diff --git a/phpgwapi/setup/phpgw_br.lang b/phpgwapi/setup/phpgw_br.lang
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1edd6c98ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpgwapi/setup/phpgw_br.lang
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+ common br
+access common br Accesso
+access type common br Tipo de acesso
+account has been created common br Conta foi criada
+account has been deleted common br Conta foi apagada
+account has been updated common br Conta foi atualizada
+add common br Adicionar
+address book common br Contatos
+addressbook common br Rubrica
+admin common br Administrador
+administration common br Administracao
+april common br Abril
+august common br Agosto
+book marks common br book marks
+calendar common br Calendario
+cancel common br Cancelar
+change common br Mudar
+charset common br iso-8859-1
+chat common br Chat
+clear common br Cancelar
+clear form common br Limpar Formulario
+copy common br Copiar
+create common br Criar
+created by common br Criado por
+current users common br Usuarios ativos
+date common br Data
+december common br Dezembro
+delete common br Cancelar
+done common br Pronto
+e-mail common br E-Mail
+edit common br Modificar
+email common br E-Mail
+entry has been deleted sucessfully common br Entrada apagada com sucesso
+entry updated sucessfully common br Entrada modificada com sucesso
+error common br Erro
+exit common br Saida
+february common br Fevereiro
+file manager common br Gerenciador de arquivos
+filter common br Filtro
+first name common br Nome
+first page common br primeira pagina
+friday common br Sexta
+ftp common br FTP
+global public common br Publico Global
+group access common br Acesso Grupo
+group has been added common br Grupo Adicionado
+group has been deleted common br Grupo cancelado
+group has been updated common br Grupo atualizado
+group public common br Grupo Publico
+groups common br Grupos
+headlines common br headlines
+help common br Ajuda
+high common br Alta
+home common br Pagina Inicial
+it has been more then x days since you changed your password common br Ja passaram-se mais de %1 dias desde que vc mudou sua senha
+january common br Janeiro
+july common br Julho
+june common br Junho
+last name common br Ultimo nome
+last page common br ultima pagina
+login common br Login
+logout common br Logout
+low common br Baixa
+march common br Marco
+may common br Maio
+medium common br Media
+monday common br Segunda
+name common br Nome
+new entry added sucessfully common br Entrada adicionada corretamente
+news headlines common br titulos novos
+news reader common br Leitor de News
+next page common br proxima pagina
+no common br Nao
+none common br Nenhuma
+normal common br Normal
+november common br Novembro
+october common br Outubro
+ok common br OK
+only yours common br so as suas
+password common br Senha
+password has been updated common br Senha foi alterada
+preferences common br Preferencas
+previous page common br pagina anterior
+priority common br Prioridade
+private common br Privado
+rename common br Renomiar
+saturday common br Sabado
+save common br Salvar
+search common br Procura
+september common br Setembro
+session has been killed common br Sessao foi morta
+show all common br mostra tudo
+showing x common br Visualizando %1
+showing x - x of x common br Visualizando %1 - %2 de %3
+sorry, there was a problem proccesing your request. common br Desculpe, ocorreu um problema processando sua requisicao.
+submit common br Inserir
+sunday common br Domingo
+thursday common br Quinta
+time common br Hora
+today is x's birthday! common br Hoje e' aniversario de %1!
+todo list common br Agenda
+tomorrow is x's birthday. common br Amanha e' aniversario de %1.
+total common br Total
+trouble ticket system common br Sistema de gestao de tickets
+tuesday common br Terca
+updated common br Atualizado
+view common br Visualizar
+wednesday common br Quarta
+which groups common br Qual grupo
+yes common br Sim
+you have 1 high priority event on your calendar today. common br Voce tem 1 evento com alta prioridade no seu calendario hoje.
+you have 1 new message! common br Voce tem 1 nova mensagem!
+you have x high priority events on your calendar today. common br Voce tem %1 eventos com alta prioridade no seu calendario hoje.
+you have x new messages! common br Voce tem %1 novas mensagens!
+your message as been sent common br Sua mensagem foi enviada
+your search returned 1 match common br sua pesquisa retornou 1 correspondecia
+your search returned x matchs common br Sua pesquisa retornou %1 correspondencias
+your settings have been updated common br suas preferencias foram atualizadas
+bad login or password login br login ou senha incorreta
+login login br Login
+password login br Password
+sorry, your login has expired login br Desculpe, sua conta expiorou
+use cookies login br usa i cookie
+username login br Nome Utente
+you have been successfully logged out login br Voce foi desconectado com sucesso
diff --git a/phpgwapi/setup/phpgw_cs.lang b/phpgwapi/setup/phpgw_cs.lang
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c43d4b6c1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpgwapi/setup/phpgw_cs.lang
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+access common cs Pøístup
+access type common cs Druh pøístupu
+account has been created common cs U¾ivatelský úèet byl vytvoøen
+account has been deleted common cs U¾ivatelský úèet byl smazán
+account has been updated common cs U¾ivatelský úèet byl zmìnìn
+add common cs Pøidat
+address book common cs Telefonní seznam
+addressbook common cs Telefonní seznam
+admin common cs Administrátor
+administration common cs Správa
+april common cs Duben
+are you sure you want to delete this entry ? common cs Jste si jist, ¾e chcete vymazat tento záznam?
+august common cs Srpen
+book marks common cs Zálo¾ky
+bookmarks common cs Poznámky
+calendar common cs Kalendáø
+cancel common cs Storno
+change common cs Zmìnit
+charset common cs iso-8859-2
+chat common cs Chat
+clear common cs Smazat
+clear form common cs Vyèistit formuláø
+copy common cs Kopírovat
+create common cs Vytvoøit
+created by common cs Vytvoøil
+current users common cs Souèasní u¾ivatelé
+date common cs Datum
+december common cs Prosinec
+delete common cs Vymazat
+done common cs Hotovo
+e-mail common cs E-Mail
+edit common cs Upravit
+email common cs E-Mail
+entry has been deleted sucessfully common cs Záznam úspì¹nì vymazán
+entry updated sucessfully common cs Záznam úspì¹nì upraven
+error common cs Chyba
+error creating x x directory common cs Chyba pøi vytváøení adresáøe
+error deleting x x directory common cs Chyba pøi mazání adresáøe
+error renaming x x directory common cs Chyba pøi pøejmenování adresáøe
+exit common cs Ukonèit
+february common cs Únor
+file manager common cs Správce souborù
+filter common cs Filtr
+first name common cs Jméno
+first page common cs první stránka
+friday common cs Pátek
+ftp common cs FTP
+global public common cs Veøejný pro v¹echny
+group access common cs Skupinový pøístup
+group has been added common cs Skupina byla pøidána
+group has been deleted common cs Skupina byla smazána
+group has been updated common cs Skupina byla upravena
+group public common cs Veøejný pro skupiny
+groups common cs Skupiny
+headlines common cs Zprávy
+help common cs Nápovìda
+high common cs Vysoká
+home common cs Domù
+human resources common cs Lidské zdroje
+inventory common cs Inventory
+it has been more then x days since you changed your password common cs Va¹e heslo bylo zmìnìno pøed více ne¾ dny
+january common cs Leden
+july common cs Èervenec
+june common cs Èerven
+last name common cs Pøíjmení
+last page common cs posldní stránka
+login common cs Pøihlá¹ení
+logout common cs Odhlá¹ení
+low common cs Nízká
+march common cs Bøezen
+may common cs Kvìten
+medium common cs Støední
+monday common cs Pondìlí
+name common cs Jméno
+new entry added sucessfully common cs Nový záznam úspì¹nì pøidán
+news headlines common cs News - titulky
+news reader common cs News - ètení
+next page common cs dal¹í stránka
+nntp common cs NNTP
+no common cs Ne
+none common cs ®ádné
+normal common cs Normální
+november common cs Listopad
+october common cs Øíjen
+ok common cs OK
+on *nix systems please type: x common cs Na *NIX systémech prosím napi¹te: %1
+only yours common cs jenom va¹e
+password common cs Heslo
+password has been updated common cs Heslo bylo zmìnìno
+permissions to the files/users directory common cs práva k adresáøi pro soubory / u¾ivatele
+please x by hand common cs Prosím %1 ruènì
+powered by phpgroupware version x common cs Aplikace phpGroupWare verze
+preferences common cs Nastavení
+previous page common cs Pøedchozí stránka
+priority common cs Priorita
+private common cs Soukromý
+rename common cs Pøejmenovat
+saturday common cs Sobota
+save common cs Ulo¾it
+search common cs Hledat
+september common cs Záøí
+session has been killed common cs Relace byla zru¹ena
+show all common cs Ukázat v¹e
+showing x common cs zobrazeno
+showing x - x of x common cs zobrazeno %1 - %2 z %3
+sorry, there was a problem processing your request. common cs Promiòte, nastala chyba pøi zpracování va¹eho po¾adavku.
+submit common cs Potvrdit
+sunday common cs Nedìla
+thursday common cs Ètvrtek
+time common cs Èas
+to correct this error for the future you will need to properly set the common cs = Aby se chyba neobjevovala v budoucnosti musíte právnì nastavit
+today is x's birthday! common cs Dnes má narozeniny %1!
+todo list common cs Úkoly
+tomorrow is x's birthday. common cs Zítra má narozeniny %1.
+total common cs Celkem
+trouble ticket system common cs Sledování problémù
+tuesday common cs Úterý
+updated common cs Upraven
+users common cs u¾ivatelé
+view common cs Prohlédnout
+wednesday common cs Støeda
+which groups common cs které skupiny
+yes common cs Ano
+you have 1 high priority event on your calendar today. common cs Máte dnes 1 událost s vysokou prioritou.
+you have 1 new message! common cs Máte 1 novou zprávu!
+you have x high priority events on your calendar today. common cs Máte dnes událostí s vysokou priritou.
+you have x new messages! common cs Máte nových zpráv!
+your message has been sent common cs Va¹e zpráva byla odeslána
+your search returned 1 match common cs byl nalezen 1 záznam
+your search returned x matchs common cs bylo nalezeno %1 záznamù
+your settings have been updated common cs Va¹e nastavení bylo upraveno
+bad login or password login cs ©patné jméno nebo heslo
+password login cs Heslo
+sorry, your login has expired login cs Promiòte, platnost va¹eho pøihlá¹ení ji¾ vypr¹ela
+use cookies login cs pou¾ívat su¹enky (cookies)
+username login cs U¾ivatelské jméno
+you have been successfully logged out login cs Va¹e odhlá¹ení porbìhlo úspì¹nì
diff --git a/phpgwapi/setup/phpgw_da.lang b/phpgwapi/setup/phpgw_da.lang
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ca8f3b7462
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpgwapi/setup/phpgw_da.lang
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+access common da Adgang
+access type common da Adgangstype
+account has been created common da Konto er oprettet
+account has been deleted common da Konto er slettet
+account has been updated common da Konto er opdateret
+account preferences common da Konto preferencer
+add common da Tilføj
+address book common da Adressebog
+addressbook common da Adressebog
+addressbook preferences common da Adressebog preferencer
+admin common da Admin
+administration common da Administration
+april common da April
+are you sure you want to delete this entry ? common da Vil Du virkelig slette dette felt?
+august common da August
+book marks common da Bogmærke
+bookmarks common da Bogmærke
+calendar common da Kalender
+calendar preferences common da Kalender preferencer
+cancel common da Annullér
+change common da Ændre
+charset common da ISO-8859-1
+chat common da Chat
+clear common da Slet
+clear form common da Slet formular
+comments common da Bemærkninger
+copy common da Kopiér
+create common da Opret
+created by common da Lavet af
+current users common da Nuværende antal brugere
+date common da Dato
+date hired common da Dato hyret
+december common da December
+delete common da Slet
+done common da Udført
+e-mail common da E-mail
+e-mail preferences common da E-mail preferencer
+edit common da Redigér
+email common da E-mail
+entry has been deleted sucessfully common da Emnet er succesrigt slettet
+entry updated sucessfully common da Emnet er succesrigt opdateret
+error common da Fejl
+error creating x x directory common da Fejl ved oprettelse af %1%2mappe
+error deleting x x directory common da Fejl ved sletning af %1%2mappe
+error renaming x x directory common da Fejl ved omdøbning af %1%2mappe
+exit common da Afslut
+february common da Februar
+file manager common da Filhåndtering
+filter common da Filter
+first name common da Fornavn
+first page common da Første side
+forum common da Forum
+friday common da Fredag
+ftp common da FTP
+global public common da Global adgang
+group access common da Gruppeadgang
+group has been added common da Gruppe er tilføjet
+group has been deleted common da Gruppe er slettet
+group has been updated common da Gruppe er opdateret
+group public common da Adgang til gruppe
+groups common da Grupper
+headlines common da Overskrifter
+help common da Hjælp
+high common da Høj
+home common da Hjem
+human resources common da Personel
+inventory common da Lager
+it has been more then x days since you changed your password common da Det er mere end %1 dage siden Du sidst ændrede Dit password
+january common da Januar
+july common da Juli
+june common da Juni
+last name common da Efternavn
+last page common da Sidste side
+location common da Lokation
+login common da Tilmeld
+logout common da Log ud
+low common da Lav
+march common da Marts
+may common da Maj
+medium common da Medium
+mobile common da Mobil
+monday common da Mandag
+name common da Navn
+new entry added sucessfully common da Nyt punkt succesrigt tilføjet
+new phrase has been added common da Ny sætning er tilføjet
+news headlines common da Nyheds overskrifter
+news reader common da Nyheds læser
+next page common da Næste side
+nntp common da NNTP
+no common da Nej
+none common da Ingen
+normal common da Normal
+november common da November
+october common da Oktober
+ok common da OK
+on *nix systems please type: x common da På *nix systemer skriver Du: %1
+only yours common da Kun Din
+pager common da Pager
+password common da Password
+password has been updated common da Password er opdateret
+permissions to the files/users directory common da Rettigheder for fil/bruger mappen
+phone common da Telefon
+please x by hand common da Udfør venligst %1 manuelt
+powered by phpgroupware version x common da Denne site kører på phpGroupWare version %1
+preferences common da Preferencer
+previous page common da Forrige side
+print common da Udskriv
+priority common da Prioritet
+private common da Privat
+Projects common da Projekter
+rename common da Omdøb
+saturday common da Lørdag
+save common da Gem
+search common da Søg
+september common da September
+session has been killed common da Sessionen er afsluttet
+show all common da Vis alt
+showing x common da Viser: %1
+showing x - x of x common da Viser: %1 - %2 ud af %3
+sorry, there was a problem processing your request. common da Desværre opstod der et problem med at behandle Dit ønske.
+status common da Status
+submit common da Send
+sunday common da Søndag
+thursday common da Torsdag
+time common da Tid
+time tracking common da Tidsregistrering
+to correct this error for the future you will need to properly set the common da For at rette denne fejl for fremtiden skal Du korrekt opsætte
+today is x's birthday! common da I dag er det %1's fødselsdag!
+todo list common da At-gøre liste
+tomorrow is x's birthday. common da I morgen er det %1's fødselsdag.
+total common da Total
+translation management common da Håndtering af oversættelser
+trouble ticket system common da Problem registrerings system
+tuesday common da Tirsdag
+updated common da Opdatéret
+users common da Brugere
+vacation hours per year common da Antal ferie timer om året
+vacation hours used common da Anvendte ferie timer
+view common da Se
+wednesday common da Onsdag
+which groups common da Hvilke grupper
+yes common da Ja
+you are required to change your password during your first login common da Du skal ændre Dit password ved Din første log ind
+you have 1 high priority event on your calendar today. common da Du har 1 begivenhed af høj prioritet på Din kalender i dag.
+you have 1 new message! common da Du har 1 ny besked!
+you have x high priority events on your calendar today. common da Du har %1 begivenheder af høj prioritet på Din kalender i dag.
+you have x new messages! common da Du har %1 nye beskeder!
+your message has been sent common da Din besked er afsendt
+your search returned 1 match common da Søgningen leverede 1 resultat
+your search returned x matchs common da Søgningen leverede %1 resultater
+your settings have been updated common da Dine indstillinger er opdateret
+powered by phpgroupware version x all da Denne site kører på phpGroupWare version %1
+bad login or password login da Forkert brugernavn eller password
+login login da Tilmeld
+password login da Password
+phpgroupware login login da phpGroupWare log ind
+sorry, your login has expired login da Desværre, Din session er udløbet
+use cookies login da Brug cookies
+username login da Brugernavn
+you have been successfully logged out login da Du er nu succesrigt logget ud
+your session could not be verified. login da Din session kunne ikke verificeres
+mainscreen_message mainscreen da Forside
diff --git a/phpgwapi/setup/phpgw_de.lang b/phpgwapi/setup/phpgw_de.lang
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bd3e2fa10e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpgwapi/setup/phpgw_de.lang
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+access common de Zugriff
+access not permitted common de Zugriff verweigert
+access type common de Zugriffstyp
+account has been created common de Konto wurde erstellt
+account has been deleted common de Konto wurde gelöscht
+account has been updated common de Konto wurde aktualisiert
+account preferences common de Einstellungen der Benutzerkonten
+acl common de ACL
+active common de Aktiv
+add common de Hinzufügen
+address book common de Adressbuch
+addressbook common de Adressbuch
+addressbook preferences common de Adressbuch Einstellungen
+admin common de Admin
+administration common de Administration
+all common de alle
+april common de April
+are you sure you want to delete this entry ? common de Sind Sie sicher, daß Sie diesen Eintrag löschen wollen?
+august common de August
+book marks common de Bookmarks
+bookmarks common de Lesezeichen
+calendar common de Kalender
+calendar preferences common de Kalender Einstellungen
+cancel common de Abbruch
+category common de Kategorie
+categories common de Kategorien
+categories for common de Kategorien für
+change common de Ändern
+charset common de iso-8859-1
+chat common de Chat
+clear common de Zurücksetzen
+clear form common de Eingaben löschen
+company common de Firma
+contact common de Kontakt
+copy common de Kopieren
+created by common de Erstellt von
+currency common de Währung
+current users common de Derzeit angemeldete Benutzer
+date common de Datum
+date due common de fällig am
+december common de Dezember
+default sorting order common de Standard-Sortierung
+delete common de Löschen
+description common de Beschreibung
+done common de Fertig
+e-mail common de E-Mail
+e-mail preferences common de E-Mail Einstellungen
+edit common de Editieren
+email common de E-Mail
+edit categories common de Kategorien editieren
+email signature common de E-Mail Signatur
+email type common de E-Mail Typ
+end date common de Enddatum
+end time common de Endzeit
+entry has been deleted sucessfully common de Eintrag erfolgreich gelöscht
+entry updated sucessfully common de Eintrag erfolgreich aktualisiert
+error common de Fehler
+error creating x x directory common de Fehler beim Erstellen des Verzeichnisses %1%2
+error deleting x x directory common de Fehler beim Löschen des Verzeichnisses %1%2
+error renaming x x directory common de Fehler beim Umbennenen des Verzeichnisses %1%2
+february common de Februar
+file manager common de Filemanager
+files common de Dateien
+filter common de Filter
+first name common de Vorname
+firstname common de Vorname
+first page common de erste Seite
+forum common de Forum
+friday common de Freitag
+ftp common de FTP
+global common de Globale
+global categories common de Globale Kategorien
+global public common de Global Public
+global public and group public common de öffentliche und Gruppen
+global public only common de nur öffentliche
+grab new news sites common de Neue Sites für Schlagzeilen suchen
+grant addressbook access common de Berechtigungen für Adressbuchzugriffe
+grant calendar access common de Berechtigungen für Kalenderzugriffe
+grant todo access common de Berechtigungen für Aufgabenlisten-Zugriffe
+group common de Gruppe
+group access common de Gruppenzugriff
+group has been added common de Gruppe hinzugefügt
+group has been deleted common de Gruppe gelöscht
+group has been updated common de Gruppe aktualisiert
+group public common de Group Public
+group public only common de nur Gruppen
+groups common de Gruppen
+headline preferences common de Schlagzeilen Einstellungen
+headlines common de Schlagzeilen
+help common de Hilfe
+high common de Hoch
+home common de Home
+human resources common de Personenverzeichnis
+intl common de International
+inventory common de Inventar
+it has been more then x days since you changed your password common de Sie haben Ihr Passwort seit mehr als %1 Tagen nicht geändert
+january common de Januar
+july common de Juli
+june common de Juni
+language common de Sprache
+last name common de Name
+lastname common de Name
+last page common de letzte Seite
+login common de Login
+logout common de Logout
+low common de Niedrig
+main screen common de Startseite
+manual common de Handbuch
+march common de März
+may common de Mai
+medium common de Mittel
+message common de Nachricht
+mobile phone common de Tel Funk
+monday common de Montag
+name common de Name
+new entry added sucessfully common de Neuer Eintrag erfolgreich hinzugefügt
+news headlines common de News headlines
+news reader common de News Reader
+newsgroups common de Newsgroups
+next page common de nächste Seite
+nntp common de NNTP
+no common de Nein
+no matchs found common de Keine Treffer gefunden.
+no subject common de Kein Betreff
+none common de Keiner
+normal common de Normal
+notes common de Notizbuch
+notes preferences common de Notizbuch Einstellungen
+november common de November
+october common de Oktober
+ok common de OK
+on *nix systems please type: x common de Auf *nix Systemen bitte eingeben: %1
+only yours common de nur eigene
+original common de Original
+other phone common de Tel sonst.
+owner common de Besitzer
+password common de Passwort
+password has been updated common de Passwort wurde aktualisiert
+permissions to the files/users directory common de Zugriffsrechte für die Dateien/Benutzer-Verzeichnisse
+please set your preferences for this app common de Bitte editieren Sie Ihre Einstellungen für diese Applikation!
+please x by hand common de Bitte manuell %1
+powered by phpgroupware version x common de Powered by phpGroupWare version %1
+preferences common de Einstellungen
+previous page common de vorige Seite
+print common de Drucken
+priority common de Priorität
+private common de Privat
+private and global public common de private und öffentliche
+private and group public common de private und Gruppen
+private only common de nur private
+project administration common de Projektadministration
+project preferences common de Projekt Einstellungen
+projects common de Projekte
+projects preferences common de Projekt Einstellungen
+public common de öffentlich
+read common de Lesen
+saturday common de Samstag
+save common de Speichern
+search common de Suchen
+select category common de Kategorie auswählen
+select headline news sites common de News-Sites für Schlagzeilen auswählen
+send updates via email common de Updates via EMail senden
+september common de September
+session has been killed common de Session wurde gelöscht
+show all common de alle anzeigen
+show new messages on main screen common de Neue Nachrichten auf der Startseite anzeigen
+showing x common de %1 Einträge
+showing x - x of x common de %1 Einträge - %2 von %3
+sorry, there was a problem processing your request. common de Sorry, es gab ein Problem bei der Bearbeitung Ihrer Anfrage.
+start date common de Startdatum
+start time common de Startzeit
+status common de Status
+subject common de Betreff
+submit common de Absenden
+sunday common de Sonntag
+that phrase already exists common de Diese Phrase existiert bereits
+the two passwords are not the same common de Die Eingaben stimmen nicht überein
+thursday common de Donnerstag
+time common de Zeit
+time zone common de Zeitzone
+time zone offset common de Zeitzonen Differenz
+title common de Titel
+to correct this error for the future you will need to properly set the common de Um diesen Fehler für die Zukunft zu beheben, korrigieren Sie die Einstellungen
+today is x's birthday! common de Heute ist der Geburtstag von %1!
+todo common de Aufgabenliste
+todo list common de Aufgabenliste
+tomorrow is x's birthday. common de Morgen ist der Geburtstag von %1.
+total common de Total
+translation management common de Translation Management
+trouble ticket system common de Trouble Ticket System
+tuesday common de Dienstag
+update common de Aktualisieren
+updated common de Updated
+url common de URL
+user common de Benutzer
+username common de Benutzername
+users common de Benutzer
+vcard common de Visitenkarte
+view common de Anzeigen
+wednesday common de Mittwoch
+weekday starts on common de Arbeitswoche beginnt am
+which groups common de Welche Gruppen
+work day ends on common de Arbeitstag endet um
+work day starts on common de Arbeitstag beginnt um
+yes common de ja
+you are required to change your password during your first login common de Das Passwort muß beim ersten Login geändert werden!
+you have 1 high priority event on your calendar today. common de Sie haben heute einen Eintrag mit hoher Priorität auf Ihrer Liste!
+you have 1 new message! common de Sie haben eine neue Nachricht!
+you have messages! common de Sie haben Nachrichten!
+you have no new messages common de Keine neuen Nachrichten
+you have x high priority events on your calendar today. common de Sie haben heute %1 Einträge mit hoher Priorität auf Ihrer Liste!
+you have x new messages! common de Sie haben %1 neue Nachrichten!
+your message has been sent common de Ihre Nachricht wurde versandt
+your search returned 1 match common de Ihre Suche ergab einen Treffer
+your search returned x matchs common de Ihre Suche ergab %1 Treffer
+your settings have been updated common de Ihre Einstellungen wurden aktualisiert
+bad login or password login de Bad login or password
+phpgroupware login login de phpGroupWare Login
+sorry, your login has expired login de Sorry - Login abgelaufen
+use cookies login de Cookies benutzen
+you have been successfully logged out login de Abmeldung erfolgreich
+your session could not be verified. login de Ihre Sitzung konnte nicht verifiziert werden.
diff --git a/phpgwapi/setup/phpgw_en.lang b/phpgwapi/setup/phpgw_en.lang
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..99e614451a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpgwapi/setup/phpgw_en.lang
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+access common en Access
+access not permitted common en Access not permitted
+access type common en Access type
+account has been created common en Account has been created
+account has been deleted common en Account has been deleted
+account has been updated common en Account has been updated
+account preferences common en Account Preferences
+acl common en ACL
+active common en Active
+add category common en Add Category
+add common en Add
+add x category for common en Add %1 category for
+address book common en Address Book
+addressbook common en Addressbook
+addressbook preferences common en Addressbook preferences
+addvcard common en Add VCard
+admin common en Admin
+administration common en Administration
+all common en All
+april common en April
+are you sure you want to delete this entry ? common en Are you sure you want to delete this entry ?
+august common en August
+autosave default category common en Autosave Default Category
+bookkeeping admins common en Bookkeeping admins
+bookkeeping common en Bookkeeping
+book marks common en Book marks
+bookmarks common en Bookmarks
+business city common en Business City
+business common en Business
+business country common en Business Country
+business email common en Business EMail
+business email type common en Business EMail Type
+business fax common en Business Fax
+business phone common en Business Phone
+business state common en Business State
+business street common en Business Street
+business zip code common en Business Postal Code
+calendar common en calendar
+calendar preferences common en Calendar preferences
+cancel common en Cancel
+categories common en Categories
+categories for common en categories for
+category common en Category
+category x has been added ! common en Category %1 has been added !
+category x has been updated ! common en Category %1 has been updated !
+change common en Change
+charset common en iso-8859-1
+chat common en Chat
+choose a category common en Choose a category
+choose the category common en Choose the category
+clear common en Clear
+clear form common en Clear Form
+company common en Company
+contact common en Contact
+copy common en Copy
+create common en Create
+created by common en Created By
+currency common en Currency
+current users common en Current users
+custom common en Custom
+date common en Date
+date due common en Date Due
+december common en December
+delete common en Delete
+description common en Description
+domestic common en Domestic
+done common en Done
+edit common en Edit
+edit category common en Edit Category
+edit categories common en Edit Categories
+edit x category for common en Edit %1 category for
+e-mail common en E-Mail
+email common en E-Mail
+e-mail preferences common en E-Mail preferences
+email type common en E-Mail Type
+end date common en End Date
+end time common en end time
+entry has been deleted sucessfully common en Entry has been deleted sucessfully
+entry updated sucessfully common en Entry updated sucessfully
+error common en Error
+error creating x x directory common en Error creating %1%2 directory
+error deleting x x directory common en Error deleting %1%2 directory
+error renaming x x directory common en Error renaming %1%2 directory
+exit common en Exit
+extra common en Extra
+february common en February
+fields common en Fields
+file manager common en File manager
+files common en Files
+filter common en Filter
+first name common en First name
+first page common en first page
+forum common en Forum
+friday common en Friday
+ftp common en FTP
+global common en Global
+global public common en Global Public
+grant addressbook access common en Grant Addressbook Access
+grant calendar access common en Grant Calendar Access
+grant todo access common en Grant Todo Access
+group access common en Group Access
+group common en Group
+group has been added common en Group has been added
+group has been deleted common en Group has been deleted
+group has been updated common en Group has been updated
+group public common en Group Public
+groups common en Groups
+headline preferences common en Headline preferences
+headlines common en Headlines
+help common en Help
+high common en High
+home common en Home
+human resources common en Human Resources
+international common en International
+inventory common en Inventory
+it has been more then x days since you changed your password common en It has been more then %1 days since you changed your password
+january common en January
+july common en July
+june common en June
+last name common en Last name
+last page common en last page
+login common en Login
+logout common en Logout
+low common en Low
+main screen common en Main screen
+manual common en Manual
+march common en March
+may common en May
+medium common en Medium
+message common en Message
+mobile phone common en Mobile phone
+modem phone common en Modem Phone
+monday common en Monday
+monitor common en Monitor
+name common en Name
+new entry added sucessfully common en New entry added sucessfully
+newsgroups common en Newsgroups
+news headlines common en News headlines
+news reader common en News Reader
+next common en Next
+next page common en next page
+nntp common en NNTP
+no common en No
+none common en None
+normal common en Normal
+no subject common en No Subject
+notes common en Notes
+notes categories common en Notes categories
+notes preferences common en Notes preferences
+november common en November
+october common en October
+ok common en OK
+only yours common en only yours
+on *nix systems please type: x common en On *nix systems please type: %1
+other common en Other
+other phone common en Other phone
+owner common en Owner
+parent category common en Parent Category
+password common en Password
+password has been updated common en Password has been updated
+permissions to the files/users directory common en permissions to the files/users directory
+personal common en Personal
+please set your preferences for this app common en Please set your preferences for this application
+please x by hand common en Please %1 by hand
+powered by phpgroupware version x common en Powered by phpGroupWare version %1
+pref common en pref
+prefer common en Prefer
+preferences common en Preferences
+previous page common en Previous page
+print common en Print
+priority common en Priority
+private common en Private
+public common en public
+read common en Read
+rename common en Rename
+saturday common en Saturday
+save common en Save
+search common en Search
+select category common en Select Category
+select headline news sites common en Select Headline News sites
+select parent category common en Select parent category
+send updates via email common en Send updates via EMail
+september common en September
+session has been killed common en Session has been killed
+show all common en show all
+showing x common en showing %1
+showing x - x of x common en showing %1 - %2 of %3
+sorry, there was a problem processing your request. common en Sorry, there was a problem processing your request.
+start date common en Start Date
+start time common en Start Time
+status common en Status
+subject common en Subject
+submit common en Submit
+sunday common en Sunday
+that phrase already exists common en That phrase already exists
+the two passwords are not the same common en The two passwords are not the same
+thursday common en Thursday
+time common en Time
+time zone common en Timezone
+time zone offset common en Time zone offset
+title common en Title
+to correct this error for the future you will need to properly set the common en To correct this error for the future you will need to properly set the
+today is x's birthday! common en Today is %1's birthday!
+todo categories common en Todo categories
+todo list common en Todo List
+todo preferences common en Todo preferences
+todo common en Todo
+tomorrow is x's birthday. common en Tomorrow is %1's birthday.
+total common en Total
+translation management common en Translation Management
+trouble ticket system common en Trouble Ticket System
+tuesday common en Tuesday
+updated common en Updated
+user common en User
+users common en users
+vcard common en VCard
+view common en View
+wednesday common en Wednesday
+which groups common en Which groups
+yes common en Yes
+you are required to change your password during your first login common en You are required to change your password during your first login
+you have 1 high priority event on your calendar today. common en You have 1 high priority event on your calendar today.
+you have 1 new message! common en You have 1 new message!
+you have messages! common en You have messages!
+you have no new messages common en You have no new messages
+you have x high priority events on your calendar today. common en You have %1 high priority events on your calendar today.
+you have x new messages! common en You have %1 new messages!
+you must enter a password common en You must enter a password
+your message has been sent common en Your message has been sent
+your search returned 1 match common en your search returned 1 match
+your search returned x matchs common en your search returned %1 matches
+your settings have been updated common en Your settings have been Updated
+bad login or password login en Bad login or password
+phpgroupware login login en phpGroupWare login
+sorry, your login has expired login en Sorry, your login has expired
+use cookies login en use cookies
+username login en Username
+you have been successfully logged out login en You have been successfully logged out
+your session could not be verified. login en Your session could not be verified.
diff --git a/phpgwapi/setup/phpgw_es.lang b/phpgwapi/setup/phpgw_es.lang
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6d17aaa655
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpgwapi/setup/phpgw_es.lang
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+access common es Acceso
+access type common es Tipo Acceso
+account has been created common es Cuenta creada
+account has been deleted common es Cuenta borrada
+account has been updated common es Cuenta actualizada
+account preferences common es Preferencias de la Cuenta
+add common es Agregar
+address book common es Libreta de Direcciones
+addressbook common es Libreta de direcciones
+addressbook preferences common es Preferencias - Libreta de direcciones
+admin common es Admin
+administration common es Administración
+april common es Abril
+are you sure you want to delete this entry ? common es Seguro de querer borrar esta entrada ?
+august common es Agosto
+book marks common es Book marks
+bookmarks common es Bookmarks
+calendar common es Calendario
+calendar preferences common es Preferencias - Calendario
+cancel common es Cancelar
+change common es Cambiar
+charset common es iso-8859-1
+chat common es Chat
+clear common es Clear
+clear form common es Limpiar Formulario
+copy common es Copiar
+create common es Crear
+created by common es Creado por
+current users common es Usuarios conectados
+date common es Fecha
+december common es Diciembre
+delete common es Borrar
+done common es Hecho
+e-mail common es E-Mail
+e-mail preferences common es Preferencias - E-Mail
+edit common es Editar
+email common es E-Mail
+entry has been deleted sucessfully common es Entrada borrada exitosamente
+entry updated sucessfully common es Entrada actualizada exitosamente
+error common es Error
+error creating x x directory common es Error al crear %1%2directory
+error deleting x x directory common es Error al borrar %1%2directory
+error renaming x x directory common es Error al renombrar %1%2directory
+exit common es Salir
+february common es Febrero
+file manager common es Manejador de archivos
+filter common es Filtro
+first name common es Nombre
+first page common es primer pagina
+forum common es Forum
+friday common es Viernes
+ftp common es FTP
+global public common es Global Publico
+group access common es Grupo Acceso
+group has been added common es Grupo agregado
+group has been deleted common es Grupo borrado
+group has been updated common es Grupo actualizado
+group public common es Grupo Publico
+groups common es Grupos
+headlines common es Encabezados
+help common es Ayuda
+high common es Alta
+home common es Principal
+human resources common es Recursos Humanos
+inventory common es Inventario
+it has been more then x days since you changed your password common es Han pasado mas de %1 dias desde que ud. cambio su contraseña
+january common es Enero
+july common es Julio
+june common es Junio
+last name common es Apellido
+last page common es ultima pagina
+login common es Login
+logout common es Logout
+low common es Baja
+march common es Marzo
+may common es Mayo
+medium common es Media
+monday common es Lunes
+name common es Nombre
+new entry added sucessfully common es Nueva entrada agregada exitosamente
+new phrase has been added common es Nueva frase agregada
+news headlines common es Encabezados de Noticias
+news reader common es Lector de Noticias
+next page common es proxima pagina
+nntp common es NNTP
+no common es No
+none common es Ninguno
+normal common es Normal
+november common es Noviembre
+october common es Octubre
+ok common es OK
+on *nix systems please type: x common es es sistemas *nix por favor escriba: %1
+only yours common es solamente los suyos
+password common es Contraseña
+password has been updated common es Contraseña actualizada
+permissions to the files/users directory common es permisos a los archivos/directorios de usuario
+please x by hand common es Por favor %1 manualmente
+powered by phpgroupware version x common es Potenciado por phpGroupWare versión %1
+preferences common es Preferencias
+previous page common es pagina previa
+print common es Imprimir
+priority common es Prioridad
+private common es Privado
+rename common es Renombrar
+saturday common es Sabado
+save common es Salvar
+search common es Buscar
+september common es Setiembre
+session has been killed common es Sesion terminada
+show all common es mostrar todos
+showing x common es Mostrando %1
+showing x - x of x common es showing %1 - %2 of %3
+sorry, there was a problem proccesing your request. common es Hubo un problema al procesar su pedido.
+submit common es Enviar
+sunday common es Domingo
+thursday common es Jueves
+time common es Hora
+to correct this error for the future you will need to properly set the common es Para corregir este error para el futuro necesitara setear apropiadamente el
+today is x's birthday! common es Hoy es el cumpleaños de %1!
+todo list common es Lista de Tareas
+tomorrow is x's birthday. common es Mañana es el cumpleaños de %1.
+total common es Total
+translation management common es Manejador de Traducción
+trouble ticket system common es Sistema de Ticket de problemas
+tuesday common es Martes
+updated common es Actualizado
+users common es usuarios
+view common es Ver
+wednesday common es Miercoles
+which groups common es Que groupos
+yes common es Si
+you are required to change your password during your first login common es Se requiere que cambie la contraseña durante su primer login.
+you have 1 high priority event on your calendar today. common es Ud. tiene 1 evento de alta prioridad es su calendario para hoy.
+you have 1 new message! common es Ud. tiene 1 nuevo mensaje!
+you have x high priority events on your calendar today. common es Ud. tiene %1 eventos de alta prioridad es su calendario para hoy.
+you have x new messages! common es Ud. tiene %1 nuevos mensajes!
+your message as been sent common es Su mensaje fue enviado
+your search returned 1 match common es su busqueda retorno 1 coincidencia
+your search returned x matchs common es su busqueda retorno %1 coincidencias
+your settings have been updated common es Sus paramatros han sido actualizados
+bad login or password login es Usuario y/o contraseña incorrecta.
+login login es Login
+password login es Contraseña
+phpgroupware login login es phpGroupWare login
+sorry, your login has expired login es Su login a caducado.
+use cookies login es utilizar cookies
+username login es Usuario
+you have been successfully logged out login es Ud. se ha deslogueado exitosamente.
+your session could not be verified. login es Su sesión no pudo ser verificada.
diff --git a/phpgwapi/setup/phpgw_fr.lang b/phpgwapi/setup/phpgw_fr.lang
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6349baee96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpgwapi/setup/phpgw_fr.lang
@@ -0,0 +1,424 @@
+powered by phpgroupware version common fr Propulsé par phpGroupWare version
+(for weekly) all fr (pour hebdomadaire)
+1 match found all fr 1 résultat trouvé
+1 message has been deleted all fr 1 message a été effacé
+a all fr A
+access all fr Accès
+access type all fr Type d'accès
+account active all fr Compte actif
+account has been created all fr Le compte a été créé
+account has been deleted all fr Le compte a été supprimé
+account has been updated all fr Le compte a été mis à jour
+account preferences all fr Preférences de compte
+active all fr Actif
+add all fr Ajouter
+add a single phrase all fr Ajouter une seule ligne
+add new account all fr Ajouter un nouveau compte
+add new application all fr Ajouter une nouvelle application
+add new phrase all fr Ajouter une nouvelle phrase
+add to addressbook all fr Ajouter au carnet d'adresses
+address book all fr Carnet d'adresse
+address book - view all fr Carnet d'adresses - voir
+addressbook all fr Carnet d'adresses
+addressbook preferences all fr Preférences du carnet d'adresses
+addsub all fr AjouterSoustraire
+admin all fr Admin
+administration all fr Administration
+all all fr Tous
+all records and account information will be lost! all fr Tous les enregistrements et le compte vont être perdus !
+anonymous user all fr Utilisateur anonyme
+any all fr N'importe quel
+application all fr Application
+application name all fr Nom d'application
+application title all fr Titre d'application
+applications all fr Applications
+april all fr Avril
+are you sure you want to delete this account ? all fr Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer ce compte ?
+are you sure you want to delete this application ? all fr Etes vous sur de vouloir effacer cette application ?
+are you sure you want to delete this entry all fr Êtes-vous certain de vouloir supprimer cette entrée ?
+are you sure you want to delete this entry ? all fr Etes vous certain de vouloir supprimer cette entrée ?
+are you sure you want to delete this group ? all fr Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer ce groupe ?
+are you sure you want to delete this news site ? all fr Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer ce site de news ?
+are you sure you want to kill this session ? all fr Voulez-vous vraiment tuer cette session ?
+are you sure\nyou want to\ndelete this entry ? all fr êtes vous certain\nde vouloir\nsupprimer cette entré ?
+are you sure\nyou want to\ndelete this entry ?\n\nthis will delete\nthis entry for all users. all fr Étes vous certain\nde vouloir\nsupprimer cette entrée ?\n\nCeci détruira\ncette entrée pour tous les utilisateurs.
+august all fr Auût
+author all fr Auteur
+available groups all fr Groups disponibles
+bad login or password all fr Mauvais login ou mot de passe
+base url all fr URL de base
+birthday all fr Anniversaire
+book marks all fr Signets
+bookmarks all fr Signet
+brief description all fr Description Résumé
+calendar all fr Calendrier
+calendar - add all fr Calendrier - Ajout
+calendar - edit all fr Calendrier - Edition
+calendar preferences all fr Preférences de calendrier
+cancel all fr Annuler
+cc all fr CC
+change all fr Changer
+change your password all fr Modifez votre mot de passe
+change your profile all fr Changer votre profile
+change your settings all fr Modifiez vos préférences
+charset all fr iso-8859-1
+chat all fr Chat
+city all fr Ville
+clear all fr Effacer
+clear form all fr Effarcer le Formulaire
+clipboard_contents all fr Contenus du presse-papier
+company name all fr Nom d'entreprise
+completed all fr Terminé
+compose all fr Composer
+copy all fr Copier
+copy_as all fr Copier vers
+create all fr Créer
+create group all fr Créer un groupe
+create lang.sql file all fr Créer le fichier lang.sql
+create new language set all fr Créer nouvelle table de langue
+created by all fr Créé Par
+current users all fr Utilisateurs courants
+current_file all fr Fichier courant
+daily all fr Quotidien
+date all fr Date
+date due all fr Date butoir
+date format all fr Format de date
+days datedue all fr Application par defaut
+days repeated all fr Jours répétés
+december all fr Décembre
+default application all fr Application par defaut
+default sorting order all fr Ordre de tri par defaut
+delete all fr Supprimer
+description all fr Description
+disabled all fr Désactivé
+display all fr Afficher
+display missing phrases in lang set all fr Afficher les phrases manquantes dans la table de langage
+done all fr Fait
+download all fr Télécharger
+do_delete all fr Supprimer
+duration all fr Durée
+e-mail all fr E-Mail
+e-mail preferences all fr Preférences E-mail
+edit all fr Editer
+edit application all fr Editer l'applcation
+edit group all fr Editer groupe
+email all fr E-Mail
+email account name all fr Nom de compte e-mail
+email address all fr Adresse e-mail
+email password all fr Mot de passe e-mail
+email signature all fr Signature E-Mail
+enabled all fr Activé
+enabled - hidden from navbar all fr Activé - caché de la barre de navigation
+enter your new password all fr Entrer votre mot de passe
+entry has been deleted sucessfully all fr Entrée supprimée avec succès
+entry updated sucessfully all fr Entrée mise à jour avec succès
+error all fr Erreur
+error creating x x directory all fr Erreur pendant la création du répertoire %1 %2
+error deleting x x directory all fr Erreur pendant la destruction du répertoire %1 %2
+error renaming x x directory all fr Erreur pendant le renommage du répertoire %1 %2
+err_saving_file all fr Erreur en sauvant sur le disque
+exit all fr Sortir
+fax all fr Fax
+february all fr Février
+file manager all fr Gestionnaire de fichiers
+files all fr Fichiers
+file_upload all fr Upload du fichier
+filter all fr Filtrer
+first name all fr Prénom
+first page all fr première page
+folder all fr Dossier
+forum all fr Forum
+forward all fr Transférer
+fr all fr V
+frequency all fr Fréquence
+fri all fr Ven
+friday all fr Vendredi
+from all fr De
+ftp all fr FTP
+full description all fr Description Complète
+generate new lang.sql file all fr Générer un nouveau fichier lang.sql
+generate printer-friendly version all fr Générer une version imprimable
+global public all fr Publique
+go! all fr Go!
+group access all fr Accès par groupe
+group has been added all fr Le groupe a été ajouté
+group has been deleted all fr Le groupe a été supprimé
+group has been updated all fr Le groupe a étéGroup mis à jour
+group name all fr Nom de groupe
+group public all fr Publique par groupe
+groups all fr Groupes
+groupsfile_perm_error all fr Pour corriger cette erreur, il faut que vous donniez les bonnes permissions au repertoire files/groups.
Sur un system *nix tappez: chmod 770
+group_files all fr Fichiers de groupe
+headline sites all fr Sites d'Headline
+headlines all fr Headlines
+help all fr Aide
+high all fr Haut
+home all fr Home
+home phone all fr Téléphone Personnel
+human resources all fr Ressources humaines
+idle all fr inactivité
+if applicable all fr Si applicable
+ignore conflict all fr Ignorer Conflit
+image all fr Image
+imap server type all fr Type de Serveur IMAP
+import lang set all fr Importer table de langage
+installed applications all fr Applications installées
+inventory all fr Inventaire
+ip all fr IP
+it has been more then x days since you changed your password all fr Cela fait plus de %1 jours que vous n'avez pas modifié votre mot de passe
+january all fr Janvier
+july all fr Juillet
+june all fr Juin
+kill all fr Tuer
+language all fr Langage
+last name all fr Nom
+last page all fr dernière page
+last time read all fr Heure de dernière lecture
+last updated all fr Modifié en dernier
+last x logins all fr Les %1 derniers logins
+line 2 all fr ligne 2
+list of current users all fr liste des utilisateurs connectés en ce moment
+listings displayed all fr Affichage en listing
+login all fr Login
+login time all fr Heure d'entrée
+loginid all fr LoginID
+logout all fr Logout
+low all fr Faible
+mail server all fr Serveur Mail
+mail server type all fr Type de Serveur Mail
+manager all fr Manager
+march all fr Mars
+max matchs per page all fr Nombre max d'entités par page
+may all fr Mai
+medium all fr Moyen
+message all fr Message
+message x all fr Message %1
+messages all fr Messages
+minutes all fr Minutes
+minutes between reloads all fr Minutes entre chaque recharge
+mo all fr L
+mobile all fr Téléphone Portable
+mon all fr Lun
+monday all fr Lundi
+monitor all fr Monitorer
+monitor newsgroups all fr Surveiller les newsgroups
+month all fr Mois
+monthly (by date) all fr Mensuel (par date)
+monthly (by day) all fr Mensuel (par jour)
+move selected messages into all fr Déplacer Les Messages Selectionnés Dans
+name all fr Nom
+network news all fr Nouvelles reseau
+new entry all fr Nouvelle entrée
+new entry added sucessfully all fr Nouvelle entrée ajoutée avec succès
+new group name all fr Nouveau nom de groupe
+new message all fr Nouveau message
+new password [ leave blank for no change all fr Nouveau mot de passe [ Laissez vide pour ne rien changer ]
+new phrase has been added all fr Une nouvelle phrase a été rajoutée
+news file all fr Fichier de News
+news headlines all fr News headlines
+news reader all fr Lecteur de News
+news type all fr Type de News
+newsgroups all fr Newsgroups
+new_file all fr Nouveau fichier
+next all fr Suivant
+next page all fr Page suivante
+nntp all fr NNTP
+no all fr Non
+no matches found. all fr Aucune correspondance trouvée.
+no subject all fr Pas De Sujet
+non-standard all fr Non standard
+none all fr Aucun
+normal all fr Normal
+note: this feature does *not* change your email password. this will need to be done manually. all fr Note: Ceci ne change pas le mot de passe de votre email. Ceci doit être fait manuellement.
+notes all fr Notes
+november all fr Novembre
+no_file_name all fr Aucun nom de fichier spécifié
+october all fr Octobre
+ok all fr OK
+on *nix systems please type: x all fr Sur les systemes *nix tapez: %1
+only yours all fr seulement les votres
+original all fr original
+other number all fr Autre numéro
+pager all fr Pager
+participants all fr Participants
+password all fr Mot de passe
+password has been updated all fr Le mot de passe a été mis à jour avec succès
+percent of users that logged out all fr Pourcentage d'utilisateurs qui se sont délogués
+permissions all fr Permissions
+permissions this group has all fr Permissions de ce groupe
+permissions to the files/users directory all fr Permissions pour le repertoire fichiers/utilisateurs
+phrase in english all fr Phrase en anglais
+phrase in new language all fr Phrase dans une nouvelle langue
+phpgroupware login all fr login phpGroupWare
+please select a message first all fr Veuillez d'abord selectionner un message
+please x by hand all fr veuillez %1 a la main
+please, select a new theme all fr Choisissez un nouveau theme
+powered by phpgroupware version x all fr Utilise phpGroupWare version %1
+preferences all fr Préfaeacute;rences
+previous all fr Précédent
+previous page all fr page précédente
+print all fr Imprimer
+printer friendly all fr Version imprimable
+priority all fr Priorité
+private all fr Privé
+private_files all fr Fichiers privés;s
+project description all fr Descripition du projet
+re-edit event all fr Re-Editer L'Evenement
+re-enter password all fr Re-saisissez le mot de passe
+re-enter your password all fr Re-rentrer votre mot de passe
+record access all fr Acces a l'enrengistrement
+record owner all fr Proprietaire de l'enrengistrement
+remove all users from this group all fr Retirer tous les utilisateurs de ce groupe
+rename all fr Renommer
+rename_to all fr Renomer vers
+repeat day all fr Jour de répétition
+repeat end date all fr Date de fin de répétition
+repeat type all fr Type de répétition
+repetition all fr Répétition
+reply all fr Répondre
+reply all all fr Répondre à tous
+sa all fr S
+sat all fr Sam
+saturday all fr Samedi
+save all fr Sauver
+search all fr Chercher
+search results all fr Résultats de la recherche
+section all fr Section
+select application all fr selectionner l'apllication
+select different theme all fr Choisissez un theme différent
+select headline news sites all fr Choisissez les site d'Headlines
+select language to generate for all fr Selectionner la langue a utiliser
+select permissions this group will have all fr Selectionner les permissions qu'aura ce groupe
+select users for inclusion all fr Selectionner les utilisateurs pour inclusion
+select which application for this phrase all fr Selectionner l'application pour cette phrase
+select which language for this phrase all fr Selectionner la langue pour cette phrase
+send all fr Envoyer
+send deleted messages to the trash all fr Messages a effacer envoyés a la corbeille
+september all fr Septembre
+session has been killed all fr La session a été tuée
+show all all fr Montrer tout
+show all groups all fr Montrer tous les groupes
+show birthday reminders on main screen all fr Montrer les anniversaires sur la page d'accueil
+show current users on navigation bar all fr Montrer les utlisteurs connectés sur la barre de navigation
+show groups containing all fr Monter les groupes contenant
+show high priority events on main screen all fr Montrer les événements de haute priorité sur la page d'accueil
+show new messages on main screen all fr Montrer les nouveaux messages sur la page d'accueil
+show text on navigation icons all fr Montrer le texte sur les icones de navigation
+showing x all fr %1 éléments
+showing x - x of x all fr éléments %1 - %2 de %3
+site all fr Site
+size all fr Taille
+sorry, that group name has already been taking. all fr Desolé, ce nom de groupe est déja pris
+sorry, the follow users are still a member of the group x all fr Desolé, les utilisateurs qui suivent sont encore membres du groupe %1
+sorry, there was a problem processing your request. all fr Désolé, il y a eut un problème lors du traitement de votre requête.
+sorry, your login has expired all fr Désolé, votre login a expiré
+source language all fr Langage Source
+specify_file_name all fr Vous devez donner un nom au fichier que vous désirez créer
+state all fr Etat
+status all fr État
+street all fr Rue
+su all fr D
+subject all fr Sujet
+submit all fr Envoyer
+submit changes all fr Soumettre modifications
+sun all fr Dim
+sunday all fr Dimanche
+switch current folder to all fr Changer Le Dossier Courant Vers
+target language all fr Langage Cible
+th all fr J
+that loginid has already been taken all fr Ce login est déjà utlisé
+that site has already been entered all fr Ce site a déjà été entré
+the following conflicts with the suggested time: