mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 12:31:29 +01:00
tinymce uses now the eGW translation system:
- translations of tinymce itself and all plugins are done by langs/lang.php - existing tinymce translations have been imported into the phpgwapi lang files
This commit is contained in:
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
#!/usr/bin/php -qC
function readlang($lang)
$langs = array();
foreach(file($lang.'.js') as $line)
if (preg_match("/tinyMCELang\['([^']+)'] = '([^']+)';/",$line,$matches))
$langs[$matches[1]] = $matches[2];
return $langs;
function writelang($lang,$langs)
global $en_langs;
$f = fopen('phpgw_'.$lang.'.lang','a');
foreach($langs as $key => $msg)
if (isset($en_langs[$key])) fwrite($f,$en_langs[$key]."\ttinymce\t$lang\t$msg\n");
$langs = readlang('en');
$en_langs = array();
foreach($langs as $key => $msg)
$en_langs[$key] = strtolower($msg);
$d = opendir('.');
while (($f = readdir($d)))
list($lang,$js) = explode('.',$f);
if (!$lang || $lang == 'en' || $js != 'js') continue;
$langs = readlang($lang);
$d = opendir('../plugins');
while (($p = readdir($d)))
if (is_dir($ldir = '../plugins/'.$p.'/langs/'))
$langs = readlang($ldir.'en');
$en_langs = array();
foreach($langs as $key => $msg)
$en_langs[$key] = strtolower($msg);
$d2 = opendir('.');
while (($f = readdir($d2)))
list($lang,$js) = explode('.',$f);
if (!$lang || $lang == 'en' || $js != 'js') continue;
$langs = readlang($ldir.$lang);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
* eGroupWare - API tinymce translations (according to lang in user prefs) *
* http: //www.eGroupWare.org *
* Modified by Ralf Becker <RalfBecker@outdoor-training.de> *
* This file is derived from tinymce's langs/en.js file *
* -------------------------------------------- *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the *
* Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your *
* option) any later version. *
/* $Id$ */
$GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags'] = Array(
'currentapp' => 'home', // can't be phpgwapi, nor htmlarea (no own directory)
'noheader' => True,
'nonavbar' => True,
'noappheader' => True,
'noappfooter' => True,
'nofooter' => True,
'nocachecontrol' => True // allow cacheing
header('Content-type: text/javascript; charset='.$GLOBALS['egw']->translation->charset());
// from langs/en.js
tinyMCELang['lang_bold_desc'] = '<?php echo lang('Bold'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_italic_desc'] = '<?php echo lang('Italic'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_underline_desc'] = '<?php echo lang('Underline'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_striketrough_desc'] = '<?php echo lang('Striketrough'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_justifyleft_desc'] = '<?php echo lang('Align left'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_justifycenter_desc'] = '<?php echo lang('Align center'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_justifyright_desc'] = '<?php echo lang('Align right'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_justifyfull_desc'] = '<?php echo lang('Align full'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_bullist_desc'] = '<?php echo lang('Unordered list'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_numlist_desc'] = '<?php echo lang('Ordered list'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_outdent_desc'] = '<?php echo lang('Outdent'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_indent_desc'] = '<?php echo lang('Indent'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_undo_desc'] = '<?php echo lang('Undo'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_redo_desc'] = '<?php echo lang('Redo'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_link_desc'] = '<?php echo lang('Insert/edit link'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_unlink_desc'] = '<?php echo lang('Unlink'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_image_desc'] = '<?php echo lang('Insert/edit image'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_cleanup_desc'] = '<?php echo lang('Cleanup messy code'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_focus_alert'] = '<?php echo lang('A editor instance must be focused before using this command.'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_edit_confirm'] = '<?php echo lang('Do you want to use the WYSIWYG mode for this textarea?'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_insert_link_title'] = '<?php echo lang('Insert/edit link'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_insert'] = '<?php echo lang('Insert'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_update'] = '<?php echo lang('Update'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_cancel'] = '<?php echo lang('Cancel'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_insert_link_url'] = '<?php echo lang('Link URL'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_insert_link_target'] = '<?php echo lang('Target'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_insert_link_target_same'] = '<?php echo lang('Open link in the same window'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_insert_link_target_blank'] = '<?php echo lang('Open link in a new window'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_insert_image_title'] = '<?php echo lang('Insert/edit image'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_insert_image_src'] = '<?php echo lang('Image URL'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_insert_image_alt'] = '<?php echo lang('Image description'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_help_desc'] = '<?php echo lang('Help'); ?>';
foreach(array('bold','italic','underline') as $style)
$gif = lang($style . '.gif');
if ($gif == $style.'.gif*') $gif = $style.'.gif';
echo "tinyMCELang['lang_{$style}_img'] = '$gif';\n";
tinyMCELang['lang_clipboard_msg'] = '<?php echo lang('Copy/Cut/Paste is not available in Mozilla and Firefox.\nDo you want more information about this issue?'); ?>';
// from plugins/advhr/langs/en.js
tinyMCELang['lang_insert_advhr_desc'] = '<?php echo lang('Insert / edit Horizontale Rule'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_insert_advhr_width'] = '<?php echo lang('Width'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_insert_advhr_size'] = '<?php echo lang('Height'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_insert_advhr_noshade'] = '<?php echo lang('No shadow'); ?>';
// from plugins/advimage/langs/en.js
tinyMCELang['lang_insert_image_alt2'] = '<?php echo lang('Image title'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_insert_image_onmousemove'] = '<?php echo lang('Alternative image'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_insert_image_mouseover'] = '<?php echo lang('for mouse over'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_insert_image_mouseout'] = '<?php echo lang('for mouse out'); ?>';
// from plugins/advlink/langs/en.js
tinyMCELang['lang_insert_link_target_same'] = '<?php echo lang('Open in this window / frame'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_insert_link_target_parent'] = '<?php echo lang('Open in parent window / frame'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_insert_link_target_top'] = '<?php echo lang('Open in top frame (replaces all frames)'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_insert_link_target_blank'] = '<?php echo lang('Open in new window'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_insert_link_target_named'] = '<?php echo lang('Open in the window'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_insert_link_popup'] = '<?php echo lang('JS-Popup'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_insert_link_popup_url'] = '<?php echo lang('Popup URL'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_insert_link_popup_name'] = '<?php echo lang('Window name'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_insert_link_popup_return'] = "<?php echo lang("insert 'return false'"); ?>";
tinyMCELang['lang_insert_link_popup_scrollbars'] = '<?php echo lang('Show scrollbars'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_insert_link_popup_statusbar'] = '<?php echo lang('Show statusbar'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_insert_link_popup_toolbar'] = '<?php echo lang('Show toolbars'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_insert_link_popup_menubar'] = '<?php echo lang('Show menubar'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_insert_link_popup_location'] = '<?php echo lang('Show locationbar'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_insert_link_popup_resizable'] = '<?php echo lang('Make window resizable'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_insert_link_popup_size'] = '<?php echo lang('Size'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_insert_link_popup_position'] = '<?php echo lang('Position (X/Y)'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_insert_link_popup_missingtarget'] = '<?php echo lang('Please insert a name for the target or choose another option.'); ?>';
// from plugins/directionality/langs/en.js
tinyMCELang['lang_directionality_ltr_desc'] = '<?php echo lang('Direction left to right'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_directionality_rtl_desc'] = '<?php echo lang('Direction right to left'); ?>';
// from plugins/emotions/langs/en.js
tinyMCELang['lang_insert_emotions_title'] = '<?php echo lang('Insert emotion'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_emotions_desc'] = '<?php echo lang('Emotions'); ?>';
// from plugins/flash/langs/en.js
tinyMCELang['lang_insert_flash'] = '<?php echo lang('Insert / edit Flash Movie'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_insert_flash_file'] = '<?php echo lang('Flash-File (.swf)'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_insert_flash_size'] = '<?php echo lang('Size'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_insert_flash_list'] = '<?php echo lang('Flash files'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_flash_props'] = '<?php echo lang('Flash properties'); ?>';
// from plugins/fullscreen/langs/en.js
tinyMCELang['lang_fullscreen_title'] = '<?php echo lang('Fullscreen mode'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_fullscreen_desc'] = '<?php echo lang('Toggle fullscreen mode'); ?>';
// from plugins/iespell/langs/en.js
tinyMCELang['lang_iespell_desc'] = '<?php echo lang('Run spell checking'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_iespell_download'] = '<?php echo lang('ieSpell not detected. Click OK to go to download page.'); ?>';
// from plugins/insertdate/langs/en.js
tinyMCELang['lang_insertdate_desc'] = '<?php echo lang('Insert date'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_inserttime_desc'] = '<?php echo lang('Insert time'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_inserttime_months_long'] = new Array(<?php // full month names
$monthnames = array('January','February','March','April','May','June','July','August','September','October','November','December');
foreach($monthnames as $n => $name)
echo "\n \"".lang($name).'"'.($n < 11 ? ',' : '');
tinyMCELang['lang_inserttime_months_short'] = new Array(<?php // short month names
foreach($monthnames as $n => $name)
$short = lang(substr($name,0,3)); // test if our lang-file have a translation for the english short with 3 chars
if (substr($short,-1) == '*') // else create one by truncating the full translation to x chars
$short = substr(lang($name),0,(int)lang('3 number of chars for month-shortcut'));
echo "\n \"".$short.'"'.($n < 11 ? ',' : '');
tinyMCELang['lang_inserttime_day_long'] = new Array(<?php // full day names
$daynames = array("Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday");
foreach($daynames as $n => $name)
echo "\n \"".lang($name).'"'.($n < 7 ? ',' : '');
tinyMCELang['lang_inserttime_day_short'] = new Array(<?php // short month names
foreach($daynames as $n => $name)
$short = lang(substr($name,0,3)); // test if our lang-file have a translation for the english short with 3 chars
if (substr($short,-1) == '*') // else create one by truncating the full translation to x chars
$short = substr(lang($name),0,(int)lang('3 number of chars for day-shortcut'));
echo "\n \"".$short.'"'.($n < 7 ? ',' : '');
// from plugins/paste/langs/en.js
tinyMCELang['lang_paste_text_desc'] = '<?php echo lang('Paste as Plain Text'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_paste_text_title'] = '<?php echo lang('Use CTRL+V on your keyboard to paste the text into the window.'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_paste_text_linebreaks'] = '<?php echo lang('Keep linebreaks'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_paste_word_desc'] = '<?php echo lang('Paste from Word'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_paste_word_title'] = '<?php echo lang('Use CTRL+V on your keyboard to paste the text into the window.'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_selectall_desc'] = '<?php echo lang('Select All'); ?>';
// from plugins/preview/langs/en.js
tinyMCELang['lang_preview_desc'] = '<?php echo lang('Preview'); ?>';
// from plugins/print/langs/en.js
tinyMCELang['lang_print_desc'] = '<?php echo lang('Print'); ?>';
// from plugins/save/langs/en.js
tinyMCELang['lang_save_desc'] = '<?php echo lang('Save'); ?>';
// from plugins/searchreplace/langs/en.js
tinyMCELang['lang_searchreplace_search_desc'] = '<?php echo lang('Find'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_searchreplace_searchnext_desc'] = '<?php echo lang('Find again'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_searchreplace_replace_desc'] = '<?php echo lang('Find/Replace'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_searchreplace_notfound'] = '<?php echo lang('The search has been compleated. The search string could not be found.'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_searchreplace_search_title'] = '<?php echo lang('Find'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_searchreplace_replace_title'] = '<?php echo lang('Find/Replace'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_searchreplace_allreplaced'] = '<?php echo lang('All occurrences of the search string was replaced.'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_searchreplace_findwhat'] = '<?php echo lang('Find what'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_searchreplace_replacewith'] = '<?php echo lang('Replace with'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_searchreplace_direction'] = '<?php echo lang('Direction'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_searchreplace_up'] = '<?php echo lang('Up'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_searchreplace_down'] = '<?php echo lang('Down'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_searchreplace_case'] = '<?php echo lang('Match case'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_searchreplace_findnext'] = '<?php echo lang('Find next'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_searchreplace_replace'] = '<?php echo lang('Replace'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_searchreplace_replaceall'] = '<?php echo lang('Replace all'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_searchreplace_cancel'] = '<?php echo lang('Cancel'); ?>';
// from plugins/table/langs/en.js
tinyMCELang['lang_table_desc'] = '<?php echo lang('Inserts a new table'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_table_insert_row_before_desc'] = '<?php echo lang('Insert row before'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_table_insert_row_after_desc'] = '<?php echo lang('Insert row after'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_table_delete_row_desc'] = '<?php echo lang('Delete row'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_table_insert_col_before_desc'] = '<?php echo lang('Insert column before'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_table_insert_col_after_desc'] = '<?php echo lang('Insert column after'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_table_delete_col_desc'] = '<?php echo lang('Remove col'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_insert_table_title'] = '<?php echo lang('Insert/Modify table'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_insert_table_width'] = '<?php echo lang('Width'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_insert_table_height'] = '<?php echo lang('Height'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_insert_table_cols'] = '<?php echo lang('Columns'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_insert_table_rows'] = '<?php echo lang('Rows'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_insert_table_cellspacing'] = '<?php echo lang('Cellspacing'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_insert_table_cellpadding'] = '<?php echo lang('Cellpadding'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_insert_table_border'] = '<?php echo lang('Border'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_insert_table_align'] = '<?php echo lang('Alignment'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_insert_table_align_default'] = '<?php echo lang('Default'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_insert_table_align_left'] = '<?php echo lang('Left'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_insert_table_align_right'] = '<?php echo lang('Right'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_insert_table_align_middle'] = '<?php echo lang('Center'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_insert_table_class'] = '<?php echo lang('Class'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_table_row_title'] = '<?php echo lang('Table row properties'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_table_cell_title'] = '<?php echo lang('Table cell properties'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_table_row_desc'] = '<?php echo lang('Table row properties'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_table_cell_desc'] = '<?php echo lang('Table cell properties'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_insert_table_valign'] = '<?php echo lang('Vertical alignment'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_insert_table_align_top'] = '<?php echo lang('Top'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_insert_table_align_bottom'] = '<?php echo lang('Bottom'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_table_props_desc'] = '<?php echo lang('Table properties'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_table_bordercolor'] = '<?php echo lang('Border color'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_table_bgcolor'] = '<?php echo lang('Bg color'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_table_merge_cells_title'] = '<?php echo lang('Merge table cells'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_table_split_cells_desc'] = '<?php echo lang('Split table cells'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_table_merge_cells_desc'] = '<?php echo lang('Merge table cells'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_table_cut_row_desc'] = '<?php echo lang('Cut table row'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_table_copy_row_desc'] = '<?php echo lang('Copy table row'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_table_paste_row_before_desc'] = '<?php echo lang('Paste table row before'); ?>';
tinyMCELang['lang_table_paste_row_after_desc'] = '<?php echo lang('Paste table row after'); ?>';
// from plugins/zoom/langs/en.js
tinyMCELang['lang_zoom_prefix'] = '<?php echo lang('Zoom'); ?>';
// for plugins/filemanger
tinyMCELang['lang_insert_filemanager'] = '<?php echo lang('Insert link to file'); ?>';
@ -19,13 +19,13 @@
* 2. supply an array in the session with like this example shows:
* $UploadImage = array(
* 'app' => 'news_admin',
* 'upload_dir' => $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['preferences']['news_admin']['uploaddir'],
* 'admin_method' => $GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php', 'menuaction=app.file.method');;
* $GLOBALS['phpgw']->session->appsession('UploadImage','phpgwapi',$UploadImage);
* 'upload_dir' => $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['news_admin']['uploaddir'],
* 'admin_method' => $GLOBALS['egw']->link('/index.php', 'menuaction=app.file.method');;
* $GLOBALS['egw']->session->appsession('UploadImage','phpgwapi',$UploadImage);
$phpgw_flags = Array(
$GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags'] = Array(
'currentapp' => 'home',
'noheader' => True,
'nonavbar' => True,
@ -33,10 +33,8 @@
'noappfooter' => True,
'nofooter' => True
$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['flags'] = $phpgw_flags;
if(!isset($GLOBALS['egw']) || !is_object($GLOBALS['egw']))
@ -48,21 +46,28 @@
$sessdata = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->session->appsession('UploadImage','phpgwapi');
$sessdata = $GLOBALS['egw']->session->appsession('UploadImage','phpgwapi');
$MY_DOCUMENT_ROOT = $BASE_DIR = $sessdata['upload_dir'];
$MY_BASE_URL = $MY_URL_TO_OPEN_FILE = str_replace($GLOBALS['_SERVER']['DOCUMENT_ROOT'],'',$sessdata['upload_dir']);
if (isset($sessdata['base_url']) && !empty($sessdata['base_url']))
$MY_BASE_URL = $sessdata['base_url'];
$MY_BASE_URL = preg_replace('/^'.preg_quote($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'],'/').'/','',$sessdata['upload_dir']);
if (empty($MY_BASE_URL)) $MY_BASE_URL = '/';
echo '<p><b>Error</b></p>';
echo '<p>Upload directory does not exist, or is not writeable by webserver</p>';
echo '<p><b>'.lang('Error').'</b></p>';
echo '<p>'.lang('Upload directory does not exist, or is not writeable by webserver').'</p>';
echo $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps']['admin'] ?
'<a href="'. $sessdata['admin_method']. '">Choose an other directory</a><br>
or make "'. $sessdata['upload_dir']. '" writeable by webserver' :
'Notify your Administrator to correct this Situation';
lang('%1Choose an other directory%2<br />or make %3 writeable by webserver','<a href="'.$sessdata['admin_method'].'">','</a>',$sessdata['upload_dir']) :
lang('Notify your Administrator to correct this Situation');
@ -72,7 +77,7 @@ $MY_ALLOW_CREATE = true;
/* $MY_ALLOW_DELETE Boolean (false or true) whether deleting files and folders is allowed or not. */
/* $MY_ALLOW_RENAME Boolean (false or true) whether renaming files and folders is allowed or not. */
/* $MY_ALLOW_MOVE Boolean (false or true) whether moving files and folders is allowed or not. */
$MY_ALLOW_MOVE = true;
/* $MY_ALLOW_UPLOAD Boolean (false or true) whether uploading files is allowed or not. */
@ -107,7 +112,7 @@ $MY_MAX_FILE_SIZE = 2*1024*1024;
Interface language. See the lang directory for translation files.
NOTE: You should set appropriately MY_CHARSET and $MY_DATETIME_FORMAT variables
$MY_LANG = 'en';
$MY_LANG = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['lang'];//'en';
@ -120,13 +125,14 @@ $MY_LANG = 'en';
and Mozilla (encoded according to RFC 1738).
This should be fixed in next versions. Any help is VERY appreciated.
$MY_CHARSET = 'iso-8859-1';
$MY_CHARSET = $GLOBALS['egw']->translation->charset();//'iso-8859-1';
Datetime format for displaying file modification time in Insert File Dialog and in inserted link, see MY_LINK_FORMAT
$MY_DATETIME_FORMAT = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['dateformat'].' '.
($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['timeformat'] == 12 ? 'h:i a' : 'H:i'); //"d.m.Y H:i";
@ -181,7 +187,9 @@ function parse_icon($ext) {
$MY_NAME = 'insertfiledialog';
$lang_file = 'lang/lang-'.$MY_LANG.'.php';
//$lang_file = 'lang/lang-'.$MY_LANG.'.php';
// using the eGW translation system
$lang_file = 'lang/lang.php';
if (is_file($lang_file)) require($lang_file);
else require('lang/lang-en.php');
$MY_PATH = '/';
@ -128,12 +128,12 @@ function onOK() {
if((MM_findObj("f_action")).value == "f_action_inline"){
if(param['f_ext'] == 'jpg' || param['f_ext'] == 'jpeg' || param['f_ext'] == 'gif' || param['f_ext'] == 'png'){
output = output + '<img src="' + '/' + param['f_url'] + '"';
output = output + '<img src="' + param['f_url'] + '"';
var inlineobj = true;
output = output + '<object src="' + '/' + param['f_url'] + '"';
output = output + '<object src="' + param['f_url'] + '"';
if(param['f_alt'] > 0) output = output + 'alt="' + param['f_alt'] + '"';
if(param['f_align'] > 0) output = output + 'align="' + param['f_align'] + '"';
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
#!/usr/bin/php -qC
$en_msg = array();
foreach(array('en','de','nl') as $lang)
$MY_MESSAGES = array();
$f = fopen("phpgw_$lang.lang",'w');
foreach($MY_MESSAGES as $key => $msg)
if ($lang == 'en') $en_msg[$key] = strtolower($msg);
if ($key && isset($en_msg[$key])) fwrite($f,$en_msg[$key]."\ttinymce\t$lang\t$msg\n");
@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
// I18N constants
// LANG: "en", ENCODING: UTF-8 | ISO-8859-1
// Author: Al Rashid, http://alrashid.klokan.sk
// (at least a valid email address)
// (if this is not possible, please include a comment
// that states what encoding is necessary.)
InsertFile.I18N = {
"InsertFileTooltip" : "Insert link to file"
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
* HTMLArea3 XTD addon - FileManager
* Based on AlRashid's FileManager
* @package Mambo Open Source
* @Copyright © 2004 Bernhard Pfeifer aka novocaine
* @Copyright ö 2004 Bernhard Pfeifer aka novocaine
* @ All rights reserved
* @ Mambo Open Source is Free Software
* @ Released under GNU/GPL License : http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
@ -14,13 +14,13 @@ $MY_MESSAGES = array();
$MY_MESSAGES['extmissing'] = 'Bitte laden Sie eine Datei mit einer Dateiendung hoch, z. B. "bild.jpg".';
$MY_MESSAGES['loading'] = 'Lade Dateien...';
$MY_MESSAGES['uploading'] = 'Lade hoch...';
$MY_MESSAGES['nopermtodeletefile'] = 'Keine ausreichende Berechtigung zum Löschen der Datei.';
$MY_MESSAGES['nopermtodeletefile'] = 'Keine ausreichende Berechtigung zum Löschen der Datei.';
$MY_MESSAGES['filenotfound'] = 'Datei nicht gefunden.';
$MY_MESSAGES['unlinkfailed'] = 'Löschen fehlgeschlagen.';
$MY_MESSAGES['rmdirfailed'] = 'Verzeichnis löschen fehlgeschlagen.';
$MY_MESSAGES['nopermtodeletefolder'] = 'Keine ausreichende Berechtigung zum Löschen des Verzeichnisses.';
$MY_MESSAGES['unlinkfailed'] = 'Löschen fehlgeschlagen.';
$MY_MESSAGES['rmdirfailed'] = 'Verzeichnis löschen fehlgeschlagen.';
$MY_MESSAGES['nopermtodeletefolder'] = 'Keine ausreichende Berechtigung zum Löschen des Verzeichnisses.';
$MY_MESSAGES['foldernotfound'] = 'Verzeichnis nicht gefunden.';
$MY_MESSAGES['foldernotempty'] = 'Verzeichnis ist nicht leer.\nBitte löschen Sie zuerst alle darin enthaltenen Dateien.';
$MY_MESSAGES['foldernotempty'] = 'Verzeichnis ist nicht leer.\nBitte löschen Sie zuerst alle darin enthaltenen Dateien.';
$MY_MESSAGES['nopermtocreatefolder'] = 'Keine ausreichende Berechtigung zum Erstellen eines Verzeichnisses.';
$MY_MESSAGES['pathnotfound'] = 'Pfad nicht gefunden.';
$MY_MESSAGES['foldernamemissing'] = 'Verzeichnisname fehlt.';
@ -28,30 +28,30 @@ $MY_MESSAGES['folderalreadyexists'] = 'Verzeichnis existiert bereits.';
$MY_MESSAGES['mkdirfailed'] = 'Verzeichnis erstellen fehlgeschlagen.';
$MY_MESSAGES['nopermtoupload'] = 'Keine ausreichende Berechtigung zum Hochladen von Dateien.';
$MY_MESSAGES['extnotallowed'] = 'Dateien mit dieser Dateiendung sind nicht erlaubt.';
$MY_MESSAGES['filesizeexceedlimit'] = 'Datei überschreitet die zulässige Kapazität.';
$MY_MESSAGES['filesizeexceedlimit'] = 'Datei überschreitet die zulässige Kapazität.';
$MY_MESSAGES['filenotuploaded'] = 'Datei wurde nicht hochgeladen.';
$MY_MESSAGES['nofiles'] = 'Keine Dateien...';
$MY_MESSAGES['configproblem'] = 'Konfigurationsproblem ';
$MY_MESSAGES['deletefile'] = 'Datei löschen';
$MY_MESSAGES['deletefolder'] = 'Verzeichnis löschen';
$MY_MESSAGES['deletefile'] = 'Datei löschen';
$MY_MESSAGES['deletefolder'] = 'Verzeichnis löschen';
$MY_MESSAGES['refresh'] = 'Aktualisieren';
$MY_MESSAGES['folder'] = 'Verzeichnis';
$MY_MESSAGES['type'] = 'Typ';
$MY_MESSAGES['name'] = 'Name';
$MY_MESSAGES['size'] = 'Grösse';
$MY_MESSAGES['datemodified'] = 'Geändert am';
$MY_MESSAGES['size'] = 'Größe';
$MY_MESSAGES['datemodified'] = 'Geändert am';
$MY_MESSAGES['url'] = 'Pfad';
$MY_MESSAGES['comment'] = 'Kommentar';
$MY_MESSAGES['caption'] = 'Text';
$MY_MESSAGES['upload'] = 'Hochladen';
$MY_MESSAGES['insertfile'] = "Datei einfügen";
$MY_MESSAGES['insertfile'] = "Datei einfügen";
$MY_MESSAGES['filemanager'] = "Datei Manager";
$MY_MESSAGES['directory'] = "Verzeichnis";
$MY_MESSAGES['enterurl'] = "Bitte geben Sie eine URL ein.";
$MY_MESSAGES['entercaption'] = 'Bitte geben Sie einen Text für die Datei ein.';
$MY_MESSAGES['inserticon'] = 'Icon für Dateityp hinzufügen';
$MY_MESSAGES['insertsize'] = 'Angaben über Dateigrösse hinzufügen';
$MY_MESSAGES['insertdate'] = 'Angaben über Änderungsdatum hinzufügen';
$MY_MESSAGES['entercaption'] = 'Bitte geben Sie einen Text für die Datei ein.';
$MY_MESSAGES['inserticon'] = 'Icon für Dateityp hinzufügen';
$MY_MESSAGES['insertsize'] = 'Angaben über Dateigrösse hinzufügen';
$MY_MESSAGES['insertdate'] = 'Angaben über Änderungsdatum hinzufügen';
$MY_MESSAGES['newfolder'] = 'Name des Verzeichnisses:';
$MY_MESSAGES['cancel'] = 'Abbrechen';
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
* eGroupWare - tinymce Filemanger plugin - translations *
* http://www.egroupware.org *
* Written and (c) by Ralf Becker <RalfBecker@outdoor-training.de> *
* -------------------------------------------- *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the *
* Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your *
* option) any later version. *
/* $Id$ */
** Title.........: Insert File Dialog, File Manager
** Version.......: 1.1
** Author........: Al Rashid <alrashid@klokan.sk>
** Filename......: lang-en.php (english language file)
** URL...........: http://alrashid.klokan.sk/insFile/
** Last changed..: 8 Jun 2004
$MY_MESSAGES = array();
$MY_MESSAGES['extmissing'] = lang('Only files with extensions are permited, e.g. "imagefile.jpg".');
$MY_MESSAGES['loading'] = lang('Loading files');
$MY_MESSAGES['uploading'] = lang('Uploading...');
$MY_MESSAGES['nopermtodelete'] = lang('No permission to delete file.');
$MY_MESSAGES['filenotfound'] = lang('File not found.');
$MY_MESSAGES['unlinkfailed'] = lang('Unlink failed.');
$MY_MESSAGES['rmdirfailed'] = lang('Rmdir failed.');
$MY_MESSAGES['foldernotfound'] = lang('Folder not found.');
$MY_MESSAGES['nopermtocreatefolder'] = lang('No permission to create folder.');
$MY_MESSAGES['pathnotfound'] = lang('Path not found.');
$MY_MESSAGES['foldernamemissing'] = lang('Folder name missing.');
$MY_MESSAGES['folderalreadyexists'] = lang('Folder already exists.');
$MY_MESSAGES['mkdirfailed'] = lang('Mkdir failed.');
$MY_MESSAGES['nopermtoupload'] = lang('No permission to upload.');
$MY_MESSAGES['extnotallowed'] = lang('Files with this extension are not allowed.');
$MY_MESSAGES['filesizeexceedlimit'] = lang('File exceeds the size limit');
$MY_MESSAGES['filenotuploaded'] = lang('File was not uploaded.');
$MY_MESSAGES['nofiles'] = lang('No files...');
$MY_MESSAGES['configproblem'] = lang('Configuration problem ');
$MY_MESSAGES['delete'] = lang('Delete');
$MY_MESSAGES['folders'] = lang('folder(s)');
$MY_MESSAGES['files'] = lang('file(s)');
$MY_MESSAGES['refresh'] = lang('Refresh');
$MY_MESSAGES['folder'] = lang('Folder');
$MY_MESSAGES['type'] = lang('Type');
$MY_MESSAGES['name'] = lang('Name');
$MY_MESSAGES['size'] = lang('Size');
$MY_MESSAGES['datemodified'] = lang('Date Modified');
$MY_MESSAGES['url'] = lang('URL');
$MY_MESSAGES['comment'] = lang('Comment');
$MY_MESSAGES['caption'] = lang('Caption');
$MY_MESSAGES['upload'] = lang('Upload');
$MY_MESSAGES['insertfile'] = "Insert File";
$MY_MESSAGES['filemanager'] = "File manager";
$MY_MESSAGES['directory'] = "Directory";
$MY_MESSAGES['enterurl'] = "You must enter the URL";
$MY_MESSAGES['entercaption'] = lang('Please enter the caption text');
$MY_MESSAGES['newfolder'] = lang('New folder');
$MY_MESSAGES['newfoldernamemissing'] = lang('New folder name missing!');
$MY_MESSAGES['renamefolder'] = lang('New folder name:');
$MY_MESSAGES['renamewarning'] = lang('Warning!\n Renaming or moving folders and files will break existing links in your documents. Continue?');
$MY_MESSAGES['renamefile'] = lang('New file name:');
$MY_MESSAGES['nopermtorename'] = lang('No permission to rename files and folders.');
$MY_MESSAGES['newfilenamemissing'] = lang('New file name missing!');
$MY_MESSAGES['filealreadyexists'] = lang('File with specified new name already exists. File was not renamed/moved.');
$MY_MESSAGES['folderalreadyexists'] = lang('Folder with specified new name already exists. Folder was not renamed/moved.');
$MY_MESSAGES['uploadfilealreadyexists'] = lang('File already exists. File was not uploaded.');
$MY_MESSAGES['cancel'] = lang('Cancel');
$MY_MESSAGES['ok'] = lang('OK');
$MY_MESSAGES['openfile'] = lang('Open file in new window');
$MY_MESSAGES['up'] = lang('Up');
$MY_MESSAGES['rename'] = lang('Rename');
$MY_MESSAGES['renamefailed'] = lang('Rename failed');
$MY_MESSAGES['move'] = lang('Move');
$MY_MESSAGES['nopermtomove'] = lang('No permission to move files and folders.');
$MY_MESSAGES['selectfolder'] = lang('Choose directory to move selected folders and files to.');
$MY_MESSAGES['ctrlshift'] = lang('Use Ctrl and/or Shift to select multiple items.');
$MY_MESSAGES['filename'] = lang('File:');
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
tinyMCELang['lang_insert_filemanager'] = 'Insert link to file';
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
* $Date$
* @author Moxiecode
* @copyright Copyright © 2004, Moxiecode Systems AB, All rights reserved.
* @copyright Copyright <EFBFBD> 2004, Moxiecode Systems AB, All rights reserved.
function TinyMCE() {
@ -205,7 +205,8 @@ TinyMCE.prototype.init = function(settings) {
this.loadScript(tinyMCE.baseURL + '/themes/' + this.settings['theme'] + '/editor_template' + tinyMCE.srcMode + '.js');
this.loadScript(tinyMCE.baseURL + '/langs/' + this.settings['language'] + '.js');
//this.loadScript(tinyMCE.baseURL + '/langs/' + this.settings['language'] + '.js');
this.loadScript(tinyMCE.baseURL + '/langs/lang.php?lang=' + this.settings['language']);
// Add theme plugins
@ -2684,7 +2685,7 @@ TinyMCE.prototype.importPluginLanguagePack = function(name, valid_languages) {
lang = tinyMCE.settings['language'];
tinyMCE.loadScript(tinyMCE.baseURL + '/plugins/' + name + '/langs/' + lang + '.js');
// tinyMCE.loadScript(tinyMCE.baseURL + '/plugins/' + name + '/langs/' + lang + '.js');
Reference in New Issue
Block a user