Select options can be provided using one of three different methods:
1. key=value pairs, one per line, as for a selectbox
2. @filename.php - The file must be in the egw root, and define an array named $options, that has key => value pairs
3. Define the options normally used for the AJAX Select widget (get_rows, get_title, id_field) and it will pull values from the database, as normal.
Other options (icon, filter, template, link) can be used regardless of the method used to get the values.
Patch is mostly created by script in egroupware/doc/fix_depricated.php in separate commit.
I do NOT advice to apply this patch to a production system (it's commited to trunk!), as the automatic modified regular expressions have a good change to break something ...
- the etemplate_request object which stores the request data in the
a) session (as before) or
b) compressed and encrypted in the form transmitted to the user
Benefit of b) is that the session does not grow and the form can
be submitted as long as the session exists, as we need no garbadge
collection. Of cause more data needs to be submitt between
browser and webserver. b) is choosen automatic if mcrypt and
gzcompress are available, but can be turned off via setting
etemplate_request::$request_class = 'etemplate_request_session';
- static class variables instead of the before used global ones
--> This new version of eTemplate is fully backward compatible with 1.6!