classes are now uppercase and in their own files. lowercase classes are deprecated.
Interfaces are now actual interfaces that should be implemented instead of creating and returning an ai Object every time
- change preprocessor to always us it
- giving tab-panels again some padding-top
- change et2_grid to NOT set a width, if cell has a colspan
- switching table-layout: fixed off again, as it does not work well with infolog.edit
- remove dropped Chosen, jQuery-UI, MagicSuggest and old blueimp gallery from Gruntfile
- simplified infolog.edit a bit, which gives better results
- evaluate class set on a grid cell as done for the widget contained (probably more a bug-fix then a feature)
- allow to preset query for link-entry widget by passing an object with a query attribute
- allow to overwrite not only $readonlys[__ALL__] but also widget readonly attribute with a $readonlys value of false
- Some legacy widgets can not provide their DOMNode right away, but some give errors when we ask at the wrong time. Now catching those.
- Grid could not set disabled on web components, causing error
- Boxes were trying to work on labels they didn't have, causing error