mirror of
synced 2025-02-24 14:11:29 +01:00
removed old code used to run etemplate without javascript, not working anymore and causing it now to fail after Nathans changes
This commit is contained in:
@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ class date_widget
if (!$i && $cell['accesskey']) $dcell['accesskey'] = $cell['accesskey'];
// test if we can use jsCalendar
if ($n == 0 && $this->jscal && $tmpl->java_script())
if ($n == 0 && $this->jscal)
$dcell['type'] = 'html';
$dcell['name'] = 'str';
@ -326,12 +326,9 @@ class date_widget
$dcell['label'] = 'Today';
$dcell['help'] = 'sets today as date';
$dcell['no_lang'] = True;
if (($js = $tmpl->java_script()))
$dcell['needed'] = True; // to get a button
$dcell['onchange'] = "this.form.elements['$name"."[Y]'].value='".adodb_date('Y')."'; this.form.elements['$name"."[m]'].value='".adodb_date('n')."';this.form.elements['$name"."[d]'].value='".(0+adodb_date('d'))."'; return false;";
$dcell['type'] = $js ? 'button' : 'checkbox';
$dcell['needed'] = True; // to get a button
$dcell['onchange'] = "this.form.elements['$name"."[Y]'].value='".adodb_date('Y')."'; this.form.elements['$name"."[m]'].value='".adodb_date('n')."';this.form.elements['$name"."[d]'].value='".(0+adodb_date('d'))."'; return false;";
$dcell['type'] = 'button';
$row[$tpl->num2chrs(++$i)] = &$dcell;
@ -112,13 +112,6 @@ class etemplate_old extends boetemplate
static protected $validation_errors = array();
* Flag if the browser has javascript enabled
* @var boolean
static public $java_script;
* Flag if exec() is called as part of a hook, replaces the 1.6 and earlier $GLOBALS['egw_info']['etemplate']['hooked'] global variable
@ -202,7 +195,6 @@ class etemplate_old extends boetemplate
function exec($method,$content,$sel_options='',$readonlys='',$preserv='',$output_mode=0,$ignore_validation='',$changes='')
//echo "<br>globals[java_script] = '".self::$java_script."', this->java_script() = '".$this->java_script()."'\n";
if (!$sel_options)
$sel_options = array();
@ -225,7 +217,7 @@ class etemplate_old extends boetemplate
if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['currentapp'] != 'etemplate')
$GLOBALS['egw']->translation->add_app('etemplate'); // some extensions have own texts
translation::add_app('etemplate'); // some extensions have own texts
// use different form-names to allows multiple eTemplates in one page, eg. addressbook-view
self::$name_form = 'eTemplate';
@ -258,10 +250,8 @@ class etemplate_old extends boetemplate
$html = $this->include_java_script(1).
$html = $this->show(self::complete_array_merge($content,$changes),$sel_options,$readonlys,self::$name_vars);
self::$request->java_script = self::$java_script;
self::$request->java_script_from_flags = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['java_script'];
self::$request->java_script_body_tags = array(
'onload' => egw_framework::set_onload(),
@ -299,29 +289,21 @@ class etemplate_old extends boetemplate
($output_mode != 0 ? '' : ' onsubmit="this.innerWidth.value=window.innerWidth ? window.innerWidth : document.body.clientWidth;"'));
//echo "to_process="; _debug_array(self::$request->to_process);
//echo '<p>'.__METHOD__."($method,...) etemplate[hooked]=".(int)self::$hooked.", etemplate[hook_app]='".self::$hook_app."', isset(etemplate[content])=".(int)isset(self::$previous_content)."</p>\n";
if ($this->sitemgr)
$GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['java_script'] .= $this->include_java_script(2);
if (!$this->sitemgr)
// support the old global var, in case old apps like 1.6 infolog use it
if (isset($GLOBALS['egw_info']['etemplate']['hooked'])) self::$hooked = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['etemplate']['hooked'];
if (!@self::$hooked && (int) $output_mode != 1 && (int) $output_mode != -1) // not just returning the html
$GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['java_script'] .= $this->include_java_script(2);
if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['currentapp'] != 'etemplate')
egw_framework::includeCSS('etemplate', 'app');
elseif (!isset(self::$previous_content))
$html = $this->include_java_script(2).$html; // better than nothing
// saving the etemplate content for other hooked etemplate apps (atm. infolog hooked into addressbook)
self::$previous_content =& $html;
@ -364,7 +346,7 @@ class etemplate_old extends boetemplate
echo "</div>\n";
if ($this->sitemgr || (int) $output_mode == 1 || (int) $output_mode == -1) // return html
@ -458,8 +440,6 @@ class etemplate_old extends boetemplate
$content = array();
self::$java_script = self::$request->java_script || $_POST['java_script'];
//echo "globals[java_script] = '".self::$java_script."', session_data[java_script] = '".self::$request->java_script."', _POST[java_script] = '".$_POST['java_script']."'\n";
//echo "process_exec($this->name) content ="; _debug_array($content);
if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['currentapp'] != 'etemplate')
@ -1165,61 +1145,59 @@ class etemplate_old extends boetemplate
$blur = $cell['blur'][0] == '@' ? $this->get_array($content,substr($cell['blur'],1)) :
(strlen($cell['blur']) <= 1 ? $cell['blur'] : lang($cell['blur']));
if ($this->java_script())
if ($blur)
if ($blur)
if ((string)$value === '')
if ((string)$value === '')
$value = $blur;
$onFocus .= "if(this.value=='".addslashes(html::htmlspecialchars($blur))."') this.value='';";
$onBlur .= "if(this.value=='') this.value='".addslashes(html::htmlspecialchars($blur))."';";
$value = $blur;
if ($help)
$onFocus .= "if(this.value=='".addslashes(html::htmlspecialchars($blur))."') this.value='';";
$onBlur .= "if(this.value=='') this.value='".addslashes(html::htmlspecialchars($blur))."';";
if ($help)
if ((int)$cell['no_lang'] < 2 && !$no_lang_on_help)
if ((int)$cell['no_lang'] < 2 && !$no_lang_on_help)
if (($use_tooltip_for_help = $help[0] == '|')) $help = substr($help,1);
$help = lang($help);
if (substr($help,0,5) == 'call:')
$options .= ' onMouseOver="'.html::htmlspecialchars(substr($help,5)).'"';
elseif (($use_tooltip_for_help = $use_tooltip_for_help || strpos($help,'<') !== false && strip_tags($help) != $help)) // helptext is html => use a tooltip
$options .= html::tooltip($help);
else // "regular" help-text in the statusline
$onFocus .= "self.status='".addslashes(html::htmlspecialchars($help))."'; return true;";
$onBlur .= "self.status=''; return true;";
if (in_array($cell['type'],array('button','buttononly','file'))) // for button additionally when mouse over button
$options .= " onMouseOver=\"self.status='".addslashes(html::htmlspecialchars($help))."'; return true;\"";
$options .= " onMouseOut=\"self.status=''; return true;\"";
if (($use_tooltip_for_help = $help[0] == '|')) $help = substr($help,1);
$help = lang($help);
if ($onBlur)
if (substr($help,0,5) == 'call:')
$options .= " onFocus=\"$onFocus\" onBlur=\"$onBlur\"";
$options .= ' onMouseOver="'.html::htmlspecialchars(substr($help,5)).'"';
if ($cell['onchange'] && !($cell['type'] == 'button' || $cell['type'] == 'buttononly'))
elseif (($use_tooltip_for_help = $use_tooltip_for_help || strpos($help,'<') !== false && strip_tags($help) != $help)) // helptext is html => use a tooltip
$onchange = $cell['onchange'] == '1' ? 'this.form.submit();' : $this->js_pseudo_funcs($cell['onchange'],$cname);
// rewriting onchange for checkboxes for IE to an onclick
if ($cell['type'] == 'checkbox' && html::$user_agent == 'msie')
$options .= html::tooltip($help);
else // "regular" help-text in the statusline
$onFocus .= "self.status='".addslashes(html::htmlspecialchars($help))."'; return true;";
$onBlur .= "self.status=''; return true;";
if (in_array($cell['type'],array('button','buttononly','file'))) // for button additionally when mouse over button
$options .= ' onClick="'.$onchange.'; return true;"';
$options .= ' onChange="'.$onchange.'"';
$options .= " onMouseOver=\"self.status='".addslashes(html::htmlspecialchars($help))."'; return true;\"";
$options .= " onMouseOut=\"self.status=''; return true;\"";
if ($onBlur)
$options .= " onFocus=\"$onFocus\" onBlur=\"$onBlur\"";
if ($cell['onchange'] && !($cell['type'] == 'button' || $cell['type'] == 'buttononly'))
$onchange = $cell['onchange'] == '1' ? 'this.form.submit();' : $this->js_pseudo_funcs($cell['onchange'],$cname);
// rewriting onchange for checkboxes for IE to an onclick
if ($cell['type'] == 'checkbox' && html::$user_agent == 'msie')
$options .= ' onClick="'.$onchange.'; return true;"';
$options .= ' onChange="'.$onchange.'"';
if ($form_name != '')
$options = self::get_id($form_name,$cell['name'],$cell['id']).' '.$options;
@ -1462,7 +1440,7 @@ class etemplate_old extends boetemplate
$onclick = $this->js_pseudo_funcs($onclick,$cname);
unset($cell['onclick']); // otherwise the grid will handle it
if ($this->java_script() && ($cell['onchange'] != '' || $img && !$readonly) && !$cell['needed']) // use a link instead of a button
if (($cell['onchange'] != '' || $img && !$readonly) && !$cell['needed']) // use a link instead of a button
$onclick = ($onclick ? preg_replace('/^return(.*);$/','if (\\1) ',$onclick) : '').
(((string)$cell['onchange'] === '1' || $img) ?
@ -2468,47 +2446,4 @@ class etemplate_old extends boetemplate
self::$validation_errors[$name] .= $error;
* is javascript enabled?
* this should be tested by the api at login
* @return boolean true if javascript is enabled or not yet tested and $consider_not_tested_as_enabled
function java_script($consider_not_tested_as_enabled = True)
$ret = !!self::$java_script ||
$consider_not_tested_as_enabled && !isset(self::$java_script);
//echo "<p>java_script($consider_not_tested_as_enabled)='$ret', java_script='".self::$java_script."', isset(java_script)=".isset(self::$java_script)."</p>\n";
return $ret;
* returns the javascript to be included by exec
* @param int $what &1 = returns the test, note: has to be included in the body, not the header,
* &2 = returns the common functions, best to be included in the header
* @return string javascript
private function include_java_script($what = 3)
// this is to test if javascript is enabled
if ($what & 1 && !isset(self::$java_script))
$js = '<script language="javascript">
// here are going all the necesarry functions if javascript is enabled
if ($what & 2 && $this->java_script(True))
$lastmod = filectime(EGW_INCLUDE_ROOT. '/etemplate/js/etemplate.js');
$js .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="'.
$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['webserver_url'].'/etemplate/js/etemplate.js?'. $lastmod.'"></script>'."\n";
return $js;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user