mirror of
synced 2025-03-27 16:17:06 +01:00
massive lang update
This commit is contained in:
@ -7,12 +7,14 @@
(e.g. 1969) addressbook es-es (p. ej. 1969)
<b>no conversion type <none> could be located.</b> please choose a conversion type from the list addressbook es-es <b>No se encontró el tipo de conversión <none>.</b> Por favor, seleccione un tipo de conversión de la lista
@-eval() is only availible to admins!!! addressbook es-es ¡@-eval está disponible sólo para los administradores!
account repository admin es-es Repositorio de cuentas
accounts addressbook es-es Cuentas
actions addressbook es-es Acciones
add a contact to this organisation addressbook es-es Añadir un contacto a esta organización
add a new contact addressbook es-es Añadir un contacto nuevo
add a single entry by passing the fields. addressbook es-es Añadir una entrada simple pasando los campos
add custom field addressbook es-es Añadir campo personalizado
additional information about using ldap as contact repository admin es-es Información adicional acerca del uso de LDAP como repositorio de contactos
address book common es-es Libreta de direcciones
address book - vcard in addressbook es-es Libreta de direcciones - entrada de tarjeta de visita
address book - view addressbook es-es Libreta de direcciones - ver
@ -48,6 +50,7 @@ business state addressbook es-es Provincia del trabajo
business street addressbook es-es Dirección del trabajo
business zip code addressbook es-es Código postal del trabajo
calendar uri addressbook es-es URI del calendario
can be changed via setup >> configuration admin es-es Puede modificarse desde Instalación -> Configuración
car phone addressbook es-es Telfono del coche
cell phone addressbook es-es Teléfono móvil
change all organisation members addressbook es-es cambiar todos los miembros de la organización
@ -64,6 +67,7 @@ contact common es-es Contacto
contact application admin es-es Aplicación del contacto
contact deleted addressbook es-es Se ha borrado el contacto
contact id addressbook es-es ID del contacto
contact repository admin es-es Repositorio de contactos
contact saved addressbook es-es Se ha guardado la entrada
contact settings admin es-es Configuración de los contactos
copied by %1, from record #%2. addressbook es-es Copiado por %1, del registro %2
@ -85,7 +89,7 @@ deleted addressbook es-es borrado
deletes the photo addressbook es-es Borra la foto
department common es-es Departmento
departments addressbook es-es departamentos
displays a remider for birthdays happening today or tomorrow on the startpage (page you get when you enter egroupware or click on the homepage icon). addressbook es-es Muestra un recordatorio para cumpleaños que ocurran hoy o mañana en la página de inicio (la página que se obtiene al entrar en eGroupWare or al pulsar en el icono Inicio).
displays a remider for birthdays on the startpage (page you get when you enter egroupware or click on the homepage icon). addressbook es-es Muestra un recordatorio para los cumpleaños en la página de inicio (la página que se ve al entrar en eGroupWare o pulsar en el icono de inicio).
do you want a private addressbook, which can not be viewed by users, you grant access to your personal addressbook? addressbook es-es ¿Desea una libreta de direcciones privada, que no pueden ver otros usuarios (a menos que conceda acceso a su libreta de direcciones personal)?
do your really want to delete this contact? addressbook es-es ¿Realmente desea borrar este contacto?
doesn't matter addressbook es-es no importa
@ -146,6 +150,7 @@ import from outlook addressbook es-es Importar desde Outlook
import multiple vcard addressbook es-es Importar múltiples VCards
import next set addressbook es-es Importar el registro siguiente
import_instructions addressbook es-es Si usa Mozilla o Netscape, abra la libreta de direcciones y seleccione <b>Exportar</b> desde el menú <b>Archivo</b>. El fichero exportado estará en formato LDIF.<p>O, en Outlook, seleccione su carpeta de contactos, luego, en el menú<b>Fichero</b>, <b>Importar y Exportar</b> para guardarlos en un fichero separado por comas (CSV).<p>O, en Palm Desktop 4.0 o superior, visite la libreta de direcciones y seleccione <b>Exportar</b> desde el menú <b>Archivo</b>. El fichero exportado estará en formato VCard.
in %1 days (%2) is %3's birthday. addressbook es-es En %1 días (%2) es el cumpleaños de %3.
income addressbook es-es Ingresos
international addressbook es-es Internacional
label addressbook es-es Etiqueta
@ -153,8 +158,7 @@ last modified addressbook es-es
last modified by addressbook es-es última modificación por
ldap context for contacts admin es-es Contexto LDAP para contactos
ldap host for contacts admin es-es Servidor LDAP para contacts
ldap root dn for contacts admin es-es Raiz LDAP dn para contactos
ldap root pw for contacts admin es-es Raiz LDAP pw para contactos
ldap settings for contacts admin es-es Configuración LDAP para contactos
ldif addressbook es-es LDIF
line 2 addressbook es-es Línea 2
links addressbook es-es Enlaces
@ -199,6 +203,7 @@ publish into groups: addressbook es-es Publicar en los grupos:
read a list / search for entries. addressbook es-es Leer una lista / buscar entradas
read a list of entries. addressbook es-es Leer una lista de entradas
read a single entry by passing the id and fieldlist. addressbook es-es Leer una sola entrada pasando el identificador y la lista de campos
read only addressbook es-es sólo lectura
record access addressbook es-es Acceso al registro
record owner addressbook es-es Propietario del registro
role addressbook es-es Rol
@ -218,12 +223,14 @@ show addressbook es-es Mostrar
show a column for %1 addressbook es-es Mostrar una columna para %1
show birthday reminders on main screen addressbook es-es Mostrar recordatorios de cumpleaños en la pantalla principal
show the contacts of this organisation addressbook es-es Mostrar los contactos de esta organización
size of popup (wxh, eg.400x300, if a popup should be used) admin es-es Tamaño de la ventana (ancho x alto, p.ej. 400x300, si se usa una ventana emergente)
startrecord addressbook es-es Registro inicial
state common es-es Provincia
street common es-es Calle
successfully imported %1 records into your addressbook. addressbook es-es Se han importado correctamnte %1 registros en la libreta de direcciones.
suffix addressbook es-es Sufijo
tel home addressbook es-es teléfono particular
telephony integration admin es-es Integración con telefonía
test import (show importable records <u>only</u> in browser) addressbook es-es Test de Importación - (mostrar los registros que se pueden importar <b>sólo</b> en el navegador)
that field name has been used already ! addressbook es-es El nombre del campo ya ha sido usado
this person's first name was not in the address book. addressbook es-es El primer nombre de esta persona no estaba en la libreta de direcciones.
@ -235,6 +242,7 @@ tomorrow is %1's birthday. common es-es
translation addressbook es-es Traducción
update a single entry by passing the fields. addressbook es-es Actualizar una sola entrada pasando los campos
upload or delete the photo addressbook es-es Copiar al servidor o borrar la foto
url to link telephone numbers to (use %1 for the number) admin es-es URL para vincular números de teléfono (use %1 para el número)
use country list addressbook es-es Utilizar lista de países
used for links and for the own sorting of the list addressbook es-es utilizado para los enlaces y para el orden propio de la lista
vcard common es-es Tarjeta de visita
@ -245,12 +253,18 @@ warning: all contacts found will be deleted! addressbook es-es ATENCI
when should the contacts list display that colum. "only if there is content" hides the column, unless there is some content in the view. addressbook es-es Cuándo debe la lista de contactos mostrar esa columna. "Sólo si hay contenido" oculta la columna, a menos que haya algún contenido en la vista.
which charset should be used for the csv export. the system default is the charset of this egroupware installation. addressbook es-es Juego de caracteres a usar para exportar a CSV. El predeterminado del sistema es el juego de caracteres de esta instalación de eGroupWare.
which fields should be exported. all means every field stored in the addressbook incl. the custom fields. the business or home address only contains name, company and the selected address. addressbook es-es Qué campos deben exportarse. Indicar todos significa que cada campo almacenado en la libreta de direcciones, incluyendo los personalizados. La dirección del trabajo o particular sólo contiene nombre, empresa y la dirección seleccionada.
whole query addressbook es-es la consulta completa
work phone addressbook es-es Teléfono del trabajo
write (update or add) a single entry by passing the fields. addressbook es-es Escribir (actualizar o añadir) una única entrada pasando los campos.
yes, for the next three days addressbook es-es Sí, para los tres próximos días
yes, for the next two weeks addressbook es-es Sí, para las dos semanas siguientes
yes, for the next week addressbook es-es Sí, para la semana siguiente
yes, for today and tomorrow addressbook es-es Sí, para hoy y mañana
you are not permitted to delete contact %1 addressbook es-es No tiene permiso para borrar el contacto %1
you are not permittet to delete this contact addressbook es-es No tiene permiso para borrar este contacto
you are not permittet to edit this contact addressbook es-es No tiene permiso para editar este contacto
you are not permittet to view this contact addressbook es-es No tiene permiso para ver este contacto
you can only use ldap as contact repository if the accounts are stored in ldap too! admin es-es ¡Sólo puede usar LDAP como repositorio de contactos si las cuentas también están almacenadas en LDAP!
you must select a vcard. (*.vcf) addressbook es-es Debe seleccionar una tarjeta (*.vcf)
you must select at least 1 column to display addressbook es-es Debe seleccionar al menos una columna para mostrar
you need to select some contacts first addressbook es-es Necesita seleccionar antes algunos contactos
@ -1,55 +1,75 @@
%1 contact(s) %2 addressbook eu %1 kontaktu %2
%1 records imported addressbook eu %1 erregistro inportatuak
%1 records read (not yet imported, you may go %2back%3 and uncheck test import) addressbook eu %1 erregistro irakurriak (oraindik inportatu gabe, atzera itzuli eta "Inportazio Testa" kontrol laukia hautatu gabe utzi)
%1 starts with '%2' addressbook eu %1 '%2'tik hasten da
(e.g. 1969) addressbook eu (adib. 1969)
<b>no conversion type <none> could be located.</b> please choose a conversion type from the list addressbook eu <b>Ez da aurkitu <none> konbertsio mota.</b> Mesedez, aukeratu bat ondorengo zerrendatik
@-eval() is only availible to admins!!! addressbook eu @-eval() administratzaileek bakarrik erabil dezakete
account repository admin eu Kontuak
accounts addressbook eu Kontuak
actions addressbook eu Ekintzak
add a contact to this organisation addressbook eu Kontaktu bat gehitu antolakuntza honetara
add a new contact addressbook eu Kontaktu berri bat gehitu
add a single entry by passing the fields. addressbook eu Gehitu sarrera berri bat eremua izendatuz.
add custom field addressbook eu Eremu berri bat gehitu
address book common eu Helbide-liburua
address book - vcard in addressbook eu Helbide-liburua - VCard bidez
address book - view addressbook eu Helbide-liburua - ikusi
address line 2 addressbook eu Helbidea-2.lerroa
address line 3 addressbook eu Helbidea-3.lerroa
address type addressbook eu Helbide mota
addressbook common eu Helbidea-2-lerroa
addressbook preferences addressbook eu Helbidea-luburuko lehenetsiak
addressbook menu addressbook eu Helbide-liburuko menua
addressbook preferences addressbook eu Helbidea-liburuko hobespenak
addressbook the contact should be saved to addressbook eu Kontaktuak gordetzeko helbide-liburua
addressbook-fieldname addressbook eu Helbide-liburua - eremu izena
addvcard addressbook eu VCard-a gehitu
advanced search addressbook eu Bilaketa aurreratua
all contacts addressbook eu Kontaktu guztiak
alt. csv import addressbook eu CVS-ak inportatzeko
always addressbook eu beti
are you shure you want to delete this contact? addressbook eu Ziur zaude kontaktu hau ezabatu nahi duzula?
are you sure you want to delete this field? addressbook eu ziur zaude eremu hau ezabatu nahi duzula?
bbs phone addressbook eu BBS telefonoa
assistent addressbook eu morroi
assistent phone addressbook eu morroiaren telefono zenbakia
birthday common eu Jaiotze data
birthdays common eu Jaiotze datak
blank addressbook eu Hutsik
business common eu Negozio
business address type addressbook eu Negozio helbide mota
business address addressbook eu Negozio helbidea
business city addressbook eu Negozio hiria
business country addressbook eu Negozio herrialdea
business email addressbook eu Negozio Posta Elektronikoa
business email type addressbook eu Negozio Posta Elektroniko mota
business fax addressbook eu Negozio Faxa
business phone addressbook eu Negozio Telefonoa
business state addressbook eu Negozio Herrialdea
business street addressbook eu Negozio Kalea
business zip code addressbook eu Negozio Posta Kodea
calendar uri addressbook eu Egutegiarean URI-a
car phone addressbook eu Autoko telefonoa
cell phone addressbook eu Telefono mugikorra
change all organisation members addressbook eu antolakuntzako partaide guztiak aldatu
charset for the csv export addressbook eu Fitxategiaren karaktere jokoa
charset of file addressbook eu Fitxategiaren Karaktere bilduma
choose an icon for this contact type addressbook eu Ikono bat aukeratu kontaktu mota honetarako
chosse an etemplate for this contact type addressbook eu Plantilla bat aukeratu kontaktu mota honetarako
check all addressbook eu Guztia hautatu
choose an icon for this contact type admin eu Ikono bat aukeratu kontaktu mota honetarako
chosse an etemplate for this contact type admin eu Plantilla bat aukeratu kontaktu mota honetarako
city common eu Hiria
company common eu Enpresa
company name common eu Enpresaren Izena
company name addressbook eu Enpresaren Izena
configuration common eu Konfigurazioa
contact common eu Kontaktua
contact application admin eu Kontatuaren aplikazioa
contact deleted addressbook eu Kontaktua ezabatu da
contact id addressbook eu Kontaktuaren IDa
contact repository admin eu Kontaktuak
contact saved addressbook eu Kontaktua gorde da
contact settings admin eu Kontakturan lehenetsiak
copied by %1, from record #%2. addressbook eu %1 gatik kopiatua, %2 errenkadatik.
copy a contact and edit the copy addressbook eu Kopiatu kontaktu bat eta kopia editatu
country common eu Herrialdea
create new links addressbook eu Lotura berri bat sortu
created addressbook eu Sortua
credit addressbook eu Kreditua
csv-fieldname addressbook eu CVS - Eremu izena
csv-filename addressbook eu CVS - Fitxategi izena
custom addressbook eu Egokitua
@ -57,39 +77,55 @@ custom fields addressbook eu Egokitu Eremuak
debug output in browser addressbook eu Hirteera nabigatzailean erakutsi
default filter addressbook eu Iragazki lehenetsia
delete a single entry by passing the id. addressbook eu Ezabatu errenkada bakarra id. pasatuaz
delete this contact addressbook eu Kontaktu hau ezabatu
delete this organisation including all its contacts addressbook eu Antolakuntza hau ezabatu bere kontaktuak barne
deleted addressbook eu ezabatua
deletes the photo addressbook eu Argazkia ezabatu
department common eu Departamentua
departments addressbook eu departamentuak
do your really want to delete this contact? addressbook eu Ziur zaude kontaktu hau ezabatu nahi duzula?
doesn't matter addressbook eu ez du axola
domestic addressbook eu Barnekoa
download addressbook eu Deskargatu
download export file (uncheck to debug output in browser) addressbook eu Exportazio fitxategia deskargatu (egindakoa nabigatzailean erakusten duen aukera indargabetu)
download this contact as vcard file addressbook eu kontaktu hau bisita txartela moduan deskargatu
edit custom field addressbook eu Aldatu egokitutako eremua
edit custom fields admin eu Aldatu egokitutako eremuak
edit extra account-data in the addressbook admin eu Helbide-liburuko kontu bateko datu gehiagarriak editatu
edit phonenumbers - addressbook eu Editatu telefono zenbakiak
email & internet addressbook eu Posta elektronikoa & Internet
empty for all addressbook eu hutsik guztientzat
enable an extra private addressbook addressbook eu Helbide-liburu berri bat aktibatu helbide pribatuekin
enter the path to the exported file here addressbook eu Sartu hemen exportatutako fitxategiaren bidea
error deleting the contact !!! addressbook eu Errorea kontaktua ezabatzerakoan!!!
error saving the contact !!! addressbook eu Errorea kontaktua gordetzerakoan!!!
existing links addressbook eu Lehendik dauden loturak
export addressbook eu esportatu
export as csv addressbook eu CSV moduan esportatu
export as vcard addressbook eu Bisita txartel moduan esportatu
export contacts addressbook eu Kontaktuak exportatu
export file name addressbook eu Exportatu fitxategiaren izena
export from addressbook addressbook eu Exportatu helbide-liburutik
exported addressbook eu Esportatua
extra addressbook eu Extra
fax addressbook eu Fax-a
fax number common eu Fax zenbakia
field %1 has been added ! addressbook eu %1 eremua gehitua izan da!
field %1 has been updated ! addressbook eu %1 eremua berritua izan da!
field name addressbook eu Eremuaren izena
fields for the csv export addressbook eu CSVra esportatzeko eremuak
fields to show in address list addressbook eu Helbide zerrendan erakutsi beharreko eremuak
fieldseparator addressbook eu Eremu bereizlea
freebusy uri addressbook eu Denbora librerako URI-a
full name addressbook eu Izen osoa
geo addressbook eu GEO
global categories addressbook eu Kategoria orokorrak
grant addressbook access common eu Helbide-libururako sarrera ahalbideratu
home address type addressbook eu Etxea - Helbide mota
group %1 addressbook eu %1 taldea
home address addressbook eu Helbide partikularra
home city addressbook eu Etxea - Hiria
home country addressbook eu Etxea - Herrialdea
home email addressbook eu Etxea - Posta E.
home email type addressbook eu Etxea - Posta E. mota
home phone addressbook eu Etxea - Telefonoa
home state addressbook eu Etxea - Estatua
home street addressbook eu Etxea - Kalea
@ -105,18 +141,21 @@ import from outlook addressbook eu Inportatu Outlooketik
import multiple vcard addressbook eu Inportatu VCard talde bat
import next set addressbook eu Inportatu hurrengo taldea
import_instructions addressbook eu Netscape erabiliz gero, helbide liburua aukeratu eta klikatu <b>Exportatu</b>, <b>fitxategi</b> menuan. Exportaturiko fitxategia LDIF formatuan egongo da.<p>Edo, Microsoft outlookarekin, hautatu zure kontaktu karpeta eta ondoren hautatu <b>Inportatu eta Exportatu</b>, <b>Fitxategia</b> menutik eta exportatu kontaktuak komas separaturiko testu fitxategi batetara (CVS). <p>Edo, Palm Desktop 4.0 edo berriagoan, helbide liburura sartu eta hautatu <b>Exportatu</b>, <b>Fitxategia</b> menuan. Exportaturiko fitxategia VCard formatuan egongo da.
in %1 days (%2) is %3's birthday. addressbook eu %1 egunetan (%2) %3ren urtebetzea izango da
income addressbook eu Sarrerak
international addressbook eu Internazionala
isdn phone addressbook eu ISDN Telefonoa
label addressbook eu Etiketa
last modified addressbook eu azken aldaketa
last modified by addressbook eu azken aldaketa nork egin du:
ldap context for contacts admin eu LDAP kontextua kontaktuentzat
ldap host for contacts admin eu LDAP zerbitzaria kontaktuentzat
ldap root dn for contacts admin eu LDAP dns nagusia kontaktuentzat
ldap root pw for contacts admin eu LDAP pasahitza
ldif addressbook eu LDIF
line 2 addressbook eu 2. Errenkada
links addressbook eu Loturak
list all categories addressbook eu Kategoria guztien zerrenda
list all customfields addressbook eu Eremu pertsonalizatu guztien zerrenda
load vcard addressbook eu VCard-a kargatu
locations addressbook eu kokalekuak
mark records as private addressbook eu Errenkara pribatu moduan jarri
message phone addressbook eu Mezuen telefonoa
middle name addressbook eu Erdiko izena
@ -124,32 +163,41 @@ mobile addressbook eu Mugikorra
mobile phone addressbook eu Mugikorra
modem phone addressbook eu Modem telefonoa
more ... addressbook eu Gehiago...
moved addressbook eu mugitua
multiple vcard addressbook eu VCard anitzak
no vcard addressbook eu Ez VCard-ik
number addressbook eu Zenbakia
number of records to read (%1) addressbook eu Irakurri beharreko errenkaden kopurua (%1)
only if there is content addressbook eu bakarrik edukia badu
options for type admin eu Motarentzeko aukerak
organisation addressbook eu antolaketa
organisations addressbook eu Antolakuntzak
organisations by departments addressbook eu departamentukako antolaketa
organisations by location addressbook eu Kokalekuaren araberako antolaketa
other number addressbook eu Beste Zebaki bat
other phone addressbook eu Beste telefono bat
own sorting addressbook eu ordena propioa
pager common eu Bilagailua
parcel addressbook eu Partzela
phone number common eu Telefono zenbakia
phone numbers common eu Telefono zenbakiak
photo addressbook eu Argazkia
please enter a name for that field ! addressbook eu Mesedez sartu izen bat eremu horretarako!
please select only one category addressbook eu Mesedez, kategoria bakarra aukeratu ezazu
postal common eu Posta Kutxatilla
pref addressbook eu lehenetsia
pref addressbook eu hobestua
preferred phone addressbook eu hobestutako telefonoa
prefix addressbook eu Aurrizkia
public key addressbook eu Giltza publikoa
publish into groups: addressbook eu Taldeetan publikatu:
read a list of entries. addressbook eu Sarrea zerrenda bat irakurri
read a single entry by passing the id and fieldlist. addressbook eu Sarrera bakarra irakurri "ID"-a eta "eremu zerrenda" pasatuaz.
read only addressbook eu Soilik irakurri
record access addressbook eu Erregistrora sarrera
record owner addressbook eu Erregistroaren jabea
retrieve contacts admin eu Berreskuratu kontaktuak
select all addressbook eu Guztiak hautatu
select the type of conversion addressbook eu Hautatu bihurketa mota
select the type of conversion: addressbook eu Hautatu bihurketa mota:
select where you want to store admin eu Hautatu non gorde nahi dituzun
show birthday reminders on main screen addressbook eu Erakutsi urtebetetze abisuak orri nagusian
startrecord addressbook eu Erregistro hasera
state common eu Estatua
@ -169,8 +217,6 @@ use country list addressbook eu Erabili Herrialde zerrenda
vcard common eu VCard
vcards require a first name entry. addressbook eu VCard-ek "izena" sarrera behar du
vcards require a last name entry. addressbook eu VCard-ek "abizena" sarrera behar du
video phone addressbook eu Bideo telefonoa
voice phone addressbook eu Ahots telefonoa
warning!! ldap is valid only if you are not using contacts for accounts storage! admin eu KONTUZ!! LDAP balioduna da soilik kontaktuak kontu korronteko datuak gordetzeko ez badituzu erabiltzen!
work phone addressbook eu Laneko telefonoa
you must select a vcard. (*.vcf) addressbook eu VCard bat hautatu beharra daukazu. (*.vcf)
@ -1,54 +1,73 @@
%1 contact(s) %2 addressbook it %1 contatto(i) %2
%1 records imported addressbook it %1 record importati
%1 records read (not yet imported, you may go %2back%3 and uncheck test import) addressbook it %1 record letti (non ancora importati, è possibile tornare %2indietro%3 e deselezionare Test Importazione)
%1 starts with '%2' addressbook it %1 inizia con '%2'
(e.g. 1969) addressbook it (es. 1969)
<b>no conversion type <none> could be located.</b> please choose a conversion type from the list addressbook it <b>Il tipo di conversione <nessuno> non è stato trovato.</b> Per favore scegliere un tipo di conversione dalla lista
@-eval() is only availible to admins!!! addressbook it @-eval() è disponibile solo agli amministratori!!!
accounts addressbook it Account
actions addressbook it Azioni
add a contact to this organisation addressbook it Aggiungi un contatto a questa organizzazione
add a new contact addressbook it Aggiungi un nuovo contatto
add a single entry by passing the fields. addressbook it Aggiungi un solo elemento passando i campi.
add custom field addressbook it Aggiungi campo personalizzato
address book common it Rubrica
address book - vcard in addressbook it Rubrica - VCard in
address book - view addressbook it Rubrica - visualizza
address line 2 addressbook it Indirizzo linea 2
address line 3 addressbook it Indirizzo linea 3
address type addressbook it Tipo di indirizzo
addressbook common it Rubrica
addressbook preferences addressbook it Preferenze della Rubrica
addressbook menu addressbook it Menù Rubrica
addressbook preferences addressbook it Preferenze Rubrica
addressbook the contact should be saved to addressbook it Rubrica nella quale salvare il contatto
addressbook-fieldname addressbook it Rubrica - Nome del Campo
addvcard addressbook it Aggiungi Vcard
advanced search addressbook it Ricerca avanzata
all contacts addressbook it Tutti i contatti
alt. csv import addressbook it Importazione CSV Alternativa
always addressbook it sempre
are you shure you want to delete this contact? addressbook it Vuoi davvero eliminare questo contatto?
are you sure you want to delete this field? addressbook it Vuoi davvero eliminare questo campo?
bbs phone addressbook it Telefono BBS
assistent addressbook it Assistente
assistent phone addressbook it telefono assistente
birthday common it Data di nascita
birthdays common it Compleanni
blank addressbook it In bianco
business common it Ufficio
business address type addressbook it Tipo di indirizzo dell'ufficio
business address addressbook it Indirizzo Ufficio
business city addressbook it Città Ufficio
business country addressbook it Nazione Ufficio
business email addressbook it Email Ufficio
business email type addressbook it Tipo email ufficio
business fax addressbook it Fax ufficio
business phone addressbook it Telefono ufficio
business state addressbook it Provincia ufficio
business street addressbook it Via ufficio
business zip code addressbook it CAP ufficio
calendar uri addressbook it URI Agenda
car phone addressbook it Telefono veicolare
cell phone addressbook it Telefono cellulare
change all organisation members addressbook it modifica tutti i membri dell'organizzazione
charset for the csv export addressbook it Set di Caratteri per esportazione CSV
charset of file addressbook it Set di Caratteri del file
check all addressbook it Seleziona tutto
choose an icon for this contact type admin it Scegli un'icona per questo tipo di contatto
chosse an etemplate for this contact type admin it Scegli un eTemplate per questo tipo di contatto
city common it Città
company common it Società
company name common it Nome società
company name addressbook it Nome società
configuration common it Configurazione
contact common it Contatto
contact application admin it Applicativo Contatti
contact deleted addressbook it Contatto cancellato
contact id addressbook it ID contatto
contact saved addressbook it Contatto salvato
contact settings admin it Impostazioni Contatto
copied by %1, from record #%2. addressbook it Copiato %1, dal record n.%2.
copy a contact and edit the copy addressbook it Copia un contatto e modifica la copia
country common it Nazione
create new links addressbook it Crea nuovi collegamenti
created addressbook it Creato
credit addressbook it Credito
csv-fieldname addressbook it CSV-Nome del Campo
csv-filename addressbook it CSV-Nome del File
custom addressbook it Personalizzato
@ -56,7 +75,12 @@ custom fields addressbook it Campi Personalizzati
debug output in browser addressbook it Visualizza nel browser
default filter addressbook it Filtro predefinito
delete a single entry by passing the id. addressbook it Cancella un singola voce passando l'ID.
delete this contact addressbook it Cancella questo contatto
delete this organisation including all its contacts addressbook it Cancella questa organizzazione inclusi TUTTI i suoi contatti
deleted addressbook it cancellato
deletes the photo addressbook it Cancella la foto
department common it Dipartimento
departments addressbook it dipartimenti
do your really want to delete this contact? addressbook it Vuoi davvero eliminare questo contatto
doesn't matter addressbook it non importa
domestic addressbook it Nazionale
@ -68,33 +92,41 @@ edit custom fields admin it Modifica campi personalizzati
edit phonenumbers - addressbook it Modifica Numeri telefonici -
email & internet addressbook it Email e Internet
empty for all addressbook it per tutti vuoto
enable an extra private addressbook addressbook it Abilita una rubrica extra privata
enter the path to the exported file here addressbook it Inserisci qui il percorso per il file esportato
error deleting the contact !!! addressbook it Errore cancellando il contatto !!!
error saving the contact !!! addressbook it Errore salvando il contatto !!!
existing links addressbook it Collegamenti esistenti
export addressbook it esporta
export as csv addressbook it Esporta come CSV
export as vcard addressbook it Esporta come VCard
export contacts addressbook it Esporta Contatti
export file name addressbook it Esporta nome file
export from addressbook addressbook it Esporta dalla Rubrica
exported addressbook it esportato
extra addressbook it Extra
fax addressbook it Fax
fax number common it Numero Fax
field %1 has been added ! addressbook it Il campo %1 è stato aggiunto!
field %1 has been updated ! addressbook it Il campo %1 è stato aggiornato!
field name addressbook it Nome Campo
fields for the csv export addressbook it Campi per l'esportazione CSV
fields to show in address list addressbook it Campi da visualizzare nella lista degli indirizzi
fieldseparator addressbook it Separatore dei campi
full name addressbook it Nome completo
geo addressbook it GEO
global categories addressbook it Categorie Globali
grant addressbook access common it Permetti accesso alla Rubrica
home address type addressbook it Tipo indirizzo Abitazione
group %1 addressbook it Gruppo %1
home address addressbook it Indirizzo Abitazione
home city addressbook it Città Abitazione
home country addressbook it Nazione Abitazione
home email addressbook it Email Abitazione
home email type addressbook it Tipo di email Abitazione
home phone addressbook it Telefono Abitazione
home state addressbook it Provincia Abitazione
home street addressbook it Via Abitazione
home zip code addressbook it CAP Abitazione
icon addressbook it Icona
import addressbook it Importa
import contacts addressbook it Importa Contatti
import csv-file into addressbook addressbook it Importa file CSV nella Rubrica
@ -105,10 +137,12 @@ import from outlook addressbook it Importa da Outlook
import multiple vcard addressbook it Importa Molteplici VCard
import next set addressbook it Import il prossimo set
import_instructions addressbook it In Netscape, apri la rubrica e seleziona <b>Esporta</b> dal menu <b>File</b>. Il file verrà esportato in formato LDIF.<p>O, in Outlook, seleziona la cartella Contatti , seleziona <b>Importa ed esporta...</b> dal menu <b>File</b> ed esporta i contatti nel formato testo separato da virgola (CSV). <p>O, in Palm Desktop 4.0 o superiore, apri l'agenda e seleziona <b>Esporta</b> dal menu <b>File</b>. Il file verrà esportato in formato VCard.
in %1 days (%2) is %3's birthday. addressbook it Tra %1 giorni (%2) sarà il compleanno di %3.
income addressbook it Entrata
international addressbook it Internazionale
isdn phone addressbook it Telefono ISDN
label addressbook it Etichetta
last modified addressbook it ultima modifica
last modified by addressbook it ultima modifica di
ldap context for contacts admin it Contesto LDAP per i contatti
ldap host for contacts admin it Server LDAP per i contatti
ldap root dn for contacts admin it root dn LDAP per i contatti
@ -119,6 +153,7 @@ links addressbook it Collegamenti
list all categories addressbook it Elenca tutte le categorie
list all customfields addressbook it Elenca tutti i campi personalizzati
load vcard addressbook it Carica VCard
locations addressbook it località
mark records as private addressbook it Marca i record come privati
message phone addressbook it Telefono per Messaggi
middle name addressbook it Secondo Nome
@ -126,38 +161,52 @@ mobile addressbook it Mobile
mobile phone addressbook it Telefono Mobile
modem phone addressbook it Telefono Modem
more ... addressbook it Altro ...
moved addressbook it spostato
multiple vcard addressbook it Molteplici VCard
no vcard addressbook it Nessuna VCard
number addressbook it Numero
number of records to read (%1) addressbook it Numero di record da leggere (%1)
only if there is content addressbook it solo se c'è contenuto
options for type admin it Opzioni per tipo
organisation addressbook it organizzazione
organisations addressbook it Organizzazioni
organisations by departments addressbook it Organizzazioni per dipartimenti
organisations by location addressbook it Organizzazioni per località
other number addressbook it Altro Numero
other phone addressbook it Altro Telefono
own sorting addressbook it proprio ordinamento
pager common it Cercapersone
parcel addressbook it Parcel
phone number common it Numero di Telefono
phone numbers common it Numeri di telefono
photo addressbook it Foto
please enter a name for that field ! addressbook it Per favore inserire un nome per qesto campo
please select only one category addressbook it Per favore seleziona solo una categoria
postal common it Postale
pref addressbook it pref
preferred phone addressbook it telefono preferito
prefix addressbook it Prefisso
public key addressbook it Chiave Pubblica
publish into groups: addressbook it Pubblica nei gruppi:
read a list / search for entries. addressbook it Leggi un elenco / cerca delle voci.
read a list of entries. addressbook it Leggi un elenco di voci
read a single entry by passing the id and fieldlist. addressbook it Leggi una singola voce passando l'ID e elenco campi.
record access addressbook it Accesso alla scheda
record owner addressbook it Proprietario della scheda
retrieve contacts admin it recupera contatti
role addressbook it Ruolo
room addressbook it Stanza
search for '%1' addressbook it Cerca '%1'
select a portrait format jpeg photo. it will be resized to 60 pixel width. addressbook it Seleziona una foto jpeg in formato ritratto. Sarà ridimensionata ad una larghezza di 60 pixel.
select a view addressbook it Seleziona una vista
select addressbook type addressbook it Seleziona il tipo di rubrica
select all addressbook it Seleziona tutto
select the type of conversion addressbook it Seleziona il tipo di conversione
select the type of conversion: addressbook it Seleziona il tipo di conversione:
select where you want to store admin it Seleziona dove vuoi memorizzare
select where you want to store / retrieve contacts admin it Seleziona dove vuoi registrare / recuperare i contatti
show addressbook it Mostra
show a column for %1 addressbook it Mostra una colonna per %1
show birthday reminders on main screen addressbook it Visualizza i promemoria dei compleanni nella schermata principale
something went wrong by deleting %1 addressbook it Qualcosa non ha funzionato cancellando %1
something went wrong by deleting this contact addressbook it Qualcosa non ha funzionato cancellando questo contatto
something went wrong by reading this contact addressbook it Qualcosa non ha funzionato leggendo questo contatto
something went wrong by saving this contact. errorcode %1 addressbook it Qualcosa non ha funzionato salvando questo contatto. Codice errore %1
show the contacts of this organisation addressbook it Mostra i contatti di questa organizzazione
startrecord addressbook it Record Iniziale
state common it Provincia
street common it Via
@ -168,25 +217,31 @@ test import (show importable records <u>only</u> in browser) addressbook it Test
that field name has been used already ! addressbook it Il nome di campo è già stato utilizzato
this person's first name was not in the address book. addressbook it Il nome di questa persona non era nella rubrica.
this person's last name was not in the address book. addressbook it Il cognome di questa persona non era nella rubrica.
timezone addressbook it Fuso orario
to many might exceed your execution-time-limit addressbook it troppi potrebbero far superare il tempo-limite-esecuzione
today is %1's birthday! common it Oggi è il compleanno di %1!
tomorrow is %1's birthday. common it Domani è il compleanno di %1.
translation addressbook it Traduzione
update a single entry by passing the fields. addressbook it Aggiorna una singola voce passando i campi.
upload or delete the photo addressbook it Carica o cancella la foto
use country list addressbook it Usa la lista delle nazioni
used for links and for the own sorting of the list addressbook it usato per collegamenti e per il proprio ordinamento della lista
vcard common it VCard
vcards require a first name entry. addressbook it Le VCard richiedono un valore per il nome.
vcards require a last name entry. addressbook it Le Vcards richiedono un valore per il cognome
video phone addressbook it Telefono Video
voice phone addressbook it Telefono Vocale
warning!! ldap is valid only if you are not using contacts for accounts storage! admin it ATTENZIONE!! LDAP è utilizzabile solo se NON stai usando i contatti per la memorizzazione dei dati sugli account!
warning: all contacts found will be deleted! addressbook it ATTENZIONE: Tutti i contatti trovati saranno cancellati!
work phone addressbook it Telefono Ufficio
yes, for the next three days addressbook it Sì, per i prossimi tre giorni
yes, for the next two weeks addressbook it Sì, per le prossime due settimane
yes, for the next week addressbook it Sì, per la prossima settimana
yes, for today and tomorrow addressbook it Sì, per oggi e domani
you are not permitted to delete contact %1 addressbook it Non hai il permesso di cancellare il contatto %1
you are not permittet to delete this contact addressbook it Non hai il permesso di cancellare questo contatto
you are not permittet to edit this contact addressbook it Non hai il permesso di modificare questo contatto
you are not permittet to view this contact addressbook it Non hai il permesso di visualizzare questo contatto
you must select a vcard. (*.vcf) addressbook it Devi selezionare una vcard (*.vcf)
you must select at least 1 column to display addressbook it Devi selezionare almeno una colonna da visualizzare
you need to select some contacts first addressbook it Devi prima selezionare qualche contatto
zip code common it CAP
zip_note addressbook it <p><b>Note:</b> Il file deve essere uno zip contentente file .csv, .vcf, o .ldif. Tuttavia, non mischiare i tipi di file da importare
@ -7,17 +7,18 @@
(e.g. 1969) addressbook pt-br (ex. 1969)
<b>no conversion type <none> could be located.</b> please choose a conversion type from the list addressbook pt-br <b>O tipo de conversão <Nenhum> não foi encontrado.</b> Escolha um tipo de conversão da lista
@-eval() is only availible to admins!!! addressbook pt-br @-eval() está disponível somente para administradores !!!
account repository admin pt-br Repositório de contas
accounts addressbook pt-br Contas
actions addressbook pt-br Ações
add a contact to this organisation addressbook pt-br Adicionar um contato para esta organização
add a new contact addressbook pt-br Adicionar um novo contato
add a single entry by passing the fields. addressbook pt-br Adicionar uma única entrada informando os campos.
add custom field addressbook pt-br Adicionar campo personalizado
additional information about using ldap as contact repository admin pt-br Informação adicional sobre usar LDAP como respositório de contas
address book common pt-br Contatos
address book - vcard in addressbook pt-br Contatos - VCard
address book - view addressbook pt-br Contatos - Exibir
address line 2 addressbook pt-br Endereço Linha 2
address line 3 addressbook pt-br Endereço Linha 3
address type addressbook pt-br Tipo de endereço
addressbook common pt-br Contatos
addressbook menu addressbook pt-br Menu dos Contatos
@ -43,13 +44,13 @@ business address addressbook pt-br Endere
business city addressbook pt-br Cidade
business country addressbook pt-br País
business email addressbook pt-br E-mail Comercial
business email type addressbook pt-br Tipo de E-mail Comercial
business fax addressbook pt-br Fax
business phone addressbook pt-br Telefone coml.
business state addressbook pt-br Estado
business street addressbook pt-br Rua
business zip code addressbook pt-br CEP
calendar uri addressbook pt-br URI do Agenda
can be changed via setup >> configuration admin pt-br Pode ser alterado via Setup >> Configuração
car phone addressbook pt-br Telefone no veículo
cell phone addressbook pt-br Telefone celular
change all organisation members addressbook pt-br Alterar todos os membros da organização
@ -66,6 +67,7 @@ contact common pt-br Contato
contact application admin pt-br Aplicação de Contatos
contact deleted addressbook pt-br Contato removido
contact id addressbook pt-br ID do contato
contact repository admin pt-br Repositório de contatos
contact saved addressbook pt-br Contato salvo
contact settings admin pt-br Preferências de Contatos
copied by %1, from record #%2. addressbook pt-br Copiado por %1, do registro #%2.
@ -87,7 +89,7 @@ deleted addressbook pt-br removido
deletes the photo addressbook pt-br Remove a foto
department common pt-br Departamento
departments addressbook pt-br Departamentos
displays a remider for birthdays happening today or tomorrow on the startpage (page you get when you enter egroupware or click on the homepage icon). addressbook pt-br Exibe um lembrete para aniversários de hoje ou amanhã na Página Inicial (página que você recebe quando entra no eGroupWare ou clica no botão 'Página Inicial').
displays a remider for birthdays on the startpage (page you get when you enter egroupware or click on the homepage icon). addressbook pt-br Exibe um lembrete para aniversários na Página Inicial (página que você vê quando entra no Grupo de Trabalho ou clica no ícone Página Inicial).
do you want a private addressbook, which can not be viewed by users, you grant access to your personal addressbook? addressbook pt-br Você quer uma lista de contatos privativa, que podem ser vistos por usuários que você permitir ?
do your really want to delete this contact? addressbook pt-br Tem certeza que deseja remover este contato?
doesn't matter addressbook pt-br não faz diferença
@ -133,7 +135,6 @@ home address addressbook pt-br Endere
home city addressbook pt-br Cidade
home country addressbook pt-br País
home email addressbook pt-br E-mail pessoal
home email type addressbook pt-br Tipo de E-Mail pessoal
home phone addressbook pt-br Telefone residencial
home state addressbook pt-br Estado
home street addressbook pt-br Rua, Av, Trav., etc.
@ -149,16 +150,15 @@ import from outlook addressbook pt-br Importar do Outlook
import multiple vcard addressbook pt-br Importar múltiplo VCard
import next set addressbook pt-br Importar próximo conjunto
import_instructions addressbook pt-br No Netscape, abra o Catálogo de Endereços e selecione <b>Exportar</b> do menu <b>Arquivo</b>. O arquivo exportado será do format LDIF.<p> Ou, no Outlook, selecione a sua pastas de contatos, selecione <b>Importar e Exportar...</b> do menu <b>Arquivo</b> e exporte seus contatos para um arquivo separado por vírgulas (CSV). Ou no Palmdesktop 4.0 ou superior, vá para seu catálogo de endereços e selecione <b>Exportar</b> do menu <b>Arquivo</b>. O arquivo exportado será do tipo VCard.
in %1 days (%2) is %3's birthday. addressbook pt-br Em %1 dia(s) (%2) será aniversário de %3
income addressbook pt-br Renda
international addressbook pt-br Internacional
isdn phone addressbook pt-br Telefone ISDN
label addressbook pt-br Comentário
last modified addressbook pt-br última alteração
last modified by addressbook pt-br última alteração por
ldap context for contacts admin pt-br contexto LDAP para contatos
ldap host for contacts admin pt-br servidor LDAP para contatos
ldap root dn for contacts admin pt-br super usuário LDAP para contatos
ldap root pw for contacts admin pt-br senha do super usuário LDAP para contatos
ldap settings for contacts admin pt-br Configurações LDAP para contatos
ldif addressbook pt-br LDIF
line 2 addressbook pt-br Linha 2
links addressbook pt-br Links
@ -203,6 +203,7 @@ publish into groups: addressbook pt-br Publicar nos grupos:
read a list / search for entries. addressbook pt-br Ler um lista / pesquisar por entradas
read a list of entries. addressbook pt-br Ler uma lista de entradas
read a single entry by passing the id and fieldlist. addressbook pt-br Ler uma única entrada informando o ID e o nome do campo.
read only addressbook pt-br somente leitura
record access addressbook pt-br Acesso ao registro
record owner addressbook pt-br Dono do registro
role addressbook pt-br Função
@ -222,12 +223,14 @@ show addressbook pt-br Exibir
show a column for %1 addressbook pt-br Exibir uma coluna para %1
show birthday reminders on main screen addressbook pt-br Exibir lembrete de aniversários na tela principal
show the contacts of this organisation addressbook pt-br Exibir os contatos desta organização
size of popup (wxh, eg.400x300, if a popup should be used) admin pt-br Tamanho do popup (Largura x Altura, exemplo: 400x300, se um popup for usado)
startrecord addressbook pt-br Registro inicial
state common pt-br Estado
street common pt-br Rua
successfully imported %1 records into your addressbook. addressbook pt-br %1 registro(s) importado(s) para seus Contatos com sucesso.
suffix addressbook pt-br Sufixo
tel home addressbook pt-br telefone
telephony integration admin pt-br Integração de telefone
test import (show importable records <u>only</u> in browser) addressbook pt-br Testar Importação (mostrar no navegador <u>somente</u> os registros que serão importados)
that field name has been used already ! addressbook pt-br Este nome de campo já está em uso !
this person's first name was not in the address book. addressbook pt-br O primeiro nome desta pessoa não estava nos Contatos.
@ -239,12 +242,12 @@ tomorrow is %1's birthday. common pt-br Amanh
translation addressbook pt-br Tradução
update a single entry by passing the fields. addressbook pt-br Atualizar uma única entrada informando os campos
upload or delete the photo addressbook pt-br Carregar ou remover a foto
url to link telephone numbers to (use %1 for the number) admin pt-br URL para linkar números de telefones (usar %1 para o número)
use country list addressbook pt-br Usar lista de países
used for links and for the own sorting of the list addressbook pt-br usado para links e para a ordem própria da lista
vcard common pt-br VCard
vcards require a first name entry. addressbook pt-br VCards requer um primeiro nome.
vcards require a last name entry. addressbook pt-br VCards requerem que o último nome esteja preenchido
video phone addressbook pt-br Video Telefone
warning!! ldap is valid only if you are not using contacts for accounts storage! admin pt-br AVISO!! LDAP é válido somente se você não estiver usando contatos para guardar as contas!
warning: all contacts found will be deleted! addressbook pt-br AVISO: Todos os contatos encontrados serão removidos!
when should the contacts list display that colum. "only if there is content" hides the column, unless there is some content in the view. addressbook pt-br Quando a lista de contatos deverá exibir aquela coluna. "Somente se houver conteúdo" oculta a coluna, a menos que haja conteúdo para ser exibido.
@ -253,10 +256,15 @@ which fields should be exported. all means every field stored in the addressbook
whole query addressbook pt-br toda a consulta
work phone addressbook pt-br Telefone de trabalho
write (update or add) a single entry by passing the fields. addressbook pt-br Gravar (atualizar ou adicionar) uma única entrada informando os campos.
yes, for the next three days addressbook pt-br Sim, para os próximos três dias
yes, for the next two weeks addressbook pt-br Sim, para as próximas duas semanas
yes, for the next week addressbook pt-br Sim, para a próxima semana
yes, for today and tomorrow addressbook pt-br Sim, para hoje e amanhã
you are not permitted to delete contact %1 addressbook pt-br Você não tem permissão para deletar o contato %1
you are not permittet to delete this contact addressbook pt-br Você não tem permissão para deletar este contato
you are not permittet to edit this contact addressbook pt-br Você não tem permissão para editar este contato
you are not permittet to view this contact addressbook pt-br Você não tem permissão para exibir este contato
you can only use ldap as contact repository if the accounts are stored in ldap too! admin pt-br Você somente pode usar LDAP como repositório de contas se as contas estiverem salvas em LDAP também!
you must select a vcard. (*.vcf) addressbook pt-br Você deve selecionar um vcard. (*.vcf)
you must select at least 1 column to display addressbook pt-br Você deve selecionar pelo menos uma coluna para ser exibida.
you need to select some contacts first addressbook pt-br Você deve selecionar alguns contatos primeiro
@ -7,12 +7,14 @@
(e.g. 1969) addressbook zh-tw (例如 1969)
<b>no conversion type <none> could be located.</b> please choose a conversion type from the list addressbook zh-tw <b>沒有轉換格式 <沒有> 可以被指定。</b> 請從選單選取一種轉換格式
@-eval() is only availible to admins!!! addressbook zh-tw @-eval() 只提供給管理者使用!!
account repository admin zh-tw 帳號資料庫
accounts addressbook zh-tw 帳號
actions addressbook zh-tw 動作
add a contact to this organisation addressbook zh-tw 新增一個聯絡人到這個組織
add a new contact addressbook zh-tw 新增聯絡人
add a single entry by passing the fields. addressbook zh-tw 從欄位中新增一筆資料。
add custom field addressbook zh-tw 新增自訂欄位
additional information about using ldap as contact repository admin zh-tw 關於將 LDAP 當作聯絡人資料庫的其他資訊
address book common zh-tw 通訊錄
address book - vcard in addressbook zh-tw 通訊錄 - VCard匯入
address book - view addressbook zh-tw 通訊錄 - 檢視
@ -48,6 +50,7 @@ business state addressbook zh-tw 省/市
business street addressbook zh-tw 地址
business zip code addressbook zh-tw 郵遞區號
calendar uri addressbook zh-tw 行事曆網址
can be changed via setup >> configuration admin zh-tw 可以透過 安裝 >> 設定 調整
car phone addressbook zh-tw 車用電話
cell phone addressbook zh-tw 行動電話
change all organisation members addressbook zh-tw 修改所有組織成員
@ -64,6 +67,7 @@ contact common zh-tw 聯絡人
contact application admin zh-tw 聯絡人申請
contact deleted addressbook zh-tw 聯絡人刪除了
contact id addressbook zh-tw 聯絡人編號
contact repository admin zh-tw 聯絡人資料庫
contact saved addressbook zh-tw 聯絡人儲存了
contact settings admin zh-tw 聯絡人設定
copied by %1, from record #%2. addressbook zh-tw 由 %1 複製, 從記錄 #%2.
@ -85,7 +89,7 @@ deleted addressbook zh-tw 刪除了
deletes the photo addressbook zh-tw 刪除照片
department common zh-tw 部門
departments addressbook zh-tw 部門
displays a remider for birthdays happening today or tomorrow on the startpage (page you get when you enter egroupware or click on the homepage icon). addressbook zh-tw 在首頁提醒今明兩天生日的聯絡人(在進入 eGroupWare 中以及點選首頁圖示時)。
displays a remider for birthdays on the startpage (page you get when you enter egroupware or click on the homepage icon). addressbook zh-tw 在首頁顯示生日提醒(也就是當您登入 eGroupWare 或是點選首頁圖示出現的頁面)
do you want a private addressbook, which can not be viewed by users, you grant access to your personal addressbook? addressbook zh-tw 您是否需要私人通訊錄,也就是其他人無法檢視的、只有您能夠存取的個人通訊錄?
do your really want to delete this contact? addressbook zh-tw 您確定要刪除這個聯絡人?
doesn't matter addressbook zh-tw 沒關係
@ -146,15 +150,15 @@ import from outlook addressbook zh-tw 從Outlook匯入
import multiple vcard addressbook zh-tw 匯入多重名片檔
import next set addressbook zh-tw 匯入下一個
import_instructions addressbook zh-tw Netscape,開啟通訊錄並且從<b>檔案</b>功能選擇<b>匯出</b>,匯出的檔案是LDIF格式。Outlook,選擇聯絡人資料夾,從<b>檔案</b>功能選擇<b>匯入與匯出...</b>來匯出聯絡人資料成為逗點分隔(CSV)檔案。
in %1 days (%2) is %3's birthday. addressbook zh-tw 再 %1 天 (%2) 就是 %3 的生日。
income addressbook zh-tw 收入
international addressbook zh-tw 國際
label addressbook zh-tw 概述
last modified addressbook zh-tw 最後更新
last modified by addressbook zh-tw 更新者
ldap context for contacts admin zh-tw 聯絡人之LDAP context
ldap host for contacts admin zh-tw 聯絡人之LDAP host
ldap root dn for contacts admin zh-tw 聯絡人之LDAP root dn
ldap root pw for contacts admin zh-tw 聯絡人之LDAP root 密碼
ldap context for contacts admin zh-tw 聯絡人的 LDAP context
ldap host for contacts admin zh-tw 聯絡人的 LDAP 主機
ldap settings for contacts admin zh-tw 聯絡人的 LDAP 設定
ldif addressbook zh-tw LDIF
line 2 addressbook zh-tw 第2行
links addressbook zh-tw 連結
@ -199,6 +203,7 @@ publish into groups: addressbook zh-tw 發佈於群組:
read a list / search for entries. addressbook zh-tw 讀取一個清單/搜尋資料
read a list of entries. addressbook zh-tw 讀取項目清單。
read a single entry by passing the id and fieldlist. addressbook zh-tw 從id及欄位清單讀取一筆資料。
read only addressbook zh-tw 唯讀
record access addressbook zh-tw 記錄存取
record owner addressbook zh-tw 記錄擁有者
role addressbook zh-tw 角色
@ -218,12 +223,14 @@ show addressbook zh-tw 顯示
show a column for %1 addressbook zh-tw 顯示 %1 的欄位
show birthday reminders on main screen addressbook zh-tw 在主畫面顯示生日提示
show the contacts of this organisation addressbook zh-tw 顯示這個組織的聯絡人
size of popup (wxh, eg.400x300, if a popup should be used) admin zh-tw 彈出視窗大小(寬X高,例如 400x300 ,會在需要彈出視窗時使用這個設定)
startrecord addressbook zh-tw 開始記錄
state common zh-tw 省/市
street common zh-tw 地址
successfully imported %1 records into your addressbook. addressbook zh-tw 成功匯入 %1 筆通訊錄資料
suffix addressbook zh-tw 稱謂(後置)
tel home addressbook zh-tw 家中電話
telephony integration admin zh-tw 電信功能整合
test import (show importable records <u>only</u> in browser) addressbook zh-tw 測試匯入?(在瀏覽器中<u>只顯示</u>可匯入的紀錄)
that field name has been used already ! addressbook zh-tw 這個欄位名稱已經被使用!
this person's first name was not in the address book. addressbook zh-tw 這個人的名字沒有在通訊錄中。
@ -235,6 +242,7 @@ tomorrow is %1's birthday. common zh-tw 明天是 %1 的生日。
translation addressbook zh-tw 轉換
update a single entry by passing the fields. addressbook zh-tw 從欄位更新一筆資料。
upload or delete the photo addressbook zh-tw 上傳或是刪除照片
url to link telephone numbers to (use %1 for the number) admin zh-tw 要引用電話號碼的網址(使用 %1 來替代號碼)
use country list addressbook zh-tw 使用國家清單
used for links and for the own sorting of the list addressbook zh-tw 用在連結以及自訂排序清單
vcard common zh-tw 名片檔
@ -248,10 +256,15 @@ which fields should be exported. all means every field stored in the addressbook
whole query addressbook zh-tw 整個查詢
work phone addressbook zh-tw 工作電話
write (update or add) a single entry by passing the fields. addressbook zh-tw 透過提供的欄位寫入(更新或新增)一筆獨立資料。
yes, for the next three days addressbook zh-tw 是,在接下來三天
yes, for the next two weeks addressbook zh-tw 是,在接下來兩週
yes, for the next week addressbook zh-tw 是,在接下來一週
yes, for today and tomorrow addressbook zh-tw 是,在今天與明天
you are not permitted to delete contact %1 addressbook zh-tw 您沒有權限刪除聯絡人 %1
you are not permittet to delete this contact addressbook zh-tw 您沒有權限刪除這個聯絡人
you are not permittet to edit this contact addressbook zh-tw 您沒有權限編輯這個聯絡人
you are not permittet to view this contact addressbook zh-tw 您沒有權限檢視這個聯絡人
you can only use ldap as contact repository if the accounts are stored in ldap too! admin zh-tw 如果帳號資料也儲存在 LDAP 資料庫,您只能夠使用 LDAP 作為聯絡人資料庫。
you must select a vcard. (*.vcf) addressbook zh-tw 您必須選取一個名片檔 (*.vcf)
you must select at least 1 column to display addressbook zh-tw 您必須至少選取一個欄位才能顯示
you need to select some contacts first addressbook zh-tw 您必須先選擇一些聯絡人
@ -1,29 +1,44 @@
%1 - %2 of %3 user accounts admin hu %1 - %2 felhasználói azonosító a %3 fiókból
%1 - %2 of %3 user groups admin hu %1 - %2 felhasználói csoport a %3 csoportból
%1 acl records of not (longer) existing accounts deleted. admin hu %1 ACL bejegyzés törölve a tovább már nem létezõ fiókokhoz.
%1 not found or not executable !!! admin hu %1 nem található, vagy nem futtatható!
(default no, leave it off if you dont use it) admin hu (alapértelmezésként Nem, hagyja ki ha nem használja)
(stored password will not be shown here) admin hu (a tárolt jelszó nem fog itt megjelenni)
(to install new applications use<br><a href="setup/" target="setup">setup</a> [manage applications] !!!) admin hu (Új alkalmazás telepítéséhez használja a<br><a href="setup/" target="setup">Setup</a> [Manage Applications] !!!)
- type admin hu - típus
accesslog and bruteforce defense admin hu Log elérése és brute force védelem
account active admin hu Hozzáférés aktív
account has been created common hu Az azonosító létrehozva
account has been deleted common hu Az azonosító törölve
account has been updated common hu Az azonosító frissült
account has been updated common hu Az azonosító frissítve
account list admin hu Azonosítók listája
account permissions admin hu Azonosító jogosultságai
account preferences admin hu Azonosító beállításai
acl manager admin hu ACL kezelõ
acl rights common hu ACL jogok
action admin hu Mûvelet
activate wysiwyg-editor admin hu WYSIWYG-szerkesztõ engedélyezése
add a category admin hu kategória hozzáadása
add a group admin hu csoport hozzáadása
add a new account. admin hu Új azonosító hozzáadása
add a subcategory admin hu alkategória hozzáadása
add a user admin hu felhasználó hozzáadása
add account admin hu Azonosító hozzáadása
add application admin hu Alkalmazás hozzáadása
add global category admin hu Általános kategória hozzáadása
add auto-created users to this group ('default' will be attempted if this is empty.) admin hu Automatikusan létrehozott felhasználók ebbe a csoportba tartoznak ('Default' lesz az alapértelmezett, ha ez a mezõ üresen van)
add global category admin hu Globális kategória hozzáadása
add global category for %1 admin hu Globális kategória hozzáadása ehhez %1
add group admin hu Csoport hozzáadása
add new account admin hu Hozzáférést hozzáad
add new account admin hu Új azonosító hozzáadása
add new application admin hu Alkalmazás hozzáadása
add peer server admin hu Add Peer Server
add sub-category admin hu Alkategória hozzáadása
admin email admin hu Admin email
admin email addresses (comma-separated) to be notified about the blocking (empty for no notify) admin hu Ezek az adminisztrátori emailcímek (vesszével elválasztva) lesznek értesítve a blokkolt IP-címekrõl és azonosítókról (üresen hagyva nem lesz értesítés)
admin name admin hu Adminisztrátor neve
administration admin hu Adminisztráció
admins admin hu Adminisztrátorok
advanced options admin hu További beállítások
advanced options admin hu Haladó beállítások
after how many unsuccessful attempts to login, an account should be blocked (default 3) ? admin hu Mennyi sikertelen belépési kísérlet után legyen az azonosító blokkolt (alapértelmezésben 3)?
after how many unsuccessful attempts to login, an ip should be blocked (default 3) ? admin hu Mennyi sikertelen belépési kísérlet után legyen az IP-cím blokkolt (alapértelmezésben 3)?
aliases admin hu Álnevek
@ -33,12 +48,15 @@ allow anonymous access to this app admin hu Enged
alternate email address admin hu alternatív emailcím
anonymous user admin hu Név nélküli felhasználó
anonymous user (not shown in list sessions) admin hu Anonim felhasználó (nem jelenik meg a listázáskor)
anonymous user does not exist! admin hu Anonymous felhasználó nem létezik!
anonymous user has no run-rights for the application! admin hu Anonymous felhasználónak nincs futtatási joga ehhez az alkalmazáshoz!
appearance admin hu Megjelenés
application admin hu Alkalmazás
application name admin hu Alkalmazás neve
application title admin hu Alkalmazás címe
applications admin hu Alkalmazások
applications list admin hu Alkalmazások listája
applies the changes admin hu változások végrehajtása
are you sure you want to delete the application %1 ? admin hu Valóban törlésre kerüljön ez az alkalmazás: %1 ?
are you sure you want to delete this account ? admin hu Biztosan törölésre kerüljön ez az azonosító?
are you sure you want to delete this application ? admin hu Biztosan törölésre kerüljön ez az alkalmazás?
@ -48,15 +66,24 @@ are you sure you want to delete this group ? admin hu Biztosan t
are you sure you want to delete this server? admin hu Biztosan törlésre kerüljön ez a szolgáltatás?
are you sure you want to kill this session ? admin hu Biztosan ki akarja tiltani ezt a hozzáférést?
authentication / accounts admin hu Azonosítás / Azonosítók
back to the list admin hu vissza a listához
bi-directional admin hu kétirányú
bottom admin hu legalsó
can change password admin hu Megváltoztathatja a jelszavát
categories list admin hu Kategóriák listája
category %1 has been saved ! admin hu %1 kategória elmentve
category list admin hu Kategórialista
change acl rights admin hu ACL jogok változtatása
change config settings admin hu Beállítások megváltoztatása
change main screen message admin hu Fõ képernyõn megjelenõ üzenet változtatása
check ip address of all sessions admin hu Összes session IP cím ellenõrzése
click to select a color admin hu Színválasztás
color admin hu Szín
country selection admin hu Ország kiválasztása
create group admin hu Csoport létrehozása
creates a new field admin hu Új mezõ létrehozása
crontab only (recomended) admin hu csak crontab (ajánlott)
custom fields admin hu Egyedi mezõk
cyrus imap server admin hu Cyrus IMAP-kiszolgáló
data admin hu Adat
day admin hu Nap
@ -76,15 +103,17 @@ delete the group admin hu csoport t
delete this category admin hu kategória törlése
delete this group admin hu csoport törlése
delete this user admin hu felhasználó törlése
deny access to access log admin hu A hozzáférési naplóhoz történõ hozzáférés letíltva
deny access to applications admin hu Az alkalmazásokhoz történõ hozzáférés letíltva
deny access to error log admin hu A hibanaplóhoz történõ hozzáférés letíltva
deny access to global categories admin hu Az általános kategóriákhoz történõ hozzáférés letíltva
deny access to groups admin hu A csoportokhoz történõ hozzáférés letíltva
deny access to phpinfo admin hu A phpinfo()-hoz történõ hozzáférés letíltva
deny access to site configuration admin hu A webhely beállításaihoz történõ hozzáférés letíltva
deny access to user accounts admin hu A felhasználói azonosítókhoz történõ hozzáférés letíltva
deletes this field admin hu Aktuális mezõ törlése
deny access to access log admin hu A hozzáférési naplóhoz történõ hozzáférés letiltva
deny access to applications admin hu Az alkalmazásokhoz történõ hozzáférés letiltva
deny access to error log admin hu A hibanaplóhoz történõ hozzáférés letiltva
deny access to global categories admin hu Az általános kategóriákhoz történõ hozzáférés letiltva
deny access to groups admin hu A csoportokhoz történõ hozzáférés letiltva
deny access to phpinfo admin hu A phpinfo()-hoz történõ hozzáférés letiltva
deny access to site configuration admin hu A webhely beállításaihoz történõ hozzáférés letiltva
deny access to user accounts admin hu A felhasználói azonosítókhoz történõ hozzáférés letiltva
description can not exceed 255 characters in length ! admin hu A leírás nem haladhatja meg a 255 karaktert!
determines the order the fields are displayed admin hu megjelenitett mezõk rendezésének meghatározása
disable "auto completion" of the login form admin hu Az automatikus kiegészítés tiltása a bejelentkezõképernyõn
disable wysiwyg-editor admin hu WYSIWYG-szerkesztõ kikapcsolása
disabled (not recomended) admin hu tiltott (nem ajánlott)
@ -98,12 +127,16 @@ edit email settings admin hu emailbe
edit global category admin hu Általános kategória szerkesztése
edit global category for %1 admin hu %1 általános kategória szerkesztése
edit group admin hu Csoport módosítása
edit group acl's admin hu csoport ACL szerkesztése
edit login screen message admin hu Bejelentkezési képernyõn megjelenõ üzenet szerkesztése
edit main screen message admin hu Fõképernyõn megjelenõ üzenet szerkesztése
edit table format admin hu Táblázatos formátum szerkesztése
edit this category admin hu kategória szerkesztése
edit this group admin hu csoport szerkesztése
edit this user admin hu felhasználó szerkesztése
edit user admin hu felhasználó szerkesztése
edit user account admin hu Felhasználói azonosító szerkesztése
email account active admin hu email azonosító aktív
email address admin hu email cím
enable debug-messages admin hu Hibajelentõ üzenetek engedélyezése
enable the soap service admin hu SOAP-szolgáltatás engedélyezése
@ -146,6 +179,8 @@ last login from admin hu utols
last time read admin hu Utolsó olvasás idõpontja
ldap host admin hu LDAP hoszt
ldap rootdn admin hu LDAP rootdn
leaves without saveing admin hu kilépés mentés nélkül
length<br>rows admin hu Sorok<br>Hossza
list of current users admin hu aktuális felhasználók listája
login time admin hu Belépés ideje
loginid admin hu LoginID
@ -155,7 +190,9 @@ method admin hu Met
minute admin hu Perc
mode admin hu Mód
month admin hu Hónap
name must not be empty !!! admin hu Név nem lehet üres!!!
new group name admin hu Új csoport neve
new name admin hu új név
new password [ leave blank for no change ] admin hu Új jelszó [ üresen hagyva nem lesz változás ]
next run admin hu Következõ futtatás
no algorithms available admin hu nincsenek elérhetõ algoritmusok
@ -165,23 +202,32 @@ no modes available admin hu nincs el
no permission to add groups admin hu nincs jogosultság csoportok hozzáadására
no permission to add users admin hu nincs jogosultság felhasználók hozzáadására
no permission to create groups admin hu nincs jogosultság csoportok létrehozására
order admin hu Rendezés
outbound admin hu kimenõ
password for smtp-authentication admin hu Jelszó az SMTP-azonosításhoz
path information admin hu Útvonal-információ
percent of users that logged out admin hu Rendesen kijelentkezett felhasználók %-ban
permission denied admin hu Hozzáférés megtagadva
permissions admin hu Jogok
permissions this group has admin hu A csoport jogosultságai
phpinfo admin hu PHP információk
please enter a name admin hu Kérem adjon meg egy nevet!
please run setup to become current admin hu Kérem futtassa a setup-ot hogy a változás érvényre jusson.
please select admin hu Kérem válasszon
postfix with ldap admin hu Postfix LDAP-vel
preferences admin hu Tulajdonságok
primary group admin hu elsõdleges csoport
quota settings admin hu kvóta beállításai
quota size in mbyte admin hu kvóta Mbájtokban
re-enter password admin hu Jelszó újra
read this list of methods. admin hu Eljárás lista olvasása.
remove admin hu eltávolítás
remove all users from this group admin hu Csoport összes felhasználójának törlése
saves the changes made and leaves admin hu Változás mentése és kilépés
security admin hu Biztonság
select permissions this group will have admin hu Válassza ki milyen jogosultságokkal rendelkezzen a csoport
select users for inclusion admin hu Felhasználók kiválasztása
selectbox admin hu Kiválasztó doboz
show 'powered by' logo on admin hu Powered by logó megjelenítése
show access log admin hu Hozzáférési napló megjelenítése
show current action admin hu Jelenlegi mûvelet megjelenítése
@ -205,16 +251,20 @@ that loginid has already been taken admin hu Ez a felhaszn
the api is current admin hu Az API nem igényel frissítést
the api requires an upgrade admin hu Az API frissítést igényel
the login and password can not be the same admin hu A felhasználónév és a jelszó nem egyezhet meg
the text displayed to the user admin hu a szöveg megjelenítve a felhasználónak
the two passwords are not the same admin hu A két jelszó nem egyezik
they must be removed before you can continue admin hu El kell távolítani õket a folytatáshoz
this application is current admin hu Az alkalmazás nem igényel frissítést
this application requires an upgrade admin hu Az alkalmazás frissítést igényel
times admin hu Idõk
top admin hu Felül
total records admin hu Összes rekord
trust level admin hu Bizalmi szint
trust relationship admin hu Bizalmi viszony
use cookies to pass sessionid admin hu Használjon sütiket a viszonyazonosító átadásához
user accounts admin hu Felhasználói hozzáférések
user groups admin hu Felhasználói csoportok
users choice admin hu Felhasználó választása
view access log admin hu Elérési napló megtekintése
view account admin hu Azonosító megtekintése
view category admin hu Kategória megtekintése
@ -63,7 +63,6 @@ default calendar filter calendar es-es Filtro por defecto del calendario
default calendar view calendar es-es Vista por defecto del calendario
default length of newly created events. the length is in minutes, eg. 60 for 1 hour. calendar es-es Longitud predeterminada de los eventos nuevos. La longitud es en minutos, ej. 60 = 1 hora.
default week view calendar es-es Vista semanal predeterminada
defines the size in minutes of the lines in the day view. calendar es-es Define el tamaño en minutos de las línes de la vista de diario.
delete series calendar es-es Borrar series
delete this alarm calendar es-es Borrar esta alarma
delete this event calendar es-es Borrar este evento
@ -113,9 +112,11 @@ filename of the download calendar es-es Nombre de fichero de la descarga
find free timeslots where the selected participants are availible for the given timespan calendar es-es Buscar márgenes de tiempo libres donde los participantes seleccionados estén disponibles para las horas indicadas
firstname of person to notify calendar es-es Nombre de pila de la persona a notificar
for calendar es-es para
for which views should calendar show distinct lines with a fixed time interval. calendar es-es Para qué vistas debe mostrar el calendario distintas líneas con un intervalo fijo de tiempo.
format of event updates calendar es-es Formato de las actualizaciones de eventos
forward half a month calendar es-es medio mes hacia adelante
forward one month calendar es-es un mes hacia adelante
four days view calendar es-es vista de cuatro días
freebusy: unknow user '%1', wrong password or not availible to not loged in users !!! calendar es-es libre-ocupado: Usuario desconocido "%1", contraseña incorrecta o no está disponible
freetime search calendar es-es Buscar en el tiempo libre
fri calendar es-es Vie
@ -128,6 +129,7 @@ group invitation calendar es-es Invitaci
group planner calendar es-es Planificación de grupo
group public only calendar es-es Grupo público solamente
groupmember(s) %1 not included, because you have no access. calendar es-es Los miembros del grupo %1 no están incluidos, porque no tiene acceso.
h calendar es-es h
here is your requested alarm. calendar es-es Aquí está la alama solicitada
high priority calendar es-es prioridad alta
holiday calendar es-es Festivo
@ -135,6 +137,7 @@ holiday management calendar es-es Gesti
holidays calendar es-es Festivos
hours calendar es-es horas
how far to search (from startdate) calendar es-es cuánto buscar (desde la fecha de inicio)
how many minutes should each interval last? calendar es-es ¿Cuántos minutos debe durar cada intervalo?
ical calendar es-es iCal
ical / rfc2445 calendar es-es iCal / rfc2445
ical export calendar es-es Exportar iCal
@ -147,10 +150,10 @@ ignore conflict calendar es-es Ignorar conflicto
import calendar es-es Importar
import csv-file common es-es Importar fichero CSV
interval calendar es-es Intervalo
intervals in day view calendar es-es Intervalos en la vista de día
invalid email-address "%1" for user %2 calendar es-es La dirección de correo "%1" no es válida para el usuario %2
last calendar es-es último
lastname of person to notify calendar es-es Apellido de la persona a la que notificar
length of the time interval calendar es-es Longitud del intervalo de tiempo
link to view the event calendar es-es Vínculo para ver el evento
links calendar es-es Enlaces
links, attachments calendar es-es Enlaces, adjuntos
@ -173,7 +176,6 @@ no filter calendar es-es Sin filtro
no matches found calendar es-es No se encontraron coincidencias
no response calendar es-es Sin respuesta
non blocking calendar es-es no bloquea
not calendar es-es no
notification messages for added events calendar es-es Mensajes de notificación para eventos añadidos
notification messages for canceled events calendar es-es Mensajes de notificación para eventos cancelados
notification messages for disinvited participants calendar es-es Mensajes de notificación para participantes que dejan de ser invitados
@ -246,7 +248,6 @@ show list of upcoming events calendar es-es Mostrar la lista de eventos pr
show this month calendar es-es Mostrar este mes
show this week calendar es-es Mostrar esta semana
single event calendar es-es evento simple
site configuration calendar es-es configuración del sitio
start calendar es-es Inicio
start date/time calendar es-es Fecha/Hora inicio
startdate / -time calendar es-es Fecha de incio / -hora
@ -282,6 +283,7 @@ updated calendar es-es Actualizado
use end date calendar es-es Usar fecha final
use the selected time and close the popup calendar es-es usar la hora seleccionada y cerrar la ventana
view this event calendar es-es Ver este evento
views with fixed time intervals calendar es-es Vistas con intervalos de tiempo fijos
wed calendar es-es Mié
week calendar es-es Semana
weekday starts on calendar es-es La semana empieza en
@ -308,4 +310,3 @@ you need to select an ical file first calendar es-es Necesita seleccionar antes
you need to set either a day or a occurence !!! calendar es-es Debe indicar un día o una ocurrencia
your meeting scheduled for %1 has been canceled calendar es-es Su reunión programada para %1 ha sido cancelada
your meeting that had been scheduled for %1 has been rescheduled to %2 calendar es-es Su reunión programada para %1 ha sido reprogramada para %2
h calendar es-es h
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
%1 %2 in %3 calendar eu %1 %2 %3an
%1 records imported calendar eu %1 errenkada inportatuta
%1 records read (not yet imported, you may go back and uncheck test import) calendar eu %1 errenkadak irakurriak (oraindik inportatu gabe ordea. Inportatu nahi izanez gero bueltatu atzera eta "inportazio testa" aukera kendu)
<b>please note</b>: the calendar use the holidays of your country, which is set to %1. you can change it in your %2.<br />holidays are %3 automatic installed from %4. you can changed it in %5. calendar eu <b>Kontutan izatekoa</b>: Egutegiak zure herrialdeko jaiegunak erabiltzen ditu, berau %1 bezala definiturik dagoelarik. Zure %2 atalean alda dezakezu berau. <br> Jaiegunak automatikoki instalatzen dira %4 tik. Berauek %5 ean alda ditzazkezu.
a non blocking event will not conflict with other events calendar eu blokeatzen ez duen gertakari batek beste gertakari batzuekin ez du inoiz oztopatuko
accept or reject an invitation calendar eu Gonbidapena onartu edo ezetsi
accepted calendar eu Onartuta
access denied to the calendar of %1 !!! calendar eu %1ti egutegira sarrera ukatu!
@ -29,6 +31,7 @@ before current date calendar eu Momentuko data aurretik
before the event calendar eu gertakariaren aurretik
birthday calendar eu Urtebetetzeak
busy calendar eu lanpetua
by calendar eu nork
calendar event calendar eu Egutegiko gertakaria
calendar holiday management admin eu Jai egunen kudeaketa
calendar menu calendar eu Egutegiko menua
@ -39,6 +42,7 @@ can't add alarms in the past !!! calendar eu Alarmak ezin dira iraganean gehitu!
canceled calendar eu Ezeztatu
charset of file calendar eu Fitxategiko karaktere jokoa
close the window calendar eu Itxi leihoa
compose a mail to all participants after the event is saved calendar eu Partehartzaile guztie bidaltzeko posta bat sortu gertakaria gorde ondoren
copy of: calendar eu Honen kopia:
copy this event calendar eu Gertakari hau kopiatu
countries calendar eu Herrialdeak
@ -51,6 +55,7 @@ csv-filename calendar eu CSV-Fitxategiaren izena
custom fields common eu Eremu pertsonalizatua
daily calendar eu Egunerokoa
days calendar eu egunak
days of the week for a weekly repeated event calendar eu Astero errepikatzen den gertakari baten asteko egunak
days repeated calendar eu errepikatutako egunak
dayview calendar eu Egunaren ikuspegia
default appointment length (in minutes) calendar eu bileren luzera lehenetsia (minututan)
@ -58,7 +63,6 @@ default calendar filter calendar eu Egutegiko iragazki lehenetsia
default calendar view calendar eu Egutegia aurkezteko modu lehenetsia
default length of newly created events. the length is in minutes, eg. 60 for 1 hour. calendar eu Gertaera berri bat sortzean duen iraupen lehenetsia (minututan).
default week view calendar eu Asteko ikuspegia lehenetsita
defines the size in minutes of the lines in the day view. calendar eu Eguneko ikuspegian errenkadak izango duten luzera minututan.
delete series calendar eu Serieak ezabatu
delete this alarm calendar eu Alarma hau ezabatu
delete this event calendar eu Gertakari hau ezabatu
@ -67,6 +71,11 @@ delete this series of recuring events calendar eu Gertakari serie hau ezabatu
disinvited calendar eu Ez zaude gonbidatuta
display status of events calendar eu Gertakarien egoera erakutsi
displayed view calendar eu Ikuspegia erakutsita
displays your default calendar view on the startpage (page you get when you enter egroupware or click on the homepage icon)? calendar eu Zure egutegi ikuspegi lehenetsia haserako orri bezala definitu (sistemara sartzean edota ikono nagusian klikatutakoan ikusiko duzun atala).
do you want a weekview with or without weekend? calendar eu Asteko ikuspegia, astebukaerekin edo gabe nahiago duzu?
do you want to be notified about new or changed appointments? you be notified about changes you make yourself.<br>you can limit the notifications to certain changes only. each item includes all the notification listed above it. all modifications include changes of title, description, participants, but no participant responses. if the owner of an event requested any notifcations, he will always get the participant responses like acceptions and rejections too. calendar eu Gertakari berrien edo gertakarien aldaketen berri izan nahi duzu? Zuk zeuk egindako aldaketez ere jakin araziko zaizu.<br> Abisuak mugatu egin ditzazkezu gertakariaren arabera. Aldaketa guztiak hautatuz gero abisuak datak, titulua, deskribapena edo partehartzaileak aldatzerakoan bidaliko ditu baina ez partehartzaileen erantzunak jasotzean. Gertakariaren jabeak abisu eskaera hautatu badu, beti jasoko ditu partehartzaileen onarpenak edo gaitzezpenak gertakariarekiko.
do you want to receive a regulary summary of your appointsments via email?<br>the summary is sent to your standard email-address on the morning of that day or on monday for weekly summarys.<br>it is only sent when you have any appointments on that day or week. calendar eu Zure egutegiko gertakarien laburpena posta bidez jaso nahi duzu? Laburpena zure posta helbidera bidaliko da goizero baldin eta zure eguneko egutegian gertakaririk baldin badaukazu.
do you wish to autoload calendar holidays files dynamically? admin eu Jai egutegia dinamikoki internetetik kargatu nahi duzu?
download calendar eu Deskargatu
download this event as ical calendar eu Gertakari hau deskargatu ¡Cal moduan
duration of the meeting calendar eu Bileraren iraupena
@ -78,6 +87,7 @@ empty for all calendar eu Hutsik guztientzako
end calendar eu Bukaera
end date/time calendar eu Bukaera data/ordua
enddate calendar eu Bukaera data
enddate / -time of the meeting, eg. for more then one day calendar eu Bileraren amaiera data edo ordua, egun bat baino luzeagoa bada adibidez.
enddate of the export calendar eu Esportazioaren amaiera data
ends calendar eu Bukaera
error adding the alarm calendar eu Errorea alarma gehitzean
@ -95,13 +105,18 @@ exceptions calendar eu Salbuespenak
existing links calendar eu Loturak existitzen dira
export calendar eu Esportatu
extended calendar eu Luzatua
extended updates always include the complete event-details. ical's can be imported by certain other calendar-applications. calendar eu Eguneratzen zabalak gertakariaren datu guztiak eguneratzen ditu. iCal egutegiak beste egutegi aplikazio batzuek inportatu ditzazkete (Microsoft Outlook, etab.).
fieldseparator calendar eu Eremu banatzailea
filename calendar eu Fitxategiaren izena
filename of the download calendar eu Deskargatu den fitxategiaren izena
find free timeslots where the selected participants are availible for the given timespan calendar eu Bilera modaltzeko hutsune libreak aurkitu partehartzaileen egutegietan
firstname of person to notify calendar eu Abisua eman behar zaion pertsonaren izena
for which views should calendar show distinct lines with a fixed time interval. calendar eu Zein egutegi ikuspegitan erakutsi beharko litzatezke denbora lerroak?
format of event updates calendar eu Gertakarien eguneratze formatua
forward half a month calendar eu hilabete erdia aurreratu
forward one month calendar eu hilabete bat aurreratu
four days view calendar eu 4 egunetako ikuspegia
freebusy: unknow user '%1', wrong password or not availible to not loged in users !!! calendar eu ordu-libreak: '%1' erabiltzaile ezezaguna, pasahitz ez zuzena edo ez zaude baimendurik bere informazioa ikusteko!!!
freetime search calendar eu Denbora librean bilatu
fri calendar eu Ostirala
full description calendar eu Deskribapen osatua
@ -109,8 +124,11 @@ fullname of person to notify calendar eu Abisua eman behar zaion pertsonaren ize
general calendar eu Orokorra
global public and group public calendar eu Publiko orokorra eta talde publikoa
global public only calendar eu Publiko orokorra soilik
group invitation calendar eu Talde gonbitea
group planner calendar eu Taldeko plangintza
group public only calendar eu Talde publikoa soilik
groupmember(s) %1 not included, because you have no access. calendar eu %1 talde partahidea/k ez gehituak, ez bait daukazu baimenik.
h calendar eu o
here is your requested alarm. calendar eu Hemen dago eskatutako alarma
high priority calendar eu Lehentasun handia
holiday calendar eu Jaieguna
@ -118,20 +136,23 @@ holiday management calendar eu Jaiegunen kudeaketa
holidays calendar eu Jaiegunak
hours calendar eu orduak
how far to search (from startdate) calendar eu zenbait bilatu (hasiera datatik)
how many minutes should each interval last? calendar eu Zenbat minutuko denbora tarteak nahi dituzu?
ical calendar eu ¡Cal
ical / rfc2445 calendar eu ¡Cal / rfc2445
ical export calendar eu ¡Cal esportatu
ical file calendar eu ¡Cal fitxategia
ical import calendar eu ¡Cal inportatu
ical successful imported calendar eu ¡Cal fitxategia arazorik gabe inportatu da
if checked holidays falling on a weekend, are taken on the monday after. calendar eu Jai egunak astebukaeretan erortzen badira ondorengo astelehena jai bihurtuko da.
if you dont set a password here, the information is available to everyone, who knows the url!!! calendar eu Hemen pasahitza ez baduzu ezartzen, zure URLa dakien edonork izango du sarrera zure egutegiko ordu libre/lanpetu ikuspegira.
ignore conflict calendar eu Gatazka alde batera utzi
import calendar eu Inportatu
import csv-file calendar eu Inportatu CSV fitxategia
import csv-file common eu Inportatu CSV fitxategia
interval calendar eu Tartea
intervals in day view calendar eu Egunaren ikuspegiko tarteak
invalid email-address "%1" for user %2 calendar eu %1 erabiltzailearen helbide elektronikoa ez da %2 erabiltzailearentzat baliogarria
last calendar eu azkena
lastname of person to notify calendar eu Abisua eman behar zaion pertsonaren abizena
length of the time interval calendar eu Denbora tartearen luzera
link to view the event calendar eu Lotura gertakaria ikusteko
links calendar eu Loturak
links, attachments calendar eu Loturak, eranskinak
@ -140,6 +161,7 @@ location calendar eu Lekua
location to autoload from admin eu Automatikoki kargatzeko lekua
location, start- and endtimes, ... calendar eu Lekua, hasiera eta amaiera ordua
mail all participants calendar eu Partehartzaile guztiei e-posta bat bidali
make freebusy information available to not loged in persons? calendar eu ordu libre/lanpetu ikuspegia sisteman sarturik ez dauden pertsonendako baimendu <br>(URL bat sortuko da eta berau pasa beharko diezu pertsona horiei)
minutes calendar eu minutuak
modified calendar eu Aldatua
mon calendar eu Astelehena
@ -178,10 +200,12 @@ overlap holiday calendar eu jaiegunak gainjarri
participants calendar eu Partehartzaileak
participants disinvited from an event calendar eu Gertakari bateko gonbidapena kentzen zaien pratehartzaileak
participants, resources, ... calendar eu Partehartzaileak, baliabideak...
password for not loged in users to your freebusy information? calendar eu Sisteman sartu gabe dauden pertsonek zure libre/lanpetu egutegia ikusi ahal izateko pasahitza?
people holiday calendar eu jendearentzako jaieguna
permission denied calendar eu Baimena ukatua
planner by category calendar eu Kategorika planifikatu
planner by user calendar eu Erabiltzaileka planifikatu
please note: you can configure the field assignments after you uploaded the file. calendar eu Abisua: Fitxategia jaso ondoren kudeatu dezakezu esleipenen atala.
preselected group for entering the planner calendar eu Aurre aukeratu taldea planifikatzailean sartzeko
previous calendar eu aurrekoa
private and global public calendar eu Pribatua eta publiko orokorra
@ -194,8 +218,10 @@ recurrence calendar eu Errepikapenak
recurring event calendar eu errepikatzen den gertaera
rejected calendar eu Ukatu
repeat days calendar eu Errepikapen egunak
repeat the event until which date (empty means unlimited) calendar eu gertakariaren errepikapenen amaiera data (hutsik egonez gero amaigabea)
repeat type calendar eu Errepikapen mota
repeating event information calendar eu Gertakarietan errepikatzen den informazioa
repeating interval, eg. 2 to repeat every second week calendar eu errepikapen tartea. Adibidez 2, bi astero errepikatzeko
repetition calendar eu Errepikapena
repetitiondetails (or empty) calendar eu Errepikapenaren detaileak (hutsik)
reset calendar eu Berrezarri
@ -207,11 +233,14 @@ saves the event ignoring the conflict calendar eu Gertakaria gorde gatazka alde
scheduling conflict calendar eu Gatazka egutegian
select a %1 calendar eu %1 aukeratu
select a time calendar eu ordu bat aukeratu
select resources calendar eu Baliabideak aukeratu
select resources calendar eu Baliabide guztiak
select who should get the alarm calendar eu Aukeratu nork jaso behar duen alarma
set a year only for one-time / non-regular holidays. calendar eu Urtero errepikatzen ez diren oporretan ez ezarri urterik.
set new events to private calendar eu Gertakari berriak pribatu moduan jarri
should invitations you rejected still be shown in your calendar ?<br>you can only accept them later (eg. when your scheduling conflict is removed), if they are still shown in your calendar! calendar eu Zuk gaitzetsitako gertaerak zure egutegian agertu beharko lirateke? <br> Ondoren iritzia aldatzeko aukera izango duzu, bakarrik zure egutegian agertzen baldin bada!
should new events created as private by default ? calendar eu Pribatu moduan sortu gertakariak?
should not loged in persons be able to see your freebusy information? you can set an extra password, different from your normal password, to protect this informations. the freebusy information is in ical format and only include the times when you are busy. it does not include the event-name, description or locations. the url to your freebusy information is %1. calendar eu Sisteman sartuta dauden erabiltzaileak zure libre/lanpetu egutegia ikusteko aukera eman nahi duzu?<br> Beste pasahitz bat ezar dezakezu informazio hau babesteko.<br>iCal formatuan dago eta ez da gertakarien informaziorik erakusten, bakarrik libre/lanpetu egutegia.<br> Zuren libre/lanpetu egutegirako esteka %1 da.
should the status of the event-participants (accept, reject, ...) be shown in brakets after each participants name ? calendar eu Gertakari-patehartzaile baten egoera izenarekin batera agertu beharko litzateke edo partehartzaile izenaren ondoren?
show default view on main screen calendar eu Ikuspegi lehenetsia erakutsi pantaila nagusian
show invitations you rejected calendar eu Zuk uko egindako gonbidapenak erakutsi
show list of upcoming events calendar eu Datozen gertakarien zerrenda erakutsi
@ -228,10 +257,20 @@ status changed calendar eu Egoera aldatuta
submit to repository calendar eu Biltegira bidali
sun calendar eu Igandea
tentative calendar eu zalantzan
test import (show importable records <u>only</u> in browser) calendar eu Inportazioa probatu (erakutsi inpotatu daitezkeen errenkadak <u> bakarrik </u> interneteko exploratzailean)
this day is shown as first day in the week or month view. calendar eu Egun hau lehen egun bezala erakutsiko da asteko edo hilabeteko ikuspegian.
this defines the end of your dayview. events after this time, are shown below the dayview. calendar eu Honek zure eguneko ikuspegiaren amaiera ordua definitzen du. Ordu honetatik aurrerako geratakariak eguneko ikuspegitik behera ikus ditzakezu.
this defines the start of your dayview. events before this time, are shown above the dayview.<br>this time is also used as a default starttime for new events. calendar eu Honek zure eguneko ikuspegiaren hasera ordua definitzen du. Goizago definituriko geratakariak eguneko ikuspegitik gora ikus ditzakezu. Ordu hau gertakari berrien hasera ordu lehenetsia ere izango da.
this group that is preselected when you enter the planner. you can change it in the planner anytime you want. calendar eu Taldekako plangintzako ikuspegian hautatu daukazun taldea da hau. Edozein momentutan aldatu dezakezu ikuspegian bertan.
this message is sent for canceled or deleted events. calendar eu Mezu hau gaitzetsitako edo ezabatutako gertakarietan bidaliko da.
this message is sent for modified or moved events. calendar eu Mezu hau gertakaria aldatu edo mugitzerakoan bidaliko da.
this message is sent to disinvited participants. calendar eu Mezu hau gonpidatuak egoteari uzten dutenei bidaltzen zaie.
this message is sent to every participant of events you own, who has requested notifcations about new events.<br>you can use certain variables which get substituted with the data of the event. the first line is the subject of the email. calendar eu Mezu hau zu jabe zaren gertakarien partehartzaileei bidaliko zaie, beti ere hala eskatu badute.<br>Zenbait aldagai erabil ditzakezu mezuaren formatua definitzerakoan, gertakariaren informazioarekin ordezkatuko direlarik.<br> Lehen lerroa mezuaren izenburua da.
this message is sent when you accept, tentative accept or reject an event. calendar eu Mezu hau gertakari bat onartu, zalantzan edo gaitzezten baduzu bidaltzen da.
this message is sent when you set an alarm for a certain event. include all information you might need. calendar eu Mezu hau gertakari batekiko alarma bat ezartzean bidaltzen da. Gertakariari buruzko informazio guztia bidaliko du.
three month calendar eu hiru hilabete
thu calendar eu Osteguna
til calendar eu arte
timeframe calendar eu Denbora marjina
timeframe to search calendar eu Bilaketarako denbora marjina
title of the event calendar eu Gertakariaren izenburua
@ -243,6 +282,7 @@ updated calendar eu Gaurkoatua
use end date calendar eu Amaiera data erabili
use the selected time and close the popup calendar eu aukeratutako ordua erabili ta leihoa itxi
view this event calendar eu Gertakari hau ikusi
views with fixed time intervals calendar eu Denbora tarte mugatua duten ikuspegiak
wed calendar eu Asteazkena
week calendar eu Astea
weekday starts on calendar eu Astea hasten da
@ -260,6 +300,8 @@ work day ends on calendar eu Lan egunak bukatzen dira
work day starts on calendar eu Lan egunak hasten dira
yearly calendar eu Urtero
yearview calendar eu Urtearen ikuspegia
you can either set a year or a occurence, not both !!! calendar eu Bakarrik urtea edo zebateko jarri dezakezu, ez biak!!!
you can only set a year or a occurence !!! calendar eu Bakarrik urtea edo zebateko jarri dezakezu.
you do not have permission to read this record! calendar eu Ez daukazu baimenik erregistro hau irakurtzeko!
you have a meeting scheduled for %1 calendar eu Bilera bat daukazu %1 programatua
you have been disinvited from the meeting at %1 calendar eu %1en bilerara gobidatua egoteari utzi diozu
@ -267,4 +309,3 @@ you need to select an ical file first calendar eu Lehenago
you need to set either a day or a occurence !!! calendar eu Egun bat edo ateraldi bat jarri behar duzu
your meeting scheduled for %1 has been canceled calendar eu %1 programatutako bilera ezeztatu egin da
your meeting that had been scheduled for %1 has been rescheduled to %2 calendar eu %1 programatutako bilera %2 programatu da
h calendar eu h
@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
%1 %2 in %3 calendar hu %1 %2 a %3-ban
%1 records imported calendar hu %1 bejegyzés importálva
%1 records read (not yet imported, you may go back and uncheck test import) calendar hu %1 bejegyzés beolvasva (importálás nem történt, az elõzõ lépésben a Test Import kikapcsolása után élesben történik a beolvasás)
<b>please note</b>: the calendar use the holidays of your country, which is set to %1. you can change it in your %2.<br />holidays are %3 automatic installed from %4. you can changed it in %5. calendar hu <b>Megjegyzés:</b>: A Naptár az ön országának az ünnepnapjait használja, ami jelenleg erre va állítva: %1. Ezt megváltoztatjatja itt: %2.<br/>A(z) %3 ünnepnapok automatikusan telepítésre kerültek innen: %4. Ezt megváltoztathatja itt: %5.
a non blocking event will not conflict with other events calendar hu Egy nem-blokkoló esemény nem fog ütközni már eseményekkel.
accept or reject an invitation calendar hu Elfogad vagy elutasít egy meghívást
accepted calendar hu Elfogadva
access denied to the calendar of %1 !!! calendar hu %1 naptárhoz a hozzáférés megtagadva!
action that caused the notify: added, canceled, accepted, rejected, ... calendar hu Értesítés a kövektezõk miatt: Hozzáadva, Mégsem, Elfogadva, Elutasítva, ...
actions calendar hu Mûveletek
add alarm calendar hu Riasztás hozzáadása
@ -25,12 +28,13 @@ are you sure you want to delete this holiday ? calendar hu Biztosan t
back half a month calendar hu fél hónapot vissza
back one month calendar hu egy hónapot vissza
before current date calendar hu aktuális dátum elõtt
before the event calendar hu esemény elött
before the event calendar hu esemény elõtt
birthday calendar hu Születésnap
busy calendar hu elfoglalt
by calendar hu by
calendar event calendar hu Naptár Esemény
calendar holiday management admin hu Naptár Szabadság Kezelõ
calendar menu calendar hu Naptár menü
calendar preferences calendar hu Naptár tulajdonságok
calendar settings admin hu Naptár Beállítások
calendar-fieldname calendar hu Naptár-Mezõnév
@ -38,6 +42,8 @@ can't add alarms in the past !!! calendar hu A m
canceled calendar hu Törölve
charset of file calendar hu Állomány karakterkészlete
close the window calendar hu Ablak bezárás
compose a mail to all participants after the event is saved calendar hu email szerkesztése az összes résztvevõnek, miután az esemény mentésre került
copy of: calendar hu Másolás
copy this event calendar hu Esemény másolása
countries calendar hu Országok
country calendar hu Ország
@ -49,6 +55,7 @@ csv-filename calendar hu CSV-F
custom fields common hu Egyedi Mezõk
daily calendar hu Naponta
days calendar hu napok
days of the week for a weekly repeated event calendar hu A hét napjai a heti ismétlõdésû eseményekhez
days repeated calendar hu napon ismétlõdik
dayview calendar hu Napi nézet
default appointment length (in minutes) calendar hu alapértelmezett megbeszélés hossz (percben)
@ -56,72 +63,103 @@ default calendar filter calendar hu Alap
default calendar view calendar hu Alapértelmezett naptár nézet
default length of newly created events. the length is in minutes, eg. 60 for 1 hour. calendar hu Az újonnan létrehozott események alapértelmezett hossza. Ez percben van megadva, pl. 60 az egy órának.
default week view calendar hu alapértelmezett hét nézet
defines the size in minutes of the lines in the day view. calendar hu A sorok mérete percben a napi nézetben.
delete series calendar hu Sorozat törlése
delete this alarm calendar hu Riasztás törlése
delete this event calendar hu Esemény törlése
delete this exception calendar hu Kivétel törlése
delete this series of recuring events calendar hu Ismétlõdõ esemény sorozatának törlése
disinvited calendar hu Nem meghívott
display status of events calendar hu Esemányek státuszának megjelenítése
display status of events calendar hu Esemény státuszok megjelenítése
displayed view calendar hu megjelenített nézet
displays your default calendar view on the startpage (page you get when you enter egroupware or click on the homepage icon)? calendar hu Alapértelmezett naptár nézet kijelzése a kezdõ lapon (a lap amit kapsz az eGroupWare belépésnél vagy a kezdölap ikonra kattintáskor)?
do you want a weekview with or without weekend? calendar hu A heti nézet tartalmazza a hétvégét vagy nem?
do you want to be notified about new or changed appointments? you be notified about changes you make yourself.<br>you can limit the notifications to certain changes only. each item includes all the notification listed above it. all modifications include changes of title, description, participants, but no participant responses. if the owner of an event requested any notifcations, he will always get the participant responses like acceptions and rejections too. calendar hu Szeretnél kapni értesítést az új vagy megváltozott találkozókról? Értesítve leszel arról amit változtattál. <br>Különbözö változásoknál beállíthatod az értesítéseket. Az értesítési listán minden szerepel. Minden módosítás tartalmazza a változás címét, leírását, résztvevöket, de a résztvevök válaszait nem. Ha az esemény tulajdonosa kér valamilyen értesítést, mindíg megkapja a résztvevö válaszát hogy elfogadták vagy elutasították.
do you want to receive a regulary summary of your appointsments via email?<br>the summary is sent to your standard email-address on the morning of that day or on monday for weekly summarys.<br>it is only sent when you have any appointments on that day or week. calendar hu Akarsz kapni egyszerü összesítést a Te találkozóidról emailben? <br>Az összesítö az email címedre lesz küldve aznap reggel vagy hétfön a heti összesítés. <br>Csak akkor lesz elküldve amikor neked van találkozód azon a napon vagy héten.
do you wish to autoload calendar holidays files dynamically? admin hu Akarod dinamikusan betölteni a naptár szabadság állományait.
download calendar hu Letölt
download this event as ical calendar hu Esemény letöltése iCal formátumban
duration of the meeting calendar hu Megbeszélés hossza
edit exception calendar hu Kivétel szerkesztése
edit series calendar hu Sorozat szerkesztése
edit this event calendar hu Esemény szerkesztése
edit this series of recuring events calendar hu Ismétlõdõ esemény szerkesztése
empty for all calendar hu minden ürítése
end calendar hu Befejezés
end date/time calendar hu Befejezés dátuma/ideje
enddate calendar hu Befejezési dátum
enddate / -time of the meeting, eg. for more then one day calendar hu A megbeszélés befejezési dátum/idõpontja, pl. több mint egy nap
enddate of the export calendar hu Utolsó idõpont az export során
ends calendar hu vége
error adding the alarm calendar hu Hiba a riasztás hozzáadásakor
error: importing the ical calendar hu Hiba az iCal importálásakor
error: no participants selected !!! calendar hu Hiba: nincs résztvevõ kiválasztva
error: saving the event !!! calendar hu Hiba az esemény mentésekor
error: starttime has to be before the endtime !!! calendar hu Hiba: a kezdési idõpont korábbra kell essen mint a befejezésé
event copied - the copy can now be edited calendar hu Esemény másolása megtörtént, a másolat most szerkeszthetõ
event deleted calendar hu Esemény törölve
event details follow calendar hu Esemény jellemzõinek követése
event saved calendar hu Esemény elmentve
event will occupy the whole day calendar hu Az esemény az egész napot lefoglalja
exception calendar hu Kivétel
exceptions calendar hu Kivételek
existing links calendar hu Meglévõ hivatkozások
export calendar hu Export
extended calendar hu Kibõvített
extended updates always include the complete event-details. ical's can be imported by certain other calendar-applications. calendar hu Kibövített frissítések mindíg tartalmazzák a komplett esemény-jellemzöket.
fieldseparator calendar hu Mezõ elválasztó
filename calendar hu Állomány név
firstname of person to notify calendar hu A szemály keresztneve az értesítéshez
filename of the download calendar hu Letöltés fájlneve
find free timeslots where the selected participants are availible for the given timespan calendar hu Keressen szabad idõpontokat, amikor a kiválasztott résztvevõk szabadak a megadott idõtartamban
firstname of person to notify calendar hu A személy keresztneve az értesítéshez
format of event updates calendar hu Esemény frissítés formája
forward half a month calendar hu fél hónappal késõbb
forward one month calendar hu egy hónappal késõbb
four days view calendar hu négynapos nézet
freebusy: unknow user '%1', wrong password or not availible to not loged in users !!! calendar hu szabad-foglalt: Ismeretlen felhasználó '%', rossze jelszó vagy nem elérhetõ bejelentkezés nélkül.
freetime search calendar hu Szabadidõ keresés
fri calendar hu P
full description calendar hu Teljes leírás
fullname of person to notify calendar hu A személy teljes neve az értesítéshez
general calendar hu Általános
global public and group public calendar hu Globális publiskus és csoport publikus
global public and group public calendar hu Globális publikus és csoport publikus
global public only calendar hu Csak globális publikus
group invitation calendar hu Csoport meghívó
group planner calendar hu Csoport tervezet
group public only calendar hu Csak csoport publikus
here is your requested alarm. calendar hu Itt van a kért riasztásod.
groupmember(s) %1 not included, because you have no access. calendar hu Csoport tag %1 nem érhetõ el, mivel önnek nincs jogosultsága.
h calendar hu óra
here is your requested alarm. calendar hu Itt van a kért riasztás.
high priority calendar hu magas prioritás
holiday calendar hu Szabadság
holiday management calendar hu Szabadság Kezelés
holidays calendar hu Szabadságok
hours calendar hu órák
how far to search (from startdate) calendar hu Milyen idõtávolságra keressen elõre (a kezdési idõponttól)
ical calendar hu iCal
ical / rfc2445 calendar hu iCal / rfc2445
ical export calendar hu iCal export
ical file calendar hu iCal állomány
ical import calendar hu iCal import
ical successful imported calendar hu iCal sikeresen importálva
if checked holidays falling on a weekend, are taken on the monday after. calendar hu Bejelölés esetén ha a beállított ünnepek hétvégére esnek, akkor az azt követõ hétfõre kerülnek át.
if you dont set a password here, the information is available to everyone, who knows the url!!! calendar hu Ha nincs jelszó beállítva, akkor az információ mindenki számára elérhetõ lesz, aki ismeri az URL-t!!!
ignore conflict calendar hu Átfedés figyelmen kivül hagyása
import calendar hu Import
import csv-file calendar hu CSV-Állomány Import
interval calendar hu Idötartam
intervals in day view calendar hu Idötartamok a napi nézetben
import csv-file common hu CSV-Állomány Import
interval calendar hu Idõtartam
invalid email-address "%1" for user %2 calendar hu %2 felhasználó %1 email címe érvénytelen
last calendar hu utolsó
lastname of person to notify calendar hu A személy vezeték neve
length of the time interval calendar hu Az idõtartam hossza
link to view the event calendar hu Hivatkozás az esemény megtekintéséhez
links calendar hu Hivatkozások
links, attachments calendar hu Hivatkozások, mellékletek
listview calendar hu listanézet
location calendar hu Helyszín
location to autoload from admin hu Automatikus betöltés helye
location, start- and endtimes, ... calendar hu Helyszín, kezdési- és befejezési idõpont, ...
mail all participants calendar hu résztvevõk email értesítése
make freebusy information available to not loged in persons? calendar hu Szabad-foglalt információ elérhetõsége be nem jelentkezett személyek számára?
minutes calendar hu perc
modified calendar hu Módosított
mon calendar hu H
@ -129,108 +167,141 @@ monthly calendar hu Havonta
monthly (by date) calendar hu Havonta (dátum szerint)
monthly (by day) calendar hu Havonta (naponta)
monthview calendar hu Havi Nézet
new search with the above parameters calendar hu új keresés a fenti paraméterekkel
no events found calendar hu Esemény nem található
no filter calendar hu Szûrõ nélkül
no matches found calendar hu Egyezés nem található
no response calendar hu Nincs válasz
non blocking calendar hu non blocking
notification messages for added events calendar hu Értesítési üzenet a hozzáadott eseményekhez
notification messages for canceled events calendar hu Értesítési üzenet a megszakított eseményekhez
notification messages for disinvited participants calendar hu Értesítési üzenet a törölt résztvevõknek
notification messages for modified events calendar hu Értesítési üzenet a módosított eseményekhez
notification messages for your alarms calendar hu Értesítési üzenet a Te riasztásaidhoz
notification messages for your responses calendar hu Értesítési üzenet a Te válaszaidhoz
notification messages for your alarms calendar hu Értesítési üzenet az ön riasztásaihoz
notification messages for your responses calendar hu Értesítési üzenet az ön válaszaihoz
number of records to read (%1) calendar hu Az olvasott bejegyzések száma (%1)
observance rule calendar hu Elöírás szabálya
observance rule calendar hu Elõírás szabálya
occurence calendar hu Esemény
old startdate calendar hu Régi Kezdési Dátum
on %1 %2 %3 your meeting request for %4 calendar hu %1 %2 %3-on a Te találkozó kérésed %4-el
on all modification, but responses calendar hu minden módosítás, de válaszok
on any time change too calendar hu bármikor váltiz szintén
on invitation / cancelation only calendar hu meghívás / megszakítás csupán
on participant responses too calendar hu résztvevö válaszai szintén
on time change of more than 4 hours too calendar hu több mint 4 óra idö változás szintén
old startdate calendar hu Régi kezdési dátum
on %1 %2 %3 your meeting request for %4 calendar hu %1 %2 %3-on az ön megbeszélési kérései %4-el
on all modification, but responses calendar hu minden módosítás, de válaszok nélkül
on any time change too calendar hu bármilyen idõ változás esetén
on invitation / cancelation only calendar hu csak meghívás / megszakítás esetén
on participant responses too calendar hu résztvevõ válaszai esetén
on time change of more than 4 hours too calendar hu több mint 4 óra idõ változás esetén
one month calendar hu egy hónap
one week calendar hu egy hét
one year calendar hu egy év
only the initial date of that recuring event is checked! calendar hu Csak a kezdeti dátum ellenõrzése történt meg az ismétlõdõ eseménynél!
open todo's: calendar hu Tennivalók Megnyitása:
overlap holiday calendar hu szabadság átfedés
participants calendar hu Résztvevök
participants calendar hu Résztvevõk
participants disinvited from an event calendar hu Eseményrõl visszahívott résztvevõk
participants, resources, ... calendar hu Résztvevõk, erõforrások .....
password for not loged in users to your freebusy information? calendar hu Az ön szabad-foglalt információjának eléréséhez szükséges jelszó?
people holiday calendar hu emberek szabadsága
permission denied calendar hu Engedély tiltott
planner by category calendar hu Tervezö kategória szerint
planner by user calendar hu Tervezö felhasználó szerint
preselected group for entering the planner calendar hu Elöre kiválasztott csoport a tervezöbe lépéshez
permission denied calendar hu Engedély megtagadva
planner by category calendar hu Tervezõ kategória szerint
planner by user calendar hu Tervezõ felhasználó szerint
please note: you can configure the field assignments after you uploaded the file. calendar hu Megjegyzés: Miután feltöltötte a fájlt, akkor tudja a mezõ összerendelést konfigurálni.
preselected group for entering the planner calendar hu Elõre kiválasztott csoport a tervezõbe lépéshez
previous calendar hu elõzõ
private and global public calendar hu Személyes és globális publikus
private and group public calendar hu Személyes és csoport publikus
private only calendar hu Csak személyes
re-edit event calendar hu Esemény módosítása
receive email updates calendar hu Email frissítések fogadása
receive summary of appointments calendar hu Találkozók összesítöjének fogadása
receive summary of appointments calendar hu Találkozók összesítõjének fogadása
recurrence calendar hu Ismétlõdés
recurring event calendar hu ismétlõdõ esemény
rejected calendar hu Elutasított
repeat type calendar hu Ismétlödés típusa
repeating event information calendar hu Ismétlödö esemény információ
repetition calendar hu Ismétlödés
repetitiondetails (or empty) calendar hu Ismétlödés jellemzök (vagy üres)
repeat days calendar hu Ismétlõdõ napok
repeat the event until which date (empty means unlimited) calendar hu ismételje az eseményt a következõ dátumig (ha üres, akkor nincs utolsó idõpont)
repeat type calendar hu Ismétlõdés típusa
repeating event information calendar hu Ismétlõdõ esemény információ
repeating interval, eg. 2 to repeat every second week calendar hu ismétlõdés idõköze, pl. 2 esetében minden második hét
repetition calendar hu Ismétlõdés
repetitiondetails (or empty) calendar hu Ismétlõdés jellemzõk (vagy üres)
reset calendar hu Alaphelyzet
resources calendar hu Erõforrások
rule calendar hu Szabály
sat calendar hu Sz
saves the changes made calendar hu Változások elmentése
scheduling conflict calendar hu Ütemezési konfliktus
saves the event ignoring the conflict calendar hu Ütközés figyelmen kívül hagyása és esemény mentése
scheduling conflict calendar hu Ütemezési ütközés
select a %1 calendar hu Válasszon %1
select a time calendar hu Válasszon egy idõpontot
select resources calendar hu Erõforrások választása
set a year only for one-time / non-regular holidays. calendar hu Állíts be egy évet csupán / nem szabályos szabadságok.
select who should get the alarm calendar hu Válassza ki, hogy ki kapjon riasztást
set a year only for one-time / non-regular holidays. calendar hu Év beállítása egy egyszeri / nem szabályos ünnepnaphoz (pl. centenárium).
set new events to private calendar hu Új magán események megadása
should invitations you rejected still be shown in your calendar ?<br>you can only accept them later (eg. when your scheduling conflict is removed), if they are still shown in your calendar! calendar hu Lehet mutatni az elutasított meghívsokat a naptárban? <br>Akkor tudod késöbb ezeket elfogadni (pl. amikor megoldod az ütemezési problémákat), ha ezek mutatva vannak a naptáradban!
should invitations you rejected still be shown in your calendar ?<br>you can only accept them later (eg. when your scheduling conflict is removed), if they are still shown in your calendar! calendar hu Mutassam az ön által elutasított meghívásoka a naptárban?<br>Késõbb csak akkor tudja ezeket elfogadni, ha megjelennek a naptárban (pl. amikor az ütemezési ütközést megoldotta)
should new events created as private by default ? calendar hu Létre lehet hozni az eseményeket mint magán alapértelmezésben?
should the status of the event-participants (accept, reject, ...) be shown in brakets after each participants name ? calendar hu Az esemény résztvevök státusza (elfogad, elutasít, ...) megjeleníthetö minden résztvevö neve után?
show default view on main screen calendar hu Alapértelmezett nézet megjelenítése a fö képernyön
show default view on main screen calendar hu Alapértelmezett nézet megjelenítése a fõ képernyõn
show invitations you rejected calendar hu Mutassa az elutasított meghívásokat
show list of upcoming events calendar hu A bejövö események listájának mutatása
show list of upcoming events calendar hu Megmutatja a bejövõ események listáját
show this month calendar hu hónap mutatása
show this week calendar hu hét mutatása
single event calendar hu Egyedi esemény
start calendar hu Kezdés
start date/time calendar hu Kezdet dátuma/ideje
startrecord calendar hu Kezdö bejegyzés
submit to repository calendar hu Bizalmashoz továbítás
start date/time calendar hu Kezdés dátuma/ideje
startdate / -time calendar hu Kezdés dátuma/ideje
startdate and -time of the search calendar hu Kereséshez használt kezdés dátuma / ideje
startdate of the export calendar hu Az exportálás kezdési idõpontja
startrecord calendar hu Kezdõ bejegyzés
status changed calendar hu Státusz megváltozott
submit to repository calendar hu Gyûjtõbe helyezés
sun calendar hu V
tentative calendar hu Próba
test import (show importable records <u>only</u> in browser) calendar hu Import tesztelése (<u>csupán</u> a nem beolvasható bejegyzések mutatása a böngészöben)
this day is shown as first day in the week or month view. calendar hu Ez a nap lesz az elsö nap a heti vagy havi nézetben.
this defines the end of your dayview. events after this time, are shown below the dayview. calendar hu Ez beállítja a napi nézet végét. Az ez utáni események lejjebb vannak mutatva a napi nézetben.
this defines the start of your dayview. events before this time, are shown above the dayview.<br>this time is also used as a default starttime for new events. calendar hu Ez beállítja a napi nézet kezdetét. Az ez elötti események feljebb vannak mutatva a napi nézetben. <b>Ezt az idöt használjuk szintén mint az alapértelmezett kezési idöt az új eseményekhez.
this group that is preselected when you enter the planner. you can change it in the planner anytime you want. calendar hu Ez a csoport ami ki van választva amikor belépsz a tervezöbe. A tervezöben bármikor meg tudod változtatni.
this message is sent for canceled or deleted events. calendar hu Ez az üzenet akkor lesz elküldve amikor megszatítasz vagy törölsz egy eseményt.
this message is sent for modified or moved events. calendar hu Ez az üzenet akkor lesz elküldve amikor módisítasz vagy mozgatsz egy eseményt.
this message is sent to every participant of events you own, who has requested notifcations about new events.<br>you can use certain variables which get substituted with the data of the event. the first line is the subject of the email. calendar hu Ez az üzenet akkor lesz elküldve a Te eseményed minden résztvevönek, akiknek van kért értesítés egy új eseményröl. <b>Különbözö változókat használhasz amik helyettesítve vannak az esemény adatával. Az elsö sor az email tárgya.
this message is sent when you accept, tentative accept or reject an event. calendar hu Ez az üzenet akkor lesz elküldve amikor elfogadsz, próbaként elfogadsz, vagy elutasítasz egy eseményt.
this message is sent when you set an alarm for a certain event. include all information you might need. calendar hu Ez az üzenet akkor lesz elküldve amikor beállítasz egy riasztást egy bizonyos eseményhez.
test import (show importable records <u>only</u> in browser) calendar hu Import tesztelése (a nem beolvasható bejegyzések mutatása <u>csak</u> böngészõben)
this day is shown as first day in the week or month view. calendar hu Ez a nap lesz az elsõ nap a heti vagy havi nézetben.
this defines the end of your dayview. events after this time, are shown below the dayview. calendar hu Ez beállítja a napi nézet végét. Az ezt követõ események lejjebb szerepelnek a napi nézetben.
this defines the start of your dayview. events before this time, are shown above the dayview.<br>this time is also used as a default starttime for new events. calendar hu Ez beállítja a napi nézet kezdetét. Az ezt megelõzõ események feljebb szerepelnek a napi nézetben. <b>Ez az idõpont lesz ugyanakkor az alapértelmezett kezdési idõpont az új eseményeknél.
this group that is preselected when you enter the planner. you can change it in the planner anytime you want. calendar hu Kiválasztott csoport a tervezõbe lépéskor. A tervezõben bármikor megváltoztatható.
this message is sent for canceled or deleted events. calendar hu Események megszakításakor vagy törlésekor elküldésre kerülõ üzenet.
this message is sent for modified or moved events. calendar hu Események módosításakor vagy mozgatásakor elküldésre kerülõ üzenet.
this message is sent to disinvited participants. calendar hu Eseményrõl törölt résztvevõk számára elküldött üzenet.
this message is sent to every participant of events you own, who has requested notifcations about new events.<br>you can use certain variables which get substituted with the data of the event. the first line is the subject of the email. calendar hu Az ön eseményeihez rendelt résztvevõk közül azoknak kerül elküldésre ez az üzenet, akik értesítést kértek az új üzenetekrõl.<br>Az elsõ sor az email tárgya. Több változót használhat, amiket az esemény adataival lesz helyettesítve.
this message is sent when you accept, tentative accept or reject an event. calendar hu Esemény elfogadásakor, feltételes elfogadásakor illetve elutasításkor ez az üzenet kerül elküldésre.
this message is sent when you set an alarm for a certain event. include all information you might need. calendar hu Meghatározott eseményhez rendelt riasztáskor elküldésre kerülõ üzenet. Minden olyan információt tartalmazhat, amire szüksége van.
three month calendar hu három hónap
thu calendar hu Cs
timeframe calendar hu Idõkeret
timeframe to search calendar hu Kereséshez idõkeret
title of the event calendar hu Esemény címe
to many might exceed your execution-time-limit calendar hu elérted a futtatási-idö-határt
to many might exceed your execution-time-limit calendar hu Futtatási idõkorlát túllépés
translation calendar hu Fordítás
tue calendar hu K
two weeks calendar hu két hét
updated calendar hu Frissítve
use end date calendar hu Végs? dátumot használja
use end date calendar hu befejezési dátum használata
use the selected time and close the popup calendar hu kiválasztott idõ használata és a felbukkanó ablak bezárása
view this event calendar hu Esemény megtekintése
views with fixed time intervals calendar hu Fix idõintervallumok nézete
wed calendar hu Sz
week calendar hu Hét
weekday starts on calendar hu Hétköznap kezdete
weekdays calendar hu Hétköznapok
weekdays to use in search calendar hu Kereséshez használt hétköznapok
weekly calendar hu Hetente
weekview calendar hu Heti Nézet
which events do you want to see when you enter the calendar. calendar hu Amelyik eseményeket látni akarod amikor belépsz a naptárba.
which of calendar view do you want to see, when you start calendar ? calendar hu Melyik naptár nézetet akarod látni amikor elindítod a naptárat?
weekview with weekend calendar hu Heti nézet hétvégével
weekview without weekend calendar hu Heti nézet hétköznapokkal
which events do you want to see when you enter the calendar. calendar hu Naptárba lépéskor megjelenített események.
which of calendar view do you want to see, when you start calendar ? calendar hu Naptárba lépéskor megjelenített naptár nézet?
whole day calendar hu egész nap
wk calendar hu hét
work day ends on calendar hu Munkanapok vége
work day starts on calendar hu Munkanapok kezdete
yearly calendar hu Évente
yearview calendar hu Éves Nézet
you can either set a year or a occurence, not both !!! calendar hu Tudsz állítani egy Évet vagy egy Eseményt, de nem mindkettöt!!!
you can only set a year or a occurence !!! calendar hu Tudsz állítani csupán egy évet vagy egy esemény!!!
you do not have permission to read this record! calendar hu Neked nincs jogosultságod olvasni ezt a bejegyzést!
you have a meeting scheduled for %1 calendar hu Neked van egy ütemezett találkozód %1-el!
h calendar hu óra
you can either set a year or a occurence, not both !!! calendar hu Vagy évet lehet beállítani, vagy elõfordulást, de mindkettõt egyszerre nem!
you can only set a year or a occurence !!! calendar hu Csak egy évet vagy elõfordulást lehet beállítani.
you do not have permission to read this record! calendar hu Nincs jogosultsága olvasni ezt a bejegyzést!
you have a meeting scheduled for %1 calendar hu Ütemezett megbeszélése van %1
you have been disinvited from the meeting at %1 calendar hu Megbeszélésrõl törlésre került
you need to select an ical file first calendar hu Elõször iCal fájl kiválasztása szükséges
you need to set either a day or a occurence !!! calendar hu Be kell állítania egy napot, vagy elõfordulást !!!
your meeting scheduled for %1 has been canceled calendar hu Az ön megbeszélése %1 idõpontra törlésre került.
your meeting that had been scheduled for %1 has been rescheduled to %2 calendar hu Megbeszélés idõpontja megváltozott %1-rõl %2-re.
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
a non blocking event will not conflict with other events calendar it Un evento non bloccante non sarà in conflitto con altri eventi
accept or reject an invitation calendar it Accetta o o rifiuta un invito
accepted calendar it Accettato
access denied to the calendar of %1 !!! calendar it Accesso negato all'agenda di %1 !!!
action that caused the notify: added, canceled, accepted, rejected, ... calendar it Azione che ha causato la notifica: Aggiunto, Cancellato, Accettato, Rifiutato, ...
actions calendar it Azioni
add alarm calendar it Aggiungi Allarme
@ -33,6 +34,7 @@ busy calendar it occupato
by calendar it da
calendar event calendar it Evento in Agenda
calendar holiday management admin it Gestione Festività Agenda
calendar menu calendar it Menù Agenda
calendar preferences calendar it Preferenze Agenda
calendar settings admin it Impostazioni Agenda
calendar-fieldname calendar it Campi-Agenda
@ -61,7 +63,6 @@ default calendar filter calendar it Filtro agenda predefinito
default calendar view calendar it Vista agenda predefinita
default length of newly created events. the length is in minutes, eg. 60 for 1 hour. calendar it Lunghezza predefinita dei nuovi eventi. La lunghezza è in minuti, es. 60 per 1 ora.
default week view calendar it Vista settimanale predefinita
defines the size in minutes of the lines in the day view. calendar it Definisci la lunghezza in minuti delle linee nella vista giornaliera.
delete series calendar it Cancella serie
delete this alarm calendar it Cancella questa sveglia
delete this event calendar it Cancella questo evento
@ -69,6 +70,7 @@ delete this exception calendar it Cancella questa eccezione
delete this series of recuring events calendar it Cancella questa serie di eventi ricorrenti
disinvited calendar it Disinvitato
display status of events calendar it Visualizza lo stato per gli Eventi
displayed view calendar it vista mostrata
displays your default calendar view on the startpage (page you get when you enter egroupware or click on the homepage icon)? calendar it Visualizzare la tua vista agenda predefinita sulla pagina iniziale (la pagina che appare quando entri in eGroupWare o clicchi sull'icona HOME) ?
do you want a weekview with or without weekend? calendar it Vuoi una vista settimanale con o senza weekend?
do you want to be notified about new or changed appointments? you be notified about changes you make yourself.<br>you can limit the notifications to certain changes only. each item includes all the notification listed above it. all modifications include changes of title, description, participants, but no participant responses. if the owner of an event requested any notifcations, he will always get the participant responses like acceptions and rejections too. calendar it Vuoi una notifica per i nuovi appuntamenti o per quelli cambiati? Sarai avvertito dei cambiamenti da te effettuati.<br>Puoi limitare la notifica su alcuni cambiamenti. TUTTE LE VOCI include tutte le notifiche elencate sopra di esso. TUTTE LE MODIFICHE include il cambiamento del titolo, della descrizione, dei partecipanti, ma non delle risposte dei partecipanti. Se il creatore dell'evento richiede ogni notifica, avrà sempre le risposte dei partecipanti sia gli accetti che i rifiuti.
@ -110,9 +112,11 @@ filename of the download calendar it Nome file del download
find free timeslots where the selected participants are availible for the given timespan calendar it Trova spazi di tempo libero in cui tutti i partecipanti sono disponibili per il periodo stabilito
firstname of person to notify calendar it Nome della persona da avvisare
for calendar it per
for which views should calendar show distinct lines with a fixed time interval. calendar it Per quali viste Agenda deve mostrare linee distinte con un intervallo fisso.
format of event updates calendar it Formato degli aggiornamenti degli eventi
forward half a month calendar it avanti metà mese
forward one month calendar it avanti un mese
four days view calendar it vista quattro giorni
freebusy: unknow user '%1', wrong password or not availible to not loged in users !!! calendar it libero/occupato: Utente '%1' sconosciuto, password errata o non disponibile agli utenti non loggati !!!
freetime search calendar it Ricerca Tempo libero
fri calendar it Ven
@ -121,8 +125,11 @@ fullname of person to notify calendar it Nome completo della persona da avvisare
general calendar it Generale
global public and group public calendar it Pubblico Globale e Pubblico per il Gruppo
global public only calendar it Solo Pubblico Globale
group invitation calendar it Invito di gruppo
group planner calendar it Pianificatore di Gruppo
group public only calendar it Solo Pubblico per il Gruppo
groupmember(s) %1 not included, because you have no access. calendar it Membro(i) del gruppo %1 non incluso(i), perché non hai accesso.
h calendar it h
here is your requested alarm. calendar it la tua richiesta di allarme.
high priority calendar it priorità alta
holiday calendar it Festività
@ -130,6 +137,7 @@ holiday management calendar it Gestione Festivit
holidays calendar it Festività
hours calendar it ore
how far to search (from startdate) calendar it quanto lontano cercare (dalla data iniziale)
how many minutes should each interval last? calendar it Quanti minuti deve durare ogni intervallo?
ical calendar it iCal
ical / rfc2445 calendar it iCal / rfc2445
ical export calendar it Esportazione iCal
@ -140,12 +148,12 @@ if checked holidays falling on a weekend, are taken on the monday after. calenda
if you dont set a password here, the information is available to everyone, who knows the url!!! calendar it Se non stabilisci una password qui, l'informazione sarà disponibile a chiunque conosca l'URL!!!
ignore conflict calendar it Ignora Conflitto
import calendar it Importa
import csv-file calendar it Importa File-CSV
import csv-file common it Importa File-CSV
interval calendar it Intervallo
intervals in day view calendar it Intervallo nella Vista giornaliera
invalid email-address "%1" for user %2 calendar it Indirizzo email "%1" non valido per utente %2
last calendar it ultimo
lastname of person to notify calendar it Cognome della persona da avvisare
length of the time interval calendar it Lunghezza dell'intervallo di tempo
link to view the event calendar it Link per visualizzare l'evento
links calendar it Collegamenti
links, attachments calendar it Collegamenti, Allegati
@ -275,6 +283,7 @@ updated calendar it Aggiornato
use end date calendar it Usa data di termine
use the selected time and close the popup calendar it utilizza l'ora selezionata e chiudi popup
view this event calendar it Visualizza questo evento
views with fixed time intervals calendar it Viste con intervalli di tempo fissi
wed calendar it Mer
week calendar it Settimana
weekday starts on calendar it La settimana inizia di
@ -301,4 +310,3 @@ you need to select an ical file first calendar it Devi prima selezionare un file
you need to set either a day or a occurence !!! calendar it Impostare un giorno o una ricorrenza !!!
your meeting scheduled for %1 has been canceled calendar it Il tuo meeting fissato per il %1 è stato cancellato
your meeting that had been scheduled for %1 has been rescheduled to %2 calendar it Il tuo meeting fissato per il %1 è stato spostato al %2
h calendar it h
@ -116,6 +116,7 @@ for which views should calendar show distinct lines with a fixed time interval.
format of event updates calendar sl Format popravkov dogodka
forward half a month calendar sl naprej pol meseca
forward one month calendar sl naprej en mesec
four days view calendar sl Pogled štirih dni
freebusy: unknow user '%1', wrong password or not availible to not loged in users !!! calendar sl Prost/Zaseden: Neznani uporabnik '%1', napačno geslo ali pa ni na voljo neprijavljenim uporabnikom!
freetime search calendar sl Iskanje prostega termina
fri calendar sl Pet
@ -63,7 +63,6 @@ default calendar filter calendar zh-tw 預設行事曆過濾器
default calendar view calendar zh-tw 預設行事曆檢視模式
default length of newly created events. the length is in minutes, eg. 60 for 1 hour. calendar zh-tw 預設建立事件的長度(分鐘),預設為60=1小時。
default week view calendar zh-tw 預設週曆模式
defines the size in minutes of the lines in the day view. calendar zh-tw 定義行事曆瀏覽時每個時段的分鐘數
delete series calendar zh-tw 刪除連鎖項目
delete this alarm calendar zh-tw 刪除這個警告
delete this event calendar zh-tw 刪除這個事件
@ -113,9 +112,11 @@ filename of the download calendar zh-tw 要下載的檔案名稱
find free timeslots where the selected participants are availible for the given timespan calendar zh-tw 在指定的期間找尋選擇的參與人都有空的時間區塊
firstname of person to notify calendar zh-tw 需要通知的人名
for calendar zh-tw 給
for which views should calendar show distinct lines with a fixed time interval. calendar zh-tw 透過什麼模式檢視時行事曆要以固定時間間隔顯示分隔線。
format of event updates calendar zh-tw 事件更新的格式
forward half a month calendar zh-tw 下半個月
forward one month calendar zh-tw 下個月
four days view calendar zh-tw 四天檢視模式
freebusy: unknow user '%1', wrong password or not availible to not loged in users !!! calendar zh-tw 狀態:不知名的使用者'%1',錯誤的密碼或是目前無法登入!
freetime search calendar zh-tw 時間空檔查詢
fri calendar zh-tw 五
@ -128,6 +129,7 @@ group invitation calendar zh-tw 邀請群組
group planner calendar zh-tw 群組計畫
group public only calendar zh-tw 群組公用
groupmember(s) %1 not included, because you have no access. calendar zh-tw 無法加入群組成員 %1 ,因為您沒有權限。
h calendar zh-tw 時
here is your requested alarm. calendar zh-tw 這是您要求的提醒。
high priority calendar zh-tw 高優先權
holiday calendar zh-tw 假日
@ -135,6 +137,7 @@ holiday management calendar zh-tw 假日管理
holidays calendar zh-tw 假日
hours calendar zh-tw 小時
how far to search (from startdate) calendar zh-tw 搜尋的期間(從開始日期)
how many minutes should each interval last? calendar zh-tw 每個間隔時間持續幾分鐘?
ical calendar zh-tw iCal
ical / rfc2445 calendar zh-tw iCal / rfc2445
ical export calendar zh-tw iCal 匯出
@ -147,10 +150,10 @@ ignore conflict calendar zh-tw 忽略重疊的約會
import calendar zh-tw 匯入
import csv-file common zh-tw 匯入CSV逗點分隔檔案
interval calendar zh-tw 間隔
intervals in day view calendar zh-tw 每日瀏覽的間隔
invalid email-address "%1" for user %2 calendar zh-tw 錯誤的信箱 "%1" 於使用者 %2
last calendar zh-tw 最後
lastname of person to notify calendar zh-tw 要提醒的人名(姓)
length of the time interval calendar zh-tw 時間間隔的長度
link to view the event calendar zh-tw 事件連結
links calendar zh-tw 連結
links, attachments calendar zh-tw 連結、附加檔案
@ -173,7 +176,6 @@ no filter calendar zh-tw 沒有規則
no matches found calendar zh-tw 沒有找到符合的結果
no response calendar zh-tw 沒有回應
non blocking calendar zh-tw 未鎖定
not calendar zh-tw 否
notification messages for added events calendar zh-tw 新增事件提醒
notification messages for canceled events calendar zh-tw 取消事件提醒
notification messages for disinvited participants calendar zh-tw 拒絕參與事件提醒
@ -246,7 +248,6 @@ show list of upcoming events calendar zh-tw 顯示即將到來的行程
show this month calendar zh-tw 顯示這個月
show this week calendar zh-tw 顯示這一週
single event calendar zh-tw 單一事件
site configuration calendar zh-tw 網站設定
start calendar zh-tw 開始
start date/time calendar zh-tw 開始日期/時間
startdate / -time calendar zh-tw 開始日期 / 時間
@ -282,6 +283,7 @@ updated calendar zh-tw 更新日期
use end date calendar zh-tw 有結束日期
use the selected time and close the popup calendar zh-tw 使用指定的時間並且關閉彈出視窗
view this event calendar zh-tw 檢視這個事件
views with fixed time intervals calendar zh-tw 以固定時間間隔檢視
wed calendar zh-tw 三
week calendar zh-tw 星期
weekday starts on calendar zh-tw 星期開始日
@ -308,4 +310,3 @@ you need to select an ical file first calendar zh-tw 您必須先選擇一個 iC
you need to set either a day or a occurence !!! calendar zh-tw 您必須設定一個日期或是一個期間!
your meeting scheduled for %1 has been canceled calendar zh-tw 您與%1的行程已經取消了
your meeting that had been scheduled for %1 has been rescheduled to %2 calendar zh-tw 您與%1的行程已經重新安排到%2
h calendar zh-tw 時
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
home home no Hjem
Home home no Hjem
egroupware home no egroupware
eGroupware home no eGroupware
eGroupWare home no eGroupWare
Displays home home no Viser startside
home home no Hjem
Home home no Hjem
egroupware home no egroupware
eGroupware home no eGroupware
eGroupWare home no eGroupWare
Displays home home no Viser startside
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
- subprojects from infolog hu - Alprojektek innen
0% infolog hu 0%
10% infolog hu 10%
100% infolog hu 100%
20% infolog hu 20%
30% infolog hu 30%
40% infolog hu 40%
@ -15,7 +16,8 @@
a short subject for the entry infolog hu egy rövid tárgy a bejegyzésnek
abort without deleting infolog hu Megszakítás törlés nélkül
accept infolog hu elfogad
action infolog hu Mûvelet
action infolog hu M?velet
actual date and time infolog hu aktuális dátum és id?
add infolog hu Hozzáad
add a file infolog hu Állomány hozzáadása
add a new entry infolog hu Új bejegyzés hozzáadása
@ -25,6 +27,7 @@ add a new sub-task, -note, -call to this entry infolog hu
add a new todo infolog hu Új tennivaló hozzáadása
add file infolog hu Állomány hozzáadása
add sub infolog hu Albejegyzés hozzáadása
add timesheet entry infolog hu Regiszter bejegyzés hozzáadása
add: infolog hu Hozzáadás:
all infolog hu Mind
all links and attachments infolog hu Minden hivatkozás és melléklet
@ -38,6 +41,7 @@ billed infolog hu sz
both infolog hu mindkét
call infolog hu hívás
cancel infolog hu Mégsem
cancelled infolog hu megszakítva
categories infolog hu Kategóriák
category infolog hu Kategória
change the status of an entry, eg. close it infolog hu Bejegyzés státusza megváltozott, pl. lezárták
@ -47,6 +51,7 @@ click here to create the link infolog hu hivatkoz
click here to start the search infolog hu keresés elindításához kattintson ide
close infolog hu Bezár
comment infolog hu Megjegyzés
completed infolog hu Teljesítve
configuration infolog hu Konfiguráció
confirm infolog hu Megerõsít
contact infolog hu Kapcsolat
@ -67,12 +72,14 @@ custom fields, typ and status common hu Egyedi mez
custom regarding infolog hu Egyedi vonatkozás
custom status for typ infolog hu Típus egyedi státusza
customfields infolog hu Egyedi mezõk
date completed infolog hu Teljesítés dátuma
date completed (leave it empty to have it automatic set if status is done or billed) infolog hu Teljesítés dátuma (ha üresen hagyja, akkor a kész vagy számlázva státusz esetén automatikusan kitöltésre kerül)
datecreated infolog hu dátum létrehozva
dates, status, access infolog hu Dátumok, Státusz, Elérés
days infolog hu napok
default filter for infolog infolog hu Infolog alapértelmezett szûrõje
default status for a new log entry infolog hu Alapértelmezett státusz egy új napló bejegyzésnek
delegation infolog hu Megbízottak
delegation infolog hu Delegálás
delete infolog hu Töröl
delete one record by passing its id. infolog hu Egy rekord törlése az azonosítója alapján
delete the entry infolog hu Bejegyzés törlése
@ -85,12 +92,14 @@ description infolog hu Le
determines the order the fields are displayed infolog hu megjelenitett mezõk rendezésének meghatározása
disables a status without deleting it infolog hu státusz tiltása annak törlése nélkül
do you want a confirmation of the responsible on: accepting, finishing the task or both infolog hu A felelõs jóváhagyása szükséges a feladat elfogadásához / befejezéséhez vagy mindkettõhöz.
don't show infolog infolog hu Infolog bejegyzés elrejtése
done infolog hu kész
download infolog hu Letölt
duration infolog hu Idõtartam
each value is a line like <id>[=<label>] infolog hu minden érték egy sorban, formája: <id>[=<label>]
edit infolog hu Szerkeszt
edit or create categories for ingolog infolog hu Szerkesztés vagy kategória létrehozása az Infolognak
edit rights (full edit rights incl. making someone else responsible!) infolog hu jogosultságok szerkesztése (teljes jogkör, beleértve azt, hogy mást lehet megteni felel?snek!)
edit status infolog hu Állapot szerkesztése
edit the entry infolog hu Bejegyzés szerkesztése
edit this entry infolog hu Aktuális bejegyzés szerkesztése
@ -110,13 +119,14 @@ fieldseparator infolog hu Mez
finish infolog hu befejez
for which types should this field be used infolog hu használható típusok a mezõben
from infolog hu Feladó
general infolog hu Általános
high infolog hu magas
id infolog hu Azonosító
if not set, the line with search and filters is hidden for less entries then "max matches per page" (as defined in your common preferences). infolog hu Ha nincs beállítva, a keresõ és szûrõ sor rejtve marad abban az esetben, ha a "maximális egyezés egy lapon" limittõl kevesebb találat volt (ahogy az Általános beállítások alatt be van állítva)
import infolog hu Importál
import next set infolog hu Következõ széria importálása
info log common hu InfoLog
infolog common hu InfoLog-Teendõk
infolog common hu InfoLog
infolog - delete infolog hu InfoLog - Törlés
infolog - edit infolog hu InfoLog - Szerkesztés
infolog - import csv-file infolog hu InfoLog - CSV-állomány import
@ -125,6 +135,7 @@ infolog - new subproject infolog hu InfoLog -
infolog - subprojects from infolog hu InfoLog - Alprojekt innen
infolog entry deleted infolog hu InfoLog bejegyzés törölve
infolog entry saved infolog hu InfoLog bejegyzés elmentve
infolog filter for the main screen infolog hu InfoLog sz?r? a f? képerny?n
infolog list infolog hu InfoLog lista
infolog preferences common hu InfoLog tulajdonságok
infolog-fieldname infolog hu InfoLog - Mezõnév
@ -132,6 +143,7 @@ invalid filename infolog hu
label<br>helptext infolog hu Címke<br>Segítség szöveg
last changed infolog hu Utolsó változás
last modified infolog hu Utolsó módosítás
leave it empty infolog hu hagyja üresen
leave without saveing the entry infolog hu kilépés mentés nélkül
leaves without saveing infolog hu kilépés mentés nélkül
length<br>rows infolog hu Sorok<br>Hossza
@ -140,10 +152,10 @@ links infolog hu Hivatkoz
links of this entry infolog hu Aktuális bejegyzés hivatkozásai
list all categories infolog hu Összes kategória listázása
list no subs/childs infolog hu Albejegyzéssel nem rendelkezõk listája
location infolog hu Helyszín
longer textual description infolog hu hosszabb szöveges leírás
low infolog hu alacsony
max length of the input [, length of the inputfield (optional)] infolog hu beviteli mezõ maximális mérete (opcionális)
max number of entries to display on the main screen infolog hu Fõképernyõn megjelenõ bejegyzések maximális száma
name must not be empty !!! infolog hu Név nem lehet üres!!!
name of new type to create infolog hu új típus név létrehozása
never hide search and filters infolog hu Ne rejtse el a keresést és szûrést
@ -159,14 +171,15 @@ none infolog hu Semmi
normal infolog hu Normál
not infolog hu nem
not assigned infolog hu Nincs hozzárendelve senkihez
note infolog hu Figyelem
not-started infolog hu Még nem indult el
note infolog hu Feljegyzés
number of records to read (%1) infolog hu Bejegyzések száma olvasáshoz (%1)
number of row for a multiline inputfield or line of a multi-select-box infolog hu többsoros beviteli mezõ vagy többszörös kiválasztó doboz sorainak száma
offer infolog hu ajánlat
ongoing infolog hu folyamatban levõ
only for details infolog hu Csak a részletekhez
only the attachments infolog hu csupán a mellékletek
only the links infolog hu csupán a hivatkozások
only up to this number of entries are displayed on the main screen. infolog hu Fõképernyõn maximálisan megjelenõ bejegyzések száma.
open infolog hu nyitott
optional note to the link infolog hu tetszõleges megjegyzés a hivatkozáshoz
order infolog hu Rendezés
@ -179,6 +192,7 @@ path on (web-)serverside<br>eg. /var/samba/share infolog hu
path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! infolog hu A felhasználók/csoportok állományainak útvonala KÍVÜL KELL ESSEN a webszerver dokumentum könyvtárán!!!
pattern for search in addressbook infolog hu keresési minta a címjegyzékben
pattern for search in projects infolog hu keresési minta a projektekben
percent completed infolog hu Teljesítés százalékban
permission denied infolog hu Hozzáférés megtagadva
phone infolog hu Telefonhívás
phone/email infolog hu Telefon/Email
@ -192,6 +206,7 @@ project infolog hu Projekt
project settings: price, times infolog hu Projekt beállítások: ár, idõ
re: infolog hu Válasz:
read one record by passing its id. infolog hu Egy bejegyzés olvasása az azonosítója alapján.
read rights (default) infolog hu olvasási jogok (alapbeállítás)
reg. expr. for local ip's<br>eg. ^192\.168\.1\. infolog hu reguláris kifejezés a helyi IP címhez <b>pl. ^192\.168\.1\.
remark infolog hu Megjegyzés
remove this link (not the entry itself) infolog hu Hivatkozás eltávolítása (nem a bejegyzést magát)
@ -201,6 +216,7 @@ responsible overdue infolog hu Felel
responsible upcoming infolog hu Felelõs közelgõ
responsible user, priority infolog hu Felelõs felhasználó, prioritás
returns a list / search for records. infolog hu Lista visszaadása / bejegyzés keresése
rights for the responsible infolog hu Felel?s jogai
save infolog hu Mentés
saves the changes made and leaves infolog hu Változás mentése és kilépés
saves this entry infolog hu Bejegyzés mentése
@ -218,7 +234,6 @@ select an entry to link with infolog hu Bejegyz
select to filter by owner infolog hu szûrés tulajdonosra
select to filter by responsible infolog hu szûrés felelõsre
sets the status of this entry and its subs to done infolog hu Bejegyzés és hozzátartozó albejegyzések állapotának megváltoztatása készre
should infolog display your open entries - not finished tasks, phonecalls or notes - on the main screen. works only if you dont selected an application for the main screen (in your preferences). infolog hu InfoLog megjelenítse-e a nyitott bejegyzéseket - nem befejezett feladatok, telefonhívások, feljegyzések - a Fõképernyõn.
should infolog show subtasks, -calls or -notes in the normal view or not. you can always view the subs via there parent. infolog hu InfoLog megjelenítse-e az alfeladatokat, -hívásokat vagy -feljegyzéseket a normál nézetben. Az albejegyzéseket mindig el lehet érni a szülõn keresztül.
should infolog show the links to other applications and/or the file-attachments in the infolog list (normal view when you enter infolog). infolog hu Infolog megjelenítse-e a hivatkozásokat más alkalmazáskhoz és/vagy állomány mellékleteket a normál nézetben.
should infolog use full names (surname and familyname) or just the loginnames. infolog hu InfoLog használja-e a teljes nevet (családi és keresztnév), vagy csak a bejelentkezõ nevet.
@ -226,13 +241,15 @@ should this entry only be visible to you and people you grant privat access via
show a column for used and planned times in the list. infolog hu Tervezett és felhasznált idõk számára oszlop megjelenítése a listában.
show full usernames infolog hu Teljes felhasználónév mutatása
show in the infolog list infolog hu InfoLog listában mutassa a következõket
show list of upcoming entries infolog hu közelgõ bejegyzések listája
show open entries: tasks/calls/notes on main screen infolog hu Nyitott bejegyzések - feladatok/hívások/feljegyzések - megjelenítése a Fõképernyõn.
show last modified infolog hu Mutassa az utolsónak módosítottat
show status and percent done separate infolog hu Mutassa a státuszt és százalékos készültséged külön-külön
show ticket id infolog hu Mutassa a jegy azonosítóját
show times infolog hu Idõtartamok megjelenítése
small view infolog hu kis nézet
start a new search, cancel this link infolog hu új keresés indítása, hivatkozás elhagyása
startdate infolog hu Kezdés dátuma
startdate enddate infolog hu Kezdés dátuma Befejezés dátuma
startdate for new entries infolog hu Új bejegyzés kezdési id?pontja
startrecord infolog hu Kezdõ bejegyzés
status infolog hu Állapot
status ... infolog hu Állapot ...
@ -248,7 +265,9 @@ this is the filter infolog uses when you enter the application. filters limit th
til when should the todo or phonecall be finished infolog hu amíg a Tennivalók vagy Telefonhívások befejezõdnek
times infolog hu Idõigény
to many might exceed your execution-time-limit infolog hu Futtatási idõkorlát túllépés
to what should the startdate of new entries be set. infolog hu Milyen kezdési id?pont legyen beállítva az új bejegyzésnek?
today infolog hu Ma
todays date infolog hu Mai dátum
todo infolog hu Tennivalók
translation infolog hu Fordítás
typ infolog hu Típus
@ -652,7 +652,7 @@ password could not be changed common es-es No se pudo cambiar la contrase
password has been updated common es-es Su contraseña ha sido actualizada
password must contain at least %1 lowercase letters common es-es La contraseña debe contener al menos %1 letras minúsculas
password must contain at least %1 numbers common es-es La contraseña debe contener al menos %1 números
password must contain at least %1 special charactars common es-es La contraseña debe contener al menos %1 caracteres especiales
password must contain at least %1 special characters common es-es La contraseña debe contener al menos %1 caracteres especiales
password must contain at least %1 uppercase letters common es-es La contraseña debe contener al menos %1 letras mayúsculas
password must have at least %1 characters common es-es La contraseña debe tener al menos %1 caracteres
paste htmlarea-ContextMenu es-es Pegar
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
%1 start common eu %1 hasi
%1egroupware%2 is a multi-user, web-based groupware suite written in %3php%4. common eu %1eGroupWare%2 web-ean oinarritutako talde lanerako tresna erabiltzaile anitza da
(shift-)click or drag to change value jscalendar eu Sakatu maiuskula edota arrastatu balioa aldatzeko
- click on any of the time parts to increase it jscalendar eu - Egin klik edozein zatian handitzeko
- click on any of the time parts to increase it jscalendar eu - Egin klik edozein zatitan handitzeko
- hold mouse button on any of the above buttons for faster selection. jscalendar eu -Xaguaren botoia sakatua mantendu edozein zatian aukeraketa azkarrerako
- or click and drag for faster selection. jscalendar eu - sakatu edo arrastatu aukeraketa azkarrerako
- or shift-click to decrease it jscalendar eu - sakatu maiuskularekin batera gutxitzeko
@ -21,11 +21,11 @@ _modify link... htmlarea-ContextMenu eu _Lotura aldatu...
_remove link... htmlarea-ContextMenu eu _Lotura kendu...
_table properties... htmlarea-ContextMenu eu _Taularen propietateak...
a editor instance must be focused before using this command. tinymce eu Editorearen instantzia enfokatu behar da komando hau erabiltzko.
about common eu Honi buruz
about %1 common eu %1ri buruz
about egroupware common eu eGroupwareri buruz
about the calendar jscalendar eu Egutegiari buruz
about this editor htmlarea eu Editore honi buruz
about common eu Honi buruzkoak
about %1 common eu %1 honi buruzkoak
about egroupware common eu eGroupwareri buruzkoak
about the calendar jscalendar eu Egutegiari buruzkoak
about this editor htmlarea eu Editore honi buruzkoak
access common eu Sarbide
access not permitted common eu Sarrera ez onartua
account has been created common eu Kontu bat sortu da
@ -94,14 +94,17 @@ bahrain common eu BAHRAIN
bangladesh common eu BLANGADESH
barbados common eu BARBADOS
baseline htmlarea-TableOperations eu Oinarriko linea
bcc common eu Bcc
belarus common eu BELARUS
belgium common eu BELGIKA
belize common eu BELIZE
benin common eu BENIN
bermuda common eu BERMUDA
bg color tinymce eu Bg kolorea
bhutan common eu BHUTAN
blocked, too many attempts common eu Blokeatuta saiakera gehiegi
bold common eu Lodia
bold.gif common eu lodia.gif
bolivia common eu BOLIBIA
border common eu Ertza
border color tinymce eu Ertzaren kolorea
@ -124,6 +127,7 @@ cameroon common eu CAMEROON
canada common eu CANADA
cancel common eu Ezeztatu
cannot replace %1 because it is a directory common eu %1 ezin da ordezkatu direktorio bat delako
cant open '%1' for %2 common eu Ezin da %1 ireki %2rentzako
cape verde common eu CAPE VERDE
caption common eu Epigrafea
categories common eu Kategoriak
@ -132,6 +136,7 @@ category common eu Kategoria
category %1 has been added ! common eu Kategoria %1 erantsia izan da
category %1 has been updated ! common eu Kategoria %1 eguneratua izan da
cayman islands common eu CAIMAN IRLAK
cc common eu Cc
cell properties htmlarea-TableOperations eu Gelaxkaren propietateak
cellpadding tinymce eu Gelaxkaren betegarria
cellspacing tinymce eu Gelaxken arteko tartea
@ -148,8 +153,10 @@ check now common eu Egiaztatu orain
chile common eu CHILE
china common eu TXINA
choose a background color common eu Atzeko planoaren kolorea aukeratu
choose a background color for the icons common eu Aukeratu ikonoen atzeko planorako kolore bat
choose a background image. common eu Atzeko planoko irudia aukeratu
choose a background style. common eu Aztzko planoko estiloa aukeratu
choose a text color for the icons common eu Aukeratu ikonoen testu kolorea
choose directory to move selected folders and files to. tinymce eu Direktorio bat aukeratu aukeratutako karpeta eta fitxategiak mugitzeko
choose list style type (for ordered lists) htmlarea-ListType eu Zerrendako estiloa aukeratu ( zerrenda ordenatzeko)
choose the category common eu Kategoria aukeratu
@ -454,7 +461,7 @@ link url tinymce eu URL lotura
list common eu Zerrenda
list members common eu Zerrendako partaideak
lithuania common eu LITUANIA
loading files tinymce eu Fitxategia kargatzen
loading files tinymce eu Fitxategiak kargatzen
local common eu Lokal
login common eu Sartu
loginid common eu Erabiltzaile izena
@ -505,12 +512,14 @@ montserrat common eu MONTSERRAT
morocco common eu MAROKO
move tinymce eu Eraman
mozambique common eu MOZAMBIQUE
multiple common eu anizkoitza
myanmar common eu NYANMAR
name common eu Izena
namibia common eu NAMIBIA
nauru common eu NAURU
nepal common eu NEPAL
netherlands common eu HOLANDA
netherlands antilles common eu NETHERLANDS ANTILLES
never common eu Inoiz
new caledonia common eu CALEDONIA BERRIA
new entry added sucessfully common eu Sarrera berria egoki txertatu da
@ -546,11 +555,13 @@ no subject common eu Gaiarik gabe
none common eu Bat ere ez
norfolk island common eu NORFOLK IRLAK
normal common eu Normala
northern mariana islands common eu NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS
norway common eu NORWAY
not assigned common eu Esleitu gabe
note common eu Oharra
notes common eu Oharrak
notify window common eu Abisu leihoa
notify your administrator to correct this situation common eu Zure adaministratzaileari abisatu egoera hau zuzentzeko
november common eu Azaroa
october common eu Urria
ok common eu Onartu
@ -589,6 +600,7 @@ password could not be changed common eu Pasahitza ezin izan da aldatu
password has been updated common eu Pasahitza eguneratua izan da
paste htmlarea-ContextMenu eu Itsatsi
paste from clipboard htmlarea eu Arbelatik itsatsi
paste from word tinymce eu Word-etik itsatsi
path htmlarea eu Ruta
percent htmlarea-TableOperations eu ehunekotan
personal common eu Pertsonala
@ -141,6 +141,8 @@ category %1 has been updated ! common sl Osvežena je bila kategorija %1!
cayman islands common sl KAJMANSKI OTOKI
cc common sl CC
cell properties htmlarea-TableOperations sl Lastnosti celice
cellpadding tinymce sl Razmik med robom in vsebino celice
cellspacing tinymce sl Razmik med dvema celicama
center tinymce sl Sredina
centered common sl na sredini
central african republic common sl SREDNJEAFRIŠKA REPUBLIKA
@ -164,6 +166,7 @@ choose the category common sl Izberi kategorijo
choose the parent category common sl Izberi nadrejeno kategorijo
christmas island common sl BOŽIČNI OTOK
class tinymce sl Razred
cleanup messy code tinymce sl Počisti grdo kodo
clear common sl Izprazni
clear form common sl Izprazni formo
click common sl Klikni
@ -239,6 +242,7 @@ directory tinymce sl Mapa
disable internet explorer png-image-bugfix common sl Onemogoči popravek PNG hrošča v IE?
disable slider effects common sl Onemogoči učinek drsnika
disable the animated slider effects when showing or hiding menus in the page? opera and konqueror users will probably must want this. common sl Onemogoči animirane učinke drsnika ob prikazu menija ob strani? Uporabniki Opere in Konquererja bodo verjetno hoteli to možnost.
disable the execution a bugfixscript for internet explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in png-images? common sl Onemogočim izvajanje bugfixscript za Internet Explorer različica 5.5 in višja za prikaz prosojnosti v slikah PNG?
disabled common sl Onemogočeno
display %s first jscalendar sl Pokaži najprej %1
djibouti common sl DŽIBUTI
@ -286,7 +290,8 @@ error deleting %1 %2 directory common sl Napaka pri brisanju %1 %2 mape
error renaming %1 %2 directory common sl Napaka ob preimenovanju %1 %2 mape
estonia common sl ESTONIJA
ethiopia common sl ETIOPIJA
exact common sl natančno
exact common sl Natančno
failed to contact server or invalid response from server. try to relogin. contact admin in case of faliure. common sl Povezava s strežnikom ni uspela oz. strežnik je javil napačen odgovor. Poskusite se ponovno prijaviti. Če vam ne uspe, kontaktirajte skrbnika.
falkland islands (malvinas) common sl FALKLANDSKO OTOČJE
faroe islands common sl FERSKO OTOČJE
fax number common sl faks
@ -757,6 +762,7 @@ san marino common sl SAN MARINO
sao tome and principe common sl SAO TOME IN PRINCIPE
saturday common sl Sobota
saudi arabia common sl SAVDSKA ARABIJA
savant2 version differs from savant2 wrapper. <br/>this version: %1 <br/>savants version: %2 common sl Različica Savant2 se razlikuje od ovojnice Savant2. <br/>Ta različica: %1 <br/>Različica Savant: %2
save common sl Shrani
search common sl Išči
search %1 '%2' common sl Išči %1 '%2'
@ -883,6 +889,7 @@ this is just a template popup tinymce sl To je samo pojavno okno predloge
this name has been used already common sl To ime je že uporabljeno!
this will drop changes and quit spell checker. please confirm. htmlarea-SpellChecker sl To bo zavrglo spremembe in ustavilo črkovalnik. Prosim potrdite.
thursday common sl Četrtek
tiled common sl Razpostavljeno
time common sl Čas
time selection: jscalendar sl Izbor časa:
time zone common sl Časovni pas
@ -945,8 +952,8 @@ use button to search for project common sl Uporabi gumb za iskanje projekta
use ctrl and/or shift to select multiple items. tinymce sl Za večkratno izbiro uporabite tipko Ctrl in/ali Shift
use ctrl+v on your keyboard to paste the text into the window. tinymce sl Uporabite Ctrl+V da prilepite besedil v okno.
user common sl Uporabnik
user accounts common sl uporabniški račun
user groups common sl uporabniška skupina
user accounts common sl Uporabniški račun
user groups common sl Uporabniška skupina
username common sl Uporabniško ime
users common sl uporabniki
users choice common sl Uporabnikov izbor
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
00 (disable) admin zh-tw 00 (關閉)
13 (ntp) admin zh-tw 13 (ntp)
3 number of chars for day-shortcut jscalendar zh-tw -1
3 number of chars for month-shortcut jscalendar zh-tw -1
3 number of chars for month-shortcut jscalendar zh-tw 2
80 (http) admin zh-tw 80 (http)
\n tidying up the html source, please wait... htmlarea-HtmlTidy zh-tw \n 整理 HTML 原始碼中,請稍候...
_delete row htmlarea-ContextMenu zh-tw _刪除列
@ -722,6 +722,7 @@ reading common zh-tw 閱讀中
redo tinymce zh-tw 重做
redoes your last action htmlarea zh-tw 重新執行最後一個動作
refresh tinymce zh-tw 重新整理
register common zh-tw 註冊
reject common zh-tw 拒絕
remove col tinymce zh-tw 移除欄位
remove selected accounts common zh-tw 移除選取的帳號
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ a theme defines the colors and fonts used by the template. preferences it Un Tem
acl grants have been updated preferences it Le autorizzazioni ACL sono state aggiornate
any listing in egw will show you this number of entries or lines per page.<br>to many slow down the page display, to less will cost you the overview. preferences it Ogni lista in eGroupWare visualizzerà questo numero di voci o di linee per pagina.<br>Un numero elevato rallenta la visualizzazione della pagina, troppo poche ti costringono ad un lavoro aggiuntivo.
are you sure you want to delete this category ? preferences it Sei sicuro di voler eliminare questa categoria?
change a user password by passing the old and new passwords. returns true on success, false on failure. preferences it Modifica la password di un utente passando la vecchia e nuova password. Restituisce TRUE se ha successo, FALSE se fallisce.
change your password preferences it Cambia la tua password
change your profile preferences it Cambia il tuo profilo
change your settings preferences it Cambia le tue impostazioni
@ -22,6 +23,7 @@ description can not exceed 255 characters in length ! preferences it La descrizi
do you prefer a 24 hour time format, or a 12 hour one with am/pm attached. preferences it Preferisci il formato a 24 ore, o a 12 ore con l'aggiunta di am/pm?
edit custom fields preferences it modifica campi personalizzati
enter your new password preferences it Inserisci la tua nuova password
enter your old password preferences it Inserisci la tua vecchia password
error: there was a problem finding the preference file for %1 in %2 preferences it Errore: c'è stato un problema nel trovare il file delle preferenze per %1 in %2
failed to change password. please contact your administrator. preferences it Impossibile cambiare la password. Prego contatta l'amministratore.
forced preferences preferences it Preferenze Forzate
@ -41,10 +43,12 @@ language preferences it Lingua
max matches per page preferences it Numero massimo di risultati per pagina
max number of icons in navbar preferences it Numero massimo di icone nella barra di navigazione
no default preferences it Nessun predefinito
note: this feature does *not* change your email password. this will preferences it nota: Questa funzione *non* cambia la tua password email.
note: this feature does *not* change your email password. this will need to be done manually. preferences it Nota: Questo *NON* cambia la vostra password di email. Dovrà essere fatto manualmente.
please, select a new theme preferences it Per favore, selezionare un nuovo tema
popup with search preferences it Popup con ricerca
re-enter your password preferences it Reinserisci la password
read prefs for the specified application. preferences it Legge le preferenze per l'applicazione specificata.
select different theme preferences it Seleziona un tema differente
select one preferences it Seleziona uno
select the language of texts and messages within egroupware.<br>some languages may not contain all messages, in that case you will see an english message. preferences it Seleziona la lingua dei testi e dei messaggi di eGroupWare.<br>Alcune lingue non contengono tutti i messaggi, in quel caso rimarranno in inglese.
@ -60,6 +64,7 @@ show text on navigation icons preferences it Mostra testo nelle icone di navigaz
show_more_apps common it Visualizza altre applicazioni
text only preferences it Solo Testo
the default application will be started when you enter egroupware or click on the homepage icon.<br>you can also have more than one application showing up on the homepage, if you don't choose a specific application here (has to be configured in the preferences of each application). preferences it L'applicazione predefinita partirà quando entri in eGroupWare o premi sull'icona della homepage.<br>Puoi avere più di una applicazione visualizzata in homepage, se non scegli un'applicazione specifica (dovrà esser configurato nelle preferenze di ogni applicazione).
the old password is not correct preferences it La vecchia password non è corretta.
the selectbox shows all available users (can be very slow on big installs with many users). the popup can search users by name or group. preferences it La selectbox visualizza tutti gli utenti disponibili (può essere molto lenta nelle grandi installazioni con molto utenti). Il popup può cercare gli utenti per nome o gruppo.
the two passwords are not the same preferences it Le due password non sono uguali
theme (colors/fonts) selection preferences it Selezione tema (colori/caratteri)
@ -69,9 +74,9 @@ use default preferences it Usa il predefinito
users choice preferences it Scelta dell'utente
when you say yes the home and logout buttons are presented as applications in the main top applcation bar. preferences it Quando dici sì i pulsanti Home e Uscita sono presentati come applicazioni nella barra principale superiore.
which currency symbol or name should be used in egroupware. preferences it Quale simbolo monetario o nome deve essere usato in eGroupWare.
write prefs for the specified application. preferences it Scrive le preferenze per l'applicazione selezionata.
you can show the applications as icons only, icons with app-name or both. preferences it Puoi visualizzare le applicazioni come icone, icone con nome o entrambi.
you do not have permission to set acl's in this mode! preferences it Non hai il permesso di stabilire i permessi ACL in questa modo!
you do not have permission to set acl\'s in this mode! preferences it Non sei autorizzato ad impostare l'ACL in questo modo!
you must enter a password preferences it Devi inserire una password
your current theme is: %1 preferences it il tuo tema attuale è: %1
your preferences preferences it Preferenze personali
@ -1,5 +1,10 @@
%1 '%2' does not exist, is not readable by the webserver or contains no egroupware installation! setup pt-br %1 '%2' não existe, o servidor web não tem permissão de leitura ou não contém uma instalação do eGroupware!
%1 already exists in %2. setup pt-br %1 já existe em %2.
%1 created in %2. setup pt-br %1 criado em %2.
%1 does not exist !!! setup pt-br %1 não existe!!!
%1 is %2%3 !!! setup pt-br %1 é %2%3 !!!
%1, %2 or %3 the configuration file. setup pt-br %1, %2 or %3 o arquivo de configuração.
'%1' is not allowed as %2. arguments of option %3 !!! setup pt-br '%1' não é permitido como argumento %2 da opção %3 !!!
(searching accounts and changing passwords) setup pt-br (procurando contas e alterando senhas)
*** do not update your database via setup, as the update might be interrupted by the max_execution_time, which leaves your db in an unrecoverable state (your data is lost) !!! setup pt-br Não atualize sua base de dados usando o configurador, já que a atualização pode ser interrompida pelo limite máximo de tempo seu servidor. Isto pode deixar sua base de dados em uma situação irrecuperável, provocando perda de dados.
*** you have to do the changes manualy in your php.ini (usualy in /etc on linux) in order to get egw fully working !!! setup pt-br Você terá que modificar seu php.ini manualmente (normalmente em /etc) antes que o eGroupWare esteja completamente operacional.
@ -7,13 +12,22 @@
13 (ntp) setup pt-br 13 (ntp)
80 (http) setup pt-br 80 (http)
<b>charset to use</b> (use utf-8 if you plan to use languages with different charsets): setup pt-br <b>codificação de caracteres</b> (use utf-8 se você pretende usar idiomas com diferentes codificações).
<b>this will create 1 admin account and 3 demo accounts</b><br />the username/passwords are: demo/guest, demo2/guest and demo3/guest. setup pt-br <b>Isto irá criar 1 conta de administrador e 3 contas demo</b><br />Os usuários/senhas são: demo/guest, demo2/guest and demo3/guest.
[header-password],[header-user],[new-password],[new-user] setup pt-br [senha-header],[usuário-header],[nova-senha],[novo-usuário]
access denied: wrong username or password for manage-header !!! setup pt-br Acesso negado: nome de usuário ou senha errados para gerenciar o header !!!
access denied: wrong username or password to configure the domain '%1(%2)' !!! setup pt-br Acesso negado: nome de usuário ou senha errados para configurar o domínio '%1 (%2)' !!!
account repository need to be set to the one you migrate to! setup pt-br Repositório de contas precisa ser configurado para o qual você migrou!
account repository{sql(default) | ldap},[authentication{sql | ldap | mail | ads | http | ...}],[sql encrypttion{md5 | blowfish_crypt | md5_crypt | crypt}],[check save password{ (default)|true}],[allow cookie auth{ (default)|true}] setup pt-br repositório de contas {sql(padrão) | ldap},[autenticação{sql | ldap | mail | ads | http | ...}],[criptografia sql{md5 | browfish_crypt | md5_crypt | crypt}],[permitir salvar senha{(padrão) | True}],[permitir autenticação via cookie{(padrão) | True}]
accounts existing setup pt-br Contas existentes
actions setup pt-br Ações
activate safe password check setup pt-br Ativar salvamento de senhas
add auto-created users to this group ('default' will be attempted if this is empty.) setup pt-br Adicionar usuários criados automaticamente para este grupo (o grupo 'Padrão' será utilizado se este campo estiver vazio.)
add new database instance (egw domain) setup pt-br Adicionar nova base de dados (domínio eGW )
add or edit a domain: [domain-name(default)],[db-name(egroupware)],[db-user(egroupware)],db-password,[db-type(mysql)],[db-host(localhost)],[db-port(db specific)],[config-user(as header)],[config-passwd(as header)] setup pt-br adicionar ou editar um domínio:
adding, editing or deleting an egroupware domain / database instance: setup pt-br Adicionando, editando ou removendo um domínio / base de dados do eGroupware:
additional options and there defaults (in brackets) setup pt-br Opções adicionais e valores padrões (entre parênteses)
additional settings setup pt-br Configurações Adicionais
admin account successful created. setup pt-br Conta administrativa criada com sucesso.
admin email address setup pt-br E-mail da conta administrativa
admin first name setup pt-br Primeiro nome do Administrador
admin last name setup pt-br Último nome do Administrador
admin password setup pt-br Senha do Administrador
@ -25,12 +39,15 @@ after backing up your tables first. setup pt-br Ap
after retrieving the file, put it into place as the header.inc.php. then, click "continue". setup pt-br Depois de recuperar o arquivo, coloque-o no lugar como header.inc.php e clique em "continuar"
all applications setup pt-br Todos aplicativos
all core tables and the admin and preferences applications setup pt-br Todas as tabelas principais e os aplicativos de administração e preferências
all exit codes of the command line interface setup pt-br todos os códigos de saída de erros da linha de comando
all languages (incl. not listed ones) setup pt-br Todos os idiomas (incluindo os não listados)
all users setup pt-br Todos usuários
allow authentication via cookie setup pt-br Permitir autenticação via cookie
allow password migration setup pt-br Permitir migração de senhas
allowed migration types (comma-separated) setup pt-br Tipos permitidos de migração (separados por vírgula)
alternatively domains can be accessed by logging in with <i>username@domain</i>. setup pt-br Domínios alternativos podem ser acessados logando com <i>nome_usuário@domínio</i>
analysis setup pt-br Análise
and is up to date setup pt-br e está atualizado
and reload your webserver, so the above changes take effect !!! setup pt-br E reinicie seu servidor Web, de forma que as mudanças acima surtam efeito !!!
app details setup pt-br Detlhes do aplicativo
app install/remove/upgrade setup pt-br instalação/remoção/atualização de Aplicativos
@ -54,10 +71,11 @@ at your request, this script is going to take the evil action of uninstalling al
attempt to use correct mimetype for ftp instead of default 'application/octet-stream' setup pt-br Tentar usar o mimetype correto para FTP ao invés do padrão 'application/octet-stream'
authentication / accounts setup pt-br Autenticação / Contas
auto create account records for authenticated users setup pt-br Criar contas de usuários automaticamente para usuários autenticados
auto login anonymous user setup pt-br Login automático do usuário anônimo
auto-created user accounts expire setup pt-br Usuários criados automaticamente expiram em
available version setup pt-br Versão Disponível
back to the previous screen setup pt-br Voltar a tela anterior
back to user login setup pt-br Voltar a tela de conexão
back to the previous screen setup pt-br Voltar à tela anterior
back to user login setup pt-br Voltar à tela de conexão
back's up your db now, this might take a few minutes setup pt-br Fazer backup de sua base de dados agora. Isto pode demorar alguns minutos...
backup '%1' deleted setup pt-br Backup '%1' removido
backup '%1' renamed to '%2' setup pt-br Backup '%1' renomeado para '%2'
@ -67,6 +85,7 @@ backup failed setup pt-br Backup falhou
backup finished setup pt-br Backup terminou
backup now setup pt-br Fazer backup agora
backup sets setup pt-br Configurações de backup
backup skipped! setup pt-br Backup ignorado!
backup started, this might take a few minutes ... setup pt-br Backup iniciado. Isto pode demorar alguns minutos...
because an application it depends upon was upgraded setup pt-br Porque um aplicativo que ele depende foi atualizado
because it depends upon setup pt-br pois depende de
@ -79,10 +98,11 @@ because the enable flag for this app is set to 0, or is undefined setup pt-br po
bottom setup pt-br Inferior
but we <u>highly recommend backing up</u> your tables in case the script causes damage to your data.<br /><strong>these automated scripts can easily destroy your data.</strong> setup pt-br é <u>altamente recomendável</u> fazer uma cópia de segurança das tabelas do banco de dados caso o script danifique seus dados. <br /><strong>Estes scripts automáticos podem destruir seus dados facilmente</strong>
cancel setup pt-br Cancelar
cannot create the header.inc.php due to file permission restrictions.<br /> instead you can %1 the file. setup pt-br Não foi possível criar o header.inc.php devido a restrições no acesso ao arquivo.<br /> Em vez disso você deve %1 o arquivo.
cannot create the header.inc.php due to file permission restrictions.<br /> instead you can %1 or %2 the file. setup pt-br Não é possível criar o arquivo header.inc.php devido à problemas de permissões. <br/>Então você pode %1 ou %2 o arquivo.
change system-charset setup pt-br Trocar o Conjunto de Carcteres do Sistema
charset setup pt-br iso-8859-1
charset setup pt-br conjunto de caracteres
charset to convert to setup pt-br Conjuto de Caracteres destino
charsets used by the different languages setup pt-br conjunto de caracteres usado por idiomas diferentes
check can only be performed, if called via a webserver, as the user-id/-name of the webserver is not known. setup pt-br Verificação só pode ser realizada se chamada via servidor web, já que o código e nome do usuário do servidor web não é conhecido.
check installation setup pt-br Verificar a instalação
check ip address of all sessions setup pt-br Verificar endereço IP de todas sessões
@ -93,14 +113,18 @@ checking pear%1 is installed setup pt-br Verificando se PEAR %1 est
checking php.ini setup pt-br Verificando php.ini
checking required php version %1 (recommended %2) setup pt-br Verificando versão do PHP requerida %1 (recomandada %2)
checking the egroupware installation setup pt-br Verificando a instalação do eGroupWare
checks egroupware's installed, it's versions and necessary upgrads (return values see --exit-codes) setup pt-br Verifica se o eGroupware está instalado, suas versões e atualizações necessárias (retona valores... veja --exit-codes)
click <a href="index.php">here</a> to return to setup. setup pt-br Clique <a href="index.php">aqui</a> para voltar ao configurador
click here setup pt-br Clique aqui
click here to re-run the installation tests setup pt-br Clique aqui para re-executar os testes de instalação
comma separated ip-addresses or host-names, default access to setup from everywhere setup pt-br Endereços de IP separados ou nomes de servidores separados por vírgulas. O padrão é acesso à Configuração por qualquer lugar.
completed setup pt-br COMPLETO
config password setup pt-br Senha do Configurador
config username setup pt-br Usuário do Configurador
configuration setup pt-br Configuração
configuration changed. setup pt-br Configuração alterada.
configuration completed setup pt-br Configuração completa
configuration errors: setup pt-br Erros de configuração:
configuration password setup pt-br Senha de Configuração
configuration user setup pt-br Usuário de Configuração
configure now setup pt-br Configurar agora
@ -116,21 +140,27 @@ create setup pt-br Criar
create a backup before upgrading the db setup pt-br Criar um backup antes de atualizar a base de dados.
create admin account setup pt-br Criar conta de administrador
create database setup pt-br Criar base de dados
create demo accounts setup pt-br Cirar contas de Demonstração
create demo accounts setup pt-br Criar contas de Demonstração
create one now setup pt-br Criar uma agora
create or edit the egroupware configuration file: header.inc.php: setup pt-br Criar ou editar o arquivo de configuração do eGroupware: header.inc.php:
create the empty database - setup pt-br Criar uma base de dados vazia -
create the empty database and grant user permissions - setup pt-br Criar uma base de dados vazia e garantir as permissões do usuário
create your header.inc.php setup pt-br criar o arquivo header.ini.php
created setup pt-br criado
created header.inc.php! setup pt-br Arquivo header.inc.php criado!
creates an admin user: domain(default),[config user(admin)],password,username,password,[first name],[last name],[email] setup pt-br cria um usuário administrativo: domínio(padrão),[usuário administrativo(admin)],senha,nome_de_usuário,senha,[primeiro nome],[último nome],[e-mail]
creating tables setup pt-br Criando tabelas
creation of %1 in %2 failed !!! setup pt-br Criação de %1 em %2 falhou !!!
current configuration: setup pt-br Configuração atual:
current system-charset setup pt-br Codificação de caracteres atual do sistema
current system-charset is %1. setup pt-br Codificação de caracteres atual do sistema é %1.
current version setup pt-br Versão atual
currently installed languages: %1 <br /> setup pt-br Idiomas instalados atualmente: %1 <br />
cyrus imap: admin user,password setup pt-br IMAP Cyrus: usuário administrador,senha
database setup pt-br Base de dados
database instance (egw domain) setup pt-br Instância da base de dados (domínio eGW)
database is version %1 and up to date. setup pt-br base de dados está na versão %1 e atualizada
database successfully converted from '%1' to '%2' setup pt-br Conversão bem sucedida da base de dados de '%1' para '%2'
datebase setup pt-br Base de Dados
datetime port.<br />if using port 13, please set firewall rules appropriately before submitting this page.<br />(port: 13 / host: setup pt-br Nota ntp <br /> se estiver usando a porta 13, por favor configure as regras de acesso do seu firewall corretamente antes de enviar essa página <br /> (port 13 / servidor
day setup pt-br dia
day of week<br />(0-6, 0=sunday) setup pt-br dia da semana<br/>(0-6, 0=domingo)
@ -162,16 +192,30 @@ do you want persistent connections (higher performance, but consumes more resour
do you want to manage homedirectory and loginshell attributes? setup pt-br Você deseja gerenciar os atributos do diretório base e do interpretador de comandos?
does not exist setup pt-br não existe
domain setup pt-br Domínio
domain '%1' does not exist !!! setup pt-br Domínio '%1' não existe !!!
domain name setup pt-br Nome do domínio
domain select box on login setup pt-br Caixa de seleção de domínios no login
domain(all),[config user(admin)],password,[file-name(default: backup-dir/db_backup-yyyymmddhhii)] setup pt-br domínio(todos),[usuário configurador(admin)],senha,[nome-arquivo(padrão: backup-dir/db_backup-YYYYMMDDHHii)]
domain(default),[config user(admin)],password,[backup to install],[charset(default depends on language)] setup pt-br domínio(padrão),[usuário configurador(admin)],senha,[backup a instalar],[conjunto de caracteres(padrão: depende do idioma)]
domain(default),[config user(admin)],password,[name=value,...] sets config values beside: setup pt-br domínio(padrão),[usuário configurador(admin)],senha,[nome=valor,...] define valores de configuração ao lado de:
domain-name setup pt-br nome do domínio
dont touch my data setup pt-br Não alterar meus dados
download setup pt-br Baixar
edit current configuration setup pt-br Editar configuração atual
edit your existing header.inc.php setup pt-br Editar o seu arquivo header.inc.php existente
edit your header.inc.php setup pt-br Editar o seu arquivo header.inc.php
eg. /egroupware or http://domain.com/egroupware, default: %1 setup pt-br exemplo: /egroupware ou http://dominio.com/egroupware, padrão: %1
egroupware administration manual setup pt-br Manual de Administração do eGroupWare
egroupware api needs a database (schema) update from version %1 to %2! setup pt-br A API do eGroupware precisa atualizar a base de dados (esquema) da versão %1 para %2!
egroupware api version %1 found. setup pt-br API do eGroupWare versão %1 encontrada.
egroupware configuration file (header.inc.php) does not exist. setup pt-br Arquivo de configuração do eGroupWare (header.inc.php) não existe.
egroupware configuration file (header.inc.php) version %1 exists%2 setup pt-br Arquivo de configuração do eGroupWare (header.inc.php) versão %1 existe %2
egroupware configuration file header.inc.php already exists, you need to use --edit-header or delete it first! setup pt-br Arquivo de configuração do eGroupWare (header.inc.php) já existe. Você precisa usar --edit-header ou deletá-lo antes!
egroupware domain/instance %1(%2): setup pt-br Domínio/instância do eGroupWare %1 (%2)
egroupware is already installed! setup pt-br eGroupWare já está instalado!
egroupware sources in '%1' are not complete, file '%2' missing !!! setup pt-br Arquivos do eGroupWare em '%2' não estão completos: arquivo '%2' está faltando !!!
emailadmin profile updated: setup pt-br Perfil EMailAdmin atualizado:
enable for extra debug-messages setup pt-br Habilitar mensagens de depuração extras
enable ldap version 3 setup pt-br Habilitar LDAP versão 3
enable mcrypt setup pt-br Habilitar MCrypt
enter some random text for app session encryption setup pt-br Digite algum texto aleatório para encriptação de sessão
enter some random text for app_session <br />encryption (requires mcrypt) setup pt-br Digite um texto aleatório para a encriptação de sessão (requer MCrypt)
@ -190,29 +234,35 @@ enter your http proxy server port setup pt-br Digite a porta do servidor proxy H
enter your http proxy server username setup pt-br Digite o nome de usuário do seu Servidor Proxy Http
error in admin-creation !!! setup pt-br Erro na criação do admin !!!
error in group-creation !!! setup pt-br Erro na criação do grupo !!!
export egroupware accounts from sql to ldap setup pt-br Exportar contas eGroupWare do SQL para o LDAP
export has been completed! you will need to set the user passwords manually. setup pt-br A exportação está completa. Você precisará definir a senha do usuário manualmente.
export sql users to ldap setup pt-br Exportar usuários do SQL para o LDAP
export has been completed! setup pt-br Exportação foi completada!
failed writing configuration file header.inc.php, check the permissions !!! setup pt-br Falha gravando o arquivo de configuração header.inc.php. Cheque as permissões !!!
false setup pt-br Falso
file setup pt-br Arquivo
file type, size, version, etc. setup pt-br tipo de arquivo, tamanho, versão, etc...
file uploads are switched off: you can not use any of the filemanagers, nor can you attach files in several applications! setup pt-br Carregamento de arquivos está desabilitado. Você NÃO pode pode usar nenhum dos gerenciadores de arquivo nem adicionar arquivos em vários aplicativos!
filename setup pt-br Nome do arquivo
filesystem setup pt-br Sistema de arquivos
for a new install, select import. to convert existing sql accounts to ldap, select export setup pt-br Para uma nova instalação, selecione importar. Para converter contas existentes no SQL para o LDAP, selecione exportar
force selectbox setup pt-br Forçar caixa de seleção
found existing configuration file. loading settings from the file... setup pt-br Foi encontrado um arquivo de configurações. Carregando os dados desse arquivo.
give admin access to all installed apps setup pt-br Dar acesso administrativo a todos os aplicativos instalados
gives further options setup pt-br Dá opções adicionais
go back setup pt-br Voltar
go to setup pt-br Ir para
grant access setup pt-br Liberar acesso
group setup pt-br grupo
group memberships will be migrated too. setup pt-br Membros do grupo serão migrados também.
has a version mismatch setup pt-br Existe um erro de versão
header admin login setup pt-br Conexão para o arquivo header
header password setup pt-br Senha para o arquivo header
header username setup pt-br Usuário para o arquivo header
header-password[,header-user(admin)] setup pt-br senha-header[,usuário-header(admin)]
header.inc.php successful written. setup pt-br header.inc.php gravado com sucesso.
historylog removed setup pt-br Registro histórico removido
hooks deregistered setup pt-br ligações descadastradas (hooks)
hooks registered setup pt-br ligações cadastradas (hooks)
host information setup pt-br Informações do servidor
host,[smtp port],[smtp user],[smtp password] setup pt-br servidor,[porta smtp],[usuário smtp],[senha smtp]
host,{imap | pop3 | imaps | pop3s},[domain],[{standard(default)|vmailmgr = add domain for mailserver login}] setup pt-br servidor,{imap | pop3 | imaps | pop3s},[domínio],[{normal(padrão) | vmailmgr = adicionar domínio para logar no servidor de e-mail}]
host/ip domain controler setup pt-br Servidor/IP do Controlador de Domínio
hostname/ip of database server setup pt-br Nome do Servidor / IP da base de dados
hour (0-24) setup pt-br hora (0-24)
@ -229,17 +279,18 @@ if you did not receive any errors, your tables have been setup pt-br Se n
if you running this the first time, don't forget to manualy %1 !!! setup pt-br Se você está rodando isso pela primeira vez, não esqueça de %1 manualmente!!!
if you use only languages of the same charset (eg. western european ones) you dont need to set a system-charset! setup pt-br Se você usa apenas idiomas do mesmo conjunto de caracteres (ex: western european) você não precisa definir um conjunto de caracteres!
image type selection order setup pt-br Seleção de ordem de tipos de imagens
import accounts from ldap to the egroupware accounts table (for a new install using sql accounts) setup pt-br Importar contas LDAP para as tabelas do eGroupWare (para uma nova instalação usando contas no SQL)
import has been completed! setup pt-br A importação está completa!
import ldap users/groups setup pt-br Importar usuários/grupos LDAP
importing old settings into the new format.... setup pt-br Importar configurações antigas no novo formato
include root (this should be the same as server root unless you know what you are doing) setup pt-br Inclua o Root (este deve ser o mesmo Root do servidor, a não ser que você saiba exatamente o que está fazendo)
include root setup pt-br Incluir root
include_path need to contain "." - the current directory setup pt-br Inclua o caminho necessário para conter " " - o diretório atual
install setup pt-br Instalar
install all setup pt-br Instalar todos
install applications setup pt-br Instalar Aplicativos
install backup setup pt-br Instalar backup
install language setup pt-br Instalar idioma
install or update translations: domain(all),[config user(admin)],password,[[+]lang1[,lang2,...]] + adds, no langs update existing ones setup pt-br instalar ou atualizar traduções: domínio(todos),[usuário configurador(admin)],senha,[[+]lang1[,lang2,...]] + adiciona idiomas não existentes
installation finished setup pt-br Instalação concluída
installation started, this might take a few minutes ... setup pt-br A instalação teve início. Isso pode demorar alguns minutos...
installed setup pt-br instaladas
instructions for creating the database in %1: setup pt-br Instruções para criar a base de dados em %1
invalid ip address setup pt-br endereço IP inválido
@ -249,26 +300,28 @@ is broken setup pt-br est
is disabled setup pt-br está desabilitado
is in the webservers docroot setup pt-br está no caminho raiz do servidor web
is not writeable by the webserver setup pt-br não permite gravação pelo servidor web
ldap account import/export setup pt-br Importação/exportação de contas LDAP
it needs upgrading to version %1! use --update-header <password>[,<user>] to do so (--usage gives more options). setup pt-br É necessário atualizar para versão %1! Use --update-header <senha>[,<usuário>] para fazê-lo (--usage informa mais opções).
languages updated. setup pt-br Idiomas atualizados.
ldap accounts configuration setup pt-br Configuração de contas LDAP
ldap accounts context setup pt-br Contexto de contas LDAP
ldap config setup pt-br Configuração LDAP
ldap default homedirectory prefix (e.g. /home for /home/username) setup pt-br Prefixo de diretório home padrão LDAP (Exemplo: /home para /home/codigodeusuario)
ldap default shell (e.g. /bin/bash) setup pt-br Interpretador de comandos padrão LDAP (Exemplo: /bin/bash)
ldap encryption type setup pt-br Tipo de encriptação LDAP
ldap export setup pt-br Exportação LDAP
ldap export users setup pt-br Exportação de usuários LDAP
ldap groups context setup pt-br Contexto de grupos LDAP
ldap host setup pt-br Servidor LDAP
ldap import setup pt-br Importação LDAP
ldap import users setup pt-br Importação de usuários LDAP
ldap modify setup pt-br Modificação LDAP
ldap root password setup pt-br Senha do super usuário LDAP
ldap rootdn setup pt-br Super usuário LDAP
ldap search filter for accounts, default: "(uid=%user)", %domain=egw-domain setup pt-br Filtro de pesquisa para contas LDAP. Padrão: "(uid=%user)", %domain=eGW-domain
leave empty to keep current. setup pt-br Deixe em branco para manter a atual
limit access setup pt-br Limitar acesso
limit access to setup to the following addresses, networks or hostnames (e.g.,10.1.1,myhost.dnydns.org) setup pt-br Limitar acesso ao setup aos seguintes endereços IP, redes ou nomes de domínio (ex:, 10.1.1, meudominio.nomesite.com.br)
list availible values setup pt-br Ligar valores disponíveis
list of availible translations setup pt-br Lista das traduções disponíveis
login as user postgres, eg. by using su as root setup pt-br Logar como usuário postgres, por exemplo usando 'su' como root
login to mysql - setup pt-br Conectar no mysql -
loginname needed for domain configuration setup pt-br Nome de usuário necessário para configuração de domínio
logout setup pt-br Desconectar
mail domain (for virtual mail manager) setup pt-br Domínio de E-mail (para gerenciador de E-Mail Virtual)
mail server login type setup pt-br Tipo do login no servidor de e-mail
@ -286,12 +339,12 @@ mcrypt mode (default cbc) setup pt-br Modo Mcrypt (padr
mcrypt settings (requires mcrypt php extension) setup pt-br Configurações para Mcrypt (requer extensão mcrypt do PHP)
mcrypt version setup pt-br Versão do MCrypt
memory_limit is set to less than 16m: some applications of egroupware need more than the recommend 8m, expect occasional failures setup pt-br O Valor de limite de memória está menor que 16M. Alguns aplicativos do eGroupware necessitam mais que os 8M recomendados. É possível que ocorram problemas.
migration between egroupware account repositories setup pt-br Migração entre respositórios de contas do eGroupWare
minimum account id (e.g. 500 or 100, etc.) setup pt-br Id mínimo para contas (Exemplo: 500 ou 100, etc.)
minute setup pt-br minuto
missing or uncomplete mailserver configuration setup pt-br Configuração do servidor de e-mail está faltando
modifications have been completed! setup pt-br As modificações foram completadas
modify setup pt-br Modificar
modify an existing ldap account store for use with egroupware (for a new install using ldap accounts) setup pt-br Modificar uma base de dados LDAP existente para usar com eGroupWare (para uma nova instalação usando contas LDAP)
month setup pt-br mês
multi-language support setup setup pt-br Configuração de suporte a idiomas
name of database setup pt-br Nome da base de dados
@ -303,7 +356,10 @@ no setup pt-br N
no %1 support found. disabling setup pt-br Não há suporte para %1. Desabilitando.
no accounts existing setup pt-br Não há contas existentes
no algorithms available setup pt-br Nenhum algoritmo disponível
no egroupware domains / database instances exist! use --edit-header --domain to add one (--usage gives more options). setup pt-br Nenhum domínio / base de dados do eGroupWare existe! Use --edit-header --domain para adicionar um (--usage retorna mais opções).
no header admin password set! use --edit-header <password>[,<user>] to set one (--usage gives more options). setup pt-br Nenhuma senha para administrador do header definida! Use --edit-header <senha>[,<user>] para definir uma (--usage retorna mais opções).
no modes available setup pt-br nenhum modo disponível
no update necessary, domain %1(%2) is up to date. setup pt-br Nenhuma atualização é necessária. Domínio %1 (%2) está atualizado.
no xml support found. disabling setup pt-br Não foi encontrado suporte para XML. Desablilitando
not setup pt-br Não
not all mcrypt algorithms and modes work with egroupware. if you experience problems try switching it off. setup pt-br Nem todos os algorítmos de criptografia do MCrypt funcionan com o eGroupware. Se você encontrar algum problema tente desligar essa opção.
@ -326,13 +382,16 @@ or http://webdav.domain.com (webdav) setup pt-br ou http://webdav.domain.com (We
or we can attempt to create the database for you: setup pt-br Ou eGroupWare pode criar a base de dados para você:
or you can install a previous backup. setup pt-br Ou você pode instalar um backup anterior.
password for smtp-authentication setup pt-br Senha para autenticação SMTP.
password needed for configuration setup pt-br É necessária uma senha para configuração
password needed for domain configuration. setup pt-br Senha necessária para administrador domínio.
password of db user setup pt-br Senha do usuário da base de dados
passwords did not match, please re-enter setup pt-br Senhas não conferem, digite novamente
path (not url!) to your egroupware installation. setup pt-br Caminho (não URL!) para sua instalação do eGroupWare
path information setup pt-br Informação de Caminho do sistema (Path)
path of egroupware install directory (default auto-detected) setup pt-br caminho para o diretório de instalação do eGroupWare (padrão auto-dectável)
path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! setup pt-br Caminho para ser usado para arquivos de usuários e grupos. TEM QUE ESTAR FORA do diretório de documentos do servidor web.
pear is needed by syncml or the ical import+export of calendar. setup pt-br É necessário instalar PEAR para usar SyncML ou a importação/exportação de iCal na Agenda de Eventos.
pear::log is needed by syncml. setup pt-br É necessário instalar PEAR::Log para usar SyncML.
path to various directories: have to exist and be writeable by the webserver setup pt-br caminho para vários diretórios: devem existir e o servidor web deve ter permissão de escrita neles
pear (%1) is a php repository and is usually in a package called %2. setup pt-br PEAR (%1) é um repositório PHP e normalmente está em um pacote chamado %2.
pear%1 is needed by: %2. setup pt-br PEAR %1 é requerido por: %2.
persistent connections setup pt-br Conexões Persistentes
php plus restore setup pt-br PHP + restauração
php plus restore gives by far the best performance, as it stores the egw enviroment completly in the session. setup pt-br PHP + restauração tem uma performance melhor, já que o ambiente eGW é completamente guardado na sessão.
@ -350,6 +409,7 @@ pop/imap mail server hostname or ip address setup pt-br Endere
possible reasons setup pt-br Razões Possíveis
possible solutions setup pt-br Soluções Possíveis
post-install dependency failure setup pt-br Falha em uma dependência posterior a instalação
postfix with ldap: [yes(user edit forwarding)] setup pt-br Postfix com LDAP: [sim(user edit fowarding)]
postgres: leave it empty to use the prefered unix domain sockets instead of a tcp/ip connection setup pt-br Postgres: Deixe-o vazio para usar o socket unix preferido ao invés de uma conexão TCP/IP.
potential problem setup pt-br Problema em potencial
preferences setup pt-br Preferências
@ -377,6 +437,7 @@ restore finished setup pt-br Restaura
restore started, this might take a few minutes ... setup pt-br Restauração iniciou. Isto pode demorar alguns minutos...
restoring a backup will delete/replace all content in your database. are you sure? setup pt-br Restaurar um backup poderá remover/substituir todo o conteúdo de sua base de dados. Você tem certeza?
return to setup setup pt-br Retornar ao Configurador
run a database schema update (if necessary): domain(all),[config user(admin)],password setup pt-br rodar uma atualização de base de dados (se necessário): domínio(todos),[usuário configurador(admin)],senha
run installation tests setup pt-br Executar testes de instalação
safe_mode is turned on, which is generaly a good thing as it makes your install more secure. setup pt-br A Modo de segurança está ligado. O que normalmente é uma coisa boa, isto torna sua instalação mais segura.
sample configuration not found. using built in defaults setup pt-br Configuração padrão não encontrada. usado os valores padrões internos.
@ -392,7 +453,7 @@ select to download file setup pt-br Selecione para baixar um arquivo
select where you want to store/retrieve file contents setup pt-br Selecione onde você deseja salvar/recuperar arquivos de conteúdo.
select where you want to store/retrieve filesystem information setup pt-br Selecione onde você deseja salvar / recuperar informações de arquivos do sistema.
select where you want to store/retrieve user accounts setup pt-br Selecione onde você deseja salvar / recuperar as contas de usuários
select which group(s) will be exported (group membership will be maintained) setup pt-br Selecione qual grupo (ou grupos) serão exportados (a estrutura de membros dos grupos será mantida)
select which group(s) will be exported setup pt-br Selecionar que(quais) grupo(s) será(ão) exportado(s)
select which group(s) will be imported (group membership will be maintained) setup pt-br Selecione qual grupo (ou grupos) serão importados (a estrutura de membros dos grupos será mantida)
select which group(s) will be modified (group membership will be maintained) setup pt-br Selecione qual grupo (ou grupos) serão modificados (a estrutura de membros dos grupos será mantida)
select which languages you would like to use setup pt-br Selecione o idioma a ser usado
@ -412,11 +473,12 @@ set this to "old" for versions < 2.4, otherwise the exact mcrypt version you
setting the system-charset to utf-8 (unicode) allows the coexistens of data from languages of different charsets. setup pt-br Definir o conjunto de caracteres para UTF-8 (unicode) permite que dados de idiomas diferentes possam aparecer e coexistir no sistema.
settings setup pt-br Configurações
setup setup pt-br Configurador
setup demo accounts in ldap setup pt-br Configurar contas de demonstração no LDAP
setup main menu setup pt-br Menu principal de configuração
setup the database setup pt-br Configurar a base de dados
setup/config admin login setup pt-br Definir/Configurar a conexão do Administrador
should be the same as server root unless you know what you are doing. setup pt-br Deverá ser o mesmo que Raíz do Servidor, a menos que você saiba o que está fazendo.
show 'powered by' logo on setup pt-br Área para exibição 'powered by eGroupWare'
sieve: host[,port(2000)] setup pt-br Sieve: servidor[,port(2000)]
size setup pt-br tamanho
skip the installation tests (not recommended) setup pt-br Pular os testes de instalação (não recomendado)
smtp server hostname or ip address setup pt-br Endereço IP ou nome do servidor SMTP
@ -426,6 +488,8 @@ sql encryption type setup pt-br Tipo de criptografia para senhas SQL(padr
standard (login-name identical to egroupware user-name) setup pt-br padrão (nome de login idêntico ao nome de usuário do eGroupWare)
standard mailserver settings (used for mail authentication too) setup pt-br Configurações de servidor de e-mail padrão (também usadas para autenticação)
start the postmaster setup pt-br Iniciar o postmaster
start updating languages %1 ... setup pt-br Atualizando idiomas %1 ...
start updating the database ... setup pt-br Atualizando a base de dados ...
status setup pt-br Status
step %1 - admin account setup pt-br Passo %1 - Conta do administrador
step %1 - advanced application management setup pt-br Passo %1 - Gerenciamento avançado da instalação
@ -441,17 +505,18 @@ tables upgraded setup pt-br tabelas atualizadas
target version setup pt-br Versão de destino
tcp port number of database server setup pt-br Número da porta TCP do servidor da base de dados
text entry setup pt-br Entrada de texto
the %1 extension is needed from: %2. setup pt-br A extensão %1 é requerida por: %2.
the %1 extension is needed, if you plan to use a %2 database. setup pt-br A extensão %1 é necessária, se você está planejando usar a base de dados %2
the db_type in defaults (%1) is not supported on this server. using first supported type. setup pt-br O valor da variável db_type (%1) indica um banco de dados que não tem suporte nesse servidor. Usaremos o primeiro tipo encontrado que tenha suporte nesse servidor.
the file setup pt-br o arquivo
the first step in installing egroupware is to ensure your environment has the necessary settings to correctly run the application. setup pt-br O primeiro passo ao instalar eGroupWare é assegurar que seu ambiente possui as configurações necessárias para executar corretamente a aplicação.
the following applications need to be upgraded: setup pt-br As seguintes aplicações precisam ser atualizadas:
the imap extension is needed by the two email apps (even if you use email with pop3 as protocoll). setup pt-br As extensões imap são necessárias para os dois aplicativos de e-mail, mesmo que você esteja usando pop3 como protocolo!!!
the mbstring extension is needed to fully support unicode (utf-8) or other multibyte-charsets. setup pt-br As extensões mbstring são necessárias para suporte unicode (utf-8) completo ou para outros conjuntos de carácteres multibyte.
the mbstring.func_overload = 7 is needed to fully support unicode (utf-8) or other multibyte-charsets. setup pt-br A opção 'mbstring.func_overload = 7' é necessária para total suporte unicode (utf-8) ou outros caracteres multibyte.
the session extension is needed to use php sessions (db-sessions work without). setup pt-br A extensão 'session' é necessária para usar sessões php (sessões db funciona sem ela)
the table definition was correct, and the tables were installed setup pt-br As definições de tabelas estão corretas e as tabelas estão instaladas
the tables setup pt-br as tabelas
the username/passwords are: demo/guest, demo2/guest and demo3/guest. setup pt-br Os usuários/senhas são: demo/guest, demo2/guest e demo3/guest
there was a problem trying to connect to your ldap server. <br /> setup pt-br Ocorreu um problema durante a tentativa de conexão com o servidor LDAP <br />
there was a problem trying to connect to your ldap server. <br />please check your ldap server configuration setup pt-br Ocorreu um problema durante a tentativa de conexão com o servidor LDAP <br /> por favor verifique as configurações do servidor LDAP
this has to be outside the webservers document-root!!! setup pt-br Isto tem que estar fora do diretório de documentos do seu servidor web!!!
@ -459,11 +524,9 @@ this might take a while, please wait ... setup pt-br Isto pode demorar um pouco,
this program lets you backup your database, schedule a backup or restore it. setup pt-br Este aplicativo permite você fazer backup de sua base dados, agendar um backup ou restaurá-lo.
this program will convert your database to a new system-charset. setup pt-br Este programa converterá a sua base de dados para um novo sistema-charset.
this program will help you upgrade or install different languages for egroupware setup pt-br Este programa ajudará a atualizar ou instalar idiomas diferentes para o eGroupWare
this section will help you export users and groups from egroupware's account tables into your ldap tree setup pt-br Esta seção irá ajudá-lo a exportar usuários e grupos de contas e tabelas do eGroupWare para sua árvore LDAP
this section will help you import users and groups from your ldap tree into egroupware's account tables setup pt-br Esta seção ajudará a importar usuários e grupos LDAP para as tabelas do eGroupWare
this section will help you setup your ldap accounts for use with egroupware setup pt-br Esta seção irá ajudará a configurar suas contas LDAP para uso com o eGroupWare
this should be around 30 bytes in length.<br />note: the default has been randomly generated. setup pt-br Isto deve ter aproximadamente 30 bytes.<br /> Nota: o valor padrão foi aleatóriamente gerado
this stage is completed<br /> setup pt-br Este passo está completo<br />
this will create a first user in egroupware or reset password and admin rights of an exiting user setup pt-br Isto criará um primeiro usuário no eGroupWare ou resetar a senha e poderes administrativos de um usuário existente
to a version it does not know about setup pt-br para uma versão desconhecida
to allow password authentification add the following line to your pg_hba.conf (above all others) and restart postgres: setup pt-br Para permitir autenticação de senhas, adicione a seguinte linha em seu arquivo pg_hba.conf (acima de todas as outras) E reinicie o serviço postgres:
to change the charset: back up your database, deinstall all applications and re-install the backup with "convert backup to charset selected" checked. setup pt-br Para alterar a codificação de caracteres: faça backup de sua base de dados, desinstale todos os aplicativos e reinstale o backup com "converter backup para a codificação selecionada" marcada.
@ -479,6 +542,8 @@ unfortunally some php/apache packages have problems with it (apache dies and you
uninstall setup pt-br desinstalar
uninstall all applications setup pt-br Desinstalar todas aplicações
uninstalled setup pt-br desinstaladas
unknown option '%1' !!! setup pt-br Opção desconhecida '%1' !!!
update finished. setup pt-br Atualizada concluída.
upgrade setup pt-br Atualizar
upgrade all setup pt-br Atualizar Todas
upgraded setup pt-br atualizadas
@ -486,13 +551,22 @@ upgrading tables setup pt-br Atualizando tabelas
upload backup setup pt-br Carregar backup
uploads a backup and installs it on your db setup pt-br Carrega um backup e o instala em sua base de dados.
uploads a backup to the backup-dir, from where you can restore it setup pt-br Carrega um backup para o diretório de backups, de onde você pode restaurá-lo.
usage: %1 command [additional options] setup pt-br Uso: comando %1 [opções adicionais]
use --create-header to create the configuration file (--usage gives more options). setup pt-br Use --create-header para criar o arquivo de configuração (--usage fornece mais opções)
use --install to install egroupware. setup pt-br Use --install para instalar o eGroupWare
use --update to do so. setup pt-br Use --update para atualizar.
use cookies to pass sessionid setup pt-br Usar cookies para transmitir id de sessão
use mcrypt to crypt session-data: {off(default) | on},[mcrypt-init-vector(default randomly generated)],[mcrypt-version] setup pt-br Usar mcrypt para criptografar dados da sessão: {off(default) | on},{mcrypt-init-vector(default: gerado aleatoriamente)],[versão-mcrypt]
use persistent db connections: {on(default) | off} setup pt-br usar conexões persistentes à base de dados: {on(default) | off}
use pure html compliant code (not fully working yet) setup pt-br Usar código HTML puro (ainda não funciona totalmente)
user setup pt-br usuário
user account prefix setup pt-br usar prefixo para as contas de usuários
user for smtp-authentication (leave it empty if no auth required) setup pt-br Usuário para autenticação SMTP (deixe-o vazio se não há antenticação)
usernames are casesensitive setup pt-br Nomes de usuários são sensíveis à Maiúsculas / Minúsculas
users choice setup pt-br À escolha dos usuários
usually more annoying.<br />admins can use admin >> manage accounts or groups to give access to further apps. setup pt-br Normalmente mais incômodo.<br/>Administradores podem usar Adminstrador >> Gerenciar contas ou grupos para dar acesso a aplicativos.
utf-8 (unicode) setup pt-br utf-8 (Unicode)
validation errors setup pt-br Erros de validação
version setup pt-br versão
version mismatch setup pt-br Erro de versão
view setup pt-br Visualizar
@ -510,19 +584,20 @@ would you like egroupware to cache the phpgw info array ? setup pt-br Deseja que
would you like egroupware to check for a new version<br />when admins login ? setup pt-br Deseja que o eGroupWare verifique se há uma nova versão disponível <br />quando administradores estejam acessando o sistema?
would you like to show each application's upgrade status ? setup pt-br Deseja exibir o status de atualização de cada aplicativo?
writable by the webserver setup pt-br Escrita permitida para o servidor Web
write config setup pt-br Gravar configuração
write setup pt-br Gravar
year setup pt-br ano
yes setup pt-br Sim
yes, with lowercase usernames setup pt-br Sim, com nome de usuários em letras minúsculas
you appear to be running a pre-beta version of egroupware.<br />these versions are no longer supported, and there is no upgrade path for them in setup.<br /> you may wish to first upgrade to 0.9.10 (the last version to support pre-beta upgrades) <br />and then upgrade from there with the current version. setup pt-br Aparentemente você está usando uma versão pré-beta do eGroupWare.<br />Estas versões não são mais suportadas, e não há como usar o configurador para atualizá-las.<br /> Você deve primeiro atualizar para a versão 0.9.10 (a última versão que suporta atualização de pré-betas) <br />e então atualizar a partir desta versão para a versão atual.
you appear to be running an old version of php <br />it its recommend that you upgrade to a new version. <br />older version of php might not run egroupware correctly, if at all. <br /><br />please upgrade to at least version %1 setup pt-br Aparentemente você está rodando uma versão antiga do PHP <br /> é altamente recomendável que você faça a atualização para uma versão mais nova <br /> Versões antigas do PHP podem não rodar corretamente com o eGroupWare. <br /><br />Por favor atualize para, no mínimo, a versão %1
you appear to be running version %1 of egroupware setup pt-br Aparentemente você está rodando a versão %1 do eGroupWare
you appear to be using php earlier than 4.1.0. egroupware now requires 4.1.0 or later setup pt-br Aparentemente você está utilizando uma versão anterior a 4.1.0 do PHP. Atualmente o eGroupWare requer a versão 4.1.0 ou maior.
you appear to have %1 support. setup pt-br Aparentemente você tem suporte a %1
you appear to have php session support. enabling php sessions. setup pt-br Aparentemente você tem suporte à sessões PHP. Habilitando sessões PHP.
you appear to have xml support enabled setup pt-br Aparentemente você tem suporte a XML
you are ready for this stage, but this stage is not yet written.<br /> setup pt-br Você está pronto para este passo, mas este estágio não está escrito ainda.<br />
you are using php version %1. egroupware now requires %2 or later, recommended is php %3. setup pt-br Você está usando PHP versão %1. eGroupWare requer %2 ou superior, %3 é recomendada.
you can install it by running: setup pt-br Você pode instalá-lo rodando:
you can use the header user and password for every domain too. if the password is not set via the commandline, it is read from the enviroment variable egw_cli_password or queried from the user. setup pt-br Você pode usar o usuário e senha header para todos os domínios também. Se a senha não for definida pela linha de comando, ela é lida da variável de ambiente EGW_CLI_PASSWORD ou requisitada ao usuário.
you didn't enter a config password for domain %1 setup pt-br Você não digitou uma senha de configuração para o domínio %1
you didn't enter a config username for domain %1 setup pt-br Você não digitou um usuário de configuração para o domínio %1
you didn't enter a header admin password setup pt-br Você não digitou uma senha para administração do Header
@ -531,10 +606,13 @@ you do not have any languages installed. please install one now <br /> setup pt-
you have not created your header.inc.php yet!<br /> you can create it now. setup pt-br Você ainda não criou seu arquivo heades.inc.php!<br /> Você pode criá-lo agora.
you have successfully logged out setup pt-br Você foi desconectado com sucesso.
you must enter a username for the admin setup pt-br Você deve especificar um nome de usuário para o Administrador
you need to add at least one egroupware domain / database instance. setup pt-br Você precisa adicionar ao menos um domínio / base de dados ao eGroupWare.
you need to add some domains to your header.inc.php. setup pt-br Você precisa adicionar um domínio no arquivo header.inc.php
you need to configure egroupware: setup pt-br Você precisa configurar o eGroupWare:
you need to fix the above errors, before the configuration file header.inc.php can be written! setup pt-br Você precisa corrigir os erros acima antes que o arquivo header.inc.php possa ser gravado!
you need to save the settings you made here first! setup pt-br Você precisa salvar as configurações que você fez aqui antes!
you need to select your current charset! setup pt-br Você precisa selecionar seu conjunto de carácteres atual
you should either uninstall and then reinstall it, or attempt manual repairs setup pt-br Você pode tentar desinstalar e então reinstalar ou tentar executar reparos manuais.
you will need to load the proper schema into your ldap server - see phpgwapi/doc/ldap/readme setup pt-br Você precisa carregar os esquemas apropriados no seu servidor LDAP - veja <a href="../phpgwapi/doc/ldap/README" target="_blank">phpgwapi/doc/ldap/README</a>
you're using an old configuration file format... setup pt-br Você está usando um formato de arquivo de configuração antigo
you're using an old header.inc.php version... setup pt-br Você está usando uma versão antiga do arquivo header.inc.php
your applications are current setup pt-br Suas aplicações estão atualizadas
@ -551,3 +629,5 @@ your php installation does not have appropriate gd support. you need gd library
your tables are current setup pt-br Suas tabelas estão atualizadas
your tables will be dropped and you will lose data setup pt-br Suas tabelas serão removidas e os dados serão perdidos!!
your temporary directory '%1' %2 setup pt-br Seu diretório temporário '%1' %2
{db | php(default) | php-restore} setup pt-br {db | php(default) | php-restore}
{off(default) | on} setup pt-br {off(default | on}
@ -1,5 +1,10 @@
%1 does not exist !!! setup zh-tw %1不存在
%1 '%2' does not exist, is not readable by the webserver or contains no egroupware installation! setup zh-tw %1 '%2' 不存在、網頁伺服器無法讀取或是不包含 eGroupWare 程式!
%1 already exists in %2. setup zh-tw %1 已經存在於 %2
%1 created in %2. setup zh-tw %1 建立於 %2
%1 does not exist !!! setup zh-tw %1 不存在
%1 is %2%3 !!! setup zh-tw %1 是 %2%3!
%1, %2 or %3 the configuration file. setup zh-tw %1、%2 或 %3 設定檔案。
'%1' is not allowed as %2. arguments of option %3 !!! setup zh-tw '%1' 不允許為 %2 ,選項的參數 %3 !
(searching accounts and changing passwords) setup zh-tw (搜尋帳號並且修改密碼)
*** do not update your database via setup, as the update might be interrupted by the max_execution_time, which leaves your db in an unrecoverable state (your data is lost) !!! setup zh-tw ***請不要透過安裝程式更新您的資料庫,因為執行過程可能超過系統預設允許的時間而遭到中斷,這可能會造成資料的遺失!
*** you have to do the changes manualy in your php.ini (usualy in /etc on linux) in order to get egw fully working !!! setup zh-tw ***您必須手動修改php.ini的設定來讓eGroupWare順利執行所有功能!
@ -7,13 +12,23 @@
13 (ntp) setup zh-tw 13 (ntp)
80 (http) setup zh-tw 80 (網站伺服器)
<b>charset to use</b> (use utf-8 if you plan to use languages with different charsets): setup zh-tw <b>使用的字元編碼</b> (如果您希望使用多國語言環境,請輸入 utf-8 ):
<b>this will create 1 admin account and 3 demo accounts</b><br />the username/passwords are: demo/guest, demo2/guest and demo3/guest. setup zh-tw <b>這會產生 1 個管理者帳號以及 3 個測試帳號</b><br />測試帳號的密碼分別是: demo/guest, demo2/guest 與 demo3/guest。
[header-password],[header-user],[new-password],[new-user] setup zh-tw [header-password],[header-user],[new-password],[new-user]
access denied: wrong username or password for manage-header !!! setup zh-tw 登入失敗:頁首管理的帳號或密碼有誤!
access denied: wrong username or password to configure the domain '%1(%2)' !!! setup zh-tw 登入失敗:設定網域 '%1(%2)' 的帳號或密碼有誤!
account repository need to be set to the one you migrate to! setup zh-tw 帳號資料庫必須設定為您希望轉換的標的!
account repository{sql(default) | ldap},[authentication{sql | ldap | mail | ads | http | ...}],[sql encrypttion{md5 | blowfish_crypt | md5_crypt | crypt}],[check save password{ (default)|true}],[allow cookie auth{ (default)|true}] setup zh-tw 帳號資料庫{sql(預設) | ldap},[認證{sql | ldap | mail | ads | http | ...}],[sql 加密方式{md5 | blowfish_crypt | md5_crypt | crypt}],[檢查儲存的密碼{ (預設)|True}],[允許使用 cookie 認證{ (預設)|True}]
accounts existing setup zh-tw 帳號已經存在
actions setup zh-tw 動作
activate safe password check setup zh-tw 啟用儲存密碼功能
add auto-created users to this group ('default' will be attempted if this is empty.) setup zh-tw 新增自動建立使用者到這個群組﹝若留空白則使用「Default」﹞
add new database instance (egw domain) setup zh-tw 新增資料庫實例(eGW 網域)
add or edit a domain: [domain-name(default)],[db-name(egroupware)],[db-user(egroupware)],db-password,[db-type(mysql)],[db-host(localhost)],[db-port(db specific)],[config-user(as header)],[config-passwd(as header)] setup zh-tw 新增或編輯一個網域:
adding, editing or deleting an egroupware domain / database instance: setup zh-tw 新增、編輯或刪除一個 eGroupWare 網域/資料庫實例:
additional options and there defaults (in brackets) setup zh-tw 附加選項與預設(同時處理)
additional settings setup zh-tw 其他設定
admin account successful created. setup zh-tw 成功建立管理帳號
admin email address setup zh-tw 管理者信箱
admin first name setup zh-tw 管理者名
admin last name setup zh-tw 管理者姓
admin password setup zh-tw 管理者密碼
@ -25,12 +40,15 @@ after backing up your tables first. setup zh-tw 接著先備份您的資料表
after retrieving the file, put it into place as the header.inc.php. then, click "continue". setup zh-tw 在重新取得檔案後,將它上傳到egroupware的根目錄且命名為header.inc.php。接著按下"繼續"。
all applications setup zh-tw 所有的應用程式
all core tables and the admin and preferences applications setup zh-tw 所有的主要資料表、管理介面與應用程式
all exit codes of the command line interface setup zh-tw 指令模式介面的所有離開指令
all languages (incl. not listed ones) setup zh-tw 所有語言(包過沒有在清單中的)
all users setup zh-tw 所有使用者
allow authentication via cookie setup zh-tw 允許透過 cookie 認證
allow password migration setup zh-tw 允許密碼轉換
allowed migration types (comma-separated) setup zh-tw 允許的轉換類型(逗點分隔)
alternatively domains can be accessed by logging in with <i>username@domain</i>. setup zh-tw 其他的網域可以透過 <i>帳號@網域</i> 的形式登入
analysis setup zh-tw 分析
and is up to date setup zh-tw 是最新的
and reload your webserver, so the above changes take effect !!! setup zh-tw 重新啟動您的網站伺服器來套用異動!
app details setup zh-tw 應用程式詳細內容
app install/remove/upgrade setup zh-tw 應用程式安裝╱移除╱升級
@ -54,6 +72,7 @@ at your request, this script is going to take the evil action of uninstalling al
attempt to use correct mimetype for ftp instead of default 'application/octet-stream' setup zh-tw 嘗試使用正確的 FTP 檔案格式,而非預設的「application/octet-stream」
authentication / accounts setup zh-tw 認證/帳號
auto create account records for authenticated users setup zh-tw 自動建立所有授權使用者的帳號資料
auto login anonymous user setup zh-tw 匿名使用者自動登入
auto-created user accounts expire setup zh-tw 自動建立的使用者帳號過期
available version setup zh-tw 可使用的版本
back to the previous screen setup zh-tw 回到上一個畫面
@ -67,6 +86,7 @@ backup failed setup zh-tw 備份錯誤
backup finished setup zh-tw 備份完成
backup now setup zh-tw 立刻備份
backup sets setup zh-tw 備份資料
backup skipped! setup zh-tw 略過備份!
backup started, this might take a few minutes ... setup zh-tw 備份進行中,請等待...
because an application it depends upon was upgraded setup zh-tw 因為它所依存的應用程式已經升級了
because it depends upon setup zh-tw 因為此應用程式被關聯到
@ -79,10 +99,11 @@ because the enable flag for this app is set to 0, or is undefined setup zh-tw
bottom setup zh-tw 底部
but we <u>highly recommend backing up</u> your tables in case the script causes damage to your data.<br /><strong>these automated scripts can easily destroy your data.</strong> setup zh-tw 但是我們<u>強烈建議您備份您的資料表</u>,以免系統自動作業時損傷到您的資料,<br /><strong>這個自動作業程式很容意造成資料的損傷</strong>,
cancel setup zh-tw 取消
cannot create the header.inc.php due to file permission restrictions.<br /> instead you can %1 the file. setup zh-tw 因為檔案權限限制,系統無法自動建立檔案header.inc.php<br />不過您可以%1這個檔案。
cannot create the header.inc.php due to file permission restrictions.<br /> instead you can %1 or %2 the file. setup zh-tw 因為權限問題無法建立 header.inc.php ,您可以 %1 或 %2 檔案。
change system-charset setup zh-tw 修改系統字元設定
charset setup zh-tw utf-8
charset to convert to setup zh-tw 字元轉換成
charsets used by the different languages setup zh-tw 不同語言使用的字元編碼
check can only be performed, if called via a webserver, as the user-id/-name of the webserver is not known. setup zh-tw 當網頁伺服器使用者編號/名稱是未知的,透過網頁伺服器呼叫就只能執行檢查
check installation setup zh-tw 檢查系統安裝狀態
check ip address of all sessions setup zh-tw 檢查所有連線的網路位址
@ -93,14 +114,18 @@ checking pear%1 is installed setup zh-tw 檢查 PEAR%1 安裝狀態
checking php.ini setup zh-tw 檢查php.ini
checking required php version %1 (recommended %2) setup zh-tw 檢查 PHP 版本為 %1 (建議為 %2)
checking the egroupware installation setup zh-tw 檢查eGroupWare安裝狀態
checks egroupware's installed, it's versions and necessary upgrads (return values see --exit-codes) setup zh-tw 檢查已安裝的 eGroupWare ,包括版本與必要的更新(傳回的數值參考 --exit-codes)
click <a href="index.php">here</a> to return to setup. setup zh-tw <a href="index.php">按這裡</a>回到程式安裝。
click here setup zh-tw 點選此處
click here to re-run the installation tests setup zh-tw 點選這裡回到安裝測試
comma separated ip-addresses or host-names, default access to setup from everywhere setup zh-tw 用逗點分隔 IP 位址或是主機名稱,預設可以從任何地方存取安裝程式
completed setup zh-tw 完成
config password setup zh-tw 設定管理員密碼
config username setup zh-tw 設定管理員帳號
configuration setup zh-tw 組態設定
configuration changed. setup zh-tw 組態更新了
configuration completed setup zh-tw 組態設定完成
configuration errors: setup zh-tw 組態錯誤:
configuration password setup zh-tw 組態管理密碼
configuration user setup zh-tw 設定管理員
configure now setup zh-tw 組態設定中
@ -118,19 +143,24 @@ create admin account setup zh-tw 建立管理帳號
create database setup zh-tw 建立資料庫
create demo accounts setup zh-tw 建立展示性質帳號
create one now setup zh-tw 馬上建立
create or edit the egroupware configuration file: header.inc.php: setup zh-tw 建立或編輯 eGroupWare 設定檔案:header.inc.php
create the empty database - setup zh-tw 建立空的資料庫 -
create the empty database and grant user permissions - setup zh-tw 建立空的資料庫並且取得使用者權限 -
create your header.inc.php setup zh-tw 建立您的header.inc.php
created setup zh-tw 建立日期
created header.inc.php! setup zh-tw 已建立header.inc.php!
creates an admin user: domain(default),[config user(admin)],password,username,password,[first name],[last name],[email] setup zh-tw 建立一個管理者: 網域(預設),[設定者(admin)],密碼,帳號,密碼,[姓名],[姓氏],[信箱]
creating tables setup zh-tw 正在建立資料表
creation of %1 in %2 failed !!! setup zh-tw 在 %2 建立 %1 時發生錯誤!
current configuration: setup zh-tw 目前設定:
current system-charset setup zh-tw 目前系統字元編碼
current system-charset is %1. setup zh-tw 目前系統字元編碼是 %1 。
current version setup zh-tw 目前的版本
currently installed languages: %1 <br /> setup zh-tw 目前已安裝的語言:%1 <br />
database setup zh-tw 資料庫
database instance (egw domain) setup zh-tw 資料庫實例(eGW網域)
database is version %1 and up to date. setup zh-tw 資料庫版本為 %1 ,是最新版本
database successfully converted from '%1' to '%2' setup zh-tw 資料庫成功的從 '%1' 轉換成 '%2'
datebase setup zh-tw 資料庫
datetime port.<br />if using port 13, please set firewall rules appropriately before submitting this page.<br />(port: 13 / host: setup zh-tw 時間服務埠<br />如果使用13埠,請在送出之前確認您已經設置好適當的防火牆規則。<br />(Port: 13 / Host:
day setup zh-tw 日
day of week<br />(0-6, 0=sunday) setup zh-tw 週日數<br />(0-6, 0=星期天)
@ -162,16 +192,29 @@ do you want persistent connections (higher performance, but consumes more resour
do you want to manage homedirectory and loginshell attributes? setup zh-tw 您要管理根目錄與登入系統環境屬性嗎?
does not exist setup zh-tw 不存在
domain setup zh-tw 網域
domain '%1' does not exist !!! setup zh-tw 網域 '%1' 不存在!
domain name setup zh-tw 網域名稱
domain select box on login setup zh-tw 登入網域選取方塊
domain(all),[config user(admin)],password,[file-name(default: backup-dir/db_backup-yyyymmddhhii)] setup zh-tw 網域(所有),[設定者(admin)],密碼,[檔名(預設: 備份資料夾/db_backup-YYYYMMDDHHii)]
domain(default),[config user(admin)],password,[backup to install],[charset(default depends on language)] setup zh-tw 網域(預設),[設定者(admin)],密碼,[回到安裝],[字元編碼(預設會參考使用語言)]
domain(default),[config user(admin)],password,[name=value,...] sets config values beside: setup zh-tw 網域(預設),[設定者(admin)],密碼,[名稱=數值,...] 設定其他數值:
domain-name setup zh-tw 網域名稱
dont touch my data setup zh-tw 不要動我的資料
download setup zh-tw 下載
edit current configuration setup zh-tw 編輯目前的組態設定
edit your existing header.inc.php setup zh-tw 編輯已經存在的header.inc.php
edit your header.inc.php setup zh-tw 編輯您的header.inc.php
eg. /egroupware or http://domain.com/egroupware, default: %1 setup zh-tw 例如 /egroupware 或 http://domain.com/egroupware,預設: %1
egroupware administration manual setup zh-tw eGroupWare管理手冊
egroupware api needs a database (schema) update from version %1 to %2! setup zh-tw eGroupWare 核心需要更新資料庫結構,從 %1 到 %2 !
egroupware api version %1 found. setup zh-tw 找到 eGroupWare 核心版本 %1
egroupware configuration file (header.inc.php) does not exist. setup zh-tw eGroupWare 設定檔案 (header.inc.php) 不存在。
egroupware configuration file (header.inc.php) version %1 exists%2 setup zh-tw eGroupWare 設定檔案 (header.inc.php) 版本 %1 存在 %2
egroupware configuration file header.inc.php already exists, you need to use --edit-header or delete it first! setup zh-tw eGroupWare 設定檔案 (header.inc.php) 已經存在,您必須使用 --edit-header 或是先將它刪除!
egroupware domain/instance %1(%2): setup zh-tw eGroupWare 網域/實例 %1(%2):
egroupware is already installed! setup zh-tw eGroupWare 已經安裝了!
egroupware sources in '%1' are not complete, file '%2' missing !!! setup zh-tw eGroupWare 在 '%1' 的來源未完成,檔案 '%2' 遺失!
enable for extra debug-messages setup zh-tw 啟用附加的除錯訊息
enable ldap version 3 setup zh-tw 啟用LDAP版本3
enable mcrypt setup zh-tw 啟用MCrypt
enter some random text for app session encryption setup zh-tw 您可以輸入任意的文字來提供系統加密的依據
enter some random text for app_session <br />encryption (requires mcrypt) setup zh-tw 輸入用於連線加密的任意字串﹝需要安裝 MCRYPT﹞<br />
@ -190,29 +233,34 @@ enter your http proxy server port setup zh-tw 輸入網頁代理伺服器主機
enter your http proxy server username setup zh-tw 輸入網頁代理伺服器主機使用者帳號
error in admin-creation !!! setup zh-tw 建立管理者時發生錯誤!
error in group-creation !!! setup zh-tw 建立群組時發生錯誤!
export egroupware accounts from sql to ldap setup zh-tw 從SQL 輸出eGroupWare帳號到LDAP
export has been completed! you will need to set the user passwords manually. setup zh-tw 匯出完成!您將需要手動設定使用者密碼。
export sql users to ldap setup zh-tw 將 SQL 使用者資料匯出至 LDAP
export has been completed! setup zh-tw 匯出完成!
failed writing configuration file header.inc.php, check the permissions !!! setup zh-tw 寫入設定檔案 header.inc.php 時發生錯誤,請檢查權限!
false setup zh-tw 錯誤
file setup zh-tw 檔案
file type, size, version, etc. setup zh-tw 檔案格式、大小、版本等。
file uploads are switched off: you can not use any of the filemanagers, nor can you attach files in several applications! setup zh-tw 檔案上傳功能關閉中: 您無法使用任何檔案管理程式,也無法在各個模組中附加檔案!
filename setup zh-tw 檔案名稱
filesystem setup zh-tw 檔案系統
for a new install, select import. to convert existing sql accounts to ldap, select export setup zh-tw 第一次安裝請選擇「匯入」;要轉換現存於 SQL 中的帳號資料到 LDAP請選擇「匯出」
force selectbox setup zh-tw 強制使用選取方塊
found existing configuration file. loading settings from the file... setup zh-tw 找到已經存在的設定檔案,讀取設定中...
give admin access to all installed apps setup zh-tw 授予管理者存取所有已安裝的程式
go back setup zh-tw 回到上一頁
go to setup zh-tw 前往
grant access setup zh-tw 授與存取權
group setup zh-tw 群組
group memberships will be migrated too. setup zh-tw 群組成員也會被轉移。
has a version mismatch setup zh-tw 版本不符
header admin login setup zh-tw 頁首管理員登入
header password setup zh-tw 密碼
header username setup zh-tw 帳號
header-password[,header-user(admin)] setup zh-tw 頁首密碼[,頁首管理帳號(admin)]
header.inc.php successful written. setup zh-tw header.inc.php 寫入成功
historylog removed setup zh-tw 歷史紀錄刪除了
hooks deregistered setup zh-tw 取消附掛註冊
hooks registered setup zh-tw 附掛註冊
host information setup zh-tw 主機資訊
host,[smtp port],[smtp user],[smtp password] setup zh-tw 主機,[smtp 連接埠],[smtp 使用者],[smtp 密碼]
host,{imap | pop3 | imaps | pop3s},[domain],[{standard(default)|vmailmgr = add domain for mailserver login}] setup zh-tw 主機,{imap | pop3 | imaps | pop3s},[網域],[{標準(預設) | vmailmgr = 新增網域來登入郵件伺服器}]
host/ip domain controler setup zh-tw 主機/IP網域控制器
hostname/ip of database server setup zh-tw 資料庫伺服器的主機名稱/IP
hour (0-24) setup zh-tw 時(0-24)
@ -229,17 +277,18 @@ if you did not receive any errors, your tables have been setup zh-tw 如果您
if you running this the first time, don't forget to manualy %1 !!! setup zh-tw 如果您第一次執行,別忘了手動 %1 !!!
if you use only languages of the same charset (eg. western european ones) you dont need to set a system-charset! setup zh-tw 如果您使用的語言都是同樣的編碼(例如:西歐),您不需要設定系統編碼!
image type selection order setup zh-tw 圖片格式選取順序
import accounts from ldap to the egroupware accounts table (for a new install using sql accounts) setup zh-tw 從LDAP匯入使用者帳號(如果是全新安裝且使用SQL資料庫)
import has been completed! setup zh-tw 匯入成功!
import ldap users/groups setup zh-tw 匯入 LDAP 使用者/群組
importing old settings into the new format.... setup zh-tw 匯入舊的設定值到新的格式中...
include root (this should be the same as server root unless you know what you are doing) setup zh-tw Include 根目錄(這個一般與伺服器根目錄一樣,除非您清楚這個設定會造成的結果再做適當的修改)
include root setup zh-tw 包含根目錄
include_path need to contain "." - the current directory setup zh-tw include_path 必須包含"." - 目前的資料夾
install setup zh-tw 安裝
install all setup zh-tw 全部安裝
install applications setup zh-tw 安裝應用程式
install backup setup zh-tw 安裝備份
install language setup zh-tw 安裝語言
install or update translations: domain(all),[config user(admin)],password,[[+]lang1[,lang2,...]] + adds, no langs update existing ones setup zh-tw 安裝或更新翻譯: 網域(全部),[設定者(admin)],密碼,[[+]語言1[,語言2,...]] + 新增,沒有更新語言
installation finished setup zh-tw 安裝完成
installation started, this might take a few minutes ... setup zh-tw 安裝開始,也許需要幾分鐘時間...
installed setup zh-tw 安裝
instructions for creating the database in %1: setup zh-tw 在 %1 的安裝資料庫指示:
invalid ip address setup zh-tw 錯誤的IP位址
@ -249,26 +298,28 @@ is broken setup zh-tw 損壞
is disabled setup zh-tw 被停用
is in the webservers docroot setup zh-tw 在網頁伺服器根目錄中
is not writeable by the webserver setup zh-tw 網頁伺服器無法寫入
ldap account import/export setup zh-tw LDAP 使用者帳號匯入/匯出
it needs upgrading to version %1! use --update-header <password>[,<user>] to do so (--usage gives more options). setup zh-tw 需要升級為版本 %1 !使用 --update-header <密碼>[,<帳號>] 來執行 (--usage 會提供更多選項).
languages updated. setup zh-tw 語言更新了
ldap accounts configuration setup zh-tw LDAP 帳號設定
ldap accounts context setup zh-tw LDAP 使用者帳號內容
ldap config setup zh-tw LDAP 設定
ldap default homedirectory prefix (e.g. /home for /home/username) setup zh-tw LDAP 預設家目錄前置目錄﹝如:/home/username 的前置目錄為 /home﹞
ldap default shell (e.g. /bin/bash) setup zh-tw LDAP 預設登入命令處理器﹝如:/bin/bash﹞
ldap encryption type setup zh-tw LDAP 加密類型
ldap export setup zh-tw LDAP匯出
ldap export users setup zh-tw LDAP 匯出使用者
ldap groups context setup zh-tw LDAP 群組內容
ldap host setup zh-tw LDAP 主機
ldap import setup zh-tw LDAP匯入
ldap import users setup zh-tw LDAP 匯入使用者
ldap modify setup zh-tw LDAP 修改
ldap root password setup zh-tw LDAP 管理者密碼
ldap rootdn setup zh-tw LDAP 主要端點﹝rootdn﹞
ldap search filter for accounts, default: "(uid=%user)", %domain=egw-domain setup zh-tw LDAP帳號搜尋規則,預設:"(uid=%user)", %domain=eGW-domain
leave empty to keep current. setup zh-tw 空白表示不改變
limit access setup zh-tw 存取限制
limit access to setup to the following addresses, networks or hostnames (e.g.,10.1.1,myhost.dnydns.org) setup zh-tw 限制下面位址、網域或是主機存取安裝設定(例如:,10.1.1,myhost.dnydns.org)
list availible values: setup zh-tw 允許的數值:
list of availible translations setup zh-tw 可以使用的翻譯
login as user postgres, eg. by using su as root setup zh-tw 登入為使用者 postgres ,就像是透過 su 來切換成 root
login to mysql - setup zh-tw 登入到MYSQL -
loginname needed for domain configuration setup zh-tw 網域設定所需的帳號
logout setup zh-tw 登出
mail domain (for virtual mail manager) setup zh-tw 郵件網域(虛擬郵件管理程式使用)
mail server login type setup zh-tw 郵件伺服器登入類型
@ -286,12 +337,12 @@ mcrypt mode (default cbc) setup zh-tw Mcrypt 模式 (預設為 CBC)
mcrypt settings (requires mcrypt php extension) setup zh-tw Mcrypt 設定 (需要 mcrypt 的PHP 擴充)
mcrypt version setup zh-tw MCrypt 版本
memory_limit is set to less than 16m: some applications of egroupware need more than the recommend 8m, expect occasional failures setup zh-tw memory_limit(最大可存取記憶體)設定小於16M:eGroupWare有部份應用程式會使用超過預設值8M的記憶體存取,特別是無法預期的錯誤
migration between egroupware account repositories setup zh-tw 轉移 eGroupWare 帳號資料庫
minimum account id (e.g. 500 or 100, etc.) setup zh-tw 使用者帳號編碼最小值﹝如:500 或 100﹞
minute setup zh-tw 分
missing or uncomplete mailserver configuration setup zh-tw 缺少或未完成郵件伺服器設定
modifications have been completed! setup zh-tw 修改已經完成!
modify setup zh-tw 修改
modify an existing ldap account store for use with egroupware (for a new install using ldap accounts) setup zh-tw 修改一個已經存在的LDAP帳號讓eGroupWare使用(全新安裝且使用LDAP帳號)
month setup zh-tw 月
multi-language support setup setup zh-tw 多國語言設定
name of database setup zh-tw 資料庫名稱
@ -303,7 +354,10 @@ no setup zh-tw 否
no %1 support found. disabling setup zh-tw 系統不支援 %1 ,停用中
no accounts existing setup zh-tw 沒有任何帳號
no algorithms available setup zh-tw 沒有任何可以使用的演算法
no egroupware domains / database instances exist! use --edit-header --domain to add one (--usage gives more options). setup zh-tw 沒有 eGroupWare 網域/資料庫實例存在!使用 --edit-header --domain 來新增 (--usage 會提供更多選項)。
no header admin password set! use --edit-header <password>[,<user>] to set one (--usage gives more options). setup zh-tw 沒有設定頁首管理密碼!使用--edit-header <密碼>[,<帳號>] 來設定 (--usage 會提供更多選項)。
no modes available setup zh-tw 沒有可用的模式
no update necessary, domain %1(%2) is up to date. setup zh-tw 不需要更新,網域 %1(%2) 已經是最新狀態。
no xml support found. disabling setup zh-tw 沒有支援XML,關閉中。
not setup zh-tw 非
not all mcrypt algorithms and modes work with egroupware. if you experience problems try switching it off. setup zh-tw eGroupWare並不一定能夠與所有版本或模式的mcrypt運作,如果您發現類似設定造成的錯誤,請將它關閉。
@ -326,11 +380,14 @@ or http://webdav.domain.com (webdav) setup zh-tw 或是http://webdav.domain.com
or we can attempt to create the database for you: setup zh-tw 或者我們能夠為您嘗試去建立資料庫:
or you can install a previous backup. setup zh-tw 或是您可以安裝上一個備份的版本
password for smtp-authentication setup zh-tw SMTP驗證的密碼
password needed for configuration setup zh-tw 需要密碼才能夠執行組態設定
password needed for domain configuration. setup zh-tw 設定網域的密碼
password of db user setup zh-tw 資料庫帳號的密碼
passwords did not match, please re-enter setup zh-tw 密碼不符,請重新輸入
path (not url!) to your egroupware installation. setup zh-tw eGroupWare 安裝的路徑(不是網址!)
path information setup zh-tw 路徑資訊
path of egroupware install directory (default auto-detected) setup zh-tw eGroupWare 安裝的路徑(預設會自動偵測)
path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! setup zh-tw 使用者與群組的檔案路徑必須在網站伺服器的網頁根目錄以外!
path to various directories: have to exist and be writeable by the webserver setup zh-tw 幾個資料夾的路徑:必須存在而且網頁伺服器能夠寫入
pear is needed by syncml or the ical import+export of calendar. setup zh-tw SyncML 或是行事曆的 iCal 匯入、匯出功能都需要 PEAR
pear::log is needed by syncml. setup zh-tw SyncML需要PEAR::Log
persistent connections setup zh-tw 持續連線
@ -377,6 +434,7 @@ restore finished setup zh-tw 還原成功
restore started, this might take a few minutes ... setup zh-tw 還原進行中,請稍候...
restoring a backup will delete/replace all content in your database. are you sure? setup zh-tw 還原備份資料將會刪除/置換目前資料庫中的所有內容,您確定?
return to setup setup zh-tw 回到安裝程式
run a database schema update (if necessary): domain(all),[config user(admin)],password setup zh-tw 執行資料庫結構更新(如果需要): 網域(全部),[設定者(admin)],密碼
run installation tests setup zh-tw 執行安裝測試
safe_mode is turned on, which is generaly a good thing as it makes your install more secure. setup zh-tw 安全模式啟用中,這樣一來您的安裝過程通常會比較安全。
sample configuration not found. using built in defaults setup zh-tw 找不到範例設定檔案,系統需要它用來設定預設值
@ -392,7 +450,7 @@ select to download file setup zh-tw 選擇下載檔案
select where you want to store/retrieve file contents setup zh-tw 選擇您希望儲存與取得檔案內容的地方
select where you want to store/retrieve filesystem information setup zh-tw 選擇您欲儲存/取得的檔案系統資訊
select where you want to store/retrieve user accounts setup zh-tw 選擇您欲儲存/取得使用者帳號的方式
select which group(s) will be exported (group membership will be maintained) setup zh-tw 選擇您欲匯出的群組﹝群組使用者將不會做任何更動﹞
select which group(s) will be exported setup zh-tw 選擇要匯出的群組
select which group(s) will be imported (group membership will be maintained) setup zh-tw 選擇您欲匯入的群組﹝群組使用者將不會做任何更動﹞
select which group(s) will be modified (group membership will be maintained) setup zh-tw 選擇您想要修改的群組﹝群組使用者將不會做任何更動﹞
select which languages you would like to use setup zh-tw 選擇您欲使用的語言
@ -412,10 +470,10 @@ set this to "old" for versions < 2.4, otherwise the exact mcrypt version you
setting the system-charset to utf-8 (unicode) allows the coexistens of data from languages of different charsets. setup zh-tw 設定系統編碼為UTF-8 (萬國編碼)時可以同時在畫面中顯示多種不同的語言編碼
settings setup zh-tw 設定
setup setup zh-tw 安裝
setup demo accounts in ldap setup zh-tw 在LDAP安裝展示用的帳號
setup main menu setup zh-tw 安裝主要選單
setup the database setup zh-tw 安裝資料庫
setup/config admin login setup zh-tw 安裝/設定管理員登入
should be the same as server root unless you know what you are doing. setup zh-tw 如果您不確定,它應該跟伺服器根目錄一樣。
show 'powered by' logo on setup zh-tw 顯示「powered by」圖示位置
size setup zh-tw 大小
skip the installation tests (not recommended) setup zh-tw 略過安裝測試(不建議)
@ -426,6 +484,8 @@ sql encryption type setup zh-tw SQL 密碼加密的方式(預設為md5)
standard (login-name identical to egroupware user-name) setup zh-tw 標準(登入名稱與 eGroupWare 使用者名稱一致)
standard mailserver settings (used for mail authentication too) setup zh-tw 標準郵件伺服器設定(也用在郵件認證)
start the postmaster setup zh-tw 開始postmaster
start updating languages %1 ... setup zh-tw 開始更新語言 %1 ...
start updating the database ... setup zh-tw 開始更新資料庫 ...
status setup zh-tw 狀態
step %1 - admin account setup zh-tw 步驟%1 - 管理者帳號
step %1 - advanced application management setup zh-tw 步驟%1 - 進階應用程式管理
@ -452,6 +512,7 @@ the mbstring.func_overload = 7 is needed to fully support unicode (utf-8) or oth
the session extension is needed to use php sessions (db-sessions work without). setup zh-tw 要使用php session就必須安裝session外掛(透過資料庫儲存則不用)
the table definition was correct, and the tables were installed setup zh-tw 資料表定義正確且資料表已正確安裝
the tables setup zh-tw 資料表
the username/passwords are: demo/guest, demo2/guest and demo3/guest. setup zh-tw 帳號/密碼為: demo/guest, demo2/guest 與 demo3/guest.
there was a problem trying to connect to your ldap server. <br /> setup zh-tw 嘗試連接您的LDAP伺服器時發生錯誤。<br />
there was a problem trying to connect to your ldap server. <br />please check your ldap server configuration setup zh-tw 嘗試連接您的LDAP伺服器時發生錯誤。<br />請檢查您的設定
this has to be outside the webservers document-root!!! setup zh-tw 這個設定必須在網站伺服器的網頁根目錄以外!
@ -459,11 +520,9 @@ this might take a while, please wait ... setup zh-tw 這也許需要一點時間
this program lets you backup your database, schedule a backup or restore it. setup zh-tw 這個程式能夠讓您備份、排程備份或是還原資料庫。
this program will convert your database to a new system-charset. setup zh-tw 這個程式將會轉換資料庫成新的系統字元
this program will help you upgrade or install different languages for egroupware setup zh-tw 這個程式將協助您升級或安裝 eGroupWare 內不同的語言
this section will help you export users and groups from egroupware's account tables into your ldap tree setup zh-tw 這個部份將協助您從 eGroupWare 的資料表匯出使用者及群組設定到 LDAP 主機中
this section will help you import users and groups from your ldap tree into egroupware's account tables setup zh-tw 這個部份將協助您從 eGroupWare 的資料表匯入使用者及群組設定到 LDAP 主機中
this section will help you setup your ldap accounts for use with egroupware setup zh-tw 這個部份將會協助您安裝您在eGroupWare中使用的LDAP帳號
this should be around 30 bytes in length.<br />note: the default has been randomly generated. setup zh-tw 這個長度必須大約在30位元組左右。<br />注意:預設值已經隨機產生了。
this stage is completed<br /> setup zh-tw 這個步驟已經完成<br />
this will create a first user in egroupware or reset password and admin rights of an exiting user setup zh-tw 這將會建立 eGroupWare 的第一個使用者或是重設密碼以及一個現有使用者的管理權限
to a version it does not know about setup zh-tw 未知的版本
to allow password authentification add the following line to your pg_hba.conf (above all others) and restart postgres: setup zh-tw 要允許密碼驗證,請新增下面幾行到 pg_hba.conf (在檔案的最上方)並且重新啟動 postgres:
to change the charset: back up your database, deinstall all applications and re-install the backup with "convert backup to charset selected" checked. setup zh-tw 修改字元編碼:先備份您的資料庫、移除所有應用程式並且重新安裝備份時勾選"轉換備份資料到選擇的字元編碼"項目。
@ -479,6 +538,8 @@ unfortunally some php/apache packages have problems with it (apache dies and you
uninstall setup zh-tw 移除
uninstall all applications setup zh-tw 移除所有應用程式
uninstalled setup zh-tw 已經移除
unknown option '%1' !!! setup zh-tw 不知名的選項 '%1' !
update finished. setup zh-tw 更新完成
upgrade setup zh-tw 升級
upgrade all setup zh-tw 全部升級
upgraded setup zh-tw 已經升級
@ -486,13 +547,22 @@ upgrading tables setup zh-tw 正在升級資料表內容
upload backup setup zh-tw 上傳備份資料
uploads a backup and installs it on your db setup zh-tw 上傳並且安裝備份資料到您的資料庫
uploads a backup to the backup-dir, from where you can restore it setup zh-tw 上傳一個備份資料到備份資料夾中,您可以從那裡將它還原
usage: %1 command [additional options] setup zh-tw 用法: %1 指令 [其他選項]
use --create-header to create the configuration file (--usage gives more options). setup zh-tw 使用 --create-header 來建立設定檔案(--usage 會提供更多選項).
use --install to install egroupware. setup zh-tw 使用 --install 來安裝 eGroupWare
use --update to do so. setup zh-tw 使用 --update 來更新
use cookies to pass sessionid setup zh-tw 使用 COOKIE 傳遞連線代碼
use mcrypt to crypt session-data: {off(default) | on},[mcrypt-init-vector(default randomly generated)],[mcrypt-version] setup zh-tw 使用 mcrypt 來加密連線資訊: {關閉(預設) | 啟用},[mcrypt-init-vector(預設為自動產生)],[mcrypt-版本]
use persistent db connections: {on(default) | off} setup zh-tw 使用資料庫持續連線:{是(預設) | 否}
use pure html compliant code (not fully working yet) setup zh-tw 使用標準 HTML 原始碼(尚未完全支援)
user setup zh-tw 使用者
user account prefix setup zh-tw 使用者帳號前置字元
user for smtp-authentication (leave it empty if no auth required) setup zh-tw SMTP驗證的帳號(如果不需要就保持空白)
usernames are casesensitive setup zh-tw 使用者帳號有大小寫之分
users choice setup zh-tw 使用者的選擇
usually more annoying.<br />admins can use admin >> manage accounts or groups to give access to further apps. setup zh-tw 通常是多餘的,管理者可以透過帳號或群組管理來授予其他模組的權限。
utf-8 (unicode) setup zh-tw utf-8 (多國語言編碼)
validation errors setup zh-tw 驗證錯誤
version setup zh-tw 版本
version mismatch setup zh-tw 版本不符
view setup zh-tw 瀏覽
@ -510,19 +580,20 @@ would you like egroupware to cache the phpgw info array ? setup zh-tw 您希望
would you like egroupware to check for a new version<br />when admins login ? setup zh-tw 您希望 eGroupWare 自動於管理者登入時檢查是否有最新版本?
would you like to show each application's upgrade status ? setup zh-tw 您希望顯示每一個應用程式升級的資訊嗎?
writable by the webserver setup zh-tw 網頁伺服器可以寫入
write config setup zh-tw 寫入設定
write setup zh-tw 寫入
year setup zh-tw 年
yes setup zh-tw 是
yes, with lowercase usernames setup zh-tw 是,使用英文小寫的帳號
you appear to be running a pre-beta version of egroupware.<br />these versions are no longer supported, and there is no upgrade path for them in setup.<br /> you may wish to first upgrade to 0.9.10 (the last version to support pre-beta upgrades) <br />and then upgrade from there with the current version. setup zh-tw 您目前安裝的為測試版本的 eGroupWare。<br />目前已經不再支援這個版本,建議您先升級到 0.9.10 版﹝最後一個測試版本﹞ <br />再升級到現在的版本。
you appear to be running an old version of php <br />it its recommend that you upgrade to a new version. <br />older version of php might not run egroupware correctly, if at all. <br /><br />please upgrade to at least version %1 setup zh-tw 您似乎正在執行較舊版本的PHP<br />建議您將它更新到較新的版本。<br />較舊的PHP版本也許無法正確執行eGroupWare。<br /><br />請將版本至少更新到%1
you appear to be running version %1 of egroupware setup zh-tw 您目前所使用的 eGroupWare 版本為 %1
you appear to be using php earlier than 4.1.0. egroupware now requires 4.1.0 or later setup zh-tw 您似乎正在使用比PHP4.1.0更舊的版本,eGroupWare現在要求4.1.0或更新的版本
you appear to have %1 support. setup zh-tw 您的系統支援 %1 。
you appear to have php session support. enabling php sessions. setup zh-tw 您的系統支援 PHP session ,PHP sessions功能啟用中。
you appear to have xml support enabled setup zh-tw 您的系統支援XML
you are ready for this stage, but this stage is not yet written.<br /> setup zh-tw 您已經準備好要使用這個步驟,但這個步驟尚未開發完成。<br />
you are using php version %1. egroupware now requires %2 or later, recommended is php %3. setup zh-tw 您使用的 PHP 版本為 %1 , eGroupWare 現在需要 %2 或更新版本,建議使用 PHP %3
you can install it by running: setup zh-tw 您可以執行下面指令安裝:
you can use the header user and password for every domain too. if the password is not set via the commandline, it is read from the enviroment variable egw_cli_password or queried from the user. setup zh-tw 您可以在每一個網域使用一樣的頁首管理者與密碼,如果密碼是透過指令模式設定,它會從環境變數 EGW_CLI_PASSWORD 讀取或是向使用者查詢。
you didn't enter a config password for domain %1 setup zh-tw 您並未輸入%1的組態密碼
you didn't enter a config username for domain %1 setup zh-tw 您並未輸入
you didn't enter a header admin password setup zh-tw 您並未輸入頁首管理員密碼
@ -531,10 +602,13 @@ you do not have any languages installed. please install one now <br /> setup zh-
you have not created your header.inc.php yet!<br /> you can create it now. setup zh-tw 您尚未建立您的header.inc.php!<br />您可以現在建立。
you have successfully logged out setup zh-tw 您已經成功登出了
you must enter a username for the admin setup zh-tw 您必須輸入管理者的帳號名稱
you need to add at least one egroupware domain / database instance. setup zh-tw 您至少必須新增一個 eGroupWare 網域/資料庫實例。
you need to add some domains to your header.inc.php. setup zh-tw 您必須在header.inc.php新增一些網域的設定
you need to configure egroupware: setup zh-tw 您必須設定 eGroupWare :
you need to fix the above errors, before the configuration file header.inc.php can be written! setup zh-tw 您必須修正上面的錯誤來寫入設定檔案 header.inc.php !
you need to save the settings you made here first! setup zh-tw 您必須先儲存剛剛設定的資料!
you need to select your current charset! setup zh-tw 您必須選擇目前的字元編碼
you should either uninstall and then reinstall it, or attempt manual repairs setup zh-tw 您應該要移除並重新安裝應用程式或試著手動安裝
you will need to load the proper schema into your ldap server - see phpgwapi/doc/ldap/readme setup zh-tw 您將會需要讀取適當的 schema 到您的 ldap 伺服器,請見<a href="../phpgwapi/doc/ldap/README" target="_blank">phpgwapi/doc/ldap/README</a>的說明
you're using an old configuration file format... setup zh-tw 您正在使用舊版的設定檔案...
you're using an old header.inc.php version... setup zh-tw 您正在使用舊版的header.inc.php...
your applications are current setup zh-tw 您的應用程式目前狀態
@ -551,3 +625,5 @@ your php installation does not have appropriate gd support. you need gd library
your tables are current setup zh-tw 您的資料表目前狀態
your tables will be dropped and you will lose data setup zh-tw 您的資料表將會被完全移除,您也將會遺失所有的資料。
your temporary directory '%1' %2 setup zh-tw 您的暫存資料夾 '%1' %2
{db | php(default) | php-restore} setup zh-tw {db | php(預設) | php-restore}
{off(default) | on} setup zh-tw {off(預設) | on}
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
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