- Remove Et2ButtonImage, it's not needed. Buttons without labels look the same
- Add Et2Image to take its place
- Change etemplate modifier to use Et2Image for buttononly
- Some styling for mail account placeholder button
Added hideOnReadonly, default false. Disabled/readonly buttons are now visible but disabled, unless you set hideOnReadonly="false" to get previous behaviour.
Added noValidation, default false. It's just passed to etemplate2.submit() as before
- Dates have their input as slotted, not internal
- Selects have .select_options, not .get_select_options()
- Remove this.egw().lang() use from Et2InvokerMixin._invokerTemplate()
- History diff
- Fix some bugs in placeholder widget
- Change load listener target, the dialog content node might have been moved out before the event gets triggered
Two problems:
1. Preference was stored as percent which splitter did not like to load directly
2. Etemplate was triggering the final finish-up, which triggered resize(), which stored the default as preference before the splitter got to its _init_splitter(),
Two problems:
1. Preference was stored as percent which splitter did not like to load directly
2. Etemplate was triggering the final finish-up, which triggered resize(), which stored the default as preference before the splitter got to its _init_splitter(),
- Get dialog contents visible in Firefox
Something in how Firefox parsed or inserted the style and children caused an error:
Node.insertBefore: Child to insert before is not a child of this node
which caused the dialog contents to be missing from the shadow DOM. This fixes the missing contents by putting the style in using a different way.
(where user password is not available)
otherwise an s/mime certificate or user specific password will stall sending notification, even if no smtp authentication required
- Fix vfsSelect did not close (seen in collabora save as)
- Turn off destroy_on_close, vfsSelect was destroying opening session (seen in mail compose 404)
- Add doSubmit property to Et2Button, dialog no longer gives error on every button click
- dialog can now adopt buttons from the template. Preferrably set slot="buttons", but it'll find them anywhere if you don't
- Reduce size & padding for non-template content