mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 04:21:24 +01:00
account migration changes now account_repository and auth_type to migration type (no need to store that type first)
This commit is contained in:
@ -42,12 +42,12 @@ foreach($GLOBALS['egw_setup']->db->select($GLOBALS['egw_setup']->config_table,'c
$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server'][$row['config_name']] = $row['config_value'];
$to = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['account_repository'];
if (!$to && !($to = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['auth_type']))
$from = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['account_repository'];
if (!$from && !($from = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['auth_type']))
$to = 'sql';
$from = 'sql';
$from = $to == 'sql' ? 'ldap' : 'sql';
$to = $from == 'sql' ? 'ldap' : 'sql';
$direction = strtoupper($from).' --> '.strtoupper($to);
$GLOBALS['egw_setup']->html->show_header($direction,False,'config',$GLOBALS['egw_setup']->ConfigDomain .
@ -126,6 +126,12 @@ else // do the migration
$cmd->only = array_merge((array)$_POST['users'],(array)$_POST['groups']);
$cmd->verbose = true;
echo '<p align="center">'.str_replace("\n","</p>\n<p align='center'>",$cmd->run())."</p>\n";
// store new repostory (and auth_type), as we are migrated now
config::save_value('account_repository', $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['account_repository']=$to, 'phpgwapi');
if (empty($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['auth_type']) || $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['auth_type'] == $from)
config::save_value('auth_type', $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['auth_type']=$to, 'phpgwapi');
echo '<p align="center">'.lang('Click <a href="index.php">here</a> to return to setup.')."</p>\n";
@ -14,7 +14,6 @@
<b>charset to use</b> (use utf-8 if you plan to use languages with different charsets): setup ca <b>conjunt de caràcters a utilitzar</b> (utilitzeu utf-8 si heu fer servir llenguatges amb diferents conjunts de caràcters):
access denied: wrong username or password for manage-header !!! setup ca Accés denegat: Nom d'usuari o contrasenya erroni per la gestió-header !!!
access denied: wrong username or password to configure the domain '%1(%2)' !!! setup ca Accés denegat: Nom d'usuari o contrasenya erroni per configurar el domini '%1(%2)' !!!
account repository need to be set to the one you migrate to! setup ca El compte del repositori cal que sigui el del compte cap a on es migra!
accounts existing setup ca Comptes existents
actions setup ca Accions
activate safe password check setup ca Activa comprovació de contrasenya segura
@ -569,7 +568,6 @@ you have successfully logged out setup ca Us heu desconnectat correctament.
you must enter a username for the admin setup ca Heu d'introduir un nom d'usuari per a l'administrador
you need to add some domains to your header.inc.php. setup ca Necessiteu afegir alguns dominis a l'arxiu header.inc.php.
you need to configure egroupware: setup ca Heu de configurar eGroupWare:
you need to save the settings you made here first! setup ca Primer heu de guardar la configuració que heu fet aquí!
you need to select your current charset! setup ca Heu de seleccionar el joc de caràcters actual!
you should either uninstall and then reinstall it, or attempt manual repairs setup ca Podeu desintalar-la i tornar-la a instal·lar, o podeu intentar una reparació manual
you're using an old configuration file format... setup ca Esteu usant un arxiu de configuració amb format antic
@ -25,7 +25,6 @@
[header-password],[header-user],[new-password],[new-user] setup cs [hlavička-heslo],[hlavička-uživatel],[nové heslo],[nový uživatel]
access denied: wrong username or password for manage-header !!! setup cs Přístup odepřen: špatné uživatelské jméno nebo heslo pro správu hlaviček !!!
access denied: wrong username or password to configure the domain '%1(%2)' !!! setup cs Přístup odepřen: špatné uživatelské jméno nebo heslo pro konfiguraci domény '%1(%2)' !!!
account repository need to be set to the one you migrate to! setup cs Databáze účtů musí být nastavena na tu, do které migrujete!
account repository{sql(default) | ldap},[authentication{sql | ldap | mail | ads | http | ...}],[sql encrypttion{md5 | blowfish_crypt | md5_crypt | crypt}],[check save password{ (default)|true}],[allow cookie auth{ (default)|true}] setup cs databáze účtů{sql(výchozí) | ldap},[autentikace{sql | ldap | mail | ads | http | ...}],[sql šifrování{md5 | blowfish_crypt | md5_crypt | crypt}],[zaškrtnout uložení hesla{ (výchozí)|True}],[povolit autentikaci přes cookies{ (výchozí)|True}]
accounts existing setup cs Stávající účty
actions setup cs Akce
@ -680,7 +679,6 @@ you must enter a username for the admin setup cs Musíte zadat uživatelské jm
you need to add at least one egroupware domain / database instance. setup cs Musíte přidat alespoň jednu eGroupWare doménu / instanci databáze.
you need to configure egroupware: setup cs Musíte nakonfigurovat eGroupWare:
you need to fix the above errors, before the configuration file header.inc.php can be written! setup cs Než bude konfigurační soubor header.inc.php zapsán, musíte opravit výše uvedené chyby!
you need to save the settings you made here first! setup cs Nejprve musíte uložit zde provedená nastavení!
you need to select your current charset! setup cs Musíte vybrat svou aktuální znakovou sadu!
you need to specify a password! setup cs Musíte zadat heslo!
you should %1log out%2 and in again, to update your current session! setup cs Měl(a) byste se %1odhlásit%2 a pak znovu přihlásit, abyste zaktualizoval(a) svou aktuální relaci!
@ -25,7 +25,6 @@
[header-password],[header-user],[new-password],[new-user] setup de [Header-Passwort],[Header-Benutzer],[neues-Passwort],[neuer-Benutzer]
access denied: wrong username or password for manage-header !!! setup de Zugriff verweigert: Falsche Benutzername oder Passwort für die Headerverwaltung !!!
access denied: wrong username or password to configure the domain '%1(%2)' !!! setup de Zugriff verweigert: Falsche Benutzername oder Passwort für Konfiguration der Domain '%1(%2)' !!!
account repository need to be set to the one you migrate to! setup de Speicherort für Benutzerkonten muss auf den zu migrierenden gesetzt sein!
account repository{sql(default) | ldap},[authentication{sql | ldap | mail | ads | http | ...}],[sql encrypttion{md5 | blowfish_crypt | md5_crypt | crypt}],[check save password{ (default)|true}],[allow cookie auth{ (default)|true}] setup de Benutzer speichern{sql(Vorgabe) | ldap},[Authentifizierung{sql | ldap | mail | ads | http | ...}],[sql Verschlüsselung{sha512_crypt(default) | sha256_crypt | blowfish_crypt | md5_crypt | ssha | smd5 | crypt | md5}],[überprüfe Passworte{ (Vorgabe) | True}],[erlaube Cookie Authtentifizierung{ (Vorgabe) | True}]
accounts existing setup de Benutzerkonten existieren
actions setup de Aktionen
@ -698,7 +697,6 @@ you must enter a username for the admin setup de Sie müssen einen Benutzernamen
you need to add at least one egroupware domain / database instance. setup de Sie müssen mindestens eine eGroupWare Domain / Datenbank Instanz hinzufügen.
you need to configure egroupware: setup de Sie müssen eGroupWare konfigurieren:
you need to fix the above errors, before the configuration file header.inc.php can be written! setup de Sie müssen die obigen Fehler beheben, bevor die Konfigurationsdatei header.inc.php gespeichert werden kann!
you need to save the settings you made here first! setup de Sie müssen die hier vorgenommenen Einstellungen zuerst speichern!
you need to select your current charset! setup de Sie müssen Ihren aktuellen Zeichensatz auswählen!
you need to specify a password! setup de Sie müssen ein Passwort angegen!
you should %1log out%2 and in again, to update your current session! setup de Sie sollten sich %1ausloggen%2 und erneut einloggen, um ihre Sitzung zu aktualisieren!
@ -25,7 +25,6 @@
[header-password],[header-user],[new-password],[new-user] setup en [header-password],[header-user],[new-password],[new-user]
access denied: wrong username or password for manage-header !!! setup en Access denied: wrong username or password for manage-header !
access denied: wrong username or password to configure the domain '%1(%2)' !!! setup en Access denied: wrong username or password to configure the domain '%1(%2)' !
account repository need to be set to the one you migrate to! setup en Account repository need to be set to the one you migrate to!
account repository{sql(default) | ldap},[authentication{sql | ldap | mail | ads | http | ...}],[sql encrypttion{md5 | blowfish_crypt | md5_crypt | crypt}],[check save password{ (default)|true}],[allow cookie auth{ (default)|true}] setup en account repository{sql(default) | ldap},[authentication{sql | ldap | mail | ads | http | ...}],[sql encryption{sha512_crypt(default) | sha256_crypt | blowfish_crypt | md5_crypt | ssha | smd5 | crypt | md5}],[check save password{ (default)|True}],[allow cookie auth{ (default)|True}]
accounts existing setup en Accounts existing
actions setup en Actions
@ -698,7 +697,6 @@ you must enter a username for the admin setup en You must enter a username for t
you need to add at least one egroupware domain / database instance. setup en You need to add at least one EGroupware domain / database instance.
you need to configure egroupware: setup en You need to configure EGroupware:
you need to fix the above errors, before the configuration file header.inc.php can be written! setup en You need to fix the above errors, before the configuration file header.inc.php can be written!
you need to save the settings you made here first! setup en You need to save the settings you made here first!
you need to select your current charset! setup en You need to select your current charset!
you need to specify a password! setup en You need to specify a password!
you should %1log out%2 and in again, to update your current session! setup en You should %1log out%2 and in again, to update your current session!
@ -20,7 +20,6 @@
[header-password],[header-user],[new-password],[new-user] setup es-es [contraseña del encabezado],[usuario del encabezado],[nueva contraseña],[nuevo usuario]
access denied: wrong username or password for manage-header !!! setup es-es Acceso denegado: ¡usuario o contraseña incorrectas para el administrador de encabezados!
access denied: wrong username or password to configure the domain '%1(%2)' !!! setup es-es Acceso denegado: ¡usuario o contraseña incorrectas para configurar el dominio '%1 (%2)'!
account repository need to be set to the one you migrate to! setup es-es El repositorio de las cuentas tiene que ser el cual al que se desea migrar
account repository{sql(default) | ldap},[authentication{sql | ldap | mail | ads | http | ...}],[sql encrypttion{md5 | blowfish_crypt | md5_crypt | crypt}],[check save password{ (default)|true}],[allow cookie auth{ (default)|true}] setup es-es repositorio para cuentas {sql(predeterminado) | ldap},[identificación{sql | ldap | mail | ads | http | ...}],[cifrado sql {md5 | blowfish_crypt | md5_crypt | crypt}],[marcar guardar contraseña{ (predeterminado)|True}],[permitir identificación por cookies{ (predeterminado)|True}]
accounts existing setup es-es Existen cuentas
actions setup es-es Acciones
@ -649,7 +648,6 @@ you must enter a username for the admin setup es-es Debe introducir un nombre de
you need to add at least one egroupware domain / database instance. setup es-es Necesita añadir al menos una instancia o dominio de la base de datos de eGroupWare.
you need to configure egroupware: setup es-es Necesita configurar eGroupWare:
you need to fix the above errors, before the configuration file header.inc.php can be written! setup es-es ¡Necesita corregir los errores de arriba, antes de que se pueda escribir el fichero de configuración header.inc.php!
you need to save the settings you made here first! setup es-es ¡Necesita guardar la configuración que ha hecho primero!
you need to select your current charset! setup es-es ¡Necesita seleccionar el juego de caracteres!
you need to specify a password! setup es-es ¡Necesita especificar una contraseña!
you should either install the sources or uninstall it, to get rid of the tables setup es-es Tiene que instalar el código fuente o desinstalarlo para deshacerse de las tablas
@ -234,7 +234,6 @@ year setup et Aasta
yes setup et Jah
you have not created your header.inc.php yet!<br /> you can create it now. setup et Sa pole veel teinud oma header.inc.php!<br /> sa saad teha selle nüüd.
you have successfully logged out setup et Oled täielikult välja loginud
you need to save the settings you made here first! setup et Pead salvestama esmalt seadistused mida sa tegid siin!
you're using an old configuration file format... setup et Sa kasutad vana konfiguratsiooni faili formaati...
you're using an old header.inc.php version... setup et Sa kasutad vana header.inc.php versiooni...
your applications are current setup et Sinu rakendused on kaasaegsed
@ -566,7 +566,6 @@ you have successfully logged out setup fi Olet poistunut järjestelmästä
you must enter a username for the admin setup fi Anna ylläpidon käyttäjätunnus
you need to configure egroupware: setup fi Konfiguroi EGroupware:
you need to fix the above errors, before the configuration file header.inc.php can be written! setup fi Konfigurointitiedostoa header.inc.php ei voida kirjoittaa ennenkuin korjaat virheet!
you need to save the settings you made here first! setup fi Tallenna ensin tekemäsi asetukset!
you need to select your current charset! setup fi Määrittele nykyinen merkistö!
you need to specify a password! setup fi Määrittele salasana!
you should either uninstall and then reinstall it, or attempt manual repairs setup fi Se täytyy poistaa ja asentaa uudelleen, tai korjata käsin
@ -15,7 +15,6 @@
[header-password],[header-user],[new-password],[new-user] setup fr [header-password],[header-user],[new-password],[new-user]
access denied: wrong username or password for manage-header !!! setup fr Accès refusé: nom d'utilisateur ou mot de passe incorrect pour manage-header !!!
access denied: wrong username or password to configure the domain '%1(%2)' !!! setup fr Accès refusé: nom d'utilisateur ou mot de passe incorrect pour configurer le domaine '%1(%2)' !!!
account repository need to be set to the one you migrate to! setup fr Le dépôt de comptes utilisateurs doit être positionné sur celui vers lequel vous migrez!
account repository{sql(default) | ldap},[authentication{sql | ldap | mail | ads | http | ...}],[sql encrypttion{md5 | blowfish_crypt | md5_crypt | crypt}],[check save password{ (default)|true}],[allow cookie auth{ (default)|true}] setup fr account repository{sql(par défaut) | ldap},[authentication{sql | ldap | mail | ads | http | ...}],[sql encrypttion{md5 | blowfish_crypt | md5_crypt | crypt}],[check save password{ (par défaut)|True}],[allow cookie auth{ (par défaut)|True}]
accounts existing setup fr Comptes déjà créés
actions setup fr Actions
@ -616,7 +615,6 @@ you need to add at least one egroupware domain / database instance. setup fr Vou
you need to add some domains to your header.inc.php. setup fr Vous devez ajouter quelques domaines dans votre header.inc.php.
you need to configure egroupware: setup fr Vous devez configurer eGroupWare:
you need to fix the above errors, before the configuration file header.inc.php can be written! setup fr Vous devez résoudre les erreurs ci-dessus, avant que le fichier de configuration header.inc.php puisse être écrit!
you need to save the settings you made here first! setup fr Vous devez d'abord enregistrer les paramètres que vous avez configuré ici!
you need to select your current charset! setup fr Vous devez sélectionner votre jeu de caractères!
you should either uninstall and then reinstall it, or attempt manual repairs setup fr Vous devriez soit le désinstaller et le ré-installer, soit tenter une réparation manuelle
you will not be able to log into egroupware using php sessions: "session could not be verified" !!! setup fr Vous ne pourrez PAS vous connecter à eGroupWare en utilisant des sessions PHP: "la session n'a pas pu être vérifiée" !!!
@ -20,7 +20,6 @@
[header-password],[header-user],[new-password],[new-user] setup nl [header-password],[header-user],[new-password],[new-user]
access denied: wrong username or password for manage-header !!! setup nl Toegang geweigerd: verkeerde gebruikersnaam of wachtwoord voor header beheer !!!
access denied: wrong username or password to configure the domain '%1(%2)' !!! setup nl Toegang geweigerd: verkeerde gebruikersnaam of wachtwoord voor het configureren van het domein '%1(%2)' !!!
account repository need to be set to the one you migrate to! setup nl Account repository moet ingesteld worden op die waar u naar toe migreert!
account repository{sql(default) | ldap},[authentication{sql | ldap | mail | ads | http | ...}],[sql encrypttion{md5 | blowfish_crypt | md5_crypt | crypt}],[check save password{ (default)|true}],[allow cookie auth{ (default)|true}] setup nl account repository{sql(default) | ldap},[authentication{sql | ldap | mail | ads | http | ...}],[sql encrypttion{md5 | blowfish_crypt | md5_crypt | crypt}],[check save password{ (default)|True}],[allow cookie auth{ (default)|True}]
accounts existing setup nl Bestaande accounts
actions setup nl Acties
@ -648,7 +647,6 @@ you must enter a username for the admin setup nl U moet een gebruikersnaam geven
you need to add at least one egroupware domain / database instance. setup nl U moet minstens 1 eGroupWare domein / database instantie toevoegen.
you need to configure egroupware: setup nl U moet eGroupWare configureren:
you need to fix the above errors, before the configuration file header.inc.php can be written! setup nl U moet de bovenvermelde fouten herstellen voordat het configuratiebestand header.inc.php weggeschreven kan worden!
you need to save the settings you made here first! setup nl U moet de instellingen die u heeft aangemaakt eerst opslaan!
you need to select your current charset! setup nl U moet een huidige karakterset kiezen!
you need to specify a password! setup nl U moet een wachtwoord opgeven!
you should either install the sources or uninstall it, to get rid of the tables setup nl U moet de bronbestanden installeren of de-installeren om van de tabellen af te komen
@ -12,7 +12,6 @@
<b>charset to use</b> (use utf-8 if you plan to use languages with different charsets): setup pl <b>zestaw znaków do użycia</b> (wybierz UTF8 jeżeli planujesz używać różnych języków z różnymi zestawami znaków)
access denied: wrong username or password for manage-header !!! setup pl Dostęp zabroniony: nieprawidłowa nazwa użytkownika lub hasło do zarządzania domenami eGW!
access denied: wrong username or password to configure the domain '%1(%2)' !!! setup pl Dostęp zabroniony: nieprawidłowa nazwa użytkownika lub hasło do konfigurowania domeny '%1(%2)'!
account repository need to be set to the one you migrate to! setup pl Repozytorium kont powinno być ustawione na takie, do którego wykonywana jest migracja!
actions setup pl Akcje
add auto-created users to this group ('default' will be attempted if this is empty.) setup pl Dodawaj automatycznie tworzonych użytkowników do tej grupy ('Domyślna' będzie wybierana jeżeli zostawisz puste.)
add new database instance (egw domain) setup pl Dodaj nową instancję bazy danych (domenę eGroupWare)
@ -313,7 +312,6 @@ you need to add at least one egroupware domain / database instance. setup pl Nal
you need to add some domains to your header.inc.php. setup pl Należy dodać przynajmniej jedną domenę eGroupWare (instancję bazy danych) w pliku 'header.inc.php'
you need to configure egroupware: setup pl Musisz przeprowadzić konfigurację eGroupWare:
you need to fix the above errors, before the configuration file header.inc.php can be written! setup pl Należy poprawić poniższe błędy zanim plik konfiguracyjny 'header.inc.php' zostanie zapisany!
you need to save the settings you made here first! setup pl Należy wpierw zapisać zmiany, które zostały wykonane!
you need to select your current charset! setup pl Należy wybrać bieżący zestaw znaków!
you should either uninstall and then reinstall it, or attempt manual repairs setup pl Możesz odinstalować ją i zainstalować ponownie lub podjąć próbę ręcznej naprawy.
you're using an old configuration file format... setup pl Używasz starego formatu pliku konfiguracyjnego
@ -20,7 +20,6 @@
[header-password],[header-user],[new-password],[new-user] setup pt-br [senha-header],[usuário-header],[nova-senha],[novo-usuário]
access denied: wrong username or password for manage-header !!! setup pt-br Acesso negado: nome de usuário ou senha errados para gerenciar o servidor !!!
access denied: wrong username or password to configure the domain '%1(%2)' !!! setup pt-br Acesso negado: nome de usuário ou senha errados para configurar o domínio '%1 (%2)' !!!
account repository need to be set to the one you migrate to! setup pt-br Repositório de contas precisa ser configurado para o qual você migrou!
account repository{sql(default) | ldap},[authentication{sql | ldap | mail | ads | http | ...}],[sql encrypttion{md5 | blowfish_crypt | md5_crypt | crypt}],[check save password{ (default)|true}],[allow cookie auth{ (default)|true}] setup pt-br repositório de contas {sql(padrão) | ldap},[autenticação{sql | ldap | mail | ads | http | ...}],[criptografia sql{md5 | browfish_crypt | md5_crypt | crypt}],[permitir salvar senha{(padrão) | True}],[permitir autenticação via cookie{(padrão) | True}]
accounts existing setup pt-br Contas existentes
actions setup pt-br Ações
@ -648,7 +647,6 @@ you need to add at least one egroupware domain / database instance. setup pt-br
you need to add some domains to your header.inc.php. setup pt-br Você precisa adicionar um domínio no arquivo header.inc.php
you need to configure egroupware: setup pt-br Você precisa configurar o eGroupWare:
you need to fix the above errors, before the configuration file header.inc.php can be written! setup pt-br Você precisa corrigir os erros acima antes que o arquivo header.inc.php possa ser gravado!
you need to save the settings you made here first! setup pt-br Você precisa salvar as configurações que você fez aqui antes!
you need to select your current charset! setup pt-br Você precisa selecionar seu conjunto de carácteres atual
you need to specify a password! setup pt-br Você precisa informar uma senha!
you should either install the sources or uninstall it, to get rid of the tables setup pt-br Você deve instalar as fontes ou desinstalá-las, para se livrar das tabelas
@ -18,7 +18,6 @@
[header-password],[header-user],[new-password],[new-user] setup ru [пароль заголовка],[пароль пльзователя],[новый пароль],[новый пользователь]
access denied: wrong username or password for manage-header !!! setup ru Доступ запрещен: неверное имя пользователя или пароль для управления заголовком !!!
access denied: wrong username or password to configure the domain '%1(%2)' !!! setup ru Доступ запрещен: неверное имя пользователя или пароль для настройки домена '%1(%2)'!!!
account repository need to be set to the one you migrate to! setup ru Нужно хранилище учетных записей для его установки в качестве цели миграции!
account repository{sql(default) | ldap},[authentication{sql | ldap | mail | ads | http | ...}],[sql encrypttion{md5 | blowfish_crypt | md5_crypt | crypt}],[check save password{ (default)|true}],[allow cookie auth{ (default)|true}] setup ru хранилище учетных записей{sql(по умолчанию) | ldap},[верификация{sql | ldap | mail | ads | http | ...}],[шифрование sql{md5 | blowfish_crypt | md5_crypt | crypt}],[проверка сохранения? пароля{ (по умолчанию)|True}],[разрешить авторизацию по куки{ (по умолчанию)|True}]
accounts existing setup ru Существующие учетные записи
actions setup ru Действия
@ -640,7 +639,6 @@ you need to add at least one egroupware domain / database instance. setup ru В
you need to add some domains to your header.inc.php. setup ru Вам нужно добавить какие-нибудь домены в ваш файл header.inc.php.
you need to configure egroupware: setup ru Вам нужно настроить eGroupWare:
you need to fix the above errors, before the configuration file header.inc.php can be written! setup ru Вам необходимо исправить вышеуказанные ошибки, прежде чем файл настроек header.inc.php можно будет записывать!
you need to save the settings you made here first! setup ru Вам необходимо предварительно сохранить ранее сделанные настройки!
you need to select your current charset! setup ru Вы должны выбрать свою текущую кодировку!
you need to specify a password! setup ru Вы должны определить пароль!
you should either install the sources or uninstall it, to get rid of the tables setup ru Вы должны либо установить исходники, либо деинсталлировать их to get rid of the tables
@ -24,7 +24,6 @@
==> different group '%1' under that gidnumber %2, not setting memberships! setup sk ==> odlišná skupina '%1' pod týmto číslom gidNumber %2, NEnastavujem členstvo!
access denied: wrong username or password for manage-header !!! setup sk Prístup bol odmietnutý: chybné používateľské meno alebo heslo pre správu hlavičiek!!!
access denied: wrong username or password to configure the domain '%1(%2)' !!! setup sk Prístup bol odmietnutý: chybné používateľské meno alebo heslo pre konfiguráciu domény '%1(%2)' !!!
account repository need to be set to the one you migrate to! setup sk Zdroj účtov musí byť nastavený na jeden z tých, do ktorých migrujete!
accounts existing setup sk Existujúce účty
actions setup sk Akcie
activate safe password check setup sk Aktivovať voľbu ukladania hesla
@ -684,7 +683,6 @@ you must enter a username for the admin setup sk Musíte zadať používateľsk
you need to add at least one egroupware domain / database instance. setup sk Musíte pridať aspoň jednu doménu / databázovú inštanciu EGroupware.
you need to configure egroupware: setup sk Musíte konfigurovať EGroupware:
you need to fix the above errors, before the configuration file header.inc.php can be written! setup sk Uvedené chyby musíte opraviť, až potom sa zapíše súbor header.inc.php !
you need to save the settings you made here first! setup sk Musíte najprv uložiť zmeny, ktoré ste vykonali!
you need to select your current charset! setup sk Treba zadať vašu súčasnú znakovú sadu!
you need to specify a password! setup sk Musíte zadať heslo!
you should %1log out%2 and in again, to update your current session! setup sk Mali by ste sa %1odhlásiť%2 a znovu prihlásiť kvôli aktualizácii vašej súčasnej relácie!
@ -20,7 +20,6 @@
[header-password],[header-user],[new-password],[new-user] setup sl [header-password],[header-user],[new-password],[new-user]
access denied: wrong username or password for manage-header !!! setup sl Dostop zavrnjen: napačno uporabniško ime ali geslo za upravljanje glave!
access denied: wrong username or password to configure the domain '%1(%2)' !!! setup sl Dostop zavrnjen: napačno uporabniško ime ali geslo za konfiguracijo domene '%1(%2)'!
account repository need to be set to the one you migrate to! setup sl Repozitorij računov mora biti nastavljan na tistega, na katerega prehajate.
account repository{sql(default) | ldap},[authentication{sql | ldap | mail | ads | http | ...}],[sql encrypttion{md5 | blowfish_crypt | md5_crypt | crypt}],[check save password{ (default)|true}],[allow cookie auth{ (default)|true}] setup sl Repozitorij računov {sql(default) | ldap},[authentication{sql | ldap | mail | ads | http | ...}],[sql encrypttion{md5 | blowfish_crypt | md5_crypt | crypt}],[check save password{ (default)|True}],[allow cookie auth{ (default)|True}]
accounts existing setup sl Račun obstaja
actions setup sl Akcije
@ -649,7 +648,6 @@ you must enter a username for the admin setup sl Vnesti morate upravljačevo upo
you need to add at least one egroupware domain / database instance. setup sl Dodati morate najmanj eno instanco domene/zbirke podatkov eGroupWare.
you need to configure egroupware: setup sl eGroupWare morate konfigurirati.
you need to fix the above errors, before the configuration file header.inc.php can be written! setup sl Preden zapišete header.inc.php, morate odpraviti zgornje napake.
you need to save the settings you made here first! setup sl Najprej morate shraniti tukaj opravljene spremembe!
you need to select your current charset! setup sl Izbrati morate vaš trenutni nabor znakov.
you need to specify a password! setup sl Določiti morate geslo!
you should either install the sources or uninstall it, to get rid of the tables setup sl Da se znebite tabel, morate namestiti izvor ali pa ga odstraniti.
@ -14,7 +14,6 @@
<b>charset to use</b> (use utf-8 if you plan to use languages with different charsets): setup sv <b>teckentabell som skall användas</b> (använd utf-8 om du skall ha stöd för språk med olika teckentabeller)
access denied: wrong username or password for manage-header !!! setup sv Åtkomst nekas: fel användarnamn eller lösenord för att hantera header!
access denied: wrong username or password to configure the domain '%1(%2)' !!! setup sv Åtkomst nekas: fel användarnamn eller lösenord för att hantera domänen '%1(%2)'!
account repository need to be set to the one you migrate to! setup sv Kontodatabasen måste sättas till den som du vill migrera till!
account repository{sql(default) | ldap},[authentication{sql | ldap | mail | ads | http | ...}],[sql encrypttion{md5 | blowfish_crypt | md5_crypt | crypt}],[check save password{ (default)|true}],[allow cookie auth{ (default)|true}] setup sv Kontodatabasen {sql(standard) | ldap},[autenticering{sql | ldap | mail | ads | http | ...}],[sql kryptering{md5 | blowfish_crypt | md5_crypt | crypt}],[check spara lösenord{ (standard)|True}],[tillåt cookie auth{ (standard)|True}]
accounts existing setup sv Befintliga konton
actions setup sv Åtgärder
@ -611,7 +610,6 @@ you need to add at least one egroupware domain / database instance. setup sv Du
you need to add some domains to your header.inc.php. setup sv Du måste lägga till domäner till din header.inc.php
you need to configure egroupware: setup sv Du behöver konfigurera eGroupWare:
you need to fix the above errors, before the configuration file header.inc.php can be written! setup sv Du måste rätta till felen ovanför, innan header.inc.php kan skrivas!
you need to save the settings you made here first! setup sv Du måste spara ändringarna så här långt först!
you need to select your current charset! setup sv Du måste välja teckenuppsättning
you should either uninstall and then reinstall it, or attempt manual repairs setup sv Du måste antingen avinstallera och installera om, eller reparera manuellt.
you will not be able to log into egroupware using php sessions: "session could not be verified" !!! setup sv Du kan inte använda PHP sessioner i eGroupWare: "sessionen kunde inte verifieras"!
@ -15,7 +15,6 @@
[header-password],[header-user],[new-password],[new-user] setup zh-tw [header-password],[header-user],[new-password],[new-user]
access denied: wrong username or password for manage-header !!! setup zh-tw 登入失敗:頁首管理的帳號或密碼有誤!
access denied: wrong username or password to configure the domain '%1(%2)' !!! setup zh-tw 登入失敗:設定網域 '%1(%2)' 的帳號或密碼有誤!
account repository need to be set to the one you migrate to! setup zh-tw 帳號資料庫必須設定為您希望轉換的標的!
account repository{sql(default) | ldap},[authentication{sql | ldap | mail | ads | http | ...}],[sql encrypttion{md5 | blowfish_crypt | md5_crypt | crypt}],[check save password{ (default)|true}],[allow cookie auth{ (default)|true}] setup zh-tw 帳號資料庫{sql(預設) | ldap},[認證{sql | ldap | mail | ads | http | ...}],[sql 加密方式{md5 | blowfish_crypt | md5_crypt | crypt}],[檢查儲存的密碼{ (預設)|True}],[允許使用 cookie 認證{ (預設)|True}]
accounts existing setup zh-tw 帳號已經存在
actions setup zh-tw 動作
@ -606,7 +605,6 @@ you need to add at least one egroupware domain / database instance. setup zh-tw
you need to add some domains to your header.inc.php. setup zh-tw 您必須在header.inc.php新增一些網域的設定
you need to configure egroupware: setup zh-tw 您必須設定 eGroupWare :
you need to fix the above errors, before the configuration file header.inc.php can be written! setup zh-tw 您必須修正上面的錯誤來寫入設定檔案 header.inc.php !
you need to save the settings you made here first! setup zh-tw 您必須先儲存剛剛設定的資料!
you need to select your current charset! setup zh-tw 您必須選擇目前的字元編碼
you should either uninstall and then reinstall it, or attempt manual repairs setup zh-tw 您應該要移除並重新安裝應用程式或試著手動安裝
you're using an old configuration file format... setup zh-tw 您正在使用舊版的設定檔案...
@ -16,7 +16,6 @@
[header-password],[header-user],[new-password],[new-user] setup zh [header-password],[header-user],[new-password],[new-user]
access denied: wrong username or password for manage-header !!! setup zh 登录失败:错误的 manage-header 帐户或密码!
access denied: wrong username or password to configure the domain '%1(%2)' !!! setup zh 登录失败:域'%1(%2)'的设置帐户或密码有误!
account repository need to be set to the one you migrate to! setup zh 必须为您的帐户迁移设置帐户储存库!
account repository{sql(default) | ldap},[authentication{sql | ldap | mail | ads | http | ...}],[sql encrypttion{md5 | blowfish_crypt | md5_crypt | crypt}],[check save password{ (default)|true}],[allow cookie auth{ (default)|true}] setup zh 帐户储存库{sql (默认) | ldap},[认证{sql | ldap | mail | ads | http | ...}],[sql 加密方式{md5 | blowfish_crypt | md5_crypt | crypt}],[检查储存密码{ (默认)|True}],[允许通过 cookie 认证{ (默认)|True}]
accounts existing setup zh 帐户已存在
actions setup zh 操作
@ -622,7 +621,6 @@ you need to add at least one egroupware domain / database instance. setup zh 您
you need to add some domains to your header.inc.php. setup zh 您需要在 header.inc.php 中添加域。
you need to configure egroupware: setup zh 您需要配置 eGroupWare:
you need to fix the above errors, before the configuration file header.inc.php can be written! setup zh 您必须先修复上面的错误以便配置文件 header.inc.php 能够写入!
you need to save the settings you made here first! setup zh 您必须首先保存您所作的设置!
you need to select your current charset! setup zh 您必须选择当前系统编码!
you should either install the sources or uninstall it, to get rid of the tables setup zh You should either install the sources or uninstall it, to get rid of the tables
you should either uninstall and then reinstall it, or attempt manual repairs setup zh 您应该卸载后重新安装,或者尝试手动修复
@ -474,13 +474,9 @@
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<a href="account_migration.php"><b>{lang_Migration_between_eGroupWare_account_repositories}:</b></a>
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