diff --git a/phpgwapi/inc/class.vfs_sql.inc.php b/phpgwapi/inc/class.vfs_sql.inc.php
index 0f6b896e20..4684a51948 100644
--- a/phpgwapi/inc/class.vfs_sql.inc.php
+++ b/phpgwapi/inc/class.vfs_sql.inc.php
@@ -25,71 +25,19 @@
@class vfs
- @abstract Virtual File System
+ @abstract Virtual File System with SQL backend
@description Authors: Zone
- /* Relative defines. Used mainly by getabsolutepath () */
- define ('RELATIVE_ROOT', 1);
- define ('RELATIVE_USER', 2);
- define ('RELATIVE_CURR_USER', 4);
- define ('RELATIVE_USER_APP', 8);
- define ('RELATIVE_PATH', 16);
- define ('RELATIVE_NONE', 32);
- define ('RELATIVE_CURRENT', 64);
- define ('VFS_REAL', 1024);
/* These are used in calls to extra_sql () */
define ('VFS_SQL_SELECT', 1);
define ('VFS_SQL_DELETE', 2);
define ('VFS_SQL_UPDATE', 4);
- /* These are used in calls to add_journal (), and allow journal messages to be more standard */
- define ('VFS_OPERATION_CREATED', 1);
- define ('VFS_OPERATION_EDITED', 2);
- define ('VFS_OPERATION_COPIED', 8);
- define ('VFS_OPERATION_MOVED', 16);
- define ('VFS_OPERATION_DELETED', 32);
- /*!
- @class path_class
- @abstract helper class for path_parts
- */
- class path_class
+ class vfs extends vfs_shared
- var $mask;
- var $outside;
- var $fake_full_path;
- var $fake_leading_dirs;
- var $fake_extra_path;
- var $fake_name;
- var $real_full_path;
- var $real_leading_dirs;
- var $real_extra_path;
- var $real_name;
- var $fake_full_path_clean;
- var $fake_leading_dirs_clean;
- var $fake_extra_path_clean;
- var $fake_name_clean;
- var $real_full_path_clean;
- var $real_leading_dirs_clean;
- var $real_extra_path_clean;
- var $real_name_clean;
- }
- class vfs
- {
- var $basedir;
- var $fakebase;
- var $relative;
var $working_id;
var $working_lid;
- var $attributes;
- var $override_acl;
- var $linked_dirs;
var $meta_types;
var $now;
var $file_actions;
@@ -100,12 +48,11 @@
function vfs ()
+ $this->vfs_shared ();
$this->basedir = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['files_dir'];
- $this->fakebase = "/home";
$this->working_id = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['account_id'];
$this->working_lid = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->accounts->id2name($this->working_id);
$this->now = date ('Y-m-d');
- $this->override_acl = 0;
File/dir attributes, each corresponding to a database field. Useful for use in loops
@@ -115,25 +62,8 @@
set_attributes now uses this array(). 07-Dec-01 skeeter
- $this->attributes = array(
- 'file_id',
- 'owner_id',
- 'createdby_id',
- 'modifiedby_id',
- 'created',
- 'modified',
- 'size',
- 'mime_type',
- 'deleteable',
- 'comment',
- 'app',
- 'directory',
- 'name',
- 'link_directory',
- 'link_name',
- 'version',
- 'content'
- );
+ $this->attributes[] = 'deleteable';
+ $this->attributes[] = 'content';
Decide whether to use any actual filesystem calls (fopen(), fread(),
@@ -170,7 +100,6 @@
$query = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->query ("SELECT directory, name, link_directory, link_name FROM phpgw_vfs WHERE (link_directory IS NOT NULL or link_directory != '') AND (link_name IS NOT NULL or link_name != '')" . $this->extra_sql (array ('query_type' => VFS_SQL_SELECT)), __LINE__,__FILE__);
$this->linked_dirs = array ();
while ($GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->next_record ())
@@ -178,114 +107,6 @@
- /*!
- @function set_relative
- @abstract Set path relativity
- @param mask Relative bitmask (see RELATIVE_ defines)
- */
- function set_relative ($data)
- {
- if (!is_array ($data))
- {
- $data = array ();
- }
- if (!$data['mask'])
- {
- unset ($this->relative);
- }
- else
- {
- $this->relative = $data['mask'];
- }
- }
- /*!
- @function get_relative
- @abstract Return relativity bitmask
- @discussion Returns relativity bitmask, or the default of "completely relative" if unset
- */
- function get_relative ()
- {
- if (isset ($this->relative) && $this->relative)
- {
- return $this->relative;
- }
- else
- {
- return RELATIVE_ALL;
- }
- }
- /*!
- @function sanitize
- @abstract Removes leading .'s from 'string'
- @discussion You should not pass all filenames through sanitize () unless you plan on rejecting
- .files. Instead, pass the name through securitycheck () first, and if it fails,
- pass it through sanitize
- @param string string to sanitize
- @result $string 'string' without it's leading .'s
- */
- function sanitize ($data)
- {
- if (!is_array ($data))
- {
- $data = array ();
- }
- /* We use path_parts () just to parse the string, not translate paths */
- $p = $this->path_parts (array(
- 'string' => $data['string'],
- 'relatives' => array (RELATIVE_NONE)
- )
- );
- return (ereg_replace ("^\.+", '', $p->fake_name));
- }
- /*!
- @function securitycheck
- @abstract Security check function
- @discussion Checks for basic violations such as ..
- If securitycheck () fails, run your string through vfs->sanitize ()
- @param string string to check security of
- @result Boolean True/False. True means secure, False means insecure
- */
- function securitycheck ($data)
- {
- if (!is_array ($data))
- {
- $data = array ();
- }
- if (substr ($data['string'], 0, 1) == "\\" || strstr ($data['string'], "..") || strstr ($data['string'], "\\..") || strstr ($data['string'], ".\\."))
- {
- return False;
- }
- else
- {
- return True;
- }
- }
- /*!
- @function db_clean
- @abstract Clean 'string' for use in database queries
- @param string String to clean
- @result Cleaned version of 'string'
- */
- function db_clean ($data)
- {
- if (!is_array ($data))
- {
- $data = array ();
- }
- $string = ereg_replace ("'", "\'", $data['string']);
- return $string;
- }
@function extra_sql
@abstract Return extra SQL code that should be appended to certain queries
@@ -535,7 +356,7 @@
$sql .= "$attribute";
- $sql2 .= "'" . $this->db_clean (array ('string' => $value)) . "'";
+ $sql2 .= "'" . $this->clean_string (array ('string' => $value)) . "'";
@@ -693,14 +514,9 @@
- /*!
- @function get_journal
- @abstract Retrieve journal entries for $string
- @param string File/directory to retrieve journal entries of
- @param relatives Relativity array
- @param type 0/False = any, 1 = 'journal', 2 = 'journal-deleted'
- @result Array of arrays of journal entries
- */
+ /*
+ * See vfs_shared
+ */
function get_journal ($data)
if (!is_array ($data))
@@ -755,346 +571,9 @@
return $rarray;
- /*!
- @function path_parts
- @abstract take a real or fake pathname and return an array of its component parts
- @param string full real or fake path
- @param relatives Relativity array
- @param object True returns an object instead of an array
- @param nolinks Don't check for links (made with make_link ()). Used internally to prevent recursion
- @result $rarray/$robject Array or object containing the fake and real component parts of the path
- @discussion Returned values are:
- mask
- outside
- fake_full_path
- fake_leading_dirs
- fake_extra_path BROKEN
- fake_name
- real_full_path
- real_leading_dirs
- real_extra_path BROKEN
- real_name
- fake_full_path_clean
- fake_leading_dirs_clean
- fake_extra_path_clean BROKEN
- fake_name_clean
- real_full_path_clean
- real_leading_dirs_clean
- real_extra_path_clean BROKEN
- real_name_clean
- "clean" values are run through vfs->db_clean () and
- are safe for use in SQL queries that use key='value'
- They should be used ONLY for SQL queries, so are used
- mostly internally
- and is used internally
- outside is boolean, True if 'relatives' contains VFS_REAL
- */
- function path_parts ($data)
- {
- if (!is_array ($data))
- {
- $data = array ();
- }
- $default_values = array
- (
- 'relatives' => array (RELATIVE_CURRENT),
- 'object' => True,
- 'nolinks' => False
- );
- $data = array_merge ($this->default_values ($data, $default_values), $data);
- $sep = SEP;
- $rarray['mask'] = RELATIVE_NONE;
- if (!($data['relatives'][0] & VFS_REAL))
- {
- $rarray['outside'] = False;
- $fake = True;
- }
- else
- {
- $rarray['outside'] = True;
- $rarray['mask'] |= VFS_REAL;
- }
- $string = $this->getabsolutepath (array(
- 'string' => $data['string'],
- 'mask' => array ($data['relatives'][0]),
- 'fake' => $fake
- )
- );
- if ($fake)
- {
- $base_sep = '/';
- $base = '/';
- $opp_base = $this->basedir . $sep;
- $rarray['fake_full_path'] = $string;
- }
- else
- {
- $base_sep = $sep;
- if (ereg ("^$this->basedir" . $sep, $string))
- {
- $base = $this->basedir . $sep;
- }
- else
- {
- $base = $sep;
- }
- $opp_base = '/';
- $rarray['real_full_path'] = $string;
- }
- /* This is needed because of substr's handling of negative lengths */
- $baselen = strlen ($base);
- $lastslashpos = strrpos ($string, $base_sep);
- $lastslashpos < $baselen ? $length = 0 : $length = $lastslashpos - $baselen;
- $extra_path = $rarray['fake_extra_path'] = $rarray['real_extra_path'] = substr ($string, strlen ($base), $length);
- $name = $rarray['fake_name'] = $rarray['real_name'] = substr ($string, strrpos ($string, $base_sep) + 1);
- if ($fake)
- {
- $rarray['real_extra_path'] ? $dispsep = $sep : $dispsep = '';
- $rarray['real_full_path'] = $opp_base . $rarray['real_extra_path'] . $dispsep . $rarray['real_name'];
- if ($extra_path)
- {
- $rarray['fake_leading_dirs'] = $base . $extra_path;
- $rarray['real_leading_dirs'] = $opp_base . $extra_path;
- }
- elseif (strrpos ($rarray['fake_full_path'], $sep) == 0)
- {
- /* If there is only one $sep in the path, we don't want to strip it off */
- $rarray['fake_leading_dirs'] = $sep;
- $rarray['real_leading_dirs'] = substr ($opp_base, 0, strlen ($opp_base) - 1);
- }
- else
- {
- /* These strip the ending / */
- $rarray['fake_leading_dirs'] = substr ($base, 0, strlen ($base) - 1);
- $rarray['real_leading_dirs'] = substr ($opp_base, 0, strlen ($opp_base) - 1);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- $rarray['fake_full_path'] = $opp_base . $rarray['fake_extra_path'] . '/' . $rarray['fake_name'];
- if ($extra_path)
- {
- $rarray['fake_leading_dirs'] = $opp_base . $extra_path;
- $rarray['real_leading_dirs'] = $base . $extra_path;
- }
- else
- {
- $rarray['fake_leading_dirs'] = substr ($opp_base, 0, strlen ($opp_base) - 1);
- $rarray['real_leading_dirs'] = substr ($base, 0, strlen ($base) - 1);
- }
- }
- /* We check for linked dirs made with make_link (). This could be better, but it works */
- if (!$data['nolinks'])
- {
- reset ($this->linked_dirs);
- while (list ($num, $link_info) = each ($this->linked_dirs))
- {
- if (ereg ("^$link_info[directory]/$link_info[name](/|$)", $rarray['fake_full_path']))
- {
- $rarray['real_full_path'] = ereg_replace ("^$this->basedir", '', $rarray['real_full_path']);
- $rarray['real_full_path'] = ereg_replace ("^$link_info[directory]" . SEP . "$link_info[name]", $link_info['link_directory'] . SEP . $link_info['link_name'], $rarray['real_full_path']);
- $p = $this->path_parts (array(
- 'string' => $rarray['real_full_path'],
- 'relatives' => array (RELATIVE_NONE|VFS_REAL),
- 'nolinks' => True
- )
- );
- $rarray['real_leading_dirs'] = $p->real_leading_dirs;
- $rarray['real_extra_path'] = $p->real_extra_path;
- $rarray['real_name'] = $p->real_name;
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- We have to count it before because new keys will be added,
- which would create an endless loop
- */
- $count = count ($rarray);
- reset ($rarray);
- for ($i = 0; (list ($key, $value) = each ($rarray)) && $i != $count; $i++)
- {
- $rarray[$key . '_clean'] = $this->db_clean (array ('string' => $value));
- }
- if ($data['object'])
- {
- $robject = new path_class;
- reset ($rarray);
- while (list ($key, $value) = each ($rarray))
- {
- $robject->$key = $value;
- }
- }
- /*
- echo "
fake_full_path: $rarray[fake_full_path]
fake_leading_dirs: $rarray[fake_leading_dirs]
fake_extra_path: $rarray[fake_extra_path]
fake_name: $rarray[fake_name]
real_full_path: $rarray[real_full_path]
real_leading_dirs: $rarray[real_leading_dirs]
real_extra_path: $rarray[real_extra_path]
real_name: $rarray[real_name]";
- */
- if ($data['object'])
- {
- return ($robject);
- }
- else
- {
- return ($rarray);
- }
- }
- /*!
- @function getabsolutepath
- @abstract get the absolute path
- @param string defaults to False, directory/file to get path of, relative to relatives[0]
- @param mask Relativity bitmask (see RELATIVE_ defines). RELATIVE_CURRENT means use $this->relative
- @param fake Returns the "fake" path, ie /home/user/dir/file (not always possible. use path_parts () instead)
- @result $basedir Full fake or real path
- */
- function getabsolutepath ($data)
- {
- if (!is_array ($data))
- {
- $data = array ();
- }
- $default_values = array
- (
- 'string' => False,
- 'mask' => array (RELATIVE_CURRENT),
- 'fake' => True
- );
- $data = array_merge ($this->default_values ($data, $default_values), $data);
- $currentdir = $this->pwd (False);
- /* If they supply just VFS_REAL, we assume they want current relativity */
- if ($data['mask'][0] == VFS_REAL)
- {
- $data['mask'][0] |= RELATIVE_CURRENT;
- }
- if (!$this->securitycheck (array(
- 'string' => $data['string']
- ))
- )
- {
- return False;
- }
- if ($data['mask'][0] & RELATIVE_NONE)
- {
- return $data['string'];
- }
- if ($data['fake'])
- {
- $sep = '/';
- }
- else
- {
- $sep = SEP;
- }
- /* if RELATIVE_CURRENT, retrieve the current mask */
- if ($data['mask'][0] & RELATIVE_CURRENT)
- {
- $mask = $data['mask'][0];
- /* Respect any additional masks by re-adding them after retrieving the current mask*/
- $data['mask'][0] = $this->get_relative () + ($mask - RELATIVE_CURRENT);
- }
- if ($data['fake'])
- {
- $basedir = "/";
- }
- else
- {
- $basedir = $this->basedir . $sep;
- /* This allows all requests to use /'s */
- $data['string'] = preg_replace ("|/|", $sep, $data['string']);
- }
- if (($data['mask'][0] & RELATIVE_PATH) && $currentdir)
- {
- $basedir = $basedir . $currentdir . $sep;
- }
- elseif (($data['mask'][0] & RELATIVE_USER) || ($data['mask'][0] & RELATIVE_USER_APP))
- {
- $basedir = $basedir . $this->fakebase . $sep;
- }
- if ($data['mask'][0] & RELATIVE_CURR_USER)
- {
- $basedir = $basedir . $this->working_lid . $sep;
- }
- if (($data['mask'][0] & RELATIVE_USER) || ($data['mask'][0] & RELATIVE_USER_APP))
- {
- $basedir = $basedir . $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['account_lid'] . $sep;
- }
- if ($data['mask'][0] & RELATIVE_USER_APP)
- {
- $basedir = $basedir . "." . $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['flags']['currentapp'] . $sep;
- }
- /* Don't add string if it's a /, just for aesthetics */
- if ($data['string'] && $data['string'] != $sep)
- {
- $basedir = $basedir . $data['string'];
- }
- /* Let's not return // */
- while (ereg ($sep . $sep, $basedir))
- {
- $basedir = ereg_replace ($sep . $sep, $sep, $basedir);
- }
- $basedir = ereg_replace ($sep . '$', '', $basedir);
- return $basedir;
- }
- /*!
- @function acl_check
- @abstract Check ACL access to $file for $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']["user"]["account_id"];
- @discussion To check the access for a file or directory, pass 'string'/'relatives'/'must_exist'.
- To check the access to another user or group, pass 'owner_id'.
- If 'owner_id' is present, we bypass checks on 'string'/'relatives'/'must_exist'
- @param string File to check access of
- @param relatives Standard relativity array
- @param owner_id Owner id to check access of (see discussion above)
- @param operation Operation to check access to. In the form of a PHPGW_ACL defines bitmask. Default is read
- @param must_exist Boolean. Set to True if 'string' must exist. Otherwise, we check the parent directory as well
- @result Boolean. True if access is ok, False otherwise
- */
+ /*
+ * See vfs_shared
+ */
function acl_check ($data)
if (!is_array ($data))
@@ -1260,122 +739,9 @@
- /*!
- @function cd
- @abstract Change directory
- @discussion To cd to the files root '/', use cd ('/', False, array (RELATIVE_NONE));
- @param string default '/'. directory to cd into. if "/" and $relative is True, uses "/home/";
- @param relative default True/relative means add target to current path, else pass $relative as mask to getabsolutepath()
- @param relatives Relativity array
- */
- function cd ($data = '')
- {
- if (!is_array ($data))
- {
- $noargs = 1;
- $data = array ();
- }
- $default_values = array
- (
- 'string' => '/',
- 'relative' => True,
- 'relatives' => array (RELATIVE_CURRENT)
- );
- $data = array_merge ($this->default_values ($data, $default_values), $data);
- if ($data['relatives'][0] & VFS_REAL)
- {
- $sep = SEP;
- }
- else
- {
- $sep = '/';
- }
- if ($data['relative'] == 'relative' || $data['relative'] == True)
- {
- /* if 'string' is "/" and 'relative' is set, we cd to the user/group home dir */
- if ($data['string'] == '/')
- {
- $data['relatives'][0] = RELATIVE_USER;
- $basedir = $this->getabsolutepath (array(
- 'string' => False,
- 'mask' => array ($data['relatives'][0]),
- 'fake' => True
- )
- );
- }
- else
- {
- $currentdir = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->session->appsession('vfs','');
- $basedir = $this->getabsolutepath (array(
- 'string' => $currentdir . $sep . $data['string'],
- 'mask' => array ($data['relatives'][0]),
- 'fake' => True
- )
- );
- }
- }
- else
- {
- $basedir = $this->getabsolutepath (array(
- 'string' => $data['string'],
- 'mask' => array ($data['relatives'][0])
- )
- );
- }
- $GLOBALS['phpgw']->session->appsession('vfs','',$basedir);
- return True;
- }
- /*!
- @function pwd
- @abstract current working dir
- @param full default True returns full fake path, else just the extra dirs (false strips the leading /)
- @result $currentdir currentdir
- */
- function pwd ($data = '')
- {
- if (!is_array ($data))
- {
- $data = array ();
- }
- $default_values = array
- (
- 'full' => True
- );
- $data = array_merge ($this->default_values ($data, $default_values), $data);
- $currentdir = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->session->appsession('vfs','');
- if (!$data['full'])
- {
- $currentdir = ereg_replace ("^/", '', $currentdir);
- }
- if ($currentdir == '' && $data['full'])
- {
- $currentdir = '/';
- }
- $currentdir = trim ($currentdir);
- return $currentdir;
- }
- /*!
- @function read
- @abstract return file contents
- @param string filename
- @param relatives Relativity array
- @result $contents Contents of $file, or False if file cannot be read
- */
+ /*
+ * See vfs_shared
+ */
function read ($data)
if (!is_array ($data))
@@ -1434,14 +800,9 @@
return $contents;
- /*!
- @function write
- @abstract write to a file
- @param string file name
- @param relatives Relativity array
- @param content content
- @result Boolean True/False
- */
+ /*
+ * See vfs_shared
+ */
function write ($data)
if (!is_array ($data))
@@ -1554,13 +915,9 @@
- /*!
- @function touch
- @abstract Create blank file $file or set the modification time and modified by of $file to current time and user
- @param string File to touch or set modifies
- @param relatives Relativity array
- @result Boolean True/False
- */
+ /*
+ * See vfs_shared
+ */
function touch ($data)
if (!is_array ($data))
@@ -1676,14 +1033,9 @@
- /*!
- @function cp
- @abstract copy file
- @param from from file/directory
- @param to to file/directory
- @param relatives Relativity array
- @result boolean True/False
- */
+ /*
+ * See vfs_shared
+ */
function cp ($data)
if (!is_array ($data))
@@ -1935,19 +1287,9 @@
return True;
- function copy ($data)
- {
- return $this->cp ($data);
- }
- /*!
- @function mv
- @abstract move file/directory
- @param from from file/directory
- @param to to file/directory
- @param relatives Relativity array
- @result boolean True/False
- */
+ /*
+ * See vfs_shared
+ */
function mv ($data)
if (!is_array ($data))
@@ -2145,7 +1487,7 @@
while (list ($num, $entry) = each ($ls))
$newdir = ereg_replace ("^$f->fake_full_path", $t->fake_full_path, $entry['directory']);
- $newdir_clean = $this->db_clean (array ('string' => $newdir));
+ $newdir_clean = $this->clean_string (array ('string' => $newdir));
$query = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->query ("UPDATE phpgw_vfs SET directory='$newdir_clean' WHERE file_id='$entry[file_id]'" . $this->extra_sql (array ('query_type' => VFS_SQL_UPDATE)), __LINE__, __FILE__);
$this->correct_attributes (array(
@@ -2168,22 +1510,9 @@
return True;
- /*!
- @function move
- @abstract shortcut to mv
- */
- function move ($data)
- {
- return $this->mv ($data);
- }
- /*!
- @function rm
- @abstract delete file/directory
- @param string file/directory to delete
- @param relatives Relativity array
- @result boolean True/False
- */
+ /*
+ * See vfs_shared
+ */
function rm ($data)
if (!is_array ($data))
@@ -2357,22 +1686,9 @@
- /*!
- @function delete
- @abstract shortcut to rm
- */
- function delete ($data)
- {
- return $this->rm ($data);
- }
- /*!
- @function mkdir
- @abstract make a new directory
- @param string Directory name
- @param relatives Relativity array
- @result boolean True on success
- */
+ /*
+ * See vfs_shared
+ */
function mkdir ($data)
if (!is_array ($data))
@@ -2465,16 +1781,9 @@
return True;
- /*!
- @function make_link
- @abstract Make a link from virtual directory 'vdir' to real directory 'rdir'
- @discussion Making a link from 'vdir' to 'rdir' will cause path_parts () to substitute 'rdir' for the real
- path variables when presented with 'vdir'
- @param vdir Virtual dir to make link from
- @param rdir Real dir to make link to
- @param relatives Relativity array
- @result Boolean True/False
- */
+ /*
+ * See vfs_shared
+ */
function make_link ($data)
if (!is_array ($data))
@@ -2558,15 +1867,9 @@
return True;
- /*!
- @function set_attributes
- @abstract Update database entry for 'string' with the attributes in 'attributes'
- @param string file/directory to update
- @param relatives Relativity array
- @param attributes keyed array of attributes. key is attribute name, value is attribute value
- @result Boolean True/False
- @discussion Valid attributes are list in vfs->attributes
- */
+ /*
+ * See vfs_shared
+ */
function set_attributes ($data)
if (!is_array ($data))
@@ -2645,7 +1948,7 @@
$edited_comment = 1;
- $$attribute = $this->db_clean (array ('string' => $$attribute));
+ $$attribute = $this->clean_string (array ('string' => $$attribute));
if ($change_attributes > 0)
@@ -2746,13 +2049,9 @@
return True;
- /*!
- @function file_type
- @abstract return file/dir type (MIME or other)
- @param string File or directory path (/home/user/dir/dir2/dir3, /home/user/dir/dir2/file)
- @param relatives Relativity array
- @result MIME type, "Directory", or nothing if MIME type is not known
- */
+ /*
+ * See vfs_shared
+ */
function file_type ($data)
if (!is_array ($data))
@@ -2816,58 +2115,9 @@
return $mime_type;
- /*!
- @function get_ext_mime_type
- @abstract return MIME type based on file extension
- @description Authors: skeeter
- Internal use only. Applications should call vfs->file_type ()
- @param string File name, with or without leading paths
- @result MIME type based on file extension
- */
- function get_ext_mime_type ($data)
- {
- if (!is_array ($data))
- {
- $data = array ();
- }
- $file=basename($data['string']);
- $mimefile=PHPGW_API_INC.'/phpgw_mime.types';
- $fp=fopen($mimefile,'r');
- $contents = explode("\n",fread($fp,filesize($mimefile)));
- fclose($fp);
- $parts=explode('.',strtolower($file));
- $ext=$parts[(sizeof($parts)-1)];
- for($i=0;$i= 2)
- {
- for($j=1;$jget_size ()
- @param string File or Directory
- @param relatives Relativity array
- @param checksubdirs Boolean, recursively list all sub directories as well?
- @param mime_type Only return entries matching MIME-type 'mime_type'. Can be any MIME-type, "Directory" or "\ " for those without MIME types
- @param nofiles Boolean. True means you want to return just the information about the directory $dir. If $dir is a file, $nofiles is implied. This is the equivalent of 'ls -ld $dir'
- @param orderby How to order results. Note that this only works for directories inside the virtual root
- @result array of arrays. Subarrays contain full info for each file/dir.
- */
+ /*
+ * See vfs_shared
+ */
function ls ($data)
if (!is_array ($data))
@@ -3182,7 +2416,7 @@
$sql .= $attribute;
- $dir_clean = $this->db_clean (array ('string' => $dir));
+ $dir_clean = $this->clean_string (array ('string' => $dir));
$sql .= " FROM phpgw_vfs WHERE directory LIKE '$dir_clean%'";
$sql .= $this->extra_sql (array ('query_type' => VFS_SQL_SELECT));
@@ -3236,132 +2470,9 @@
return $rarray;
- /*!
- @function dir
- @abstract shortcut to ls
- */
- function dir ($data)
- {
- return $this->ls ($data);
- }
- /*!
- @function command_line
- @abstract Process and run a Unix-sytle command line
- This is mostly working, but the command parser needs to be improved to take
- files with spaces into consideration (those should be in "").
- @param command_line Unix-style command line with one of the commands in the $args array
- @result $result The return value of the actual VFS call
- */
- function command_line ($data)
- {
- if (!is_array ($data))
- {
- $data = array ();
- }
- $args = array
- (
- array ('name' => 'mv', 'params' => 2),
- array ('name' => 'cp', 'params' => 2),
- array ('name' => 'rm', 'params' => 1),
- array ('name' => 'ls', 'params' => -1),
- array ('name' => 'du', 'params' => 1, 'func' => get_size),
- array ('name' => 'cd', 'params' => 1),
- array ('name' => 'pwd', 'params' => 0),
- array ('name' => 'cat', 'params' => 1, 'func' => read),
- array ('name' => 'file', 'params' => 1, 'func' => file_type),
- array ('name' => 'mkdir', 'params' => 1),
- array ('name' => 'touch', 'params' => 1)
- );
- if (!$first_space = strpos ($data['command_line'], ' '))
- {
- $first_space = strlen ($data['command_line']);
- }
- if ((!$last_space = strrpos ($data['command_line'], ' ')) || ($last_space == $first_space))
- {
- $last_space = strlen ($data['command_line']) + 1;
- }
- $argv[0] = substr ($data['command_line'], 0, $first_space);
- if (strlen ($argv[0]) != strlen ($data['command_line']))
- {
- $argv[1] = substr ($data['command_line'], $first_space + 1, $last_space - ($first_space + 1));
- if ((strlen ($argv[0]) + 1 + strlen ($argv[1])) != strlen ($data['command_line']))
- {
- $argv[2] = substr ($data['command_line'], $last_space + 1);
- }
- }
- $argc = count ($argv);
- reset ($args);
- while (list (,$arg_info) = each ($args))
- {
- if ($arg_info['name'] == $argv[0])
- {
- $command_ok = 1;
- if (($argc == ($arg_info['params'] + 1)) || ($arg_info['params'] == -1))
- {
- $param_count_ok = 1;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!$command_ok)
- {
-// return E_VFS_BAD_COMMAND;
- return False;
- }
- if (!$param_count_ok)
- {
- return False;
- }
- for ($i = 1; $i != ($arg_info['params'] + 1); $i++)
- {
- if (substr ($argv[$i], 0, 1) == "/")
- {
- $relatives[] = RELATIVE_NONE;
- }
- else
- {
- $relatives[] = RELATIVE_ALL;
- }
- }
- $func = $arg_info['func'] ? $arg_info['func'] : $arg_info['name'];
- if (!$argv[2])
- {
- $rv = $this->$func (array(
- 'string' => $argv[1],
- 'relatives' => $relatives
- )
- );
- }
- else
- {
- $rv = $this->$func (array(
- 'from' => $argv[1],
- 'to' => $argv[2],
- 'relatives' => $relatives
- )
- );
- }
- return ($rv);
- }
- /*!
- @function update_real
- @abstract Update database information for file or directory 'string'
- @param string File or directory to update database information for
- @param relatives Relativity array
- @result Boolean True/False
- */
+ /*
+ * See vfs_shared
+ */
function update_real ($data)
if (!is_array ($data))
@@ -3463,19 +2574,6 @@
/* Helper functions */
- function default_values ($data, $default_values)
- {
- for ($i = 0; list ($key, $value) = each ($default_values); $i++)
- {
- if (!isset ($data[$key]))
- {
- $data[$key] = $value;
- }
- }
- return $data;
- }
/* This fetchs all available file system information for string (not using the database) */
function get_real_info ($data)