- defines a syntax to describe how the widget is build out of existing widgets
--> reimplemented contact-widget using that aproach on serverside for old etemplate
--> sending the modifications via etemplate_widget::setElementAttribute() to the client fails, because client does not support changing the widget type
--> need to be implemented on the client
- sending evtl. necessary no_lang attribute via modifications to client
- deprecated template->(get|set|disable)_cell(_attribute) in favor of new etemplate_widget::(get|set|disable)Element(Attribute)
--> options via sel_options are currenlty not working on clientside
- also used currently to supply options for predefined selectboxes (eg. select-cat), need to discuss if we want to fetch these per ajax
- new widget method run, which runs a given method on all widgets (and children) supporting it, eg. used now for validate