+ currently only standard WebDAV privileges: read, read-current-user-privilege-set, write-content, bind and unbind used
+ they get only queried for collections, thought we dont report any write* on collections, as we dont allow to create calendars or change properties
- new groupdav::add_resource() method used to add all resources (incl. collections) to propfind or report requests
- improved autoindex to show nicely indented hierarchical properties
- only define addressbook-home-set and calendar-home-set for principal-collections
- advertice /addressbook/ as addressbook-gateway (searchable collection for all contacts accessible to a user)
a) instead of a single request like: new egw_json_request(menuaction, params).sendRequest(true, callback, context);
b) you call: egw.jsonq(menuaction,params,callback,context)
The server callback is identical for both kinds of requests. All egw_json_response methods can be used and the callback is optional.
- changing config in setup did not update or unset the cache --> instance was NOT using it
- new installs failed, because cache was not configured
- cache command to not configured cache gave fatal error, now they throw a (catchable) exception
- fixed not working vfs-image-dir
- deleteing image-maps when:
+ apps get installed, updated or removed
+ admin >> register hooks
+ admin >> site configuration: vfs-image-dir get changed
- fixed not displayed validation errors (thought there were no validation) in admin >> site config
--> you need to register hooks, in order to get the admin >> site configuration validation hook ;-)
egw_cache::get_provider(Instance) no provider found (error instanciating provider egw_cache_files: egw_cache_files::__construct() server/temp_dir
--> made egw_cache::get_config_value public, so egw_cache_files can use it and for regular egw sessions read install_id and temp_dir together with system_charset, before calling config::read()
- arrays in $GLOBALS[egw_info][server] are now automatically serialized and unserialized
- new static method to check if user is export-limit excepted
--> saves to query it on each request (for non-phpgwapi, which was already cached in the session)
- setting preferences on server via egw.set_preference(_app, _name, _value)
- enable calling of active framework / template class via using egw_framework instead of not known used framework class of user, eg. "home.egw_framework.ajax_func.template" instead of "home.idots_framework.ajax_func.template"
- egw.preferences(_name, _app='common') return preference _name of _app (only common prefs loaded currently)
- egw.open() allowing to open app-entries utilising the link registry, deprecating egw_open from jsapi.js
- egw.lang(_msg, _arg1, ..., _argN) placeholders are not yet implemented
setting headers to allow browser to cache the file until it's etag containing the creationdates of the used langfiles changes
--> et2 can now use egw_lang object to translate labels, options, ...