mirror of
synced 2025-03-28 16:46:44 +01:00
Implemented first version of the grid component (not complete)
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* eGroupWare eTemplate2 - JS Template base class
* eGroupWare eTemplate2 - JS Description object
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License
* @package etemplate
@ -42,6 +42,6 @@ et2_description = et2_DOMWidget.extend({
et2_register_widget(et2_description, ["description"]);
et2_register_widget(et2_description, ["description", "label"]);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,395 @@
* eGroupWare eTemplate2 - JS Description object
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License
* @package etemplate
* @subpackage api
* @link http://www.egroupware.org
* @author Andreas Stöckel
* @copyright Stylite 2011
* @version $Id: et2_description.js 36016 2011-08-05 14:53:54Z igel457 $
* Class which implements the "grid" XET-Tag
et2_grid = et2_DOMWidget.extend({
init: function(_parent) {
// Create the table body and the table
this.tbody = $j(document.createElement("tbody"));
this.table = $j(document.createElement("table"));
// Call the parent constructor
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
// Counters for rows and columns
this.rowCount = 0;
this.columnCount = 0;
// 2D-Array which holds references to the DOM td tags
this.cells = [];
this.managementArray = [];
destroy: function() {
// Delete all references to cells or widgets
this.cells = null;
this.managementArray = null;
_initCells: function(_colData, _rowData) {
// Copy the width and height
var w = _colData.length;
var h = _rowData.length;
// Create the 2D-Cells array
var cells = new Array(h);
for (var y = 0; y < h; y++)
cells[y] = new Array(w);
// Initialize the cell description objects
for (var x = 0; x < w; x++)
cells[y][x] = {
"td": null,
"widget": null,
"colData": _colData[x],
"rowData": _rowData[y],
"colSpan": 1,
"rowSpan": 1,
"x": x,
"y": y
return cells;
_getColDataEntry: function() {
return {
"width": "auto",
"class": "",
"align": "",
"span": "1"
_getRowDataEntry: function() {
return {
"height": "auto",
"class": "",
"valign": "",
"span": "1"
_readAttrWithDefault: function(_node, _name, _default) {
var val = _node.getAttribute(_name);
return (val === null) ? _default : val;
_getCell: function(_cells, _x, _y) {
if ((0 <= _y) && (_y < _cells.length))
var row = _cells[_y];
if ((0 <= _x) && (_x < row.length))
return row[_x];
throw("Error while accessing grid cells, invalid element count or span value!");
_forceNumber: function(_val) {
if (isNaN(_val))
throw(_val + " is not a number!");
return parseInt(_val);
_fetchRowColData: function(columns, rows, colData, rowData) {
// Parse the columns tag
et2_filteredNodeIterator(columns, function(node, nodeName) {
var colDataEntry = this._getColDataEntry();
if (nodeName == "column")
colDataEntry["width"] = this._readAttrWithDefault(node, "width", "auto");
colDataEntry["class"] = this._readAttrWithDefault(node, "class", "");
colDataEntry["align"] = this._readAttrWithDefault(node, "align", "");
colDataEntry["span"] = this._readAttrWithDefault(node, "span", "1");
colDataEntry["span"] = "all";
}, this);
// Parse the rows tag
et2_filteredNodeIterator(rows, function(node, nodeName) {
var rowDataEntry = this._getRowDataEntry();
if (nodeName == "row")
rowDataEntry["height"] = this._readAttrWithDefault(node, "height", "auto");
rowDataEntry["class"] = this._readAttrWithDefault(node, "class", "");
rowDataEntry["valign"] = this._readAttrWithDefault(node, "valign", "");
rowDataEntry["span"] = this._readAttrWithDefault(node, "span", "1");
rowDataEntry["span"] = "all";
}, this);
_fillCells: function(cells, columns, rows) {
// Read the elements inside the columns
var x = 0;
et2_filteredNodeIterator(columns, function(node, nodeName) {
function _readColNode(node, nodeName) {
var cell = this._getCell(cells, x, y);
// Read the span value of the element
if (node.getAttribute("span"))
cell.rowSpan = node.getAttribute("span");
cell.rowSpan = cell.colData["span"];
if (cell.rowSpan == "all")
cell.rowSpan = cells.length;
var span = cell.rowSpan = this._forceNumber(cell.rowSpan);
// Create the widget
var widget = this.createElementFromNode(node, nodeName);
// Fill all cells the widget is spanning
for (var i = 0; i < span && y < cells.length; i++, y++)
this._getCell(cells, x, y).widget = widget;
// If the node is a column, create the widgets which belong into
// the column
var y = 0;
if (nodeName == "column")
et2_filteredNodeIterator(node, _readColNode, this);
_readColNode.call(this, node, nodeName);
}, this);
// Read the elements inside the rows
var y = 0;
et2_filteredNodeIterator(rows, function(node, nodeName) {
function _readRowNode(node, nodeName) {
var cell = this._getCell(cells, x, y);
// Read the span value of the element
if (node.getAttribute("span"))
cell.colSpan = node.getAttribute("span");
cell.colSpan = cell.rowData["span"];
if (cell.colSpan == "all")
cell.colSpan = cells[y].length;
var span = cell.colSpan = this._forceNumber(cell.colSpan);
// Create the element
var widget = this.createElementFromNode(node, nodeName);
// Fill all cells the widget is spanning
for (var i = 0; i < span && x < cells[y].length; i++, x++)
cell = this._getCell(cells, x, y);
if (cell.widget == null)
cell.widget = widget;
throw("Grid cell collision, two elements " +
"defined for cell (" + x + "," + y + ")!");
// If the node is a row, create the widgets which belong into
// the row
var x = 0;
if (nodeName == "row")
et2_filteredNodeIterator(node, _readRowNode, this);
_readRowNode.call(this, node, nodeName);
}, this);
* As the does not fit very well into the default widget structure, we're
* overwriting the loadFromXML function and doing a two-pass reading -
* in the first step the
loadFromXML: function(_node) {
// Get the columns and rows tag
var rowsElems = _node.getElementsByTagName("rows");
var columnsElems = _node.getElementsByTagName("columns");
if (rowsElems.length == 1 && columnsElems.length == 1)
var columns = columnsElems[0];
var rows = rowsElems[0];
var colData = [];
var rowData = [];
// Fetch the column and row data
this._fetchRowColData(columns, rows, colData, rowData);
// Initialize the cells
var cells = this._initCells(colData, rowData);
// Create the widgets inside the cells and read the span values
this._fillCells(cells, columns, rows);
// Create the table rows
throw("Error while parsing grid, none or multiple rows or columns tags!");
createTableFromCells: function(_cells) {
// Set the rowCount and columnCount variables
var h = this.rowCount = _cells.length;
var w = this.columnCount = (h > 0) ? _cells[0].length : 0;
this.managementArray = [];
this.cells = _cells;
// Create the table rows.
for (var y = 0; y < h; y++)
var row = _cells[y];
var tr = $j(document.createElement("tr")).appendTo(this.tbody);
// Create the cells. x is incremented by the colSpan value of the
// cell.
for (var x = 0; x < w;)
// Fetch a cell from the cells
var cell = this._getCell(_cells, x, y);
if (cell.td == null && cell.widget != null)
// Create the cell
var td = $j(document.createElement("td")).appendTo(tr);
// Add the entry for the widget to the management array
"cell": td[0],
"widget": cell.widget
// Trigger the "onSetParent" event of the widget
// Set the span values of the cell
var cs = Math.min(w - x, cell.colSpan);
var rs = Math.min(h - y, cell.rowSpan);
// Set the col and row span values
if (cs > 1) {
td.attr("colspan", cs);
if (rs > 1) {
td.attr("rowspan", rs);
// Assign the td to the cell
for (var sx = x; sx < x + cs; sx++)
for (var sy = y; sy < y + rs; sy++)
this._getCell(_cells, sx, sy).td = td;
x += cell.colSpan;
getDOMNode: function(_sender) {
// If the parent class functions are asking for the DOM-Node, return the
// outer table.
if (_sender == this)
return this.table[0];
// Check whether the _sender object exists inside the management array
for (var i = 0; i < this.managementArray.length; i++)
if (this.managementArray[i].widget == _sender)
return this.managementArray[i].cell;
return null;
et2_register_widget(et2_grid, ["grid"]);
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ et2_template = et2_DOMWidget.extend({
// Check whether the parent implements the et2_IDOMNode interface. If
// yes, grab the DOM node and create our own.
if (this._parent && this._parent.implements(et2_IDOMNode)) {
var parentNode = this._parent.getDOMNode();
var parentNode = this._parent.getDOMNode(this);
if (parentNode)
@ -132,22 +132,28 @@ et2_widget = Class.extend({
// Create the copy
var copy = new (this.constructor)(_parent, _type);
// Create a clone of all child elements
for (var i = 0; i < this._children.length; i++)
// Assign this element to the copy
return copy;
assign: function(_obj) {
// Create a clone of all child elements of the given object
for (var i = 0; i < _obj._children.length; i++)
this._children[i].clone(copy, this._children[i].type);
_obj._children[i].clone(this, _obj._children[i].type);
// Copy all properties for which a setter function exists
for (var key in this)
for (var key in _obj)
if (key != "id" && typeof copy["set_" + key] == "function")
if (key != "id" && typeof this["set_" + key] == "function")
copy["set_" + key](this[key]);
this["set_" + key](_obj[key]);
return copy;
@ -269,6 +275,24 @@ et2_widget = Class.extend({
return false;
createElementFromNode: function(_node, _nodeName) {
if (typeof _nodeName == "undefined")
_nodeName = _node.nodeName.toLowerCase();
// Check whether a widget with the given type is registered.
var constructor = typeof et2_registry[_nodeName] == "undefined" ?
et2_placeholder : et2_registry[_nodeName];
// Creates the new widget, passes this widget as an instance and
// passes the widgetType. Then it goes on loading the XML for it.
var widget = new constructor(this, _nodeName)
return widget;
* Loads the widget tree from an XML node
@ -299,13 +323,8 @@ et2_widget = Class.extend({
// Check whether a widget with the given type is registered.
var constructor = typeof et2_registry[widgetType] == "undefined" ?
et2_placeholder : et2_registry[widgetType];
// Creates the new widget, passes this widget as an instance and
// passes the widgetType. Then it goes on loading the XML for it.
(new constructor(this, widgetType)).loadFromXML(node);
// Create the new element
this.createElementFromNode(node, widgetType);
@ -370,7 +389,17 @@ et2_widget = Class.extend({
* Interface for all widget classes, which are based on a DOM node.
et2_IDOMNode = new Interface({
getDOMNode: function() {}
* Returns the DOM-Node of the current widget.
* @param _sender The _sender parameter defines which widget is asking for
* the DOMNode.depending on that, the widget may return different nodes.
* This is used in the grid. Normally the _sender parameter can be omitted
* in most implementations of the getDOMNode function.
* However, you should always define the _sender parameter when calling
* getDOMNode!
getDOMNode: function(_sender) {}
@ -403,14 +432,14 @@ et2_DOMWidget = et2_widget.extend(et2_IDOMNode, {
// Check whether the parent implements the et2_IDOMNode interface. If
// yes, grab the DOM node and create our own.
if (this._parent && this._parent.implements(et2_IDOMNode)) {
detatchFromDOM: function() {
if (this.parentNode)
var node = this.getDOMNode();
var node = this.getDOMNode(this);
if (node)
@ -432,8 +461,8 @@ et2_DOMWidget = et2_widget.extend(et2_IDOMNode, {
this.parentNode = _node;
// Attach the DOM node of this widget (if existing) to the new parent
var node = this.getDOMNode();
if (node)
var node = this.getDOMNode(this);
if (node && this.parentNode)
@ -447,24 +476,13 @@ et2_DOMWidget = et2_widget.extend(et2_IDOMNode, {
set_id: function(_value) {
var node = this.getDOMNode();
var node = this.getDOMNode(this);
if (node)
node.setAttribute("id", _value);
set_visible: function(_value) {
/*if (_value != this.visible)
var node = this.getDOMNode();
if (node)
@ -82,3 +82,16 @@ function et2_loadXMLFromURL(_url, _callback, _context)
function et2_filteredNodeIterator(_node, _callback, _context)
for (var i = 0; i < _node.childNodes.length; i++)
var node = _node.childNodes[i];
var nodeName = node.nodeName.toLowerCase();
if (nodeName.charAt(0) != "#")
_callback.call(_context, node, nodeName);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<label value="Grid with horizontal orientation:"/>
<label value="Northwest"/>
<label value="Northeast"/>
<label value="Equator"/>
<label value="Southwest"/>
<label value="Southeast"/>
<label value="Grid with vertical orientation:"/>
<label value="Northwest"/>
<label value="Northeast"/>
<label value="Equator"/>
<label value="Southwest"/>
<label value="Southeast"/>
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
<script src="../et2_widget.js"></script>
<script src="../et2_template.js"></script>
<script src="../et2_description.js"></script>
<script src="../et2_grid.js"></script>
<style type="text/css">
body {
font-family: Lucida Grande, sans-serif;
@ -71,6 +72,7 @@
<div id="linklist">
<a href="#" onclick="open_xet('../../../timesheet/templates/default/edit.xet');">Timesheet edit dialog</a>
<a href="#" onclick="open_xet('et2_test_template.xet');">Template proxy test</a>
<a href="#" onclick="open_xet('et2_test_grid.xet');">Grid test</a>
<div class="header">ETemplate2 container:</div>
<div id="container"></div>
Reference in New Issue
Block a user