WebDAV RFC 4918 allows a full url or a path as <D:href>:
Some clients can NOT deal with one or the other:
- KAddressbook (at least in 3.5) can NOT subscribe to addressbooks (it
does not find them) if just a path is used
- iCal in OS X 10.6 generates wrong requests, if a full url is used
register cookies in $_REQUEST any more by default (there's now a php.ini
variable 'request_order' to controll that, but we want to work with a
default configuraltion):
- session restore was not working, as only $_REQUEST[sessionid] was
- multi domain installs not working, as domain cookie was not checked
- encrypted session were not working, because kp3 cookie was not checked
--> there's now a static method egw_session::get_request($name), which
checks $_REQUEST[$name], $_COOKIE[$name] and for that Safari bug also
--> overcome problem reported by krupka(at)depag.de on the german list: password get's lost if contact get saved, because it had to remove the account first to add the addressbook object classes
- docu update
- when updating all langs, do a transaction for each lang and update the cache after commiting the transaction (before the transaction was about all langs and the cache update withint the not commited transaction)
- fixed problem with autoloading of languages, check used filectime, update used filemtime, which can differ of cause"
- update the tree-level cache, as we can not effectivly unset it in a multiuser enviroment,
as users from other - not yet updated - instances update it again with an old version!
- add_app(): we have to use array_merge! (+= does not overwrite common translations with different ones in an app)
array_merge messes up translations of numbers, which make no sense and should be avoided anyway.
vfs_stream_wrapper::get_path() returning an url without path
(sqlfs://default <-- no trailing slash), which causes
sqlfs_stream_wrapper::url_stat() to be called for an empty path, which
gives the sql error.
- fs_link column is queried by sqlfs, but get created in 1.7.002
- pdo does not throw exception on sql errors, it silently ignores them
--> told it now in constructor to also throw exceptions
- egw_vfs::find() was not always honoring the url option
Timesheet-Einträge mit Uhrzeit 0:00, die in der Winterzeit gemacht wurden,
werden in einem Union-Query, der in der Sommerzeit stattfindet, dem falschen
Tag zugeordnet. Vermutlich stimmt dies nur für den PostgreSQL query und ist
Dir deshalb bisher nicht aufgefallen.
Der Patch:
Ändert den PostgreSQL-spezifischen Teil des queries so um, dass er
Zeitzoneninformationen berücksichtigt."