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synced 2025-03-03 01:21:42 +01:00
Replace langs using phpGroupWare
This commit is contained in:
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
$host = 'us3.phpgroupware.org';
$host = 'us.egroupware.org';
$path = '/cvsdemo/xmlrpc.php';
$GLOBALS['phpgw_setup']->html->show_header(lang('Application List'),True);
@ -269,7 +269,7 @@
$setup_tpl->set_var('more_configs',lang('Please login to phpgroupware and run the admin application for additional site configuration') . '.');
$setup_tpl->set_var('more_configs',lang('Please login to egroupware and run the admin application for additional site configuration') . '.');
@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
* phpGroupWare *
* http://www.phpgroupware.org *
* Written by Mark Peters <skeeter@phpgroupware.org> *
* -------------------------------------------- *
* Written by Miles Lott <milos@groupwhere.org> *
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the *
* Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your *
@ -144,13 +144,13 @@
lang('You appear to be running an old version of PHP <br>It its recommend that you upgrade to a new version. <br>Older version of PHP might not run phpGroupWare correctly, if at all. <br><br>Please upgrade to at least version %1','4.1'));
lang('You appear to be running an old version of PHP <br>It its recommend that you upgrade to a new version. <br>Older version of PHP might not run eGroupWare correctly, if at all. <br><br>Please upgrade to at least version %1','4.1'));
// BEGIN setup page
$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['app_images'] = 'templates/default/images';
$incomplete = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['app_images'] . '/incomplete.png';
@ -196,7 +196,7 @@
case 2:
$setup_tpl->set_var('prebeta',lang('You appear to be running a pre-beta version of phpGroupWare.<br>These versions are no longer supported, and there is no upgrade path for them in setup.<br> You may wish to first upgrade to 0.9.10 (the last version to support pre-beta upgrades) <br>and then upgrade from there with the current version.'));
$setup_tpl->set_var('prebeta',lang('You appear to be running a pre-beta version of eGroupWare.<br>These versions are no longer supported, and there is no upgrade path for them in setup.<br> You may wish to first upgrade to 0.9.10 (the last version to support pre-beta upgrades) <br>and then upgrade from there with the current version.'));
$setup_tpl->set_var('notcomplete',lang('not complete'));
$db_filled_block = $setup_tpl->get_var('V_db_stage_2');
@ -212,7 +212,7 @@
case 4:
$setup_tpl->set_var('oldver',lang('You appear to be running version %1 of phpGroupWare',$setup_info['phpgwapi']['currentver']));
$setup_tpl->set_var('oldver',lang('You appear to be running version %1 of eGroupWare',$setup_info['phpgwapi']['currentver']));
$setup_tpl->set_var('automatic',lang('We will automatically update your tables/records to %1',$setup_info['phpgwapi']['version']));
@ -308,7 +308,7 @@
$setup_tpl->set_var('config_status_alt',lang('not completed'));
$btn_config_now = $GLOBALS['phpgw_setup']->html->make_frm_btn_simple(
lang('Please configure phpGroupWare for your environment'),
lang('Please configure eGroupWare for your environment'),
'submit',lang('Configure Now'),
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
$stage_title = lang('Multi-Language support setup');
$stage_desc = lang('This program will help you upgrade or install different languages for phpGroupWare');
$stage_desc = lang('This program will help you upgrade or install different languages for eGroupWare');
$tbl_width = @$newinstall ? '60%' : '80%';
$td_colspan = @$newinstall ? '1' : '2';
$td_align = @$newinstall ? ' align="center"' : '';
@ -127,14 +127,14 @@ enter the hostname of the machine on which this server is running setup de Hostn
enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> setup de URL zur eGroupWare Installation.<br>Beispiel: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>keinen nachfolgenden Slash /</b>
enter the site password for peer servers setup de Site Passwort für Peer Server
enter the site username for peer servers setup de Site Benutzername für Peer Server
enter the title for your site setup de Titel der phpGroupWare Installation
enter the title for your site setup de Titel der eGroupWare Installation
enter your default ftp server setup de Default FTP Server
enter your http proxy server setup de HTTP Proxy Server
enter your http proxy server password setup de Passwort des HTTP Proxy Server
enter your http proxy server port setup de Port des HTTP Proxy Server
enter your http proxy server username setup de Benutzername des HTTP Proxy Server
export has been completed! you will need to set the user passwords manually. setup de Export ist abgeschlossen! Sie müssen die Benutzerpasswörter manuell setzen.
export phpgroupware accounts from sql to ldap setup de phpGroupWare Benutzerkonten von SQL nach LDAP exportieren
export egroupware accounts from sql to ldap setup de eGroupWare Benutzerkonten von SQL nach LDAP exportieren
export sql users to ldap setup de SQL-Benutzer in LDAP exportieren
file setup de DATEI
file type, size, version, etc. setup de Datei Typ, Größe, Version, usw.
@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ if you did not receive any errors, your applications have been setup de Wenn Sie
if you did not receive any errors, your tables have been setup de Wenn sie keine Fehlermeldungen erhalten, wurden Ihre Tabellen
if you running this the first time, don't forget to manualy %1 !!! setup de Wenn sie das zum ersten mal ausführen, vergessen sie nicht manuell die %1 !!!
image type selection order setup de Auswahlreihenfolge der Bilddateitypen
import accounts from ldap to the phpgroupware accounts table (for a new install using sql accounts) setup de Benutzerkonton von LDAP in die phpGroupWare Kontentabelle importieren (für eine neue Installation mit SQL Konten)
import accounts from ldap to the egroupware accounts table (for a new install using sql accounts) setup de Benutzerkonton von LDAP in die eGroupWare Kontentabelle importieren (für eine neue Installation mit SQL Konten)
import has been completed! setup de Import ist beendet!
import ldap users/groups setup de LDAP Benutzer/Gruppen importieren
importing old settings into the new format.... setup de Importiere alte Einstellung in das neue Format ...
@ -206,10 +206,10 @@ mcrypt version setup de MCrypt Version
minimum account id (e.g. 500 or 100, etc.) setup de Minimum für Benutzer Id (zB. 500 oder 100)
modifications have been completed! setup de Änderung ist abgeschlossen!
modify setup de Ändern
modify an existing ldap account store for use with phpgroupware (for a new install using ldap accounts) setup de Bestehende LDAP Benutzerkonten für die Benutzung durch phpGroupWare anpassen (für eine neue Installation mit LDAP Konten)
modify an existing ldap account store for use with egroupware (for a new install using ldap accounts) setup de Bestehende LDAP Benutzerkonten für die Benutzung durch eGroupWare anpassen (für eine neue Installation mit LDAP Konten)
multi-language support setup setup de Mehr-Sprachen Unterstützung einrichten
name of database setup de Name der Datenbank
name of db user phpgroupware uses to connect setup de Name des Datenbank-Benutzers den phpGroupWare verwendet
name of db user egroupware uses to connect setup de Name des Datenbank-Benutzers den eGroupWare verwendet
never setup de niemals
new setup de Neu
no setup de Nein
@ -242,15 +242,15 @@ passwords did not match, please re-enter setup de Passworte stimmten nicht
path information setup de Pfadinformationen
path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! setup de Pfad zu Benutzer und Gruppen Dateien MUSS AUSSERHALB des Wurzelverzeichnisses (Document-root) des Webservers sein!!!
persistent connections setup de Permanennte Verbindungen
phpgroupware administration manual setup de phpGroupWare Adminsitrationsmanual (nur in englisch)
egroupware administration manual setup de eGroupWare Adminsitrationsmanual (nur in englisch)
please check for sql scripts within the application's directory setup de Bitte schauen Sie nach sql-Scripten im Applikations-Ordner
please check read/write permissions on directories, or back up and use another option. setup de Bitte überprüfen sie die lese/schreib Rechte der Verzeichnisse oder gehen sie zurück und benutzen eine andere Option.
please configure phpgroupware for your environment setup de Bitte konfigurieren Sie phpGroupWare für Ihre Umgebung
please configure egroupware for your environment setup de Bitte konfigurieren Sie eGroupWare für Ihre Umgebung
please consult the %1. setup de Bitte konsultieren sie das %1.
please fix the above errors (%1) and warnings(%2) and %3continue to the header admin%4 setup de Bitte beheben sie die obigen Fehler (%1) und Warnungen (%2) und machen Sie %3weiter mit dem Header Admin%4
please install setup de Bitte installieren
please login setup de Bitte einlogen
please login to phpgroupware and run the admin application for additional site configuration setup de Bitte in phpGroupWare einloggen und die Administration für weitere Konfigurationen aufrufen.
please login to egroupware and run the admin application for additional site configuration setup de Bitte in eGroupWare einloggen und die Administration für weitere Konfigurationen aufrufen.
please wait... setup de Bitte warten ...
possible reasons setup de Mögliche Gründe
possible solutions setup de Mögliche Lösungen
@ -327,10 +327,10 @@ there was a problem trying to connect to your ldap server. <br> setup de Es gab
there was a problem trying to connect to your ldap server. <br>please check your ldap server configuration setup de Es gab ein Problem eine Verbindung zu ihrem LDAP Server herzustellen.<br>Bitte überprüfen sie die Konfiguration ihres LDAP servers.
this has to be outside the webservers document-root!!! setup de Muss ausserhalb der document-root des Webservers sein!!!
this program will convert your database to a new system-charset. setup de Diese Programm wird ihre Datenbank in einen neuen Systemzeichensatz konvertieren.
this program will help you upgrade or install different languages for phpgroupware setup de Dieses Programm wird Ihnen bei der Aktualisierung oder Installation verschiedender Sprachen für phpGroupWare behilflich sein
this section will help you export users and groups from phpgroupware's account tables into your ldap tree setup de Dieser Abschnitt wird Ihnen beim exportieren von Benutzern/Gruppen aus phpGroupWare's Account Tabellen in Ihren LDAP Baum behilflich sein
this section will help you import users and groups from your ldap tree into phpgroupware's account tables setup de Dieser Abschnitt wird Ihnen beim importieren von Benutzern/Gruppen aus Ihrem LDAP Baum in phpGroupWare's Account Tabellen behilflich sein
this section will help you setup your ldap accounts for use with phpgroupware setup de Dieser Abschnitt wird ihnen helfen ihrer LDAP Benutzer für phpGroupWare vorzubereiten.
this program will help you upgrade or install different languages for egroupware setup de Dieses Programm wird Ihnen bei der Aktualisierung oder Installation verschiedender Sprachen für eGroupWare behilflich sein
this section will help you export users and groups from egroupware's account tables into your ldap tree setup de Dieser Abschnitt wird Ihnen beim exportieren von Benutzern/Gruppen aus eGroupWare's Account Tabellen in Ihren LDAP Baum behilflich sein
this section will help you import users and groups from your ldap tree into egroupware's account tables setup de Dieser Abschnitt wird Ihnen beim importieren von Benutzern/Gruppen aus Ihrem LDAP Baum in eGroupWare's Account Tabellen behilflich sein
this section will help you setup your ldap accounts for use with egroupware setup de Dieser Abschnitt wird ihnen helfen ihrer LDAP Benutzer für eGroupWare vorzubereiten.
this should be around 30 bytes in length.<br>note: the default has been randomly generated. setup de Das sollte ungefähr 30 Zeichen lang sein<br>Hinweis: Die Vorgabe wurde zufällig erzeugt.
this stage is completed<br> setup de Dieser Schritt ist abgeschlossen<br>
this will create 1 admin account and 3 demo accounts<br>the username/passwords are: demo/guest, demo2/guest and demo3/guest.<br><b>!!!this will delete all existing accounts!!!</b><br> setup de Dies wird 1 Admin- und 3 Demo Benutzerkonten erstellen<br>Die Benutzernamen/Passworte sind: demo/guest, demo2/guest and demo3/guest.<br><b>!!!DIES WIRD ALLE EXISTIERENDEN BENUTZERKONTEN LÖSCHEN!!!</b><br>
@ -340,7 +340,7 @@ top setup de oben
translations added setup de Übersetzungen hinzugefügt
translations removed setup de Übersetzungen entfernt
translations upgraded setup de Übersetzungen aktualisiert
try to configure your php to support one of the above mentioned dbms, or install phpgroupware by hand. setup de Versuchen sie ihr php so zu konfigurieren, dass es eine der oben genannten Datenbanken unterstützt, oder installieren sie phpGroupWare von Hand.
try to configure your php to support one of the above mentioned dbms, or install egroupware by hand. setup de Versuchen sie ihr php so zu konfigurieren, dass es eine der oben genannten Datenbanken unterstützt, oder installieren sie eGroupWare von Hand.
two weeks setup de zwei Wochen
uninstall setup de deinstaliert
uninstall all applications setup de Alle Anwendungen deinstallieren
@ -359,16 +359,16 @@ warning! setup de Warnung!
we can proceed setup de Wir können fortfahren
we will automatically update your tables/records to %1 setup de Wir werden Ihre Tabellen/Einträge automatisch zu %1 aktualisieren
what type of sessions management do you want to use (php4 session management may perform better)? setup de Welches Session Management wollen sie verwenden (PHP4 Session Management hat eine bessere performance)?
which database type do you want to use with phpgroupware? setup de Welchen Datanbanktyp wollen sie mit phpGroupWare verwenden?
would you like phpgroupware to cache the phpgw info array ? setup de Soll phpGroupWare das phpgw info Array cachen ?
would you like phpgroupware to check for a new version<br>when admins login ? setup de Soll phpGroupWare nach neuen Versionen suchen,<br> wenn sich ein Administrator anmeldet ?
which database type do you want to use with egroupware? setup de Welchen Datanbanktyp wollen sie mit eGroupWare verwenden?
would you like egroupware to cache the phpgw info array ? setup de Soll eGroupWare das phpgw info Array cachen ?
would you like egroupware to check for a new version<br>when admins login ? setup de Soll eGroupWare nach neuen Versionen suchen,<br> wenn sich ein Administrator anmeldet ?
would you like to show each application's upgrade status ? setup de Soll der Upgrade-Status aller Anwendungen angezeigt werden ?
write config setup de Konfiguration schreiben
yes setup de Ja
you appear to be running a pre-beta version of phpgroupware.<br>these versions are no longer supported, and there is no upgrade path for them in setup.<br> you may wish to first upgrade to 0.9.10 (the last version to support pre-beta upgrades) <br>and then upgrade from there with the current version. setup de Es sieht so aus, als ob Sie eine vor-beta Version von phpGroupWare benutzen.<br>Diese Versionen werden nicht länger unterstützt, und es gibt keinen Aktualisierungs-Pfad für sie im Einrichtung-Programm.<br>Sie möchten vieleicht erst auf
you appear to be running an old version of php <br>it its recommend that you upgrade to a new version. <br>older version of php might not run phpgroupware correctly, if at all. <br><br>please upgrade to at least version %1 setup de Es sieht so aus als ob Sie eine alte PHP-Version benutzen<br>Es ist notwendig auf eine neue Version zu aktualisieren.<br>Ältere PHP-Versionen könnten phpGroupWare (wenn überhaupt) nicht korrekt ausführen. <br><br>Biite aktualisieren Sie mindestens auf Version %1
you appear to be running version %1 of phpgroupware setup de Es sieht so aus als benutzen Sie Version %1 von phpGroupWare
you appear to be using php earlier than 4.1.0. phpgroupware now requires 4.1.0 or later setup de Sie scheinen php in einer Version vor 4.1.0 zu verwenden. phpGroupWare benötigt nun Version 4.1.0 oder höher.
you appear to be running a pre-beta version of egroupware.<br>these versions are no longer supported, and there is no upgrade path for them in setup.<br> you may wish to first upgrade to 0.9.10 (the last version to support pre-beta upgrades) <br>and then upgrade from there with the current version. setup de Es sieht so aus, als ob Sie eine vor-beta Version von eGroupWare benutzen.<br>Diese Versionen werden nicht länger unterstützt, und es gibt keinen Aktualisierungs-Pfad für sie im Einrichtung-Programm.<br>Sie möchten vieleicht erst auf
you appear to be running an old version of php <br>it its recommend that you upgrade to a new version. <br>older version of php might not run egroupware correctly, if at all. <br><br>please upgrade to at least version %1 setup de Es sieht so aus als ob Sie eine alte PHP-Version benutzen<br>Es ist notwendig auf eine neue Version zu aktualisieren.<br>Ältere PHP-Versionen könnten eGroupWare (wenn überhaupt) nicht korrekt ausführen. <br><br>Biite aktualisieren Sie mindestens auf Version %1
you appear to be running version %1 of egroupware setup de Es sieht so aus als benutzen Sie Version %1 von eGroupWare
you appear to be using php earlier than 4.1.0. egroupware now requires 4.1.0 or later setup de Sie scheinen php in einer Version vor 4.1.0 zu verwenden. eGroupWare benötigt nun Version 4.1.0 oder höher.
you appear to be using php3. disabling php4 sessions support setup de Sie scheinen PHP3 zu verwenden. Schalte PHP4 Session Unterstützung ab.
you appear to be using php4. enabling php4 sessions support setup de Sie scheinen PHP4 zu verwenden. Schalte PHP4 Session Unterstützung ein.
you appear to have microsoft sql server support enabled setup de Sie scheinen Microsoft SQL Server Unterstützung zu haben.
@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ enter your http proxy server password setup en Enter your HTTP proxy server pass
enter your http proxy server port setup en Enter your HTTP proxy server port
enter your http proxy server username setup en Enter your HTTP proxy server username
export has been completed! you will need to set the user passwords manually. setup en Export has been completed! You will need to set the user passwords manually.
export phpgroupware accounts from sql to ldap setup en Export eGroupWare accounts from SQL to LDAP
export egroupware accounts from sql to ldap setup en Export eGroupWare accounts from SQL to LDAP
export sql users to ldap setup en Export SQL users to LDAP
file setup en FILE
file type, size, version, etc. setup en file type, size, version, etc.
@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ if you did not receive any errors, your applications have been setup en If you d
if you did not receive any errors, your tables have been setup en If you did not receive any errors, your tables have been
if you running this the first time, don't forget to manualy %1 !!! setup en If you running this the first time, don't forget to manualy %1 !!!
image type selection order setup en Image type selection order
import accounts from ldap to the phpgroupware accounts table (for a new install using sql accounts) setup en Import accounts from LDAP to the eGroupWare accounts table (for a new install using SQL accounts)
import accounts from ldap to the egroupware accounts table (for a new install using sql accounts) setup en Import accounts from LDAP to the eGroupWare accounts table (for a new install using SQL accounts)
import has been completed! setup en Import has been completed!
import ldap users/groups setup en Import LDAP users/groups
importing old settings into the new format.... setup en Importing old settings into the new format....
@ -205,10 +205,10 @@ mcrypt version setup en MCrypt version
minimum account id (e.g. 500 or 100, etc.) setup en Minimum account id (e.g. 500 or 100, etc.)
modifications have been completed! setup en Modifications have been completed!
modify setup en Modify
modify an existing ldap account store for use with phpgroupware (for a new install using ldap accounts) setup en Modify an existing LDAP account store for use with eGroupWare (for a new install using LDAP accounts)
modify an existing ldap account store for use with egroupware (for a new install using ldap accounts) setup en Modify an existing LDAP account store for use with eGroupWare (for a new install using LDAP accounts)
multi-language support setup setup en Multi-Language support setup
name of database setup en Name of database
name of db user phpgroupware uses to connect setup en Name of db user eGroupWare uses to connect
name of db user egroupware uses to connect setup en Name of db user eGroupWare uses to connect
never setup en never
new setup en New
no setup en No
@ -241,15 +241,15 @@ passwords did not match, please re-enter setup en Passwords did not match, pleas
path information setup en Path information
path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! setup en Path to user and group files HAS TO BE OUTSIDE of the webservers document-root!!!
persistent connections setup en Persistent connections
phpgroupware administration manual setup en eGroupWare Administration Manual
egroupware administration manual setup en eGroupWare Administration Manual
please check for sql scripts within the application's directory setup en Please check for sql scripts within the application's directory
please check read/write permissions on directories, or back up and use another option. setup en Please check read/write permissions on directories, or back up and use another option.
please configure phpgroupware for your environment setup en Please configure eGroupWare for your environment
please configure egroupware for your environment setup en Please configure eGroupWare for your environment
please consult the %1. setup en Please consult the %1.
please fix the above errors (%1) and warnings(%2) and %3continue to the header admin%4 setup en Please fix the above errors (%1) and warnings(%2) and %3continue to the Header Admin%4
please install setup en Please install
please login setup en Please login
please login to phpgroupware and run the admin application for additional site configuration setup en Please login to eGroupWare and run the admin application for additional site configuration
please login to egroupware and run the admin application for additional site configuration setup en Please login to eGroupWare and run the admin application for additional site configuration
please wait... setup en Please Wait...
possible reasons setup en Possible Reasons
possible solutions setup en Possible Solutions
@ -326,10 +326,10 @@ there was a problem trying to connect to your ldap server. <br> setup en There w
there was a problem trying to connect to your ldap server. <br>please check your ldap server configuration setup en There was a problem trying to connect to your LDAP server. <br>please check your LDAP server configuration
this has to be outside the webservers document-root!!! setup en This has to be outside the webservers document-root!!!
this program will convert your database to a new system-charset. setup en This program will convert your database to a new system-charset.
this program will help you upgrade or install different languages for phpgroupware setup en This program will help you upgrade or install different languages for eGroupWare
this section will help you export users and groups from phpgroupware's account tables into your ldap tree setup en This section will help you export users and groups from eGroupWare's account tables into your LDAP tree
this section will help you import users and groups from your ldap tree into phpgroupware's account tables setup en This section will help you import users and groups from your LDAP tree into eGroupWare's account tables
this section will help you setup your ldap accounts for use with phpgroupware setup en This section will help you setup your LDAP accounts for use with eGroupWare
this program will help you upgrade or install different languages for egroupware setup en This program will help you upgrade or install different languages for eGroupWare
this section will help you export users and groups from egroupware's account tables into your ldap tree setup en This section will help you export users and groups from eGroupWare's account tables into your LDAP tree
this section will help you import users and groups from your ldap tree into egroupware's account tables setup en This section will help you import users and groups from your LDAP tree into eGroupWare's account tables
this section will help you setup your ldap accounts for use with egroupware setup en This section will help you setup your LDAP accounts for use with eGroupWare
this should be around 30 bytes in length.<br>note: the default has been randomly generated. setup en This should be around 30 bytes in length.<br>Note: The default has been randomly generated.
this stage is completed<br> setup en This stage is completed<br>
this will create 1 admin account and 3 demo accounts<br>the username/passwords are: demo/guest, demo2/guest and demo3/guest.<br><b>!!!this will delete all existing accounts!!!</b><br> setup en This will create 1 admin account and 3 demo accounts<br>The username/passwords are: demo/guest, demo2/guest and demo3/guest.<br><b>!!!THIS WILL DELETE ALL EXISTING ACCOUNTS!!!</b><br>
@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ top setup en top
translations added setup en Translations Added
translations removed setup en Translations Removed
translations upgraded setup en Translations Upgraded
try to configure your php to support one of the above mentioned dbms, or install phpgroupware by hand. setup en Try to configure your php to support one of the above mentioned DBMS, or install eGroupWare by hand.
try to configure your php to support one of the above mentioned dbms, or install egroupware by hand. setup en Try to configure your php to support one of the above mentioned DBMS, or install eGroupWare by hand.
two weeks setup en two weeks
uninstall setup en uninstall
uninstall all applications setup en Uninstall all applications
@ -358,16 +358,16 @@ warning! setup en Warning!
we can proceed setup en We can proceed
we will automatically update your tables/records to %1 setup en We will automatically update your tables/records to %1
what type of sessions management do you want to use (php4 session management may perform better)? setup en What type of sessions management do you want to use (PHP4 session management may perform better)?
which database type do you want to use with phpgroupware? setup en Which database type do you want to use with eGroupWare?
would you like phpgroupware to cache the phpgw info array ? setup en Would you like eGroupWare to cache the phpgw info array ?
would you like phpgroupware to check for a new version<br>when admins login ? setup en Would you like eGroupWare to check for a new version<br>when admins login ?
which database type do you want to use with egroupware? setup en Which database type do you want to use with eGroupWare?
would you like egroupware to cache the phpgw info array ? setup en Would you like eGroupWare to cache the phpgw info array ?
would you like egroupware to check for a new version<br>when admins login ? setup en Would you like eGroupWare to check for a new version<br>when admins login ?
would you like to show each application's upgrade status ? setup en Would you like to show each application's upgrade status ?
write config setup en Write config
yes setup en Yes
you appear to be running a pre-beta version of phpgroupware.<br>these versions are no longer supported, and there is no upgrade path for them in setup.<br> you may wish to first upgrade to 0.9.10 (the last version to support pre-beta upgrades) <br>and then upgrade from there with the current version. setup en You appear to be running a pre-beta version of eGroupWare.<br>These versions are no longer supported, and there is no upgrade path for them in setup.<br> You may wish to first upgrade to 0.9.10 (the last version to support pre-beta upgrades) <br>and then upgrade from there with the current version.
you appear to be running an old version of php <br>it its recommend that you upgrade to a new version. <br>older version of php might not run phpgroupware correctly, if at all. <br><br>please upgrade to at least version %1 setup en You appear to be running an old version of PHP <br>It its recommend that you upgrade to a new version. <br>Older version of PHP might not run eGroupWare correctly, if at all. <br><br>Please upgrade to at least version %1
you appear to be running version %1 of phpgroupware setup en You appear to be running version %1 of eGroupWare
you appear to be using php earlier than 4.1.0. phpgroupware now requires 4.1.0 or later setup en You appear to be using PHP earlier than 4.1.0. eGroupWare now requires 4.1.0 or later
you appear to be running a pre-beta version of egroupware.<br>these versions are no longer supported, and there is no upgrade path for them in setup.<br> you may wish to first upgrade to 0.9.10 (the last version to support pre-beta upgrades) <br>and then upgrade from there with the current version. setup en You appear to be running a pre-beta version of eGroupWare.<br>These versions are no longer supported, and there is no upgrade path for them in setup.<br> You may wish to first upgrade to 0.9.10 (the last version to support pre-beta upgrades) <br>and then upgrade from there with the current version.
you appear to be running an old version of php <br>it its recommend that you upgrade to a new version. <br>older version of php might not run egroupware correctly, if at all. <br><br>please upgrade to at least version %1 setup en You appear to be running an old version of PHP <br>It its recommend that you upgrade to a new version. <br>Older version of PHP might not run eGroupWare correctly, if at all. <br><br>Please upgrade to at least version %1
you appear to be running version %1 of egroupware setup en You appear to be running version %1 of eGroupWare
you appear to be using php earlier than 4.1.0. egroupware now requires 4.1.0 or later setup en You appear to be using PHP earlier than 4.1.0. eGroupWare now requires 4.1.0 or later
you appear to be using php3. disabling php4 sessions support setup en You appear to be using PHP3. Disabling PHP4 sessions support
you appear to be using php4. enabling php4 sessions support setup en You appear to be using PHP4. Enabling PHP4 sessions support
you appear to have microsoft sql server support enabled setup en You appear to have Microsoft SQL Server support enabled
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ makesure setup es Asegurese que su base de datos est
manage applications setup es Administrar Aplicaciones
manage languages setup es Administrar Idiomas
multi-language support setup setup es Configuración del soporte Multi-Idioma
mysqlinstr setup es Instrucciones para crear la base de datos en MySQL:<br>Autentifiquese en mysql -<br><i>[usuario@servidor usuario]# mysql -u root -p</i><br>Cree la base de datos vacia y conceda permisos al usuario -<br><i>mysql> create database phpgroupware;</i><br><i>mysql> grant all on phpgroupware.* to phpgroupware@localhost identified by 'password';</i>
mysqlinstr setup es Instrucciones para crear la base de datos en MySQL:<br>Autentifiquese en mysql -<br><i>[usuario@servidor usuario]# mysql -u root -p</i><br>Cree la base de datos vacia y conceda permisos al usuario -<br><i>mysql> create database egroupware;</i><br><i>mysql> grant all on egroupware.* to egroupware@localhost identified by 'password';</i>
not complete setup es no completado
note: you will be able to customize this later setup es Nota: Usted tendrá que personalizar esto luego
not ready for this stage yet setup es No está listo para esta fase todabía
@ -78,9 +78,9 @@ once the database is setup correctly setup es Una vez que la base de datos est
only add languages that are not in the database already setup es Sólo añade los nuevos idiomas que no están ya en la base de datos
only add new phrases setup es Sólo añade las nuevas frases
passwords did not match, please re-enter setup es Las contreñas no coinciden, por favor vuelvalas a introducir
pgsqlinstr setup es Instrucciones para cræar la base de datos en PostgreSQL:<br>Inicie el postmaster<br><i>[usuario@servidor usuario]# postmaster -i -D /home/[usuario]/[dataDir]</i><br>Crear la base de datos vacia -<br><i>[usuario@servidor usuario]# createdb phpgroupware</i>
pgsqlinstr setup es Instrucciones para cræar la base de datos en PostgreSQL:<br>Inicie el postmaster<br><i>[usuario@servidor usuario]# postmaster -i -D /home/[usuario]/[dataDir]</i><br>Crear la base de datos vacia -<br><i>[usuario@servidor usuario]# createdb egroupware</i>
please check for sql scripts within the application's directory setup es Por favor comprueve los guiones sql en el directorio de la aplicación
please configure phpGroupWare for your environment setup es Por favor configure phpGroupware para su entorno
please configure eGroupWare for your environment setup es Por favor configure phpGroupware para su entorno
please install setup es Por favor Instale
please wait... setup es Please Wait...
possible solutions setup es Posibles Soluciones
@ -118,8 +118,8 @@ tables upgraded setup es tablas actualizadas
target version setup es Versión Objetivo
there was a problem tring to connect to your ldap server. <br>please check your LDAP server configuration setup es Hubo un problema intentando conectar con su servidor LDAP.<br>Por favor comprueve la configuración de su servidor LDAP
the tables setup es las tablas
this program will help you upgrade or install different languages for phpGroupWare setup es Este programa le ayudará a actualizar o instalar diferentes idiomas para phpGroupWare
this section will help you import users and groups from your ldap tree into phpGroupWare's account tables setup es Esta sección le ayudará a importar usuarios y grupos desde su arbol LDAP a las tablas de cuentas de usuarios/grupos de phpGroupWare
this program will help you upgrade or install different languages for eGroupWare setup es Este programa le ayudará a actualizar o instalar diferentes idiomas para eGroupWare
this section will help you import users and groups from your ldap tree into eGroupWare's account tables setup es Esta sección le ayudará a importar usuarios y grupos desde su arbol LDAP a las tablas de cuentas de usuarios/grupos de eGroupWare
this stage is completed<br> setup es Esta fase está completada<br>
this will create 1 admin account and 3 demo accounts<br>the username/passwords are: demo/guest, demo2/guest and demo3/guest.<br><b>!!!THIS WILL DELETE ALL EXISTING ACCOUNTS!!!</b><br> setup es Esto creará 1 cuenta de administrador y 3 cuentas de demostración<br>Los nombres de usuario/contraseñas son: demo/guest, demo2/guest and demo3/guest.<br><b>!!!ESTO ELIMINARÁ TODAS LAS CUENTAS EXISTENTES!!!</b><br>
to setup 1 admin account and 3 demo accounts.<br><b>this will delete all existing accounts</b> setup es para configurar 1 cuenta de administrador y 3 cuentas de demonstración.<br><b>Esto eliminará todas las cuentas existentes</b>
@ -128,9 +128,9 @@ upgrade setup es Actualizar
upgrading tables setup es Actualizando Tablas
version mismatch setup es Dispariad de Versiones
we will automatically update your tables/records to %1 setup es Actualizaremos automáticamente sus tablas/registros a %1
you appear to be running an old version of PHP <br>It its recommend that you upgrade to a new version. <br>Older version of PHP might not run phpGroupWare correctly, if at all. <br><br>Please upgrade to at least version 3.0.16 setup es Parece que está ejecutando una versión antigüa de PHP<br>Le recomedamos que actulice a una versión mas nueva.<br>Algunas versiones antigüas de PHP pueden no ejecutar phpGroupWare correctamente, o simplemente no ejecutarlo. <br><br>Por favor actualize su versión de php por lo menos a la 3.0.16
You appear to be running a pre-beta version of phpGroupWare.<br>These versions are no longer supported, and there is no upgrade path for them in setup.<br> You may wish to first upgrade to 0.9.10 (the last version to support pre-beta upgrades) <br>and then upgrade from there with the current version. setup es Parece que está usted ejecutando una versión pre-beta de phpGroupware.<br>Esas versiones no dispondran mas de soporte, y no hay forma de actualizarlas con esta utilidad.<br> Puede que usted desee primero actualizar a la versión 0.9.10 (la última versión que soportó actualizaciones desde las versiones pre-beta) <br>y luego actulizar desde esta a la versión actual.
you appear to be running version %1 of phpGroupWare setup es Parece que está ejecutando la versión %1 de phpGroupWare
you appear to be running an old version of PHP <br>It its recommend that you upgrade to a new version. <br>Older version of PHP might not run eGroupWare correctly, if at all. <br><br>Please upgrade to at least version 4.1.0 setup es Parece que está ejecutando una versión antigüa de PHP<br>Le recomedamos que actulice a una versión mas nueva.<br>Algunas versiones antigüas de PHP pueden no ejecutar eGroupWare correctamente, o simplemente no ejecutarlo. <br><br>Por favor actualize su versión de php por lo menos a la 4.1.0
You appear to be running a pre-beta version of eGroupWare.<br>These versions are no longer supported, and there is no upgrade path for them in setup.<br> You may wish to first upgrade to 0.9.10 (the last version to support pre-beta upgrades) <br>and then upgrade from there with the current version. setup es Parece que está usted ejecutando una versión pre-beta de phpGroupware.<br>Esas versiones no dispondran mas de soporte, y no hay forma de actualizarlas con esta utilidad.<br> Puede que usted desee primero actualizar a la versión 0.9.10 (la última versión que soportó actualizaciones desde las versiones pre-beta) <br>y luego actulizar desde esta a la versión actual.
you appear to be running version %1 of eGroupWare setup es Parece que está ejecutando la versión %1 de eGroupWare
you are ready for this stage, but this stage is not yet written.<br> setup es Está preparado para esta fase, pero esta fase no ha sido escrita todabía.<br>
you do not have any languages installed. please install one now <br> setup es No tiene soporte para ningún idioma instalado. Por favor instale uno ahora <br>
you must enter a username for the admin setup es Debe de introducir una nombre de usuario para el administrador
@ -70,14 +70,14 @@ enter some random text for app session encryption setup fi Anna hieman satunnais
Enter the full path for temporary files.<br>Examples: /tmp, C:\TEMP setup fi Anna absoluuttinen polku väliaikaistiedostoille.<br>Esimerkkejä: /tmp, C:\TEMP
Enter the full path for users and group files.<br>Examples: /files, E:\FILES setup fi Anna absoluuttinen polku käyttäjien ja ryhmien tiedostoille.<br>Esimerkkejä: /files, E:\FILES
Enter the hostname of the machine on which this server is running setup fi Anna palvelimen isäntänimi (hostname)
Enter the location of eGroupWare's URL.<br>Example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>No trailing slash</b> setup fi Anna eGroupWare:n URL.<br>Esimerkiksi: http://www.domain.com/egroupware tai /phpgroupware<br><b>Ei kauttaviivaa loppuun</b>
Enter the location of eGroupWare's URL.<br>Example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>No trailing slash</b> setup fi Anna eGroupWare:n URL.<br>Esimerkiksi: http://www.domain.com/egroupware tai /egroupware<br><b>Ei kauttaviivaa loppuun</b>
Enter the site password for peer servers setup fi Anna salasana rinnakkaispalvelimille
Enter the site username for peer servers setup fi Anna käyttäjätunnus rinnakkaispalvelimille
Enter the title for your site setup fi Anna palvelun nimi
Enter your default FTP server setup fi Anna oletuksena käytettävä FTP-palvelin
Enter your HTTP proxy server port setup fi Anna HTTP-välityspalvelimen portti
Enter your HTTP proxy server setup fi Anna HTTP-välityspalvelin
export phpgroupware accounts from sql to ldap setup fi Vie phpGroupWare käyttäjätunnukset SQL => LDAP
export egroupware accounts from sql to ldap setup fi Vie eGroupWare käyttäjätunnukset SQL => LDAP
export sql users to ldap setup fi Vie SQL => LDAP
for a new install, select import. to convert existing sql accounts to ldap, select export setup fi Uutta asennusta varten valitse Tuo. Valitse Vie muuntaaksesi vanhat SQL-tunnukset LDAP-tunnuksiksi.
force selectbox setup fi Pakota -valintalisto
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ if the application has no defined tables, selecting upgrade should remedy the pr
If using LDAP, do you want to manage homedirectory and loginshell attributes? setup fi Jos käytät LDAP-hakemistoa, haluatko hallita kotihakemistoja ja shellejä?
if you did not receive any errors, your applications have been setup fi Jos virheilmoituksia ei tullut, sovellukset on nyt
if you did not receive any errors, your tables have been setup fi Jos virheilmoituksia ei tullut, taulut on nyt
import accounts from ldap to the phpgroupware accounts table (for a new install using sql accounts) setup fi Tuo tunnukset LDAP => phpGroupWare tunnustaulu (uusi asennus ja käytetään SQL käyttäjätunnuksia)
import accounts from ldap to the egroupware accounts table (for a new install using sql accounts) setup fi Tuo tunnukset LDAP => eGroupWare tunnustaulu (uusi asennus ja käytetään SQL käyttäjätunnuksia)
import ldap users/groups setup fi Tuo LDAP käyttäjät/ryhmät
insanity setup fi Sulaa hulluutta
install Applications setup fi Asenna sovellukset
@ -123,9 +123,9 @@ mcrypt algorithm (default tripledes) setup fi Mcrypt salaustapa (oletus TRIPLEDE
mcrypt mode (default cbc) setup fi Mcrypt moodi (oletus CBC)
mcrypt settings (requires mcrypt php extension) setup fi Mcrypt -asetukset (vaatii mcrypt PHP laajennuksen)
Minimum account id (e.g. 500 or 100, etc.) setup fi Pienin tunnus-id (esim. 500 tai 100, jne)
modify an existing ldap account store for use with phpgroupware (for a new install using ldap accounts) setup fi Muuunna vanha LDAP tunnusvaranto phpGroupWare -kelpoiseksi (uusi asennus ja käytetään LDAP käyttäjätunnuksia)
modify an existing ldap account store for use with egroupware (for a new install using ldap accounts) setup fi Muuunna vanha LDAP tunnusvaranto eGroupWare -kelpoiseksi (uusi asennus ja käytetään LDAP käyttäjätunnuksia)
multi-language support setup setup fi Useiden kielien tuen asennus
mysqlinstr setup fi Ohjeet MYSQL-tietokannan luomiseen:<br>Kirjaudu mysql:ään -<br><i>[user@server user]# mysql -u root -p</i><br>Luo tyhjä tietokanta ja anna käyttöoikeudet -<br><i>mysql> create database phpgroupware;</i><br><i>mysql> grant all on phpgroupware.* to phpgroupware@localhost identified by 'salasana';</i>
mysqlinstr setup fi Ohjeet MYSQL-tietokannan luomiseen:<br>Kirjaudu mysql:ään -<br><i>[user@server user]# mysql -u root -p</i><br>Luo tyhjä tietokanta ja anna käyttöoikeudet -<br><i>mysql> create database egroupware;</i><br><i>mysql> grant all on egroupware.* to egroupware@localhost identified by 'salasana';</i>
never setup fi ei koskaan
no algorithms available setup fi ei algoritmeja
no modes available setup fi ei moodeja
@ -141,11 +141,11 @@ only add languages that are not in the database already setup fi Lis
only add new phrases setup fi Lisää vain uudet fraasit
passwords did not match, please re-enter setup fi Salasanat eivät täsmää, anna uudelleen
Path information setup fi Tiedostopolut
pgsqlinstr setup fi Ohjeet PostgreSQL-tietokannan luomiseen:<br>Käynnistä postmaster<br><i>[user@server user]# postmaster -i -D /home/[username]/[dataDir]</i><br>Luo tyhjä tietokanta -<br><i>[user@server user]# createdb phpgroupware</i>
pgsqlinstr setup fi Ohjeet PostgreSQL-tietokannan luomiseen:<br>Käynnistä postmaster<br><i>[user@server user]# postmaster -i -D /home/[username]/[dataDir]</i><br>Luo tyhjä tietokanta -<br><i>[user@server user]# createdb egroupware</i>
please check for sql scripts within the application's directory setup fi Tarkista onko sovelluksen hakemistossa sql-skriptejä
please configure phpGroupWare for your environment setup fi Tee phpGroupWare -asetukset ympäristöäsi varten
please configure eGroupWare for your environment setup fi Tee eGroupWare -asetukset ympäristöäsi varten
please install setup fi Asenna
please login to phpgroupware and run the admin application for additional site configuration setup fi Kirjaudu phpgroupware:een ja suorita admin-sovellus tehdäksesi palvelun asetukset
please login to egroupware and run the admin application for additional site configuration setup fi Kirjaudu egroupware:een ja suorita admin-sovellus tehdäksesi palvelun asetukset
possible solutions setup fi Mahdollisia ratkaisuja
potential problem setup fi Mahdollinen ongelma
Preferences setup fi Asetukset
@ -195,9 +195,9 @@ Text Entry setup fi Tekstille
there was a problem tring to connect to your ldap server. <br>please check your LDAP server configuration setup fi LDAP-palvelimeen yhdistäminen epäonnistui. <br>Tarkista LDAP-asetukset
the table definition was correct, and the tables were installed setup fi Taulun määrittely oli oikein ja taulut asennettiin
the tables setup fi taulut
this program will help you upgrade or install different languages for phpGroupWare setup fi Tämä sovellus avustaa eri phpGroupWare:n käyttökielten asennuksessa ja päivityksessä
this section will help you export users and groups from phpgroupWare's account tables into your ldap tree setup fi Tämä avustaa käyttäjien ja ryhmien viemisessä phpGroupWare:sta LDAP -hakemistoon
this section will help you import users and groups from your ldap tree into phpGroupWare's account tables setup fi Tämä avustaa käyttäjien ja ryhmien tuomisessa LDAP -hakemistosta phpGroupWareen
this program will help you upgrade or install different languages for eGroupWare setup fi Tämä sovellus avustaa eri eGroupWare:n käyttökielten asennuksessa ja päivityksessä
this section will help you export users and groups from phpgroupWare's account tables into your ldap tree setup fi Tämä avustaa käyttäjien ja ryhmien viemisessä eGroupWare:sta LDAP -hakemistoon
this section will help you import users and groups from your ldap tree into eGroupWare's account tables setup fi Tämä avustaa käyttäjien ja ryhmien tuomisessa LDAP -hakemistosta eGroupWareen
this stage is completed<br> setup fi Tämä vaihe on valmis<br>
this will create 1 admin account and 3 demo accounts<br>the username/passwords are: demo/guest, demo2/guest and demo3/guest.<br><b>!!!THIS WILL DELETE ALL EXISTING ACCOUNTS!!!</b><br> setup fi Luodaan 1 ylläpito- ja 3 esittelytunnusta<br>Käyttäjätunnukset/salasanat ovat: demo/guest, demo2/guest ja demo3/guest.<br><b>!!!KAIKKI MUUT KÄYTTÄJÄTUNNUKSET POISTETAAN!!!</b><br>
top setup fi ylös
@ -216,13 +216,13 @@ Use pure HTML compliant code (not fully working yet) setup fi K
Users Choice setup fi Käyttäjä valitsee
version mismatch setup fi Epäyhteensopiva versio
we will automatically update your tables/records to %1 setup fi Taulut/tietueet päivitetään automaattisesti versioon %1
Would you like phpGroupWare to cache the phpgw info array ? setup fi Säilytetäänkö phpgw info -rakenne välimuistissa?
Would you like phpGroupWare to check for a new version<br>when admins login ? setup fi Tarkistetaanko, onko phpGroupWare:sta uutta versiota<br>kun pääkäyttäjä kirjautuu järjestelmään?
Would you like eGroupWare to cache the phpgw info array ? setup fi Säilytetäänkö phpgw info -rakenne välimuistissa?
Would you like eGroupWare to check for a new version<br>when admins login ? setup fi Tarkistetaanko, onko eGroupWare:sta uutta versiota<br>kun pääkäyttäjä kirjautuu järjestelmään?
Would you like to show each application's upgrade status ? setup fi Näytetäänkö kunkin sovelluksen päivitystilanne?
yes setup fi Kyllä
you appear to be running an old version of PHP <br>It its recommend that you upgrade to a new version. <br>Older version of PHP might not run phpGroupWare correctly, if at all. <br><br>Please upgrade to at least version 3.0.16 setup fi Käytössä on PHP:n vanha versio<br>Suosittelemme päivittämään uudempaan versioon. <br>phpGroupWare ei ehkä toimi oikein (tai ollenkaan) vanhoilla PHP:n versioilla. <br><br>Päivitä versioon 3.0.16 tai uudempi
You appear to be running a pre-beta version of phpGroupWare.<br>These versions are no longer supported, and there is no upgrade path for them in setup.<br> You may wish to first upgrade to 0.9.10 (the last version to support pre-beta upgrades) <br>and then upgrade from there with the current version. setup fi Käytössä on esi-beta versio phpGroupWare:sta.<br>Sitä ei enää tueta ja tämä asennus ei osaa tehdä päivitystä siitä.<br> Voit päivittää ensin versioon 0.9.10 (viimeinen versio joka tuki esi-beta päivityksiä) <br>ja päivittää edelleen sitä nykyiseen versioon.
you appear to be running version %1 of phpGroupWare setup fi Käytössä on phpGroupWare:n versio %1
you appear to be running an old version of PHP <br>It its recommend that you upgrade to a new version. <br>Older version of PHP might not run eGroupWare correctly, if at all. <br><br>Please upgrade to at least version 4.1.0 setup fi Käytössä on PHP:n vanha versio<br>Suosittelemme päivittämään uudempaan versioon. <br>eGroupWare ei ehkä toimi oikein (tai ollenkaan) vanhoilla PHP:n versioilla. <br><br>Päivitä versioon 4.1.0 tai uudempi
You appear to be running a pre-beta version of eGroupWare.<br>These versions are no longer supported, and there is no upgrade path for them in setup.<br> You may wish to first upgrade to 0.9.10 (the last version to support pre-beta upgrades) <br>and then upgrade from there with the current version. setup fi Käytössä on esi-beta versio eGroupWare:sta.<br>Sitä ei enää tueta ja tämä asennus ei osaa tehdä päivitystä siitä.<br> Voit päivittää ensin versioon 0.9.10 (viimeinen versio joka tuki esi-beta päivityksiä) <br>ja päivittää edelleen sitä nykyiseen versioon.
you appear to be running version %1 of eGroupWare setup fi Käytössä on eGroupWare:n versio %1
you are ready for this stage, but this stage is not yet written.<br> setup fi Olet valmis tähän vaiheeseen, mutta vaihetta ei ole vielä kirjoitettu.<br>
you do not have any languages installed. please install one now <br> setup fi Ei asennettuja kieliä. Asenna ensin ainakin yksi kieli <br>
you must enter a username for the admin setup fi Anna pääkäyttäjän käyttäjätunnus
@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ enter your default FTP server setup fr Entrez votre serveur FTP par d
enter your HTTP proxy server setup fr Entrez votre serveur proxy HTTP
enter your HTTP proxy server port setup fr Entrez le port de votre serveur proxy HTTP
export has been completed! you will need to set the user passwords manually. setup fr L'export a été complété! Vous allez devoir régler les mots de passe des utilisateurs manuellement.
export phpgroupware accounts from sql to ldap setup fr Exporter les comptes phpGroupWare de SQL vers LDAP
export egroupware accounts from sql to ldap setup fr Exporter les comptes eGroupWare de SQL vers LDAP
export sql users to ldap setup fr Exporter les utilisateurs SQL vers LDAP
file setup fr Fichier
file type, size, version, etc. setup fr Type de fichier, taille, version, etc.
@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ if you did not receive any errors, your applications have been setup fr Si vous
if you did not receive any errors, your tables have been setup fr Si vous n'avez pas reçu de messages d'erreur, vos tables ont été
if you running this the first time, don't forget to manualy %1 !!! setup fr Si vous exécutez ceci pour la première fois, n'oubliez pas de faire manuellement %1 !!!
image type selection order setup fr Ordre de sélection de type d'image
import accounts from ldap to the phpgroupware accounts table (for a new install using sql accounts) setup fr Importer les comptes de LDAP vers la table des comptes phpGroupWare (pour une nouvelle installation utilisant les comptes SQL)
import accounts from ldap to the egroupware accounts table (for a new install using sql accounts) setup fr Importer les comptes de LDAP vers la table des comptes eGroupWare (pour une nouvelle installation utilisant les comptes SQL)
import has been completed! setup fr L'import a été complété!
import ldap users/groups setup fr Importer les utilisateurs/groupes LDAP
importing old settings into the new format.... setup fr J'importe les vieux réglages dans le nouveau format....
@ -185,11 +185,11 @@ mcrypt version setup fr Versio de MCrypt
minimum account id (e.g. 500 or 100, etc.) setup fr ID de compte minimum (p.e. 500 ou 100, etc.)
modifications have been completed! setup fr Les modifications ont été complétées!
modify setup fr Modifier
modify an existing ldap account store for use with phpgroupware (for a new install using ldap accounts) setup fr Modifier un compte LDAP existant pour stocker et utiliser avec phpGroupWare (pour une nouvelle installation utilisant les comptes LDAP)
modify an existing ldap account store for use with egroupware (for a new install using ldap accounts) setup fr Modifier un compte LDAP existant pour stocker et utiliser avec eGroupWare (pour une nouvelle installation utilisant les comptes LDAP)
multi-language support setup setup fr Setup pour le support du multi-langues
mysqlinstr setup fr Instructions pour créer la base de données dans MySQL:<br>Se connecter à mysql -<br><i>[user@server user]# mysql -u root -p</i><br>Créer la base de données vide et attribuer les permissions utilisateurs -<br><i>mysql> create database phpgroupware;</i><br><i>mysql> grant all on phpgroupware.* to phpgroupware@localhost identified by 'password';</i>
mysqlinstr setup fr Instructions pour créer la base de données dans MySQL:<br>Se connecter à mysql -<br><i>[user@server user]# mysql -u root -p</i><br>Créer la base de données vide et attribuer les permissions utilisateurs -<br><i>mysql> create database egroupware;</i><br><i>mysql> grant all on egroupware.* to egroupware@localhost identified by 'password';</i>
name of database setup fr Nom de la base de données
name of db user phpGroupWare uses to connect setup fr Nom de l'utilisateur de la base de données dont phpGroupWare se sert pour se connecter
name of db user eGroupWare uses to connect setup fr Nom de l'utilisateur de la base de données dont eGroupWare se sert pour se connecter
never setup fr Jamais
new setup fr Nouveau
no setup fr Non
@ -220,15 +220,15 @@ passwords did not match, please re-enter setup fr Les mots de passe ne correspon
path information setup fr Information de chemin
path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! setup fr Le chemin vers les fichiers utilisateur et groupe DOIT ETRE EN DEHORS du répertoire racine des serveurs web!!!
persistent connections setup fr Connexions persistantes
pgsqlinstr setup fr Instructions pour créer la base de données dans PostgreSQL:<br>Démarrer le postmaster<br><i>[user@server user]# postmaster -i -D /home/[username]/[dataDir]</i><br>Créer la base de données vide-<br><i>[user@server user]# createdb phpgroupware</i>
phpgroupware administration manual setup fr Manuel d'Administration phpGroupWare
pgsqlinstr setup fr Instructions pour créer la base de données dans PostgreSQL:<br>Démarrer le postmaster<br><i>[user@server user]# postmaster -i -D /home/[username]/[dataDir]</i><br>Créer la base de données vide-<br><i>[user@server user]# createdb egroupware</i>
egroupware administration manual setup fr Manuel d'Administration eGroupWare
please check for sql scripts within the application's directory setup fr SVP vérifiez la présence de scripts SQL dans le répertoire setup de l'application
please check read/write permissions on directories, or back up and use another option. setup fr SVP vérifiez les permissions de lecture/écriture sur les répertoires, ou faîtes une sauvegarde et utilisez une autre option.
please configure phpGroupWare for your environment setup fr SVP configurez phpGroupWare pour votre environnement
please configure eGroupWare for your environment setup fr SVP configurez eGroupWare pour votre environnement
please consult the %1. setup fr SVP consultez le %1.
please install setup fr SVP installez
please login setup fr SVP connectez-vous
please login to phpgroupware and run the admin application for additional site configuration setup fr SVP connectez-vous à phpgroupware et exécutez l'application admin pour les possibilités supplémentaires de configuration du site
please login to egroupware and run the admin application for additional site configuration setup fr SVP connectez-vous à egroupware et exécutez l'application admin pour les possibilités supplémentaires de configuration du site
please wait... setup fr Patientez SVP...
possible reasons setup fr Raisons possibles
possible solutions setup fr Solutions possibles
@ -298,10 +298,10 @@ the table definition was correct, and the tables were installed setup fr La d
the tables setup fr Les tables
there was a problem trying to connect to your ldap server. <br>please check your LDAP server configuration setup fr Il y a eu un problème en essayant de se connecter à votre serveur LDAP. <br>SVP vérifiez la configuration de votre serveur LDAP
this has to be outside the webservers document-root!!! setup fr Ceci doit être en dehors du répertoire racine des documents des serveurs Web!!!
this program will help you upgrade or install different languages for phpGroupWare setup fr Ce programme va vous aider à mettre à jour ou installer des langues différentes dans phpGroupWare
this section will help you export users and groups from phpgroupWare's account tables into your ldap tree setup fr Cette section va vous aider à exporter les utilisateurs et groupes des tables de comptes de phpGroupWare vers votre arbre LDAP
this section will help you import users and groups from your ldap tree into phpGroupWare's account tables setup fr Cette section va vous aider à importer les utilisateurs et groupes de votre arbre LDAP vers les tables de comptes de phpGroupWare
this section will help you setup your LDAP accounts for use with phpGroupWare setup fr Cette section va vous aider à configurer vos comptes LDAP pour les utiliser dans phpGroupWare
this program will help you upgrade or install different languages for eGroupWare setup fr Ce programme va vous aider à mettre à jour ou installer des langues différentes dans eGroupWare
this section will help you export users and groups from phpgroupWare's account tables into your ldap tree setup fr Cette section va vous aider à exporter les utilisateurs et groupes des tables de comptes de eGroupWare vers votre arbre LDAP
this section will help you import users and groups from your ldap tree into eGroupWare's account tables setup fr Cette section va vous aider à importer les utilisateurs et groupes de votre arbre LDAP vers les tables de comptes de eGroupWare
this section will help you setup your LDAP accounts for use with eGroupWare setup fr Cette section va vous aider à configurer vos comptes LDAP pour les utiliser dans eGroupWare
this should be around 30 bytes in length.<br>note: the default has been randomly generated. setup fr Ceci devrait faire environ 30 octets de long.<br>Note: la valeur par défaut a été générée au hasard.
this stage is completed<br> setup fr Cette étape est complétée<br>
this will create 1 admin account and 3 demo accounts<br>the username/passwords are: demo/guest, demo2/guest and demo3/guest.<br><b>!!!THIS WILL DELETE ALL EXISTING ACCOUNTS!!!</b><br> setup fr Ceci va créer 1 compte admin et 3 comptes demo<br>Les utilisateurs/mots de passe sont: demo/guest, demo2/guest et demo3/guest.<br><b>!!!CECI VA SUPPRIMER TOUS LES COMPTES EXISTANTS!!!</b><br>
@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ top setup fr top
translations added setup fr Traductions ajoutées
translations removed setup fr Traductions enlevées
translations upgraded setup fr Traductions mises à jour
try to configure your php to support one of the above mentioned dbms, or install phpgroupware by hand. setup fr Essayez de configurer votre php pour qu'il supporte une des bases de données mentionnées ci-dessus, ou installez phpGroupWare à la main.
try to configure your php to support one of the above mentioned dbms, or install egroupware by hand. setup fr Essayez de configurer votre php pour qu'il supporte une des bases de données mentionnées ci-dessus, ou installez eGroupWare à la main.
two weeks setup fr Deux semaines
uninstall setup fr Désinstaller
uninstall all applications setup fr Désinstaller toutes les applications
@ -329,16 +329,16 @@ warning! setup fr Attention!
we can proceed setup fr Nous pouvons continuer
we will automatically update your tables/records to %1 setup fr Nous allons automatiquement mettre à jour vos tables/enregistrements vers %1
what type of sessions management do you want to use (php4 session management may perform better)? setup fr Quel type de gestion de sessions voulez-vous utiliser (gestion de session PHP4 devrait être le plus performant)?
which database type do you want to use with phpgroupware? setup fr Quel type de base de données voulez-vous utiliser avec phpGroupWare?
would you like phpGroupWare to cache the phpgw info array ? setup fr Voudriez-vous que phpGroupWare mette en cache le champ phpgw info ?
would you like phpGroupWare to check for a new version<br>when admins login ? setup fr Voudriez-vous que phpGroupWare vérifie la disponibilité d'une nouvelle version<br>quand les administrateurs se connectent ?
which database type do you want to use with egroupware? setup fr Quel type de base de données voulez-vous utiliser avec eGroupWare?
would you like eGroupWare to cache the phpgw info array ? setup fr Voudriez-vous que eGroupWare mette en cache le champ phpgw info ?
would you like eGroupWare to check for a new version<br>when admins login ? setup fr Voudriez-vous que eGroupWare vérifie la disponibilité d'une nouvelle version<br>quand les administrateurs se connectent ?
would you like to show each application's upgrade status ? setup fr Voudriez-vous montrer le statut de mise à jour de chaque application ?
write config setup fr Ecrire la configuration
yes setup fr Oui
you appear to be running a pre-beta version of phpGroupWare.<br>These versions are no longer supported, and there is no upgrade path for them in setup.<br> You may wish to first upgrade to 0.9.10 (the last version to support pre-beta upgrades) <br>and then upgrade from there with the current version. setup fr Vous semblez utiliser une version pre-beta de phpGroupWare.<br>Ces versions ne sont plus supportées, et il n'y a pas de possibilité de mise à jour pour elles dans le setup.<br> Vous devriez d'abord mettre votre version à jour vers la version 0.9.10 (la dernière version à supporter les mises à jour pre-beta) <br>puis mettre à jour depuis cette version jusqu'à la version actuelle.
you appear to be running an old version of PHP <br>It its recommend that you upgrade to a new version. <br>Older version of PHP might not run phpGroupWare correctly, if at all. <br><br>Please upgrade to at least version 3.0.16 setup fr Vous semblez utiliser une version ancienne de PHP <br>Il est recommandé que vous mettiez votre système à jour vers une version plus récente. <br>Les anciennes version de PHP pourraient ne pas faire fonctionner correctement phpGroupWare, voire pas du tout. <br><br>SVP, mettez votre système à jour vers au moins la version 3.0.16
you appear to be running version %1 of phpGroupWare setup fr Vous semblez utiliser la version %1 de phpGroupWare
you appear to be using php earlier than 4.1.0. phpgroupware now requires 4.1.0 or later setup fr Vous semblez utiliser une version de PHP plus ancienne que la 4.1.0. phpGroupWare nécessite maintenant 4.1.0 ou plus récent
you appear to be running a pre-beta version of eGroupWare.<br>These versions are no longer supported, and there is no upgrade path for them in setup.<br> You may wish to first upgrade to 0.9.10 (the last version to support pre-beta upgrades) <br>and then upgrade from there with the current version. setup fr Vous semblez utiliser une version pre-beta de eGroupWare.<br>Ces versions ne sont plus supportées, et il n'y a pas de possibilité de mise à jour pour elles dans le setup.<br> Vous devriez d'abord mettre votre version à jour vers la version 0.9.10 (la dernière version à supporter les mises à jour pre-beta) <br>puis mettre à jour depuis cette version jusqu'à la version actuelle.
you appear to be running an old version of PHP <br>It its recommend that you upgrade to a new version. <br>Older version of PHP might not run eGroupWare correctly, if at all. <br><br>Please upgrade to at least version 4.1.0 setup fr Vous semblez utiliser une version ancienne de PHP <br>Il est recommandé que vous mettiez votre système à jour vers une version plus récente. <br>Les anciennes version de PHP pourraient ne pas faire fonctionner correctement eGroupWare, voire pas du tout. <br><br>SVP, mettez votre système à jour vers au moins la version 4.1.0
you appear to be running version %1 of eGroupWare setup fr Vous semblez utiliser la version %1 de eGroupWare
you appear to be using php earlier than 4.1.0. egroupware now requires 4.1.0 or later setup fr Vous semblez utiliser une version de PHP plus ancienne que la 4.1.0. eGroupWare nécessite maintenant 4.1.0 ou plus récent
you appear to be using php3. disabling php4 sessions support setup fr Vous semblez utiliser PHP3. Je désactive le support des sessions PHP4
you appear to be using php4. enabling php4 sessions support setup fr Vous semblez utiliser PHP4. J'active le support des sessions PHP4
you appear to have microsoft sql server support enabled setup fr Vous semblez avoir le support de Microsoft SQL Server activé
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ makesure setup it Controlla che il tuo database sia stato creato e che i permess
manage applications setup it Gestione Applicazioni
manage languages setup it Gestione Lingue
multi-language support setup setup it Configurazione del supporto multi-lingua
mysqlinstr setup it Istruzioni per creare il database usando MySQL:<br>Entra in mysql -<br><i>[utente@server utente]# mysql -u root -p</i><br>Crea il database vuoto e assegna i permessi all'utente -<br><i>mysql> create database phpgroupware;</i><br><i>mysql> grant all on phpgroupware.* to phpgroupware@localhost identified by 'password';</i>
mysqlinstr setup it Istruzioni per creare il database usando MySQL:<br>Entra in mysql -<br><i>[utente@server utente]# mysql -u root -p</i><br>Crea il database vuoto e assegna i permessi all'utente -<br><i>mysql> create database egroupware;</i><br><i>mysql> grant all on egroupware.* to egroupware@localhost identified by 'password';</i>
not complete setup it non completo
note: you will be able to customize this later setup it Nota: Potrai personalizzarlo dopo
not ready for this stage yet setup it Non ancora pronto per questo passaggio
@ -85,11 +85,11 @@ once the database is setup correctly setup it Una volta che il database sar&agra
only add languages that are not in the database already setup it Aggiungi solo le lingue che non sono già presenti nel database
only add new phrases setup it Aggiungi solo le nuove frasi
passwords did not match, please re-enter setup it Le password non corrispondono, per favore reinseriscile
pgsqlinstr setup it Istruzioni per creare il database in usando PostgreSQL:<br>Fai partire postmaster<br><i>[utente@server utente]# postmaster -i -D /home/[username]/[dataDir]</i><br>Crea il database vuoto -<br><i>[utente@server utente]# createdb phpgroupware</i>
pgsqlinstr setup it Istruzioni per creare il database in usando PostgreSQL:<br>Fai partire postmaster<br><i>[utente@server utente]# postmaster -i -D /home/[username]/[dataDir]</i><br>Crea il database vuoto -<br><i>[utente@server utente]# createdb egroupware</i>
please check for sql scripts within the application's directory setup it Per favore controlla gli script sql nella cartella dell'applicazione
please configure phpGroupWare for your environment setup it Per favore configura phpGroupWare per il tuo Sistema
please configure eGroupWare for your environment setup it Per favore configura eGroupWare per il tuo Sistema
please install setup it Per favore installa
please login to phpgroupware and run the admin application for additional site configuration setup it Accedi a phpgroupware ed esegui l'applicazione 'admin' per una ulteriore configurazione del sito
please login to egroupware and run the admin application for additional site configuration setup it Accedi a egroupware ed esegui l'applicazione 'admin' per una ulteriore configurazione del sito
please wait... setup it Please Wait...
possible solutions setup it Soluzioni possibili
potential problem setup it Problema Potenziale
@ -128,9 +128,9 @@ tables upgraded setup it tabelle aggiornate
target version setup it Versione di destinazione
there was a problem tring to connect to your ldap server. <br>please check your LDAP server configuration setup it Si è verificato un problema nel contattare il tuo server LDAP. <br>Per favore controlla la configurazione del tuo server LDAP
the tables setup it le tabelle
this program will help you upgrade or install different languages for phpGroupWare setup it Questo programma ti aiuterà ad aggiornare o ad installare lingue differenti per phpGroupWare
this section will help you export users and groups from phpgroupWare's account tables into your ldap tree setup it Questa sezione ti aiuterà ad esportare utenti e gruppi dalle relative tabelle di phpGroupWare nel tuo LDAP tree
this section will help you import users and groups from your ldap tree into phpGroupWare's account tables setup it Questa sezione ti aiuterà ad importare utenti e gruppi dalle relative tabelle di phpGroupWare nel tuo LDAP tree
this program will help you upgrade or install different languages for eGroupWare setup it Questo programma ti aiuterà ad aggiornare o ad installare lingue differenti per eGroupWare
this section will help you export users and groups from phpgroupWare's account tables into your ldap tree setup it Questa sezione ti aiuterà ad esportare utenti e gruppi dalle relative tabelle di eGroupWare nel tuo LDAP tree
this section will help you import users and groups from your ldap tree into eGroupWare's account tables setup it Questa sezione ti aiuterà ad importare utenti e gruppi dalle relative tabelle di eGroupWare nel tuo LDAP tree
this stage is completed<br> setup it Questo passaggio è stato completato<br>
this will create 1 admin account and 3 demo accounts<br>the username/passwords are: demo/guest, demo2/guest and demo3/guest.<br><b>!!!THIS WILL DELETE ALL EXISTING ACCOUNTS!!!</b><br> setup it Questo creerà 1 utente amministratore e 3 utenti di esempio<br>I nome utente/password sono: demo/guest, demo2/guest and demo3/guest.<br><b>!!!QUESTO CANCELLERÀ TUTTI GLI UTENTI PREESISTENTI!!!</b><br>
select an app, enter a target version, then submit to process to that version.<br><blink>THIS WILL DROP ALL OF THE APPS' TABLES FIRST!</blink> setup it Seleziona una'applicazione, inserisci una versione di destinazione, quindi invia per processare verso quella versione.<br><blink>QUESTO CANGELLERA' PRIMA TUTTE LE TABELLE DELL'APPLICAZIONE</blink>
@ -142,9 +142,9 @@ upgrade setup it Aggiorna
upgrading tables setup it Aggiornamento Tabelle
version mismatch setup it Version Mismatch
we will automatically update your tables/records to %1 setup it Aggiornerò automaticamente le tue tabelle/dati alla %1
you appear to be running an old version of PHP <br>It its recommend that you upgrade to a new version. <br>Older version of PHP might not run phpGroupWare correctly, if at all. <br><br>Please upgrade to at least version 3.0.16 setup it Sembra che tu stia usando una vecchia versione di PHP <br>È raccomandabile che tu esegua un aggiornamento ad una versione recente. <br>Vecchie versioni di PHP potrebbero non far funzionare correttamenterun phpGroupWare, o potrebbero non farlo funzionare per nulla. <br><br>Per favore aggiorna almeno alla versione 3.0.16
You appear to be running a pre-beta version of phpGroupWare.<br>These versions are no longer supported, and there is no upgrade path for them in setup.<br> You may wish to first upgrade to 0.9.10 (the last version to support pre-beta upgrades) <br>and then upgrade from there with the current version. setup it Sembra che tu stia usando una versione pre-beta di phpGroupWare.<br>Queste versioni non sono più supportate, e non esiste un modo di aggiornarle direttamente con questo setup.<br> Puoi provare ad effettuare prima l'aggiornamento alla versione 0.9.10 (l'ultima versione a supportare gli aggiornamenti dalle pre-beta) <br>e poi aggiornare da lì usando questa versione.
you appear to be running version %1 of phpGroupWare setup it Sembra che tu sta utilizzando la versione %1 di phpGroupWare
you appear to be running an old version of PHP <br>It its recommend that you upgrade to a new version. <br>Older version of PHP might not run eGroupWare correctly, if at all. <br><br>Please upgrade to at least version 4.1.0 setup it Sembra che tu stia usando una vecchia versione di PHP <br>È raccomandabile che tu esegua un aggiornamento ad una versione recente. <br>Vecchie versioni di PHP potrebbero non far funzionare correttamenterun eGroupWare, o potrebbero non farlo funzionare per nulla. <br><br>Per favore aggiorna almeno alla versione 4.1.0
You appear to be running a pre-beta version of eGroupWare.<br>These versions are no longer supported, and there is no upgrade path for them in setup.<br> You may wish to first upgrade to 0.9.10 (the last version to support pre-beta upgrades) <br>and then upgrade from there with the current version. setup it Sembra che tu stia usando una versione pre-beta di eGroupWare.<br>Queste versioni non sono più supportate, e non esiste un modo di aggiornarle direttamente con questo setup.<br> Puoi provare ad effettuare prima l'aggiornamento alla versione 0.9.10 (l'ultima versione a supportare gli aggiornamenti dalle pre-beta) <br>e poi aggiornare da lì usando questa versione.
you appear to be running version %1 of eGroupWare setup it Sembra che tu sta utilizzando la versione %1 di eGroupWare
you are ready for this stage, but this stage is not yet written.<br> setup it Sei pronto per questo passaggio, ma questa procedura non è ancora stata scritta.<br>
you do not have any languages installed. please install one now <br> setup it Non hai nessuna lingua installata. Per favore installane una adesso.<br>
you must enter a username for the admin setup it Devi inserire un nome utente per l'amministratore
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ enter some random text for app session <br>encryption (requires mcrypt) setup ja
enter some random text for app session encryption setup ja アプリケーションセッション暗号化のための任意テキスト入力
enter the full path for temporary files.<br>Examples: /tmp, c:\temp setup ja テンポラリファイル(フルパス)<br>例:/tmp や C:\TEMP など
enter the full path for users and group files.<br>examples: /files, e:\files setup ja ファイルマネージャのファイル保存先(フルパス)<br>例:/files や E:\FILES など
enter the hostname of the machine on which this server is running setup ja phpGroupWare が動作するホスト名
enter the hostname of the machine on which this server is running setup ja eGroupWare が動作するホスト名
enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> setup ja eGroupWare の URL<BR>例:http://www.itheart.com/egroupware や /egroupware など<BR><b>最後はスラッシュを指定しないこと</b>
enter the site username for peer servers setup ja 同等サーバのユーザ名
enter the site password for peer servers setup ja 同等サーバのパスワード
@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ mcrypt mode (default cbc) setup ja Mcrypt
mcrypt settings (requires mcrypt php extension) setup ja Mcrypt 設定情報(McryptはPHPの拡張が必要)
minimum account id (e.g. 500 or 100, etc.) setup ja 最小ユーザID (例: 500 や 100 など)
multi-language support setup setup ja 言語環境設定
mysqlinstr setup ja MySQLでデータベースを作成するには:<br>mysql にログイン -<br><i>[user@server user]# mysql -u root -p</i><br>空のデータベースを作成し、アカウントに権限を付与する -<br><i>mysql> create database phpgroupware;</i><br><i>mysql> grant all on phpgroupware.* to phpgroupware@localhost identified by 'password';</i>
mysqlinstr setup ja MySQLでデータベースを作成するには:<br>mysql にログイン -<br><i>[user@server user]# mysql -u root -p</i><br>空のデータベースを作成し、アカウントに権限を付与する -<br><i>mysql> create database egroupware;</i><br><i>mysql> grant all on egroupware.* to egroupware@localhost identified by 'password';</i>
never setup ja 無期限
no setup ja いいえ
not complete setup ja 完了していません。
@ -132,12 +132,12 @@ only add new phrases setup ja
or we can attempt to create the database for you: setup ja または、この処理でデータベースを作成することが可能です
passwords did not match, please re-enter setup ja パスワードに誤りがあります。再度入力して下さい
path information setup ja パス情報
pgsqlinstr setup ja PostgreSQLでデータベースを作成するには:<br>postmaster の起動<br><i>[user@server user]# postmaster -i -D /home/[username]/[dataDir]</i><br>空のデータベース作成 -<br><i>[user@server user]# createdb phpgroupware</i>
pgsqlinstr setup ja PostgreSQLでデータベースを作成するには:<br>postmaster の起動<br><i>[user@server user]# postmaster -i -D /home/[username]/[dataDir]</i><br>空のデータベース作成 -<br><i>[user@server user]# createdb egroupware</i>
please check for sql scripts within the application's directory setup ja Please check for sql scripts within the application's directory
please configure phpGroupWare for your environment setup ja Please configure phpGroupWare for your environment
please configure eGroupWare for your environment setup ja Please configure eGroupWare for your environment
please install setup ja Please install
please login setup ja ログイン
please login to phpgroupware and run the admin application for additional site configuration setup ja phpGroupWare にログインして、admin アプリケーション内の各アプリケーションサイト環境設定を実行して下さい
please login to egroupware and run the admin application for additional site configuration setup ja eGroupWare にログインして、admin アプリケーション内の各アプリケーションサイト環境設定を実行して下さい
possible solutions setup ja Possible Solutions
potential problem setup ja Potential Problem
preferences setup ja ユーザ設定情報
@ -179,9 +179,9 @@ tables upgraded setup ja
text entry setup ja テキスト入力
there was a problem tring to connect to your ldap server. <br>please check your LDAP server configuration setup ja There was a problem tring to connect to your LDAP server. <br>please check your LDAP server configuration
the tables setup ja the tables
this program will help you upgrade or install different languages for phpGroupWare setup ja phpGroupWare での、言語環境を設定します。
this section will help you export users and groups from phpgroupWare's account tables into your ldap tree setup ja This section will help you export users and groups from phpGroupWare's account tables into your LDAP tree
this section will help you import users and groups from your ldap tree into phpGroupWare's account tables setup ja This section will help you import users and groups from your LDAP tree into phpGroupWare's account tables
this program will help you upgrade or install different languages for eGroupWare setup ja eGroupWare での、言語環境を設定します。
this section will help you export users and groups from phpgroupWare's account tables into your ldap tree setup ja This section will help you export users and groups from eGroupWare's account tables into your LDAP tree
this section will help you import users and groups from your ldap tree into eGroupWare's account tables setup ja This section will help you import users and groups from your LDAP tree into eGroupWare's account tables
this stage is completed<br> setup ja この段階は完了しました。<br>
this will create 1 admin account and 3 demo accounts<br>the username/passwords are: demo/guest, demo2/guest and demo3/guest.<br><b>!!!THIS WILL DELETE ALL EXISTING ACCOUNTS!!!</b><br> setup ja 1つの管理者アカウントと3つのデモアカウントをセットアップします。<br>デモアカウントのユーザ名とパスワードは demo/guest, demo2/guest, demo3/guest です。<br><b>現在のアカウントをすべて削除しますので注意してください。</b><br>
to setup 1 admin account and 3 demo accounts.<br><b>this will delete all existing accounts</b> setup ja と、1つの管理者アカウントと3つのデモアカウントをセットアップします。<br><b>現在のアカウントをすべて削除しますので注意してください。</b>
@ -197,13 +197,13 @@ use cookies to pass sessionid setup ja cookie
users choice setup ja ユーザ選択
version mismatch setup ja Version Mismatch
we will automatically update your tables/records to %1 setup ja セットアップは、%1 用のテーブルやデータに自動アップグレードします。
would you like phpgroupware to check for a new version<br>when admins login ? setup ja 管理者でログイン時、phpGroupWareのバージョンチェックを行う
would you like phpgroupware to cache the phpgw info array ? setup ja phpGroupWare のキャッシュにphpgw info 配列を利用する
would you like egroupware to check for a new version<br>when admins login ? setup ja 管理者でログイン時、eGroupWareのバージョンチェックを行う
would you like egroupware to cache the phpgw info array ? setup ja eGroupWare のキャッシュにphpgw info 配列を利用する
would you like to show each application's upgrade status ? setup ja アプリケーションのアップグレード状況表示
yes setup ja はい
you appear to be running an old version of PHP <br>It its recommend that you upgrade to a new version. <br>Older version of PHP might not run phpGroupWare correctly, if at all. <br><br>Please upgrade to at least version 3.0.16 setup ja PHPのバージョンが古いようです。<br>バージョンアップをお勧めします。<br>古いバージョンの PHP では、phpGroupWare のすべての機能が正確に動作しません。<br><br>Ver 3.0.16 以降にバージョンアップしてください。
You appear to be running a pre-beta version of phpGroupWare.<br>These versions are no longer supported, and there is no upgrade path for them in setup.<br> You may wish to first upgrade to 0.9.10 (the last version to support pre-beta upgrades) <br>and then upgrade from there with the current version. setup ja You appear to be running a pre-beta version of phpGroupWare.<br>These versions are no longer supported, and there is no upgrade path for them in setup.<br> You may wish to first upgrade to 0.9.10 (the last version to support pre-beta upgrades) <br>and then upgrade from there with the current version.
you appear to be running version %1 of phpGroupWare setup ja 現在、phpGroupWare Ver. %1 が動作していると思われます。
you appear to be running an old version of PHP <br>It its recommend that you upgrade to a new version. <br>Older version of PHP might not run eGroupWare correctly, if at all. <br><br>Please upgrade to at least version 4.1.0 setup ja PHPのバージョンが古いようです。<br>バージョンアップをお勧めします。<br>古いバージョンの PHP では、eGroupWare のすべての機能が正確に動作しません。<br><br>Ver 4.1.0 以降にバージョンアップしてください。
You appear to be running a pre-beta version of eGroupWare.<br>These versions are no longer supported, and there is no upgrade path for them in setup.<br> You may wish to first upgrade to 0.9.10 (the last version to support pre-beta upgrades) <br>and then upgrade from there with the current version. setup ja You appear to be running a pre-beta version of eGroupWare.<br>These versions are no longer supported, and there is no upgrade path for them in setup.<br> You may wish to first upgrade to 0.9.10 (the last version to support pre-beta upgrades) <br>and then upgrade from there with the current version.
you appear to be running version %1 of eGroupWare setup ja 現在、eGroupWare Ver. %1 が動作していると思われます。
you are ready for this stage, but this stage is not yet written.<br> setup ja You are ready for this stage, but this stage is not yet written.<br>
you do not have any languages installed. please install one now <br> setup ja どの言語環境もありません。最低1つの言語環境をインストールして下さい。<br>
you must enter a username for the admin setup ja ユーザIDを入力して下さい。
@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ enter your http proxy server password setup nl
enter your http proxy server port setup nl
enter your http proxy server username setup nl
export has been completed! you will need to set the user passwords manually. setup nl
export phpgroupware accounts from sql to ldap setup nl
export egroupware accounts from sql to ldap setup nl
export sql users to ldap setup nl
file setup nl
file type, size, version, etc. setup nl
@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ if you did not receive any errors, your applications have been setup nl
if you did not receive any errors, your tables have been setup nl
if you running this the first time, don't forget to manualy %1 !!! setup nl
image type selection order setup nl
import accounts from ldap to the phpgroupware accounts table (for a new install using sql accounts) setup nl
import accounts from ldap to the egroupware accounts table (for a new install using sql accounts) setup nl
import has been completed! setup nl
import ldap users/groups setup nl
importing old settings into the new format.... setup nl
@ -204,10 +204,10 @@ mcrypt version setup nl
minimum account id (e.g. 500 or 100, etc.) setup nl
modifications have been completed! setup nl
modify setup nl
modify an existing ldap account store for use with phpgroupware (for a new install using ldap accounts) setup nl
modify an existing ldap account store for use with egroupware (for a new install using ldap accounts) setup nl
multi-language support setup setup nl
name of database setup nl
name of db user phpgroupware uses to connect setup nl
name of db user egroupware uses to connect setup nl
never setup nl
new setup nl
no setup nl
@ -239,15 +239,15 @@ passwords did not match, please re-enter setup nl
path information setup nl
path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! setup nl
persistent connections setup nl
phpgroupware administration manual setup nl
egroupware administration manual setup nl
please check for sql scripts within the application's directory setup nl
please check read/write permissions on directories, or back up and use another option. setup nl
please configure phpgroupware for your environment setup nl
please configure egroupware for your environment setup nl
please consult the %1. setup nl
please fix the above errors (***) and %1continue to the header admin%2 setup nl
please install setup nl
please login setup nl
please login to phpgroupware and run the admin application for additional site configuration setup nl
please login to egroupware and run the admin application for additional site configuration setup nl
please wait... setup nl
possible reasons setup nl
possible solutions setup nl
@ -323,10 +323,10 @@ there was a problem trying to connect to your ldap server. <br> setup nl
there was a problem trying to connect to your ldap server. <br>please check your ldap server configuration setup nl
this has to be outside the webservers document-root!!! setup nl
this program will convert your database to a new system-charset. setup nl
this program will help you upgrade or install different languages for phpgroupware setup nl
this section will help you export users and groups from phpgroupware's account tables into your ldap tree setup nl
this section will help you import users and groups from your ldap tree into phpgroupware's account tables setup nl
this section will help you setup your ldap accounts for use with phpgroupware setup nl
this program will help you upgrade or install different languages for egroupware setup nl
this section will help you export users and groups from egroupware's account tables into your ldap tree setup nl
this section will help you import users and groups from your ldap tree into egroupware's account tables setup nl
this section will help you setup your ldap accounts for use with egroupware setup nl
this should be around 30 bytes in length.<br>note: the default has been randomly generated. setup nl
this stage is completed<br> setup nl
this will create 1 admin account and 3 demo accounts<br>the username/passwords are: demo/guest, demo2/guest and demo3/guest.<br><b>!!!this will delete all existing accounts!!!</b><br> setup nl
@ -336,7 +336,7 @@ top setup nl
translations added setup nl
translations removed setup nl
translations upgraded setup nl
try to configure your php to support one of the above mentioned dbms, or install phpgroupware by hand. setup nl
try to configure your php to support one of the above mentioned dbms, or install egroupware by hand. setup nl
two weeks setup nl
uninstall setup nl
uninstall all applications setup nl
@ -355,16 +355,16 @@ warning! setup nl
we can proceed setup nl
we will automatically update your tables/records to %1 setup nl
what type of sessions management do you want to use (php4 session management may perform better)? setup nl
which database type do you want to use with phpgroupware? setup nl
would you like phpgroupware to cache the phpgw info array ? setup nl
would you like phpgroupware to check for a new version<br>when admins login ? setup nl
which database type do you want to use with egroupware? setup nl
would you like egroupware to cache the phpgw info array ? setup nl
would you like egroupware to check for a new version<br>when admins login ? setup nl
would you like to show each application's upgrade status ? setup nl
write config setup nl
yes setup nl
you appear to be running a pre-beta version of phpgroupware.<br>these versions are no longer supported, and there is no upgrade path for them in setup.<br> you may wish to first upgrade to 0.9.10 (the last version to support pre-beta upgrades) <br>and then upgrade from there with the current version. setup nl
you appear to be running an old version of php <br>it its recommend that you upgrade to a new version. <br>older version of php might not run phpgroupware correctly, if at all. <br><br>please upgrade to at least version %1 setup nl
you appear to be running version %1 of phpgroupware setup nl U lijkt eGroupWare versie %1 te draaien
you appear to be using php earlier than 4.1.0. phpgroupware now requires 4.1.0 or later setup nl U lijkt een oudere versie dan PHP 4.1.0 te gebruiken. eGroupWare vereist nu PHP 4.1.0 of nieuwer
you appear to be running a pre-beta version of egroupware.<br>these versions are no longer supported, and there is no upgrade path for them in setup.<br> you may wish to first upgrade to 0.9.10 (the last version to support pre-beta upgrades) <br>and then upgrade from there with the current version. setup nl
you appear to be running an old version of php <br>it its recommend that you upgrade to a new version. <br>older version of php might not run egroupware correctly, if at all. <br><br>please upgrade to at least version %1 setup nl
you appear to be running version %1 of egroupware setup nl U lijkt eGroupWare versie %1 te draaien
you appear to be using php earlier than 4.1.0. egroupware now requires 4.1.0 or later setup nl U lijkt een oudere versie dan PHP 4.1.0 te gebruiken. eGroupWare vereist nu PHP 4.1.0 of nieuwer
you appear to be using php3. disabling php4 sessions support setup nl Het lijkt erop dat u PHP3 gebruikt. PHP4 Sessieondersteuning is gedeactiveerd.
you appear to be using php4. enabling php4 sessions support setup nl Het lijkt erop dat u PHP4 gebruikt. PHP4 Sessieondersteuning is geactiveerd.
you appear to have microsoft sql server support enabled setup nl Microsoft SQL Server ondersteuning lijkt te zijn geactiveerd
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ enter the title for your site setup pl Podaj nazw
enter your default ftp server setup pl Podaj domy¶lny serwer FTP
enter your http proxy server setup pl Podaj adres serwera proxy HTTP
enter your http proxy server port setup pl Podaj port serwera proxy HTTP
export phpgroupware accounts from sql to ldap setup pl Eksportuj konta phpGroupWare z SQL do LDAP
export egroupware accounts from sql to ldap setup pl Eksportuj konta eGroupWare z SQL do LDAP
export sql users to ldap setup pl Eksportuj u¿ytkowników SQL do LDAP
for a new install, select import. to convert existing sql accounts to ldap, select export setup pl Dla nowej instalacji wybierz importuj. Aby skonwertowaæ istniej±ce konta SQL do LDAP wybierz eksportuj.
force selectbox setup pl Wymu¶ wybór z listy
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ if the application has no defined tables, selecting upgrade should remedy the pr
if using ldap, do you want to manage homedirectory and loginshell attributes? setup pl
if you did not receive any errors, your applications have been setup pl
if you did not receive any errors, your tables have been setup pl
import accounts from ldap to the phpgroupware accounts table (for a new install using sql accounts) setup pl
import accounts from ldap to the egroupware accounts table (for a new install using sql accounts) setup pl
import ldap users/groups setup pl Import u¿tkowników/grup LDAP
insanity setup pl Szaleñstwo
install setup pl Instaluj
@ -123,9 +123,9 @@ mcrypt algorithm (default tripledes) setup pl Mcrypt algorithm (default TRIPLEDE
mcrypt mode (default cbc) setup pl Mcrypt mode (default CBC)
mcrypt settings (requires mcrypt php extension) setup pl Ustawienia Mcrypt (wymaga rozszerzenia PHP: mcrypt)
minimum account id (e.g. 500 or 100, etc.) setup pl Minimalny ID konta (np. 500 lub 100, itd.)
modify an existing ldap account store for use with phpgroupware (for a new install using ldap accounts) setup pl Modify an existing LDAP account store for use with phpGroupWare (for a new install using LDAP accounts)
modify an existing ldap account store for use with egroupware (for a new install using ldap accounts) setup pl Modify an existing LDAP account store for use with eGroupWare (for a new install using LDAP accounts)
multi-language support setup setup pl Instalacja wersji jêzykowych
mysqlinstr setup pl Instructions for creating the database in MySQL:<br>Login to mysql -<br><i>[user@server user]# mysql -u root -p</i><br>Create the empty database and grant user permissions -<br><i>mysql> create database phpgroupware;</i><br><i>mysql> grant all on phpgroupware.* to phpgroupware@localhost identified by 'password';</i>
mysqlinstr setup pl Instructions for creating the database in MySQL:<br>Login to mysql -<br><i>[user@server user]# mysql -u root -p</i><br>Create the empty database and grant user permissions -<br><i>mysql> create database egroupware;</i><br><i>mysql> grant all on egroupware.* to egroupware@localhost identified by 'password';</i>
never setup pl Nigdy
no setup pl Nie
no algorithms available setup pl no algorithms available
@ -142,11 +142,11 @@ only add languages that are not in the database already setup pl Dodaj tylko te
only add new phrases setup pl Dodaj tylko nowe zdania
passwords did not match, please re-enter setup pl Has³a nie s± identyczne, proszê wpisaæ je jeszcze raz
path information setup pl ¦cie¿ki
pgsqlinstr setup pl Instructions for creating the database in PostgreSQL:<br>Start the postmaster<br><i>[user@server user]# postmaster -i -D /home/[username]/[dataDir]</i><br>Create the empty database -<br><i>[user@server user]# createdb phpgroupware</i>
pgsqlinstr setup pl Instructions for creating the database in PostgreSQL:<br>Start the postmaster<br><i>[user@server user]# postmaster -i -D /home/[username]/[dataDir]</i><br>Create the empty database -<br><i>[user@server user]# createdb egroupware</i>
please check for sql scripts within the application's directory setup pl Please check for sql scripts within the application's directory
please configure phpgroupware for your environment setup pl Proszê skonfigurowaæ phpGroupWare dla Twojego ¶rodowiska
please configure egroupware for your environment setup pl Proszê skonfigurowaæ eGroupWare dla Twojego ¶rodowiska
please install setup pl Proszê zainstalowaæ
please login to phpgroupware and run the admin application for additional site configuration setup pl Proszê zalogowaæ siê siê do phpGroupWare i wej¶æ do modu³u Administracja dla dalszej konfiguracji
please login to egroupware and run the admin application for additional site configuration setup pl Proszê zalogowaæ siê siê do eGroupWare i wej¶æ do modu³u Administracja dla dalszej konfiguracji
possible solutions setup pl Mo¿liwe rozwiazania
potential problem setup pl Potencjalny problem
preferences setup pl Ustawienia
@ -196,9 +196,9 @@ text entry setup pl Wpisywanie tekstu
the table definition was correct, and the tables were installed setup pl Definicja tabel jest poprawna i tabele zosta³y zainstalowane
the tables setup pl tabele
there was a problem tring to connect to your ldap server. <br>please check your ldap server configuration setup pl There was a problem tring to connect to your LDAP server. <br>please check your LDAP server configuration
this program will help you upgrade or install different languages for phpgroupware setup pl Ten program pomo¿e Ci zainstalowaæ lub uaktualniæ wersje jêzykowe phpGroupWare
this section will help you export users and groups from phpgroupware's account tables into your ldap tree setup pl This section will help you export users and groups from phpGroupWare's account tables into your LDAP tree
this section will help you import users and groups from your ldap tree into phpgroupware's account tables setup pl This section will help you import users and groups from your LDAP tree into phpGroupWare's account tables
this program will help you upgrade or install different languages for egroupware setup pl Ten program pomo¿e Ci zainstalowaæ lub uaktualniæ wersje jêzykowe eGroupWare
this section will help you export users and groups from egroupware's account tables into your ldap tree setup pl This section will help you export users and groups from eGroupWare's account tables into your LDAP tree
this section will help you import users and groups from your ldap tree into egroupware's account tables setup pl This section will help you import users and groups from your LDAP tree into eGroupWare's account tables
this stage is completed<br> setup pl Etap zakoñczony<br>
this will create 1 admin account and 3 demo accounts<br>the username/passwords are: demo/guest, demo2/guest and demo3/guest.<br><b>!!!this will delete all existing accounts!!!</b><br> setup pl Zostanie utworzone jedno konto administratora i trzy konta demonstracyne<br>Nazwy u¿ytkowników/has³a: demo/guest, demo2/guest i demo3/guest.<br><b>UWAGA! Wszystkie istniej±ce konta zostan± usuniête!!!</b><br>
to setup 1 admin account and 3 demo accounts.<br><b>this will delete all existing accounts</b> setup pl aby za³o¿yæ jedno konto administracyjne i trzy konta demo.<br><b>Istniej±ce konta zostan± usuniete!</b>
@ -217,13 +217,13 @@ use pure html compliant code (not fully working yet) setup pl Use pure HTML comp
users choice setup pl Wybór u¿ytkownika
version mismatch setup pl Niezgodne wersje
we will automatically update your tables/records to %1 setup pl We will automatically update your tables/records to %1
would you like phpgroupware to cache the phpgw info array ? setup pl Would you like phpGroupWare to cache the phpgw info array ?
would you like phpgroupware to check for a new version<br>when admins login ? setup pl Chcesz sprawdzaæ czy jest nowa wersja phpGroupWare<br>gdy loguje siê administrator?
would you like egroupware to cache the phpgw info array ? setup pl Would you like eGroupWare to cache the phpgw info array ?
would you like egroupware to check for a new version<br>when admins login ? setup pl Chcesz sprawdzaæ czy jest nowa wersja eGroupWare<br>gdy loguje siê administrator?
would you like to show each application's upgrade status ? setup pl Would you like to show each application's upgrade status ?
yes setup pl Tak
you appear to be running a pre-beta version of phpgroupware.<br>these versions are no longer supported, and there is no upgrade path for them in setup.<br> you may wish to first upgrade to 0.9.10 (the last version to support pre-beta upgrades) <br>and then upgrade from there with the current version. setup pl You appear to be running a pre-beta version of phpGroupWare.<br>These versions are no longer supported, and there is no upgrade path for them in setup.<br> You may wish to first upgrade to 0.9.10 (the last version to support pre-beta upgrades) <br>and then upgrade from there with the current version.
you appear to be running an old version of php <br>it its recommend that you upgrade to a new version. <br>older version of php might not run phpgroupware correctly, if at all. <br><br>please upgrade to at least version 3.0.16 setup pl You appear to be running an old version of PHP <br>It its recommend that you upgrade to a new version. <br>Older version of PHP might not run phpGroupWare correctly, if at all. <br><br>Please upgrade to at least version 3.0.16
you appear to be running version %1 of phpgroupware setup pl You appear to be running version %1 of phpGroupWare
you appear to be running a pre-beta version of egroupware.<br>these versions are no longer supported, and there is no upgrade path for them in setup.<br> you may wish to first upgrade to 0.9.10 (the last version to support pre-beta upgrades) <br>and then upgrade from there with the current version. setup pl You appear to be running a pre-beta version of eGroupWare.<br>These versions are no longer supported, and there is no upgrade path for them in setup.<br> You may wish to first upgrade to 0.9.10 (the last version to support pre-beta upgrades) <br>and then upgrade from there with the current version.
you appear to be running an old version of php <br>it its recommend that you upgrade to a new version. <br>older version of php might not run egroupware correctly, if at all. <br><br>please upgrade to at least version 4.1.0 setup pl You appear to be running an old version of PHP <br>It its recommend that you upgrade to a new version. <br>Older version of PHP might not run eGroupWare correctly, if at all. <br><br>Please upgrade to at least version 4.1.0
you appear to be running version %1 of egroupware setup pl You appear to be running version %1 of eGroupWare
you are ready for this stage, but this stage is not yet written.<br> setup pl You are ready for this stage, but this stage is not yet written.<br>
you do not have any languages installed. please install one now <br> setup pl You do not have any languages installed. Please install one now <br>
you must enter a username for the admin setup pl Musisz podaæ nazwê administratora
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ Enter the title for your site setup pt Digite o t
Enter your default FTP server setup pt Digite seu servidor FTP padrão
Enter your HTTP proxy server port setup pt Digite a porta do servidor proxy HTTP
Enter your HTTP proxy server setup pt Digite o endereço do servidor proxy HTTP
export phpgroupware accounts from sql to ldap setup pt Exportar contas phpGroupWare do SQL para o LDAP
export egroupware accounts from sql to ldap setup pt Exportar contas eGroupWare do SQL para o LDAP
export sql users to ldap setup pt Exportar usuários do SQL para o LDAP
for a new install, select import. to convert existing sql accounts to ldap, select export setup pt Para uma nova instalação, selecione importar. Para converter contas existentes no SQL para o LDAP, selecione exportar
force selectbox setup pt Forçar caixa de seleção
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ if the application has no defined tables, selecting upgrade should remedy the pr
If using LDAP, do you want to manage homedirectory and loginshell attributes? setup pt Se estiver usando LDAP, você deseja definir atributos de diretório home e interpretador de comandos ?
if you did not receive any errors, your applications have been setup pt Se não foi exibido nenhum erro, suas aplicações foram
if you did not receive any errors, your tables have been setup pt Se não foi exibido nenhum erro, as tabelas foram
import accounts from ldap to the phpgroupware accounts table (for a new install using sql accounts) setup pt Importar contas LDAP para a tabela do phpGroupWare (para uma nova instalação usando contas no SQL)
import accounts from ldap to the egroupware accounts table (for a new install using sql accounts) setup pt Importar contas LDAP para a tabela do eGroupWare (para uma nova instalação usando contas no SQL)
import ldap users/groups setup pt Importar usuários/grupos LDAP
insanity setup pt Insanidade
install Applications setup pt Instalar aplicações
@ -123,9 +123,9 @@ mcrypt algorithm (default tripledes) setup pt Algoritmo Mcrypt (padr
mcrypt mode (default cbc) setup pt Modo Mcrypt (padrão CBC)
mcrypt settings (requires mcrypt php extension) setup pt Configurações para Mcrypt (requer extensão mcrypt do PHP)
Minimum account id (e.g. 500 or 100, etc.) setup pt Id mínimo para contas (Exemplo: 500 ou 100, etc.)
modify an existing ldap account store for use with phpgroupware (for a new install using ldap accounts) setup pt Modificar uma base de dados LDAP existente para usar com phpGroupWare (para uma nova instalação usando contas LDAP)
modify an existing ldap account store for use with egroupware (for a new install using ldap accounts) setup pt Modificar uma base de dados LDAP existente para usar com eGroupWare (para uma nova instalação usando contas LDAP)
multi-language support setup setup pt Configuração de suporte a idiomas
mysqlinstr setup pt Instruções para criar a base de dados no MySQL:<br>Conecte no mysql -<br><i>[user@server user]# mysql -u root -p</i><br>Crie a base de dados vazia e defina as permissões de acesso -<br><i>mysql> create database phpgroupware;</i><br><i>mysql> grant all on phpgroupware.* to phpgroupware@localhost identified by 'password';</i>
mysqlinstr setup pt Instruções para criar a base de dados no MySQL:<br>Conecte no mysql -<br><i>[user@server user]# mysql -u root -p</i><br>Crie a base de dados vazia e defina as permissões de acesso -<br><i>mysql> create database egroupware;</i><br><i>mysql> grant all on egroupware.* to egroupware@localhost identified by 'password';</i>
never setup pt nunca
no algorithms available setup pt Nenhum algoritmo disponível
no modes available setup pt nenhum modo disponível
@ -142,11 +142,11 @@ only add languages that are not in the database already setup pt Somente adicion
only add new phrases setup pt Somente adicionar novas frases
passwords did not match, please re-enter setup pt Senhas não conferem, digite novamente
Path information setup pt Informação de Path
pgsqlinstr setup pt Instruções para criar a base de dados no PostgreSQL:<br>Inicie o serviço (postmaster)<br><i>[user@server user]# postmaster -i -D /home/[username]/[dataDir]</i><br>Crie a base de dados vazia -<br><i>[user@server user]# createdb phpgroupware</i>
pgsqlinstr setup pt Instruções para criar a base de dados no PostgreSQL:<br>Inicie o serviço (postmaster)<br><i>[user@server user]# postmaster -i -D /home/[username]/[dataDir]</i><br>Crie a base de dados vazia -<br><i>[user@server user]# createdb egroupware</i>
please check for sql scripts within the application's directory setup pt Procure por scripts sql dentro do diretório da aplicação
please configure phpGroupWare for your environment setup pt Por favor configure o phpGroupWare para o seu ambiente
please configure eGroupWare for your environment setup pt Por favor configure o eGroupWare para o seu ambiente
please install setup pt Por favor instale
please login to phpgroupware and run the admin application for additional site configuration setup pt Por favor, conecte no phpgroupware e execute a aplicação de administração para outras configurações do servidor
please login to egroupware and run the admin application for additional site configuration setup pt Por favor, conecte no egroupware e execute a aplicação de administração para outras configurações do servidor
possible solutions setup pt Possíveis soluções
potential problem setup pt Problema em potencial
Preferences setup pt Preferências
@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ select which user(s) will have admin privileges setup pt Selecione os usu
select your old version setup pt Selecione a versão antiga
setup demo accounts in ldap setup pt Configurar contas de demonstração no LDAP
setup setup pt Configuração
Show 'powered by' logo on setup pt Área para exibição da logomarca do phpGroupWare
Show 'powered by' logo on setup pt Área para exibição da logomarca do eGroupWare
some or all of its tables are missing setup pt Algumas ou todas tabelas estão faltando
status setup pt Status
step 1 - simple application management setup pt Passo 1 - Configuração inicial das aplicações
@ -196,9 +196,9 @@ Text Entry setup pt Entrada de texto
there was a problem tring to connect to your ldap server. <br>please check your LDAP server configuration setup pt Houve um problema ao tentar conectar com o servidor LDAP. <br>Verifique sua connfiguração
the table definition was correct, and the tables were installed setup pt As definições de tabelas estão corretas e as tabelas estão instaladas
the tables setup pt as tabelas
this program will help you upgrade or install different languages for phpGroupWare setup pt Este programa ajudará a atualizar ou instalar diferentes idiomas para o phpGroupWare
this section will help you export users and groups from phpgroupWare's account tables into your ldap tree setup pt Esta seção ajudará a exportar usuários e grupos das tabelas do phpGroupWare para o LDAP
this section will help you import users and groups from your ldap tree into phpGroupWare's account tables setup pt Esta seção ajudará a importar usuários e grupos LDAP para as tabelas do phpGroupWare
this program will help you upgrade or install different languages for eGroupWare setup pt Este programa ajudará a atualizar ou instalar diferentes idiomas para o eGroupWare
this section will help you export users and groups from phpgroupWare's account tables into your ldap tree setup pt Esta seção ajudará a exportar usuários e grupos das tabelas do eGroupWare para o LDAP
this section will help you import users and groups from your ldap tree into eGroupWare's account tables setup pt Esta seção ajudará a importar usuários e grupos LDAP para as tabelas do eGroupWare
this stage is completed<br> setup pt Este passo está completo<br>
this will create 1 admin account and 3 demo accounts<br>the username/passwords are: demo/guest, demo2/guest and demo3/guest.<br><b>!!!THIS WILL DELETE ALL EXISTING ACCOUNTS!!!</b><br> setup pt Isto irá criar 1 conta de administrador e 3 contas de usuários para demonstração<br>Os usuários/senhas são: demo/guest, demo2/guest and demo3/guest.<br><b>!!!Isto irá remover TODAS as contas e grupos existentes!!!</b><br>
top setup pt topo
@ -217,13 +217,13 @@ Use pure HTML compliant code (not fully working yet) setup pt Usar puro c
Users Choice setup pt À escolha dos usuários
version mismatch setup pt Erro de versão
we will automatically update your tables/records to %1 setup pt As tabelas/registros serão automaticamente atualizadas para %1
Would you like phpGroupWare to cache the phpgw info array ? setup pt Deseja que o phpGroupWare faça cache do vetor de informações phpgw ?
Would you like phpGroupWare to check for a new version<br>when admins login ? setup pt Deseja que o phpGroupWare verifique se há nova versão<br>quando administradores estejam acessando o sistema ?
Would you like eGroupWare to cache the phpgw info array ? setup pt Deseja que o eGroupWare faça cache do vetor de informações phpgw ?
Would you like eGroupWare to check for a new version<br>when admins login ? setup pt Deseja que o eGroupWare verifique se há nova versão<br>quando administradores estejam acessando o sistema ?
Would you like to show each application's upgrade status ? setup pt Deseja exibir se cada aplicação está atualizada ?
yes setup pt Sim
you appear to be running an old version of PHP <br>It its recommend that you upgrade to a new version. <br>Older version of PHP might not run phpGroupWare correctly, if at all. <br><br>Please upgrade to at least version 3.0.16 setup pt Está sendo usado uma versão antiga de PHP.<br>É recomendado que a versão seja atualizada.<br>Versões antigas do PHP podem não executar o phpGroupWare corretamente. <br><br>Por favor atualize para versões acima de 3.0.16.
You appear to be running a pre-beta version of phpGroupWare.<br>These versions are no longer supported, and there is no upgrade path for them in setup.<br> You may wish to first upgrade to 0.9.10 (the last version to support pre-beta upgrades) <br>and then upgrade from there with the current version. setup pt Aparentemente você está usando uma versão pré-beta do phpGroupWare.<br>Estas versões não são mais suportadas, e não há como usar a Configuração para atualizar.<br> Você deve primeiro atualizar para a versão 0.9.10 (a última versão que suporta atualização de pré-betas) <br>e então atualizar a partir desta versão para a versão atual.
you appear to be running version %1 of phpGroupWare setup pt Aparentemente esta versão do phpGroupWare é a %1
you appear to be running an old version of PHP <br>It its recommend that you upgrade to a new version. <br>Older version of PHP might not run eGroupWare correctly, if at all. <br><br>Please upgrade to at least version 4.1.0 setup pt Está sendo usado uma versão antiga de PHP.<br>É recomendado que a versão seja atualizada.<br>Versões antigas do PHP podem não executar o eGroupWare corretamente. <br><br>Por favor atualize para versões acima de 4.1.0.
You appear to be running a pre-beta version of eGroupWare.<br>These versions are no longer supported, and there is no upgrade path for them in setup.<br> You may wish to first upgrade to 0.9.10 (the last version to support pre-beta upgrades) <br>and then upgrade from there with the current version. setup pt Aparentemente você está usando uma versão pré-beta do eGroupWare.<br>Estas versões não são mais suportadas, e não há como usar a Configuração para atualizar.<br> Você deve primeiro atualizar para a versão 0.9.10 (a última versão que suporta atualização de pré-betas) <br>e então atualizar a partir desta versão para a versão atual.
you appear to be running version %1 of eGroupWare setup pt Aparentemente esta versão do eGroupWare é a %1
you are ready for this stage, but this stage is not yet written.<br> setup pt Você está pronto para este passo, mas este estágio não está escrito ainda.<br>
you do not have any languages installed. please install one now <br> setup pt Não há nenhum idioma instalado. Por favor instale algum agora <br>
you must enter a username for the admin setup pt Deve ser especificado um código de usuário para o Administrador
@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ enter your http proxy server password setup sl Vnesite geslo va
enter your http proxy server port setup sl Vnesite vrata vašega HTTP proxy strežnika
enter your http proxy server username setup sl Vnesite uporabniško ime vašega HTTP proxy strežnika
export has been completed! you will need to set the user passwords manually. setup sl Izvoz je dokončan. Ročno morate še nastaviti uporabniške nastavitve.
export phpgroupware accounts from sql to ldap setup sl Izvozi eGroupware račune iz SQL v LDAP
export egroupware accounts from sql to ldap setup sl Izvozi eGroupware račune iz SQL v LDAP
export sql users to ldap setup sl Izvozi SQL uporabniške račune v LDAP
file setup sl DATOTEKA
file type, size, version, etc. setup sl tip datoteke, velikost, različica itd.
@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ if you did not receive any errors, your applications have been setup sl Če
if you did not receive any errors, your tables have been setup sl Če ni prikazana nobena napaka, so bile vaše tabele
if you running this the first time, don't forget to manualy %1 !!! setup sl Če to izvajate prvič, ne pozabite ročno %1!
image type selection order setup sl Zaporedje izbire tipov slik
import accounts from ldap to the phpgroupware accounts table (for a new install using sql accounts) setup sl Uvozi račune iz LDAP v eGroupware (za novo namestitev, ki uporablja SQL račune).
import accounts from ldap to the egroupware accounts table (for a new install using sql accounts) setup sl Uvozi račune iz LDAP v eGroupware (za novo namestitev, ki uporablja SQL račune).
import has been completed! setup sl Uvoz je bil dokončan!
import ldap users/groups setup sl Uvoz LDAP uporabnikov/skupin
importing old settings into the new format.... setup sl Uvažanje starih nastavitev v nov format....
@ -200,10 +200,10 @@ mcrypt version setup sl Različica mcrypt
minimum account id (e.g. 500 or 100, etc.) setup sl Najmanjši ID računa (npr. 500 ali 100)
modifications have been completed! setup sl Spremembe so dokončane.
modify setup sl Spremeni
modify an existing ldap account store for use with phpgroupware (for a new install using ldap accounts) setup sl Prilagodi obstoječo LDAP zbirko računov za uporabo z eGroupWare (za novo namestitev, ki uporablja LDAP račune)
modify an existing ldap account store for use with egroupware (for a new install using ldap accounts) setup sl Prilagodi obstoječo LDAP zbirko računov za uporabo z eGroupWare (za novo namestitev, ki uporablja LDAP račune)
multi-language support setup setup sl Namestitev večjezične podpore
name of database setup sl Ime podatkovne baze
name of db user phpgroupware uses to connect setup sl Uporabniško ime za dostop do podatkvne baze
name of db user egroupware uses to connect setup sl Uporabniško ime za dostop do podatkvne baze
never setup sl nikoli
new setup sl Novo
no setup sl Ne
@ -235,14 +235,14 @@ passwords did not match, please re-enter setup sl Gesli se ne ujemata, prosim, p
path information setup sl Podatki o poti
path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! setup sl Pot do uporabnikovih in skupinskih datotek <b>mora biti zunaj</b> strežnikovega spletnega področja!
persistent connections setup sl Trajne povezave
phpgroupware administration manual setup sl eGroupware upravljalski priročnik
egroupware administration manual setup sl eGroupware upravljalski priročnik
please check for sql scripts within the application's directory setup sl Prosim, preverite za SQL skripte znotraj direktorijev aplikacij
please check read/write permissions on directories, or back up and use another option. setup sl Prosim, preverite pravice dostopa do direktorijev, ali pa se vrnite in uporabite drugo možnost.
please configure phpgroupware for your environment setup sl Prosim, konfigurirajte eGroupware za vaše okolje.
please configure egroupware for your environment setup sl Prosim, konfigurirajte eGroupware za vaše okolje.
please consult the %1. setup sl Prosim, posvetujte se z %1.
please install setup sl Prosim, namestite
please login setup sl Prosim, prijavite se
please login to phpgroupware and run the admin application for additional site configuration setup sl Prosim, za dodatno konfiguriranje spletnega mesta se prijavite v eGroupWare in poženite aplikacijo Admin
please login to egroupware and run the admin application for additional site configuration setup sl Prosim, za dodatno konfiguriranje spletnega mesta se prijavite v eGroupWare in poženite aplikacijo Admin
please wait... setup sl Prosim, počakajte
possible reasons setup sl Mogoči razlogi
possible solutions setup sl Mogoče rešitve
@ -316,10 +316,10 @@ there was a problem trying to connect to your ldap server. <br> setup sl Te
there was a problem trying to connect to your ldap server. <br>please check your ldap server configuration setup sl Težave pri povezovanju z LDAP strežnikom.<br>Prosim, preverite nastavitve LDAP strežnika.
this has to be outside the webservers document-root!!! setup sl To mora biti izven strežnikovega spletnega področja!
this program will convert your database to a new system-charset. setup sl Ta program bo prevedel podatkovno bazo na nov sistemski nabor znakov.
this program will help you upgrade or install different languages for phpgroupware setup sl Ta program vam bo pomagal pri posodabljanju ali namestitvi različnih jezikov za eGroupware.
this section will help you export users and groups from phpgroupware's account tables into your ldap tree setup sl V tej sekciji boste izvozili uporabnike in skupine iz tabel podatkovne baze v vaše LDAP drevo.
this section will help you import users and groups from your ldap tree into phpgroupware's account tables setup sl Ta ekcija vam bo pomagala prenesti uporabnike in skupine iz LDAP drevesa v tabele podatkovne baze.
this section will help you setup your ldap accounts for use with phpgroupware setup sl Ta sekcija vam bo pomagala prenesti vaše LDAP račune za uporabo v eGroupware.
this program will help you upgrade or install different languages for egroupware setup sl Ta program vam bo pomagal pri posodabljanju ali namestitvi različnih jezikov za eGroupware.
this section will help you export users and groups from egroupware's account tables into your ldap tree setup sl V tej sekciji boste izvozili uporabnike in skupine iz tabel podatkovne baze v vaše LDAP drevo.
this section will help you import users and groups from your ldap tree into egroupware's account tables setup sl Ta ekcija vam bo pomagala prenesti uporabnike in skupine iz LDAP drevesa v tabele podatkovne baze.
this section will help you setup your ldap accounts for use with egroupware setup sl Ta sekcija vam bo pomagala prenesti vaše LDAP račune za uporabo v eGroupware.
this should be around 30 bytes in length.<br>note: the default has been randomly generated. setup sl To naj bo dolgo približno 30 bytov. <br> Privzeto besedilo je bilo naključno generirano.
this stage is completed<br> setup sl Ta korak je zaključen. <br>
this will create 1 admin account and 3 demo accounts<br>the username/passwords are: demo/guest, demo2/guest and demo3/guest.<br><b>!!!this will delete all existing accounts!!!</b><br> setup sl Ukaz bo ustvaril en upravljalski račun in tri demo račune.<br>Uporabniška imena so demo/guest, demo2/guest in demo3/guest.<br><b>Pozor: ukaz bo izbrisal vse obstoječe račune!!!</b><br>
@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ top setup sl vrh
translations added setup sl prevodi dodani
translations removed setup sl prevodi odstranjeni
translations upgraded setup sl prevodi posodobljeni
try to configure your php to support one of the above mentioned dbms, or install phpgroupware by hand. setup sl Poizkusite skonfigurirati vašo php podporo na enega od zgoraj naštetih DBMS, ali pa ročno namestite eGroupWare.
try to configure your php to support one of the above mentioned dbms, or install egroupware by hand. setup sl Poizkusite skonfigurirati vašo php podporo na enega od zgoraj naštetih DBMS, ali pa ročno namestite eGroupWare.
two weeks setup sl čez dva tedna
uninstall setup sl odstrani
uninstall all applications setup sl Odstrani vse aplikacije
@ -348,16 +348,16 @@ warning! setup sl Opozorilo!
we can proceed setup sl Lahko nadaljujem.
we will automatically update your tables/records to %1 setup sl Vaše tabele/zapise bom avtomatično nadgradil na %1.
what type of sessions management do you want to use (php4 session management may perform better)? setup sl Kakšen način upravljanja sej želite uporabljati? (PHP4 upravljanje sej je navadno boljši.)
which database type do you want to use with phpgroupware? setup sl Kater tip podatkovne baze želite uporabljati za eGroupware?
would you like phpgroupware to cache the phpgw info array ? setup sl Ali želite, da eGroupware shrani phpgw_info polje v predpomnilnik?
would you like phpgroupware to check for a new version<br>when admins login ? setup sl Ali želite, da eGroupware preveri za novo različico ob upravljalčevi prijavi?
which database type do you want to use with egroupware? setup sl Kater tip podatkovne baze želite uporabljati za eGroupware?
would you like egroupware to cache the phpgw info array ? setup sl Ali želite, da eGroupware shrani phpgw_info polje v predpomnilnik?
would you like egroupware to check for a new version<br>when admins login ? setup sl Ali želite, da eGroupware preveri za novo različico ob upravljalčevi prijavi?
would you like to show each application's upgrade status ? setup sl Ali želite pokazati aktualnost vsake aplikacije?
write config setup sl Zapiši konfiguracijo
yes setup sl Da
you appear to be running a pre-beta version of phpgroupware.<br>these versions are no longer supported, and there is no upgrade path for them in setup.<br> you may wish to first upgrade to 0.9.10 (the last version to support pre-beta upgrades) <br>and then upgrade from there with the current version. setup sl Videti je, da uporabljate pred-beta različico phpGroupware.<br> Te različice niso več podprte in nadgradnja z njih ni mogoča.<br> Prosimo, da najprej nadgradite na 0.9.10, (zadnja različica, ki podpira pred-beta posodabljanje) <br> in potem nadgradite na aktualno različico.
you appear to be running an old version of php <br>it its recommend that you upgrade to a new version. <br>older version of php might not run phpgroupware correctly, if at all. <br><br>please upgrade to at least version %1 setup sl Videti je, da uporabljate staro različico PHP.<br>Priporočamo, da nadgradite na novo različico.<br>Starejše različice morda ne bodo pravilno izvajale eGroupware programov, če jih sploh bodo.<br><br>Prosimo, nadgradite vsaj na PHP različica %1.
you appear to be running version %1 of phpgroupware setup sl Videti je, da imate eGroupware različica %1.
you appear to be using php earlier than 4.1.0. phpgroupware now requires 4.1.0 or later setup sl Videti je, da uporabljate PHP, ki je starejši od 4.1.0. eGroupware potrebuje PHP različica 4.1.0 ali novejši.
you appear to be running a pre-beta version of egroupware.<br>these versions are no longer supported, and there is no upgrade path for them in setup.<br> you may wish to first upgrade to 0.9.10 (the last version to support pre-beta upgrades) <br>and then upgrade from there with the current version. setup sl Videti je, da uporabljate pred-beta različico phpGroupware.<br> Te različice niso več podprte in nadgradnja z njih ni mogoča.<br> Prosimo, da najprej nadgradite na 0.9.10, (zadnja različica, ki podpira pred-beta posodabljanje) <br> in potem nadgradite na aktualno različico.
you appear to be running an old version of php <br>it its recommend that you upgrade to a new version. <br>older version of php might not run egroupware correctly, if at all. <br><br>please upgrade to at least version %1 setup sl Videti je, da uporabljate staro različico PHP.<br>Priporočamo, da nadgradite na novo različico.<br>Starejše različice morda ne bodo pravilno izvajale eGroupware programov, če jih sploh bodo.<br><br>Prosimo, nadgradite vsaj na PHP različica %1.
you appear to be running version %1 of egroupware setup sl Videti je, da imate eGroupware različica %1.
you appear to be using php earlier than 4.1.0. egroupware now requires 4.1.0 or later setup sl Videti je, da uporabljate PHP, ki je starejši od 4.1.0. eGroupware potrebuje PHP različica 4.1.0 ali novejši.
you appear to be using php3. disabling php4 sessions support setup sl Videti je, da uporabljate PHP3. Onemogočam podporo za PHP4 seje.
you appear to be using php4. enabling php4 sessions support setup sl Videti je, da uporabljate PHP4. Omogočam podporo za PHP4 seje.
you appear to have microsoft sql server support enabled setup sl Videti je, da imate omogočeno podporo MS SQL podatkovnega strežnika.
@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ enter some random text for app_session <br>encryption (requires mcrypt) setup zh
enter the full path for temporary files.<br>examples: /tmp, c:\temp setup zh 存放临时文件目录的完整路径.<br>例如: /tmp, C:\TEMP
enter the full path for users and group files.<br>examples: /files, e:\files setup zh 存放用户和组文件的目录的完整路径.<br>例如: /files, E:\FILES
enter the hostname of the machine on which this server is running setup zh 运行该服务器的机器主机名
enter the location of phpgroupware's url.<br>example: http://www.domain.com/phpgroupware or /phpgroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> setup zh 输入phpGroupWare的网址.<br>例如: http://www.domain.com/phpgroupware or /phpgroupware<br><b>末尾不加上"/"</b>
enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> setup zh 输入eGroupWare的网址.<br>例如: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>末尾不加上"/"</b>
enter the site password for peer servers setup zh 对等服务器的站点密码
enter the site username for peer servers setup zh 对等服务器的站点用户名
enter the title for your site setup zh 站点标题
@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ enter your http proxy server password setup zh TTP代理服务器的密码
enter your http proxy server port setup zh HTTP代理服务器的端口号
enter your http proxy server username setup zh HTTP代理服务器的用户名
export has been completed! you will need to set the user passwords manually. setup zh 导出完成! 您必须手动设置用户的密码.
export phpgroupware accounts from sql to ldap setup zh 将现存于 SQL 中的 phpGroupWare 帐户资料导出至 LDAP
export egroupware accounts from sql to ldap setup zh 将现存于 SQL 中的 eGroupWare 帐户资料导出至 LDAP
export sql users to ldap setup zh 将 SQL 的用户资料导出至 LDAP
file setup zh 文件
file type, size, version, etc. setup zh 文件类型、大小、版本, 等等.
@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ if you did not receive any errors, your applications have been setup zh 如果
if you did not receive any errors, your tables have been setup zh 如果您没有看到任何错误信息,您的表格已经
if you running this the first time, don't forget to manualy %1 !!! setup zh 如果您是第一次运行, 别忘了手动 %1 !!!
image type selection order setup zh 按此处的类型顺序显示图片(即图片类型的显示优先级)
import accounts from ldap to the phpgroupware accounts table (for a new install using sql accounts) setup zh 将 LDAP 中的帐户信息导入到 phpGroupWare 帐户表格 (第一次安装使用 SQL 帐户)
import accounts from ldap to the egroupware accounts table (for a new install using sql accounts) setup zh 将 LDAP 中的帐户信息导入到 eGroupWare 帐户表格 (第一次安装使用 SQL 帐户)
import has been completed! setup zh 导入完成!
import ldap users/groups setup zh 导入 LDAP 用户/组
importing old settings into the new format.... setup zh 将原有配置导入到新格式....
@ -204,10 +204,10 @@ mcrypt version setup zh MCrypt 版本
minimum account id (e.g. 500 or 100, etc.) setup zh 最小帐户数目 (如: 500 or 100, etc.)
modifications have been completed! setup zh 修改完成!
modify setup zh 修改
modify an existing ldap account store for use with phpgroupware (for a new install using ldap accounts) setup zh 修改现有 LDAP 帐号的保存,以便使用 phpGroupWare (第一次安装使用 LDAP 帐户)
modify an existing ldap account store for use with egroupware (for a new install using ldap accounts) setup zh 修改现有 LDAP 帐号的保存,以便使用 eGroupWare (第一次安装使用 LDAP 帐户)
multi-language support setup setup zh 多语言安装支持
name of database setup zh 数据库名
name of db user phpgroupware uses to connect setup zh phpGroupWare 连接的数据库用户名
name of db user egroupware uses to connect setup zh eGroupWare 连接的数据库用户名
never setup zh 绝不
new setup zh 新建
no setup zh 否
@ -240,15 +240,15 @@ passwords did not match, please re-enter setup zh 密码不符,请重新输入
path information setup zh 路径信息
path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! setup zh 存放用户和组文件的目录不能位于web服务器的根目录内!!!
persistent connections setup zh 保持连接
phpgroupware administration manual setup zh phpGroupWare 管理手册
egroupware administration manual setup zh eGroupWare 管理手册
please check for sql scripts within the application's directory setup zh 请在应用程序所在目录中检查sql脚本
please check read/write permissions on directories, or back up and use another option. setup zh 请检查对目录的读/写权限,或者备份后采取其它措施.
please configure phpgroupware for your environment setup zh 请根据您的运行环境设置eGroupWare
please configure egroupware for your environment setup zh 请根据您的运行环境设置eGroupWare
please consult the %1. setup zh 详情请查阅%1.
please fix the above errors (%1) and warnings(%2) and %3continue to the header admin%4 setup zh 请修正以上错误(%1)和警告(%2),并%3继续安装%4
please install setup zh 请安装
please login setup zh 请登陆
please login to phpgroupware and run the admin application for additional site configuration setup zh 请登陆eGroupWare,运行管理员应用程序以进行站点的附加配置
please login to egroupware and run the admin application for additional site configuration setup zh 请登陆eGroupWare,运行管理员应用程序以进行站点的附加配置
please wait... setup zh 请稍候...
possible reasons setup zh 可能的原因
possible solutions setup zh 可能的解决方法
@ -324,10 +324,10 @@ there was a problem trying to connect to your ldap server. <br> setup zh 无法
there was a problem trying to connect to your ldap server. <br>please check your ldap server configuration setup zh 无法连接到您的LDAP服务器. <br>请检查您的LDAP服务器的配置
this has to be outside the webservers document-root!!! setup zh 该目录不能位于web服务器的根目录内!!!
this program will convert your database to a new system-charset. setup zh 该程序将转换您的数据库,使之符合新的系统编码.
this program will help you upgrade or install different languages for phpgroupware setup zh 该程序将帮助升级您的 phpGroupWare 或安装其他语言
this section will help you export users and groups from phpgroupware's account tables into your ldap tree setup zh 这部分将帮助您从 phpGroupWare 的帐户表格中将用户和组信息导出到 LDAP 树
this section will help you import users and groups from your ldap tree into phpgroupware's account tables setup zh 这部分将帮助您从 LDAP 树中将用户和组信息导入到 phpGroupWare 的帐户表格中
this section will help you setup your ldap accounts for use with phpgroupware setup zh 这部分将帮助您建立您的 LDAP 帐户,以便和 phpGroupWare 一起使用
this program will help you upgrade or install different languages for egroupware setup zh 该程序将帮助升级您的 eGroupWare 或安装其他语言
this section will help you export users and groups from egroupware's account tables into your ldap tree setup zh 这部分将帮助您从 eGroupWare 的帐户表格中将用户和组信息导出到 LDAP 树
this section will help you import users and groups from your ldap tree into egroupware's account tables setup zh 这部分将帮助您从 LDAP 树中将用户和组信息导入到 eGroupWare 的帐户表格中
this section will help you setup your ldap accounts for use with egroupware setup zh 这部分将帮助您建立您的 LDAP 帐户,以便和 eGroupWare 一起使用
this should be around 30 bytes in length.<br>note: the default has been randomly generated. setup zh 长度应该在30字节左右.<br>注意: 默认值已经随机生成.
this stage is completed<br> setup zh 本阶段配置已完成<br>
this will create 1 admin account and 3 demo accounts<br>the username/passwords are: demo/guest, demo2/guest and demo3/guest.<br><b>!!!this will delete all existing accounts!!!</b><br> setup zh 这将创建一个管理员帐户和三个演示帐户<br>用户名/密码是: demo/guest, demo2/guest 和 demo3/guest.<br><b>!!!这将删除所有帐户!!!</b><br>
@ -337,7 +337,7 @@ top setup zh 顶部
translations added setup zh 转换已添加
translations removed setup zh 转换已删除
translations upgraded setup zh 转换已升级
try to configure your php to support one of the above mentioned dbms, or install phpgroupware by hand. setup zh 请将您的php设置成支持上述的关系数据库, 或者手动安装phpGroupWare.
try to configure your php to support one of the above mentioned dbms, or install egroupware by hand. setup zh 请将您的php设置成支持上述的关系数据库, 或者手动安装eGroupWare.
two weeks setup zh 两周
uninstall setup zh 卸载
uninstall all applications setup zh 卸载所有应用程序
@ -356,16 +356,16 @@ warning! setup zh 警告!
we can proceed setup zh 可以继续
we will automatically update your tables/records to %1 setup zh 将自动将您的表格/纪录自动升级到%1
what type of sessions management do you want to use (php4 session management may perform better)? setup zh 使用何种类型的会话管理工具?(PHP4的会话管理性能较好)
which database type do you want to use with phpgroupware? setup zh 在phpGroupWare中使用何种数据库?
would you like phpgroupware to cache the phpgw info array ? setup zh 是否让eGroupWare缓存系统信息?
would you like phpgroupware to check for a new version<br>when admins login ? setup zh 管理员登陆时,是否检查phpGroupWare的更新版本?
which database type do you want to use with egroupware? setup zh 在eGroupWare中使用何种数据库?
would you like egroupware to cache the phpgw info array ? setup zh 是否让eGroupWare缓存系统信息?
would you like egroupware to check for a new version<br>when admins login ? setup zh 管理员登陆时,是否检查eGroupWare的更新版本?
would you like to show each application's upgrade status ? setup zh 您希望显示每个应用程序的升级状态吗 ?
write config setup zh 保存配置
yes setup zh Yes
you appear to be running a pre-beta version of phpgroupware.<br>these versions are no longer supported, and there is no upgrade path for them in setup.<br> you may wish to first upgrade to 0.9.10 (the last version to support pre-beta upgrades) <br>and then upgrade from there with the current version. setup zh 您目前运行的是测试版本的 phpGroupWare。<br>目前已经不再支持这个版本,建议您先升级到 0.9.10 版(最后一个测试版) <br>再升级到现在的版本.
you appear to be running an old version of php <br>it its recommend that you upgrade to a new version. <br>older version of php might not run phpgroupware correctly, if at all. <br><br>please upgrade to at least version %1 setup zh 您目前运行的PHP版本太旧 <br>建议您升级到较新版本. <br>因为老版本的 PHP 可能会造成 phpGroupWare 运行不正常. <br><br>建议您升级到至少 %1
you appear to be running version %1 of phpgroupware setup zh 您目前运行的eGroupWare版本为 %1
you appear to be using php earlier than 4.1.0. phpgroupware now requires 4.1.0 or later setup zh 您的 PHP 版本号低于 4.1.0 . phpGroupWare 要求4.1.0版或更高版本
you appear to be running a pre-beta version of egroupware.<br>these versions are no longer supported, and there is no upgrade path for them in setup.<br> you may wish to first upgrade to 0.9.10 (the last version to support pre-beta upgrades) <br>and then upgrade from there with the current version. setup zh 您目前运行的是测试版本的 eGroupWare。<br>目前已经不再支持这个版本,建议您先升级到 0.9.10 版(最后一个测试版) <br>再升级到现在的版本.
you appear to be running an old version of php <br>it its recommend that you upgrade to a new version. <br>older version of php might not run egroupware correctly, if at all. <br><br>please upgrade to at least version %1 setup zh 您目前运行的PHP版本太旧 <br>建议您升级到较新版本. <br>因为老版本的 PHP 可能会造成 eGroupWare 运行不正常. <br><br>建议您升级到至少 %1
you appear to be running version %1 of egroupware setup zh 您目前运行的eGroupWare版本为 %1
you appear to be using php earlier than 4.1.0. egroupware now requires 4.1.0 or later setup zh 您的 PHP 版本号低于 4.1.0 . eGroupWare 要求4.1.0版或更高版本
you appear to be using php3. disabling php4 sessions support setup zh 您目前运行的是PHP3. PHP4会话支持已禁用
you appear to be using php4. enabling php4 sessions support setup zh 您目前运行的是PHP4. PHP4会话支持已启用
you appear to have microsoft sql server support enabled setup zh 已经启用Microsoft SQL Server
@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ enter your http proxy server password setup zt
enter your http proxy server port setup zt 輸入網頁代理伺服器主機埠
enter your http proxy server username setup zt 輸入網頁代理伺服器主機使用者帳號
export has been completed! you will need to set the user passwords manually. setup zt 匯出完成!您將需要手動設定使用者密碼。
export phpgroupware accounts from sql to ldap setup zt 從SQL 輸出phpGroupWare帳號到LDAP
export egroupware accounts from sql to ldap setup zt 從SQL 輸出eGroupWare帳號到LDAP
export sql users to ldap setup zt 將 SQL 使用者資料匯出至 LDAP
file setup zt 檔案
file type, size, version, etc. setup zt 檔案格式、大小、版本等。
@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ if you did not receive any errors, your applications have been setup zt
if you did not receive any errors, your tables have been setup zt 如果您沒有看到任何錯誤訊息,您的資料表已經
if you running this the first time, don't forget to manualy %1 !!! setup zt 如果您第一次執行,別忘了手動 %1 !!!
image type selection order setup zt 圖片格式選取順序
import accounts from ldap to the phpgroupware accounts table (for a new install using sql accounts) setup zt 從LDAP匯入使用者帳號(如果是全新安裝且使用SQL資料庫)
import accounts from ldap to the egroupware accounts table (for a new install using sql accounts) setup zt 從LDAP匯入使用者帳號(如果是全新安裝且使用SQL資料庫)
import has been completed! setup zt 匯入成功!
import ldap users/groups setup zt 匯入 LDAP 使用者/群組
importing old settings into the new format.... setup zt 匯入舊的設定值到新的格式中...
@ -197,11 +197,11 @@ mcrypt version setup zt MCrypt
minimum account id (e.g. 500 or 100, etc.) setup zt 使用者帳號編碼最小值﹝如:500 或 100﹞
modifications have been completed! setup zt 修改已經完成!
modify setup zt 修改
modify an existing ldap account store for use with phpgroupware (for a new install using ldap accounts) setup zt 修改一個已經存在的LDAP帳號讓phpGroupWare使用(全新安裝且使用LDAP帳號)
modify an existing ldap account store for use with egroupware (for a new install using ldap accounts) setup zt 修改一個已經存在的LDAP帳號讓eGroupWare使用(全新安裝且使用LDAP帳號)
multi-language support setup setup zt 多國語言設定
mysqlinstr setup zt 在 MySQL 中建立資料庫的方法:<br>登入 MySQL 系統 -<br><i>[user@server user]# mysql -u root -p</i><br>建立空的資料庫並授權使用者使用 -<br><i>mysql> create database phpgroupware;</i><br><i>mysql> grant all on phpgroupware.* to phpgroupware@localhost identified by 'password';</i>
mysqlinstr setup zt 在 MySQL 中建立資料庫的方法:<br>登入 MySQL 系統 -<br><i>[user@server user]# mysql -u root -p</i><br>建立空的資料庫並授權使用者使用 -<br><i>mysql> create database egroupware;</i><br><i>mysql> grant all on egroupware.* to egroupware@localhost identified by 'password';</i>
name of database setup zt 資料庫名稱
name of db user phpgroupware uses to connect setup zt phpGroupWare用來與資料庫連結的帳號
name of db user egroupware uses to connect setup zt eGroupWare用來與資料庫連結的帳號
never setup zt 從未
new setup zt 新
no setup zt 否
@ -232,15 +232,15 @@ passwords did not match, please re-enter setup zt
path information setup zt 路徑資訊
path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! setup zt 使用者與群組的檔案路徑必須在網站伺服器的網頁根目錄以外!
persistent connections setup zt 持續連線
pgsqlinstr setup zt 在 PostgreSQL 中建立資料庫的方法:<br>起用 PostgreSQL 系統<br><i>[user@server user]# postmaster -i -D /home/[username]/[dataDir]</i><br>建立空的資料庫 -<br><i>[user@server user]# createdb phpgroupware</i>
phpgroupware administration manual setup zt phpGroupWare管理手冊
pgsqlinstr setup zt 在 PostgreSQL 中建立資料庫的方法:<br>起用 PostgreSQL 系統<br><i>[user@server user]# postmaster -i -D /home/[username]/[dataDir]</i><br>建立空的資料庫 -<br><i>[user@server user]# createdb egroupware</i>
egroupware administration manual setup zt eGroupWare管理手冊
please check for sql scripts within the application's directory setup zt 請檢查應用程式目錄下的 SQL 命令檔
please check read/write permissions on directories, or back up and use another option. setup zt 請檢查資料夾讀取/寫入的權限或是備份後使用其他選項。
please configure phpgroupware for your environment setup zt 請為您現在的環境設定 phpGroupWare 的相關組態
please configure egroupware for your environment setup zt 請為您現在的環境設定 eGroupWare 的相關組態
please consult the %1. setup zt 請查閱%1。
please install setup zt 請安裝
please login setup zt 請登入
please login to phpgroupware and run the admin application for additional site configuration setup zt 請登入 phpGroupWare 並執行管理者應用程式設定其餘的組態設定
please login to egroupware and run the admin application for additional site configuration setup zt 請登入 eGroupWare 並執行管理者應用程式設定其餘的組態設定
please wait... setup zt Please Wait...
possible reasons setup zt 可能的原因
possible solutions setup zt 可能的解決方法
@ -314,10 +314,10 @@ there was a problem tring to connect to your ldap server. <br>please check your
there was a problem trying to connect to your ldap server. <br> setup zt 嘗試連接您的LDAP伺服器時發生錯誤。<br>
there was a problem trying to connect to your ldap server. <br>please check your ldap server configuration setup zt 嘗試連接您的LDAP伺服器時發生錯誤。<br>請檢查您的設定
this has to be outside the webservers document-root!!! setup zt 這個設定必須在網站伺服器的網頁根目錄以外!
this program will help you upgrade or install different languages for phpgroupware setup zt 這個程式將協助您升級或安裝 phpGroupWare 內不同的語言
this section will help you export users and groups from phpgroupware's account tables into your ldap tree setup zt 這個部份將協助您從 phpGroupWare 的資料表匯出使用者及群組設定到 LDAP 主機中
this section will help you import users and groups from your ldap tree into phpgroupware's account tables setup zt 這個部份將協助您從 phpGroupWare 的資料表匯入使用者及群組設定到 LDAP 主機中
this section will help you setup your ldap accounts for use with phpgroupware setup zt 這個部份將會協助您安裝您在phpGroupWare中使用的LDAP帳號
this program will help you upgrade or install different languages for egroupware setup zt 這個程式將協助您升級或安裝 eGroupWare 內不同的語言
this section will help you export users and groups from egroupware's account tables into your ldap tree setup zt 這個部份將協助您從 eGroupWare 的資料表匯出使用者及群組設定到 LDAP 主機中
this section will help you import users and groups from your ldap tree into egroupware's account tables setup zt 這個部份將協助您從 eGroupWare 的資料表匯入使用者及群組設定到 LDAP 主機中
this section will help you setup your ldap accounts for use with egroupware setup zt 這個部份將會協助您安裝您在eGroupWare中使用的LDAP帳號
this should be around 30 bytes in length.<br>note: the default has been randomly generated. setup zt 這個長度必須大約在30位元組左右。<br>注意:預設值已經隨機產生了。
this stage is completed<br> setup zt 這個步驟已經完成<br>
this will create 1 admin account and 3 demo accounts<br>the username/passwords are: demo/guest, demo2/guest and demo3/guest.<br><b>!!!this will delete all existing accounts!!!</b><br> setup zt 這個動作將會建立一個管理者帳號及三個示範帳號。<br>使用者代碼及密碼分別為:demo/guest、demo2/guest 及 demo3/guest。<br><b>!!!這個動作將會移除所有的帳號!!!</b><br>
@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ top setup zt
translations added setup zt 語系新增了
translations removed setup zt 語系移除了
translations upgraded setup zt 語系更新了
try to configure your php to support one of the above mentioned dbms, or install phpgroupware by hand. setup zt 請嘗試組態您的PHP來支援上面提到的資料庫管理系統,或是請您手動安裝phpGroupWare。
try to configure your php to support one of the above mentioned dbms, or install egroupware by hand. setup zt 請嘗試組態您的PHP來支援上面提到的資料庫管理系統,或是請您手動安裝eGroupWare。
two weeks setup zt 兩星期
uninstall setup zt 移除
uninstall all applications setup zt 移除所有應用程式
@ -345,17 +345,17 @@ warning! setup zt ĵ
we can proceed setup zt 我們可以處理
we will automatically update your tables/records to %1 setup zt 我們將自動幫您更新您的資料表及資料到 %1
what type of sessions management do you want to use (php4 session management may perform better)? setup zt 您希望使用什麼樣的SESSION管理方式(PHP4 SESSION管理一般提供較好的效能)
which database type do you want to use with phpgroupware? setup zt 您希望phpGroupWare安裝在哪一種資料庫?
would you like phpgroupware to cache the phpgw info array ? setup zt 您希望 phpGroupWare 將系統資訊存到存取緩衝區內嗎?
would you like phpgroupware to check for a new version<br>when admins login ? setup zt 您希望 phpGroupWare 自動於管理者登入時檢查是否有最新版本?
which database type do you want to use with egroupware? setup zt 您希望eGroupWare安裝在哪一種資料庫?
would you like egroupware to cache the phpgw info array ? setup zt 您希望 eGroupWare 將系統資訊存到存取緩衝區內嗎?
would you like egroupware to check for a new version<br>when admins login ? setup zt 您希望 eGroupWare 自動於管理者登入時檢查是否有最新版本?
would you like to show each application's upgrade status ? setup zt 您希望顯示每一個應用程式升級的資訊嗎?
write config setup zt 寫入設定
yes setup zt 是
you appear to be running a pre-beta version of phpgroupware.<br>these versions are no longer supported, and there is no upgrade path for them in setup.<br> you may wish to first upgrade to 0.9.10 (the last version to support pre-beta upgrades) <br>and then upgrade from there with the current version. setup zt 您目前安裝的為測試版本的 phpGroupWare。<br>目前已經不再支援這個版本,建議您先升級到 0.9.10 版﹝最後一個測試版本﹞ <br>再升級到現在的版本。
you appear to be running an old version of php <br>it its recommend that you upgrade to a new version. <br>older version of php might not run phpgroupware correctly, if at all. <br><br>please upgrade to at least version %1 setup zt 您似乎正在執行較舊版本的PHP<br>建議您將它更新到較新的版本。<br>較舊的PHP版本也許無法正確執行phpGroupWare。<br><br>請將版本至少更新到%1
you appear to be running an old version of php <br>it its recommend that you upgrade to a new version. <br>older version of php might not run phpgroupware correctly, if at all. <br><br>please upgrade to at least version 3.0.16 setup zt 您目前所使用的 PHP 版本太舊,<br>建議您升級到較新的版本,<br>因為舊版本的 PHP 可能會造成 phpGroupWare 運作不正常。<br><br>建議您至少升級到 3.0.16 版
you appear to be running version %1 of phpgroupware setup zt 您目前所使用的 phpGroupWare 版本為 %1
you appear to be using php earlier than 4.1.0. phpgroupware now requires 4.1.0 or later setup zt 您似乎正在使用比PHP4.1.0更舊的版本,phpGroupWare現在要求4.1.0或更新的版本
you appear to be running a pre-beta version of egroupware.<br>these versions are no longer supported, and there is no upgrade path for them in setup.<br> you may wish to first upgrade to 0.9.10 (the last version to support pre-beta upgrades) <br>and then upgrade from there with the current version. setup zt 您目前安裝的為測試版本的 eGroupWare。<br>目前已經不再支援這個版本,建議您先升級到 0.9.10 版﹝最後一個測試版本﹞ <br>再升級到現在的版本。
you appear to be running an old version of php <br>it its recommend that you upgrade to a new version. <br>older version of php might not run egroupware correctly, if at all. <br><br>please upgrade to at least version %1 setup zt 您似乎正在執行較舊版本的PHP<br>建議您將它更新到較新的版本。<br>較舊的PHP版本也許無法正確執行eGroupWare。<br><br>請將版本至少更新到%1
you appear to be running an old version of php <br>it its recommend that you upgrade to a new version. <br>older version of php might not run egroupware correctly, if at all. <br><br>please upgrade to at least version 4.1.0 setup zt 您目前所使用的 PHP 版本太舊,<br>建議您升級到較新的版本,<br>因為舊版本的 PHP 可能會造成 eGroupWare 運作不正常。<br><br>建議您至少升級到 4.1.0 版
you appear to be running version %1 of egroupware setup zt 您目前所使用的 eGroupWare 版本為 %1
you appear to be using php earlier than 4.1.0. egroupware now requires 4.1.0 or later setup zt 您似乎正在使用比PHP4.1.0更舊的版本,eGroupWare現在要求4.1.0或更新的版本
you appear to be using php3. disabling php4 sessions support setup zt 您似乎在使用PHP3,PHP4 SESSION支援關閉中
you appear to be using php4. enabling php4 sessions support setup zt 您似乎在使用PHP4,PHP4 SESSION支援開啟中
you appear to have microsoft sql server support enabled setup zt 您的系統似乎支援Microsoft SQL Server
@ -57,9 +57,9 @@
$setup_tpl->set_var('description',lang('LDAP Accounts Configuration'));
$setup_tpl->set_var('lang_ldapmodify',lang('Modify an existing LDAP account store for use with phpGroupWare (for a new install using LDAP accounts)'));
$setup_tpl->set_var('lang_ldapimport',lang('Import accounts from LDAP to the phpGroupware accounts table (for a new install using SQL accounts)'));
$setup_tpl->set_var('lang_ldapexport',lang('Export phpGroupware accounts from SQL to LDAP'));
$setup_tpl->set_var('lang_ldapmodify',lang('Modify an existing LDAP account store for use with eGroupWare (for a new install using LDAP accounts)'));
$setup_tpl->set_var('lang_ldapimport',lang('Import accounts from LDAP to the eGroupware accounts table (for a new install using SQL accounts)'));
$setup_tpl->set_var('lang_ldapexport',lang('Export eGroupware accounts from SQL to LDAP'));
$setup_tpl->set_var('lang_ldapdummy',lang('Setup demo accounts in LDAP'));
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
/* $Id$ */
$phpgw_info = array();
$phpgw_info["flags"] = array(
$phpgw_info['flags'] = array(
'noheader' => True,
'nonavbar' => True,
'currentapp' => 'home',
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
$common = $phpgw->common;
$phpgw->db = $GLOBALS['phpgw_setup']->db;
$tpl_root = $GLOBALS['phpgw_setup']->html->setup_tpl_dir('setup');
$setup_tpl = CreateObject('setup.Template',$tpl_root);
@ -147,8 +147,8 @@
// Do some checks before we try to import the data to LDAP.
if(!empty($thisacctid) && !empty($thisacctlid))
$groups = CreateObject('phpgwapi.accounts',intval($thisacctid));
$groups->db = $GLOBALS['phpgw_setup']->db;
$groups = CreateObject('phpgwapi.accounts',(int)$thisacctid);
// Check if the account is already there.
// If so, we won't try to create it again.
@ -157,7 +157,7 @@
$thisacctid = $acct_exist;
$id_exist = $groups->exists(intval($thisacctid));
$id_exist = $groups->exists((int)$thisacctid);
echo '<br>accountid: ' . $thisacctid;
echo '<br>accountlid: ' . $thisacctlid;
@ -195,8 +195,8 @@
// Do some checks before we try to import the data.
if(!empty($thisacctid) && !empty($thisacctlid))
$accounts = CreateObject('phpgwapi.accounts',intval($thisacctid));
$accounts->db = $GLOBALS['phpgw_setup']->db;
$accounts = CreateObject('phpgwapi.accounts',(int)$thisacctid);
// Check if the account is already there.
// If so, we won't try to create it again.
@ -205,7 +205,7 @@
$thisacctid = $acct_exist;
$id_exist = $accounts->exists(intval($thisacctid));
$id_exist = $accounts->exists((int)$thisacctid);
// If not, create it now.
@ -283,7 +283,7 @@
$setup_tpl->set_var('ldap_import',lang('LDAP export users'));
$setup_tpl->set_var('description',lang("This section will help you export users and groups from phpGroupWare's account tables into your LDAP tree").'.');
$setup_tpl->set_var('description',lang("This section will help you export users and groups from eGroupWare's account tables into your LDAP tree").'.');
$setup_tpl->set_var('select_users',lang('Select which user(s) will be exported'));
$setup_tpl->set_var('select_groups',lang('Select which group(s) will be exported (group membership will be maintained)'));
@ -168,8 +168,8 @@
// Do some checks before we try to import the data.
if (!empty($thisacctid) && !empty($thisacctlid))
$accounts = CreateObject('phpgwapi.accounts',intval($thisacctid));
$accounts->db = $GLOBALS['phpgw_setup']->db;
$accounts = CreateObject('phpgwapi.accounts',(int)$thisacctid);
// Check if the account is already there.
// If so, we won't try to create it again.
@ -200,7 +200,7 @@
// Since the group has app rights, we don't need to give users
// these rights. Instead, we make the user a member of the Default group
// below.
$acl = CreateObject('phpgwapi.acl',intval($thisacctid));
$acl = CreateObject('phpgwapi.acl',(int)$thisacctid);
$acl->db = $GLOBALS['phpgw_setup']->db;
@ -215,7 +215,7 @@
// Now make them a member of the 'Default' group.
// But, only if the current user is not the group itself.
if (!$defaultgroupid)
@ -246,11 +246,11 @@
$thismembers = $group_info[$groupid]['members'];
// Do some checks before we try to import the data.
if (!empty($thisacctid) && !empty($thisacctlid))
if(!empty($thisacctid) && !empty($thisacctlid))
$groups = CreateObject('phpgwapi.accounts',intval($thisacctid));
$groups->db = $GLOBALS['phpgw_setup']->db;
$groups = CreateObject('phpgwapi.accounts',(int)$thisacctid);
// Check if the account is already there.
// If so, we won't try to create it again.
$acct_exist = $groups->name2id($thisacctlid);
@ -259,7 +259,7 @@
$thisacctid = $acct_exist;
$id_exist = $groups->exists(intval($thisacctid));
$id_exist = $groups->exists((int)$thisacctid);
// If not, create it now.
@ -302,8 +302,8 @@
$acl = CreateObject('phpgwapi.acl',$tmpid);
$acl->db = $GLOBALS['phpgw_setup']->db;
$acl->account_id = intval($tmpid);
$acl->account_id = (int)$tmpid;
@ -320,7 +320,7 @@
$pref = CreateObject('phpgwapi.preferences',$tmpid);
$pref->db = $GLOBALS['phpgw_setup']->db;
$pref->account_id = intval($tmpid);
$pref->account_id = (int)$tmpid;
while (list($key,$app) = each($s_apps))
@ -333,8 +333,8 @@
/* Now give this group some rights */
$phpgw_info['user']['account_id'] = $thisacctid;
$acl = CreateObject('phpgwapi.acl');
$acl->db = $GLOBALS['phpgw_setup']->db;
$acl->account_id = intval($thisacctid);
$acl->account_id = (int)$thisacctid;
while (list($key,$app) = each($s_apps))
@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
/* Create the 'Default' group */
$groups = CreateObject('phpgwapi.accounts',$defaultgroupid);
$groups->db = $GLOBALS['phpgw_setup']->db;
// Check if the group account is already there.
// If so, set our group_id to that account's id for use below.
@ -360,7 +360,7 @@
$defaultgroupid = $acct_exist;
$id_exist = $groups->exists(intval($defaultgroupid));
$id_exist = $groups->exists((int)$defaultgroupid);
// if not, create it, using our original groupid.
@ -380,8 +380,8 @@
$defaultgroupid = $acct->name2id('Default');
$acl = CreateObject('phpgwapi.acl',$defaultgroupid);
$acl->db = $GLOBALS['phpgw_setup']->db;
$acl->account_id = intval($defaultgroupid);
$acl->account_id = (int)$defaultgroupid;
while (list($key,$app) = each($s_apps))
@ -466,7 +466,7 @@
$setup_tpl->set_var('ldap_import',lang('LDAP import users'));
$setup_tpl->set_var('description',lang("This section will help you import users and groups from your LDAP tree into phpGroupWare's account tables").'.');
$setup_tpl->set_var('description',lang("This section will help you import users and groups from your LDAP tree into eGroupWare's account tables").'.');
$setup_tpl->set_var('select_users',lang('Select which user(s) will be imported'));
$setup_tpl->set_var('select_admins',lang('Select which user(s) will have admin privileges'));
$setup_tpl->set_var('select_groups',lang('Select which group(s) will be imported (group membership will be maintained)'));
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
$common = $phpgw->common;
$phpgw->db = $GLOBALS['phpgw_setup']->db;
$tpl_root = $GLOBALS['phpgw_setup']->html->setup_tpl_dir('setup');
$setup_tpl = CreateObject('setup.Template',$tpl_root);
@ -63,8 +63,8 @@
$phpgw_info['server']['ldap_root_pw'] = $config['ldap_root_pw'];
$phpgw_info['server']['account_repository'] = $config['account_repository'];
$phpgw->accounts = CreateObject('phpgwapi.accounts');
$acct = $phpgw->accounts;
$phpgw->accounts = CreateObject('phpgwapi.accounts');
$acct = $phpgw->accounts;
/* connect to ldap server */
if (! $ldap = $common->ldapConnect())
@ -127,11 +127,11 @@
if (isset($_POST['submit']))
$acl = CreateObject('phpgwapi.acl');
$acl->db = $GLOBALS['phpgw_setup']->db;
if (isset($_POST['ldapgroups']))
$groups = CreateObject('phpgwapi.accounts');
$groups->db = $GLOBALS['phpgw_setup']->db;
while (list($key,$groupid) = each($_POST['ldapgroups']))
$id_exist = 0;
@ -146,7 +146,7 @@
/* Do some checks before we try to import the data. */
if (!empty($thisacctid) && !empty($thisacctlid))
$groups->account_id = intval($thisacctid);
$groups->account_id = (int)$thisacctid;
$sr = ldap_search($ldap,$config['ldap_group_context'],'cn='.$thisacctlid);
$entry = ldap_get_entries($ldap, $sr);
@ -173,15 +173,15 @@
$add['phpgwaccountstatus'][] = 'A';
$add['phpgwaccountstatus'][] = 'A';
$add['phpgwaccounttype'][] = 'g';
$add['phpgwaccounttype'][] = 'g';
$add['phpgwaccountexpires'][] = -1;
$add['phpgwaccountexpires'][] = -1;
@ -213,7 +213,7 @@
// these rights. Instead, we maintain group membership here.
$acl->account_id = intval($tmpid);
$acl->account_id = (int)$tmpid;
@ -229,7 +229,7 @@
/* Now give this group some rights */
$phpgw_info['user']['account_id'] = $thisacctid;
$acl->account_id = intval($thisacctid);
$acl->account_id = (int)$thisacctid;
while (list($key,$app) = @each($s_apps))
@ -246,7 +246,7 @@
$accounts = CreateObject('phpgwapi.accounts');
$accounts->db = $GLOBALS['phpgw_setup']->db;
while (list($key,$id) = each($_POST['users']))
$id_exist = 0;
@ -258,7 +258,7 @@
/* Do some checks before we try to import the data. */
if (!empty($thisacctid) && !empty($thisacctlid))
$accounts->account_id = intval($thisacctid);
$accounts->account_id = (int)$thisacctid;
$sr = ldap_search($ldap,$config['ldap_context'],'uid='.$thisacctlid);
$entry = ldap_get_entries($ldap, $sr);
@ -283,15 +283,15 @@
$add['phpgwaccountstatus'][] = 'A';
$add['phpgwaccountstatus'][] = 'A';
$add['phpgwaccounttype'][] = 'u';
$add['phpgwaccounttype'][] = 'u';
$add['phpgwaccountexpires'][] = -1;
$add['phpgwaccountexpires'][] = -1;
@ -303,7 +303,7 @@
Since the group has app rights, we don't need to give users
these rights.
$acl->account_id = intval($thisacctid);
$acl->account_id = (int)$thisacctid;
@ -411,7 +411,7 @@
$setup_tpl->set_var('ldap_import',lang('LDAP Modify'));
$setup_tpl->set_var('description',lang("This section will help you setup your LDAP accounts for use with phpGroupWare").'.');
$setup_tpl->set_var('description',lang("This section will help you setup your LDAP accounts for use with eGroupWare").'.');
$setup_tpl->set_var('select_users',lang('Select which user(s) will be modified'));
$setup_tpl->set_var('select_admins',lang('Select which user(s) will also have admin privileges'));
$setup_tpl->set_var('select_groups',lang('Select which group(s) will be modified (group membership will be maintained)'));
@ -207,7 +207,7 @@
$detected .= '<table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">' . "\n";
$detected .= '<tr><td colspan="2"><p>' . $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['setup']['PageMSG'] . '<br /> </p></td></tr>';
$manual = '<a href="../doc/en_US/html/admin/" target="manual">'.lang('phpGroupWare Administration Manual').'</a>';
$manual = '<a href="../doc/en_US/html/admin/" target="manual">'.lang('eGroupWare Administration Manual').'</a>';
$detected .= '<tr><td colspan="2"><p><b>'.lang('Please consult the %1.',$manual).'</b><br> </td></tr>'. "\n";
$detected .= '<tr class="th"><td colspan="2">' . lang('Analysis') . '</td></tr><tr><td colspan="2">'. "\n";
@ -268,7 +268,7 @@
$detected .= '<b><p align="center" class="msg">'
. lang('Did not find any valid DB support!')
. "<br>\n"
. lang('Try to configure your php to support one of the above mentioned DBMS, or install phpGroupWare by hand.')
. lang('Try to configure your php to support one of the above mentioned DBMS, or install eGroupWare by hand.')
. '</p></b><td></tr></table></body></html>';
echo $detected;
@ -277,7 +277,7 @@
$detected .= '<b><p align="center" class="msg">'
. lang('You appear to be using PHP earlier than 4.1.0. phpGroupWare now requires 4.1.0 or later'). "\n"
. lang('You appear to be using PHP earlier than 4.1.0. eGroupWare now requires 4.1.0 or later'). "\n"
. '</p></b><td></tr></table></body></html>';
echo $detected;
@ -426,7 +426,7 @@
$detected .= lang('Sample configuration not found. using built in defaults') . '<br>' . "\n";
$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['server_root'] = '/path/to/egroupware';
$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['include_root'] = '/path/to/egroupware';
/* This is the basic include needed on each page for phpGroupWare application compliance */
/* This is the basic include needed on each page for eGroupWare application compliance */
$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['flags']['htmlcompliant'] = True;
/* These are the settings for the database system */
@ -583,11 +583,11 @@
$setup_tpl->set_var('lang_dbname',lang('DB Name'));
$setup_tpl->set_var('lang_dbnamedescr',lang('Name of database'));
$setup_tpl->set_var('lang_dbuser',lang('DB User'));
$setup_tpl->set_var('lang_dbuserdescr',lang('Name of db user phpGroupWare uses to connect'));
$setup_tpl->set_var('lang_dbuserdescr',lang('Name of db user eGroupWare uses to connect'));
$setup_tpl->set_var('lang_dbpass',lang('DB Password'));
$setup_tpl->set_var('lang_dbpassdescr',lang('Password of db user'));
$setup_tpl->set_var('lang_dbtype',lang('DB Type'));
$setup_tpl->set_var('lang_whichdb',lang('Which database type do you want to use with phpGroupWare?'));
$setup_tpl->set_var('lang_whichdb',lang('Which database type do you want to use with eGroupWare?'));
$setup_tpl->set_var('lang_configpass',lang('Configuration Password'));
$setup_tpl->set_var('lang_passforconfig',lang('Password needed for configuration'));
$setup_tpl->set_var('lang_persist',lang('Persistent connections'));
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
return $GLOBALS['phpgw']->accounts->name2id($username);
return (int)$GLOBALS['phpgw']->accounts->name2id($username);
@ -149,10 +149,10 @@
var $accounts;
$GLOBALS['phpgw'] = new phpgw;
$GLOBALS['phpgw']->db = $GLOBALS['phpgw_setup']->db;
$GLOBALS['phpgw']->common = CreateObject('phpgwapi.common');
$GLOBALS['phpgw']->accounts = CreateObject('phpgwapi.accounts');
$GLOBALS['phpgw']->translation = CreateObject('phpgwapi.translation');
$GLOBALS['phpgw']->common = CreateObject('phpgwapi.common');
$GLOBALS['phpgw']->accounts = CreateObject('phpgwapi.accounts');
$GLOBALS['phpgw']->translation = CreateObject('phpgwapi.translation');
if(($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['account_repository'] == 'ldap') &&
@ -169,8 +169,8 @@
$GLOBALS['phpgw_setup']->db->query('DELETE FROM phpgw_acl');
/* Create the demo groups */
$defaultgroupid = intval(add_account('Default','Default','Group',$passwd,'g'));
$admingroupid = intval(add_account('Admins','Admin', 'Group',$passwd,'g'));
$defaultgroupid = (int)add_account('Default','Default','Group',$passwd,'g');
$admingroupid = (int)add_account('Admins','Admin', 'Group',$passwd,'g');
/* Group perms for the default group */
$GLOBALS['phpgw_setup']->db->query("INSERT INTO phpgw_acl(acl_appname,acl_location,acl_account,acl_rights) VALUES('addressbook','run'," . $defaultgroupid . ", 1)");
@ -178,31 +178,30 @@
$GLOBALS['phpgw_setup']->db->query("INSERT INTO phpgw_acl(acl_appname,acl_location,acl_account,acl_rights) VALUES('calendar','run'," . $defaultgroupid . ", 1)");
$GLOBALS['phpgw_setup']->db->query("INSERT INTO phpgw_acl(acl_appname,acl_location,acl_account,acl_rights) VALUES('email','run'," . $defaultgroupid . ", 1)");
$GLOBALS['phpgw_setup']->db->query("INSERT INTO phpgw_acl(acl_appname,acl_location,acl_account,acl_rights) VALUES('notes','run'," . $defaultgroupid . ", 1)");
$GLOBALS['phpgw_setup']->db->query("INSERT INTO phpgw_acl(acl_appname,acl_location,acl_account,acl_rights) VALUES('todo','run'," . $defaultgroupid . ", 1)");
$GLOBALS['phpgw_setup']->db->query("INSERT INTO phpgw_acl(acl_appname,acl_location,acl_account,acl_rights) VALUES('manual','run'," . $defaultgroupid . ", 1)");
$GLOBALS['phpgw_setup']->db->query("INSERT INTO phpgw_acl(acl_appname,acl_location,acl_account,acl_rights) VALUES('preferences','run'," . $defaultgroupid . ", 1)");
function insert_default_prefs($accountid)
$defaultprefs = array(
"common" => array(
"maxmatchs" => 15,
"template_set" => "idots",
"theme" => "idots",
"navbar_format"=> "icons",
"tz_offset" => 0,
"dateformat" => "Y/m/d",
"timeformat" => "24",
"lang" => get_var('ConfigLang',Array('POST','COOKIE'),'en'),
"default_app" => "calendar",
"currency" => "$",
'show_help' => True,
'common' => array(
'maxmatchs' => 15,
'template_set' => 'idots',
'theme' => 'idots',
'navbar_format' => 'icons',
'tz_offset' => 0,
'dateformat' => 'Y/m/d',
'timeformat' => '24',
'lang' => get_var('ConfigLang',Array('POST','COOKIE'),'en'),
'default_app' => 'calendar',
'currency' => '$',
'show_help' => True,
"calendar" => array(
"workdaystarts" => 9,
"workdayends" => 17,
"weekdaystarts" => "Monday",
"defaultcalendar" => "day",
'calendar' => array(
'workdaystarts' => 9,
'workdayends' => 17,
'weekdaystarts' => 'Monday',
'defaultcalendar' => 'day',
'planner_start_with_group' => $GLOBALS['defaultgroupid'],
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
* eGroupWare - Setup - change / convert system-charset *
* http://www.eGroupWareare.org *
* http://www.eGroupWare.org *
* Written by RalfBecker@outdoor-training.de *
* -------------------------------------------- *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
Reference in New Issue
Block a user