cs N�sleduj�c� aplikace vy�aduj� upgrade -the mail server returned common cs Po�tovn� server vr�til +the api requires an upgrade common cs API vy�aduje aktualizaci +the following applications require upgrades common cs N�sleduj�c� aplikace vy�aduj� aktualizaci +the mail server returned common cs Po�tovn� server odpov�d�l this application is current common cs Tato aplikace je aktu�ln� -this application requires an upgrade common cs Tato aplikace vy�aduje upgrade -this name has been used already common cs Toto jm�no u� je pou�ito ! +this application requires an upgrade common cs Tato aplikace vy�aduje aktualizaci +this name has been used already common cs Takov� jm�no ji� bylo pou�ito! thursday common cs �tvrtek +tiled common cs dla�dice time common cs �as time selection: jscalendar cs V�b�r �asu: time zone common cs �asov� z�na -time zone offset common cs Odchylka �asov� z�ny -title common cs Titul (funkce) +time zone offset common cs Posun �asov� z�ny +title common cs Titul(ek) / N�zev to common cs Komu -to correct this error for the future you will need to properly set the common cs Aby se chyba neobjevovala v budoucnosti mus�te pr�vn� nastavit -to go back to the msg list, click <a href= %1 >here</a> common cs <a href="%1">Zp�t na seznam zpr�v</a> +to correct this error for the future you will need to properly set the common cs Pokud chcete do budoucna zamezit t�to chyb�, mus�te spr�vn� nastavit +to go back to the msg list, click <a href= %1 >here</a> common cs Pro n�vrat do seznamu zpr�v, klikn�te <a href="%1">sem</a> today common cs Dnes todays date, eg. "%1" common cs dne�n� datum, nap�. "%1" -toggle first day of week jscalendar cs Zvolit prvn� den v t�dnu -togo common cs Togo -too many unsucessful attempts to login: %1 for the user '%2', %3 for the ip %4 common cs P��li� mnoho ne�sp�n�ch pokus� o p�ihl�en�: %1 od u�ivatele '%2', %3 z IP %4 +toggle first day of week jscalendar cs P�epnout prvn� den v t�dnu +togo common cs TOGO +tokelau common cs TOKELAU +tonga common cs TONGA +too many unsucessful attempts to login: %1 for the user '%2', %3 for the ip %4 common cs P�ili� mnoho n�sp�n�ch pokus� o p�ihl�en�: %1 pro u�ivatele '%2', %3 pro IP %4 +top common cs Z�hlav� total common cs Celkem -trinidad and tobago common cs Trinidad a Tobago +transparant bg for the icons? common cs Transparentn� pozad� pro ikony? +trinidad and tobago common cs TRINIDAD A TOBAGO tuesday common cs �ter� -tunisia common cs Tunisko -turkey common cs Turecko -turkmenistan common cs Turkmenist�n -uganda common cs Uganda -ukraine common cs Ukrajina -united arab emirates common cs Spojen� Arabsk� emir�ty -united kingdom common cs Velk� Brit�nie -united states common cs Spojen� st�ty +tunisia common cs TUNISKO +turkey common cs TURECKO +turkmenistan common cs TURKMENIST�N +turks and caicos islands common cs TURKS A CAICOS +tuvalu common cs TUVALU +type common cs Typ +uganda common cs UGANDA +ukraine common cs UKRAJINA +underline common cs Podtrhnout +united arab emirates common cs SPOJEN� ARABSK� EMIR�TY +united kingdom common cs SPOJEN� KR�LOVSTV� +united states common cs SPOJEN� ST�TY +united states minor outlying islands common cs MEN�� ODLEHL� OSTROVY USA unknown common cs Nezn�m� -update common cs Aktualizace -updated common cs Upraven +update common cs Aktualizovat +update the clock per minute or per second common cs Aktualizovat �as ka�dou minutu nebo sekundu +upload common cs Uploadovat +upload directory does not exist, or is not writeable by webserver common cs Adres�� pro upload neexistuje nebo do n�j webov� server nem� pr�vo z�pisu. +upload requires the directory to be writable by the webserver! common cs Upload vy�aduje adres��, na kter� m� web server pr�vo k z�pisu! url common cs URL -use button to search for common cs stisknout tla��tko pro hled�n� -use button to search for address common cs stisknout tla��tko pro hled�n� v adres��i -use button to search for calendarevent common cs stisknout tla��tko pro hled�n� ud�losti v kalend��e -use button to search for project common cs stisknout tla��tko pro hled�n� projektu -use cookies login cs pou��vat su�enky (cookies) +uruguay common cs URUGUAY +use button to search for common cs pou�ijte tla��tko k hled�n� +use button to search for address common cs pou�ijte tla��tko k hled�n� adresy +use button to search for calendarevent common cs pou�ijte tla�itko k hled�n� ud�losti +use button to search for project common cs pou�ijte tla��tko k hled�n� projektu user common cs U�ivatel -user accounts common cs U�ivatelsk� ��ty -user groups common cs Skupiny u�ivatel� +user accounts common cs u�ivatelsk� ��ty +user groups common cs skupiny u�ivatel� +user openinstance common cs Otev�en� u�ivatelsk� instance username common cs U�ivatelsk� jm�no users common cs u�ivatel� -users choice common cs U�ivatelsk� nab�dka -uzbekistan common cs Uzbekist�n -venezuela common cs Venezuela +users choice common cs U�ivatelsk� volba +uzbekistan common cs UZBEKIST�N +vanuatu common cs VANUATU +venezuela common cs VENEZUELA version common cs Verze -viet nam common cs Vietnam -view common cs Prohl��et +viet nam common cs VIETNAM +view common cs Zobrazit +virgin islands, british common cs BRITSK� PANENSK� OSTROVY +virgin islands, u.s. common cs AMERICK� PANENSK� OSTROVY +wallis and futuna common cs WALLIS A FUTUNA wednesday common cs St�eda welcome common cs V�tejte +western sahara common cs Z�PADN� SAHARA +what color should all the blank space on the desktop have common cs Jakou barvu by m�la m�t v�echna pr�zdn� m�sta na pracovn� plo�e? +what style would you like the image to have? common cs Jak� styl maj� m�t obr�zky? +when you say yes the home and logout buttons are presented as applications in the main top applcation bar. common cs Odpov�te-li ano, potom tla��tka pro hlavn� stranu a odhl�en� budou p��tomna ve vrchn� aplika�n� li�t�. which groups common cs Kter� skupiny -wk jscalendar cs prac +width common cs ���ka +wk jscalendar cs t�d. work email common cs pracovn� e-mail -written by: common cs Napsal: +would you like to display the page generation time at the bottom of every window? common cs Chcete zobrazit �as generov�n� ka�d�ho okna na jeho z�pat�? +writing common cs psan� +written by: common cs Napsal(a): year common cs Rok -yemen common cs Jemen +yemen common cs JEMEN yes common cs Ano -you are required to change your password during your first login common cs Budete muset zm�nit heslo b�hem sv�ho prvn�ho p�ihl�en� -you are running a newer version of phpgroupware than your database is setup for common cs M�te spu�t�nu nov�j�� verzi phpGroupWare, ne� na jakou je va�e datab�ze nastavena. -you have %1 new messages! common cs M�te %1 nov�ch zpr�v! -you have 1 new message! common cs M�te 1 novou zpr�vu! -you have been successfully logged out login cs Va�e odhl�en� prob�hlo �sp�n� -you have not entered a title common cs Nebyl zad�n titul -you have not entered a valid date common cs Nebylo zad�no platn� datum -you have not entered a valid time of day common cs Nebyl zad�n platn� �as -you have not entered participants common cs Nebyli zad�ni spolupracovn�ci -you have selected an invalid date common cs Bylo vybr�no chybn� datum ! -you have selected an invalid main category common cs Byla vybr�na chybn� hlavn� kategorie ! -you have successfully logged out common cs Va�e odhl�en� prob�hlo �sp�n� -you need to add the webserver user '%1' to the group '%2'. common cs Mus�te p�idat webserver u�ivalele '%1' do skupiny '%2'. -your message could <b>not</b> be sent!<br> common cs Va�e zpr�va <b>nemohla</b> b�t odesl�na!<br> +you are required to change your password during your first login common cs B�hem sv�ho prvn�ho p�ihl�en� si mus�te zm�nit heslo +you can customize how many icons and toolbars the editor shows. common cs M��ete navolit kolik ikon a n�strojov�ch li�t editor zobrazuje. +you have been successfully logged out login cs Byl(a) jste �sp�n� odhl�en(a) +you have not entered a title common cs Nevlo�il(a) jste n�zev +you have not entered a valid date common cs Nevlo�il(a) jste platn� datum +you have not entered a valid time of day common cs Nevlo�il(a) jste platn� �as +you have not entered participants common cs Nevlo�il(a) jste ��astn�ky +you have selected an invalid date common cs Vybral(a) jste neplatn� datum! +you have selected an invalid main category common cs Vybral(a) jste neplatnou hlavn� kategorii! +you have successfully logged out common cs �sp�n� jste se odhl�sil(a) +you need to add the webserver user '%1' to the group '%2'. common cs Mus�te p�idat u�ivatele webov�ho serveru '%1' do skupiny '%2'. +your message could <b>not</b> be sent!<br> common cs Va�e zpr�va <b>nem��e</b> b�t odesl�na!<br> your message has been sent common cs Va�e zpr�va byla odesl�na -your search returned %1 matchs common cs bylo nalezeno %1 z�znam� -your search returned 1 match common cs byl nalezen 1 z�znam -your session could not be verified. login cs Va�e sezen� nen� platn�. -your settings have been updated common cs Va�e nastaven� bylo upraveno -yugoslavia common cs Jugosl�vie -zambia common cs Zambie -zimbabwe common cs Zimbabwe +your search returned %1 matchs common cs Va�e hled�n� vr�tilo %1 v�sledk� +your search returned 1 match common cs Va�e hled�n� vr�tilo 1 v�sledek +your session could not be verified. login cs Va�e relace nemohla b�t ov��ena. +your settings have been updated common cs Va�e nastaven� byla zaktualizov�na +zambia common cs ZAMBIE +zimbabwe common cs ZIMBABWE +zoom common cs Lupa diff --git a/phpgwapi/setup/phpgw_pl.lang b/phpgwapi/setup/phpgw_pl.lang index 6b0e5fcc67..2a2e29df82 100755 --- a/phpgwapi/setup/phpgw_pl.lang +++ b/phpgwapi/setup/phpgw_pl.lang @@ -683,6 +683,7 @@ wednesday common pl welcome common pl Strona g��wna western sahara common pl SAHARA ZACHODNIA what color should all the blank space on the desktop have common pl Jaki powinien by� kolor wszelkich wolnych przestrzeni w obszarze roboczym? +what style would you like the image to have? common pl W jakim stylu powinnien by� obrazek? when you say yes the home and logout buttons are presented as applications in the main top applcation bar. common pl Je�eli wybierzesz "TAK", "Powr�t na stron� domow�" oraz "Wylogowanie" b�d� pokazywane jako przyciski aplikacji na g��wnym pasku aplikacji. which groups common pl Kt�re grupy width common pl Szerokosc diff --git a/phpgwapi/setup/phpgw_sk.lang b/phpgwapi/setup/phpgw_sk.lang index 913796865f..148022cb41 100644 --- a/phpgwapi/setup/phpgw_sk.lang +++ b/phpgwapi/setup/phpgw_sk.lang @@ -239,8 +239,8 @@ group has been updated common sk Skupina bola aktualizovan group name common sk n�zov skupiny group public common sk Verejn� pre skupiny groups common sk Skupiny -groups with permission for %1 common sk Skupiny s pr�stupom k %1 -groups without permission for %1 common sk Skupiny bez pr�stupu k %1 +groups with permission for %1 common sk Skupiny, kde m�te pr�stup ku %1 +groups without permission for %1 common sk Skupiny, kde nem�te pr�stup ku %1 guatemala common sk GUATEMALA guinea common sk GUINEA haiti common sk HAITI diff --git a/preferences/setup/phpgw_cs.lang b/preferences/setup/phpgw_cs.lang index 314c6bb59c..245ebf9afd 100644 --- a/preferences/setup/phpgw_cs.lang +++ b/preferences/setup/phpgw_cs.lang @@ -1,88 +1,85 @@ -%1 - preferences preferences cs %1 - Nastaven� +%1 - preferences preferences cs %1 - P�edvolby %1 hours preferences cs %1 hodin 12 hour preferences cs 12 hodinov� 24 hour preferences cs 24 hodinov� -a template defines the layout of phpgroupware and it contains icons for each application. preferences cs Vzhled definuje rozlo�en� eGroupware a ikony pro ka�dou aplikaci -a theme defines the colors and fonts used by the template. preferences cs T�ma ur�uje barvy a p�sma pou�it� ve vzhledu -acl grants have been updated preferences cs Pr�va ACL byla aktualizov�na -any listing in phpgw will show you this number of entries or lines per page.<br>to many slow down the page display, to less will cost you the overview. preferences cs Ka�d� seznam v eGroupWare zobraz� nejv��e tolik z�znam� �i ��dek na str�nku.<br>P��li� mnoho m��e zpomalit syst�m, p��li� m�lo omez� V� rozhled -are you sure you want to delete this category ? preferences cs Opravdu chcete smazat tuto kategorii? -change your password preferences cs Zm�nit va�e heslo -change your profile preferences cs Zm�nit profil -change your settings preferences cs Zm�nit nastaven� +a template defines the layout of egroupware and it contains icons for each application. preferences cs �ablona definuje vzhled eGroupWare a obsahuje ikony pro ka�dou aplikaci. +a theme defines the colors and fonts used by the template. preferences cs T�ma definuje barvy a fonty pou�it� �ablonou. +acl grants have been updated preferences cs ACL pr�va byla aktualizov�na +any listing in egw will show you this number of entries or lines per page.<br>to many slow down the page display, to less will cost you the overview. preferences cs Ka�d� v�pis v eGroupWare zobraz� tento po�et polo�ek na str�nku.<br>P��li� velk� hodnota zpomal� zobrazov�n� str�nky, p��li� mal� V�m znesnadn� p�ehled. +are you sure you want to delete this category ? preferences cs Ur�it� chcete smazat tuto kategorii ? +change a user password by passing the old and new passwords. returns true on success, false on failure. preferences cs Zm�nit heslo u�ivatele zad�n�m star�ho a nov�ho hesla. Vrac� TRUE p�i �sp�chu, FALSE p�i chyb�. +change your password preferences cs Zm�nit Va�e heslo +change your profile preferences cs Zm�nit V� profil +change your settings preferences cs Zm�nit Va�e nastaven� click to select a color preferences cs Klikn�te pro v�b�r barvy color preferences cs Barva country preferences cs Zem� date format preferences cs Form�t datumu default preferences cs v�choz� default application preferences cs V�choz� aplikace -default preferences preferences cs V�choz� nastaven� -default sorting order preferences cs Implicitn� t��d�n� -delete categories preferences cs Smazat kategorie -description can not exceed 255 characters in length ! preferences cs Popis nesm� p�es�hnout 255 znak�! -do you prefer a 24 hour time format, or a 12 hour one with am/pm attached. preferences cs Chcete �as zobrazit jako 24 hodin nebo jako 12 hodin s p��ponamy odp. a dop. -edit custom fields preferences cs upravit u�ivatelsk� pole -email signature preferences cs E-Mail Podpis -enter your new password preferences cs Vlo�te va�e heslo -error: there was a problem finding the preference file for %1 in %2 preferences cs Chyba: Soubor nastaven� pro %1 nebyl v %2 nalezen -failed to change password. please contact your administrator. preferences cs Zm�na hesla se nezda�ila. Pros�m kontaktujte spr�vce syst�mu. -forced preferences preferences cs Vynucen� nastaven� -help off preferences cs Skr�t n�pov�du -hours preferences cs hodin -how do you like to display accounts preferences cs Jak se maj� zobrazovat u�ivatelsk� ��ty -how do you like to select accounts preferences cs Jak se maj� vyb�rat u�ivatelsk� ��ty -how many hours are you in front or after the timezone of the server.<br>if you are in the same time zone as the server select 0 hours, else select your locale date and time. preferences cs O kolik hodin se Va�e �asov� z�na li�� od �asu serveru.<br>Pokud jste ve stejn� z�n� jako server, zvolte 0, jinak zvolte V� m�stn� �as. -how many icons should be shown in the navbar (top of the page). additional icons go into a kind of pulldown menu, callable by the icon on the far right side of the navbar. preferences cs Kolik obr�zk� (ikon) m� b�t zobrazeno v n�strojov� li�t� na za��tku str�nky. P�eb�vaj�c� ikony budou skryty v menu na prav� stran� li�ty. -how should phpgroupware display dates for you. preferences cs Jak se maj� zobrazovat datumy -icon preferences cs Obr�zek -icons and text preferences cs Obr�zky i text -icons only preferences cs Jen obr�zky -in which country are you. this is used to set certain defaults for you. preferences cs V jak� zemi se nach�z�te. Toto nastaven� se ovlivn� n�kter� v�choz� hodnoty. -interface/template selection preferences cs Vzhled rozhran� +default preferences preferences cs V�choz� p�edvolby +delete categories preferences cs Vymazat kategorie +description can not exceed 255 characters in length ! preferences cs Popis nem��e b�t del�� jak 255 znak�! +do you prefer a 24 hour time format, or a 12 hour one with am/pm attached. preferences cs Preferujete 24ti hodinov� form�t �asu nebo 12ti hodinov� s dodatkem am/pm. +edit custom fields preferences cs editovat u�ivatelsky definovan� polo�ky +enter your new password preferences cs Zadejte Va�e nov� heslo +enter your old password preferences cs Zadejte Va�e star� heslo +error: there was a problem finding the preference file for %1 in %2 preferences cs Chyba: Nepoda�ilo se nal�zt soubor s p�edvolbami pro %1 v %2 +failed to change password. please contact your administrator. preferences cs Nepoda�ilo se zm�nit heslo. Kontaktujte pros�m Va�eho administr�tora. +forced preferences preferences cs Vynucen� p�edvolby +help off preferences cs Vypnout n�pov�du +hours preferences cs hodiny +how do you like to display accounts preferences cs Jak chcete zobrazovat ��ty +how do you like to select accounts preferences cs Jak chcete vyb�rat ��ty +how many hours are you in front or after the timezone of the server.<br>if you are in the same time zone as the server select 0 hours, else select your locale date and time. preferences cs O kolik hodin dop�edu nebo dozadu je posunuto Va�e �asov� p�smo v��i �asov�mu p�smu serveru?<br>Pokud jste ve stejn�m �asov�m p�smu, vyberte 0 hodin, v opa�n�m p��pad� zvolte V�e lok�ln� datum a �as. +how many icons should be shown in the navbar (top of the page). additional icons go into a kind of pulldown menu, callable by the icon on the far right side of the navbar. preferences cs Kolik ikon se m� zobrazovat v naviga�n� li�t� (v z�hlav� str�nky). Dal�� ikony se p�esunou do roletov�ho menu, kter� zobraz�te kliknut�m na symbol na prav� stran� li�ty. +how should egroupware display dates for you. preferences cs Jak m� eGroupWare zobrazovat datumy. +icon preferences cs Ikona +icons and text preferences cs Ikony a text +icons only preferences cs Jen ikony +in which country are you. this is used to set certain defaults for you. preferences cs V jak� se nach�z�te zemi. Dle t�to informace V�m budou nastaveny n�kter� v�choz� hodnoty. +interface/template selection preferences cs V�b�r rozhrann�/�ablony language preferences cs Jazyk -max matches per page preferences cs Maximum z�znam� na str�nku -max matchs per page preferences cs Po�et z�znam� na str�nku -max number of icons in navbar preferences cs Maxim�ln� po�et obr�zk� v n�strojov� li�t� -no default preferences cs Bez v�choz�ho nastaven� -note: this feature does *not* change your email password. this will preferences cs Pozn�mka: T�mto *nezm�n�te* va�e heslo pro E-mail. To je t�eba ud�lat ru�n�. -note: this feature does *not* change your email password. this will need to be done manually. preferences cs Pozn�mka: T�mto *nezm�n�te* va�e heslo pro E-mail. To je t�eba ud�lat ru�n�. -please, select a new theme preferences cs Pros�m vyberte nov� barevn� t�ma -popup with search preferences cs Vyhled�v�n�m -re-enter your password preferences cs Opakujte va�e heslo -select different theme preferences cs Zm�nit barevn� t�ma -select one preferences cs Zvolte jeden -select the language of texts and messages within phpgroupware.<br>some languages may not contain all messages, in that case you will see an english message. preferences cs Zvolte jazyk pro zobrazen� text�.<br>V n�kter�ch jazyc�ch nemus� b�t p�elo�eny v�echny texty, v takov�m p��pad� se text zobraz� anglicky. -selectbox preferences cs V�b�rem -selectbox with primary group and search preferences cs V�b�rem s v�choz� skupinou a hled�n�m -set this to your convenience. for security reasons, you might not want to show your loginname in public. preferences cs Nastavte dle libosti. Z bezpe�nostn�ch d�vod� se nedoporu�uje ve�ejn� zobrazovat p�ihla�ovac� jm�no. -should the number of active sessions be displayed for you all the time. preferences cs M� se v�dy zobrazovat po�et p�ipojen�ch u�ivatel�? -should this help messages shown up always, when you enter the preferences or only on request. preferences cs M� se n�pov�da p�i zm�n�ch nastaven� zobrazovat automaticky, nebo jen na vy��d�n�? -show birthday reminders on main screen preferences cs Uk�zat p�ipomenut� narozenin na hlavn� obrazovce -show current users on navigation bar preferences cs Uk�zat po�et sou�asn�ch u�ivatel� na naviga�n�m ��dku -show helpmessages by default preferences cs Zobrazovat n�pov�du automaticky -show high priority events on main screen preferences cs Uk�zat ud�losti s vysokou prioritou na hlavn� obrazovce -show navigation bar as preferences cs Na n�strojov� li�t� zobrazit -show new messages on main screen preferences cs Uk�zat nov� zpr�vy na hlavn� obrazovce -show number of current users preferences cs Zobrazit po�et p�ihl�en�ch u�ivatel� -show text on navigation icons preferences cs Uk�zat text na naviga�n�ch ikon�ch -show_more_apps common cs Zobrazit dal�� aplikace +max matches per page preferences cs Maxim�ln� po�et zobrazen�ch v�sledk� na str�nku +max number of icons in navbar preferences cs Maxim�ln� po�et ikon v naviga�n� li�t� +no default preferences cs Nen� v�choz� +no user-selection at all common cs ��dn� v�b�r u�ivatelem +note: this feature does *not* change your email password. this will preferences cs Pozn�mka: Tato funkce NEZM�N� Va�e heslo pro e-mail. To bude +note: this feature does *not* change your email password. this will need to be done manually. preferences cs Pozn�mka: Tato funkce NEZM�N� Va�e heslo pro e-mail. To budete muset zm�nit ru�n�. +please, select a new theme preferences cs Vyberte pros�m nov� t�ma +popup with search preferences cs P�ekr�vac� okno s hled�n�m +re-enter your password preferences cs Zadejte znovu sv� heslo +read prefs for the specified application. preferences cs Na��st p�edvolby pro vybranou aplikaci. +select different theme preferences cs Vybrat jin� t�ma +select one preferences cs Vybrat jeden +select the language of texts and messages within egroupware.<br>some languages may not contain all messages, in that case you will see an english message. preferences cs Vyberte jazyk pro texty a hl�ky v eGroupWare.<br>N�kter� jazyky nemus� obsahovat p�eklad v�ech hl�ek, v takov�m p��pad� se zobraz� anglick� origin�l. +selectbox preferences cs Rozbalovac� nab�dka +selectbox with groupmembers common cs Rozbalovac� nab�dka se �leny skupiny +selectbox with primary group and search preferences cs Rozbalovac� nab�dka s prim�rn� skupinou a hled�n�m +set this to your convenience. for security reasons, you might not want to show your loginname in public. preferences cs Nastavte dle sv� chuti. Z bezpe�nostn�ch d�vod� v�ak nemus� b�t ��douc� zobrazovat ve�ejn� Va�e u�ivatelsk� jm�no. +should the number of active sessions be displayed for you all the time. preferences cs Chcete neust�le zobrazovat po�et aktivn�ch relac�? +should this help messages shown up always, when you enter the preferences or only on request. preferences cs Maj� b�t tyto pomocn� texty zobrazeny v�dy p�i �prav� p�edvoleb nebo jen na vy��d�n�. +show helpmessages by default preferences cs Standardn� zobrazovat pomocn� texty +show navigation bar as preferences cs Zobrazovat naviga�n� li�tu jako +show number of current users preferences cs Zobrazovat po�et p�ipojen�ch u�ivatel� +show text on navigation icons preferences cs Zobrazovat text u naviga�n�ch ikon +show_more_apps common cs Zobrazit v�ce aplikac� text only preferences cs Jen text -the default application will be started when you enter phpgroupware or click on the homepage icon.<br>you can also have more than one application showing up on the homepage, if you don't choose a specific application here (has to be configured in the preferences of each application). preferences cs V�choz� aplikace bude spu�t�na po p�ihl�en� do eGroupWare nebo po v�b�ru ikony domovsk� str�nky.<br>Na domovsk� st�nce m��e b�t i v�ce apliakc�, pokud zde ��dnou nezvol�te (v takov�m p��pad� je t�eba upravit nastaven� ka�d� aplikace zvlṻ). -the selectbox shows all available users (can be very slow on big installs with many users). the popup can search users by name or group. preferences cs V�b�r zobraz� v�echny dostupn� u�ivatele (m��e b�t pomal� pokud je mnoho u�ivatel�). Vyhled�v�n� umo�n� dohledat u�ivatele podle jm�na �i skupiny. -the two passwords are not the same preferences cs Hesla nejsou shodn� -theme (colors/fonts) selection preferences cs T�ma (barvy a p�sma) -this server is located in the %1 timezone preferences cs Tento server je v %1 �asov� z�n� +the default application will be started when you enter egroupware or click on the homepage icon.<br>you can also have more than one application showing up on the homepage, if you don't choose a specific application here (has to be configured in the preferences of each application). preferences cs V�choz� aplikace bude spu�t�na kdy� se p�ihl�s�te do eGroupWare nebo kliknete na ikonu hlavn� strany.<br>Tak� m��ete na hlavn� stran� zobrazit v�ce aplikac�, pokud zde ��dnou konkr�tn� nevyberete (lze nakonfigurovat v p�edvolb�ch ka�d� aplikace). +the old password is not correct preferences cs Star� heslo je chybn� +the selectbox shows all available users (can be very slow on big installs with many users). the popup can search users by name or group. preferences cs Rozbalovac� nab�dka zobrazuje v�echny dostupn� u�ivatele (m��e trvat velmi dlouho na velk�ch instalac�ch s mnoha u�ivateli). P�ekr�vac� okno m��e prohled�vat u�ivatele podle jm�na nebo skupiny. +the two last options limit the visibility of other users. there for they should be forced and apply not to administrators. common cs Posledn� dv� volby omezuj� viditelnost ostatn�ch u�ivatel�. Proto by m�ly b�t vynucen� a NIKDY by nem�ly b�t pou�ity pro spr�vce. +the two passwords are not the same preferences cs Zadan� hesla se neshoduj� +theme (colors/fonts) selection preferences cs V�b�r t�matu (barev/font�) +this server is located in the %1 timezone preferences cs Server se nach�z� v �asov� z�n� %1 time format preferences cs Form�t �asu -time zone offset preferences cs �asov� z�na (rozd�l) use default preferences cs Pou��t v�choz� -users choice preferences cs U�ivatelsk� nastaven� -weekday starts on preferences cs T�den za��n� v -when you say yes the home and logout buttons are presented as applications in the main top applcation bar. preferences cs Pokud odpov�te ano, tla��tka Dom� a Logout budou zp��stupn�ny na hlavn�m panelu aplikac� v horn� ��sti obrazovky. -which currency symbol or name should be used in phpgroupware. preferences cs Jak� ozna�en� m�ny m� eGroupWare pou��vat -work day ends on preferences cs Pracovn� dny kon�� v -work day starts on preferences cs Pracovn� dny za��naj� v -you can show the applications as icons only, icons with app-name or both. preferences cs M��ete aplikace zobrazit jako obr�zky, n�zvy, nebo oboj� -you do not have permission to set acl's in this mode! preferences cs Nem�te pr�vo m�nit ACL v tomto re�imu! -you must enter a password preferences cs Mus�te vlo�it heslo -your current theme is: %1 preferences cs Va�e barevn� t�ma je: <b>%1</b> -your preferences preferences cs Va�e nastaven� +users choice preferences cs U�ivatelsk� volba +when you say yes the home and logout buttons are presented as applications in the main top applcation bar. preferences cs Pokud odpov�te kladn�, tla��tka pro hlavn� stranu a odhl�en� budou zobrazena stejn� jako aplikace v naviga�n� li�t�. +which currency symbol or name should be used in egroupware. preferences cs Jak� n�zev nebo symbol m�ny m� eGroupWare pou��vat. +write prefs for the specified application. preferences cs Ulo�it p�edvolby pro vybranou aplikaci +you can show the applications as icons only, icons with app-name or both. preferences cs M��ete aplikace zobrazovat jen jako ikony, ikony s n�zvem aplikace nebo oboj�. +you do not have permission to set acl's in this mode! preferences cs Nem�te opr�vn�n� nastavovat ACL v tomto re�imu! +you must enter a password preferences cs Mus�te zadat heslo +your current theme is: %1 preferences cs Va�e aktu�ln� t�ma je: %1 +your preferences preferences cs Va�e p�edvolby diff --git a/resources/setup/phpgw_cs.lang b/resources/setup/phpgw_cs.lang new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..863c2eb182 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/setup/phpgw_cs.lang @@ -0,0 +1,101 @@ +accessories of resources cs p��slu�enstv� (�eho) +accessories: resources cs P��slu�enstv�: +actions resources cs Akce +add accessory resources cs P�idat p��slu�enstv� +add resource resources cs p�idat zdroj +add resources resources cs P�idat zdroje +administrator resources cs Srp�vce +all categories resources cs v�echny kategorie +book resources cs Rezervovat +book selected resources resources cs Rezervovat vybran� zdroje +book this resource resources cs Rezervovat tento zdroj +bookable resources cs Rezervovavteln� +buy this article resources cs Koupit tuto polo�ku +buy this resource resources cs Koupit tento zdroj +buyable resources cs Ke koupi +categories admin resources cs Spr�vce kategori� +category: resources cs Kategorie: +check all resources cs Ozna�it v�echny +choose categories admin resources cs vybrat spr�vce kategori� +clear selection resources cs zru�it v�b�r +configure access permissions admin cs Konfigurovat p��stupov� pr�va +create new accessory for this resource resources cs Vytvo�it nov� p��slu�enstv� k tomtuto zdroji +create new links resources cs Vytvo�it nov� odkazy +delete selected resources resources cs Smazat vybran� zdroje +delete this entry resources cs Smazat z�znam +description (short) resources cs Popis (stru�n�) +direct booking permissions resources cs P��m� rezerva�n� pr�va +don't use vfs (this will need a symlink --> see readme) resources cs Nepou��vat vfs (bude zapot�eb� symbolick� odkaz --> p�e�t�te si README) +edit this entry resources cs Editovat tento z�znam +existing links resources cs St�vaj�c� odkazy +general resources cs Obecn� +general informations about resource resources cs Obecn� informace o zdroji +gernal resource resources cs Obecn� zdroj +how many of the resources are useable? resources cs Kolik ze zdroj� je pou�iteln�ch? +how many of them are useable? resources cs Kolik z nich je pou�iteln�ch? +how many of this resource are usable resources cs Kolik z tohoto zdroje je pou�iteln�ch? +how many of this resource exists resources cs Kolik z tohoto zdroje existuje? +implies booking permission resources cs z toho vypl�vaj� rezerva�n� pr�va +implies read permission resources cs z toho vypl�vaj� pr�va pro �ten� +information about storage resources cs Informace o uskladn�n� +informations about the location of resource resources cs Informace o um�st�n� zdroje +inventory number resources cs Invent�rn� ��slo +inventory number: resources cs Invent�rn� ��slo: +is resource bookable? resources cs Je mo�n� zdroj rezervovat? +is resource buyable? resources cs Je mo�n� zdroj zakoupit? +is this resource bookable? resources cs Je mo�n� tento zdroj rezervovat? +is this resource buyable? resources cs Je mo�n� tento zdroj zakoupit? +links resources cs Odkazy +location resources cs Um�st�n� +location of resource resources cs Um�st�n� zdroje +location: resources cs Um�st�n�: +name of resource resources cs N�zev zdroje +name: resources cs N�zev: +no description available resources cs popis nen� k dispozici +no resources selected resources cs ��dn� zdroj nebyl vybr�n +notify your administrator to correct this situation resources cs Po��dejte pros�m sv�ho administr�tora o n�pravu situace +picture resources cs Obr�zek +picture source resources cs Zdroj obr�zku +picture type is not supported, sorry! resources cs Obr�zek tohoto typu nen� podporov�n, litujeme ! +pictures or resource resources cs Obr�zky zdroje +planer resources cs Srovn�va� +prizeing information for booking or buying resources cs Informace o cen� pro rezervaci nebo n�kup +quantity resources cs Mno�stv� +quantity of resource resources cs Mno�stv� zdroje +quantity: resources cs Mno�stv�: +read calendar permissions resources cs Pr�va ke �ten� kalend��e +read permissions resources cs Pr�va ke �t�n� +related links resources cs Souvisej�c� odkazy +resources common cs Zdroje +resources list resources cs Seznam zdroj� +responsible: resources cs Odpov�dn�: +saves entry and exits resources cs Ulo�� z�znam a ukon�� +select a category resources cs Vybrat kategorii +select resource resources cs vybrat zdroj +select resources common cs Vybrat zdroje +select/deselect all resources cs ozna�it v�e/zru�it ozna�en� v�ech +short description resources cs Stru�n� popis +short description of resource resources cs Stru�n� popis zdroje +show calendar of resource resources cs Zobrazit kalend�� zdroje +something went wrong by deleting resource resources cs B�hem maz�n� zdroje se n�co nezda�ilo +something went wrong by saving resource resources cs B�hem ukl�d�n� zdroje se n�co nezda�ilo +storage inforation resources cs Informace o uskladn�n� +storage information resources cs Informace o uskladn�n� +storage information: resources cs Informace o uskladn�n� +the calendar of this resource resources cs Kalend�� tohoto zdroje +this module displays the resources app resources cs Tento modul zobrazuje aplikaci Zdroje +use general resources icon resources cs Pou��t obecnou ikonu zdroj� +use own picture resources cs Pou��t vlastn� obr�zek +use the category's icon resources cs Pou��t ikonu kategorie +useable resources cs Pou�iteln� +useable: resources cs Pou�iteln�: +view accessories for this resource resources cs Zobrazit p��slu�enstv� k tomtuto zdroji +view this entry resources cs Zobrazit tento z�znam +web-page of resource resources cs Webov� str�nka zdroje +web-site for this resource resources cs Web tohto zdroje +where to find this resource? resources cs Kde se d� naj�t tento zdroj? +which category does this resource belong to? resources cs Do kter� kategorie pat�� tento zdroj? +write permissions resources cs Pr�va k z�pisu +you are not permitted to edit this reource! resources cs Nem�te opr�vn�n� editovat tento zdroj! +you are not permitted to get information about this resource! resources cs Nem�te opr�vn�n� z�sk�vat informace o tomto zdroji! +you chose more resources than available resources cs Vybral(a) jste v�ce zdroj� ne� je k dispozici diff --git a/setup/lang/phpgw_cs.lang b/setup/lang/phpgw_cs.lang new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f34659a287 --- /dev/null +++ b/setup/lang/phpgw_cs.lang @@ -0,0 +1,644 @@ +%1 '%2' does not exist, is not readable by the webserver or contains no egroupware installation! setup cs %1 '%2' neexistuje, nen� �iteln� webov�m serverem nebo neobsahuje ��dnou instalaci eGroupWaru! +%1 already exists in %2. setup cs %1 ji� existuje v %2. +%1 created in %2. setup cs %1 vytvo�en v %2. +%1 does not exist !!! setup cs %1 neexistuje !!! +%1 is %2%3 !!! setup cs %1 je %2%3 !!! +%1, %2 or %3 the configuration file. setup cs %1, %2 nebo %3 konfigura�n� soubor. +'%1' is not allowed as %2. arguments of option %3 !!! setup cs '%1' nen� povoleno jako %2. argumenty volby %3 !!! +(searching accounts and changing passwords) setup cs (prohled�v�n� ��t� a zm�na hesel) +*** do not update your database via setup, as the update might be interrupted by the max_execution_time, which leaves your db in an unrecoverable state (your data is lost) !!! setup cs *** Neaktualizujte Va�� datab�zi prost�ednictv�m Instal�toru, proto�e aktualizace by d�ky nastaven� parametru max_execution_time mohla b�t p�eru�ena a Va�e datab�ze by pak z�stala v neobnoviteln�m stavu (ztratil(a) by jste sv� data) !!! +*** you have to do the changes manualy in your php.ini (usualy in /etc on linux) in order to get egw fully working !!! setup cs *** Zm�ny mus�te prov�st ru�n� ve Va�em php.ini (na Linuxu obvykle v adres��i /etc), aby byl eGW pln� funk�n� !!! +00 (disable) setup cs 00 (zak�zat / doporu�eno) +13 (ntp) setup cs 13 (ntp) +80 (http) setup cs 80 (http) +<b>charset to use</b> (use utf-8 if you plan to use languages with different charsets): setup cs <b>pou��vat znakovou sadu</b>(pou�ijte utf-8 pokud pl�nujete pou��vat jazyky s rozd�ln�mi znakov�mi sadami) +[header-password],[header-user],[new-password],[new-user] setup cs [hlavi�ka-heslo],[hlavi�ka-u�ivatel],[nov� heslo],[nov� u�ivatel] +access denied: wrong username or password for manage-header !!! setup cs P��stup odep�en: �patn� u�ivatelsk� jm�no nebo heslo pro spr�vu hlavi�ek !!! +access denied: wrong username or password to configure the domain '%1(%2)' !!! setup cs P��stup odep�en: �patn� u�ivatelsk� jm�no nebo heslo pro konfiguraci dom�ny '%1(%2)' !!! +account repository need to be set to the one you migrate to! setup cs Datab�ze ��t� mus� b�t nastavena na tu, do kter� migrujete! +account repository{sql(default) | ldap},[authentication{sql | ldap | mail | ads | http | ...}],[sql encrypttion{md5 | blowfish_crypt | md5_crypt | crypt}],[check save password{ (default)|true}],[allow cookie auth{ (default)|true}] setup cs datab�ze ��t�{sql(v�choz�) | ldap},[autentikace{sql | ldap | mail | ads | http | ...}],[sql �ifrov�n�{md5 | blowfish_crypt | md5_crypt | crypt}],[za�krtnout ulo�en� hesla{ (v�choz�)|True}],[povolit autentikaci p�es cookies{ (v�choz�)|True}] +accounts existing setup cs St�vaj�c� ��ty +actions setup cs Akce +activate safe password check setup cs Aktivovat kontrolu bezpe�nosti hesla +add auto-created users to this group ('default' will be attempted if this is empty.) setup cs P�idat automaticky vytvo�en� u�ivatele do t�to skupiny (Ponech�te-li pr�zdn�, zkus�m skupinu 'Default'.) +add new database instance (egw domain) setup cs P�idat novou instanci datab�ze (eGW dom�nu) +add or edit a domain: [domain-name(default)],[db-name(egroupware)],[db-user(egroupware)],db-password,[db-type(mysql)],[db-host(localhost)],[db-port(db specific)],[config-user(as header)],[config-passwd(as header)] setup cs p�idat nebo editovat dom�nu:[n�zev dom�ny(default)],[n�zev datab�ze(egroupware)],[u�ivatel datab�ze(egroupware)],heslo datab�ze,[typ datab�ze(mysql)],[datab�zov� server(localhost)],[port datab�ze(db specific)],[administr�tor konfigurace(jako admin. hlavi�ek)],[heslo administr�tora konfigurace(jako admin. hlavi�ek)] +adding, editing or deleting an egroupware domain / database instance: setup cs P�id�n�, editace nebo maz�n� eGroupWare dom�ny / instance datab�ze +additional options and there defaults (in brackets) setup cs Dal�� volby a jejich v�choz� hodnoty (v z�vork�ch) +additional settings setup cs Dal�� nastaven� +admin account successful created. setup cs ��et administr�tora byl �sp�n� vytvo�en. +admin email address setup cs E-mailov� adresa administr�tora +admin first name setup cs K�estn� jm�no administr�tora +admin last name setup cs P��jmen� administr�tora +admin password setup cs Heslo administr�tora +admin password to header manager setup cs Heslo administr�tora hlavi�ek +admin user for header manager setup cs U�ivatelsk� jm�no administr�tora hlavi�ek +admin username setup cs U�ivatelsk� jm�no administr�tora +admins setup cs Administr�to�i +after backing up your tables first. setup cs Pot�, co nejprve zaz�lohujete Va�e datab�zov� tabulky. +after retrieving the file, put it into place as the then, click "continue". setup cs Po z�sk�n� souboru ho ulo�te na m�sto jako Potom klikn�te na "Pokra�ovat". +all applications setup cs v�echny aplikace +all core tables and the admin and preferences applications setup cs v�echny hlavn� tabulky a aplikace Administr�tor a P�edvolby +all exit codes of the command line interface setup cs v�echny n�vratov� hodnoty rozhrann� p��kazov�ho ��dku +all languages (incl. not listed ones) setup cs v�echny jazyky (v�etn� t�ch co nejsou v seznamu) +all users setup cs V�ichni u�ivatel� +allow authentication via cookie setup cs Povolit autentikaci prost�ednictv�m cookies +allow password migration setup cs Povolit migraci hesel +allowed migration types (comma-separated) setup cs Povolen� typy migrace (odd�len� ��rkou) +alternatively domains can be accessed by logging in with <i>username@domain</i>. setup cs Alternativn� je mo�n� k dom�n�m p�istupovat p�es p�ihl�en� ve tvaru <i>u�ivatel@dom�na</i>. +analysis setup cs Anal�za +and is up to date setup cs a je aktu�ln� +and reload your webserver, so the above changes take effect !!! setup cs A zrestartujte webov� server, aby se projevily v��e uveden� zm�ny !!! +app details setup cs Detaily aplikace +app install/remove/upgrade setup cs Instalovat/odstranit/aktualizovat aplikaci +app process setup cs Proces aplikace +application data setup cs Data aplikace +application list setup cs Seznam aplikac� +application management setup cs Spr�va aplikac� +application name and status setup cs N�zev a stav aplikace +application name and status information setup cs N�zev aplikace a informace o stavu +application title setup cs N�zev aplikace +application: %1, file: %2, line: "%3" setup cs Aplikace: %1, Soubor: %2, ��dek: "%3" +are you sure you want to delete your existing tables and data? setup cs Ur�it� chcete smazat st�vaj�c� tabulky a data? +are you sure? setup cs Jste si jist�(�)? +at your request, this script is going to attempt to create the database and assign the db user rights to it setup cs Na Va�i ��dost se tento skript pokus� vytvo�it datab�zi a p�id�lit na ni pr�va u�ivateli datab�ze +at your request, this script is going to attempt to install a previous backup setup cs Na Va�i ��dost se tento skript pokus� nainstalovat p�edchoz� z�lohu +at your request, this script is going to attempt to install the core tables and the admin and preferences applications for you setup cs Na Va�i ��dost se tento skript pokus� pro V�s nainstalovat hlavn� tabulky a aplikace Administr�tor a P�edvolby. +at your request, this script is going to attempt to upgrade your old applications to the current versions setup cs Na Va�i ��dost se tento skript pokus� aktualizovat Va�e star� aplikace na aktu�ln� verze +at your request, this script is going to attempt to upgrade your old tables to the new format setup cs Na Va�i ��dost se tento skript pokus� zaktualizovat Va�e star� tabulky na nov� form�t +at your request, this script is going to take the evil action of deleting your existing tables and re-creating them in the new format setup cs Na Va�i ��dost tento skript podnikne ��belskou akci spo��vaj�c� ve smaz�n� st�vaj�c�ch tabulek a jejich op�tovn�m vytvo�en� v nov�m form�tu. +at your request, this script is going to take the evil action of uninstalling all your apps, which deletes your existing tables and data setup cs Na Va�i ��dost tento skript podnikne ��belskou akci spo��vaj�c� v odinstalaci v�ech Va�ich aplikac�, smaz�n� st�vaj�c�ch tabulek a dat. +attempt to use correct mimetype for ftp instead of default 'application/octet-stream' setup cs Pokusit se pou��t korektn� MIME typ pro FTP m�sto v�choz�ho 'application/octet-stream' +authentication / accounts setup cs Autentikace / ��ty +auto create account records for authenticated users setup cs Automaticky vytvo�it z�znamy pro autentikovan� u�ivatele +auto login anonymous user setup cs Automaticky p�ihl�sit anonymn�ho u�ivatele +auto-created user accounts expire setup cs Automaticky vytvo�en� u�ivatelsk� ��ty vypr�� +available version setup cs Dostupn� verze +back to the previous screen setup cs Zp�t na p�edchoz� obrazovku +back to user login setup cs Zp�t na p�ihl�en� u�ivatele +back's up your db now, this might take a few minutes setup cs bezprost�edn� zaz�lohuje Va�� datab�zi, m��e trvat n�kolik minut +backup '%1' deleted setup cs z�loha '%1' smaz�na +backup '%1' renamed to '%2' setup cs z�loha '%1' p�ejmenov�na na '%2' +backup '%1' restored setup cs z�loha '%1' obnovena +backup and restore setup cs Z�lohov�n� a obnova +backup failed setup cs Z�lohov�n� selhalo +backup finished setup cs Zalohov�n� dokon�eno +backup now setup cs Z�lohovat nyn� +backup sets setup cs z�lo�n� sady +backup skipped! setup cs Z�loha p�esko�ena! +backup started, this might take a few minutes ... setup cs z�lohov�n� za�alo, m��e trvat n�kolik miut ... +because an application it depends upon was upgraded setup cs proto�e aplikace, na kter� z�vis�, byla zaktualizov�na +because it depends upon setup cs proto�e z�vis� na +because it is not a user application, or access is controlled via acl setup cs proto�e se nejedn� o u�ivatelskou aplikaci nebo je p��stup kontrolov�n prost�ednictv�m acl +because it requires manual table installation, <br />or the table definition was incorrect setup cs proto�e vy�aduje ru�n� instalaci tabulek,<br/>nebo je definice tabulek chybn� +because it was manually disabled setup cs proto�e byla ru�n� zak�zan� +because its sources are missing setup cs proto�e jeho/jej� zdrojov� k�dy chyb� +because of a failed upgrade or install setup cs z d�vodu chyb� aktualizace nebo instalace +because of a failed upgrade, or the database is newer than the installed version of this app setup cs z d�vodu chybn� aktualizace nebo proto�e datab�ze je nov�j�� ne� instalovan� verze t�to aplikace +because the enable flag for this app is set to 0, or is undefined setup cs proto�e p��znak pro povolen� t�to aplikace (enable flag) je nastaven na 0, nebo nen� definov�n +bottom setup cs Doln� okraj +but we <u>highly recommend backing up</u> your tables in case the script causes damage to your data.<br /><strong>these automated scripts can easily destroy your data.</strong> setup cs ale <u>d�razn� doporu�ujeme zaz�lohov�n�</u> Va�ich tabulek pro p��pad, �e skript zp�sob� po�kozen� Va�ich dat.<br /><strong>Tyto automatizovan� skripty mohou snadno po�kodit Va�e data.</strong> +cancel setup cs Storno +cannot create the due to file permission restrictions.<br /> instead you can %1 or %2 the file. setup cs Nen� mo�n� vytvo�it kv�li omezen�m opr�vn�n�m.<br />M�sto toho m��ete soubor %1 nebo %2. +change system-charset setup cs Zm�nit znakovou sadu syst�mu +charset setup cs iso-8859-2 +charset to convert to setup cs Konvertovat do znakov� sady +charsets used by the different languages setup cs znakov� sady pou��van� r�zn�mi jazyky +check can only be performed, if called via a webserver, as the user-id/-name of the webserver is not known. setup cs Kontrola m��e b�t provedena jen pokud je vyvol�na prost�ednictv�m webov�ho serveru, proto�e u�ivatelsk� jm�no webov�ho serveru nen� zn�mo. +check installation setup cs Zkontrolovat instalaci +check ip address of all sessions setup cs Kontrolovat IP adresy v�ech relac� +checking extension %1 is loaded or loadable setup cs Kontroluji, zda je roz���en� %1 na�ten� nebo ho lze na��st +checking file-permissions of %1 for %2 %3: %4 setup cs Kontroluji souborov� opr�vn�n� %1 pro %2 %3: %4 +checking for gd support... setup cs Kontroluji podporu GD... +checking function %1 exists setup cs Kontroluji existenci funkce %1 +checking if php.ini setting session.save_path='%1' is writable by the webserver setup cs Kontroluji zda do um�st�n� nastaven�ho v php.ini parametrem session.save_path='%1' m��e zapisovat webov� server +checking pear%1 is installed setup cs Kontroluji, zda je instalav�n PEAR%1 +checking php.ini setup cs Kontroluji php.ini +checking required php version %1 (recommended %2) setup cs Kontroluji po�adovanou verzi PHP %1 (doporu�eno %2) +checking the egroupware installation setup cs Kontroluji instalaci eGroupWare +checks egroupware's installed, it's versions and necessary upgrads (return values see --exit-codes) setup cs zkontroluje, �e je eGroupWare nainstalov�n, jeho verze a pot�ebn� aktualizace (pro n�vratov� hodnoty se pod�vejte na --exit-codes) +click <a href="index.php">here</a> to return to setup. setup cs klikn�te <a href="index.php">sem</a> pro n�vrat do Instal�toru. +click here setup cs Klikn�te sem +click here to re-run the installation tests setup cs Klikn�te sem pro opakovan� spu�t�n� instala�n�ch test� +comma separated ip-addresses or host-names, default access to setup from everywhere setup cs IP adresy nebo DNS jm�na odd�len� ��rkou, v�choz� je p��stup k Instal�toru odkudkoli +completed setup cs Hotovo +config password setup cs Heslo administr�tora konfigurace +config username setup cs U�ivatelsk� jm�no administr�tora konfigurace +configuration setup cs Konfigurace +configuration changed. setup cs Konfigurace zm�n�na +configuration completed setup cs Konfigurace dokon�ena +configuration errors: setup cs Chyby v konfiguraci: +configuration password setup cs Heslo administr�tora konfigurace +configuration user setup cs U�ivatelsk� jm�no administr�tora konfigurace +configure now setup cs Konfigurovat nyn� +confirm to delete this backup? setup cs Potvrdit smaz�n� t�to z�lohy? +contain setup cs obsahuje +continue setup cs Pokra�ovat +continue to the header admin setup cs Pokra�ovat k administraci hlavi�ek +convert setup cs Konvertovat +convert backup to charset selected above setup cs Konvertovat z�lohu do znakov� sady vybran� v��e +could not open for writing! setup cs Nen� mo�n� otev��t pro z�pis! +country selection setup cs V�b�r zem� +create setup cs Vytvo�it +create a backup before upgrading the db setup cs vytvo�it z�lohu p�ed aktualizac� datab�ze +create admin account setup cs Vytvo�it ��et administr�tora +create database setup cs Vytvo�it datab�zi +create demo accounts setup cs Vytvo�it demo ��ty +create one now setup cs Vytvo�it jeden nyn� +create or edit the egroupware configuration file: setup cs Vytvo�it nebo editovat konfigura�n� soubor eGroupWaru: +create the empty database - setup cs Vytvo�it pr�zdnou datab�zi - +create the empty database and grant user permissions - setup cs Vytvo�it pr�zdnou datab�zi a p�id�lit u�ivatelsk� opr�vn�n� - +create your setup cs Vyvtvo�it V� +created setup cs vytvo�eno/y +created! setup cs Vytvo�en! +creates an admin user: domain(default),[config user(admin)],password,username,password,[first name],[last name],[email] setup cs vytvo�� administr�tora: dom�na(default),[administr�tor konfigurace(admin)],heslo,u�ivatelsk� jm�no,heslo,[k�estn� jm�no],[p��jmen�],[e-mail] +creating tables setup cs Vytv���m tabulky +creation of %1 in %2 failed !!! setup cs Vytvo�en� %1 v %2 selhalo !!! +current configuration: setup cs Aktu�ln� konfigurace: +current system-charset setup cs Aktu�ln� znakov� sada syst�mu +current system-charset is %1. setup cs Aktu�ln� znakov� sada syst�mu je %1. +current version setup cs Aktu�ln� verze +currently installed languages: %1 <br /> setup cs Aktu�ln� instalovan� jazyky: %1 <br /> +cyrus imap: admin user,password setup cs Cyrus IMAP: U�ivatelsk� jm�no administr�tora, heslo +database setup cs Datab�ze +database instance (egw domain) setup cs Instance datab�ze (eGW dom�na) +database is version %1 and up to date. setup cs datab�ze je verze %1 a je aktu�ln�. +database successfully converted from '%1' to '%2' setup cs Datab�ze �sp�n� zkonvertov�na z '%1' na '%2' +datetime port.<br />if using port 13, please set firewall rules appropriately before submitting this page.<br />(port: 13 / host: setup cs Port pro datum a �as.<br />Pokud pou��v�te port 13, nastavte pros�m pat�i�n�m zp�sobem pravidla na firewallu d��ve, ne� ode�lete tuto str�nku.<br />(Port: 13 / Host: +day setup cs den +day of week<br />(0-6, 0=sunday) setup cs den t�dne <br />(0-6, 0=ned�le) +db backup and restore setup cs Z�lohov�n� a obnova datab�ze +db host setup cs Datab�zov� server +db name setup cs N�zev datab�ze +db password setup cs Heslo k datab�zi +db port setup cs Port datab�ze +db root password setup cs Heslo administr�tora datab�ze +db root username setup cs U�ivatelsk� jm�no administr�tora datab�ze +db type setup cs Typ datab�ze +db user setup cs U�ivatelsk� jm�no k datab�zi +default setup cs doporu�en� v�choz� hodnota +default file system space per user/group ? setup cs V�choz� kapacita na souborov�m syst�mu na u�ivatele/skupinu? +delete setup cs Smazat +delete all existing sql accounts, groups, acls and preferences (normally not necessary)? setup cs Smazat v�echny st�vaj�c� SQL ��ty, skupiny, ACL a p�edvolby (norm�ln� nen� pot�eba)? +delete all my tables and data setup cs Smazat v�echny m� tabulky a data +delete all old languages and install new ones setup cs Smazat v�echny star� jazyky a nainstalovat nov� +deleting tables setup cs Ma�u tabulky +demo server setup setup cs Nastaven� Demo serveru +deny access setup cs Zak�zat p��stup +deny all users access to grant other users access to their entries ? setup cs Zak�zat v�em u�ivatel�m p�id�lovat pr�va na jejich soubory jin�m u�ivatel�m? +dependency failure setup cs Chyba z�vislosti +deregistered setup cs odregistrovan� +details for admin account setup cs Podrobnosti k ��tu administr�tora +developers' table schema toy setup cs Hra�ka pro v�voj��e se sch�maty tabulek +did not find any valid db support! setup cs Nebyla nalezena ��dn� vhodn� podpora pro datab�ze! +do you want persistent connections (higher performance, but consumes more resources) setup cs Chcete trval� spojen� (vy��� v�kon, ale spot�ebov�vaj� v�ce zdroj�) +do you want to manage homedirectory and loginshell attributes? setup cs Chcete spravovat atributy pro domovsk� adres�� a loginshell? +does not exist setup cs neexistuje +domain setup cs Dom�na +domain '%1' does not exist !!! setup cs Dom�na '%1' neexistuje !!! +domain name setup cs N�zev dom�ny +domain select box on login setup cs Rozbalovac� nab�dka pro v�b�r dom�ny p�i p�ihl�en� +domain(all),[config user(admin)],password,[file-name(default: backup-dir/db_backup-yyyymmddhhii)] setup cs dom�na(v�echny),[administr�tor konfigurace(admin)],heslo,[n�zev souboru(v�choz�: adres��-z�loh/z�loha_datb�ze-RRRRMMDDHHii)] +domain(default),[config user(admin)],password,[backup to install],[charset(default depends on language)] setup cs dom�na(v�choz�),[administr�tor konfigurace(admin)],heslo,[z�loha instalace],[znakov� sada(v�choz� z�vis� na jazyku)] +domain(default),[config user(admin)],password,[name=value,...] sets config values beside: setup cs dom�na(v�choz�),[administr�tor konfigurace(admin)],heslo,[n�zev=hodnota,...] nastav� konfigura�n� hodnoty pro: +domain-name setup cs n�zev dom�ny +dont touch my data setup cs Nedot�kej se m�ch dat +download setup cs St�hnout +edit current configuration setup cs Editovat aktu�ln� konfiguraci +edit your existing setup cs Editovat V� st�vaj�c� +edit your setup cs Editovat V� +eg. /egroupware or, default: %1 setup cs nap�. /egroupware nebo, v�choz�: %1 +egroupware administration manual setup cs Manu�l pro administraci eGroupWare +egroupware api needs a database (schema) update from version %1 to %2! setup cs eGroupWare API vy�aduje aktualizaci (sch�matu) datab�ze z verze %1 na %2! +egroupware api version %1 found. setup cs Nalezeno eGroupWare API verze %1. +egroupware configuration file ( does not exist. setup cs Konfigura�n� soubor eGroupWaru ( NEexistuje. +egroupware configuration file ( version %1 exists%2 setup cs Konfigura�n� soubor eGroupWaru ( verze %1 existuje %2 +egroupware configuration file already exists, you need to use --edit-header or delete it first! setup cs Konfigura�n� soubor eGroupWaru ji� existuje, mus�te pou��t --edit-header nebo ho nejprve smazat! +egroupware domain/instance %1(%2): setup cs eGroupWare dom�na/instance %1(%2): +egroupware is already installed! setup cs eGroupWare jej ji� nainstalov�n! +egroupware sources in '%1' are not complete, file '%2' missing !!! setup cs Zdrojov� soubory eGroupWaru v '%1' nejsou kompletn�, soubor '%2' chyb� !!! +emailadmin profile updated: setup cs Profil Administr�tora po�ty aktualizov�n: +enable for extra debug-messages setup cs za�krtn�te pro v�ce debugovac�ch zpr�v +enable mcrypt setup cs Povolit MCrypt +enter some random text for app session encryption setup cs Vlo�te n�jak� n�hodn� text pro �ifrov�n� aplika�n� relace +enter some random text for app_session <br />encryption (requires mcrypt) setup cs Vlo�te n�jak� n�hodn� text pro �ifrov�n� <br />aplika�n� relace (vy�aduje mcrypt) +enter the full path for temporary files.<br />examples: /tmp, c:temp setup cs Zadejte celou cestu k adres��i s do�asn�mi soubory<br />Nap��klad: /tmp, C:\TEMP +enter the full path for users and group files.<br />examples: /files, e:files setup cs Zadejte celou cestu k adres��i se soubory u�ivatel� a skupin.<br />Nap��klad: /files, E:\FILES +enter the full path to the backup directory.<br />if empty: files directory setup cs Zadejte celou cestu k adres��i se z�lohami.<br />Ponech�te-li pr�zdn�, bude j�m adres�� pro soubory +enter the hostname of the machine on which this server is running setup cs Zadejte DNS jm�no stroje, na kter�m tento server b�� +enter the location of egroupware's url.<br />example: or /egroupware<br /><b>no trailing slash</b> setup cs Zadejte URL um�st�n� eGroupWaru.<br />P��klad: nebo /egroupware<br /><b>Bez koncov�ho lom�tka</b> +enter the site password for peer servers setup cs Zadejte heslo webu pro peer servery +enter the site username for peer servers setup cs Zadejte u�ivatelsk� jm�no webu pro peer servery +enter the title for your site setup cs Zadejte nadpis pro V� web +enter your default ftp server setup cs Zadejte V� v�choz� FTP server +enter your http proxy server setup cs Zadejte V� HTTP proxy server +enter your http proxy server password setup cs Zadejte heslo Va�eho HTTP proxy serveru +enter your http proxy server port setup cs Zadejte port Va�eho HTTP proxy serveru +enter your http proxy server username setup cs Zadejte u�ivatelsk� jm�no Va�eho HTTP proxy serveru +error in admin-creation !!! setup cs Chyba p�i vytv��en� administr�tora !!! +error in group-creation !!! setup cs Chyba p�i vytv��en� skupiny !!! +export has been completed! setup cs Export byl dokon�en! +failed writing configuration file, check the permissions !!! setup cs Z�pis konfigura�n�ho souboru se nezda�il, zkontrolujte opr�vn�n� !!! +false setup cs Ne +file setup cs Soubor +file type, size, version, etc. setup cs typ, velikost, verze souboru, atd. +file uploads are switched off: you can not use any of the filemanagers, nor can you attach files in several applications! setup cs Uploady soubor� jsou vypnuty. NEm��ete pou��t ��dn� ze spr�vc� soubor� ani p�ipojovat soubory v nejr�zn�j��ch aplikac�ch. +filename setup cs jm�no souboru +filesystem setup cs Souborov� syst�m +force selectbox setup cs Vynutit rozbalovac� nab�dku +found existing configuration file. loading settings from the file... setup cs Nalezen st�vaj�c� konfigura�n� soubor. Na��t�m nastaven� z tohoto souboru... +give admin access to all installed apps setup cs Poskytnout admin. p��stup ke v�em instalovan�m aplikac�m +gives further options setup cs poskytuje dal�� volby +go back setup cs J�t zp�t +go to setup cs J�t na +grant access setup cs Povolit p��stup +group setup cs skupina +group memberships will be migrated too. setup cs �lenstv� ve skupin�ch bude zmigrov�no tak�. +has a version mismatch setup cs m� nesoulad verz� +header admin login setup cs P�ihl�en� administr�tora hlavi�ek (syst�mov� spr�vce) +header password setup cs Heslo administr�tora hlavi�ek +header username setup cs U�ivatelsk� jm�no administr�tora hlavi�ek +header-password[,header-user(admin)] setup cs heslo admin. hlavi�ek[,u�ivat. jm�no admin. hlavi�ek(admin)] successful written. setup cs �sp�n� zaps�n. +historylog removed setup cs Protokol historie odstran�n +hooks deregistered setup cs h��ky (hooks) od-registrov�ny +hooks registered setup cs h��ky (hooks) zaregistrov�ny +host information setup cs Informace o serveru (host) +host,[smtp port],[smtp user],[smtp password] setup cs server,[smtp port],[smtp u�ivatel],[smtp heslo] +host,{imap | pop3 | imaps | pop3s},[domain],[{standard(default)|vmailmgr = add domain for mailserver login}] setup cs server,{imap | pop3 | imaps | pop3s},[dom�na],[{standard(v�choz�)|vmailmgr = p�idat dom�nu do p�ihl�en� na po�tovn� server}] +host/ip domain controler setup cs DNS jm�no nebo IP �adi�e dom�ny +hostname/ip of database server setup cs DNS jm�no nebo IP datab�zov�ho serveru +hour (0-24) setup cs hodina (0-24) +however the tables are still in the database setup cs Nicm�n� tabulky jsou st�le v datab�zi +however, the application is otherwise installed setup cs Nicm�n� aplikace je jinak nainstalovan� +however, the application may still work setup cs Nicm�n� aplikace st�le m��e fungovat +if no acl records for user or any group the user is a member of setup cs Pokud nejsou ACL z�znamy pro u�ivatele nebo libovolnou skupinu, kter� je �lenem +if safe_mode is turned on, egw is not able to change certain settings on runtime, nor can we load any not yet loaded module. setup cs Pokud je zapnut� re�im safe_mode, eGW nem��e za b�hu m�nit n�kter� nastaven� ani na��tat dosud nena�ten� moduly +if the application has no defined tables, selecting upgrade should remedy the problem setup cs Pokud aplikace nem� definov�ny tabulky, aktualizace by m�la probl�m napravit +if using ads (active directory) authentication setup cs P�i pou�it� ADS (Active Directory) autentikace +if using ldap setup cs P�i pou�it� LDAP +if using ldap, do you want to manage homedirectory and loginshell attributes? setup cs Chcete p�i pou�it� LDAP spravovat atributy pro domovsk� adres�� a loginshell? +if you did not receive any errors, your applications have been setup cs Pokud jste neobdr�eli ��dn� chybov� hl�en�, Va�e aplikace byly +if you did not receive any errors, your tables have been setup cs Pokud jste neobdr�eli ��dn� chybov� hl�en�, Va�e tabulky byly +if you running this the first time, don't forget to manualy %1 !!! setup cs Pokud toto spou�t�te poprv�, nezapome�te ru�n� %1 !!! +if you use only languages of the same charset (eg. western european ones) you dont need to set a system-charset! setup cs Pokud pou��v�te jen jazyky stejn� znakov� sady (nap�. z�padoevropsk�), nemus�te znakovou sadu syst�mu nastavovat! +image type selection order setup cs Po�ad� v�b�ru typu obr�zku +import has been completed! setup cs Import bylo doko�en! +importing old settings into the new format.... setup cs Importov�n� star�ch nastaven� do nov�ho form�tu... +include root setup cs Include root +include_path need to contain "." - the current directory setup cs include_path mus� zahrnovat "." - aktu�ln� adres�� +install setup cs Instalovat +install all setup cs Instalovat v�e +install applications setup cs Instalovat aplikace +install backup setup cs Instalovat z�lohu +install language setup cs Instalovat jazyk +install or update translations: domain(all),[config user(admin)],password,[[+]lang1[,lang2,...]] + adds, no langs update existing ones setup cs instalovat nebo aktualizovat p�eklady: dom�na(v�e),[administr�tor konfigurace(admin)],heslo,[[+]jazyk1[,jazyk2,...]] + dodatky, ��dn� jazyk neaktualizuje st�vaj�c� +installation finished setup cs Instalace dokon�ena +installation started, this might take a few minutes ... setup cs Instalace za�ala, m��e trvat n�kolik minut ... +installed setup cs nainstalovan� +instructions for creating the database in %1: setup cs Instrukce pro vytvo�en� datab�ze v %1: +invalid ip address setup cs Neplatn� IP adresa +invalid mcrypt algorithm/mode combination setup cs Neplatn� kombinace Mcrypt algoritmu/re�imu +invalid password setup cs Neplatn� heslo +is broken setup cs je po�kozen +is disabled setup cs je zak�z�n +is in the webservers docroot setup cs je v ko�enov�m adres��i dokument� webov�ho serveru +is not writeable by the webserver setup cs nen� zapisovateln� pro webov� server +it needs upgrading to version %1! use --update-header <password>[,<user>] to do so (--usage gives more options). setup cs Vy�aduje aktualizaci na verzi %1! Pou�ijte --update-header <heslo>[,<u�ivatel>] pro aktualizaci (--usage nab�dne dal�� volby). +languages updated. setup cs Jazyky zaktualizov�ny. +ldap accounts configuration setup cs Konfigurace LDAP ��t� +ldap accounts context setup cs LDAP kontext ��t� +ldap config setup cs Konfigurace LDAP +ldap default homedirectory prefix (e.g. /home for /home/username) setup cs LDAP v�choz� prefix domovsk�ch adres��� (nap�. /home pro /home/username) +ldap default shell (e.g. /bin/bash) setup cs LDAP v�choz� shell (nap�. /bin/bash) +ldap encryption type setup cs LDAP typ �ifrov�n� +ldap groups context setup cs LDAP kontext skupin +ldap host setup cs LDAP server +ldap import setup cs LDAP import +ldap root password setup cs LDAP root heslo +ldap rootdn setup cs LDAP rootdn +ldap search filter for accounts, default: "(uid=%user)", %domain=egw-domain setup cs LDAP filtr pro vyhled�v�n� ��t�, v�choz�: "(uid=%user)", %domain=eGW-domain +leave empty to keep current. setup cs Ponechte pr�zdn� pro zachov�n� sou�asn�ho. +limit access setup cs Omezit p��stup +limit access to setup to the following addresses, networks or hostnames (e.g.,10.1.1, setup cs Omezit p��stup k instal�toru na n�sleduj�c� adresy, s�t� nebo DNS jm�na (nap�.,10.1.1, +list availible values setup cs Seznam dostupn�ch hodnot +list of availible translations setup cs seznam dostupn�ch p�eklad� +login as user postgres, eg. by using su as root setup cs P�ihl�sit se jako u�ivatel postgres, nap�. pou�it�m su jako root +login to mysql - setup cs P�ihl�sit do mysql - +loginname needed for domain configuration setup cs P�ihla�ovac� jm�no pot�ebn� pro konfiguraci dom�ny +logout setup cs Odhl�sit +mail domain (for virtual mail manager) setup cs Po�tovn� dom�na (pro Virtu�ln�ho spr�vce po�ty) +mail server login type setup cs Typ p�ihl�en� na po�tovn� server +mail server protocol setup cs Protokol po�tovn�ho serveru +make sure that your database is created and the account permissions are set setup cs Ujist�te se, �e Va�e datab�ze je vytvo�ena a opr�vn�n� ��t� jsou nastavena +manage applications setup cs Spravovat aplikace +manage languages setup cs Spravovat jazyky +manual / help setup cs Manu�l / N�pov�da +max_execution_time is set to less than 30 (seconds): egroupware sometimes needs a higher execution_time, expect occasional failures setup cs Parametr max_execution_time je nastaven na m�n� ne� 30 (vte�in): eGroupWare n�kdy pot�ebuje vy��� hodnotu, o�ek�vejte nahodil� chyby +maximum account id (e.g. 65535 or 1000000) setup cs Maxim�ln� id ��tu (nap�. 65535 nebo 1000000) +may be broken setup cs m��e b�t po�kozen +mcrypt algorithm (default tripledes) setup cs Mcrypt algoritmus (v�choz� TRIPLEDES) +mcrypt initialization vector setup cs Mcrypt inicializa�n� vektor +mcrypt mode (default cbc) setup cs Mcyrpt re�im (v�choz� CBC) +mcrypt settings (requires mcrypt php extension) setup cs Nastaven� mcyrpt (vy�aduje PHP roz���en� mcrypt) +mcrypt version setup cs Verze mcrypt +memory_limit is set to less than 16m: some applications of egroupware need more than the recommend 8m, expect occasional failures setup cs Parametr memory_limit je nastaven na m�n� ne� 16M: n�kter� aplikace eGroupWaru vy�aduj� v�ce ne� doporu�en�ch 8M, o�ek�vejte nahodil� chyby +migration between egroupware account repositories setup cs Migrace mezi datab�zemi eGroupWare ��t� +minimum account id (e.g. 500 or 100, etc.) setup cs Minim�ln� id ��tu (nap�. 500 nebo 100, atp.) +minute setup cs minuta +missing or uncomplete mailserver configuration setup cs Chyb�j�c� nebo nekompletn� konfigurace po�tovn�ho serveru +modifications have been completed! setup cs Zm�ny byly dokon�eny! +modify setup cs Zm�nit +month setup cs m�s�c +multi-language support setup setup cs Nastaven� podpory v�ce jazyk� +name of database setup cs N�zev datab�ze +name of db user egroupware uses to connect setup cs Jm�no databaz. u�ivatele, kter�m se eGroupWare p�ipojuje +never setup cs nikdy +new setup cs Nov� +next run setup cs dal�� spu�t�n� +no setup cs Ne +no %1 support found. disabling setup cs Nebyla nalezena podpora %1. Zakazuji +no accounts existing setup cs Neexistuj� ��dn� ��ty +no algorithms available setup cs ��dn� algoritmus nen� k dispozici +no egroupware domains / database instances exist! use --edit-header --domain to add one (--usage gives more options). setup cs ��dn� eGroupWare dom�na / instance datab�ze neexistuje! Pro pro vytvo�en� pou�ijte --edit-header --domain (--usage nab�dne dal�� volby). +no header admin password set! use --edit-header <password>[,<user>] to set one (--usage gives more options). setup cs Nen� nastaveno heslo administr�tora hlavi�ek! Pro nastaven� pou�ijte --edit-header <heslo>[,<u�ivatel>] (--usage nab�dne dal�� volby). +no modes available setup cs ��dn� re�imy nejsou k dispozici +no update necessary, domain %1(%2) is up to date. setup cs Nen� pot�eba ��dn� aktualizace, dom�na %1(%2) je aktu�ln�. +no xml support found. disabling setup cs Nebyla nalezena podpora XML. Zakazuji +not setup cs ne +not all mcrypt algorithms and modes work with egroupware. if you experience problems try switching it off. setup cs Ne v�echny algoritmy a re�imy mcryptu pracuj� s eGroupWarem. Pokud zaznamen�te probl�my, zkuste ho vypnout. +not complete setup cs nedokon�en� +not completed setup cs Nedokon�en� +not ready for this stage yet setup cs Na tuto f�zi je�t� nejsme p�ipraveni +not set setup cs nen� nastaveno +note: you will be able to customize this later setup cs Pozn�mka: toto m��ete pozd�ji upravit +now guessing better values for defaults... setup cs Sna��m se odhadnout lep�� hodnoty v�choz�ch parametr� +odbc / maxdb: dsn (data source name) to use setup cs ODBC / MaxDB: Pou��t DSN (data source name) +ok setup cs OK +once the database is setup correctly setup cs Jakmile bude datab�ze korektn� nastaven� +one month setup cs jeden m�s�c +one week setup cs jeden t�den +only add languages that are not in the database already setup cs P�idat jen jazyky, kter� je�t� nejsou v datab�zi +only add new phrases setup cs Jen p�idat nov� fr�ze +or setup cs nebo +or %1continue to the header admin%2 setup cs nebo %1pokra�ovat k administraci hlavi�ek%2 +or (webdav) setup cs nebo (WebDAV) +or we can attempt to create the database for you: setup cs Nebo se m��eme pokusit pro V�s datab�zi vytvo�it: +or you can install a previous backup. setup cs Nebo m��ete nainstalovat p�edchoz� z�lohu. +password for smtp-authentication setup cs Heslo pro SMTP autentikaci +password needed for domain configuration. setup cs Heslo pot�ebn� pro konfiguraci dom�ny. +password of db user setup cs Heslo datab�zov�ho u�ivatele +passwords did not match, please re-enter setup cs Hesla nesouhlas�, zadejte je pros�m znovu +path (not url!) to your egroupware installation. setup cs Cesta (ne URL!) k Va�� instalaci eGroupWaru. +path information setup cs Informace o cest� +path of egroupware install directory (default auto-detected) setup cs cesta k instala�n�mu adres��i eGroupWaru (v�choz� je autodetekce) +path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! setup cs Cesta k soubor�m u�ivatel� a skupin MUS� B�T MIMO ko�enov� adres�� dokument� webov�ho serveru!!! +path to various directories: have to exist and be writeable by the webserver setup cs cesta k nejr�zn�j��m adres���m: mus� existovat a webov� server pro n� mus� m�t opr�vn�n� k z�pisu +pear (%1) is a php repository and is usually in a package called %2. setup cs PEAR (%1) je PHP reposit�� a je obvykle obsa�en v bal��ku s n�zvem %2. +pear%1 is needed by: %2. setup cs PEAR%1 je pot�eba pro: %2. +persistent connections setup cs Trval� spojen� +php plus restore setup cs PHP plus restore +php plus restore gives by far the best performance, as it stores the egw enviroment completly in the session. setup cs PHP plus restore poskytuje zdaleka nejlep�� v�kon, proto�e ukl�d� eGW prost�ed� kompletn� v relaci +please check for sql scripts within the application's directory setup cs Pod�vejte se pros�m na sql skripty v adres��i aplikace +please check read/write permissions on directories, or back up and use another option. setup cs Zkontrolujte pros�m opr�vn�n� ke �ten�/z�pisu na adres��e, nebo se vra�te zp�t a zkuste jinou volbu. +please configure egroupware for your environment setup cs Zkonfigurujte pros�m eGroupWare pro Va�e prost�ed� +please consult the %1. setup cs Konsultujte pros�m %1. +please fix the above errors (%1) and warnings(%2) setup cs Opravte pros�m v��e uveden� chyby (%1) a varov�n� (%2) +please install setup cs Nainstalujte pros�m +please login setup cs P�ihla�t� se pros�m +please login to egroupware and run the admin application for additional site configuration setup cs P�ihla�te se pros�m do eGroupWaru a spus�te aplikaci Administr�tor pro dal�� konfiguraci webu +please make the following change in your php.ini setup cs Prove�te pros�m n�sleduj�c� zm�nu v sv�m php.ini +please wait... setup cs Pros�m �ekejte... +pop/imap mail server hostname or ip address setup cs DNS jm�no nebo IP adresa po�tovn�ho serveru POP/IMAP +possible reasons setup cs Mo�n� p���iny +possible solutions setup cs Mo�n� �e�en� +post-install dependency failure setup cs Poinstala�n� chyba z�vislosti +postfix with ldap: [yes(user edit forwarding)] setup cs Postfix s LDAP: [ano(user edit forwarding)] +postgres: leave it empty to use the prefered unix domain sockets instead of a tcp/ip connection setup cs Postgres: Ponechte pr�zdn� pro pou�it� preferovan�ch unix socket� m�sto TCP/IP spojen� +potential problem setup cs Potenci�ln� probl�m +preferences setup cs P�edvolby +problem resolution setup cs �e�en� probl�mu +process setup cs Proces +re-check my database setup cs Znovu zkontrolovat moj� datab�zi +re-check my installation setup cs Znovu zkontrolovat moj� instalaci +re-enter password setup cs Zadejte heslo znovu +read translations from setup cs Na��st p�eklady z +readable by the webserver setup cs �iteln� webov�m serverem +really uninstall all applications setup cs OPRAVDU odinstalovat v�echny aplikace +recommended: filesystem setup cs Doporu�eno: souborov� syst�m +register_globals is turned on, egroupware does not require it and it's generaly more secure to have it turned off setup cs Parametr register_globals je zapnut�, p�itom eGroupWare ho nepot�ebuje a obecn� je bezpe�n�j�� ho vypnout +registered setup cs zaregistrovan� +rejected lines setup cs Zam�tnut� ��dky +remove setup cs Odstranit +remove all setup cs Odstranit v�e +rename setup cs p�ejmenovat +requires reinstall or manual repair setup cs Vy�aduje reinstalaci nebo manu�ln� opravu +requires upgrade setup cs Vy�aduje aktualizaci +resolve setup cs Vy�e�it +restore setup cs obnovit +restore failed setup cs Obnoven� se nezda�ilo +restore finished setup cs obnoven� dokon�eno +restore started, this might take a few minutes ... setup cs obnoven� zapo�alo, akce m��e trvat n�kolik minut +restoring a backup will delete/replace all content in your database. are you sure? setup cs Obnova z�lohy sma�e/nahrad� ve�ker� obsah Va�� datab�ze. Ur�it� chcete pokra�ovat? +return to setup setup cs N�vrat do Instal�toru +run a database schema update (if necessary): domain(all),[config user(admin)],password setup cs spustit aktualizaci sch�matu datab�ze (je-li zapot�eb�): dom�na(v�e),[administr�tor konfigurace(admin)],heslo +run installation tests setup cs Spustit instala�n� testy +safe_mode is turned on, which is generaly a good thing as it makes your install more secure. setup cs Parametr safe_mode je zapnut�, co� je dob�e, jeliko� Va�e instalace je tak bezpe�n�j��. +sample configuration not found. using built in defaults setup cs Uk�zkov� konfigurace nebyla nalezena, pou�iji v�choz� hodnoty. +save setup cs Ulo�it +save this text as contents of your setup cs Ulo�it tento text jako obsah Va�eho +schedule setup cs Napl�novat +scheduled backups setup cs napl�novan� z�lohy +select an app, enter a target version, then submit to process to that version.<br />if you do not enter a version, only the baseline tables will be installed for the app.<br /><blink>this will drop all of the apps' tables first!</blink> setup cs Vyberte aplikaci, zadejte c�lovou verzi a potom potvr�te zpracov�n� na tuto verzi.<br />Pokud nezad�te verzi, budou nainstalov�ny jen z�kladn� tabulky aplikace.<br /><blink>T�MTO SMA�ETE V�ECHNY TABULKY APLIKAC�!</blink> +select one... setup cs vybrat jeden... +select the default applications to which your users will have access setup cs Vyberte v�choz� aplikace, do kter�ch budou m�t u�ivatel� p��stup +select the desired action(s) from the available choices setup cs Vyberte po�adovanou akc(i/e) z dostupn�ch voleb +select to download file setup cs Vyberte pro sta�en� souboru +select where you want to store/retrieve file contents setup cs Vyberte kam/odkud chcete ukl�dat/na��tat obsah souboru +select where you want to store/retrieve filesystem information setup cs Vyberte kam/odkud chcete ukl�dat/na��tat informace o souborov�m syst�mu +select where you want to store/retrieve user accounts setup cs Vyberte kam/odkud chcete ukl�dat/na��tat u�ivatelsk� ��ty +select which group(s) will be exported setup cs Vyberte skupin(u/y) pro export +select which group(s) will be imported (group membership will be maintained) setup cs Vyberte skupin(u/y) pro import (�lenstv� ve skupin�ch z�stane zachov�no) +select which group(s) will be modified (group membership will be maintained) setup cs Vyberte skupin(u/y) pro �pravy (�lenstv� ve skupin�ch z�stane zachov�no) +select which languages you would like to use setup cs Vyberte jazyky, kter� chcete pou��vat +select which method of upgrade you would like to do setup cs Vyberte metodu aktualizace, kterou chcete prov�st +select which type of authentication you are using setup cs Vyberte typ autentikace, kter� pou��v�te +select which user(s) will also have admin privileges setup cs Vyberte dal�� u�ivatele, kte�� budou m�t opr�vn�n� administr�tora +select which user(s) will be exported setup cs Vyberte u�ivatele pro export +select which user(s) will be imported setup cs Vyberte u�ivatele pro import +select which user(s) will be modified setup cs Vyberte u�ivatele pro �pravy +select which user(s) will have admin privileges setup cs Vyberte u�ivatele, kte�� budou m�t admin. opr�vn�n� +select your old version setup cs Vyberte Va�� starou verzi +selectbox setup cs Rozbalovac� nab�dka +server root setup cs Server Root +sessions type setup cs Typ relac� +set setup cs nastavit +set this to "old" for versions < 2.4, otherwise the exact mcrypt version you use. setup cs Nastavte na "old" pro verze < 2.4, jinak p�esnou verzi mcrypt, kterou pou��v�te +setting the system-charset to utf-8 (unicode) allows the coexistens of data from languages of different charsets. setup cs Nastaven� znakov� sady syst�mu na UTF-8 (unicode) dovoluje koexistenci dat i pro jazyky s r�zn�mi znakov�mi sadami +settings setup cs Nastaven� +setup setup cs Instal�tor +setup main menu setup cs Hlavn� menu instal�toru +setup the database setup cs Nastavit datab�ze +setup/config admin login setup cs P�ihl�en� administr�tora konfigurace (aplika�n� spr�vce) +should be the same as server root unless you know what you are doing. setup cs M�lo by b�t stejn� jako Server Root - nem��te, pokud nev�te p�esn�, co polo�ka znamen�. +show 'powered by' logo on setup cs Zobrazovat logo 'zalo�eno na' na +sieve: host[,port(2000)] setup cs Sieve: Server[,Port(2000)] +size setup cs velikost +skip the installation tests (not recommended) setup cs P�esko�it instala�n� testy (nedoporu�uje se) +smtp server hostname or ip address setup cs DNS jm�no nebo IP adresa SMTP serveru +smtp server port setup cs Port SMTP serveru +some or all of its tables are missing setup cs N�kter� nebo v�echny jeho tabulky chyb� +sources deleted/missing setup cs Zdrojov� k�dy jsou smaz�ny (chyb�) +sql encryption type setup cs Typ SQL �ifrov�n� pro hesla (v�choz� md5) +standard (login-name identical to egroupware user-name) setup cs standardn� (p�ihla�ovac� jm�no se shoduje s u�ivatelsk�m jm�nem v eGroupWare) +standard mailserver settings (used for mail authentication too) setup cs Nastaven� standardn�ho po�tovn�ho serveru (pou��v� se tak� pro po�tovn� autentikaci) +start the postmaster setup cs Spustit postmaster +start updating languages %1 ... setup cs Za��tek aktualizace jazyk� %1 ... +start updating the database ... setup cs Za��tek aktualizace datab�ze ... +status setup cs Stav +step %1 - admin account setup cs Krok %1 - ��et administr�tora +step %1 - advanced application management setup cs Krok %1 - Pokro�il� spr�va aplikac� +step %1 - configuration setup cs Krok %1 - Konfigurace +step %1 - db backup and restore setup cs Krok %1 - Z�loha a obnova datab�ze +step %1 - language management setup cs Krok %1 - Spr�va jazyk� +step %1 - simple application management setup cs Krok %1 - Z�kladn� spr�va aplikac� +succesfully uploaded file %1 setup cs soubor %1 �sp�n� uploadov�n +table change messages setup cs Zpr�vy o zm�n�ch tabulek +tables dropped setup cs tabulky smaz�ny +tables installed, unless there are errors printed above setup cs pokud v��e nevid�te chybov� hl�en�, byly tabulky nainstalov�ny +tables upgraded setup cs tabulky zaktualizov�ny +target version setup cs C�lov� verze +tcp port number of database server setup cs ��slo TCP portu datab�zov�ho serveru +text entry setup cs Textov� z�znam +the %1 extension is needed from: %2. setup cs Roz���en� %1 je vy�adov�no (��m): %2. +the %1 extension is needed, if you plan to use a %2 database. setup cs Roz���en� %1 je zapot�eb�, pokud pl�nujete pou��t datab�zi %2. +the db_type in defaults (%1) is not supported on this server. using first supported type. setup cs Parametr db_type ve v�choz�ch nastaven�ch (%1) nen� na tomto serveru podporov�n. Pou�iji prvn� podporovan� typ. +the file setup cs soubor +the first step in installing egroupware is to ensure your environment has the necessary settings to correctly run the application. setup cs V prvn�m kroku instalace eGroupWaru je t�eba zajistit, aby Va�e prost�ed� m�lo v�echny parametry pot�ebn� pro b�h aplikace. +the following applications need to be upgraded: setup cs N�sleduj�c� aplikace pot�ebuj� aktualizovat: +the function %1 is needed from: %2. setup cs Funkce %1 je vy�adov�na (��m): %2. +the imagecreatefromjpeg function is supplied by the gd extension (complied with jpeg support!). it's needed to upload photos for contacts. setup cs Funkce imagecreatefromjpeg je sou��st� roz���en� gd (zkompilovan�ho s podporou jpeg!). Je zapot�eb� pro uploady fotek ke kontakt�m. +the mbstring extension is needed to fully support unicode (utf-8) or other multibyte-charsets. setup cs Roz���en� mbstring je zapot�eb� pro plnou podporu unicode (utf-8) a dal��ch v�cebajtov�ch znakov�ch sad. +the mbstring.func_overload = 7 is needed to fully support unicode (utf-8) or other multibyte-charsets. setup cs Parametr mbstring.func_overload = 7 mus� b�t nastaven pro plnou podporu unicode (utf-8) a dal��ch v�cebajtov�ch znakov�ch sad. +the session extension is needed to use php sessions (db-sessions work without). setup cs Roz���en� session je zapot�eb� pro pou�it� php relac� (datab�zov� relace funguj� i bez n�j). +the table definition was correct, and the tables were installed setup cs Definice tabulek byla v po��dku, tabulky byly nainstalov�ny +the tables setup cs tabulky +the username/passwords are: demo/guest, demo2/guest and demo3/guest. setup cs U�ivatelsk� jm�na/hesla jsou: demo/guest, demo2/guest a demo3/guest. +there was a problem trying to connect to your ldap server. <br /> setup cs Nastaly probl�my p�i pokusu o p�ipojen� k Va�emu LDAP serveru. <br /> +there was a problem trying to connect to your ldap server. <br />please check your ldap server configuration setup cs Nastaly probl�my p�i pokusu o p�ipojen� k Va�emu LDAP serveru. <br />Zkontrolujte pros�m konfiguraci sv�ho LDAP serveru +this has to be outside the webservers document-root!!! setup cs Cesta mus� b�t mimo ko�enov� adres�� dokument� webov�ho serveru!!! +this might take a while, please wait ... setup cs Operace m��e chv�li trvat, pros�m �ekejte ... +this program lets you backup your database, schedule a backup or restore it. setup cs Tento program V�m umo�n� zaz�lohovat Va�� datab�zi, napl�novat z�lohu nebo prov�st obnovu z�lohy. +this program will convert your database to a new system-charset. setup cs Tento program zkonvertuje Va�� datab�zi do nov� znakov� sady syst�mu. +this program will help you upgrade or install different languages for egroupware setup cs Tento program V�m pom��e zaktualizovat nebo nainstalovat r�zn� jazyky pro eGroupWare +this should be around 30 bytes in length.<br />note: the default has been randomly generated. setup cs M�l by m�t d�lku kolem 30 bajt�.<br />Pozn�mka: V�choz� byl n�hodn� vygenerov�n +this stage is completed<br /> setup cs Tato f�ze je dokon�ena<br /> +this will create a first user in egroupware or reset password and admin rights of an exiting user setup cs T�mto vytvo��te prvn�ho u�ivatele v eGroupWaru nebo vyresetujete heslo a administr�torsk� pr�va st�vaj�c�ho u�ivatele +to a version it does not know about setup cs na verzi, kterou nezn� +to allow password authentification add the following line to your pg_hba.conf (above all others) and restart postgres: setup cs Pro povolen� autentikace heslem p�idejte n�sleduj�c� ��dek do sv�ho pg_hba.conf (nad v�echny ostatn�) a zrestartujte postgres: +to change the charset: back up your database, deinstall all applications and re-install the backup with "convert backup to charset selected" checked. setup cs Chcete-li zm�nit znakovou sadu: zaz�lohujte Va�� datab�zi, odinstalujte v�echny aplikace a znovu nainstalujte z�lohu se za�krtnutou volbou "konvertovat z�lohu do vybran� znakov� sady". +to setup 1 admin account and 3 demo accounts. setup cs pro nastaven� 1 administr�torsk�ho ��tu a 3 demo ��t�. +top setup cs Z�hlav� +translations added setup cs P�eklady byly p�id�ny +translations removed setup cs P�eklady byly odstran�ny +translations upgraded setup cs P�eklady byly zaktualizov�ny +true setup cs Ano +try to configure your php to support one of the above mentioned dbms, or install egroupware by hand. setup cs Zkuste zkonfigurovat Va�e PHP, aby podporovalo jeden z uveden�ch datab�zov�ch syst�m� nebo nainstalujte eGroupWare ru�n�. +two weeks setup cs dva t�dny +unfortunally some php/apache packages have problems with it (apache dies and you cant login anymore). setup cs Nane�t�st� n�kter� PHP/Apache bal�ky s n�m maj� probl�my (Apache odum�e a nelze se v�ce p�ihl�sit). +uninstall setup cs odinstalovat +uninstall all applications setup cs Odinstalovat v�echny aplikace +uninstalled setup cs odinstalovan� +unknown option '%1' !!! setup cs Nezn�m� volba '%1' !!! +update finished. setup cs Aktualizace byla dokon�ena. +upgrade setup cs Aktualizovat +upgrade all setup cs Aktualizovat v�e +upgraded setup cs zaktualizovan� +upgrading tables setup cs Aktualizuji tabulky +upload backup setup cs Uploadovat z�lohu +uploads a backup and installs it on your db setup cs uploaduje z�lohu a nainstaluje j� do Va�� datab�ze +uploads a backup to the backup-dir, from where you can restore it setup cs uploaduje z�lohu do adres��e se z�lohami, odkud j� m��ete obnovit +usage: %1 command [additional options] setup cs Pou�it�: %1 p��kaz [dal�� volby] +use --create-header to create the configuration file (--usage gives more options). setup cs Pro vytvo�en� konfigura�n�ho souboru pou�ijte --create-header (--usage nab�dne dal�� volby). +use --install to install egroupware. setup cs Pro instalaci eGroupWaru pou�ijte --install +use --update to do so. setup cs Pro aktualizaci pou�ijte --update +use cookies to pass sessionid setup cs Po��vat cookies pro p�ed�n� id relace +use mcrypt to crypt session-data: {off(default) | on},[mcrypt-init-vector(default randomly generated)],[mcrypt-version] setup cs pou��t mcrypt k �ifrov�n� dat relace: {off(v�choz�) | on},[mcrypt inicializa�n� vektor(v�choz� je n�hodn� vygenerov�n)],[verze mcrypt] +use persistent db connections: {on(default) | off} setup cs pou��t trval� datab�zov� spojen�: {on(v�choz�) | off} +use pure html compliant code (not fully working yet) setup cs Pou��t �ist�, HTML kompatibiln� k�d (zat�m nefunguje zcela) +user setup cs u�ivatel +user account prefix setup cs Prefix u�ivatelsk�ch ��t� +user for smtp-authentication (leave it empty if no auth required) setup cs U�ivatel pro SMTP autentikaci (ponechte pr�zdn�, nen�-li SMTP autentikace vy�adov�na) +usernames are casesensitive setup cs U�ivatelsk� jm�na rozli�uj� mal� a velk� p�smena +users choice setup cs Volba u�ivatele +usually more annoying.<br />admins can use admin >> manage accounts or groups to give access to further apps. setup cs Obvykle v�c obt�uje.<br />Administr�to�i mohou pou��t Administr�tor >> U�ivatelsk� ��ty (nebo Skupiny u�ivatel�) pro p�id�len� p��stupu k dal��m aplikac�m. +utf-8 (unicode) setup cs utf-8 (Unicode) +validation errors setup cs Chyby p�i ov��ov�n� +version setup cs verze +version mismatch setup cs Nesoulad verz� +view setup cs Pohled +virtual mail manager (login-name includes domain) setup cs Virtu�ln� spr�vce po�ty (p�ihla�ovac� jm�na zahrnuj� dom�nu) +warning! setup cs Varov�n�! +we can proceed setup cs M��eme pokra�ovat +we could not determine the version of %1, please make sure it is at least %2 setup cs Nedok�eme ur�it verzi %1, pros�m ujist�te se, �e se jedn� minim�ln� o verzi %2 +we will automatically update your tables/records to %1 setup cs Automaticky zaktualizujeme Va�e tabulky/z�znamy na %1 +we will now run a series of tests, which may take a few minutes. click the link below to proceed. setup cs Nyn� spust�me s�rii test�, kter� mohou trvat n�kolik minut. Pro pokra�ov�n� klikn�te na odkaz n��e. +welcome to the egroupware installation setup cs V�tejte v instalaci eGroupWaru +what type of sessions management do you want to use (php session management may perform better)? setup cs Jak� typ spr�vy relac� chcete pou��vat (PHP spr�va relac� m��e b�t v�konn�j��)? +which database type do you want to use with egroupware? setup cs Jak� typ datab�ze chcete pro eGroupWare pou��vat? +world readable setup cs ve�ejn� �iteln� +world writable setup cs ve�ejn� zapisovateln� +would you like egroupware to cache the phpgw info array ? setup cs Chcete aby eGroupWare ukl�dal do cache array z phpgw info? +would you like egroupware to check for a new version<br />when admins login ? setup cs Chcete aby eGroupWare kontroloval dostupnost nov� verze<br />po p�ihl�en� administr�tora ? +would you like to show each application's upgrade status ? setup cs Chcete zobrazovat stav aktualizace ka�d� z aplikac� ? +writable by the webserver setup cs zapisovateln� webov�m serverem +write setup cs Ulo�it +year setup cs rok +yes setup cs Ano +yes, with lowercase usernames setup cs Ano, s u�ivatelsk�mi jm�ny obsahuj�c�mi jen mal� p�smena +you appear to be running a pre-beta version of egroupware.<br />these versions are no longer supported, and there is no upgrade path for them in setup.<br /> you may wish to first upgrade to 0.9.10 (the last version to support pre-beta upgrades) <br />and then upgrade from there with the current version. setup cs Zd� se, �e provozujete pre-beta verzi eGroupWaru.<br />Takov� verze u� nejsou podporov�ny a neexistuje pro n� aktualizace prost�ednictv�m instal�toru.<br />M��ete zkusit zaktualizovat na 0.9.10 (posledn� verze podporuj�c� aktualizace z pre-beta) a z n� prov�st aktualizaci na aktu�ln� verzi. +you appear to be running an old version of php <br />it its recommend that you upgrade to a new version. <br />older version of php might not run egroupware correctly, if at all. <br /><br />please upgrade to at least version %1 setup cs Zd� se, �e provozujete starou verzi PHP<br />Doporu�ujeme aktualizaci na novou verzi.<br />Na star�ch verz�ch nemus� eGroupWare b�et spr�vn�, pokud v�bec.<br /><br />Prove�te pros�m aktualizaci nejm�n� na verzi %1 +you appear to be running version %1 of egroupware setup cs Zd� se, �e provozujete eGroupWare verze %1 +you appear to have %1 support. setup cs Zd� se, �e m�te podporu %1. +you appear to have php session support. enabling php sessions. setup cs Zd� se, �e m�te podporu PHP relac�. Povoluji PHP relace. +you appear to have xml support enabled setup cs Zd� se, �e m�te povolenou podporu XML +you are ready for this stage, but this stage is not yet written.<br /> setup cs Pro tuto f�zi jste p�ipraven(a), ale tato f�ze zat�m nebyla naps�na.<br /> +you are using php version %1. egroupware now requires %2 or later, recommended is php %3. setup cs Pou��v�te PHP verze %1. eGroupWare nyn� vy�aduje verzi %2 nebo nov�j��, doporu�eno je PHP %3. +you can install it by running: setup cs M��ete ho nainstalovat spu�t�n�m: +you can use the header user and password for every domain too. if the password is not set via the commandline, it is read from the enviroment variable egw_cli_password or queried from the user. setup cs U�ivatelsk� jm�no a heslo administr�tora hlavi�ek m��ete tak� pou��t pro ka�dou dom�nu. Pokud nen� heslo nastaveno prost�ednictv�m p��kazov� ��dky, je na�teno z prom�nn� prost�ed� EGW_CLI_PASSWORD nebo vy��d�no od u�ivatele. +you didn't enter a config password for domain %1 setup cs Nezadal(a) jste heslo administr�tora konfigurace pro dom�nu %1 +you didn't enter a config username for domain %1 setup cs Nezadal(a) jste u�ivatelsk� jm�no administr�tora konfigurace pro dom�nu %1 +you didn't enter a header admin password setup cs Nezadal(a) jste heslo administr�tora hlavi�ek +you didn't enter a header admin username setup cs Nezadal(a) jste u�ivatelsk� jm�no administr�tora hlavi�ek +you do not have any languages installed. please install one now <br /> setup cs Nem�te nainstalovan� ��dn� jazyky. Pros�m, nainstalujte jeden nyn�<br /> +you have not created your yet!<br /> you can create it now. setup cs Zat�m jste nevytvo�il(a) sv�j!<br />M��ete ho te� vytvo�it. +you have successfully logged out setup cs Byl(a) jste �sp�n� odhl�en(a) +you must enter a username for the admin setup cs Mus�te zadat u�ivatelsk� jm�no pro administr�tora +you need to add at least one egroupware domain / database instance. setup cs Mus�te p�idat alespo� jednu eGroupWare dom�nu / instanci datab�ze. +you need to add some domains to your setup cs Mus�te p�idat n�jak� dom�ny do sv�ho +you need to configure egroupware: setup cs Mus�te nakonfigurovat eGroupWare: +you need to fix the above errors, before the configuration file can be written! setup cs Ne� bude konfigura�n� soubor zaps�n, mus�te opravit v��e uveden� chyby! +you need to save the settings you made here first! setup cs Nejprve mus�te ulo�it zde proveden� nastaven�! +you need to select your current charset! setup cs Mus�te vybrat svou aktu�ln� znakovou sadu! +you should either install the sources or uninstall it, to get rid of the tables setup cs M�l(a) by jste bu� nainstalovat zdrojov� k�dy, nebo j� odinstalovat, aby jste se zbavil(a) tabulek +you should either uninstall and then reinstall it, or attempt manual repairs setup cs M�l by jste ho bu� odinstalovat a potom nainstalovat znovu nebo se pokusit o manu�ln� opravu +you will not be able to log into egroupware using php sessions: "session could not be verified" !!! setup cs NEBUDETE se moci p�ihl�sit do eGroupwaru pomoc� PHP relac�: "relace nemohla b�t ov��ena" !!! +you're using an old configuration file format... setup cs Pou��v�te star� form�t konfigura�n�ho souboru... +you're using an old version... setup cs Pou��v�te starou verzi +your applications are current setup cs Va�e aplikace jsou aktu�ln� +your backup directory '%1' %2 setup cs V� adres�� se z�lohami '%1' %2 +your database does not exist setup cs Va�e datab�ze neexistuje +your database is not working! setup cs Va�e datab�ze nefunguje! +your database is working, but you dont have any applications installed setup cs Va�e datab�ze funguje, ale nem�te nainstalov�ny ��dn� aplikace +your egroupware api is current setup cs Va�e eGroupWare API je aktu�ln� +your files directory '%1' %2 setup cs V� adres�� pro soubory '%1' %2 +your header admin password is not set. please set it now! setup cs Va�e heslo pro administr�tora hlavi�ek NEN� nastaveno. Nastavte ho pros�m nyn�! +your needs upgrading. setup cs V� pot�ebuje zaktualizovat. +your needs upgrading.<br /><blink><b class="msg">warning!</b></blink><br /><b>make backups!</b> setup cs V� pot�ebuje zaktualizovat.<br /><blink><b class="msg">VAROV�N�!</b></blink><br /><b>UD�LEJTE Z�LOHY!</b> +your installed version of %1 is %2, required is at least %3, please run: setup cs Va�e nainstalovan� verze %1 je %2, pot�ebujete nejm�n� verzi %3, spus�te pros�m: +your php installation does not have appropriate gd support. you need gd library version 1.8 or newer to see gantt charts in projects. setup cs Va�e instalace PHP nem� odpov�daj�c� podporu GD. Pot�ebujete gd knihovnu verze 1.8 nebo nov�j�� pro zobrazen� Ganttov�ch diagram� v projektech. +your tables are current setup cs Va�e tabulky jsou aktu�ln� +your tables will be dropped and you will lose data setup cs Va�e tabulky budou smaz�ny a p�ijdete o sv� data !! +your temporary directory '%1' %2 setup cs V� do�asn� adres�� '%1' %2 +{db | php(default) | php-restore} setup cs {db | php(v�choz�) | php-restore} +{off(default) | on} setup cs {off(v�choz�) | on} diff --git a/timesheet/setup/phpgw_cs.lang b/timesheet/setup/phpgw_cs.lang index 62f21ab29a..7ab2f0ea35 100644 --- a/timesheet/setup/phpgw_cs.lang +++ b/timesheet/setup/phpgw_cs.lang @@ -1,44 +1,52 @@ -2 month ago timesheet cs 2 m�s�ce zp�t -2 years ago timesheet cs 2 roky zp�t -3 years ago timesheet cs 3 roky zp�t +2 month ago timesheet cs P�ed 2 m�s�ci +2 years ago timesheet cs P�ed 2 roky +3 years ago timesheet cs P�ed 3 roky actions timesheet cs Akce -by timesheet cs k�m +all projects timesheet cs V�echny projekty +both: allow to use projectmanager and free project-names admin cs Oboj�: povolit pou�it� Spr�vce projekt� i libovoln�ch n�zv� projekt� +by timesheet cs od create new links timesheet cs Vytvo�it nov� odkazy +creating new entry timesheet cs vytv���m nov� z�znam delete this entry timesheet cs Smazat tento z�znam -edit this entry timesheet cs Upravit tento z�znam -empty if identical to duration timesheet cs pr�zdn� pokud se shoduje s trv�n�m +edit this entry timesheet cs Editovat tento z�znam +empty if identical to duration timesheet cs pr�zdn� pokud se shoduje s d�lkou trv�n� end timesheet cs Konec entry deleted timesheet cs Z�znam smaz�n entry saved timesheet cs Z�znam ulo�en -error deleting the entry!!! timesheet cs Chyba maz�n� z�znamu!!! -error saving the entry!!! timesheet cs Chyba ukl�d�n� z�znamu!!! -existing links timesheet cs Existuj�c� odkazy -general timesheet cs Hlavn� -last modified timesheet cs Naposledy upraveno -last month timesheet cs Posledn� m�s�c -last week timesheet cs Posledn� t�den -last year timesheet cs Posledn� rok -leave it empty for a full week timesheet cs Nechte pr�zdn� pro cel� t�den +error deleting the entry!!! timesheet cs Chyba p�i maz�n� z�znamu!!! +error saving the entry!!! timesheet cs Chyba p�i ukl�d�n� z�znamu!!! +existing links timesheet cs St�vaj�c� odkazy +full: use only projectmanager admin cs Pln�: pou��t jen Spr�vce projekt� +general timesheet cs Obecn� +last modified timesheet cs Naposledy zm�n�no +last month timesheet cs Minul� m�s�c +last week timesheet cs Minul� t�den +last year timesheet cs Minul� rok +leave it empty for a full week timesheet cs Ponechte pr�zdn� pro cel� t�den links timesheet cs Odkazy -no details timesheet cs ��dn� detaily -permission denied!!! timesheet cs P��stup odep�en +no details timesheet cs Bez detail� +no project timesheet cs ��dn� projekt +none: use only free project-names admin cs ��dn�: pou��vat jen libovoln� n�zvy projekt� +or endtime timesheet cs nebo Koncov� �as +permission denied!!! timesheet cs P��stup zam�tnut!!! price timesheet cs Cena +projectmanager integration admin cs Integrace se Spr�vcem projekt� quantity timesheet cs Mno�stv� -save & new timesheet cs Ulo�it & Nov� -saves the changes made timesheet cs Ulo�it proveden� zm�ny -saves this entry and add a new one timesheet cs Ulo�it tento z�znam a p�idat nov� -select a price timesheet cs Zvolte cenu -select a project timesheet cs Zvolte projekt +save & new timesheet cs Ulo�it a Nov� +saves the changes made timesheet cs Ulo�� proveden� zm�ny +saves this entry and add a new one timesheet cs Ulo�� aktu�ln� z�znam a p�id� nov� +select a price timesheet cs Vybrat cenu +select a project timesheet cs Vybrat projekt start timesheet cs Za��tek -sum %1: timesheet cs Suma %1: +starttime timesheet cs Po��te�n� �as +starttime has to be before endtime !!! timesheet cs Po��te�n� �as mus� p�edch�zet �asu ukon�en� !!! +sum %1: timesheet cs Sou�et %1: this month timesheet cs Tento m�s�c this week timesheet cs Tento t�den this year timesheet cs Tento rok -timesheet common cs Rozvrh -unitprice timesheet cs Cena za jednotku -view this entry timesheet cs Uk�zat tento z�znam +timesheet common cs Harmonogram +unitprice timesheet cs Jednotkov� cena +view this entry timesheet cs Zobrazit tento z�znam week timesheet cs T�den yesterday timesheet cs V�era -your database is not up to date (%1 vs. %2), please run %3setup%4 to update your database. timesheet cs Your database is NOT up to date (%1 vs. %2), please run %3setup%4 to update your database. -Your database is NOT up to date (%1 vs. %2), please run %3setup%4 to update your database. -Va�e datab�ze nen� aktu�ln� (%1 vs. %2), spus�te pros�m %3setup%4 pro aktualizaci va�� datab�ze. +your database is not up to date (%1 vs. %2), please run %3setup%4 to update your database. timesheet cs Va�e datab�ze NEN� aktu�ln� (%1 vs. %2), spus�te pros�m %3setup%4 a zaktualizujte Va�� datab�zi.